HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlat Noteso{$ce File frtder 0t^w-0L-27-2e43 ff.åLilÊ¡ES tþ ç4r*rodo ¡Ê É Ïû{il- lÞ..Fðlrñ" 5{s!rr plrtuanl t{¡ S,F."* 35-J-füt, c1 ¡¡q, I-¡¡doma4 r¡¡ldltll¡ cld ri¡llor¡ rn¡¡r! hr prrpo¡rd lg lf*l lt¡r ssladt¡c& ülÍliti, tür¡ndr ûid ri¡ntllü üf çe.lïrld Êountyr og¡¡*¡lturd oprsllcn¡ r,o r¡o¡¡¡ol ¡nd ¡rçæ.y'¡ry,*t rt n¡n¡ L f çûurrlt úftfr r¡ ¡þr¡¡il iuiu¡ Fhiü{tlç ,und r hr,alt}r¡ rrrohfng trclar. tll ¡nu¡l tr g¡süãd t¡ ¡nc¡rrtl¡rnd¡r* qdor, ¡f*¡tlt rfi¡ú, dÉt üfioål e¡¡.ry*¡t* øoefrhr¡ m p+¡btic roodq ll',r¡lock *r Fr¡btlb ruud+ ¡{*ogç o¡d dblnr¡l sl ,r't{tdrJ¡. g|d thr û¡Flhnlíer¡ b¡ ry¡*¡e¡f ür åñhf*!hú ol th*rntgol tÊrlllkrrÊ, ¡ut r¡vr¡*r*rrmt+ h'lùicfdq and prrlhldbc, oEJ¡ snÈ .ûr ,ïF¡f Ëf ïñ¡*ù fl!ry qülu¡¡lTy rioã¡r {r c Êor{ r{ s lrgd ûûd nar-nrgllürot ag¡h{,llúrd ¡rrrdf¡n¡. 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F] !{o qptr} tr¡o¡iù ¡ol¡d-fud fr.lplffia* ril åc alhrld Elr!.r*ir*rþ rtihh llr¡ tùbdll,ùtúr¡. ûnc {lJ ner adlût-fud'ùurnln¡ riom or dr;4ald h¡ Ë"S.5, t$-P-.l0l¡ l{. lar,, ond rcçrh{irr: promrlgutcd tåcror¡¡rdr, Ttll bç ûllc'rtrd ln ,on¡ dr¡tlh! lrnll. ¡lll dml{rfl o¡¡il,¡ rlf È* domd on *¡n¡açtslcl,rd n¡rnbç' ef nt{r.ml çol bunrlng rÉoru and o¡plhnc*l- S] fu rn¡ harrur prqooad in ftrkryrtdga 8¡¡¡rç Fh¡n¡d {Jni! üctlloprrant. o'tr J,tlB t+ ll.. tho} $oll ñ¡od lû ncl! sn hl¡rior rtç frhhl* a¡ltrm inrloNad. lh.rÇ rFti*r¡r te òc o$lgnco srd hrloli¡d !É 4t.ãl d. drrcc.d lbr r{øúlád t*l lorlÞ lq l'¡FFl lS or Ì,þ 1fÊ9, 4 ,{¡l fÈUodellú¡rt ftr. iÍ êf lh¿ u¡lll in l,hí¡ drrrfqmont ¡høl Þo rcq*¡l¡ad lc åFì'r proprri¡ *rpnoørd h¡n&{ron¡ d¡l le ll¡s pçf¡rtl¡Õl for niFl¡û*ffirïÉûüiåd Úofs n {hç ¡r'us, ,{U lo{r rucuirç,rda ¡pçcjñc ¡miodrnrcd ¡rudhi bcfura a ôuildtt¡ Frm'lt rS bt hürrd, F] ¡f {.rwr*r* o{ l*r¡. ¡¡¡¡¡¡r .øiËh ü rçddxrc¡, hqr.r pblÞotlcr¡r rndç¡ Slolç lo* ond Curvrl¡ rrgulalåa'ra rrlh rrgund [o tÉrr rnqitlr,¡ür*¡ pl |hnñü g4¡ trrl{û1ian d¡lËhffi, eor¡l¡ollhq frç¡frt lËFlnc llrç tþEk qrld pcl* und¡r cwrlnolr udnq prqprrt¡ h irÊËrdfil+0 rilh ¡firhù urrd ol¡lrr oÐrçl.r 0d r/J*F! o¡rd æolnlohhg prup*l¡ ßo¡H¡ntc ond lqcdEmffr trt !ícourþflbd tó $om {bgs{ LhË aþhlt ûrrd ri*,f,!úlbllllh¡' çrd oc{ ar ¡cad 'rrr¡ñbwc ond cillmnr oJ {hc Õor*n{¡. å goed lnboúr*tura rwrco fur &jtÞ hloûnfit/+.t {ù 'å frridt ic Euiül $rini t S¡noll Scol¡ .àqrh.ultrnr' pul or.rl bt {fi¡ frriroda $toic Uniurrlty.fx{¡nrhn ûfltc¡! çr¡rllru çÉr¡nl,tl !l ¡f drtrürrsJ* ¡ùd! br d¡¡þrrd la ,¡¡¡¡l ttrú Lhllo¡o Fl¡; Ccd¡ 1FB7 Spmiflsu{r¡na of "d¡tl*l¡ t- *r$tlhç oll of E¡tl{oq ¡0!.$ l4et*t la Buitlïttg ft*rhgr. rlf ibc dhoc{ld hv¡und *rd io'r¡ll¡d, rolaty lþtt'b¡ Itral glr¡r bclrnd Frr CONDITIO NS OF PERMIT BLRE-02-22-7 345 JAMES & TERESA JENNINGS NEW SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING & ATTACHED GARAGE I255 HIDDEN VALLEY DR, GWS SPRINGRIDGE RESERVE, PH. 3, LOT 32 1) ALL WORK SHALL COMply W|TH THE 2015 TNTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (l.R.C.) AND 2009 TNTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (l.E.C.C.) 2) PROPOSED TMPROVEMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS CONTAINED lN THE ATTACH ED "GARFI ELD COU NTY BU I LDING REOU IREM ENTS". NU MB ER REFERENCES NOTED ON PLANS REFER TO SPECIFIC ITEMS ON THIS LIST. 3) ELECTRICAL PERMtTTtNc AND TNSPECTTONS BY COLORADO STATE ELECTRIC BOARD. ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN APPROVAL 15 REOUIRED AT FRAME INSPECTION. ELECTRICAL FINAL APPROVAL IS REOUIRED FOR FINAL INSPECTION & CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 4) WILDFIRE MITIGATION REOUIREMENTS: COMPLY WITH WILDFIRE M|ïIGATION AND DEFENSIBLE SPACE REOUIREMENTS PER COLORADO STATE FOREST SERVICE AND LOCAL FIRE DISTRICT. 5) OPEN HOLE SOTLS REPORT tS REOUTRED AT FOOTII{G INSPECTION AND PRIOR TO ANY CONCRETE POUR. PROVIDE COPY OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS REPORT TO THE BUTLDTNG INSPECTOR (1,200 PSF). ó) pRE ENcTNEERED ROOF TRUSSES. HAVE ENGINEERING FOR INSPECTOR AT TIME OF FRAME INSPECTION. 7) ADVISORY NOTICE TO CURRENT / FUTURE OWNERS: BRAD JENN/NG' pERMtT AppLtCANT, WAS ADVISED BY GARFIELD CAUNW COMMUNIW DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF DURING THE REVIEW CONCERN/NG THE FIRE- spRtNKtER/NG pROylS/ONS L/SIED /N RECORDED PIAT NOIE ó (RECEPTION 730251). AFFIXED TO THE APPRAVED FIELD CAPY OF PL,ANS IS COPY OF SUBJECT PLATNOTE DEFtNtTtON OF F|RE AREA (EXCER?T FROM 2015 IBC), AND DESIGN OPïIONS FOR FIRE AREA S EPARATI ON WALL I N LI EU OF F/RE-SPR/NKLER/NG . BRAD JENN/NGS & TOD D YOUNG, DES/GN ARCHITECT, SUPPLIED THEIR CALCULATIONS FOR UPDATED FIRE AREA TOTAL AT 3,476 SAFT. CURRENTAND FUTURE OI¡INFR5 TO BE ADVISEDTHE ORIGINAL DES/GN HAS MAXED OUT AREA ALLOWED WITHOUT F/RE-SPRINKIER/NG. ANY AMENDMENTS, ALTERAIIONS OR /NCREASES TO TATAL HABITABLE LIVING, THE ATTACHED GARAGE, AND/OR NEW COVERED ROOF PROJECI'ONS --- SHALT F/RSÏREOU/RE SUBMISSION OFA NEW BUILDING PERMIT AND CONTEMPLATION OF RETROACTIVELY /NSTALL/NG F/RE-SPR/NKLER SYSTEM THRCIUGHOUT THE EX/ST/NG BUILDING OR OTHERWISE MODIFYING THE STRUCTURE TO /NCORPORATE AN APPROVED.FIRE AREA S E P A RAT I O N P R EP A RED BY A C O LO RAD O I/CENSED PROFESS/O N AL ARC H IT ECT. Colleen W¡rth From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Brad Jennings <bradjennings@icloud.com> Iuesday, March 15,202212:57 PM Colleen Wifth Levi Troyer; Teresa Jennings Fwd: [External] square footage to the inside of walls HiColleen, After talking to the architect that desígned our house and the HOA, I now understand that Springridge Reserve bases theír sq ft calculations on interior dimensions. Below is an email from Todd Young with those calculations. Please let me know if you need anything else. Brad Jennings brad.ienn in qs@icloud.com Begin forwarded message From: "Todd Young, Architect" <todd@toddyounqarchitect.com> Subject: square footage to the inside of walls Date: March 15,2A22 at 12:38:00 PM MDT To: Brad Jennings <brad.ienninqs@me.com> Hello Brad, The total living square footage to the inside of walls is 2,463 sq.ft. The inside of the garage square footage is 74L sq.ft. The covered entry porch is 272 sq,ft. Th¡s totals 3,476 sq.fl. Let me know if this needs to be added to sheet 42.0. Thank you, Todd Young Architect 970.618.0168 toddyou noa rch itect. com qftñ(+l TODü YÜtjl\j6 ARCHITECT - -, lXr 2 Colleen W¡Éh From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Brad Jennings <bradjennings@icloud.com> Tuesday, March 15,202212:57 PM Colleen Wiñh Levi Troyer; Teresa Jennings Fwd: [External] square footage to the inside of walls HiColleen, After talking to the architect that designed our house and the HOA, I now understand that Springridge Reserve bases their sq ft calculations on interior dimensions. Below ís an email from Todd Young wíth those calculatíons. Please let me know if you need anythíng else' Brad Jennings