HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Regarding Parking RequirementsGurfield Coun$ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT Community I)evelopment Department MEMORANDUM Colleen Wirth, Plans Examiner Glenn Hartmann, Principal Planner 3t11t22 Planning notes on Lot I St. Finnbar Building Permit & Site Plan Please include the following notes on your review set for the Lot 8 Site Plan. Please contact me with any questions or clarifications. Thanks. Glenn Hartmann Principal Planner PLEASE SEE ATTACHED EXCERPT FROM sr F r N N tîHrËlllrr NARY P LAN PLANNING NOTES: r Off-street parking needs to be located within the building envelope. Proposed guest parking areas adjacent to wetlands areas outside of the building envelope need to be removed. ¡ Driveways providing access to the building envelope need to maintain as much separation from wetlands areas as possible and shall be limited to L2 ft. width where located outside the building envelope. ûEHERåI O€$CRlPllOl'¡ OF PROPOSEÞ tE\t€LOFlt€'NT Tht El ¡çrú S¡(Gtch Pl¡n p.!8aaãt 13 lrr€l¡ tlñny 1ÐÐ rðrtq¡ng ¡n ¡l¿â frorn t'¡vo ¡arÈt lo thidcGn acrs¡. Only *" lot o'opt bcÑ tnruc ¿¡c-¡üt rn $¿c Thc propct he¡ ¡ gro€a rcr¡dffrir¡ dcnüty ol 6 SS *f; pJid,^,€tlrng unrr At tht ruggtâÈon oi lhc fTl'E rnd Zonrg Corrttr¡sr c"^öñå ståt-À Ët¡n rcn¡iø¡' ¡1ç fpptrcant h¡¡ orovrdcd .düqurb cil¡dlitÛ o{ $t 'Ç; å¡r*cc ¡ø lv¡ttr ñght¡ proþction to rcconñod¡t-' æcætory dwr|l¡rï ,nru m-iriîn |o{r r,rr,rret-*tc m¡n,-ufiì r¡¿r rÊqurfrtnrnt3 fr'r sccsr¡üy uni!¡. ¡r ¡r nO tffiäi"J u,.,i *ãr of ôGtü lott vtould åpply la G¡r6äld tounty br ül acç.*¡o.Y uFit. Thç rnin ¡øl¡ rq¿d tst. Fi¡nbs ofù.} û þçrud tc provrdc g00d ¡¡tc d¡3ùrûcr sþng Cü¡flty Rûtd 'lüt ¡nrl r* ü* ¡tt wry if*ro*¡gtt tbc.rþ¡ting cotloovúood¡ 'nd po.rdÈror. prnâ¡. ü ,. ,.,,njIJJ Jl t"r-otl"* thål i¡ tl'ghtlv o.lc{ l '000 rtÇl in hn¡rrh 400 bciltng", r,"i iñ" *t.lntyd"ttgn tccorflm'ndstio¡ fi¡¡ ¡rllr lêngth r¡ oortpalurlcd lor by sn ov¡r tt¡cd cu¡-dc'¡¡c r¡drr¡¡ {70 fod R O W } and ¡n !r?Ërge{!cl *""r" t.."rtJä;;;;b *th teuntv Ro¡d 100. TltG ovcr¡i:Gd cul' cta-Hc rHs* grolaglcrtey våltrçL* tÊ fêêly ltr¡Ítst¡Ylr iror¡no tt¡e e¡l-dc-¡ac' The ¡ll¡¡nrtiv¡ þtni¡ dä¡gn Ãdb";i*Pittg rqa'ð tlr{ u¡ocld rærdt ¡n grËet€r ¡itË drrrsfà¡neG. ö..cıfrd i"r.;;;;;;;-ç;;rity Rc¡O 10Õ ard ¿dded ry¡¡intanN&çG 6o*t¡ fêr tht honË ornnqÉ. La{r S ihru;¡h !3 hrvc ätråldin¡ ¡ttâÛ lqltri ¡f'.Ôpll'¡c¡dee'ü *nd ñcld¡ Buildiq i¡rå,i fs Lðt¡ 1 thrêugh * "r" "äi¡¿. al the lielda ¡n rrae¡ rviln grÇ¡ter lrGt co'¿'f silå drs4n gu¡dallner rur¡onzeo by h6 proLcùvo tot"t'rñtt *tll d;êcr thl prartrvllron o{ uÊi¡ Ðnd vs9çlËt¡an ,*,uoîg ilJ -*ttqottg lt""t,tlt do nd pÛrê e lrtÊtf hlz¡ttt Âtl b*rldrn scv¡lcAc¡ .'*-#"i"c "'¡¡ide oiwçil¡ndË âÞd ssttidÊ d lhc 10t Yc¡r Floûdpl¡in Pletlad bundinfıA"pt" onæh.*:1t*** otl buildhgr both r€ridtnüe¡ .fld .criculhrr¡{ lvçrrf¡c á'oi "n "å" an ÊÈtt br}t fËÊrt¡ent onty 1't parcËtll o{ ñË ttts¡ srte. Lot¡ 5 througlr lt "nilã'l¡ lt"w adcquate riÀ r* paituru aË' lq bç ¡ltot¡¡c'd I tt{*¡tad n¡¡.!ùef .f nor¡.o-iü cnttp"iù¡. iiui.tot All ùtrilcliaq cnriclopco cr* *4 betft rpponnffilv 20 to:ð'åiîo-*üt" deñned ¡vstl¡nd Êdf ? åtturË t:.-¡ ñ[iä¡i;;;¡;*åøan¡¡ -ntJ ucsúnu 'd9'' *-vcn'ñed bv the corp* wlr tu'Y'v ¡æ,âtåd tuc*! lh¡l ¡t c¿n ú tJni*á ro"utat-tcty i{ rroc**rary dufng dct{n or cgÊrtruçlion Ûl ¡ l¡o¡tr' ltiuch ol iha v¡lua of ülÊ propêfty l¡c¡ in itt v€gãlellon' lr¡lefl¡âvr rn! wjlilifa,- Ïc ¡llsw Ell rËridrnt¡ þ tuni;iiË;ihll; qut¡lnei ! lartc -irÊå o!th6 1ttÊ'-3Ï3:.:1 bl¡nltc{cd ütñ r conurÉn utr opc^ ÉÞÐc! rô!ôÍËnì- Only nrntm¡l n¡tunhc}c truil¡ ¡rc sñr*cipttcd ,",n #"-ffii iä- ép".rtr r*t'e#i*ettr gude,r'l includcd in !h. ptqrrdivG "*ro.,,."J¡lJi*ä ni p*itrv*tion ol tãa Fre¡ãnt qu¡!¡tlc¡ of thls ¡re¡ Thc êhmanrtqì Or¡¡rng trom th€ comßìoî.u¡! ea¡emêûÎ erü¡ Ynll allgw thc n¿turd Fvitål¡¿rt¡or ot tË¡c'an¡ec Thr pfo¡r(ár dìt¡a*"r ro ttì. prüçfvâtioñ ol rh€ rtrÊ ir rpllçdçd ," *Ëåîilt gû Jäi*ur,t'" iiu '** n¡!¡dldlþÊrrcr,¡¡d ;Ì