HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication-PermitGarfield County Building & Sanitation Department 108 8th Street, Suite #401 Glenwood Springs, Co. 81601 Office 945-8212 Inspection Line 384-5003 Job Address: \9LP' &vlc.t _...I.gQ aom eagle way, Carbondale Locality: Aspen Glen Clublodge, Lot 1 I 2393-191-73-001 Use of Building: residence duplex \) 'f\t\:-P:> Owner: PCA LLC Contractor: brikor associates Amount of Permit: $6,182.14 Date: Clerk: ~J.li,;W\C)"-'H~ ~:i'-L'CJC.____ __ 11 Garage: Driveway GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 108 8fu Street, Suite 401, Glenwood Springs, Co 81601 Phone: 970-945-8212 I Fax: 970-384-3470 I Inspection Line: 970-384-5003 :.">Y~:YW. garfi el.Q. ~coun tv. cc:m Authoritv. This application for a Building Permit must be signed by the Owner of tl1e property, described above, or an authorized agent If the signature below is not that of the Owner, a separate letter of authority, signed by the Owner, must be provided with this Application. Legal Access. A Building Pennit cannot be issued without proof of legal and adequate access to tl1e property for purposes of inspections by the Building Department Other Permits. Multiple separate pennits may be required: (l) State Electrical Penn it, (2) County ISDS Permit, (3) another permit required for usc on the property identified above, e.g. State or County Highway/ Road Access or a State Wastewater Discharge Pennit Void Permit. A Building Penn it becomes null and void if the work authorized is not commenced within 180 days of the date of issuance and if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after commencement. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I have read this Application and t::,::t~lh~o:i'~":'~"~",1"~t:i~o:~"~'~""~w~i~m:td""~~o~"~i:•~tru~o;~"';:d~oo:mo:t:.J o~o~d~cr~o:Um~d~t;h:ot:t~ho:::c::::~::~:~:~~·:~:~~~~-l---and specifications and other data submitted by me or · Assuming completeness of the submittals and approval Permit wi!J be issued granting permission to me, as Owner, to construct the structure(s) and facilities detailed on the submittals reviewed by the Building Department. In consideration of the issuance of the Building Permit, I agree that I and my agents will comply with provisions of any federal, state or local law regulating the work and thC Garfield County Building Code, ISDS regulations and applicable land use regulations (County Regulation(s)). 1 acknowledge that the Building Permit may be suspended or revoked, upon notice from the County, if the location, construction or use of the structure(s) and facility(ies), described above, arc not in compliance with County Regulation(s) or any other applicable law. I hereby grant permission to the Building Department to enter the property, described above, to inspect the work. J further aclmowledge that the issuance of the Building Permit does not prevent the · Official from: (J) requiring the correction of errors in the submittals, if any, discovered after issuance; or (2) stopping construction or usc of the struerure(s) or faciliry(ies) if such is in violation ~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~!ti''~w~.~~:;:~ , 1 of the work by the Building Department do not constitute an acceptance of responsibility or liability by the County of errors, omissions i for compliance with federal, state and local laws and County Regulations rest with me and my authorized agents, including without AND UNO ERST AND THE NOTICE & CERTIFICA TJON STAFF USE ONLY Special Conditions: Adjusted Valuation: \Z. Plan Check Fee: !,1 Permit Fee: ., ) Manu home Fee: Mise Fees: k ()'"\ L\\'\ J.~3S" "j/11\o p q' ISDS Fee: ' Total Fees: I '1 FeesPaid: \\-~~ Balance Due: BP No & Issue Date: ISDS No & Issued Date: cf 37()3 s-.J 10~1-::t-k.\8'2 j$ aL-ll-'i). 61 Setbacks: OCC Group: ConstType: Zoning: p \.l iJ -re c_ BLDG DEPT: PLNGDEPT: (l n ~ \7,;\-o-1 £Ul \7_-\-01 AP kb'l'U" DATE DATE The following items are required by Garfield County for a final Inspection: I) A fmal Electrical Inspection from the Colorado State Electrical Inspector. 2) Pennanent address assigned by Garfield County Building Department and posted at the structure and where readily visible from access road. 3) A finished roof; a lockable building; completed exterior siding; exterior doors and windows installed; a complete kitchen with cabinets, sink with hot & cold running water, non-absorbent kitchen floor covering, counter tops and finished walls, ready for stove and refrigerator; all necessary plumbing. 4) All bathrooms must be complete, with washbowl, tub or shower, toilet, hot and cold running water, non-absorbent floors, walls finished, and privacy door. 5) Steps over three (3) risers, outside or inside must be must have handrails. Balconies and decks over 30" high must be constructed to all IBC and IRC requirements including guardrails. 6) Outside grading completed so that water slopes away from the building; 7) Exceptions to the outside steps, decks, grading may be made upon the demonstration of extenuating circumstances., i.e. weather. Under such circumstances A Certificate of Occupancy may be issued conditionally. 8) A final inspection sign off by the Garfield County Road & Bridge Department for driveway installation, where applicable; as well as any fmal sign off by the Fire District, and/or State Agencies where applicable. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (C.O.) WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL ALL THE ABOVE ITEMS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. A C.O. MAY TAKE UP TO 5 BUSINESS DAYS TO BE PROCESSED AND ISSUED. OWNER CANNOT OCCUPY OR USE DWELLING UNTIL A C.O. IS ISSUED. OCCUPANCY OR USE OF DWELLING WITHOUT A C.O. WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ILLEGAL OCCUPANCY AND MAY BE GROUNDS FOR VACATING PREMISES UNTIL ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE MET. I understand and agree to abide by the above conditions for occupancy, use and the issuance of a C.O. for the building identified in the Buil · g Permit. Bapplicationseptember2007 VALUATION FEE DETERMINATION Applicant Address Date ·~p;=c:;-A;:;L;::L::.C:;:-:~---------Subdivision .;B~a;:lct7E:;:a;g~le:,.W=aLy _________ Lot!Biock L Clublodge .:.I.:::Oic::2:::3ic::2:.::0.::.07'-----------Contractor Bnkor assoc Finished (Livable Area): Main Upper Lower Other Total Basement: Unfinished Square Feet Valuation Conversion of Unfinished to Finished Total Garage: ValuatiOn Crawl Space Valuation Decks/ Patios Valuation Valuation Covered Open Type of Construction: Occupancy: Valuation Total Valuation 3098 sf 1538 sf 3098 sf ~....--sf X $74.68 /7734 sf sf X $41.00 sf X $33.68 1074 sf X $18.00 sf X $9.00 577,575.12 0.00 19,332.00 0.00 144 sf X $24.00" ?,10:b. 588 sf X $12.00 = 7ot;,;,. 10,512.00 Commercial sf X sf X sf X sf X sf X sf X 0.00 607,419.12 GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING AND PLANNING 970-945-8212 MINIMUM APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS For SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING CONSTRUCTION Including NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS And MOVED BUILDINGS In order to understand the scope of the work intended under a permit application and expedite the issuance of a permit it is important that complete information be provided. When reviewing a plan and it's discovered that required information has not been provided by the applicant, this will result in the delay of the permit issuance and in proceeding with building construction. The owner or contractor shall be required to provide this information before the plan review can proceed. Other plans that are in line for review may be given attention before the new information may be reviewed after it has been provided to the Building Department. Please review this document to determine if you have enough information to design your project and provide adequate information to facilitate a plan review. Also, please consider using a design professional for assistance in your design and a construction professional for construction of your project. Any project with more than ten (10) occupants requires the plans to be sealed by a Colorado Registered Design Professional. To provide for a more understandable plan in order to determine compliance with the building, plumbing and mechanical codes, applicants are requested to review the following checklist prior to and during design. Applicants are required to indicate appropriately and to submit the completed checklist at time of application for