brad.iennings@icloud.com Begin forwarded message From: "Todd Young, Architect" <todd@toddvounqarchitect'com> Subject: square footage to the inside of walls Date: March 15,2022 at 12:38:00 PM MDT To: Brad Jennings <brad.iennings@me.com> Hello Brad, The total living square footage to the inside of walls is 2,463 sq.ft. The inside of the garage square footage is 74L sq,ft. The covered entry porch is 272 sq.ft. This totals 3,476 sq.ft' Let me know if this needs to be added to sheet 42.0. Thank you, Todd Young Architect 970.618.0168 toddyoungarch itect. com 1 2 Colleen W¡rth From: Sent: To: Subject: Colleen Wifth Monday, March 14,2022 4:10 PM Brad Jennings follow up - Springridge Reserve, Phase 3, Lot 32 Hello Brad, I have corresponded by email with Greg Bak, Glenwood Springs Rural Fire Protection DÍstrict's Fíre Marshal and I understand he may have already left a voice message. He was out of town attending the ICC code conference and I could not reach him until today. Responding to your earlÍer questions of last Thursday. To further confirm my understanding and hístoric knowledge of the Springridge Reserve subdivision and plat note hístory, I reached out to Andy Schwaller, the longtime Garfield County Chief Building Official who retired in October 2021". Andy retired in October and the CBO position is currently vacant. Re: fExternal] Spríngridge Reserve, Fhase 3, Lot 32 - FIRE AREA Andy Schwaåler < Tg OfclleenLÇirth Q notlo* up, 5tart by t{nnday, hl¡rrh 14, ¿'B¿¿, ÞuË by fï1onday, M¡r{h 14, ¿tä¿, You get ås rnany questìions as you like. From a practical standpoint it makeç sÊnse to use fire area and one could consider it a building offici*l interpretation. I would kick the question hack to the fire district. Fire area is what the building afficial has to work with. The fire distri else, One csuld also generate a Fire Barrier from the IBC to separate the home frorn the garage. lf the covered porcht would be nlet. A nçn cambustible cãnopy between the houEe and garage csuld also separate the garage arpa. I think t At the end of the day, the fire distriÇ-t sfrculd be invslved in the dissussÍ*n since the plat nste r'vas based an their recsn revleru. I hope you are well, I did not think it would he so difficult ts find a building official, I am sorry fpr the added work you hang in there, Andy Colleen Wirth Plans Examiner Garfield County Building Division L08 8'h Street, Suite 401" Glenwood Springs, CO 8160L cwi rth @ea rfield-cou ntv. com office (970) 945-t377 ext. 1610 Colleen W¡fthFrom:Sent:To:Cc:Subject:hlæd Wttu4trwnW &rc\riWBrad Jennings <bradjennings@icloud.com>Monday, March 7,2022 4:08 PMColleen WirthTeresa Jennings; Levi Troyer; Todd Young; Dustin BurnerRe: [External] BLRE-02-22-7343 - 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3HiColleen,Thanks for your time and help understanding the fire code issue.FYl, the roof over the south porch Ís not an extension but a separate metal roof over the 1,6' x 20' porchThe porch to the north has no roof, just a deck.Also, the 3' roof overhangs will probably be 2' ot 2'6" , not 3'.Let me know if thís helps or if you have other questions or concerns.Brad Jenningsbrad. ien n in os(Ð icloud. com970-319-9000F rom : Co lleen \Mrth < cwirth@qarf¡e ld-co u ntv. co m>Date: March7,2022 at2:36:04 PM MSTTo : lctroyer@msn. com, todd@toddyou n garchitect. co mGc: Greg Bak <oreo.bak@coos.us>Subject: BLRE-02-22-7343 -1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3RE: BLRE-02-22-7343 - 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, SpringridgeReserve Phase 3Courtesy Heads Up to Levi Troyer, General Contractor and Todd Young, Architect:1 Today, I started blueprint review forthe Jennings Residence at 1255 Hidden Valley Drive. When I compare sheet42.1 ROOF PLAN and square footages supplied by the applicant on our "Building Permit Fee Estimate Worksheet" (fínished living space @ 2,558 sq ft; attached garage at 780 sq ft and the apparent roof extension over covered patios /decks @ 400 sq feet)- I am calculating overall building total FIRE AREA (with horizontal roof projections) at3,738square feet which puts the building over a size deemed exempt from a fire sprinklered system (subdivision recordedplat note 6). For reference and project planning, Springridge Reserve Phase lll, reception73O25L, plat note #6 readsas follows:<image001.png>Please contact Glenwood Springs Rural Fire Protectíon District's Fire Marshal, Greg Bak, to discuss potential firesprinkler design installations (or other equívalent measures) at your earliest opportunity. While I am able to continuewith the remaining code compliance review, I am not able to sign off on Garfield County building permit issuance untila verbal or written approval is obtained from Greg Bak.Colleen WirthPlans ExamínerGarfield County Building Division108 8th Street, Suite 401Glenwood Springs, CO 8L601oiv i rth @ea rf iel d-cou nW. co moffice (970) 945-1377 ext. 16102 From : Col I een Wi rth <cwirth @sarfield-cou ntv.com > Sent: Monday, March 7,2A22 3:3L PM To: Greg Bak <greg.bak@cogs.us> Cc: Col I een Wirth <cwirth @sarfield-cou ntv. com > Subject: RE: BLRE-o2-22-7343 - L255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3 Quick Follow Up: Hi Greg, Just got a call from lot owner Mr. James Jennings .... Mr. Jennings shares there ís an incorrect roof projection reference on one of the Architectural Sheets (i.e. back deck will be uncovered). He is goíng to have his Architect of Record supply a written statement on his behalf CLARIFYING actual square footage / amended calculations and evidence showing the AMENDED design will keep the overall fire area below the 3,600 sq ft threshold. This one may go away on íts own..... l'll enter the AMENDED CALCULATIONS into the file record once received and líkely add a condition alerting owners they are "maxing" out sq ft to be deemed "exempt" from fire-sprínklering. Colleen Wirth Plans Examiner Garfield County Building Division 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 cwi rth @ ga rf íel d-co u ntv. com office (970) 945-1377 ext. 1-6L0 From: Colleen Wirth Sent: Monday, March 7,2022 2:36 PM To : I ctrove r@ m sn. com ; todd @toddvou nga rch itect. co m Cc: Greg Bak <sres.bak@cogs.us> Subject: BLRE-02-22-7343 - 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3 RE: BLRE-02-22-7343 - L255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3 Courtesy Heads Up to Levi Troyer, General Contractor and Todd Young, Architect: Today, lstarted blueprint reviewfortheJennings Residence at 1255 HiddenValley Drive. When lcompare sheet 42.1 ROOF PLAN and square footages supplied by the applicant on our "Building Permit Fee Estímate Worksheet" (finished living space @ 2,558 sq ft; attached garage at 780 sq ft and the apparent roof extension over covered patios / decks @ 400 sq feet)- I am calculating overall buÍlding total