HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubsoil Study for Foundation Design 10.31.2005Rfr*EÍ'yrri å,,t]1i i .$ äün'$ H.:!,ç¡arrh -['¡rw'iii. 5',:t:tu:lntic,::, lr'c 5,-r,.l0 LÌourrr;'Rt:.ril f 54 í-jienv,'ucd iì¡;rirrgs. {-lol*t¡rh *1 5tl Fi lûnî: 9? ('Lfl.{.) - i+f*ì HEPiJVCIffi H. FAWLÍ.Ë GEOTECHNICAL l;åx' 9?û-ç45-¡i+5+ ernarl: lr¡rç¡r-Ü(IÏltir;.)tt(1.¡.com October 31,2005 Ron Yott< RECEIVED 1tì0f.)l Rivercirasc Court ,,:i;¡; ji l¡ ¡;l ;;A1va,l¡lorída33920 'i ' GARFTELD COUNTy .lobNo.105 758 COMMUNITY DEVËLOPMI Subjcct: Subsoil Stud5,- for.F'ornd¿rion Ðesign *ra f.r",ìfuîí.iä$å--dng, Proposecl Resi clcnce, Lol Z t, Tell et springs' Gatliekl Counþ' Colorado Dear i\¡lr. York: As requested. l-[epvv'otth-Parvlak Geotechnical, Inc. perfonned a subs0il siudy ar:d percolntion testing fbr ioundaiion and septic disposal designs at the subjcct sitc' 'l'he strrdy waS conducted in accçrdance with our aEeement for geotechnical engineering serviccs 1o you dared August 23, 2005. The data obtained ancl our reconrmendations based an tlre proposccl construction and -'ubsurface conclitions encoutttered ru:e preseuteri in this reporl, We previously performed a subsoil study for a resiclencc located sevsral hrrndred feet solih o.t'tþis site ancT presented our fitrdings in a report dated Octoþer 26, 19!)8, Job No. 198 613. proposcd construction: Desìgn of the resicfcnce has not heeTl detcrmirled- For the purposerl of this repcrt. \¡/0 assulnc tJrat the proposed residence wíll be a two s¡oIy \'\"ood frame sirucfurc located in the area cf Pils 1-4 as shorvn on Figrue 1 . Ground floor çill be slab-on-grade. cut depths are expected to be about 3 feet. Fourclation loadings fo¡ this t5pe of construction are assumed to he relativell' tigln and t1'pícal ot the proposed tlpe ol' construcfion. The sepric di-sposal syste.m is proposed to be losated south of the rêsiclcnce. lf buiiding crmditiorrs or t-oundation loadirrgs are significarrtly different from tjrose describcd atrovc. we shor¡}l bc notified to rc-evaluale xho rsoorìlmend¿lions presented i:t this report. Site Cantlitians: 'lhe sire nas våcaflt at thc tíme of our sitc tisit. Topographieally, rhe site con-sisrs ofti,,'o rclativcly flar allur.ial lelrüccs rlhich slopc slightl-u* dor+"rt 1o the east' 'I þere is a sLeep slope betwcen r"he ten'aces ¡¡'bich is about 15 feet higlr ' 'fhe septic field site is on tþe up.pet tcff¿lcs a¡d ths resjdcnce silc iS on the lon'c¡ terrace' Tu'o irrigatior: clilcllcs cross the lot, one along the r¡'estern side oftlie lot and ihe other on thc loi¡er teffäce. 'fhe Roaring Folk River is locatcrl east of the lot' Vegctarion consists gf cotlolrwood ftees, bruslr, grass ærd rT eeds' H P¡rrker :ìtl-E4l -iLI9 ' Col.>radc,S¡rrirrgr i19'it33"5562 ' Silvclrirt>uic !l7C-"168-1!8!) ¡t fìubsidence Foicnüia!; Tellcr Springs is uncìcrlaii-r b)'Peru*-vlvania Age Ðagle Yalle¡ Evaporite bcilro¿:k. Tþe evapoiite contains glpsum deposits' l)i¡;sal¡Lio-.n ofthc g¡p51m urrder cerlai¡ cglcliiìons ca.n ûa1sc sinkholes to devciop and can pr^ocluce aLcas of' Ioc¿¡lized. subsiclencc. Ðuring previous rvork in the arca. a .