HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlans* I A è È Site Plon A Porcel of Lond SituoteilFfhe SWt/4NEt /4 of Section 25 Township 5 South, Ronge 9l West of the óth P.M. Gorfield Counly, Colorodo PROPERTY DESCRIPION: A pARc& 0F L ND S|TUATED tN IHE slrl/4ilEt/4 0F sEctoN 2s, To$NsHtp 5 SOUIH, RANCE S1 $EST OF I}IE SIX'IH PRINCIPAL MIRIDIAN, LYNG SOUIHIRLY OF lHE SOIJ'IHERLY RIOHT Of lvAY LINE OF A 40 FOOT ROAD KNO$II AS APACHE DRI\tr AND NORTHTRLY OF 'IHE CMNRUNE OF IHE CORYETL DIfCH, SAID PARCEL 0F IAND lS DESCRIBED AS foLLolYSl BEONNING AT A POINT ON]HE SOUIHÈRLY RIGHT OF TÌAY LINE OF SAID ROAD [}ITI{CE 'IHE OUARTER CORNER COT4MON fO SECTONS 21 AND 25 IN SAID TOIINSHIP AND RANGT BEARS N2O DEGREES 51 '08' W. 246'9S ÍTEI IHENCE S. 31 DEGRIES 42,4Ú E. 57.61 FEET ALONG fHT SOU'IHERLY RIGHT OF wAY UNE 0F sAlo RoAD; IHTNCE N. 8s DEcRüs 15'20' E. 56.00 FEET ALoNG IHE SoUIHERI"Y R¡GHT 0F IVAY LINE 0F SAID RoAD; IHENCE S. 32 DEGREES Jt13'L 101.38 ftEr T0 À PoINT IN IHE CENIER oF SAID D|ÌCH;ÌIENCE S. J6 0ECSEES J6'51' '¿. 50.27 FEET ALONG rHE CENIER OF SAl0 DlTCfii IHENCE S. 43 DEGREES 59'07' W. 22.52 ltÊT ALONG THE CENìER OF SAID olÍCH; IHENCE S. 68 DtCR€tS 16'J7'W 27.58 fEET AL0N0 lHt CTNTER OF SAID DlTCili IHENCE N. 86 DECREES J4'01' W. 52.08 FEEI ALoNG IHE CENIER 0F SAID D¡lcH; IHENCE N. 76 DECREES 05'49' vJ' 4J.79 FET AL0N0 IHE CENIER Or SAD DIrCH; IHENCE N. 58 DEGREES 19'J0' W. 32.80 FEEÍ ALoNG IHE CENIER OF SAID D¡TCH; THENCE N. 56 DEGREES 30'02' w' 62,9J FEET ALoNG IHE CTNIER OF SAID D¡TCH; IHENCE N. 60 DEGREES 16'J5'W. 25.45 Ft[f ALoNc IHE CENIER OF SAID DjTCH¡ IHENCE N. 46 DEGRETS 56,58'E, 171.3J TO A POINT ON I}IE SOU'IHERLY RICfi'I OF WAY UNE OF SAID ROAD, ]HE POINT OF BEGINNING. COUNTY OF GARRETD STATT Cf COLORAOO G", NOTES: 1.Bosis of Beotlngs: Seorings sho{n h€reo¡ orc bosed on on ossumed beoring ol N8736'25'W, belweên the Edsterly ongle point of the subioct porcel ond the lvbsterly ongle point of subj€ct property, both cornêÍs belng monumented7.0' t9 q,t %2. lhis mop hos been prepored pußuont to cliÐt requêst for o Site Plon Mop. J. Dote ol fìeld surcy:June 24, 20lg 4. Units of liraeor me0surements o/e displo)€d in US Surwy Feêt. 5. Verlicollnlomdlion: Dolum: Elewtíon infomolion shorn hereon is bosed upon NAVD88 