HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.16 Water Supply & Distribution Plan Water Supply and Distribution Plan FOR THE Spring Valley Ranch PUD Garfield County, CO FEBRUARY 2, 2023 Water Supply and Distribution Plan FOR THE Spring Valley Ranch PUD Garfield County, CO List of Appendices Appendix 1: LRE Physical Water Supply Report Appendix 2: Raw Water Process Flow Diagram Spring Valley Ranch PUD 1 Water Supply and Distribution Plan 1.0 Introduction The Spring Valley Ranch PUD will be served by its own potable water system, which will consist of groundwater wells, chlorination treatment, storage tanks, and a distribution system. Information regarding the physical source of water supply, legal ownership of the source water, in Appendix O of the PUD amendment application. The physical water supply report including well pump tests and water quality results are included in Appendix 1 of this report. The water system will serve a total of 577 residential lots and 80 commercial Equivalent Residential Units (EQRs). The system will pump groundwater from unconfined wells and based upon the water quality results included in Appendix 1 the wells are only required to be treated with liquid chlorine in accordance with the Colorado Department of Public Health (CDPHE) Design Criteria. See the Physical Water Supply Report in Appendix 1 for more details on water quality results. Water demands estimated for the PUD were calculated using the Spring Valley Sanitation District’s (SVSD) EQR schedule. All infrastructure is sized for the future buildout of the PUD, and to meet the Maximum Daily Demand (MDD) and fire demand simultaneously. A separate raw water system will serve the golf course irrigation and snowmaking needs of the PUD. Water located in the lower meadow will be pumped to the golf course and to Hopkins Reservoir during the appropriate season of use. 1.1 Potable Water System Summary The Spring Valley Ranch’s potable water system can utilize up to 36 groundwater wells, to treat a total system demand of 300 gallons per minute (gpm) to serve the domestic and irrigation demands of the entire Spring Valley Ranch PUD. Currently, the six wells drilled for potable consumption were tested and can produce a total 314 gpm. Specific capacity calculations indicate that several of the wells could produce more than what was produced during the test given the available drawdown water column in the well (See Appendix 1 for more details). Using the permitted maximum pumping rate, the total production could be increased from 314 gpm to 395 gpm if the pumps were lowered to access the full water column. This would result in the upper system being able to produce 110 GPM, and the lower system could produce 285 gpm, which can meet the estimated full build out demands of the PUD. Due to the age of the wells, all existing well casings and pipes will be replaced. In some instances, the wells will need to be redrilled to a larger diameter to house the required 6-inch modern motor to serve the PUD and possibly drilled deeper to access full sustainable production from the aquifer. Once the wells are rehabilitated and re-drilled, pump testing will be completed at each well to determine the sustainable production rate. If production rates do not increase due to the well improvements, then the PUD will utilize their water right to drill additional wells for increased source capacity and redundancy. Refer to Appendix O (Legal Water Supply Report) for details on water rights for the wells. The water system will be made up of two separate systems, which will operate independently, herein referred to as the upper system and lower system. Refer to Appendix L, Schematic Engineering Plans for a map of the proposed water system. Due to the large distances between wells, tanks, and layout of the project, having two systems reduces the infrastructure required to serve water to all taps and simplifies system operations. However, the upper system will have a pressure reducing valve (PRV) and an automatic isolation valve vault located at the lowest point of its typical service area which will Spring Valley Ranch PUD 2 Water Supply and Distribution Plan interconnect to the lower system in the event of a water related emergency (e.g. system outage, fire, etc.). During normal operations, the interconnect valve box will have a blow-off valve to release excess air/pressure in the upper system. The upper portion of the system will serve taps located at elevations of 9410 ft to 7800 ft, which includes approximately 191 single family homes and 35 commercial Equivalent Residential Units (EQRs). The lower system will serve taps located at elevations of 7955 to 7019 ft, which includes approximately 386 single family taps and 45 commercial EQRs. Each system will have a group of groundwater wells which will be piped and treated with liquid chlorine prior to entering the water storage tank. From the tank, the distribution system will be fed via a series of PRVs that are placed to ensure that the system pressure does not exceed 135 psi at each hydrant, nor drop below 50 psi at each tap during peak hourly demands. Between the two water systems there will be a total of 17 PRVs, with 9 in the upper zone, and 8 in the lower zone. Throughout the entire community there will be approximately 32 miles of distribution pipe. The distribution pipe is sized for future complete buildout of the community and will be a mix of 12-inch and 8-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP). In general, the main water distribution pipe will be 12-inches and follow along the main roadways. Along side streets, and cul-de-sac 8-inch pipe will be installed where practical given the fire-flow and maximum day requirements. The distribution pipe is sized to ensure a minimum of 50 psi is provided to each lot under peak hourly demand conditions, and that fire-flow (1500 GPM @ 20 psi) can be achieved at each hydrant. In some instances, the steep and rocky landscape prohibits looping, but the distribution system is looped at every location where it is topographically and spatially feasible. At system dead-end locations, a hydrant is placed at the end of the water line, which will be used as a blow-off valve. All hydrants within the system were designed to be able to deliver a minimum of 1500 gpm at a residual pressure of 20 psi. 1.2 Potable Water Domestic Demands Water demand for the system was calculated using the Spring Valley Sanitation District’s EQR Schedule, with a defined potable water flow of 350 gallons per EQR per day (SVR defines wastewater flow at 300 gallons per EQR per day). 350 gallons per day (gpd) per EQR assumes an approximate 15% consumptive loss and aligns with the required assumption listed in Garfield County Land Use and Development Code Section 4-203.M.1. definition for a Single-Family Equivalent. The total water system demand was calculated by first separating the system into commercial and residential demands. The residential water demand is calculated by categorizing all residential units into four different parcel types, each with their own conservatively-estimated home size and irrigated area assumptions. The assumptions are based upon similar Mountain community developments in Utah and Arizona and are summarized in Table 1. To estimate irrigation demands for residences, it is assumed that each home would grow non-native bluegrass, which would require a 0.12-inch application rate to adequately water the lawn during peak summer conditions (e.g. hot, dry, no precipitation). The application rate was determined from local golf course data during the months of July and August when peak water is used. It was assumed that this application rate was applied at 67% efficiency (e.g. typical efficiency for residential sprinkler head). The total water demand for all residences, including irrigation, is 407,274 gallons per day. Spring Valley Ranch PUD 3 Water Supply and Distribution Plan Water demand for commercial structures is calculated using SVSD EQR Schedule and Garfield County defined 350 gpd per EQR. For commercial locations inside the golf course area (clubhouse, family barn, etc.) all irrigation will be from the raw water system. For commercial locations outside of the golf course area, the same assumptions used for residential lawns were used to calculation water demand at each site for an area of 5,000 sq.ft. The total daily water demand from commercial sites including irrigation is 33,925 gpd. Table 1. Potable Water Demand Summary Dwelling Unit Type Estimated Max. House Size (sq. ft) Max. Irrigation (sq.ft) Daily Demand per Unit Type (inc. irrigation) (gpd) No. of Dwelling Units Estate 6,500 2,500 630 146 Ranch 9,000 2,500 718 250 Mountain 11,500 4,000 974 106 Community Housing 2,000 500 434 75 Total Residential ADD (gpd) 407,274 Total Commercial ADD (gpd) 33,925 1. ADD = Average Daily Demand in gallons per day (gpd) 1.3 Fire Demand The proposed Spring Valley Ranch PUD Guide requires that all buildings over 500 sq.ft be sprinkled in accordance with the 2015 International Fire Code (IFC 2015) and NFPA 13, 13R, or 13D depending on building type and use. As such, for all residential structures a reduction in hydrant flow and flow duration is applied