HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubsoil Study & Perc. TestO8/O?/ÛT O8;ll FÀX S70 Ð{ı 6585 CANYON HONDA HrpwoRrH-fiwurr< GeorEcHwlcAL, INc.slIl0 Rod 15{ Gl¡nwood Sprlngr, CÔ 8ttôl Desclnbcr 6, 1996 f¡t 9?0 ll5-8{5{ Pho¡r î7O 915.4080 MÍkÊ Bodrogi 172 Orcbard I¡¡r Glcnwood Springs, Colotado 81601 Subjcct: Sub¡oit Study for Foundation Designand-Porcglation Testing,,Proposcd- Residence, tot 37, Wcstbart Meea, Garficld County' Colo¡ado @oz I Job No. 196 584 Dcar Mr. Bodrogi: Ae requesæd, Hq¡crotth.Pawl¡k Geotechnical, Inc, pcrformed a ¡ubsoil efi¡dy and pËroolãtion tceiing for foundetlon end scptic disptr¡at sysfcm deeigûs a! the nrbjcct sitc. Tte sq¡dy wrs conductd in accordance with or¡r agr€ement for gooæchnical üUi¡ceri¡S ærviccs to yot¡ datcd Novenúer 13, 1996, Tlp data obt¿itpd ard our rccom¡ueøetion¡ based on the proposed construct¡on end $¡bsurftce conditions enconnærcd arc presented in thís rÊport. Assessment of potential geologie lazard impact¡ on the eite üË beyond the scope of this sh¡dy. hopooe¿ Coüstruction: The pfopoa€d rcsidcnpc will be a single story split hvcl sfiücn¡re ovef s çrswlspacê lıc¡tcd on fbc siæ as drown on Fig. 1. ltlé foundation will bc etcppcd to llmit cuß into rhe bill¡ldc. Garagc floor willbc slaÞon-grade. Cut d.pt¡i äre expccred ûo be up to åbout l0 fcct. For¡ndation loadiqgs fo¡ this true of corstr¡ction uc ¡¡s¡med to be reletively ligbt. If buildfuU conditions or foundedon loadiqgs a¡c sigÃificantly different from thoee dcscríbed ¿Uovc, sre should be notified to rccv¡luate the recommendatíons proeented in this report. Stte Conditlon¡: Ttc sitc wa¡ vacent ¡rd coverod with abot¡t 6 inchcs of snow at fhe timc of our initirt field work on Novembcr 18. 1996. A tn¿lùoe h¡d to bc used to compleæ tlre field work duc to ¡çcccs ptoblems carr¡ed by ths $now. 'fÏc ground surficê in thc buitding a¡ca is strongty etopi¡U dowu to thc nortbe¡st at r grrde of about 3O% with ebout t5 to 20 feet of elevation diffeænce. A n¡tural drainagc about I feet decp is locetcd tg the southc¡st of thc proposcd residênce. The ro¡d cut fof Htæbinger Drivc locatcd along tlc northeastcrn sids of thc lot is bctween 6 atd 10 feet high. Vcgctation consists of bruslr and æancrcdiunipcr tire¡ss ecfoss tlrc site. Subsurfrcr Condlttons: The n¡bsurfscc conditions at the cite wcre evaluatcd by excavating two exptoratory pit¡ in thc propod building aqga and a profile pit-in thc se,ptie diıosal rnå ¡t ttre epproxim¡æ locatíono ohown oa Fig. t. The toge of the piæ are presented on Fig. 2. The subsoils Ëtrcounûered, below abolt rtt tß lrâ fect of ropsbil, consist of low dc¡uity eand and clay with scstt€rcd gravel. !,esults of swell- coruolidatíon tcsting pcrformed on relativcly undistu¡bcd semplee of thc clay soils, prcsented on Fþa. 3 and 4, indicatc low complescibtftry uqdcr cxisting mgisture ãonditions and light loedi4g and a lou' to rclativoly þu;h collapse pot€ntial (scttlcmcnt undcr constant load) when wetted. Itre samplcs showed modercæ to high .o;8ta?