HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Retardant PaintFIRE RETARDANT PAINT LATEX INTUMESCENT COATING FLAT FINISH FR-210 lrr:;l-x Fr¡c fìÉjl.ìr{iarì{ f)¿l¡nl ¡s a hiqlì-quí¡litV lalex dtrorative' ¡llhlnli)sccrt. lir{r r{}1¡iirj¿lll coatilìq kx ¡nterior ceilìn!}s. walls ancJ lflnr llì¡s prodt!ùt ,)rÕvi{jcs a hrgh-hidrllo lat lirrish thÍ'ì1 retârds fl¿ìnì{ì s!}rea.i lly reai;lrrtçl l,J lìeal ;xld forrìì¡lìg ál ll¡ick cellul¿lr ch¿¡r bl;ìnkel (r¡ìlr1îìescencei i:ìy reductnq excessive heat penet'alion llris ,)foducl rel¡¡rls ilatt¡c sp.ead ¿ìlld lttirlinri¿es sn¡oke {Jorì.ifilli{}n ll rs st,ì1.ìlllg lor prinleti or ¡trtvìously ¡raittlerl wootl' ilr,¡"v;fl. r:clluli¡:¡r lilt. cLlred frlastei. nìasonry and nìetal ll r¡rplies lrke ¡¡ r:rrnvc¡ttion¿ll latex pallll. lolrr rn VOts alìd wash{)s wrih,,ul splttirrl; llirs pm'Jucl tnay ;:tlso l)e lopcoated w¡tlì a convr¡¡:l¡o:ral airyltr: painl wilhcut åffccting lhe lame spread r¿ir{lll tJse prorlucl wlìen surface telnperåtuies âre belween 50 'F (10 'C) ân{t 95'f- (35 'C)Fclr intelìor rtse on ¡lrinred or previortsly parìt{rd wr)od drywall' cellt:losc tlle. r:urr:d plaslet masclrry atld nlr:t¡l Colors - Standard Whrtr: IN5'X C¡lrt bL: lrrttctl with rr¡r lo 2 (ì.i r)f LJIìi!'ft;'ìl Cillol¿ìllls lnturÌl(]sccrtt produrjt Class "4" ìvherl tesled tll accord¿Itcn with ÂS'Ì'f.,l Ê8'i I t)t 72.1& AS'IÍ!1 [:ì7ti¡l - Tint Bases: /rpphes Ike ir rerlltlar pi!int Soap and w¿lllll .rlsflrlllll Lorv VOC N/A - SPecial Colors Conlact your dealcr. Certifications & Qualif ications: VOC compliant in all regu{ated areas llìe products sü¡r¡lodcd by llìì:' tj¿rl¿Ì slìecl c{Jlilaitì ;ì tlìa(Ìrìll rrìr {l 1;0 {I:ìrll5 per liier VOCiVOS i0 ¡12 lbs i!lal ) cxcludtnq w¡llel & ex{llrìpl solv¡:nl:; f lrrs ltrrtlLtcl ilì{l}tsì qu¡l,ll{riìtio! ìì lrlr ' t, O,. r',r'lr t'ttt¡r'r' I lr' l'1, rr"i [: Iv¡!.jnnÌar]1;ìl [ )Csrr ¡l t I pr t¡i:r:1>,:-< ;l Flal (,4).litrlil. Måster Pãinler lnstìlute MPI # tj4 UL(' Flam€ SPread Ratinq Cl¿ss "4". tcslcd over Dolrgl¿ìs Í¡r StnntlarrJ 1{} Mìnutc lost Reslllls ,ASTil4 TB4 i tJI.. Technical Data0 White Vtirir:le I y¡rr: Pi¡ntenl fYPcr 100% Acrylic Acrylic Co'PolYtner Vôìur¡ì{r Solids 48.5 Ì 1.Û'ro Covcragtl ¡.le r Gallotl ;tt lìcco¡¡¡r*:nde d Frlm I'ltickncss 150 Sq. Ft. .. Wel 10 7 mils Dry 5.2 mrls 10 manute burn class A rat¡ng: ASTM 884 I UL 723 vrith one coat appliecl al a sptead ratc of 150 squ'?re fe r:Uqallorr {10.7 nlils Wt:l15.? nrlls UFT) 30 minute burn class A råting: ASTM 82768 wilh two coats âfJpl¡etl at ã spread ratc of '1 50 stluare ft:el/gallon 1'10.1 mils WF f /5.2 nlils DFT) t,)epêrldrnq on sLlrlace lexlure) and poroslty Be sur(l to eslir¡late iii,.' rigl,t at¡¡ounl if pairlt lor the ¡ob Th¡s will r,nsÌrre colör ¡rlifrr¡ri1v ¿nrJ nllr¡nlize lhe disposal of Re¡;onlntetlded Filnr Tlrrckness ö ttxcr'ss ll;lttlt t:i,r¡ilrÌ !1,,"rt,- r :ìlì.'r¡il lnijri lirrii: x q .l1i l)r'y l'irrre A7l I' ¡25 {',) iti).5Û'r. Rli * lar¡!1.!¡g-e , -lq \4!l[!e-s To Reco¿rt 2 Hours Class "4": tesled over f)or-rglas fir. 30 Minute Exte¡rd€d T€st Res*lts Hrgh hunridity and corll lemperalures wßl result in longer cJry rer;oal and sr:rvice timeg. Drìes By Coalescence Viscosity s0* 105KU NiAI-lash Point Featu res General DescriPtion Recommended For Limitations Producl lnformation Technical Assistance: /r'.,ailal¡lr¡ tilrou!ìil yotla loc¿l¡ ¿llltlìurr/.¡{i llr{l.il){-.rì(ltlr'ìì {jfìill{lr f:or thrj l(r¡;.rlrorì of llr{) d{l¿tl!r. rl(:¿¡l':st v{}Ll. 'ì¡ìll 1 []fi'rì-/(itì !l1ll{} lr s¡:ll ..t..lrr¡ | (ìloss / Sltttt:rr Flat (<10 @ 85-i S¡rf irctt 'f ùtl-]l)r:t ålule al ApÞltcattort :M1n, , !q- i . . fvlax.s5 'F Thi¡ With D(] not I'hrn Clean Up,Thitrtter Wrxllht Per Gâllon Warnr SoaPY Water 11.5lbs Storal¡c TrlmPeralure '* Max Volatile 0rgånic ComPounds (VOC) 45 Gramslliler 0 37 I'hs.icållon tìel)ortuil Valu()s.lrc f()t \ llilt:. Corlidct de¿ìlel lor v¿ìlues ol {llhc¡ b.:}s.15 ll. (,t)lù¡5 - lvlir-¡.4qï 100 "F Fire Retardant Paint Latex Flat Finish FR-210 Surface Preparation Sr¡rl¡t,ûl [(¡ hü fiiì¡ntcrd nruit h(] cl*;rrr, clry ¡rrd fr¡r:.nl oil. grBirst', dust. rusl, nrrll scale. loose paint. cllalk ¿urrj otlìrir (;uttlatll¡tìanls tl!¡ìt t;oultj intcrfern¡ with ¡dhosion. Glossy surlaccs shoulti be tirrlleti try alx adrng the surface. Prevlously Palilted Surfaces: Nt; ¡rrinrer is tlot-xlt:tl t[ stltf;¡t;t.: is irt good conclition. Cl¡:an and sâtìd as rrerld{rrJ Ferrous Metal: Renlove loose rust anri mill scale with a grincler, !L:räl)er, wrre llruslr ur sarrtl¡ra¡ret, [1':tttLive oil ¿rì{l Urf:åst: ås necessary usjng an oil and groase errtulsifyrng cleaner. l-'rtnre bare spots wrlh melal primer. Wood/Orywall: Spot prinre patched and spaokled âreås w¡th lha rcconrmcncJe¡{ prrmcr trefore top-coâltng. WARNING! lf you scrape. satxi. or rt:nl<¡ve old pilinl. you ntay rdt;:¡sc lcatl clust. LEAD lS TOXIC. EXpOSURF- l'O LEAD DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS. SUCI.I A5; BIìAIN DAI4AGE. ESPËCIAI.,LY IN CHILDREN, PREGNANT' WOMÊN SIIOULT] ALSO AVOID EXPOSURË. Wear a NIOSH approvcd resprrator to conlrol lead exposurc. Clcan up careftllly with a HÊPA vacuum atrd a wet mop. Belore you slarl, f¡ncl out how to prolect yourscll ¿ìntl your family by contacting the National Lead lnfornratiorral Hotline ¡rl 1-800-424-LEAD or log on to wurY".!i.lli'r.!l-Qv;l(;.r(l . Application Stir llrts prtrduul llrutuu!Jltly l;tlott': t¡sc C)lli:t: stirre<J. lnsl-x lirc RÈlardarlt Painl is rearly lo use. Do not ¡noorporate any arlditivol; rnto thrs product. Do Íìol apdy ll sttrface or ¿lir t()rrìper¿¡ttlttls ¿lr{ì below 50'F or abovc fl5 'f:' Brush: Syntlrelic Uristle ônly Roller: 3lB to 112 Nap Synlhctic Roller Airless Spray: Flttkl Pressure '. 1l;0t) to 2500 ps¡ 'l-ip Si¿e - .013 tt.i .017 Clean Up Cl¡¡¡n ¡ll nqril¡mnnl rmmcrJit¡tc.ly íìflcr [¡9c wilh sonn nnrJ wnlr]r Spr;ly equiprtenl should be ç¡rven a f¡nâl rinsc wilh ntineral spirits tt-r pr <.'vertt corroston Environmental Health & Safety lnformation Danqer May damage ferlility or the unborn child Prcvcntion: Ublarn spocial tnstrt¡ctions tlefor¿ uso Dô n01 hâÌìdl€ until all safety precautions have heen read and L¡nderstood Use personal prolective equ¡pment as requrred. Response: lF exposed or concerned: Get nledical ädvice/âttention. Sloragt: Str:re lrrcked ttlr. Oisposal: Dispost-' of itÕnlerlls;cotllaìner to ân ¿ìpprovêcJ waste disposaì plant  *o**,no: Cancer and Rr:protluctive l'iarnr- !,'r',þ !ìtìlì!n,;ir ìir.ì!'i rrì l]t]\/ Th¡s (lu)unìont represents hazards ol lhe product referenccd above. lìeler to lhe indivtdual Safety Ûata Sheet for haz¿lrds of the s¡rrx;ifrc product you wilì lle rrstrtg. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN PROTECT FROIIi FREEZING Refer to Safety Data Sheet for additional health anit safety information. B{li i08.tì180 ì:r.ì; i, iìj¡,rrr:¡ìiiìrrt';.,' Iri;rrrì-r ft4/2