HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Use Change Permit?i#ffi#ffitli HHi5:i n'ú rr rr STATEOFCOLORAÞO ). )ss County of Garfield ) At a regutar meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for ffield- County, Colorado, bÊld in the Tor¡m Hall of the Town of Carbondale, on Monday the l4n day of November A.D. 201I, there werc present: Commissioner Chairman CommissionËr (absen$ Commissioner AndrewGorgey -.,, , CountyÄttonrey Toon Ålhbti¡a Assistáût Counfy Attomey Clerk ofthc Board Courty Manager (absent) v¡hen the following proceedings, among others were had and done, lo-wít: RESOLUTION NO.20n-ttl A RESOLIrflON CONCEANED WITH THE APPROVAL OF A LAT{D USE CHANGE pERùIrT, MIPA (t27, r',OR A CONTRACTOR'S YARD, LOCATED AT 0998 COTINTY ROAIT 309, ^ANI| ADJACENT TO BATTLEMENT MESA PUD, AiïD Orynmn By THOII{AS TOMPKI¡{S PARCEL NO. 2407-A54-A0-085 Recit¿ls A. The Bomd of eourty Cornmísmoncrs of Garfield Coun-ty, Cslorado, received an application from Thomas TompkÍns (the "Applioant') for a Land Use Change Perrrit for a Confiactor's Yæd as showri in the Gradind&osion & Sedíment Control Plan, Shoet 4 attached as ExhibitA B. Tirre 7.23.a$e site, describd fu Exhibit B, ís locaæd at 0998 Couuty Road 309, adjacent to Battlement Mcsa Planned Unit Developrnent, and is within property ovnred by ThomasTompkins. C. The 7.23-ase siüÊ is located within the parcel described in a Wanærty Deeü Reception # 731080, recorded at the Garfield County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 't rs$- il ilr¡ fllïltflilllf üillllltl HfH{ÊhlËf'ïflJ'T, lll,,¡ ll ll IFcccptio¡#: All7øl !2lq'l!2ø11 ll;14¡@l ßl,l ,lean âlberias2 of I Rea F€e:Súl.Oø Doı Feå:0,ø0 CnFF!ÊLD CoUNTY C0 D. The subjeot púoperfy is located withinthe Rr¡ral zone distriot and a Land Use Changa Peruit for a Cor¡ffiotor's Ysrd requiras åpproval through a Mqior Impact RsvÍew Process. E. The Board of Corlrty Commissioners is ar¡thorizêd to qpprove, approve with conditions, or deny a Land Use Change Permit for a Co¡fracüor's Yard pursuant to $cctions l- 301 and 4-1M ofthe Garfield County Unified Land Use Resolution of 2008, as mended. F. The Ga¡field County Planning Commissiqn opmed a public headng on Ssptember 28, 2011, upon the quostion of whether the Land Use Change Pemit application for a Contactor's Yard sbould be approved apprwed with sonditions, or denied, during which heæing the publio ard int€r€sted pe$¡ons were give,lr the opportunity to exprcss their, opinions regarding the application O. The Garñeld County Planning Commission closed the public hearing on September 28,2t11, and forqmrded a recofirÍiÞndatioo of approval with conditions to the Board of County Com¡rissioners, H. Ths Boad of County Commissionets opened a public hearing on Nove,mber 14, 2011, upon the question of wheúher the Land Use Change Permit application for a Contuastor'S Yard should be qpploved" approved with conditions, or denisd, furing which hcæing the public and interested pøsons were given the opporhrnity to express their opinions regarding the application I The Bosrd of County Commissioners olosed tho publio hoaring on November 14, 2011, to make afinal decisim. J. The Boæd of County Commissioners on the basis of st¡bstmtial curpetent cvidence produced at the aforementioned hearing has møde tbe following detenninations of fact: l. That the public hoaring before the Planning Commissíon and Board of County Commissioners was exteirsive and oomplete; ell pertinent frcts, maüe,ts and issues were submitted; and thåt all interested parties were heard at those hearings. 2. The.proposed uso is in the best intor€st of the health, safçty, mo¡als, çonveniençe, order, prosperity anrd welfare of thc citizens of Garfield County. 3. Thaf the application, if all conditions are met, will be in conformmpe with the applicable Seotions of the Crarfield Counúy Unified Ifltd Usc, Ræolution of 2008, as ame,nded" 2 Illl lhllTrltl' úlll I*r, lhl lltrlJf¡ïliJ'fhlrJ+fl '|fl'ú ll ll I Rcc¡ction$: Afi'f07 12tø'lt2ø11 llr14:û2 Éll J.ån ãlb.rlcoó-ôl i-Eaé fq¿.