HomeMy WebLinkAbout4859.. Nature of Work GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING, SANITATION and PLANNING DEPARTMENT 109 8th Street Suite 303 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 (303) 945-8212 1854 County Road 109 Building Permit N:: 04859. Use of Bui I ding __ .,So.=i"'n"'g"'l"'e'--"F-"a"'m:::i:::lc1.Y....:::Dw=e:::l:::l=in::g.,_U=n::i::_t:::_ _ _c _________________ ~--~ Cc 1tractor ------'w"'·e=.s=-t=-e=-r=-n,,_.::C.::omf=-=o-=r__,t"'-"I::n::c::.:•:_ _______________________ ~--- An.aunt of Permit: $ __ l_,,~0~0~3~·~2~0~-----­ Permit: 608.00 White -Treas. Canary -Office Pink -Applicant Gold-Duplicate Plan : 395. 20 Date: August 12, 1993 S. Archuleta ' Clerk GARl'IELIJ COUNTY APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT -...,-~~~~~~~sI:N :i/t!""~l,'£A.s 11':,. ;'§ FILING # L07' 'ti ? ,-BLOCK # ~ TAX SCHEDULE ff LEGAL (SEC/1'WN/RNG) __________ _ NAME CITY P!/ONE 7-''""'--'-'...._0- / CLASS OF IJOPJ( PHONE 7';1'S '~~ CITY /t/!>'fPll ~ 'IECv _j/ ALTERATION ADDITION /JEMol'rsu REPAIR MOVE --------------------- •11'JBILE 110/IE (make/model) s .F. oF BU.rLDING ,2~0 s .F. oF Lor 'fliO#-l!!>S ii OF FLOORS ~ llEIGHT /! OF FAMILY _U_N_I-TS _____ µ OF ·===---.;.::..e!5'-!., INTENDED USE OF BUILDING G11RAGE: SL NG LE DBL FIREPLACE l re S ~~,'-'""~-~~--------- l\fATER SUPPLY DRIVErvAY PERMIT SITE PLAN ~---------------- IJUILDING PLANS SANITARY SEWER CLEARANCE ON SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PERMIT OTIIER DOCUMENTS (specif!J.( Rr.?co11nri,,.!? Tlf'9r corv 01-flort~v~J 191'1''1.0Vr.}<-111: /'WVtl?-<d TO l!C/tl-/?1#1:'-D«PT, :i.L. et:?f/O/T701~4L u/'01v PL/JtJ IC-zvo?w /..lt7r .,... ' ' or type PLOT PLAN NO'l.'E: Show easen1ents, property line dimension!: aJ.1 other structures, specify north, and street name. F'or orl.d shaped lots, or if space is too srnal.1, JJl'ovidc separate plot.r,Ian. # OF /JUJLDINGS NOW ON PARCEL ff!_~ USE OF' BU.ILDINGS NOW ON PARCEL _______ _ FRONT PROPERTY LINE STREET NAllE/ROAD NUMBER -<c,L,.o?i-+~Rd=~'----- , C/JECK IF CORNER L07' DESCRTP7'TON OF C1'0RK PLANNED ----------tf ew ~ e... I hereby t/Ja t I /Jave read this FOR OFl'ICE USE O"-'N"-'L"-'Y'-------'-------------- VALUATION i'ERMIT FEE $ ~ C> • oo PLAN CHECK F'EE $ :J'?f': 2 0 TOTAL F'EE $/, O OJ. 2o SC/IOOL IllPACT FEE $ 21?0• - DATE PERMIT ISSUED --------------ZONING DISTRICT TYPE OF' OCCUPANC-:-:Y---,,,---o;------------- TYPE OF CONS7'RUC7'ION -fJ ~<--~---------- S. F. OF' BUILDING 2_t7'J S.F'. OF LOT ---- HAX. HEIG/IT < _;2.;' I ROJW_ffASS. SETB'}FKS F'ROM PROPERTY LINE: ~ S ....,~,._,.;;;;;::. -,77.o;:;-;;' ~'/!._ 2JO 'r RIGHT£ /'5' LEFT~_____'.