HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineer Report 04.24.18448 lÃi ill Avenue Rifle. Colorado Bló50 9?û-625-??74 Phone ive.rtar@rof. net E-lviai I Þ¡h,TE: 2,4 A.Pn'ålVtf E PR*J&CT: Red Ba¡'n Guest R.a¡aeln 345lVlidvalleY Lnr*e G¡¡rfietd CountYu C*lol'a$o RECEIVED MAY 0 t 20,18 GARFIELD COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT T't:Red Barn Guesù EÊ.a*cãr, Lã,C 345 Mietvalley L*na tarfietd Counf,3, CE¡lo¡'ads ,4ft¡a: l,ara'y l{nlonen i949} ?9X-1888 F l,*rry-" At 3,ona. req*est I have perfsr!.ned s visuså åas¡reaÊion aa¡d eval¡iatåo¡r o{'Éhe cænn'åage Eäouse, $md Éhe Bniqåaå Ë{sqrse s fiructu res n¡ed off'ea' Ûh e fsålorviu g de'åaålc " Ðesigm'ariÉe¡"ia used im this evaluation W{nd gtnnpln, Exp. ts R.oof S¡Eorv Lcnd : 4Ð Psf. sa¡bsu,.gaee soils ånfo¡:$astism is pr"*sented in the report åiy ËIP'Kn:rmnu'dnted ?9 .T¡¡¡åe 2Ð17 EndiaaËåmg n rnånårs¡ur¡a soil bearång vaå*e of ISOO psf resting on tl¡e ¡¡ntsnrnå esndisfrrrhed soåls. Fl'osf prttecÈi*n depth ås 36uî. T.i¡ese st*saÊ¡¡res s¡:e pl:rpoïfed tq¡ h*ve been ccnstn¡cted ålr the Satc 197t's åndåetfåalg Ëkat ttrey.fcave beer¡ iæ se¡.víe,e å'*r *in¡ost *n years. Exeept for tl¡e {lçor slnlps, the *ssues o¡¡t*ined beåow tto T*t-*-qY*turally *ffaeted ' hy eeeup*aey cfu*mge. The sÍab-on*grade c+nste'uetå*n is adeqwate å'o¡' the {Ioor tæad of ås8 psf as åndüeated Iry tlu* ebrS inC, gãþle å6Ð?.trn *6s*irer,{ssernbiy Aa'ens" Í"or tÊ¡e C*rri*lge &{o$ce" S,*¡, strucåaErs detnåls sec {åra1vings by Red Ssrm Guest üã*use, $,3-Ð' T'åaÊs evn$u*fåoca ís hæsed *pom tåeese dr*lwi*gs. Fsr sål sf ftse a"ef*¡,ençed strueå¿:res tlaeye ås Êha !ss$e of f,rost pr*feetåo¡a fo¡' Ëhe fos¡ndatåon, T'åae g*eteehmåe *å ;-E-*;*;;;d;g;,. ¡¡¡-cm âs 36 å¡:ches frç¡c? fi¡ais:eed grade (o tËçe boå*CIñ? of foerÉ{atgs' Pdonc c¿f Éleese s*¡'uqtåBres ,qcàeet fhËs r*qxåremenf" lac onder3æ ffiaef ûhe frost prãtecfåon reqwå¡'eã$e¡ìt for få¡e foundaËåçn Éhe addÍtionpf 2,r rågåd þtue board osc fhe oa¡tsåds vsrtíesã sxrf*ees, a¡rd * 2u wide bonrd ås*rlzo¡af*å f'¿'cceå Éååe bCItfsr¡¡ edg* of' fhe f'ootå*g¡ wig b* req*år*d" lãawevern slràee t?âese sËruet¡.ares å¡rlse been åra place for elrÆosÈ 4* yenrs, aæd ms sågæs of .frosËheave ***gc he ådenfåfisd Ë'rocm s visec*å inspeetí*nu *ddåag thlb årusuåætåora may he of quesÉio¡aahåe value. Carriage Håouse: The Cr¡ryisge É*ouse eo¡EsËsts *t* s woçd f,rsr$* sfralefure rvåtåa 2x4 *t l6?t cle st$d l*,'såüs scåd wosd s'oæf tnBìçses cs$st'-iåct€J¿gpp *: $ds åac*sher, Tåic sugrerstruc*råv* ås eaaaîosed om *he raorååa, s*mt*4, and r.vesf sides, Þ'ãfü¡ ËÞåe Fege I of 3 east $ide principnlty ûpen. The foundaËien consísts or a 4un nom. concrete slnb-on-grnde, an 8" wide x 1ót' deep stena rvnl! and spre*d foeting ripprsx, lû" ttriek and 20?u rvide. The btttom of the footings are only 2*'24* belaw finished grade" The roof trüsses ilpp*ar fo be in good *ondition wåth strr¡ts instslled alorg the rvest wnll fCIr Internl stability nnd also ndd * tie eonnection to the watl. Tbe trusses on tbe srst wul¡ do nu{ have nreelta*ical bul"ricsne tles which shCIuld be installed tt eseh trusslwnll csancetio¡r. simpxon lI8 ties c¡¿n be instatled on fhs outside nr ir¡side øf the rvall and attached to the truss top chord and the suppørtlngbelms" Kn*e braces have åreen nddcd to the colum¡rs alang the e¡st watrl províding additional lateral sfability. This structure ry¡s anaåyzed fo¡.the conditiCIns and londs referenced with the follorving results. 