in accordance with Appendix B Tables B105.1(1) and B105.1(2). For commercial structures, a 75% reduction in hydrant flow is applied to the hydrant associated with each commercial building using Appendix B Tables B105.1(2) and B105.2. For commercial buildings the duration of flow is not reduced even if the building is sprinkled (IFC 2015 Appendix B Table B105.2). Using the assumed maximum residential home size of 11,500 square feet (sq.ft) and the maximum commercial building size of 25,000 sq.ft for the lower zone (Golf Course Family Barn) and 6,500 sq.ft (Community Gathering Amenity) for the upper zone, the required fire flow, duration, and storage for the community is summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Fire Flow And Fire Storage Requirements Structure Type Building Size (sq.ft) Required Hydrant Flow (gpm) Fire Hydrant Duration (hours) Min. Required Fire Storage (gals) Residential 11,500 1,500 1 90,000 Commercial – Lower Zone 25,000 1,063 4 255,120 Commercial – Upper Zone 11,300 1,000 2 120,000 1.4 Water Storage For each water system (upper and lower) there will be a separate concrete tank to serve each distribution system. To calculate the water storage tank size for the upper and lower systems, the following equation was used. Spring Valley Ranch PUD 4 Water Supply and Distribution Plan Total Required Storage (gallons) = Average Daily Demand (ADD) + Fire Storage + Dead Storage The required storage for each zone is summarized in Table 3. The lower water tank is sized to handle a residential fire event or commercial building fire event for all structures less than 11,300 sq.ft which would require 120,000 gallons of fire-storage. Given the large amount of required fire storage for the lower zone commercial structures over 11,300 sq.ft. (e.g. 25,000 sq.ft. family barn, or 15,000 sq.ft golf and community maintenance shops) the upper system interconnect to the lower system will be utilized in the event of a fire at these three structures. Therefore, once the 125,000 gallons of fire storage have been used at the lower water tank, the system will begin to feed the fire demand from the upper tank via the interconnect actuated valve and PRV. Having the interconnect provides the total required storage of 265,000 gallons for commercial structures up to 25,000 sq.ft in accordance with IFC 2015 Appendix B. Table 3. Water Storage Tank Sizing Zone ADD (gallons) Fire Storage (gals) Dead Storage1 (gals) Total Required Storage (gals) Tank Dimensions Lower 294,000 125,000 87,000 507,000 24 FT Tall, 60 FT Dia. Upper 147,000 140,000 62,500 348,500 24 FT Tall, 50 FT Dia. 1. ADD for lower and upper zone includes commercial daily demands. 2. Dead storage includes the bottom 3 ft of the tank, which is unusable due to the potential instability of the water in the tank were it to be drawn down that low. This dead storage also acts as equalization storage for each water tank. Additionally, the dead storage also accounts for 1.25 ft at the top of the tank where the overflow pipe must be installed per CDPHE requirements. The upper tank is sized for the maximum fire demand of commercial buildings up to 11,300 sq.ft with a required storage of 120,000 gallons. There are no commercial structures in the upper zone that will exceed 11,300 sq.ft. Using the calculated storage required for each tank, the upper and lower storage tanks will be circular concrete tanks 24 feet tall with diameters of 50 and 60 ft, respectively. The tanks will be partially buried and painted to blend in with the natural surrounding landscape and topography. It is important to note since the system is controlled by PRVs and there is excess pressure in the system, during both typical operations and fire emergencies the change in water level in the tanks will not impact the pressure throughout the distribution system. Additionally, during the initial phases of development the tank operating levels can be varied to reduce water age in the tank and provide the highest quality water to its customers without any impact to distribution system pressures. As development continues changes in operating levels can be adjusted to account for increased demand. 1.5 Fire Protection Demands and Infrastructure All homes and buildings within the PUD larger than 500 sq.ft will be equipped with automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with the 2015 International Fire Code and NFPA 13, 13R, or 13D. Additionally, fire hydrant locations will conform to the 2015 IFC. In accordance with Appendix C Table C102.1 footnote g, all hydrants within residential areas will be spaced at 625 ft except along dead-end roads where the hydrants shall be spaced 525 ft. Along corridors of commercial structures only (road following golf course) hydrants will be spaced at 750 ft in accordance with IFC 2015 Appendix C table C102.1 footnote f. Spring Valley Ranch PUD 5 Water Supply and Distribution Plan A hydraulic model was developed to determine available fire-flow and pressures at each hydrant. The model was built using distribution line size and layout, and pressure reducing valve location(s) as shown in the Schematic Engineering Plans (Appendix L of PUD application). The fire-flow scenario included the following assumptions: 1. Maximum daily demand is occurring throughout the distribution system, which in accordance with Land Use Code Chapter 4, is 3.0 times the average daily demand distributed equally at each home. 2. All hydrant laterals are less than 50 ft in length and are 6-inch C900. 3. The tank was assumed to be operating at its minimum capacity, which is after the low-level switch has triggered the wells to turn on to begin tank refill. 4. An additional demand flow of 150 gpm per home was assumed to be occurring simultaneously at the nearest hydrant was flowing. This equates to two sprinkler zones flowing at 75 GPM each (two 1500 sq.ft rooms sprinkler systems are operating at same time). 5. A target flow of 1,500 gpm was used to determine residual pressure at each hydrant. 6. The hydrants in each zone that the distribution system was sized around are included in Table 4. These hydrants will be the focus of the design as it progresses from conceptual to construction drawings. Having these identified at this phase assists in understanding the overall requirements of the water system to meet County and IFC 2015 requirements for fire-flow. 7. Static pressures in each pressure zone do not exceed 135 psi. 8. The minimum pressure at each house during peak hourly demand is 50 psi. Table 4 –Two Limiting Hydrants under Fire-Flow Demand Scenario Hydrant Location Elevation (ft) Flow (GPM) Residual Pressure (psi) Lower Phase 5 7500 1,500 35 Upper Phase 4 9000 1,500 30 To see the locations of hydrants, refer to Appendix L, Schematic Engineering Plans. These two hydrants are highlighted on the water system map. 1.6 Distribution System 1.6.1 Distribution System Pipe Size The distribution system was sized using the hydraulic model, which evaluated the MDD plus the fire flow demand as the maximum demand on the system. The peak hourly demand resulted in an instantaneous flow of 2,100 gpm, and the maximum daily demand plus fire flow is equal to 2,379 gpm making the MDD with fire-flow the more limiting scenario to evaluate. The pipeline following main roads from the tanks and to various parts of the PUD will be 12-inch either DR-14 C900 plastic pipe or single layer cement mortar lined ductile iron pipe (DIP). Where allowable, the distribution pipe size was reduced from 12-inch to 8-inch ductile iron pipe through cul-de-sacs and for certain looped portions of the system. All hydrant laterals will be 6-inch pipe and are shorter than 50 ft in length. At locations where looping was not feasible, hydrants are located at the end of the water line to be used a regularly exercised blow-off valves by the water operator. Spring Valley Ranch PUD 6 Water Supply and Distribution Plan 1.6.2 Distribution System Pipe Materials Depending upon market prices and availability of pipe, either DR-14 C900 or Class 53 DIP will be used throughout the distribution system. The C900 pipe will have DR-14 pressure rating and be manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C900-16, which is rated for an operating pressure of 305 psi. If used, the DIP will be Class 53 pipe manufactured in accordance with AWWA C111/C150/C151, which is rated for an operating pressure of 350 psi. Regardless of pipe type, restrained ductile iron mega-lug fittings will be used at all joints, and bends, which have an operating maximum pressure of 350 psi. Using the water model it was found that the maximum pressure at a hydrant flowing 1,500 GPM will be approximately 80 psi. Therefore, in accordance with Garfield County Land Use and Development code Section 4-302.M.f both C900 and Class 53 DIP exceed the factor of safety of 3 requirement. DIP and fittings will have a factor of safety of 4.3 and C900 will have a factor of safety of 3.8 during fire-flow demand. Ductile iron pipe and C900 both have an estimated lifetime of 100 years as reported by pipe manufacturers and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Proper trenching, bedding, and poly-wrap installation will be completed to ensure the maximum life of all the distribution pipe and associated fittings. Given the elevation of the system, a minimum of 8 FT of cover will be required for all buried pipe to prevent freezing. In locations where minimum depth cannot be met due to physical limitations of the site, 2-inches of insulation will be required. 