FIRE AREA (with horizontal roof projections) at3,738 square feet which puts the building over a size deemed exempt from a fire sprinklered system (subdivision recorded plat note 6). For reference and project planning, Springrídge Reserve Phase lll, receptionT3O25!, plat note #6 reads as follows: 6j Fnr nrrr lpnlus pFwFF d ln hrft*gr¡üfil Rusürru F'hrlnEd {JHlÉ ftrrtlr æ[tfinr tbç ærþilçk ry['6ç ]nurtsflrd. ]þ¡riilt' lfrügnil fn ùp d!!'hFüd ü JIIFFå f,Iff ær Tgn' :!tffi, Please contact Glenwood Spríngs Rural Fire Protection District's Fire Marshal, Greg Bak, to discuss potentíal fire sprínkler design installations (or other equivalent measures) at your earliest opportunity. While I am able 3 to continue with the remaining code compliance review, I am not able to sign off on Garfield County building permit issuance until a verbal or written approval is obtained from Greg Bak. Colleen Wirth Plans Examiner Garfield County Building Division L08 8th Street, Suite 40L Glenwood Springs, CO 8L601 cwi rth @ea rf iel d-cou ntv. co m offíce (970) 945-7377 ext. 1610 4 Colleen W¡rthFrom:Sent:To:Cc:Subject:Colleen WirthMonday, March 7,2022 2:36 PMlctroyer@m sn.com; todd @tod dyou ngarchitect.comGreg BakBLRE-02-22-7343 - 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3RE: BLRE-02-22-7343 - 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3Courtesy Heads Up to LeviTroyer, General Contractor and Todd Young, Architect:Today, I started blueprint review for the Jennings Residence at 1255 Hidden Valley Drive. When I compare sheet A2.L ROOF PLAN and squarefootages supplied by the applicant on our "Building Permit Fee Estimate Worksheet" ( finished living space @ 2,558 sq ft; attached garage at 780 sqft and the apparent roof extension over covered patios / decks @ 400 sq feet) - I am calculating overall building total FIRE AREA (with horizontalroof projections) at 3,738 square feet which puts the building over a size deemed exempt from a fire sprinklered system (subdivision recorded platnote 6). For refere nce a nd project pla nning, Springridge Reserve P hase lll, receptio n 73O25L, plat note #6 reads as follows:ü¡ fs mr rrurffi Frnrffid in frffi H¡erru Êirrr*¡d {.filiË tu*¡tiryr¡xlt r}ff -T,ËûÕ :* tË{rlqry,üT ËF qq qliltürn irrüdËd. ThffiË rfutünil Ën Sa üãþrad ûd hrËdl¡d [n *næl tr Ër¡Uft'{ lF sr T's lflËT,Please contact Glenwood Springs Rural Fire Protection Distríct's Fire Marshal, Greg Bak, to discuss potentíal fire sprinkler design installations (orother equivalent measures) at your earliest opportunity. While I am able to continue with the remaining code compliance review, I am not able tosign off on Garfield County buildíng permit issuance until a verbal or written approval is obtained from Greg Bak.Colleen WirthPlans ExaminerGarfield County Building Divisioni.08 8th Street, Suite 401Glenwood Springs, CO 81-601-cwi rth @sa rf iel d-cou ntv. co moffice (970) 945-L377 ext. 1610 NJ Colleen W¡rth From: Sent: To: Subject: Greg Bak < greg.bak@cogs.us> Monday, March 14,2A22 3:48 PM Colleen Wirth RE: fExternal] BLRE-02-22-7343 - 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3 Colleen - Brad did call me last week whíle I was at the ICC conference in Loveland. I called back this morning, left a message. But he has yet to return that call Greg Bak Fire Marshal Glenwood Springs Fire Department o - (e70) 384-6433 c - (970) 37e-98L4 From: Col leen Wirth <cwi rth @ garfiel d-cou nty. com > Sent: Monday, March 14,2022 3:45 PM To: Greg Bak <greg.bak@cogs.us> Subject: RE: [External] BLRE-02-22-7343 - 1.255 Hídden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Spríngridge Reserve Phase 3 Hello Greg, Courtesy follow up. You will likely receive a call from the building permit holder for new house at 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32. Applicants are James & Teresa Jennings....though phone calls the gentleman references himself as "Brad", His permit review is essentially done but ¡s pend¡ng confirmat¡on scope complies with all plat notes. Permit status remains UNDER REVIEW. I am going to redirect Brad (or hís licensed architect Todd Young, Young Architects) to engage in discussion with Greg Bak, Fire Marshall and provide Actual Sq Footage calculations for FIRE AREA of their home design. You have my support and blessing to negotiate or receive negotiations however you decide appropriate as the Fire Marshall. ln response to my earlier directions to Brad and his builder, Levi Troyer - Brad vocalized over the phone that the Architects Roof Plan sheet 42.1 we received dated 2.7.22 does not accurately show the covered roof projectíons as he intends to build it. Submitted plans clearly show fínished living space of 2558 sq ft and attached garage of 780 square feet. lt is likely only the originally submitted roof projections that may push them over the 3,600 sq ft threshold. Actual horizontal roof projections by the Architect could confirm whether or not the fire sprinkler requírement will apply. Brad is resistant to supplying any new or different plan information - because he fears or disagrees wíth the fire sprinkler provisíon and how he believe square footages should be counted. lnstead of speaking with his architect for new calculations, he's conducted his own research and has contanted the original subdivision developer about the perceived intent for plat notes and the verbiage that was recorded. l'm lackíng informatíon from Brad to eliminate or waive fire sprinklering myself. I was fortunate to receive an email response from retired CBO, Andy Schwaller over the weekend. Andy said the practical use of the 'fire area" definition was a Chief Buildíng Official call, and if either owner or the architect chooses to argue with Garfield County staff, kick it back to the Fire Marshall to decide or negotiate terms of compliance with Plat Note 6 . tf you should want to pre-empt¡vely call Brad Jennings yourself, Brad may surely be reached at (970 319'9000 1 Hopefully this will get it off the dime Whatever help you can provide to steer this customer is amply and graciously appreciated, Colleen Wirth Plans Examiner Garfield County BuÍlding Division L08 8th Street, Suite 401" Glenwood Springs, CO 8L601 cwirth @earfield-cou ntv. com office (970) 945-L377 ext. 1610 From: Greg Bak <greg.bak@cogs.us> Sent: Monday, March 7,2022 5:19 PM To: Col I een Wirth <cwirth @ga rfíeld-cou ntv. com> Subject: Re: [External] BLRE-02-22-7343 - 1-255 Hidden Vaiiey Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3 Colleen - ok, thanks for the update. By the way, Glenwood Spríngs City Councilvoted Thursday to adopt the 2O2L lnternational BuildinglResidential/Fire Codes (as well as Energy, I believe), and DID NOTdelete Residential R-3L3 as has been done in the past. R-313 is the section that requires automatic fire sprinklers in 1- and 2-family dwellings. The council's