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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.00 General Application MaterialsPages: (Upper Right Corner) 1. Narrative 2-4. Proof ofOwnership 5-6. Statement ofAuthority for LL[ and Certificate of Good Standing 7. Statement ofAuthority for LL[Representative 8. Names and Addresses of Property Owners with 200ft. 9' Statement of no mineral rights I0-12. Copy ofPre-Application Summary 13-I4. Vicinity Map 15. Site Plan 16-18. Grading and Drainage Plan with Current Photo 19. Waiver request for Landscape and Traffic Study 20-21. Impact Analysis 22-32. Well Permit and Water Analysis Report 33-47. Septic Permit and Wastewater Management 48. Maintenance and Notes on Septic System for North Upper House 49. Copy of Existing Permit 50-72. Geotech Report and Hazard Mitigation Study #; 4# Glenwood Springs, CO < # 945-8212 RM75MOMMIPOW'From Use Table 3-403): Description of Project: For Appeal of Administrative Interpretation please include: 1. The • you are appealing. 2. The date the Decision was sent as specified i 6 the notice (date mailed). 3. The nature of the decision and the specified ground for appeal, Please cite specific code sections and/or relevant documentation to support your request. 4. The appropriate appeal fee of $250.00. S. Please note a completed Appeal Application and fees must be received within 30 calendar days Submission Requirements 0 The Applicant requesting a Waiver of Submission Requirements per Section 4-202. List: Section: Section: Section: Section: Waiver of Standards 0 The Applicant is requesting a Waiver of Standards per Section 4-118. List: Section: Section: Section: St-rtinn- I have rea e and have i3rd ' vided the required attached Information which is 0 correct a -A accurate to the b st of my wledge. _ S g ut ri Si nature f Property wrier or Authorized Re reientative, Title Date File Number: — — — — -- — — — Fee Paid: Turner Joe Turner Const. Inc. 417 Meadow Ct. Basalt, CO 81621 RE: Application Submittal Parcel Number: 239329100159 Owner: Mushroom Rock Partnership LLC Contact, Owners Representative: Joe Turner As the representative for Monica Edelman (agent for Mushroom Rock Partnership LLC), we are applying to have the current Building Permit amended to designate that the home under construction be designated as the PRIMARY DWELLING, and the original dwelling on the property be designated as the SECONDARY DWELLING UNIT. In other words flip flopping the Designations. The original unit which was completed in 2014 is currently designated as the Primary Dwelling and is 1,706 sq. ft. which would qualify as the Secondary Dwelling unit under the Land Use and Development Code. The unit currently being constructed, currently has the designation as the Secondary Dwelling uniUADU. It would be better to designate it as the primary dwelling unit because it would not have a size limitation. The dwelling is currently 3,347 sq. ft., which does not include the addition of the heated breezeway of 384 sq. ft. and garage which is 693 sq, ft. which is exempt from floor area calculations. Both homes are currently fully served by infrastructure, including water, sewer, power, and access. Therefore, we are requesting that the current designation of the two dwellings be flip flopped to meet the Code requirements. All Checklist items requested are attached to this package Rceaption#. 747426 ax aa12t 83:2M t1.66 48 en O3nan atoorrw :tty Co FSog16 60 a a II I Hill I!I l i E llii 11q III II II 111I SPECIAL W A.ItRA.NTY DEED 'I HIS DEED, Marla an this day of April 10, 20M , between GLENWOOD LAND COMPANY, I.I.C. A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY of the County of PITTON and State of COLORADO , Grantor(s), and MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, LLC, ACOLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY STATE DOCUMENTARY FEE Date: April 10, 2OOB s 15.00 whose legal address is : P.O. SOX IT253 ASPBN CO 81612 of the Caaity of and State of-COLORM of the Grantee(c): WITNESS, That the Grantor, for and in consideration of The sum of ( S150,0DO.O3 } ss= One llundrea Fifty Thousand oral (VID0 — DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these Presents does grant, bargain, sett, convey and confirts unto the Grantea(s), their heirs and assigns forever, ail the real property, together with improvements, If any, situate, Lying and being in the cc• ty of GARFIELD and State of Colorado, described as fotlows: SEE EXHIBIT -A- ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF also known as street reirber THE) IIWY 82, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 TOGETHER with tilt arel singular and hereditantents and appurtenances thereinto belonging, or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and renaairefers, rents, issues tird profits thereof; and ant the estate, right title interest, tufts and dentand whatsoever of the Grantor(s), either in taw or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the horeditmaents and appurtenances; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said praxises above bargained and described with oppurtcnances, unto the Grantoe(s), their heirs, suteoonera and assigns forever. The Grantor, for itcetf, its successors and assigns, does covenant, and agree that it shalt and will VARRART AM FOREVER DEFENO the above -bargained pretrises in the quiet and Peaceable possocs ion of the Grantee(s), their heirs, successorc and assigns, against all and every parson or persons staining the whole or any part thereof, by, through or teller the Grantor(a). XXCLPr OSNWRi TAXXS AND AneXOSM:lr:S Zee Sal VsAX 2009 AIM aaaSa m= YMASS, ARD YSCii tTfaea ZmS AS 6X: reR= oe eXSSSSS -a• A7—CUM 10MATTo AMa INCOAPPRA:La BrallV. IN WITNLSS WCERCOP the Grantor(a) have executed this deed on the date cat forth above. GLENWOOD LAND COMPANY, LLC, A COLORADO 1.11'fTrtD LIABILITY COMPANY By: ROBERT D AN MACGREGOR, MANAGER MIC//HAEL C. MAP rORNEY" IN FACT STATE OF COLORADO I )SS. County of PITKIN I The foregoing inatruxnt was acknowledged before re on this day of Aard 10. 2008 by hi ICHAEL C. MAPLE PS ATTORNEY IN FACT FOR ROBERT DUNCAN MACGREOOR AS MANAGER OF GLEiN WOODLAND COMPANY, LLC. A COLD LthdFF6D LIABILITY COMPANY my ccataicsion expires witness ray hand and official Seat. f Notary Pudt is Nan and Address of Person Creating Newly Granted Legal Description ( 38-35-106.5, C.R.S.) When Recorded Return to: WJSNROM ROCK PAP,TNERSMP, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY CGYFANt s # GW630006O1 P.O. BOX 11253 ASPEN, CO 81612 W 6,F63000501 32 011117(03 SPEC.W.OPEN WARRANTY DEED (PhotagraPhic•Open) (6203193) M milli Till G�FIELO C-rly CA EXHIBIT A A ?ARC-T. OF LAM SITUATE 2:11 LOT 1. SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 56 WEST OP THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL KMUDXM, couNTy OF GARFIELD, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A FOUNT) BRASS CAP L.S. 7734 ITS PLACE FOP THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF sEc--iou 29, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE Be WEST, WHENCE A FOUND B.L.M. ALUMINUMS CAP IN PLACE FOR THE EAST 1/4 CORNER FOR SAID SECTION 29 BEARS S 00 DEGREES 27'51' W A DISTANCE Or 2677. 86 FEET, WITH AM BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN BEING RELATIVE THERZT01 THENCE S 00 DEGREES 27'51' W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 29 A DISTANCE OF 791.74 FEET to A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY FOR COLORADO STATE HIGHWAY NO. 62; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR SAID COLORADO STATE HIGHWAY No. 82 THE FOLLOWING 5 COURSES: 1) 28-11 FELT ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 3065.00 -FEET AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS H 38 DEGREES 43-59" W A DISTANCE OF 28.11 FEET; 2) N 35 DEGREES 44146- W A DISTANCE Or 310.40 FEET? 3) N 39 DEGREES 45146- W A DISTAQNCE OF 360.00 FEET; 4) N 25 DEGREES 43146" W A DISTANCE OF 206.20 FEET; 5) N 52 DEGREES 52-22- W A DISTANCE OF 105.26 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 291 THENCE S 89 DEGREES 13151" Z ALONG THE NORTH I= Or SAID SECTION 29 DISTANCE OF 621.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING COUNTY OF GARFIELD STATE OF COLORADO Form EMM11TA 01417/03 GW63000601 mill till R— tlont;: 747426 Mrnoaa rt 56-CH 3 .1 3 R.- I- s 01— F.- 15 4Q GPRF IELD C6`.91;Ty C, Property Address: TED ITWY 82, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE 1-0 EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME HE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APRIL 27,1892 IN BOOK 12 AT PAGE 140 RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APRIL 27. 1892 IN BOOK 12 AT PAGE 140 TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, OBLIGATIONS AND EFFECTS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 9, 1987 IN BOOK 706 AT PAGE 827. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF GARFIELD COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 95-1063 RECORDED AUGUST 10. 1995 IN BOOK 949 AT PACE 923. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 19,1994 IN BOOK 912 AT PAGE 973. OVERHEAD POWER LINES AS SHOWWON IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT PREPARED BY TUTTLE SURVEYING SERVICES DATED FEBRUARY 2,2007 AND DATED MARCH 20, 2007. ANY BOUNDARY DISCREPANCY DUE TO THE LOCATION OF PENCE LINES AND THE EFFECT OF ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST THAT MAY BP CLAIMED DUE TO ANY SAID DISCREPANCY AS SHOWN ON SURVEY MAP PREPARED BY TUTTLE SURVEYING SERVICES DATED MARCH 20.2007. Farm 100 92ExH181T.ESCRCVAEGAt. 091MIG7 63000601 Garfield County STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY Pursuanj to C.R.S. §38-30-172, the undersigned executes this Statement of Authority on behalf of MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP. LLC. a LLC (mrporation, limited liability company, general partnership, registered limited liability partnership, registered limited liability limited partnership, limited partnershipassociation, government agency, trust or other), an entity other than an individual, capable of holding title to real property (the "Entity'), and states as follows: The name of the Entity is MUSHROOM. ROCK PARTNERHIP, LLC. and is formed under the laws of COLORADO The mailing address for the Entity Is PO BOX 179% CARBONDALE, GO 61623 The name and/or position of the person authorized to execute instruments conveying, encumbering, or otherwise affecting title to real property on behalf of the Entity is MONICA EDELMAN, Wk&hmfzi The. limitations upon the authority of the person named above or holding the position described above to bind the Entity are as follows (if no limitations, inserts None'): NONE Other matters concerning the manner in which the Entity deals with any interest in real property. are (if no other, matter, leave this section blank): EXECUTED this _2�t: day of20 L.4 . Signature: Name (printed): Title (if any):Mii STATE OF )SS. COUNTY OF ,, aS The foregoing insrumeppt was acknowledged before me this h day of s I op 20� by NtOrc [a. $. tdt/.r.n— a, on behalf of O c a Witness my hand and o 'c I sea .. Mycommission expires: v Yr (Dat otary Public) [SEAL] NO PUBLIC - - Noma: arr/dle N. INldlsire 4pC,. i W 6sp.PA2 -2 302! 