1.6.3 Pressure Reducing Valves The distribution system for each water system includes pressure reducing valves creating distinct pressure zones throughout the distribution system. Each vault will be identical with a 12-inch fire/maximum demand PRV, and 2-inch bypass PRV for lower residential only flows. The valve settings were determined to provide a minimum of 50 psi pressure to each home during peak hourly demand, with a maximum system pressure of 135 psi. 1.7 Raw Water System The raw water system will be used to irrigate the golf course and supply water to Hopkins Reservoir for snowmaking operations. The raw water system will consist of four wells located in the lower meadow (see Appendix 2 for process flow diagram), two pump stations, and approximately 5 miles of high- pressure stainless steel welded pipe (ASTM A778). 1.7.1 Raw Water Demands Raw water system demands were used to determine the number of wells, pump specification and sizing, and pump station wet well sizing. To determine the demand for the golf course, local golf course superintendents were consulted in the area. They shared real time data from the last 5-6 years to determine a potential maximum irrigation demand during a hot, dry, and low precipitation summer. The PUD golf course designer utilized local golf course data to determine that the golf course will utilize approximately 329 acre-ft per year during the months of April to October (for more information see Appendix O, Legal Water Supply Report. This value takes into consideration the elevation of the golf course, evapotranspiration, efficiency of water application rate, and dry soil conditions. It was assumed that water is applied at 80% efficiency across the 100-acre golf course. Understanding the hotter and drier months (July and August) will require more water than during cooler wetter months all the Spring Valley Ranch PUD 7 Water Supply and Distribution Plan infrastructure (e.g. pump stations, wetwells, pipeline) was designed to accommodate a maximum daily irrigation demand of 1,000,000 gallons per day in the event of extreme weather conditions. The project ski resort designer determined the required snowmaking demand to be 46 acre-feet per month during the months of November, December, and January. 46 ac-f per month equates to approximately 500,000 gallons per day. The infrastructure at pump station 2 was sized and designed to meet this estimated demand. 1.7.2 Raw Water System Infrastructure From the lower meadow the water will be pumped from the wells to the first raw water pump station. At this station, the electrical panels, controls, and valving will be housed to control the well pump motors and flowmeter. From the first station water will enter a wetwell and be pumped by 250 HP vertical turbine pumps to the second pump station. Adequate electrical supply was confirmed with Holy Cross Energy to power these pumps along with the well pumps. During the summer, the pumping will stop at the second pump station. At this point the water will first enter the wet well and then flow via gravity to irrigation ponds throughout the golf course. From there the water will be pumped to irrigate the golf course as needed. During the winter, the water will enter the wet well and then be pumped via vertical turbine pumps up to Hopkins Reservoir. The snowmaking pump station will be located next to Hopkins Reservoir and will be pump water from the Reservoir up the ski mountain. See Appendix 2 for a process flow diagram of the raw water system. All of the raw water will be pumped via 12-inch welded stainless steel transmission pipeline, specifically designed for high pressure applications. Appendix 1 ‡‘ƒ”†‹…‡Š›•‹…ƒŽƒ–‡”—’’Ž›‡’‘”–               ROCKY MOUNTAIN | MIDWEST | SOUTHWEST | TEXAS 909 Colorado Avenue Glenwood Sp ring s , CO 81601 | Office: 970-945-6777 | LREWATER.COM SPRING VALLEY RANCH Physical Water Supply Report Prepared for: Roaring Fork Engineering Date 3/8/2023 Project Number 21667SVRD02 The following members of the LRE Water staff contributed to the preparation of this report. Angela Schenk, Senior Project Hydrogeologist March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 Section 2: Background ................................................................................................................. 1 Section 3: Physical Water Supply ................................................................................................... 1 3.1 SV Well No. 1 ..................................................................................................................... 2 3.2 ASR Well No. 16 fka Gamba 8 ................................................................................................ 4 3.3 Well 36567-MH ................................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Well 36596-MH ................................................................................................................. 10 3.5 SVR Well No. 20 fka Gamba 1 .............................................................................................. 12 3.6 ASR Well No. 15 ............................................................................................................... 15 3.7 ASR Well No. 14 ............................................................................................................... 17 3.8 SVH Well 10 ..................................................................................................................... 20 Section 4: Water Quality Results .................................................................................................. 23 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: SVR Well 1 (86630-F) Pump Test .................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 2: SVR Well 1 (86630-F) Recovery ..................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3: ASR Well No. 16 (86629-F) Pump Test .......................................................................................................... 6 Figure 4: ASR Well No. 16 (86629-F) Recovery Analysis .............................................................................................. 7 Figure 5: Well 36567-MH Pump Test ............................................................................................................................. 9 Figure 6: Well 36567-MH Recovery Analysis ............................................................................................................... 10 Figure 7: Well 36569-MH Pump Test ........................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 8: Well 36569-MH Recovery Analysis ............................................................................................................... 12 Figure 9: SVR Well No. 20 (86628-F) Pump Test ........................................................................................................ 14 Figure 10: SVR Well No. 20 (86628-F) Recovery Analysis .......................................................................................... 15 Figure 11: SVR Well No. 15 (MH-36760) Pump Test ................................................................................................... 16 Figure 12: SVR Well No. 15 (MH-36760) Recovery Analysis ...................................................................................... 17 Figure 13: SVR Well No. 14 (66299-F) Pump Test ...................................................................................................... 19 Figure 14: SVR Well No. 14 (66299-F) Recovery Analysis .......................................................................................... 20 Figure 15: SVR Well No. 10 (MH-33819) Pump Test ................................................................................................... 21 Figure 16: SVR Well No. 10 (MH-33819) Recovery Analysis ...................................................................................... 22 March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of Spring Valley Ranch Wells Pump Test Analysis .......................................................................... 2 Table 2: Regulated Water Quality Results ................................................................................................................... 24 Table 3: Additional Water Quality Parameters ............................................................................................................. 