a permit. Plans to be included for a Building Permit, must he on drafting paper at least 18"x24" and drawn to scale. Plans must include a floor plan, a concrete footing and foundation plan, elevations all sides with 1 decks, balcony, steps, hand rails and guard rails, windows and doors, including the finish grade line and original grade. A section showing in detail, from the bottom of the footing to the top ofthe roof, including re-bar, anchor bolts, pressure treated plates, floor joists, wall studs and spacing, insulation, sheeting, house-rap, (which is required), siding or any approved building material. Engineered foundations may be required. A window schedule. A door schedule. A floor framing plan, a roof framing plan, roof must be designed to withstand a 40 pound per square foot up to 7,000 feet in elevation, a 90 M.P.H. wind speed, wind exposure B or C, and a 36 inch frost depth. All sheets to be identified by number and indexed. All of the above requirements must be met or your plans will be returned. All plans submitted must be incompliance with the 2003 IRC. 1. Is a site plan included that identifies the location of the proposed structure or addition and distances to the property lines from each corner of the proposed structure( s) prepared by a licensed surveyor and has the surveyors signature and professional stamp on the drawing? Properties with slopes of 30% or greater must be shown on the site plan. (NOTE Section: 106.2) Any site plan for the placement of any portion of a structure within 50 ft. of a property line and not within a previously surveyed building envelope on a subdivision final plat shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor and have the surveyor's signature and professional stamp on the drawing. Any structure to be built within a building envelope of a lot shown on a recorded subdivision plat shall include a copy of the building envelope as it is shown on the final plat with the proposed structure located within the e)l'velope. Yes, _ ___cv'~_ 2. Does the site plan also include any other buildings on the property, setback easements and utility easements? Please refer to Section 5.05.03 in the Garfield County Zoning Resolution if the property you are applying for a building permit on is located on a comer lot. Special setbacks do i)PPly. Yes, __ ..Jt;/L-_ 3. Does the site plan include when applicable the location of the l.S.D.S. (Individual Sewage Disposal System) and the distances to the property lines, wells (on subject property and ~d~:cenumerties), streams or water courses? 4. Does the site plan indicate the location and direction of the County or private road accessing the property? 2 Yes ----- 5. Are you aware that prior to submittal of a building permit application you are required to show proof of a driveway access permit or obtain a statement from the Garfield County Road & Bridge Department stating one is not necessary? You can contact the Road & Bridge Department at 625-8601. , ..... \ Yes v Nb[f?mVI~ ~rz_ ~fiUV ~(.A'li)V 6. Do the plans include a foundation plan indicating the size, location and spacing of all reinforcing ste~] in accordance with the IRC or per stamped engineered design? Yes v 7. Do the plans indicate the location and size of ventilation openings for under floor crawl spaces and the clearances required between wood and earth? Yes __ _.>.<: __ _ 8. Do the plans indicate the size and location of ventilation openings for the attic, roof joist spaces and soffits? Yes ,_.,.....- 9. Do the plans include design loads as required by Garfield County for roof snow loads, (a minimum of 40 pounds per square foot up to & including 7,000 feet above sea level), floor loads and w~ loads? I 0. Does the plan include a building section drawing indicating foundation, wall, floor, and roof construction~ Yes __ _::vc_ __ _ II. Does the building section drawing include size and spacing of floor joists, wall studs, ceiling joists, roof raft~ or joists or trusses? 12. Does the building section drawing or other detail include the method of positive connection of all columns and beams? 13. Does the elevation plan indicate the height of the building or proposed addition from the undisturbed grade to the midpoint between the ridge and eave of a gable or shed roof or the top of a flat rooj? (Building height measurement usually not to exceed 25 feet) Yes. __ __,Je:_ __ 14. Does the plan include any stove or zero clearance fireplace plarmed for installation including 3 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. I 22. \ 23. make and model and Colorado Phase II certifications or phase II EPA certification? Yes NoV -------,::---:----:--: Does the plan include a masonry fireplace including a fireplace section indicating design to comply with the IRC? Yes / No ----- Does the plan include a window schedule or other verification that egress/rescue windows from sle;'~rooms and/or basements comply with the requirements oftbe IRC? Yes No ____________ _ Does the plan include a window schedule or other verification that windows provide natural light and ventilaJ;ion for al.l habitable rooms? Yes v' No ___________ _ Do tbe plans indicate the location of glazing subject to human impact such as glass doors, glazing immediately adjacent to such doors; glazing adjacent to any surface normally used as a walking surface; sliding glass doors; fixed glass panels; shower doors and tub enclosures and specifY sa~ glazing for these areas? Yes No ___________ _ Is the location of all natural and liquid petroleum gas furnaces, boilers and water heaters indieatedon)he plan? Yes . tJL_ No ___________ _ Do you understand that if you are building on a parcel of land created by the exemption process or the subdivision process, are building plans in compliance with all plat notes and/or covenants? Yes v' Do you understand that if you belong to a Homeowners Association (HOA), it is your responsibility to obtain written permission from the association, if required by that association, prior to submitting an application for a building permit? The building permit application will be accepted without it, but you run tbe risk or' the HOA bringing action to enforce the covenants, which can result in revocation of permit issued. Additionally, your Plan Review fee is not refundable if the plans have been reviewed by the Building Department prior to any action by the HOA that requires either revocation or substantial modification of the plans. Yes {;,/ No ____ _ Will this be the 9JllY residential structure on the parcel? Yes /L_ Ifno-Explain: _________ __ Have two (?plete sets of construction drawings been submitted witb the application? Yes ______ __ 4 24. Do you understand that the minimum dimension a home can be on a lot is 20ft. wide and 20ft. long? Yes, ___ _r;;__'_ No ____ _ 25. Have you designed or had this plan designed while considering building a?d other construction code requirements? Yes V 26. Do your plans comply with all zoning rules and regulations in the County related to your properties zone distris;t? Yes ../ No ______ _ 27. Does the plan accurately indicate what you intend to construct and what will receive a final inspectim~)'Y the Garfield County Building Department? Yes No _____ _ 28. Do you understand that approval for design and/or construction changes are required prior to the application of these changes? Yes v 29. Do you understand that the Building Department will collect a "Plan Review" fee from you at the time of application submittal and that you will be required to pay the "Permit Fee" as well as any "Road Impact" or "Septic System" fees required, at the time you pick up your building permit? Yes V No ____ _ 30. Are you aware that you must call in for an inspection by 3:30 the business day before the requested inspection in order to receive it the following business day? Inspections will be made from 7:30a.m. to 3:30p.m. Monday through Friday. Inspections are to be called i? t~384-5003. Yes, ___ ~~~---------~ 31. Are you aware that requesting inspections on work that is not ready or not accessible will result in a $50.00 re-inspection fee? Yes L// 32. Are you aware that you are required to call for all inspections required under the IRC including approval on a final inspection prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy and occupancy of l}le building? Yes L No --------~-- 5 33. Are you aware that the Permit Application must be signed by the Owner or a wr.itten authority being given for a.n Agent and that the party responsible for the project must comply with the