HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication-PermitGARFIELD COUNTY B UILD ING PERMIT A P PLICATION 108 a·· Street, Suite 4 0 1, Ole D'IIIOO cl Sprill&a , CO 11601 PhoDe : 9 70 -9 45-S:U:I / Fax: 970-314-3470 I IDapecUoD LIDe: 970-314-5003 Pe rmit No: --t--1 o___._.g'---"'-):_3_ Par celf Sche dule No : ;1 1'11 \ ~ ':) 00 J--~1 I J o b Addresv ~'Z..O C()u n\~ '"Road 319 , h >fl~. co ~(Co S'o I Lot No : I Bl ock No: Subd. I Exemption: '2 awner1 G Address tlettuu; Ph : ~03 -S"fl . ~5>{ Wk Ph : PJ,i,t ~et'vf~ GM~t~Uv of _,/o 5GO -t!>-.61 St. :i!tco CP t:~:I01-- 3 &\~~~~ ~d\...,.~ffi~ Ad d ress: \"l'lo t . ~MO.~ Ln :h : 'l ~d~1a0-s;rc Lic .~o~~' Is.. 1\)~L~: uJ "'+ ~1 fl:l 0 ('\1!.,f 4 Arc hitec t/ E ngineer : ~OC'QI'\' rA"(fefri!Ss : Ph: Lie . No. 5 Sq. Ft. o f Buildings Sq . Ft. of Lot: Height: No. o f Floors: J_ 6 Use o f Building: c/, ~re (ecfn'ct.( ~ l..O ~ 1 / G-1 Cbl-e e&ultJMaft -. 7 De s cribe Wo r k: 0 8 Class of Work: ~ New Q Al teration o Re move Q Addition Q Mov e 9 Garage: Q Single Carport: Q Sin gle Q -Do uble -Q Double 10 0 Driveway P~jt-~ Q O n -S ite Sewage E:("" Site Plan -. ........., """ ..-(; Disposal 11 Va luation o f Work: $ I L/ Adju sted Valuations: S ?.-<t '7 }'3_ 6 0 1 '2 Sp ecial Condi tion s : I NOTI CE Pl a n Check Fee : Permit Fee: L A SE PARAT E ELECTRI CAL PERM I T I S REQUI RED AN D M UST BE d-~o s1 ~"3 \ ~ I SS UED BY THE STATE OF COLORADO. THIS PERMJT BE COM ES NUL L AND VOID IF WO RK OR CONSTRUCTION Tota l Fee: Dat e d Permit Issued : A UTHORIZED I S NOT COMMENCE D WITHLN 180 DAYS, OR, I F fl\'2-7_(_ CONSTRUCTION OR WOR K I S SU SPE NDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PER I OD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TI M E AFTER WORK I S COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTI FY THAT I HAVE READ AN D EXAMI NED THIS OCC Group : C onst. Typ e: APPUCATION AND KNO W TH E SAME TO BE TRU E AND CORRECT. ALL F'-t Jt 5 PROVI SIO NS OF LAWS GOVE RN I NG THI S TY PE OF WORK WI LL BE COMPLETED WITH I N WH ETH ER SPECI F I ED H ERE I N OR NOT. TH E G RA NTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRES UME TO GIVE AUTHORI TY Zon i ng: Setba cks : TO VI OLAT E OR CAN CEL THE PROVISIO NS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCA L LAW REG~~ T I NGrtM THE PERFORMANCE ·~41 "21 1 I I 3 \ 01 Ma nu. H o me : ISDS No. & Fee: J~OF OWN ERlQ DATE dL\.. ~ 0 \ -9-: -0 ~ -U L \l \ _\-'2--z ~-1 p ~E?T. ~m'ioATE AL/_DATE AGREEM ENT p PE RMISSION IS H EREBY GRANT ED TO T HE APPLI CANT AS O WN ER, CO NTRACTOR AN D/OR TH E AGENT OF THE CO NT RACTOR OR OWN ER TO CO NSTRUCT THE STRU CTU RE AS DETAILED O N PLANS AN D SPE CI FI CATIONS SU B M ITT ED TO A ND RE VI EWED BY TH E BUI LDI NG DE PARTM E NT. IN CONSIDERATI ON OF T H E ISSSUANCE OF T H I S PERMIT, TH E SI G NER . H EREBY AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL B UI LDING CO DE S AND LAN D U SE REGU LATIO NS A DOPTED BY G ARFI ELD COUNTY PURSUANT TO AUTHORI T Y GI VEN LN 30.28.201 CRS AS AMEN D ED. TH E SI GNE R FU RT H ER AGREES THAT I F TH E ABOVE SAID ORDI NANCES A RE NOT FU LLY CO M PI LED WI TH IN THE LCOATI ON, ERECTION, CONSTR UCTION, AND U SE O F THE ABOVE DESCRIBED ST RUCTU RE , THE PERMIT MAY BE RE VOK ED B Y NOTI CE FROM T H E COUNTY AND THAT T HEN AN D T H ERE I T SHALL BECOM E NULL AND VOI D. THE I SSUANCE O F A PER MT BASED U PON PLAN S, SPECIF1 CATIONS AND OTH ER DAT A SHALL NOT PRE VENT TH E B UILD I NG OFFICIAL FROM TH EREAFTER REQUI RING THE COR RECTI ON OF ERRORS I N SAID PLANS, SPECI FI CATIO NS AND OTHE R DAT A O R FRO M PRE VE NTI NG BUILDI NG O PER ATI O N B EING CARR IED O N THEREUN DER WH EN I N VI OLATI O N OF TH S CODE O R ANY OTH E R O RDI NANCE OR REGU LATI O N OF THIS JU RI SDICTIO N. THE RE VI EW OF SUBMJTTED PLANS A ND SPECI FI CATI O NS A ND I NSPECTI ONS CONDUCTED THEREAFT ER DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ACC EPTANC E O F AN Y RE SPONSIBILITIES O R LIABLITI ES BY GA RFIELD COU NTY FOR ERR ORS , O MISS IO NS OR DI SC RE PENCI ES. THE R ES PONS! B IUTY FOR T HESE I TEMS AND I MPL EMENTATI ON DUR I NG CONSTR U CTION RESTS SPEC IFICIALLY WITH T H E ARTICTE CT, DE SIG N ER , B U I LDER , AND OWN ER . COM MENTS A RE INTENDED TO BE CONSERVATI VE A ND I N SUPPORT OF THE OWN ERS LNTE R EST . ~ Pt tlYl. v ree I H EREBY ACKNOWLEOOE T HAT I H AVE REA D AN D U NDER STAN D TH E AGREE M ENT AB OVE (I NITI ~ t~D•\lc:R6~ J . 