HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication - PermitGARI''JELD COUNTY DU I L D I N G PERM I T APPL I CAT IO N 108 8 '" S t roel. Foultco 40 1 , Ol6nwood Sprin&•· CO 81601 db~~·94~621 Z f F u:: 970--364,·:i470 I I o atle ction Lint:: 0 70--3 84-110 0 3 Pe m ll: :-..o : _\D_ u __ =u ____ Parcel/Schedule No=2 t 2 3 ~"' 2..b j06/ I R o4o<:> C::,o 1 Job Add r ess: 1 j _ . / _,.-~ J\ 5 · · .l' /6 0 / i --' --~L6iJ-~v . <q ~LeO..WQm ____ '.Q 1-'.¥1._<5 -l La__. J.t~-,·-------! 1 Lot No . J ~ Bl oc k No· Sut)~i-:-/Exe'rl{p~n : $C: bd • ~-:;·owner: ------------------.,--ddit" _3_ ______ r!{;_iV:l~fLI~---""w-~79_ i _J ~"-7 -~ .¢~n ic;~_JY_o.r_)fs._w__f;;_~~--------_QZ ___ Z:.~J!} _______ ::Jo]X:__ o_ ·: ,, Cent rh . . , .. ~ -~ t,tddress.... -y· b 1 Ph:;-1 0 _ f'J D Q ty 1 l.lc . N o . : ~----r -----__ .n 1'0~\.ll.ll:t~J! • ...JJ;~---+f/o. J S..!J__jfy_y_'j_ ___ ----r---JO...ill.~--:J.--JL-1----.....J -------·---1 4 . Arc hl t('Cl/~:ng"i'nee~;; 1 Ad d ress · G . .S ~ i lof> J 1 Ph : i Ll c.. 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Tllf: 7-ordng : 1 . Setbaci{S: GJ<A:'I/TI!\:0 0!' A PER.'Arr DOES NOT PRF.SlJM~: T O GIVE A L'1 HORI':'Y 1 I TO VIOLATE OR CAI\CEL THE PROV!SIONS or ANY onmR STAn: or;. I ! i UX:AL LAW RP:G :J LATII\G CONS'ffil!C;'JO!'\ OR THE I'EIU"ORY.ANCJ:: : I OP C NS'ffi!JCTI0~-1' rVJ J t ~ j ~~q ft:,,jR£-o· \\Ip_--l~ __ 7.;/:;';. v? _JManu-:-Ti-mrie:---·---~~sos--N o.-& F~ ·· _j l -.:J.~~lL .J\,(Y.\\9 ~.~-~-_2.:: d ~-:-~/_j ~ i / BLDG Ol::f.lf' ~\ \ \ ;., ~ r L:"-l G DEFT. rr I ~-~AY.!?M' -~:~~~~~!~~~------------_j-----------------~ i,'i:(.<if£r.H·:Nr PERMISSION I S H t.:RtmY GRAN';'ED TO THI: APPI.JCAN f i\') OWNF:R CONl RA<":~m Ali:D /01< T HF-AG E~.T Or 11 If; CONTRA<.."' 'OR 01~ OW!II Ii:R 1\) CO:'IIS'lRUC'l lllr: S'l'RllCT!Jtll!: AS OI>TAILE:D OJ' P:.tuVS Al'\D SPECIF'I CA'!'I O!'<S SlJBMI'!1 t::U TO AND R E:v1EWETI BY TilE BUI LO!NG Df.PA!rr)..!E!"T I N CONSIDJ::HATI0:-1 O f TilE iSSSUANt::J:: OF' TI'IJ S 1'!-.:R.\117 n u: S:GN ER. Hr:RT:!3\' AG~EI::S 1'0 ('0 \o!PLY W11'11 AI..l . B U I LDING t;OD J::S A ND LA.-.;[') US£ REGU L.'\'i10NS AOOP':'ZIJ BY G ARFIEL!:I CO !..'N'JY Plffi~UJI .. Vr1'0 AlJ"H (I i'lffi' GJVf::-: t.N 30.28 .2 01 C RS AS 1'\.MENDSD. THE SIGN~!{ !"IJR'THER AGRF..~~ Ti L\T I F T HE ABOVE SA!D OR;:>tNANC:ES 1\RF: :>lOT fo'UU .Y COMP:LEO \Yn'il IN 11-!1:: LCOATI ON . i::HE.C'I10 N. C'Ol\S'THUCTION. N\'D l!SC Cll-' 'TH E AlfOVe: Df.S C!UHEO SrRUCTURE :·HE PE R.\o!IT ¥.AY !:I f. HEVOI\IW BY ~OTIC f. F'Rm~ THI:: <.OUN1Y AND THi\'!'THEN AN)) fit£% :T SHA;.L BE'CO:'>I C NU :.L ANU VO;D THE ISSV!oNCE OF A P~:RMT l3ASi':D liPON PLANS. SPrX:JFIC ATIONS P.;~D 011-fER OAT,\ SHALL NOT f'I{E\'f.I\TTHE BL1 1.DL'\IG OF'FI ClAL FROM T!U:RicAf'TE!l HEQ tiiRiiXG Tl !E CORf'-SCT I0 :-.1 OF F:RH ORS IN SAIO PLANS. 51'ECIF'ICATJONS AND OTH E R I>A1'A OR FRO M I'R£VJ:,;N'fl'IG t3 U!l.Dif\G OPERATJ OJ\ BEING C:Ar~I ED OJ\ TH~:r<F.:U NDER WHEN IN VJO:..t\1101\ Of fHS CODE Of< ANY OTHf-:R ORDINA.NC r OR RZ G lJLJ\710N Of '11-fiS ,lU IUSOlCT ION. 111E RS\'IF.V.' 0 1' SUB.\tn,'E:O PLANS AND !.H'EC 1i"ICA110NS AND INSPECTIONS CONDUCTF:u 'fHeREAFTER DOES 1'\01' CXl;"\5111 L'TE A:~ ACCEJ"l'A."iCE (J~ AI\~/ RJ-,f.?ONSIBIL mCS OR l..:ABUT1ES m· C ARFI EJ.ll CO: 'Nn' FOR ERROH5. 0 \IISSJON:-. O R OI SC'REl'ENC:I f.S. Tl!E RESI-'0 :11~: Oll..I TY FOR ';'::-ll·:SE I':'EMS AN D I M ?LEMEN'rA·n oN D tJ !'UI\C: CON!>'TRC:CTtON HESTS SPECWJC:r\U .Y W!TI1 11-I E ART!C'ft-:{.vf. IJI-:SIGNER !l'J!lDt':R. 1\Nll 0\\'NF:H. CO.V.M EN1';; liRE INTI::OIOFO 1Y'J BE CONSERVATIVE AND IN SIIP.'-'01<.' O f 1'Ht:: 0\V:I/!':RS L N'l'EREST VALUATION/FEE DETERMINATION Applicant_....u.N~o~Q:::....=::O_~..~....-~' ~!or;:::U.t __ _ Address __ ~.-..~.\ .:.:lo...l\_s=~J.