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758 Becord.ed. at 1:,0 P.l{.
Reception No. 2579+2
llay 19 | L967
Chas . S .Kee gan, Reeorcler.
THIS DEED, Made this lst day of lVlay in the year.of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven between NEIL S. MINCER and ERVEN
T" LARSON of the County of Garfield and State of Colorado, of the first part,
and IJNION OIL COMPANY Of'CALIFORNIA, a corporation organized and
existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, of the second
WITNPSSETH" That the said parties of the first part, for and in consid-
eration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable considerations to the said
parties of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the
receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have granted, bargained,
sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, se1l, convey and
confirm, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns
forever, all of the following deseribed lots or parcels of land, situate, lying
and being in the Counfy of Garfield and State of Colorado, to-wit:
ParcelNo. t: Lots 6, ?, B and 9 of Section ?, Tp. ? S,, R. BB W. of
the 6th P.M.; Lot 31 of Section I and Lots 1 and 10 of Section 12,
Tp. ? S., R,. 89 West of the 6th P.M.
Lots 3 and 4 in Section 7 and Lots 2, 3, 6 and ? in Section 18,
Tp. ? S., Range BB W. of the 6th P.IVI. and Lots 11, 1? artd 18
in Section 12, Tp. 7 S., R. Bg W', of the 6th P,M., except an
undivided 1 /50 of all oil and gas lying in and under said lands
previously reserved in Doeument No, L76326, in Book 258 at
Page 594 of the Garfield County Records.
Ali that portion of Lot 5 inSection ?, Lot 1 in Section 18
and Lot 5 in Section L?, Tp. ? S., R. BB West of the 6th P.M.
situate South and West of a line beginning at a point on the East
line of said Lot 5 in said Section 1?, South 61"2tEast 921.45feet
from the Witness corner common to Sections ?, B, 17 and 18 in
said ?ownship and R,ange; thence North 61o2t West 927,45 feet;
thence North 4?"5'West 63L feet; thence North 63o40r West 138
feet; thence North 86"15t West 403 feef, and thence North 13o West
to the North line of said Lot 5 in said Section 7,
Excepting the six and one-fourth per eerLt (6*%\ royalty frorn
out of all the oil, gas and other minerals produced and saved from
Book 184
the above-dedcribed lands eonveyed to T. M. Sanders by Quit Page 399
Claim Deed recorded as Document No. 228037 in Book 362 at
Page 445 of the Garfiel.d County Records.
Excepting all those portions of the above-described lands
previously conveyed by deeds recorded as Document No. 28929
in Book 61 at Page 389, Document No, 30018 in Book 64 at Page
31, Document No, 37559 in Book ?9 at Page 100, Document No.
161436 in Book 221 at Page 374, Document No, 161654 in Book
226 at Page 255, Document No. 161828 in Booh 229 at Page 541,
Document No. 225543 in Book 358 at Page 91, and Documdnt No.
2372L5 in Book 382 at Page 31? of the Garfield County Records.
Together with all water and water rights, ditches and ditch
rights appurtenant to, used upon or in connection with any and
all of the above-deseribed lands and particularly, but not limited
to, all of the Grantorsr right, title and interest in the Staton Diteh,
its enlargements and extensj.ons and water priorities and water
rights. Also, the Louis Wal.ker spring and all rights granted in
said spring by Document No. 41194 in Book B0 at Page 243 of the
Garfield County records, and all water and water rights represented
by 386 shares of the capital stock of the Glenwood Irrigation Company.
Together with all reversionary rights or interests to whietr the
first parties mlght become entitled by reason of relinquishment or
abandonment of any and all easements or rights-of-way running
through the lands above described, or any part thereof.
Parcel No. 2: A11 of Lots numbered 12 and 13 in,Section 28, and
all of Lots numbered 1, B, 9, L0 and 11 in Section 29, Township 7
South, Range 88 West of the 6th P.M., excepting those portions con-
veyed out by the following Documents as recorded in the Garfield
County records, to-wit:
Document No. 27427, recorded in Book 61 at Page 5;
Document No. 352AL, recorded in Book 75 at Page 123;
Document No. 168799, recorded in Book 243 at Page 391;
Document No. 2260A4, recorded in Book 359 at Page ?,
, A11 of that portion of Lots 12, L3 and 19 of Section 29, Towrtship
? South, Range BB West of the 6th P.M. lying Northerly and Easterly
of the following-described line:
Beginning at a point whence the Quarter Corner between said
Sections 28 and 29 bears N. llq16t45rr W. 2401.69 feet; thence S. B9o44t
W. 401.35 feet; thence S. B6"30t W. 156.?3 feet; thence N. ?0o03'
W. 114.48 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 19; thence
N. ?0o03! W. 409. ?9 feet; thence N. ?0o30' W. 354" 2B feet; thence
N. 69*.10r W. 188"49 feet; thence S. 28"56r W. 305.48 feet; thence
S" 29"10t W. 66.09 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 19;
thence West 29L.29 feet along the Southerly line of said Lot 19; thence
N. 11"04' E. 308.89 feet; thence N. 14"00' W. 306.64 feet; thenee
N. 54"10r W. 258.35 feet; thence N. 66"09r W. 39?.?9 feet; thence
N. 45ot8t W. 884.34 feet; thenee N. ?1"35'30" w. 277.32 feet; thence
N. 44"21r W. 273. 84 feet; thence N. 39o08t W, 214. 11 feet to a point
on the 'Westerly line of said Lot 13.
