HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Height Exhibit*ts Is 3ö ts ñ È Ë ü Building Height Exh¡bit -*Æ s Measuned NOÏES: .ñf.r.4 1. ïhis mop hos been prepored pursuont to client request for o Height Exibit. No reseorch wos completed regording locotion of Boundories or Eosements on the property. 2. Dote of field survey : Moy 17, 2017 for Pre Construction Topogrophic Survey. June 12, 2019 for building meosurements. 3. Highest midpoint of roof line is 5717.9'ond is below the moximum ollowoble height of 5718.82' occording to Drowing No. 4.4.01 titled Building Elevotions with o plot dote of 1/31/2018 provided by Doug Rooer - Architect P.C. Multi Level Wood Frome Dwelling KAr(tl'tfi rÀq5b,$l U: x-: 4. Units of lineor meosurements ore disployed in US Survey Feet. a¡ ¡I:<| =' i -lfrc) 5. Contours ond ground spot elevotions shown hereon represent pre construction conditions ond hove 1 foot intervols. Ntt') I ='IJa+c¡!-a = P:=,(9 N) r --l+tOItfTI '--'r!:ıI¡ 6. SGM will not be responsible for ony chonges mode to this document ofter it leoves our possession. Any copy, focsimile, etc., of this document must be compored to the originol signed, seoled ond doted document to insure the occurocy of the informotion shown on ony such copy, ond to insure thot no such chonges hove been mode. ñ! 9) G è :-(¡ -_l f..)Pol- IIIIIc¡!ã--J rì!f. ¡:(Ôt:-¡.i II d-o =' -E (Dox- (¡-{ 9n N)_-il. -E (D x-7. Midview of roof line colculqted from field observotions ond moy not represent octuol midview locotion. SURIEYOR,S CERTFICATE: l, Scott A. Hemmen, being o Registered Professionol Lond Surveyor, licensed in the Stote of Colorodo, do hereby certify thot this Height Exhibit wos prepored on June 20, 2019, from o survey performed on June 12, 2019, under my direct supervision ond checking, ond thot both the survey ond mop ore true ond occurote to the best of my knowledge ond belief. Éove:[ove:5706.1 ¡I 51fl2.8 :l/ T 56ff. R 9) 6' Feok b¡ e.o' þ.bI ve Tié to Fuildinq 710.i jj j :: Up$er Overhcq{ .,1Eove: 5704.8' 56þe.4' j j tie: 57.1 3.0' .,' Scott A, Hemmen Colorado PLS # 38182dsñ{'l ,$'" lvfdtrint Roof Mldpc¡irt Boof . VICINITY MAP - Not to Scale ¿ LAN$ NOT TO SCALE Eoie: 57Ð3.7'4 Eoouo- ciñlo co.o'¡.ÈF Ef@ o, i'e iEr-it/.)q) --c ,S =träò ,À<n a r=-O'l * 9S =3F oa (Ð I ,+oY .UZ- \./tÐ>r,uU=fr-zOIJ-JÃL) Õ>? ^*óEfıUÉ.o tm ı 6È àE€,- cÈ@Þ+-l 8 ç ËE E3ÈE >o >,9 =e.g..g e 9..= þ .s E ì br b:ce 9eÈ-å øë - ıoqoÊ u Oı Oç eEÈE E E: {:.835;5.<=+= oô= ¿J< ö o - o* ço- Ø- dr o!o=o!9)9Eg.EËE o oô c .9 oÍ { Building Height Exhibit Page No. 1