HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubsoil Study for Foundation Design 10.20.2021l(+rtHmmgffigih*"'- æ StfJû tlouniy RoaÁ Ì54 Glürvoüd Spriugs, Cû Slitl phona: {9?0) 9a5-?988 fm {97t1) 945-8454 etnait kagla*wood@k*rrmrse"crca *n ¡npl6fr.ü Oïr?rÖd goñpûnf mhwx*sss 0ñxl*ctiffi: Ss,.rÊ¡qLfe*tr,ColoradoSpriuggFortftüíø,{iløvæd$priags,eld$ffiitCor¡ly,Cs¡s¿ds $utsotl$I'üDY ¡,OA TCIÏJNT'ATTOfi T}ËSI€N Pnop0snr CIFrrcnrvÁRnaûüða sl6'ço$NTvRoaI¡ ts4 çÄnFffiLD CoüNTY, COLoRÂDO P$üJËCT lïCI. t1-?-S70 üCTOBXRåü,102f PRTPÅ,RßI} f{}fr.: $Al,t,3ç()fi vnxTïßrs, ff{c, ATTN: GÅRYWÖ0üTfüItüI P.û. BOX*rr YÂIL,C0L0RAþÛ ttssû fi &tv,wgodgorfft ñ-Ëdltrüñðprp"rÉu 'IÂTLD CIT üO¡¡TtrNl'S HGilfr.H 1 - I,OCÀ'flOT{ üTT TSXPLORATÛI{Y I}ORJMüS PIüURËå - LûÕS ÛF Ð$JLCINAîÕRYB$R.INü$ I¡IççRn 3 - LßGÊNÐ.{?'Iï}NûTSS FIGUR.E 4. çRAPÀTTÕN TE$T RI3$ÏILT$ TÂBLE l- SIJMMÀRY $f L.ÀBOR¡i.TORY TE$T RE$ULTS Ksñãr& Âs¡âd¡tor, lna. o Proþit{o.21"7-flû ?Uft-PÕ$E ri¡tlD $C(}Ptr û}. STUIIY Thi* repart presenl* fhe rssulB of* subroil $tudy for â prop{r¡ed offi$dwârehouse to b* locnted in the oxisting $allegos stono yard at 5169 Çaanty Road 154, Çar*çld Çouaty, Colornclo. The pr<rjact ritc is ehown an Figure t. The purpns* çf lhø st*dy wax te dev*þ recommsnd¿¡tisn's for the fouadation design. The sludy was conducted in acaordance with nnr agreemer:t far geoteehaicel engineeriag services to Çallegos Ventures, Inc dated Jurc 29, 2021. A field explcratianpr*6lam cansisti.ng ofl*xplornlrrry boringr was ømductçri ta qht*in informati¡n cn the subscrlbcç cr¡nslitionr. Somplas of {he $ubspils ohinfued during th* fïeld explorntion were tpsted in tbe lab*r*fory t* determine thpir classiÍ¡ertion and cther eagineering characteristics. The re$ults cfthç fiekl exploration end lnborêtory lesting \rere analyz*d t* d*velap rccnmmcnd¿tio¡ri for foundation types, depths and ulìnwabl* pressur*s fsr the prcpawd building fsundalion. This report $ummår;ae$ ths däfå sbteinåd drui*g this study and prercnls our conclusions, design recrmmend¡rtions nnd otlrer gectechnicd engineering c*nsiderefions based on the propoxed con*truction a&d the subsu¡{ıce conditions eßsountered. pRûp0sn$ cCIN$Ta$cïIött The propo*ed aflipelwarphousc will be a tall one-story wsrehouse stn¡ctur* wilh *n ctteched sn*- stoty office wifh åpärknent$ ab¿rve it. Çmçnd îlorr will b* slab-an-grade. Çreding far tlrr sfructïrs is a¡ilmod tc bs fflativdy rninar with cu{ depths bçtween abonÌ 3 ts 4 f.rst, Wc nssune relaiively ligbt found*tion loadiug*, t¡pical ofthe proposed type cfconslnrclion. Ifbuilding loudíngs, localion or padirg plan* *ha*ge significanfly from thÇss described obove, wc *hfirl.d b* nctiJie<l t* re-evahmtc the rçcosxncndaticns con|rrhed in thís reporr. SITK CONPITIO¡çS