HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication- Permitl [ No. 8276 GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING, SANITATION, and PLANNING DEPARTMENT 109 8th, Street, Suite 303 Fast r �J S Glenwood Springs, CO 81601(970) 945-8212 L U 7. K 2 • Job Address (g N pct - C r L e� �r C- -t, S/3S— Nature of Work Building Permit Use of Building s c„rC%_,<< '-c.— �1 Owner L) k Contractor UJ --r -f Amount of PermitS , q Lf Date ? 51 a Z_ Clerk GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TELEPHONE (970) 945-8212 ,Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. GARFIELD COUNTY (GLENWOOD SPRINGS). COLORADO - �7 INSPECTION LLNI: (970) 945.9159 PERMIT NO. 2 / PARCEL/SCHEDULE NO. • IOBADDREss: 62 Hogan Circle, Parachute, CO 81635 Lor NO. 7 BLOCK NO. 2 SUBDIVISIO'..EXEMPTIo The Fa i r. w tys 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Witt Homes "r"1"CTU1 Witt Homes """`II"tincoln DeVore 'Q'T"'"' 1592 4":41'73,1 Sipprel.le , Parachute "DD's"Box 6128, B. Mesa, CO "°°"144]. Motor St., C.J. aQPTD/WT 4180 S/F Residencenww] th garage '285-753 '285-753 '242-869 'ara`r2 2 "'Build new 2 hed, 2.5 hath, den, and pas fireplace home h w1G v,a 7 LC ♦O 8.. �o "r."1 tt 1 / 2 8 9 10 CI.J.13C•WCim OWN X :AMMM OALTCaATIOd L'aiONS OIDpK aAaAM caNCILE aDUUYt V CARPORT. o10/011 '.DOLMA c DUVSwAY PEUCT :LIN fnI inw^GE DOIOUAL Iarl X 1 YA1. ATTOV e1/ WO= AD xliTtp vALL'A110N 1 """"" Attached aEL7ALLTlVDi}Y]t 1 rM Olvky1 /0 5 / D€ 5-c.12-- a L s' NOTICE A SEPARATE ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1S REQUIRED AND MUST BE ISSUED BY THE STATE OF COLORADO TIBS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION WLTHORIZF.D 1S NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 110 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SL'SP .LADED OR ABANDONED FORA PERIOD OF 110 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS CO!.LNtF.NCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAM;NEDTHIS APPLICATION AND KNOW TILE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORT: WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTNG OF A PF. LMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO %IOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CON UCITO. S•. 0 2112/2 Bauldmg Dept. Apprwa&Da c PLAN CHECK FEE: -(q.�r PERMIT FEE: %' TOTAL FEE: 2 q ! DATE PERMIT ISSUED* OCC: GROUP, CONST. TYPE. n U V- tifigoW ZONING: 'HOME: AGREEMENT SETBACKS: ISDS NO. & FEE: PERMISSION 1S HEREBY GRANTED TO THE APPLICANT AS OWNER CONTRACTOR AND'OR THE AGENT OF THE CONTRACTOR OR OWNER TO CONSTRUCT THE STRUCTURE :AS DETAILED ON PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED TO AND REVIEWED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IN CONSIDERATION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT. THE SIGNER HEREBY AGREES TO COMPLY WrIH ALL BL LDING CODES AND LAND CSF REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY GARFIELD COU'N'TY PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GIVEN IN 30.21.201 CRS AS AMENDED. THE SIGNER FURTHER AGREES THAT IF THE ABOVE SAID ORDLNA.\CES ARE NOT FULLY COMPLIED WITH IN THE LOCATION. ERECTION. CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STRUCTURE, THE PERMIT MAY THEN BE REVOKED BY NOTICE FROM THF. COUNTY AND THAT THEN AND TEE rr SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID. THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT BASED UPON PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT PREVENT THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. FROM THEREAFTER REQUIRING THE CORRECTION ION OF ERRORS IN SAID PIANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA OR FRO PREVENTING BUILDING OPERATION BEING CARRIED ON THEREUNDER WI IEN LN V IUI.AnUN OF THIS CODE OR ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OR REGULATION OF THIS JURISDICTION. THE REVIEW OF THE SUBMITTED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND INSPECTIONS CONDUCTED THEREAFTER DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE AN ACCEPTANCE OF ANY RESPONSIBIL Trims OR LIABILITIES BY GARFIELD COUNTY FOR ERRORS. OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES. TILE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE ITEMS AND IMPLEMENTATION DURLNG CONSTRI =ION RESTS SPECIFICALLY WITH THE ARCHITECT. DESIGNER. BUILDER AND OWNER. COMMENTS ARE UNTENDED TO BE CONSERVATIVE AND INS TI, PO8T.pF TILE OWNERS MEREST. Gulana.003 I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT T HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE AGREEMENT ABOVE- /INI IAL1 t 2s� o The following items are required by Garfield County for a final inspection: 1. A final Electrical Inspection from the Colorado State Electrical Inspector. 