HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.12 Grading and Drainage PlanCPX Piceance Holdings, LLC 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 Limited Impact Review Garfield County, Colorado Houston, TX 77056 TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Appendix M: Grading and Drainage Plan Limited Impact Review CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 Houston, TX 77056 TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative CPX Pad 36A Article 4 Section 203.E Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative Limited Impact Review 1 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 1. Introduction The following narrative addresses the requirements for the Grading and Drainage Plan under Article 4 Section 203.E. of the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code (LUDC). 2. Section 4-203.E.1. Site Map. A Site Map showing locations of any existing structures, Waterbodies or hydrologic features on the site, including intermittent water features, Wetlands, and the 100-year Floodplain boundaries. A Stormwater Figure, depicting existing structures and hydrologic site features, is attached. Pad 36A is an existing, previously constructed, and established well pad. Existing Pad 36A is approximately 130 to 223 feet from a perennial stream, Beaver Creek, as determined by a land survey. A Hydrology Map and a narrative exhibit describing the hydrology surrounding Pad 36A are attached. There are no 100-year Floodplain boundaries located within the vicinity of the site. The Hydrology Map and a narrative exhibit describing the hydrology surrounding Pad 36A is attached. 3.Section 4-203.E.2. Drainage Structures. Section 4-203.E.2.a. Locations of existing and proposed drainage structures or natural drainage features affecting site drainage on the parcel and within 10 feet adjacent to the site boundary, including street gutters, storm sewers, drainage channels, and other water conveyance structures; and Wetlands or other Waterbodies receiving storm Runoff from the site. Section 4-203.E.2.b. Preliminary engineering design and construction features for drainage structures to be constructed. Pad 36A was constructed in 2008. Pad 36A has no uncontrolled stormwater on the well pad. The well pad has a 6-inch-diameter drain on the well pad. The drain is piped outside of the berm to a lined trench. The trench drains to a lined catchment basin. Solids settle in the catchment basin for removal. The stormwater evaporates. The Stormwater Figure showing the Pad 36A stormwater controls is attached. 4.Section 4-203.E.3. Topography. Existing topography at reasonable contour intervals to provide necessary detail of the site. The map should extend a minimum of 10 feet beyond the property line and show the location of the property line. The proposed Oil & Gas Permit is located on the existing, established Pad 36A. The nearest adjacent parcel is owned by CPX, the Applicant. The nearest parcel boundary CPX Pad 36A / maw Article 4 Section 203.E CPX Piceance Holdings Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative ww” owned by a different surface owner (the White River National Forest) is located approximately 1,830 feet to the south. The attached Stormwater Figure and the Hydrology Map show reasonable contour intervals at the site. 5. Section 4-203.E.4. Grading Plan. A grading plan showing the proposed topography at reasonable contour intervals that provides necessary detail of the site. The plan shall show elevations, dimensions, location, extent, and Slope of all proposed clearing, and Grading including building site and driveway grades. There are no proposed grading, construction, or site clearing activities associated with the proposed Pad 36A Oil & Gas Permit. Below is a description of the current acreage disturbance of the existing Pad 36A and the estimated footprint following interim reclamation required by COGCC. Surface Use Disturbance — Pad 36A Approximate Acres of Disturbance Existing Disturbance - Pad 36A (Including Cuts/Fills) 5.45 Disturbance After Interim Reclamation (Long-term 1.34 Disturbance) The attached Stormwater Figure and the TPR 36A Site Plan show the as-built details for the site. 6. Section 4-203.E.5. Soil Stockpile and Snow Storage Areas. Probable locations of soil stockpiles and snow storage areas. Existing soil stockpiles located at the edge of Pad 36A contain an estimated 15,380 cubic yards of soil salvaged during construction of Pad 36A. The soil stockpiles are protected from wind and water erosion by a stable 3.5:1 slope and vegetation. The proposed project will not result in additional soil disturbance. Snow within the site perimeter will be stockpiled only as needed to allow operations and will be placed near the outer boundary of the pad. 7. Section 4-203.E.6. Drainage Plan. Proposed drainage plan. Limited Impact Review 2 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 CPX Pad 36A / maw Article 4 Section 203.E CPX Piceance Holdings Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative ww” owned by a different surface owner (the White River National Forest) is located approximately 1,830 feet to the south. The attached Stormwater Figure and the Hydrology Map show reasonable contour intervals at the site. 5. Section 4-203.E.4. Grading Plan. A grading plan showing the proposed topography at reasonable contour intervals that provides necessary detail of the site. The plan shall show elevations, dimensions, location, extent, and Slope of all proposed clearing, and Grading