Dolum, ond relotiw to o benchmork elewtion of 5765.J' ot Suæy Conìrol point locoted ot the Eosterly l;ñit of the retoining yoll, os shorn her€o¡. Contour lntefrl: 0¡e (1') Foot. 1.9 suÈr c$td {60 Noid ^az silc Bèr.hfrd 8èv=t7653 6.SGH rill not be responsible for ony chonges mode to Ìhis document oller it læws our possesion. Ány copy, focsimile, elc., ol this document must b€ compor€d to the orìginoì signed, seoled ond doted document lo insure lhe occurocy ol the infomotion siown on ony sch copy, ond to insure thot no such chonges how been node. 7. S0bsurfoce utilities were not morked by utility componies ot lhe time of lhis ruæy ond lherefore ore Not shorn he¡eon. ^dditimol surwing uork moy be aequired to $ow ony such subsuíoce utility locotions on lh¡s draring. SGI¡ w¡ll noì be responsìble for protection df sübsuloce utìlities. L Property descrÞlions shown hereon ore bosed d the provided lìtle Commilment prepo.€d by Lond Ïtle cuorontee Compony, ordË No. GIFJ0075E7-2, w¡th on €ffectire dote of Nowmbs J0, 2012. 9. Fences shown hereon, if ony, how been shorn for generol relãe¡c€ ond do not necessorily depict limils ot ownerehip, 10. lhe property shor¡ her€on is subÞct lo oll eos€ments, rights-of-soy, building setbod$ or other resh¡ctions of record, os sch ¡lems moy olfect this properly. lhis surcy does ñot represent o title seorch by this 6!ftyü to &lormino ounmhÞ or to discove¡ eosements ù oth€r endmbronces of record. lhe lille Erceptions rere not reúe{ed or plotted os port of this SURìÆYoR'S CERIFICAfET l, Shown Blaíon, beinq o Reqislered Prolessìonol lond Survstðr, lícensed in the Stole of Colorodo, do hêreby certily thol thb Site Plon ros prepored on July 15, 2019, from o surey porfdmed on ,fune 24, 2019, under my direcl superuìsíon ond chêcking, ond thot both the srwy ond mop ore true o¡d occurote to the bsst ol my knoxl€dge ond b€li€f 6.0' Sosis ol Hä¡oz-s'w Beo¡jngs 268.79' 2.2' No.28641LS No ,8641 i. Pl..e LS Nô. 28641 in Pl..