HomeMy WebLinkAboutCondition #8 Attachmentcantotn4n/ W4l/a¿ârnØt Garfield County June 13,2O23 Jordan l(óieluse P-O- Box654 Carbordale, CO81623 IuECfitn tETERill[AnOil - Martin SDU Land Use Change Permi$ Adminlstratirc Reviw (GAPA-0S2:Þsr6sl tlear Jordan Kobieluse, Thisletter bprwidedtoyou, astheauthorized representativeforGarfieH C-ounty FiIeGAPA-0Þ23-&I65 pertaining to an applkation for a Secondary Drvelling Unit at 3602 County Road 108, CarbondaJe., CO, This letter is notification that your request hæ been rsiwed by üre fommunity Devetoþment Department and the Director hereby issues a determinatitm conditionally approving the request' The conditions of apprwal are as follows: Cond¡üonsto bc Saftffed Pr¡of to lsei¡anæ of ÛG L¡nd Use (|talts PemiL t. Prior to issuance of the Land Use Change PermÍt, the Applicant shall submit to the County tfie folloring for tte well serving the SDU: a. A pump test that nreets the standards in Sectinn 4-203(MXlXbXSXal. The pump test shall include representation by a qualified prorÍessional úãt the pump rate is adequate for the proposed use. b. A wãter qualíty test that meets the standards in Section ¡[-2O3{MX1XbX5Xcl. The w'ater qualitytest shall indude representation by a qualifid professional thatthe w¡rter quality meets the Court/s pdmary ddnking standards. c. At the time of building permit applicatiory a "Nw lnstallation' OWIS permÍt appliøtbn shall be submitted" Oper*onA Cor¡difiom: 2. Nl representatbns of the Applhant æntained in the Apflícation sr¡bmittals shall be oonditions of approval unless sp€dficallyamended ormodified bythe conditionscontained herein- I 3. The SDU shall be subiect to all Garfield County Building Code Requirements. The property owner shall obtain all necessary Garfield County Building Permits for modifications and/or expansions to the structure. 4. Afl exterior lighting shall be downcast and shielded and comply with Section 7-304, Lighting Standards, of thc Land Usc and Ðcvclopment Code of 2013, as amended. 5. The Applicant shall comply with Addit¡onal Standards for Residential Uses contained in Section 7-7ÙL.B,Secondary Dwelling Units, of the Land Use and Development Code of 2AL3, as amended. Notice of this decision will be provided to the Board of County Commissioners who has the ability to 'call-up' the applicatlon for review at a public hearing. You will be notified of the Board decision once it is received or upon expiration of the 10 day notice period (November t9,2A22l.. Feel free to contact myself or John Leybourne, the staff planner, if you have any quest¡ons regarding this decision. Sincerely, Bower, AICP D¡of Community Development Attachment BOCC File Cc: ) PRûIEGT INFORTATIOI{ AT{D STAFF COTilE]ITS Martin SDU GAPA-{I&2}8965 611312023 JML Administative Revþ¡v tard Use Change Permit fur a Secondary fìrelling Unit (SDU) Martin Ranch 2ILLP Jordan l(obþluse 36æ County Road 108, Carbordaþ, CO TVPE OF REVIEW APPLTCATUT (OmlERl REPREISEITTAT]VE LOCATIOl{ LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI{Secfbn 36, Township 7, Range 89, a Träct in the SESE Section 36, 7-88 Sectbn 3l Lot 2, AKA Parcel 1 Martin Exemption 48-16 Acr6 and known by Asrsessor Parcel 23953lil,0fJ1 52 - LOT SIZE 48.16 acres Rural (R) Resklential Lotr (1(Þ acrDu) Approval with Cordilions zor{rHG SOHPREHEilSIVE PI-41{ RECOilXEl{DATlOil T EESGHPnO.il'OF T}IE PROPIOSAL The Applicarrt b requesting a permit br a Secondary Dwelling Unit (SDU) on a 48.1& acre paruel locaüed within üe Rural zanedbtict Asthe proprty is orer4 acres, fie SDU b limited to 3,000 square feet. Tle improvements on the property are a singÞfamily drc1ing unit and a bam. The Applbant has ird¡caüed fiat ûe SDU will be built on the Nortlreast sedion of |he Paræl and will b approximafely 2,2W square feet in size. Accesstothe SDU srill bevia an existirg driveway accessing offCounty Road 108,lftfater will be provided from an existing well and an OWTS that will be