including building site and driveway grades. There are no proposed grading, construction, or site clearing activities associated with the proposed Pad 36A Oil & Gas Permit. Below is a description of the current acreage disturbance of the existing Pad 36A and the estimated footprint following interim reclamation required by COGCC. Surface Use Disturbance — Pad 36A Approximate Acres of Disturbance Existing Disturbance - Pad 36A (Including Cuts/Fills) 5.45 Disturbance After Interim Reclamation (Long-term 1.34 Disturbance) The attached Stormwater Figure and the TPR 36A Site Plan show the as-built details for the site. 6. Section 4-203.E.5. Soil Stockpile and Snow Storage Areas. Probable locations of soil stockpiles and snow storage areas. Existing soil stockpiles located at the edge of Pad 36A contain an estimated 15,380 cubic yards of soil salvaged during construction of Pad 36A. The soil stockpiles are protected from wind and water erosion by a stable 3.5:1 slope and vegetation. The proposed project will not result in additional soil disturbance. Snow within the site perimeter will be stockpiled only as needed to allow operations and will be placed near the outer boundary of the pad. 7. Section 4-203.E.6. Drainage Plan. Proposed drainage plan. Limited Impact Review 2 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 CPX Pad 36A Article 4 Section 203.E Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative   Limited Impact Review 2 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056   owned by a different surface owner (the White River National Forest) is located approximately 1,830 feet to the south. The attached Stormwater Figure and the Hydrology Map show reasonable contour intervals at the site. 5. Section 4-203.E.4. Grading Plan. A grading plan showing the proposed topography at reasonable contour intervals that provides necessary detail of the site. The plan shall show elevations, dimensions, location, extent, and Slope of all proposed clearing, and Grading including building site and driveway grades. There are no proposed grading, construction, or site clearing activities associated with the proposed Pad 36A Oil & Gas Permit. Below is a description of the current acreage disturbance of the existing Pad 36A and the estimated footprint following interim reclamation required by COGCC. Surface Use Disturbance – Pad 36A Approximate Acres of Disturbance Existing Disturbance - Pad 36A (Including Cuts/Fills) 5.45 Disturbance After Interim Reclamation (Long-term Disturbance) 1.34 The attached Stormwater Figure and the TPR 36A Site Plan show the as-built details for the site. 6. Section 4-203.E.5. Soil Stockpile and Snow Storage Areas. Probable locations of soil stockpiles and snow storage areas. Existing soil stockpiles located at the edge of Pad 36A contain an estimated 15,380 cubic yards of soil salvaged during construction of Pad 36A. The soil stockpiles are protected from wind and water erosion by a stable 3.5:1 slope and vegetation. The proposed project will not result in additional soil disturbance. Snow within the site perimeter will be stockpiled only as needed to allow operations and will be placed near the outer boundary of the pad. 7. Section 4-203.E.6. Drainage Plan. Proposed drainage plan. CPX Pad 36A Article 4 Section 203.E Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative   Limited Impact Review 3 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056   Pad 36A is an existing, previously constructed, and established well pad. CPX will utilize engineering and operational BMPs to limited runoff. The Pad 36A drainage features and stormwater controls are detailed in the attached Stormwater Figure. 8. Section 4-203.E.7. Equipment Storage Areas. Location of storage areas designated for equipment, fuel, lubricants, chemical, and waste storage with an explanation of spill containment structures. CPX anticipates approximately 2,300 barrels of on-pad storage will be needed to support the drilling and completion activities at Pad 36A. This will consist of two 750 bbl produced water tanks, one 500 bbl condensate tank, and one 300 bbl condensate tank. 9. Section 4-203.E.8 Temporary Roads. Location of temporary roads designed for use during the construction period. Pad 36A is accessed using the existing Tepee Park Ranch road. 10. Section 4-203.E.9. Areas of Steep Slope. Areas with Slope of 20% or greater shall be identified by location and percentage of Slope, both for the existing site conditions and within the developed area. The application proposes the continued use of Pad 36A to drill, complete, and operate 32 directionally drilled natural gas wells from Pad 36A. Pad 36A is an existing, established well pad that is fully constructed and graded. There are no slopes that exceed 20% within the developed well pad. 11. Section 4-203.E.10. Construction Schedule. Construction schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion time periods of the site Grading and/or construction sequence, including the installation and removal of erosion and sediment control measures, and the estimated duration of exposure of each area prior to the completion of temporary erosion and sediment control measures. Construction activities associated with the continued use of Pad 36A are summarized below: Stage/ Activity Projected Schedule* Construction July 2023 Drilling January 2024 Completions March 2024 CPX Pad 36A Article 4 Section 203.E Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative   Limited Impact Review 4 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056   Interim Reclamation June 2025 Production May 2024 *Subject to permit approval and equipment availability. 