4;3\,b~ ~ t b.8o·si-I( l!JA o<i. The following items are required by Garfield County for a final inspection: 1. A final Electrical Inspection from the Colorado State Electrical Inspector; 2. Permanent address . assigned by Garfield County Building Department posted where readily visible from access road; 3. A finished roof, a lockable house , complete exterior siding, exterior doors and windows installed, a complete kitchen with cabinets, a sink with hot & cold runn ing water, non-absorbent kitchen floor coverings, counter tops and finished walls, ready for stove and refrigerator, all necessary plumbing; NA:- 4. All bathrooms must be complete, with washbowl, tub or shower, toilet stool, hot and cold running water, non-absorbent floors and walls finished and a privacy door; NA: 5. All steps outside or inside over three (3) steps must have handrails, guard rails on balconies or decks over 30" high constructed to all IBC and IRC requirements; 6. Outside grading done to where water will detour away from the building; 7. Exceptions to the outside steps, decks and grading may be made upon the demonstration of extenuating circumstances, i.e. weather, but a Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until all the required items are completed and a final inspection made; 8. A final inspection sign off by the Garfield County Road & Bridge Department for driveway installation , where applicable; as well as any final sign off by the Fire District, and/or State Agencies where applicable. 9. If you will be connecting to a public water and/or sewer system , proof of the tap fees have been paid and the connections inspected by the service provider prior to issuance of a C.O. NA A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL ALL THE ABOVE ITEMS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. ****A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY TAKE UP TO 5 BUSINESS DAYS TO BE PROCESSED AND ISSUED. ****CANNOT OCCUPY OR USE DWELLING UNTIL A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (C.O.) IS ISSUED. OCCUPANCY OR USE OF DWELLING WITHOUT A C.O. WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ILLEGAL OCCUPANCY AND MAY BE GROUNDS FOR VACATING PREMISES UNTIL ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE MET. I understand and agree to abide by the above conditions for occupanCjfYV and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the dwelling under building permit # (_U V 3 8~ _.:_______..:.1-z,/---'--'31 )'--o1 __ Signature Date Bpapplicationoctober2006 VALUATION FEE DETERMINATION Applicant Address Date ~P.;:uh;::l::;ic';;'S":e:':rv:Ci-"ce'-C:::o::.._ _______ Subdivision -':-67.:20':-C':R7:"3"-'19'------------Lot!Block ..:.1:..:12::2:..:12:.::0.::c0::.8 __________ Contractor Finished (Livable Area): Main Upper Lower Other Total Basement: Unfinished Square Feet Valuation Conversion ofUnfinished to Finished Total Valuation Garage: Valuation Crawl Space Valuation Decks/ Patios Valuation Covered Open Type of Construction: Occupancy: F-1 Valuation Total Valuation sf sf sf sf X $74.68 0 sf Commercial sf X $41.00 sf X $33.68 sf X $18.00 sf X $9.00 sf X $24.00 sf X $12.00 720 sf X $39.88 sf X sf X sf X sf X sf X Michels Power 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,713.60 28,713.60 GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING AND PLANNING 970-945-8212 MINIMUM APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL OR MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Including NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS And MOVED BUILDINGS In order to understand the scope of the work intended under a permit application and expedite the issuance of a permit it is important that complete information be provided. When reviewing a plan and it's discovered that required information has not been provided by the applicant, this will result in the delay of