---~ti-~vv~~:--'t: __ Date. ___ --']...:-:...14,;:o::...;-...:;o::...l +----()--- Finished (Livable Area): Main Upper Lower Other Basement: Total Square Feet Valuation Unfinished Conversion of Unfinished to Finished Plan Check Fee fo r Conversion Valuation Garage: Valuation Crawl Space: Valuation Decks/Patios: Covered Valuation Open Valuation Total Valuation 10 /()(J() lA-f:, e__ [o~.f-fU!-uk_ ~0"-~ Subdivision (2. 1 v -<.1\._ v , -<-u Lot/Block L 1 15 II< '7 Contractor b.W~V e_(l :C ~5 ~e~~ ~-~ ol;_ ~ ~ 3 ~ \.t -5 co3 GARFIELD COUN¥UIL~ND PLANNING (_9 70-945-8~ (f-V'\. I";:::-.., .t. MINIMUM APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS ~~,-\-$ For SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING CONSTRUCTION Including NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS And MOVED BUILDINGS In order to understand the scope of th e work intended under a permit application and expedite the issuance of a permit it is important that complete information b e provided. When reviewing a plan and it's discovered that required information ha s not been provi ded by the applicant, thi s will result in th e dela y of the permit issuance and in proce eding with building construction. The owner or co ntracto r shall b e r equired to prov id e thi s information before th e plan review can proce ed. Other plans that are in line for review may be given attention before th e new information may be reviewed after it has been provided to th e Building Department. · Please review this document to determine if you have enough information to design your project and provide adequate information to facilitate a plan review. Also , please consider using a design professional for assistance in your design and a construction professional for construction of your project. Any project with more than ten (10) occupants requires the plans to be sealed by a Colorado Registered Design Professional. To provide for a more understandable plan in order to determine compliance with the building, plumbing and mechanical codes, applicants are requested to review th e following checklist prior to and during design. Applicants are required to indicate appropriately and to submit the completed checklist at time of application for a permit. Plans to be included for a Building Permit, must be on drafting paper at least 18"x24" and drawn to scale. Plans must include a floor plan, a concrete footing and foundation plan, elevations all sides with decks, balcony, steps, hand rails and guard rails, windows and doors, including the finish grade line and original grade. A section showing in detail, from the bottom of the footing to the top of the roof, including re-bar, anchor bolts, pressure treated plates, floor joists, wall studs and spacing. insulation, sheeting, house-rap, (which is required), siding or any approved building material. Engineered foundations may be required. A window schedule. A door schedule. A floor framing plan, a roof framing plan, roof must be designed to withstand a 40 pound per square foot up to 7,000 feet in elevation, a 90 M.P.H. wind speed, wind exposure B or C, and a 36 inch frost depth. All sheets to be identified by number and indexed. All of the above requirements must be met or your plans will be returned. All plans submitted must be incompliance with the 2003 IRC. 1. Is a site plan included that identifies the location of the proposed sttucture or addition and distances to the property lines from each comer of the proposed structure( s) prepared by a licensed surveyor and has the surveyors signature and professional stamp on the drawing? Properties with slopes of 30% or greater must be shown on the site plan. (NOTE Section: 1 06.2) Any site plan for the placement of any portion of a structure within 50 ft. of a property line and not within a previously surveyed building envelope on a subdivision final plat shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor and have the surveyor's signature and professional stamp on the drawing. Any structure to be built within a building envelope of a Jot shown on a recorded subdivision plat shall include a copy of the building envelope as it is shown on the final plat with the proposed structure located within the envelo?,e. Yes Ail? 1/;A . 