€ Rebor ond I.25" 0io. Rebor of,d l.25 Oia Qu¡t Cloim Deêd Rec. No. 608027 (0.690 Acres t) ond I.25" Dío. Cop Shawn Blnlon Coloødo Pß * 38200 For, ând on behàfof SGM It 5 I Graphic Sæle 01020¡0 ln U.s, F*t:1":ã' oao Eo8O- dNÔEo€ I fæÐ gu- fØø¡.5 * ã-ä8 gçs ø Fci =ıà o) _(U;o-6 (t)Q ãã P ÈE ãÌ-ù s: ür9*Áe- eiË- ;"=åË:+€ !. Ê'*-E ll¡= slSg a; a; -:g+ Ë € ii, sËË: !!FA 1 2 $ E a\ r $ È bsd s,tu¿lutot ilò¡ês: qq. øÉ e (httuM tuhs tu) a&u&heiøúæWß: PdhgWry &tM ht¡p tuta Ahøb tu tuh9ÈMê 425 2fr pt?1 ow A.lìñ U P..ts. P@btuffi M @l FREE OMINING ilNDY CMVET RACKFILL REHIND WÀLL. VERIfr MH GEO|ECHß' ac l. tu *t¡tı Æ F¿pæ út ø @ tu d W @ ú t5A0 p¡ ù a @ qdùit îú pM of 15 pd, N.b @ ú2Ø FL tu o øî¿þal lñþa d O,25. tu * e Md to b uloñññú@6. tu@@Møtudltuoltk3mñ9 M, Mdtu.M b ddÐa da-wtÊ ûþ¡òAiþtuâ bt ¿ Fteàûd 4tu d ¿ìm o, @dÉtu. F@t¡ry úù tu ø ñ@tuú ê tum ol 36'tu* diæøl M ge, 2 M M b ¿ tu úh9 tøóy 9d ffi h¡rry úù o @l&þd IthtuLfre l. Ail ùtuMt ùaùø tutu¿ù d p@a¡ úd @M ¡a h. Aqh¡& ûd hadbg ot n btffit (Ad Jts) 2 Ude ¿old øû& d útuàg be tÞ ù tqs öd h è¡ &lñ òæMlñtg lø À,il A615 ù& 6A IRèb tMbêhbØlb,làtread, Mq!tuæ@t 14 qltu. úd b. ø ñhtu of 60 tu tuêtæ þ tu 60 î¿h@g øetold.h4&. ù aøa & q @ &d qhb4 1, A¿ M ñ& b @.tu ltuEh tuabuilt d f& æ ò6 rilô otut@làÞqtuú*oaØe, &rh@,tue l. All eltuc@ èúùèlè hæ àø et¡Eñd h Me ùà aa Jld al tlúIdø@Ltuttuaú M M tutu ¿Ò ^d Jol tu ôo¿ù.Mb 2 C6t h pb @d.t ùd & M ,¡h tW t ù V ænel, AùUetøl&bg tu& ø. ùd ,øa þ. u& At ñdê¿¿ ffi o4M lo bêñ¿tu úd ho6 tù ol ø¡ù& o¿ tuøa. úd à¿E ñhtuñ 28 ù! 1k'cG. I I l0' ã .t NM FæMê = I eæn khú UhhM tuFdE Stuth, fcaøet: v/C Rotb (pù) w/ìætbw 06 35Ø þtt J cØæL @@ tu ..htua tløl ùd Ntu aà. tuvhç uÒlØd etut P@ù Pñúat¡t qútt t hùú fØd tu3 4@ lo dù û dh¿ Fbtûms tt/2bùß /6 b@ û gdæ 2 hû¿. Nêt.4ebd, wlM d M RETAIN(NG WALLL DETr',IL s4E: oæ FREE OøINING SANDY êRAEL EACKFILL AEHIND WAL¿, VERIFY MTH AEOTECH PROPOSIO RÊTAIN|NG WALL PUN1tua ød & Mãe Mabg p&mt 4ù ùtu lo lhê MÑetþtb bê AO Mud òf tud.L Pñlb¿, 5 CøUælû úd ñly d ptd hatut pù to tuhg @d pNkg øea.. bdP4tuúÈ flLE:Ik' CLR. L støtud ælb úd bús tu 'ttulud ù*bF þslñlê lho øþbldttuêløô ,ilh û døØb k lñ hd þdbt wdd dd tud tuøtæau, b lh. 2.qq W ùd plotu úuhg ûd b/ù9 æ ñat ò.qtu Aùg Mtæ|tu to dbñ h. tu Mphld tl@t@ Mtæa ûgbñ tu cøúøtu (no, h Mtut) @ @re Z Ohetu ùd ù høtbs qútl M ûd úítætd hhF ptu ¡ocøtltuê¿b. Oo ao¿ se ùrhg4 J Mtltuêtb ptæt@ h. Nsd cùkælù þ ñqúúb lü M1 ælMlúôìW ryøæt ôd p&êt la @t Mltu .l ahb prolet, N.liltttutød qEhs ol øþtut q @îblt b.l@ là. úbg ùdbt d atbaht ø&bt 1. bil. þLat b lh ee nqûebmt oÍ tù. ffitñlû, Al n¿$& ñ tütutltuttu ú& þ¿ b @tu