HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationsuA[-llri¡:u LH*{lii i \' îi JUL 3 1 ?01? GAi+l li l Ii:'i,,i|,' ''t,..Í,À.:i.lll ;: -\1 1 l 'i li , ;r¡tJi ,¡ :,:i I ¡ ' {emrnuniry Dev*lop:nsnt nËpårtmant :08 tth str*et, Sulte 401 Glenwsod Springr, Cü *ISü1 {9701 9¡r5-S21¿ W"plfi rÊâ rf i e I d:Ëó{¡ otl. çg$?- #nrfield trllngr tf,F üor*rllerciaïMulti-f arnily Manufactured Horne {$ingle 0t RË$idÊntiôl {$F, Duphx or Torunhome} Demolition , fJ ncroot Prcp*rly Swner: trlaillnS Address: Fhone:{) tr* f,cçailÂddrtssi ts$trattér:& r *tzr: lJù{Y. F{:{.- lu}¡, "Fl¡sn*r rtlÔ I {*ð6 .* 3¿f ? l$aillng åddre*:;llt3l &rÊ*ôü"r el. lä*'trLe t$ ñl|{6$ Êrnait åddress: {-ålr{*r-. e i ard rä) q i aráb$f:nc{ -c-&w\ J Art?ritnct:Fhons:#-I$ l?åS- g{ I I ltl*iling 4ddresr: try¡*ll Address: Hnginrem Phune; fiio t f{q 4åq I : lVlaill*g Addrers; f¡fiaÊl åddress¡ s hllan*f¡ctured Xome lnstallen Phons: { } ç, tutailång Addr*ss: fnail Addre*sr $ercrib* lÀ¡srk: $ob Addrcsr: Âssesgor's Ptrcel f{u¡nber: S*¿b, -&5"/-Ð f- @Òx l"nt Slnck Õllrn*fs v¡luatlon cf lâl*rh $, lr3 T #51*:,:- prrperty $tze {Sq" Fr" nr A**r}; 5q. Fl, of Building:ärm ilelgh* ""- Cla¡¡ af Wsrlt: $arag*: I nheration Ël a¿u¡t¡on sof Flnorr:*-¿f,*- flRepair fl luove,/Relocation !SÐetached sn;; f!attached Sept¡c: Typ* cf Heat: DrÍvenray Ferrnlt: o\Al?s Community n Nafural$as I ffi rronane Exempt flrt*irrrt fleermit*; ñotner Aulhority, This applÌc*tion for a Buildíng Perm¡t must h* signtd by the Owne r $f the prüpËrty, dascribed shovs, rr ãn authÕrired age nt, lf the sisnãturÉ h'elsw is not thüt óf the üwn*r, ü sepãrãt* l*tter sf åuthürity, signed by the Owner, must be provided witlt this Application, lesrU!$$å A Euilding Fermit can*oÌ be issued vaithsut proof of legal and adequate äcne55 ts the property for pilrpo$es of inspections by the $uilding Divísion- Sther f"sqfnit* Mult¡pl* såpårä1ë perm¡ts may be r*quired; {X} Sþt* Ëfectriæl Pfrñ}¡1, {?} {ounty OWTS pèrffiit. {3} another F*rr,¡t reguirud for us* ün thê prÕpcrty id*ntifìed abave, e"g, State sr Csunty t"lighway/ fioad Access rr å sTäte Wãstewåter Þischarge Perrnít. V+ld ferrnit, A åuilding Perrnit become* null ¿nd v*id if the wsrk authori¡ed is nat comnrenced withirr LSS days of tlle date of issuancc and if wark is susp*nded or abandnned for a period of 18S days aftsr comme ncËnìent. I hereby ce*ily that I have read lhis Application ånd thåt th* infcrrnation cnntained ¡bove is true and cö'"rect. I under$and thåt lhe Building Division accepts the,4pplícation, along with lhe plans and specificati*ns *nd cther dâtå subm¡tted by me or ûn ¡ïy behalf {submittals}, based upen my certification âs ts äcçurðcy. Assuming ccmpfet*n*ss qf ths *ubmitlals and approval oi this Apptic*tion, a Building Fermit will bs i*sued gruüting perrnissic* to me, a5 Owner, lo cûnstruct the structureis) and facilities det¡iled ûn Thç submittlìt revì*wed by th€ 8u¡ld¡ng ûivisiçn. tn considårution of the istuance of the Building përm¡t, I agree that I and my agerrts will conrply with prnvísirns of any f*d*ral, stäte or lccaì law regulating tlre work and the Ga$ield County Btlildìng tode, ûWT$ regulations and applicable land uss regulations {Cot¡nty