HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication6wfield CounfY BUILDIN¡G PERMIT APPLICATIONCo*rmunltY Dü*lopm*nt Drptüoilt üÛ ttr'Stfa¡t' 3u$*¡nr Gl¡nulood lfdnff' F fütl ls?olsË*11¡ ì¡\¡$rr,strff ¡f d. cau nty'Goçl! ConmtrclrUüilultl-Frmiþ Mrrü¡frctücd Homc srÏþry!ÞUtEindq tr l¡tüi'læ0 näootfirdd:nri¡l unlt!Äml .im¡nûJniilsmof 3ûlJl'¡tffiT ÊagrÇ{trna,: trlrlk;åddrur*; Jtr¿ ¡*rr¿l+*r $oJ ,FîF'G: rJ¿g-ç+a ZÇ*1 ñtt, Cün:rxùon ñ¿;r-¡-l r fiü fh/J-f."J fiirllln¡åddrer: En'rllâddlrrt å¡rùllrc:Nje tW-:35-a-ÆilFTHI.:Ðl Sl,ffi:I ùirf,çlddrx: ErmlAddrurr lttirllln¡ládrrrl; E¡nllAddru¡s Eqfuirrr:Ëúürc f I : il¡nrñcn¡rcd ]bmr |¡*rlhr:PtoürÊ ¡ fir¡trlh$¡b*{t ilrilh¡¡¡t66*i- fintllddm¡G - i,ñ. WL4¿, û ÃçPøl Ér frt FL{l tn F -L Onnrt'¡Vrt¡ührtsf tlortr 3 ftupstf fùr lSq. F- or krr} 5q. R. sl gülldttç - l{c$e - ól¡slSsrþ fdfuür: flËctrir efufff Fütrrlk Pr¡mft il: Der TTpr o{ tlrt;Fr+Frnc luthodlr. lTrûr rpplcuhn Íor r lulftün¡ t[nült mu$ br tftnld by thr Onnrr ol the proFC{ty, drürrlbrd rbour, or rn ¡uthadr,rd ¡üçnl" I thç ¡[nrtuË brloï i¡ nsi thtt of thÊ f'9rmr, tr ¡r$rrlts lcttw of ruthority, ¡lgr¡d üV tlrc (hrnrr, müt bG prw5od sltfi ttri*Âpplice$on.Lıl ^ËÈa À a,uildñng F¡¡mft r¡nnot bt hrued nithout prool of h¡rl *nd rdrqurtr roor I to ttre proncny furp¡¡¡por* of inp*ctio,nc by tln Builünt Divi¡ion, ftl¡lf Fñünl. itullþlË iËÍNr.ùt Ferilit¡ m¡v bc rcgulrud: {tlsrrtl ElËctrht¡ F.rfldt, tl} Coi¡ûtf OìJSfs Fe¡mtt, titl rnsttil p*rmlt rcquind tor ul¡ 0n thc propcrtV ldentliled rbü¡rÈ, cC. StilË ar tountl H¡thlnyl ftord Aær¡c ûr ¡ fü¡tÊ WtrtÊfiÉUr Íti*hrr¡c Fçrmk- Uf,d Fãnh. A Sultdlnl Scrmit hrcnmr¡ nul ¡nd t¡oid ¡f thÊ umrh iltharþrd k noû ørnmün*d wlthln lÐ drt¡ oúthc d¡tG ol t¡¡r¡rnn rnd ¡f $prlt h ¡utprnded or ¡hrndoncd br I prrlod o{ 1ü dryr rfrrr mrnmrrrræmcnl thæbt ftñlfï thil I hrvt rcrd thlr åpplñertlon ¡nd thü the úûntrhËd ¡öovq lr tn¡e rnd coile€i, I¡¡ndu¿t¡¡d thrt thc g,u[dln¡Dhlrlon ¡caçFtr the ¡lppllmt¡qn, dong ¡vlth tt!Ë phnå rnd ¡psdltatlon¡ rnd slñcr drt¡¡uùmtftd b1 mc +r cn aly bthrlf laubrnlttålrh bræd Wün ñT ËÈrtllktlioñ r¡ to rÊdlrtcf. À¡.nrndrr¡ com¡lrtrnrrs of thr ¡¡Jbmltt¡b rnd rppruvrl of ttd¡ åfplkrtlm, * Ouildlng Fr¡mit sill br N¡.ru¡d En,ntlq! pÊrn¡3CoG to .t!