ûh lM þlèt¿ datu èf lh. & 5 ù. tl@l¿d @ths tut ñ& ps& ùwltu es b û. þbe¡la tuetÐbatb./Fd øMúd aîh lh tutltuè4tu Ml4 MM,tu ds 4d nôl tqtu ryte hwttut hl lh. pØbg elhdbtt @ 6 þæd hqetut'd ñot b. qtu b! h. laletud 8utu9 ô. ùqh .W ttud hd tu ñe h ptu o qþ¿è úd e 4t ôføêt@ttu Met4 tuqtu û ø&t ñoy ow. Re of ltuøtubf úabþo¿¿s rydtu dd @lhd.mødtu b.añ lh¿ølrø¿q dd¡lel ad øqht tø @tu th. b$t p@h alúlutu, h.6MF ùæ òø Mmd lü aà. N ol a F4@ Mt æld ryhe h là¿ tue¿Mltu lúnìryt dd tFlút ¿qbad lo' I l I.o WNCAL ffiAR fl/ SlANDAPD HM NM FØÌN6 = I b E Ê A. flLR .AAHC fs\ aEaturlle uALLL DETATL \tl saÊt/.'- t'-o' ADDITIONAL VER|IøL WALL REINFÒPCNG FA SIOEOFSTEP RÀRS Àf ÊOÍOM ÔF za" .F /j nr,"o, "orr**u" FoonNG srEP EXISTING RETAINING WALL PLAN\3)l scarE: '/,"= 1.0" soLtD, uMDtsruRaEo COMPAC|ED FIL¿ PER satt h $ I Grophic Scole oa 6) Eoso-,iNoÉo€ ¡- ¡óoØ^ 6. dti I9;ÍØo+.5 *:ão,5ØO j ss :6F :(o =o,co f- (û(EoıFt"^oË>='E: ooc)oç Ë.qo-v roæ .9ı¡ o oI oz à À 6 É.o Retaining wall Plans, Notes, and Details )q No. 2 Jlt 2 ì ü È È Site Plon A Porcel of Lond Situoted in the SW I /4N E 1 / 4 of Section 25 Township 5 South, Ronge 9l WesT of the óth P.M. Gorfield County, Colorodo PROPERTI DESCRIPTON: A PARcÊL 0F LAND struATED tN tHÈ swt/{NEl/4 0F stcTtoN 25, rol}¡sHtp 5 SOUTH, RANCE 9I llEST OF ]HE $X'IH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYìNG SOUÍHERLY OF THE SOUÌHTRLY R¡CHT OF IIIAY I.INE OF À 40 FOOI ROAD KNO\{I{ AS APÀCHE DRIVE ANO NOR'IHERLY OF ]HE CÊNIERIINE OF THE CORYELL OITCH, SAID PÀRCEL OF IAND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLO\TS: BEdNNINC AT A POINI ON]HE SOU'IHERLY RIGHI OF WAY UNE OF SAID ROAD IIHENCE ]HE OUAR'ITR CORNER COMMON fO SECIIONS 24 AND 25 IN SAID IOI{¡ISHIP AND RANOE EEARS N2O DEGREIS 5I '08' W. 2465,99 FE€I ÌHENCE S. 34 DEGREES 42'10' E. 57.6I TTET ATONG I}IE SOU]HERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE 0F sAlD RoAD; I¡IENCE N. &5 DÊGRES 15'20' E. 56.00 FEÊf AL0NG rHE SoUIHERLY RIGHT 0F WAY UNE 0F sAlD RoADi IHENCE S, 32 DEcREtsJfß- E. 101,J8 FEEr l0 A PoINT ¡N IHE CENIER 0F SAID DITCHjIHENCE S. J6 DEGREES J6,51. w. 50.27 TEET ALoNG lHE cEN.rER oF SAID DITcfi; THENCE s, 4J DEGRErS 59'07' W. 22.52 FEIT ÂLONG IHE CENTER OF SAID DIICH; IHENCE S. 68 DECREES 16'37" ll¿' 27.58 FEET ÂLoNC'lHE