£:$"-'+ OF'F STREET PARKING SPACES REQUIRED -.-4/:__ __ _ FLOOD HAZARD CERTIFIED BLDG ELEVATION ----~-.-----__, SPECIAL CONDITIONS NO ~o,_,g-,,,J-2:cc~ ,:CS.c,_,:,·"c) ;.,f:'~"r: .. c.'l,~~:· S\)~tJ.~•.l~\e\: '-01\1.:--\ (\.,~,l.Ll.rr\1.~...J · t../1-'58- PROBLEMS C'1.I1'/I PERNI7' ?·17.-"fj ADDITIONAL INF"ORHA7'ION NEEDED -------- CEn7'Il'IED BY COLORADO REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOJ; OR ENGINEER p[,,\NN TN(; /JDPAR'l'MENT . ·[ l\ . "'I'~ i ,j_•::,; .r·.r,_. __ :) · '.:_ . _1·-: " . ; ~.-' -·.; ·.:, ','.• h .. .. _,_, T.'-•. ·_ .... 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EPS th(; _____ ,,- '1 - •; ;_::_,', ~ fl \\, lYH·_;j,<:_[\)"fC ~1.1:~,~J:'L).r_·d (~-ii< :J\'(Tagc ql :~,1s LL•;c :.;-1 1i(' ,~_ni:--c; "-'' c:ngth_ ,u •~i ~-' 1:_· ::::_ps i11.s:_dadon fe_:Vi.~nr. tK·~~.\-:-:c~= '?..~--~:·and J7-% uf iL:; TlH ri:gh it ha"" ~i ),_,\;,· \~·aicr vapor 1r-:1nsrn],<;._•;i·;}(1. E.P-.S i.~ ncd a v1:1.pnr l}~ir­ ricL f<._·:1thcr. ir. '-'Q:-~«i.thc:;:s'' oind, thcn_:- iorc, need_-; n~J ("O:~t.irvc~nting ~1_c. d(J ~;o!ni.' 1)thc1· ~·cl;1d\•1:ly i1np<T1n1:;tl)lc in_'~; 1L1i it 1n 1n!1,i_.cri;1l.'i 'shi•:h ('~)ti ld q;_hc·nd:.c 1..-;1p 1noi>;;l1.HT v.:id1in \V~-'1:1~ d.1ul n.:•or a..r.;,,,1t:1nbiic:.. Temperature Cycling :t--]JS ic:. a:blc to \'\>1tb-S~-i'.nd th('. ;_1l:ru..-.c of tc;·npera!J.\.rc: cyclli·tg-, :assur.ing: long- t-crrn F.;;:_~r-f(1t1Ti~-;.t',f.\_. In~ S(!ric.-: o[ 1.<::•.t_:;, t:oiic.h_;cLcd b}1 l)yi-.a1_..~·ch R~scarch and Dc·v-;__~lup1~1cnt C~~~'-· ~:::~.:nb:-id~e 1 ~~-1~15$.~ c,--::-,;-e spc-c.irrlef1:'.i n.;n1e:,'('.d fr-0111 e.,..1,.i,i,;ti11g fr::'l:'7.-CT \\;-i'i.l!:i, .5ott,(· ?-Sold rt.'". l G years, <lc;1,,·Jnstt~~(c J•:FS t\i~h;<;\,ar,df" frcc1.c~ th~t'-\' \.}(·!ing v.'-!(ilOlll ln.o:;.~ of:Hru,_:tnr<.d ~r;H.:g-rily or ()lJ!Cf physic(.d propcriic'.'. -··:--·--~-·--:-::'-:--------·--·-~--------"'~~--------------~-·- l--;-• ~ •• , ... -,·11 _-... ~;-~' ,, -·.i] .k·,_-:, . :.' '-~'-'"AiC•'>U. ~·~::!" .. \~ :r l<J:-r·· ;.~~u.~~.~ ;··· ,-, .. \_ ~ ' ,·· ... i ., '· ~ ' ' \ ., ·_,.,,, :.; ': \ :~ -;·11n:,.; ·1 ·~ '.-.-~.-'-: , to:)'· p· ~·-·~,: .-.c-';:_·1.i •,.;ilL ·.1 ,;:_,, ... , ~P rcu;,T· H.:-~i;-.:1 !·:l"~, COi:s•_.'L:'~'-c°;'J'. j1·1::.<_~:,:~''Ji'• :-•::. '"\,-, ~: ,_\(, ·::-:- •J!1"1~-~-rr·:~Y·::lc;--i ,-~--n:,-:10! ;)t't:)-,hti:.·:;-, ;/\-.;:;~ :-.p-i.·;:t1)r:·d II!' dcsirc-d. i;1 ~-;ddi:ki;;, \'1-"t-1\:i-: ;2~:;p-(--~-~13 .;/ ini:.l;;•_:::~2.L1:_~··n E!.