Êegul¡tion{s}}. I ack*owledge that the Br¡ilding Permit rnny be suspended' or revcked, upoü ñ*ti(ë fr*m th* tcunty, if thè lsmtíon, cönstrl¡ctíçn or urs öf the struttüre{s} and farility{ies}, de,scrib*d âbove, are not ¡n ctrnpl¡ance wíth Caunty Êeåulatinn{s} cr any other appticable law. I hereby grant permissî*n to the Euilding Sivisìcn ts snte. the prcperty" dererlbed ¿bovc, to in$püct the work, I furlher arknowl*dge that the is*ua:lce ûf thË, Suilding Pe¡mit dnrs nät prûvËnt the *uilding 0fficial framl {1} requiring thË,rorrË{tiûn of errors i* thë s$bmittals, if any, discovered tfler íssuance; or {?i stopping csTlstructìon or uæ of ths structure{s} sr facitity{l*s} if such is in violatian of Counìy *egulation{si *r any ather apBlieable law. Êeview af thìs Àppliration, including submittals, and inspcctions af the work by the Building Ðivisirn do not çsnstitute ðn åcceptånce of respon*ihilíþ or liability by lhe {outtty of erors, omissitns or discrepancies. Ar the ûwner. I acknnwledge that responsìbilily for cnmplianc* with {ederal, $tåtË änd lnral law* and {nunty ßeg*latî*ns rcst with me and my authorked äg€ntË, includíng wíthaut limitat¡{r¡ mT archiTect and/ nr buílder. I hereby acknowladg* that I har¡e read ard understand tfte Hotic* and Ce*iflcation äboysr as ruell as, have gr*vid*d the requir*d information which is eorrect ãnd ãccurate to the bêst sf my knowledge. .ÞLu. c Pt "[.,* Wc-. /hL Fropnrty *wner Frint and Sign A 7-Q.17 ì/nas?¿1. Þatê Speti*l Çrnditfon*:t4tI flanu home Fed: I lh'i*¡ ron<'' r\ lA, Ådjust*d2//Plan Check Fee: ¡. 053,lpl 'iffiï,q5 8P Ho; I owts ltorffi;-r \E ,glffiç\BLì¡fii,'Íï.ç7 Fees Paid: $frr. bþ åalanc* Oue: ïlþL,qi 5et'backs:OCC Grtun: 8"18'¿ot7BUlLnlHG 1 PIÂÍ{NING ÞlVl$l$lrt ; ÞâtE ú(! r@ Buildin Zanin Plan ew b' 3r *D"7'l7- 4gllPermit Number: uil Engineered Foundation /r? ,fl- M,,A D Permit Su Site Plan Permit and Setbacks opograp hy 3A% Attach Residential Plan Review List Plannin Zon ÐrU,Property Line Setbacks 30 ft. Stream Setbacks Flood Plain /,1 , N,il C"( " BuitdingHeight -/: s ---¿Road lmpact Fees --Zcradel Topog raphy 4o% nníng lssues e M*rAl- -[l-u,,"x",egg Subdivísion Plat Notes iV ,Å Fire Department Review Valuatíon Determlnatíon/ Líne Plans/ Stamps/ Sticker ch Conditions Ap Signed Reviewer to Sþn Applícation Parcel/schedule No. Ìr/ '4 40# snowload Letter- Manu. Homes Soils Report Subdivisíon Plat General Comments: f*ar& *aw¡n'e G*rfield C*wnty Com munÍty Davrlcpnnonì ßÉpürtmênt 10fi 8th Street, $uite 4ûl ülenwood Sprlngs, Ct 8t601 {e?r} e{5-82r,t !Eww. gar$e*d-countv"cam SINGLE FAA{ltY OR nUFLÊX FUILÞlhl$ FERñ¡llTAPPLICATIOI¡ ttlECKLl$T ln *rder lo under*tand the sçrpê of wark intcndsd and to expedite the issuance of a permit, it is important that complete information be provided. Ëlease r*view this document to dctorrnine if you have adequ*te lnf*rmatian to de*ign your proj*ct and ta facilitate a plan rsview. ÅPPLICATIÛH FüHM: Fl+ase make sure the following infarmation is provided on the application.r Par*el number abtained fram the Ëounty A$ses*or'$ Ofice. ' Jsb address {assigned phy*ical addres*)* L*gal üescription: block, lot, tract, subdivi¡ion, filing, or section, tawnship and range.. twner's nafne, rnailing address, phons, fax or cell.. tcntactûrs natnËr rnailir"rg addr*ss, phone, fax, cr ce*|.r Årclrit*cl and/nr Hngineer's name, mailing åddres*, phone, fax or cell.. Suilding siz*, height, numbâr of stories and fol síee, " Uçe af building {Residential}.