Ê, !¡ftrrnÊt, tû Earìtlruct thç rtsüüft¡rqrl ¡nd frcllltilr d*t.ll€d on thc ¡ubrnl$¡lt rçular*d by tha SrCHhg fitolrlon. lnaon¡ld*¡lion allhc h¡ulnæ gfthc tullúlnX Fermll. I û¡rËÊ thrt ¡.rd ml r¡fntrwlll mnrSyultfi prouldon* of rnyhd¡rrl, rt¡to or locrl h¡n rcguhür¡ tfir nork rnd ürr C¡rldd Counry &¡ild¡n3 ffiË, OtüË rcff¡l¡do¡u rndapp{ltrble bnd urc rcgülütiort¡ (ç"ounty ßql¡lrt¡sn{tl}. Àll Crur*y dtrrulopmrnt rçqulrfnl¡ fmlt .#¡iil fúrrtddtntirl ur*r"rrr arbJnct to årtlÊlÊ ? o{tfl,Ë ltnd Urå tnd tlaruhpmmt Csdc, I rclmcnlnd¡r th¡¡t thr BultdlñfFcrffilt mry bc lr.nçtnded or rrwhcd, upon totlct lþocr the CountT, llthÊ lsfitlËn comlructloa or u¡c sÉthrrtruEturr(r|rnd frclll{liæ1, dcr*rlbrd abçtsÊ, trc Do{ ln oompllrnæ wlth Counû Êrg.rhtlon{rf 6r rnl othffrppHcrbh lrn, i hrreùr Srant p€rm¡i$on lo lht Errildln¡ Þlubiofi tg ifilff tùr prqpetrtÍ, dc¡rrlbrd $ft,È, tü ¡ñ6Prcf tft€ rqrk, Ifurthcr rdnorlad¡t tlr¡t thË lr*ilm* cf thr Bullür¡ Piml$t doÊÊ not gr:uxn thc Ë¡rlH¡nÍ offidrt from: {i} ¡çqul¡lntthe cûrrËËuon of çtmr¡ in the *ubnr{ttrlr, if rrry, dhcorrrrd rftr¡ i$ürruq or {tf *topgnl conctrucücn o,r urË of thrsuucrur{r} or fadllty(lrr} lf ¡udr l¡ ln ulo|rdan ot csunty R*¡r¡l¡ilon{:| q¡ ary othÊr .Fplla¡blr lnr. Rçvler of thl*À$Fl¡lçrtiOn, lndud¡nl i{lbm¡Etl5, rnd InrprclirnE sf the sort þ t{ro Ë{¡lldlq¡ ltitul¡¡Õn üû îsl Êôfrftih}tf, ü fÊcrFtåñoÈ qf rËfponiib¡litï gr lhhl,llv bT ttlr Cûuntv of rrsn, omh*lnn¡, or drreprncl*l å* $n Ornnrr, Irckttould¡u thlt rGipondülllty for conrglhncr *ilh frdttll slatc .nd locrl hm end Ëoutrty Rr¡uhrioru re¡r ulth mc ¡nd rrl authcrlrcd l3tñld lncluding wllhûut nnritütion rry rrrhltrct dslfnr,r, rngneer rncü ür bulldr. I inËùf r*nq*t¡lfr Sllt I trlvt lud md undrrülnd thG lþtht md C¡rtill¡¡thn rtoril. rl rrll r¡, hur Gr¡ prddrd thr n{t¡ltrd lcfumtlon trthleù l¡ oonrct rnd rcmrtr to ût à¡t ol rny lncu¡d¡1 Jack Nichotson aC n/àloûo* e t21 t2o2s noprrtv orrnlr Pñ¡¡¡ fi(gln llrtû $p*hl f¡r¡dlüqnrl ti-lffi.li Tä#cs ll[rn¡. ]lar¡r Fn:Adr¡¡Ëid Vlt¡Íþß,tô q,(n3"llbr. t¡r¡: hbncrDur: æ Frr¡ Fråd: 3^A.ltø."*wJß-ß¿49 rltrI5 illo:tbTotd F¡¡r: 3AA, OtrËrcug:ConrÌ.fþ*iF[ r>tüth*$ t{Jlt Oln6 t Pt¡AllttlflG OlllËl0ll ¡