2. Does the site plan also include any other buildings on the property, setback easements and utility easements? Please referto Section 5.05.03 in the Garfield County Zoning Resolution if the property you are applying for a building permit on is located on a comer lot. Special setbacks ~9 apply. Yes viij'A 3. Does the site plan include when applicable the location of the I.S.D.S. (Individual Sewage Disposal System) and the distances to the property lines, wells (on subject property and adjacentyroperties), streams or water courses? Yes /:I!.Q 4. Does the site plan indicate the location and direction of the County or private road accessing the property? 2 Yes V 5. Are you aware that prior to submittal of a building permit application you are required to show proof of a driveway access permit or obtain a statement from the Garfield County Road & Bridge Department stating one is not necessary? You can contact the Road & Bridge Depart7eptat 625-8601. Yes tJLj/J 6. Do the plans include a foundation plan indicating the size, location and spacing of all reinforcing steel in accordance with the IRC or per stamped engineered design? Yes Njll 7. Do the plans indicate the location and size of ventilation openings for under floor crawl spaces and the clearances required between wood and earth? Yes /1! !A I 8. Do the plans indicate the size and location of ventilation openings for the attic, roof joist spaces and soffits? Yes IV/8 I 9. Do the plans include design loads as required by Garfield County for roof snow loads, (a minimum of 40 pounds per square foot up to & including 7,000 feet above sea level), floor loads anp wind loads? Yes.___,_!/ ____ _ 10. Does the plan include a building section drawing indicating foundation, wall, floor, and roof construcjion? Yes V ---'------ 11. Does the building section drawing include size and spacing of floor joists, wall studs, ceiling joists, roof rafters or joists or trusses" Yes. __ ..;"----- 12. Does the building section drawing or other detail include the method of positive connection of all cohpnns and beams" Yes V 13. Does the elevation plan indicate the height of the building or proposed addition from the undisturbed grade to the midpoint between the ridge and eave of a gable or shed roof or the top of a flat roof? (Building height measurement usually not to exceed 25 feet) Yes._Vc_ ___ _ 14. Does the plan include any stove or zero clearance fireplace planned for installation including 3 make and model and Colorad<JPhase II certifications or phase II EPA certification? Yes N o. _ _:_v_-::----:--:--: 15. Does the plan include a masonry fireplace including a fireplace section indicating design to comply with the IRC? 1 Yes No _ _:_ll ____ _ 16. Does the plan include a window schedule or other verification that egress/rescue windows from sleeping rooms and/or basements comply with the requirements of the IRC? Yes Jlffl No. _____ _ I 7. Does the plan include a window schedule or other verification that windows provide natural light and ventilation for all habitable rooms? Yes N/ /} No I ------- 18. Do the plans indicate the location of glazing subject to human impact such as glass doors, glazing immediately adjacent to such doors; glazing adjacent to any surface normally used as a walking surface; sliding glass doors; fixed glass panels; shower doors and tub enclosures and spec1fy safety glazing for these areas 0 Yes \L No ______ _ 19. Is the location of all natural and liquid petroleum gas furnaces, boilers and water heaters indicated op_the plan? Yes /1/j..!L No _____ _ 20. Do you understand that