the permit issuance and in proceeding with building construction. The owner or contractor shall be required to provide this information before the plan review can proceed. Other plans that are in line for review may be given attention before the new information may be reviewed after it has been provided to the Building Department. Please review this document to determine if you have enough information to design your project and provide adequate information to facilitate a plan review. Also, please consider using a design professional for assistance in your design and a construction professional for construction of your project. Any project with more than ten (10) occupants requires the plans to be sealed by a Colorado Registered Design Professional. To provide for a more understandable plan and in order to determine compliance with the building, plumbing and mechanical codes, applicants are requested to review the following checklist prior to and during design. Plans to be included for a Building Permit must be on draft paper at least 18"x 24"" and drawn to scale. I .. Plans must include a floor plan, a concrete footing and foundation plan, elevations all sides with decks, balcony steps, hand rails and guard rails, windows and doors , including the finish grade and original grade line . A section showing in detail , from the bottom of the footing to the top of the roof, including re-bar, anchor bolts, pressure treated plates, floor joists, wall studs and spacing, insulation, sheeting, house-rap , (which is required), siding or any approved building material. Engineered foundations may be required. Check with the Building Department. A window schedule. A door schedule. A floor framing plan, a roofing framing plan, roof must be designed to withstand a 40 pound p er square foot up to 7,000 feet in elevation , a 90 M .P .H. windspeed, wind exposure B or C , and a 36 inch frost depth. All sheets need to b e identified by number and indexed. All of the above requirements must be met or your plans will be returned . All plans submitted must be incompliance with the 2003 IBC , IPC, IMC and IFGC . Applicants are required to indicate appropriately and to submit completed checklist at time of application for a permit: 1. Is a site plan included that identifies the location of the proposed structure , additions or other buildings, setback easements, and utility easements showing distances to the property lines from each comer of the propose d structure prepared by a licensed surv eyor and has the surveyors signature and professional stamp on the drawing? Slopes of30% or more on properties must be show on site plan. (NOTE: Section 106.2) Any site plan for the placement of an y portion of a structure within 50 ft. of a property line and not within a previously surveyed building envelope on a subdivision final plat shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor and have the surveyors signature and professional stamp on the drawing . Any structure to be built within a building envelope of a lot shown on a recorded subdivision plat, shall include a copy of the building envelope as it is shown on the final plat with the proposed structure located within the envelope. Yes V 2 . Does the site plan when applicable include the location of the I.S .D .S. (Individual Sewage Disposal System) and distances to the property lines , wells (on subject property and adjacent properties), streams or water courses? This information must be certified by a licensed surveyor with their signature and professional stamp on the design . Yes No Not necessary for this project t/ 3 . Does the site plan indicate the location and direction of the State, County or private road accessing the property? Yes£_ 4. Is the I.S.D.S . (Individual Sewage Disposal System) designed, stamped and signed by a Colorado Registered Engineer? 