installed to serve the ne*v drrelling unit" TheAppllcant is requesting waivers from the submitl¡l requirercnts foran lmproverrents Agreememard a tÞvetopmentAgreenrcnt Thæe requesils are deemed apropñate for the Applbat¡on as the development will not be phased and no nw publb improvements are propo€ed or required as a result of the application and the Site Plan w¡ll be submitted and revþwed as part of the BuiHing Permit. il;*- DESCTPnOilOF"T1IESFE' " The site is currently developed with a single-family residence ard a bam sffuc-lurc and associaffi agrfo;ulfural buiHings. The site is a mixture of pinyon and scrub brush and is ¡fÍFFrnrTrn âtärûf:41¡ relailivslyflat A" The Lard Use Tables contaipd in Sedim 3-{03 of ñ6 tend lrse and Oateloprrent Code dedgnabs a Secondary Dwelling Unit wihin fie Rurd zorß disüict æ requiñrg Admhisffiire Revþw. ,, B- Sec*ion +1fr:l of üe Land ttse and Developrsrt Code s€fis brlh üre Adminisfialire Re'uieu Procedures by rtülü tlp cunent Appficdíon b being mnsideled. C. T1Þ Applicalion submilt¡l rcqætús frc mircrs fom suHnittal requirerænts æ per Sdion +2æ. ûf tìc ¡.âff1 lJæ ard Ðe€lopnani Cæ. TtËc rraiuer reqi¡esß arc fronr submittal requiørænt¡s induded in an impmremats 4reernent and d€nrcþprnefit agreemerÊ SrÉrniüal mirers have been @ed as plt of üe compþ{cness rcry¡ew. I 2 D. Articþ 7 of the Land Use ard tþvebpment Code sels forth general approral standards in Divbion l, general resouroe prctec{ion standards in Divbion 2 atd site planning ard denelopnrentstandads in Divlsion 3. Seærdary Dwelling Units are abo suU¡ect to Hbn 7-7A1. The shndards are ddressed in the Application submittab and in ü|e statrAnaþis sectfron of thb statrReport lV; PUEIIGAIIDREFERRALßTEilTS The Applicant has prwided docr¡meilation lhat all rcquircd notice mailirgs lnve been compbtø in acærdanæ with fie LUDC. No publb æmments were received in ræponse to the application. Referral Gornments receivd on the Applbation are attacfied and summar2ed belor: A. Gafietd Gounty Gonsull¡ng Engineer, touniain Grocs Engineering: Proviled comments pertainiqg to tle uell and utilities- B. Garfield Courty Road and Bridge: Exisling ddvaray aooesrs is permitted and adequate. C. Garfield Gounly Pubtic Health: Provitled comments pertaining to the uælltest water qualrty tæt ard OWTS as nrcll as Radon' V. STAFFAIIALYSISA]ü}GRITERh Article 7, D¡vision l: Gene¡¡l Siendarde Section 7-1O1: Gonrpliance wiür Zone Distiet Use RegulaÍions The property b in gerreral cornpliance with bne District Regulations for the Rural ZJrne Distdct, The proposal meets minimum lot area, maximum lot coverages and property setbacks, Seclion 7-10tî2: Gonformance wifü Gomprehensive Pl¡n and complhnce wiür lGAs The County Complelensive Plan identi:fiæ the property as Residential Mdium *'h¡ch provldes a-suggæted density of l0+ acres per dnrelling unit" As fte property b 48:fg äcres, the residéntial density identified within the Compre]¡ensive Plan wouH be satisfied rYith the addition of fte SDU. Seclion 7 -l0t: GomPelíbilÍtY The propoaed SDU is located in a ruralarca and is unlikely to sþnificanüy alteror impact tne bnãracter of lhe area- Ttre parcel is adiacent to similar disperced resitJenlial development to the north, south and east and west- Seclion 7-1O42 Sufficþnt, AdequaÛe, Legal and Physical Source of Water The ãddition cf the secordary drrelling unit is allo¡ved underlhe uses of the exisling well permlt and water dktrict contact. The SÐU is to be served by an existing well on lle property. The use of groundwater for the well is limited to odinary household purposes 3 inside two single-family dwellings. The Applicant will be required to eonduct both a pump test and water quality test on this well prior to issuance of the Land Use Change Permit, These requirements are reflected in Condition of Approval #1. Section 7-105: Adequate Central Water Distribution and Wastewater The Applicant has represented that the SDU