HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication - PermitGarfield County Building & Sanitation Department 108 st'' Street, Suite #401 Glenwood Springs, Co. 81601 OfficeM 945-8212 Inspection Line-384MS003 10426 {J()~ JobAddres ~~ OL,H-()rr...J Cllc.c( r:pCttu'i£ CO Nature of Work_ . Buildin:~m1it Use ofBuildiniL 2 t li'-11 f ~. Owner ~tt R..t1L-f2.. Contractor ~ 6-f:l~ Amount of Permit $ Jb 5LQ , 3 J Date _ __,__........-.......... ::...,__ ___ _ S~'fi.. =If 10 425 .· .. . .. 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 11 12 Uae o! BuildiDg: Dcscdbe Wotlc: · CJua or Wade [] ·- Q Ori~Permft alua.tioo ofWodc; $ Spcctal CondifioAS: New 0 S!n£1e '() Doable 0 Oil-SUe Sewage Disposal 0 S itcPlan AdjW111:d VlllUAtioar. S 0 Single 0 Double NDt1C& ASEPARI\T£ ELECmUCtJ. PBRM1T IS RSQumBD AHD MUSt' liZ JSSUED BY UiE:STII.TE OP' COLORADO. Plan Check Fee: Permit Fee: 1UIS PDJa'l' IIECOialf :mru. M'D VO!D JPWORICOR CXIliS12DCTiOH A1TIBORIZED IS MOF COMMENCED WitHUf 180 DA18, OR. tp CONstRtJCTION OK WORKJS SUSPENDED ORABANOONBD FORA PJtiuOD OP 180DAYBAT 1\Nt'tJMSAFt'EK WORICis COMM&HC£0. 1 BEKaJr CilmJI'l mAr 1 BA.v.& R£AI) AND E:a'AIIIHZlJ nus .APl'UCAUOII/.ND XNOWTH& &Um TO BE'IRUltAND coaa&c:T. AU. PRovlSIOHSOF lAWS GOVERNJMG THJSTYP£ OT WORI: WILL BE ~WITHIN WBl'B£1t8PBCIPIED IDIREUfOilBO'J'. "1'81'; ORAHitNO OP lll'EKMIT DOES MOT nts&VJIID TO otVEAIITSORl'IT TO VIOLATB 01t<Wfc:ar. THB PROVISIOifS OF N« CI'J'HUSTA1EOR ' LOCAL LAW o'YlNStRUCl101'f OR tHS P.E:RJIORIMNC£ Total Fee: Dated. Permit Is:sued: ~ h;;~~~:l..ll::c:_..;..:...L...L:::!.-.!Qfi~Nj,i'(/:!~~4f.lfil/ 'J9 ISDS Ho. & Fe" I ft I pv . . ~~ I , PERMISSION IS HltR&:SY QRANrED TO 'tHB API'tlCAN'r AS OWNM. COtllftACt'ORAND/OR TUE AGENT OF TIE CONTRActOR OR OWN£R 10 OONSTRUCr . I .StRUCTURS: MJ Df:l'AJLEO ON PlANS AND SP.!Clr'lCATIONS SUBMn't&DTO AND RliMEW£0 BY' THE J3Y!LDINO DSPJ\Rl'MI!:Nl'. , ll'f CONSIDERATION OF 111!: ISSSUANC£ OF 1lUS PERMJT, niB SIGNER. HEaESY AORSES TO COMPLY WITH /ILL BUILDING CODES ~ lAND ' ) • REGIJ&.\UCNS·ADOPrm BY QARft£Ll) COUN'IY PURSUM11'10 A~RRY GJVBH.LN 30.28.:201 CRS AS AMENDED. 1lfE SIGNER .FURrff£R 1\0RI!:ES T'WI j ntE ABOVE IWD OROiifANCES·AR& Nat' ll\lt.LY.COMI'JIJ!l) WIIll fif Tail £0Cii.nON, ERBCllPN, CONSTRlJCttON, ~ USS DF·m&N~QVB DESCRII ' sntUctvaE. 'l1fE PRRMJT NAY BE ~KED BY mmc:& sraow 1llE coUNTY AND'l'HAT THDI AND~ rr sHIIIL BEXXJM£ NULL MD vow. I THE ISSUANCE: OF A PElUn' BAS£0 UPON ~ 6PEClfiCAU0"8 AND oitatR DATA SHALL NOT PREVENT TH& BUILDING OFF1Cli\L I'ROU ni£REAF ; RI!:QUJRINO 1HE CORRECTION OP ERRORS IJC SAID l'I.ANS, SPEaFJCATlONS AND OTHER DATA OR FROM PRSVEmtNG BVILDlNO OP£RA.tt0ff Bl! i CARRIED ON THEimUliDER WHI!:H IH vtOLATJOM OJPTH5 CODE OR UfY OTHER OIUIINANC:S OK REGULI\TI~ OP THIS JUlUSDlCTION. ' 'l'RE. REYmW 011' SUBMITtED PLANS AND SPEClFICATJONSAND INSl'ECllONS COltDUCJ"!:D 11lSREAF1'ER DOSS HOT CONSllTUTE Nf ACCEPI'ANCE OF • R£Sl'ONSUI!Lm£S OR UABU11ES BY' OARFlELD <XlUIOT POR ERRORS, OMISSOHS OR DlSCUPEHCIES. THE RESPONSIBIUTY POR TH£SS ttiWS , l IMl'l.SMGNl'AnON OUIUNO C:ONS1RUCnON B£Sr$ SPECfFICIALLY WITH 'TilE JIRllctECr, DESIGI'f£R, BUILDER. AND OWNL!JoiMENl$ ARE IN1'EN1 TO BE CONS&:aVATJVB Arm IN SUPJIORT OP'11f£ OWNERS Ufl'ERBST. ~ • ' Gcdam.003 ' ; I RER£8\' ACKNOWLEDO~ THAT I flAW: RltAD AND UNDEaSTIIND THE AGRUMEl'tT .ABOW PHIT1AI.l ~.~1 0~-::.l:::·o...;...-- ·--_...,_. ____ _ ·~-~--····-··-----·-.. -·--........ ,_-.· . . ... ', ·- ... .· ·' ·. The following items are Tequired by Garfield County for a final inspection: 1. A final Electrical ~pcction from the Colorado State El.cctricallnspcetor; 2. Pcnnanent address assigned by Garfield County Building Depar1Dlent posted where readily visible from access road; 3. A finished roo~ a lockable house, complete exterior siding, exterior doors and windows installed, a complete kitchen with cabinets. a sink with hot & cold running water, non--absorbent Jdtohen floor coverings. counter tops and finished walls, ready for stove and rctiigemtor. all 1lCCCSSBlY plumbing; 4. All bathrooms must be complete, witb washbowl, tub or shower. toilet stool, hot and cold nmniDg water, non~ absorbent floors and walls finished and a privacy door, S. All steps outside or inside over 1hrcc (3) steps must have handntils, guard rails on balconies or d.cclcs over 30" high const:mcled to all me md m.c requirements; 6. Outside grading done to where water will detour away from the building; 7. Exceptions to the outside steps, decks and gr.sding may be made upon the demonstration of extenuating ciicumstanccs, i.e. weather, but a Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until all the requin::d items arc completed and a tinnl. iDspection made; 8. A final inspection sign oft' by the Garfield County Road & Bridge Department for driveway installation, where applicable; as wcU as any final sign off by the Fire District, anchor State Agencies where applicable. A CERTIFICATE OFOCCUPANCY Wll.L NOT BE ISSUED UNTfi, ~THE .ABOVE ITEMS RAVE BEEN COMPLETED. •u•CANNOT OCCUPY OR USE DWELLING UNTIL A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (C.O.) IS ISSUED. OCCUPANCY OR USE OF DWELLING WITHOUT A C .O. WILL BE CONSIDEREDANlLLEGALOCCUPANCY ANDMAYBEGROUNDS FOR VACATING PREMISES UNTIL ABOVE CONDmONS ARE MET. I understand and agree to abide by the above conditions-for occupancy, ffi and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the dwelling under building permit# p.Jl.fJ 0 ..:.'/ ~ -·.-A )(__::.~~krr/£~}?1 __ ·~~ H:jt•d I Siguature Date . Bpcont0cti2004 --------··------·'"•• ··-------···----·--·-·--··--·--- ._...... -.--.... _ i __ i No. ___,_leN=-~ ....:;.d-Jo;;;;....-___ _ Assessor's Parcel No.--:--...-,-----:~---Date<.fM~t BUILDING PERMIT CARD I", 1 'AJ G)leW Cl£cle fiC.vlU\0 Cun(>t~) Address-----:-:----:---Phone # --------, Addressl&? UCl\~ Ct Phone #SO.~ss-n Setbacks: Front~....-----Rear -----RH _____ LH _____ Zoning ----- \.) ru.t 3 Gtf t.{ p le ~) INSPECTIONS Soils Test------------ Footing-------------Foundation ___________ _ Grout-------~~~~~~- Underground Plumbi.og l-ftf .. o 11hr! Rough Plumbing Lf~":Ur-()7~ Framing l0-i'1 ~ ~ Insulation lo -i'2..;ri1~ Roofing --~:-"""'lr-r-~-=-~--:----- Drywall ID ·3e-O?,@p1 Gas Pjping tf · ~-o] bn *" ;-r ~ (;k. 7-/()"""7 lt91-J! •xn111011 Addresa No. --------h..G----- Dratnage ----------'-"""'-r--- O.cb-eupport & clearance lo wood -~~,__ __ Oecks-etllre & rille -----~~-e.--- Exterior locks ___ .....;:_ ___ ___.,,...:.... __ _ Flashing around doors & wlndowa--~--­ lnaect ecreens --------""""""'----- INTRRIOR GARAGE Fire wall eeparatlon ______ -=V;---- Sen<lce doore-1~" min. _____ _...:[/ __ _ Ooor (20 min.) w/auto closer·1~" mln. __ _.,l .... /;___ Mach. equip. 18" above tloor ____ ---':v'----- No opening Into sleeping area ____ ____..k:::::..._ __ BASEMENT-CRAWL AREA Accesa ________ -;H''-1tJ-:r--- lnsulatfon ------H~ ..... ( 1-Hil~- Headroom/Stalrs _______ .....;_ __ _ Ventilation------------- Weatherproofing ____________ _ Mechanical ______________ _ Electrical Rough (State)---------- Electrical Final (State)·--------:---- Final J'?-'ZT-~1 /Checklist Come,leted? ...L.b L certificate g:~:~~ \!ofoja46 Septic System #.....::..»J~VA.;...;..... ________ _ Date -- Final j) 1&& · Other ___________ ~-~---------------- NOTES FINAL CHECKLIST MECHANICAL ROOM ~ Boiler fvf[!..,:. Hot water _____ _w:::...._ __ _ F.A. gal/oll _____ _,t.--";......... __ _ Floor drain _____ ...;t/'!:::.... __ _ Clearan~-------~------ Air con. syBtem, ____ ___.~--- Hot water heater ____ ___.,Lo:::..._ __ Combustion air _____ .....;'-'=--- Gas piping, valves ____ -FV ____ _ LPG Drain -----~e-Jl-f&~tz;..,._ __ FIREPLACE/STOVE Clearan~ to combultlblas ____ _ Termination ol chimney, _____ _ Combustion air j · /-:-- Hearth C t2" or 20" on sides)) pL Glasa doors / Certflled by: _________ _ REMARKS (continue on back) STAIRWAYS Headroom (6'6") ------t.-'------ RIIUng & guardrails -----'~br"'----- Width _______ ......;t.,.,o::; ___ _ Rile & run -------~--- KITCHEN Clearance above grill ____ "="v:::...._ __ _ Exhaust fan _______ ....:;. __ _ Broiler exhau1t (1 hr . chase) __ __,v::..._ __ BEDROOMS Egress ________ _:::"-"':::__ __ Smoke detector -------t:::>r"---- BATHROOMS Exhaust la"--------1:..----- Shatterproof glase ____ __,,_,_,.... __ OTHER §J» lfti)rl:ll I lUll DILL IIU I Dl: MAUIC URLI:~ THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE JOB 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECfiONS BUILDING PERMIT GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO Date .. saed .• J.-::!l'-:f,)7Zoaed Area ........... ·-·········-··Pennit No •.• IJ.ftftl ............ . AGREEMENT In consideration of the issuance of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to comply with all laws and regulations related to the zoning, location; construction and erection of the proposed structure for which this permit is granted, and further agrees tbst if the above said regulations are not fully complied with in the zoning, location, erection and construction of the above described structure, the permit may then be revoked by notice from the County Building Inspector and IMMEDIATE B OME NULL AND VOID. .-~ 'i{f. .._3 Use~~~~ii[Q~~ Sctb•cM Fmgt Sjde Side Rear Tbis Card Must Be Posted So It is Plainly Visible From The Street Until Finellnspectioo. INSPECTION RECORD Footing Driveway Foundation Underground Plumbing~ -17-o?/}wl Insulation Jo-?-1--D'? ~ Rough Plumbing 0 .. ~~01 ~ Drywall J'1'J-'J-q-D1 ~ Chimney & Vent Cf-J-1J-0'[ Jftrm Electric Final (by State lnspectorl''-tl;}?/ t I Gas Piping Cf/Z,~ t>1 /{)w.. Final , ?---z-~ ...... 0/ fib it ....... Electric Rough (By State Inspector) ~ Septic Final Framing ( D-\1 -o1 ~ Notes: fd ~~I<. 7.,o-o1 Pf"' (To include Roorin place and Windows and Doon installed). ALL LISTED ITEMS MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE COVERING- WHETHER INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR, UNDERGROUND OR ABOVE GROUND. THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE For Inspections Call384-5003 108 8th Street Glenwood Springs, Colorado APP~OVEDDO NOT DESTROY THIS CARD Date ~~·~7 By__jJ_ · IF PLACED OUTSIDE-COVER WITH CLEAR PLASTIC ·. GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING AND PLANNING 970-945-8212 MINIMUM APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL OR MULTI-F Al\fiLY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Including NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS And MOVED BUILDINGS In order to understand th.e scope .ofthc work intended under a permit application and expedite · the issuance of a permit it is important that complete information be provided. When reviewing a plan and it's discover~d that required infonnation has not been provided by the applicant, this will result in the delay of the permit issuance and in proeeeding with building construction. The own~ or contractor shall be required to provide this infonnation before the plan review can proceed. Other plans that are in line for review may be given attention before the new infOrmation may be reViewed after it has been pro\ided to the Building Deparlment ·Please review this document"to determine if yoll ba.ve enough information to design your ·· project and provide adequate information to facilitate a plan review. Also, please co.Uider using a design professional for assistance in yuu.r design and a construction professional for construction ofyoar projec::t. Any project with more thaD ten (10) occupants requires the plans to be sealed by a Colorado Registered Design ProfessionaL To provide for a more understandable plan and in order to determine compliance ,.,;th the building, plumbing and mechanicaJ codes, applicants are requested to review the following . checklist prior to and during design. Plans to be included for .a Building 'Permit most be on· draft paper at least 18•'x 24"" and drawn to scale. 