2 ., Yes. __ _ No __ Not necessary for this project J 5. Are the plans submitted for application review construction drawings and not drawings that are stamped or marked identifying them as "Not for construction, for permit issuance only", "Approval drawings only", "For permit issuance only" or similar language? Yes V" No__ Not necessary for this project. __ _ 6 . Do the plans include a foundation plan indicating the size, location and spacing of all reinforcing steel in accordance with the uniform building code or per stamped engineered design? Y es---.!L_ No__ Not necessary for this project __ 7. If the building is a pre-engineered structure, is there a stamped , signed engineered foundation plan for this building? Yes~ No__ Not necessary for this project __ 8. Do the plans indicate the location and size of ventilation openings for under floor crawl spaces and the clearances required between wood and earth? Yes__ No__ Not necessary for project_L_ 9. Do the plans indicate the size and location of the ventilation openings for the attic, roof joist spaces and soffits? . 1 Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project_.Y__ I 0. Do the plans include design loads as required under the IBC or IRC for roof snowloads, (a minimum of 40 pounds per square foot in Garfield County)? Y es _L._ No__ Not necessary for this project __ 11. Do the plans include design loads as required for floor loads under the IBC or IRC? Yes~ No__ Not necessary for this project __ 12. Does the plan include a building section drawing indicating foundation, wall , floor, and roof construction? Yes~ No __ Not necessary for this project __ 13. Is the wind speed and exposure design included in the plan? Yes~ No __ Not necessary for this project __ 14. Does the building section drawing include size and spacing of floor joists, wall studs, ceiling joists, roof rafters or joists or trusses? Y es_L No__ Not necessary for this project __ 15 . Does the building section drawing or other detail include the method of positive connection of all columns and beams? Yes~ No__ Not necessary for this project __ 3 .. 16. 17. 18 . 19 . 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25 . Does the elevation plan indicate the height of the building or proposed addition from the undisturbed grade to the midpoint between the ridge and eave of a gable or shed roof or the top of a flat roof? (Check applicable zone district for building height maximum) Yes__ No~ Not necessary for this project __ Does the plan include any stove or zero clearance frreplace planned for installation including make and model and Colorado Phase II certifications or Phase II EPA certification? Yes__ No ~ Not necessary for this project t/ Does the plan include a masonry fireplace including a fireplace section indicating design to comply with the IBC or IRC? Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project_L Does the plan include a window schedule or other verification that egress/rescue windows from sleeping rooms and/or basements comply with the requirements of the IBC or IRC? Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project V Does the plan include a window schedule or other verification that windows provide natural light and ventilation for all habitable rooms? Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project / Do the plans indicate the location of glazing subject to human impact such as glass doors, glazing immediately adjacent to such doors; glazing adjacent to any surface normally used as a walking surface; sliding glass doors; fixed glass panels; shower doors and tub enclosures and specify safety glazing for these areas? Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project~ Do the plans include a complete design for all mechanical systems planned for ~ A ~fMdord f-IVAC installation in this building? wc.£1 fec.c.lt v.>ltl be iN/41/~ct. Yes__ No ....,........ Not necessary for this project D dt:~.: I, c:c:." ~c lf/llefl !Af<>l\ Have all areas in the building been accurately identified for the intended use? (Occupancy as identified in the IBC Chapter 3) Yes~ No__ Not necessary for this project. __ _ I' c: 1 u.ts-4 . Does the plan indicate tie ~uantity, form , use and storage of any hazardous materials that may be in use in this building? / Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project_V_ Is the location of all natural and liquid petroleum gas furnaces , boilers and water heaters indicated on the plan? vf Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project __ 4 26. Do the plans indicate the location and dimension of restroom facilities and if more than four employees and both sexes are employed, facilities for both sexes? Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project~ 27. Do the plans indicate that restrooms and access to the building are handicapped accessible? Yes__ No__ Not necessary for this project~ 28 . Have two (2) complete sets of construction drawings been submitted with the application? Yes~ No __ 29. Have you designed or had this plan designed while considering building and other construction code requirements? Yes_L No__ Not necessary fo r this project __ 30. Do es the plan accurately indicate what you intend to construct and what will rece ive a final in spection by the Gar field County Building Department? Yes ~ No __ 31. Do your plans comply with all zoning rules and regulations in the County related to your zone district? For comer lots see supplemental section 5 .05 .03 in the Garfield County Zoning Resolution for s etbacks. Yes v No --- 32. Do you understand that approval for design and/or construction changes are required prior to the implementation of these changes? Yes V No __ 33 . Do you understand that the Building Department will collect a "Plan Review" fee from you at the time of application and that you will b e required to pay the "Permit" fee as well as any "Septic System" or "Road Impact" fees required, at the time you pick up your building permit? Yes___L_ No __ 34. Are you aware that you are required to call for all inspections required under the IBC including approval on a final inspection prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupanc y and OCC I!,Pa ncy of the building? Yes_V_ No __ 35. Are you aware that the Permit Application must be signed by the Owner or a written authority be given for an Agent and that the party responsible for the project must comply with the Uniform Codes? Yes v No __ 5 36. Are you aware that you must call in for an inspection by 3:30 the business day before the requested inspection in order to receive it the following business day? Inspections will be made between 7 :30a.m. and 3:30p.m. Monday through Friday. Inspections are to be called in to 384-5003. 37. Are you aware that requesting inspections on work that is not ready or not accessible will result in a $50.00 re-inspection fee? Yes~ No __ _ 38. Are you aware that prior to issuance of a builcling pennit you are required to show proof of a driveway access permit or obtain a statement from the Garfield County Road & Bridge Department stating one is not necessary? You can contact the Road & Bridge Department at 625-8601 . Yes J No ___ _ 39. Do you understand that you will be required to hire a State of Colorado Licensed Electrician and Plumber to perform installations and hookups? The license number will be required at time of inspection. Yes v No ___ _ 40. Are you aware, that on the front of the building permit application you will need to fill in the Parcel/ Schedule Number for the lot you are applying for this permit on prior to submittal of the building permit application? Your attention in this is appreciated. Yes v' No ___ _ 41. Do you know that the local fire district may require you to submit plans for their review of fire safety issues? Yes \/ No (Please check with the building department about this requirement) 42 . Do you understand that if you are planning on doing any excavating or grading to the property prior to issuance of a building permit that you will be required to obtain a grading permit? Yes v' 43 . Did an Architect seal the plans for your commercial project? State Law requires any commercial project with occupancy of more than 10 persons as per Section 1004 of the IBC to prepare the plans and specifications for the project. Yes No Not Necessary for this project -"-v ___ _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand, and answered these questions to ( ~f~@iM J~/31}ot 6 SignatuG~f\U Date /z/JI/ol Phone: 3o'3-S1\,1Z.3Z..