2 Permanent address assigned by the Garfield County Building Department posted where readily visible from access road. 3 A finished roof, a lockable house, complete exterior siding, exterior doors and windows installed, a complete kitchen with cabinets, a sink with hot & cold running water, kitchen floor coverings, counter tops and finished walls, ready fof stove and refrigerator, all necessary plumbing. 4. A complete bathroom, with wash bowl, tub or shower, toilet stool, hot & cold running, water, floors and walls finished an a privacy door. 5. All steps outside or inside over three (3) steps must have handrails, guardrails on balconies or decks over 30" high constructed to all 1994 UBC requirements. Outside grading done to where water will detour away from the budding. Exceptions to the outside steps, decks and grading may be made upon the demonstration of extenuating circumstances, i.e., weather, but a Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until all the required items are completed and a final inspection made. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL ALL THE ABOVE ITEMS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. ****CANNOT OCCUPY OR USE DWELLING UNTIL A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (C O) IS ISSUED. OCCUPANCY OR USE OF DWELLING WITHOUT A C.O. WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ILLEGAL OCCUPANCY AND MAY BE GROUNDS FOR VACATING PREMISES UNTIL ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE MET. I understand and agree to abide by the above conditions for 'occupancy, use and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the dwelling under building permit # ?a 7. 344A,11\7-4.?7_721 Signature, prmtcond.1st Date �p a�403eirtQ.i rat - TT ) 6) f, 9..o Gct . 1 -L G `(j 538.00. GA&a C,5_ sr -L_ (g a G . 0 0 FoyrD�EK. I $ 9 - 10 1 G9% -v 714I107.25 PIER -TRC SIO: MEW 41 4 11 FRONT MEW TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW PIER -NVR SIDE VEW FRONT VIEW RIGHT CORNER -TRC SDE MEW FRONT MEW TOP VIEW 21 SIR 21'112 ,2. b TOP MEW SIDE VIEW SCE YEN LEFT CORNER TVFL SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW TOP YEW 518 +3E )A I� ` u X111 Z,n 1 �g mi-or l a 12 !_ 40 314 —. T 1 SIDE VIEW 2 1M ST -TRC SIDE VOW FRONT MEW ST-38G1V SLOE YEVII FRONT VIEW 41 36 7/8 TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 24 1/4 121 TOP MEW 6516 1K SIDE NM ST-42TYR SIDE MEW FRONT VIEW TOP VIEW .21 5/8 6 SDE VIEW a.g 24 114 SPECIFICATIONS— MOD HT1G11T MOW MOTH MCI "IMF DTH WT OPEMIG 671: "IIT mu.,ra+umrc marl MAW aux wauwaxCIA 114.6e/C\ PER -TRC 41 41'h 40111 A 10111 A 214• 23'h Wits 20'h 23,50037.800 PER-TWt 41 41'h 4071 40'I I0/4 40'h 24'I. 23,/4 3I7h.201h 27400.10,000 COfieER.R-TRC 41 41'h 1011! A 401/1 A 2541 241!1 341/2.20,h 25,500.37200 COVER -TNR 11 II'h Oil 40'/o 101h 40 /i 253 24111 34'1120'h 27600.40,0:0 8aifyro•TIt5 31'/4 34414 41111 3941 25114 35i Id 1751 8 31 a 11 23,00343,000 STAG 41 4141 43 C 43 C 243 231/4 349420'h 23.500-37,800 ST.36GTY 3)1. 30I/ 381h 391h 363h 43 3941 22'/+4 211111 30 t 18'h 32.000 ST-42V1R 41 41'h 43 44 41 24'Ii 2344 3471a20'12 27,000+0.000 A. 4r.' Ian Tap YIN. 4 lie lo. Par Yin 0. !S 3/4' nor Tap YIN. 1 ap' 1p tut V/m C. 4.iI. Ip Top 0.01, 4 ' fa Pm YM.! wwr.C• 1•.wWn• uM ,w..er....ind ...in..ty.e,glw vW. at 1441.411.1104 4/1 .