9, Commisstaal; R SVI Di at.Tm.wwaom,usvlpim+a U OFFICE OF'1HE SECRE'1ARY OF S'1'A'1'E OF THE STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE OF FACT OF GOOD STANDING 1, Jena Griswold, as the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado, hereby certify that, according to the records of this office, Mushroom Rock Partnership, LLC is a Limited Liability Company formed or registered on 03/27/2008 under the law of Colorado, has complied with all applicable requirements of this office, and is in good standing with this office. This entity has been assigned entity identification number 20081166226 . This certificate reflects facts established or disclosed by documents delivered to this office on paper through 12/28/2023 that have been posted, and by documents delivered to this office electronically through 12/29/2023 @ 13:12:00 . I have affixed hereto the Great Seal of the State of Colorado and duly generated, executed, and issued this official certificate at Denver, Colorado on 12/29/2023 Q 13:12:00 in accordance with applicable law. This certificate is assigned Confirmation Number 15609740 . CF... Co - .............................................. d of .......................................... Garfield County STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY Pursuant to C.R.S. §38-30-172, the undersigned executes this Statement of Authority on behalf of MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, L-C. a LLC _ (corporation, limited liability company, general partnership, registered limited liability partnership, registered limited liability limited partnership, limited partnership association, government agency, trust or other), an entity other than an individual, capable of holding title to real property (the "EntWY , and states as follows: Thename of the Entity is MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERI4P, L-C. and Is formed under the laws of COLORADO The mailing address for the Entity is PO BOX 1799, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 The name and/or position of the person authorized to execute instruments conveying, encumbering, or otherwise affecting title to real property on behalf of the Entity is JOE TURNER f %e a t..A*uV e_ The limitations upon the authority of the person named above or holding the position described above to bind the Entity are as follows (if no limitations, Insert "None"): TO WORK WITH GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO CHANGE LAND USE PERMIT. Other matters concerning the manner In which the Entity deals with any interest in real propertyare (if. no other matter, leave this secti6n-blank): EXECUTED thiss/ day of 7:YZ it 202. Signature: Name (printed): $ Title (if any): n STATE OF S )SS. COUNTY OF Kay 1 The, foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this "I I 'L day of by 1&ru /M S. tdrJhA.n tmaoll on behalf of Mslah�t l6uead Ur. Witness my hand and o`fi al seal. My commission expires. 1p tA/ (Dace) o[ary Pubilc) SEAL] PUBLIC Us N. IYIInA/n _ Y7 B*p.: fast Ii [/ICaarbr4a C Nfr23.2t BL lrb Wst./ths, USVi Dimit MUSHROOM ROCK ADU PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 200' Parcel Physical Address Owner Account Num Mailing Address 239316300954 Not available CARBONDALE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT R043957 2300 RIVER FRONTAGE ROAD SILT, CO 81652 239320101066 Not available CARBONDALE ASPEN GLEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION R830188 0080 BALD EAGLE WAY CARBONDALE, CO 81623 239329100159 Notavailable CARBONDALE MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, LLC R111346 PO BOX 1799 CARBONDALE, CO 81623 ROW Notavailable null 1 ro fi °• a �r, . i? Y'REMISESi.RESERVED IN UNITEDi, PATENTRECORDED APRIL 89s IN BOOK '' ATPAGE4 0 cO Garfield County Community Development Department 108 8t' Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970)945-8212 TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 2393-291-00-159 DATE: 12/15/23 PROJECT: Mushroom Rock Partnership Amended Secondary Dwelling Unit OWNERS: Mushroom Rock Partnership LLC CONTACT/REPRESENTATIVE: joe Turner, Contractor PRACTICAL LOCATION: 10211 Hwy. 82, Carbondale CO 81623 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Administrative Review for Secondary Dwelling Unit ZONING: Rural PLAN: Residential Low & Carbondale Three Mile Area GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Applicant has previously obtained approval for an Accessory Dwelling Unit on the property that was approved with conditions including a limitation on the square footage to 3,000 sq.ft. consistent with the Land Use and Development Code at that time for lots larger than 4 acres. The unit has been constructed and the Applicant is now looking to remodel and expand the unit. The building permit application and research by the Building Department has confirmed that the existing structure has exceeded the size limitation, and the proposed remodel would further expand the size inconsistent with the approved Land Use Change Permit. The unit is fully served by infrastructure including water, sewer, power, and access. Conditions of approval also included mitigation for natural hazards including potential for rock fall and debris flow off the adjacent steep hillside/slopes. The original dwelling on the property is only 1,700 sq.ft. in size and the Applicant is requesting that that the approvals be amended to shift the Accessory Dwelling Unit classification to the original dwelling and allow the current Accessory Dwelling unit to be labelled as the primary dwelling unit. The primary dwelling unit does not have a size limitation which would allow for the proposed remodel. Sat_ 0 The proposal would constitute a substantial modification to an application and require a new submittal. However, since the original approvals the code provisions and definitions of Accessory Dwelling Unit have been updated and the Applicant's proposal would now be reviewed as a "Secondary Dwelling Unit" in accordance with Section 7-701(B). County Staff has identified this Secondary Dwelling Unit/Amendment option for the Applicant as outlined in this Pre -Application summary and included a summary of submittal requirements. The new Application will need to document that water, sewer and access are all adequate to serve the two units on the property. Completion of some of the testing/documentation may be requested to be completed as a condition of approval as a Waiver of Submittals (Section 4-202). The application will still need to address the standards contained in Article 7 (Division I, II, & Ill) and Section 7-701 for Secondary Dwelling Units. Potential waiver requests are noted in the Submittal Checklist and submittal of the current building permit application including site plan details can also serve to address certain submittal requirements. The site plan needs to include significant natural features and important improvements (driveways, water wells, OWTS, and existing structures). The following Sections of the Garfield Land Use and Development Code as amended apply to the Application: ® Section 4-103 Administrative Review and Section 4-101 Common Review Procedures ® Table 4-201 Submission Requirements and Section 4-203 Description of Submittal Requirements. ® Section 4-118 Waiver from Standards and Section 4-202, Waiver from Submittal Requirements, as applicable. ® Article 7 Standards, Divisions I, II, and III, ® Section 7-701 (B), Standards for Secondary Dwelling Units As a convenience outlined below is a list of information typically required for this type of application. Table 4-201 outlines the specific application submittal criteria. The following list can function as a checklist for your submittal. E General Application Materials including the Application Form (signed), payment of Fees and signed Payment Agreement Form (see attached). o A narrative describing the request and related information. This needs to specifically include the switch in the unit classification. a The narrative needs to include basic information (size, square footage) of the SDU. o Proof of ownership. o A Statement of Authority is required as the property is owned by an LLC. m o A subsequent Letter of Authorization signed by the LLC's authorized signatory is required if an owner intends to have a representative complete the Application and processing. o Names and mailing addresses of property owners within 200 ft. of the subject property from Assessor's Office Records. o Mineral rights ownership for the subject property including mailing address and/or statement on mineral rights research (see attached). o Copy of the Preapplication Summary needs to be submitted with the Application. c Vicinity Map. Site Plan (can include documentation from building permit submittals). ❑ Grading and Drainage Plan (waiver can be requested based on no changes to the existing structure and/or grading details from the new building permit application can be provided). Landscape Plan (waiver can be requested based on no changes to existing conditions). c Impact Analysis (general information, natural hazard reports, and information on existing improvements should be provided, items that are not applicable can be noted). Development agreement, not applicable. c Improvement agreement, not applicable. ❑ Traffic Study (waiver can be requested based on no additional dwelling units proposed). i_1 Water Supply/Distribution Plan (information on legal, physical, and adequate quality water should be provided, initial submittal may include previous reports). c Wastewater Management/Treatment Plan (copies of existing OWTS permits need to be provided). c Affordable Housing Plan, not applicable. c The Application should demonstrate compliance with Article 7 Standards. c A copy of the existing permit needs to be provided (see attached) Geotech Study and Status of Hazard Mitigation c The Application may include details on any waiver request from submittals (per Section 4- 202), as applicable. c The Application may include details on any waivers from Article 7 Standards that the applicant wishes to pursue (per Section 4-118) Three hard copies and one digital copy (on a USB drive, for example) of the application are required. Both versions should be split into individual sections. Community Development Staff is available to meet with the Applicant to provide additional information and clarification on any of the submittal requirements and waiver requests. MUSHROOM ROCK ADU VICINITY MAP ASPEN GLEN SITE MII "" Garfield County, CO Account RI11346 Physical 1021182 HWY Number Address Parcel 239329100159 CARBONDALE Number Owner MUSHROOM ROCK Acres 6 Address PARTNERSHIP,LLC Land SgFt 0 PO BOX 1799 Tax Area 011 CARBONDALECOE 2019Mill 81.0290 Levy Date created: 1/5/2024 Last Data Uploadco: 1/5/20242:13:16 AM Developed by4,.' Schneider OEOSPATIAL Overview 4 Legend Parcels Roads Parcel/A[COunt Numbers Owner Name Lakes & Rivers County Boundary Line 2019Total Actual $1.047,030 Last25ales Value Date Price 81623 4/10/2008 $150,000 9/6/1996 $2.883.333 Site Plan A S..B3 Aan Puree( nYu d f Lot 1. See Mon YB. T A, Y S.A Rmye BB /xf of fTe SIrN P.Y. ygpggpgig— L'oun>y 1 �'e/4 Sfa4 1 tt/axdu .�. Vie. �=.r \vv ".! �_ =.Y.s �:a�� �:.. yyerr; w—•_ mn hi T-IS�-"","" I Site Plan '_ Tim'T�ns... 3-...�PROMNM w �� / V IN00 _ s x ON / � 0 //�✓� / / / 9.. 1 �3^fi q V NO / / / I � x / / / / / / / x / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Gos / { s tiiSi 3 y� mn 3 ® z r � z 1oz11rec1nvAvaz MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP LLG CARBONDALE, CO APW 2393-291-96159 1/1IMG_1977. $ 6/24, 4:51 PM R��FIXI`ni nJ ,VIrA �-� j� l Ca ) As shown on the LAND USE CHANGE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM we are requesting waivers for the following submission requirements: Landscape Plan Waiver: No landscape to be done, to blend into natural terrain upon completion. ® Traffic Study Waiver: No additional dwelling units being added to impact traffic. ao Appil Iri3Rax r r;mor �r�i�rK t SBU oU5e IMPACT ANALYSIS 1. Adjacent Land Use a. Within a1,500-foot radius of the proposed project are developed residential properties, BLM land, and undeveloped property. 2. Site Features a. Topography. The site is located on a west facing hillside above Highway 82, across from the Aspen Glen development. The grade on the property varies from between approximately 15% and 35%. The slope in the area of the proposed ADU footprint is between 20%-30%. There are no known geological hazards in the area of development. b. Vegetation: The proposed location of the ADU is in an existing clearing with sparse plant cover. Around this existing clearing arejuniper and pinyon pine trees, sage brush, grass, and weeds. 3. Soil Characteristics a. Geotechnical report completed for existing dwelling unit indicates that subsoils consist of silty sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders. Report recommended foundations be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. 4. Geologyand Hazard a. While eastern portions of this 5.63 acre property appear to have been impacted by rockfall and debris flow hazards these are well removed from the proposed area of development. S. Groundwater and Aquifer Recharge Areas a. A Subsurface Investigation and Onsite Wastewater System Design was completed for the existing dwelling. Report indicated that soil in area of proposed development consisted of thin layer of sandy root zone, underlain by sandy silt with gravel and rocks to 8 feet Groundwater or bedrock was not encountered. Based on this existing report a septic system for the ADU with a percolation rate of 20 minutes per inch (MPI) should be achievable. 