if you are building on a parcel of land created by the exemption process or the subdivision process, are building plans in compliance with all plat notes and/or covenants? Yes N /A No I ------- 2!. Do you understand that if you belong to a Homeowners Association (HOA), it is your responsibility to obtain written permission from the association, if required by that association, prior to submitting an application for a building permit? The building permit application will be accepted without it, but you run the risk of the HOA bringing action to enforce the covenants, which can result in revocation of permit issued. Additionally, your Plan Review fee is not refundable if the plans have been reviewed by the Building Department prior to any action by the HOA that requires either revocation or substantial modification of the plans. Yes .Nj/l No ____ _ 22. Will this e the only residential structure on the parcel? Yes No Ifno-Explain: ______ _ 23. Have two (2) complete sets of construction drawings been submitted with the application? Yes tfCJ 4 24. Do you understand that the minimum dimension a home can be on a lot is 20ft. wide and 20ft. long? Yes ).!/A No i ----- 25. Have you designed or had this plan designed while considering building and other construction code requirements? Yes No_V ___ _ 26. Do your plans comply with all zoning rules and regulations in the County related to your properties zone district? / Yes No __ ~------- 27. Does the plan accurately indicate what you intend to construct and what will receive a final inspectiop by the Garfield County Building Department? Yes loL No. ____ _ 28. Do you understand that approval for design and/or construction changes are required prior to the application of these changes? Yes If_ No ----- 29. Do you understand that the Building Department will collect a "Plan Review" fee from you at the time of application submittal and that you will be required to pay the "Permit Fee" as well as any "Road Impact" or "Septic System" fees required, at the time you pick up your buildmgpermit? Yes 'L_ No ----- 30. Are you aware that you must call in for an inspection by 3:30 the business day before the requested inspection in order to receive it the following business day? Inspections will be made from 7:30a.m. to 3:30p.m. Monday through Friday. Inspections are to be callep in to 384-5003. Yes if_ No ______ -'-- 31. Are you aware that requesting inspections on work that is not ready or not accessible will result in a $50.00 re-inspection fee? Yes / No ----- 32. Are you aware that you are required to call for all inspections required under the IRC including approval on a final inspection prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy and occupancy pf the building? Yes \1 No _______ _ 5 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Are you aware that the Permit Application must be signed by the Owner or a written authority being given for an Agent and that the party responsible for the project must comply with the IRP · Yes vi No ------ Do you understand that you will be required to hire a State of Colorado Licensed Electrician and Plumber to perform installations and hookups, unless you as the homeowner are performing the work? The license number of the person performing the work will be required at time of applicable inspection. Yes ./ No. _____ _ Are you aware, that on the front of the Building Permit Application you will need to fill in the Parcel/Schedule Number for the lot you are applying for this permit on prior to submittal of a building permit application? Your attention in this is appreciated. Yes J No ______ _ Do you know that the local fire district may require )jOU to submit plans for their review 6f fire safety issues? Yes No v (please check with the building department about this requirement) Do you understand that if you are planning on doing any excavating or grading to the property prior to issuance of a building permit that you will be required to obtain a grading '? permit. 