Together with all improvements thereon and all ditch and ditch rights,
water and water rights used upoir or in connection with all of the above-
described lands, including all ditch and water rights in the Kaiser
and sievers Ditch and in ttr-e southard and cavanaugh Ditch, .and
including the five eubic feet of water per second of time for whieh
decree was entered in Civil Aetion No. 596? of the Distriet Court
in and for the County of Garfield and Sfate of Colorado for ehange
of point of diversion to the headgate of the Southard and Cavanaugh
Together with all reversionary rights or interests to which the
first parties might beeome entitled by reason of relinquishment or
abandonment of any and aLl easements or rights-of-way running
through the lmds above described, or ally part thereof .
Together with 38 shares of the eapital stoek of the North Thompson-
tr'our Mile Mineral and Land Corporation and a 28-head cattle grazing
permit on the White R;iver National Forest.
Subject to a reservation by Lillian I. Corye1l, Perry C. Coryell
and Perry L. Coryell, jointly, their heirs and assign$, in perpetuity,
a seven per cent (7%) royalty from and out of all of the oil, gas and
other mineral.s produeed and saved from said lands, said royalty
to be delivered and paid to them, their heirs or assigns, free of
costs of production.
Subject to a reserva:lion by Lillian I. Coryell to herself, and
to her heirs and assigns of an easement or right-of-way in common
with the above-named grantee, its successors and assigns, over and
along. the roadway now in use between the county road across said
Lots 12 and 13 in said Section 28 to the land of the said Lillian I.
Coryell described as Lot 25 in said Section 28.
Tiis conveyance is subject to all existing easements and rights-
of-way for roads, ditches and utility lines across said lands, or
any portion thereof; and is also subject to that-certain deed of trust
recorded in Book 363 at Page 35, Dccument No . 228222, of the
Garfield County Records, vthich deed of trust, and the balance of
the indebtedness secured thereby, the said party of the second part
hereby assunoes and agrees to Pay.
TOGETIfSR, with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or irr anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions,
remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate,
right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said parties of the
first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises,
with the hereditaments and appurtenances.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described,
with the appurtenanees, unto the said party of the seeond Ptrt, its successors
Bao?" 184
YaAe j(*
and assigus forever. And the saii parties of the first ;rat't, for themeelves,
their helrs, exccutors, and adminisfrators, do eovenant, grant, bargain and
agree to and with thc said party of the secotrd part, its suceessors and aseigns,
that at.{hc tirn* of the onscaling and delivery of these prcscnts, tltey are lvell
selaed of {,hc premises above eonveyed, as of good, sure, ltelfcet, absolrrte
and indefeasible estate of inlreritance, in law, in fec sinr;rlc, and havc good
liglrt, full powcr and lawful authorlty to grant, balgain, sell aud convey the
samp. in n:rannct and form as aforesaid, and that the sartre are frec and clear
frorrr all forfirs.r and otlrer grants, bargains, gales, liens, ta;reg, agsegsnrsntg
and incumbraneeg of whatcver kind or ns.ture soever, exc(.pt thc Daed of Trust
above-deecribcd and oxcept the taxes for 196? duc in 1968, ait of whlch thc
grantca lrclein asgultrt's and agrecs to pay, and tltc above bargained pscrniscs
iu the quiet and peaccful Jrossession of thc sairl party of the sccond pant, its
successors and asstgrrs, agalnst all and every'person or persons lawfully clairn-
iug or to clainl tlre whole or aDy Jrr.rt thereof, thc said lrertir,s of tlre first part
shall and will. WABRANT AND FOREVtrn Dtrf,'END.
IN WITNASS WIIEREOII, The said parties of tltc, f*'st lrart bave herpurrto
set their harrds alrd seals thc day and year fit'st above rvrittr.tr,
. 'L'ho forcgoirrg irrstnuuient rra6 acknowledged bctorc
!|-,nie-thfs 19tlr clay of lf.ry, 1967, by \AILIl. MII{CER antl ERVEN T. J-ARSON.
i;.:til.ITNESS nr.y hand and oftrclal seal.
"11\ty'"oto*'ssio$ expires August 18, 1g?0'
Book 59O Reco:deil l-1:1O A Novenbar 2o., 1967
I necopuoi N"?:19. 5-L0..........-..$hae."S.&eeS.an.;.........-.,..-.....Fecordrr.