12. Section 4-203.E.11. Permanent Stabilization. A brief description of how the site will be stabilized after construction is completed. Cut and fill work for Pad 36A is complete. The well pad was constructed in approximately 2008. The well pad surface and cut slopes are stable and compacted. The berms on fill slopes are compacted and vegetated. The well pad has no uncontrolled stormwater. The well pad berms have approximately 80 percent vegetative cover on the outside slopes to stabilize the berms. Pad 36A has a surface layer of 1- inch aggregate base coarse screened to 3-inch minus. CPX will add an additional 4 to 6 inches of aggregate to support proposed drilling and completion activities. The Pad 36A fill slopes have 2-foot-high earthen berms, compacted to 95 percent soil/moisture density. Stormwater controls on the well pad consist of the 6-inch-diameter drain on the well pad. The drain is piped outside of the berm to a lined trench. The trench drains to a lined catchment basin where solids settle for removal and the stormwater evaporates. Areas of interim reclamation will be seeded for long term stabilization. Interim reclamation measures will comply with all COGCC requirements. 13. Section 4-203.E.12. Erosion Control Measures. Plan view drawings of all erosion and sediment control measures showing approximate locations and site drainage patterns for construction phases and final design elements. Text may be necessary to accompany and explain the drawings. Typical erosion control measures should be depicted using standard map symbols. Pad 36A drainage features and stormwater controls are detailed in the attached Stormwater Figure. CPX and/or its certified contractors will perform regular maintenance of BMPs. These controls and BMPs will remain in place after interim reclamation of Pad 36A. 14. Section 4-203.E.13. Estimated Cost. Estimated total cost, including installation and maintenance, of the required temporary soil erosion and sediment control measures. There are no temporary soil erosion and sediment control measures associated with the proposed drilling and completion activities at Pad 36A. CPX Pad 36A Article 4 Section 203.E Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative   Limited Impact Review 5 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056   15. Section 4-203.E.14. Calculations. Any calculations made for determining rainfall, Runoff, sizing any sediment basins, diversions, conveyance, or detention/retention facilities. Pad 36A is a fully constructed and established well pad. The lined catchment basin has always been adequate to contain stormwater from storm events and snowmelt runoff. 16. Section 4-203.E.15. Neighboring Areas. A description of neighboring areas with regard to land use and existing pertinent features such as lakes, streams, structures, roads, etc. The subject parcel is zoned Rural. All adjacent parcels are zoned Rural or Public Lands in Garfield County. Existing use of adjacent property and neighboring properties are natural resources extraction, public lands, and limited agricultural. CPX owns, maintains, and utilizes a private access road to access Pad 36A. Existing Pad 36A is approximately 130 to 223 feet from a perennial stream, Beaver Creek, as determined by a land survey. The Hydrology Map and a narrative exhibit describing the hydrology surrounding Pad 36A are attached. 17. Section 4-203.E.16. Stormwater Management. A description of the stormwater management planning concept for the site, including both structural and nonstructural best management practices. Well Pad 36A was designed and constructed with site specific stormwater controls depicted in the attached Stormwater Figure. 18. Section 4-203.E.17. Stormwater Management Plan. Copy of the stormwater management plan application to CDPHE with date of submittal. CPX will adhere to the Tepee Park Ranch Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) and Stormwater Management Plan prepared for COGCC detailing stormwater BMPs, controls, and inspections. Due to the size of the SWMP, the plan was not provided in the Administrative Review application, but CPX can provide any information to Garfield County upon request. The approved Stormwater Permit (Certification Number: COR401163) issued by CDPHE on April 1, 2019, is attached. 19. Section 4-203.E.18. Reclamation, Revegetation and Soil Plan. CPX Pad 36A Article 4 Section 203.E Grading and Drainage Plan Narrative   Limited Impact Review 6 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056   A plan that includes the following information and is consistent with the standards in section 7-208. The expected lifespan of proposed well production is approximately 30 years. Interim reclamation will occur at the site after CPX’s 32 natural gas wells are drilled and completed and will adhere to BMPs and requirements set forth by COGCC. Reclaimed areas will be vegetated with approved seed mix in order to reduce erosion and prevent fugitive dust. 20. Section 4-203.E.19. Hydraulic Calculations. Hydrologic, hydraulic, and all other calculations used to size and design drainage facilities and/or structural BMPs. Pad 36A is a fully constructed and established well pad. The lined catchment basin has always been adequate to contain stormwater from storm events and snowmelt runoff. 