1 --~--- · Plans xnust include a floor plan, a concrete footing and foundation plan, elevations all sides with decks, balcony steps7 hand rails and guard rails, windows and doors, including the finish grade and original grade line. A section showing in detail, from the bottom of the footiog to the top of the roo~ including rc-bar, anchor bolts, pressure treated -plates, floor joists, wall studs and spacing, insulation, sheeting, house-rap, (which is required), siding or any approved building material. Engineered foundationB may be required. Chec:k .with the Building Department A window schedule. A door schedule. A floor ftaming plan, a roofing framing plan, roof must be designed to withstand a 40 pound per square foot up to 7,000 feet in elevation, a 90 M.P.H. windspeed, wind exposure B or C~ and a 36 inch frost depth. All sheets need to be identified by number and indexed. All of the above requirements must be met or your plans will be returned. All plans submitted must be incompliance with the 2003 me, IPC, IMC and IFOC. Applicants are required to indicate appropriately and to submit completed cher:klist at time of application for a pel'mit: 1. Is a site plan included that identifies the location of the proposed structure, additions or other buildings, setback easements, and utility easements showing distances to the property lines from each comer of the proposed structure prepared by a licensed surveyor and has the surveyors signature and professional stamp on the drawing? Slopes of30% or more on properties must be show on site plan. (NOTE: Section 106.2) Any site plan for the placement of any portion. of a structure within 50 ft. of a property line and not within a previously surveyed building envelope on a subdivisi.on final plat shall be · prepared by a licensed surveyor and have the surveyors signature and professional stamp on the drawing. Any structure to be built within a building envelope of a lot shown on a recorded subdivision plat, shall include a copy of the building envelope as it is shown on the fin:t'lat with the proposed structure located within the envelope. Yes 2. Does the site plan when applicable include the location of the I.S.D.S. (Individual Sewage Disposal S}'3tcm) and distances to the property lines, wells (on subject property and adjacent properti.es), streams or wateJ: courses? This information must be certified by a licensed surveyor with their signature and professional stamp on the design. Yes · f No Notne~forthisprojc:ct __ _ 3. .Are the plans submitted for applicaiion review construction drawings and not drawings tb.at are stamped or mat'ked identifying them as "Not for construction, for pcnnit issuance only"l _''ApprovaJ drawings only", "For permit issuance only" or similar language? Yes Y No__ Not necessary for this project~-- .2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. '13 . 14. Is the I. S.O .S. (Individual Sewage Disposal System) designed, stamped and signed by a Colorado Registered Engineer? Yes+ No__ Not necessary for this project __ Does the site pl_an indicate the location and· direction of the State, County or private road accessing the property? Yes--1- Do the plans include a foundation plan indicating the size, location and spacing of all · reinforcing steel in accordance with the uniform building code or per stamped engineered design? Yes~ No__ Not necessary for this project_ If the building is a pre-engineered structure, is there a stamped, signed eogi.nee:red fo~dation plan for this building? Yes-+--No_ Notnecessaryforthisproject __ Do the plans indicate the location and size of ventilation openings for under floor crawl spaces and the clearances required between wood and earth? Yes_ No__ Not necessaxy for project1_ Do the plans indicate the size and location of the ventilation openings for the attic, roof joist spaces and soffits? Yes4-No__ Not necessary for this project_ Do the plans include design loads as required under the IBC or IRC for roof snowloads, (a minimum of 40 pounds per square foot in Garfield County)? Yes-f-. No_ Not necessary for this project_ Do th.;!lans include design loads as required for floor loads under the IBC or IRC? Yes No_ Notnecessaryfurthisproject_ · . Does the plan include a building section drawing indicating foundation. well, floor, and roof construction? Yes-+--No Not necessary for this project_ Is the wind speed and exposure design included in the plan7 Yes-+--No__ Not necessacy for this project __ Does the building section drawing include size and spacing of floor joists: wall studs, ceiling joists. roof rafters or joists or trusses? Yes~ No__ Notnecessaryfortbisproject __ 3 'IS. Does the building section drawing or other detail include the method of positive comection. of all columns and beams? Yes_L_ No_ Notneccssaryforthisproject_ 16. Does the elevation plan iDdicate the height ofthe building or proposed addition from the undisturbed grade to the midpoint between the ridge and eave of a gable or s.lled roof or the 1D~ of a flat roofl (Check app1icable zone district fur building bejght maximum) Yes Na__ Not necessary for this project_ 17. · Does the plan include any stove or zero clearance fireplace plan~ for installation including make and model and Colorado. Phase IT certifications or Phase II EPA certification? Yes_ No_ Notne.cessaryfurthisproject__t_ 18. Does the pJart include a ID8SOIJI:y fireplace .iocluding a firepJacc section indicating design to comply with the IBC or JRC? Yes__ No_ Not necessazyfur this project1._ 19. Does the plan include a window schedule or other verification that egress/rescue windows tram s~ing rooms and/or basemeuts comply with the reqUirements of the IBC or IRC? Yes_L No_ Not necessacy for this pro~-- 20. Does the plan include a window schedule or other verification that windows provide natUral fight and ventila1ion for all habitable rooms? Yes+ No_ Notn~ssaryforthisproject_ 21. Do f!te plms indicate the location of glazing subject to ~moan impact such as glass doors, glazing immediately adjacent to such doors; glazing adjacent to any surface nonnally U5Cd as a waJkiDg surface; sliding glass doors; fixed glass panels; shower doors and tob · enclosures and specifY safety glazing for these areas? Yes~ No_._ Not~fortbisproject_ 22. Do the p1aos include a complete design fur an mechanical systems planned for installation in tbis boilding? Yes__ No 'f Not necessary for this project. __ 23. Have all areas in the buildiD.g been accurately identified for the intended use? (Qccupancy as identified in the IBC Chapter 3) Yes )0 No_ Notnecessaryfurthisproject~- 24. Does the plan indicate the quantity, form, use and storage of any hazardous materials that may be in use in this building? Yes No__ Not necessary for this project~ 4 ·. 25. Is the location of aU natural and liquidpetrolewngas furnaces, boilers and water heaters indicated on the plan? · Yes+ No~ Not necessary for this project __ ,26. Do the plans indicate the location and dimension of restroom facilities and if more than · four employees and both sexes are employed, facilities for both sexes? Yes__ No__ Not necessary fur this project~ 27. Do the plans indicate that restrooras and access to the building are handicapped accessible! Yes~ No Not necessary for this project_ . 28. Have two (2) complete sets of construction dra\vings been submitted with the application? Yes-f.-No __ _ 29. Have you designed or had this plan designed while considering building and other construction code requirements? Ycs-L._ No_ Not necessa.lj' for this project_ 30. Docs the plan accurately indicate what you intend to construct and what \\<ill receive a final jnspec:tion by the Garfield County Building Department? Yes~ No_ 31. Do your plans comply with aU zoning rules and regulations in the County related to your zone district? For comer lots see supplemental section 5.05.03 in the Garfield County Zoning Resolution fot setbacks. Yes:( No __ _ 32. Do you understand that approval for design and/or construction changes are required IUi2r to the implementation of these changes? Yes_\_ No_ 33. Do you understand that the Building Department will collect a ''Plan Review" fee from you at the time of application and that you will be required to pay the "Penntt11 fcc as well as any 11 Septic System" or "Road Impact" fees required, at the time you pick up your building pemrit? Yes-f!--No_ 34. Are you aware that you are required to oa1l for all inspections required lUlder the IBC including approval on a final inspection prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy and occupancy of the building? . Ye~-¥--No __ 5 35. Are you aware that the Permit Application must be signed by the Owner or a written authority be given for an Agent and that the party responsible for the project must comply with tbyYnifotiD. Codes? Yes No_ . 36. Are you aware tbat you must a.ll in for an inspection by 3:30 tbe business day before the requested inspection in order to receive it the following business day? Inspections will be made between 7:30a.m. &Dd 3:30p.m. Monday through Friday. Inspections are to be called in to 384-5003. 37. Are you aware that requesting inspections on work that js not ready or not ·accessible will result in a $50.00 re-inspection fee? Yes-¥-No __ _ 38. Are you aware that prior to issuance of a buildj.ng permit you are required to sbow proof of a driveway access permit or:, obtain a statement from the Garfield County Road & Bridge Department stating one is not necessary? You can contact the Road & Bridge Department at 625-8601. Yes .Y No. ___ _ 39. Do you uqderstand that you will be required to hire a State of Co1orado Licensed Electrician and P1umber to perform installations and boolcups? The license number will be required at time of inspection. Yes f No. ___ _ 40. Are you aware, that on the front of the builc:ting permit application you will .need to fill in the Parc:eJ/ Schedule Number for the lot you are applying for this penn it 011 prior to submittal of the building pennit application? Your attention. in this is appreciated. Yes 'r No. __ _ 41 . Do you know tpB.t the local fire district may require you to ·submit plans for their review of fire safety issues? Yes Y No (Please check with the building department about this requirement) 42. Do you understand that if you are planning on doing any excavating or grading to the . property prior to issuance of a building permit that you wjl) be required to obtain a grading permit? Yes Y 43 . Did 3n Architect seal the plans for your commercial project? S.tate law requires any commercial project with occupancy of more than 10 persons as per Sec~on 1004 of the me to prepare the plans and specifications for the project. Yes '( No Not Necessary for this project----"""' 6 I hereby acknowledge that I have read, Wlderst.and, and ~wered these questions to tif~bility. -.~r --=-i2tb~z~~A..:...()_, __ · Signa~ 4J Dato Phone; 2'f 1-<i5 "21... (days); (evenings) Project Name; U, fLy lAe...