* class of work {New, Addition, Afteration, Repair, D*mo, Movel Relocationi.r üetailed description of work. " Type of healing {natural gãs, propäne, elestric, ather).* $ew*r system (tommunity cr ûWT$), also see other itsms belcw.r Garage {Attached or Þetached), " Oriveway pennil {please se* ather items below}.r Valuation ilabor and materials), see a{tached work*hact. TTilËR ITË1I¡IS:. l! Vay anticipate obtaining a weter-tap from the City of Rifie, please provide a lefler indicallng that the tity will províde water s*rvåce. Required ta submit building permit applicationr ÜWîS requlres a septin permit application ts be subrnitted Wjth th* building p*rmit application"* A saparate eleciric*l perrnit m*st be *btained from the State of Colorado Flectrical ffioard.. Åt the t*me of building permit submittal, you arç required to show prcof of legal and *dequate äte€ss tc the site. This nay include proof of right tc u*e a privat* easemen{ tounty noàC A $ridgc Permit, cr Oolorado Department of Highway permit, including a Notice to Froceed. The Çounty Ro*d & Bridge Þ*padment can þe reached at 9?0-925€$01.. lf you anticipate excavating or grarting prior io issuance of a building pennit, you w*ll be r*quiredla oblain a separate grading permit.* ll yau b*lcng tc a Hcmeou¡n*r* Association {HOA} il is your responsibilis ta abtain written approval, if roquired.r Ërovide *opies of any Resolutlonç and/or Land Use Perrnits associntçd with lhis praperty.¡ Additional Fwelling Units rnay require Admini*trative Review.r Minímum dwelling dirnsnsinn i* 2t ft. wide x l0 ft" long.I A tolarads Stat* Licen*ed Etectri*ian and Flumber must perforn installutior"r and hoak-ups, unl*ss the horneowner is pe#orming the work. ÊUltnlilü Pt*AlrlË¡ ? sçts of plans must be submitted. Plsns rnust þe 18'xâ4" minirnum size, oompletre, identical,-loçiblç and,to scale. Åll pløns will be checked at the counterfcr nompleteness. lf any of thã requir*d infcrmation is mi*sing, the building permit application cannot be accepted. Silf FLAf'l: Please make sure the following infornation is provid*d nn lhe *it* plan.r Proper*yaddrus#legaldescription"r North Ånaw and Scal* on eacfi page.r $how *ll properly lines, br¡ilding envelopes, flood plain and ea*ements,r Prsvide setbaek distancs* frorn boundariçs, buildings, *eptic, well and waterways.r Lo*ation and directisn of the county *r private rsad and driveway nccessing the proper{ry.. Frspüçed and existing structurgç. ln*lude sheds, bårns, de*k*, patios, and any other nuiffiings"r Hxistins and proposed gmde, positivn drainage arcund structurs {to be containag on site}.r $trearns, rivërs, rrê6ks, spring*. ponde and ditche*.* Ëxisting and pnoposed wells, saptíc tanks, Ieach fieldr and othar s¡ntems {if applicable}.