HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.06 Letter of AuthorizationDecember 29, 2022
Glenn Hartmann
Garfield County Community Development Department
108 8" Street, #401
Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601
RE: Letter of Authorization for the Nutrient Farm Planned Unit Development
Mr. Hartmann,
Nutrient Holdings LLC is the owner of approximately 1,136 acres of land located on the south side
of the Colorado River, bisected by County Road 335/Colorado River Road, near the existing
Riverbend subdivisions in Garfield County, Colorado and as more specifically described in the
attached Exhibit A. This area includes the entire Coal Ridge Planned Unit Development area and
the remaining portions of the Riverbend Planned Unit Development area.
I, Andrew Bruno, am a Member of Nutrient Holdings LLC and expressly authorize Daniel Teodoru
of Timberline Partners, and his agents, to act on behalf of, and represent, Nutrient Holdings LLC
regarding al l aspects of the application for the above and during the associated review process with
Garfield County.
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at
your convenience at (970) 984-4369 or at andv-,'d}nutrientltinil. com.
Nutrient Holdings LLC
drew Bruno, tuber
Nutrient Holdings LLC, a Colorado limited liability company
Legal description according to the title insurance commitment issued by Commonwealth Title Company of
Garfield County, Inc., File No. 2103068, having an effective date of November 30, 2022
Parcels A and C
Township 5 South, Range 90 West, 6th P.M.:
Section 35: That portion of the N'/2.SEI/`, NE'/4SW'/ lying Southerly of the centerline of the Colorado River.
Township 6 South, Ravage 90 West, 6th P.M.
Section 6: All that part ofLot 4, lying southerly of the centerline of the Colorado River as described in deed recorded
May 28, 1974 in Book 459 at Page 535 in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Garfield County, Colorado
Excluding the following parcels of property described in the Rule and Order entered in the District court for Garfield
County, Colorado, in Civil Action No. 6635, entitled Board of County Commissioners, et al. v. Daryl Gean
Richardson, et al., recorded November 8, 1982 in Book 437 at Page 383 as Reception No. 255941
Parcel No. 143-B
A tract or parcel of land No. 143-B of the State Department of Highways, Division of Highways, State of Colorado,
Project No. I 70-1 (12), 89 Sec. 2 in the SW'/4 of the NW%, in the SE'/ of the NW'/4 and in the NE'/4 of the SW'/4
of Section 35, Township 5 South, Range 90 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Garfield County, Colorado,
said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the centerline of the Colorado River from which point the NW corner of Section 35,
Township 5 South, Range 90 West of the 6th P.M. bears North 27'13"0" West a distance of 2,615.7 feet; thence
North 73°59' East along the centerline of the Colorado River, a distance of 162.8 feet; thence South 70°43' East
along the centerline of the Colorado River, a distance of 640.8 feet; thence South 48°26' East, along the centerline
of the Colorado River, a distance of 223.6 feet;
thence South 33"52' East along the centerline of the Colorado River, a distance of 119.8 feet; thence along the arc
of a curve to the left having a radius of 4,483.7 feet, a distance of 1,080.9 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF
BEGINNING (the chord of this arc bears North 67°23'30" West a distance of 1,078.3 feet)
171111:TyM 02rosCf rd
A tract or parcel of land No. 143-C of the State Department of Highways Division of Highways, State of
Colorado, Project No_ I 70-1 (12) 89 Section 2, in the NE'/4 of the SW'/4 of Section 35, Township 5 South, Range
90 West of the 6th P.M. in Garfield County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as
follows: Beginning at a point on the thread of the Colorado River in the NE% of the SWI/4 of Section 35,
Township 5 South, Range 90 West, 6th P.M. from which point the S'/4 corner of Section 35 bears South
21 °36'30" East a distance of 2,796.8 feet; thence South 11'47' West a distance of 104.9 feet; thence South 59°02'
East a distance of 176.3 feet; to the thread of the Colorado River, thence North 33°52' West along the thread of
the Colorado River, a distance of 232.9 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.
Parcel B
Township 5 South, Range 90 West, 6th P.M.:
Section 33: All that portion of the SE'/4SErt/4 lying Southerly of the centerline of the Colorado River;
Section 34: All that portion of the S%2 and SE1/4NE'/ lying Southerly of the centerline of the Colorado River;
Section 35: W%2SW'/4, that portion of the SW%4NW'/4lying Southerly of the Colorado River.
Township 6 South, Range 90 West, 6th P.M.:
Section 5: Lot 4
Section 6: Lots 1, 2 3 and the Northerly 15 acres of the SE'/4NW'/4
1. All that portion platted as Riverbend Subdivision Filing No. 1 as shown on Reception No. 281326
2. All that portion platted as Riverbend Subdivision Filing No. 2 as amended as shown on Reception No. 281329
and No. 299710
3. All that portion platted as Riverbend Ranchettes Final Plat as shown on Reception No. 290481
4. All that portion conveyed to the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado, by Deed
recorded August 31, 1979 in Book 534 at Page 416 as Reception No. 297140
5. All that portion platted as Riverbend Subdivision Filing No. 5 as shown on Reception No. 517550
6. All that portion platted as Cedar Ridge Subdivision as shown on Reception No. 501840
7. All those portions described as Parcel No. 143; Parcel No. 143-A; and Parcel No. 143-B in the Rule and Order
of the Garfield County District Court in Civil Action No. 6635 and recorded in Book 437 at Page 383 as
Reception No. 255941
8. All that portion of the lands described in the deeds recorded in Book 906 at Page 790 as Reception No.
464984, Book 863 at Page 424 as Reception no. 447796, and Book 1712 at Page 990 as Reception No. 679354.
All as recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Garfield County, Colorado.
Parcel D
Township 6 South, Range 90 West, 6th P.M.:
Section 5: SY2SW'/4
Section 6: Lot 5 (SWl/4NW/), Lot 6 (NW'/4SW'/4), SE'/4NW'/4 except the North 15 acres, NE'/SW'/4, S'/2NE'/4,
N'/zSE'/4, SE'/4SE'/4
Section 8: N%2N'/z
Legal description according to the title insurance commitment issued by Commonwealth Title Company of
Garfield County, Inc., File No. 2103068, having an effective date of November 30, 2022
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