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1.00 Application
Siting and Land Rights 1800 Larimer Street Denver, CO 80202 April 12, 2024 Sent via email to ghartmann@garfield-county.com and pberry@garfield-county.com and U.S mail Glenn Hartmann, Director of Community Development Philip Berry, Planner 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 RE: Mitchell Creek to Rifle-Ute Electric Transmission Line Rebuild Project– Location and Extent Review Application Submittal Dear Mr. Hartmann: Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo), a Colorado corporation conducting business as Xcel Energy, is seeking approval of a Location and Extent (L&E) Permit from Garfield County, Colorado to rebuild a portion of the existing Mitchell Creek to Rifle-Ute 69-kilovolt transmission line located in Garfield County. The approximate 25-mile rebuilt transmission line would follow the existing route connecting the existing Mitchell Creek Substation to the existing Rifle-Ute Substation (Project). Approximately 18 miles of the proposed transmission line occurs within unincorporated Garfield County (229 proposed transmission poles), approximately 4 miles are within Bureau of Land Management (BLM) jurisdiction (47 proposed transmission poles), approximately 1.5 miles are in the City of Glenwood Springs jurisdiction (14 proposed transmission poles), approximately 1 mile is in the Town of New Castle jurisdiction (18 proposed transmission poles), and the remaining approximately 0.1 miles are in the City of Rifle jurisdiction (3 proposed transmission poles). The L&E Review application only addresses the portion of the transmission line located within Garfield County jurisdiction. PSCo is currently coordinating with BLM, the City of Glenwood Springs, the Town of New Castle, and the City of Rifle on the portions of the Project located in those jurisdictions. Project representatives met with County Staff on December 2, 2021 for the Pre-Application Conference and again on December 6, 2023 where PSCo provided information about the Project and responded to questions from County representatives about the Project. This L&E application has been prepared per the requirements outlined in the 2023 Pre-Application Conference summary, provided by Garfield County and complies with both the 2030 Garfield County Comprehensive Plan and the Garfield County Land Use Development Code, Article 4: Application and Review Procedures, Section 4-111, (1)(D). We look forward to working with you during the permit process. If you need any additional information, please contact me by telephone at (303) 285-6533 or email at Jennifer.L.Chester@XcelEnergy.com or contact Cory Miller at (303) 285-6765 or cory.r.miller@xcelenergy.com or our consultant Brooke Hines with Burns and McDonnell at (720) 592-3402 or email at bahines@burnsmcd.com. Sincerely, Jennifer Chester Xcel Energy Siting & Land Rights, Manager Telephone: (303) 285-6533 Jennifer.L.Chester@XcelEnergy.com LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION Guidline Cpcn Word Document Title TRANSMISSION LINE 6584 REBUILD PROJECT LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION GARFIELD COUN TY, COLORADO APRIL 2024 LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION i CONTENTS 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Regulatory Framework .................................................................................... 3 1.1.a State of Colorado ............................................................................... 3 1.1.b Garfield County .................................................................................. 3 1.1.c City of Glenwood Springs .................................................................. 3 1.1.d Town of New Castle ........................................................................... 3 1.1.e City of Rifle ........................................................................................ 3 1.1.f BLM ................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Submittal Requirements .................................................................................. 6 2 Application components ........................................................................................... 8 2.1 Land use application form ............................................................................... 8 2.2 Ownership Documentation .............................................................................. 8 2.3 Authorization from Property Owners ............................................................... 8 2.4 Authorized Signatures on the Application ....................................................... 8 2.5 Statement of Authority ..................................................................................... 8 2.6 Application Fee ............................................................................................... 9 2.7 Payment Agreement Form .............................................................................. 9 2.8 Pre-Application Conference Summary ............................................................ 9 2.9 Vicinity Map ..................................................................................................... 9 2.10 Names and Addresses of Property Owners within 200 feet and Mineral Estate Owners ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.11 Site Plan ........................................................................................................ 10 2.12 Narrative Description ..................................................................................... 10 2.12.a Tower Construction .......................................................................... 11 2.12.b Construction Methods ...................................................................... 13 2.12.c Height of Towers and any Increase in Height from Existing Towers 14 2.12.d Visual Mitigation ............................................................................... 14 2.12.e Visual Modeling and Photo Simulation ............................................ 15 2.12.f Access Information .......................................................................... 15 LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION ii 2.12.g Temporary Construction Easements ............................................... 15 2.12.h Traffic Information ............................................................................ 16 2.12.i Construction Duration and Timing ................................................... 17 2.12.j Public Outreach ............................................................................... 17 3 Statement Addressing Review Criteria in Section 4-111.C ..................................... 18 3.1 Conformance with Garfield County Comprehensive Plan ............................. 18 4 References to the Comprehensive Plan ................................................................. 19 4.1 Chapter 2 Future Land Use ........................................................................... 19 4.2 Chapter 3, Section 4 – Economics, Employment, and Tourism .................... 19 4.2.a Policy 2 – Enhancing the Tourism Industry ...................................... 20 4.2.b Policy 3 – Visual, Traffic and Environmental Impacts ...................... 20 4.2.c Policy 4 - Economic Resiliency and Diversity .................................. 21 4.2.d Policy 5 - Locations that possess physical features and community facilities and services ...................................................................................... 21 4.3 Chapter 3, Section 5 – Recreation, Open Space and Trails .......................... 22 4.4 Chapter 3, Section 8 - Natural Resources ..................................................... 22 4.4.a Policy 2 - Avoid disturbance and mitigation impacts ........................ 22 4.4.b Policy 3 – Agency coordination ........................................................ 23 5 Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 24 TABLES Table 1-1: Summary of Land Use Permit Requirements Applicable to the Project ..... 