HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Warranty Deed8930420610112017 1Q:35:444M Page 1 of 7 Jean Alberico, Garfield County, Colorado Rec Fee:$43.00 Doc Fee: $720.00 eRecorded -After recor.dins retrrrn to: tr t :\! 't¡fr û '.iai,) aiJ ,.--¡ +{ !t, .þa f'l b .v \4rrigbtLawAspen, LL? 71s ïIest Main Street, Suite zor Aspen, Colorado 816rr SPECT.IIL I^¡ARR.ATVNT DEED THIS DEED dated 1l }/ray zarT,is granted. and made by and between I1CI I,ANE RAIIICH, T.r.C, a Colorado limlted. liabí1ily company, (the "Grantor") and ASPEN POLO PARINERS, LLP, a Colorado limited liabitity parlnership, whose mailing address given is: ËS West Main Street, Suite zo1 "{spen, Colorado 8r6u (collectively "Granteeu). WIIïVESSEIË, thattle Grantor, for and in consideration of ttre surn of Seven MÍllion, ï\r,o Hundred Thousand and oo/roo U.S, Dollars ($Z,zoo,oot¡.oo) and otber good and valuable consideration to f:he Grantor in hand paíd by the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of wblch is hereby acknowledged" has sold and conveyed, andbythese presents does sell and conve,yto the Grantee, all the real properþr situate, lying and being ln Carbondale, Colorado, described as follows: *{.tract oflandsituated inlots 8,9, andto of Sectiongr-anclinLots Sand$ ofsection gz, all in Township 7 South, Range 87West of the 6tb Principal MeridÍau, Garfield County, Colorado, lying Southerly of and a{iacent to the Southerþ rigbt of way line of old. State Highw4y 8z andbeing more partícularþ described as follows: Beginning at apoíntonsaid Southerlyrightof wayline whence a stonefoundÍu place for the witness cor¡er to the Northeast co¡uer of said section 3r bears N z6 degrees oo' 49" E14gg.5afeet; thenceSTg degreesgS'gz"E eusgTleetalongsaidSoutherþrÍght of way line to the Northwest corner of a parcel of la:rd. describecl lu Book lolg at Page 4ag oftherecorclsoftheGarfieirlCountyClerkandRecorder;thencealongthe\4restorþ boundaryline of said parcel onthe followlngtwo (z) courses: S o4 degrees g5'oo"W 46r,9o feet; thence S or dogro-es oo' oo" E 861.25 feet to a point on the Northerþright of wayline oftheRoaringForkTransitAuthorityRalhoadri6htofway; thonce t6g.57 foet along said Northerþ raihoad right of way line on tbe arc of a 196g.69 foot radlus crrrve to the left, the chord of which bears $ 54 clegrees ge' 49" W 169.49 feet to a point- onthesoutherþboundarylineofsaidLot$;thenceN 89 degrees 54'14'W65r.g7feet alongthe Soutlerþbor:ndaryline ofsaidLotrg totle Northeastcomer of saidLotro; thence S oo degrees xo' 97" E 954,8o feet aiong the Easterþboundaryline of said Lot 10 to a point ín the center of the Roarlng Fork River; thence nlong the center of said Roaring ForkRiver on the followlng seven (7) coruses: S 86 degees 53' o4'W e94,r4 foeq thsnces 85 degroos g2' zg"W tL7,6ofee{ thenceS 78 degrees e9'25"W1å3.94 feet¡ thence S 89 degrees ty' 47" W u8.54 feot; thence S 67 clegrees 4z' zy'' W g86.4o fee$ ttrence S 6z degrees 48' 18" W t24,67 feet; thence S 57 clegrees 58'42" W 235.29 feet to a point on the Easterþ b oundaryllne of Blue Creek