HomeMy WebLinkAboutObservation of Excavation 10.17.2017W*Pæffi{WMÅre 5020 tounty Road 154 Glenwood $prings, CQ 816û1 Phone: (970) 945-7988 Fax: {970) 945-8454 Email: hpkglenwood@kumarusâ"com S*ateehnical Engineoring | Ëngineering Gealogy Mi¡tçrials TÊsting I Enviranmental CIffìee Locations: Parker, Glenwood $prings, and Summit County, Colorado Octobe¡ 17,2tll7 Tony lTr;{r:¡:ulos ıSIJB ã{ighway 82 GÌ*nr.¡.'onrl Iiprings, Cclorari* S I** I a1ì : l1¡;¡.¡¡ k¡¡1.{,:1 !¡ i¡"!,¡3¡;¡.i l,':*.1i3 Flrjci:t Ni:. I?-7-?66 SL:lrject: Clbserv¿tir:n o{'Hxe ¿rv¿iiicn, I}r*pr:scd H*siile¡:ee, 6598 ['ligh*'ay 82, üarlielii C**nly, ilc¡ìoractro Ï-)eür Ti:nv: .Ås req**strril, lhc tl¡r<l*rsigt*d rellres*nlåliv* r¡f I{-PIKL;ri:ilr c¡ì:s*rv*rl lhe cxçavaTiun ai ll¡* sul¡*r:t sile: *n ûctabi:r 17,2*l? t* *r,al*¡lt* tir* soils *x¡rcs*cl lbl {'r¡urid*ti** su¡rporl" Th* fi:irillrt. "lir* sr:rvir":*$ w*re pe:iì:ri:r*ci in a*c*l'riariçc *,il.1l {)*r'it{t:ì*Ìrìcrr{ ii:r ¡:rofessir*al *n¡¡inei:rir"rg gsrvicr:s {ü 5rç¡¡¡, cialed *ctr:i:*r l?, ?,*1?. 'fhe priq:*st cJ hc*sc r..¡ill hi: ¿t onc slûry wocil fra¡n* sTr"rlcturf üvor ¿¿ partial bascrlentl¡:artial *;irilort. Ììç¡nndalian$ rvrìre desi,qn*cl f'or au ¿¡il+wi¿bl* s*il bc;rr-in.g p¡:es,rl.ìre *l' 1,5üû psí. Ât th* tint* *f cur visil li: til* si1*, the iì¡undation e.qc¡rvalion i:acl b*e.* c*T i:t tr,¿* lev*is *p lr: l? f'e*t b*islv the adjac*rit gr*n*cl surf¿:c*. T'h* stils ex¡:t.rs*d i* fh* L"rc:ttr'¡¡r: çl'{he exc*r,¿ttir.ur consisl*d c¡f *r*elir:¡:l': <i*¡ts*, siltS' sa*L'i5..' gr-;ivr;l with **bbl*s and sca{l*.r*d b**l<le.¡:s" 'Ihe: sttbgl;,id* h¿¡ct b**n cci:r¡:acl*d. ìd$ l'"ree $Ji.:1or \,\'¡ts snc{}i"u'ri{:r:c{l i* th* i:xc*v:llic¡n aniJ thi: si;ils lver* slighll_y nri:ìsï. "f'h* li,..r;tin¡:s wc::rrr lt;r:*l*d ¿rd r-*b¿ir rças ticit iu piac*. {-io*-tidering tire conditions *xposecl i* ths sxcavaticn and the ¡latu¡e ol'tl-t* pro¡:os*d conslruciion, spread iootings placeclÐn the u*<list*rbç:d n¿rtriral soitdcsign*d f'+r an ;:lli'¡w;ltrlc s*il b*aring pr*"c$ill"* <li'å,5ûü psf shoLrld be ad*iiuäte f*r s*ppc;rl r:lth* prop*srei r*sidi:*ce. .l'lle *x¡rets*cl sc¡ils ¡enri fo c*:npr{:$s *,h*n rv*li*d anel lhsr* r:n*1d il* sùr'nr} p{}sl-or¡r"¡sl.¡:u*t.icn s*tllexlert cf the f'ou¡relation if the bsari¡rg scils becc¡rvr* w*l uf p*ssibly I rei ,) inciles el*pending *n thç <lepth ancl ex{*¡lt r:f rvettinÊi. íì*uti:rgs shcu}d i:* a mi*¡muru widtl: ¡:f i I iuchcE ft:r {.:,ìiiliTluor¡s waåls ancl ? f**t l'+r r:i:lr.¡mns. 