4 Table 1-2: Garfield County Location and Extent Review Application Submittal Requirements ....................................................................................................... 6 Table 2-1: Descriptions of the Existing and New Poles in Unincorporated Garfield County ................................................................................................................ 12 Table 2-2: Anticipated Project Schedule ................................................................... 17 LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION iii FIGURES Figure 1-1: Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild Project Location, Mitchell Creek to Rifle Ute Substations .................................................................................................... 2 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A – LAND USE APPLICATION ATTACHMENT B – PROPERTY OWNER LIST ATTACHMENT C – COPY OF LETTER ADDRESSING AUTHORITY TO FILE & NON- APPLICABILITY OF REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT D – STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY ATTACHMENT E – PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUMMARIES ATTACHMENT F – PAYMENT AGREEMENT FORM ATTACHMENT G – NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 200 FEET, MAPS, AND PUBLIC NOTICE SIGNS ATTACHMENT H – SITE PLAN ATTACHMENT I – PLAN & PROFILE DRAWINGS ATTACHMENT J – POLE DETAILS ATTACHMENT K – POLE HEIGHTS ATTACHMENT L – REVEGETATION PLAN AND WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN ATTACHMENT M – VISUAL SIMULATIONS ATTACHMENT N – DRAINAGE MEMO ATTACHMENT O – PUBLIC OUTREACH SUMMARY ATTACHMENT P – COLORADO PARKS AND WILDLIFE COMMENT LETTER LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION iv LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Term/Phrase/Name BLM Bureau of Land Management BMPs Best Management Practices CDOT Colorado Department of Transportation Code Garfield County Land Use and Development Code County Garfield County CPW Colorado Parks and Wildlife CSDO Colorado State Demography Office FAA Federal Aviation Administration kV kilovolt L&E Location and Extent OPGW Optical Ground Wire Project Rebuild of the existing Mitchell Creek to Rifle Ute 69 kilovolt (kV) transmission line PSCo Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation conducting business as Xcel Energy ROW Right-of-way easement TCE Temporary Construction Easement UGA Urban Growth Area LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1 1 INTRODUCTION Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo), a Colorado corporation conducting business as Xcel Energy, is proposing to rebuild the existing Mitchell Creek to Rifle Ute 69 kilovolt (kV) transmission line (Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild or Project) located in Garfield County, Colorado (County). The existing transmission line must be rebuilt because it has reached the end of its operational life. The rebuilt transmission line will continue to operate at 69 kV and will be rebuilt to current design standards that include additional measures to reduce wildfire risk in accordance with Xcel Energy’s Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Xcel Energy developed a Wildfire Mitigation Plan in 2020 that identified eight 69kV transmission lines to be rebuilt by 2025 as a part of its Major Transmission Line Rebuild Plan (Xcel Energy 2020). This Project is within a portion of one of the eight transmission lines identified to be rebuilt. This Project will mitigate wildfire risk by removing and replacing the existing aging infrastructure. The approximate 25-mile rebuilt transmission line will follow the current route connecting the existing Mitchell Creek Substation, located within the City of Glenwood Springs, to the existing New Castle Substation, located in New Castle, and then on to the Rifle Ute Substation, located east of Rifle (Figure 1-1). The transmission line right- of-way (ROW Easement) crosses the following jurisdictions: • Garfield County- 18.2 miles (229 pole replacements) • City of Glenwood Springs- 1.5 miles (14 pole replacements) • Town of New Castle- 1 mile (18 pole replacements) • City of Rifle- 0.20 mile (3 pole replacements) • Bureau of Land Management (BLM)- 4 miles (47 pole replacements) This Location and Extent (L&E) Review application only applies to the portion of the Project located within unincorporated Garfield County. Xcel Energy is currently coordinating with the City of Glenwood Springs, Town of New Castle, the City of Rifle, and BLM on permitting the portions of the Project located in those jurisdictions. This L&E Review application package was prepared per the requirements of Section 4- 111, Table 4-201, and Section 4-203 of the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code (Code) as well as Xcel Energy’s Pre-Application Conference Summary. MITCHELL CREEK SUBSTATION NEWCASTLE SUBSTATION RIFLE (UTE) SUBSTATION 70 6 70 13 311 245 82 MURRAY YARD MCLIN YARD NUTRIENT FARMS YARD LANDFILL YARD GLENWOOD SPRINGS NEW CASTLE RIFLE SILT S 93W S 91W S89W S90W 5S91W 5S90W S 91W 5S89W S89W S93W 5S92W S92W S90W Project: I:\ESP\Projects\XcelEnr\Rebuilds_GIS\ArcGIS_Pro\6584\2023_12_15_Garfield_County_LE_Maps\2023_12_15_Garfield_County_LE_Maps.aprx Layout: 1-1 Vicinity Map C O L O R A D O 1:180,00 0 1½3 Miles Scale: 1:180,000 Date: 2/8/2024 Data Sources: Xcel Energy, CDOT, CNHP, ESRI, BLM, Burns & McDonnellSurface Management Bureau of Land Management US Forest Service Other Federal State Local Private Conservation Municipal Areas Township/Range Boundary Project Components Substation Yard Location Existing 6584 Centerline Proposed 6584 Centerline 3 Mile Radius of Project Figure 1-1 - Vicinity Map Xcel Energy Circuit 6584 Rebuild Project - Garfield County, Colorado Total Area of Site: 130 Acres Applicant: Xcel Energy 1800 Larimer Street Denver, CO 80202 303-285-6533 Preparer: Burns & McDonnell 9191 S. Jamaica Street Englewood, CO 80112 720-592-3402 PROJECT LOCATION LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 3 1.1 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK State statutes and land use regulations for Garfield County, City of Glenwood Springs, Town of New Castle, City of Rifle, and BLM apply to the Project. Descriptions of the regulatory requirements for each jurisdiction are provided in the following sections and in Table 1-1. Any applicable land use, environmental, and construction permits will be obtained prior to the start of, or during construction, as necessary, pursuant to these regulatory requirements. 1.1.a State of Colorado Certain Colorado Statutes apply to the Project, including those requiring notice to, and consultation with local permitting jurisdictions. 1.1.b Garfield County Pursuant to the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, this Garfield County L&E Review application is being submitted for the 18-mile portion of the line within unincorporated Garfield County. A total of 229 proposed transmission line replacement poles are located within unincorporated Garfield County (pole locations 156, 170-296, 301, 333-DE-510-DE-T, 513-DE, and 514A-RIFL SUB). 1.1.c City of Glenwood Springs As required by the City of Glenwood Springs Development Code, 1041 and L&E applications will be submitted for the 1.5-mile portion of the line that is located within City of Glenwood Springs jurisdiction. There are 14 proposed poles within City of Glenwood Springs jurisdiction (pole locations MITCH SUB2-154, 158-165-DE, and 167- DE-169). 1.1.d Town of New Castle An Amended Conditional Use Permit application was submitted in December 2023 to the Town of New Castle for the 1-mile portion of the line within New Castle jurisdiction. 18 transmission line poles are proposed to replace the existing poles located within the Town of New Castle (pole locations 298-300, 302, and 320-332-DE). 1.1.e City of Rifle There are three proposed transmission line poles within the City of Rifle’s jurisdiction (pole locations 511, 512-DE, and 514). Xcel Energy will apply for a Conditional Use Permit for the poles located in Rifle. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 4 1.1.f BLM A ROW grant amendment application was submitted to the BLM in July 2022 for the 4- mile portion of the transmission line within BLM jurisdiction. The BLM is in the process of preparing an Environmental Assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act to evaluate the Project. A total of 47 transmission line replacement poles are proposed within BLM jurisdiction (pole locations 156, 167-DE, 177-183-DE, 188-DE-191-INSERT, 217-238-INSET, and ON-375-387). Table 1-1: Summary of Land Use Permit Requirements Applicable to the Project Jurisdiction Title Trigger Regulatory Reference Status State of Colorado Notification of Intention to Submit Permit Application for Major Electrical Facilities Filing permit application for location, construction, or improvement of major electrical or natural gas facilities CRS 29-20- 108 (4)(a) On March 12, 2024, Xcel Energy submitted a Notification of Intention to Submit Permit Application for Major Electrical Facilities. Garfield County L&E Review Project proposed by a public utility, unless the public utility project is a designated activity of State interest Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, Article 4-111, (1)(D) Xcel Energy is complying through this application. Temporary Use Permits A use or activity that may be conducted for up to six (6) months so that it does not become a permanent use. Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, Article 4-120 Xcel Energy will submit the required applications in early 2024. Glenwood Springs 1041 Permit Site selection of major facilities of any public utility to be located within the City of Glenwood Springs City of Glenwood Springs Code of Ordinances 070.080.030 Xcel Energy will submit the required application in early 2024. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 5 Jurisdiction Title Trigger Regulatory Reference Status L&E Project proposed by a publicly owned utility City of Glenwood Springs Code of Ordinances 090.060.050(d) Xcel Energy will submit the required application in early 2024. Town of New Castle Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Certain uses dictate the circumstances of development should be individually reviewed so the town is assured the use is compatible with its location and surrounding land uses Town of New Castle Municipal Code, Chapter 17.84 Xcel Energy submitted the required application in December 2023. City of Rifle Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Public services and utilities in certain zone districts are reviewed to ensure conformance with the Rifle Land Use Code and compatibility of the project with the character of the surrounding area. City of Rifle Municipal Code, Chapter 16-Land Use and Development, Article III Xcel Energy is planning to submit the Rifle CUP application in early 2024. Xcel Energy will continue to coordinate with the Planning Department regarding permitting and construction timing. BLM ROW Grant Amendment An amendment to an existing grant is required when the use involves a substantial deviation from the grant 43 CFR 2807.20 Xcel Energy submitted the ROW Grant Amendment in July 2022 and BLM is currently preparing an Environmental Assessment to evaluate impacts via National Environmental Policy Act. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 6 1.2 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Table 1-2 lists the L&E application submittal requirements as described in the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, Article 4-111, (1)(D). Table 1-2: Garfield County Location and Extent Review Application Submittal Requirements Requirement Location in Application Package Application Form Section 2.1 Attachment A Ownership Documentation Section 2.2 Attachment B Authorization from property owners Section 2.3 Attachment C Authorized signatures on the Application Section 2.4 Attachment A Statement of Authority Section 2.5 Attachment D Application Fee Section 2.6 Agreement to Pay Form Section 2.7 Attachment F Pre-Application Conference Summary Section 2.8 Attachment E Vicinity Map Section 2.9 Figure 1-1 Names and addresses of property owners within 200 feet and mineral estate owners Section 2.10 Attachment G Site Plan Section 2.11 Attachment H Narrative Description Section 2.12 Statement Addressing Review Criteria in Section 4- 111.C General conformance with the Comprehensive Plan 2030 Section 3 Section 3.1 References to the Comprehensive Plan • Chapter 2 Future Land Use • Chapter 3, Section 4 – Economics, Employment, and Tourism • Chapter 3, Section 5 – Recreation, Open Space and Trails • Chapter 3, Section 8 – Natural Resources Section 4.1 Section 4.2 Section 4.3 Section 4.4 LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 7 Requirement Location in Application Package Other supporting documents • Public Notice Signs Map • Preliminary Plan and Profile Drawings • Pole Details • Pole Heights • Revegetation Plan & Weed Management Plan • Visual Simulations • Drainage Memo • Public Outreach Summary • CPW Comment Letter Attachment G Attachment I Attachment J Attachment K Attachment L Attachment M Attachment N Attachment O Attachment P LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 8 2 APPLICATION COMPONENTS The following sections outline the components of the L&E Review Application. 2.1 LAND USE APPLICATION FORM The completed Land Use Application form is provided in Attachment A. 2.2 OWNERSHIP DOCUMENTATION The Project includes the replacement and rebuild of an existing electric transmission line between the existing Mitchell Creek, New Castle, and Rifle Ute Substations. The original electric transmission line was constructed within a utility easement corridor held by Xcel Energy. Xcel Energy has made use of the existing easements and is in the process of obtaining additional easements along the Project where needed. Permanent easements will be recorded in Garfield County following execution of the necessary landowner agreements. Names and addresses of property owners crossed by the proposed Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild centerline within unincorporated Garfield County, the legal descriptions for each property, and the status of easements are provided in Attachment B. Since Xcel Energy has easements underlying the existing transmission line, it holds a recognized property interest in the land on which the development is proposed and does not require the consent of surface landowners to submit the L&E application. Thus, no letters of consent signed by such landowners are included in this L&E Review application. 2.3 AUTHORIZATION FROM PROPERTY OWNERS A letter addressing written authorization by landowners consenting to the submission of the L&E application was submitted to Garfield County on December 16, 2022. A copy of the letter is provided in Attachment C. 2.4 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES ON THE APPLICATION Authorized signatures from Xcel Energy representatives are provided on the completed Land Use Application in Attachment A. As discussed in Section 2.3 of this application, a letter addressing written authorization by landowners consenting to the submission of the L&E application was submitted to Garfield County on December 16, 2022. The letter is provided in Attachment C. 2.5 STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY A Statement of Authority is provided in Attachment D. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 9 2.6 APPLICATION FEE As indicated in the Pre-Application Conference Summary, provided in Attachment E, no fees have been determined to be due by Garfield County as of the filing of this L&E Review Application. Attachment F contains the completed Payment Agreement Form, which addresses the staff time and materials identified as the application review fees. Any further application review fees determined by the County will be paid by Xcel Energy. 