1 Yes ----"-V __ _ Are you aware that if you will be connecting to a public water and/or sewer system, that the tap fees have to be paid and the connections inspected by the service provider prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy? Yes Nj,q I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and answered these questions to the best of my ability. Date Phone: 61 ~-7'7<>7 Project Name;#e bt-v P: 1 (days); CJ 47-I C1 3 :S (evenings) J -:::JQ n I c:, e m . Jtlo 1-.l s· /ef:i· Project Address :---'4--":6,_./""''""'5"____.,7~/JLJ_Y:"-'t .'if.~w""-""''-11'--'C,"'-,. _ __,q;""'-+· /t-"e<.l.q.,_...u.._.,_.,o""a""J,___,$qJf'-"r'--'l'--'fl"tOF'-.5 Notes: If you have answered "No" on any of the questions, you may be required to provide this 6 infonnation at the request of the Building Official prior to beginning the plan review process. Delays in issuing the penni! are to be expected. Work may not proceed without the issuance of a penni!. If it is detennined by the Building Official that additional infonnation is necessary to review the application and plans to detennine minimum compliance with the adopted codes, the application may be placed behind more recent applications for building pennits in the review process and not reviewed until required infonnation has been provided and the application rotates again to first .position for review, delay in issuance of the pennit or delay in proceeding with construction. Bpminreq November2006 7 GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING REQUIREMENTS Codes: 2003 IRC, IBC, IFGC, IMC, IPC, Setbacks: Check subdivisions and zone district for setback requirements. Snowload (measured at the roof): 40PSF up to 7000ft. elevation. Seismic design category: B SOPSF 7001 to 8000ft. 7 SPSF 8001 to 9000ft. lOOP SF 900 I to 1 OOOOft. Weathering probability for concrete: Severe Termite infestation probability: None to slight Wind speed: 90mph Decay probability: None to slight Wind Exposure: B or C (see section R301.2.1.4) Frost Depth: 36in. to 8000ft. elevation. 42in. 8001 and above. Winter Design Temperature: Minus 2 to 7000ft.; minus 16 over 7000ft. elevation. Air Freezing Index: 2500deg F-days to 7000ft.; over 7000ft. to be determined by Building Official. Ice shield under-layment required. Mean Annual temp.: Variable Insulation: Maximum glazing U factor: 0.50 Minimum R-Values: • Ceilings/roofs R values are: R-30 stick built structures. R-38 log construction and steel rafter construction. • Walls R values are R-19 wood frame; R-19 cavity R-3 sheathing steel studs. • Floors R-values are R-19. • Basement wall R-values are R -10 beJ'ow grade, R-19 above grade. • Slab perimeter R-value and depth is R- 10/36in. • Crawl space wall R-values are R-10 below grade and R-19 above grade If floors over crawl spaces are not insulated, the crawl space walls must be insulated. Basement wall must be insulated to frost depth. Common walls garage to house must have R-19 insulation. Common ceiling/floor garage to house must have R-19. Take precautions to protect plumbing in these areas. PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST Applicant_,,_::.;J--=ou/:;;.__:_:__:_'S=~:....:.I c_'=----Date __ ']~-__,3""'0"'--_,o"-1+--- Building Kh.-Engineered Foundation ~Driveway Permit V . Surveyed Site Plan ~Septic Permit and Setbacks ~ Gradeffopography 30% J. ~--ach Re sidential Plan Review List f5 M' . A 1· . Q . . Jv~ __ urn pp 1cat10n uestwnna1re +v ----~lluJ- ~Subdivi sio n Plat Notes p(l.