HomeMy WebLinkAboutProof of WaterWESTDIVIDE \SATE IT CONSERvANCY DISTRICT 818'läughcnbaugh tìlvd., Suirc l0l llO. Box 1478 l{ifl c, Color:rdo 81 650 - | 47 8 Tel: (970) 625-5461 Wc[r: *rvs',rvdnrd.org Ënnil : rvater@rwdrvctl.org October 17,2019 Thomas and Leann Jurmu 995 County Road229 sitt, co 81652 John and Elizabeth Keranen l21l County Road 22 silr, co 81652 Ladies and Gentlemen Enclosed is the approved amended contract #110421C8(b) amending the contract to allow for 2 additional dwelling units. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely yours, WEST DIVIDE WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT S tþø/w T S. Keenan Enclosure Division No. 5 Water Resources w/amendment Colorado River Engineering w/amendment Attorney Direcr.rs: Samr¡el ll. pottcr Kclly Couev Richanl L. lr4cNeill l]nrce lì. Varnplcr l)an ll. H¿rrison._ cc ¡\ l' f' Llfir\'l' ION'l'O Á il,l I: N I)WATER !.E^SE# \lüL{Lt c{ß (,t) WEST DI\/IDE W¡\TIIR CONSER\/ANCY DIS'I'Iì,IC'¡' àilli lauglrcnbaugh 13lvtl. #101. P. O. tìox l47tÌ. t{iflc, C'olorado fi l6-50 CONTRACT #: 11042lC8(b) MAP lD #: 640 DATE ACTIVATFD: 4/21 / 1 7 DATE AMENDED: L0/t7/L9 l. ¿tPPLICANT INFOIII'IA Nanrc:+ \4ri I i 'l'clcphorß -\o - 1:1rt- q1".8 ¡nrait: â D-1a¿ Authorizcd agcrrt 2. COUR'I'CÂSE ils: Dccrcc Casc No Augnrcntation Plan Casc No -1. USE OI.'\l¡A-lUtì lrEStDriN'ItAL .1 .) Nrrnrbcr ot'nrain rcsiclcnccs: l.- No. r\DU's Srrhrlivisiru: No. c(ìnslnrclc(l tutits:_No- \:ítciut( lots -_ l'lonrc gar'dcni lau'rr illigation ol'I L, Þ o o toral sq. fì. Mcrhocl of irrigation: flood_splinklcr_othcr_ Nolr-conurrcrcialaninlal\\'llteringof'_fZ- anintals Irirc Protcction Y lìr'a¡roralion: ñlaxi¡llu¡lr u,alcr sr¡r'lace to lre uxposccl Dcscliption t¡f'ârlv usc. othcr thln evaporîtion, lrnil nlcthorl ol' dive'rsion. r'atc of dilcrsitr¡1. and u,atcl u ithdrarvn fiorrr thc pontl: arrnull arnr¡unt oI'divcrsiorr olarrl' ll/ell ,Shuring ,lgrt:cucnt lir nultiplc owntr ¡,ells tttust h( subt,,irrc¿. I!' grcut.,r thnn lwt otltcrù uppli<'tttion ntusl h.J nudc unilcr u houeowttcrs ussot'iutiol, COTT]\TERCIAI, Nunrbcr of'units: lirtnl sq. fi. of conlnrcrcial unirs: Dcscriplion of'usc: INDUSTIIIAI, Dcscriptiorr of usc: lìr,aporalion:lv1axilllttltlrr'ittersttt'fitcctobcexposc<l:- f)cscliption of'arr1' ¡51-. othcr than cvapornt¡on. nntl nrsthod ol'divcrsion. rfltc of'di\,crsion. and ¡nnunl anrount ol'tlir,crsion of anv watsr g,ithdn*r'n lionr thc poncl DI IIIICI' PUMPI¡iG Tributrn, l-ocation: 4. SOURCFI OF \\'/\TEll t¡rtclttrc:C lb¿:l ( La Wf Sf tttctttrc Na¡lc: V\-{ L I Sourcc:x 5. I-OCAI'ION OF S]'RUCTUIIEwt Áh{otnrrv  