~~~ ;·.-:-,z_:·T1 '.;__i.;1.:1_·:;:.:·:1: :-:i; :3; ', cr,.;::>K:·-:,_· _\Urr~c ,_~.:;i1 ~J'J-J~.: cL-;-; rnc :·,, th~1n 1-~),U\'t{) bl\1 1 ;~ p~-~ F:r.1:_i~;j J~~ :·1(1,:!1·- ti-Jt•::d ll;_".;·L 'fhc ptt-1·.-_\1_t.:.L ,_:f·:t'"'"''''"'' CO!Y'.fnJ~LJ(Hi an.: r:i\l.'~.h].D dloxi-d1~, '•\';~:le ·-·i1.pn•-,'.nd !i'.1(:('. qu;tii\i!icr, ,-_-,f .1'~(jl'->-­ ]-tJZ'<\n:L1!;c: :i~h; ~.itnil:.H· l··:~··p·;·:)d\J-:...'t" :~'.·c p•··.-;iclucr.~d ',"·hen·,·.,:\;.')<'.~ Lr. ~;11: t1~:1l.~ \Vh<'n l<~ndf11led, EP:} doe~1 ui.:;! h!o;:1cu ~-r;1d(_ It \•:ill 1:0! iT1'd\( n~1~~lh;uu: ga1, ,.-" lc:.~rJ1::1J_;_:, nt,\°it('"d,;.-tls kn 1;(:r..-n {(; ~X' h·,·IP.n· f11l 10 d.\;· qnalit~ ;,·11HJ ground \'''tlcr. Strength Cha~actellstlcs fr.,:;r,J/(fl~:1:~·-/ri.i'irn1 and w,:d/~ppJic::.U'_:oi'J::; :, "'-hie\; _EPS 1:n:;::·s a 1r~h1l;·n.:t~ Jo,"l;.-;, ;\S'T'~1 C f;78-87a:>, ·r,;"-;-...;.·: I l·~PS n~-a·,•::: .. :i.l~ l.~ .:-J.(lcqu~lle, TlH: resit~c:t(;~ ofE!)S insula!ion ~ua.rd prc•>.~r:!cs r;;-:;i_t;qn;\l.il~c 11'!;SOifition ;Jf huilding Illl'>Vi..'.UU.:Olit \•.i.thr;ut tr•~n;;ICtring _,t.rc:-1~ !•.)th('. o~ .. tV.:1 ,..._J,:j;,5 at the j('int~. 1'1 t-rKfing, 1'ypc I E1)-S m~tt·tit~! t>ro·1,:[{f(~r. the di1neH'.~~(1n_~i[ _-.;t;.~bility cu:rd con1pr<:ssive st~cn8th •iJ: . ..:·. ~ i ' ·.~ ·.-·. j 11) ·r~:-.: r- ~ r, -:·.',, •-;;. "'I'•,.:,; 0; ~<' ":•:::~,··r , .. ,,, ":.: ~~·;:i ·.~_:rn,~·r-~ 1>:1::-,; r ~··.:'·Tc~:..::: .. l':lSU J."ll_ U.Ui'-.' \ 'Z1 ti:_·_~,! s :.:...-p :::;: (1 f : ; 1·0: ( rE~ ted ~11·:-:.~ucL; <'-:! t_-a': .. ·.1];:d:.-k._ -:-.. h.·;:~(:· J~u1-:::.· i":·~;,-:_f;::~. Si_F,-'f"! :::s f;J.y, (·(' ,._ :\ .p:•::::»:t i:r~171;·d. , --·~·~-"'l:.:-r~ 1.:.nu ·:.>:fl add~U-~··n,;d .-;.·a'.t~~; 1.·,h~:::'i ;..\'j(.:_'._ ;,r c:;<Joj~1::.:,:_ior-; ''-'.:,± -.. r, ,:.1;r ·~:;.;·],(\~·. p,-'.;'f:~bri(_:;;;_ttc: F.F-';=~ C0'.'-2 ,h;r;d·,. l.::·.'r':in:-.1·.::d ';,_:i<.h rY1c:c::c) ::i.nd/=Jr ·;;_nc\ roo-C~tppl.k::J.U.<:.·~-:.~·. EP$ :.;:-.s-ul::-a.inr. is g;_.·n-..:t-1.il>· a·, .. ··:~l!z~bI·~ in thlckr:f~.·;~.c::~ r~~ng~ng frc·r!: 1/2·· u:> 2.C/', '\d(.\\:hs f:<"<.;n·: G" :,_.) '~:3'' And lci:-;gtht; tangh.,g f!·o1n 48 1 ' !.~1~'.02··, EPS i~1s1,dat.ion ::jp\i::i!!:y -::•.•n.:·. 11:.·<~!: ;i-1~cI1 (•~hi.'·t rig'ii:I bo.1rd i.n.sula~.ion-~ ;,~ti~--r c1.)r;~·p·J,r~d o:i t.ht: ba.siE:-of R-v~iluc;~· \1,-~-L(~ll e..-;,d.UJ_r.lng the ;:ost eff"i.c:it:.1cy of tigi·d ln~ulation.5, C1)tnp::.s-¢ J·;c price of t::q\.~Hl ferig~.h.~ 11.n;J_ '~i·7.th.~ f.-::,r th(: c-1:-.