approval will make these sprinkler systems a part of new construction homes. I'm encouraged by their action as I believe these devices have life safety capbility. lf the County Commíssioners were to take similar action on revíew of the 202L lnternatíonal codes, it appears that the síze requirement in Springridge Reserve would be irrelevant. Thanks again, Greg Bak Fire Marshal Glenwood Springs Fire Department From : Col I een Wi rth <cwi rth @sa rf ield-cou ntv. com > Sent: Monday, March 7,2022 3:3L PM To: Greg Bak <ffgg,þ¡!@tsru> Cc: Col I een Wí rth <cwi rth @ ga rf iel d-cou nty. com > Subfect: RE: BLRE-o2-22-7343 - 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3 Quick Follow Up: Hl Greg, Just got ä câll from lot owner Mr. James Jennings .... Mr. Jennings shares there is an incorrect roof projection reference on one of the Architectural Sheets (i.e. back deck will be uncovered). He is going to have his Architect of Record supply a written stãtemënt on hls behalf CLARIFYING actual squärè footage / amended câlculâtlons and evldence showing the AMENDED design will keep the overall fire area below the 3,600 sq ft threshold. This one may go away on its own..... l'll enter the AMENDED CALCULATIONS into the file record once received and likely add a condítion alerting owners they are "maxing" out sq ft to be deemed "exempt" from flre-sprlnklerlng. Colleen Wirth Plans Examiner Garfield County Building Division 2 L08 8th Street, Suite 401- Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 cwirth@earfi d-countv.com office (970) 945-1377 ext. 1"61-0 From: Colleen Wirth Sent: Monday, March 7,2022 2:36 PM To : lctrover@ m sn.com; todd @toddvou ngarch itect.com Cc: Greg Bak <greg.bak@cogs.us> Subject: BLRE-02-22-7343 - 1255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3 RE: BLRE-02-22-7343 - L255 Hidden Valley Dr, Lot 32, Springridge Reserve Phase 3 Courtesy Heads Up to LeviTroyer, General Contractor and Todd Young, Architect: Today, I started blueprint review for the Jennings Residence at 1255 Hidden Valley Drive. When I compare sheet A2.L ROOF PLAN and square footages supplied by the applicant on our "Building Permit Fee Estimate Worksheet" (finished living space @l 2,558 sq ft; attached garage at 780 sq ft and the apparent roof extension over covered patios / decks @ 400 sq feet) - I am calculating overall buílding total FIRE AREA (with horizontal roof projections) at3,738 square feet which puts the building over a size deemed exempt from a fire sprinklered system (subdívision recorded plat note 6). For reference and project planning, Springridge Reserve Phase lll, receptionT3O25!, plat note #6 reads as follows: 'ı,¡ Fçr qnl lrur¡as ,prwnm¡d ¡n WrgrlÉþ Ea*¡rru F,hmad {Jn¡Í tffi,lll¡ ,r¡lririn'r" lbu +rhhhr u.ptnrn ínrlnilfaa. -?lt*lo lyct.¡nu ln &r d"Eühmüd il Hf:Frt l'JF trr f.# tflm, Please contact Glenwood Springs Rural Fire Protection District's Fire Marshal, Greg Bak, to discuss potential fire sprinkler design installations (or other equívalent measures) at your earliest opportunity. While I am able to continue with the remaining code compliance review, I am not able to sign offon Garfield County building permit issuance until a verbal or written approval is obtained from Greg Bak. Colleen Wirth Plans Examiner Garfield County Building Division L08 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 8160L cwirth@earfí d-countv.com 3 office (970) 945-1377 ext. L6L0