/97 o8:{l FÂx s7o 9{ã 658ı CANYON HOh'DA Mlkc Bodrogt Dccanber 6, 1996 PageZ comprcssibility upon additionel toâdrtrg rñer wcüing. No ftcc $r¡ter uns observed in the pifs at thc time of exc¡v¿tion anrl the ¡oils werc slightty moist to moist. I'ound¡tlon Recommend¡tlons: The nan¡ral eoils are relatively low densíty ard moderately to highly coppressible under light load¡ng when wetted. Consklering tlte zubsoil conditions errc¡ounûer€d in thc cxploratory pits and tlp naturc of the Þroposed construction, qread footi4gs plaocd on the undieturbed ¡atr¡¡el eoil can be used for s¡pport of the proposed rcsidence with some risk of post-corsruction ¡ettlement and distress to tho buildigg. Thc magninde of settlement will depend on tlp depth and extent of any wettiqg bclow the foundetion ¡nd could be on tlp ordcr of I to 2 fu¡ches. $pread footings should bc desigræd for an alloweble soil bcaring precsurc of I,000 psf end have e minimum width of 20 inchcs for contiuuou¡ wells and 2 fæt for columns. Loose anrl disturbcd eolls cncounrcrod at the foundation bcsring level ¡ho¡¡ld be ¡emoved ard the exposed subgrade moistenod ond compacted. Extcrior footiqgs should bc providcd wiih adequarc cover abovc their bca¡ing clevations for froet proûection. Plicement of footings at least 36 incåes below the exterior grade is tlpically usêd in this o¡ea. Continuous found¡tion walle should be heavily reinforced top and bonom to limit the effects of poæntiel diffsrentiel settlement and to span local anomelie¡ euch as by asnrming an unzupportod lenglh of et leest 14 fæt. Tbe foundetion úould be consüucted in a 'box-[ike' configuration rather then with isoleted pads ûo ñrther help lirtrit thc effects of differential ættlement. Foundation walls acti¡lg as rctâin¡ng strußüres should be designed to resist a leteral eartb pressrrre baeed on an eqrrivalent ftuid unit weigbt of at least 50 pcf for tlre on-site soil as backf¡ll. Floor Slebg: The netural on-site eoils, exch¡sive of ûopsoil, erc suiteble to $rpport liebily loeded etab-on-grrdc constructiotr" Tlte low de¡sity soils encountcred tend to cotlapse when wetted, which could result in slsb distress. To reduce the eftbcrs of some rlifferential movÊment, floor slabs should bc separated ftom dl bearing walls atd colurnns wÍth expansion joÍnts wbich ellow uûresEainÊd vertical movement. Floor slab control joints drould be used ¡o rduce damege dræ to shrinkrgs cf¡gliry. '¡Tê, requircments for joint spaciug ¡nd slab rcinforcement should be cstablisheci . -* the deÀigner bascd on cxpcrience ånd tbe irtended sleb usê. A minimum 4 Ínch iayer of frce-¿ra¡nirU gravel should be placcd beûeâth cl¡bs ùo facilitatc draÍnage. This msterial