6. Environmental Impacts a. Flora and fauna: i. Short-term effect As mentioned in "Site Features" section of this impact analysis the proposed development is taking place in an existing clearing with little existing vegetation. We are not proposing the removal of any existing trees. ii. Long term effect: After construction native vegetation will be allowed to regrow in area around the ADU, except where specifically prohibited due to requirements of local fire district. b. Wildlife: I. Proposed development will not impact any critical wildlife habitat. ii. Minimal size of proposed development will ensure minimal impact on wildlife's use of existing land. This development will also not impact further the migration routes or use patterns of wildlife as there is already an existing elk fence on the property line to keep wildlife from crossing Highway 82. c. Radiation hazard does not exist on this property. 7. Nuisance Proposed development will not generate vapor, dust, smoke, noise, glare or vibration, or other emanations that will negatively impact adjacent properties. In addition the ADU was deliberately designed as a "walk -out" style house with most of the mass set into the ground. 8. Hours of Operation a. The proposed development is for construction of accessory dwelling unit. There will be no "Hours of Operation" for commercial or business use that would impact adjacent properties. Form No, OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER GWS-25 COLORADO DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 818 Centennial Bldg., 1313 Sherman St., Denver, Colorado 80203 (303) 866-3581 APPLICANT 1095 WELL PERMIT NUMBER 294196 DIV. 5 WD 38 DES. BASIN MD MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP LLC C/O CALEB EDELMAN PO BOX 1799 CARBONDALE, CO 81623- APPROVED WELL LOCATION GARFIELD COUNTY NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 29 Township 7 S Range 88 W Sixth P.M. DISTANCES FROM SECTION LINES Ft. from Section Line Ft. from Section Line UTM COORDINATES (Meters,Zone:13,NAD83) C­+in­ Nnrthinn- ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT CONFER A WATER RIGHT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1) This well shall be used in such a way as to cause no material injury to existing water rights. The issuance of this permit does not ensure that no injury will occur to another vested water right or preclude another owner of a vested water right from seeking relief in a civil court action. 2) The construction of this well shall be in compliance with the Water Well Construction Rules 2 CCR 402-2, unless approval of a variance has been granted by the State Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors in accordance with Rule 18. 3) Approved pursuant to CRS 37-92-602(3)(b)(1) for uses as described in CRS 37-92-602(1)ft Use of this well is limited to monitoring water levels and/or water quality sampling. This well is known as Mushroom Rock Partnership Monitoring(Observation Well no. 1. 4) This well must be equipped with a locking cap or seal to prevent well contamination or possible hazards as an open well. The well must be kept capped and locked at all times except during sampling or measuring. 5) Records of water level measurements and water quality analyses shall be maintained by the well owner and submitted to the Division of Water Resources upon request. 6) Upon conclusion of the monitoring program the well owner shall plug this well in accordance with Rule 16 of the Water Well Construction Rules. A Well Abandonment Report must be completed and submitted to the Division of Water Resources within 60 days of plugging, 7) The owner shall mark the well in a conspicuous place with the well permit number and name of aquifer as appropriate, and shall take necessary means and precautions to preserve these markings. 8) This well must be constructed by or under the supervision of a licensed well driller or other authorized individual according to the Water Well Construction Rules. If non-standard construction is anticipated, a variance request must be submitted in accordance with Rule 18 and approved prior to well construction. 9) A Well Construction and Test Report (Form GWS-31), including lithologic log must be submitted by the individual authorized to construct the well. For non-standard construction, the report must include an as -built drawing showing details such as depth, casing, perforated zones, and a description of the grouting type and interval. 10) Pursuant to Rule 6.2.3 of the Water Well Construction Rules, the well construction contractor shall submit the as -built well location on work reports required by Rule 17.3 within 60 days of completion of the well. The measured location must be accurate to 200 feet of the actual location. The location information must include a GPS location (UTM coordinates) pursuant to the Division of Water Resources' guidelines. NOTE: Issuance of this permit does not guarantee that this well can be converted to a production well under a future permit. Additionally, pursuant to Rule 14.2 of the Water Well Construction Rules (2 CCR 402-2), monitoring holes constructed pursuant to a monitoring hole notice shall not be converted to a production well. (Upon obtaining a permit from the State Engineer, a monitoring hole may be converted to a monitoring well, recovery well for remediation of the aquifer, or a dewatering system for dewatering the aquiter.) NOTE: Application Receipt no. 9503060 (Application Withdrawn) was previously applied for on this parcel. NOTE: Parcel Identification Number (PIN): 23-2393-291-00-1 59 NOTE: Assessor Tax Schedule Number. R111346 State Engineer 9503814 Shelton Drilling Corp P.O. Box 1059 Basalt, Co. 81621 (970) 927-4182 Lic. # 1095 Name : Mushroom Rock Partnership LLC c/o Caleb Edelman Address P.O. Box 1799 City, St, Zip Carbondale, Co 81623 Phone4 Hole Size Depth Type I Casing ID Casing Do From -To 9.0 133 Steel 6.5 7.0 0-133 6.5 220 PVC 5.0 5.5 100-220 Invoice # : C-3306 Date :5/16/2014 Permit #: 294196 Location : Carbondale Perforated Ft : 65 ft Estimated : 15+ gpm Static Level : 144 ft Total Drilled: 220 ft Recommended Pump Set Depth 215 Ft. Pumping 15 GPM For Pump Installation We Recommend : Samuelson Pump 945-6309 fkaun J&MPump Co 945-6159 Rick Aqua Tec 984-0311 Tom Instructions : Minimum Well Charge ( _D to 50 feet) ........................ $5,000.00 Price Per Foots Feet @ $ 42.00 Per Foot = S 3,360-00 50--130-fe-et Steel Feet @ $ 32.00 Per Foot = $ 2,880.00 1a0--220-keipvc Total Footage Charge $ 6,240.00 $ Conditions Of Payment -Due and yable u on receipt pay $ 11,240.00 1, *WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND A VALID PUMP TEST BE CONDUCTED BY A LICENSED PUMP INSTALLER TO DETERMINE THE ACTUAL WELL PRODUCTION AND WATER QUALITY. THIS SHOULD ESTABLISH THE ACTUAL WELL PRODUCTION PARAMETERS WHICH CANNOT BE DETERMINED WHILE DRILLING 2. OUR GUARANTEE IS 3. The landowner is ultimately responsible for the plugging and abandonment of dry holes or replaced wells. according to State Rules and Regulations. Please contact us for details and/or prices. OICE DATE, [ INi FAR PRIOR ARRANGE- ALI4LMAY RE ADDF.D 15 DAYS FROM FIRST BILLING. Please call us if you have any questions. THANKYOU ay CO LO RA DO Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment o�M.�ar<uxenaa.,....a 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO 8023D Tel: 303.692.3090 Fax: 303-344-9989 Analysis Report Workorder: 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing Sample Results Lab ID: 2102114677 - Sample ID: 307-17 Sample Type: Water Dab Collected: 11102202116:60 Collection Slu: 10211 HWY 82 CARBONDALE CO 81623 Data Received: 11/032021 13.49 Sita Oeserip6dn: Description: 10211 HWY 82 CARBONDALE CO 81623 Paramour Results units MRL MCL OF Prepared Analyzed! Qua[ EPA 8223E (Total Colborne, and E. eoll PIA) COLIFORM P/A ABSENT 1 11/04202112:54 11MM2112:54 " A COLIFORM P/AreauM of A6SENTIntlkslosa micro6kbglwpy said aempA. Cdibrm was eDssrrt wleas fMn one(<t) COIVfonn per f00 ml. E. COLI P/A ABSENT 1 11/04/2021 12:54 11/04/202112:54 ' An E.COLIP/A msuttor ASSENT'Indreelas tMf E.mII was NOTOETECTED. ICP Total WaterAfetata (M-A 200.7) Caldron 46.9 meal 0.01 1 11/222021 11:58 111=021 M.45 Copper 0.0548 mgll 0.0M 1.3 1 11/09202107.43 1110920211319 Iron 0.00240 mg/L 0.002 .3 1 11/09202107.43 11MWM2113:19 Magnesium 24.4 me& 0.02 1 111=02111.58 11232t12108:45 Manganese <0.002 mglL 0.002 AS 1 11MMD2107:43 11MM02113:19 Sodium 63.8 melt 0.1 1 iV09202107:43 11/09/202113:19 Zinc 0.03H mg& 0.01 5 1 1b09202107:43 11/091202113a9 ICP-MS Total Water Metals (EPA 200.8) Lead <0.0ul mgl- 0.001 .015 1 11/12202108:37 11112*02113:01 Arsenic 0.00112 mgIL 0,001 .01 1 11112202108:37 11/12203113:01 Cadmium < eel mg& 0.001 .005 1 11/122021 08:37 11/1MDZI 13:01 Uranium 0.00820 mg& 0.001 .03 1 11/1220210837 11MM0211301 Inorganic Anlwre (EPA 300.0) Fluoride 10.5 mglL 05 4 10 11/0920211205 11MM0211205 Chloride 12.6 mg/L 5 250 10 11/09T20211ZOS IlMSM2112:05 Sulfate 181 mg/L 2.5 250 10 11/09202112.05 ll/09/2D2112:05 Inorganlca (D 3739-U) Cornmr,ib 4.166 1 1129202112:52 1129202112:52 ' The Cora vlyIndexe between-0.5endoS,, whkhladkaDss IMt Me we rlsneedybalanced(M#nWdekd pNmbMg oraeuaaseinebulldap). A rampemWrooH5 degree. CWSN. (59 d.,ar. Fahrenheit) hea been assumed kr Me cakuladon of CdrmelWIy Corraslvdy is Lempemrum dependent and will Increase wIM en Increase In welertempweture. Inorganlea (EPA 180.1) Dissdved Solids "a mgI 10 500 1 11109/202114:01 11109202114:01 NRC=1d:oman Ropz!mp Lna BeL=9e:Y.'i n4ctlicn timil '= Cm:mnR a::p!xtl MCL=flamum Coa: aminnnl LImB mi EPA ragu'alics wluL. mei:sa.,,s pa' aa:Icaa:. aqL mrogram; m u:G Ippo: <eport ID: 2900973-28103909 Friday December 3. 2021 12:24:20 PM - Page 3of4 HORIZON' COLORADO Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO 80230 Tel: 303-692.3090 Fax: 303-344-9983 Analysis Report Workorder: 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing Sample Results Inorganics (EPA 200.7) Hardness by SM 2340B 217 cce m 1 80 1 1112 02111:58 1129I202109:45 The hs`onaas result 1rdk9 M haref"hr. Potential symplams include acaly residues ead seem, daweeaM ceening action efaeaps and Cehrgeale Inorganics (EPA 353.2) Nilate-Nexe,(N) 2.73 ,It as 0.05 10 1 11R5202113:14 11A51202113:14 Inorganics (NA) Sodium Adeorptikn Ratio 1.88 m91L 1 11/30202108:56 11I30202108:58 Sodium Adsorption Rate (SAR) of 1-9: Use on sodium co aria. Imps must be.1foned. Inorganic. (SM 2320 6) Alkalinity Total 170 GOOD 20 1 iV04202110:34 11/04202110:94 inorganics (SIR 2510a) ConductiNry 730 uskm 10 1 1V04202110:34 111041202110:34 Inorganics ISM 4500-1f+a) pH 7.68 Units 0.1 8.5 1 111041202110:34 11104202110-.0 ' TMs testis oonamered outofholdt, lame dire Ioph0betng a aaktteat Additional Information Free Chlorine Total Chlorine Temperature at Collection: Temperature at Receipt: 15.5 Water Type: WELL MRL=111— P.evslmn Lung .OL=acJP'i Daie<I'.on LmM1'=CammM1 app4[+1 "CL=ldainan CMynnaM L'mnl Car EF.4 tgNlyMrs /IIg1-miYimamS pE e1G�CPm. ugP.Illipvpams par lCxlrW1 Report In 2900973-28103909 Friday. December 3, 2021 12:24.20 PM , Page of HORIZON' CO LORADO Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO 80230 Tel: 3034924090 Fax: 303-3444989 Analysis Report Workorder: 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing Client: MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP LLC Report To: Profile: Well Water Chemical Testing MUSHROOM ROCK Sampled By: MONICA EDELMAN PARTNERSHIP LLC 10211 HWY 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 Sample Summary Analysis Lab ID Sample ID Sample Type Method Data Colleafsd Data Reoelwd Reported 2102114677 307-17 Water D 3739-83 11/02/202116:50 1110=021 13:49 1 2102114677 307-17 Water EPA 160.1 11/02202116:50 11/032021 13:49 1 2102114677 307-17 Water EPA 200.7 11/021202116:50 /1/03202113:49 8 2102114677 307-17 Water EPA 200.8 11)02)202116:50 11/03202113:49 4 2102114677 307-17 Water EPA 300.0 1110220211650 11103202113:49 3 2102114677 307-17 Water EPA 358.2 11/02202116:60 1110320211349 1 2102114677 307-17 Water NA 11102202116:50 11/0320211349 1 2102114677 307-17 Water SM 2320B 11/02202116:50 11 M3202113:49 1 2102114677 307-17 Water SM 2510B 11/02202116:50 11/03202113:49 1 2102114677 307-17 Water SM 4500-1-1+13 11/02202116:50 11/0320211349 1 2102114677 307-17 Water Total Colifo" and E. call 11/022021 16:50 11/032021 13:49 2 MRL=Mwmw Rem'mnbmn 90L=Eeb Odecuwbmn.