(days); 303~loQL~B30 (evenings) Project Name: l2k .. ~,f\~ Svbstorhon Project Address: tolO C,ovn~ m. a \'1 I ~\ fle CD Note: If you answered "No" on any of these questions you may be required to provide this information at the request of the Building Official prior to beginning the plan review process. Delays in issuing the permit are to be expected. Work may not proceed without the issuance of the permit. *If you have answered "Not necessary for this project" on any of the questions and it is determined by the Building Official that the information is necessary to review the application and plans to determine minimum compliance with the adopted codes, please expect the following : A . The application may be placed behind more recent applications for building permits in the review process and not reviewed until required information has been provided and the application rotates again to first position for review. B. Delay in issuance of the permit. C. Delay in proceeding with construction. *If you answered "No" to this question the circumstances described in the question could result in a "Stop Work Order" being issued or a "Certificate of Occupancy" not being issued. Bpcomm October 2006 7 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST Ap plica nt Y~~\~c Dat e J~ ~j <>~ Build ing ~ngineered Foundation V Driveway Permit ,:C;cL '}.-L ... ~urveyed Site Plan 4septic Permit and Setbacks 4Grade/Topography 30% ~Attach Residential Plan Review Li st 4Minimum Application Questionnaire ~Subdivision Plat Notes ~Fire Department Review -----0' aluation Determination!F ees V Red Line P lans/Stamps/Sticker ~A~ach Conditions _J}__Appl ication Signed J Plan Rev i ewer To Sign Application v Parcel/Schedule No. ~ 40# Snowload Letter-Manf. Hms. GENERAL NOTES: P lanning/Zo ning _0r operty Line Setbacks ~Oft Stream Setbacks --t.,..L_Flood Plain Vsuilding Height V"Zoning Sign-off ~oad Impact Fees _dHOAIDRC Approval c/ Gr ade/Topogr aphy 40% -0'anning Issu es JLsubdivision P lat Notes ... (l Xcel Energy·· TRANSMITTAL December 4, 2008 Garfield County Office ATTN: Andy Schwaller RE: Ute Rifle Grading and Building Permits Substation Engineering & Design 550 15th Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Fax 303,571, 7866 Enclosed are the complete plans for the Control Building, Grading, and Erosion Control. The situation with the snow load is still being addressed and you will be informed as soon as possible. Vincent Ramos Civil Engineer EIT Phone: 303-571-7972 \\FNPCPTB01\Home\RMSV01\Ute Rifle\xcelletterhead_ToAndy_010408.doc (l Xcel Energy·" April 4, 2008 David Mead Garfield County Building and Sanitation Department 108 8th Street, Suite #401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 RE: Xcel Energy Rifle Substation Control Building Foundation Approval Dear Mr. Mead: Substation Engineering & Design 550 15th Street, Suite 200 Denvw Colorado 80202-4256 Fax 303.571.7866 At your request, Xcel Energy has observed the foundation at the above mentioned site through photographs, and by phone interviews with the Contract Inspector, Larry Claxton. Although an on-site inspection was not conducted by Xcel Energy or the structural engineer, J.F. Sate and Associates (JFSA), we believe that the foundation was built in accordance with the drawings. Based on the photos provided by the contractor, it appears that overall, the reinforcing for the foundation wall, footing, and slab agrees with the structural drawings. It was observed in the photographs that the number of bars required in the footing appeared to meet the number shown on the plans. Per the structural drawings, the foundation wall appeared to have vertical bars with alternating leg orientation. At the time the photographs were taken, the horizontal bars were not yet in place; however, the contractor confirmed that these bars were added at a later time. The one opening required within the foundation wall was not apparent in the photographs; however, the contractor stated that the conduit located at this opening was in place and was encased directly into the concrete rather then using an opening. A number of photographs showed reinforcing for one of the