IRC? Yes v No _____ _ 34. Do you understand that you will be required to hire a State of Colorado Licensed Electrician and Plumber to perform installations and hookups, unless you· as the homeowner are performing the work? The license number of the person performing the work will be required at time qJ applicable inspection. Yes ~ No . _____ _ 35. Are you aware, that on the front of the Building Permit Application you will need to fill in the Parcel/Schedule Number for the lot you are applying for this permit on prior to submittal of a building pe!]Uit application? Your attention in this is appreciated. Yes ~· No -------- 36. Do you know that the local fire district may require you to submit plans for their review of fire safety issues? Yes __--· · No (please check with the building department about this requirement) 37. Do you understand that if you are planning on doing any excavating or grading to the property prior to issuance of a building permit that you will be required to obtain a grading permit? / · Yes V 38. Are you aware that if you will be connecting to a public water and/or sewer system, that the tap fees have to be the connections inspected by the service provider prior to the 1ssuance of Occupancy? Yes --,/-f-"7--- understand and answered these questions to the t~W£7ip h/o? Phone: __________ ( days); ___________ (evenings) Project Name: __ P~c..,.-!-A"'-. ·_L-=· =L=-C...-=--------------- Project Address: __ __,_:.~:::::..q_,_.-=-=1 &-"--e~·~,_9 ,_,k~CD..::._:_o:~=q---=("-'t(-""'f=afo,_,!!€.~-- Notes: If you have answered "No" on any of the questions, you may be required to provide this 6 information at the request of the Building Official prior to beginning the plan review process. Delays in issuing the permit are to be expected. Work may not proceed without the issuance of a permit. If it is determined by the Building Official that additional information is necessary to review the application and plans to determine minimum compliance with the adopted codes, the application may be placed behind more recent applications for building permits in the review process and not reviewed until required information has been provided and the application rotates again to first position for review, delay in issuance of the permit or delay in proceeding with construction. Bpminreq November2006 7 PLAN REVIEW ·cHECKLIST Applicant VCA-LLC Date 12 -1-o 1 Building ~gineered Foundation ~Driveway Permit t;~-rJ­ __Lsurveyed Site Plan ~Septic Permit and Setbacks ·' AGradeffopog;aphy 30% 2Attach Residential Plan Review List ~inimum Application Questionnaire _Jsubdivision Plat Notes -4Fire Department Review ~ aluation Determination/Fees _0ed Line Plans/Stamps/Sticker -fLit-Attach Conditions __ Application Signed ~an Reviewer To Sign Application _L_Parcel/Schedule No. 1:'.)&._ 40# Snow load Letter-Manf. Hms. ~ Soils Report GENERAL NOTES: Planning/Zoning __ Property Line Setbacks __ 30ft Stream Setbacks __ Flood Plain __ Building Height ~oning Sign-off ~oad Impact Fees JHoA!DRC Approval __ Gradeffopography 40% Jr1anning Issues v--'Subdivision Plat Notes N0. \ Otl-1--B Assessor's Parcel No. (h7>Q~ \Q\·3-3-00 \ ·· fod br. Date !d,-lu-0+ (!)t,.tb 1e BUILDING PERMIT CARD ( \_b\--\) Job Address J3 fo &:>ttl; BfJttl? WQ;~ c\UQt:' ~'Sf?£V\ ()l'eVt(?\~tlroSte Owner_-;;:---,----:----====-----Address bOzS \~61 -~tspPV) Phone # Q(}\3 -~0$"'3" Contractor Bl\\L\)f Q\~'SQClCTI:e.:s AddresseD< \%1-Qi"5\)e.Y) Phone# ll @~ter;re~\~t>~ce Rear ---,N-s-PE:~-.o-N_s ___ LH ____ zoning ---- s~s~Tes,"t-=:::29~~:4~~~~~~-iK-Weatherproofing _ --~ v Mechanical ________ _;_ __ _ _ __s.L-LJ.~JoL_-'-""'-'-'J---'-'-y_,~ ="o'6-tu~ ·1 1J1 Electrical Rough (State)--==-;;--=---- ' •/ ' Electrical Final State) <5"?:-b ~ o<J NOTES ' Finalt&-z~· eJ /Checklisj?q,_rrmleted? ~) Certificate Occupancy # _,fJ!l!:j_~--'-1-=-"""=r>~=-=--­ Date / ~ <?Q ~ •W (.:::!q Septic System # ...-~N~->'--'-1 ..... ~-------­ Date ----------Final _________ _ Other------------- (continue on back) I!MSPECT~O!M W§U NOT IE MADE U!N!IJESS TM!~S CAIRO ~S POST!EO ON THE JOIB fj r:;z c 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS J 0 BUILDING PERMIT . GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO Date Issued .. \P.d}:~.} .... Zoned Area ............................... Permit No .. .\Q.J::l1.~~ ...... . AGREEMENT In consideration of the issuance of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to comply with all laws and regulations related to the mning, location; construction and erection of the proposed structure for which this permit is granted, and fm·ther agrees that if the above said regulations are not fully complied with in the zoning, location, erection and construction of the above described structure, the pe1·mit may then be revoked by notice from the County Building Inspector and IMMEDIATELY BECOME NULL AND VOID. Uso \.)'flH-6 t>\.51.9\ex mlc:H~\1 ce Addms or Logal Doscription, ____ -_,&3\_,·G·IlJ.!.I}.-:f:c!q\e \\)()\[-c)..c.\\:.l.k: QJYJJ.O~t, ,IlL Contractor BtiYOI Y::-.>.'i.OI:tU\e.) s.tlJla~ks Front j_Qe Side Re r This Card Must Be Posted So It is Plainly Visible From The Street Until Final Inspection. ~J.,hYI!-'!"-_.......P;..,;.,~"!"'''~~~ Framing.;-f-'lA.i:£..:'>7(:--T' (To include Roof in place and Windows and Doors installed). M~dil.:? ;J!rfri ~ ALL LISTED ITEMS MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE COVERJNG- WHETHER INTERJOR OR EXTERIOR, UNDERGROUND OR ABOVE GROUND. THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE For Inspections Coll384-5003 108 8th Street Glenwood Springs, Colorado APPROVED Do NOT DESTROY nns CAR.'!) oateld,-\3-..ol--By }:s/-&l IF PLACED OUTSIDE-COVER WITH CLEAR PLASTIC COUNTY OF GARFIELD -BUILDING DEPARTMENT CORRECTION NOTICE 108 8th St., Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, Colorado Phone (970) 945-8212 Job located at _J_/_:::3=----:(p=-_ _,C-'-'=C'-";(/,._,,f-/3.""-"L=-'=e>~V:_G;=·=1z:._=--- Permit No. --L~-'()""---'-7_,7'----"Z __________ _ I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and found the following corrections needed: /t/&a:c GAs :s:&/ C2E2!C ;'((z~ .:s,mt?(c£ 0£~76£~ LJewAis?A;£;s: dcau for Re-lnspection .,/J@Af 1C l5L./~.C:, D $50.00 Re-lnspection Fee must be paid prior to Re-lnspection You are hereby notified that the above correction must be inspected before covering. When correction(s) have been made, call for inspection at 970-384-5003. Date _1}_-Z 2._ 20 & / ,. Building Inspector ~ ~~ Phone (970) 945-8212 / COUNTY OF GARFIELD -BUILDING DEPARTMENT CORRECTION NOTICE 108 8th St., Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, Colorado Phone (970} 945-8212 I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and found the following corrections needed: J;gl. Call for Re-lnspection 0 $50.00 Re-lnspection Fee must be paid prior to Re-lnspection You are hereby notified that the above correction must be inspected before covering. When correction(s) have been made, call for inspection at 970-384-5003. Date lo-:::<~c; ![ 20:::------:-- B.uilding Inspector ~~ Phone (970) 945-8212 COUNTY OF GARFIELD -BUILDING DEPARTMENT CORRECTION NOTICE 108 8th St., Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, Colorado Phone (970) 945-8212 /3% Job located at /J& ~~ Permit No. ;o777 /1 {6 I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and found the following co,rre,rtions needed: 2~"1141~&-J<AJ)j; (}~ 0 Call for Re-lnspection 0 $50.00 Re-lnspection Fee must be paid prior to Re-lnspection You are hereby notified that the above correction must be inspected before covering. When correction(s) have been made, call for inspection at 970-384-5003. Date 9~// , 2~ Buildinglnspector ~~ Phone (970) 945-8212 West Slope Testing & Inspection 3177 Glendam Dr. Report#2 Grand Junction, CO 81504 Phone:970-434-6988 Cell: 970-260-2844 Page 1 of 1 Final Inspection Report Date: 8-29-08 Project: Lot 1 & 2 Club lodge Duplexes Aspen Glen Address: 118, 120, 136, and 138 Club lodge Ln. Carbondale, CO General Contractor: Michael Pine -Builder Inc. Contractor that Performed Work: Mountain Steel Inspection of shop fabrication or field work at job site: Field Report: Reinspected the items noted on the 1st inspection report. Also received a copy of the letter from the structural engineer on the project in regards to the welding for the L VL/wood beam buckets & bucket to column attachments. It appeared that the structural engineer was satisfied with the size & amount of welding at these buckets & connections. The welding & high strength bolting reinspected above appeared to be in general conformance with