should con¡ietof minrs 2 insh eggregste with less thm 50%' passíng the No. 4 sieve and less thsr-Z# passing the No. 200 sieve. A¡ filt mrrerials for ¡mpgort of floor slabs ¡hor¡ld be cornpactd to at least 95* of maximum stardard hoc"tor density ¡t a moish¡re contcnt rËar optimum. Requ¡red ftlt c¡n consist of ttre on-eitc soils devoid of vcgctation, topsoil ¡nd oversizcd rock. Underdrrln Slstem: Although free weter l[r¡s Dot encountered during our exploration, it has been 6r¡r experience in the aree that local perched grourdweter may develop drrring times of lrearry precipitåtion or season¡l runoff. Ffozen ground during epring runoff can üeffe a perched crrdition. We recommend below-grade constnrction, such @o¡ H-P GEOÎECH rO!,¡O7.rO7 08!11 FrX O?O gl8 8585 CTNT'ON HONDÀ Mlkê Bodrogi Dccembe¡ 6, lW6 Page 3 âs r€t¡ining srålls ¡nd creu,lspace eltts, be protectd fiom wettiqg and [ydrostrtic presstre htildup by rnundednln system. The draÍ¡u rhor¡ld consist of draÍnpipe placed in thc bonom of the w¿ll b¡cldrll surmurded above thc invcrt level with free-draining gra¡ulrr mstêrial. The drain drould be pl¡ced at each level of exc¡vafion a¡d at least I foot below lowest adjacent finish gnde rud eloped at â minimuml* to a suiable ggavity outlet. Freedreining granrlar måteriel useil in tlp underdrain s¡rsæm should contain less th¡n 2% paesing the No. Zfi) sicve, le¡s than 50% passiqg thc No. 4 sieve and have e maximum size of 2 incbcs. The dr¡ín gravel baclfill should be ¡t leas llt fødeep. An ir4pervious membrano such ss ã) mil PVC cbould bc placd bencaü ûe dra¡n gravel in a troug shape and ¡ttachcd to the foundetion w¡ll with m¡stic to prevent wefiiog of tbe beari¡g soils. Su¡face Dralnege: The followiqg drainrgo prpcaution¡ should be obscrvcd during congtructíon and meintainsd at all tines after the residence has been completed:f) Inundr$on of the foundetion excradons end undersl¿b ereâs should be evoided dt¡rÍng constnrction.2,) Exærior beclfill should be ¡djusted to rner optimum moisture ¡nd compacted to at least 95% of thc marimum smnd¿rd Proctor density in Davcrncn¡ and stab a¡cas and to at le¿st 90% of the m¡xim¡¡m standard Proctor dÊns¡ty in landscepe are¡c. Frec-draining wall baclf,¡ll ehould be coppÊd with about 2fiæi of ths on-sile, finsr graded ¡oile to reúrce er¡rface $rater infilü¡tion.3) fire ground n¡rfacc zunouding the exterior of the building should be eloped to dn¡n awey from the foundation ín ¡ll dircctiors. Wc recommend ¡ rninirRum slope of 12 inches in the ftrst l0 foet in unpaved areas ad e minimr¡m elope of 3 ine.hs in tho f¡rst l0 feet inpayement and walkway arç¡rs. A ¡wale will be ffidd uphill to dircct ¡urfacc runoff ¡rourd the residercc. . .4) Roof dorrmrpouts and dmins slrould díschargc well boyond the limits of ¡ll bacltr¡ll.5) taulecaping whic.h rcquircs regular hcary irrigation