HomeMy WebLinkAboutObservation of Excavation 04.20.17H-PryKUMAR 5040 CCIunty Road 1 54 Glanwood Spilngs, ËÕ 81601 Fhone: (970) 945-7980 Fa* (e7û) 945-8454 Ëmail: hpkglenwood@kumaruse.eom Ss*t*6hni*ãl ñngin*ering | #ngineering #s*T*çy i",let*rinls T€slinü | Errvir*nmental Ðffice Lceations: Parker, Glenwood Springs, and Silverlhome, Colorado April20, 2017 Uriel l\¡Iellin 144 Cliffrose Wäy Glenwood Sprirtgs, Ct¡ft:ratlo I l60l u ri-el. nçl I in @ hstmai{.gcffi Project No. l7-?-313 Subject:Observation of Excavation and Structural Backfill Testing, Proposed Residence, Lot 30, Pinyon Mesa, Cliffrose Woy,fiarfield Cûunty, Colorado Dear Mr. Mellin: As requested, a representative af H-P/Kumar observed the excavation at tire subject site on April 14,2tl7 to evaluate the soils cxposed for foundation support. TVe also tested the compaction of structural backfill placed for footing support on April l7 and 18,2017. The findings of our observations and recommendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. H-P Geotech (now H-PlKumar) previously conducted a subsoil study for design of foundations at the site and presented the fîndings in a report dated March 25, ?û16, Job No. I l6 0444. The proposed residence will be a two-story wood frame structure over ¿r crawlspace. The attached g¡uâge will have a slab-on-grade floor. At the time of our initial visit to the site, the foundation excavation was mostly complete. The foundation excavation was cut in one level from I to l3 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The foundation excavation was sub-excavated to a depth of 6 feet below design footing grade. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of medium-stiff, silt with sand. No free water lvas encountered in the excavation and the soils slightly msist. The results sf compaction testing performed on the structural backfill indicated th*t the backfill was suitable for support of footings. The compaction test rcsults and n standard Proctor compaction test and classification analysis performed on a sample of the on-site backfill soils are attached. The compacted soil conditions exposed in the excavãtion nrc consistent with those previously encountf,red on the site and suitable for support of spread footings designed for the recommended allowable bearing pressure of 1,200 psf. Loose and disturbed soils should be re- compacted or removed in the footing areas to expose the compacted soils. Other recommendations presented in our previous report which are applicable should also be observed. The recommcnd¡tions submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and the previous limited subsurface exploratíon at the site. Variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavation cauld increase the risk of foundation movement. We should be advised of any variations encountered in the excavation Uriel Mcllin April 20,2017 Page 2 conditions for pomiblc changes to rccorumendations contained in this letter. Our services do not include determining the presencc, prevsntion or possibility of mold or olher hiological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be consulted. If you have any quesÌions or necd further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, H-P\ KUMARwr,% Thcnras J. Vfesthoff Revierved by: D*nicl E. Hardin, P.