-I;; lf9f {t~ Project Address: ODf'ir-OOllf {]',( {!;t""c:L-~fl Note: If you answered "No" on any of these questions you may be required to provide this information at the request of the Building Official prior to beginning the plan review process. Delays in issuing the pemlit are to be ~pectecL Work may not proceed without the issuance of the permit. *If you have answered "Not necessary for this project'' pn any of the questions and it is determined by the Building Official' that the information is necessary to review the application and plans to determine minimum compl.iao.ce witb the adopted codes, please expect the following: · . . · · A The application may be placed behind more recent applications for building permits in the review process and not reviewed until required information has been provided and the appijcation rotates again to first positi.on for revjew. B. Delay in issuance of the permit. C. Delay in proceeding with construction. *If you answered ''No'' to this question the circumstances described in the question could result in a .. Stop Work Order" being issued or a ''Cenificate of Occupancy" not being issued. Bpcomm April2006 7 , PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST Applicant {Jew ,\-E;a, Date 3 -2:]:-0 -::)._. Building ~ngineered Foundation L Driveway Permit ~Surveyed Site Plan .l...L..septic Permit and Setbacks ~Gradeffopography 30% ~Attach Residential Plan Review List £Minimum Application Questionnaire V Subdivision Plat Notes ~Fire Depanment Review _0, aluation Determination/Fees _L_Red Line Plans/Stamps/Sticker ~Attach Conditions ~Application Signed J PI~ Reviewer To Sign Application L Parcel!Schedule No. ~40# Snowload Letter-Manf. Hrns. b / Soils Repon GENERAL NOTES: HONDRC ApprovaJ __ Subdivision Plat Now; ·. · · Adcl"s" :}V001~'!J ''!>Cidl [!, ..... Lt,t:XJ 2t J . c.l. BATI'LEMENT l\1ESA SERVICE ASSOCIATION ARC,...,Wr"f'TI"rTIT.tECTURAL CO:MMITTEEAPPLICATION SUBMITrAL FORM (J!or New Home Co.ns~ctio.n) INSTRUCTIONS: .· . This Application&; Checldist is to be used for aU project subnlittals to the Battlement Mesa Service Associa Atohitectural Committee (BMSA/ AC). This foDil is intended to assist in ensuring that the application subm . is complete. This will help provide.a quicker, more thorough review process. · . . . It IS ~ded that each Appiicant thoroughly review the ~-of tbe C't1l'ICllf Architedu St!&nJ*Dh, the Amgded md Re:stJltw U~Jaratlon oJCOvg&y!§ f.includiug Raolutioll§) and therecoll Fmai PJSt for th~ir respective ~rhood prior to preparinS a submittaL . . · Applicants preparing a submittal should compare the·infurmation they arc about to submit -w.iih the requlreme ·of this :fbnn and "check olr each required item on the iimn. If any item is not cbeck~ theAppHcationsub:nil is not .complcte and should not be submitted. Incomplete Applications will not be· processed and will be.xetun: .totbcApp~ ln. addition to the checklist, Applicants should :fill in all of the places on the Application Form whe11: Urtbrmsil is requested. ~Architectural COmmittee will usetbisiufunnationinevab,atingyourApplication. II.mfbn:nati is requested ~is not applicable to your speci:6c pxoject Stibmitta1. write 'WA" in t&e space px:oVi~ Ifso1 requi(ed infonnation is yet to ·l)c determined (such as. extcmor paint oo1ors you may not.bave yet solected)· wr. "IBD" in the appropriated space provided You -will then be required to make a .follow-up submittal With the selcpticms at.a 1at.cr date but bei9R iostallation in the home. · DO NOT fill in sny information in the "Conditions for .Approval'• section of this fom:L This portion of the fot is for Architectoral Committee use omy. . . ~ all· A,pvlication is complete, please man or deliver it to the mHo wing, address: Battlemcm Mesa SCJ:Viec .A&!ociation Axcbiteetural ComnUttee Appli(:atian 73-G Sippre~ Drive P.O. Box 6006 Battle.ment M~ Coloiado 81636 The.A.n:Jdteetlusl CommJtteemeets.tmeem,onthly on·the 1" apd 3 111 WedneslbY, and·Applieati~..s.aJ"eda. oue week prlor-to t~e Sclieduted Meeting Data for prior review by C~IDDlittee-m~m~cr:~. Please· ~C. Jane Chapman. at (910) 28S-9140 t9 COllfitm the next .sclledubi meeting date o.rt~.zequest ~r.iofi;J~ We thank ).'911 ~advance :fbr ~~ coopetati®· and 1o. colpp}y.fug ·with tbe ~l.~dn :Oftbc! ·Battlement MeSa ServiCe Association. . · -. . . • + Page 1 of 6 ·. .. . . BAT.fLEMENT MESA SERVICE ASSOOATION' · J\.R(;.;..-t'1~mi'T'Yf'T1""·ECTURAL COMMITfEE AP1LICA1ION &.CHECKLIST (for New :Home CoDSbuc:tiou projects) · SubmittalDate:_. ____ BstimatedStartDate: _____ ~eclComplctionDatc: __ _ . . . ~MITrAL.REQUIREMENTS: Two Copies each of itenas 1, 2 & 4 need to. be submittetJ.. (Check-off items att.ache~i'to the Application. Fill m spaces mdndicated·.) · . . . . __ IL~ · -1.· snc· Plan Drawing (1" = 1 0' or 1· == 20' scale) ~the tollowing information sboWiJ:. --=V. Lo~ Bl9ck & Subdivision nan;te. · ---=~-· -Street~ of'Project. . ---=r_......:-~ · B~dmg Setback Lines (also .fill-in the 5'4ortest dfStam:e Petween pr9~ Jine to i exterior wall closest to that property line). Please be aware that all Bl~PcfiDg·Setba Lmes are 1aken froiJl your Property Line Y..ms!! Your Property Line is 'NOT ( Curb .~el! · · · . . . From Setback: Left Side Setback: .Right Side Setback: Rear Setback: DweiJiegUmt / UtiJity~ . ~ · 5s-Clear Site-Line atlntarsc:ction Comer-Lots~· . Garage --iz-~· _. ·. Site 'Gradhig l'&VatiOris ~Drainage. · · · - --c<c::~· ._. · :, · . ·p~ (main).fJootHeigllt in re~on t~ ~p .of: ~t .curb·at #'oDt-ccnter ·¢lot. -...._.;~;;;,;;.-.~ .. --. . . Difirew~ rmc.lu4i0i~ oftfrlveWilv\ W.•~:.-no .. Patio~:' etc.. . ---'v--::::::;.·_ . Ombuildings. . . . ·n· ... u.. -'"'~.ll~ ..... ··. Page.2 of 6. ,•. ·. . ' F'Jmt Floor Finished Living Amc ·second Floor Finished Living Area: Lower Floor Fmis~ Living .Area: Total Finished Liv.ing Area: Total Unfinished Livfug .Area: ---....:~feet Omage.Arca: . ' Builf;ting Elevations ~lans iDdiGatins doo~ windo~ exterior materials:. building he:i roof pitcb, roof-mounted evaP,O~ coolers, etc. (fill..:in maximum height below) • . Max.iinum bWiding height to higpest ridge line or building structaral project ----teet above top of'street curb at front-center of yo~ lo~ · · . / E~eer.ed (stampe<9 Foundation Plan. · · . ~Outbuildings ;ndicating dimensions, ~krvauoDS and ovenill height to rldgc line. -~3. EXlerlor Materials (~-in tbc s~ belo~): ~ ~ofiog~ 3~p.-'<~ ~~t O>Ior.---:-~-e"~,y~· _W:_C~cJ __ _ ~ PrlmarySid;iogMaterlal: A...eraCAt" ~a'W\ Color. __ .;;..~;;_t"'...;;.~----~ ~ ~Sidin&Matetial: A~•"'" Dra..,.. Color:_.._lvi.. ___ '..;.;.h;,...._ ___ _ · ~-TrlmMatcr.fal: A"",.i«"'· t>,,..fl\ r,.."" · eotor:_· --~;...-.·1e~ _ __.__~ · ·~ · ~myM.aterl.ai~_J_?,_.,."":"',._a .... Ot. ...... ~-----comr:_.---.~M~-l~K......;trrc.~t ....... ·----- --A.J.{k __ . s~ccoMarerl&ts: · 1J fA-. eolor:_-Dk...._l .J..Ir A::.:+----- t ~ FrontDoor Materiai: __ ..;;;.Si..;...t4-=I-----ColOr: __ kM.;..;...__;,~·J.,_-=------.....;..~ ~ GatageDoor.Material: . Stw.l Color: __ ~_i4-t.~ __ _......_ . COLOR SAMPLE· . .. COLOR. SAMPLE COLOR SAMPLE COLOR SAMPLE COLOR SAMPLE Pagc.3 of 6 : .. .· _ _...../._ . 4. ~nl'laos with the following :inlbrmation: ~ Planting Plan (indicate areas of irrigated I~ tree ,Placem~f;, shrub beds, ground co "'" / etc.). · · . . V Plant Material JistiDg by species of~s. shrubs and grasses. . . /L . Oroundcovca-Matcr.ial with weed con1rol barrier. · ~.Fences! ~ Other Landscape Improwments (decks, site lighting, i1ag poles~ etc.). · · ; ~ 5. V.cRcq~est (if applicable) Give details· below: -~ 6. Residential Constnlct.ion Monetary Deposit: ,. J/We herebY admowledgcand-101~~d that o~rfailureio completeHomeCenstrudion, 1mprovem~J . ·~roj'eds or Laad1ea~U.g CoDstrudio~ .within the time consfnints noted in Con.dltio.ns ,2. & 3. On P.aJ :6· of this Appli~on w.iD ~uk. m a Notice and Opportu:nity for ·a Hearing bef'~fij··the: ~~SA Bo.ar~ ~ · _.D,irec:ton. · IfilWe lln' f01Dld ~ 'Vfo)~tlQD of theSe Co.nditjo~ at the B:earlQg it 'Jrill ~ ht a fbie to:~ .. · _-· -(lwner of not less -dum ssoo-.oo. _pot mo~th for eadl full mouth iu ex-cess of the a~c~ ~mpletioa ·tim -fhun~ . ·. . . , -J/We ~e~y aeknowledge thatHo•e CoDStruetion or Improvement Pnjec:ts or Landscape Constructi~. · .' · fea~ w;hich. are-built iu uon~Dfci~an·ce· wfth· this fuU applitatfQD,. lneluding•t&e ConditloD.B. ~ ~prnval'not.ed-~uPago6 -of6_-h~iiW-o·MUbedtc:d bythe.BMS.A/ACin·...vritteu·cit&.tion.foml _~t·~ ----~-~ of di:lcovery.. nt extenuatJ~g; ~~cn~tailces a Va~~ !Pat .be requested.-~-the B~N.A¢. provid~rJ,·such V~cc ~quest fi~·is lrithhl the pu-Niew ~d apprtwal'J.~di~ott,of·the BMSA/~!: ·~a· Vari2•nc.4'b -no:t·~m~ byt~¢-~A:I~Cud if the No~onlo~~.ltems·ar~··o~ c~~ecl~ . 60·-daysaftertbc date ~!written -~1iou,J1Wcwill be s.eJ;V.etl.Not;Jce ~fa ll~g )J~o,r.r; tho ~MS~ll~• . -·. ·of:Direc:fon;. aii.d itJIW:e are f~llil~~~~k~~--· of.thes~-N'o~-CoPifir-.Jng lte~. 2t tJJ,e!l.ri:ngf/W:c-~ . -~~-~e.4-• niiidm;wn 4~·ssoo.ott,.p.er:·~~n~oniol'Dlilig it~•~ ·.Notwith~~~~·~e··f~~~ln&;;; Jl!f~~ · .... ~cknow~edge· ~li~ttltc -BMSA BoBid·:ofi~~rs-and/or ArcWtecmraJ· CommJttee..may:~~ any· •eg• ~me4y;·avallab~ m 'tlie e'!ebt of a · noJi~~_p1iance. · Page4 of 6 . . • + • • ~ .. . ... •" . . . . . . ... . .. ·. .. . . .•. . . . ~ . . AS PER T.HE AltCW'l:ECTirRAI. STANDA.RDS,PLEABE INDICATE THE . . ,•.. . ;.. . . . . . . . .. . . ·_FOLLOWING POlNTS . QN T:JiE PLOT PLAN AND BELOW: . .. . ~ ... .. . .. : · ·:aLEV ATIONS AT EAcH coRNEa OF 11m Loi.: . . . . ··LOCATION, :1. . . E!JwATIOli; ~FEET j * • ~ . . ... 2 . . . k •• . • • • • I 3. .. . . . .. 0 .. I t 4. . .. s. . ,• 6 .. ~nm HIGH POINT OF 1HB LOT . . ~ ?.:_THB LOWPOlNT OF TBE LOT. 8.-HBIGHT OF GARAGE FLOOR. . .. . - - ··- . 1 0.-HHIGHT OF ROOF ABOVE :f'OUNPATION. -- ( MAX!MUM-35 FBBT) 11.-lim:GHT O.FROOF ABoVE·CEN'i:HR --~ OF 'T.HE ·MIDCUBB. . .. . · . ( M:AXIMUM-~ 29 F.BBT J . . . • • • u •• . . . ·12;.-DRAJNAGE FLOWLINES ON. -niB PLOT PLAN~ 13.-ROOF PITCHES. 1 .. --- . . . 4 • 2.~------ 3.--- 4 •. ----~-· . .· ·. . . ' .:· . · · .-~s;-sQUARB F.EBT OP LIV1NG SP.~ee:. . '• o I ~ 0 •, I t .. ....._ .:• I .. 0 0 .·-,.._.. . ' .. • t . . . . . .. .. ·. .· I • .. ' ' . ·. · . Failure to pay !iDes levied as determined at the .Hearing may sl!o result m a , Lien being placed 4 :Property or litigation Pro~ Initiated by the BMSA Board o!Directon to secure conformance" full Application and its respective Cond~ons Of ApprovaL ·. · · .. i/Wc under.rtand thatArdlitectuxaiCommittee app~va:ld~notcoD.:nitutttapp;tmd oftbeloc:alb ~t!!Dt, tira.iuge ·desip· or shuct1.ri'2lso1Uldness, nor does it constitbt~ a!l~ th~ th cGmpJY with all applicable eodes, regtdations, ordinances and Ia,Y&. · ., . J/We fiutller admowlecfgc: that any Sithsequeat Jield changes whidt _I!We ~y deake ··to:. ~e · Quastl'llctioo or ~rove111mt ProJects of this orighl~lAppJfcatio• S,llj,Ddtmhw.d th~.o_righud~on . . of Approval. issu-ed· by tile DMBA/.AC Will..l"eCpire an additional ~ed· A.pplic21ion ~~~b~ · behalf;. ud t&at :UWe win-not p~ceed with any subsequent field ~-mim a ~e'riSed Condit --···. _·_ ~~~llav.ebeen:~ru:atoubytlJ~~~A~~ . . ,,____ · Ovm.,3 S ~,...t"'L ! ~ £,:::r- Q ... ~,or's Pr., .... kJ )J ..... ~.__;;Jf__,;~=---e_el2_t.e~tfjd~· ·_l ___ ______:_D...:_aii..:......:e X~· · ....:...L·~P.::.......:·lo/t_tt~ ... ::: ~ ... :<._;,),:_(._-:: : .. B ... ·tJer J s;.~h4~~;r · · ~ r ...... , -~· ~~:-'o-t=---::;.,_..~~"'~-------...___;,.......,.,.,...;..,;¥,~ ~. . . ~ ~ . . . :'{3tti ldtr 's ~Pr;h ·tt~ fJPAe$ .. . : : ... :. . ' i ; i\:S;::J.~~~f~~ ;~:;~,:~!h: :\ ·~ ,,; E ::,. t· i l_j;,r.• .. ' • · ..... .• I • Thls portion of the AplJJicaflon Form b to be completed by the · .Anhitectural Committee (not ·the Applic:mt) • . CON»mONS OPAPPROV AL-or DISAfPROVM . . 