25 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Well Location and Current Production Rate Map Spring Valley Ranch Page 1 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION LRE Water, Inc. (LRE) was retained to perform 24 hour well pumping test with 24 hour recovery period on the wells located on Spring Valley Ranch (SVR). In addition to the well pumping tests, water quality samples were collected and analyzed by a State of Colorado certified laboratory that follows accepted industry standards and quality assurance/quality control procedures. This report describes the results of the pumping test and physical groundwater supply; the water quality results; and provides recommendations for treatment. SECTION 2: BACKGROUND The Spring Valley Ranch Planned Unit Development (PUD) is an approximately 5,900 acre planned development. The property consists of four parcels located in the Roaring Fork Valley on the western end of Missouri Heights between the towns of Carbondale and Glenwood Springs in Garfield County. A location map is included in Attachment 1. SECTION 3: PHYSICAL WATER SUPPLY LRE conducted a constant-discharge pump test at eight wells located on SVR. A map of the well locations is included in Attachment 1. The pumps test were performed to evaluate the current pumping capacities of the wells under current aquifer conditions. Additionally, these tests were performed during the period of the year when groundwater is seasonally lower because there is minimal recharge occurring. All of the wells produce from unconfined aquifers, which largely recharge from snowmelt run-off, precipitation, and irrigation occurring on the ranch. Currently, only a small area of the lower valley is irrigated. Table 1 provides a summary of the current static water levels, pumping capacities results from the 24-hour pumping tests, drawdown of the wells evaluated, and calculated well production rates. The individual well tests and results are described in more detail below. Spring Valley Ranch Page 2 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Table 1: Summary of Spring Valley Ranch Wells Pump Test Analysis Well Production Rate, Static Water Levels, and Max Drawdown Well Name Permit/ Decreed Rate (gpm) Permit No. Pump Test Date Pump Test Production Rate (gpm) Static Water Level (ft) Max Drawdown Measurement (ft) Max Drawdown (ft) Well Production Rate (gpm) SV Well No. 1 300 86630-F 9/29/2022 300 22 161.53 139.53 550 ASR Well No. 16 fka Gamba 8 100 86629-F 10/12/2022 54.3 20.25 231.42 211.17 60 36567-MH 100 36597-MH 10/18/2022 7.7 89 219.37 130.37 10 36596-MH 100 36596-MH 10/19/2022 100 19.55 91.01 71.46 195 SVR Well No. 20 fka Gamba 1 300 86628-F 10/31/2022 51.6 113 169.9 56.9 95 ASR Well No. 15 100 36760 MH 11/14/2022 79 112.8 149.58 36.78 225 ASR Well No. 14 100 66299-F 11/30/2022 10 143.6 154 10.4 19 SVH Well 10 40 33819 MH 12/14/2022 11.4 95.7 340.78 245.08 12 TOTAL 614 1,166 3.1 SV WELL NO. 1 LRE conducted a 24-hour constant discharge pumping test at SV Well No. 1 on September 29, 2022. The temporary well pump was set at 180 ft. The perforated portion of the well casing is from 85 ft to 285 ft below the ground surface. The pressure transducer was installed at 175 ft and was set to record pressure and temperature reading every minute. Barometric pressure can impact water levels in unconfined aquifers; therefore, all pressure values were corrected for changes in barometric pressure. LRE relied on this dataset to analyze drawdown within the well over the course of the pumping test. In addition, a turbine flowmeter was then connected between the outflow of the pump and the discharge line. This meter was used to establish and monitor the pumping rate and volume pumped. The static water level prior to the test was measured to be 22 ft below the top of the well casing (TOC). With the pump set at 180 ft below the ground surface, there was approximately 158 ft of available drawdown in the aquifer. The pump was initially set to 100 gpm increased to 300 gpm 36 minutes after starting the test. On average, LRE Water calculated a pumping rate of 298.4 PUMPING TEST RESULTS Spring Valley Ranch Page 3 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 gpm over the 24 hour pumping period, with a maximum pumping rate of 300 gpm. The pump was intentionally operated to run at or near this rate based on the permitted rate. Throughout the pumping test, manual readings were collected in the field. In particular, the drawdown was monitored in order to determine if the pumping rate could be sustained. Once the pump test started the aquifer dropped 131 ft within 40 minutes (six minutes after achieving 300 gpm), then incrementally dropped over the 24-hour test. The maximum water level drawdown occurred at the end of the pump test with a water level depth of 161.53 ft below TOC (139.53 feet of drawdown compared to static water levels). Figure 1 graphically shows the water depth measurements that were taken both manually and electronically by the pressure transducer. Figure 1: SVR Well 1 (86630-F) Pump Test Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) In addition to monitoring the water level during the pumping test, it is equally important to monitor the recovery process. The pump and pressure transducer were therefore kept in place at the conclusion of the test. The water level in the well at the start of recovery rebounded within the first six minutes from a depth of 161.53 ft to a depth of 47.85 ft. Figure 2 depicts the water level Static Water Level (ft)Notes: 1.) Initial Water Level = 22.0 ft. below Top of Well Casing Depth of Water from TOC 2.) Final Water Level = 161.53 ft. below Top of Well Casing Manual Measurements 3.) Well Depth =305 ft. from Top of Well Casing Flow Rate (gpm) 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.00.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0 1 10 100 1000 Fl o w Ra t e (g p m ) De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) PumpingTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =22.0ft. AveragePumpingRate=300gpm Spring Valley Ranch Page 4 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 recovery in the well and demonstrates the well recovered to 96% after 24 hours of the pump being shut off. Figure 2: SVR Well 1 (86630-F) Recovery Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) The aquifer drawdown and recovery data support that SV Well No. 1 can produce at the permitted rate of 300 gpm and experienced a 96% recovery in 24 hours. Setting the pump at the deepest elevation in the well results in approximately 260 ft of allowable drawdown of the aquifer. Using an average pump rate of 300 gpm and total drawdown of 139.53 ft, the specific capacity of the well was calculated to be 2.14 gpm per foot. Using the specific capacity of the well and 260 ft of available drawdown, LRE estimates SV Well No. 1 can currently produce at 550 gpm. 3.2 ASR WELL NO. 16 FKA GAMBA 8 LRE conducted a 24-hour constant discharge pumping test at ASR Well No. 16 on October 12, 2022. The temporary well pump was set at 240 ft. The perforated portion of the well casing is from 150 ft to 180 ft below the ground surface. The pressure transducer was installed at 235 ft and was set to record pressure and temperature reading every minute. Barometric pressure can impact water levels in unconfined aquifers; therefore, all pressure values were corrected for changes in barometric pressure. LRE relied on this dataset to analyze drawdown within the well Static Water Level (ft) Residual Drawdown (ft) 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 1 10 100 1000 De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) RecoveryTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =22.0ft. Spring Valley Ranch Page 5 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 over the course of the pumping test. In addition, a turbine flowmeter was then connected between the outflow of the pump and the discharge line. This meter was used to establish and monitor the pumping rate and volume pumped. The static water level prior to the test was measured to be 20.25 ft below the top of the well casing (TOC). With the pump set at 140 ft below the ground surface, there was approximately 120 ft of available drawdown in the aquifer. The well has a permitted rate of 100 gpm, so the pump was initially set to 100 gpm. The pumping rate was decreased over the 24-hour pumping test due to the rate of drawdown and available water in the well. On average, LRE Water calculated a pumping rate of 54.3 gpm over the 24 hour pumping period. Throughout the pumping test, manual readings were collected in the field. In particular, the drawdown was monitored in order to determine if the pumping rate could be sustained. Once the pump test started the aquifer dropped 93.32 ft within 10 minutes and continued to decline at a steady rate until the flow rate was reduced to 82 gpm. The well recovered approximately 50 ft after the flow rate was reduced, but then the aquifer level began to steadily decline until the flow rate was reduced to a lower rate. A flow rate reduction was performed a couple more times throughout the test. The maximum water level drawdown occurred at the end of the pump test with a water level depth of 231.42 ft below TOC (211.17 feet of drawdown compared to static water level). Figure 3 graphically shows the water depth measurements that were taken both manually and electronically by the pressure transducer. In addition to monitoring the water level during the pumping test, it is equally important to monitor the recovery process. The pump and pressure transducer were therefore kept in place at the conclusion of the test. The water level in the well at the start of recovery rebounded within the first 10 minutes from a depth of 231.42 ft to a depth of 150.9 ft, equal to approximately an 80 ft rise in the aquifer level. Figure 4 depicts the water level recovery in the well and demonstrates the well recovered to 70% after 24 hours of the pump being shut off Spring Valley Ranch Page 6 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 3: ASR Well No. 16 (86629-F) Pump Test Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) Static Water Level (ft)Notes: 1.) Initial Water Level = 20.25 ft. below Top of Well Casing Depth of Water from TOC 2.) Final Water Level = 222.67 ft. below Top of Well Casing Manual Measurements 3.) Well Depth =260 ft. from Top of Well Casing Flow Rate (gpm) 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.00.