2.7 PAYMENT AGREEMENT FORM Attachment F contains the completed Payment Agreement Form. 2.8 PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUMMARY Garfield County staff provided a Pre-Application Conference Summary following the Pre-Application Conference held on December 2, 2021, which was provided to Xcel Energy on March 18, 2022, and which is provided as Attachment E. An updated summary was provided on December 15, 2023, following an additional pre-application conference held on December 6, 2023, and is also included in Attachment E. At the Pre-Application Conference, County Staff determined that Location and Extent Review is the appropriate review process for the Project consistent with State Statutes. 2.9 VICINITY MAP A Vicinity Map is provided in Section 1 of this application. 2.10 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 200 FEET AND MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS Names and addresses of surface property owners within unincorporated Garfield County within 200 feet of properties crossed by the Project centerline, as determined from the Garfield County Assessor’s records are provided in Attachment G along with a map showing the properties. A map showing proposed locations for posting public notice signs is also provided in Attachment G. Per the “Surface Development Notification Act” (C.R.S. 24-65.5-101 et seq.) electric utility lines are exempt from the requirement to send notice of an initial public hearing to mineral estate owners. As this Project is a rebuild of an electric utility line, it is exempt from the statutory mineral estate mailing notification requirements. Please see Attachment C for more details. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 10 2.11 SITE PLAN A Site Plan is provided in Attachment H. Preliminary Plan and Profile drawings are provided in Attachment I. 2.12 NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Xcel Energy is proposing to rebuild the current 69-kV transmission line between the existing Mitchell Creek, New Castle, and Rifle Ute Substations by replacing aging infrastructure while continuing delivery of economic, safe, and reliable electric service to customers in Garfield County. Transmission Line 6584 was originally constructed in the 1940s through the 1960s. The line has reached the end of its serviceable life and needs to be rebuilt. Due to ongoing growth and development in Garfield County since the original transmission line was constructed, rebuilding the transmission line generally along the existing route is preferred to alleviate potential impacts of alternate alignments on the environment, community, and residents in Garfield County. The transmission line will be rebuilt to current industry standards that include additional measures to reduce wildfire risk per Xcel Energy’s 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan. The proposed 25-mile Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild involves replacing all existing poles and cables (conductor and shield wires) between the existing Mitchell Creek and Rifle Ute Substations. Transmission Line 6584 provides a source of power for communities in Garfield County. The Project is needed to continue to provide power in these communities and maintain system reliability. The transmission line rebuild route begins at the Mitchell Creek Substation, located off Devereux Road, in the City of Glenwood Springs and continues west past New Castle and Silt, through Garfield County to the Rifle Ute Substation, located off Airport Road near Rifle. The Mitchell Creek and Rifle Ute Substations will not be upgraded; the only construction activity that will occur within the substation boundaries will be pole replacement. The rebuilt transmission line will generally follow the existing route within Garfield County as shown on the Site Plan in Attachment H. Minor re-routes are proposed in limited locations as shown on the Site Plan in Attachment H. The re-routes are proposed for the following reasons: to move the transmission line from steep terrain to flatter topography, to eliminate safety concerns due to encroachment over businesses and residences, or at the request of the landowner to allow room for future development. The following re-routes are proposed: • Airport reroute: Pole 493-DE is on the side of hill and working on slopes is a safety issue. • WAPA reroute: Re-route due to existing WAPA line. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 11 • CR 311 reroute: Poles 426-415DE were moved to north of CR 311 due to construction concerns with O&M on the side of slopes. Due to these alterations, poles 414-409 also needed to be moved. • Landfill reroute: Poles 211-208DE were shifted to accommodate the landfill road. The current easement or ROW width varies between 30 to 50 feet. To ensure safe and reliable access for construction, operation, and maintenance, the rebuilt transmission line will be constructed in a 60-foot-wide easement or ROW This will require negotiations with selected landowners along parts of the existing route to acquire additional ROW width where the existing easement documentation does not meet the uniform 60-foot width requirement. Existing and new ROW will require vegetation management to create a safe working and operational space around the improved facilities. Xcel Energy is in the process of obtaining additional transmission line easements where needed and the easements will be recorded in Garfield County following execution of the necessary landowner agreements. The status of these easements is provided in Attachment B. The following sections provide additional details about the Project. 2.12.a Tower Construction The rebuilt transmission line will follow the same route as the existing transmission line, except as noted above. Any future increase in operation voltage from 69 kV, including associated substation modifications, will be subject to future land use permit requirements, as applicable at that time. The rebuilt transmission line will be primarily constructed with steel transmission monopoles and strung with new conductor. Optical ground wire will be added to improve communication between substations and assist in preventing lightning strikes. In a limited number of locations in Garfield County, H-frame steel poles or 3-pole dead ends will be used. Pole details are provided in Attachment J. Table 2-1 provides a description of the existing and proposed poles. Topography, span length, and adjacent land uses influence the necessary height of transmission poles. A table displaying changes to the pole heights is provided in Attachment K. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 12 Table 2-1: Descriptions of the Existing and New Poles in Unincorporated Garfield County Characteristic Existing Poles New Poles Additional Details Color and Material Brown wood H- frame / Brown wood Monopole Brown/Rust weathered steel monopole, H-frame, and 3-pole dead end Steel poles comply with industry design standards and may increase longevity ROW Easement Width 30 to 50 feet for existing transmission line 60 feet for transmission line rebuild Additional ROW Easement will be needed based on transmission line design to provide sufficient clearance to existing buildings and/or to reduce the number of poles, as well as to provide access for construction and maintenance Height of Poles 60 to 110 feet, 85 feet on average 65 to 115 feet, 90 feet on average Increased height needed to comply with current industry code and design standards Number of Poles 274 existing 229 proposed Rebuilding the line to current industry design standards will reduce the number of poles required Access Required Ground access for maintenance Ground and helicopter access for construction, ground access for maintenance A helicopter can be used where ground access is difficult to avoid disturbance and creation of new roads Additional Easements Existing easements currently under review Permanent easements of up to an additional 30 feet for transmission lines on private lands. Temporary easements will be needed for ground access for construction, staging areas, pulling/tensioning sites, and helicopter fly zones. The transmission line was originally constructed in the 1940s through the 1960s LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 13 2.12.b Construction Methods Construction of