HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondenceDave Argo From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dave Argo Wednesday, September 11, 2019 8:37 AM 'mattjurmu@gmail.com';'hannawit@outlook.com' Greg Bak (greg.bak@cogs.us) Springridge Reserve, Lot 37 - Permit #BLRE-O8-19-5917 Springridge 3 Plat Notes.docx Matthew: I am currently reviewing plans for your new residence located at Springridge Reserve - Phase 3, Lot 37 However, before we can finalize our plan review & issue a building permit, we need for you to contact the Glenwood Springs Fire District about fire sprinkler requirements mandated by Springridge Reserve's subdivision plat and as described in greater detail below: o Fire Sprin r Svstem - Homes located in Springridge Reserve larger than 3,600 SF in size are required to have an automatic fire sprinkler system installed (see attached Plat Note #6). Although the size of your residence is under this square footage threshold, the total "Fire Area" as calculated by the local fire district also includes garage, and deck/patio areas with roofs above. Per calculations included below, this total fire area exceeds the 3,600 S.F. allowable size. Residence 2,675 Attached Garage 735 Covered Patios 265 TOTAL FIRE AREA 3,675 Please contact Greg Bak at Glenwood Springs Fire District for additional information about the specific requirements with which your residence will need to comply. For your convenience, i have copied Greg on this email and his direct line is 384-6480. We will await hearing back from Greg and/or you before we can finalize our plan review Thank you for your assistance - Dave Argo Plans Examiner Gnrfield Cørr{¡' Community Development Department 708 8th Street, Suite 407 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Tel: 970-945-8212 Ext. 1670 E mo il : d a rg o @ gø rfie ld-cou nty. com Web : ga rfi el d -cou nty. com I Springridge Reserve PUD, Phase 3iPLAT NOTES1) Cdorodo is o "Rçt-to-Fsrm' Stote pursnront to C.R.S. 35-5-101, et seq. Londorrrrs, resddente ond visltors must beWqry,or.ed to occry{ the octtvilles, slghts, sounds ød *nells of Gorfield County's ogricvlturol operottørs €s o norÊrd End nececsoryoryect of livittg ín o Ccrnty witft s strong rsrd ct'toracter ond a hedttry ronching sectæ. Afl must be prepored to encouaternoiscs, odor, lí,gtftt+ mud, 4¡st, snoke, chertricols, mcch&rry m public rosds, liræetocft on prHic rooda storogn ond dþood ofrnonure, ond tåe çflicotlon by +rolfug or oürøwlse of cl¡emlcd fertlizsc sof, ønendrrrats, herblddes, ond pestfcËe+ any oneor more of rtticù moy noturoily occur cs o port of o legcd and non-negilågent ogrialtturcd opercÉ¡ons.2) Afl cxterior ligúrteng will Þe the mhrimr.rn ornounl nec€ssory qrd o{l extarior lrdrtrqg wll be dårected 'tavæd ond dormvor{towords &e interior of the subdvfeÍon, exeept thot provlsions moy bc rnsdc to ollov for soúety ligËtnng thot goos be¡ond &eWaperty boundorles.J) frre (t) @ rlìll be dlored for eoeñ residentbt unlt ond the dog sfiotl be roquþed to be conftied ilËh&r the owrer'sproptrty boundories.4) Eocfr lot sfioll fiow ¡voter suffisient to irignte å5OO sç,1øe feet.5) No open heorth solid-fuel freploces çdl bs Eltorod on¡,råerc rittrin tfie s¡bdivísion. &ra (1) nær sotid-fud b¡trning stor¡e æ&fmed by GRS. 25-7-81, et- ser-, ond regulotiørs prorrulgoted tñcremder, rfll be dlo*cd in wy drcilhg unít Âl drellhgunits çill be dlo*ed cn unrestrÍcted nurnber of nsturd gos bumhg stor¿er ond sppliryrces.6) For cny homes prqposrd in $pringrìdge Resrr'e Ptonned Unit tlarrdrynørt, ouar J,6OO sç ft., they shotl need to horæ sninterlor fire sprlr*lr s)€ûcr¡ instded. Thes+ e¡æterns ts Þc dæþcd ond ínetsllad to meet or excced ttrc standord set forth inI.¡FPA 13R or fJD 19É19.7) All fq¡ndst¡ons for off of the units in thls dardepm€nt shdl be reç,ríred to hcræ p¡q47erty engineered foundotisrs d¡e to tåepotcnti,o{ før ft}dro-cornpcctive so$ls h üre çes. A# lots regu}e site specific Aeotæfmieol studies before c bufding prmit nül beissr¡ed.8) All oryaers of lond rrhetåer rsncf¡ or reeidence, hore oÞtþotions undr Støte lø ond County regulotions nitfi regord to fiernchten$ce of fences and irigotion ditcheq controfling ruesdê kerying lívrs'tock ærd pets wfu aontrol, using property incccordsrce nl$t zoning s¡rd otl¡er aspeets of usÀng ond meintoiining property. Residents md lqndoürrers sr.e üc.drroged to lsønobot^tt these rigftts crd respoßSilitles snd set os good neigùbors ond cltfzens of tåe County. A gæd å¡rtrod¡etsry æurce for$rch ¡nformqtlon iE "A Gt lde to Rurd Lir&rg & Srfidl Scde Agriculture" pul wt by the Colorodo Stote Unir,wsity E¡rteosion Ofñcaín GorÊeld Countyg) A# drimrays 6à€,, be to rnoet the Uníforrn Fíre b& 1S7 $pecífcotions of Article g. &nittlng dl of Section*ZS Access to &lil&rg Openhgs.