HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveyN 01'00'44'a 1J97.1.i' ROAD ROW LINE 6/ GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO C O U N T Y R 0 A D 2 5 0 N 8921'39" E 1345.11' LOT 3 BE N 8707'03" E 893.73' POB L07 2 LOT 2 TIE N 84'7628" E 394.59' LOT 1 TIE N 0607'25' E 35.00' N 8a2i'55," r 460 68' 4 49+/- ACRES 172, 77' 11 POB LOT 3 b N 89'21'39 f 500 00' WELL ACCESS AND PIPELINE EASEMENT 4 87+/- ACRES 5,11100' 5 8021 :J9- w 1,, 146.7 27.52+/- ACRES S 692127" W 7350.12' L WELL & PUMP NOUSE EASEMENT SEE 1ErA1t J 0 ,1 $9'27'59• E 391 .95' 3 71-L/- ACRES 37Y.05 PRY 001 1 EASEMENTS: EASEMENTS FOR DRAINAGE, UTILITY AND DITCH PURPOSES 20 FEET ADJACENT TO COUNTY Ra495 15 FEET ADJACENT TO ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES 20 FEET ADJACENT TO REAR LOT LINES LEGEND EXISTING MONUMENT • SET R&C LS 73507 • FENCE LINE -X-X ELECTRIC LINE E--E-- DITCH -EDITCH LINE -0-9- ROAD POB LOT 4 SCALE 1" = 100' 0' 100' 200' 300' 1 TIES ARE TO A 2000 FT. WITNESS CORNER / i17747 N 07'0725" L 3400 FEET FROM THE 7NE ELIWNER OF 50•G7A71N 36 5(67 1404/. CAP Ed1M -J W C.2; Ct 2 BEAR77/05 HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO A BEARIN'C 00 N 07'07'25" E BETWEEN THE ALUM.CAP FOUND AT THE 17/4 CORNER 0..5. 13507) AND THE 504/ ALUM CAP FOUND AT 1HE NE CORNER OF 5ECTION 38 LOT 4 TIE N 019725' E 454.40' LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS WELL ACCESS AND PIPELINE EA516167 0 LOT UNE it xf4L r PUMP _ I� I 70In[ TASEMENT-.- Li' DETAIL LOTS 1 & 2 WELL ACCESS EASEMENT AND WELL AND PUMP HOUSE EASEMENT LOT 1 A tract of land situated in the NEI/4NE1/4 of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 92 West of the 6th P.M. being more particularly described os foifows: Beginning at o point on the east line of sold NE7/4NE1/4 whence o WI/ness Corner for the Northeast Corner of said Section 36 bearing N 07'0725" E 20.00 feel from said Northeast Corner boors N 01'0725" E 35.00 feet; thence trol7g said east line 5 01'07'25" W 4(9.40 feet to (he Northeast Corner of Lot 4; thence S 89.21'39" W 379.06 feet to the Southeast Corner of Lot 2; thence N 00'38'21- W 419.20 feet to the Northeast Corner of 1.07 2; thence N 89'27'39" E 391.96 feet to the Point of Beginning having on area of 3.770 Acres more or less LOT 2 A tract of fond situated in the NE'/4NE1/4 of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 92 West of the 6th P.M. being more particularly described as follows: Beg;nnirie at a pain, whence a ivYress Corner for the Northeast Cornier of said Section 36 bearing N 01'0725` E 20.00 tet! /mm sold Nortrrev.st Cornet dears N 84'7S'28" E 39449 feet; [Mertes S 003621' E 419.20 lest re the Sau7hlrest Carrier or Lot t; thence 5 897139' re 508.03 loot to the Southeast Corner of 601 3; 07soca N 00'38'21" W 419.20 feel to the Nartheas7 Comet of tat .f; thence N 89'21'39' £ 500.00 feet 10 the cin, of Beginning' having on arse of 4.812 Acres more or less LOT 3 A tract of land situated in the NEI/4NE1/4 of Section 36, Township 5 South. Range 92 Wesl of the 61h P.M. being more porticulorly described es follows: Beginning at a point whence a Ntness Corner for the Northeast Carne, or said Section .36 bearing N 0['07.25" ( 20.00 feet from said Northeast Cooler boors N 87076737 E 593.73 feet; thence S 00'38'21" E 419.20 feet to the Southwest Corner of 1a1 2; (hence S 69'21'39" W 472.77 feel to the west line al the NE1/4NE1/4; thence N 01.00'45" c 479.37 feel; thence N 89'21'39" 2 460.68 feet to the Point of beginning having an area of 4.492 Acres more or fess. LOT 4 A tract of land situated in the NEI/4NE7/4 of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 92 West of the 6th P.M. being more particularly described os follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said NE1/48E1/4 whence o Witness Corner for the Northeast Corner of said Section 36 bearing N 01'07'25" E 20.00 feet