Êcr¡'sinidroies wcle obscrvsd in the rel.races close io ths l{-6aring Forl'. River at T'cller S¡rringlr. SinlçÍoles wefc lrot obsencd in ihc irnmccliate arca of tlie subjcci Iot. Nrl eviclerlce ol"cal'ities \{'as cncoultte rc<J irr the subsurlãcc materialsl hou'ever, the r:xploratory pits r"vere reiaiivelt shallow. fr:r fbunilation design çuly. I3ased on our present knarvledge of the sitc- iÎ cannot lre saiti fcr ceúain that sinìçholes u'ill tlot cie\,'Ëk)p. In out opinìtrtt, the fisll ttf fi;ture g,r'nn<i sub-çiclcnce íhoughout the servicc life of the resitlencc ¿t f''ctt 2l is lov" and similar to othcr k¡rs in the arca brrt the on:rer shoulci he aw'ale of the potentiai for siÐkiroie de'elopmc.lt. lf fui-rher iuvestigation of possible cavitics itr tlre bedrocli belo'"v thc site is clcsired, r.'r'e should bc contact$d- Suhsurface Conditions: The suhsurface conditions at the sitc u,'cre evaiuared b.v excavatinÉ: fbur exploratory pits in the buildillg arsa and onc' pmtìle pr"t in the septic disposal arefl at the approxirrrate locations siloun on Figure 1 , 'Ilie logs o{'the pits arc prescnrcd çrr Figure 2- Tbe subsoils encounterecl. be'ltlv" abou" I to 1t,'" feet of topsgii' consist of I rz,: to 3 fes| of ioose sílt¡' sand and sandy silt overl¡'ing rclativel-v dense siightly siiq' sa;rd-V gravel r+it! col¡bles and boulders d0\fl1 to the bottom of the pits, 4Y' to 5l'z fcst. Res*lts of sr.r.ell-consrrliclation tcstirrg perfìrrmcd on relatively rmclistud'rad siunples o1'thc säild,1.' silt ancl sil$ sal]d. prcsented on lîigurcs 3 ancl4, indìcate mocícrale lo high crrntpressibilit¡- under loading and r.r,.etring. Results of gradaticrr anai.vses ¡rerfolrr:ed on sarnples of the slightiy silr1. sarrdl.' gravcl (rninus 3 to 5 hch fraction) olf:aincd from the site are presenlerl on Figr"rre 5. I'he lahoratory test Ïesults aJ:c sunìmalized in Table i. Free watcr \4as obsened irr Pits l-4'c¿|4to 4% fset dccp at thc time of excavadon. Thc soils ahove thc'çvatcr level rvcre moist 1o vcry moist' Iìorrnilation ltecommcndations: Consiclcring the subsoil colditions en'úountered in thc erploraiory pits and tl.ç ratufe ol'thc proposecl consl¡'ucfioll, wc recomtnend sprcad l'ootings placed on thc undisturtred r¡aflual gravel soil or grturular struÈlural "h1l dcsignecl for ¿ur irlloryablc .coil þearirg pÍcssuïe oÍ'2,500 psf ioi support of the proposeci residense' Tootings shoukl be a minimuln r,r,'irjrtr of J 6 in.ches for contimtous walls artcì 2 leet fol ùolumns. Loosc and ¿isturbec{ sojls ¡rncl existing ioose sand and silt el:counrered at the {b'ndation Searing lcr.,ci wj.tirin tþe cxcar,atiorr should be rcmovccl and thc for-rting hearing Ievel exrencle¿ do,^l 1tr Ihe undisturbsd lahrrai gravcl soils. Sllr"rctural till used tc rc- establish design bcaring le+el shoulcl extenil be-vorrd tbe edges cf the foolings a di-stance eq'a1 to ar ie$st ihe d.eprh of jill betor.v tlie f-ooting and