the Project will occur in phases including the following activities: construction access development and vegetation clearing; equipment mobilization and material delivery; hole auguring and foundation construction; pole placement; conductor stringing; removal of existing poles and conductor, and revegetation of temporary disturbance areas. Access road improvements, grading, set-up of Temporary Construction Easements (TCEs), and vegetation removal will be required prior to construction. Proposed access routes will allow construction crews and vehicles to access transmission line pole locations and TCEs. TCEs will be used to stage construction equipment and materials including construction trailers, cranes, and steel poles. TCEs are also necessary for pulling/tensioning sites that are used to string wire through new poles. There are 54 pulling/tension TCEs proposed within Garfield County. Four staging area TCEs are proposed within Garfield County and will be permitted separately from this L&E application. Material deliveries from the nearest staging area to the ROW Easement will be made either by truck along the temporary access routes or by helicopter flying along the ROW Easement. Vegetation management within the existing and expanded right-of-way will be required prior to, or in conjunction with, construction. Trees and vegetation growing within and near the ROW Easement pose a potential risk to the transmission line by causing downed lines, power outages, and wildfires. Vegetation management crews prevent the risk of these occurrences by implementing various types of treatment including removing, pruning, and mowing vegetation, and application of approved herbicides to treat vegetation to allow safe operation of the transmission line. Depending on current levels of vegetation encroachment and ROW Easement needs, the extent of vegetation management will vary along the rebuilt ROW Easement. Following civil work, holes will be augured for transmission poles. Once holes are augured, the poles are set and backfilled. Some poles may require foundations that are set in the augured holes with a concrete enforced steel cage. Transmission poles will be placed in the holes on the foundation using a crane or helicopter. Poles are transported via truck to the installation locations where a crane will lift the poles into place. Helicopter installation involves assembling the poles in a material staging area, then transporting them via helicopter to the installation locations to be lowered into the hole or onto a foundation. Additionally, some existing poles will be removed by helicopter depending on terrain and access. The existing poles will be either flown or driven to a staging area for off-site disposal. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 14 There are advantages to using a helicopter for installation because it permits access to areas that are not feasible for vehicle ground access, minimizes construction impacts due to erosion and disturbance, and improves construction efficiency. Within Garfield County 71 poles will be installed using a helicopter. Any areas requiring helicopter construction methods will follow Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) safety requirements. Xcel Energy and their construction contractor will coordinate with the FAA and the County during helicopter operations and obtain any additional necessary permits. Xcel Energy and the construction contractor will provide residents with prior notice should temporary evacuation be required. Following setting of the transmission poles, conductor wire is strung using a temporary pulley system which is attached to the insulators. Pulling/tensioning sites are required at specific angles, so the conductor wire is pulled in line with the poles, remaining in alignment. Once the conductor is in place, the existing poles and conductor will be removed by crane or by helicopter depending on terrain and access, and the Project will be energized. Throughout construction, wind erosion control best management practices (BMPs), including the application of water or other dust palliatives, will be implemented as required. Following construction, the two pulling/tensioning sites within the ROW Easement will be restored to a condition reasonably similar to the pre- construction condition. Xcel Energy’s Revegetation Plan and Weed Management Plan are included in Attachment L. 2.12.c Height of Towers and any Increase in Height from Existing Towers A comparison chart for the differences between pole heights is included in Attachment K. 2.12.d Visual Mitigation The presence of the existing transmission line has previously created a visual impact. The Project will rebuild the existing line to update its materials and bring it into compliance with current industry design standards. Accordingly, it is not anticipated that the Project will negatively impact the character of the surrounding area or create new significant visual disturbances for several reasons: (1) the new transmission line route will be rebuilt within the existing ROW Easement; (2) the total number of transmission poles will be reduced from 274 to 229; and (3) the updated materials for the new transmission poles and their corresponding current design standards will minimize negative visual impacts. While some new poles will be taller than the existing poles, their overall appearance will not materially change or substantially impact the area because they will be weathered steel to blend in with the surrounding landscape. Temporary visual disturbance may occur during construction of the Project due to the need for temporary access roads, the presence of construction vehicles and active work LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 15 areas, and the use of cranes and helicopters for pole installation. Vegetation removal is not anticipated to be of an extent to create a visual impact to the region as a whole. After construction, the work areas and ROW Easement will be restored. 2.12.e Visual Modeling and Photo Simulation Visual simulations are included in Attachment M. 2.12.f Access Information Proposed construction access routes will allow construction crews and vehicles to safely access transmission line pole locations, pulling/tensioning sites, and material staging areas. Access to the existing and new pole locations will be required during construction in the form of temporary access routes to remove old poles and install new ones. Some temporary access will be required only for crews to walk in and access the pole locations with light machinery. Existing public and private roads will be utilized during construction, operation, and maintenance of the Project. Access permissions through private property are being obtained from landowners by Xcel Energy. Included in the proposed construction access routes are existing public frontage roads along I-70 within Garfield County. These roads include CR346, CR311, CR335, CR346, Rifle-Silt Road, and Dry Hollow Road, which are utilized by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) as an alternate route in the event of an I-70 closure. Where road improvements are needed, Xcel Energy will secure the necessary permits to comply with County regulations including grading, stormwater, and erosion control permits. A Drainage Memo is included in Attachment N. A detailed Grading Plan outlining the locations of proposed temporary access and the improvements needed will be provided prior to construction, as required. If new access is required, Xcel will secure the necessary permits from Garfield County, the appropriate municipality, or CDOT, as required. 