1. No sitewoxk or building construction may proceed on any Lot (mcludin& uo preljminary site cl~ gmbbiug, ~alteraticm, storlna of material, fuundation examrtion, extension ofunder.ground 1Jtilj etc.) UBtil the Project lis$ received a Project epprowi 1i:om the Architectural Committee and has 1 issued a Building Pcmnit (~required by Gsr.ficld County for new hoJne Q'C Renovation projects). 2. Allpnetal balldioJ and site improvements c~DStni~for any Ploje:ct sbaii be completed dd sbaJll issued a Certificate ofOccupanoy from the Garfield County BuiJdiug Department no later tJiao ~ :oar after the issosnce date of this Archit~ Cwpmfttee $lprgya:l .. ··3. · The complete ~ping and revesetationofthc:improvedLot, to specificanyincludethe~g l nat )'Brd areas; shaJ1 be completed no later than six (6) months from the date of the Cc:rtificate Occ~-. . . 4_ . If 'the se~n of .colo~ and /or JandscapiDg plans arc not ~dcd wit11 this application they must submitted far appiOval bdbrc any .action is. taken to install the miSsing ~ s. 6. ,. 7 .. •·. Ap~tion De.ufcd (l;Iii~ o!Archit~;CoDDlliltecMembcrs): .. J,r. .. _. __ _ ~ppii~.Denied for reasOII(Blstatea abo.~e:· -b:~-i"'';;~· . • 0 : 'U~~ • -·· ... . . . ~:--~----~---- . .. Page6of 6 · . I • ~------------····-·----~------------J I }l 1m 04/11J/N -, •• '6f SITE LAYOUT & GRADING PLAN -an-Units 0018, 0020, 0022, & 0024 --GRACE HOMES· Valley VIew Village --- LDwel' YaBe:y Enlflneeringand Co~Uultlng, Inc. 569 South Westgllle Drive, Suite 2 Grond Junction, Colorado 81505 Ph (970) 243-8778 Fu (970) 243-8499 Garfield County Building Department Fax:970-384-3470 11-9-06 RE: Grace Homes Valley View Battlement Mesa, Single Family Residence at 0018 Cliff View Circle. Building Department: I have been retained by Grace Homes to provide engineering services for tlte above referenced project I have supervised inspection of the foundations and walls prior to concrete placement to ensure conformance with the drawings that I prepared and were submitted for permit. The foundations are structurally adequate to satisfY the building codes currently adopted by Garfield County. Please contact me if there are any questions concerning this project. Signed, Danen R. Adams, P. E. . \ GR.AN'D JUNCTION LINCOLN-DeVORE, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS · GEOLOGISTS 14 41 ~lotor St. Onmd .lunctlon, CO 81505 Grace Homes 786 Valley Court Grand Junction, CO 81505 June 22, 2006 Rc: Limited Subsurface Soils ExploJ3tion, Job #92355-GJ Valley View Village, Phases C and D, Battlement Mesa, CO Gentlemen: TE L: (970) 242·896H FA.'<: (970) 242·l 561 As requested, Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore personnel completed a limited geotechnical exploratory program at the above-referenced site. Ten shallow exploration pits were excavated in the vicinity of the proposed buildings, as shown on the attached sketch. These exploration pits were excavated ton total depth of3 feet to 10 feel These exploration pits were logged and sampled by personnel of Grand Junction Lincotn DeVore on May 10, 2006. The purpose of these pits was to detennine the types and character of the in-place overlot grading fill placed on the site to the date of our exploration and the types and character of the underlying subgrade soils, particularly the potential expansive characteristics, and to relate these characteristics to the proposed foundation system. The slope stability of the embankment fill overlooking the stormwater detention pond was modeled to confarm that the building setbacks are adequate . This particular site was the subject oftwo previous geotechnical studies conducted prior to initial subd ivision development. The principal report is a preliminary geotechnical study, "Proposed Roan Cliff Village Development, Parcels 2-5 and 2-6, Battlement Mesa, Garfield County, CO," prepared by Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc., Job #102 526, dated September 16,2002. A second geotechnical report was prepared by Yeh & Associates, 11Test Pit Observations, Lots 1-7, 38 and 39, Battlement Mesa, PhaseD, Garfield County, CO," Project#24-116, dated June 1, 2005. The Hepworth-Pawlak report provided the principal geotechnical parameters for the design and construction of this subdivision. The Hepworth-Pawlak report identified some areas of low expansi ve clays and one moderately expansive clay. These expansive clays, combined with the proposed structuf3l fill on the site, presented some limitations on the construction and ultimate performance of individual residential construction. The Ych & Associates report was a very limited study. It appears that five exploration pits were excavated to a total depth of approximately 6 fee l Bulk samples were obtained, and basic soils classification and moisture determinations were made. TI1is report did not determine in-place dry density of the soils, nor were relatively undisturbed samples taken for sweiVconsolidation testing, so very little additional information is provided that can be utilized for predicting residential foundation perfonnance . l l I t l f I i l f Grace Homes Limited Subsurface Soils Exploration, VaHey View Vinage, Phases C and D June 22, 2006 Page 2 The following laboratory tests were perfonncd on representative soil samples to detennine their relative engineering properties. ASTM D-2487 Soil Classification ASTM D-3080 Direct Shear Strength, Cd ASlM D-2937 In-Place Soil Density ASTM D-2216 Moisture Content of Soil FHA Swell by PVC Meter (Shelby Tube Samples) Tests were performed in accordance with test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials or other accepted standards. The results of our laboratory tests are included in this report. The in-place soil density, moisture content, and the standard penetration test values are presented on the attached exploration pit logs. This letter contains general recoounendations for construction of a residential foundations within this subdiv ision but it is not a foundation design and cannot be used as such. An additional study was conducted on the slope located at the north end of the development overlooking tbe stormwatcr detention pond. The purpose of this additional study is to provide a factor of safety for the assumed developed conditions regarding slope stability and placement of the building foundations at the top of the slope. Our conclusions and recommendations for this site arc presented below. Excavation Observation: Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore personnel should be contacted to observe the foundation soils after the excavation has been completed and prior to placing forms or concrete. The purpose of this is to observe the type and condition of the foundation soils throughout the excavation. If the soils are found to differ from those encountered in our exploration pits, or if they appear to be unstable, additional nx:ommendations may be required prior to construction of the foundations . Soil Classification: During our field exploration of the existing man-made fills and upper 2 to 3 feet of the native soil, three soil types were identified. These soils are all quite similar, being fmc-grained, oflow to very low plasticity, and derived from the same geologic source. These in-place materials have been naturally reworked due to alluvial activity and wind activity. Soil Type No. I js a slightly sandy lean clay. Soil Type No. II is a somewhat sandier lean clay with some strata being a sandy silty clay. Soil Type No. ill is a low plastic, slightly sandy sill The actual characteristics of these soils are described on the attached soil analysis and summary sheets. The principal concern of Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore was the presence of low expansive strata. A nlDJiber of tests were made on relatively undisturbed samples obtained using thin-waUed shelby tubes and tested in an FHA PVC meter. This method allows a rather quick test to be perfonned and can be reasonably correlated back to the test methods utilizing the consolidation test apparatus. Based upon our testing of these soils, the possibility of minor amounts of soil expansion being encountered is relatively low; however, the potential appears to exist in both the native and man-made fill soils. Based upon our testing, it would be reasonable to expect between 0 .7% and 2.1% swell under conditions of relatively low surcharge pressure. The corresponding swell pressures range from 286 psf to 645 psf. These particular values may only slightly affect a properly designed and proportioned footing and . I ! ! t l I f I ! I i i l I I i l l I 1 Grace Homes Limited Subsurface Soils Exploration. Valley View Village. Phases C and D June 22, 2006 Page 3 stem wall foundation but would affect more noticeable distortion or movement of a thickened edge slab (monolithic-type) foundation system. Man-made Fill : Portions of this site contain newly placed man-made fill, ranging from only a few inches to as much as 12 1 12 feet measured in test pit # J at the nort11eost comer of the site at the top of the bank overlooking the stormwatcr retention pond. It is our understanding that more fiJI has been placed over portions of this site since our exploration pits . The site grading map plan, which Lincoln DeVore utilized during some of our soil density testing of utility trench backfill, indicates that up to 13 feet of fill can be expected. It is not known if this man-made fill bas been placed under controlled moisture and compactive effort conditions during this subdivision grading. This office does not have any records regarding the placement of the fill and is not able to verify the overall condition of fill. Based upon our exploration pits, the majority of the fill appears to have been placed in manner that would produce percent compaction results in the range of90 to 100% of the standard proctor (ASTM D-698). The native soils typically contain strata with percent compaction significantly less than 90%, with many of these native strata exhibiting slight to moderately severe collapsible properties. Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore has not been provided with any geotechnical reports or specifications for site improvement, which provide guidelines and requirements for structural fill. It is not known what actual requirements are in effect for this fill which is expected to support buildings, slabs and subdivision improvements. Based upon our experience in this area, it is common to have structural fiJI placed during site grading at a minimum of 95% of the soil's maximwn standard proctor density (ASTM D-698). It is nonnally required that the fill be placed at a mo isture content ranging from -2% to +2% of the optimum moisture content (ASTM D-698). Some modification of these specifications are possible, particularly when dealing with potentially expansive soils. Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore typically recommends that the soils be compacted to a minimum of90% of the soil's modified proctor dry density (ASTM D-1 551). The requirements for the moisture content are usually± 2% of the optimum moisture, but in the case of slightly expansive soils, the preferred moisture range would probably increase. Soil Moisture Conditions: No free water was encountered during excavation on this site. In general, the man-made fills and the very upper portion of the native soils were in a slightly damp condition , with the native soils usually being somewhat drier. There exists a distinct possibility of perched water tables developing in the native alluvial/debris fan soils which are present across this entire site. There is also the possibility of a perched water table developing in the compacted man-made fills. This perched water would probably be the result of increased irrigation due to the presence of lawns, landscaping and roof runoff. I ! I I I f I I I , I I I ! i I i I i I I } j l l i ~ l I •. Grace Homes Limited Subsurface Soils Exploration, Valley View Village, Phases C and D June 22,2006 Page 4 While it is believed that under the existing conditions at the time of our exploration the actual construction progress would not be affected by any free flowing waters, it is vcty possible that after development is initiated and for several years later, a troublesome perched water condition may develop on individual lots that will provide some problems for existing or future foundations on this tract. Therefore, it is recommended that the future presence of perched water tables be considered in the design and construction of all proposed residential structures. Prevention of perched water tables, and minimizing the effects of any developed perched waters around residential buildings, is usually accomplished by prudent site grading. good control of roof runoff, and vety good compaction practices regarding backfill against structures, backfill of utility trenches, and extra compaction effort in the areas between structures, particularly in narrow side yards that tend to have slow to very slow surface drainage. In the experience of Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore, good attention to site grading, drainage, and particularly compaction of all backfills is more effective than the jnstaJlation of shallow perimeter drains around foundations. In some instances, particularly in the side yards between two structures, a shallow drain may be required. Foundation Type Recommended: The foundation recommendations contained in the Hepworth- Pawlak geotechnical report provide general design infonnation for a standard continuous spread footing and stemwall-type foundation system. The preliminary alJowable bearing pressure for this foundation system was given as 1,500 psfto 3,000 psf. Further note was made that if expansive clays are encountered in the building areas, removal or redesign may be required. The recommendations arc general in nature as is typical with a preliminaty geotechnical study. Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore has significant experience in the Battlement Mesa area, and on a preliminary basis, provides the foJiowing recommendations for lightweight single and attached residential foW1dation systems. Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore Foundation Recommendations: Assuming that some amount of differential movement can be tolerated, then a conventional shallow foundation system, possibly underlain by up to 18 inches of structural fill (may be native, reworked soils) and placed in accordance with the recommendations contruned within this report, may be utilized. The foWidation would consist of continuous spread footings beneath all bearing waJis and isolated spread footings beneath all columns and other points of concentrated load. Such a shallow foundation system, resting on the properly constructed structural fill, may be designed on the basis of an allowable bearing capacity ofl,SOO psf maximum and SOO psf minimum. 1Dl o on neath all continuous waJfs should be balanced to within • ± 200 psf at all points. Isolated interior column footings should be designed for contact stresses of about 1 SO psf less than the average used to balance the continuous walls. The criteria for balancing will depend somewhat on the nature of the structure. Single story, slab on grade structures may be balanced on the basis of dead load only. Multi story structures may be balanced on the basis of dead load plus one-half live load for up to three stories. I ! I j I I : Grace Homes Limited Subsurface Soils Exploration, Valley View Village, Phases C and D JWJe 22, 2006 Page 5 If the potential effects of frost heaving are either mitigated or discounted, and if the design of the upper structure is such that loads can be balanced reasonably well, and if minor amounts of differential settlement can be tolerated. a floating structural slab or raft type of foundation could be used on this site. If the slab is to be a floating structural slab (similar in appearance to the "monolithic" slab), the slab should be underlain by a minimum of 2 feet of non-expansive and non frost-susceptible fill, placed in accordance with recommendations contained in this report Such a slab would require heavy reinforcing to resist differential bending. This structural slab, using the granular structural fill as part of the foundation system, could be designed assuming the top of the structural fil1 has a modulus ofsubgradc reaction ofk = 220 pci. If large concentrated loads are located in the interior of this fill. or if minor construction problems are encountered in the placement of the fill, the usc of geosynthetic fabric or geogrid as part of the fill construction would significantly improve the perfonnance of the flU and foundation system. It is possible to design either the floating structural slab or the raft type of slab either as a solid or ribbed slab, but in either case a rim wall must be used for confmement Any such slab must be specifically designed for tbe anticipated loading. Such a foundation system will settle to some degree as the softer, underlying soils consolidate, but differential movement is held to a minimum. Because the soils may settle in varying amounts, some minor cracking and heave are possible unless the slabs are specifically designed with the movement in mind. Structural Fill/Soil Improvement: For usc in conjunction with a shallow foundation system, a structural fill may be required to replace any upper metastable soils, low expansive soils, or to provide a non frost heave-susceptible sub grade. This structural ti II may be placed in conjunction with structural fill beneath concrete slabs on grade. Any existing metastable soil, expansive soi~ or frost susceptible soil beneath slabs should be removed to a minimum depth up to 1-112 feet below the proposed bottom footing elevation and at least 2 feet below the bottom slab elevation for a thickened edge structural slab. The ucavationlfil/ width is to extend at/east 16 inches from the interior and exterior of the proposed foundation wall or bearing pad in contact with the fill. Once it is felt that adequate soil removal has been achieved, it is recommended that the excavation be closely examined by a representative of Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore to ensure that on adequate overexcavatioo depth has indeed occurred and that the exposed soils are suitable to support the proposed structural man-made fill. At the specific direction of the geotechnical engineer. water soak the overcxcavated portion of the site for at least 1 day prior to the installation of any required perimeter drain and the structural fill. The purpose of this weUing or soaking is to provide initial settlement/collapse of the subgrade soils and to allow proper subgrade. This wetting or soaking must be controlled and must not be allowed to adversely affect nearby structures. After any required soaking has been accomplished, the subgrade soils are to be mecbanicnlly compacted to a minimum of86% of the soil's maximum modified proctor dJy density (ASTM D-1557) for a depth of at least 6 inches. Once this examination has been completed, it is recommended that a coarse-grained, non-expansive, non free-draining. man-made structural fill be imported to the site and placed on the properly prepared sub grade soils. Non-expansive, native soils may be utilized as structural fill if specifically approved by the geotechnical engineer. The upper 6 to 12 inches (minimum) of the fill is to be a sandy gravel (-3/4 inch and GM/GW) or a gravelly sand (-3/4 inch and SM/SW). The structural fill should be placed in the i I l ! i l i l i l I I j i t ~ ~ ! I I I l I I I I i ! Grace Homes Limited Subsurface SoiJs Exploratio~ Valley View Village, Phases C and D JWle 22, 2006 Page 6 overexcavated portion of this site in lifts not to exceed 6 inches after compaction. A minimum of90% of the soil's maximum modified proctor dry density (ASTM D-1557) must be maintained during the soil placement. These soils should be placed at a moisture content conducive to the required compaction (usually proctor optimum moisture content± 2%). Very low expansive to non-expansive, native soils may be utilized as structural fill if specifically approved by the geotechnical engineer. If these native soils have a slight expansive potential, the soils should be placed as structural fill in lifts not to exceed 6 inches after compaction. These soils must not be over- compacted but compacted wet of the soil's "optimum'' moisture content These soils should be placed at a minimum of 86% and a maximum of92% of the soil's maximum modified proctor dry density (ASTM D- 1551). These soils must be placed at a moistwe content conducive to the required compaction while being wet of the optimum moisture content. These soils must be placed at optimum moisture content or up to 4% over optimum moisture content. The granular material must be brought to the required density by mechanical means. No soaking, jetting. or puddling techniques of any type should be used in placement of fill on this site. To confirm the quality of tho compacted fill product, it is recommended that surface density tests be taken at moximum 2-foot vertical intervals. It is recommended that any required perimeter drain be placed in the exterior portion of the structural fill, at the base of the fill, in order to prevent or at least minimize the collection of water in the soils and fill beneath the structure. Reinforcing: All foundation stem walls should be designed as "grade beams" capable of spanning at least 1 0 feet. Where the foundation stem walls are relatively shallow in height, vertical reinforcing will not be necessary. However, in the walls retaining soil in excess of 4 feet in height, vertical reinforcing may be necessary to resist the lateral pressures (restrained case) of the soils along the wall exterior. To aid in designing such ver:tical reinforcing. an equivalent fluid pressure (E.F.P) on the order of 55 pcf would be appropriate for the native and the man-made fill soils. Floor Slabs: Non-structural floor slabs on grade, if any, should be positively separated from all structural portions ofthls building and allowed to float freely. Frequent scoring (control joints) of the slabs should be provided to allow for possible shrinkage cracking of the slab. These control joints should be placed to provide maximum slab areas of approximately 200 to 360 square feet. Any man-made fill placed below floor slabs on grade should be compacted to a minimum of90% of its maximum modified proctor dry density (ASTM D-J 557). These soils should be placed at a moisture content conducive to the required compaction (usually proctor optimum moisture content:!: 2%). Drainage and Grading: Adequate site drainage should be provided in the foundation area both during and after construction to prevent the ponding of water and the wetting or saturation of the subsurface soils. We recommend that_ the ground surface around the structure be graded so that surface water will be carried quickly away from the building. The minimum gradient within 10 feet of the buildingwiJ1 depend I ! I I I j I I I I l l I I I i I I I . ! ! f i i j i l j I I J I I I .