21. Section 4-203.E.20. Maintenance Requirements. Maintenance requirements for all proposed BMPs should be discussed including access, schedules, costs, and designation of a responsible party. CPX will oversee maintenance of the wells at Pad 36A during drilling, completion, and operation. CPX will comply with COGCC and other state and federal requirements. There are no new construction or grading activities associated with Pad 36A. Pad 36A is a fully constructed and established well pad. No new grading, construction, or stormwater BMPs are proposed as part of this application. 22. Section 4-203.E.21. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan, if Applicable. A SPCC Plan will be required for any facility with the potential to discharge oil of any kind or in any form including, but not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse and oil mixed with wastes, in quantities that may be harmful to navigable water and adjoining shoreline, per EPA regulations. CPX maintains a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan developed in March 2020. / a CPX Piceance Holdings Se TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Stormwater Figure Limited Impact Review CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 / a CPX Piceance Holdings Se TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Stormwater Figure Limited Impact Review CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 Limited Impact Review CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 Houston, TX 77056 TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Stormwater Figure Bmp-nsuog g¢ Ped\ge AvaleL0Z Xd OH ZZOZISL/LL Section 36 T. 78S. R. 94W. Garfield County Proposed Sediment \ y % Trap with 6" Outlet Pipe to Lower Drainage Ditch Proposed Lined Exist. Oil \ % Diversion Ditch ost and \ Maintain Existing DH as Location Diversion Ditchs —a | Exist. Oil & a. NN \ Gas Location oo ~ \ a eee: 3 ; ae ° . io ee —— ° re : r Lae ee — Da . | GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET or: i . \. ——— ae 1 INCH = 60 FEET — : EZ a la Exist. Topsoil Area 3 = A g : ¢ t, & Contour Interval = 2 ft. fl: = 425'x56', 10.5' max depth 9350 Easing x 3 \Y D \ i / 2 ___ (£2,330 cy) Sediment Trap Exist. Topsoil Area 2 | 1 (4 fe Za ; . . . : v—--- v te ey Le £142'x83', 6.3' max depth ~, Exist. Lined J | eos —— BE eee oo —pos | al; f (+950 cy) \ Proposed Diversion Ditch a —-_ | oS a “\ — | Sediment Trap / em — ak) \ TC J Edge of Working 2' Earthen Berm — ia y) Pad. Surface L / ( Existing A : > 2 Drain Pipe re) oo > 5 ! | . > AQ : / > : ~ Q “\ INN 3 goal BES gent / a | \ = N > = b cyst © aA 3 me & | i S 8 & ae) 320 a / / os ° 2 % oe ’ / Proposed Lined 3.5: ae . : . 3 357 | J / Diversion Ditch x, => | "| JSF > Exist. Pad Elev.: +9355 3 oa Pa : / | | o & a / > ‘ ° wo i N Az. 27.10 FSFESPFSPPT PSHE SPS. 8 _— Df \ 113’ 105' £ 15'© 15" 117’ 4 a \Y EXISTING WELL DATA: : > \ 5 a AZ WELL NORTHING EASTING | \ 3 8 —s yo a i TPR 132-36 1577222.4 2341062.9 9379 > ‘ ral = NS ee CNDCTR #2 1577208.4 2341055.8 : \ a g Exist, ficcess Rdad CNDCTR#3 1577195.4 2341049.1 > S — ol 8 ; Drive Over | Berm | 4 o= 380 | — ——— a we ee Edge of Working 9 <=" A r i _.. : _ ih a— Pad Surface \ : DISTURBANCE AREAS _ Z aN Oil and Gas Location 5.45 ac =a i 2 £2. __..—« Propased,Cutings Pit... aovess Road 30.020 19' Depth (8,320 bbl) Y Maintain Existing Sediment Trap 9390 a 9309 *Notes 9370 1) Excavation of Cuttings Trench is the Only Nz Construction Anticipated at this Location. 7 roy 9380 2) Pit Interior Slope: 1:1 RS N 9390 3) 20% Swell Factor Applied to Earthwork Cut Volume. Qg 9400 4 oa'0 ESTIMATED EARTHWORK QUANTITIES (cy) _ ITEM CUT FILL | TOPSOIL | EXCESS 9420 ——— 9430 PAD 0 0 0 0 a — SSeS SS TRENCH] 9,990 | 210 9,780 Exist. Oil and Gas Location 9430 TOTALS] 9,990 210 0 9,780 9440 REVISED, 11/15/22 Construction Plan Prepared for: SCALE: 136 East Third Street Rifle, Colorado 81650 = DATE: Ph. (970) 625-1330 = Fax (970) 625-2773 : ——— PROJECT: Survey Services, Inc. iii PN =60 co CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC 2/28/21 = Cx TPR Well Pad 36A CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT DRA WING PLAN VIEW cs 11/15/2022 K:\CPX 2018\PAD 36\Pad 36 Constr.dwg Oil and Gas Location 5.45 ac19' Depth (8,320 bbl) Bmpysuod 9E PEd\SE GWA\8L0Z XdO\:4 Section 36 T7S8S,R 94W. Garfield County 9380 9360 9340 9320 Exist. Oil & Gas Location NY 9420 ¢ Construction 9400 / / / 9380 / / 1 / Exist. Working 2' High Berm / Pad Surface 9360 eee ag _/ [ft 100" a Z / 7 / 19' Depth 9340 _ =v, 4 Proposed \ Cuttings Trench Exist. Oil & Gas Location 9320) 100 200 300 400 Section A | 9380 Exist. Oil & Gas Location Exist. Working _ i - \ Pad Surface 120' \ 9360 \ 114' Cellar 121' SS oe ae ae Orme —<=ern— —_: eee asaaaoteeaaeee | ee | Saree 9340 | 9320, 100 200 300 Section B ‘a Exist. Oil & Gas Location \ \ Exist. Oil & Gas Location 9380 \ > = \ / \ / A F a a | —i— /- 19! Depth Proposed Exist. Sediment Trap | Cuttings Trench 9340 0 100 200 300 400 9320 Section C _ “ oe Rifle, Colorado 81650 DATE: Fax (970) 626.2773 PROJECT: 9420 9400 9380 9360 9340 9320 9380 Excess Soil Stockpile 9360 Exist. Oil & Gas Location Yo 9340 SN ie 500 600 9320 SCALE: Horiz.: 1" = 60' Vert. : 1" = 30’ *NOTE: CUT SLOPES: 1.5:1 FILL SLOPES: 1.5:1, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. REVISED: 9/13/22 Construction Plan Prepared for: ‘\ > Survey Services, Inc. Fag | a . . As Noted cea CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC 10/14/21 eas CPX TeePee Park Ranch Pad 36A cs CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT CROSS SECTIONS’ K:\CPX 2018\PAD 36\Pad 36 