column footings which appeared to match the drawing requirements with the exception of the stirrups. Only one stirrup was shown at the top of the wall, however, the contractor stated that the additional stirrups were added prior to the concrete placement. Photographs showed the additional reinforcing required at the thickened edge slab. It appeared that this reinforcing included the rebar required with the exception of the hairpins which is discussed in detail within this letter. The welded wire fabric within the slab-on-grade was also apparent in the photographs. It should be noted that the above stated observations were based on only the photographs provided to Xcel Energy and phone conversations with Larry Claxton. The photographs do not show the reinforcement for the entire foundation; therefore, it is assumed that the foundation was constructed consistently and that the photographs reflect the construction methods used for the entire foundation. During construction, the contractor acknowledged that the hairpin reinforcement required in the slab due to the thrust forces from the pre-engineered building was not incorporated prior to the placement of the concrete. The structural engineer, JFSA, was contacted to determine a solution to remedy this issue. Based on the thrust force provided by the building manufacturer, JFSA concluded that the force was minimal and would not require the hairpin reinforcing if the correct building anchorage and adhesive system was used. This anchorage was used; however, installation instructions were not followed accurately for the adhesive system which resulted in movement of the anchors. The anchors and adhesive was removed and another adhesive system was specified that would meet the weather requirements of the site. The contractor was informed that installation of the adhesive system must be installed exactly per the requirements of the manufacturer to prevent the anchors from moving. The building erector contractor chose to use a different adhesive product then specified; however, it was later (l Xcel Energy ·· Sub st ation Enginee ring & D esign 550 15th Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Fax 303.571 . 7866 determined that the adhesive used met the load and temperature requirements. After the proper curing time, the contractor stated the there was no further movement of the anchors. Although the construction of the foundation was not directly observed , we feel that the information provided to us indicates that the foundation appears to meet the requirements of the structural drawings. Please feel free to contact Xcel Energy if you need further information. Sincerely, Don Simpson COUNTY OF GARFIELD -BUILDING DEPARTMENT CORRECTION NOTICE 108 8th St., Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, Colorado Phone(970)945~212 Job located at 0~ C!tf? 3 If Permit No. /()O'er 3 0 Call for Re-lnspection 0 $50.00 Re-lnspection Fee must be paid prior to Re-lnspection You are hereby notified that the above correction must be inspected before covering. When correction(s) have been made, call for inspection at 970-384-5003. Date _-Jf'--------'-j'---·· ---,...---,--;r 20 0 0 Building Inspector __L.Jal~""'""'-jJ/=''-7Jte'---'--'=-=::!::d::::::~~--------­ Phone (970) 945-8212 Assessor's Parcel No. d. (1 tJ-I Cf-'3 -DO• d.YI Date £ /J!f { 0 S I i Job Addr owner :A.ddress5"So !5-H..Sf.--:t:J:. ?Oo ~'ifo~rr 3o3·5'? r-1'1Sf \,1: • I 6 ~ "''-' f, .\\ • -" "V.:Z:'5if9~(. Contractor]"~ r'~a~~. Addresst1'1$t ·.S~L~n · ~ IPhone # 9~o-f'J).o.'fl;;~.co Setbacks: Front Rear RH LH Zoning ____ _ ~~st~.~~· FFootidngt_ So :e::-9J.Mu~ oun a1on ~ ~~L/ Grout ____________ ___ Underground Plumbing ______ _ Rough Plumbing ________ _ Framing ____________ _ Insulation ------------ Roofing------------- Drywall ------------- Gas Piping __________ _ INSPECTIONS NOTES Weatherproofing ___________ _ Mechanical _____________ _ Electrical Rough (State)--..,~-~~--­ Eiectrical Final (State) \I)<UZ.. ~ No\--Q!';$ Final '1--4. ..o( /Checklist CJfllpleted? 