•· Grace Homes Limited Subsurface Soils Exploration. Valley View Village, Phases C and D June 22, 2006 Page 7 on surface landscaping. We recommend that paved areas maintain a minimum gradient of 2% and that landscaped areas maintain a minimum gradient of8%. It is further recommended that roof drain downspouts be carried at least 5 feet beyond all backfilled areas and discharge a minimum of 10 feet away from the structure. Proper discharge of roof drain doWDspouts may require the use of subsurface pip ina= in some areas. Under no circumstances should a "dry well discharge" be used on this site unless specifically sited by a geotechnical engineer. Planters, if any, should be constructed so that moisture is not allowed to seep into foundation areas or beneath slabs or pavements. The existing drainage on the site must either be maintained carefully or improved. We recommend that water be dra ined away from structures as rapid ly as possible and not be allowed to stand or pond within 15 feet of the building or foundation . We recommend that water removed from one building not be directed onto the backfill areas of adjacent buildings. Should an automatic lawn irrigation system be used on this site, we recommend that the sprinkler heads, irrigation piping, and valves be installed no less than S feet from the building. In addition, these heads should be adjusted so that spray from the system does not fall onto the wa lis of the building and that such water docs not excessively wet the backfill soils. It is recommended that lawn and landscaping irrigation be reasonably limited so as to prevent undesirable saturation of subsurface soils or backfilled areas. Several methods of irrigation water control are possible, to include, but not be limited to: • Metering the irrigation water. • Sizing the irrigation distribution service piping to limit onsite water usage. • Encourage efficient landscaping practices . Enforcing reasonable limits on the size ofhigh water usage landscaping within 5 feet of the building or foundation. • Incorporating "xeriscaping" landscaping 1nd irrigation techniques. A plastic membrane placed on any crawlspace ground surfaces may retain/trap excessive amounts of water beneath the membrane. If future moisture problems develop or are anticipated, the foundation design engineer or tbe geotechnical engineer may require that the membrane be partiaJiy or completely removed from the crawlspace area. Provided that aU recommendations found herein pertaining to site surface drainage, grading, and soil compaction arc closely followed, a perimeter foundation drain would not be required. For fully finished basements, however, the use of a perimeter foundation drain would significantly reduce potential moisture related problems which can arise from subsequent area development BackfiJJ : To reduce settlement and aid in keeping water from reaching beneath this building, all backfill around this building should be mechanically compacted to a minimum of 900/o of its maximum modified proctor dry density (ASTM D-1557). The only exception to this would be the components of the perimeter foundation drain, if any. AU backfill should be composed of the native soils and should not be placed by soaking, jetting or puddling. All backfill placed in utility trenches around tftis structure or below I i f I I I I I I I I i I ! I l I I I t l I ! I I I j I i I i I ! ' I I f i i I I ! 1 l I i I l Grace Homes Limited Subsurface Soils Exploration, Valley View ViUage. Phases C wtd D June 22, 2006 Page 8 foundation walls should be mechanically compacted to a minimum of90% of its maximum modified proctor dry density (ASTM D-1557). These soils should be placed at a moisture content conducive to the required compaction (usuaUy proctor optimum content± 2%). Cement Tvne: TypeD, Type 1-D, or TypeD-V cement is recommended for all concrete in contact with the soils on this site. Calcium chloride should not be added to a Type n, Type 1-D, or Type ll-V cement under wty circumstances. Remar)cs: We recommend that the bottoms of all foundation components rest a minimum of 3 feet below fm ished grade or as required by the local bu ilding codes. Foundation components must not be placed on frozen soils. Slope Stability Analysis: Slope stability calculations were performed on the existing embankments overJooking the stormwater detention pond. The stability analysis addresses the individual slope and the "global" condition of the entire embankment The soils were subjected to wetting due to lawn irrigation and frequent use of the storm water detention pond . Saturation of the lawn areas and the slope toe at the detention pond were modeled using the SEEP/W module. The analysis was performed using the PC software SLOPF.JW module within GeoStudio 2004, Version 6.19, Geo-Slope Internat ional LTD. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The analysis utilized the Limit Equilibrium Theory for the factor of safety, incorporating the following four methods. Fellenius or Ordinary Method = Bishop Simplified Method = Jaobu Simplified Method = Morgenstem -Price Method = Moment Equilibrium Moment Equilibrium Force Equilibrium Moment and Force Equilibrium The Morgeostem-Price Method, incorporating both Moment and Force Equilibrium Theory is generally considered to be the more "accurate" of the four methods. The FeiJenius or Ordinary, Bishop Simplified, and the Janbu Simplified Melhods are commonly utilized in older slope stability software and are included for comparative purposes . No seismic coefficient was asswned in these calculations. Several models were assumed for the existing embankments. The critical model assumed that lawn irrigation would be excessive. causing seepage on the upper slope and complete saturation of the slope toe area. Based on slope stability calculations, the constructed fill slope is reasonably stable. The analysis indicated that the embankments have a sufficient factor of safety, equal to oc greater than 1.5. The majority oflow factors of safety indicate that the steeper slopes are "sloughing" under the conditions of nearly satwated embankment fill . I I I i I I ! I i l ( I I I I ' I ' i I I I I i I t ! l i j I l ,• ·. : Grace Homes Limited Subsurface Soils Exploration, Valley View Village, Phases C and D June 22, 2006 Page 9 Limitations: This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or his representative to ensure that the infonnatioo and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project and are incorporated into the plans. In addition, it is his responsibility that the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and his subcontractors carry out these recommendations during construction. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in acceptable or appropriate standards may occur or may result from legislation or the broadening of engineering knowledge. Accordingly, the fmdings of this report may be invalid, wholly or partially, by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of3 years. The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigated and arc based on the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those described in this report. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that planned on the day of this report, Grand Junction Lincoln DeVore should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be provided, if appropriate. · Grand Junction Lincoln De Vorc makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the findings, recommendations, specifications or professional advice, except that they were prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practices in the field of geotechnical engineering. Respectfully submitted, GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN DeVORE, lNC. GJLD Job# 92355-GJ l I ) ! I I i I I i l i ! i I I I I i l f I i ' ! I I i f I I J CRJJICAI. IJIWNAC£ ZONE 111CE JH£ llfi)JH OF JHr ORICINAl. m:AVA17al IJWT CVARI£S -II/NUIIJJI OF ! lEU Fllf»> IIIIUIIHII.) SOIL l¥ffi'Ml!J ,. t. a· llED' w ~ usr: \DW ~l[R USC' ~ I'LAIIIJS ~ ?DIJ!ilJAI'IIf;" m:HIICII£5 '11111/W Ttlt 'CWI!Coll. fllfAINAf% ZOIK'. ROOF .DOIII!ISPCIIIT-...._ ~I TH£ HAliK .sau' mow JH£ I I I 'CRIJICAI. 0/WIAC:£ lON£' 70 1£ I ~ I A I.IJN/WI.I OF ll INOI£S \ ltE~ .. CO!IPAC!ED F'Dit \ I II , n n !at IMQCFJU. ~ IFlJ.L THICKNas u -unu THICJ<NESS I STRUCTURAL FILL C:Oioii'AC!ED l'D IIJIIUill£ ~ • o o • • • • • • o • o • o o • a ~ ..,LL TO E"-n-ND B"'•'£AT'-' .J'ER SEEPAGE' TD • •• • • ,. • • .. • • ....... II •• "" ,., A I~· .:;r~, '" 7H£ FWNDAJIOH S01t.S , : e :.-: .;:: e :o: • :; e :o": p ALL FOUNDAnON £LEMEN15. \ .... • ............ • ... ~ ............ ~.. SEE NOTES ' ••-= .. •·::••-= .. •·:.:eo-:~.~~ ---==~---\ ' •• t • .. • t ~ I ' •• ._ • .. e II :. ... \ ;;:.~;,.::;:.'!a::;:.~!:-.l.rGEOTEXTIL£ FABRIC INSTALL DRAJN \ •". ' "(}~;(:.~rr_;,;•· • • / SUCh t\S Contech C-180 AS REOUIRf:D BY eNGINEER Dl" Mlraf'l 500-X SE£ NO'ItS RJR DETAILS. ·-AS REQUIRED DRAINAGE I LANDSCAPING CONCEPT 'NO WATER ZONE' BY FOUNDATION CRIJICAI. DRAJNAC£ ZONE l'WCC 1H£ IIID!JI OF 111£ OR/IiiHAL m:AVA liON UIIIT ( V.ARI£S -I.IINJWJJ OF ! F£Er FROJ.I lltJIDIHC ) GEOTEXTIL£ FABRIC such ns Contech C-180 or Mll"'t\ f'l 500-X AS REQUIRED DRAINAGE I LANDSCAPING CONCEPT ' 'NO WATER ZONE' BY FOUNDATION a GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN-DeVORE, Inc. G20TECHNICAL EKGJNEER!I-CEOUIOISTS EXTERIOR DRAINAGE / LANDSCAPING CONCEPT DATt: 9-' 6-2005 NONE IDI fltl D-DRAIN2 I r l i I l I I j I I I l I r I l ' 1 I .· _,. J f I PLAN Adapted From HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Drawing GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN -DeVORE, Inc. NO SCALE SITE LOCATION DIAGRAM VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa Colorado GRACE HOMES Inc. Date Grand Junction, Colorado 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Grand JunctJon, Colorado Job No. Drawn 92355-GJ EMM I I j I I ' I l I I ! ! I I 1 i I i r I I I f ! ! 1 ,o PLAN Adapted From HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Drawing SKETCH From G.J.L.D. Field Per8onnel Notes GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN .. DeVORE, Inc. SLOPE LOCATION DIAGRAM VALLEY VIEW Vll.LAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa Colorado GRACE HOMES Inc. Date Grand Junction, Colorado 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Grand Junction, Colorado Job No. Drawn 92355-GJ EMM I I i I / I I l i I f I I j j [ f I i l I I [ r- i I r I I i I I f. j i .. OPel SPACE L rP-1 }.IN~'-H p~~~~ Tesr I'Jr -~ -10-11. S · Hf·l j HEPIIMRTN-PAwtlAI(. Tbr e~~~~~ -j·ltJ·rn..- NO SCALE PLAN Adapted From HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Drawing SKETCH From G.J.L.D. Field Personnel Notes PIT LOCATION DIAGRAM GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN -DeVORE, Inc. Geotechnical Consultants Grand Junction, Colorado VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mes Colorado GRACE HOMES Inc. Date Grand Junction, Colorado 6-17-2006 Job No. Drawn 92355-GJ EMM I I i I i I I I I I I I r l I I I l • I I l ! i t ! ~ ! i EXPLORATION PIT NO. 1 SHEAR DEPTH SOIL PIT LOCATION & ELEV.: NORTHEAST CORNER of SITE, LOT 24 (FT.