HomeMy WebLinkAboutInsulated Wall Panel Specs - GranitstoneKS Gronitstone Dctc Sheet lnsuloted Woll Ponel System ) ) 3 ú-' Í f Product Specificction Profile: Embossing Exterio¡: Flot wittr Gronltstone or G¡onltstone Gi¡ort¡ fini:h lnter'or: Sirod,:wline Ëxterio.: Stucco lnlerio¡; Stucro or non-embossed Exterir:r: 24 ,22 ga f ¡¡gri6r: 2ó, 24,22 g't 24",30",36", 42" Gouge: : j,:: |:' : 1 i.tl. ! wldth: Thickness: Length:8', . 50', Reveol option Verlicol t/t" Horizontol: tl8" at 5/t' Or¡entotlon. Ve¡ticolorh¡xjzor,tol Post fob¡ìcot;on: N/A lnterior Íoce Exterior loce 24" - 4?" Applicotions Gronilstone high perlormonce woll systems deliver on Õttroctive ond otfordoble ponel choice. Gronltstone ponels, horizontolly or verlicolly opplied, use o potentêd double seol integroted joint. Stondord ¡eveols ore r/s" for verticol opplicotions, ond Vs" for horizontol opplicotions. Gronitstone ponels ore suitoble for new ond retrofii oppl'cotions ocross the cold storoge, commercíol ônd industriol motket sectors. Shodowline Cron¡tstone Design Feotures The foomed-in-ploce monufocturing process produces superior ponels of consistent high quol;ty thot oíive to site reody for quick ood eosy instollotion, soving up to 507o in on-site construction time. Ponels ore ovsiloble with opt¡onol foctory- coulked side joints to sove erection lobor (not ovoìloble for cold storoge opplicotions). Customer Options Kingspon offers o full spectr!,m of vibront colors for every color scheme. The high performonce cootings provide long-life protection, color cnd gloss rêtent¡on. Custom color motch'ng is ovoiloble to meet individuol building designs ond creotive freedom, 5Oo/o K ingspon's single component syslems con increosê speed of build by up to r.i@ Kin!þan. KS Gronitstone Dotc Sheet lnsuloted Woll Ponel System Performonce Testing ond Approvols Kingspon insuloted ponels meet specific buildíng envelope performonce criterio ond tequ¡rernents stipuloted by US cnd Conodion building codes. Ponels ore tested in occordonce with UL, ULC, FM ond ASTM opprovol stondo¡ds, testing methods ond procedures. Kingspon Ìnsuloted ponels ore listed by FM Globql ond Wornock Hersey. Test Procedure Results Fire FM-4880 Possed: Closs I Fire Roting of lnsuloted Wqll or Woll ond Roof /Ceiling Ponels, lnterior F:nish Moteriols or Cootings, ond Exterior Wsll Systems ASTM 884 Flome spreod:25 or Less lSmoke Developed:450 o¡ Less cAN/Ut.C-S102 Flome Spreod: 5 /Smoke Developed:135 for ponel wlth focings CAN/ULC-S127 Flome Spreod <500 for foom core cANluLc s]38 Possed: Fire growth of foomed plostic insuloted building ponels in o full scole room configurotion CAN/ULC.S134 Possed: Stondord method of test for fire of exterior wcll ossemblies NFPA 259 Tested for potentiol heot of building mote¡íols NFPA 2ó8 Possed: Stcndord test metnod for determining ignitobility of exterior woll ossemblies using o rodiont heot ênergy source NFPA 285 Possed: Stondord Fi¡e ïest Method for Evoluotion ol Fire Propogotion Chorocteristics of Exterior Non-Lood-Beoring Woll Assemblies Contoiñing Combustibfe Components Structurol FM-4881 Possed: Closs +110/-154 Zone H Closs +100/-140 Zone HM - LM ASTM T72 Vocuum chomber tested. Ponel lood /spon ond deflection tobles ore ovoiloble Thermol Tronsmission ASIM C5I8 Thermol Perfo¡monce ot 35' Thickness R-Volue 0.02 to 20 24 52 4A 2 2,5 5 4 5 6 48 U-Fscto¡ o.0ó o.05 0.04 0.05 0.03 Air lnfiltrotion ASIM 8283 0.005 CIM/ft¡ of PonelAreo ot 6.24 psf Woter ASTM E351 No unconlrolled woter penet,otion ot 20 psf differentiol pressure AAMA 50.I.1 Dynomic woter pressure testing - no sign of woter leokoge ct 15 psf Fotigue Cyclic test to positive ond negotive The ponels exceeded 2 milfion olternote cycles without foilure o¡ domoge wind looding to * L/180 deflection Eond Strength ASTM Dló25 Ponels tested for tensile bond strength of metol to foom Somple ploced in on or¡toclove device ond pressurized to 2 PSI ot 212oF tor 2t/zhovrs Skin Delominotion No skln delominotiôn with direct pull off pressure up to 1188 psf Kingspon North Americo Delond, FL: 18ó-ó2ó-ó789 Modesto,CA:209-5J1-9091 Coledon, ON: 905-951-5é00 Longley, BC: ó04-ó07-1101 www.kingsponponels.com for the p.ods.t oltering iô other no.keis pleose contoct yær locol sole¡ ¡ep¡eseototive or visír mrw.kìngsponpoaels.coo ? FlREsofe lssue 4: A7/2O18 r i.',: Ì: :::''l': Kinlipan,