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 1 10 100 1000 Fl o w Ra t e  (g p m ) De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) PumpingTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =20.25ft. AveragePumpingRate=54.3gpm Spring Valley Ranch Page 7 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 4: ASR Well No. 16 (86629-F) Recovery Analysis Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) Using an average pump rate of 54.3 gpm and total drawdown of 211.17 ft, the specific capacity of the well was calculated to be 0.26 gpm per foot. This is a conservative estimate since the pump was pumped at higher rates for the first seven hours of the test, which could result in a higher amount of drawdown than if the pump had been set at 54.3 gpm throughout the 24-hour pumping period. Using the specific capacity of the well and 235 ft of available drawdown, LRE estimates ASR Well No. 16 can currently produce at 60 gpm. 3.3 WELL 36567-MH LRE conducted a 4-hour constant discharge pumping test at Well 36567-MH on October 18, 2022. The temporary well pump was set at 240 ft. The perforated portion of the well casing is from 180 ft to 250 ft below the ground surface. The pressure transducer was installed at 25 ft and was set to record pressure and temperature reading every minute. Barometric pressure can impact water levels in unconfined aquifers; therefore, all pressure values were corrected for changes in barometric pressure. LRE relied on this dataset to analyze drawdown within the well over the course of the pumping test. In addition, a turbine flowmeter was then connected between the outflow of the pump and the discharge line. This meter was used to establish and monitor the pumping rate and volume pumped. Static Water Level (ft) Residual Drawdown (ft) 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 1 10 100 1000 De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) RecoveryTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel=20.25ft. Spring Valley Ranch Page 8 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 The static water level prior to the test was measured to be 89 ft below the top of the well casing (TOC). With the pump set at 240 ft below the ground surface, there was approximately 151 ft of available drawdown in the aquifer. The pump was set to 8 gpm. On average, LRE Water calculated a pumping rate of 7.7 gpm over the 24 hour pumping period, with a maximum pumping rate of 8 gpm. Throughout the pumping test, manual readings were collected in the field. In particular, the drawdown was monitored in order to determine if the pumping rate could be sustained. Once the pump test started the aquifer dropped 130.86 ft within 10 minutes. A rise in the water level occurred in the well when the flow rate dropped to 6 gpm. When the flow rate was adjusted back to 8 gpm around minute 100 the aquifer steadily declined, but experienced brief periods of recharge. The maximum water level drawdown occurred at the end of the pump test with a water level depth of 219.37 ft below TOC (130.37 feet of drawdown compared to static water level). Figure 5 graphically shows the water depth measurements that were taken both manually and electronically by the pressure transducer. In addition to monitoring the water level during the pumping test, it is equally important to monitor the recovery process. The pump and pressure transducer were therefore kept in place at the conclusion of the test. The water level in the well at the start of recovery rebounded within the first 10 minutes from a depth of 219.37 ft to a depth of 191.79 ft. Figure 6 depicts the water level recovery in the well and demonstrates the well recovered to 91.5% after 4 hours and 100% after 16 hours of the pump being turned off. The aquifer drawdown and recovery data support that Well 36567-MH can currently produce 7.7 gpm and with 91.4% recovery occurring in 4hours and 100% recovery experienced in 16 hours. Setting the pump at the deepest elevation in the well results in approximately 165 ft of allowable drawdown of the aquifer. Using an average pump rate of 7.7 gpm and total drawdown of 130 ft, the specific capacity of the well was calculated to be 0.06 gpm per foot. Using the specific capacity of the well and 165 ft of available drawdown, LRE estimates Well 36567-MH can currently produce at 10 gpm. Spring Valley Ranch Page 9 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 5: Well 36567-MH Pump Test Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) Static Water Level (ft)Notes: 1.) Initial Water Level = 89.0 ft. below Top of Well Casing Depth of Water from TOC 2.) Final Water Level = 219.37 ft. below Top of Well Casing Manual Measurements 3.) Well Depth =264 ft. from Top of Well Casing Flow Rate (gpm) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.00.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 110100 Fl o w Ra t e (g p m ) De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) PumpingTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =89.0ft. AveragePumpingRate=7.7gpm Spring Valley Ranch Page 10 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 6: Well 36567-MH Recovery Analysis Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) 3.4 WELL 36596-MH LRE conducted a 24-hour constant discharge pumping test at Well 36596-MH on October 19, 2022. The temporary well pump was set at 150 ft. The perforated portion of the well casing is from 80 ft to 150 ft below the ground surface. The pressure transducer was installed at 145 ft and was set to record pressure and temperature reading every minute. Barometric pressure can impact water levels in unconfined aquifers; therefore, all pressure values were corrected for changes in barometric pressure. LRE relied on this dataset to analyze drawdown within the well over the course of the pumping test. In addition, a turbine flowmeter was then connected between the outflow of the pump and the discharge line. This meter was used to establish and monitor the pumping rate and volume pumped. The static water level prior to the test was measured to be 19.55 ft below the top of the well casing (TOC). With the pump set at 150 ft below the ground surface, there was approximately 130 ft of available drawdown in the aquifer. The pump was set to 8 gpm, based on the expected yield of the well. On average, LRE Water calculated a pumping rate of 99.9 gpm over the 24 hour pumping period. Throughout the pumping test, manual readings were collected in the field. In particular, the drawdown was monitored in order to determine if the pumping rate could be sustained. Once the Static Water Level (ft) Residual Drawdown (ft) 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 1 10 100 1000 De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) RecoveryTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =89.0ft. Spring Valley Ranch Page 11 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 pump test started the aquifer dropped 50 ft within 10 minutes, then incrementally dropped over the 24-hour test. The maximum water level drawdown occurred at the end of the pump test with a water level depth of 91.01 ft below TOC (71.46 feet of drawdown compared to static water levels). Figure 7 graphically shows the water depth measurements that were taken both manually and electronically by the pressure transducer. Figure 7: Well 36569-MH Pump Test Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) In addition to monitoring the water level during the pumping test, it is equally important to monitor the recovery process. The pump and pressure transducer were therefore kept in place at the conclusion of the test. The water level in the well at the start of recovery rebounded within the first 10 minutes from a depth of 91.01 ft to a depth of 36.74 ft, equal to approximately a 17.19 ft rise in the aquifer level. Figure 8 depicts the water level recovery in the well and demonstrates the well recovered to 97% after 24 hours of the pump being shut off. Static Water Level (ft)Notes: 1.) Initial Water Level = 19.55 ft. below Top of Well Casing Depth of Water from TOC 2.) Final Water Level = 88.75 ft. below Top of Well Casing Manual Measurements 3.) Well Depth =163 ft. from Top of Well Casing Flow Rate (gpm) 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 1 10 100 1000 Fl o w Ra t e (g p m ) De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) PumpingTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =19.55ft. AveragePumpingRate=99.9gpm