Itarccl Nurnllcr -1 Qr¡1lrle r l{unge P. N4 ol'tcll lionr scction lincs: lìlcvrtir'¡rr:t) \\icll krc¡tion rdclrcss Sr LI (.ltttclt ulditionul ¡x'ges.litt' tnult¡lll( stnrdurc:i) ó. LAND ON \\'tltcil W,\1'ER Wtt,t, BE I-tSlìD lLcgul dcsrrÌpliot¡ ntt.t' lv pnttided us un dttuclÌiltørt.) n*t¡r'¡rlrcr ol'rcrcs irì tiacr: 2\¿ , -1 oLt Ittclusitt¡t inkt tltc Distriu, ut lllrlrliutnt's t!.ylrct,s4 ntat hc r¿'quircd. 7. ]'YPlt OF SE!\/¿\GE SYSl'Ei\r Scptic tank;absorptiôrì lcach tìcld Y Ccntlal Systcrn-Othcr'- District rranrc: s. \/Ot.Uì,tË oF LE^SËD w,\I'!ìR NIìEDED tN ,\CltË t;ËE'I': Anrcnrlcd lirrnl \ ¡f' to I af' (nrirrinl¡nr of'I aclc fìrot c\cupt i¡u-gnìclrtiìli()rì liorì'ì AlshtrrV lìr'scr'\'(ìir rçhùr'c a lcssgr aDrou¡rl is ¡rllorictl) àvweno\ +{, 'a*^ ^ a-d^ths¡-a-0 d.wC Lt r v"..i.,.. \^_\,\1-f-Ë Proviilc cn1¡inccring ilttlto support roluntc ol'r,utt'r rtqutsfutl. ('ommtrriul, nunicìpul, unil industriul ilsers il,us! lrroviil¿ dìversion uud u,nsililtlrlit'c tlutu t¡tt u monthlJ' hosìs, .'l ttttoliz.ing.flon,t,tclar wilh rcnto!t rc.,lttul is ru¡nired to h¿ insttllcd unil ustti¡c rcportal trt ll'est l)iviila, ,f¡tplicunt e.rprcssl.¡'acknoileilges it hus hail llte o¡tporluni!.¡' ¡o rc¡'ictt, thc Dislrict's Jitrm ll'atcr ¿lllottnent C'otttt'(L'! ûnl ngrccs this applicutiott is ntnl¿ tltercin. pt.rsu atttl tuh.jtLt to tlt¿ t¿t',us tttulttin¿tl sig 5 .\pplicunt Sigrtltur.' Âpplir:atinn J 4, - zc -LÕ \1 DA1-[ APPllOVlin â,/tz Wlisl'I)lV- B-"": surticc storâ!¡c grouncl $'¿rtcr' ¡,",.,¡¡1 ;, -144 2.r-t I F _ llrraclr rl ('urrc¡rt copl") :\'l"l'IS'l' ljornr : \\/l)\\'CI) l0 l7 /\!ll':NI) '\l'l'l-lCA'l lON Total ConlrectArìdnt{ARTolal C.U.(AF)TolalDh,€fslon(AF)æ0.3r0.3¡t0.2Eo.Æ0.t80.r50.152.Uo.qt0.60.Gt0.æ0.120.15o.170.140.rf0.G50.00909o.95o.qt0.080.030.æ0.ü]0-s¡PoridEveporaüdr(AF)Uvsstoc*Dleerslo¡ &c.u. (AF)lnigttlm C.U.(AF)lrlgstlofl Dlvoßlon(AF)CommsrdalC.U. GF')Coram€rdalDlì,cßlon (AFlln Hou6oC.U,(ARln HouleÊrhr€rrlofl(AF)o,t54.720.t30.,0.020.02o.o20.020.020.0i¡o.02o.@0.(x¡0.000.00o.000.000.(þ0.mO.CX'0.000.oo0.00o-mo.æ0.000.æo.(x)o.fx)0.000.(x),0.ül0.'t00.150.170.130.ogo.gt|0.009Æo-?o0.m0.00o.(x)0.02o.08o.12o.f30.110.07o.u¿0.000-00o.58o.010.0t0.0'l0.ot0.0t0.0i0.010.010.01o.010.010.01ô.150.fx¡0.000.(þ0.(x)0.000.æ0.oo0.q¡0.000.(x)0.00@o.00o.o2o-219,1¡¡1,37Unlt vatuo: I uno u*",lÍüal¡on I Iniga¡0" C.U.D¡r¡eolon (AF)l (AF)0.t090.3?60.5550.6130.¡1810.3400-(Fs0.0s70.30fo.4440.4900.385o.2720.@2.U72.55SAI"SBURY WATER USE ESTITATESConuect Añounl w, 5.ß tn¡nrlt Lors EO¡O aclÞfoetDWELUNG UNITS:IRRIGAIEDAREA(SQ FD:GOMMERCIALAREA(SO FD:NO. OF LÍI'ESTOCK:ELEVAI|ON (MSL):EVAPORANON AREA (ACRE):4t2,00012t8000TrensilLcs5.ln6Conlfact Locat¡onCok'adorsilt/ÊrlshrfJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPocrNOVoEcTOTAL(1)(2',t(3)(4)(5)(6)8().tt lnlgdoñ dlalarrcrf for rprlntl€r system3Elen€y C¡üdls assossìrênl wilh Poaûop sdjßlmerÌls360 gallom per day psr rssil€nce15% comu¡npthp use for ISDS syslems200 0allons per dsy p€r 10@ sq fr ol commsrElat spaca15% conernÉiue use for ISOS syslerosØ(8)(8)(10)(r r)(14(13)Col¡¡nn (1)'lriget6d eroe h âcúBsColumn (2)'kligdsd arÞâ ln acrscLh,€stock uss st l1 gallon3 p€r hsad por day (SCW:'ã))Net Pdld Erraporâtlon(fi, calcs h'46$rnpt¡onE)'daporal¡on arû¡ inaêrascoli¡ìm (5) + coü¡rnn o) + column (9) + colurnn (10) pl¡¡E 5% rarrsll losscolumn (6) + co&¡Íür (E) + column (9)+ column (10)Column (12) plu8 5% traßlt lcgCoi',nctu tattty ttotlcor 7âfç spæadsl¡aet, Mttdt g ú etfir,únøîls, is ¡br ürá sore øso of üre firþ¡¡dodorú t Ey øtW, ættffiøndd endMon.Colorado_Sl[Me8a_Rmo_Alsburv 201 7*24n01g iltLJ10/8/2019Geolocation : 1ao.so0g77so0000o1, -l 07.6ost 1 ¿ts0000001 )wDv\rcD"d,â.*þ,Íì500m r-rbãal6tÊtl*Ê,$ratGHrRd{,Ö$ltltÈ6åffd.a@?,t:'9,'t:'r.¡{¡Ifof¿t.t{i,lJ"rqìL_| ?r6ltdJ-lif'I{It!II,'t;4r...1, jGooghLegendReporta map erotFunctionsGeo lookup:, enter yourGeoLocation and click Go.9O5 County Rbdd 229 Silt, ClGojDistrict Boundaries*ffimAlsbury Reseruoirservrce arearcFourmile serv¡ce AreaçffiffiSilt Mesa serv¡ce arearmnr.udwcd.orgþeoof .htrd1t2 Form No. GWS-25 APPLICANT OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER COLORADO D¡VISION OF WATER RESOURCES 818 Csntonn¡sl Bktg., l3l3 Shsrman St., Deruor, Cobredo 8fril03 (303) 8€e3s8l Lot: 3 Bloclç FlÍng: subrliv: DUTCH trlAKrR E(EMmoN CHARLES ABAGLEY 627 N HAPPYVATI-EY ROAD NAMPA,ID 83687. (20E) eE9€93s APP ROVED. W.ELL LOCATTON GARFIELD COUNTYNE 'll4 NE 114 Secüon 5 Township6 S Range 92W S¡xth P.M. DISTANCES FROM SECTTON LINES 1583 Ft from North Secton Llne 1314 Ft. fuim East Section Llne UTM COORDINATES ll[pteq.Sone: 13. 1'{AD83lEasting: Northing: WELL PERN,IT NUMBER DIV.5 WD39 73924 DES. BASIN MD ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT CONFER A WATER RIGHT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL f ) Thl¡ wall ¡hall be used in sudr a way as to carse no mstsrial ¡niury lo edsting walar dghls. The ¡ssuancs of lhls pomit does nol ensure lhd no lnjury wlll occur lo anolher vsslod mler right or pnclude enolher olilner of e wslsd mtar rlght fiom eaaïlng rdlef ln e clvll coud ac{lon. 2't Thc c¡nslruEüon of th¡s u,ell EhEll be ln compliance *rilh the Watsr Well Gonstrudíon Rubs 2 CCR 402'2, unbrs appoval of a variuce has besn grsnlod by lhe Stsie Boalü of Era¡lners of Waþr Well Conslruclion ard Pump lnslallallon Conlra¿:lor in acconlance wilh Ruþ I 8. 