2.12.g Temporary Construction Easements Xcel Energy plans to utilize temporary staging areas for the delivery, storage, and distribution of materials to support the Project. Four staging areas to support the Project will be located within Garfield County and will be permitted separately from this L&E application, through Garfield County’s temporary use permit process. A fifth staging area to support the Project is proposed within the City of Glenwood Springs and will be permitted with the City. The staging areas will be used for approximately 6 months beginning around September of 2024. Materials for the rebuild will be delivered to the staging areas during construction. These materials will be transported to the ROW either by flat-bed LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 16 truck or helicopter. Materials that may be staged at these areas include poles and reels of conductor and shield wire. Equipment that may be stored at the staging areas includes backhoes, bucket trucks, and crane trucks. During construction, personnel pick-up trucks may be parked at the staging areas during the day. The staging areas will be in use during the typical construction workweek; 7 days per week and 12 hours per day. Additional time may be needed for maintenance in construction laydown yards. Xcel will obtain and comply with any permits required for the operation of the staging areas. The staging areas will be fenced for security and screening. Vegetation clearing and grading may be required to level the areas for material and equipment placement. BMPs will be implemented to reduce stormwater-related impacts to nearby waterbodies. Wind erosion control BMPs including the application of water or other dust palliatives will be implemented, if needed. Upon completion of construction, Xcel will remove any leftover material and restore the staging areas, if needed. Xcel’s Revegetation Plan is included in Attachment L. Temporary easements will be necessary for placement of pulling and tensioning machines for stringing conductor wire. Vegetation clearing and grading may be required at some pulling/tensioning sites to level out the area for equipment placement. Any permits required for grading these sites will be obtained for this work. BMPs will be implemented to reduce stormwater-related impacts to nearby waterbodies. Wind erosion control BMPs including the application of water or other dust palliatives will be implemented, if needed. Upon completion of construction, all equipment will be removed from the sites and will be restored generally consistent with preconstruction conditions. Xcel Energy’s Revegetation Plan is included in Attachment L. 2.12.h Traffic Information During construction, lane or road closures may be required to allow crews and vehicles to safely access the transmission line pole locations. When road closures are required, Xcel Energy will secure the necessary permits to comply with County regulations and will supply necessary traffic control plans to the County. Helicopters will fly over local roads in Garfield County including Colorado River Road and possibly other private roads depending on the helicopter flight path for construction of the Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild. Road closures will be intermittent and temporary and will occur when a helicopter crosses over the road while carrying material loads. Closure signage will be installed ahead of construction to notify road users. During construction, flaggers will control traffic based on ground-air communications and minimize closures to periods only necessary to safely cross the roadways. Typical closures are less than 5-minutes per flight over the roadway. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 17 Final flight paths and traffic control plans will be based on the final selection and contracting of the helicopter vendor. A final fight plan and traffic control plan will be provided to Garfield County prior to construction. 2.12.i Construction Duration and Timing The Project is anticipated to be divided into two segments for construction. The segments are: • Segment 1: Rifle Ute Substation to Newcastle Substation and • Segment 2: Newcastle Substation to Mitchell Substation. Construction of both segments is scheduled for 2024-2025, pending permit approvals. Construction and restoration activities are expected to be completed by late Fall 2025 and the Project will be put into service by late 2025. See Table 2-2 below for the anticipated Project schedule. Table 2-2: Anticipated Project Schedule Timeline Activity July\August 2024 Material Deliveries Fall 2024 Temporary Access Improvement and Vegetation Management To begin Fall 2024 Installation of New Poles To begin Late 2024 Removal of Existing Line To begin Summer 2025 Restoration Late 2025 In Service 2.12.j Public Outreach A Public Outreach Summary is included in Attachment O. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 18 3 STATEMENT ADDRESSING REVIEW CRITERIA IN SECTION 4- 111.C Section 4-111.C of the Code establishes Review Criteria for applications for a Location and Extent Review as follows: The Planning Commission shall determine whether the project is in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Section 3.1 and Section 4 of this application describe how the Project generally conforms with the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030, as amended February 26, 2020. 3.1 CONFORMANCE WITH GARFIELD COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The vision of the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan is to manage growth to promote thriving communities and a diverse economy while protecting wildlife and maintaining the natural environment to protect Garfield County’s western heritage. (Garfield County 2020a, Chapter 2, Vision for Garfield County). Aside from the transmission pole foundation footprint, land uses in areas under and around the transmission line will remain unchanged. Thus, the location of the Project will preserve the quality of the natural environment and preserve the County’s rural and western heritage. Additionally, the Project will remove and replace aging infrastructure with current materials and rebuild the electric transmission line to current industry standards that include an additional measure to mitigate wildfire risk (i.e., steel poles replacing wood), which will reduce risk to the natural environment. Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) will be added to improve communication between substations and assist in preventing lightning strikes. Rebuilding the existing transmission line to current industry standards will provide for continued delivery of safe and reliable electric service to customers in Garfield County and western Colorado. A detailed narrative describing how the Project conforms to the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030 sections, goals, and objectives is provided below in Section 4.0 of this application. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 19 4 REFERENCES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030 outlines key policies and strategies that support the County’s vision for 2030 (Garfield County 2020a). The Vision for Garfield County is dedicated to managing and directing growth to dedicated Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) and other areas that can accommodate growth cost effectively, in order to create thriving communities while promoting a diverse, sustainable and healthy economy, protecting wildlife, maintain or improving the quality of our natural environment, and preserving the County’s rural and western heritage (Garfield County 2020a). The following sections outline how the Project supports specific components of the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030. 4.1 CHAPTER 2 FUTURE LAND USE Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan outlines five major themes to support future land use in Garfield County. One theme focuses on development in UGAs and 3-Mile Areas of Influence, which are preferred locations for municipality expansion. According to the Garfield County Future Land Use Map, the Project falls within UGAs surrounding Glenwood Springs, New Castle, and Rifle (Garfield County 2020b). Each community within the UGA is expected to extend services and infrastructure to existing and future developments. Xcel Energy is coordinating with these municipalities on the portions of the Project located in those jurisdictions. The Project transmission line falls within the following future land use designations: • Commercial, which is intended to serve a regional market, • Residential High where criteria for determining density will be based on the degree of public benefit, and • Residential Medium High which may include small farms, estates, residences and clustered residential subdivisions. The character of the Project matches that of similar development that may occur within these future land use designations. Further, the Project supports the development of these future land use designations by upgrading the existing electric infrastructure to ensure safe and reliable service. 