Ë. Atl¿¡chnænts: Figurc I TllV/kac Figurc lA *tribution Report Eurthwork Cornpact cn Testing Reports i4 Pagcs) '{"P L KUMAR Pralecl No.17-7-313 *GMPAtrT}ON TEST REFORT 112 Ítû tJ CL i#gt 0¡ç*å 1G8 1 104 ZAV for sp.G. = 2.$S 1üã 16. Water crnlent, % T*st specilieatl*n: ÂSi^M D 698"û0a Mr:thod È] Stanrl*rtl Elevl tfaçsit¡cæåiên Þ{at. l*cist. %> 3lB in. */o 4 Ftå*.200ust$ÅASHTO sp.G.r_L PI ML Å-4( r)24 l û 8t.å TE$T ftHSULTS Í*ÂTËRIAI DËSTRIPT¡*N Maximu¡n rlry rlcnsity = !08.5 pe f üptimum rnoisture * 15.4 % Sílt rvith Sand Project No. ¡7-7-J l3 Clíent: Uriel Msllin Project: Lot å0, I'inyon Mesa. Garlield ea*nty, {r¡lorndc marks: See Ëígure lA fsr e lassificãtion resuh:i" Lasation: Sitc Stuch e Nuffiber: 050-l? Kumar & Åsçociates, lr¡c. I lc ure Test*d By:KC]ehccked By: tF!{ Particle $ise Ðistributicn Report ç qêÕs tr UJ 7, IL z tå¡aìü lfJ CL i00 $Õ s{t 7t Êü s0 4* 34 20 10 t t GRqlhl $låE - mm. i I I I \ I I I ¡ I I I I I I I % +3" ö/u Gr¡vgl lå S¡nd ''{ Flnea ery¡¡xe Ëlæ *saraei ffiedlu¡rn I F¡no $$Ê Cl¡y t t I 0:? i ts 82 { nn sp*ci liunticn prur ídcr.l} LoeatËsrÊ: Si¡e Staeknile $arnple l.Jumber: ûJ$"1 ?üate:4ll?åûl? SIEVE $tãË FgRCEf,¡T F¡T{EË SPFC,. pÊâcHl'lT PAãS? {X*HÕl .3?5 #4 #s #t* #3û #50 # ¡üü ti?ûCI tû0 99 99 9ß 97 çú 9l fi1 scllËesËrlptlpn Silt rvitk Sand FL* 3l Atter!æ-LI!a!tÊ LL* l"{Pl. 3 Onn= t.1393 Bis; QpefficianÉs Qgs= t'ole¡ H3û=uu= FçCI= LJ{ qal.'5vc* ti$t$* M¡" ClacsiüËslim AA$HTt*A-4( ri Remark* Sc* l;ig*re I for stan¡laxl ilrcctsr ccmpaetion rrsults, Kumar & Assocãatesu lnc. Gåenwood $prings" Colorfrdn tlienh Urieltr'lellin Froleet: l.*l¡ 3{}" l}inyan lVlt-"sa. tarfit:ld County. Colçr¡il* FroÊect F{a: l?-?-3 l3 Fisure lA Tested By:Kû Ëheched Ëy:nËH Depth or Ëlev. Test No.UndEr-fcotÍng Backfill Loeation Field Ðry Eensity (pcr) Field Moisture Contenl Ys Field tomp. (%) Min, fromp Req. {Yo} Proctor Laþ No. 'l '12'S of NW tsuilding Ëerner fnating græda 11f .3 11.2 I r!3 $s û50-17 l{Ë Building Corner 110.4 13.2 102 050-17 Lab No.Description footing2 98 Method Max. try Dens. opt Moist. 050-17 ASTM D 6S8 Silt with Sand "tfl8.5 15.4 H.P*I<UMAR 5û?0 County Road 154 ßlenwood $prings, C0 81601 Phcne: (97$l 94S-?Sgû Far {9Tû} 945-84s4 Email: hplglenwaodtôkump¡gs.a.çg¡D l.iS*i¡rîlli:r,*'¡ i;:lti¡rrtil'l:rr:* {: {; 1.:¡ i i..i*;r:t::,rl:i '¡¡;t irlriì I i*t",i:l^ ,' " '. Office Locati*ns: Parker, ßlenwood $prings, and Silverthorne, Colorado E*rthwork Gompåct¡rn Testing Report 6lient:Urlel Mellin 144 Cliffrose llVay ffi lenrÊrood $pringn, tolorado fi I 601 U riel. mellinlıhotma il. eom Froject No": Report No.: 1T-7-3r3 tay: Date: Page: Monday 4/,17!171of2I Froj**t: Froposed Resideneæ, Cliffrose lñlay, Lot 30, Pinyon ß4esa, Gærfield tcunty, Colorado Wealher: tloudy, light wind, dry Temperature: 4So at g:30 am, 73" at 2:5Ð pm Earthwork Contractcr: Montanez Ëquipment Used: Þescription of ñarthwsrk Tested: Sæmple{s} CIþteined: Verbal Communicatiçn: Trackhce, mini*hoe, Wacker RT rsmote double drum roller, garden tse Two site visits were mæde today to test under-fsoting structura! backfill. Ons test was initially judged to be below recommended compaction. After additional eompaction a re-test was perfarmed, Final results were judged to indicate æcceptable compaction and moisture