The sits is *unently a stone yard witlr stored st*neo equipme* and storage $tfixitrÌrt$. The site hns b**n gra*led r*la{ively fl*t with * gravel *urf***, A 5 tü 7-fost hll boulder rehini$g wåll hord*rs the yard sre* ûrì the **uth siele. Therç are kees snd bushes nbng tbe sotth *i¡J* of *te property and *long the tlowing irrigation ditch *n lhe nsrlh side *fthe stane yard, southwest af CcunfyRaad I54. r'ffLl} NXTLORÂ,TT$N Thc lietd wplrrntion for fhe pr*ject 1v&s ecnduetsd on Jut¡* 30, 2{¡21 " Fcur explcrct*ry borings wecs drilled *t tbe locstio$$ shown on Ëigure I to evaluste the subsurfsce pcnditioss, The Kuma*Â*ochto*, trnc. ú Proþct tlo" fl-7-51û ^7 - bnring* rvere advsneed witt 4-inch *liam*ter eçnti¡rusu$ flight augers ¡rowered hy a huck mou¡rted CMg45fi drill rig. The borings were logged by a represe*fative of l(umar & Àssûciatès, I¡rc. Scmplen *f the subsoils were taken with lY* inch and 2 isch Lþ. spann s*mplers. The s*mplem wer$ driyen info ths subsoil* st variçu* depths with hlcws fnm a 14û pcu*d hammer fhlling 30 inchen, This tesi is similflr to thc stnndnrd lxnetratio¡l te*t d*s*ribed by "4STM ldsth$d D-I58S. The penelralion rçsistûÍce v*iues are an indication cfthe relative densiry or *orsist*ncy ofthe s¡rbsoils. äepths at rvhich tlre sarnplee were tsken nnd the penetralion resislarce valu€s are shown on the Log* af Ëxplorntcry Sorings, Fþurc ?. The samples w*rç refiffied ts our lcboratory for review hy the project *n6ineer and testing. ${J3ST'RF.4"CH COT{NIT¡ÛN$ trrephic lags of thr *ubsurfnc¡p cçnditicns encourtered st the site are shown on I'igare 2. B*lcw about 6 inchss ofroad bnse, the *ubsûils coffiist ofrÊlstiveþ dense, *ligltty *ilty, s*ndy gravel with cobbles. Abcut 1 fo 9 feet of Iuðdium tlenre, siþ sand and gravel ta sí|ry sasd ând elay {fffli was ençp¡¡$tercd, mo*tly ir lSexings 3 sr¡d 3 on th.ç soulhem end of the proprrty, Þrillíng in the dten¡e granular soils wiih auger equipmcnt wns dilficult due ta the *obbles ånd bonlders and clrilling reft*af wå$ er$üunlered in lhe deyxit at all fottr boring loenti*r¡s. Lnbomtory te*ting perfonned on ramples obtained frçm lh* h,orings inclu¡led $alur¡rl moistTre çonler¡t, densiry and gradation annþes. REsults of gradntion analyses perfacrned. an *mall diamet*r drive samples imíuos l7l-inch fr¿etíor¡J of the co*rse grnnular ¡sbsoils are sbow$ on Fisr¡rç 4. The laboraiory testing is sxnrmsrized in Table 1, Np free wafçr wax *nc¡runtcrrd in thr: beirings at th* tirns cf drilling ånat lhe subsoils wer* sligþtty nraist tc mnist. FCIT]¡{T'ÅTJON ßNÅRTFIG CÕþ{NTTIßNS 'fhe 7 tû I fcef of fill *üec¡¡rntsfi¡d in åhe southern pcrt of the site i* not snitnble for xupprxt of th* buitding end will ff€d to be sr¡b**xe*v*ted and replo**<l