•cn... 1-a r~ t:44-Fire Department Review --U-Valuation Determination/Fees ~d Line Plans/Stamps/Sticker / ~Attach Conditions _lLApplication Signed V Plan Reviewer To Sign Application ~Parcel/Schedule No. rkAO# Snowl oad Letter-Manf. Hms. /V~Soils Report GENERAL NOTES : ~&~d- Planning/Zoning ~ 1 •fL ./1/a::~~r.; .. Jt/12 f)Ut, r _y/_ PProroperty Lin e Setoacks ~Stream Setbacks ~odPlain _duiidin g Height ~ing Sign-off *.Road Impact Fees ij.A_HOA/DRC Approval ~adeffopo grap hy 40 % ~annin g Issues __£division Plat Notes ~ . -~---·--51..., b ;-----_t. ,..,I ----.,....__, '"7"'7 / '· '"' -·-........! ' T ' ,.8'1: ---,.-1 rr'\ rn ---···"---~,.._.a__i. ---~ ------1 J5 ·zb -----......... ~ doo7 S!MP'7 - .. '"-{ oL---=- _\ __ _ -,-) ' f ?\ ~~ ,_, <_ "' 0 t _, '0 0, (;_I t ' ~ ' ' ._. ~ ? -, G "' 1: , ', ~d~~u~~~ ~a'='.s ... ~ .. :::o , ~~8"~8~~ 0 ~u,~~~~ rii =i !i "' c ~~ \\ ,, ~ ~ l B-- •' ' ' ~ i I ~ ' (_ } I ) I i;;l !~ I I"' I';" l-1 ~' "V " ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {'\ ' ~ " " '\. " ~ \ ' (I ~I ~--~---...---- ·" ~) "~ ., . \ r. ~~ '· ' ,, ,,, -::::: "" ~ "' 0 • ~ "' ~ '\' "' *' """ J) 7V ?" "" " "' "" ) ~ J( ..,. ~ ~ f) ~ "' "' .z fi\ t ~ " ~ "' .... ~ ~ \.1 ~ ~ l -I 0 "' ,, "' ()<, ' 2 ""' <_-,:::_> :\,. .'\ 0 ~ ~ 2:.:__ ';> l> ~ < "' -->::: "' ,.. " " " () <,--- f- "' ';\ ..-- ' • en ' /,___ Of. t •• -r.; ' "' l.o .-1 ., 0 " " 'R """' "0:.. rr=t: :'<:, ' ~ ~ )? '\ .j "' ~ . ~-"' 0 ' :-\ ~-~ "' ...... ~"' "' ~ ~ N'r ·1-j ~ .1) ~ 'i r J ~ o. "\I ' <:: ~ ' & bo 'h ~~ "' \:) "' • ~ I " ~ i) ;;\ I " ~ "' No. JQ:)q3 Assessor's Parcel No.~ \d0-~ -<J"3-00 \ Date '8-[} --di- BUILDING PERMIT CARD Job Address Lt6l S-1-· bJ\f£-(),UlS . (£.tl!'l Ult=W "SOb, Lot I 1 b\t: :3J owner'hl()fC)~te'l., I~P'fl.e~r ~QV\UB AddressYbf'5"r );\W~!, -OW~ Phone #Q43:-\q33 Contractor ~W V\ el Address Phone # ___ _ Setbacks: Front Rear ~--=-...-=----LH ____ Zoning ___ _ JeWlOOQ, f>f,l5HV\q fX)fC~ 1-\\I)SlQU., ~WEClio~V\ Soils Test---------- Footing----------- Foundation _________ _ Grout------------ Underground Plumbing _____ _ Rough Plumbi~ Framing /0-•(J. 2 ~ Insulation I ._ i£-J27Ji)'( Roofing ________ ~-- Drywall ----------- Gas Piping---------- NOTES Weatherproofing __________ _ Mechanicai ____ ~~-,..------ Eiectrical Rough (State) 3 ° P Electricfil Final (State) 1 <f'. o t==" Final tU~jo~ /Checklist Cp!"pleted?Q~ Certifickte Occupa!n~cy~#-__.:_t.J~~~----- Date Septic System # Date Final (continue on back) INSPECTION WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE JOB 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS BUILDING PERMIT GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO Date Issued .. Z$.:r}:~!. .... Zoned Area ............................... Permit No .. .l~.~9.2 .... .. AGREEMENT In consideration of the issuance of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to comply with all laws and regulations related to the zoning, location; construction and erection of the proposed structure for which this permit is granted, and further agrees that if the above said regulations are not fully complied with in the zoning, location, erection and construction of the above described structure, the permit may then be revoked by notice from the County Building Inspector and IMMEDIATELY BECOME NULL AND VOID. use ~~s>\<tCe ~\d. P<>rtll\ w~V\tW Patd1 Address or Legal Description Yf>J;)} ~UJY -(itlA..l.) Owner lJO(t.\ 'S ret. Contractor ()W 1\t'f'" Sefbarks Frogt Side Sjde Rear Tbis Card Must Be Posted So It is Plaiuly Visible From The Street Until Final Inspection. INSPECTION RECORD Footing Driveway Foundation Underground Plumbing Insulation i b u 'f ,., t::){ ..19111, Rough Plumbing Drywall Chimney & Vent Electric Final (by ect/!f;rF :1-8 ;{; fl Gas Piping Final lflo(o~ D.1"~ Electric Rough (By State Inspector) 7-3/·0J Septic Final Framing JO-· L-()/ }Q'I<\ Notes: (To include Roof in place and Windows and Doors installed). ALL LISTED ITEMS MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE COVERING- WHETHER INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR, UNDERGROUND OR ABOVE