—Cmnmenwopnea MCL=Max— Canrammenl bmir per EPA re oalmn5. maL-mJiw,anaF 111IWmr uY mieo]rams Per 16er I p ) Repod 102900973-28103909 Friday. December 3, 2021 12:24:20 PM " Page 1 of 4 H O R I Z O,N' Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment a} 8100 Lawry IlWd.Dbn., C080230 TO 303-692-3090 Fax: 303- 9989 Analysis Report Workorder: 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing telOnG MUJHKUUMKUUKPANINtKJHIPLLU Report To: Profile: Well Water Chemical Testing MUSHROOM ROCK Sampled By: MONICA EDELMAN PARTNERSHIP LLC HWy arbo CO 82 Carbondale, C61623 Anayes Lab ID Sample0 Sample Type MNAo6 Oaia Celleo[e0 Dab RaOelvM ftepoRaO [tV2l l4til/ YJ/-l/ Waler US/JYtlO ll/VlllVll loau 1LV12V211:II49 l 21021146T1 307-17 Water EPA 16ol 11M2R02116:50 1110=2113:49 1 21021146A W-17 Water EPA 200.7 11A 202116:50 11M 02113:49 8 2102114677 307-17 Water EPA 200.8 11N21202116:50 11NL202113A9 4 2102114677 307-17 Water EPA 300.0 11W202116:50 11MV202113:49 3 21021146T7 307-17 Water EPA 353.2 11/022021 16:50 11N3202113:49 1 21021146Tr 307-17 Water NA 11/0=U116:50 11103MG2113:49 1 21021146T7 307-17 Water SM 2=8 11MU2021 ISM 11/031202113:49 1 2102114677 307-17 Water SM 2510B 111=02116:50 11MWM2113:49 1 2102144677 307-17 Meer SM 4500,M-8 11M=02116:50 1110=02113:49 1 307-17 Water Tool CoNann and E. mli llm=02116:50 11MY202113:49 2 21021146T/ PIA eat=rn ee�xnuq cam. eot =enaxoemnwn �me.'- mewi.ea - mlvn Gar EGw m9nm mp'l-mtlgnm+GC no pzn� uyRAmzmyamS petlAn IGW1 Repotl lo'. 2900973-28103909 Friday. 0—ra.r 3.2021 12:24:20 PM HORIZON' Page 1 of '^°° co�oaAoo Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment $100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, DO 80230 Tel: 303592 3090 Fax: 303d40-9989 Analysis Report Workorder: 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing Workorder Comments HUMAN HEALTH Aramaic, cadmium. Copper, lead, Uranium. Fluende. N9rele/NNile combermil are below EPA health -based ataMards. Iron, Manganese, Zinc, pH, Wide-D'ewlved. SuMmta and Chloride levels meal EPA aeameeobased standards. Based an dead resulla, be wafer is sate far human consumption. aai=,n - m,wMe aewmw c�mn� ew.-aea, x i ' Fr rve le °mret wvmum we r IMI)re Lim n,EP mr 1enimmo mim�m mot. cal mmoo,e�m,ln.,rwm Repon lP. 2900973-28103909 =nday. December 3, 2021 12.24:20 FM HORIZON' rage 2 N 4 "°° ��co LORAoo r Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment O(' 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO M230 Tel: 3034924090 Fax: 303-3 49909 Analysis Report Workorder: 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing Sample Results LablD: 2101 Sample 10: 307-17 Bample Type: Men- DaeCollembi 19Po120211e50 Collection SRe: 10211 HW( 02 CARBONOALE CO 81523 Dab Receive9: 11N&202113:49 Sib Dmudpvon: Description: 10211 HWN 82 CARBONOALE CO 81623 Parameter ResORe Unit MRL MCL DF preparM Anagram! We. EPA 9229E (Toll CalObrm mad roll P64) WLIFORM PIA ABSENT 1 11IMI202112:59 1lAguN2112:51 ' ACWIFORMWAresuIXar'AOSEM'ir Wsarrvnodabgiu wMsampH. Co4Nrm xaaab»n101bWWnwre(<1)LdibrmVer 100 m1 E COLI P/A ABSEW 1 11101202112:54 11b4202112:54 ' M ECOLI PIA mwg of-ABSENrmn o%vnf afEmWMSNOTOElEC WP Teti WMer Metals (EPA 2001) Celumn 4ag m91 0,01 1 1ln2 2111:50 11R32W109:45 C'Per 0.0w myL 0.001 1.3 1 11ADIA021 07:49 11A)R02143:19 1— 0.00240 ngyL 0.002 .3 1 11IW(L02107:43 1IM0211119 Ma9reaWm 244 mall 0.02 1 11/mum 11M 1123gl1ti MAS Manganese <0.002 m9IL 0,002 .05 1 11MMUl 07:.3 11N9202113:19 Sodium am mgM1 el 1 11/W202107:43 11MM202113:19 Zinc 0.0358 m9M1 Sri 5 1 11/C9I202107o 11AMR02ll3:19 ICPMS Teral Wager Metals (EPA 200.8) Lead <p001 myL O.Wt .015 I WIM021 W17 111ID20211301 Anmlc 0.00112 m9M1 0,001 .01 1 11/12/2021 C 7 11112(A2113:01 Cadmium �.001 Pala. Seal A05 1 1111=021 08:37 111IIR02113:01 Ummum 0.004" m9M1 0.001 .03 1 11112R0210 7 11/1M02113V1 Irmr9anlo "me (EPA 300.0) Fluonae 10.5 myL 0S 4 10 111T&202112:05 11MM02112M CObnde 12.6 ngM1 5 250 10 11NB202112:05 11N320211206 Same 101 mA 2Z 2m 10 111WR02112A5 11RJRM112M Irlryanlee (D 3739,83) Cono9Nry Alex 1 IInluali 12:52 11Y1920211252 ' 7M cormsviu, M.MCe.-4..5 nM OA.. ioumales 1. Me eareris meM aeren2d(Mx nagmeo megvmem, wcause. oulMup). A 1empe21ure 113 memax Cel 159 dogmas Fafomh 0ma 0een seamed brllukvHlmn WComWvly Co "i` is ameereMre mgame"' Pm"e'inceel wire ea wabrrempemmre. lem, nles(EPA 160.1) UP.l. Sonas 00 mglL 10 500 1 11108MMI 14,01 11011 2114:01 mat-x rci=w�m���--ou �ne�i�i•wreo yea: ��o�alnunon mewA� meM1-mngnms ptt Me�lapnU. WM1 mvmprart¢%rinetlPW) RepoP ID2900973-28103909 Fade, December 3. 202112'.2420 PM HORIZON Page 3 of 36 yS� IcowBeoo Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 9100 Lowry BIVO. Denver, CC 80230 Tel: 303b923090 Fax 303-360-9989 Analysis Report Workorder. 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing Sample Results Ineryanlaa(EPA TOO.n HaNneu by 3M 2340B 217 Aj 1 80 1 IJIM0211158 11MM21 Met rneaamnearemtta dw.xee MV wakr. FMnOeI aymgamelMutls.xe, ra T .aMmap sum, McrtauN Neaning a. of., and W.1aft mmpamaa (EPA 353.2) Niaeaa.N.le(N) 2T3 ngLeex 0.0 10 1 11I152021 MU 11115=2113:14 Inorpenluaa S.—Mmrylion Rego I.M mg& 1 11(f0( iM.56 11MM02108:56 S.aa Ad axial Rafe(SAM.11-9: U. SWvm saxs a amps axial baceWaae0 Inorganlas MM 020 B) Mixer ity TOMI 170 Camay 20 1 11O I202110:34 11N4I202110.34 Inoryanlca (SM 25188) conduaiNly 730 UY 10 1 IIAW202110:34 11N4,202110:34 Inorganlca (SM 41PWH-Ig) pH T.68 Urx% 0.1 a5 1 IIAM2021 M34 I1IMI202110:34 ThlaMsllamnaNaletlWl pllMlalnp llmetlue to pH0BIn2e Mpkel Additional Information Free Chlorine Total Chlorine Temperature at CoBecson: Temperatureal Re a ipl: 15s Water Type: WELL mn✓w - o..neieaon Lime '- 1u00— maM1 mioq�amxpeeleee lax., eM1 mump... pruerlcpq Report ID. 2900973-28103909 Fnday. December 3, 2021 12 24:20 PM Page 4 m4 HORIZON' COOLLOO RSLa_60 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment ,...m,.e....._.... 810D Lowry Blvd. Denver, Co 90230 Tel: 3034924090 Far: 303- 9989 Analysis Report Workorder. 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing «< PRELIMINARY REPORT-BACTERUIL RESULTS COMPLETE; CHEMISTRY PENDING »> Client: MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP LLC Report To: Profile: Well Water Chemical Testing MUSHROOM ROCK Sampled By: MONICA EDELMAN PARTNERSHIP LLC 10211 HWY 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 Sample Summary Anelyes Lab ID Semple ID Sample Type Method Deb collecbtl Dab R.Nad Repoded 2102114677 307-17 Mass ^W Cdilarm and E. boll 11/ 02118:5D 11M=02113:49 2 mn1=x smw9niry imne - maPouea mµ�mJl9��ce�� IPomI�ueL cea�Wmna Rla� 14W) Repon ID'. 4882946 Thursday. November 4, 2021 2:59:04 PM Re9e 1 of 2 HORIZON' COLORAD Om C3i ®"°°"`",...: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment $100 Lowry Blvd Denver, CO 80230 Tel: 303-692-3090 Fax: 303-344-9959 Analysis Report Workorder. 2900973 Well Water Chemical Testing «< PRELIMINARY REPORT -BACTERIAL RESULTS COMPLETE; CHEMISTRY PENDING »> Sample Results Lab ID: 2102111 SemplelD: 30747 Sample Type: Water Dale Collede@ 1102120211650 Collection Site: 10211HWY92CAR80NDALEC061623 Date Received: 11A)31202113:99 Site Deacrlpaon: Description: 10211 HWY 82 CARBONOALE CO 816Y3 Parenal Fai lb Unit MRL MDL OF Prepared Analyzed Deal EPA 92"B (Total Castle. end E. colt PIN COLIFORM PIA ABSENT 1 IlMe(21123 11p1l 12:54 ACOIJFORMWAresulf d'A95ENI'inalmleaa rMcmdaNpiraAY sabaxnpV Cd4onn axs aOeeMabu Nan cne(<fJ CWMmpal100m1. E. COLI Pro ABSEW 1 1110G202l Ill llile 2 Mal An ECCLIPo m ftol'ASWNT'IfNales NMEm4was NOTD CrE0. Additional Information Free chicane Toll Orientate TempereNR M collection TempeteWre at ReUipt 15.5 Water Type: WELL Mwnu .—.e rimn.e a. mpt eapramsp Ial1pm1 rW=e�w�p+^�w„... ' ReporllD'. 4862946 Tbersdey, November 4. 2021 25904 PM Page 2 of HORIZON' Garfield County IRIMP Community Development Department 108 8' Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone (970) 945-8212 PERMIT # 5EPT-12-17-5053 Project Address 10211 HWY 82 Subdivision Owner Name Mushroom Rock Partnership, LLC PERMIT KEEP AVAILABLE AT PROJECT SITE Permit Type Septic - New Work Classification New Issue Date 12/21/2018 Expiration Date 6/19/2019 Parcel No. 239329100159 Lot Section -Township -Range 29-07-88 Owner Mailing Address PO Box 1799 Carbondale, CO 81623 Contractor(s) Caleb Edelman Work Description: New OWTSfor ABti Saui-h } ottse Owner Phone 970-618-2813 Contractor Phone 970-618-2813 Valuation Square Feet UAPORTANT: APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL FOR A PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH ON THIS APPLICATION. PLEASE NOTE: Final inspection of the work authorized by this permit is required. A Certificate of Occupancy most be obtained prior to use and occupancy of new buildings and structures. A Building Permit becomes null and void if the authorized work is not commenced within 180 days of the date of issuance and if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after commencement I I Drive Rd HLL "�CEtdn�o'C0 Sun SERVICE� Apnl 14, 2019 Project No. C1101 Caleb Edelman ceel Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Installation Observations 10211 Hwy 82 Garfield County, Colorado Permit Number SEPT-12-17-5053 Caleb, ALL SERVICE septic, LLC observed the installation of the onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) on April 5, 2019 for the subject property. You, the property owner, installed the system. The garage was not constructed at the time of the OWTS installation. The system was sized for a future 4-bedroom residence. The system installation included a 1250-gallon, two -compartment concrete septic tank an effluent filter on the outlet tee. This filter must be cleaned annually, or as needed. Effluent gravity Flows to a disbibution box which was accessible from grade. The STA consists of three rows of 11 'Quick 4' Infiltrator@ chambers and one now of 13 'Quick 4' Infiltrator® chambers for a total of 46 'Quick 4' Infiltratonel chambers and bb2 square feet of mfilua0ve area. Inspeebon pons were placed at the beginning and end of each row, of chambers. The OWTS was generally installed according to specifications. This observation is not a guarantee of workmanship and/or parts and materials. ALL SERVICE septic, LLC should be notified if changes are made to the OWTS in the future. Any additional OWTS construction must be according to the county regulations. LIMITS: Observations are limited to components that are visible at the time of the inspection. The installer must have documented and demonstrated knowledge of the requirements and regulations of the county in which they are working. The quality of the installation is dependent of the expertise of the installer, soil type, and weather conditions. Please call with questions. Sincerely, :YJrn ALL SERVICE sr-e�ptic�, Reviewed By: t ma yLLC 47 Ostberg, MPH, REHS Richard H. etz, PsSjpNAL ...... ��Q Carla l`. 