Spring Valley Ranch Page 12 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 8: Well 36569-MH Recovery Analysis Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) The aquifer drawdown and recovery data support that 36596-MH can currently produce at the permitted rate of 100 gpm and experience a 97% recovery in 24 hours. At the end of the 24 hour pumping test, 61 ft of water in the aquifer remained in the well. Using an average pump rate of 99.9 gpm and total drawdown of 135 ft, the specific capacity of the well was calculated to be 1.45 gpm per foot. Using the specific capacity of the well and 135 ft of available drawdown, LRE estimates 36596-MH can currently produce at 195 gpm. 3.5 SVR WELL NO. 20 FKA GAMBA 1 LRE conducted a 24-hour constant discharge pumping test at SVR Well No. 20 on October 31, 2022. The temporary well pump was set at 180 ft. The perforated portion of the well casing is from 110 ft to 219 ft below the ground surface. The pressure transducer was installed at 175 ft and was set to record pressure and temperature reading every minute. Barometric pressure can impact water levels in unconfined aquifers; therefore, all pressure values were corrected for changes in barometric pressure. LRE relied on this dataset to analyze drawdown within the well over the course of the pumping test. In addition, a turbine flowmeter was then connected between the outflow of the pump and the discharge line. This meter was used to establish and monitor the pumping rate and volume pumped. Static Water Level (ft) Residual Drawdown (ft) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 1 10 100 1000 De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) RecoveryTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =19.55ft. Spring Valley Ranch Page 13 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 The static water level prior to the test was measured to be 113 ft below the top of the well casing (TOC). With the pump set at 180 ft below the ground surface, there was approximately 67 ft of available drawdown in the aquifer. The well has a permitted rate of 300 gpm. The pump was set initially to produce at a constant rate of 70 gpm with the intent to increase to 100 gpm shortly after the test began. The pumping rate was decreased over the 24-hour pumping test due to the rate of drawdown and available water in the well. On average, LRE Water calculated a pumping rate of 51.6 gpm over the 24 hour pumping period. Throughout the pumping test, manual readings were collected in the field. In particular, the drawdown was monitored in order to determine if the pumping rate could be sustained. Once the pump test started the aquifer dropped 56.9 ft within 5 minutes, so the flow rate was reduced to and then increased to approximately 80 gpm. The aquifer level began to steadily decline until the flow rate was reduced to a lower rate. A flow rate reduction was performed a couple more times throughout the test. The maximum water level drawdown occurred within the first five minutes of the test with a water level depth of 151.44 ft below TOC occurring at the end of the 24-hour pumping period. Figure 9 graphically shows the water depth measurements that were taken both manually and electronically by the pressure transducer. In addition to monitoring the water level during the pumping test, it is equally important to monitor the recovery process. The pump and pressure transducer were therefore kept in place at the conclusion of the test. The water level in the well at the start of recovery rebounded within the first six minutes from a depth of 151.44 ft to a depth of 121.13 ft, equal to approximately an 30 ft rise in the aquifer level. Figure 10 depicts the water level recovery in the well and demonstrates the well recovered to 90% after 24 hours of the pump being shut off. Using an average pump rate of 51.6 gpm and total drawdown of 56.9 ft, the specific capacity of the well was calculated to be 0.91 gpm per foot. This is a conservative estimate since the pump was pumped at higher rates for the part of the test, which could result in a higher amount of drawdown than if the pump had been set at 51.6 gpm throughout the 24-hour pumping period. Using the specific capacity of the well and 105 ft of available drawdown, LRE estimates SVR Well No. 20 is capable of currently producing at 95 gpm if the pump was set at the deepest elevation in the well. Spring Valley Ranch Page 14 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 9: SVR Well No. 20 (86628-F) Pump Test Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) Static Water Level (ft)Notes: 1.) Initial Water Level = 113.0 ft. below Top of Well Casing Depth of Water from TOC 2.) Final Water Level = 151.44 ft. below Top of Well Casing Manual Measurements 3.) Well Depth =223 ft. from Top of Well Casing Flow Rate (gpm) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.00.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0 1 10 100 1000 Fl o w Ra t e (g p m ) De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) PumpingTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =113.0ft. AveragePumpingRate=51.6gpm Spring Valley Ranch Page 15 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 10: SVR Well No. 20 (86628-F) Recovery Analysis Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) 3.6 ASR WELL NO. 15 LRE conducted a 24-hour constant discharge pumping test at ASR Well No. 15 on November 14, 2022. The temporary well pump was set at 190 ft. The perforated portion of the well casing is from 110 ft to 220 ft below the ground surface. The pressure transducer was installed at 185 ft and was set to record pressure and temperature reading every minute. Barometric pressure can impact water levels in unconfined aquifers; therefore, all pressure values were corrected for changes in barometric pressure. LRE relied on this dataset to analyze drawdown within the well over the course of the pumping test. In addition, a turbine flowmeter was then connected between the outflow of the pump and the discharge line. This meter was used to establish and monitor the pumping rate and volume pumped. The static water level prior to the test was measured to be 112.8 ft below the top of the well casing (TOC). With the pump set at 190 ft below the ground surface, there was approximately 77 ft of available drawdown in the aquifer. The pump was set to 100 gpm, based on the expected yield of the well. The pumping rate was reported as decreasing over the 24-hour pumping test based on the flow meter, but was not manually decreased because there was still plenty of water level available in the well to maintain the 100 gpm pumping rate. Based on the reported flow rates, LRE Water calculated an average pumping rate of 79 gpm over the 24 hour pumping period. Static Water Level (ft) Residual Drawdown (ft) 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 1 10 100 1000 De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) RecoveryTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =113ft. Spring Valley Ranch Page 16 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Throughout the pumping test, manual readings were collected in the field. In particular, the drawdown was monitored in order to determine if the pumping rate could be sustained. Once the pump test started the aquifer dropped 30.36 ft within 5 minutes, then incrementally dropped over the 24-hour test. The maximum water level drawdown occurred at the end of the pump test with a water level depth of 149.58 ft below TOC (36.78 feet of drawdown compared to static water levels). It is worth noting that approximately 40 ft of water in the well was available for additional drawdown during the pump test. Figure 11 graphically shows the water depth measurements that were taken both manually and electronically by the pressure transducer. Figure 11: SVR Well No. 15 (MH-36760) Pump Test Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) In addition to monitoring the water level during the pumping test, it is equally important to monitor the recovery process. The pump and pressure transducer were therefore kept in place at the conclusion of the test. The water level in the well at the start of recovery rebounded within the first six minutes from a depth of 149.58 ft to a depth of 124.83 ft, equal to approximately a 25 ft rise in the aquifer level and then experienced an incremental rise throughout the monitoring period. Figure 12 depicts the water level recovery in the well and demonstrates the well recovered to 80% after 24 hours and 95% after seven days of the pump being turned off. Static Water Level (ft)Notes: 1.) Initial Water Level = 112.8 ft. below Top of Well Casing Depth of Water from TOC 2.) Final Water Level = 149.58 ft. below Top of Well Casing Manual Measurements 3.) Well Depth =220 ft. from Top of Well Casing Flow Rate (gpm) 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0Ͳ30.0 20.0 70.0 120.0 170.0 220.0 1 10 100 1000 Fl o w Ra t e (g p m ) De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) PumpingTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =112.8ft. AveragePumpingRate=79gpm Spring Valley Ranch Page 17 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 