will be served by a engineered OWTS Section 7-106: Adequate Public Utilities The applicant has represented that adequate public utilities exist at the property. Section 7-107: Access and Driveways a, The Applicant made representations that the roadway width meets Gounty Roadway standards for a semi-primitive road and staff have confirmed that the roadway standards from Table 7-107 have been met. Fîgure 5; Access Road to Propeñy b. Legal access for the private roadway to the property from County Road 108. Section 7-108: Natural Hazards No significant natural hazards are noted for the property. Section 7-109: Fire Protection The subject property is within a low wildfire hazard area according to the Wildland Fire Susceptibility Index of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan. No slopes over 30% exist on the site and there is no significant vegetation besides grasses on the majority of the parcel. The roof materials of the barn structure are comprised of noncombustible materials. As a result, it is Staffs opinion that the wildfire hazard in this area is within manageable levels. Article 7, Division 2: General Resouree Protection Standards Section 7 -2O1 Agricultural Lands The proposed SDU is adjacent to existing residential uses and agricultural and is not expected to adversely impact agricultural uses. Based on the location of the development along with representations by the Applicant, it is not anticipated that the proposed development would adversely affect any neighboring agricultural uses on surrounding parcels, Section 7-2O2 Wildlife Habitat Areas The SDU is expected to have impacts on wildlife similar to a single-family dwelling unit. The SDU is proposed within an existing structure on the property. As a result, no significant impact to wildlife is expected, 4 Seclion 7-2l$l: Pro&clþn of Wabrbodþ¡ As no ïr¿tefbodb exist on the propertyr" no impa* to weüands or uraterbodies are anlicipated- Seclion 7-2U Drainage and Elæion The Applkarú hæ plovirled soib inbmati¡n and a topographic map of üe suffi properij yia üe buiHirg permit fur the hm tffi sürows general pæilive drainqe arcund ûre propose¿ SDU. Gnding ard drain4e bsues will be addræsed at lime of buiHing permit. Sccliom 7 -Zl&t Environmenüal Quality No rraterorairquallty issr¡es are anticþ#d ftom lhe proposed pnf:ct Seclion 7-ñ Wildfire llazerds See discr¡ssion in Sedk¡n 7-1W- Seclion l-mT ilaû¡r¡l and Geologb ]leards No sþnificant natural øgeoþic hazads are noted furthe propetty. Seclion 7 -2ß Recl¡m¡tion Mlnimal üo no dis[¡rbanæ hl antidpated æ a result of üte pfopns6{ SDU. Arlicþ ¿ lIvii¡lon 3, Slb P[rnnlng.¡d ltevoþptnent Sûandarde Seclion 7 -3f0'I GomPrlibb lÞsþn The desþn of development assoc¡aled with the land use drarge shall be æmpatible wítt fie exlstirg dranacúer of sunoundirg ræilential land uses- Seslion l-fizOtf- Strìeeû Pa*i¡g and Loading Standard¡; The Applicarit has dernonsffid ürrough the site plan that adequab off-Eteet park¡ng exisûs for the SDU and pfmary úrelling unit- Secliorc 7 -3l0l3- Landscaping $talrdards: The LUDC specifrcally exempls SDUs fiom landscaping Stardards. Section 7-W Ughling: Slafi has recornmended a ærdÍtftrn of approval ütat any extedor lbhtiry @mply wih the standards ouü¡rpd in Seclbn 7-3U- Seclion 7-3l&5 Snw Sbnge Standard¡: There are dequate sn(tr storage areæ annenüy existing wihin üE lotto rnæt mínlmum snow storage sfiandads- Scction 7-3116 T¡eit and Wallnrry Sbndald¡: No reqealional or community facility Íroosss arsas arc proposed. 5 Article 7, Divbion 701.8 Secoldary Dmlling Unlt Sælion 7*701.8.1 larimum Floor Aroa: The ptoposed SDU wt nd exæed lhe maximum of 3,(XlO squere ftet in size permitted in thb zone dBùict Seclion 7 -701.8.2. Ounrship Reslriclion: TTE Applicant undemtands that fte SDU is resüicþd þ leasehold irbræb and rnay be used fur es¡tlential puryoses only. Scclion 7:l0l.B.L Gompliance with BuiHing Gode: The Applilant has repræenhd üd üe SDU will comply with all buiHitg codes. Seelion T:lVl,.B.