C€NIER OF SAID DIIC+I; ]HINCE N. 86 DEGREES J4'01' W. 52.08 FEEI ALoNG rHE CENTER OF SAID Dlrcfl; IIIENCE N. 76 DICREES 05'49' W. 43.79 rEfl ALONG THE CEN]ER 0F SAID DITCHj IHTNCE N. 58 DEGRETS 19'J0' W. J2.80 FEET ALoNe fHE CENIER 0F SAID DIICH¡ IHENCE N. 56 DEGREES 30'02' W. 62.9J ftEr ALoNG IHE CENftR OF SAID DITCH; IHENCE N, 60 DEGREES 16'J5' W. 25.45 FEET AIONG ]HE CEN]ER OF SAIO DITCH IHENCT N. 46 DEGREES 5ô,58'E, I7I.3J TO À POINT ON THE SOUIHERLY R¡GHT OF WAY IINE OF SAID ROAD, lHE POINT OF BECINNING. COUNTY OF GARFìELD STATE OF COLCRADO /4,20'RIGHT.OF-WAY NqIESr t. 7.0' Eosterly onqle point of the sobject comêrs beiñq poræl ond monumented Q,I of subþct Þroperty both 2. 'lhis mop hos b6& pr€pored pußuont to cliel requesl lor o Sit€ Plon Mop. J. Dote of field s!rcy:June 24, 2019 4. units of l¡¡gor ñeosurements ore disployed í,n US SuRey F€€t. 5. V€rticollnfomotion: Dotum: Elewtion lnfomolíon shor¡ h€reon ls bosed upon NAVD88 Dotum, ond relot¡G to o benchmork elêrct¡on of 5765.J' ot Surey Control point locot€d ot lhe Eosterly l¡m¡t of the retoíning woll, os shown h€r6on, Contou. lntervol one (1') Foot. 6. SCil till not be ¡espons¡ble for ony chonges mode to this document ofter it læws our posse$¡on, Ány copl focslmile, elc., ol this documenl must be compor€d to the o.¡ginol signed, s€lled ond doted document lo insure the occurocy of the ínfomotìon shorn on ony $ch copy, ond to insure thot no such chonqes hove been mode, 7. Sub$rfoce utl¡ities we¡e not morked by ut¡l¡ty componies ot lhe lime of lhis surcy ond therefo¡e ore Not shovn hereod. Additimol surwinq yorl moy be r€quked to dìor ony such subsurfoce utillty locotions on this drowing. SGM will not be respons¡ble for protectìon of subsurfoce utìlities. L Property descr¡ptions shown hereon o.e bosed on the provided Titte Commilme.t prepored by Lond ltle Cuorontee Compony, ords No. GfJ007587-¿ rith on efective dote of Noæmbs J0, 2012. 1.9 SÌvèY Côñtd l6m Ndiì,¡.tsn ri-*."¿ r¡,=¡rî¡r I965 PLAT 9.Fenc€s sho*n her€on, not nec€ssorily depict if onl hove been sho{n loa generol reltrence ond do l¡mils of orneßhip. 