bc compactcd to at least 100')'í, of ioblrt¡.105 ?58 l-ltc=ëdttgtrr -:i- StaüdarrJ Pï{}cfor cicnsiS' at tleär"Öpt-imurn Ïrroislur'ç ctlllient Exterirrr fa0tings shorrlll be pror,i,Jcc| lvlth acle,quatc ci)\teí above their bcaring elsvaii0ns far frtst prolecticrn, Iljac,e{ïlc¡t of footirlgs al lsast 36 ilchcs belf¡v" the: '¡xtcrior grade is ¡'1'pic'all} usecì iri th'i't area. conlir¡uOus lCtrird¿tion r¡,,allS shoulcl be reinfclrcsd icrp anci bo1lc¡trr tcr Span local anc¡malies such as Lr-v assuming an ullstlFpollecl lrngih of at le'¿st l0 foct' Fo'"rndation ',,i,alisacdngasretaining,tl.ucru,'sshcluldlredcsígrredttlrcsistalate¡alcaitå'pressrrc basq:doltar,ectrrtivalentflui¿lunitlveiglrtolaileast4Spcfforthecn-sitesoilasbactrlili. Fìr¡llr $lubs: Tìre natrrral on-siie soiis, exclusive of topstril, are suitab}e tc ,sLrFport lightly loariecl siah-on-gracle construc'iioil' Thc lOose saucl e'nd silt soils ma¡' be suitabic firr support of Ilc¡or,siabs buL shoUlti be l-urd:e,'r' evair"raÎed al tirc timc of corrstru*tion' To recrrce tire eflÈc.ts of some clìffèrential mQÏ$ment' lioor slabs sìror¿kì t'e separatec f¡orn al1 bcari;rg wa.lls arrd c0iumns vt'ith expatlsion-loints '*'hich allor¡u' unreslrainecl vertical rlrt¡\,cmeff. Floor slab "oouot.¡oi,'is shou¡l bc usect to recuce dirrnage d'e to shúnk.ge øac[<ing. lhe icquirc'mcnt' fo''¡ui"t spacing ancl slab reinforcei¡crlt shouid be establislred.b-vtheclcsigncrbase.drrne..pericnue.andtheintendedslabuse.Ami¡imum4 inch laver o{'frce-clraili:rg gravci sho*J,J be placecl bencaih hirsemetri level ''tlabs tc laciliiaLe drainage. This matedal shr¡uld urnsist (}f ¡ninirs 2 inch aggregatc 'udtli less lhan 509ô passing the No. 4 sieve and Isss lhan2V^passing the Nc' 2{}0 siei'ç' Allfillmaietia}sforsrrppotlofflclorsiabsshouldlrecompactectlaileastg-51/oof ¡naximum sïanr1nrd pr'ctoi clcnsit¡. ai a moisture çoiltcnt nezu optirnrtm' F'equireri fill can col:r-ist olthe on-sitc gravel stils o¡' imponecl grnrruiar soils clevoi<ì of Yegetation" toÐsoil and oversized rock- Undcrdrain system: Froe rv¿ilcr E'aft quLlounlercd at r';latively shallow rlepth and it has hcen aur experience thal the q,ar,el level will rise ch:rin.g spring runo{I'and seasonal iiriga|icn.sinccilisno,;practicaitopcmrarrentlydcu,atcrthesiteoreventernporariþ. durirrgafloclcle-venl,aÏerceonrmc'ncibelorv.grarleconsrructitlll.suchascrartlspaceald Ìraseu:rcnt âr"eâs. be avoided. W+ assumc ihc grourrcl flocx'will be slab-an-gt'ade' eleveúcd sliglrtly abovc the surrouniting ggound. ,\n unclerù'ain syslcm is not requirocl lor tiris sìab- on-grade condition' Suf¿rcef}rainage:Thcfol]orvirrgdrainageprccantitirrssirouldbeobservecldudng con"stru'ctiunandnrainiainedataiilimesaftertheresirlencehasbeenconrpletcd: 1)Inund¿tiono{.tbclbunclalione,xcarlatielnsanclunrie,Ïslabaueasslrorrliibe avo íded clurirr g constt ucti on' 2)Ertcriolbackljllshouldbeadjnstedt(lnt¿uoprintummoisturearrd compactedLüaÎleast959/nofthemaxin:u::rstancal"clProc{orde.rrsÌt'-vin loh l\c.lÛi ?58 eäFtccrt *4- 3) p¿iv,J.ilteltt