csr¡tent. Referance Proctor for the site was not availabls at the tim* of testing. One large bulk sample was eþÊained frcm the site stockpile and suhmitted to our lab for standard Proctor and classification testing. Lab r*sults are attached and conlirm that final compacåion tests performed this date vÍere acceptable. Fiçld test moisture cçntents ranged from 4.2% below to ü.3% above optimum Lcw moistureË were due tc backfill placed on 4115117 havÊng dried prior to testing. Trackhoe oper*tor was infc¡"med of our test results. Placement and Compaction Procedure: Nat obs*rvad by H-PlKumar L[ft Thickness: tompe*tor{s} Used: Max. Rock Siee:Mçislure Conditioning: Number of Passes Nuclear Ga M Test Results Froctor $arn Reference: cÕr,rPAcTrv€EFFOÊI Ât',$LIOISTUÊË Tü FILI.tluRtN6 T}IE nÈlÊg WHÊN OUR 08åËRv€R ts 0ãsËFv[,rG OPËËÂTIÜNS THE NUCI-SÂN OE$ISOMETER MÊfHÕü üF IESTINg IA'A5 USEO IN SUBSTANTIAL ÀCCORüÂNËC WIIH ÂSIÂô N 6938 Thomas J. Westhoff. tET Daniel E. Hardin, P.E. TJWI Field Technieian Reviewed By H*P*I(UMAR 5û20 County Road 154 Gfenwood $prings, CD gtgOi Phone: {970} 949-7S98 Fax: {970} S4S-9454 E ma il : bt¡lolenwpod @k_u mqru, Sa.com ì1lar,-::i:t-'jri,,;'i': l::i".;iit*.lllr',rtç : L.ri¡;¡¡i¡+¡'r; ,Iirì {;Í+lû{:\:,. l.ii,;i.;it:¡!Í,"i4. ¡¡"1'1 j J, I "."iÌ.:':t,.','",.1 Oflice Locations: Pårkêr, Glenwood Springs, and Silve.rlhome, Cotorado Earthwork Compact¡on Testing Report Client:Uriel Mellin 144 *iffrose wËy project No.: 17-7-319 Þay: Monday Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Date: 4117.17uriel'mellin(Ðhotmail'com Repor-t Na.: 1 page: z CIf Froposed Residence, Cliffrose Way, Lat 30, Pinyon Mesa, Garfield County, Çolorado 2 Project: Nuclear Ga e Moistu Test Results Test Nc. Location Under-footin g backfi I I Depth ar Field Dry Density Field Moisture Content Field tomp. {olo} Min. Comp. Req. Froctor Lab No.Ëlev Yo 3 20'$ sf NE building corner l'below 1 1"t "5 12"1 103 98 050-17 4 20' N of Sìlll huilding cornèr 5'below 106.9 14.1 9B 98 050-17 ã 30' N of SW buildîng ssrner 4'below footino qrade 1û4.2 f 4.û gÊ 98 050"17 5A Re-test of #ã above 4'below footing qrade 106.8 f 5.0 g8 s8 050-t? 2'below foating orads ,l05"96N. garage footing, lû' E of W side of buildins 1å.7 98 s8 050.1? 106.4TI B I SË building corner 4'below footínq grade 15.7 98 g8 û50.'t7 25'N of SE building eorner 3'below footins grade 'ttB.0 1{.3 100 9S 050.17 E garage footing, 15' N of SE cörner of qaraqe faoting gradu 108,9 14,6 100 98 05t1.17 Garage SE corner I'below footínq urade 110.6 15,2 't0210 s8 050.17 I'below116' $ of NE corner of garage 109.0 11.3 100 DescriptionLab No.Method s8 Max. Dry Dens. 050.17 opt. Maist. il50-17 A$TM D 698 $ilt with Sand 15.4108.5 TI{E }¡UCLEAR DENSOMET€F MÊTI,JOO OF lESTIN* WÅS IJSËfi IN $IJF$?AT¡TIAL ÅCCüft*ÂNTä l¡J¡II{ ÁSThl ÊiE?3å TJw/ Proctcr $am le Referencg: ' Thomas J. Wpsthon CET Field Technician Daniel E. Hardin, P.E. Reviewed By H-P*l(UMAR 5û20 Cnunty Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: {970} 945-79s9 Fax {970) 945-8454 Email: hpkqleqwood..@lgrryaruga.com {ì*,¡.:i¡'ri' i,:;.. j i:r'rr:ií1itF:tiüü i Ifì;ì rì**r'ri]iqj ij{,.ìû.,Ë.F f.