GROUND. THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE For Inspections Call384-5003 I 08 8th Street Glenwood Springs, Colorado APPROVED DO NOT DESTROY THIS CARD Date ~-J1·-l By ~l M-J. IF PLA~-COVER WITH CLEAR PLASTIC Parcel Detail Page I of 3 Garfield County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information A~s~ssoi/Treasurer I'ropertY Search I Assessm·SJJl:JsetQuery I AssessorSales Search Clerk&.Rec:orderReceptioo.Sean.:h · E.a.sk .. EuildingCbarac.teristics I I<~KlnfonDJltion Parcel Detail I Value Detail I Sales Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail Land Detail I Photographs I TaxArea II Account Number II Parcel Number II Mill Levy I I oo4 II R040060 II 212336203001 II 63.379 I Owner Name and Mailing Address INORDSIEK, HENRY F. & JANICE M. I 146157 HIGHWAY 6 I !GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601-9792 I Legal Description ISECT,TWN,RNG:36-5-90 SUB:RIVERVIEW I lsUB. BLK:3 LOT:! BK:0428 PG:0334 I IBK: 1171 PG:623-624 RECPT:558942 I Location Physical 146157 HIGHWAY 6 & 24 GLENWOOD SPRINGS~ Address: Subdivision: IIRIVERVIEW SUB. I Land Acres: I o.3 LandSq Ft: lo Section II Township II Range I 36 II 5 ll 90 I Property Tax Valuation Information II Actual Value II Assessed Value II http://www .garcoact.corn!assessor/parcel.asp ?Parce!Number=21233620300 I 7/20/2007 Parcel Detail Page 2 of 3 I Land: II 72,oooll 5,7301 I Improvements: II 163,72011 13,0301 I Total: II 235,72011 18,7601 Sale Date: jj21112000 Sale Price: jj187 ,000 Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential 1 Buildings: Number of Comm/Ind lo I Buildings: Residential Building Occurrence 1 Characteristics I TOTAL HEATED AREA: jj1,056 I ABSTRACT CODE·IISINGLE FAM.RES- . IMPROVEMTS I ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: III-STORY I EXTERIOR WALL: IIMASONITE ROOF COVER: IIPRO PANEL ROOF STRUCTURE: IIGABLE INTERIOR WALL: IIDRYW ALL FLOOR: llcARPET FLOOR: jjSHT VINYL HEATING FUEL: IiGAS HEATING TYPE: IIFORCED AIR STORIES: STORIES 1.0 BATHS: 1.7 ROOMS: 5 UNITS: I I BEDROOMS: 13 I YEAR BUILT: jji972 I Tax Information I Tax Year II Transaction Type II Amount I I 2006 II Tax Payment: Whole II ($1,045.12)1 I 2006 II Tax Amount II $1,045.121 http://www. garcoact.corn! assessor/parcel.asp ?Parce!N umber=2123 3 620300 1 7/20/2007 Parc~l.Detail 2005 II Tax Payment: Whole ($1,045.52)1 2005 Tax Amount $1,045.521 2004 Tax Payment: Whole ($1,164.04)1 2004 Tax Amount $1,164.041 2003 Tax Payment: Whole ($1,025.46)1 2003 I Tax Amount $1,025.461 I 2002 Tax Payment: Whole ($1,034.44)1 2002 Tax Amount $1,034.441 2001 Tax Payment: Whole ($1 ,04 1.08)1 2001 Tax Amount $1,041.081 2000 Tax Payment: Whole ($1,003.54)1 2000 Tax Amount $1,003.541 1999 Tax Payment: Whole I ($925.28)1 1999 Tax Amount II $925.281 ............ ····· ................................................................... . Top of Page AssessocDatabase.SeaJ·ch .. Options I Ire_asureLDatnbll.£eSeaxch.Qptio!lS Clerk & Recorder Database Search Options Garfield County Home Pgge Page 3 of 3 The Garfield County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effmt to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good Turns Software and the Garfield County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein contained. Copyright © 2005 -2006 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns Software. http://www. garcoact.com/ assessor/parcel. asp ?Parce!N umber=212 3 3620300 1 7/20/2007 · Garfield County Building & Sanitation Department 108 8th Street, Suite #401 Glenwood Springs, Co. 81601 Office 945-8212 Inspection Line 384-5003 Job Address: 46157 hwy 6, GWS Locality: River View Sub. Lot 1, blk3/ 2123·362-03-001 Use of Building: remove existing porch & install new porch Owner: Nordsiek, Henry & Janice Contractor: Owner Amount of Permit: $299.06 Date: 0-tt--o=t- Clerk: _ _,")"'-".(Q'-"'-+~....,IlJ'----