HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondenceAndy Schwaller From: Sent: To: Cc: Subiect: Andy Schwaller Monday, August 19,2OL9 3:34 PM 'peggy@zagbuilt.net' 'Eric Kraai'; Dave Argo Project @ 138 Bristlecone Drive, Carbondale CO Peggy, We opened the plans to review the grading permit requested and have the following comments that need to be corrected or addressed before we can issue the grading or building permit: L. lt appears the designer David Watkins left a note on each page of the architectural drawings stating the plans -¿ _ are iust conceptual and not for construction. Eric sealed the drawings which indicates the plans are possibly þ*Ø gooO ,o go for construction. A letter from Eric confirming this would clear up the issue. ' .. 2. All construction needs to be within the building envelope. The site plan Sheet A-1 shows construction out of the C-nw S*J4rif Oing envelope with roof overhangs and porches. ,i'_ " 3. part of the building envelope is also the 100 year Flood Way. The driveway depicted on Sheet A-1 also infringes l'{òo* O. [. il",ffi,ÍlïjJ"îî,jJ.1". c-l by sopris Engineering does show the construction structure and driveway within 4. Sheet C-I2 by Sopris Engineering does establish the required finish floor height required to be above the flood elevation. lf one uses this survey to determ¡ne both the existing average elevation or grade prior to ô K construction, and the elevation or grade of the finished floor, it appears the building is over the 25 ft. height limit for the subdivision by applying these figures onto sheet A-4' ó. f¿ tt appears to be a typo on sheet c-12. Garage T.o. Slab should also read 6282.9 ft. not 6281.9 ft. Existing average grade prior to construction below the high roofs appears to be 6280.25 (sheet C-2). Allowable eight to midpoint of roof by definition is 6280.25 + 25 = 6305.25 ft. Sub floor elevation is 6282.9 (sheet C-2). Midpoint of roof is 23.9 ft (sheet A-4). Building height average existing grade to midpoint of roof is 6306.8 ft. per submitted plans. 0 6306.8 Ft (plans) - 6305.25 ft.(allowable) = 1.55 ft. too tall ince the floor elevation cannot be lowered due to the flood elevation, a change in the architectural drawings is required assuming my math is correct. Please have your architect review and submit any changes needed Please call with any questions. Thanks, Andy Schwaller Building Official Garfield County 1 aFFF-7oË-.>,Sì$1t^(\êIÉÞ\t-ìvN'^Øf3bÞCZ7cr¡rIÈ<>=Z'17g-,þv¡to.stãZUoãCDoImUfTmololF;[;f6tólltIrlr¡lrrl.;l;ÉtñL.I,r'l'Irl¡'l¡*ïI"luilrïótôI_l!l'gle+ålu:ttït_¡l!lrdc+rlfiIil¡rloloI¡l¡tï;tiI.1,'l'deIclltïuluï.t.ul'Irlstï,1,.1.'lu44!s 19 :¡E¡ü1 :t[áãå ¡iã tã IlÊ iå 'iò:ô dq 5x ¡leÊ51¿!gü&Ed6?gooña()rtilUcTm¿1çËË'ã:ãFI;!9åâîSINCLE FAMILY RESIDENCEIqoçãå3Èã,I@@@li:Þ+j#@e@¡!'êrIa0trI@=Þ¡,i ÞÞ'FeååFg'iFFoÉts$nroêee*tIIIFB*!A' sË:{¡tr.eå'þ,'ho#åX@À€rl,l*ËI*lt*l*I*l*Iul**l*Irlt-l-ål¡l^t¡t;tËtËt¡ñ tâ t¡t¡ t;tô;t¡tt¡tât¡il; t¡i t¡tô.t-E l,llrlrtlqrltrlilrql¡illlrrlqL¡lå"t"Èl¡;lål'¡l¡'l'{clr"t"rið!lrrl;ilr:t¡"lItIdËtÈlål'lïl¡l¿itiFtÉilErltIt,kIaìËlrËl¡EIil¡lrrlTËl!rlt¡ls9t9rlT¡t¡Ëlrrlt¡l¡lititËililf,rP{¡l¡ïlrÁtú¡ßrltIiII¡ldËllrltrlËrl:olaãl¡lr-t"t"{ l4lq{lÀ"ì-at:ql{-t"ola-t"qlq¡hlilr l¡ilitAF"N)9a5ÊÒ2Fntı>Èzr¿138 Bristlecone Drive o-t*T+:B'JFôô@EiFII¡o-?gì.:lB1F€@@'åiËâffiFgoI.ìo¿tñìss1v\Þ+å-Ist(ì,-ho@.úìüñ¡Jr-rTrq6oaIãZUoãU)oIiltUfTm6 Ég# t1g fg --Eåã i r¡"q llã È!ã Eà Iåad; töä"'9 It:;qåeEã6:xÉ1dfrqqooruØoImICrt[:BınãglIsa¡+êEã6á.3TIISINCLE FAMILY RESIDENCEjLrlr¡ltrl¡l¡I,1,¡lllr.t.ulu.t.ulu'1il'.1.'l',lln.1.ulurl¡ñl¡ilr¡larl¡¡1il¡r l.lérlllr.t.ulu"t"ÀtÀ'l'ul,'l',1,Iulu,1,,llg'llg"t"'I'.llË,1,,1,-1,'l'"t.'lo"t.'lo.I,I'1,d,1,I¡lËt'ulu¡låflrlrÊl¡*þlr'IIfl{rlr¡lrBlrÈlrfl¡Èlåsls{lrrlrlcI'l'IuluIul**1,I*luI*l*-1,rltrlrlrrlrlirl'rlqrlrlrrlEilrlr!llF"t"ålÈab'l'll,lllrþ1,"1"1"¡lÈl¡.1,¡l¡¡l¡Il,l"l¡llåll'ËlålåI¡rl¡rlril¡*lrrlErl¡rlrÈt¡ilrrlrillt¡l¡l¡l¡9t9t9Tlrlr¡t¡tårlilrslrlr¡lrTlrÈlÈHt,lrItt¡gIEt4llIrtilll!¡l¡*lÈrll-¡ll{luitt¡l¡;lilr¡l¡l¡ãlãlä¡lrlr¡lil¡rl¡l¡älilial{4lo4t{laq l0laZAh lilil'FçXE:FfdåF138 Bristlecone Drive