the drawings & details, and appeared to meet the quality requirements of the A WS Dl.l Structural Welding Code and the AISC Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts. To the best of my knowledge this completes the special inspections of the welding & high strength bolting as outlined in reports # 1 & #2. January 2, 2008 Michael Pines Builder, Inc. P.O. Box 1199 Carbondale, CO 816213 FIRE · EMS · RESCUE RE: Clublodge at Aspen Glen 1 & 2 Dear Michael, This letter is a follow up to our conversation earlier today. It is my understanding that the Club lodge duplexes will have individual units less than 6,200 square feet and that the units will be separated by fire walls constructed in accordance with the IBC. Per the International Fire Code (IF C) Section B 1 04.2, areas of buildings that are separated by fire walls constructed in accordance with the IBC in may be calculated individually for the purpose of calculating required fire flows. In this case, the building would not require an automatic fire sprinkler system. Please contact me if you have any questions or if I may be of any assistance. Bill Gavette Deputy Chief Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District 300 Meadowood Drive • Carbondale, CO 81623 • 970-963-2491 Fax 970-963-0569 Cathi Edinger From: Andy Schwaller Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:02AM To: ~eet:-RE:i"C;t>;-tL -u lodge Lots 1 and 2 -~ ~ I think we will hold up the Final just to promote a response. ~ ~: Cathi Edinger ~-#iday, June 27, 200 To: David Pesnichak; Andy Schwaller; Jena Thompson; Julie Taylor Subject: RE: PCA LLC -Clublodge Lots 1 and 2 David, Page 1 of 1 Thanks for the update. Amended Plat needs to be signed & recorded before we can issue a C.O. The final inspection can be done but people can't move in without mylar being recorded & C.O. issued. Right Andy! Thanks, Cathi From: David Pesnichak Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:25 AM To: Andy Schwaller; Cathi Edinger; Jena Thompson; Julie Taylor Subject: PCA LLC -Clublodge Lots 1 and 2 FYI: I spoke with the attorney for PCA LLC who filed and was approved for a plat amendment for Aspen Glen Clublodge Lots 1 and 2 in 2007. This plat amendment has expired and the attorney has verified that the Mylar was never sent in. There is a current active building permit for this lot. The amended plat will need to be resubmitted, approved and recorded prior to issuance of the CO (or have we been requiring this prior to final?) Thanks Dave David Pesnichak Senior Planner-Long-Range Garfield County 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Tel: (970) 945-8212 Fax: (970)384-3470 Email: gr;>esnic.b;ak@garfield-cQJ.ltLiy,com YiYf'!'IJJarfield:cou.O.!YA<om 6/27/2008 r v~ ::.>li'l'·~u:: rAM!lY Ai"IACHED RESIDENTIAL D\1/ElL!NG UNITS ALLOirVED \rV!THIN THIS ZONE DISTRICT, THE FOLL01MNG Df.VELOF'MENT STANDARDS APPLY· I. MINIMU10 LOT SIZE PER CONDOMIWI!UM STRUCTURE _ 2. MAXJMU~!I BUIL[Jit\JG HEIGHT ~--·--·-{-~:~~~t2ibi~~ 5. MINIMUM Sf:FERAT10N f5Cn'7EfNi3\JIW!N.G~ 9GOO S.F. 25 FEET 40 FEET IOOffET 20 FEET ~. MINIIviUM SET BACK FROM PUBLIC!PRIVi\TE --- STREET OR DRIVEWAY -----·-- 7_ MAXIMUM fLOORAR.f..A RATIO 8. MINIMUM Off-STREET PARKING PER RESIDEHTIAL DWELLING UNIT G \ vJ:J LU04!" '--"'' Aspen Glen -HOA Design Review Committee Final Plan ApprovaO /5kJ=t-. ' oilte Clublodge Lot 3 1 0 FEET .5 2 SPACES ----- FINAL I I ------7 .I I ~ '" c c "' 0::: ~ _,_, u <1) ..., -"' " L <( ~ ~ _j 1l •<;; " \1)-il 8 1\) " "' u{l 1'.-. § (:' ~ "" ~" '"-o<l.l"< ""' ~tf) ~ ~~ " -~D 8 J~ <(~ o)!:::. 0~ "'(l (I E ~ '-"' "' 0 fL ~ = == -= :::::-< <=-=' -= =-" == = <-.:> ~ ::2:; ~ =-" >--"'--< .....,= c..?= = == =-. ""-""""" <:......-;;,"Cr.,.,~ f------1 """"" C) SUBMITTED FOR: STAN MATHIS LOT 1, ASPEN GLEN GARFIELD COUNTY COLORADO SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT AUGUST 2, 2007 PROJECT# 072-0318 SUBMITTED BY: COLORADO ENGINEERING & GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 19375 BEACON LITE RD. MONUMENT, COLORADO 80132 719-488-2145 AGREEMENT OF PURPOSE AND DISCLAIMER The parties specifically agree and contract that the purpose of this soil investigation is to test, analyze, and report on the condition of the soils encountered only as these tests pertain to the suitable design and construction of an appropriate foundation for the proposed building and/ or residences to determine the load bearing capacities of the soil. The parties specifically agree that Colorado Engineering and Geotechnical Group, Inc. has not been retained nor will they render an opinion concerning environmental issues, hazardous waste or any other known or unknown conditions that may be present on this site. INTRODUCTION: This report summarizes the results of data obtained during a soils test of Lot 1, Aspen Glen, Garfield County, Colorado. Investigation occurred on July 13, 2007 and was performed in undisturbed soil in accordance with ASTM 1586-99. The purpose of the investigation was to reveal the engineering properties for foundation purposes for the proposed construction of a duplex. The site is currently vacant. Other aspects relating to the proposed construction are presented. A component document to this plan will be an Open Hole Report that will be produced after the Open Hole Inspection, which is not billed with this report. The purpose of the Open Hole Report is to determine whether any significant variation from this report and the observed condition exists and whether the foundation design will require modification. FINDINGS: The soil encountered in test-hole 1 consisted of stiff to very stiff, fine to coarse-grained, red lean clay possible artificial fill with cobbles and boulders (Unified Soil Classification System symbol CL) from the surface to the bottom of the boring at nine feet where drill refusal occurred on competent boulder and cobble. Potential for foundation movement is low. The soil encountered in test-hole 2 consisted of stiff to very stiff, fine to coarse-grained, red lean clay possible artificial fill with cobbles and boulders (Unified Soil Classification System symbol CL) from the surface to the bottom of the boring at three feet where drill refusal occurred on competent boulder and cobble. Potential for foundation movement is low. The soil encountered in test-hole 3 consisted of stiff to very stiff, fine to coarse-grained, red lean clay possible artificial fill with cobbles and boulders (Unified Soil Classification System symbol CL) from the surface to the bottom of the boring at one foot where drill refusal occurred on competent boulder and cobble. Potential for foundation movement is low. The soil encountered in test-hole 4 consisted of stiff to very stiff, fine to coarse-grained, red lean clay possible artificial fill with boulder and cobble (Unified Soil Classification System symbol CL) from the surface to the bottom of the boring at five feet where drill refusal occurred on competent boulder and cobble. Potential for foundation movement is low. Project#: 072-0318 www.cegg.net Page 2 of9 The soil encountered in test-hole 5 consisted of stiff to very stiff, fine to coarse-grained, red lean clay possible artificial fill with cobbles and boulders (Unified Soil Classification System symbol CL) from the surface to the bottom of the boring at nine feet where drill refusal occurred on competent boulder and cobble. A sample oflean clay exhibited a swell potential of 1.3 percent during lab testing. Potential for foundation movement is low. Attached are graphic summaries of the boring logs of the field conditions encountered and a summary of laboratory testing results. It should be noted that the soil descriptions shown on the boring logs are based on the geologist's visual classification of the samples in the field at the depths indicated. Actual subsurface soil conditions may vary between samples and location tested. Groundwater was not encountered in the test boring at the time of this investigation. Tbe presence of shallow bedrock beneath surficial soils is favorable for the formation of "perched" groundwater. Tbe depth and occurrence of groundwater can vary over time depending on hydrologic conditions such as precipitation, surface drainage, irrigation, and other conditions not apparent at the time of this report. RECOMMENDATIONS: Grading and compaction records should be reviewed to determine if the near surface soils are fill and whether they were placed in a controlled manner. Uncontrolled fill will be required to be recompacted in lifts prior to foundation placement. Maximum