1 ` v� � W >i 1`1 tVda - =- �f� s if co t=r= ct-= rmmm 1- wift- 0O2 33 Four Wheel Drive Rd Carbondale, CO 81623 970 -309-5259 January 14, 2015 Caleb Edelman edelrnancm( Subsurface Investigation and Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Design Proposed Garage with Plumbing TBD Hwy 82 Garfield County, Colorado Caleb, Project No. C1 101 ALL SERVICE septic, LLC performed a subsurface investigation and completed an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) design for a future garage with plumbing on the western portion of the subject 5.63-acre property (Site) with the following legal description: A Parcel of land situated in Lot 1, Section 29, Township 7 South, Range 88 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Garfield, State of Colorado. In addition to the garage, the owner desires to have the ability to construct a 4-bedroom residence in the future without further modifications to the OWTS. The Site is located outside of Carbondale, in an area where OWTSs and wells are necessary. The northern portion of the Site is currently developed with a single-family residence. A recently installed OWTS serves the single-family residence. A driveway also exists on the northern portion of the Site for access to the single-family residence. A garage with plumbing is proposed on the western portion of the Site. A private well also exists on the Site. The well is located greater than 100-feet from the proposed OWTS that will serve the proposed garage with plumbing. The proposed soil treatment area (STA) location has approximately a twenty percent slope across the proposed STA. Native vegetation such as sage and scrub oak exists in the area of the proposed STA. The subsurface was investigated on August 12, 2014 by digging two 8-foot soil profile test pit excavations (Test Pits) and conducting a visual and tactile evaluation of the soils at approximately 3-feet below native grade. The materials encountered in the Test Pit #1 consisted of medium to dark brown, moist, topsoil to 6-inches, underlain by brownish red sandy loam with single grain structure shape, weak structure grade, and loose consistence with flat, platy cobbles 2 to 4-inches in diameter to a maximum depth explored of 7.5-feet. No bedrock or groundwater was encountered. The materials encountered in the Test Pit #2 consisted of medium to dark brown, moist, topsoil to 6-inches, underlain by brownish red sandy loam with single grain structure shape, weak structure grade, and loose consistence with flat, platy cobbles 2 to 4-inches in diameter to a maximum depth explored of 7.0-feet. No bedrock or groundwater was encountered. Test Pit #1 The proposed garage will include oshower, toilet, and lavatory for use byone person. Wastewater flow, in accordance with Table 6-2 presented in the Garfield County On -Site Wastewater Treatment System Regulations, adopted April 14, 2014, is calculated at 47.9 gallons per day. Since a future, 4-bedroom residence is contemplated, the OWTS design will be based on 4-bedrooms. Design Calculations: Average Design Flow =75x2x3Bedrooms +75PGO=525QPD=O Q/LTAR= / 056GF _959EI:1 (----q jz The system installation will include onew concrete septic tank aneffluent filter onthe outlet tee. Effluent will gravity flow to a distribution box which must be made accessible from grade. The STA will consist of three rows of 11 'Quick 4' Infiltrator@ chambers and one row of 13 'Quick 4' InfiltratorO chambers for a total of 46 'Quick 4' Infiltrator@ chambers and 552 square feet of infiltrative area. Inspection ports must be placed at the beginning and end of each row of chambers. The component manufacturers are typical of applications used bycontractors and engineers in this area. Alternatives may be considered or recommended by contacting our office. Construction must be according to Garfield County O»@Ka Wastewater Treatment System Regulations, the 0WB Permit provided byGarfield County Building Department, and this design. An adequate layer of good quality topsoil capable of supporting revegetation shall be placed over the entire disturbed are of the OWTS installation. Amixture of native grass seed that has good soil stabilizing characteristics (but without taproots), provides a maximum transpiration rate, and competes well with successional species. No trees or shrubs, or any vegetation requiring regular irritation shall be plated over the STA. Until vegetation is reestablished, erosion and sediment control measures shall be implemented and maintained on site. The owner of the OWTS shall be responsible for maintaining proper vegetation The property owner shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of each OWTS;servicing the The property owner is responsible for maintaining service contracts for manufactured units altemating STAs, and any other components needing maintenance, Geo-fabrics. or plastics should not be used over the absorption area. No heavy equipment, machinery, or materials should be placed on backfilled STAs. Livestock should not graze on the STA. Plumbing fixtures should be checked to ensure that no additional water is being discharged to OWTS. For example, a running toilet or leaky faucet can discharge hundreds of gallons of water a day and harm a STA. The homeowner should pump the septic tank every two years, maaneeded gauged bymeasurement of solids in the tank. Garbage disposal use should be minimized, and non -biodegradable materials should not be placed into the OWTS. Grease should not be placed in household drains. Loading from a water softener should not be discharged into the OWTS. No hazardous wastes should be directed into the OWTS. Mechanical room drains should not discharge into the OWTS. The CWTS is engineered for domestic waste K design includes npump, air release valves and weep holes must bainstalled to allow pump lines to drain tominimize risk offreezing. The pumpshall have anaudible and visual alarm notification hxthe event of excessively high water conditions and shall be connected to a control breaker separate from the high wateralarm breaker and from any other control system circuits. The pump system shall have u switch oothe pump can bemanually operated. Excavation equipment must not drive inexcavation ofthe STA due to the potential to compact soil. Extensions should boplaced onall septic tank components to allow access tothem from existing grade. ALL SERVICE septic, LLC must view the DVVTG during construefion. The OWTS observation should be performed before backfill, after placement of OWTS components. Septic tanks, distribution devices, pumps, dosing siphons, and other plumbing, as applicable, must also be observed. ALL SERVICE septic, LLC should be notified 48 hours in advance to observe the installation. The design is based oninformation submitted. Ifsoil conditions encountered are different from conditions described in report, ALL SERVICE septic, LLC should be notified. All OVVTS construction must be according to the county regulations. Requirements not specified in this report must follow applicable county regulations. The r should have documented and demonstrated knowledge of the requirements and regulations ofthe county inwhich they are working. Licensing ufSystems Contractors may berequired bycounty regulation. Please call with questions. Sincerely, ALL SERVICE septic, LLC tot/lu . A" Carla Ostberg,MPH, REHS Reviewed Liability Clause: Under no circumstances whatsoever shall the liability of ALL SERVICE septic, LLC, in connection with any contract, directly or indirectly, exceed the total amount paid by the client to ALL SERVICE septic, LLC for the services andlor goods which are the subject of the contract in connection with which the liability arises, gig x x LL OWIW ------------ am to m co § 9 ; E� 2\ \ k 0 k§ f}} � § O � . § O f ( 2 O§§ - \ 0 � A B � \ / /) §§ u\ # �2§ i% 2\ Ro§t . .�� B & R Septic Service, Inc. Rooter & Jetting Service Video Inspection Service 0603 Handy Drive Carbondale, CO 81623 Bill To Monica Edleman 10211 Hwy. 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 ct-�' Invoice Date Invoice # 1/14/2024 22226 P.O. No. Terms Project Due on receipt Quantity Description Rate Amount 1,300 Pump septic tank @ 10211 Hwy. 82 - overfull due to clogged filter - tank is 0.35 455.00 in good condition,no cement deterioration, T's on both inlet & outlet lines 1,300 Dump Fee 0.25 325.00 Digging & located Charge 200.00 200.00 Sales Tax �roenf /Uainfenanne 3.60% 0.00 Oki u p p"A� M,v x m Thank you for your business. Carbondale Aspen Fax Total $980.00 970 963-3814 970 920-2059 970 963-6070 r-�of�scs en.r/meT• Garfield County Community Development Department 1088. Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone (970) 945-8212 A, an;� cf PERMIT CARD POST THIS IN A CONSPICIOUS PLACE WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED Permit Type Residential - Work Classification New iilirwi� PERMIT # BLRE-12-17-5052 Issue Data 12/21/2018 ;x 6/19/2019 Project Address 10211 HWY 82 Parcel No. 239329100159 Owner Name Mushroom Rock Partnership, LLC Owner Phone 970-618-2813 Contractor(s) Caleb Edelman Work Description new s/f dwelling for ADU on finished basement Contractor Phone 970-618-2813 AGREEMENT In consideration of the issuance of the permit the applicant hereby agrees to comply with all laws and regulations related to the zoning, location, construction and erection of the proposed structure for which this permit is granted. The applicant further agrees that if the above said regulations are not fully complied with in the zoning, location, erection and construction of the above described structure, the permit may then be revoked by notice from the County Building division and immediately become null and void. Ins tion Comments Pass Data Footers O�G 6 3 aO 2Y Foundation Walls' UG Plumbin GOO GOlOiC —m7C7--- Rough Plumbing W u 7 i U 1000 - Aje. l - ,L.r Gas sr Ark. 114— Mechanical W-A�—ADS JL T 1 - Framin Insulation r- 614 0 Drywall 4-ds Misc. Final R&B Drivewa ' Rough electricalmspection must be completed prior to a framing inspection PLEASE SEE BACK OF PERMIT FOR ELECTRICAL AND FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS AND OTHER COMMENTS &ATe a3Soo ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE REQUD2ED For Inspections Call N70) 945-137-1 X1621 For Driveway Inspections Call (970) 61-5-8601 G(� oTtech HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL March 17, 2014 ECOS Attn: Caleb Edelman P.O. Box 11936 Aspen, Colorado 81612 Job No. 110 081A Subject: Observation of Excavation, Proposed Garage/ADU, 5.63 Acre Parcel, North of Mushroom Rock, Highway 82, Garfield County, Colorado Dear Mr. Edelman: As requested, a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observed the excavation at the subject site on March 14, 2014 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our observations and recommendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. We previously conducted a pit observation at the site and presented our findings in a report dated May 19, 2010, Job No. 110 081A. Evaluation of potential geologic hazard impacts and possible mitigation are beyond the scope of this study. At the time of our visit to the site, the foundation excavation had been cut in two levels from 1 to 11 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of medium dense, silty sandy gavel with cobbles and boulders. No free water was encountered in the excavation and the soils were slightly moist to moist. The footings had been formed and steel reinforcement was in place. The soil conditions exposed in the excavation are consistent with those previously encountered on the site and suitable for support of spread footings designed for the recommended allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. The ground surface around the garage/ADU will need to be graded to divert surface flows away from the structure as a minimum in accordance with the Surface Drainage section of our previous report. Other recommendations presented in our previous report which are applicable should also be observed. While on -site, the concrete contractor stated that a rock had fallen into the excavation apparently from the hillside after excavation was complete. The possible rockfall risk had been previously identified as a potential hazard to the site which should be evaluated for possible mitigation. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and the previous limited subsurface exploration at the site. Variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavation could increase Pjrk,7 :41 1 I0 • (-1,I..i I �hnne, 1 - rdc,ril . rn, -t .- "', ECOS March 17, 2014 Page 2 the risk of foundation movement. We should be advised of any variations encountered in the excavation conditions for possible changes to recommendations contained in this letter. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be consulted. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH — PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Daniel E. Hardin P.E. Rev. by: SLP DEH/ksw cc: Kurtz and Associates — Attn: Brian Kurtz Job No. 110 081A Ge'!Stech GEOTECH STUDY and HAZARD MITIGATION Hazard mitigation was addressed and mitigated with the building of the first house, now known as Upper North House (Will now be the secondary unit) Dan Harding of HP Geotech spoke with John Piano after Joe Turner had an in person visit on Jan. 2nd Dan would require an open hole observation at the time of excavation for the Included with these application documents is the original HP Geotech report. too if - +-'W� ?)2 MOUNTAIN CROSS I. ----(,!ENGINEERING, INC. Givii and Environtvex'itad Conadfing and Design June 121. 