* Retaining walh {engineer stamped detail required fpr walls ov*r 4 ä., mnaàurçd from battorn ol footlng to top of wall). I'IüTH: Any sife plan d*picting the placement *T any portion of tho structr.rre within s0 fset *f a properg line or not within an establiçhed building envelop* sir* Ue prepared, stamped and signod ny a ticen*en lurvsyor" For struct*res to þ€ built within a huilding envelope, provide e cåpy of the recorded *ubdivlslanfinal plat with thç proposed structure localad in theluifding'envelope AHtlllTHCTt¡R.ât PLAN$: Please provide the follawing Ínformation on Sre architectural ptans.r Minimum of fty (4) elevatians (N,$,ñ,W)" lndicate height of bullding rnea**res fronn existinçgrade tc the midpoint between the ridge and eave of a gable or sh*ð ruof or ts the top a¡ a flät roof.* Ffoor plane for each level, includlng dimsn*ions and sc*le noled.r Çlearly laþel ench rÕsm ôr $päcr {bedroom, halh, kitchen, cloael, etc}.r $how th* lacatían sf the mechanical equipment.r Fuilding crcss sectiçnr wíth construction details.r Windsw sizês, typ*s and operati*n notsd on the flsor plans ar elevations.. Speciff roof slope/pitch, rsof cavering and *íding rnatsrials.r $fair and guard details spc*ifying riãeo run, treight and spacing.I Åttic, racf and crnwlspace vcntilation details. lndicatc sizç and location cf ventilation opening*.r Minlmum insulstl*n ehown for welh, Tloors, roofelceiling$, $låb$, bagements and crawl*pacå.* Frsvide stovo_and fireplace mðke, msdel, ãFA cr tolorado Phase ll tertification. il,tascnryfir*pfaces shall be designed t+ the lnlemationalRç*identialtods {lnC} red¡rements. FTRUCTURåL PLAlttS¡ Fleasc provide the fslloï¡ring information on thc structural plans.r Design specifieatians to include roof and dêc* snow load, wind and *eisrnic design and frostd*pth.r Foundafian plan shcwing complete fnoting and foundati*n dimensions.r Fasting and foundati*n details epe*ifying ieinforcernent and refçrenced on plans.t Framin$ påans for cach flaor level and rool All beârns, cçlumns, joi*tn, retters and tru¡sestpecified. Fre'manufactured struc'tures requíre the engineers *tamp, signatur* and date.r Frarnin$ lconnection details, braced wall lines, shear ùail ecl"redu¡e, iorãmn and trold dçwns. flrnl. tf any requlr*d information is rnisaing, delayg in i*suing itre pennit are tc ha expected. lfdeterminod by the ßuilding sfficial that sddiäüna¡ ¡ñrsrmâtiûn Ë necu**ary to review the applicati*n andlor plans for compliance, the appli**tion may be placed on hold until the required information is pr*vided. Work may not proceed withsut the i*suance of a permit. The Euilding Divi*iun will collect a Plan Review fee at ti$rs of epplicotian submittal. The permit feÐ, as ¡¡¡oll as any Road lmpact fees will be ccllçcted whcn lh+ permit i* is*ued. Tho ponnit application must þe signed by ths owler or hy porson having written autfrorÌty irorn the elrvnër to aet ss Their reproeentative. Suilding cannot he occupied untìl a tertíficat* of ûccupancy {Cû} is i*çued. Using the building without q *û will bç coneidered an illegaÌ ûccupancy and may be ground* lcr vacating the $remi*es, {Final/Cüin*pection requirements will bo attached to your appr*vod field s*t of plans") I her*by a*knowledge I have underetand ar¡d will abid* by ths r'*quir+ment* of this chscklist. and $ign Dats