'I'lre bearing soils shauiri be ¡:rot*ct*<l ngi.:inst fiosl ¿rnil ctlncrsls -s!:ùui{3 rìix bfl pl-iceil oir lì'o¡.r¡r suils. Flxterior fìrr:rings sho*kl i:* pr*viiled witlr ad*qxi:le s*ii ccvr.r ¿ihove lhsir bearixg *l*vaticus f"cr fi'*st prütcctiiln. Co¡rrinui:i"rs for:ndatir:n walls should be heavilS,'reinf*rced tap and b*ttom tc sålan lo**1 ancru¿ilies sucil as by assurnin¡¡ Tony Fotapulos Oc¡cber 17 ,2*17 Fagr: ? äü uns*pporte<i l*nglh u{'¿[ lcast l4 tccl. fìourrcl¡¡tio¡r r,valls acting;n relainittg stru{:ttìi"*s slrtuld als* be designcd to resist ;¿ lateral ûarth pr$$surc baseel *n an *c¡*ivaå*nt fluid unit i.v*ight of at ìeasr 5{J pcf fbr on-site soil as baekfilå. A ;:erimet*:: fburnelation clr;ri¡: sho*lcå be prtviderl t* prevent tcrTtpüra::y buiklup cf h,viirostatic pri:ssnre L¡chinij llte b¿ise:nent walls iutd pr*venl n*iting of thc år.iwsr Ji:v*l. ¡\n itlJ:*ir,'ions ln*rnbrane silch âs 30 nliJ T)1¡C sh**lcl underlie thc clrain gravel tc pr*venl wetting r¡f th* beari*g soils. $Tr*cturai fill ¡:lai:e<i rl'iThin llc¡c¡r slab ¿ircas *an consist r:f the cn-sil* soils cr:::rpact*ei ta trl l*írsl -Q57p of standarcl P¡:erctor clensity al it moistur* eonlent ni:ar rptì:*um. S¿:clifill placed ¿irounrl th* str*ctL:lç shor-rl<l be cr:n:pacle<1 alid tl¡* sr¡¡:t*ce grait*rl tü pr:flven{ ponding within al lcasl I ü f'*st tlf' thi: b*ìlclit'lg. 'l'ir* ¡:**{}rnrrlr:nd:¡tions sublni{ted jn this l*tlel at* bas*.tf ¡:t.: *Ltt'c¡i:s*l"v¿lli*n t:f'th* sq:iìs *x¡:i:sed rvi!:hin the. tc;"rnilatie¡* excilr¿ali** ;i.nrl rlo no[ ir¡*lut.l* st¡bsr"lrf;i** *x¡11*rnlion l.* *virluale lhe subsu¡laçe concliri<lns within th* loacl*el cieplh r:f lbr:nri*{.ion inlìu*r¡ct. 'lhis st*riy is has*t-l r¡n lhe irssnnrptir:n tha{. st;i}s hene.a{}r t'l:e {'r:*Tirtgs luivr: eclua} r:r b*tt*r'sülspi:rl th:lti lhose'*xp*sec1. 'l'he risk *f fi:uncJ¿rli*tlrìì{l\¡sfil*nt may bß *feâlt:r ti¡itn inclic:¡tert in lhis l*pori becaus* tt{^pr:ssihit: v¿¡riali*ns in ths sr¡b*srirjace c*nditions. l* i¡rcl*r t* rev*:¡l lll* *¿¡lure ançl *xtcnl *f varial.ions in thi: g*l;surfac* cunilitions'ï:i:tou, the r:xcavaticn. cårìllìng wr:ukl t¡e r*iJ*irec{. åt is p*ssibl,: lhe r1¿rta rrbt¿rin*elb-v snì:.,ir,rrf'a*:e *xptroi"ilti$r: rorìì{l chang;* TJr* r*i:*rn¡r¡endali*ns r:c¡¡ltained in {his ïettsr¡:. ûur s*rvic*s clc n*T i*c1*el* rl*{ol'rnining, {}t* ¡:r*s*uce, plevr:lriì{rn or"¡:r;sribility *f ntold r:r *thr'r"biula¡ìir;rir:or-rturr:ìnu:rls tfu1{Jl: {:) ti*vr:ii"rping i* th': futirr*. trt'th* clie¡¡t is ccncçr'n*çi abr¡ul MtlllLl, thi:* a p::r:ibssianal in this sp*r:iaÌ f leld of pr¿rclice siroul<Ì b* c+nsr-rlt*:cl. 3{ -y*u hav* an3, uuesli*ns *:: neeiJ îr¡rthi:r;tssisTanc*, pl*itse call *t¡l cåTic*. Sinc*r*ly, þ.$-ä;e* Kå.ãM,&ru пrniel Ë. l{ardi¡.r. $}.ü; å{*v by: SI-F ¿Jb¡f/1,í$ CC:JVA Ðngineers * ,Attn Craig M. K*be c!*iu-'*:,ål--.'¡,,Iìii-Lì' i !"1-FaKriMÂ13 ir'ir-ii;1¡;1 ¡1¡,. 1? -'i ""! {)'t;t