20 17 Mr. David Pesnieliak Garfield County Planning 108 8'h Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs: CO 81601 RE : Review of the Mushroom Rock ADU- GAPA-04-17-8529 Dear Da\,,id: This office has performed a review of the documents provided for the Mushroom Rock ADU Application, The submittal was found to be thorough and well organized. The review generated the follwviFina comments: 1, The; geotcGhnical report for the residence states that rockiall and debris flow are lil<eiy hazards and would need mitigation. Due to the proximity of the ADU, it is likely diat geologic hazards can be anticipated. The Applicant should obtain a site specific a' eoteclinical study with a geo- hazardanalysis. Mitigation measures may be required and often require walls, fencing, berms or other construction. The Applicant should determine if mitigation may change the proposed ID ADU site location. Minor shifts ftom the proposed ADU location may be acceptable; however shifts of substantial distance may require that the ADU be re -permitted fors a new location. 2. The proposed grading and drainage plan that was submitted was conceptual rather than a detailed plan. Additionally grading, drainage, and retaining structures will be necessary than what was shown. Similarly to the above, the Applicant should determine if these may change the proposed ADU site location. Minor shifts from the proposed ADU location may be acceptable; however shifts of substantial distance rnay1 require that the ADU be rc-permitted for a new location. 3. The water quality anatysis showed poor results for water chemistry. The Applicant will likely need to hire a consultant to design treatment of the well water. 4. Septic design will need to be revised since the number of bedrooms 111 the architectural plans does not match those in the septic calculations. Feel free to call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerel-w% Mo-untain Cross Chris Hale, PE 826 ""f Grnna. Aventle, Glenwood Springs, GO 81,1601 P: 970,945.44 F: 970,945.55SR Cs�4 11. In order to ensure that any rockfall, slope issues, grading and drainage, and/or other natural hazards are appropriately mitigated, the property owner shall conduct the following analyses, and shall be submitted with the Building Permit for the ADU. These studies shall to be conducted by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. All mitigation measures recommended as a part of these studies shall be identified in the Building Permit application and shall be executed at the time of construction of the ADU. In addition, the analysis conducted for reclamation and revegetation shall be reviewed by the Garfield County Vegetation Manager who shall make a recommendation regarding any necessary revegetation security. a. Conduct a geotechnical study with a geohazards analysis to address possible rockfall and other hazards at the identified ADU location; and, b. Conduct an analysis as to how the slope hazards, which have been identified at 20% - 30% will be mitigated to meet the requirements of Section 7-207(F)(1) of the Land Use and Development Code of 2013; and, c. Conduct a detailed analysis of how the grading and drainage on the site will be impacted by the ADU and other hazard mitigation structures. This analysis shall also include any necessary erosion control measures to be taken; and, d. Conduct an analysis of the overall disturbance area (location and amount of disturbance) around the ADU, driveway, as well as from the construction area and placement location of any necessary hazard/drainage mitigation structures. This analysis shall include reclamation and revegetation measures that will be taken to secure the slopes both during and following disturbance of these areas. Reception#: 394605 07111/=7 03:46:60 An Jean Alborica Page 4 of 4 4 of 4 Roo Fea;SO.00 Doc FmO,00 GARFIELD COUNTY CO WtW� January 8, 2018 Mushroom Rock Partnership, LLC PO Box 1799 Carbondale, CO 81623 Attention: Caleb Edelman Subject: Proposal for Geologic Hazard Evaluation ADU at 10211 Highway 82 Carbondale, Colorado Proposal No. GS 18-0102 As requested, we have prepared this proposal to perform a geologic hazard evaluation of the area where you plan an Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) on the property at 10211 High- way 82 in Carbondale. Our preliminary observations of the property indicate that it overlies an alluvial fan and that it may be exposed to a debris flow hazard. Exhibit A of the attached Service Agreement contains our scope of services. A senior geo- logical engineer will make a site visit and perform reconnaissance to evaluate the geologic conditions and the extent of the hazards, if any, We will prepare a report with our findings and appropriate mitigation concepts. We will need to perform this work when the site is mostly snow -free. The report should be complete about 1 to 2 weeks after we perform the field work. Our services will be provided on a unit rate basis. We estimate our total fee will range between $2,000 and $2,500. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal. If the scope of service is accepta- ble, please sign a copy of the agreement and return it for our files. Should you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, CTIL I THOMPSON, INC. David A. Glater, P.E., C.P.G. Principal Geological Engineer DAG:JDK:at Reviewed By: J f7 m i siones D. Kellogg, P.E. D . i Isior Manager 234 Center Drive I Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 1 Phone: 970-945-2809 1 Fax: 970-945-7411 Iwww.ctlt.corn Parties This Agreement is entered into this 8:h day of January, 2018 between Mushroom Rock Partnership, LLC, P.O. Box 1799 in Carbondale, CO 81623, referred to herein as "Client" and CTL I Thompson, Inc., 234 Center Drive, Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601, referred to herein as "CTL." Project Client retains CTL to provide consulting services in connection with ADU at 10211 Highway 82, Carbondale, Colorado, referred to herein as "Project," Client's relationship to the Project is that of "OWNER." Scope The scope of CTL's services is set forth in Exhibit A, which is part of this Agreement. Fee CTL agrees to provide the services set forth in this Agreement for a Unit Rate basis in accordance with Exhibit B. The quoted fee shall remain available to Client for 30 days from the date of this Agreement, after which CTL may increase the fee. If Client desires to change CTL's scope of services, Client and CTL shall execute a written addendum to this Agreement setting forth CTL's revised scope of services and fee. Invoices CTL may submit interim invoices to Client and will submit a final invoice upon completion of its services. Invoic- es will detail charges for different personnel and expense classifications, a lump sum fee, or a percentage of completion, as appropriate. A more detailed itemization of charges and back-up data will be provided at Client's request. Payment is due upon presentation of each invoice and is past due thirty (30) days from invoice date. Client shall pay a finance charge of one -and -one half percent (1 112 %) per month on past due accounts, plus attorney fees and costs associated with collection. Right -of- Client shall arrange for and provide CTL with safe access to the Project property, including access for necessary Entry equipment; to allow CTL to complete its services. While onsite, CTL will take reasonable precautions to mini- mize damage to the Project property, but Client agrees that in the normal course of work some damage may occur, the correction of which shall not be CTL's responsibility. Utilities Client shall be responsible for designating the location of all private utility lines and subterranean structures with- in the property lines of the Project. CTL will request responsible utilities to locate off -site lines and public on -site lines when necessary for CTL's services. Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold CTL harmless for dam- age to utilities or subterranean structures that are not correctly located by Client or the responsible utility. Samples CTL will retain soil and rock samples for thirty (30) days after submitting the report on those samples. Construc- tion materials samples collected and tested, if any, will be disposed of after testing. Further storage or transfer of samples can be arranged at Client's expense, upon written request. Ownership CTL retains ownership and copyrights of all work product, reports, field data, field notes, laboratory test data, of Uocu. calculations, estimates, design plans, and other documents CTL prepares in connection with this Agreement. ments Client is licensed to use these Instruments of Service solely for the purpose they were prepared in furtherance of this Agreement. Client shall not reproduce, use or alter CTL's Instruments of Service for other projects, or for making future modifications to the Project, without CTL's prior written consent. If CTL terminates this Agree- ment for non-payment. Client shall not be entitled to use CTL's Instruments of Service for any reason. CTL shall retain delivered Instruments of Service in electronic form for five (5) years following completion of its services, during which period the Instruments of Service shall be made available to Client during regular busi- ness hours. MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, LLC Service Agreement Page 1 of 5 ADU AT 10211 HIGHWAY 82 CTL I T SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. GS 18-0102 Job Site Client shall require the construction contractors and subcontractors to assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions at the Project, including the safety of persons and property, and for construction means, methods, techniques and sequences. Accordingly, Client shall defend, indemnify and hold CTL harmless from all claims for personal injury or property damage sustained due to the negligence of any contractor, subcontrac- tor, or other person not under the control of CTL i) in safeguarding the worksite, ii) for using unacceptable mate- rials in construction, iii) in constructing the Project, and iv) for claims arising under workers' compensation laws. Standard of CTL shall perform its services under this Agreement in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordi- Care narily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing Linder similar conditions. CTL makes no ex- press or implied warranty in connection with the performance of its services. Client acknowledges that subsurface conditions may vary from those CTL encounters at the location where CTL performs borings, test pits, surveys, or explorations (if any) and that CTL's data, interpretations and recommen- dations are based solely on the information available to it. Client also acknowledges that the performance of soils depends on variables beyond the control of CTL and therefore, CTL cannot and does not guarantee the performance of soils at the Project property. CTL will be responsible for its data, interpretations and recommen- dations as indicated above, but shall not be responsible for the interpretation or implementation by others of the information developed. Limitations Any claim or cause of action between Client and CTL including, but not limited to, claims for contribution and on Claims indemnity, shall be deemed to have accrued and the applicable statutes of limitation and repose shall com- mence to run no later than the date of substantial completion of CTL's services under this Agreement. Substan- tial completion shall be deemed to occur no later than the date CTL issues its final invoice under this Agree- ment. In the event of a claim, Client agrees that as its sole and exclusive remedy, any claim, demand or suit shall be brought against CTL as a corporation only, and not against any of CTL's individual employees, engineers, agents, officers, directors or shareholders. The services CTL provides pursuant to this Agreement are solely for the benefit of Client. Neither CTL nor Client intends to confer a benefit on any other person or entity. To the extent any other person or entity benefits from the services CTL provides, such benefit is purely incidental and such person or entity shall not be deemed a third party beneficiary of this Agreement. Client and CTL waive claims against each other for consequential, incidental, indirect, special, exemplary or punitive damages arising out of the services CTL performs pursuant to this Agreement This mutual waiver in- cludes, but is not limited to, claims for loss of use, product, rent, income, profit, financing, business, and reputa- tion, for delay damages of any kind, for lost management and labor productivity, lost opportunity to complete other projects, and for increased construction and financing costs.. This waiver extends, without