Constr.dwg y CPX Pice ance Holdings ~ \ TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Hydrology Map Limited Impact Review CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 y CPX Pice ance Holdings ~ \ TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Hydrology Map Limited Impact Review CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 Limited Impact Review Garfield County, Colorado Houston, TX 77056 TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Hydrology Map 2,640' from Working Pad Surface 1,430' NE 130' W 850' N 880' N CPX Water Well No. 321677 CPX PICEANCEHOLDINGS LLC CPX PICEANCEHOLDINGS LLC Existing Well Pad 25A ExistingWell Pad 36A 940' SW 1,520' S 610' NE190' NW 410' N 920' N 740' N 223' W Section 25 Section 36 Section 31 Section 6 Section 7 Section 1 Section 12 T7S R94WT8S R94W T7S R94WT8S R93WT7S R94WT7S R93WT8S R94WT8S R93WT8S R93WT7S R93W LegendWater Well Working Pad Surface Oil and Gas Location 2,640' from Working Pad Surfac e Forest Service Jurisdiction Parcels Surveyed Stream Actual Water Feature is Downgradient fromthe Oil and Gas Location National Wetlands Inventory Forested/Shrub Wetland Freshwater PondFigure 4b Aota Technical, LLC Figure No. Hydrology Map 11/1/22Date Data Sources:COGCC GIS OnlineU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National W etlands Inventory Note:There are no Public Water System Facilities (intakes, wells, storage facilities, recharge areas, or treatment plants) and no Rule 411 buffer zones within 2,640' of the Working Pad Surface. There are no surface waters within the 2,640' of the Working Pad Surface that are 15 stream miles upstream of a Public Water System intake. 0 125 250 375 500 Feet CPX Piceance Holdings, LLCTepee Park Ranch Well Pad 36A Garfield CountySW1/4NE1/4 Sec. 36, T7S R94W, 6th P.M. CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 Limited Impact Review Garfield County, Colorado Houston, TX 77056 TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Hydrology Narrative SENSITIVE AREA EVALUATION TPR Pad 36A November 2022 The information below describes the Sensitive Area evaluation conducted under Rule 303.a.(5).B.iii for CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC (CPX). CPX owns and operates Tepee Park Ranch (TPR) in Garfield County, Colorado , primarily for development of natural gas. CPX has prepared an Oil and Gas Development Plan and Form 2A application for the proposed drilling and production on existing Well Pad 36A (Pad 36A) on TPR. Pad 36A is in the SW ¼ NE ¼ Section 36, Township 7 South, Range 94 West. In accordance with Rule 303.a.(5).B.iii and the Form 2A and Form 2B submitted for the Location, the Sensitive Area evaluation demonstrates that the Location does not introduce anticipated impacts to areas defined as sensitive water resources . The COGCC definition of Sensitive Area is shown below. ”SENSITIVE AREA is an area vulnerable to potential significant adverse groundwater impacts, due to factors such as the presence of shallow groundwater or pathways for communication with deeper groundwater; p roximity to surface water, including lakes, rivers, perennial or intermittent streams, creeks, irrigation canals, and wetlands. Additionally, areas classified for domestic use by the Water Quality Control Commission, local (water supply) wellhead protection areas, areas within 1/8 mile of a domestic water well, areas within 1/4 mile of a public water supply well, ground water basins designated by the Colorado Ground Water Commission, and surface water supply areas are sensitive areas.” Table 1. Sensitive Areas Criteria Finding Surface Water Existing Pad 36A is approximately 130 to 223 feet from a perennial stream , Beaver Creek, as determined by land survey. Groundwater Depth to groundwater is approximately 60 feet, based on the drill report for Spud/Uncompleted Pad 36A Well 132-36 (Facility ID 05-045-16949). Domestic Water Well Existing Pad 36A is approximately 320 feet east of a domestic groundwater well owned by CPX (DWR Permit No. 321677). Public Water Supply None. EVALUATION 1. Surface Water Existing Pad 36A is approximately 130 to 223 feet from Beaver Creek, based on a n October 2022 land survey of the creek location by a qualified land surveyor. The distance exceeds the less precise 60 to 223 feet shown in U.S. Geological Survey mapping of Beaver Creek. Beaver Creek is a perennial stream. Surface water is protected from a potential release from the Location. There is n o unprotected pathway for a potential release to reach surface water. The Location is not in a 100-year floodplain. Pad 36A does not have anticipated potential for sedimentation in surface water. The pad was constructed in 2008. Soil disturbance is complete. The pad is stable and compacted. Personnel will be on site and monitoring the Location 24/7 during well drilling and completions. Tanks on the Location during production will have lined steel secondary containment sized to 150 percent of the largest tank. The Location has 2-foot compacted earthen berms. The berms have approximately 80 percent vegetative cover. Stormwater on the Location flows to an engineered 6 - inch collection drain. The collection drain is piped to a lined perimeter diversion trench. T he trench drains to a catchment basin. Solids settle in the catchment basin for removal. Stormwater evaporates. CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Sensitive Area Evaluation TPR Pad 36A 2 November 2022 2. Groundwater The depth to groundwater is approximately 60 feet, based on the drill report