10 lhe prope.ty shown her€on is sub¡ect to oll eos€ments, rights-of-roy, buildínq setbod(s or othsr reskictions of reco.d, os such items moy ilf€ct this property. lhis surwy does not represent o titl6 seordl by th¡s sury€yü to detemine ownæhip or to discover eoscmenta ff oth€r d@mbroncos of record. lhe Ítle Exceptiong {êre not reviewed or plotted os port of this SURV€YOR,S CER'NFICATE: l, Shosn Binion, being o Req¡ster€d Profêsslonol lond SurveFr, llcensed in lhe Stote of Colo.odo, do hereby certily thot this Site P¡o¡ wos prepo.ed on Ju¡y 1t 2019, faom o suffey pelormed on ùne 2,1. 2019, under my direcl superyisión ond chekì¡q, ond thot both the $ryey ond mop ore true ond occurote to the best of my knowledge ond b€lieL Shewn Binion Cohrådo Pß * 38200 For, and on behalfofSGM Drive 2.2' 6.0' N6736'25'Vl 268.19' Rebor Dio.olEosis Eeor¡ngs No.28643LS No. LS No. 28643 in Ploce Rebor ond 1.25" Dio. ouìt Cloim Deed Rêc- No. 608027 (0.690 Acræ t) ond 1.25" oio. Cop 28641 ìn Ploce Graphic Scale 010204 ln U.S. Fel : 1'= 20' o8 >Ë=å os?i OEåË 0ËËÈ (¡) -'ËSofL5g8ıÍ P 3Èh Eå5 ü6È : È3; rÈlctsË.!!36=¡ì3¡ ı; c: -. à6!-Èi9 Ë;ei Ë* ¡Ë 1 @øLSlsd!øLMøle M P¡5 ¡6 ¡n¡*oMd tu¿d.s M.)Ed¡t¡ú: aÆ 4loø. w 8M9 Èêen îAUNA 8Y OHRS 2-18 C W aêaâ w È6*t ÆPtt/ñ pd6w 2ØFlft tu=ÎdttuUttudtu l. ho daba ñ, wd ldE ø4 øNñ @t¡ñuñ ml tuñ:4 N6 dtbØ pf .d ø ù!ñ qubh¡ îøZ @n ol 15 P4, Pú @ñ ol N ø1, oâd o ffiftiñt tulb øf ø25 h. elt ñ oeñd lo & nlñoñ ñ-mù6, h da'û þt tu.d û øtuþr êû¿frù. d lh.eñuñítt dñ, tut ol dÆ tun ù ffi by c tI.-wtu ñftìñúb.ùù bt ø frúâtu| rytu ¿l lìñ. .l @|tuêtu, F@hht. úøn tutú ffia!& âoù'6 mL ¿ tudñ!ñ of 36' tu adþñl înìtu gtuû. 2 Wl hn b . tu dñìñht ænd, EFd ñffi| hlít dh o ælùitul PùM¿ 9d: l, AI dûtuût d.lod¡âg hMøa¡ø oad pl@ùa âdl úM aø ltu Ad htotu ûd D.r¿ìhø ot Rùtuñt (Ad Jt,). 2 Udø nold ohdà, dl dntuh| bôñ þ d lqs údt h o1 d.hd bønñMkc lo ASN A616 M. 6A 3 MMI ùl bô hè lú96l løglh. pft.t¡d, hñ +ïe oû ûñry t@ dbt âdl þ. ¿ ñkhuñ øf 6ø bû dø.læ tu W. 60 .úldùø unl.sûold olhtu b ôot dd e u4 ûúøM +l¡ù9, L Al ffi ñ& þd ølhuüt Mgh dì@a¡âuu û pÞd. øû bù ,h ¿ tun tagh tq 4t¡ñ dù tu. of êñe, e&@M FREE MINIMG SNDY WALL, VERIil WH GEO|ECH 1tt" CLR. l0'T I T .t RNCA¿ PæAP V/.I/NDIfu HM Wþ FæNN6 z9 'nP t6' o-c w¿æn ddtd h ¿Mø üth AO Jl4 il tltu.tud ¿úh b Ad þl urlñ dold oútu 1'm PPE v/ æ4N îM M A.FLM FMC ñæ1. Øttucilû M tut 2 Cott ln d@ ññt úd b. ñød. ,llh tp I t V ffidl, A&¡xtuññlohhî dl&ê dlÊ òú not ò. ud. tu úñlê dlt êryd lo û.