Txrs 1Drro, uaae tnlr iSdih ' rtry ot October
l! tho yelr ot our Lgnl oae thourin[ nlne hurdred .nil sixty-seven
betweui', MARY LU 1i'. SdfeURC ana
J. P. SEE$-URG II olihe
Cbunty ot . Ga?fi.eld r,rit gtato
ol Col6ndo, ol the ligt 3art, ard UNION OIL COMPANY Ol'
CALIF ORNIA, . t corporatloa organizeil rnil
exirttug uader rnrl.by virtue of ile{awr ot the Stct€ ot California ,
ol thi reconil part:
WITNDSSEIE, 1[tat tho 3altt parties ol the lirrt pert, tor aril in conridelation ot tbo lum of
Ten Dollars and other good and vahrable eonsideration, xtcErfirt,
tothoraialBa* ies olt,hefinipattlnhaldleidbythe raid.pavty ol tbs recond !art, the receipt whereol lr
hereby confegeit auil aohorlsilged, bave granteq bergrlneil, rold aaal conveyed, auil by tbere prerentr do
grant, bargdinr Sell, convey aud confirm, unto tbc rald party of the aecond psrtr ltt luocellorr rnd rufuar loroyor,
ali of ibe followiag degcrlbed lot or percel o! land, dtuato, lyrry and beitg ln tho
County of Garfield anal Stote of Coloredo, to-vitr
A tract of land situated in Lot 2, Sectiorf 29, Tp. ? S.', R. 83 West of the
6th P.M., and more ful1y described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 2, a1so, whence the Northeast
corner of saidSection 29, bears N. 38"18' E. L250,56 feet; thence N.88"89r W.
1282. 33 feet along South line.of said Lot.2, to the eenter of Roaring Fork River;
thence N. 43"38' E. 438. 94 feet along eenter R,oaring Fork R,iver; thence N. 69o28t8. 218.6.feet along center R,oaring 3'ork R,iver; thence N, 80"42t 8.213.8
feet along center Roaring.Fork F,iver; thence S. 76o32r E. 28A.7.feet along
center Roaring Fork River; thence S. 50o22r E. 38?.3 feet along center R,oaring
Fork River to the East line of said Lat 2, and thence S. 01o32r r$ii. 149.96 feet
along the East line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning and containing 9.33
aeres, more or l-ess.
TOGETUER vith all *lrl singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belougiag or in anywlse
sppertainin& anil tho reversion aad revenioal, renalnder aad renaiaden, reutr, ilruos and protits tLereof,; and all
the estate, righ! title, interes! claim anil demauit whatsoover of ihe raiil pe* ies ol the first part, eitber tn hw
or equity, ot, in anil to the above bergaiued Bremiaes, with ths beleditaments and appurtonaacet.
TO SAYE AND TO EOLD the said prenises abovo bargalnetl aad described, vlth tbe appurtenerces, urto tho
raiil party ol thqggcggd pari, its successols auil assig:rs foreven AniI the said parti.es of the first Bdrt, for
themgel ves /*'Ydus, executors, anrt administrators, do covenant, grrnt, bargaia aud a[teo to aud with
the said'parby of ibo seconil parb, its succelsois auil asgigng, th,a! at the time of the ense6liag ar:il delivery of
these prisents, they are welt aelzsal of tle prennlses above eoaveyed, as of good, gurer'perfect, absolute anil
indefeasible estate of, iuhoritonce, in lew, in f,ee gimBle, aad have good right, full lower ancl lswfirl autlaliiy to
grau$ bargain, sell and convey the sriue in maraer aad form as aforesaid, and th*t the same are free gntl cleat from
all forrder atril other gtants, bargainsr.sales;lieD$, taxes, asssssments and incumbrences of vhetevei kintl or naturo
$nll !0cllHilllAlY Fl' NOv 2u 1967 . ;
and=6ETbiG-SiEiiiGd-premlges in the quiet and peacefut poesession o:f fle geid p*rby ol the seconil pa!t, its
guccissors antl assigns, ageinst all anil every person or lersbns lovtuliy claiuing or to claim ths whole or any lart
thereof, tbe said pa*iesot tle first part slau end rill WAnnANT AND FOREVER DEI'END,
.IN I44ITNSSS XTSDADOF, fhe said parties ol tls fir8t patt Lave herounto set their hands
anil eealS tho day ald year {irst abovs vritten.
Signed, Sealed ald Ddivered ir the Preeence ot
Fe 6,1968.a
me this 16th aay ot Nor/ember
i' -!
t,e n\I
No.r952 wARRrNrr DpED To PlotogrrDhlc lca!{.-
-Brddtord-Roll@!Prrrclsg CoED.w, 182&{6 gtouc Std.btr Dov*, @Iohdo