Ranch recoriled ae Reception No. 64539 ln the records oftbe Garfleld County Clerk and Recorder; ther:ce along tl.e Sasterþ bor:ndary line of said Blue Creek Ranch on the followÍrg three (g) courses: N oodegrees to'g7"W796.64feet;therrceNBgdegrees 54't4''W 291.4{feef thonooN oo degrees oa'r3"Wt677,gofeettothe Southwest corner of aparcoloflanddescribed in Book3gg at Page 5rr of the Garf.eld Countyrecords; thence S 79 degroes gz' tz" ß' zTS.oofeetalongthe Southerþboundaryline ofthe par'cel descrlbed ln saidBoolt,ggg aiPage5rrtothe Soutleast oorner of saidparcol; thenceN oo degrees 02'13"W$q.qg feet úongthe Easterþboundary lÍne of said parcel to the point of beglnning; Gårfield Counf' Colorado; aiso knoïm aer r64u Oldstate Highway 8e, Carbondale, Colorado Bróa3, 893042 06101/2017 1O:35:44 AM Page 2 of 7 Jean Alberico, Garfield County, Colorado Rec Fee: $43.00 Doc Fee: $720.00 eRecorded SPEOTaLt1IARRAÀIÎTDEED Garñeld.courty, colorado TCILane Ranclb tÃC to: Aspen Polo Partnors, LLP AI!D, EIICEPT AS IIEREINAITER STÀIED, together wlth all and singular the hereditaments and appurlenances tì.ereunto þelonging or Ín anywise appertaining, and thã reversion and reversions, renqaiuder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thoreof¡ and all the estate, rlgh! title, interest claim and ilemand. whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or equity, of, ln anã to tho above bargained prernises wÍththe hereditanents and appurtenânces. TO IIAIIE AND TO IIOLD, the above bargained premises described wíth the appurtenances, unto the Ghantee, íts successors and assígns forever, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances exceph taxes for zorz, whlch are not yet due or payable; and except as follows: t. Riglrt of way for ditches or canals constructedbythe authorisr of the United Statee, as reserved in the United States ?atent dated 3o June r89e, and rocorded ¿ May r9og, in Book 79 at Page t67, as Receptlon No, o8z7e9; and as reserved in the United States Patent dated S Juue r8g4 a:rd recorded n August 1894 in Book rs at Page ggg as Reception No. o17g69. z. Rþht ofthe proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom, shouldihe eamebefoundto penetrate orlntersestthepremioes herobygranted, andrisht of wayfor ditches or canals constructedbythe authorityofthe United States, as desc¡ibecl inthe Uníted States Patent ilatgd g June 1894 and recorded u .August r8g+ in Book rz at Pagc gB3 as Roception No. o17968 and as descxibed Ín the Uniteil States ?atent dated go Jurie 1892, and, recorded z May r9og, in Book Zg at Page t67, as Receptíon No. o8e7e9 3. , -Tgrms, -conditions, provisions, agreemerrts:nd obligatíone spectüed inthe deed reserving an undivlded. one-half intsrest in and.to any and all oll, gas rlghto and any and all assignments thseof or interests thoroin on or unclor said land described in tle deed recorded dated ro January r g44 Ðð recoriled 1o January rg44 in Book zo8 at Page 984 as Reception No. tgo766, 4, ,Terrns, conditions, p:ovisions, agreements and. obligations specified in the