ñhè údt hafr FU ôl dltukd oh tuøac *d ha6 ñhh!ñ 28 tutØNdñ ttugtàe ÒÊ kthuñ hhñtureStugh lNcaøât N/c Rota (pd.) tuh/ìønnF 0.6 M pd t Ceñlè þøF tu EktudhE tld údl æld. lh. dl¿rhg¡ Uatud etuM Þ@tu Þnønãilt .Eùtt 5 hû.t Fñd &tuút .pd lo @tlh q ffiüe #òûtte lt/2hù4 þbartwb 2húa iloa .ñ lo ffi, ffithô t îuø g.bt oad d1 hltu tuú: I tûú tuñ o.d dumâ, I l,/2 kúæ ft ntrtruwe vALLL DETATL \tl sdt:,/,'- t'-o' ow FREE DfuINING fuNDY AMEL BACKFILL REHINO WALL, VERIF| W¡H GEO|ECH PROPOSED RETAINING 1 Hoa øad dd ñlhÊ @ñfu @E údl ùM ao þè Mñed¿¡lûth h. Aq ãûud .f Ma. tuclìê. ã Cúhèld ú¿l dlt oI Þlú dhddd. Ð3 lø Mhg ûd Pùthg ñet¿ hdÞøb6b. L Stuctud Glb Ød tuãg: ù. ttucluñl hthgt itutlñlê lh. @t ld atuctun tùh d dñûb h làø7 h.l Þdlbt ilÐúd ûd tuêd. h.Øl@l4 la lh. Mt quød, úâl @r& úú9 ûd Ù@9 ot ñ¿t bê rytu ¿odng ùtuèl¡û to oú¡êú h. hd øPLld tttu.Lñ. hlæa ûøhñ tu cùsûolû (not h MUøêt) øs @d 2 Dhøtu4 âe d dhatut qlatl tud côd tu¡tætud ñrhgt pù lôú.ttuèlb, b ôot &d. hrhtl t Cûttucilû NcI6s h. ød êülælt b trydê tu ñ@1 ælhd1lúnhlq quaat Ød pññ tu @t¡tuctìø .l lhit loþcl, Nol¡¡tttuètud 6gh* of úiùt û .ørbb b.lw thê úhg tunhq. .âdú.thg ñdilù. 4 &dt. eLtt tt hê da nqùùillt of h. êatfrcle 4l n.hút ud tuMttuèlb údl b. l, øMû@ dû lh. bt¿tt d¡ilû ol lht l& 5 h. ttuèlud dg¡nñ ñ.t ñtu ÞMì. úwltu nik lo ù. þbdl. tuúlñiñ|tu ol gM ñtuønd tb hè ûtltuèhù dMã|. 9úMIû islt âdl nôa qlñ Wìd hqæt@t hl lh. goØhg tulhûl¡.3q @ o, 'Wd h+êùù.' ot ñø, h qtu bt h. lalûoqdd &ldhg 6, htugt .@ tfd h@ tu ñd. lø Nld. ø cúFl.l. ond dø *l døttu.t¡d dNñút1 ù1ryúdæ t ñ¡úú¿ ñot @t, Rd@ ô¡ lhetuúgt ûtbþøtæ rytìû ond êútkud ññùnl@Iù b.tñ hôffil@lq dilæl Ød ûthñ to Fotuc th. tut pñ. .|tuêttr hñtuñgt haa bM Mtu tu h. uil of a ryoîÌ& Mbæte rylød hh. útltu lb túâlwâ üd aFlØt dqbtd. fl wett euu th' ctR. \!21 s*tu,'- r'-o' t0'w[ 3 I þ Hmzo.c tAcH o t6' WNCAL ffiAR ac ac. ä= ì Ðon fgl nETttutue vALLL DETATL \rl wF:Yz'-- t'-o' AfuIIIML ER||CAL WALL RENFORCNO U. SIDE G SÍEP WÀLL 36" ne¿ P¿øs r 39-'/ SOUq UMDISIURBED CØPACTED FITL PER /ı ilPICAL CONÍINUOUS F@|NA SÍEP EXßNNC RETAINING¡'/ wett euu\3) suLE '/,'=r-ø" \tl wtE:'/a'=,'-o' Grophic Scole 0 24' 4{' 8{'Fr=-1 OE >ãEå os?' OËãË (0ËË* o =(')co L(úg9 (1),Yt"-oà>='Ëoooo* ıÆo-v rO @ o oo or z à EI I E E Ìrló: Retaining Wall Plans, Notes, and Details 2 2