wi¡h sÍruct$rel fill or thr: f,*otings cxtended down to thewrderþi*g densç nalural soil* døpending *n lr$re n¡uçh seltlemsät een bë tolErated. Xr¡¡¡s & À**od*ts*, lnc. e PrÖþet t{o. ?1"7-5t0 ? ÐasrËT{ x,ncoMMßlt{ÞÅTr0¡l$ FOUNÐS,TÏON$ Con*idering th¿ subnurface condifirnr encount*red in thp *xplorat*ry boring* asd the n¿lur* cf the proposed coustructio& lye recommend the building be fcundod rvitit spread footings beadng on the u*hral, rel*tiv*ly dense" granulnr soils. 'fhe design and ponçtruction eriterie pre*ented below should be obsorved fpr a spread foating foundation system. l) Footings placed o$ the undistnrbed netrral granulæ *oil* sho*ld be designett for nn allawtbïe henring presxur* of 4,0{10 psf. Fa*ed *n exp*ri*nçe, w$ expeçt setdement offùorings desigrred and concfntpled as discu*sed in this sçctinu will beåho$t I inchorless. 2j Th* fo*tingx shculd hnvç a mir¡imurn wirlth çf 16 hchss for ccntinuaus çsll* and ? fept for iscleted pacfs. 3] llxterior faotíngs *nd foctings beÃs*th ¡¡fihçnfcd nrens sh*nlel bç provi*l*d with nd*quate roil cçver abpve iå*ir trearing elevntiqn for fr$st pnrteelirrn. Pla*çmçnt offç¡undstioüs at lçast 36 inr:hes bcl$w *xierior grade is þpic*þ usçd in lhis arsa. 4) Continuoss foundation walls shculd be reinlbreed top aud bottom tc span local *tomalias su*h as by es*uning an unrupporte*l length ofat lea$ I0 feet. Foundalion walls aeting a$ rÊtaining sßucture* sfuo$ld al$o be de*igne,*l t* resist a l*terol earth pr*ssurç core$poüding to *n equivalent fluid unit rreight nftt lenst 50 pcf for the nnsite grmular soils exulnding topseiil, r;lay nnd rock l*rger thnn 6 inches. J) ,4.11 existing fi$, topsoil and any loo*e or disturbed soils *hu¡¡ld be rernovecl snd the f*oting b*aring lpvel s,xteñded down ta the relatively drus* nntural grnnular soils" The expased soils in fonting *rea should then be m$istsnsd anrl cnmp*cted. 61 ./t r€prÞ$sntâtive afthe geotechnical engineer shoulcl observe all footiug excavotior* prior to cor¡eretë plac*msut ter evnl**te benring coÍditicns. RËT.ô,TNTNü lVAfL$ &etainilg structurex rrhich are ht*rally *ugported {restrnin*d agrinst movement) and can b'e expectnd to undergn only o *light amounl ofd*fìectiç¡l shauld b* drsigr¡çd for a l¿t*ral earth pres$ur$ çsmputed on the basls çf ¡s eryrivelent lïuid unit weigftt of al least 5ü pcf for b*ckfilt eousicting of the on-site gf*nular srrils. #antilewrçd rct*íning strcçîurÊ$ which are separate from l{umar* Â*¡ocl¡to*, lnc. t Proþet l{c.2l-7-5I0 4 the buildirg mcl co* b,e nxp*cted to delle*l sxfficienrly tn mnbilize th* lhll octivç earlh prÞs$urç condition shasld be designed for a later*l earth pressute couputed or the basis ofan equivalent flniduait weigût af at least 4t pcf for backfill cür$irti*g of th* cn-site granular ooils. All fcund¡iisn and refaining struclçrcs chouklbe dasiped fnr npprapriate hydrasftrtic nnrl *ur*harge prersures such as ndj*cent fix*i*gs, lrxl{tr:, evnxlructian mster;als and equipmeni. The pres$r¡rçs recrmmenrted above nssumç drsined conditions bebird the wells ff¡d n horizontâl bsckfill surfrcs. The buildup of w*ter trehind a wall or an upwerd sloping backfill surface will incrc¡sc tbs laterrl pex*ure impoxed oa a foundation rvall ar retaining ntrucfi¡rç. A,x und*rdrnin shaukl be provided lopevent hydroelafic prersure buildup behind walls. Ila¡¡klill should be pla*eel in unifçrn¡ li{lc arrd *ompaete*l 1o et least 9tÈl* of th* maximum sfandard ProstÐr denrity at n maielure costent r¡ear optimmn. Sackfill in pavement and walkway aress $hould he eompactod to at lcast 9f96 cf the meximum sl¡ndard Proetrr denxþ. Care shauld bs t¿ken üot tû ÕvercÕmpact the bspklill or use large equipnrent near the wsll, sinee thi* conld cause exsessive latera! pressnre on the wall. So¡ue settlemeüf of deep foundalion w¡ll bsckl¡ll *fuiuld be ex¡reeted, *ven if the msteri*l is placed crrectly, and eould reeult i* distresx to facilities coi¡structed *¡r tke backfill. Ba*kfill *hould ¡rct *tr¡rtain organiex, debris or rcck larger than about 6 iuehes" Tbe laterål resista¡rce of foundation or retaining well footings will be r combinatic¡¡ of tbe sliding resistance ofthe fboting tn th* foundøtian rnsteriels and paesive eerfh pres*ure against the *ide sf'the footing. I{esir*tance tn sliding ai the bctklms *fihe fo*tings can be ealculatsd basedon*coefficientsf&istionof0.5û. ?a*sivepresswecfrompacledbackJillagcinstthn sidçs ofthe footingr caa he caleul*tsd usí*g an equivnle*t fluid uriit weig*:t of4t0 pcfl The coeffici*nt cf ñiction and pns*ive prersure vdu*s r+eoüIm*$ded above axsume ultimsfe soil strenglh" Suit*ble fact*r* of *afety sh*ulJ bç inck¡dert in fhe design t* limit the etrain ïrhich will accur at the ultimåfç sfrengfho pnrtir:ularly in fke *ase of pasçive rs*íståßr)*. Fill plnced *gninst he si{rer of tho footings tc rcsirt }ttçrnl lcrds should b* c grrurulnr mrhri*l veimpncted Èo el l*å$t 95% cf tÌ¡* maximu$ stsndård Proctrr de*sity at a mçisiure content a*cr rplimum. rL(}0R $L.AI}S The naturøl an-sit* sails, çxclu*ivc afexisting fill *ad tops*il, arç s*itablç to support ligfutþ loaded slab-*n"grade eoushtelion, To rs&iee the effept* nf some dilTûrential movement. floor slsbs should be s*parated from all bearing lr*ll* a¡¡d colümns rvith expansionjcinfs whi*h nllow tnrestrsi¡red verticsl movemenl Floor slab cantrol jníuts slro*ld be ssed to reduce <leruage du* to shrinkng* cra*king. The requirern*nls forjoint sp*oing and slab æinfbrcem*nt shor¡ld be Kumar t Â**aci¡to¡, lnc. *Proþût l¡r. 2l-I-5¡& 5 e*tablished by tlre d*rigner based cur experie:rcc and dre intcnded slab u*e, A minimum 4 inch layer ofgravel should be placed benenth sl¡bs fa provide supporf. This matorial should cossist ofminus 2-inch aggregnte with at leøst 3üö/ø rvtutrcá on thc No. 4 :ieve nnd less 1b*n 12% passing tlr* Na. 2{ll} *i*vs" Àll lïll material* for support *f llçor slabs should be campacled to et lenst 95% cf rnâ-\im$m stmderd Prsctcr density s? å noirfirË snntðnt nåar optim¡¡m. Required fill cnn consls? of ths on- rite gra*ular xrils dnvcid ofvegetation, l*psqil ñìd ovçrsired ro*k UNäËR}R,{IN SYSTË.h{ Álthough ûee wofer was not eneountered druing our erploration ít has been aur *xperience in mountsinnus *rsar tlmt laeal ¡rerchedgroundwaterean dÈvsl$p duiing tinrss nf hs*vy precipiAtion or $6ð$ofi{rl rur}rffl Smzen gr*uncl duing spring runcffcan create n perclred ccndiÈion, lffe rec$rnmsnd belaw-gradro ccnskuction, such as retoining walls, be prctested Sçm wçtting nn<l hydmrlatic prersurn buildup hy an un<lerrlr*í* syslem, The drains shculd consist of drainpþ ptaeeel in thp battom *f the wall backfill xrroçnded above thc inwrt lel'el wilh free-draining granølarmaterial, 'Ihe drain *hpulsl bç pløced at *ach levcl of excavaticn and at lea*t I foot below lowest arljacent tìnish grade md sloped at a miuinruur l% tn a ruitabl* gravity rrutlst, Free-dreining grenular material used in the undenlrùin systrm shnnld contain less fhari 2yr p*$sing the T,{o. 300 sieve, less thatl 5t% passing the }ilo. 4 sieve a:d h¿ve a maximum srxe çf 2 inchçs. Thç dr*in gravel b¿ckfill shcluld trç nt leasf llt fect d**p. STJRFÂCË ÞR]IINA.$E Th* fntiowing drainage preeautions sl¡eruld he obse¡vsd duri*g conxhuctiru *nd m&fufäined st all ti¡nes slTer the offieclwar*hsu*e h*s been conpleted: 1) Inurd*tion of the foundefisn exeå\Ì{rti{x}s aüd underslsb ¿usa* should bç evoided during constructian" 2) Hxteri$r bscklilÏ shsuld he edjusted trr near optimum *rcishre nnd c*rnpncted fr¡ at lc*st 95% af the nraximum standard Pro*lor denxity in pavem*nt and slab areas nnd lo at lsâ$t 90}å *ffhe maxil¡lusr stffrdård þrçet$r density in lands*ap* area*. 3i The ground surfac* xurroundirg the pxtçricr cfthe funilding should he *loped to drain awny *om the f*r¡ndstic¡r in all directicns" We rçççrnmpnii e misimum slape ol6 inr,¡her is lhe Sr$t l0 fe*t ir unpnved areas end e minimum dope of 2lz insbes i* the fir* iû feef in parred areas. 4) **nf downxpouts a¡¡d dr*ins *hould discharge well beyontl ths limits af *ll bnekJill. Xumar*S¡rocl¡h*, ktc.6 Pr0þd l{o.2{-Tır0 -6- ,.,åtr¡f'YlÅlTIfJ-m Tlri* rtudy hns bç¡wt r¿tr**x*Leråin"¿***rúww*wilh gww*l1y ***rytød 6**1**hnicel *n.gi*eering pin*ipIen and ¡:râçfi*e$ i$ fhis nres at this titlì6" !V* mek* ¡rû rð*rÌs$ty *ither exprn*s nr impli*d. Tllre *¡nelusi¡¡x$ åÌld rçç$$un#xf,*i*sx ¡.ubmi¡td i* thi* re¡r*rt *re ba**d *p*l: tir* dctå fbtÊi¡:*S frorx lhe explora?xry ltr;xxgs ånlle& atthel*çr*liç¡r** itzthçate¿lc¡rz?i6ttr* T" th* pr*prsed rype trf sr*,qhïsti*n xtd our experie:rce in thç ¡sr*a, dlxr sçrvi*e* d* nof includc d*l*rmining&t* prçsç*e$, prcvonfi*n *r poa*ibility *f nrslT{å *r ütll#r bi*l*gi*r*}. ç¿:ntami¡ranl* {M$Hü} é*vefeping in th* fnt¡¡rç. W.ab* çlíffilis ç*r**le,¡:n*& nl'nut M#ffi{:, fhen * pr*f***ri*x*} i* thi* rp*cial fïel* *f prø**iæsh<xsLd be x*ns*lted. ftr fi*efing* inúuÅ*íntwç<zl*tir:l¡r and eatrapril*ti*n *f the sub,$uifñs.* {:$nditi*r¡s identiãie{t # rh* exp}or*t*ry b*rin6* *:rd varisli{r*ç in f}re fr$b*usfas* e*ndilia*s xr*y rtot bec*c*$ evide*t *ntål ¡sxe¡;vøÍi*nic p*d*rmmf . tf cs¡n¿litiçlctt ûnc,{lunt{irsrxJ during ****lruett*r* *pp**r åiff*rwtt fkrln tlr*s* des*rib*<l in this røpa*, w* Ëhsul* txç åÌ*lifitlli sei lh¡¡f rs*v¡rluatirn¡ *f ttre rex*m:nørúxtitms mxy b* tuz*ú*. Thi* rep<ix h*t fuçw*prçþar&f*x åh* çxçl.$sivs r¡s* by *nr *li+nï fbr *lcnâgn ¡nrrpnn**. ïVe a¡e n*li re*ptrnxi&le f'$r t*çhnicsl i*feqpr*t*tìonx hy *thru'*i *f *iir Ínf*n*rafitrn, &,r+ th* pr*je*t *v*lven, w* ehsr¡ld pr*r,idç çrntínusl **nsçh¡¡$** æncl Iìsld sen ic** duri*g rxlnriÈrucliûn *{r r*vi*w sfid mcnitcr t e implem$ngråfå*n i¡f, *vr rrlxørxxrrerlàstionç, and t* verífy thrr th* r**¡¡m*rq¡nråatiçr'¡s havetr*en apprap**tely intørpr*wJ" Significant d*xÌgn *hn*ge*r may rq*r* *d&íticxrat nnnlyrie $r ¡n*difïcatiü¡rs lçt tlt* rce*w*s*d*tione pr*eented lrm"*i¡r. lfqr r*srnrn¡çnri &n.ei3* cbsefi¡etia¡¡l *f sx**v*ti<'¡** ar¡qJ fr¡u¡¡*Tatíçn beorÌng *treta and leating cf sfrueh*r¡rl till by a r*pr*xxltutiv* *f the ås{,tð*h$iÇã} *ngi*ee,r. &c*p*r:tfr*lly $ubmÍtt*d. H*sn*r & ,,äs***f*fe*, $*re. lj¡mi*l Iä" lù*rt*în,V Ê.*view*lby: çfu*ø" $lçve¡r L. P*wìak, f.H. û ã'Ïlk¡¡s (¡*: I)"W.Ne*zmør¡ *. ltich C*rter {iip.h¿idlt.gt€;: .ff.*.f..-c!1t}}, W*r*w & *,e**ti#'&, l*ç, þ Pre;6çf f**, ä'Í-?.å?S t.þi, t t ÊofiIc * lrcüÃruäg._rytt6þ3SSr APPÊðXIMÀIË SCÁLÈ*TFËT 2r -?*$?û Kt¡rnar & AçEociates LÛTÂTIO¡¡ OT IXPLüRATORY BTRINË$Ëig. 1I l{Csû,4 *4*6û*2Süñ$ BO*¡N6 f EL. SSSS' BORINÊ 2 EL. 5û57.$' 8ûRr{Ê ;Et. 5såg' SORIHÊ 4tL. 33ç5' û {ei t8)te)(Ê)Wt, vt Ë'i,l ffil:'.ut k:..i'r ry 7 1r2 WC*6.ð 25/8, 28/6 *?tB*62 Plxß 5a/8 5a/? 5ü/5 tsl t? Wfp7.5 S0*S6 -2û0*tö 4ü/ t2 s 5011.S *$,1ı fit/ t2 UH I äud: 10 3e/6, 131â ß0ls 1S 1$ 2t 31 *7*5?0 Kumsr & Associates t0ôS üf ãXPLÕRATÛRY BtRl¡,lçS FÌ9. ? _tggçHL (s)BÁSE EOURSñ. TH'çKNCS$ I¡i INüHEs SHûYÍH IH PÅRHNTHTSI$ TO LNFT Of THË LO6" rILL: SILÏY SÅ¡¡T ÀT{T 8RÅVTL Wryfi ÕOü81ËS Ið SIL'Y ËRÀVSLLY $ANO ANT çLÀY. 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