deed. resewing au undivided one-half intenest jn ard to any and all oil, gas rÍghts and any and all assiguments thereãf or iuterrssts therein on or r¡nder said land descdbed Ín the deed dated 4 April 196r and recorded. rs April 196r in Book gg3 atPage Soz as Reception No. zgg59. S. Temrs, condítions, provislons, ugreements ancl obligaüons speclfied undertle Rlght-of-way Easomont dated ¿5 August 196r and recordecl r9 October r9ór in Book 337 at Page ee9 as Reception No. zrg4gz. 6. Tertrs,conditlons,provislous,agxoomonts Ease¡nent dated. I November r97g and reoorded sr anil obligationo specified under. the Rlght-of-way January 1974 ln Book 494 at Page 467 as Reception No. e6r6u, T. Terms, conditiono, provisions, agroemënts and obligationo speciÊed r:nderthe Right-of-way Eaeement dated u October 1975 andrecorded zz October ¡gZS in Book479 at Page 8ZS as Reception No, 269894. Page e of 6 893042 06/01 12A17 10:35:44 AM Page 3 of 7 Jean Alberico, Garfìeld County, Colorado Rec Fee: $43.00 Doc Fee: $720,00 eRecorded SPECIAL\üâ.RR'{L\TIYIIEED Garfield County, Colorado TCI Lane Ranch 'I.,LCto! Aspen Polo Partners, LLP 8. Torme, conditions, provisions, agreeme.nts and obligations specified under the Order of Possession and Rights of Access document dated g May r99z and recorded e6 August r99z in Boolc 84o at Page zz4 as ReceptionNo.43836o. g. Ternesr condidons, provisions, agreements and Rights ofAccess document deted B Nove¡nber BB7 at Page 64o as Reception No. 457c,87, and obïgations specified under f}e Rule & Orrler 1993 andrecordod e7 December 1999 ln Book to. Tenns, conditions, provlsions, agreements and obligatlons speciËed. under t*le Quït Clatm Deed for Water Righûe, dateilAugust 31, eoo6, and. recorded September t, 2006, as Recention No, 70'6846. 11. Terms, condidons, provieions, agreements and oblþations specifled under Resolution No. zooT-PC-og, AResolution ConcerneilWíttr anA¡nendmont to the Garfleld County Comprehensiræ Plan, StudyArea I, By the Garfield, Counþ Planning Commission, dated J.l June aooT and recoqded 14 December zoo7 a¡¡ Reception No. 739330. Lz. Terms, cotrditions, provislons, agreoments and obligations speoifiedunder Resolution No, aoog-8r, A. Resoh¡tion Conce¡ned With Approving the Planaed Unit Development and Prelimluary Plan for the TCf Lane Ranch PUÐ and Retractlng and. Replacing Resolution zoog-Tl- (in its entlrory) In Order To Conect Scrivoue'rs Errors ln the PUÐ Guide for the TCI Lane Ranih Plan¡red Unlt Development, dated 7 Decemberr zoog and recordsd 9 December soog as Reception N o, V8798, 19. Ternns, conditions, provisions, agreements nnd obligations specifled under the Land Use drange PermÍt clated 9 February zoto and recorded ro February aolo as Recoptlon No. 78r9o7, L4. Termð, conditions, provieÍons, agreements and oblfgations specified under the l¿nil Use Change Permitrecorded ar lfay aoro as Reception No. 7863ro. 15. Termo, conditíons, provisiono, agr€emsnts and obügatíons speclfled under Resolution No, zıro-S7 AResoludon ConsernedWiththeÀpprovalof anExtenslonfor theTCI l¿¡re Ranr;h PIID Preümlnary Plan Locatecl Easi of CaÌherine Sto¡e and CR too on OId Highway 82, Garûeld County, dated rg July zolo and recordetl 4 August 2o1o as Reception No,7895o9' 16. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations spocified under Resolution eoro- ro:, A Resolution of "Approval tr'or and Amendrnent to the TCI Lane Ranch Plarrned Unit ÐwelopmorrtTo Remıve the Dosignation of "Employee Units" Fromthe Development Site Plan' dated Co Decernþer aoto and recorded 5 January 2tt11 as Reception No. 7g67Se. L7, Terms, conditions, provlsionß, agroemento and obllgatlons epeclfiecl ulder 9e Fenclng Agreeinent dated I June aor¿ and recorded e7.{uguet 2ot2 âs Reception No. 8egr8o. 18, Terms, condiüons, provisions, agreements and. obügatlone spoclflecl under Resolution aorg. sB, .4, Resolutlon Concerneð T4rtth the epproval of a Ihirrl Extension fior tho TCI Lane Ranch PUD Þråtiminary Plan, datod 3 Soptember zotg and recorclecl4 Septornbe¡ sg{g as Recepüon No. B4oa4g; aud r¡nder Resolution No. aorg-49, A Roeolutlon Conceu¡ed ltith the Approyal of a For¡rth nitenåión for t}le TCI l¿ne Ranch PUD Prelimínary Plan, dated8 September eorS and rocordod g September zol5 as Recepdon No, 867726, Page g of6 893042 A6/o1/2017 10:35:44 AM Page 4 oÍ7 Jean Alberico, Garfield County, Colorado Rec Fee: $43.00 Doc Fee: $720.00 eRecorded SPECIAL\MARRAIVTTDEED TCILaneRanch, LLC to¡ "Aspen Polo Partrrers, LLP Garfr eld. County, Color:ndo 19. Teuno, conditions, provislons, agreements and obllgad.ons speciûed under ResolutionNo, zo16-37, AResoludon of Approval fo'r a Correstion to Resolutlon No. eoto-ror Which Grautod Approval for tåe Removal of "Employee Units" frorn the TCII*ane Ranch Development Site Plan, dated z May sor6 and recorcled g May zot6 as Recepd.on No. 876726. zo. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under Resolution No. zo16-59, AResolution Concerned With the Àpproval of a Fiflù Extensíon for the TCI Lane Ranch PllD Preliminary Plan, dated r¿ Se,ptember zo16 and recordod rg September 2016 as Reception No, 8,8s;266, s1-, Any existing leases or te¡raucles, and any and all pardes claimlng b¡ tlrough or under ¡aíd lessees. zlz, RÌght of way for ditshes that þaverse the property, as show on the ALTA/NSPS Land Tltle Survey provided by HiSh Country Engineerlng, Inc., clated March 16, 2o.77, as File rTor- ALTÀD'ÍVG. zg. Any loss or damage due to the fence lines nor coínclding wlththe proportyboundaries, qs ehow on the.ALTA/NSPS Land Tlt1e Survey, provided by HiSh Country Engineering, Inc., dated Malch 16, zot7, aB File rTor-ALl1A,DWG' Overhead Eleotrlo Llne, as shor'v on Page a of the ALTA,/NSPS Land Tltle Sunre¡ províded by CountryEnglneedng, Inc,, dated March 16, zor7, as Flle rTor-ALlA,DWG. 24, iltgh EXCEPT as llmlted above, the Granto& corronants and agroe to ànd with Grantee, to warrantthe title of the above bargaùned premises in the qulet and^ peaceable possession of Grantee agalnst all and every pereon or $ersons lalvfirlly clalming or to clalm the wbole or any part thoreof, by, through or under Grantor. INW11INESS