+ø'rn Des Fæ:Q'qQ onnFtEto C0UNTY co ßESOLUTTON NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL,VED by the Boa¡d of County Commissioners of Ga¡ñold Couûty, C,oloradq that 1. Ttat all representations made by the Applicant in the application, and at the public hearings, shall be conditions of a¡ryroval unless specifïcally altered by the Boa¡d of County Croissis:ers. 2. That the operation of the facility be done in accordance with all applicable Federal, Statq and looal rcgulatíons governing the operation ofthis type of faoility. 3. Site operatìons shall not ernit hed, glare, radiation, dust dr ftmes v¡hich substantially interfere with the existiflg use of adjoining property or wtrich constitute a publio nuísance or hazañ. 4. Volume and sound generated shell comply with the st¿nd¿rds sct forth for residential in Colorado Revised Shtute $25-12-103. 5. Storage of flarunable material shell be conducted so as to meet all applicable local, Staæ, and . Federal regulations, and shall utilize the practices ídentífied ín the Stomlwater ManagementPlau, 6. All lighting associated with the property sh¿Il be directed inward and downward towurds the interior of the prcperfy. 7. Periodic mitigation mea$$es to ad&ess frUitíve dust shall be performed úo maíntain the driveway and storage areas at an acceptable level. 8. Employees shall not be permitæd on+ite at the Contracüor's Yard except for the limited purpose of picking up and dolivering materials or eguipment" However, in the fi¡trne, when employees are noeded, the Applicant wÍll need to a¡nend t¡e Lsûd Use Change Permit to àllow employees to work on-site and address ihe assgciated Ímpacts of having these employees zuoh as providing nrffiolent legal antl physical lvaúsr, and v¡astewatêr syst€m (Indivídual Septie Disposal System), traffre, etc.' 9. No employees shall work at the Contractor's Yard ftll-time brú pickup and delivery of materiais are pennitted. However, in the fufire, when ernployees are needed, the Applicant will ne€d to amond the Land Use Change Penr¡it fo allow omplo'yees to work on-sito and address the associated impacts of having these employees such a^s ptoviding sufficient legal and physical \irater, and wastewater system (Indiviúml Septic Disposal System), traffïc, etc. 10. The Applicant strall obtain a Certificate of Oooupancy for the *garagelrreohanic shop" 3 llltth]:nffifl{,rilfi R€e€Þttôrr$l Ell1C? l'!?râH! ll¿1&96u$* lÍtt ilrliHl'll{f'f¡iTÍl*Jllll't ll ll I tFg,âlå8'ÈffiFrELD cd,NrY co identified in Building P€rmit BP:l1135 within 30 days after receiving the l¿nd Use Change Pffiit for the Conffactor's Ymd. 11. The building permit for the ogarage/mechanics shop" is for a "Shop, Garage, and Storagd' and aocessory to the existing resídÊnce on the prcperty. This permit shall b€ amended if ttris shucture is to be used as a corrmerciål building. 12. Prior to the issuance of the Land Use Chanæ Pennít the Applicant shall provide a copy of the Driveway Access Pennit for the Coûffiactor's Yard driveway to tlro Garfield Courty Planning Depætnent for review 13.Ih€ Applicant shall ímplement the following Colorado Division of TVildlife (CDOTtr) and '?oteirXial Mitigation Mea$rcs" identified in the Wildlife and Vegefation Assessmen! 3LT Contr-actors Yard-Battlemenrt Mesa prepared by Environme,mal Sohitions, Inc. (dated Jrme 20to). . Make a good åíth effort to consü¡¡ct facilities md inftastrucorc oubide the time pedod from Decenrbsr I thtbugh ldaroh 15;e Utilize wildlife fríendly fencingto allow safe passage of animals úrcughtheproperty; or utilizÞ a minimum seven foot fenoing (solid or mesh to exclude wildlife from areas);¡ Implement a ït/eed Management Plan for tbe entirc sêv€ü acre subject siæ;r Utilize bearpooftrash cans and dumpsters outside the gæagelmechanic shop; r Restore apprropriate sagebrush speoies or zubqpecies on distrnbed or restoration areas; avoid aggressíve non-gmss grssses md shrubs; o Miaimízo nieht lightiûg - use full cutoff lightiqg or timors to eliminafe night lighting outside or hor¡rs of ocoupied operaions; and,¡ Minimize the loss of vegetation and soil erosion adjaceirtto artas aroundtlre Contactor's Yard. 14. Prior to the issuance of a Land Use Change PermiT, the Applicant shall obtain a Wafershed Pennit and submit it to the &¿rfield County planning Deparünent for revie$'. 