should bc loc¡tcd at leest 10 feet from thc buildirU. Conskþretion should be given to thÊ use of xericc¡pc to hÊÞ lin¡t tbÊ risk of wetti4¡thc bcering soils. pcrcol¡don Teslngl The ¡esultÊ of percolstion te*¡ conducæd at the site are presented in Table n. fhe æit locations are sho\rrn on Fig. I and the log of ths profile pit is shoum on Fig. 2. A percota,tion ¡ate of about 9 to t0 minr¡tes per inch was mÊasured. Brsgd on our fi¡di¡gs and acoordi4g to thÊ ¡oil¡ eocountcred, üe testÊd are¡ should be suit¡ble for a convention¡l infrlüNtioû seÞtie disposal systcm. The meast¡rod percoletion rate ¡ppeers higher than grpically fomd in frnp-g¡ti¡Êd soils ¡nd ¡ ¡lower flte should probeUty be unpd for design. The desi¡n shor¡ld considcr thc stcêply elopi¡U ærrain. Eùo,t H+ G¡EOÍÉCH .O8/O7/57 08¡{1 FitX 9?û 9{5 8ô85 CANYON IIONDA Mite Bodrogi Dcccmber 6, 1996 Page 4 Ilmlt¡don¡: This rspoft ha¡ beenprep¡rcd in accord¡nce with genenlly ecoept€d geotechnicel erçineerir¡g principlæ and practices in thi¡ arç¡ et tbi6 tirne. ïVe make rrc other warrenty eithererçrcsecd or implied. fin conclusions fld recom¡ne¡dation¡ zubmitted in üis report are basd upon the daÞ obtåincd ftom the eraloratory pits excav¡ted ¡t the loc¡tions indicatod on Fig. I, lhe propoced type of constn¡ction, ånd or e¡perieræe in ttre e¡ea. Our findings include inærpolation and exnrpolstion of the zub¡urface co¡ditions üentifrd rt ahÊ cxploratory pite ¡od v¡riatíons in the subs¡rface conditions Eey Dot become evident until excavation is performed. If condition¡ cûcqr¡ntêr€d durlqg construction cpgesr differe¡t fro'¡r thosc deecribcd in thts rÊport, we strould be notified at once eo rc+vrlu¡tion of the recommêndåtions mry be made. Thc site Ís underlein by the E¡gte Valley Evrporiæ whiÞh is prone to developing volds sod sínkholes. Eveluation of the potent¡¿l for ñ¡n¡re zubsidencc due to dissolution of the bcdroct is beyond the ecopc of this sa¡dy. This report hes beenpreparod for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. tr/e are not responsible for technicel in¡erprcaüons by othcrs of otx inform¡tion. As tbe project evolves, we should províde contin¡cd consultstion and field scrvicce duritg eonstnrction to revþn¡ end monitor the implernentation of our recontmend¡tíons, a¡rd to veriff th¡t tho ¡cconme¡dotions hsve been appropriately interpreted. Sign¡fiomt desi¿n chaqges måy roquire additionrl an¡lysie or modificetions to the recommendåtions presenæ¿ herein. We recommend on+iæ obeervetion of excav¡tions ¡nd fo¡utd¡tion bearing stmta md te.sting of structural fitl by e repe3entative of the geotec,hnical cnglnccr, If you bave any questione or if we måy be of ñrtber assiotance, please call our offrcc. Sincedy, . PAIPI.AK INC. fi .;if,¡ Jordy Ir.. P 29'TA7 F By ¿r,.L Sæven L. Pawlak,P.E. IZ/Uktn¡tk aüachmeNrls cc: Gierd Homes, Inc. - Atttr