-+ tinimum Lot Arua: Tlre Appl¡cant has 48-16 acres and as a result sal¡sfies üe 2 acres minimum ld size requircrnerit ¡n lhe Rural zone disüict Seetion 7-70t.8.5. One per Lot TIte SDU will ærplywith fib shndard. Vl -- nEcgffitlDEDFlllDtl{G3'AllÞ,Gl}llDm@ilft "' Stffi recommenG a fmdirg tH proposed Seændary Dwelling Unit b in general cor¡formanæ with lhe Comprehemive Phn of 2æ0 as well as lhe land Use and tÞrelopmeût Code æ amended and is recomrnended forAdminbtaliye Apprcval by ttte Ðilecüor of thc Community tlevebpment Deparünerrt subþct to lhe fulloriry condilions of apprwal: SuggcrÞd Findings 1. That proper ptËlic notfue was prwiled as rcquired br fte Direcior's Decision. 2. Consitþratbn of the Applkratbn was e¡rbnsíve and compleúe, útat all perlinent facfs, maüers and issuesweÍìe submilted and lhatall lntersþd partieswerc given an opportunity to prwkle input pfur t'o üe Direcfio/s decbk n. 3. That for the above stsûed and dler reasons, the poposed amended Land Use Change is in the best interest sf lhe l¡ealür, safety, corwenbnae, order, præpeñty and welhre of fie citizens of GarfieH County. 4. That üe app$calion b in gerreral ænhrnanæ wilh üe 203{l Gornprehensive Plan, æ arrrarvlo¿l 5. That with lhe adoptbn of condilions and for lfie above stabd and drer reasons üe applkxllm has dequatcly rnsttfe rcquirements of fie Garfie¡d County Lard Use and tlevelopment Gode, as arnended. 6 Recommended Gonditions of Approval Conditions to be Satisfied Prior to lssuance of the Land Use Change Permit: 1. Prior to issuance of the Land Use Change Permit, the Applicant shall submit to the County the following for the well serving the SDU: a. A pump test that meets the standards in Section 4-203(MXlXbXSXa). The pump test shall include representation by a qualified professional that the pump rate is adequate for the proposed use. b. A water quality test that meets the standards in Section 4- 203(MXIXbXSXc). The water quality test shall include representation by a qualified professional that the water quality meets the County's primary drinking standards. c. At the time of building permit application, a "New lnstallation'OWÏS permit application shall be submitted. Operational Conditions 2. All representations of the Applicant contained in the Application submittals shall be conditions of approval unless specifically amended or modified by the conditions contained herein. 3. The SDU shall be subject to all Garfleld County Building Code Requirements. The property owner shall obtain all necessary Garfield County Building Permits for modifications and/or expansíons to the structure. 4. All exterior lighting shall be downcast and shielded and comply with Section7-304, Lighting Standards, of the Land Use and Development Code of 2A13, as amended. 5. The Applicant shall comply with Additional Standards for Residential Uses contained in Section 7-701.8, Secondary Dwelling Units, of the Land Use and Development Code of 2013, as amended. 7 Gørficld County Publìc Heølthfgtw- l4fìsmet Rfr,OO8t66{l(s7o)ffi2m GafieH Coünty Communfty lþ'vebPmem roasFsrre€t Glermood SptirEp, GO 816O1 Ailln:John lcybo¡me ilevbor¡rne@garft eld-cou ntv.æm ãX4EeAwlpCtildSpiUñCOSlqll (StQ)94t61¡l RE:Martin Seoondary Drcllin¡ Unit Percel ilo.}19536¡l(n152 :túm CoüÍty Road lflB SilECobrado F¡brGAPA{5-23-8t55 June& 2üEl Jdtn, GarfrcH kmty Publk Health (G@Hl has rwierræd the appl'lcatbn forthe MaÊin Seondary Duteltrg Unit {SDU}, and rc haræ the folhring comments. L Drfnldnr rater: The apflkzfion indk¡tes that waþr will be proykled by a sharcd rell on dle property. The applkart akostatesúat a well sharilryagreernertwi[ erist beûren the rnain res¡dence on the property end the SDU, The aplkert prcnirkd a æyy ol a 'Well C¡nstrucfin and YieH Estimãte Reporf and tùe *e[ permût applicatiom aproval from the Dluis¡nn of Wær Resoulres, br¡t not tùe we[ sharÍg agreemelrL the