12: SVR Well No. 15 (MH-36760) Recovery Analysis Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) Using an average pump rate of 79 gpm and total drawdown of 36.8 ft, the specific capacity of the well was calculated to be 2.15 gpm per foot. This is a conservative estimate since the pump was pumped at higher rates for the part of the test, which could result in a higher amount of drawdown than if the pump had been set at 79 gpm throughout the 24-hour pumping period. Using the specific capacity of the well and 105 ft of available drawdown, LRE estimates the well can currently produce at a maximum rate of 225 gpm if the pump was set at the deepest elevation in the well. This and the unutilized 40 ft of water column in the well during the pump test suggests that the well can support the 100 gpm permitted rate. 3.7 ASR WELL NO. 14 LRE conducted a 24-hour constant discharge pumping test at ASR Well No. 14 on November 30, 2022. The temporary well pump was set at 160 ft. The perforated portion of the well casing is from 140 ft to 160 ft below the ground surface. The pressure transducer was installed at 155 ft and was set to record pressure and temperature reading every minute. Barometric pressure can impact water levels in unconfined aquifers; therefore, all pressure values were corrected for changes in barometric pressure. LRE relied on this dataset to analyze drawdown within the well over the course of the pumping test. In addition, a turbine flowmeter was then connected between Static Water Level (ft) Residual Drawdown (ft) 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0 150.0 160.0 1 10 100 1000 10000 De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) RecoveryTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =112.8ft. Spring Valley Ranch Page 18 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 the outflow of the pump and the discharge line. This meter was used to establish and monitor the pumping rate and volume pumped. The static water level prior to the test was measured to be 143.6 ft below the top of the well casing (TOC). With the pump set at 160 ft below the ground surface, there was approximately 16.4 ft of available drawdown in the aquifer. The pump was set to 50 gpm based on the expected yield. The pumping rate was decreased over the 24-hour pumping test due to the rate of drawdown and available water in the well. On average, LRE Water calculated a pumping rate of 10 gpm over the 24 hour pumping period. Throughout the pumping test, manual readings were collected in the field. In particular, the drawdown was monitored in order to determine if the pumping rate could be sustained. Once the pump test started the aquifer dropped below the pressure transducer with in the first minute. The pumping rate was decreased to 10 gpm and the water level in the well rebounded to 146 ft within eight minutes. The rate was increased to 16 gpm at 10 minutes and the water level dropped approximately 4.5 ft in two minutes. 30 minutes after pumping began the rate was decreased to 10 gpm and remained constant throughout the test. The water level depth at the end of the pump test was 146.85 ft below TOC (3.25 feet of drawdown compared to static water levels). Figure 13 graphically shows the water depth measurements that were taken both manually and electronically by the pressure transducer. In addition to monitoring the water level during the pumping test, it is equally important to monitor the recovery process. The pump and pressure transducer were therefore kept in place at the conclusion of the test. The water level in the well at the start of recovery rebounded within the first 1 minute from a depth of 146.85 ft to a depth of 143.95 ft, equal to approximately a 2.9 ft rise in the aquifer level equating to 90% recovery. Figure 14 depicts the water level recovery in the well and demonstrates the well recovered to 100% after 18 hours of the pump being shut off. Spring Valley Ranch Page 19 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 13: SVR Well No. 14 (66299-F) Pump Test Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) Static Water Level (ft)Notes: 1.) Initial Water Level = 143.6 ft. below Top of Well Casing Depth of Water from TOC 2.) Final Water Level = 146.85 ft. below Top of Well Casing Manual Measurements 3.) Well Depth =180 ft. from Top of Well Casing Flow Rate (gpm) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0142.0 144.0 146.0 148.0 150.0 152.0 154.0 156.0 1 10 100 1000 Fl o w Ra t e (g p m ) De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) PumpingTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =143.6ft. AveragePumpingRate=10gpm Spring Valley Ranch Page 20 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Figure 14: SVR Well No. 14 (66299-F) Recovery Analysis Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) The aquifer drawdown and recovery data support that ASR Well No. 14 can currently produce 10 gpm and experience a 100% recovery in 18 hours. Using an average pump rate of 10 gpm and total available drawdown of 30 ft, the specific capacity of the well was calculated to be 0.63 gpm per foot. This is a conservative estimate since the pump was pumped at higher rates for the part of the test, which could result in a higher amount of drawdown than if the pump had been set at 10 gpm throughout the 24-hour pumping period. Using the specific capacity of the well and 30 ft of available drawdown, LRE estimates ASR Well No. 14 is capable of currently producing at 19 gpm. 3.8 SVH WELL 10 LRE conducted a 24-hour constant discharge pumping test at SVH Well 10 on December 14, 2022. The temporary well pump was set at 350 ft. The perforated portion of the well casing is from 90 ft to 350 ft below the ground surface. The pressure transducer was installed at 345 ft and was set to record pressure and temperature reading every minute. Barometric pressure can impact water levels in unconfined aquifers; therefore, all pressure values were corrected for changes in barometric pressure. LRE relied on this dataset to analyze drawdown within the well over the course of the pumping test. In addition, a turbine flowmeter was then connected between the outflow of the pump and the discharge line. This meter was used to establish and monitor the pumping rate and volume pumped. Static Water Level (ft) Residual Drawdown (ft) 143.4 143.6 143.8 144.0 144.2 144.4 144.6 144.8 145.0 1 10 100 1000 De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) RecoveryTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel=143.6ft. Spring Valley Ranch Page 21 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 The static water level prior to the test was measured to be 95.7 ft below the top of the well casing (TOC). With the pump set at 350 ft below the ground surface, there was approximately 254 ft of available drawdown in the aquifer. The pump was set to 50 gpm, based on the expected yield of the well. The pumping rate was decreased over the 24-hour pumping test due to the rate of drawdown and available water in the well. On average, LRE Water calculated a pumping rate of 11.4 gpm over the 24 hour pumping period. Throughout the pumping test, manual readings were collected in the field. In particular, the drawdown was monitored in order to determine if the pumping rate could be sustained. Once the pump test started the aquifer dropped 184.78 ft within 5 minutes, so the flow rate was reduced to to 38 gpm. After 40 minutes of pumping the well had experienced 228.85 ft of drawdown and the water level was at 324.55 ft below the top of casing. The pumping rate was reduced to 16 gpm and the water level experienced a 32 ft rise and then the aquifer level began to steadily decline until the flow rate was reduced to a 12 gpm. A flow rate reduction was performed a couple more times throughout the test. The maximum water level drawdown occurred at the end of the pump test with a water level depth of 340.78 ft below TOC (245.08 feet of drawdown compared to static water levels). Figure 15 graphically shows the water depth measurements that were taken both manually and electronically by the pressure transducer. Figure 15: SVR Well No. 10 (MH-33819) Pump Test Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) Static Water Level (ft)Notes: 1.) Initial Water Level = 95.7 ft. below Top of Well Casing Depth of Water from TOC 2.) Final Water Level = 340.78 ft. below Top of Well Casing Manual Measurements 3.) Well Depth =360 ft. from Top of Well Casing Flow Rate (gpm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1 10 100 1000 Fl o w Ra t e (g p m ) De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) PumpingTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel =95.7ft. AveragePumpingRate=11.4gpm Spring Valley Ranch Page 22 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 In addition to monitoring the water level during the pumping test, it is equally important to monitor the recovery process. The pump and pressure transducer were therefore kept in place at the conclusion of the test. The water level in the well at the start of recovery rebounded within the first 5 minutes from a depth of 340.78 ft to a depth of 297.34 ft, equal to approximately a 43.44 ft rise in the