1. îhe rruood roof trusses are adequate for the applied loads. $impson HB Hurricar¡e tÍes wilf need to be instailed as e&tlined abçr¡e" ?" The framed rvalls are adequate for the npplied lssds" 3. The found*tåsn as defined is adequ*te for the applied lo*ds and soil bearing value. .å vissal ins¡lecfion of tiris struct¡¡re isdirated no signs of deflectiorrs tr subsidence, and fhe visibåe wall coverings exhíbited no sigæs of excessive crackíng ûr movemests. I¡¡ generaå, tlre structure eppetrs to be sta!¡le and lNl good condition f*r its age and type of cønsÉruction' F.rost protecti*n fsr this struef¿¡re that is primarily open nnd unhested lvil! be díf'ficr¡tt at best. Although general geotechniesl frosf depths sre b*low tninirnr¡nns, the struct*r e do*s nst *ppÊsr to have axperienced rny frost have. Gsest House, l"he Gue¡t tr{s{rse consists of n wood fname sfn¡cfi¡re lvith 2x4 *t 16" o/e stud walls and waod roof r*f,ter/trusses constrncted of ÞF #z S4S lurnher wåth a ,sonerete S.û,G'" A våsual inspeetica of this str¡¡cfure åndåeated n* sþ,,s af defãeetåoras or sa¡f¡såde***, *nd fhc visible wall eøveriags exlaåbited no slgns of, excessive erneking sr rnsvernsnts.ln gener*l, the structure sppesrs to be st*ble and in goad cCIndÍtisn for åts age and typ* øt eonsfruction. Thås sÈruet!åre iyas an*lyzed f'or the eonditioas end loads refsrenced wåth the follawing r*suåËs' l. Tþe wsod roof,trusses wíll need to be ¡¡rodífied ns shower on the drrwíngs by *he addåtion øl6x},2DFLl br*rns ¡¡nder the collsr tåe Ërussrsork, and c 13'-?t' rnûx" spen. Posts *upporfing the beann ends shall res* sn consreet foøtlng p*ds lso' deep and ?4" sqlr*re witk {3} #5 bnrs E.Sl. 2,Thefrnrnedwaåtsnrendequ*teforthe*pptåedloadg" z. The f,oundstio¡¡ *s defined ås *dequaËe for the apptied å*sds nnd soiå þenrâng val*le" ðrid*å ltror¡se. The Brida! Ifu*se esnsists *rf a wsed fr*r¡le sfruef,*¡'s witb,?x4 *t tr6" */e stud walle end wCI*d r*of ¡'*ftars eonst¡.arcted of ÐF #? s4S l¡rs¡¡ber with a eoucrete s"t.G., .4 visuaå incpection of this structure indicated no sigras of deflectísns sr s$bsådersc*, and the våsibte walå coverings exhibited no sÍgns CIf excessive crscking or nnævemer¡ts. Ixa g**er*ã, tke s*rucåure a¡epears tç be stabtre *ad in go*d aoxditå*¡a for its *ge nnd type of eonsfn¡ctåo¡r, Th*s sf,rsetããr€ w*s amalyøed fcr the cændñ*åCIras n¡rd !øs¿is rafere$eed wifh the f*ålowång recr}åts. t" The wCIod rooå'rafters wíll need Ëo be br*ced to reduce the eurrent spans as shown an the drawiags' This additionnå brncing wån act ss tr¿¡ss web r¡re¡¡abers and sh*i! be co¡rneeüed sucl¡ tå¡ct load tran¡fer if aehåeved. The frrn¡ed walls *ne rdeq*nte f,çn the applled åoads ^å, P*ge? øf 3 3. The foundatlon as defined is ndequate for the npptied lo¡ds and soil b*aring v¡lue. Sfuncerely: -...:fiIgpþeil A. Keslrr Stephen A, Keslern P'ü. Pre¡ident xc: File. ,A.ftsehrnents Drawings by Red barrr Guest Houee, LLC. fon refere*ce only. The cerfíficst¡on cn this report does not cover the ¡ttnched drawings' Page 3 of 3