HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Use Permit■1111M. FLAM1A1 y ;111,' 1111 Reception#: 725066 06/07/2007 10:27:32 RM 8: 1935 P: 0290 Jean Alberico 1 of 1 Reo Fee:$0.00 Doc Fee:0.00 GARFIELC COUNTY CO SPECIAL USE PERMIT for EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc. 9 -Acre Tract described as SW 1/ of the SW r/ of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M. Parcel Number: 213527300015 In accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the Garfield County Zoning Resolution of 1978, as amended, and Resolution No. 2007 - 44 of the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County, State of Colorado, hereby authorizes, by Special Use Permit, the following activity: "PROCESSING AND MATERIAL HANDLING OF NATURAL RESOURCES" CONCERNING AN EXPANSION OF THE "MIDDLE FORD NATURAL GAS -COMPRESSOR STATION" LOCATED .-WITHIN _THE_NORTHPARACHUTE _RANCH The Special Use Permit is issued subject to the conditions set forth in the above-mentioned resolution, and shall be valid only during compliance with such conditions and other applicable provisions of the Garfield County Zoning Resolution, Subdivision Regulations, Building Code, and other re_ ations of the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado. GARFIEL COMMISIONE CO ,COLO TY BOARD OF .S, GARFIELD O Cha' 12;II MIAMI MN 11111 Reception#: 725065 06/0712007 10:27:32 ASI 8: 1935 P: 0286 Jean Alberica i of 4 Rec Fee:$0.00 Doc Fee: GARFIELD COUNTY CO STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss County of Garfield ) ting t� Board f� y r for Garfield County, Colorado, At a regularli�F,el.u1 of the Gar of County 4GtiuueSSiOners v iaeau �.o'�iu� held in the Commissioners' Meeting Room, Garfield County Courthouse, in Glenwood Springs on, Monday, the 21st day of May A.D. 2007, there were present: John Martin , Commissioner Chairman Larry McCown , Commissioner Tresi Haupt , Commissioner Carolyn Dahlgren , Deputy County Attorney Jean Alberico , Clerk of the Board Ed Green , County Manager when the following proceedings, among others were had. and done, to -wit: RESOLUTION NO. 2007-44 A RESOLUTION CONCERNED WITH THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR PROCESSING AND MATERIAL HANDLING OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR EXPANSION OF THE "MIDDLE FORK NATURAL GAS COMPRESSOR STATION" LOCATED AT THE NORTH PARACHUTE RANCH AND WITHIN A PROPERTY OWNED BY ENCANA OIL AND GAS (USA), INC, GARFIELD COUNTY PARCEL NO# 213527300015 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado, received a Special Use Permit (SUP) request for "Processing and -Material -Handling of Natural Resv i ccs" submitted by Encana Oil and Gas USA, Inc to construct a natural gas compressor station (hereinafter "Compressor") located at the North Parachute Ranch; and WHEREAS, the Compressor is to be located a 9 -acre portion of the 27,000 -acre property owned by Encana Oil & Gas USA, Inc located at the end of County Road 215 north of Parachute, CO which is also formerly known as the old UNOCAL property and presently called the North Parachute Ranch; and WIIERERAS, the subject property is zoned Resource Lands (Gentle Slopes & Lower Valley Floor) where such use is permitted as a Special Use; and WHEREAS, the Compressor will serve as a collector point where gathered natural gas is. 1 1111 PA MM. }S N.... J11,101,14 11III Reception#: 725065 06/07/2007 10:27:32 RM 8: 1935 P: 0287 Jean Rlberico 2 of 4 Rec Fae:$0.00 Doc Fee: GARFIELD COUNTY CO sent for dehydration and compression of gas collected in the North Parachute Ranch; once compressed, the natural gas is delivered to a higher pressure system and transported to a location where it is conditioned for sales; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners opened a public hearing on the 21s7. day of May, 2007 upon the question of whether the above-described SUP should be granted or denied, during which hearing the public and interested persons were given the opportunity to express their opinions regarding the issuance of said SUP; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners closed the public hearing on the 21St day of May, 2007 to make a final decision; and WHEREAS, the Board on the basis of substantial competent evidence produced at the aforementioned hearing, has made the following determination of fact as listed below: 1. Proper posting and public notice was provided as required for the meeting before the Board of County Commissioners. 2. The meeting before the Board of County Commissioners was extensive and complete, that all pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested parties were heard at that meeting. 3. The above stated and other reasons, the proposed special use permit has been determined to be in the best interest of the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Garfield County. 4. The application has met the requirements of Special Use (Sections 5:03, 5:03:07, 5:03.08 and 9:03) the Garfield County Zoning Resolution of 1978, as amended. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado, that a Special Use Permit for Processing and Material Handling of Natural Resources for a property owned by EnCana Oil and Gas (USA), Inc. is hereby approved subject to compliance with all of the following specific conditions: 1. That all representations of the Applicant, either within the application or stated at the hearing before the Board of County Commissioners, shall be considered conditions of approval unless explicitly altered by the Board. 2. That the operation of the facility be done in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations governing the operation of this type of facility. 3. That the Applicant shall comply with the fire protection provisions included in the rules and regulations of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) and the 2 r,��E ��� ■IIl li��Ei��l1-E�If� 411 IIINFi 11111 reception#: 725065 06/07/2007 10:27:32 A(1 9: 1935 P: 0288 Jean Alberico 3 of 4 Rec Fee:$0,03 Doc Fee: GARFIELD COUNTY CO international Fire Code as the Code pertains to the operation of this facility. 4. Volume of sound generated shall comply with the standards set forth in the Colorado Revised Statutes. 5. Vibration generated: the Compressor shall be so operated that the ground vibration inherently and recurrently generated is not perceptible, without instruments, at any point of any boundary line of the property on which the use is located. 6. Emissions of smoke and particulate matter: the Compressor shall be so operated so as to comply with all Federal, State and County air quality laws, regulations and standards. 7. Emission of heat, glare, radiation and fumes: the Compressor shall be so operated that it does not emit heat, glare, radiation or fumes which substantially interfere with the existing use of adjoining property or which constitutes a public nuisance or hazard Flaring of gases, aircraft warning signals, reflective painting of storage tanks, or other such operations which may be required by law as safety or air pollution control measures shall be exempted from this provision. 8. Any storage area for uses not associated with natural resources shall not exceed ten (10) acres in size. 9. Any lighting of storage area shall be pointed downward and inward to the property center and shaded to prevent direct reflection on adjacent property. 10. Water pollution: in a case in which potential hazards exist, it shall be necessary to install safeguards designed to comply with the Regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency before operation of the facilities may begin. All percolation tests or ground water -resource tests -as may be required by -local -or State Health Officers must bemet before operation of the facilities may begin. 11. That all proper building permits are obtained for the structures associated with the operation of the Compressor prior to the issuance of a Special Use Permit. 1111 A ANNIi iCill,. 1111 ecept i on#t : 725065 06/07/2007 10:27:32 RM 0: 1935 P. 0289 Jean Rlberico 4 of 4 Rec Fee:$0.00 Doc Fee: GARFIELD COUNTY CO Upon motion duly made and seconded the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following vote: COMMISSIONER CHAIR JOHN F. MARTIN , Aye COMMISSIONER LARRY L. MCCOWN , Aye COMMISSIONER i'i J Si HOUPT , Aye STATE OF COLORADO County of Garfield )ss ) I, , County Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing Resolution is truly copied from the Records of the Proceeding of the Board of County Commissioners for said Garfield County, now in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, at Glenwood Springs, this day of , A.D. 20 County Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners 4