-sc of the R~,,~,,1.Jue p\~r inLh •:if:.hic-kn,;:a!'\!;. i ~011'lbUStlbllfty '-):)ke rr~any co1;S.ti''Llr:!jor. n:iaLt::ri:-~Js, .EPS l:-::. cornbu.'i~blc, It sh-'.1 1_rld 1H..:l be h'..'f~ es.1 r: ,-, -· •'; ~-) .--. ~-·-·-~ .:· ----c:--, ,_,_,''..=--- ~'LC'.-~.~ L ~·,~_] ''' :(H::l --.-.:-Tf,_:;;i '.i;;;'·:I._;.:; i'-t-:_, c·;;_,_1.;.;l~i'.'.' 2-'.~u: c: t:•(:' p~·,_ ;:('• ,,~ ~ ·._ l:'_; ---, :_ , .. __ ._, ---,,-' '.n:: ·,1:; a1 __ ,::, S<.5Y:d 1 _ __:,~:;_ >-'.RC:C\_/ ~AF~C::_~.--Sp!:.i_-,__ 0~')1···~-·d -:;::)die~, '.·:1r:,or fi':.tarcic; pla.c.c:- r:n,:_:t:c_ f:.:;r EP.S li1s· .. i.L-2~:f~d-!°("(,f syste-;-_;_-,s i::; Ji::-;.s cc~ :,::::•,) Ch3.'.-, f::;-·r •:::1~h-:;:-\·°Ft;~ c::::f ;:,cf lnstal!atio'l Ex;xisure o::.-,..,"-,:;:f:'.:i.t.h day of J.Fplica:lo!-,. 2ll e:,:p<:H0 :l [nsulat~fJ-'1 :~h;:}u!d b1; CQ1;.er-::·1j t~n =i r:er,•.porr.1:riJy sealed fi:-o;-n nJoi.sti_:re ir:: d_c--:.:'r_,t'da~1c-:: \~"ith good building p"."~-:('-.J,:,:t;·~;. Insulation expi:..·sed tv frcQi.s- ;:u:-e -3h1=1\_:kl b.:-reph:.ced or ihororJghf;: drle1!, p-f,-::.>r to apphcati<:)C: ·JE finish or co';~:-ri~;g_ n10::.terials:. Application Temperatures r (;_ ii) Of (:(;nsrructir:-i-~ r~qi~[ring h~:)r_ -~.".:ph~'J.li:, ternpcr.aJu:re.; $h(J1.dd 0.0t ~xc::et"cl 250'F al the tirne· of direct c•)!V .. act \vi.th EPS insuJ:adon. Avoid c~'nui.ct betl",'t:~-n £PS ;ind high-tenl-· per-~.i::ure equip~·flent, 5u•;;:h a') n-phalt ;.:.ettle-:. an:d f1an1~'. sealc-;~_i;;.. r·--------·-----······-·-·---~---1 i I,: ·"--' ·: ,:;..: ,..;;,f [;. u. ~.';!_: . .-1.t ·:,-;;·_-; ' i .. -~ ~-·;:-(• --,,,, ,,, L-'-::' : _ _-~-- .. .(~ ',-_: -i :__ :-:;· ._,: .. -: L----·--·---- ~'.::. :-:Ot)'T~'·:~ ;:;'0o:J(ni ;,,.~._,::;:_l-:::·1 ·," r.\•, :;;.,-, !'.' i.' ,~:,! \,',·ir-·r.~> [_,_:-;{·"· .';;: C:·::~,.,,r:,ir.on.;. ~J'-'!\~· e;;,'{; ~.r .::;01·.-'.·~'. .. ~,.-! :: Fcf ~d,j;[;,~,,~a! ~nf0rm._~\1 1:;r [~.$ ;;x~,:>~:~_:..,\' .$ u·r,. ,-.-.. ~~·:,-. 8&102; ~ .:... i.it~1 ~:.1~:-! r;-i?,,-i~·.• ·'.;:-f ·::;.~,,,,1.: 1: !l-t~ ,:i,h1 Tr:r•:;c.1t1 c-1 t.:p;;ii1C·<o"·~ F'~.1 lr~t:r,"·3.-JC5," :·',.:.·Jt: .. ,11:1~·.t ::.:._=:-, beart"i ~i1~~:t1.;'.~, .~~ ;:1~3!Ls':tle fr;,·.·: S?! \,~r-r~·.";;.:l~;l!: 3 Th;$ st::i,td~<'d :':.U~'!i!d!:! F'!:C:~i"ai S:;-.~'~:~i;l'.t'0:1:i of )iHl.$242;, "ri:-il·52..t0: F.!:":l A~TM C ';1j..::~,~ .ll. L: s:ng .~SHR,!.E liG<r:ci~C·OJ.-:;;'.·;':):-'~$ :i_r;,~ ·;;·;.fr·~ tl~~"~ 3'-·f:!rag<!! cc~,'!; ba:!itC or; l'.~n·:l·Jt'' S'Jf"•~:, r.~f ti\.iiLj:.-,i: r'-lJii:;iai .s·.Jopl1e:~. r.;:i~::L.1C~.;i~; ~·:·; ~"e ih_.,·!;'l'.'