allowable bearing strength of the soil shall not be taken as greater than 2000 pounds per square foot for elements resting on stiff clay stone. Equivalent fluid pressures of the soil, assuming normal consolidation, may be taken as 45 pcf active and 275 pcf passive. These fluid pressure values are based on literature and were not established by site-specific laboratory testing. If the clay is determined to be more expansive during the open hole observation then a three foot over-excavation and replacement with structural fill may be required. Tbe foundation shall rest on over-excavated and replaced materials. Tbe depth of the over- excavation shall extend at least 3 feet below and 3 feet beyond the exterior of the foundation. The replace material shall be equivalent to Class VI or Class VII Road Base and may not include the original clay and/or otherwise unsuitable material from the excavation. Compaction of the structural material shall be at least 95% Standard Proctor Density and shall be tested by the Engineer in 12 inch lifts. If this design is utilized, maximum allowable bearing strength of the soil shall not be taken greater than 2000 pounds per square foot for elements resting on compacted structural fill. Equivalent fluid pressures of the soil, assuming normal consolidation, may be taken as 45 pcf active and 275 pcf passive. These fluid pressure values are based on literature and were not established by site-specific laboratory testing. If floor movement due to expansive soil is not acceptable. finished room floor areas should be supported on wooden or steel joists over a crawl space area. Tbe preferred foundation design will consist of a reinforced concrete stem wall resting on a concrete footer of a size determined by the foundation engineer. Project#: 072-0318 www.cegg.net Page 3 of9 In areas of expansive and/ or otherwise unswtable soils, the risk of movement for foundation components resting on over-excavated and replaced materials, caissons or resistance piers, is minimized, but not negated. The soil bearing strength above is subject to change based in observations made at the open-hole inspection. Owners shall be made aware of this report and the fact that water accumulation around foundation elements is the primary cause offoundation distress. The preferred foundation design will consist of reinforced concrete stem wall resting on a concrete footer of a size determined by the foundation engineer. If floor movement due to expansive soils is not acceptable, finished room floor areas should be supported on wood or steel floor joists, or a structural concrete slab, over a properly ventilated crawl space area. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: The preferred foundation design will consist of a reinforced concrete stem wall resting on a concrete footer of a size determined by the foundation engineer. Depth of foundation elements shall be determined by the foundation engineer, but should be at least as deep as the minimum depth reqillred by the governing building authority. Concrete slabs shall be free floating and isolated from load-bearing elements. Partition walls, utility and HVAC connections shall be capable of a minimum of 1-1/2 inches of movement of the foundation and slab. An attached detail sheet diagrams a typical floating wall design. The soil beating strength above is subject to change based on observations made at the open-hole inspection. Owners shall be made aware of the contents of this report and the fact that water accumulation around foundation elements is the primary cause of foundation distress. FOUNDATION DESIGN: This report is not a foundation design. The foundation design engineer will determine the exact configuration of foundation elements, to include footer (if any) width and thickness, wall thickness and height, pad and pier sizes and reinforcement schedules. However, the foundation should be designed for a ten-foot free span. This report does not address general hillside stability, landslide potential, or other natural hazards. Several areas of the Colorado Front Range have known geologic hazards associated with them. We recommend that readers of this report further educate themselves as to the existence of geologic hazards on or around their specific property of interest. Colorado Engineering can assist in the development of site specific assessments of Geologic hazards. The Colorado Geologic Survey {"'·ww.dnr.state.co.us/geosurvey or 303-866-2611} is a good source for publications (maps, reports, etc.) dealing with specific geologic issues and/ or issues related to specific geographic areas. FIELD INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE: Exploratory borings were advanced using a four-inch nominal diameter, truck-mounted continuous- flight auger. The approximate boring locations are indicated on the attached site diagram and were Project #: 072-0318 www.cegg.net Page 4 of9 established in the field by pacing and measuring angles from identifiable site references. The Builder designated the location for exploration. At depths determined by the supervising geologist, samples were obtained by means of a two-inch diameter split-spoon sampler, advanced by a 140-pound drop- hammer falling a distance of 30 inches, in general compliance with ASTM D-1586. The number of hammer blows required to advance the sampler provides an indication of the in-situ relative density of the soil, and in combination with the laboratory analysis of the soil, provides data required for derivation of the engineering properties sought by this exploration. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND WEATHER: The general topography around the site of this investigation is flat with no discernible slope. Vegetation consists of native grasses & weeds. Weather was warm & clear. The elevation measured at 6,000 feet above sea leveL SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE: Foundation drain requirements shall be determined at the open-hole observation; however, drains around any below-grade useable space, including crawl spaces, should be anticipated. See the attached detail sheet. SURFACE DRAINAGE: The excavation shall be protected from surface runoff and excess precipitation during construction. After backfilling, the soil around the foundation shall be graded away from the structure at a minimum slope of six inches over ten feet. Gutters and downspouts shall be installed to carry water across the area disturbed by construction. Areas that settle shall be backfilled to prevent ponding of water. No vegetation requiring irrigation shall be installed within five feet of the foundation. Water from uphill shall be diverted around the structure. The future owners are cautioned against the installation of a lawn sprinkler system within 5 feet of the foundation walls. If a sprinkler system is installed, the sprinkler heads should be placed so that water spray from the heads under full pressure does not fall within five feet of the foundation walls. Lawn irrigation should be controlled to prevent excess wetting of subsurface soils. Lawn, flowers, shrubs, and other plantings within five feet of the foundation walls should be hand watered and this watering should be minimized. If a drip irrigation system is used, one should limit the amount of water to sustain the plantings. One is also advised that any irrigation line can leak and/ or break, releasing excessive amounts of water near foundations and can cause damage to slabs and foundation walls. BACKFILL: Any soil disturbed adjacent to bearing foundation components shall be re-compacted to a minimum of 85% Standard Proctor Density. Soil supporting concrete slabs shall be compacted to 95% Standard Proctor Density. Mechanical compaction methods shall be utilized; water-flooding techniques are prohibited. See Compaction Section for more information regarding compaction requirements and techniques. Project#: 072~0318 www.cegg.net Page 5 of9 CONCRETE: All concrete shall be Type II, Sulfate Resistive, with 28-day strength requirements determined by the foundation design engineer. EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR CONCRETE SLABS: Accepted geotechnical practice in the Colorado Front Range region utilizes a standardized scale to evaluate the risk of slab-on-grade movement relative to the swell potential of the native soils. The following information is given as reference only and doest not imply approval for the use of slabs on grade. Risk Category Low Moderate High Very High Percent Swell at 1000 psf Surcharge