Àt)d $läb aleas and ii) ai Je¿¡bt 909/o of the' ltraxilRl"rm st¿urclard lir¡ijtci clcnsit¡' il litndscapc areas' 'I'he grounci sur:Íace surrounclirig thi: exterirtr t¡f ti:e builclìng sfroulcl be slopecl ro cirain a1!?,\' irñ]yr tirc lirruldation .n ail directions. v*'e rcsornmend a mininrum slope (}f 6 ini;hr:s in [he first ] Cr fect in unpar"cd areas ancl a minimum slope of 3 iticlres in fhe 1îrst 10 fr:ct iIl pnvcmenl and rvalll.t'a:"' at'eas, 4iRocf<lclr,,..nspoulsanddrainsshordddiscktrgewelllre;.onclthe iimits of all b:rokfill. Pencotatisn Tesfing: Percolalion [ests rvelc conctucted on October 15, 200-5 to evaluate the fcasibility ()f an infi.ltïation scpric ,lisposal s.vstctn at the site' One ptofi lc pit ærd tluee percolatitin holes werc clug at the iosation-q shot'r: orr ï'igure 1. The rest hclles (rr0rninal 12 inch diameter b-v 1? irictr clcep) rvcre hiurd drig at the bottonr of shailorn'lTac'l'hoe pits and q,ere so*ked ¡litl¡ r,vater one <ia,u- p;'ior io testing' TJrc soils erpo'setl in tire pcrcolaiion hoies arc similar t0 thosc exposccl in the Frolilc Pit 'shor¡'n on Figwe 2 al]ù consist of l'1r foot of iopsoil overlying stigirtl¡- silty sandy gravel rvith cohblcs and boulders dorn'n to the pit cLeplh of I fcet. The percolation iest results ¿Irc Frefìentccl in Table ? and ranged betruecn 2 tÕ z}minutcs pcr inch. Basecl on the subsurface conelitions enccunlÊrçd ar'cl the percoìation i0st resulls, u,e recornrnc.ud that a civil engineer clesign tåc inliltrarion septic Cisl-rosal sYsrem. Linit¿tions: This studS'has bsen conductcrJ. irr acc¿rrclance $'iih generally accepted geotechnical enginceri:rg principles and practices in this area at ihis timc' lve makc no waîranty eilbcr express tir irnplicd. 'l'he conclusions ¿urd recc¡rnnenclatians subrnitted in this rcporl ate based upon the clata obtainscl from the exploralory prits excavatccf at thc Iccaticns inrlicated ou Figure 1' [he ¿tssumecl type of cnnstruction and our ellporienee i¡ dr¿ area. Ou' servicss do not include cicteirnidng the preselce' prcvcntiotr or possibilit¡ o.[mold 6t othcr þíological coutamilants (]4OBC) developing in tþe .future' If the clicnt is ctrncenred aboul ì\4oBC- then a profcssional in this special ficJd ofpractice shauld be consulteci. 0*r furdings i-¡:clude interpolation ancl cxtrapoiation of the subsurface condiriors iilenrifie¿J at the explot'aror¡ pits and varîatjons ín the subsurface c'onclitions may nor becorne cvident unlil exc¿r'ation is perforrnccl. I1'ccnditions encottniei'cd during constrrrcrion appeûr di.lÏcrent h'om ihose dcscribed in lhis rspÔm' rr'e should be nr¡lified ¡rt clnce sc, rÈ-evaluadon of the recolnmcnriations may llc maúe' This rcport has bcen preparcd for thc exclusive u.re by our client fcrr desi¡gr purpr:ses' Wc are nr:l resporrsihle fìrr tcchnicai inteilrretatiru:s hY o¡he¡s of our information' '{s thc pr.ojrct eygìvcs, rve shc,uJcl provide confinued consultation and iîcld sçrviccs during .lob lio.I05 ?Sft cÆ5teor -)- corr$tïûctiorì t0 re '*,ien, and. monitut'the implerrcntâiicIr u.l'out recomil;lenclatjons' s:rrl lo .r,crif) fhar the recommendations hal'e becn approprialely irrtcrprcteri' significarrt design changesma¡'requircadclitionalatralysisorrnodific¿iionsictiretecornnrcncjafions presented lreicin. lve rcccnrrnend on-sits olrservation of excav¿nions anci foundation hearirrg str¡la and teslixg of sffrctuÏal fill by a rcpres--ntative of the geotechnical eirgineer. If you have any +lÈsfioi:l's rrr if we mali .ne af furthe; assistance' please iet us krrolr.,. Resirecifull ¡' Subrniüed' HËFWORTII - F,å,WLA.K GEOTE(] I-iI\-TCAL. INC' Daniel i:. Hardin. F Reviewecl bY: /rl íi¿-,14- Stcverr L. Pawlak, P'E. DiiHlkgw attaclurents çc: f:igure I -. Location of Exploratory Pits ard Percolation I est liloles Iigurc 2 - Logs of ExPlotatcry Fits !-iþres 3 to 4 - 3rl'ç11*Çrrnsolidaiion Tost iìesults Figure 5 - ül'a<lation Tesl Rcsr¡its 't'otri. t - Sunrnrar¡" of Laboralorl"Test Results 'l able 2 - Pcrcr¡l¿rtion -i's'st Results Garnba Associatcs - Ätin; :Mike Gamba Jr.rb No.iÛ5 75fi e&5te¿n PIT a PIT t\ I t-\ Ë PIT 1 PIT 4 POND \ aa Yû AIPÌìOXIMATE SCALË 'l' : 1û0' PROPEBTY LINE +'o^ Y(", 'i1t PROflLF PIT¡ ^P3 ^P2 \ \ ^P1 Figure 1LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY PITS AND PERCOLATION TEST I-IOLES105 758 ,/. Ptï 2 PIT 3 Pll"4 PROFILË PiT PIT 1 0 rJ vr/c'-34.7 DI)=8ã -200:81 t.ô ûÐ=84 -20t-34 wC'-37.4 DD=ll4 -200:73 dioLL a û)ô 0) {t) l"i- I o-q) H -l )-4=71 - - -2OO=B I -.J à r-4.=64 -20c=-8 10 LËG3ND: ToPSoìL; sil:, sânciy, clâyeì', arg¡lnic' lirn':' molst' dark brown' SAI'iD ANID SILî {SL'i-M:}; inierlayerBd sandy s:lT snd sihy sanC' loose' nìÕi$t lc'very moist' 3r'ovrn' ffi þ L_- L, I GÊAVEL (GF-GM); sancly, slightly silty, with cobbles anci boulciers' dense 'wot' brorvn' rouncied rock' 2" Diameter hand d¡iven lirter sample' Disturr"'Jed Lrulk samPle. Free walêí level in pit at tirne of excavating' NOTES: 1.ExpìoralorypìtswereexcavatedonOctober14'2005v¡ithaÇat4168backhoe' 2.Locationsofexploratorypilsweremeesuredapprûximatelybypacing{romfeaturesshown0nihesiteplan síovided. 3. Ë.levalions of explofatory pits $/ere rrot rneasufed and the logs of exploratofy pits ar6 drawn to depth' 4. The expioratûry pit locations should be consideted accurate only to ihe degree implìed by the rrrethocÍ used' s. The lines belween materials shown on ihe expioraiory pit logs represeilt the âpproxiïnate boundaries beh"¡een rnaierial Spes and lransitions may be gradual' 6. \{ater level readings shÐwn cil the iogs were rnade írt tlË time and under the coruJition$ incicated' Fluciuations in waler ler¿el rr¡ay oocur with lime. 7. Laboratory Testing Resulls: WC : Water tonient (9å) DD : Dry Ðensity (Pcf) -4 - Percent retained on the No. 4 sieve -200 : Percent Passing No' 200 sieve 10 Figure 2LOGS OF ËXPLORA-TORY PII S't05 758 û 1 ro -.9(n o D. Êo {.J ö 3 4 5 6 0.1 1.0 f0 100 APPLI;D PRESSURE - ksi ci '1 2 òi <t, U} c) CL EtrJ .f 4 î 7 0.1 1.0 t0 100 APP'LËD PÊESSUËìE - kst l','loistu¡'e Content = 34'7 Ëry DensiiY : 85 Senple cf: SandY Silt Fronr: Pii I a-r 2.5 Feet perceni pcl No mor¡ement L¡pon*wetting I t ì ) Moislure Contenl : 3.1.0 Diy DonsilY : 84 Sarnple of : SiltY Sand From: Pit 2ai2Feel percent ilcf ) Compressior iJpon -wetling \I \, Figure 3SWÉLL-ÇONSOLIDP,TION TEST RËSULI-S105 758 tompressìon %<¡Õ*Jo(¡Þ(tGJÕ:Þ3Ut:tÎln'tJf,lr¡U}Cnftì^-_Ir!?ç<I *r< çf,J,-4Ø-JñU--l:^Ø!uo :¡.? !JEÍ?!Iinrl qo'<EU¿ II;+(Þ CrJ¡. :.r{¡ë "-\Õ(Dc)(D=/t-It1t\ rii=€ s)'-Y -l* J:qı@.otrïc-(Þ.Þrl)rrìi-rI()Zú-lãzmaI5f-11U)C1:.-1lnJUl{t(tìæ 'lh4I lì:AJINË9 U.S. STANII'JABI] SEFIIES ;L[AR $OI,AFìE CPFN;\G5 15 n1l¡J. F"'lMlf.l:4 þrll'1. 1 ¡!4iN. #20'¡ {l'lc *:rl rÍ16 +S :.\1 3i8 3.'4' | ;r¡' 3" br tì' {ì" 11 UJz-<Lr Lu E.þz UJ(\ tr L-Llâ- 1iì 2t) 4L\ cû $tt 'io 80 30 lcc g¡) ùl 7a Ë1 t¡1 4J tl 20 10 ! i5zñØ<-o- \, ul L] E. LLI CL .rs ,3m .îm l.ll â34 ¡,-'.t !.! .¡.5 l9.n sl,c iÈ2 ?r\ìM: .ft5 útÈ .üJ ¡:i -07/.tol .Lì}¿ tll.¡rlvlETER OF PÂRTCi-ÊS lN n/'llllll"'1EiÉtl$ ..'_ + 24 4b 0 il Ä\'li1:Ll G3AVËL 64 ?.ó LIQUIÛ LIMIT % SAN/PLE OF: Slightly Srlt¡r Sancly üravel 7 tifi 1ã [,llN. TIMË FÉÀrll,lG3 60r'Jlhll9í'llN.4 1 NltN- #?00 #100 âOan¡.Fs SATiD 28 % SILîANDCI.A\' 8 % PLASTICIry INDÉX ú/!p FROM: PiL 2 at 3 thru 3.5 Feet L..S. STANDAHD SlRIES CLÉ,AN SOUASE C'P;:NINOS 5"4', 8"fst #3r 'f 16 #B t4 Ariì' 3í4' 11!2' 3 1.)0 $ tù?(Ð Ç) 6,J Þ:-F,,r, 7-"-lrlr'l $ñ t- 30 ?o c) ¿^ Lxú. t'*.z LLIr.r il u_ {ti ?n 30 4{-t 50 bU 7ç 1ûC ',0 0 .ûr1 .0'J2 ûÜ9 Cog .L\? {¡37 .)î4 .1ir{-ì .3üO .aJ0 "+ ¿36 r'71 95,2..19'0 375 7t'2 1;i52' 2:J3 DlÀt.'lËlER OF P¡ïnICt r$ lN f',llll¡lvf irfËHs #..-t- ......|æ + -.È - CF:r Ìû:- j jr sO¡EL:3 SILTAND G!-AY 8 % FLASTIC¡TY INDEX % Fí{JM: Frofiie Pit ât 4 t¡ru 5 FeÈt GRAVËL 70 "/6 LIQUID LIMIT SAlr4PLi Oi::gi S/rND 22 % Gravel wrïn LoSulss Figuro 5GRADATION TËST RESUL'TS 1 05 758 HEPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTECHI\IICALi ItiC-TABLE 1SUMI{ARY OF LABORATORY TEST ITESULTSlob No. 1ü5 758SOIL LìF,BEDRCtrK]YFESandy siltSilty sand$lightly silty sandy gravelSanrty siltsilty sanrlycobLriesU¡ICONFiNEDCOMFREÈçTVE5TI¡,EN6T¡-ll.iQUlÐLTMÌTPL4STiCINDEXla¿ìlVo)PERCEMTPASSIN6N0. 200STEVEGRAVELSANDlvo)fÁ)8134Ii3I2B227it64NÀTURALDRYDENSITYlocfÌ8sE484N,ATURALI"ICJISTURECONTENI{o/c)34;',¡31.037.4PiTÐEPTH2r/zz3-3Y2/ìL4.-5t74Profile HÍPWORTH-PAWLAK GfOTËCil NIC¡\I, iNC' TABLË Z PËRCÛI.ATTTN TÊST RESU LTS lÕB NO. 105 758 HOLE NO.HÛLE TJEPTH (iNcl-lE5) LËNGT¡.IOF INTERVAI. iI{rN} WATER DËPTI.i AT START TF INTERVAL WATER. DËPTH AT END OF ]NTERVAL ÐROP TN WATER LEVEL (rNcHES) AVERA6E PTRCOLATTON RAiñ (M1r{.lINCH} LV+ 4tiq i 4 r/+ 1 5 ^ 1t^Vz 41h 4 YI 4 3Vz V¿ aVt 3 Vz P-2 35 i0 Waier added Þ 5 I 5 4V+3l* 6V+5V¿1 5V¿4 3/+1/t 4 3/+4 1/4 Yz 4 r/*3 \l+Vz 3 zle 3Ve Yz 5 0 5+ ) U 5+ 5 0 5+ 5 c 5+ 5 4th Vz 4 1/t 4 lz 4 3Vz l2 Note:Percolatit¡ntestholeswerehandduginthebotiomofbackhæpitsandsoakedon october l+, zo-oi. Þercolat¡on tests"werc conducted on octsber 15, 2005. The average percolåi¡on *t*t **tu based on the last three readings of each test' LegendUntitled Map Write â descriptbn for your map.