3) Approved pursua¡t to CRSi 37-9f¡.137(2). on lht condidon that lhls ufsll ls opantad ln accordance with the Wesl Divlde Waler Con3arvancy DidÈlAqrmnlalionPlanappouedbytheDlvislonSW¡lerCourlincassno.02clllt0l23. ¡flhls$,ell tsnotopo¡stodln¡ccordancowilhlhg þrms of sald dec¡ee. it wll! be subjed to admlnislrdion indudlng orders lo caase diuotllq tralor. WCnilCD conbecl #11042'l CE(a! (amendedl. 4) Appnwd for an erganslon of u¡e. of ar e¡dstlng s€ll consüt¡clod on SsÉembôr24, 201f , to a depth of 97 feet snd with s pump bolng lnstsllsd on Novañùer 22, Zlf f . under pemit no. 75024'F (cance,led). lssu8nca of lhls permll tnnby cancob pgmlt no. 7âÚ2+F, Ð The uee of ground water from this mll fs llmiled lo fiÉ prstecllon, ordlnary household purposês lnsld€ ùrc (Q slngte famlly dunlllngs, lhe inþationof notmofslhan12,000EqusrsfþtotgaRlon8andlawns.a¡dlholtafieringoflrvehæ(12]headdom€sücanlmals, Thistrcllis hnown as C BagþWall. 6) The pumplng rate of thb ¡rall shall nol excsed 15 GPM. 7t The annuel wilhdranal of ground uater fram lhls rrell shall not exceed I .69 acr€'fool (550.787 gallons). E, The nlum frow from lhe use of thl¡ well musl be lhrorgh a¡ l¡rllvldual waste waler dlsposal system of the nonovaporaüve [pe ürhor€ lhe ru¿ler is Elumsd þ the sam ılraam sy8lem ln whldt lhg tf,sll b localBd. 9) The ownsr shall mart thg wgll ln a con¡pl¡¡ous placa wllh well pemlt numbs(sl, name of lhe aqulfar, anrl courl csse numbe(s) as appnpdaÞ, The oyrær sh¡ll lake neæssary msans and pr8caudonB lo pßseile lhsse maüings. l0) A tolatizlng llofl melgr mud bs lnslaltsd on thls well anrl malnlalned ln good wotkltq ordsr. Potmanenl r€cords of ¡ll dlw¡slons musl be malnlalned by lhowsllowner (æc¡lded at þast snnually) ¡nd Eubmitled ts lhe D¡YlEion Enginsor uPon rsquesl 1l) Thls wB[ shel¡ bE bcaþd not mom th¡n 2m feêl ftom llrs Iocålion spedfied on lhls Psrmít snrl at le¡sl dlo feel ftom any sxlsllng $Þ0, comdôtod ln ths s&ns aqulfer, lhal ls not orned by lhs apPtlcenl. IIOTE: Thls wstl ls to bs locstsd on a rosËonlia¡ slþ ol 12.723 acø(a) descdbed ¿s bt no. 3, and reMng ht nos. 3I4, ptoposed Dutcût Malor Exemplion, Gsrf Eld cor¡nly. NOTE: Sedlon 5 ls an lneguhr "Talf ssctaon. approdmaÞly 5?Û0 fsôt Northrsoulh. IIOTE: P¡rcelldsnüfcdlon Numbar(P¡N):23.2179-051-0û{t40 NOTE: AssessorTaxSclredule Numbsñ R20l¡338 Sotellng 5a'0 acrel) /'na- a +./¿zâetz /,¿¿ rr,,7aií-b/-d(APPROVED DÎ\fM, Ræe¡ot No.9503544 Stdê Enghee¡ DATE tssltFD oÂ-o2-2fl12 %*",*o'oN DATE