HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationRECEIVED GARFIELD COUNTY uiltry I FrËii g tt ¿¿Ërã ,1, firIuti-t:Ct| ¡' 3oðEftt o CL u tàg, Ctf! Ef,o tTt Fttfx o of 0! ,t o ,l 3 x 1 3tt F¡;I la El^ Él D!ltt¡i riltll{ 2 É H E, 'E dIt.att -t åË ri ,tt¿ ÈÀ n î Í $ 5Fl B ËÈ afr I ß I I 3o+Itr ÈÈ B ñ st¡ ÈÊ n t {, t 3¡¡Ët ãt ÈÊ a fiã ú ÈÈ d !1 3¡¡ -Ë¡!'e È¿ n iÊf C ¡. Ë il Ê :1 tp I¿l+ v-lo lolàtå E}t{ á wEl-a ê il tñ 3 å èÈ iln Il.toftË oFâ fit UIItt 0. ã¡ I g ÉaI Ë¡ t lâg F G t! È f, å[ f p It ) V rl "ll*, 1]1j l{ I 4s 5É E E -at 8. ID Ì-f! r¡ Ef,t r¡, J gE st{)r 6'-l8'l+ 0(. fl ã í ,{:) I oI(¿. ï fJ 3 Nt-f\¡ IA ,E m I H CÞ rtl - I I tIo Erl trg aÊ" "ücr-tlt é?C' sDssJ tc Éßþ :C- FtÞ g c t, -à l-lç - IT¡ Þñ $ Ë Èf\ è":T€ çoÞg Ëcl =2.ßG) -¡ T, -imOnz3 T L rtoEtElârlBdfixÞ $pr¡.: T¡peof lle*Propane nmxy ÈrnÈ rufre il: ^utluin Ìhis apflkation for a EuildÌng Pennit nx¡st be signed bV tl¡e Or¡mer of the p:operty, described ahoraeo or an ar¡tlhorized agent- üf the s$gmturre bc{ow is not tdrat of tlfre Orrner, a separðte letter of authority, s¡gned by üre Owner, murst be provided with this Applicatlon" trrul A¡ces¡. A Buiilding FtnnnÍt car¡not be issued without proof of ll*gal and adequate acæss to üre propetty fot purposes of inspectiÌons þthe Euildinlg Divisiìon" Otls Pennit¡. lálr¡ltide sepan-ate pernfts nnay he rcquired: (X] State HeatrEcal Penm¡lt, {2} Cournty OWTS FerrnäÌ, (31 another perrnit required fun use on tln poperty üdantmed above, e.g- State or bunty Highw¿V/ Road Access or a State Wætewater Disdrarge Fermit" VoH Penr*- A Burïding Ferrnit becornes nu¡lll ar¡d void if the work au¡thorized [s not comrnenced u¿itl¡in 1&) days of the date of issr¡ance and Bf mrk b sr.uspeded or ahar¡doned fw a period of 180 dayr afrer con¡n¡encement" CRTNGTNOT I firerefu centÌfy that ll har¿e read ftis Appticatiion and'that the lnfonnation w¡tained above b trn¡e and correct- I urdersf¿nd that the Burillding [livisior¡ accepts the Appllicatio:1, afiong wãth the plans and specificdtiøns and otlher dat¿ su¡hr¡itted by rrnre or on my hehalll'(suhrnlrttals]" based upon íny cerüfttâtlon as to aöüræy- Assiirnlfig connplleteness of tlne srubmitlaüs and approval of this Application, a Builldlng Fermit willl be issued g"anting pernnision to rne, as o$ilner" to cor¡stnuat the stnucture(s) and facilities detailed o¡r üre suh¡nittals nevimred by the BuûHÌrç Divùsion" In consideratäorn of the issr¡ance of üre Eurillding Perrnlq I agree that I ard my agents witl cornpþ wlth provislons of any tederal, state ø llocal law regulatirg rhe wor* and the Garfiefid Cor¡rlty tsu¡üdir€ C-ode" OWTS reguhrtions and appllicable brd ¡¡se regulations {County Regulation{sl}- I adrnowlledge that the Building Perrnit nnay be nlspended or reuoked" utpon no'ü-ce frorn the County, if the location" construst¡on or use of the slnuctr¡rc(s) ard fæiiiqdks)" described above, are rþt in cornpliance with County Reguhtion(s] or ar¡y other apflicab[e hw- ! trerehy grarnt perrmbsiron to the BuildÈng Dlvfsion to enter tl¡e property, describ€d abr¡e, to inspect the rcrk- I further ackrnowlledge tlìıt the issuance of the Bullding Fen¡mit does not prevent the Bui8d[ng Offioã[ ítorn: (tr] requuiring the correction of erro¡s in the s¡brnittals, if any, discovered after issuance; or {2} stoppftg €onsûi¡ct¡on or urse of tl¡e stn¡ctr¡rre(s) ry tacihty{ies} if sudll is än r¡íolation of County Rqulation(s} or any after applÌcable [aw- Reviw of ü¡r-s Appläaatäon, induding subnnlttals" aÍ¡d inspectbns of tfte wrk by tfte Buildiiry Ðivr-sion do not constitr¡te an acceptance of nespor¡sibiliÈy or liabinity by üre County of errors, orrrissft¡r¡s or discrepancies" As the Oums, å acknowledge tlrat responsibi[ity for cornpiance with feden-al, sffie a¡¡d nocaü fa¡n¡s and County Regulations rest wiÛl rne and my authrorized agents, lnciudlng withrout lirnitation my architect designer, gnglneer and/ or hdlden- 6æ j a ô00 c0 cú IfÏ 1T.r ) I r-¡-¡ \¿Jp * é (-¡f o,(L e d2 "r I herubt Propcrtl úaû I lrauc ¡ead and mdersland ùe ffdicr and Ccrulñøtk¡n Soue, as ucll aq tnre bcstd lrty or;t;f\C,- dw utzu flate fi1,' + (m(Iil.r¡sccrrY p¡¡¡. t coo,oo ¿ß.f f,.1+7*{ titlzrl¡?¿z _$aa_ 6ea ¿t?aúeJ QIVD /T2A/SSpecid CotditÍms: ådilrtedVakilion:l"qn4 æ w llanu. llqne Fec: * 600,ô"ffiffio{zass. Totelf€€s:tîÈ 2-nø- BalanceFees Paid: +600. oo 8P llo; BwtF -17 7 î OWTSllo: s€PT. 17 7 L setúáe: --t- OOCGrurp; t,p.c. f.onst.Type: l. ß., c. Zonilg: ÈuP-rL st¡¡lD¡llc / PfJAflfiltl6 trlllllSlOll : Sine¿npp¡otaa¡ I t0-26-tz Ilqte ¿ C