HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey ReportSurvCo, fnc. Professi onal land Surve)¡ing füIvic_es "'Seruing Weste¡n üalarudr¡ since I9gl" An easement for the purpose in ingress and egress; sa;id easement being thirty {30) feet in width and lying lifteen (15) fbet on eac.h side of the following described centerliae" said easement encumbering a poriion of the NWt/4SWt/4 af Section 2 and dre ElíZ çf Section 3, Toqmship s scuth, Range 96 \vest ofthe 6th p.M., counf of Garfield, st¿te *fCalcrada, said eæsenrent centerline bair::g dcsr:ril¡ed by metes and bounds as follows: (Bearings as recited in this descrþion are based upûn a Coirradc Cenhal zone CFS observed grid bearing of N.88"08'48u\M. for the North line of the SE1/4 of said Section 3. Monrunent¿tion fbund atthe trast 1¡4 of Section 3 is a 3-112" BLM atuminum rap on a3" aluminum pipe and atthe Center l/4 corner of Section 3 is a 3" alumiaum eap on a2-l/2" ah¡minum pipe, PLS No" 16842 with all linear dimensions recited in this desCription being in US Survey feet.) Beginning at a p*int a¡¡ saiel eentedine from whense the East 1/4.corner of sairi Sectiûn 3 bears 5.82"29'02"8. 7n2.24 feet, said East 1/4 corner being a 3-ll2- BLM aluminum cã.F ür¡ -ì" aluminum pþ ftrund in piace; thenee along said centerline the following twenty nine (29) conrses and distances: i ) thence N.43"3 1'4û"8. 39.65 feet; 2) thence '132.02 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 106"66 fccÇ a eentral angle af 7to55'08", and sub-tending a chord bearing N.?8"59'14"8. for 123,76 t*et; 3) fhence S.66"38'48"E. 225.38 fbet; 4) åhenee 33q.*Û fe*t al*cg the arc of a surr.e t* the lufl, having a radiu-s of 10ü.35 feet, a central angle of 19333'24" and sub-tending a chord bearing N.16"34'30uE. for i99.29 feet; 5) thence N.77"5?'58"'W. 56.96 feet; 6) {hcnce 36'80 feet along the a¡c of a curvc to the right, having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central angle of 21"a4'57",a¡rd sub-tencling a chard bearing N"6?"?s'zg"w_ for 36.59 fee! 7) thence N.54"-? 1'45*W . 21Ð -77 fe*t; 8) thence N.39"45'52"W . 284.97 feet; 9i tirence N.52o33'û9"1V. 98.53 feet; 1 t)) thence N.46o25'35"W . 125.1g feet; 1li thence N.34"47'ûi"$t'. 167.59 feet; 12) thence N.44"45'04"W- 82-41 feet: 826-1/2 6r:and Avenuq Suite No.26 Pc'stûff¡ce fuxZ7åZ Glenwood Springs, C0. gl60¿-Z7Ba Ph: {e7*} 945:5945 Ernaä: sUrycc{d.greaif.cgm 13) thence 237.25 feet along the arc of a curve to the rigþt, having a radius of l0Û.1 I feet, n central anglc af. 135"47'1 1"" unrl sub-tending a chord bearing N.?3"08'31"8. for 185.50 feet; 14) thence S.88n12'44"8. 43.68 feeq I 5) thence 5.84"1 8'ü7"H. I 35.09 feet; 16) thence 5.88"03'16"8. 113.16 feet; 17) thcnce S.81o31'46"8. 83.67 feet; 18) thence S.56"21'û1"8- 44-3? fee[ l9i thence 5.49"27'58"8. 336.21 feet; 20) thence 5.55"52'18"8. 144-49 feet; 21) thence S.51"48'58"8. 365.43 feet; 22) thence S.47"38'59"E. 133.55 feet; 23) thenee S.48"52'00"8, 28ü.48 feeq 24) thence 5.42o58?6"8. 140.87 feef; 25) thence S.53"26'21"8. 184.?7 feet; 2tí) thcnce S-5?'5t'34"8. 236-25 fbet; 27) thence 5.49'47'4t"8. 128.50 feet; ?8) thcnce S.41"14'05"8. 47ß.96 feet io a point that is 15.û0 fcct perpendicular to and Easterþ of the East line of the SEI/4 of said Section 3; 29) thence S.01"33'54"\M- i063.93 fèet along a line 15.0û'East of and paraiiel to the East line of said SEI/4 to the Ncrth line of the SWli4SWl /4 of said Section 2, the Paint of Terminus of the easement herein described. Ilsup7 rC FfrD r/ //s 0,Phslgr 27613 2