4J[V Certificate Occupancy # __.'S.L30~4.L__ __ ____:r __ _ Date 15'>>1JeAA 4-l~-0'8'" Septic System # __,_fl=-+'fA'-'---------- Date ------------- Final ____________ _ Other __________________ __ (continue on back) INSPECTION WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE JOB 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS BUILDING PERMIT GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO Date lssued.J.f.~~Zoned Area ............................... Permit No .... /(:;8.2-3 ... ... AGREEMENT In consideration of the issuan~.:e of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to comply with all laws and regulations related to the zoning, location; construction and erection of the proposed structure for which this permit is granted, and further agrees that if the above said regulations are not fully complied with in the zoning, location, erection and construction of the above described structure, the permit may then be revoked by notice from the County Building Inspector and IMMEDIATELY BECOME NULL AND VOID. use £(~<.ffoic.,l E:tu.ipw.enf: Coo-fro( o Hit Setbacks Front Side Sjde Rear This Card Must Be Posted So II is Plainly Visible From The Street Until Final Inspection. INSPECTION RECORD Footing L Driveway ' Foundation L Underground Plumbing Insulation ' Rough Plumbing Drywall Chimney & Vent Electric Final (by State Inspector) ~ _ Gas Piping Final \,-\ ,..q tO ,"ls-f t)..h 'L , W[ Electric Rough (By State Inspector) Septic Final Framing Notes: (To include Roof in place and Windows and Doors installed). ALL LISTED ITEMS MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE COVERING- WHETHER INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR, UNDERGROUND OR ABOVE GROUND. THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE For Inspections Call 384-5003 I 08 8th Street Glenwood Springs, Colorado APPROVED DO NOT DESTROY THIS CARD Date tfl.~~~.~~('E lh\P'7I~-~;;;Fl_ WITH CLEAR PLASTIC Parcel Detail Page I of 2 Garfield County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assesswt'Ire<Wl!t·er PropertyScarch I Assess_or Subset OJ.!~n' I Assessor Sales Search Clerk&.RefQrclerRe~~ptionSeaKh Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Parcel Detail I Value Detail I Sales Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail Land Detail I Photographs I Tax Area II Account Number II Parcel Number II Mill Levy I I 024 II R420673 II 2177143oo281 II 45.837 I Owner Name and Mailing Address \PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO I \PROPERTY & LOCAL TAXES DEPT. I \1225 17TH ST STE 400 I \DENVER, CO 80202-5534 I Legal Description \SECT,TWN,RNG:14-6-93 DESC: SESESW \STATE ASSESSED PRE:R024435 BK:0894 \PG:0373 BK:0829 PG:OOOI BK:0828 \PG:0932 BK:0668 PG:0470 BK:0663 \PG:0300 Location I Physical Address: \\PCL IN SWI/4 SEC 14-6-93 I I Subdivision: I I Land Acres: I 0 I Land Sq Ft: I 0 I Section II Township II Range I I 14 II 6 II 93 I http://www. garcoact.corn/assessor/parcel. asp ?Parce!N umber=217714 300281 1/7/2008 Parcel Detail Property Tax Valuation Information Jl Actual Value II Assessed Value I Land: 011 I Improvements: oil I Total: I oil Il l=[ =====:=Sa=le::=D=at===le: I . . Sale Price: I Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential lo Buildings: Number of Commllnd lo Buildings: No Building Records Found Tax Information No Tax Records Found Top of Page I ol 0 ol I I Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Clerk & Recorder D:..ttabase Search Options Garfield County Home Page Page 2 of2 The Garfield County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good Turns Software and the Garfield County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein contained. Copyright © 2005 -2006 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns Software. http://www .garcoact.com/assessor/parcel.asp?Parce!Number=217714300281 117/2008 Garfield County No. 10823 Building & Sanitation Department 108 8th Street, Suite #401 Glenwood Springs, Co. 81601 Office 945-8212 Inspection Line 384-5003 JobAddress: (")bd--D G:_~31Cf ~ Cv \?lb:lo ( Locality:~ it ~11;-(4-?:>-6o--J.-.8' ( UseofBuilding: ~ ~~ ~. Owner: P~.~~~~ Contractor: 'YV\ ~ ~~ <A ~ ?b '111 ~ C)-:-;o · Date:~rog Clerk: C- Amount of Permit: 'l ( d-.~ ~