aquifer level. Figure 16 depicts the water level recovery in the well and demonstrates the well recovered to 99% after 24 hours of the pump being shut off. Figure 16: SVR Well No. 10 (MH-33819) Recovery Analysis Depth from Top of Casing (TOC) The aquifer drawdown and recovery data support that SVH Well 10 can currently produce 11.4 gpm and experience a 100% recovery in 24 hours. Using an average pump rate of 11.4 gpm and total available drawdown of 254 ft, the specific capacity of the well was calculated to be 0.05 gpm per foot. This is a conservative estimate since the pump was pumped at higher rates for the part of the test, which could result in a higher amount of drawdown than if the pump had been set at 11.4 gpm throughout the 24-hour pumping period. Using the specific capacity of the well and 254 ft of available drawdown, LRE estimates SVH Well 10 is capable of currently producing at 12 gpm. Static Water Level (ft) Residual Drawdown (ft) 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 1101001000 De p t h fr o m TO C (f e e t ) RecoveryTime (minutes) StaticWaterLevel=95.7ft. Spring Valley Ranch Page 23 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 SECTION 4: WATER QUALITY RESULTS Wells were sampled for a standard suite of parameters in accordance with CDPHE Regulation No. 11 – Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations. Samples were analyzed by a State of Colorado certified laboratory that follows accepted industry standards and quality assurance/quality control procedures. The water quality results are tabulated in Table 2 and Table 3. Overall, results indicate good water quality for potable consumption and use. The data indicate the only likely treatment required for the well will be chlorine disinfection if the water will be used for a community or non-community water system as defined by CDPHE. ASR Well No. 16 and ASR Well No. 15 have elevated levels of iron and manganese. Results at Well 36567-MH and ASR Well No. 14 also had elevated iron levels. Iron and manganese are secondary parameters, so no treatment will be required by CDPHE. Although treatment will not be required, removal of these contaminants from the water is recommended to maintain the service life of the water mains and service lines and to provide water to the users without taste and odor issues. Toluene was detected in low levels, three and four orders of magnitude below the maximum allowable amount of contaminant (MCL), in wells ASR Well No. 16, Well 36567-MH, ASR Well No. 15, and ASR Well No. 14. Toluene is a volatile organic compound and is known to be toxic for human consumption. LRE spoke with CDPHE about the presence of toluene and concluded it was probably due to field contamination from the generator operating at the time sampling occurred. DI(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was also detected in wells ASR Well No. 16 and ASR Well No. 15. The amount detected was three orders of magnitude below the MCL. DI(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate is a volatile organic compound which is widely used as a plasticizer in manufacturing of articles made of PVC and also used as a hydraulic fluid. Based on a conversation with CDPHE, it is the opinion of LRE that the presence of DI(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was also due to field contamination from materials used by the pump contractor during testing; PVC piping was used during testing as well as a hydraulic lift was used to place the pump and PVC piping into the well. ASR Well No. 16 and Well 36596-MH are located approximately 110 ft and 20ft from Landis Creek, respectively. It is anticipated that CDPHE will require a that a Groundwater Under the Influence of Surface Water (GWUDI) evaluation be completed on both wells. The GWUDI occurs over six months and consists of weekly sampling from both the wells and creek. CDPHE will require additional treatment if the results of the evaluation indicate that Landis Creek has a direct influence on the wells. Spring Valley Ranch Page 24 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Table 2: Regulated Water Quality Results Regulation 11 Constituents Name SV Well No. 1 ASR Well No. 16 fka Gamba 8 36567-MH SVR Well No. 20 fka Gamba 1 ASR Well No. 15 ASR Well No. 14 Permit No.86630-F 86629-F 36567-MH 86628-F 36760 MH 66299-F Parameter Unit MCL Result Result Result Result Result Result Regulation 11 Constituents Total Coliform Rule Total Coliform -------------- E.coli MPN/100mL ------------ Nitrate and Nitrite Rule Nitrate - N mg/L 10 0.84 ND 0.68 0.53 0.51 0.43 Nitrite - N mg/L 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND Inorganics Rule Antimony mg/L 0.006 ND ND ND ND ND ND Arsenic mg/L 0.01 ND ND ND ND ND ND Asbestos fibers/L 7 mil fibs/L ND ND ND ND ND ND Barium mg/L 2 0.36 0.12 0.085 0.16 0.17 0.28 Beryllium mg/L 0.004 ND ND ND ND ND ND Cadmium mg/L 0.005 ND ND ND ND ND ND Chromium mg/L 0.1 ND ND 0.0072 ND ND ND Cyanide mg/L 0.02 ND ND ND 0.0057 ND ND Fluoride mg/L 4 0.14 ND ND ND ND ND Mercury mg/L 0.002 ND ND ND ND ND ND Nickel mg/L ND ND 0.0036 ND 0.002 0.003 Selenium mg/L 0.05 ND ND ND ND ND ND Thallium mg/L 0.002 ND ND ND ND ND ND Sodium mg/L 9.3 4.8 ND ND 4.2 5.5 Secondary Parameters Secondary MCL Aluminum mg/L .05 - 0.2 ND ND 2.4 ND 0.09 ND Chloride mg/L 250 ND ND ND ND 0.74 1.5 Iron mg/L 0.3 ND 12.1 1.6 0.3 2.1 0.8 Manganese mg/L 0.05 ND 0.18 0.011 0.002 0.087 0.003 pH 6.5-8.5 7.96 8.31 8.11 7.85 7.90 7.77 Silver mg/L 0.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND Sulfate mg/L 250 4.6 ND 1.4 ND 7.1 2.6 TDS mg/L 500 331 115 248 204 229 266 Zinc mg/L 5 ND ND ND ND ND ND Radionuclides Gross Alpha pCi/L 15 ND ND ND ND ND Gross Beta pCi/L 15 3.8 ND 1 ND 0.02 Combined Radium pCi/L 5 0.9 1 0.8 ND 0.5 SOCs and VOCs (only noting detected compounds) Toluene mg/L 1 ND 0.004 0.007 ND 0.0003 0.0004 DI(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate mg/L 0.4 ND 0.0005 ND ND 0.0007 ND Spring Valley Ranch Page 25 of 24 Physical Water Supply March, 2023 – Project # 2167SVRD02 Table 3: Additional Water Quality Parameters Name SV Well No. 1 ASR Well No. 16 fka Gamba 8 36567-MH SVR Well No. 20 fka Gamba 1 ASR Well No. 15 ASR Well No. 14 Permit No.86630-F 86629-F 36567-MH 86628-F 36760 MH 66299-F Parameter Unit MCL Result Result Result Result Result Result Corrosivity and Hardness Bicarbonate mg/L as CaCO3 253 91 151 176 185 233 Carbonate mg/L ND 5 ND ND ND ND Hydroxide mg/L ND ND ND ND ND ND Total Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3 253 96 151 176 185 233 Total Hardness mg/L as CaCO3 66.7 137.0 140.0 152.0 198.0 Calcium mg/L 72.6 26.7 53.7 56.2 60.3 79.3 Magnesium mg/L 9.98 6.86 4.60 9.40 9.00 7.90 Additional WQ Paramters Specific Conductance umhos/cm 520 201 310 355 360 464 Phosphate - Ortho (as P)mg/L as P Phosphate - Ortho (as PO4)mg/L as PO4 Turbidity NTU 12.00 0.15 10.00 Sodium Adsoprtion Ratio Calc 4 0.271 0.215 0.105 0.146 0.138 0.137 Langelier Index --0.3 0.60 0.40 0.50 0.60 !.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. SV W e l l No1 30 0g p m AS R W e ll N o . 1 4 10 gp m AS R W e l l N o . 1 3 AS R W e l lN o .1 6 fka G a m b a 8 54 g pm SV R W e l l N o . 2 AS R W el l N o . 1 5 79 g p m SV R We l l No. 2 0 fk aG amb a 1 52 g p m SV H W e l l No. 1 0 11 gpm SV R W e l l N o . 1 7 SV R W e l l N o . 2 1 SV R W e l l No. 3 36 59 6 -M H 10 0 g p m 36 5 6 7 - M H 8 gp m La n d i s C r e e k La n d i s C r e e k At t a c h m e n t 1 We l l L o c a t i o n a n d C u r r e n t P r o d u c t i o n R a t e M a p Sp r i n g V a l l e y H o l d i n g s , L L C ®02 ,0004,000 1, 0 0 0 Fe e t Da t e : 2 0 2 3 - 0 1 - 2 0 Fi l e : 2 1 6 6 7 0 2 Dr a w n : A B S Ap p r o v e d : So u r c e : U S D A 2 0 1 9 N A I P G a r f i e l d C o u n t y Sp r i n g V a l l e y H o l d i n g s , L L C Ga r f i e l d C o u n t y P a r c e l s St r e a m s We l l L o c a t i o n s !. GP S !. Al t a S u r v e y  Appendix 2 ƒ™ƒ–‡””‘…‡•• Ž‘™‹ƒ‰”ƒ GO L F C O U R S E P O N D S DE S I G N C O N S I D E R A T I O N S : 1. U N D E R T H I S S C H E M A T I C , W E W O U L D N E E D T H R E E P U M P S T A T I O N S . O N E TH A T I S J U S T A B O O S T E R P U M P S T A T I O N W H I C H M O V E S W A T E R T O HO P K I N S R E S E R V O I R , A N D T H E O T H E R W H I C H W O U L D B E A I R R I G A T I O N PU M P S T A T I O N A T T H E L O W P O I N T I N T H E S Y S T E M . 2. T H E I R R I G A T I O N P U M P S T A T I O N W I L L R E Q U I R E A S T R A I N E R T O T R E A T WA T E R F R O M T H E P O N D S A N D P R O T E C T T H E P U M P S . PU M P S T A T I O N 1 EL E V A T I O N : 7 0 0 0 F T PU M P S T A T I O N 2 EL E V A T I O N : 7 7 5 0 F T BO O S T E R P U M P S T O HO P K I N S F O R S N O W M A K I N G HO P K I N S R E S E R V O I R ST R A I N E R M A Y N E E D T O B E A D D E D DE P E N D I N G O N W A T E R Q U A L I T Y PU M P S T A T I O N 3 EL E V A T I O N : 7 6 0 0 F T GO L F C O U R S E IR R I G A T I O N SY S T E M CH E C K E D B Y : #DESCRIPTIONDATE DRAWN BY CO N S T R U C T I O N DR A W N B Y : JO B -- - NO T F O R ROARING FORK ENGINEERING 592 HIGHWAY 133 CARBONDALE, CO 81623 PH: (970) 340-4130 -- - -- - SPRING VALLEY PUD GARFIELD COUNTY Of - - - 1 PR O C E S S F L O W D I A G R A M