ì;ll¡.t,¡ii: ji:'I .i I i rrvr¡¡'';¡,' ¡t1¡i1 Lift Thickness: Campactor{s) Used: Office Locations; Parker, Glenwoud Sprlrigs, and Silverthorne, Colorado Earthwork Compäction T*stÍng Report Client: Uriel Mellin Project lrlo.: 17-7-313 Oay: Tuesday 144 Cliffrose Way Date: 4118/,17 Glen$rood Springs, Çolorado 8f 601 Reporl No.: 2 Page: I of 2 Uriel. mç![in@hotma i!, pen Project: Proposed Residence, tliffrose llVay, Lot 30, Pinycn Mesa, Garfield County, Calorado Weather: Partly cloudy, calrn, dry Temperalure: 46" at 8:30 am, 73o at 12;5ü pm Ëarthwrrk Contractor: Montanez Fquipment Used:Trackhoe, mi ni-hoe, Wacker rsmote dauble drum , garden hose DescriptiCIn of Earthwork Two sita visits were made today to test under*footing structural backfill. OneTested: teet was initially below r€commended compaction. After re-warking and re- compaction an acceptable rE-test was obtained. Final results indicated acceptable compaction with moisture contents ranging from 3,1% belor¡r to 0.7% above optimum. Verþal Communication: Trackhoe operator was lnformed of our test results. Pla*enrent and Compaction Procedure: Not observed by H-F/Kumar Max. Rock Si¿e:Moisture Condilioning: Number of Passes: Nue lear e Muisture/üe Test Results Proctor Reference Êt{ C0tllÊACrl\1ü ËFËûnT ANt Mtt$TUft* rû Fllt ÊURINÊ rHE llMÊ5 wHEf{ eUR O$SEnvER l5 NOT Og$frnvlNG ÕPË*ÀTI*HS THË f.¡UTI,EAæ äEN$üI,IÛT[,& MËT¡.IÕN üË TãäTING WAS UgEÞ IN SU&TTÀNTIAL ÃçTäflÐÀNCÊ $JIΡ1 ASTM Ë åSJ& Thornas J. Westhoff, CET Baniel E. Hardin, P.E. Test No. Location Under-footing Baekfill Depth or Ëlev" Field Dry Densily (pcr) Ëield Moisture Content Yo Field Comp. {rå ) Min. Comp. Req. (o/a\ Proctor Lab No. I SW building cornÊr f 'below footinq qrade 111.7 1{"5 103 98 05CI-1? 2 0.5'below footino orade20'N of $W buildlng corner ?.3.11 14.5 103 98 050-17 3 6' W of $E building cornËr I'below footing qrade 10ç.2 13.6 s8 g8 05t!-17 4 1l!' H of 5E building corñer 2'beloi¡¡ footins qrade 1f 0.7 12.3 ',02 s8 û50.17 2'below20' S of NE building Gorn€r 11{}.0 14.O 101 050-f7 Lab No.Method 5 98 tion Max. Dry Dens. 0pt- Moist" ü50-17 ASTM CI Ê98 Silt with Sand 108.5 ls.4 TJW/Field Technician R*v[ew*d By H-P*IflMAR 5020 County Raad 154 Glenwood $prings, C0 81601 Phone: (970) S4g-79S8 Fax: {970) g4S-84S4 Email; hp$gleqwood@kumarus4csfu Of{Ìce Locathns: Parker, Glenwood $prings, and Silverthorne, Golorado Earthwork Cornpaction Testing Report Glient:Uriel lvlellin r44 criffrose ïvay Proiect No.: 17'7'313 Day: Tuesday Glenwood $prings, Colorado 81601 Date: 4l1Bl1Z Report No.: 2 Page: 2 of 2 U riel. rnelliüffi holm ai l.csm Froposed Residenee, Cliffrose W"y, Lot 3CI, Finyon Mesa, Garfield County, ColoradoProject: Nuclear Gauge MoisturelËensity Test Results Test No. Location Under-footing backfill üepth or Elev. Field Dry üensity {ocf) Field ft¡loisture Content (o/o) Field Cornp. {%} Min. Comp. Req. l"/,1 Proclor Lab No. 6 6'N of $W building corner footing grade 112.6 14.9 104 g8 05{t-17 7 12' E of Stlf building corner footing grade 112"2 13.7 103 s8 050-17 I 4'W of $E building Ëorner footing grade f 04.9 18.6 97 g8 {¡50-17 8A Re-test of #8 abs¡ve footing grade 109,3 16.1 I tlt 98 150-17 s 20'N of $E building cornêr footing grade f 1t.r 14.4 1ü2 g8 050-17 Proctor Sam Reference: THE I¡UCI€AR DENSOMË1ËR MËTHOO OF TESTIH* WAS U$Ëä IN SI}B$TÅNTI{L ÂçT*¡IfrÅI-¡*Ë W!TI,{ ÅgYM ãå93S Ïhomas J.l,liesthoff, CËT Daniel E. Hardin, P.E" TJWI Field Technician Reviewed By