limitation, to all consequential damages due to either party's termination under this Agreement. Limitation Client agrees CTL's total aggregate liability to Client and others for all injuries, claims, losses, damages, and of Liability expenses (including costs, expert fees, attorney fees, and interest) arising out of CTL's services for the Project shall be limited to the greater of $25,000 or CTL's fee for the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. This limitation shall apply regardless of the nature of the claim made or the theory of liability pursued, including but not limited to, negligence, strict liability, breach of contract, breach of warranty, contribution, and indemnity. CTL will have no liability to Client or others for damages resulting from the failure of Client or others to follow CTL's recommendations. MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, LLC Service Agreement Page 2 Of 5 ADU AT 10211 HIGHWAY 82 CTL I T SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. GS 18.0102 (sue Value Engi- If Client directs CTL or others to revise the Construction Documents to include value engineering, value reduc- neering tion, or substitution proposals (VE Proposals) made by others, and CTL does not recommend acceptance of the VE Proposals, then Client shall release, indemnify, and defend CTL from and against all claims, damages, loss- es, liabilities, costs and attorney fees arising from the inclusion of the VE Proposals into the Project. Insurance CTL represents that it, its employees, and the consultants it retains are protected by workers compensation insurance, and that CTL has such coverage under commercial general liability, property damage, and profes- sional liability insurance policies as CTL deems to be adequate. CTL will provide Certificates for these insurance policies to Client upon written request. CTL shall in no event be responsible for any loss or damage beyond the amounts, available limits, and conditions of these insurance policies. Termination Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon seven (7) days written notice if the other party sub- stantially fails to perform its obligations hereunder, Such termination shall not be effective if the substantial fail- ure has been remedied before expiration of the period specified in the written notice. In the event of termination, Client shall pay CTL for services performed to the termination notice date, plus reasonable termination expens- es. Hazardous Client represents that Client has made a reasonable effort to evaluate whether hazardous materials are on or Materials near the Project property and has informed CTL of any information or findings relative to the possible presence of hazardous materials. Should unanticipated hazardous materials be discovered in the course of CTL's per- formance of its services, such discovery shall constitute a changed condition mandating a renegotiation of the scope of services, or termination of services. Should the discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials require CTL to take immediate measures to protect health and safety, Client agrees to pay CTL for costs incidental to taking such measures and for necessary decontamination or replacement of affected equipment. CTL agrees to notify Client promptly when it encounters unanticipated or suspected hazardous materials. Client agrees to make any disclosure required by law to appropriate goverment agencies. Furthermore, Client agrees to de- fend, indemnify, and hold CTL harmless from all liability arising from discovery by anyone of hazardous materi- als or suspected hazardous materials. Humidity, Unless specifically stated, services intended to control humidity, moisture vapor, and mold are expressly ex - Moisture cluded from this Agreement. Client acknowledges that the growth of mold, some of which may be harmful to Vapor & human health, can be caused or exacerbated by conditions which occur inside or outside habitable structures. Mold If Client desires services intended to reduce humidity, moisture vapor and mold, CTL can provide such services for an additional fee. If such services are not expressly undertaken by CTL, Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold CTL harmless from all claims alleging that CTL caused, contributed to, or failed to prevent injury and damage related to the presence of humidity, moisture vapor or mold. Work by In performing services under this Agreement, CTL shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness Others of information, reports, recommendations, and design services provided by Client, contractors, or other consult- ants, and CTL shall have no liability for claims or damages resulting from errors and omissions in the same. Applicable The law of the State of Colorado shall govern the validity of this Agreement, and its interpretation, enforcement, Law and performance. Should any provision of this agreement be found to be unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall nonetheless remain valid and binding. MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, LLC Service Agreement Page 3 of 5 AQU AT 10211 HIGHWAY 62 CTL i T SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. GS 18.0102 Service CTLITHOMPSON Agreement Entire This Agreement shall be the entire agreement between Client and CTL and shall supersede any other agree - Agreement ment relating to the subject matter hereof. In case of conflict or inconsistency between this Agreement and any other contract documents, this Agreement shall control. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, if Client authorizes CTL to proceed with its services or if CTL begins performance of its services, this Agreement shall become an enforceable agreement between the parties regardless of whether either party has signed this Agreement. Authorization Client Signature ishroom Rock Partnership,. LLC by Caleb Edelman Name Division Manager Manager Title Title Ja��uat 8, 2098 August 14, 2018 Date Date MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP; LLC Service Agreement Page 4 of 5 ADU AT 10211 HIGHWAY 82 CTL j T SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. GS 18,0102 Geologic Hazard Evaluation A senior geological engineer will make a site visit to evaluate the subject property for geologic hazards that may affect deaign, permitting and construction of the pnnpooedADU. We will use available mapping, photog- raphy and other publications to assist our evaluation of the parcel. We will discuss each geologic hazard that we find and provide appropriate mitigation concepts to allow safe development. Should engineering design of mitigation be required, we can provide additional services based on a mutually agreed -upon scope and fee. MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, LLC Service Agreement Page 5 of 5 Aooxr1oe11HIGHWAY ^z ��® 5020 County Road 154 H-R�KUMAR Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Phone: (970) 945-7988 Materials Testing I Environmental Fax: (970) 945-8454 Email: Office Locations: Denver (HQ), Parker, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Glenwood Springs, Summit County, Colorado January 10, 2018 Caleb Edelman P. 0. Box 1799 Carbondale, Colorado, 81623 c.e@environiiientalsr)acle.cotii Project No. 18-7-104 Subject: Review of Potential Geologic Hazards, Proposed ADU, Highway 82 North of Mushroom Rock, 10211 Highway 82, Carbondale, Colorado Dear Mr. Edelman: As requested, HP/Kumar has reviewed the potential geologic hazards that could impact the site. Our findings are presented in this report. The services were performed in accordance with our I agreement for professional engineering services to you dated January 8, 2018. Background Information: Hepworth-Pawlak Gcotechnical (now HP/Kumar) previously conducted a subsoil study for design of foundations for a residence and ADU at the subject site and presented the findings in a report dated May 19, 2010, Job No. 110 08 IA. The excavation for the residence was observed to evaluate the soils for foundation support on March 14, 2014 and the findings were presented in a report dated March 17, 2014. The residence was completed in 2014. This report addresses the potential geologic hazards in the area of the proposed ADU. We understand the proposed ADU is to be located as shown on Figure 1. We understand the C, geologic hazards review is needed for the submittal to Garfield County, 2, 1=1 Site Conditions: The proposed ADU site is located south of the existing residence. There is a rough graded driveway leading from the main driveway to the proposed ADU site. This driveway will be finished with the construction of the ADU. Vegetation consists of pinon and juniper trees, sagebrush, grass, and weeds. The site is located on a west facing hillside above State Highway 82. The ground slopes down at a grade of about 30 percent in the ADU area. A debris flow several feet thick was previously observed to have knocked down a steel post and wire fence northeast of the current residence site. A deep debris flow channel was observed Caleb Edelman January 12, 2018 Page 2 southeast of the proposed ADU site. There is evidence of damage to trees along the margins of this channel. A recently fallen rock (fresh, relatively unweathered faces and no lichen growth) around 3 feet in diameter was observed lodged behind a tree on the southwest margin of this channel. Multiple smaller debris flow channels were observed to the east of the proposed ADU site, Dead trees and loose boulders were observed in these channels. Maroon Formation bedrock outcrops above the building area on slopes greater than 45 percent. These outcrops are moderately weathered and relatively highly fractured. Fracture spacing ranged from around 3 to 5 feet. Boulders up to around 8 feet in size were observed near the building site. Geologic Hazards Review: Potential major geologic hazards that could impact the site consist of rockfall and debris flow. ��,/,{u�� The rockfall hazard is due to th edrocedf k outcrops above the site and are moderately frequent in the area. Rockfall can damage homes and property when larger rocks fall. Debris flows occur from hillside and mountainside drainages due to heavy rainfall sometimes associated with snow - melt. Debris flows are moderately common along Highway 82 in steep areas within and below the Maroon Formation. The debris flow hazard at the subject site is due to the drainage which currently outlets to the southeast of the site to Highway 82 and the smaller drainages to the east of the site. The subject site is located on a relatively thick debris fan deposit from these drainages. The potential hazards appear to be active geologic processes at the subject site and in nearby areas, and should be expected in the future. However, without long term observations, it is not possible to develop a statistical recurrence probability of the hazards. We are aware of recent debris flows and rockfall in the vicinity of the site. Although the probability that a debris flow or rockfall will impact the proposed ADU is likely low, a debris flow or rockfall has the potential to cause major damage to buildings with a risk of harm'to the occupants. If this risk is not .eceptable to the owgkr, then the feasibility of mitigation should be considered. Rockfall in the area has been mitigated with rockfall catching barriers, and debris flows with soil herons, impact walls, rigid porous barriers, and flexible porous barriers, which may or may not be feasible at the site due to the limited area on the lot behind the proposed ADU and the Bureau of H-PMWMAR Project No. 18-7-104 C:� J3 Caleb Edelman January 12, 2018 Page 3 Land Management property, and the steepness of the terrain. The feasibility of mitigation would need to be evaluated by additional assessments for each potential hazard. Limitations: This review was conducted according to generally accepted geotechnical engineering rinci les and practices in this area at this time:. We make no warranty either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the proposed construction, the grading plans provided to us, our field observations, and our experience in the area. We are not responsible for technical interpretation of our findings by others. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, H-P�,% KUMAR Robert L. Duran, E. I. Reviewed by: Steven L. Pawlak, RLDlkac Attachment: Fig n-rmumnk Project No. 18-7-104 .Z m � _ �. e �' l �\ I m R., }\ N ��\ ��+}J}j�` I. � y pT} �.