!11.J ".II Suildin" M~r,.;.;>tj'"l:$. t{e:;.e~.·e~, .~_O'l'!, 1932. ~,/?Ti-1•5 re;;eer.;;:h -.,. ... ;i~ ~1)1<10i,;!t>?'1 J;i-; $~";-:1,.,;,~\ t.l·$· s;o,3r·~!'o., ir'tc.~ ;tr Augu~t 1 1;"~-,;t,;~er) ".>y El _ic·l~t: r.~i~, fore~ cf reprejer:i:;;ii:lv.e;1 l';:•f 1.~~~ M;.;.,..,~H ~(;i.··~'"~ C·::mt.r~::~cr:!; A~soc. (1"1-ir!CA:. Cr,t l\·orol":~'. ~:co-•1ng Contractor!". .-1.i:.30<:,(NRC.:i_j :&t•·~ ·tl"ll'i: $v.;«et; ~.r t.'-.J:;- PEe-s.ti~:;. :ndt.:':>l.:'\' (:'.JP~), Tf,.,. ~.1).·p~sg· !'~f)·.Jrt is i~·i<i\;. .Jt:i0 f!orn Sri. ~Xi:'rtnded Po!yst;nm~ 01~,;·i:;.:L·~. 12 :.'.: K St0e!:::. 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' ·. ·'-~:F .,\ ,,, ·'·I / ·---------·· \ .. J __ ... __ ,__,_,_,_,,,_,,._~,--.. -"" .......__ ./ .. .. .. ,. •. :...a.,::: __ ! _..,.. ..... _ / _-.;---,_;,., ---~---........ ·----- Ix. )r!: rril-~ ~4t c:~ \==~., -~-- RUG 11 '93 14=24 ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOC. August 11, 1993 To: Wnom it may concern Re: Stephanie Ryan Residence The Teller Springs Homeowners Association met today to review the Ryan residence architectural plans as submitted and unanimously appro~ed them~ Association Post-It" brand fax transmittal memo 7571 •of pao•• • Co. Co. Dept. ?bQne# Fax# P. l/1 August 11, 1993 To: Whom it may concern Re: Stephanie Ryan Residence The Tell~r Springs Homeowners Association met today to review the Ryan residence architectural plans as submitted and unanimously approved them. Sin9er')lY, /l . / i ! I ///f[t(/ . . r . ~/ -'r/ . --------·-------~/ _/ 'f\ ~/-. (_ _ _/-~ .. --i'\.L_J / .' ~;ss D. Je.f' _er reller sJt{;liigs Homeowners Association Wilson 4.7 Original Lane Basalt, CO 31621 (303) 927-9345 Mr. Art Hougland Building Inspector Building Consultants Inc. Garfield County Regulatory Offices & Personnel 1 09 8th St. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601-3303 Re: Plan Review -Ryan Residence (Lot 7, Teller Springs) Dear Art, July 29, 1993 A review of the professionally prepared plans, filed with the referenced building permit application, for conformance to UBC requirements and local amendments thereto, is complete to a level customary for the trade. Permit approval allows the construction of a new single-family dwelling described as: Entry Level -LR, DR, Kitchen, 1 /2 Bath, Mud/Laundry Room, Office Upper Leve I -1 BR w /private full Bath, MBR w /MBath Occupancy Group: R-3 Type of Construction: V-N No. of Stories: 2 Building Height: 29 ft. -6 in. Square Footage -Finished: 2173 Semi-finished: n.a. Garage: n.a. Except for the fo 11 owing, and the "red-I ined" references to your departmental plan review checklist noted on the plans, which are expected to be field enforced, the design reasonably conforms to minimum requirements of the UBC: 1. The foundation system is a foam form product called "Ice Block". This product has been approved by BOCA but has not yet received Mr. Art HougJand , July 29, 1993 Page Two ICBO approvaL The structural capabilities of the system have been documented by the manufacturer. Since the foam plastic forms are to be exposed in the crawl space, comp I iance with UBC Sec. 1 712 must al so be determined. Please review the test results and BOCA evaluation report provided by the product manufacturer to determine if the material can be exposed in a crawl space without a thermal barrier. No valuation was provided on the application. Based on the square footage costs from Building Standards (Mar./ Apr., 1993) for "average" quality wood frame construct ion and applying the Colorado modifier (0.81 ), Ute estimated valuation is $92,054. Approval of the plans is recommended and, upon verification of compliance with local regulations outside the scope of the UBC, issuance of the building permit. If there are any questions regarding this "approval", please call me. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your Department. Sincerely, James J. Wilson President "-· BRYX Foamed Plastic December 15, 1992 ZAABADICK ALTERNATIVE BUILDING SYSTEMS INC GUNNISON CO 81230 Fo11med plastic in th11 form of shap11 molded pans. SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS R14767 (NI 4 in. M8x+ Ice Block(TM) Flame Spread 5# Smoke Developed 160# t -Installed in a thickoess, or stored in 11n effective thickoess, es indic&led, for e density of 1.50 lb per cubic ft. #-Flame spread and smoke developed recorded while material remained in lhe original lest posi- tion. Ignition of molten residua on the furnace floor resulted in rlame trevel equivalen1 to calculahtd flame spread classification of 40 end smoke developed classification of 500 10 over 500. 46 APACHE RD LOOK FOR CLASSIFICATION MARKING ON PRODUCT Replaces R14767 dated November 18, 1992. 806532001 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.