Isom Said Noftheosl Corner bears N 01'075- E 454.40 feel; thence S 1.0725" W 987.75 leaf 70 the Southeast Cotner al sand NE7/4I004; thence 5 1392127' 1Y 1350.72 feet to the Soufhirest Career of Said NE1/4 Er/4; Chance along the west tine of said NE7/47/67/4 N. 07'00'46" E 887.78 feel; theme N 8921:39" E 1351.83. feet to the Point or Beginning fluidic ur7 area of 27.521 Acres more or less. NOTES- 1. Control al noxio.s wends. i5 the responsibility of the individnot (01 owners 7. One (7) dog wi17 be °flowed for each res;dent,W Gni! within the subdivision and the dog Shall 94 4081;neet with,' the 'senors properly. boundaries. 3 110 open-hearth solid -favi fireplaces or/Y1 ar 0247446 onywhers within the subdivision. .0as or) new solid-Iue1 burning stove as defined ay C.R.S. 25-7-401. et seq., and the regulations pramulgoted thereunder. 011/ be allowed in any dwelling unit. AN draping units *1/74 b4 *flowed an unrestricted number o1 77otaral gas bathing stares and app/ianaes. 4; Aft extanar lighting she// be the minimus' amount necessary and all exterior lighting shaft be directed inward,. towards the interior of Ma 5ribdYLsion exemption, except that 1N0visian5. may be mode to allow for safety, fighting [hof goes beyond the property 11091ldaries- 5. Aft properties described an this plot except Let 4, which have (ha reasonable 0404 ro connect 74778 any lnaniaipa/ ar oanlra6Xcd water .one/or sewer syofem, will be required to connect 18 said service within one year el the effective dote of service availob8fty.TBe subject property awnvro except Mee owner of Lot 4 ellen he regaired to remove conneclio08 fa foe existing rie7fs and/O1 ind7Yidue1 sewage disposal systems locoted within this subdivision. 6. Al Fars in this 6Ubdd9S70,7 are •sari*/ In Character and as such are sub;aaf 70 Carfietd County's 8igh7 tO Farm 0nd Ranch reparations. Corfield County rec0gn;,04 the imo0lanf 1onlrib117i9n Owl agriculture makes fa this Coaniy and therefore win not pursue nuiSta1Ce complaints mode against 11457arn7.7 and Iega1 ago 647071ol operations and practkes. 7. No !LaMar 011w5/ons by exemption Irons definition will be °pawed. A r7 v1'1r1t `: : 6 "r. VICLVII Y YAP 1' ,. 21)00' EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE THIS' PIAT APPROVED BY RE564 OF GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO A.D. 1999. IN FILING WITH THE CLC: SUCH APPROVAL IN NO WAY IMPLIES TRUE AND ACCURATE BUT DOES INDICATE .NOT SUBJECT TO REGULATION UNDER GARfl REGULATIONS AT THE TIME OF ITS FILING OF i[# BOARD o' caw atb 0AY or _ J1 REC0Rf1ER or G4R1 THE /NFOR ' 1a, SI r THIS P •1 E, 6071 5f r 7Y 646074 0. ATTEST J E NTY CLERK COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE APPROVED FOR CONTENT AND FORM ONLY AND NOT THE ACCUI CALCULATIONS AND DRAFTING PURSUANT TO C.R.S., 38-51-101 BY' f4Rr7EL0 CC DATE: el•A SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, RICHARD L HOLSAN, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM A REG!: SURVEYOR LICENSED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLL PLAT 1S A TRUE, CORRECT AND COMPLETE PLAT OF THE SIMON AS LAID OUT, PLATTED, DEDICATED AND SHOWN HEREON, THAT WAS MADE FROM AN ACCURATE SURVEY OF SAID PROPERTY BY SUPERVISION AND CORRECTLY SHOWS THE LOCATION AND DIME[ LOTS, EASEMENTS, AND STREETS OF SAID SUBDIVISION AS THE STAKED UPON THE GROUND IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE f GOVERNING THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF l HAVE SET MY HAND AND SE DAY OF r-ille.tl.y A.D. 1999. RE01/564wED .I;• 1 5f O/ CLERK AND R2CORD1iR S CERTIFICATE THIS PLAT 14645 FILED FOR RECORD IN THE 0577011 OF THE CLE RECORDER Of GAR I(LD COUNTY AT _LEL= &CLOCK .M., OF .4.13. 7999. AND IS DULY REGEP7ron N0. 4T T . _ s!7°°jD draa]eA i -a /ii4J d�lt.n:., CLERK AND RE BY:: 4141.; DEPUTY efearikuLlaubscakix an 4S 755a1 INS/4 4773 214 Rd 517 Colorado (970) 876-2947 947E 2.11