� VIZ 4�� __ � �X 5 // � /I { \ G _ ��/ �`�' y1- i 0 i; F _T..- c ,� / I�y, p � . � /K.� / : m � � O � / d I� a \` - ���`�` .. �; � i �, � f' Q . --- , g _.__, � !I1 �- a e 0 r' 00 C(a S H-RWUMAR 5029pring Count154 y Glenwood Springs, CO 8107 Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Phone: (970) 945-7988 Materials Testing I Environmental Fax: (970) 945-8454 Email: Office Locations: Denver (H% Parker, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Glenwood Springs, Summit County, Colorado March 14, 2018 Caleb Edelman P.O. Box 1799 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Project No. 18-7-104 Subject: Clarification to Potential Geologic Hazards Review, Proposed ADU, Highway 82 North of Mushroom Rock, 10211 Highway 82, Carbondale, Colorado Dear Mr. Edelman: As requested, HP/Kumar performed a review of potential geologic hazard impacts to the proposed ADU site. Our findings were presented in a report dated January 10, 2018, Project No. 18-7-104. This clarification is in response to the email from Dave Argo with Garfield County dated March 13, 2018, item B requesting Geologic Hazards Mitigation Measures. Geologic Hazards Review: Our review was performed to assess potential major geologic hazards that could impact the site which identified rockfall and debris flow. The rockfall hazard is due to the bedrock outcrops above the site. The debris flow hazard is mainly due to the hillside drainage which currently outlets to the southeast of the site and smaller drainages to the east. The subject site is located on a relatively thick debris fan deposit from these drainages. Conclusions: Although the site has been identified as potentially being impacted by rockfall and debris flow, we understand tLa this risk is acceptable. to the. owner and no mitigation measures specific to these hazards are planned. Since the hazard risks are accepted by the owner, additional assessments for mitigation methods are not warranted at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, H-P�k KUMAD Steven L. Pawls] SLP/kac �4J Blue areas indicate slopes greater than 30%. Notice that the undisturbed areas east and south of the building site are all less than 30%. Therefore, it appears that the excess slopes inside the building site are the direct result of man-made site excavations and disturbances. f f.� rip D 0 �C �... igit_Ily.,Sig rled�tr� e C the juthor . Cr— CO September 18,2018 Mushroom Rock Partnership, LLC PDBox 17Q9 Carbondale, Colorado 81O23 Attention: Caleb Edelman Subject Geologic Hazard Evaluation ADUat10211 Highvvay82 Carbondale, Colorado Project No. GS06271-105 At your request, we made field observations and performed research to evaluate the geologic hazards present at the site of an auxiliary dwelling unit (ADU) planned for the subject lot, Our services were performed to fulfill the scope described in our Proposal No. G8 18-01O2;dated January 8. 2018. An existing single-family residence is on the parcel at 10211 Highway 82. The proposed ADU is south of the residence and Situated near the toe of a steep west -facing hillside below a naginno| mesa that defines Heuanhke| Park above. Highway 82and the Roaring Fork River are tothe west. The project area isshown nnthe Gong|e Earth photo reproduced below from June 2017. A cliff point that divides two incised drainages is at about elevation 6670 and the ADU site is at about 6170 feet, The overall slope above the building to the cliff point is about 1 JH: 1 V or about 60 percent. The area of the new building has slopes that are about 4HAV or about 25 percent. Deeply incised drainages bracket the site north and south of the existing and proposed dwellings and can be seen onthe photo below. Google Earth excerpt from June 2017. Existing home and driveway is visible nor -in ot trie rea arrow met points iothe existing excavation for the planned ADU.Highway 02ioat the left. The development is situated onawest-trending ridge between two incised drainages leading off steep slope oil the hill and mesa above. 234Center Drive | Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Telephone: 970-945-2809 Fax: 970-945-7411 The planned home iushown ondrawings byStudio Ddated November 2017and will be a ranch over a finished basement that may walk -out at the northwest corner. An excavation of a few to about 12 feet deep appears to have been made at the site be- tween 2011 and 2015.based onaerial photo review. The location iadenoted bvthe red arrow. The excavation is presurnably for the planned ADU foundation and was dry at the time ofmyvisit onAugust 29.2O18. An excerpt is presented below from the Geologic Map of the Carbondale Quad- rangle by R. M. Kj[bhG0 and B. L. Widmann of the Colorado Geologic Survey, 2008. Setting and geology of the site can be described as a moderate to very steep hillside above the Roaring Fork River. The Pennsylvanian -age Eagle Valley formation, gray and yellow shale and sandstone comprise the cliffs just above the building site. The slightly more resistant Maroon formation, red bed sandstone and siltstone forms the upper cliffs. Both formations are considered erosion -prone. The project site lies on a thick apron of oo|iuviumandu|npewaahoouroeUinrapid\y-erodingbedrockdiffeabove.Theoo||uv|um deposit is well -exposed in the east wall of the existing foundation excavation shown in Photos 1. 2 and 5 below. The colluvium is a chaotic mixture of tabular sandstone boul- ders in a silty and sandy clay matrix and appears to be the result of ancient MUcIflow off the hillside above. The reasonably well-defined topsoil layer exposed at the top of the excavation indicates the recurrence interval of mudflows that formed these slopes is probably hundreds of years or more, Observations of the ground surface around the ex- isting residence and ADU area indicated shallow drainage swales with no evidence of erosive flow. Excerpt from 2008 Geologic Map of the Carbondale Quadrangle. Arrow points to approximate location of ADU. /idebris fan deposit |omapped north ofthe ADUsite and ioassociated with dep- osition ina|arQ*vdrainegetothanorth,|noieeddnainagesnmthandsouMhcfthehdge that comprises the project site appear to have carried recent erosive flood flow. Photos 3 and 4 show views of these drainages. Our observations in the field and from aerial pho- tos indicate that these ditch features have carried recent floods without obviously spilling into the project area. We view the debris flow hazard as low on the ADU site, provided the "ditches" north and south of the area are maintained to handle potential flow. MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, ux _52�:E' Aouxr/oo1HIGHWAY oc PROJECT NO. im Photo 2 — View to'the -north wall of the excavation. The materials exposed are typical of the bOUldery slope - wash colluvium common below steep slopes formed of the Paleozoic -age Maroon and Eagle Valley for- mations, The clasts in the deposit are mostly tabular sandstone boulders and cobbles in a matrix of red silty sand with clay. Note the reasonably well -developed humic soil horizon at the top of the excavation that indi- cates no recent site -wide slope wash deposition, MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, LLC ADU AT 10211 HIGHWAY 82 PROJECT NO. GS06271.000-105 Springs - P,ojects%GS06271.009005t1 Letters"GS06271.000-105 Letter tdocx Photo 3 - View looking west in the southern incised drainage located about 150 feet south of the ADU site. Photo 4 — View looking east in the northern incised drainage located about 120 feet north of the existing home. MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, LLC ADU AT 10211 HIGHWAY 82 PROJECT NO. GS06271.000-105 C9UserslathatelBoxtPc ojests\Glenwood Springs - Projects*506271.00041051,3, Lefter,%G$06271.000.106 Letter t.docx Photos—ViemtoNaoouthwal|ofdmoxcevahoo Geologic Hazards Geologically, the site isarapidly-chonging landscape and has some risk com- pared tnaflatade.Thecol|uvie|smUisreononablyutrong|naloca|andg|oba menneun- |aasvvetted.{)urobsemationoindicahanoon-gning|anda|idinyorne|atoUdopemove- mentiSauos.Gen|ogiohazardathsdoou|daffeotth8proposed(endexisting)nesidenoe include rockfalls, mudOowo and debris fans, eroaion, potentially unstable slopes and the regional issues ofseismic affects and naturally occurring radioactivity, Most ofthese are described below. Rockfalls VV*found nounusual risk ofn>chfaU.considering the terrain and location. The slopes above and below the site expose boulders that are typically thepeeu|tnfbeingnx- poaedbyeroaionofthecoUuviummatrix.natherthanpartofaroohfaU.Thoo|opoofth* ADU is gentle to moderate for at least 100 feet above and a graded road provides some extra protection from uphill hazards such as rolling rocks or even flood. The risk of rock - fall is judged to be low. Mitigation for rockfall does not appear to be merited unless a low risk cannot be accepted. Catchment ditches and energy absorbing fences are the pri- marymeenotocontnn|rnckfa||.VVeviovvthaSeayatemeaoopdiona|. Mudflows and Debris Fans The area north and South ofthe &OUsite ksprone iomudflowand debris fan for- mation vvhepemizeab|aondateepdna|nagnshavernoerodibkebedrockandooi|.Thein- cieeddiicheanorthandsVuthofMheAOUappae[capab(oofonnveyinQmudf|oworde- bri* fan deposits onto Highway 82 below the site, and probably have in the past. Photos indicate these ditches have successfully carried recent significant flow, We believe the recurrence iDt8nxa| offlows that would inundate the project site is more than 100yeara as evidenced by the soil horizon exposed in the excavation and observation of the nearby ground surface conditions. Therefore, the risk of mudflow and debris fan for- mation m#ouhng the ADU project appears to be low. Mitigation to maintain relatively |ovv MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, uo ^ouxr1m11HIGHWAY ox PROJECT woGSe��0-105 risk would include regular inspectionand maintenance of the ditches to prevent them from overflowing above the existing residence orproposed &DU. A civil engineer with expertise in surface water hydrology can assist to determine the design flood and ability of the existing drainage ditches to carry the flow. Our brief observations indicate the ditches have carried significant flow inrecent years. Potentially Unstable Slopes Slopes well -above the project oitebeconnn progressively steeper toward the Ma- roon formation sandstone cliffs at the top of the mesa. These slopes are erodible and somewhat unstable. Water erosion, chemical weathering and gravity contribute to risk of slope instability. Our observations indicated no evidence of an existing or incipient land- slide that could affect the ADU,The current good drainage inthe site ofthe /\DUand rel- atively dry climate reduce the risk that unstable S|0pRs will affect the project. K8@ea wast- ing due to erosion is the most serious slope instability risk on this site. To the extent that the site remains relatively dry, risk ofunstable slopes is low. Photo 2 shows avertica| ex- cavation in the colluvium that has stayed stable for the years it has remained open. Miti- gation for potentially unstable slopes does not appear to be necessary for construction of theA[)U. Seismic Effects The site isexposed torisks due tOseismicity. This part nfColorado has alow risk ofseismic movements that could damage residential construction. Faults near the pro- ject site are thought to be inactive and are related to mountain building episodes that are many millions of years old. There is increased risk of some of the above -mentioned geo- logic hazards during seismic events, but there is no need for mitigation compared to sim- ilar sites in the area. Summary In summary, the site is exposed toolow risk of geologic hazards. None of the identified risks require mitigation. The capacity of the incised drainage ditches north and south ofthe /\DUshould heevaluated with respect hnthe design Oood. This will help you determine the risk mfflooding. We believe this consultation was prepared with that level of skill and care nor- mally exerdsedbv geological engineers inthe area, edthis time. No warranty, express or implied is made. Should you have questions about this letter, please contact me. CTLITH David A�G Principal G OAGJDK:8o MUSHROOM ROCK PARTNERSHIP, uo xuu*r1mu1HIGHWAY m PROJECT NO. aemmn.000-1oa o^v"",*"m"'*o°*n*^**sm"°""^op*s ' Reviewed By: James D. Kellogg, P.E. ov vision Manager