actual rcll pennlt, ratcr qualitytesils, or walt€f quârtity tesß fp¡mp testl. tñfater quality and quantÍty tes¡s shoüu be oompleted æ a oondiüon of appront. Additbnally, a copy of tbe wefi sharirg 4reemem shouH be povÍled as a ondÍtitm of appræal that ¡rdiãücs üte 4rcement b behreen the peræb, and not onþ tfte cuff3nt landonmers lfaterqüafrytf,stsafe recommended æryyearforpñate ddntilgrater wels, with mûfe compf€hmsive tests eræry five yeas. Public tleaú suggesæ rhat the app[cant perhrm a test on the sharcd w€llúat bat bætas robustasthe Colqado Deparurcntof hËüc lleafth and Environrnert tabo¡atory S€rvic Divisþn's Delure Colorado Pad6ge- 2. Omite Wastew¡ter Treatmert Svstem: The apdi¡rtbn índkutes that Ú€ S[rU will be semed by a nw Omite Wætewaler Treatment Syctem (OWÍS). A preliminary desþn by Sopb Elgineering for hrlHing applkzlkm ms presented in the appliøüon maÞriab, The pleEmÛnry des-gl ildiztes that an OWTS b feasibþ ¡t tfte sfte. Thb dæf,n wüll nc be utilized tur an OW'15 permit becar¡se the applkant sn:rted that Soprb Enginceriry b in $re proess of prwHi4 a frnl OWTS d61'n for the SDU, At the t¡me sf build¡nS permit appfcatiqr, e 'tw lnstalHbn- OUIS permlt appfstbn shall be submitted. Appl¡catktÍ materieb and rquirernents car be foütd at httos;//$m¡rr.sârffelã-county.com/enviroümentaf-health/on¡ite-!,rasteuater-treatßr€nþ systems/. Garfield County Public Health Department - working to promote health and prevent disease 3. Radon: lt is rcomn¡mded tùat any rw büfegs @rñucæd on üre siie h thc future utitze rdon+e¡btant rw onsüruction (nff(} padiæs to prrsrnt r&r ¡æ erycure, n'ükù b üe Z! ledirç cause d lrry canær in Cohrado- trr oonstructim, a radon ûest shouH be onduæd, and a fan furstalled on üre systenr t necessary. Fcc rådon test l¡ils are availabb at GarfieH Cdmty tubic ¡þehh ffiG tl nift and Glenrood Sp/ngs and atüre Clean Ernryy Eononry br the Regbn Kftr$ bc¡Ed et ütc Third fu C-eÍær ¡n Carbondah- Thankyou, /) k'- Edrmrd R Ted'whiþ, P.E Elilironmentel Heatth Spccialist lll GarfieH Aouily Pubfic ]hahñ 2fll4BlaleAwnue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 f97CI166s-53E3 twhlte@sarfi eH-ðuntv"com .4- IU ?' Garfield County Public Health Depârtment - working to promote health and prevent disease pr('tINT¡ttN cR('sis ENGINEERTTìIG. INC. C¡vll and Environmenlal Consultlng and Design Iußt,?.lü23 trVfr.Ioh lr5rbouæ Garficld CoutryPlmfug IOS # SEE€I, Suitc,l0l Glsmrood Spings' CO tl60l RE: Scan *I¡rain SlllïAppicrlion: GÄPÀ-S5ı DcuJoh: This otræ hss rtvic;riËd fte doc,r¡ments providd f6 fu Scm Miltin SDU rylicAÍon. The submiml wzs for¡nd to bc üruulgh and wcll or'gubÅ- The revieur g@ed úe following cornmcrrts: l- Thc well ¡rump tcst trd nras providod was ftm ttc well cmsffiim rqnrt md wæ onþ tm horns and did not inch¡de r-Eoovery data. The L|JDC requircs a well test of fow holrs wilñ ræoverydffi- 2. Th Applicant úorld provide srdcrqt¡atity tcstrcurlts. 3. The applicdion mterials stmc that tte well will bc shæd- No infømdim ums giving on hw w¡6 lines wilt bG crú€Dded frrsn the well, Easemcnts md a wcll sbüfug agrccmctr may be 4plicable-4. l\drive;urayapcasûobepropossdfordrcg¡¡1¡. 1heAp,plicantshüldprovi&adesþd verifr úc frc de$ign msds trc rylicable crfrrr'ia in fu LtiDC ruad súadads. 5. ThG AppticflÍ shoutd addrcss how r¡tilitics will bG sIúEndGd to ihe $DU. Poss" gag md pfumc/ddas'ilt s€rvc fficrs frrom providers rnay bcurarmfd. 6. A copy oftte soils rcport should bc prrovided- 7. The Applicmt should v€riry ftd fte locdion is frec fiom gpohaøilds, The opinim of a qualifiod prrofcssimal ís reoommcndcd' 8. The Appticd should verify úæ ftc area propoeod for disnnùø¡cs does noü €xocd 1.0 rure. CDPI{E pemit¡ fr súormurdßr dísc,hrge may be u¡arraúsd. Fæl froe to call ifyou havc my quesúions ø csrments. Sinccreþ MømninCrass I Chis Hale PE S26lzGrand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 P: 970.945.5544 F: 970.945.5558 www.mountaincross'eng.com