15. Prior to the issuanse of a Land Use Change Permit, the A¡lplicant shall provide a plant list identifring the seientifie and eonrmon names of the plant speoies for the Na$ve Grassl\ilíldflower seed mix. This inform¿tioa shall b€ st¡bmitted to the Garfield County Planning Deparhnent for revíew. 16. Prior to the issuance of a Lmd Use Change Petmit, the Applicant shall provide the tot¿l súrface are¿ to h distr¡rbed by the berm around the Contractor:s Yard and submit this infonnetion to the Garfield County Ptanning Deparme,nt. Once this information is provided, a revegetation security shall be calculated. 4 llll ffi¡ lllrltliiltll, lllh Rærotion$: 8ím7 ¿ã,""trq*21É!¿l&?ârfiB* l$ll+ttl{lilt+fü{ihl[ lll"¡ ll ll I tf.B,â1ffi"åãÊF¡ELD cot'¡rr .o 17. Prior to lhe issuance of a I¿nd Use Change Permit, the Applicant shall provide a revegetatíon secrnity to ths Garfielal County Planning lleparUnent. 18. Tlre Applioanl shall be responsible forwatetingtheproposed landscape. 19. Prior to the issuanee of the Land Use Change Pennit, the Applicmt shall revise the GradinglBrosÍon and Sediment Control Plan to show the locations of the watcr tank for inigating the landscape, and the ftel tanks. This revised plm shall be submitted to the Garfield County Planning Deparûnent for reYiew. 20. Prior to any conshn¡ction and grading on-siæ, the Applicant shall provide a Stormwat¡r Pffnit fo the Garûeld County Plonning Department for review. 21. Prior to the issuance of a Land Use Change Pemit, the Applicanrt shall provide drainage oalculations supporting the Contractor's Yard to the Gmfield County Planning Department for revieur Zà,Prlw to the issuance of a Lmd Use Change Permit, vehicleso mae,hinery and equipmenf for r¡r'afer haulers and produced waten storage shall be remor¡ed. . lÊ. Datedthis b -- dayof ã."*t*A"D,20 ,l . ATTEST:GARFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, rrrrf ¡tl! a Y\atr rvlur¡JLt¡\flJ.rl, ofthe Board of Cowúy Upon motion duly made aud secondEd the foregoing following vote: adopæd by the ñ /ìI\rf Tr,trq s,f nNF.R nEr.ÀTÞ TIìÉI\T F I\,[ÀPTTlti[Aye Aye STATE OF COLORADO County of Garfield I, _ , eormty elerk and ex-ofñeÍo Clerk ofthe Boa¡d of 5 ) )ss ) td#,å#lf,ffi1ilig'ff !rür*trn'ú,rrr Connty Commissionens, in and for the Cormty and State afo¡esaid, do hereby oerti& that the annexed and forogoing Resolutiou is httly oopied from the Reoords of the Proceeding of the Board of County Commissioners for said Garfield County, now iu my office. IN WITNESS IVHEREOF, I have hem¡nto set my hand and affixd the seal of said County, at Glenwood Spri4gs, this _ day of _, A.D. 2à . Coutty Clerk and ex-offi.oio Clerk of the Board of Couuty Commissioners 6 EúlbirÄPage I of Ì*-zloÌQ ElS# +æÈËìo-Ël-'r-*=J¡.ï" 1åF3=-ãß!=Fä"ËrË'=FsD ==-ts rß8gñsËËF+èFãE8=lä!sþAcr¡l¡n¡t¡üF' 4&tc;KDtDt 'EÉÈarffEFql-l¡lrrthFCßn.E* -l- rl.tHÊlÉtuEl bh*.$Ë3 ' .=iág¡gcffiHoaiùlll¡rr¡¡b¿a¿'r.r1"'\.-- +- r-'-+,4'ãl-h----ã--1--F-if-î-fE_...f.--iF--.+--.¡-+&- lrF¡¡rh,-.-Ètwa' l*ete0pt Eq,'rfr¡gt=ñrff¡FcfllÊ ffitttr.o** tþü llltl co Exh¡bit B Cont ctor'¡ Yard tqal DescñFt¡on AParcelof LandSltuatedlnthes}lofthesÊY¿SEil NE4endtheE!4S%ofthe SEY+SEIÁ NW%of Section5, Township 7 South, R¿inæ 95 West of ttre Sbdh P.M., more particularly described as follows¡ Beglnnlng atthe Southeãst Cornef of Sectfon 5; thence $34"44'ff "W for a dlstance of LL97 ,27' þ the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N88'57'51*Wfora dlstance of 2¡10.ül'; thence S)1"02'0f W for a distance of 350.0f; thenæ S88'57'5!'Efol â dbtance of 900.0d; thence N01"tt2'09PE fora dlstance of 350.0d; thence N88'57'51"W for a distance of 660.00' to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Countyof Garfiel{ State of Colorado ApprudmateblT,ZS acres ln size. GartieW County Building & Planning Department 108 flth Sfreef, Suife #401 Glenwood Springs, Co. 81601 Office:970-945-8212 Fax: 970-38*3470 ln spection Lin e: 97 0-38& 500 3 Building Permit No.r\tþ 2407-054-00-085Parcel No: 0269 CR 309, ParachuteJob Address: Use of Building: Locality: shop, g arage, storage Tompkins, Tom OwnerContractor: Owner 454,84 699,75 Fees $ 699.75$$ Total Fees: $ 1,854.34 Plan Check: Bldg Permit: Septic: Other Fees: rTDate:Clerk: