HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlood Plain Resolution) )ss ) ,aÅ Frarr%17 flo"þ/a*'a zazff Q-g-Zzeh# øee*tàq County, /Springs STATE OF COLORADO County of Garñeld Ala resular hearing of the Board of County Commissioners for Garñeld Colorado, held in the Commissioners'Meeting Room, Garñeld County Courthouse, in Glenwood on Monday , the ?th of April A.D. 19 97 , there were present: Marian l. Smith _ - , Commissioner Chairman .Iohn Martin Commissioner Commissioner County Attorney Clerk of the Board County Administrator T\^- ñ^E^-l Mildred Alsdorf fak"¡L Tlo".ha-o" when the following proceedings, among others were had and done, to-wit RESOLUTION NO 97 -t^ A RESOLUTION CONCERNED WrTH THE APPROVAL OF A TLOODPTAIN SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR RAPIDS ON T}IE COLORADO S{-IBDIVISION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado, has received application from Gene lülton for a Floodplain Special Use Permit to allow the placement of fill material in portions of the flood fringe ofthe Colorado River and Crarfield Creek on the following described tract of land: See Attached: Exhibit A (in the State of Colorado and the County of Garfield); and \ryHEREAS, the Boa¡d held a public hearing on the 7th day of October, 1996, upon the question of whet¡or the abovedesc¡ibed Floodplain Special Use Permit should be granted or denicd, at which hearing the public and interested persons were given the opportunity to express their opinions regarding the issuance of said Speciat Use Permit; and \ iHEREAS, the Board on the basis of substantial competent evidence produced at the aforementioned hearing, has made the following determination of fact: That-proga-publication axtpubliçnot"icswasprovideúariequired by law furthe hearing before the Board of County Commissioners. ! !illlt llill llll¡illllllllllillll llH !l¡ lllll ll¡l llll 5ø€?40 ø4/ø8llg97 93¡35P Bt01{ PE08 44?I of 5 Ê, ø.øø O ø.øø N 0.0ø GßRFIEL0 COUNTY CLER D , 2. That the hearing before the Board of County Commissioners was extensive and complete, that a¡l pertinert facis, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested parties were heard at that hearing. 3. That the application is in compliance with the Garfield County Zoning Resolution of 1978, as amended. 4. For the above stated and other reasons, the proposed use is in the best interest ofthe health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of GarÊeld County. NO\ry, T¡IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of county commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado, that the Floodplain Special Use Permit be and hereby is authorized permitting the use of the above described tract of land for ihe placement of fill material in portions of the flood &inge of the Colorado River and Garñeld Creek, upon the following specific conditions: l. That all representations ofthe applicant, either within the application or stated at the hearing beforc the Board of County Còmmissioners, shall be considered conditions of approval' Z. That the Special Use Permit shall be issued when all conditions of approval are m9r,a1! ¡hall be subject to adherencc to specific conditions to be contained within the Subdivision Improvements Agreernent for the Rapids on the colorado subdivision. 3. Th¿t all placement of fill material shall be in acçordance with the engineering specifications for this type of floodplain development. 4. That the compaction offill material shall be field verified by the developer's engineer, as it is being placed, and the engineer shall provide individual, "as-built" elevation certifimt€s' for each affected lol, l¡Pon comPletion. 5. That approval of this Special Use Permit shall in no way be construed as approval of the Rapids on the Colorado Subdivisioq nor shall it obligate the Board of County Commissioners to approve said subdivision' 6. Thai approval ofthisSpeuiai UsePermitshall preclude ihe 'necessity of complianee,with the following plat notelcàndition of approval, proposed for the Rapids on the Colorado Subdivision: Site specific, ørgineered building foundations and individuat sewage disposal system designs shall be *Uj.otio individual Flãodptain Special Use Permit applications urd approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit for any construction identified within the 100-year floodplains of the Colorado River an#or Garfield Creek' prior to Final plat, the developer's engineer shall submit site specifro engineered pl*1s for residential development within the floãd fringe of the Colorado River and Garfield Creek- Furthermore, all dåvelopment in these arcas shall be consistent with these plans and shall be r Lllil illl llllll lllll illil lllll llll lll lllll llll llll løô?40 A4/ø8/læ7 03:35P 81014 F8ø9 44? 