4.2 CHAPTER 3, SECTION 4 – ECONOMICS, EMPLOYMENT, AND TOURISM The vision of Chapter 3, Section 4 of the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030, emphasizes economic development in and around County population centers. The Colorado State Demography Office (CSDO) projects that from 2017 to 2040 the LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 20 county's population will increase by an average of 1,287 persons per year. This is a 55% increase from the annual average between 2001 and 2017. The CSDO projections highlight important planning considerations concerning where and how to accommodate future growth, and how to ensure that public infrastructure and services will accommodate this growth (Garfield County 2020a). By replacing the existing aging infrastructure and ensuring continued reliable energy service to Garfield County, the Project supports the growth of industrial, commercial, and residential uses in the surrounding areas. 4.2.a Policy 2 – Enhancing the Tourism Industry The tourism industry is an important part of the regional economy and is enhanced by open space, scenic vistas, public trails, and recreational opportunities. Rebuilding the transmission line in the existing ROW Easement will not create any new negative impacts to open space, scenic vistas, public trails, and other recreational opportunities but will preserve these elements within Garfield County. 4.2.b Policy 3 – Visual, Traffic and Environmental Impacts Visual, traffic, and environmental impacts of new or expanded industrial development upon tourism, quality of life resources, and community character will be considered. The Policy 3 strategy is to ensure that impacts from industrial development are adequately mitigated to minimize negative impacts on tourism, quality of life resources, and community character. 4.2.b.1 Visual Section 2.12.c of this application details the anticipated visual impacts of the Project and associated mitigation measures. Because the Project involves replacing an existing transmission line along the same easement corridor with fewer poles on the landscape than the existing transmission line, it is not anticipated that the Project will result in any new negative visual impacts to the surrounding community. Indeed, the total reduction in the number of poles associated with the transmission line will reduce the visual impact compared to the existing transmission line. Furthermore, the transmission poles will be weathered steel material to blend with the surrounding landscape. Visual simulations are provided in Attachment M. 4.2.b.2 Traffic Traffic impacts from Project operations are not expected, because the Project will not generate trips in excess of those already needed for the existing transmission line for maintenance or emergencies. Planned maintenance will occur along the line less frequently than it does for the existing line due to the new transmission line materials LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 21 requiring less maintenance. No operational impacts to daily traffic flows are anticipated by the completed Project. During construction, there will be temporary disruptions to traffic due to the need for equipment and material deliveries to access the line. As discussed in Section 2.12.f of this application, if roadway traffic controls are determined to be necessary, Xcel Energy will submit Traffic Control Plans as applicable to the County. 4.2.b.3 Environmental Impacts The approximate 18-mile area where the transmission line will traverse unincorporated Garfield County includes zones: incorporated city/town, public lands, planned unit development, rural, and public airport. The line will be rebuilt to current industry design standards that include additional measures to reduce wildfire risk while using the existing transmission line corridor and access routes, where possible. It is favorable to replace and improve the Project along the existing transmission line corridor rather than create entirely new impacts in new locations. The Project avoids creating new impacts to the area because it will upgrade the current transmission line along the existing easement. The Project mitigates impacts to landowners by upgrading the existing transmission line so that it is less vulnerable to starting or being damaged by a wildfire, thereby increasing the overall reliability of the electric system. Wildfires pose a significant threat to communities and this Project will proactively minimize ignition risks. Xcel Energy will obtain any required environmental permits and approvals prior to construction, and any required environmental mitigation measures will be implemented. As discussed in Section 1.1.f of this application, Xcel Energy has applied for a BLM ROW grant amendment, and an Environmental Assessment is being prepared for that segment of the Project. 4.2.c Policy 4 - Economic Resiliency and Diversity Policy 4 aims to strengthen the County's economic resiliency for employment and income generation by continuing to diversify the economy (Garfield County 2020a). Several strategies associated with this policy focus on encouraging growth and expansion of existing industries within Garfield County. The Project will not only revitalize and strengthen the electric infrastructure within the County, but the line’s 69kV capacity can operate to meet the future demand of development within the County well into the future. 4.2.d Policy 5 - Locations that possess physical features and community facilities and services Policy 5 encourages commercial and industrial development in areas with appropriate community facilities and services (Garfield County 2020a). The Project will continue to LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 22 provide electric service to the same area as the existing line, the line will also be rebuilt to ensure reliable service through modern design to communities it services. 4.3 CHAPTER 3, SECTION 5 – RECREATION, OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS The vision of Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030 is to ensure open spaces, recreational trails and parks are available throughout the county. Policy 2 supports the protection of public access to rivers, streams and public lands along with the preservation of valuable outdoor recreation and open space lands. The Powerline Trails Act was passed by the Colorado legislature in 2022 to help raise awareness and create opportunities for Public Entities, defined as “the state, a local government, or a district” to co-locate public recreation trails within Transmission Corridors. The General Assembly sought to encourage, facilitate, and accelerate Powerline Trail development within Colorado while recognizing that the co-location of such trails needs to occur with safety in mind. Xcel Energy is not in the business of building, owning, or maintaining public recreation trails and its land rights typically do not give it the right to do so. When Xcel Energy seeks to site a new transmission line or expand an existing transmission line within a local jurisdiction, Xcel Energy’s role with respect to Powerline Trails under the Act is to (1) notify local governments of the potential for construction of a Powerline Trail within the Transmission Corridor, and (2) help inform the Public Entities of the guidelines for which a trail can safely co-locate within the Transmission Corridor. Xcel Energy has a long history of working with local governments who wish to co-locate public recreation trails within its Transmission Corridors and will be happy to address any thoughts, questions, or interest Garfield County may have in potential future Powerline Trails related to the Project. 4.4 CHAPTER 3, SECTION 8 - NATURAL RESOURCES The vision of Chapter 3, Section 8 of the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030 emphasizes the need to protect and/or mitigate impacts to biological resources. The Project will be constructed along the existing alignment within the County, reducing new impacts to surrounding land use and resources. Xcel Energy will implement any required mitigation measures to protect natural resources, as required by the BLM ROW grant or other environmental clearances for the Project. 4.4.a Policy 2 - Avoid disturbance and mitigation impacts Policy 2 discusses the need to avoid disturbance to wildlife habitat and mitigate potential negative impacts that cannot be avoided. Project construction may impact nesting raptors if construction takes place during their breeding seasons. If Xcel Energy constructs during breeding season, raptor nest surveys will be conducted prior to LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 23 construction to determine whether active nests are present near the Project. Additionally, seasonal restrictions on construction activities will reduce disturbance to birthing big game animals and animals with dependent young. Additional wildlife restrictions will be incorporated into construction planning based on BLM and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) guidance. Xcel Energy has been coordinating with CPW and discussions with the organization are ongoing. Potential impacts to wildlife habitat will be temporary and limited to the construction phase. In areas where grading is necessary, Xcel Energy will revegetate the area after construction is complete to a condition similar to its pre-construction condition; the Project's Revegetation Plan is included as Attachment L. Because the Project involves rebuilding an existing transmission line almost entirely in place, it is not anticipated that the Project will result in new, permanent, adverse impacts to wildlife. 4.4.b Policy 3 – Agency coordination Xcel Energy is coordinating with CPW regarding strategies to avoid, minimize, and mitigate adverse effects to wildlife habitats. The comment letter received from CPW is provided in Attachment P. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION 24 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY Garfield County, Colorado. Land Use and Development Code. Amended 2021. Accessed February 2023. Available online at: https://www.garfield- county.com/community-development/filesgcco/sites/12/Complete-Land-Use-and- Development-Code-1.pdf. Accessed April 2022. Garfield County. 2020a. Comprehensive Plan 2030. Accessed February 2023. Available online at: https://www.garfield-county.com/community- development/filesgcco/sites/12/Garfield-County-Comprehensive-Plan-2030-2020- Update.pdf. Accessed July 2022. Garfield County. 2020b. Garfield County Comprehensive Plan – Future Land Use 2030. Accessed February 2023. Available online at:https://garfieldcolorado.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=3fb 7922108e34a2fb267272e7cb99198. Accessed July 2022. Xcel Energy (Xcel), 2020. 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Accessed May 2022.Available online at: https://www.xcelenergywildfireprotection.com/wp- content/uploads/2021/05/Xcel Energy_2020-Wildfire-Mitigation-Plan_Rev-1-.pdf. © 2024 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc. TRANSMISSION LINE 6584 REBUILD PROJECT ATTACHMENT A: Land Use Application Community Development Department 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 945-8212 www.garfield-county.com LAND USE CHANGE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM TYPE OF APPLICATION Administrative Review Development in 100-Year Floodplain Limited Impact Review Development in 100-Year Floodplain Variance Major Impact Review Code Text Amendment Amendments to an Approved LUCP LIR MIR SUP Rezoning Zone District PUD PUD Amendment Minor Temporary Housing Facility Administrative Interpretation Vacation of a County Road/Public ROW Appeal of Administrative Interpretation Location and Extent Review Areas and Activities of State Interest Comprehensive Plan Amendment Accommodation Pursuant to Fair Housing Act Pipeline Development Variance Time Extension (also check type of original application) INVOLVED PARTIES Owner/Applicant Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: (______)_________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ____________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________________________________ Representative (Authorization Required) Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: (______)_________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ____________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION Project Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Assessor’s Parcel Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ Physical/Street Address: ________________________________________________________________ Legal Description: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Zone District: ___________________________________ Property Size (acres): __________________ Public Service Company of Colorado, dba Xcel Energy 1800 Larimer Street, Suite 400 Denver CO 80202 jennifer.l.chester@xcelenergy.com Jennifer Chester 303 285-6533 1800 Larimer Street, Suite 400 Denver CO 80202 jennifer.l.chester@xcelenergy.com Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild Project: Mitchell Creek to Rifle-Ute Substations See L&E Application Package, Appendix B See L&E Application Package, Appendix B Incorporated city/town, public lands, planned unit development, rural, and public airport N/A ✔ PROJECT DESCRIPTION REQUEST FOR WAIVERS Submission Requirements The Applicant requesting a Waiver of Submission Requirements per Section 4-202. List: Section: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________ Section: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________ Waiver of Standards The Applicant is requesting a Waiver of Standards per Section 4-118. List: Section: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________ Section: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________ I have read the statements above and have provided the required attached information which is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. ______________________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Property Owner or Authorized Representative, Title Date OFFICIAL USE ONLY File Number: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Fee Paid: $_____________________________ Existing Use: __________________________________________________________________________ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ Proposed Use (From Use Table 3-403): ____________________________________________________ Description of Project: ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ϭ͘dŚĞĞĐŝƐŝŽŶLJŽƵĂƌĞĂƉƉĞĂůŝŶŐ͘ Ϯ͘dŚĞĚĂƚĞƚŚĞĞĐŝƐŝŽŶǁĂƐƐĞŶƚĂƐƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĞĚŝŶƚŚĞŶŽƚŝĐĞ;ĚĂƚĞŵĂŝůĞĚͿ͘ ϯ͘dŚĞŶĂƚƵƌĞŽĨƚŚĞĚĞĐŝƐŝŽŶĂŶĚƚŚĞƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĞĚŐƌŽƵŶĚĨŽƌĂƉƉĞĂů͘WůĞĂƐĞĐŝƚĞƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĐĐŽĚĞƐĞĐƚŝŽŶƐ ĂŶĚͬŽƌƌĞůĞǀĂŶƚĚŽĐƵŵĞŶƚĂƚŝŽŶƚŽƐƵƉƉŽƌƚLJŽƵƌƌĞƋƵĞƐƚ͘ ϰ͘dŚĞĂƉƉƌŽƉƌŝĂƚĞĂƉƉĞĂůĨĞĞŽĨΨϮϱϬ͘ϬϬ͘ ϱ͘WůĞĂƐĞŶŽƚĞĂĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚƉƉĞĂůƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶĂŶĚĨĞĞƐŵƵƐƚďĞƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĚǁŝƚŚŝŶϯϬĐĂůĞŶĚĂƌĚĂLJƐ ŽĨƚŚĞĚĂƚĞŽĨƚŚĞĨŝŶĂůǁƌŝƚƚĞŶĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞ/ŶƚĞƌƉƌĞƚĂƚŝŽŶ͘ &ŽƌƉƉĞĂůŽĨĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞ/ŶƚĞƌƉƌĞƚĂƚŝŽŶƉůĞĂƐĞŝŶĐůƵĚĞ͗ Incorporated city/town, public lands, planned unit development, rural, and public airport Utility, Lines, Transmission Rebuild of existing 69-kV electric transmission line Jennifer L. Chester Digitally signed by Jennifer L. Chester Date: 2024.04.10 20:50:36 -06'00'4/10/24