• AlV0222843 / INSPECTION WILL NOT b-.. M"DE UNLESS THIS CARD. ~S POSTED ON THE JOB 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS BUILDING PERMIT GARFIEl~ COUNTY, CO~O.RADO -[;9 Date lssue"Z/.l:J/..91>!JLoned Area. .. ... . .............. I erm1t No. lf..i .. AGREEMENT ln consideration of the issuance of this pern1it, the applicant hereby agrees to co1nply with all laws and regulations related to the T.oning, location; construction and erection of the proposed structure for which this pcnnit is granted, and further agrees that if the abo,•e said regulations are not fully con1plied with in the zoning, location, erection and constructio of the above described siructure, the pern1it 1nay then be revoked by not.ice fron ,B ·ng Inle rand IMMJI TELY ~OME NULL AND VOID, Us•'-.L,'--'L---C;;L....-L-""'"-';-.Jl,L:!,c''-"'t"""'l~t-L.~~:.,~--c_,,.."'--f'"""~~~~~ Addr~-teal Dc,criplion (} Ownc~ I .~N / (_ J.t.Jl.l"""'>r ( Setbacks Front Side Side Ile.ar This Card Must Be Posted So It Is Plainly Visible From the Street Until Final Inspection. INSPECTION RECORD Zoning Roof Covering Electric-Final (hy STAT!~ ins cctor) Plumbing-U ndcrground Gas Piping ) -1-le~'ting 'r entilation Jlrarne / -7 -!:/-'/ l'lmnbing-Rough/-7-9 4 '{j,3-C",. Electric-Ilough 1 .• ·7 ~ti''-r 1 (by STA TE inspector) ') 11 Insulation Drywall Final ALL LISTED ITEMS MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE COVERING - WHETHER INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR, UNDERGROUND OR ABOVE GROUND. THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE !'hone 945-8212 J(l 9 8th Street, County Courthouse, (;lenwood Springs, c:oto, APf!J!VE D 00 NOT lllfilROY'mlS CARD Date '9_":2_ By/)J_ , ~tj.v...);M t IF PLACED 01.JTSIDE -COVER WITH CLEAU PLASTIC --·---------·--·------·------···--------·- Certificate of Occupancy No. 2241 No change in the character of occupancy of a building shall be made "ithout a Certificate of Occupancy -(UBC Sec. 502) Building Department Garfield County, Colorado This certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 307 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the various codes adopted by the County regulating building construction or use for the following: Use Classification Single Family Dwelling Building Permit No. 4859 Group~_R_-_3 _______ ~TypeofConstruction~_v_-_N _____ ~Zone~-----------~ OwnerofBuilding __ s_t_e_p_ha_n_i_e_Ry_a_n ______ _ Address Aspen, Colorado Building Address 1854 County Road 109, Lot 7, Glenwood Springs Locality __ r_e_l_le_r_S..:..p_ri_· n__:g:__s __ Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of the provision of this code or of other ordinances ofthejurisdication. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. (UBC Sec. 307(a)).