Oto <2 2 to <4 4 to <6 Greater than 6 While the above chart provides a general indication of the risk of slab movement, it should be noted that other soil conditions may exist, and that the geotechnical engineer considers more than just the expansion of the soil when making slab and foundation recommendations. Colorado Engineering and Geotechnical Group, inc. does not accept any responsibility for future damage incurred by the heaving of interior slabs bearing on native materials or imported materials. Excess moisture in the soil and improper compaction under slabs will increase the possibility of slab heave, settlement and cracking. The builder and future owners should be aware of and understand that there is a definite risk of future damage with any slab-on-grade construction. If floor movement due to expansive soils is not acceptable, finished room floor areas should be supported on wooden or steel joists over a crawl space area, or on a reinforced concrete slab. If the builder and future owners are willing to accept the definite risk of some damage due to concrete floor slab movement, the following recommended details will help prevent, but not guarantee, wetting of the soils underneath the slabs and minimize damage when wetting of the soil does occur. Do not place a gravel layer beneath the concrete slab, unless specified by the foundation engineer. The slab should be placed on the undisturbed native soils, or well-compacted fill. Interior concrete slabs shall be isolated from the foundation, utility lines and non-bearing partition walls. Separate the slab from all load bearing members and utility lines of at least one-half inch to allow for independent movement of the slab. Provide a positive control or slip joint at the construction joint between the slab and foundation walls Slabs shall have control joints at approximately ten feet on center each way to lessen the possibility of random cracking. These control joints may be installed as construction joints, saw cuts and/ or scoring of the slabs. Cuts should be made at least 'I• the total thickness of the slab. A good quality concrete Project#: 072-0318 www.cegg.net Page 6 of9 sealant should be installed in these joints to prevent surface discharges of water from penetrating slab subgrades. A minimum void or clear space of three inches should be provided at the bottom of all non- beating partitions and furring strips placed over the concrete slabs (see Floating Wall Detail). One should also provide a one-half inch space at the bottom of all door jambs to allow for limited movement of the floor slab. The owner is hereby notified that it is there responsibility to maintain these void spaces. In the event a hot water heating system is used, the pipe should not be placed beneath the concrete floor slab. In the event a forced air furnace is used, a two-inch collapsible connection should be provided between the furnace and the heat ducts. The soils that will support the concrete slabs should be kept moist during construction by occasionally sprinkling water and especially a day or two prior to pouring of the slab. This procedure will help maintain the moisture content of the underlying soil. In addition to the above recommendations, another means with which to reduce the risk of movement and cracking to slab-on-grade construction would be to over-excavate the below slab soil two or more feet, replace with compacted structural fill material, pour the concrete slab six inches thick with a reinforcing mat of#4/60 bars at 18 inches each way. RADON: There is not believed to be any unusual hazard from naturally occurring sources of radioactivity at the site. However, most counties in Colorado have average radon levels (measured in homes) above the U.S. EPA recommended "action level" of 4 picoCuries per liter of air (pCi/1). For instance, Teller County averages 31.94 pCi/1, Park County averages 8.28 pCi/1, El Paso County averages 4.73 pCi/1, and Douglas County averages 7.53 pCi/1. Results of a 1987-1988 EPA-supported radon study for Colorado indicate that the granitic rocks, in particular, generally have elevated levels of uranium. These rocks have the potential of producing higher than average radon gas levels in homes. Providing increased ventilation of basements and crawl spaces and sealing of joints can mitigate bniid-ups of radon gas. This mitigation is best implemented during the design and construction phases of residences. The Colorado Geologic Survey {www.dnr.state.co.us/geosurvey} and the U.S. EPA {www.epa.gov /iaq/radon} are both good sources for additional information regarding radon. OPEN-HOLE OBSERVATION: It is necessary to assume the soil in the surrounding area will be similar to that which was observed in this initial investigation. However, variations across the test borings and site can and do occur. Therefore, it is required that a qualified soil engineer inspect the completed foundation excavation prior to the placement of any foundation component to determine whether any significant variation from this report exists and whether the foundation design will require modification. Please contact this office a minimum of 24 hours in advance to schedule a representative to observe the completed excavation. The open-hole observation is not included as part of the soil report and is subject to an inspection fee. Failure to obtain this required inspection prior to placement of foundation elements renders this report and its recommendations null and void. Project#: 072-0318 www.cegg.net Page 7 of9 COMPACTION: If compaction of the native or borrow soils is required, it is highly recommended that you pick up an informative brochure provided at any Colorado Engineering and Geotechnical Group, Inc. office. In general, to compact clayey or silty materials: Placing Fill: No brush, sod, frozen material, or other perishable or unsuitable material, or stones of four inches or greater in maximum dimension shall be placed in the fill. The distribution of the material on the fill shall be such as to avoid the formation of lenses, or layers, of material differing substantially in characteristics from the surrounding material. The materials shall be delivered to the backfill surface at a uniform rate, and in such quantity as to permit a satisfactory construction procedure. Unnecessary concentration of travel tending to cause ruts and other hollows more than six inches in depth, shall be regarded and compacted. After dumping of fill material on backfill surfaces, the material shall be spread by approved methods in approximately 6 inches compacted thickness. Moisture ControL· The material in each layer shall be compacted by rolling and shall contain the optimum moisture required for maximum compaction, as nearly as practicable and as determined by the soils engineer. The moisture content shall be uniform throughout the layers. The contractor may be required to add the necessary moisture to the backfill material in the borrow area, If in the opinion of the soils engineer, it is not possible to obtain moisture content by adding water on the fill surface. Compaction: When the moisture content and condition of each spread layer is satisfactory, it shall be compacted by a method approved by the soils engineer to 90% ASTM D698 (Standard Proctor Density) for slab areas, and 100% ASTM D698 for footing and/ or pad areas. A Standard Proctor test shall be performed for each typical fill material and frequent tests of the density of the fill must be taken. Normally, eight passes of a sheepsfoot roller loaded to 4,000 pounds per lineal foot on a six inch soil layer is sufficient to achieve 90% ASTM D698. In general, to compact cohesionless free-draining materials: Note: The above guidelines also apply When compacting cohesionless free-draining materials such as sands and gravel, the materials shall be deposited in layers and compacted by treads of a crawler type tractor, surface of internal vibrators, smooth or pneumatic rollers, hand or power tampers, or by any other means approved by the soils engineer. The thickness of the horizontal layer after compaction shall not exceed 6 inches compacted thickness if compaction is performed by tractor treads, surface vibrators or similar equipment, or not more than penetrating length of the vibrator head if compaction is performed by internal vibrators. The material may not be ponded or flooded to aid in the compaction only if free draining materials underlies new fill unless specifically recommended by the Engineer. When the moisture content and