} DESCRIPTION CL LEAN CLAY Sl. SANDY I SJ. COMPRESSIBLE SI.MOIST MAN-MADE FILL MEDIUM DENSITY STRATIFIED 5 Strata of LOW DENSITY 5 CL LEAN CLAY SI.SANDY S/. MOIST ST Sl. COMPRESSIBLE MEDIUM DENSITY SI .MOIST Bulk 10 MAN-MADE FILL 10 CL LEAN CLAY SI.SANDY MEDIUM DENS ITY Sl. COMPRESSIBLE Sl. MOIST Bulk ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE 15 NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE 15 Pit Total Depth: 12-1/2' NO Free Water During Observation: Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. SOIL 96.6 103.7 5-10-2006 WATER % 15.0% 15.4% 10.7% 15.0% 13.3% I ! I j l I ~===--==----=------~--~-----====------------------------==---~----~----~---i 1 ! H .) DEPT (FT - - - -5 - - ---10 -- ---15 SOIL LOG ~1 I r ~ ~ . EXPLORATION PIT NO. 2 SHEAR SOIL PIT LOCATION & ELEV.: SOUTH PORTION, LOT 24 Torvane DENSITY WATER DESCRIPTION IPSf pcf % CL MAN-MADE FILL MEDIUM DENSITY Sl. MOIST NO 100.5 13.2% Sl. COMPRESSIBLE ST 105.3 10.4% ALLUVIAL/DEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf -104.8 10.2% ML SANDY SILT MEDIUM DENSITY Sl. DAMP NO Ill COLLAPSIBLE STRATA LOW DENSITY 5 97.1 13.6% ST 86.8 16.5% STRATIFIED 10 ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE 15 Pit Total Depth: 4' NO Free Water During Observation: 5-10-2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. LOG OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa Colorado GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN • DeVORE, Inc. GRACE HOMES Inc. Grand .Junction, Colorado Date 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Grand Junction, Colorado Job No. Drawn 92355-G.J EMM ; t I ! ' I l I I ! I I ! i t i I l ! i 1 i l i i .; < ' I l i I ~--------------------~' 2 I TH DEP (FT .) - SOIL LOG I I~ -. EXPLORATION PIT NO. 3 PIT LOCATION & ELEV.: Property Lin• LOT 2J & 28 DESCRIPTION CUT AREA for SITE GRADING ALLUVIAUDEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf ML SANDY SILT LOW DENSITY SHEAR SOIL Torvan• DENSITY WATER !PSf pcf % DRY 88.3 10.1% ~ -'I~ Ill COLLAPSIBLE STRATA DRY~ 6.2% -STRATIFIED MEDIUM DENSITY -· 5 100.4 9.6% 5 - - --10 -- - --15 DEPTH (FT .) - - I -' -5 -----10 -- - - -15 NO - 10 -ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE- 15 Pit Total Depth: 5' NO Free Water During Observation: 5·10·2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. EXPLORATION PIT NO. 4 SHEAR SOIL SOIL PIT LOCATION & ELEV.: Prope_rty_Lin• LOT Z7 & 21 To~ DENSITY WATER LOG DESCRIPTION lpsf pcf % I I CUT AREA for SITE GRADING Sl. DAMP SANDY SILT I ML COLLAPSIBLE STRATA Strata of LOW DENSITY MOIST~ •! Ill 89.1 19.5% ALLUVIAUDEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf DRY~ 84.1 9.0% STRATIFIED 5 MOISTURE ACCUMULATION ABOVE 3' -- -w -ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE _ NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE 15 Pit Total Depth: 3' NO Free Water During Observation: 5·1 0·2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. GRAND JUNCTION UNCOLN • DeVORE, Inc. Geotechnical Consultants Grand Junction, Colorado LOG OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa Colorado GRACE HOMES Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado Job No. Drawn 9n5>GJ E~ Date 6-17-2006 I I I I I l i I I I I i I I I i I I j I I I I I ! i ! ; i t I l 1 ' l .1 j ~ 1 t I ·. TH .) DEP (FT SOIL LOG EXPLORATION PIT NO. 5 PIT LOCATION & ELEV.: Property Line LOT 1• & 1! DESCRIPTION SHEAR SOIL Torvane DENSITY WATER IPsf _¢ % ~1 r:: CL MAN-MADE FILL MEDIUM DENSITY NO 110.3 11.2% ----5 -----10 -----15 H DEPT (FT .) SOIL OG -·~ •" ' --t I 5 -, • --~ I ! -I \f! - -10 -----15 DRY £..._ 106.6 6.9% ML SANOY SILT LOW DENSITY Ill COLLAPSIBLE STRATA NO 89.1 12 .7% STRATIFIED 5 - 10 ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE 15 Pit Total Depth: 3' NO Free Watar During Obaervat1on: 5-10-2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. EXPLORATION PIT NO. 6 SHEAR SOIL PIT LOCAnON & ELEV.: NORTH PORTION, LOT 23 Torvane DENSITY WATER DESCRIPTION 1PSf pcf o/o ML SANDY SILT LOW DENSITY Ill COLLAPSIBLE STRATA 51. DAMP NO 89.6 18.1 % ALLWIAUOEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf ~ 15 .6% MEDIUM DENSITY-5 STRATIFIED Strata of LOW DENSITY ML SANOY SILT DRY 1:!Q_ 92.2 8.1 % Ill COLLAPSIBLE STRATA MEDIUM DENSITY ~ 96.6 4.6% 10 -- ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE~ 15 Pit Total Depth: 8' NO Free Water During Observation: 5-10-2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN • DeVORE, Inc. Geotechnical Consultants Grand Junction, Colorado LOG OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa Colorado GRACE HOMES Ioc:. Grand Junc:tion, Colgrado Job No. Drawn 9Z355-GJ EMM Date 6-17-2006 3 l l I l i I j I i I i i i j I r l ! i j I 1 I ~ TH DEP (FT .) SOil LOG -· ' I - - -5 --- - -10 -----15 H DEPT (FT .) - t I I I SOIL LOG ~ EXPLORAnON PIT NO. 7 SHEAR SOIL PIT LOCATION & EI..CV.: Property Line LOT 22 & 23 Torvane DENSITY WATER DESCRIPTION lpsf pcf % CUT AREA for SITE GRADING ML SANOY SILT Ill COLLAPSIBLE STRATA NO 92.2 9 .4% ALLUVIAUOEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf ST 81 .1 13.4% 51. EXPANSIVE STRATA @ 4' 645 psf@ 2 .1% Swell 5 93.2 6.0% 107.5 6 .9% ---:;a. _,;...;;. ST SHELBY TUBE DENSill'/MOISTURE NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE 15 Pit Total Depth: 4' NO Free Water During Observation: 5-10-2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. EXPLORAnON PIT NO. u SHEAR SOIL PIT LOCAnON & ELEV.: Property Line LOT 20 & 21 Torvane DENSITY WATER DESCRIPTION psf pcf % MAN-MADE FILL ~ LEAN CLAY 51. SANDY MEDIUM DENSITY Sl. DAMP ~ 95 .8 15.2% ~ CL -II 51. EXPANSIVE STRATA@ 2' 286 psf@ 0.7% Swell ..§L_ 106.3 13.2% --5 -----10 -- - --15 ~ Strata of LOW DENSITY NO 89.3 11.5% ML SANDY SILT MEDIUM DENSITY DRY 5 99.2 4 .7% Ill COLLAPSIBLE STRATA ST ALLUVIALJDEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf 10 ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE 15 Pit Total Depth: 4' NO Free Water During Observation: 5·10-2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. LOG OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION GRAND JUNCTION UNCOLN -DeVORE, Inc. Geotechnical Consultants Grand Junction, Colorado VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa Colorado GRACE HOMES Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado Job No. Drawn 9235~J E~ Date 6-17~2006 4 l I I I I I I I ·. EXPLORATION PJT NO. 9 SHEAR SOIL DEPTH SOIL PIT LOCATION & ELEV.: Property Line LOT 18 So 19 Torvane DENSITY WATER (FT.) t-rLO~GT-r+----"""":""-:--:--::-::-~:----=D:..:E:.::S;.;::C.:.:R~IP...;.T.:.::IO:.:..N:__ _________ p:IP:::lSf~.....;,..JP~::IC::..f -+.!!%:.........~ _I' r'-~ MAN-MADE FILL -l t--ML SANDY SILT LOW DENSITY -~"-1 \ II COLLAPSIBLE STRATA Sl . DAMP . =, I ~~ !: ALLUVIAUDEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS , Qa/Qdf 5_?/~ CL-ML SILTYCLAY LOWDENSITY lla Sl. EXPANSIVE STRATA@ 5' 62 psf@ 0.3% Swell -MEDIUM DENSITY -. Strata of LOW DENSITY - N"D DRY ..:::S:.;...T~ 5 DRY l!Q_ ..§!__ 87.6 14.9% 90.7 11.0% 94.5 10.1% 89.6 4.1% 97.0 6.1% 10 -_1Q -. -- -ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE ~ 15 -15 ~-~~--------------------------------~---~--~-~ NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE'---~ TH DEP (FT .) ----5 --- - -10 -- - - -15 SOIL LOG ~ ' ~ Pit Total Depth: 5' NO Free Water During Observation: 5-10-2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. EXPI..ORATION PIT NO. 10 SHEAR SOIL PIT LOCATION & ELEV.: Pro~ llna I..OT 16 & 17 Torvane DENSITY WATER DESCRIPTION psf pcf % MAN-MADE FILL l!Q_ 110.3 14.4% CL LEAN CLAY MEDIUM DENSITY Sl. DAMP -I COMPRESSIBLE Strata of LOW DENSITY 1:!Q_ 87.5 19.6% ALLUVIAUDEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf ST 109.0 7 .8% ML SANOY SILT MEDIUM DENSITY DRY 5 II COLLAPSIBLE STRATA --- 10 ST SHELBY TUBE DENSITY/MOISTURE NO NUCLEAR DENSITOMETER DENSITY/MOISTURE 15 Pit Total Depth: 3-1/2' NO Free Water During Observation: 5-10-2006 Pit Excavated By: Tracked Excavator, Mountain Valley Construction, G.J. LOG OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa Colorado GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN -DeVORE, Inc. GRACE HOMES Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado Date 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Grand Junction, Colorado Job No. Drawn 92355-GJ EMM 5 l l I I l l j l i i i Soil Sample: LEAN CLAY (CL) Sl. Sandy Sample No.: I (Typical) Geol09ic Orisin: ALLUVIAUDEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf Test b~: LRS Natural Water Content (w): 10.7% Pit No.: 1 Depth: 5' In-Place DensHv (PCf): 103.7 Soil Specific GraviJtiGs}: Estimated COBBLE to GRAVEL SAND SILT to CLAY 100 -~ Effective size mm 00 Cu Cc 80 70 - Plastic Limit {PL) 18 Liquid Limit (LL) 30 0)60 Plasticity Index (PI) 1a c Skempton's Activity y -~50 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 0.. Shrinkage Ratio ..... I 5i 40 ~ 0 a; 0.. 30 20 DIRECT SHEAR: co Peak Res . 10 Shear Angle: deg. Tan Shear: 0 ~ 12.5 9.5 .. "« 2 0.85 0.~25 0.15 0 ~ 0.02 0 005 Cohesion: psf 125 75 50 37.5 25 Particle Grain ize {mm} Sieve (mm) %Passing MOISTURE I DENSITY RELATIONSHIP: 5N 125 ASTM Method: D-698 A D 4718-0% Rock Correction 3" 75 Max. Dry Density : pcf pcf 2" 50 Optimum Moisture : 1-112" 37.5 Maxim!.!!!] HVEEM-CARMANY: FHA Soil Swell: 1" 25 §lzeA!Iowed 'R' Value @ 300 psi: Swen 314" 19 B~ S§mgl~r Displacement 300 psi: psf 112" 12.5 2-112" Expansion @ 300 psi: psf Remolded Sample 3/8" 9.5 ALLOWABLE BEARING (net): psf by Consolldometer #4 4.75 Standard Penetration (SPT): psf by Penetrometer #10 2 Unconfined Compression (gu): esr #20 0 .85 COLLAPSE @Wetting: @ psf #40 0.425 100 CONSOLIDATION: @ psf #100 0.15 99 CONSOLIDATION: @ psf #200 0.075 94.2 SULFATE SALTS: ~ ppm 0.02 42 PERMEABILITY: 0.005 30 K (20 C): Remolded em/sec ~ SOIL ANALYSIS and SUMMARY VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa, Colorado GRAND JUNCTION GRACE HOMES Inc. Date LINCOLN -DeVORE, Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Job No. /Drawn Grand Junction, Colorado 92355-GJ EMM 1 I I I I ! r I t i I I I I I r I I i I I i i I ; i I ' t l • j J Soil Sample : LEAN CLAY (CL) Sl. Sandy Sample No.: I (fypical) Geologic Origin: MAN-MADE FILL From Alluvial Debris Fan Soils Testb~: LRS Natural Water Content (w): 7.8% Pit No.: 10 Depth: 2' In-Place Density (pet): 109.0 Soil Specific Gravity (Gs): Estimated COBBLE to GRAVEL SAND S U ioCLAY 100 --!'-, 1\. Effective size mm 90 ~ Cu Cc 80 Plastic Limit (PL) .12 70 . Liquid Limit (LL) 35 en so Plasticity Index (PI) 16 c: Skempton's Activity 0.4 ·u; ~so -Shrinkage Limit (SL) 0. 1\. Shrinkage Ratio -ai 40 '~ tJ ,._ Q) 0. 30 20 DIRECT SHEAR: CD Peak Res. 10 Shear Angle: deg. Tan Shear: 0 Cohesion : psf 125 75 50 37.5 25 !94 12.5 9,5 4~ 2 0.85 0.425 0.15 O.PYl 0.02 0.005 Particle Grain lze {mm} Sieve (mm) %Passing MOISTURE I DENSITY RELATIONSHIP: 5" 125 ASTM Method : D-698A D 4718 • 0% Rock Correction 3" 75 Max. Dry Density : pcf pcf 2" 50 Optimum Moisture : 1-1/2" 37.5 M~ximum HVEEM-CARMANY: FHA Soli Swell: 1" 25 §ize AtiQ.Wed 'R' Value @ 300 psi: Swell 3/4" 19 B~~am(21er Displacement 300 psi : psf 112" 12.5 2-112" Expansion @ 300 psi: psf Remo lded Sample 3/8'' 9.5 ALLOWABLE BEARING (net): psf by Consolidometer #4 4.75 Standard Penetrat ion (SPT): psf by Penetrometer #10 2 100 Unconfined Compression (gu): esf #20 0.85 98 COLLAPSE @Wetting: @ psf #40 0.425 97 CONSOUDATION : @ psf #100 0 .15 94 CONSOUDATION: @ psf #200 0.075 85.3 SULFATE SALTS: ~ ppm 0.02 44 PERMEABILITY: 0.005 34 K (20 C): Remolded em/sec ~ SOIL ANALYSIS and SUMMARY VALLEY VIEW Vll.LAGE, Phose C & D Battlement Mesa, Colorado GRAND JUNCTION GRACE HOMES Inc. Date LINCOLN • DeVORE, Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Job No. /Drawn Grand Junction, Colorado 92355-GJ EMM 2 l t I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I Soil Sample: LEAN CLAY {CL) Sl. Sandy Sample No.: II (Typical) 3 Geologic Orig in: MAN-MADE FILL From Alluvial Debris Fan Solis Test b~: LRS Natural Water Content (w): 13.2% Pit No.: 8 Depth: 2' In-Place Density (pcf): 106.3 Soil Specific Gravity (Gs): Estimated COBBLE to GRAVEL SAND SILT to CLAY 100 ..,i'-.l Effective size mm 90 1\ Cu Cc BO '· Plastic Limit (PL) l!l 70 i\ Liquid Limit (LL) 29 a60 Plasticity Index (P I) ! c: \ Skempton's Actlvity ~ ·c;; m so , Shrinkage Limit (SL) a. ~ Shrinkage Ratio ..... c: 40 B \~ .... Cl) Cl. 30 20 DIRECT SHEAR: CD Peak Res. l 10 Shear Angle: deg. I Tan Shear: l . 