for Spud/Uncompleted Pad 36A Well 132-36 (Facility ID 05-045-16949). Groundwater is protected from potential contamination from the Location. There is no unprotected pathway for potential contamination of groundwater. Pad construction is complete, and the pad surface is heavily compacted. Personnel will be on site and monitoring the Location 24/7 during well drilling and completions. Tanks on the Location during production will have lined steel secondary containment sized to 150 percent of the largest tank. 3. Domestic Water Well Domestic water at DWR Permit No. 321677 is protected from potential contamination. The well is approximately 320 feet away. Water will be extracted from the well at depths below 60 feet. In addition to its distance, the water supply is monitored by COGCC Rule 615 sampling requirements. Rule 615 requires baseline sampl ing by CPX prior to setting conductor pipe, followed by subsequent monitoring within 12 months after completions, between 60 and 72 months after completions, and every 5 years for the life of the well. 4. Public Water Supply There are no Public Water System Facilities (intakes, wells, storage facilities, recharge areas, or treatment plants) and no Rule 411 buffer zones within 2,640 feet of the Working Pad Surface. There are no surface waters within 2,640 feet of the Working Pad Surface that are 15 stream miles upstream of a Public Water System intake. Well Pad 36A is not within a Rule 411.a.(1) Surface Water Supply Area Buffer Zone. Beaver Creek was removed from the city of Rifle Watershed District by Ordinance No. 7, dated June 6, 2018. Ordinance No. 7 (June 6, 2018) amended Article II, Chapter 13, of the Rifle Municipal Code to remove Beaver Creek as a Rifle Watershed District designated water source. The amendment followed the decommissioning of the city’s Beaver Creek Water Plant as a point of diversion for drinking water use by the city. A copy of Ordinance No. 7 is attached. With the removal of Beaver Creek from Rifle Watershed District designation, Pad 36A is not located in a Rule 411.a.(1) Surface Water Supply Area buffer zone and, more specifically, a Rule 411.a.(1).B.ii Intermediate Buffer Zone applicable to locations between 1,001 and 1,500 feet hydraulically upgradient from a Classified Water Supply Segment. Pad 36A and Beaver Creek are shown on the Form 2A, Hydrology Map. Pad 36A is not within 2,640 feet of a surface water 15 stream miles upstream of a Public Water Supply Intake. Rule 304.b.(7).E.v requires a Hydrology Map showing any surface waters within 2,640 feet of the Working Pad Surface that are 15 stream miles upstream of a Public Water Supply intake. Pad 36A is approximately 130 feet hydraulically upgradient from Beaver Creek (based on land survey) but is not within 15 stream miles upstream of a Public Water Supply intake. The confluence of Beaver Creek with the Colorado River is approximately 10 miles to the north. The city of Rifle public water supply intake is approximately 7 miles upstream of that confluence, or approximately 17 stream miles from Pad 36A. One town of Parachute intake is sourced from groundwater at Revelle Spring. Revelle Spring is approximately 11 miles downstream of the confluence of Beaver Creek and the Colorado River, or approximately 21 stream miles from Pad 36A. Discussion of Revelle Spring is in the Colorado River Partnership, Source Water Protection Plan (January 2013), found at: https://www.rifleco.org/DocumentCenter/View/5650/SWPCRP_SWPP_FINAL_January_2013?bidId=v . Attachment City of Rifle, Colorado, Ordinance No. 7 CITY OF RIFLE, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 7 SERIES OF 2018 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RIFLE. COLORADO, AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 13 OF THE RIFLE MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE RIFLE WATERSHED DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City of Rifle ("Rifle" or the "City") is a home-rule municipality organized pursuant to Article XX of the Colorado Constitution and with the authority of the Rifle Home Rule Charter; and WHEREAS, Article II of Chapter 13 of the Rifle Municipal Code establishes the City's Watershed District and sets for the permitting and regulatory requirements within the Watershed District, as provided pursuant to the authority of Section 31-15-707, C.R.S.; and WHEREAS, the City has recently decommissioned its Beaver Creek Water Plant affecting the regulation of the Beaver Creek watershed and requiring amendments to Article II, Chapter 13 of the Rifle Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City desires to clarify prohibited and regulated activities in its watershed with amendments to Section 13-2-240 of the Rile Municipal Code; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RIFLE, COLORADO, ORDAINS THAT: 1. The City Council incorporates the foregoing recitals as conclusions, facts, determinations, and findings by the City Council. 