condition of each spread layer is satisfactory, it shall be compacted by a method approved by the soils engineer to 90% ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor Density) for slab areas, and 95% ASTM D1557 for footing and/or pad areas. If compaction testing is to be performed by Colorado Engineering & Geotechnical Group, Inc. we will require a Proctor Curve, Standard or Modified (which ever is appropriate for the material tested), from an approved testing facility. Colorado Engineering & Geotechnical Group, Inc., if requested, will Project#: 072-0318 www.cegg.net Page 8 of9 perform this test(s) for you, provided a sample of the material(s), 5-gallon bucket(s) full, be supplied to Colorado Engineering & Geotechnical Group, Inc. a minimum of 72 hrs prior to testing. The sample(s) will be used to determine the maximum proctor density and optimum moisture content for that representative sample. Additional charges will be incurred for each sample tested and for field compaction testing operations if required. CONCLUSIONS: This report is valid only for the use of the client for the type of construction listed above. Use by any other is prohibited, as is the use for other types of construction without the express, written permission of this office. Property owners and builders are reminded that water accumulation around foundation elements is a primary cause of structural distress in homes. Foundation movement under any condition can be minimized by maintaining a stable moisture content of the soil supporting the foundation. Surface drainage is paramount to minimizing the potential for water to penetrate backfill to the level of the foundation. If water penetrates through to the soil supporting the foundation, movement is likely. Any movement that does occur should be less than 1". LIMITATIONS: This report and its recommendations do not apply to any other site other than the one described herein and are predicated on the assumption that the actual soil conditions do not deviate in any significant way from those described in this report. In the event that any variations or undesirable conditions are detected during the construction phase or if the proposed construction varies from that planned as of this report date, the owner shall immediately notify Colorado Engineering and Geotechnical Group, Inc., so that supplemental recommendations can be provided, if needed. Project#: 072~0318 www.cegg.net Page 9 of9 Summary of Laboratory Testing Job Number 072-0318 Natural Passing Blow Count Swell at Natural Dry Liquid Limit! Soil Description Test Hole Depth (ft) Moisture #200 Sieve (Blows/Inch) 1000 psf Density (pcf) Plasticity (USGS Symbol) (%) (%) (%) Index 1 4 11.5 94.5 21/12 NT 109.4 38/20 Lean Clay (CL) 4 5 9.6 55.3 Bounce NT NT 29/6 Lean Clay/Silt (CLIML) 5 9 10.3 57.6 Bounce 1.30% NT 33/18 Lean Clay (CL) TEST BORING: 1 TEST lNG: 2 DATE: 07/13/2007 DATE: 07/13/2007 ... ... ~ II. ~ II. >!! t: >!! t: 0 z 0 ~ -~ -z ... w :I w ... w :I w II. a: 0 D. II. li a: 0 D. -:I u ~ -:I u ~ ::c ... it ::c ... it ... ! ... ... Ill ... D. 0 0 0 D. 0 0 0 w ... w ... SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 2 Ill Ill SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 2 Ill Ill 0 9' LEAN CLAY Wj>f'>IIII'\~D<: ~ I 0-3' LEAN CLAY W/BOULDERS ~ 8c COBBLES* . --8c COBBLES* -GRAIN: FINE-COARSE GRAIN: FINE-COARSE ~ CONSISTENCY: STIFF -VERY STIFF 2-~ CONSISTENCY: STIFF -VERY STIFF 2-MOISTURE: LOW-MODERATE MOISTURE: LOW-MODERATE CLAY: LOW-MODERATE -~ CLAY: LOW-MODERATE -~~~~?~r;~ LOW-MODERATE PLASTICITY: LOW-MODERATE 4-~ COLOR: RED 4- .5 11 CL - 6-12 6- -- 8-8- -- *MAY BE ARTIFICIAL FILL. 10- I*MAY BE ARTIFICIAL FILL. 10- -- DRILL REFUSAL OCCURRED AT A 12-12- DEPTH OF 9' ON BOULDER/ DRILL REFUSAL OCCURRED AT A COBBLE. -DEPTH OF 3' ON BOULDER/ - COBBLE. 14-14- -- 16-16- -- 18-18- -- 20-20- BORING LOG -""' ,, =~·" ~ UME'NT 1'1515 6ee<(;on Lite Rd. iiJOB-AI ~j,i£~R,~~~~.MATHIS GL Monument, CO 80152 (11'1) 488-2145 L 1, ASPEN LEN TEST BORING: 3 I ...... I BORING: 4 DATE: 07/13/2007 DATE: 07/13/2007 ... ... -u. -u. 'il-j;; :.!! j;; 0 --z --z ... w :;) w ... w :;) w u. a:: 0 II. u. a:: 0 II. -:;) u ~ -:;) ~ :z: :z: u ... == ... == ... II) ..1 ... II) ..1 II. 0 0 II. -0 w ..1 0 w 0 ..1 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Q == ID II) SOIL DESCRIPTION Q == ID II) 0-1' LEAN CLAY W/Bf''" n~D<: -~ 0-5' LEAN CLAY •t I'R<; %:: &: COBBLES* &: COBBLES* -~ GRAIN: FINE -COARSE GRAIN: FINE-COARSE CONSISTENCY: STIFF -VERY STIFF 2-CONSISTENCY: STIFF -VERY STIFF 2-MOISTURE: LOW-MODERATE MOISTURE: LOW-MODERATE ~ ~~i~LOW-MODERATE CLAY: LOW-MODERATE ;~~RED "' I~ - I ~0;~~RE~LOW-MODERATE -~ 4-4-~ CL -9.6 IBOUNC! ML 6-6- -- 8-8- -- *MAY BE ARTIFICIAL FILL 10- [*MAY BE ARTIFICIAL FILL. 10- -- DRILL REFUSAL OCCURRED AT A 12- [DRILL REFUSAL OCCURRED AT A 12- DEPTH OF 1' ON BOULDER/ -COBBLE. LJ< 'IH OF 5' ON BOULDER/ - ,-,oRRI I' 14-14- -- 16-16- -- 18-18- -- 20-20- ~e~~~~~~;;~~~GLEN J06#•07 2-03 1 811~11 1<1:315 Seo~on Lite Rei. Monument, GO 801:32 (11 <;) 488-2145 BORING: DATE: SOIL DESCRIPTION LEAN CLAY W /BOULDERS & COBBLES* GRAIN: FINE-COARSE CONSISTENCY: STIFF -VERY STIFF MOISTURE: LOW-MODERATE CLAY: LOW-MODERATE PLASTICITY: LOW-MODERATE COLOR: DRILL REFUSAL OCCURRED AT A OF 9' ON BOULDER/ BE ARTIFICIAL fiLL. RESULTS OF 9' SAMPLE, I 1.3% SWELL POTENTIAL NG LAB TESTING. LOG Joe #, 072-0318 -1-u. -:z: 1- II. w Q 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -~ 0 -w 1:11: :I 1-l II) 0 0 ... 2 ID w II. > 1-... 0 II) CL 1'1515 Eleac:.on Lite Rd. Monvment, CO 80152 (11'1) 488-2145 COLORADO ENGINEERING AND GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 24 HR 45 MIN 100 HYDROMETER ANALYSIS 7 HR TIME RE:ADINGS 15 MIN 60 19 4 1MIN I " .: :·:::::·::.:·: . •... 1 ..•.•••••••..•• •·•••·• 90 80 '-' 70 z ~ 60 I . : f5: ·········•-••······1'> ····-.-I · .. ·:·:·.- ~50 z w ·-·············· ..... u .. ·: ... I' : .. 5 40 a_ 30 0 .001 .002 .005 .009 .019 .037 CLAY TO SILT CLASSIFICATION CL 0.0 % 5.5 % 200 GRADATION TEST RESULTS SIEVE U. S. STANDARD SERIES 100 50 40 30 16 10 8 ..... ······· ... ·'· . - ... :···-·· ... , t ·r .-•. ANALYSIS CL..EAR SQUARE OPENINGS 4 3/8'. 3/4'' 1-1/2" 3" 5" 6" 8" ·····-····· ·····-·.·· ...... ·--... ·••·· 0 ' ...................... 10 ..... ..................... +····· ···-·-.-.............. ~ ......... ,. ::·:: ... 40 ;:5 w "' 50""" z 60~ . : ..... : .... ""'' g.: .. · ...... ~... ; . -····-·-··--·-·1···• 70 1 .. : ....... . 80 •• '·.i i:' •.. :: .I ...•.. ·· ...... ···· ' • : .:::·., . 90 .074 .149 DIAMETER .297 .42 .59 1.19 OF PARTICLE IN SAND . ''' 100 2 2.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 38.1 76.2 127 152 200 MILLIMETERS FINE MEDIUM COARSE NOTES: 11.5 % Moisture Content LL=38 PL=18 Pl-20 GRAVEL FINE COARSE COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES BLOWS 94.5 % 21112 HOLE# DEPTH 5 Job Numbec 072-0318 HYDROMETER ANALYSIS 24 HR 7 HR TIME READINGS 45 MiN 15 MIN 60 19 4 100 I ······.:·.: .. ·.·········:. ::· 90 - ::: ::·.::... ········· .... '' ' ' -· 80 I ·:: ... :: ·-·· . 1M IN 200 SIEVE U. S. STANDARD SERIES 100 50 40 30 16 10 8 ; ..•........ ANALYSIS CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 4 3/8" 3 4" 1-1/2" 3" 5" 6" 8" 0 ............. ······ .. J·· .... I ••• 10 20 . ~ ·-.. ·I . I : : · I · • J --•·-.• ·_. ':'C: .•. I • ~70 30a fii ::: ::ir · · I : · :::: ~ ~ 60 40 ~ a_ ...• . / .. J · .........•..•.•.. ' ' .) ....................•..• :5! ~so so~ t! ..•. .······•··· , •...• _ ••.•. ' J ' ' ' ··.:.··.·.···-·····--.. : ········ , .•.. 1 ...••. •••········. . .. ... . .. ·.·.· . ... .... . ! . ·····•··•·•·•• 15 ~40 tTI~]t~I···-·~···-ti~li~~~~ti~li~~~I··-~-····'Ii'I··42 ·~~~!Jti···c···e!··-·!~~tc~Jt····~·······-··Cl-······cc·-·-···-cc·t···c-····-c······ ··t~:4··-CC~60 ~ 30 ... .. .. .. ... ·_ ......... ·· ..... I . 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STANOAR;) SERiES 200 1 00 50 40 30 16 1 0 8 4 CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 3 8" 3/4" -,-1/2" 3" 5" 6'' 8" 0 1 ~=t····~············;J··········;······~~;k-~~;·····+···~·-·············J····· ~~-k14=3 ~=t=Jlj···~···~·····~~········~=t~J·~A=~ !~~ 90~ 10 . ·.· ~··· '=:::.t•·:··· =~ ·J··::· ..... :·· ·-t····~::t·:...=t~4~4~-44--4==1=4:J?2!~=-=k·=· ··::···········t":...:.J····· ··==t=-= ····· ····+! J• :· ··:::.··········-~···· 801-: ...... . 20 ... ' _..-r--r , -. 1 · · 0 70~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f4~~~~~~~~~~~~±j~~30a :;; ···.:·.······· ......... : .. · .. ••••' .. -..... !········· ••7'•!1.·.··.·.··· ~···.·········· .. ··•···.