HomeMy WebLinkAbout2642GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING ANO SANITAT(ON DEPARTMENT 2014 Blake Avenue Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 (303) 945·8241 I (303) 625-3321 JobAdw~s ---~~L=ot-=-=9~1~B~l~o=c=k~2~R1~v~•~rb=e=n=d~S=u=b~d~1v~1=s~1o=n.:--~0=1=5=6~G=l=•=n•=•=g~l=•~C~1~rc~l~e=--~~~~~ Nature of Work Bu11d1ng Pemit Use of Building __ O_e_ta_C_h_ed_G&_r_a-=t• ____________ ....._._ ____________ _ Owner DGug1as J I Stephante L. Wight contractor Developers D1v1rs1f1ed ... 01ck Sttl son Amount of Permit: $ 24.QQ Date: July z. 1gs2 Ellen L. H1cks, Clerk -··<,:~'.:c '> 1., .< -_,_~ PLEASE FILL IN ,_, OWNER ON BUILDING PERMIT: Name ,\,_) () ~l.~CiS rw;glf Mailing Address £--s:o . ox I '71 ~-;_:ff/~.~:SfJjS ~D · , Phone Number ==-= :r:==/6<z CONTRACTOR ON BUILDING PERMIT: Name Phone Number ·r{iJILDING PERMIT APPLICATION GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT 2014 Blake Avenue Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 945-82411625-3321 \ ~~-+-------· 12d. Owner:-!f=::::::._....::::.-=....!~..i,....;,~:....______.,l,L....;-:....__---=~.LL#-'1~44...L..,£.-1__=...._,.'"=-'----j~~-t--J~.p_-~-~---~-­ Contractor or Build r: _r;;:~........lo!~.,l..._l,~~~-=aL..--'::f!!=-::..L....JL...l.-'"+=.:............_,<-.=.~---==::::..-.t..t....L.-t-----'=-.J..~=---=~~----­ Location: -'--=O~.L.._-~-J--==~<:L.£~L.J-....c;::1~-(<o!:..µ.-L-~L.J;..,.L.(_~...J-L--=-~.i=:::.~.:.......:....:....=:..:..._=.....1.~------ Purpose for which~=ilding is to be used, c'.)'.J rag e Size of Lot: • -:t_L aC/f'll5' Distance of building from property line at ~ {'. Left Side: C/CJ f:t 3!P+ Front: ._3~ -fr± Rear:~~ r+ Distance from nearest building: Number of stories: __ /_,_------------ Source of water supply: J/a n 'f' Number of rooms: [ Right Side:~ Type of sewage disposal: N Q ,., G Type of foundation:Zcv2 ere: te z Width of building: -=~'--'--..... ~~-*-'---=-'±1----------Material in outside walls: I.A)() OD e(' Cl\''] 1 e .. Length of building4u Exterior finish' f-1 /I §/'Cit n, -Ct' cf~{? tij ,f Height of walls: 3 + _ Type of roof: Shi O(jfe Floor space in square feet: 5 tjdpq, :.pf= ~ Estimated value: $ _ __,,~g_,,()"'---"O~CJ"'-+-----~----- Date construction will begin, Vii Ju E'; /ft 2-Date of completion, {)c,_f-3 // J 'l{ 2--- Permit charge: $ -2~~'--'-........ tJ____,O ________ _ Plan check fee: $ -z"""~'-----------­ TOTAL: $ 2 Cf -CJ 0 And I/We hereJ;>y agree to build strictly to the terms of the above description, and also to clear the grounds and adjacent street or streeu of ill rub::p::~::.is a~~ The County Commissioners hereby grant the above permit as per terms therein stated. This ____ __,,?=="--,A--__ _ -l..,.._/__..c ___ # __,)~/ ___ , 19 _fl---- day of .I I -- ,:;_, r •• ~ '• ,'~!":'. • -~·~ ,;i .---,' .. .·.:f·, ·' ._JI, ... \. ' '• ~l.1 i (\ '/\(}-\ J:f._.1{) rk i.)[),i:;·ro;•.11 ~ ·~, ~, J I\ ; '\.. i. ; ~,'I •···· POST THIS CARO AT OR NEAR FRONT OF BUILDING Job Addr¢;s Nature of Work Owner Contractor GARFIELD COUNTY i;iulLDING AND SANITATtON DEPARTMENT 2014 Blake Avenue Glenwood Sp'l'i.oss. Colorado in 601 (303) 945-8241 I (303> s25.3321 N!! Lot 9, Block 2 R1verbend Subd1v1s1on 0156 Gleneagle C1rcle Bu11d1ng Penn1t Detached Garage Douglas J & Stepbante I , Wtght Developers D1v1rs1f1ed D1ck Stilson Amount of Permit: $ --=2,_4,__, • ...,0""0~--------·Date: JuJ.,y 7. 1982 Ellen L. Hicks, Clerk ....--------,_NOTE: ALL CHECKS MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO GARFIELD COUNTY TREASURER , ... - Inspector must sign·a11 spaces pertaining to this job INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Foundations _ / I '"'' ri ~ l'tlJ'\ 7/ / ,/h' ~ i___. I uvA-Setback TLe.Ad'r r -, ~,v /7//%/B~:r::: J ~~ ~f-P1 .;;.S Reinforcing Foundation Wall / I ' ~ ,., / I / / / .:: ... -~ l.Lv-OK. 7/.?//t!fr~ -, Weatherproofing I 7 / Pour no c_oncrete until ab"ove has been signed ____ .. __ _ Concrete Slab Floor . Electrical (Groundwork) Plumbing (Groundwork) Gas Piping (Groundwork) Do not pour floor until above has been signed Rough Electrical Rough Plumbing Rough Gas Piping Rough Heating and Ventilation (Above must be signed prior to framing inspection) ,, 1------------~-.:__ ___ .:__ __ ~ _ ___,t/------__:-----~-~ Insulation // , _ Cover no work until above has been signed-· f Lath and Plaster (Interior) Lath Scratch Coat Brown Coat finish Coat ·: ----· -·--. .. -··---~~ ~----· . -.... ---- - ------···-:..:.-~:-------._,; - --- Lath and Plaster (Exterior) Lath Scratch Coat Brown Coat l----~--~---~-1---·~--~-·~--+~--~---~---~--------l Finish Coat Miscellaneous Roofing Sewer Refrigeration Electrical Underground Final Electrical Fixtures --~-----\-----------\-----~----------~-~~ Plumbing Fixtures Gas Piping Heating and Ventilation / 1 /} FORM 300.2 Job Completed &&-y I ro / g 2--ll//_,. /I / / .. .,,., , 00264/ :~=-_. -·