0 p; 12.5 95 4ii 2 0.85 0.425 0.15 0 .~ 0.02 0005 Cohesion: psf I 125 75 50 37.5 25 rticle Grain ize {mm} Sieve (mm) %Passing MOISTURE I DENSITY RELATIONSHIP: I I 5" 125 ASTM Method: D-698A D 4718 • 0% Rock Correction j 3" 75 Max. Dry Density : pcf pcf l 2" 50 Optimum Moisture : I ! 1-1/2" 37.5 Maximum HVEEM-CARMANY: FHA Soil Swell: I ' 1" 25 SjzeAIIowed 'R' Value @ 300 psi : !:r& Swell 1 i 3/4" 19 By Sampler Displacement 300 psi: 286 psf i I 112" 12.5 2-112" Expansion @ 300 psi: psf Remolded Sample l 1 3/8" 9 .5 ALLOWABLE BEARING (net): psf by Consolidometer t I #4 4.75 Standard Penetration (SPT): psf by Penetrometer ! #10 2 100 Unconfined Compression (qu): ~sf i #20 0.85 99 COLLAPSE@ Wetting : @ psf t i #40 0.425 98 CONSOLIDATION: @ psf j #100 0.15 94 CONSOLIDATION: @ psf I #200 0.075 73.2 SULFATE SALTS: <50 ppm ! 0.02 44 PERMEABILITY: I 0.005 32 K (20 C): Remolded em/sec ~ t i SOIL ANALYSIS and SUMMARY 1 j VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D ' I Battlement Mesa. Colorado GRAND JUNCTION GRACE HOMES Inc. Date LINCOLN M DeVORE, Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Job No. I Drawn Grand Junction, Colorado 92355-GJ EMM Soil Sample: SIL TV CLAY (CL·ML) SJ. Sandy Sample No.: II a (fypical) 5 Geologic Origin: ALLUVIAUDEBRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf Test b:l: LRS Natural Water Content (w): 4.1% Boring Nclo.: 9 Depth: 5' ln·Piace Density (pet): 89.6 Soil Specific Gravi~ {_Gs): Estimated COBBLE to GRAVEL SAND ~ILl IOI.iU\T 100 r--.., Effective size ~ mm 90 "'~ Cu Cc eo ~. Plastic Limit (PL) 22 70 \ Liquid Limit (LL) ~ 0160 Plasticity Index (PI) § c:: \ Skempton's Activity 9.:1 'iii 8lso ' Shrinkage Limit (SL) a.. Shrinkage Ratio .- ~ 40 1\ &.3{) II 20 · DIRECT SHEAR: CD Peak Res. 10 Shear Angle: deg. Tan Shear: 0 ~ 12.5 9.5 4.~ 2 0 .85 0.425 0.15 0 g~ 0.02 0.005 Cohesion: psf 125 75 50 37.5 25 rticle Grain lze {mm} Sieve (mm) %Passing MOISTURE I DENSITY RELATIONSHIP: ! 5" 125 ASTM Method: 0.698 A D 4718-0% Rock Correction j 3 " 75 Max. Dry Density : pcf pet I 2" 50 Optimum Moisture : I 1-1/2" 37.5 Maximym HVEEM-CARMANY: FHA Soli Swell: 1" 25 §~eAt/owed 'R' Value @ 300 psi: 0.3% Swell I 3/4" 19 !ill£Samj;!l§r Displacement 300 psi: g psf I 112" 12.5 2-1/2" Expansion @ 300 psi : psf Remolded Sample l 3/8" 9 .5 ALLOWABLE BEARING (net): psf by Consolldometer I I #4 4.75 Standard Penetration (SPT): psf by Penetrometer I #10 2 100 Unconfined Compression (qu): !;!Sf ! #20 0.85 99 COLLAPSE@ Wetting: @ psf l #40 0.425 95 CONSOLIDATION: @ psf l #100 0 .15 87 CONSOLIDATION : @ psf ' #200 0.075 75.4 SULFATE SALTS: ~ ppm I 0 .02 40 PERMEABILITY: i . 0 .005 28 K (20 C): Remolded ~ ~ l 1 f ! i SOIL ANALYSIS and SUMMARY I VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa~ Colorado GRAND JUNCTfON GRACE HOMES Inc. Date LINCOLN -DeVORE, Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Job No. Drawn Grand Junction, Colorado 92355-GJ EMM Soil Sample: LOW PLASTIC SILT (ML) Sf. Sandy Sample No.: Ill (Typical) Geologic Origin : ALLUVIAUDESRIS FAN DEPOSITS, Qa/Qdf Test b:t:: LRS Natural Water Content (w): 6.0'" Pit No.: 7 Depth: 3' In-Place Densitv (pet): 93.2 Soil Specific Gravity (Gs): Estimated COBBlE to GRAVEL SAND SILT to ClAY 100 -I r-.. ~ Effective size mm 90 " Cu Cc 80 70 Plastic Lim it (PL) 20 Liquid Limit (LL) 22 tJ) 60 Plasticity Index (PI) ~ c: Skempton's Activity 0.1 'iii :a 50 Shrinkage Limit (SL) a. Shrinkage Rat io -iji 40 (,) ~ ... Q) a. 30 -- 20 ~ DIRECT SHEAR: CD Peak Res. 10 -Shear Angle: deg. Tan Shear: 0 125 25 !& 12.5 9.5 4.~ 2 0 .85 0.425 0.15 O.QM, 0.02 0005 Cohesion: psf 75 50 37.5 Particle Grain ize {mm} Sieve (mm) %Passing MOISTURE I DENSITY RELATIONSHIP : 5" 125 ASTM Method: 0-69!1 A D 4718-0% Rock Correction 3" 75 Max. Dry Density : pcf pcf 2" 50 Optimum Moisture : 1-1/2" 37.5 Maximum HVEEM-CARMANY: FHA Soil Swell: 1" 25 Size Al!2wed 'R' Value @ 300 psi: 1.:!r! Swell 3/4" 19 Bl£ §S!mQier Displacement 300 psi: 645 psf 1/2" 12.5 2-112" Expansion @ 300 psi: psf Remolded Sample 3/8" 9.5 ALLOWABLE BEARING (net): psf by Consolldometer #4 4.75 Standard Penetration (SPT): psf by Penetrometer #10 2 100 Unconfined Compression {qu): esr #20 0.85 98 COLLAPSE@ Wetting: @ psf #40 0.425 97 CONSOLIDATION: @ psf #100 0.15 95 CONSOLIDATION: @ psf #200 0.075 86.6 SULFATE SALTS: ~ ppm 0.02 36 PERMEABILITY: 0.005 22 K (20 C): Remolded em/sec .@...J1g SOIL ANALYSIS and SUMMARY VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE, Phase C & D Battlement Mesa, Colorado GRAND JUNCTION GRACE HOMES Inc. Date LINCOLN -DeVORE, Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado 6-17-2006 Geotechnical Consultants Job No. Drawn Grand Junction, Colorado 92355-GJ EMM 4 I l I I I I I I I r i I I I I ; I • I ! I ! ! l I 1 I ! ! i I I 0 o~~~~~--~~~~~M--~~~~~~--~~,~~~na--m~,~~~,q~~~~a~~no~,.--,.~~~~_.~~~0 FEET-View Is to West BASIC PROBLEM SLOPE OVERLOOKING TIIE STORM WATER DETENTION POND, SEEP\W ANALYSIS VAUEYVl~W SID. BATTlEMENT MESA, CO. fiLLED Sl.OPE 0\IERLOOKING STORM DETENllON POND 112355 s~ IITfGII1td.Qtl 812712008 SECP Transienl 2D ~~~~._~~--~--~~--L-~~-----~._~_.--~---L~--._~~~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ m m ~ m ~ ~ m w m ~ m ~ ~ ~ a FEET -View Is to West SEEP\W ANALYSIS The Site has been developed, the Yard areas are Landscaped and HEAVILY IRRIGATED. Standing Water is in Front Yard and Seepage is occurring on Slope leading to the Pond. The Storm Water Detention Pond is heavily used, due to Stonn Runoff and Irrigation Runoff. The soils beneath the Pond and at the Toe of the Slope are SATIJRATED in about 20 feet into the TOE. GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN DeVORE,loe. CEOn:CJDIICALJ:tfGINE.Ii:RS-GEOLOGISTS Figure I VALLEY VlEW Yn..LAGE Phase C & D GJLD ## 92355-GJ, June 28, 2006 I i 1 j I I l ! l ij VAUJ;Y VIEW $W. 111\TT\,DotEm NElli\. CO. FJU.ED 111.0PE OVEfti.OQIONO IITOIIM IIETVITlON PCNI! tn66 -l4olnt;llod Slopo. ... 112112001 liUlPI! Mllfll-ZD FEET • View Is loWest • . . . . . • • • . . . • • • __ f/1)/t • SLOPE\W ANALYSIS The previous SEEP\W analysis was utilized for the soil moisture parameters and the most extensive failure at or near a Factor of Safety of 1. (F.S. = 1.023) is shown. We recommend the Pond Sides be well compacted, to prevent this modeled deep penetration of water into the Slope Toe. • • • . . . . • • 1:,.. • • • • o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FEET-V-is to Wast SLOPE\W ANALYSIS The previous SEEP\W analysis was utilized for the soil moisture parameters and the most extensive failure at or near a Factor of Safety of 1.5 (F.S. = 1.494) is shown. The computed failure surface is more than 40 feet from the structure and foWldation . GRAND JUNCTION LINCOLN DeVORE. Jnc. GEI1I"ECJINIC.U.I:NGIHEERS· CtOLOCISTS Figure II VALLEY VIEW VU.LAGE Phase C & P GJLD # 9235.5-GJ. June 28, 2006 I I I I I 1 I 1 I i J r l j ! I ' ·' i l I 17 {3-8 . II I I i ' ! ' i I . ! 0 I ' I I 0 i I I 'V 10 j I 1 I l GR1 I ' T1 . I T1 I I I T1 .. G1 I L 12-8-8 I "'! ~ ~ 19 0-1 VA ~.JL fE ~ I 4 4" CJ N.,. ~ ~·-··~ 0 i ~ NO INTERIOR : BEARING USE@. PARTY WALL BALLOON FRAMED TO ROOF BY OTHERS 2UNITA6X 4D#SNOW 4112PITCH 2X6 WALLS ~#~1(() -~LI)t1tl I~ tr/fld kos f... CRADIIIC P~ Rt:OUIRDIENTS: I. s,. ..,d otocllple topoal from l>llld~g lool!'rlnl. dr1 ... ay, and e· wldo porlmol.- around buld~g before canolrudlon hglnL 2. Buldlng ~lolled j1_. o~...,uon to bo bCIHd on prr>joct boncllrnarlc E " Cor Sec te J" braa ccp LSI11B4J olov, 5453..31 J. Tho QI'OUftd turloco ""'"""'~9 tho exl-of tho bul...,g ol!all bo olopod from tho foundolloll Ill ell cllrwc:Uono "'th cr minimum olopo af e· ~ tho lht 10 r .. t ~ ..,.,_ .,_ ..,d J" ,., 11\o lht 10 f .. t lot" pawrnont and -...,, orocra. Roof dawnopouto ond ....,.,, ol!ould --woll b.,...d tho llmlta of all backlll. Lancllcaplng ... lc:ft ,_ ..... ~lar hocrvy ftigat""' ohauld be located ot •-t 5 feet fn:lm faundalloll waiiL 4. Roploco otocllplld lcpeal ~ lancllcapld ........ 5. Sow.-, wat.-COMIIC"'"'• ta be Ia pra.ldld otubL e. Cant-. aro l'nlm clalcJn and mar not ren..:t actual -•tructJan. Cantract ... lhauld -.fly tac>o9ral>hy ..,d naUf)' ~-lot" cflllgn ...... ..._ If n........,. SCALE 20 10 0 ,"() ------, ~Sir. I 1t! -----]--------------;-:::,..,-----Building Envelop "'" I! I~ ~ ·~ ;:.;: ,~,.5 ,, ~ 'tr FF' ELEV=S391.00 111 • ; See Bldg Pions by ~~ *tt Design Specl ollst s :;, 90.5 ~ .,., Court 2.63' 89.0 80.D FF EL£vl sJB9.so See Bldg !Plans by Design Spaclollsts ~·~ ~~ ------1-------1 • ~ FF' ELEV .. S388.00 See Bldg Pions b Design Specialists I -t!~ ,. ·i [I ~ ~! z:l -I ICI E-1 z:; =· c! :£~ ~ I z :s~ 0..~ C!JIIl ~(\ OC\ C(C a:C CJd lllf@l t-0 ::J' 0~ >O sc; -w-... c -=-U) ~~ll~ I ~ If a ~ ti .: ,;t I Garfield County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessorffreasurer Pro~rJY Search I Assessor Subset Q ue ry I Assessor Sales Search Clerk & Recorder Recer-tion Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Infonna ti on P arcel Detail I Value Detail Sales Detail I Residential/Commercial ImP-rovement Detail Land Detail I Photographs I Tax Area II Account Number II Parcel Number II Mill Levy I I 080 II R043096 II 240718104023 II 39.826 I Owner Name and Mailing Address IDARTERLLC I !786 VALLEY COURT I !GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81505 I Legal Description ISECT,TWN,RNG:l8-7-95 SUB :VALLEY !VIEW VILLAGE SUB PHASES C & D ILOT:23 PRE:R040986 BK:586 PG:524 IBK:0615 PG:0487 BK:1831 PG:941 IRECPT:704369 BK:1812 PG:167 IRECPT:700392 BK: 1807 PG:663 !RECPT:699425 BK: 1767 PG:909 IRECPT:691345 BK: 1767 PG:899 IRECPT:691343 BK:l767 PG:887 IRECPT:691342 BK:1756 PG:427 IRECPT:688665 BK: 1756 PG:422 IRECPT:688664 BK: 1754 PG:986 jRECPT:688326 BK: 1546 PG:979 IRECPT:643048 BK: 1546 PG:964 IRECPT:643045 BK: 1546 PG:954 jRECPT:643041 BK:l546 PG:946 http://www .garcoact.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParceiNumbei=2407181 04023 4/2/2007 IRECPT:643039 BK:1518 PG:822 jRECPT:636574 BK:0748 PG:0893 ]BK:0642 PG:0065 BK:0641 PG:0278 Location Physical Address: 1118 CLIFF VIEW CIR P ARACHUTEj Subdivision: I VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE SUB PHASES C&D Land Acres: 111.117 Land Sq Ft: llo Section II Township II Range 18 II 7 II 95 Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value II Assessed Value I Land: 64,68011 18,7601 Improvements: 0 11 ol Total: 64,68oll 18,7601 , II Sale Date: I Sale Price: I Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential lo I Buildings: Number of Comm/Ind lo I Buildings: No Building Records Found Tax Information Tax Year 1::1 ===T=ra=n=sa=c=ti=o=n=T==y~pe===lll Amount I 2006 II Tax Amount IJ $747.121 Tog ofPag~ http://www .garcoact.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=2407181 04023 4/2/2007