2. Chapter 13, Article 2 of the Rifle Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows, with double underlined text added and shike thfeugh language deleted: Article II -Watershed District Division 1 -General Provisions Sec. 13-2-20. -Jurisdiction and map. The jurisdiction of the District shall extend over the territory occupied by the City waterworks and all reservoirs, streams, trenches, pipes and drains used in and necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation of the same, and over Beaver Creele, the Colorado River and all water sources and drainage areas tributary thereto for five (5) miles above the points from which water is diverted for use by the City. The District Map, with all notations, references and City of Rifle, Colorado Ordinance No. 7, Series of2018 Page 2of6 other information shown thereon, is incorporated herein as part of this Article. The official District Map is located and can be reviewed in the office of the City Clerk, and copies thereof are available on request at a cost as set forth in Appendix A to this Code. Sec. 13-2-30. -Definitions. Whenever the following words or phrases are used in this Article, they shall have the following meaning: **** Tributary means any watercourse, stream, creek, spring or drainage area which provides a source of supply to the City's potable water diversion points on Beat,•er Creek BREI the Colorado River. **** Sec. 13-2-40. -Prohibited activities; permitted activities requiring notice. (a) It is unlawful for any person to cast, place, dump or deposit in any part of the City waterworks any substance or material which may injure or obstruct the same or tend to contaminate or pollute the water or obstruct the flow of water through the City's water facilities. For a distance of five (5) miles upstream from the points where the water supply is diverted, no person shall: (1) Throw, cast, put or deposit any pollutant or contaminant into or in close proximity to Bewf'er Creek, the Colorado River, or any of theif its tributaries or drainage areas; (2) Store or retain any offensive or unwholesome substance on any premises in such position that the substance or drainage therefrom may be carried by natural causes into Bew1er Creek, the Colorado River; or any oftkeif it§ tributaries or drainage areas; or (3) Permit to flow into Beaver Creek, the Colorado River, or any of theif its tributaries or drainage areas from any place or premises any foul or contaminating fluid. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause injury or damage to the City waterworks. ( c) In addition to the general prohibitions of Sections 13-1-820, 13-1-830 of this Chapter and Subsections (a) and (b) above, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any of the following activities within the Watershed District, which activities the City Council finds pose a potential or threat of injury to the waterworks or pollution to the City's water supply, unless such person shall, prior to commencement of such activity, receive a permit for such activity under the provisions of this Article: Cl) Construction. maintenance anaLg r operation of any se ~sige treatment disoosa\ svstem with an average design capacity greater than 2,000 gallons per day; omvide.dJ ha.t City of Rifle, Colorado Ordinance No. 7, Series of2018 Page 3 of6 anv sewage disposal system with an average desjgn capacity less than or equal to 2.000 gallons per day is also subject to regulation under this Article if it is not installed. operated and maintained in compliapce with all applicable laws. rules. regulations. permits. and Best Management Practices which condition is met if Garfield County regulations are adhered to. or js located wjthin one hundred (] 00) feet of any watercourse. Construetion or installatioR of a se1ivage disposal system. (2) Consttuction. maintenance and/or operatjon of a sur(ace or subsurface tank that stores chemicals. cbemjcal waste. biological nutrient or material. radioactive material. petroleum product. or any industrial. municioal or agricultural waste. excepting residential prooane tanks and septic systems. Q~ Excavation. dredging. filling. grading. or compaction of any topsoil. sand. rock. dirt. or other material over an area in excess of 0.5 acre. The area disturbed by the construction and majptepance of a driveway to a single family residence shall not be included in the calculatjon of the 0.5 acre threshold under this sectiQn . e*eavatioR, graEliRg, filliRg Of Sl:lrfaeiRg. ~) Removal of any vegetation or trees by any method over an area in excess of 0.5 acre. Removal of·1egetatioR. (4) Timber karvestiRg. (5) Apy surface or subsurface miping or miperal resource extraction. including any and all oil aud/or natural Gas drilling. extraction or mining. Drilling eperatioRs. ( 6) Alteration, improvements or modifications of any water drainage courses. (7) S1:1rfaee anEI sabserfaee mining operations. U8) Use of any restricted use pesticide <RUP). herbjcide fungicjde. rodenticide. insecticide or any other chemical for eradication or cgntrQI of any plants or animals that is within one hundred <100) feet of any watercourse. Spraying or HsiRg kerbieides. (8) Consttuction of any imperyjous surface with an aggregate area greater than 25.000 square feet that could direct anv contamination or oolJutant toward watercourse or Town waterworks. (9) Using, handling, storing or transmitting toxic or hazardous substances, including but not limited to radioactive materials. (10) Using, handling, storing or transporting flammable or explosive materials, except for domestic purposes or within vehicular fuel storage tanks. City of Rifle, Colorado Ordinance No. 7, Series of2018 Page 4 of6 (11) Land application of primary, secondary, treated or untreated sewage, sewage sludge, biosolids, septage, mixed liquor, screenings, grit or any byproduct of sewage or sludge. l I 2) Construction and operation of a feedlot unrelated to current farming and ranchjng QPerations . ( J 3) Any of the activities prohibited in this section regardless of the amount of acreage affected if such activities are located in or