IMEEREOF, t}re Grarrtor, has executed this deed on the date setforth above. TCTT,aNERANCE, LLC, a Colorad.o lirniteil liability company By: William N. Lane Trust dated July go, 1969 trtsO A¡rdrew N. Lane, IvÍomber By:TrustCompanÍ,N Byr Nossaman, ft.,DÍ¡octor By;h-ñF ¿n¿t¿* lt. i-ahe, co-rrustee Page 4 of6 89304206101/2417 10:35:44 AM Page 5 of 7 Jean Alberico, Garfield County, Colorado Rec Fee: $43.00 Doc Fee: $720.00 eRecorded SPECIALWA.RRANTYDEH) TCILaneRanch, r.t.g to: .{spen Polo Partners, LLP Garfi eld. County, Colorailo State of Colorado És Countyof Denver theforegoingSpecialWarranrylreed^wasexecutedandaclnowledged.beforemsss 25thtrvIsy ) ) ) Wiüress rny hand a¡rd official,seal" Mycommlsslon expÍres: 2{21 /æ zotT,by J. Kent Nossamon, &., Managing Director ofAtlantic of tbe WiIIi¿m N. Lane Trust dated July Bo, 1969 FBO Andrew Lane Ranch, LLC, a Colorado llmlted liabilþ company. TrustCompan¡ N,À, the Co-T¡ustee N. Lane, one of two Members of TCI meon ée-rvrrv 1969 FBOAnilrew H T State of Colorado County of Denver TINA M. PLUIM NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF CO LORADO lD 2017400?0ó0 20tl WtnesE myhancl andofËclal neal.- rW commtision exptresr >/e¿/pp¡ before Byl Willíam N, Lane Trust dated July go, t96g FBO Nolson P. Lane, Member Byr TruetCompan¡ Nosoaman, Jn, By: Nelson P, Lane, Co-Trustee beforeme on ZSthMay N.A,,the Co-Tbustee Members ofTCI By: ) ) ) EL|ZAðETH M. CAUGEñ MV 201? Page g of 6 8930420610112017 10:35:44 AM Page 6 of 7 Jean Alberico, Garfield County, Colorado Rec Fee: $43.00 Doc Fee: $720.00 eRecorded ffruAl.IilÁTßâÑTTDW} IlUlLurcf,an¡hrItrC to¡ Aspen Polo Partners, LLP State of Colorado Co¡Ðtf ¡$Denver ItË .Þ-, I^ænilùIJß'rdmdo Wfinerr ry ù¡¡d esil o,ffi¡id ¡ca[.. ffr odrülnagfuEs: .,j¡,;;;.1,,t;;J¡¡;' Cufiddftnry,ftIoreilo *,1 c ss ) ) ) .j ';i., ., - .i! f'n,'(i 5ð;.l.Ji}. - tLi.,. ,ti... ,1.."'i i *i'J -..' ffid_ r¡nnìtnffi¡ulhi[itb iloTAìtÌr Puü¡_tc STATEOFGOLCIRÀDO nDmßt) ) ) 8A IütncsryfmddofrndseúffrmfuümqüEúo tu d Golúffi hry #De¡rw ú7, düG üf.Iü LiEnüGhrII&rfrlmdo Ni@ruH¡E Iililüem lL Lmc tr¡stùhd fiy go, rgeriEnOm¡mP,Iær¡¡mbcr .åtilmilbI'Hft'tF¡,rvr fü*ßo-au*eo i æl rtc fbsegoing Ðodrf Werr@ llo¡ü n¡ cæúd" u¡I ùordodggd.befrnu mË m _ tfqtu7rþân&ar!$.r.mc',Q-iflsþpdlücfffitmlt rsrrç|l¡ptdæal¡u¡ygo,rgú9F[$.âûiltmr N. hæ, m düm ilËrìftEs of lft lrm nflldr, If.C, e.ftlrrclo,Hbileùry m¡¡ry. i.i i t Þ DF BF BF cuDqr" Ooillurhc I¡for¡an , t..-.. i: ))s ) Ìtltlnæ my Il¡nd rüû ûdd æaL t4lÇlEdfum Glü¡ts:,.,;.;.;,.;.,¡¿ ;.*.;.i I t f I æt ]IOTARV PUBUC OFSTATE oo[onADO ntA,I. PLUtt n¡gs¡d6 8930420610112017 10:35:44 AM Page 7 of 7 Jean Alberico, Garfield County, Colorado Rec Fee: $43.00 Doc Fee: $720.00 eRecorded ñßrcmLItátf,åNTrrrnnfD ltgtlilnreRañh,l[IiC to: "{spcn PoIo Partncrs, LLP stnte of (ntor¿do Co¡¡r¡Ð of -ï)enrer s8 eæñ¡il¡l0omfy, Colanndrr mo(ln ?tW 1969rFBO ) ) ) frfincesmyhmilmilffici¡lÐeet t ._rryomutdoneryi¡EÉ¡ +/A8 /aot V IrUoüEryFûhf¡¡! AIII¡INDAVIGIL NOTARY PUBLIC 81ÀiTE OF COLORADO NOT{ñY Þ e00040r6017 My coMMlgÊloN ÞçtREg JUNE 2e,2a7l Page 6 of6