2 cf 5 R ø.øø D ø.W N s.øø GnRFIELD C0UNTY CLER 1 required to furnish as-built, elevation certificates demonstrating thal aU construction meets the provisìons of Section 6,09 of the Garñeld County Zonag Resolution of 1978, as amended prior to the iss¡ance of a Certificate of Occupancy by tbe Garñeld County Building Department. That the lowest floor, including basement, of any new building designed for residential ocçupancy shall not be less than one (l) foot above the maximum water elevation ofthe 100- year flood as determined by the Garñeld County Flood Insurance Study. That on-site individual sewage disposal systems shall be locatcd so as to avoid impairment of them or contamination fro them during a 100-year flood event. That prior to issuance of a building permit, the owner of each lot shall prepore and submit a soils and foundation report, an LS.D.S. design, and a grading and drainage plan prepared and certified by a professional engineer. AII improvements shall be sonstructed in accordance with such measures, which shall'be a condition of the building permit. That the applicanVdeveloper shall take prudent measures to control dust generation and migration from the site, for the duration of development on the site. Aoril. - , A.D. 19 iZ- 8. 9, 10. Dated this Bth day of ATTEST:ÛARFIELD COTINTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO ãn*r*-,t Ør"t* ofthe Board Chairman Upon rnotion duty made and seconded the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following vote: Cha i I - Smith Commi ss oner John F. Martin Aye Aye Ayen^-*i -ai ^ñae t --err T tr#&' iU!lI|!{lH ! !I! l!$"111'''$:!H,]]lf 'ill,. STATE OF COLORADO County of Garfield I, Commissioners in and for the County and State Resolution is truly copied ûom the Records of said Garfield County, now in my office. County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of County aforesaid do hereby certi$ that the annexed and foregoing the Proceeding ofthe Boa¡d of County Commissioners for ) )ss ) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s€t my hand and affxed the seal of said County, at Glenwood Springs, this - day of - A'D. 19-. Counfy Cterk a¡d ex-officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners ttt4tr Mll l!ll' tïl !u! r!!¡[ !f lLu;llr il I rr I ã-;i'ã n s,oø D 0.go N o.to GRRFIËLo cdrNTY cLER LEGAL DESCRIPTION The Rapids of the Colorado LEGA_!- pEECRtPTtON A tract of land s¡tuatèd in the SW1/4 of Section 4 and the SEil4 of Section 5, Township 6 South, Range g1 West of the 6th P.M. described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of said Seclion 4; thence N 0o S0' 00,' W 438.10 feet along the West line of said Sectíon 4 and along the Easterly line of that parcel of land described in Book 570 at Page 266 in lhe Office of the Garfield County Cterk and Recorder; lh€nce N 75o 43' 18" W 10f.89 feet; ihence N f7o 08' 41" W 115.59 feet; lhênce N 53o 47' 08" W 177.75 feet to the eenter of lhe Colorado River; thence along the center of said river N 23o 43'15" E 339.10 feet; thence N 23" 43' 20" E 310.00 feet; thence N 35" 08' 15" E 419,25 fêet; lhence N 42" 56' 13" E 499.62 feet: lhence N 65" Q1' 47" E 404.40 fe€t thence N 71'35' 12" E 503.50 feet; thence N 84' 15' 20" E 284.99 feet; thence S 81" 33' 38" E 244.41 teel; thence S 58o 02' 47" E 266.82 feet; thence S 68o 42' 11" E 476.70 feet; thence departing the center of said Colorado River S Oo 29' 34" E S2g.S0 feet to the Northeast corner of that parcel described in Book s27 at page 743 as Reception No.293881; Thence along the boundâry of said parcel S 78" 22' 10" W 321.42 feel; thence S 8" 40' 15" E g7g.2g feet to a point on the Northerly Right-Of-Way of County Road No. S35; thence a¡ong said Right-Of-Way S 78o 58'32" W 207.05 feet; thence 140.1S feet along ã curve lo the left, having a radius of 103f).00 feet, a central angle of 7. 47' 46"i the chord of which bears S 75" t4' 40" W 140.04 feet; thence S 71o 10' 47" W 396.23 feet; thence 66.20 feet along the arc of a curve to the lefl having a central angle of 7o 09' 25" and a radius of 530.00 feel; the chord of which bears S 67'36'05" W 6ô.16 feet; thence S 64" 01' 23" W 296.11 feet; thence departing said Right-Of-Way S 0o 14' 42" E 653.78 feet to a poinl on the South tine ot said Section 4; thence S B9o 20' 08" W 1308.98 feet to the POINT OF BËG|NN|NG; said described tract contaíning 97.269 acres, more or less. tl'llllïl,llllllf ttrlluillllf ll'ï.lll!![!rrrrrrrrili-; n'ô:ıô-ó-ó.óı tt o.øo cRRFIËIo cour{rY cLER