HomeMy WebLinkAboutObservation of Excavation 04.20.2022l{-iltffirff'il*.5û2û {"'t¡u¡rlv Ilo¡d 15"'l {}lcnw*<¡¿l spri*gsi i:* S t {tilt *lt*rie : {1,)ül (}.15"?fì$8 lhx: {117ùJ q45-$454 *rn*i i : kilgk:*rv¿¡qxlûiìkiliÍâr'r¡riir"**rtì xü:u'jß¿¡naH*e,ç$;$ån frqptopa &mt'* twnpcny Apnt20,2022 Ian Young 442 Silver King Court Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 iy.w*ær;v:fr x##y-t"¡p-'t+w:" Project No. 22-7-2S? Subject: ûbservation of Ëxcavaticn, Froposed Reside*ce, Lut 53, Oa.k Meadows Filing 4B- 3?0 Silver King Court. GaEtiold torurty, Colorado Çentlemen: As requested, a representative of Ku¡nar & Associates, Inc. observed the excavation nt the sutrject site on ,{pril 15, ?ü22 ta evaluate the sails expr:seel lbr foundation suppttt"t. T}re {indings of our observations and reeomme¡rcl*tiçns for thc fi:undation design äre presentôd in this repr:rt. TVe previausly c*nducterl a subsoil stu<fy for rlesign of f*lundaticns on Lot 54 (adjacerrt lot) ûnd presented our tìndings in *: r*port date<l May ?2, 2019, Project Na. I9-7-271. Th* proposed residence is similar to the previously brdlt residence antl will be ¡¡bove a basems¡rt witl¡ slal"r-*n-grade garage at the main level. Spread t'crotings placed <in the natural soils ¡rnd sizctl f¿r an alk¡wntlle bearing preä$tll"s r¡f 2,5(}0 psf were assu¡ned far the foundatic¡n suppo:1. At the time clf our r,"isit to the site, the firu¡rdation excavatic¡n hatl been çui in one level !!ûn: abouf $ to ó feet bel*w thc adjacent grr:r:ncl sut{ace ¡:n Ihe north nnd e¿st sides and abçut S to l1 feet on the southwest siife. The sails exposed in thc bottc¡m cf the excavation cansisterl of very stiff, sandy elay and cl*yey gfavel. cobtles ancl scattered boulders. The clay soils wcre mainly in tire ncrth-n*fihwest part *f the basement area. Topsail w¿s about 3 tt¡ 4 fset deep ond mostþ rsmoved in the garage slab area with ar*uncl 2 feet of elay ren:aining above the rr:cþ soils" Results of-swell-cü¡:tsolidaiirxr iesting performed an clay samples takcn fic¡m the site, shown *n !'igure i, igdicate the scils *re sTightiy ta maderately comprcssible under conditions of loadirç anel wetting with a minor sxpansian pctential. The rocky soils would tre expected Io be relatively incompressible. No f¡ec water \4/ås sna$ffittered in ths excavation and the soils were slightly mcist to maist. The soil conrJitions exposr:rl in th* sxcavaticn are c*nsistent with those previously encountered on the adjaceni site end suitabl* for support nf spreatl fantings designeel for the recommendsd allorvable bearilg pres$urô of 2,5ü0 psf with reiatively lorv movement pcltentiel. Loose distutbed soíls shsuftl be rernovcrl in the fcoting Í¡rçäs tä expûse the undisturbecl uatural soils. Õther rçcontmcndations present*d in oru: previous report which are applieable including an underdråin arorurd the basemcãrt ar*a shoulcl als¡: be observed. The reccmmendations submitte$ in this letter åre based r:n our obsçrvation of the soils exposed wilhin the foundation excavatiriir urd the previ<ius subsurface exploraticn adacent the site. Ian Young Apnl20,2022 Page 2 Variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavation could increase the risk of foundation movement, T[e should be advised of any variations encountered in the excavation conditions for possible changes to recornrnendations contained in this letter. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibiiity of mold or other biological contaminaflts (MCIBC) developing in the future. If the client is concemed about MOBC, then a proÍbssional in this special field of practice should be consulted. If you have any questions or neetl further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, ìtun*sr & .\ss**iaü*$, IH*" Steven L. Pawlak, P SLP/kac Attachment: Figure I *Test Results tl,ß2n Kumar å Assc*iatea, lnc. s'PrrJoct N*. äå-T"åSt ! ,,: SAMFTI 0Ë; Sundy Sllty tluy iCL) fRôM: Ëoitom of Ëxcavclion, Norlh Sids WC = 18.7 9á, DÞ = 105 pcf I l! ;lI NO MOVËMËNT UPON WETTING ii ùs JJl,¡l ÈU' I Otr ¿) JÕ U>z()() JJ L¡Jþ(4 I ä Ë :jötìãûç 0 -1 -2 -ì( -4 t.0 - KSF 0 -l *¿ *5 -4 SAMPLE OFr Sandy Silty Clay (CL) FROM: Bottom of Excovollon, Wesl Side WC * 10.9 %, Dt = 98 pcf 1i!,iì!i j ;,- EXPANSION UNDËR CONSTANT PRESSURË UPCIN WITTING 22*7*262 Kumar & Associates SWTLL*CûNSTLIDAT¡ON TT$T RËSULTS Fig. 1