(1[(•ow.,Isr9nt 0 a•IAA T.. VIM 1197 • Burning Embers and Yellow llama • Optional Remote Gclurol • P !pint and Safety Plot • II L lutsl (Warmodt Henry for ST•38GR/) • Installed junction Bas for Optional Fuss and Remain • High Tempe1aWre Limit Snitch Pier -TRC / • Multiple Vesting Options • Ceramic Fiber CampFyre Style Los • Sealed Combmuan Charter • 23,50437,800 BM/hr. Input • High Nona Efficiency 70 •% • variable Valve so Amur Flame Height and Heat Output • Pau Style Bums • Optional Fan • AYai lab k August 1.1997 Pier-TVFL • 27,00440,000 BT11Mr. lrrptu (NG) • Ceramic Fiber CanlpFyre Style Lap • Variable Valle b Aha Fiume Height and Hent Output • Optional ?Dished Bras Trim • Requires 6" B -Vent • High Temperature Limit Switch • Arailable August 1,1997 • Decorah! Black hood BayFyre-TRS • Multiple venting Options • 23.00433,C00 STU hr. input • High 1Ttrmal Efficiency (75.6+%) • Variable Flame to Alba Fume Hight and Heat Oulput • A.F. U. E. Rating d 70% (Annual FUeI Utilization Mom) • Sealed Combustion Chamber • Carnot Fiber Can>pFyte Slyie I • Optional Fan • Standard Polished Brass Tnm ST-42TVFL • 27,00040,0001311Vhr Input (NG) • Ceramic Fiber C3rnmpFyre Style Lap • variable valve q Aha Flame Height and Hot Output • Opuanal Pdshed Bras Trtm • Large Viewing Area 36" x 21' • Fled Parr[ of Glasson Exh Side • Required 6" 6 -Vel • Available August 19. 1997 • Decorative Black hood Corner TRC • Multiple Venting Options • Cera nk Fiber CurryFyre Sty* Logs • Sealed Combustion Chmnber • 23,50437,8008111Rtt Input • High TMmal Efficiency 70+% • Variable Valle to Alter Flame Height and Hat Output • Pan Style Bums • Optional Fan • AnilabkAugtat I, 19:17 Corner-TVFL + 21,0110-40,000 Bihilar. Input (NG) • Cenamk fiber CampP1'rr Style lap • Variable Valve to Aller Flame Height and Feat Output • Optional Polished Bras Trim • Requires 6" 6 -Vet • High Temperature Limit Switch • Rentable August 1, l997 • Decant/we Black food ST -TRC • Multiple Venting Options • Germ* Campfyre logs • 2350437,8 O!MAL InPul • High Thermal E6kienncy 70+% • Variable Valve to Ater Flame Height and Fen Output • Pan Style Sumer • Optima/ Fun • AnllableAugust 1,1997 ST 38GTV • 32,000 BTT1/hr. Input • Four Realistic Looking Oak logs with Burning Embers and Yellow Flumes • Fixed Panel d Glass on Each side with De oratlte Mesh + Standard Polsshed Brass Term • Optional Fan • Requires 5" 5 -Vent HEAT -N G�LQ HEST' N [;LU Etrrpla a Products, Inc 6665 W. Hwy 13, Minneapolis. MN 55378 (6t2) 890-8367 Fax (612) 890-3525 E -Mail us al hng@heathglo corn 11.11 our Web site at flip /Rsuw heatnglu term INSPECTION WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE JOB 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS BUILDING PERMIT GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO Date Issuedi.J.a�jA Zoned Area Permit No. $ 7 (100 11 [[[iiI AGREEMENT In consideration of the issuance of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to comply with all laws and regulations related to the zoning, location; construction and erection of the proposed structure for which this permit is granted, and further agrees that if the above said regulations are not fully complied with in the zoning, location, erection and construction of the above described structure, the permit may then be revoked by notice from the County Building Inspector and IMMEDIATELY BECOME NULL AND VOID. Laf 7 edoCik Use • s ! _ qin Address or Legal Description LQ'). %C1 c:ir , d�4, Owner Lad ftlk, 140t'S Contractor In LA.a 1isr✓ Setbacks Front Side Side Rear This Card Must Be Posted So It is Plainly Visible From The Street Until Final Inspection. INSPECTION RECORD Footing // p? /.3._ a, R Foundation 2,. /7.-/ / 2 4.A. Underground Plumbing Insulation iii-// 02-- Av., Rough Plumbing 11_0-2.. Om Drywall i'/.7 -Tc Om Chimney & Vent _I f_Dv lav, Electric Final (by State Inspector) g it 1051. Gas Piping c r .., s-_ a A,r, Finalc?-1/...0 2_ ,9 — Electric Rough (By State 1nspector)4cl:asU,, Septic Final ,r)4- Framing t.,..1 _E- a. A - (To include Roof in place and Windows and Doors installed). Notes:44 Pt - (I M 13 Cy' - yon r. GovGT i S 57' LC K ALL LISTED ITEMS MIJST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE COVERING - WHETIIER INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR, UNDERGROUND OR ABOVE GROUND. THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE Phone 3845{)03 109 8th Street County Courthouse Glenwood Springs, Colorado. APPROVED DO NOT DESTROY THIS CARD Date y % .. $ IF PLACED OUTSIDE - COVER WITH CLEAR PLASTIC