within one hundred (I OOl feet of any watercourse. and/or if such activity is associated with the construction of any water diversion. storage or conveyance Structure. including but no limited to such structures as diversion headworks. dams. canals. ditches. flumes. pioelines. conduits. reservoirs. drains. wells. (excluding domestic wells serying less than three (3) residences) and pumps. apd further including any equipment. buildings. structures. roads. and other facilities necessarv for the construction. maintenance and operajion of the structures. ( d) The following activities are permitted within the District, provided that written notification of such activity is provided to the City ten ( 10) days prior to commencement of such activity: ( 1} Road maintenance by governmental entities. (2) Construction or maintenance of farm or ranch roads. irrigation ditches or ponds. where such roads or ponds are constructed and maintained to assure that flow and circulation patterns and chemical and biolofilcal characteristics of all surface and groundwater resources are not impaired. and that any adverse effect on the aquatic environment will be otherwise minim ized. (3) Normal farming and ranching activities such as olowing. haying. seeding. cultivating. minor drainage. harvesting for the production of food and fiber, upland soil and water conservation practices. or livestock grazing. ( 4) Normal maintenapce of oonds. bridges. riprap. and drainage and irrigation ditches and related structures. including ditch burning whether by hand or with the use of equipment and machinery. "J Noxious weed or in~ntroJ,. (6) Removal of dead. in.s~Unfe£ted or diseased trees. (7) Construction ofa li vestock water tank as defined in C.R.S. §35-49-105 (2012). ~tenaru.;e Af..wetlands. City of Rifle, Colorado Ordinance No. 7, Series of2018 Page 5 of6 (9) Modifications to any watercourse for fisheries improvements or riparian habitat creation and/or restoration peanitted by the Auny Corns of Engineers. ( 1 Q) Emergency riparian work, provided that anY pennanent work shalt be regulated if otherwise regulated by this ordinance; and ( 11) Wildland fire mitigation and emernency firefighting activities: and (J 2) Drilling of domestic wells serying less than (3) residences. 1-1(11-1),____,,.,.gtu;ow;:e~lc-+gr-az,qi"n~g (2) RoeEI maintenenee atul iffl13roves h~· gor;emmental entities. The written notice required under this Subsection shall include the name and address of the person undertaking the activity, a legal and common description of the location of the proposed activity, a description of the proposed activity, a discussion of the potential impacts upon the City's waterworks or water supply, and such other infonnation as the City may require. The purpose of this notice requirement is to allow the City an opportunity to protect the waters of the District by suggesting a best management practice for such activity prior to its commencement. (e) In the event that any activity not listed in Subsection (c) above is being conducted in such a manner that the City Council finds that there exists a foreseeable risk of injury to the City's waterworks or pollution to the City's water supply, the person responsible for such activity shall be notified by the City of such finding and the City may require that the activity cease and desist until a pennit is obtained for the activity under the provisions of this Article. INTRODUCED on May 16, 2018, read by title, passed on first reading, and ordered published by title as required by the Charter. INTRODUCED a second time at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Rifle, Colorado, held on June 6, 2018, passed without amendment, approved, and ordered published in full as required by the Charter. Dated this -lQday ofJwf\L ATTEST: 2018. BY :.~ I Mayor City of Rifle, Colorado Ordinance No. 7, Series of 2018 Page 6 of 6 City of Rifle, Colorado Ordinance No. 7, Series of 2018 Page 6 of 6 City of Rifle, Colorado Ordinance No. 7, Series of2018 Page 6 of6 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 Limited Impact Review Garfield County, Colorado Houston, TX 77056 TPR Well Pad 36A Article 9 Oil and Gas Permit Application Stormwater Permit A"I COLORADO Department of Public Health & Environment CERTIFICATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER CDPS GENERAL PERMIT COR400000 STORMWATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Certification Number: COR401163 This Certification to Discharge specifically authorizes: Owner CPX Piceance Holdings LLC Operator CPX Piceance Holdings LLC to discharge stormwater from the facility identified as Tepee Park Ranch To the waters of the State of Colorado, including, but not limited to: to Beaver Creek to Colorado River Facility Activity:Oil and gas production Disturbed Acres:30 acres Facility Located at:CR 317 and USFS Rd 824 uninc CO 81650 Garfield County Latitude 39.42260 Longitude -107.82924 Specific Information (if applicable): Certification is issued 4/112019 Certification is effective 4/1/2019 Expiration date of general permit: 3/31/2024 This certification under the permit requires that specific actions be performed at designated times. The certification holder is legally obligated to comply with all terms and conditions of the permit. This certification was approved by: Meg Parish, Unit Manager Permits Section Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246 303-692-3500 www_colorado.gov/cdphe/wqcd I ~’(i~~’.~.... ;~\~~r}~ (.:.. ~...r~ :" CI ~2~~\)" ....~": r~-’!;~.+{"