Icff G¡ard @os I{.P GÊOTECH O3/O7/97 08:¿lt FAI' 970 045 668S CÀNÏON TIONDA Eì oo \ I ¡t tT ,ftP \$ rrlo 1', I I o\ PI PAA PROFII¡Prf \ I I fI I \ o/J - BU[-Ott{G ENVEt.OPE J/Iùf t 2PIT pra I ut úo t ulD ä PMFOSEO ngsDEI¡CË \ 1P \ )I I î \ I I \ \ J I ( \*r 37 I \ 1 \tf / ) \ro L \ \\ I" ), rol âFFROXü|AÎE SCÅrf ltt = 60l I I 196 58/0 F{EPI'VORTH. PAWI.AK GËOTECHNICAL INC, tocAlþil oF ExPl.oi¡lronv Plls ANO PERCOLATIOI{ 1E31 H(r€S Ftr. I ot/o7/g? 08:{l FAX 9?0 9{5 658ı CANTON ¡IONDA 0ùoz 1 PIT I 116¿. = 6û8O PTT 2 Elglr. - 6270 PROFILE PIT Êlw.=6,2lt[ o o 55 F Istl- E lÂf'- t3 .iü-lll l¡lfC - l0.f DD-tll W-dt DD-el l{G-&6 DD-00{il- &2 $ I .rE GLoô 10 t0 YllC -Ë.e DD -å2.2ù0-lt/ TOFSOI¡ ctayry t'¡tty sârid. o$sn¡cô. loossto modium dcnse, mo¡¡ù dark reddl¡h brorrn- clÁy AND SAND (cL-sch siltv, Scattered gfevst. oocaslonal eobblt, ¡tlff, loo¡e to mcdium densô' slighrly mo¡3t tight reddish blown ¡liohüy poroüs and a¡lc¡roose. tngu¡8r silt$tone/sand¡tonc ü¡agmenæ. CiLAy(CU; cllty, candv, stiff. sli¡htly rno¡st" r€ddish brown, sl¡ghtlyto mod€rstoly porout, slightly to modgr¡têÌy GôlcsËdls. þ DD - Dry Density þcfl -200 - Percent pæsing No' 200 8íd'â' LEGEND: n L:D¡strrbod bulk eamPle-? Diametor hsnd ddwn liner sample. NOTES: I . E¡rplotôtory plþ w6re o(Garatd on Norrombcr f I and 21, tgg6 wlth a brckhoe' 2- Locations of oetorstory plæ $r€16 measurêd approximrt€V by pacing hom foaturcs shown on the site plan Provided. 3. Elerrationô of ãplorìrtory pfrc r¡ræra obtatnâd by lntelpolation bèñt Ëon contouns on the site plan provided.- ;t d ¿úlrc¿ Un¡nstãme¡rt iq1rtt. Logs of o<pior¡tory plts are druwn to depth' ¡r. Thc exploretory pit locetione ¡nd ela¿tlons slrould bc consftlelsd eccurâtc only to üo dtgree implied bythe mdtmd usad. 6. The linee bctlr,gen m¡tedats show'r on the orplontoryplt logs rep¡¡eent the tpp?oximete bound¡ñes btttÆ¡ fnãtodal tïtpss tnd tf¡ltsltions mry þe 0ndurl. 0. No frco ¡rator $fas cncouritef.d ln ttrs pite ü üo tftne of exCafitng. Fluctr¡adons ¡n utatar lÊìtol mw occ¡¡rwith tlme' 7. t¡bo¡story Testlttg ResulF: WC: WatcrContcnt(%l ¿, Fls. 2LOGS OF É(PLORATORYPITS}.IEFt'VORÎH. PAWLAK GEOTECI{N|GAL. lNC.196684 O3/O7/57 08:ll FAI 970 Ð15 6585 CANI'ON UONDA Boo a Molst¡re Content - 1Ol percont DryUnhìlllcight = 95 Pcf SampÞsf: SandySihyClrv From: Pit I at 7 fecr -t I _Comprorobnupon wciitlnoII \\ \ \ \() to 4 5 o s c .EU'ûg o. Êo() 2 3 t r00r.0o.1 Fls. 3SI/IJELL - CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTSI{EPWORTH - PA\M-AK GEOTECHNICAL, ¡NC.196684 OS/O?/97 08:11 FAX 9?0 915 8585 CÀNYO¡i HONDA Bos a 0.1 t.0 t0 100 npPLlEÞpBESgUßE:bf = o * G C¡ 6 üo. E6 2 3 4 5 6 I I 10 t1 12 13 t4 7 1 Mol¡¡turc Goment - 4.1 poroent DryUnttìltreight = gl pcf S¿mpla ol: Sanóv SilV Clry From: P¡t 2 st 2 fest ) €ompra¡¡lon upon vvetli¡a.tr- \ \ \ I \ \ \ I I t \ \ t () 196684 HEP1,\/ORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL INC. Fig. 4$,I'E[I-. CIONSOUDANON TES}T RESULTS HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHIIICAL, n¡c.TABLE ISUMMARY OF IABORATORY TEST RESULTSJoB No. 196 584è-gtc\¡aÞ{o!