·· .. ··•··········· ... ,...... ~ ~ 60 40 ~ Cf ·:.·,-....... -.-,:.::.:· : ···· · ···· ! • ·······.····· .··· . • •• · ··.·····_······· ~ . I ' ·: I I ·· .i · ···. ·· · · I · ··· ··· .. :·.·,·· ··· .. . _.I , . 1;! ~50 :·::. ·········_······· I ... !· . :· ·: ... ::· .. :· .... ··· ·.:.·.,:.······ , >!_··:··· ··.·.:.·-.:·.. ····. I I ··•·• 50~ 0:: 40 [··::·:·_·_·_·_···· 60 0.:: ~ .. , ... , ..... · ··· ····. :• ::·······.··: ·· i :: , : : : :_ . .. : . 1 . · ,,., ... , ·· ······ · .... ·· .: .. i ··.··· ·.··· ··· · ··. 1_, · ··_ · .i: . ····:: .. f :: > ~ 30 . ' .••.. ... .. ··. •.•. . 70 I ; ...... I. ............. ' .. ..•.... ' ·······.···. ! •....• >··•···· .··•·•··· .................... -1_··················· .. ········ _1 •.•. 20 .. .•. .. . . . . ....... . 80 10 ·.··.· .. ::·!····:::·····: ·:·.•::.. ••••···· , .... ,.:.: .. :·,,·.:[•,•_·· ·'I· ~~·;;.•;··· ···.····'····••-!•••-·.:.: ........•. ·_·! . ·· ......... ·~··· ·: .... ·.·.·. 90 0 ••• : ··.······················: ,. ;;,; ••••• l ; 1, ·: . ' ~.i 1 100 .001 .002 .005 .009 .019 .037 .074 .149 .297 .42 .59 1.19 2 2.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 38.1 76.2 127 152 200 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS SAND COBBLES GRAVEL CLAY TO SILT COARSE FINE COARSE FINE MEDIUM CLASSIFICATION CL NOTES: 10.3 %Moisture Content GRAVEL 15.0 % LL= 33 SAND 27.3 % PL= 15 FINES 57.6 % PI= 18 BLOWS GRAB HOLE# 5 DEPTH 9 Job Number:072-0318 '; ~ -0 0 ~ -o <ft. c: -o c:; 1J., a;= 0. g c: 0 " ., G) c ;:o m w 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 ---I - -I --- I Swell under constant pressure due to wetting 0.0 ·- -1.0 ·~---.-f-+-WIJJi __ • -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 I--- 100 W ter A de ----.;..--" - to Sam r.;.,--V I -- --_I_ . -- 1000 Load ( psf) I I ----- 1 I I __ 10000 Sample of Lean Clay from test hole # §. at depth l!_feet Natural Moisture Content 10.3% JOB NUMBER: 072-0318 100000 CLue 0 10 20 30 40 50 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SCALE: 1" = 50' PLAN I \ \ \ FLAT \ \ \ \ \ \ " \ \ ,, "' \ \ SLOPE 15~20% GRASSES & WEEDS \ \ \ \ \ \ .. \' r TH-1 ~ GPS: N3!1'2&'11.r W10?015'32.2" ~ ELECTRIC BOX ENC!i>INEER'S STATeMENT 11t5 f'LNf 15 ~ OM. Y TO D!!'I(;T 'M! l..OGAnoM OF M Pll!l.D 'DATA LOC;.AT1016 NO 'DOES M:7T ~A em! fl'I.Nl IT 5tW.I. NOT EE U!5I!P /16A 5t'IE "'.AH OR FOR~~ ~ ~ EGliiPI4!NT M$ U5I!P TO Pe'I1!'RI4tE 'M! L.Oeo\not& Of' 'nE I!!X1$TIMi,t I"!AlUIII!S. 1M! ~noN~ 1'¥6 ODTAIEJ:> U!SIM& A !IJUf1"'N ~ 1'RAH$IT NO MaD~ ens. ALm:wtt re Bl!1.lfYE 1lt! ~"nON oerMEP NTHfi "Y1ii$ DOGIM!M1' e /IC.GI.RATe l"CR ns ltrfl'8l:leP f'\RI'O!E,. re S'f1ltONI5L Y ~ 'THIIT 'Ttfi5' I& HC7T A SR't'f'l", srre fi!.M OR tll!l/!l.OPM!!n A.AN NltD 9tiALl. NOT ee IJ!!iB) /16 ~ 6P5 LOG.tt.'llC'Jte ~ ~ ,.trGQ,IRATf !Ill' Nl£ HOT~. J06 #, 072·0318 \ ~ ~-~~ "~" " " " ...._ ...._ ...._ ...._ ...._ ...._ ' '' ' ..... ..... ..... ..... ----.......... ..._ ----- MONUMENT OFFICE !'IBIS 6eacon Lite Rd. Monvment, CO 801:3.2 (ll'l) 488-.2145 4-1/2" oOd SPIKE @ o2" o.c. PRE-DRILL NAIL HOLES DO NOT CAULK TC•F-' EDGE OF MOLDING. NAIL MOLDING TO STATIONARY BOTTOM PLATE ONLY. DO NOT ATTACH TO FLOATING PLATE. NOTES: <I <I ---2X4 Y'lALL STUDS ---1/2" DRYY'lALL FLOATING PLATE MOLDING STATIONARY BOTTOM PLATE 1/2" DRYY'lALL SHIM ~-I=INISHED FLOOR CONCRETE SLAB 1.NAIL MOLDING TO STATIONARY BOTTOM PLATE ONLY. DO NOT ATTACH TO FLOATING PLATE. 2. DO NOT CAULK THE TOP EDGE OF MOLDING. 3. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 1-1/2" OF FLOAT BET~EN PLATES. 4. DRYY'lALL SHOULD NOT EXTEND BELOW THE LO~R EDGE OF THE FLOATING PLATE. MAINTAIN A 1-1/2" GAP 6ET~EN THE LO~R EDGE OF THE DRYY'lALL AND THE TOP EDGE OF THE DRYY'lALL SHIM. 5. PROVIDE AT LEAST A 1/2" FLOAT 6ET~EN THE BOTTOM OF DOOR FRAME5 AND THE FLOOR 5LA6. 6. FAILURE TO PROPER!.. Y IN5TAL.L THE FLOATING Y'IALL CAN LEAD TO Y'IARPED DOOR FRAMES, AND CRACKING IN Y'lALL5 THROUGH OUT THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE. FLOATING WALL Ol'lNER/61.JILDER STAN MATHIS J06 #, 072·0318 J06 ADDRESS, LOT 1. ASPEN GLEN MONUMENT OFFICE l"lo75 Beacon Lite Rd. Monument, co BOio2 (ll"l) 4BB-2145 FOUNDATION ~L SPREAD FOOTING TYPE COMPACTED FILL (e!S% OF DIS51) EXPANSION JOINT FOOTING FILTER FA6RIC PLACE TOP OF PIPE 6ELOY'l 60TTOM OF FOOTING OR Y'lALL AT "HI5H POINT" GRAVEL -MINIMUM TO 4" A60VE PIPE 2~~~~t_--3 OR 4' ~PERFORATED 'J RIGID PVC. PIPE MINIMUM 45 De6REe5 FROM FOOTING POL "!'ETHYLENE FILM• MOP TO ~L AND CARRY BENEATH GRAVEL AND PIPE I. 6ravel size shall not be less than 1/2" In diameter and not greater than I 1/2" In diameter. 2. Diameter or perrorated pipe varies 1111lth amount or seepage expected, three Inch diameter Is most common. :3. Pipe shall be laid at a minimum grade or I" In 10'. 4. Outrall to be unobstructed, gravity outrall. Discharge portion or pipe shall be non peri'orated past area to be drained. 01111ner Is responsible to maintain dayllghtlng or drain. 5. Exterior earth backrlll material should be compacted to at least 85% maximum standard proctor density In the upper three reet or rill. 6. Filter rabrlc shall be mlrarl 140 s or equivalent. 1. Drain pipe shall be laid belo1111 area serviced or protected, as sho1111n In detail above. 8. Mop polyethylene rllm to 1111all and carry beneath gravel and pipe. "!. The polyethylene rllm shall be continued to the edge or the excavation. FLOOR MINIMUM 45 DEGREES FROM Y'lALL ON 5RADE NOTE: CONTACT THIS OFFICE FOR DENSITY TESTING. PERIMETER FOUNDATION DRAIN MATHIS JOB#, 072-0318 ASPEN GLEN 1"1:315 Beacon Lite Rd. Monvment, CO 80152 (11"1) 488-2145 Parcel Detail Page 1 of 3 Garfield County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information AsscSSPr!IrseaSl:trcrPropertYSeilrGb I Assessor Subset__QlLQIY I Assessor Sales Search i::lerk & Re<::mdeiRec_eptimiSeilr<::b Bil~_c;_BJJilding Characteristics I IMJnfonnation Parcel Detail I Value _D_ctail Sales Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail Land Detail I Photographs I Tax Area II Account Number II Parcel Number II Mill Levy I I 082 II R005685 II 239319moo1 II 67.224 I Owner Name and Mailing Address IPCA,LLC I IPOBOX7928 I IASPEN, CO 81612 I Legal Description lsECT,TWN,RNG:19-7-88 SUB:ASPEN GLEN ICLUBLODGE LOT: 1 SUC:R820124 BK:0966 IPG:0686 BK:0966 PG:0682 BK:0925 IPG:0345 BK:0918 PG:0408 BK:0904 IPG:0724 BK:0887 PG:0824 BK:0849 jPG:0695 BK:0846 PG:0615 BK:0835 I IPG:0364 BK:0835 PG:0305 BK:0831 IPG:0544 BK:0818 PG:0326 BK:0779 IPG:0484 BK:0703 PG:0121 BK:1900 IPG:0577 RECPT:718620 BK:1392 PG:563 IRECPT:611892 BK:0921 PG:0661 Location Physical Address: IICARBONDALE Subdivision: IIASPEN GLEN CLUBLODGE II http:/ /www.garcoact.com/assessor/parcel.asp?Parce!Number=23931917300 1 11119/2007 Parcel Detail Page 2 of3 I Land Acres: 110.301 I I Land Sq Ft: llo I Section II Township II Range I I 19 II 7 II 88 I Property Tax Valuation Information II Actual Value II Assessed Value I I Land: II 300,56011 87,1601 I Improvements: II oil ol I Total: II 300,56011 87,1601 Sale Date: 113/2/2007 Sale Price: 11725,000 Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential lo I Buildings: Number of Comm!Ind lo I Buildings: No Building Records Found Tax Information I Tax Year II Transaction Type II Amount I I 2006 II Tax Payment: Whole II ($5,984.28)1 I 2006 II Tax Amount II $5,984.281 I 2005 II Tax Payment: Whole II ($6,o 10.54 )I 2005 II Tax Amount II $6,010.541 2004 Tax Payment: Whole II ($5,207 .26)1 2004 Tax Amount II $5,207.261 2003 Interest Payment II ($167.24)1 2003 Interest Charge II $167.241 2003 Tax Payment: Whole II ($4,180.92)1 2003 Tax Amount II $4,180.921 2002 II Tax Payment: Whole II ($3,584.80)1 2002 II Tax Amount II $3,584.801 2001 II Tax Payment: Whole II ($3,412.58)1 http://www .garcoact.comlassessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=23931917300 1 11119/2007 Parcel Detail 2001 II Tax Amount II $3,412.581 2000 II Interest Payment II ($38.33)1 2000 II Interest Charge II $38.331 2000 II Tax Payment: Whole II ($3,833.08)1 2000 II Tax Amount II $3,833.081 1999 II Tax Payment: Whole II ($406.90)1 1999 II Tax Amount II $406.901 Io_p_ofX<JgS< .Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Clerk & Recorder Database Search Op.tillllll Garfield County Home Page Page 3 of3 The Garfield County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good Turns Software and the Garfield County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein contained. Copyright © 2005 -2006 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns Softwm:S<. http://www .garcoact.com/assessor/parcel.asp?Parce1Number=23931917300 1 ll/19/2007