î!t.r,n€{êorb(¡a(rlÞ(rlozozozÞFc¡sandy sw claystndy siky claysendy ¡ilty claysand and clrysand and claylotctæf ?TtttmolñrEq*HvttÎËmsr¡rt¡¡ßFqü¡llrfn¡ilrrrrr.urDI.TTl*ta24367ræElÎ2tûtrEþ.2ClãEttþfit¡ftfi¡rE*DßÎü9092Io95mrtElto5glftåÎñt4.18.58310.15.9t¡Îtßlmm¡*qrlãrfi't024to 41h7r1!tüm2Itr;lÊþûffinÈ1IIIIIIITIIIIIIII . .O8/O7IA7 0E141 FÂX S?0 0{5 85tı CANTON trOhÐA 6rr I{EPWORTI{-PAWIAK OEOTECI{NICAL, INC. TABLE II PERCOTATIO]II ÎEST BESULÎS JOB ¡{O. 196 684 percolillon ¡¡t hob¡ wore h¡nd dug in tlrc bottðm of brckhoc Þltr ¡tìd rorked on Nornmblr 21. te08. Tsrt holsr w6rt oovstêd to Êrotect agålnct frcc¡lng ovêtnlght. Pcrcol¡tlm ta¡t$ wcfÊ cor¡dust¡d on lrtov¡mb¡t 22, 19e6. a HôLÊ tlo.¡IOL¡ DEPTII 0ltlaHE8l 1rNOT¡I OF IiTTERì/AI ûilNl WATER D,EPÌI{ AT 8TAñTOf IITITERVAT {htcN{E8t WATTN DEPÎII AT EilD OF IIIIÎERVAL flilc]tE8l DROP tr{ WÁTCN TEI'EI íitcftÊgr AìÆRAllE PENOOLATION RAÏE Iti¡t{.tñtcH} 'l 17 tIZ 16 ¡cfllld roflllcd e t ll4 I g¡1 g ? lt4 6 3r4 7112 71 1n e 3r¡l 13ra Ð ttl a I 3r¿r I 81n 1112 11 ln 0 3r4 t ?t4 I3r¡1 a 1?t4 3 8114 1 3r4 2 61112 IE ratllad r¿lllhd 9 ut2 I t 1t2 to I a1p 11t2 l1 s 1t2 1 112 o rr2 I 11t2 I B ltz t ltz lt su2 I 1t,, g 1tz t 1112 I 61t2 17 2 I 80 trz t6 ¡¡lUrd ¡ellllcd lo 1n Ð 7 7t2 to g 7ltz 7 7t2 121t2 t1 1112 tt s rI2 1tn gln a 1 1t2 It silz 1ltz )In ô 1712 a 8lta I lt2 l{otc: HEHiÍORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, ¡Hc.TABLE ISUMMARY OF TABORATORY TEST RESULTSèÊtc{to{ê3r¡Tl'/l€{a,È(rlo)Ê¡loatJOB No. 196 584oÞzozC>z17Ecsand and claysandy sW claytot cæctfir:send and claysrndy siltV claysandy siþ claytmffiÊoo;ß¡úttfHmF'i.úræFqft¡lìrtffit[rtrûrDr.ffi(¡t824367fæglln¡¡arBþ-æwÊ$mtflt*lGrvt"*o fs91909592TA|Ißotro5slffco8310.¡Tttffisfttrcüíftrt*ùIDpnlÍrr!4to 4'!L71122Ëlt$TTCþGÍfilIIIIIIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII a A8/A7/57 08:ll FAI 970 9{5 6ı85 CANI'ON IONDA Boa a Mol¡t¡re Content r lo.l pôfccnt DryUnhWaight = 95 pcl Samplc sf; $ndv Sltty Clrv From: Plt t at 7 foat +þF- -Comprcoeionupon ¡¡unûtIna \\ \ \ \(I fiPP¡¡gP PßESSURE'ksf-t o.1 1.O to t00 sc2.cIo Þ3ocr 4 þ a o t 196684 HEFI^/ORTH - PAW.AK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. S,I,EIL . @NSOLIDATION TEST RESUL11S Fls. 3 Ag/O?tS? O8:{1 FAX 070 915 6585 CANYO¡i HONDA @os a 0.1 t.0 t0 100 APPLIED PßESSURE.K¡f o * Gô lD E.L Éô(t 3 4 5 I I 2 7 l3 t4 1 10 t2 t1 Mo'rsturcGonrcm = 4.1 pcroent DyUnitWeþht - 9l Þc{ Sample ol: Sanúy SilV Cl¡y From: Pit2stzfðst €omprcealon upon rr¡atllarr 3- ) \ \ \ I \ \ I ) L \ '! t \ () ts684 HEFV\'ORTH.PAWIÁK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. $,I'E[T- - CONSOUDATION TEST RESULTS FiO. 4