HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.04 Pre-Application Conference SummariesTRANSMISSION LINE 6584 REBUILD PROJECT ATTACHMENT E: Pre-application Conference Summaries Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild Project E1: Summary from December 6, 2023 Meeting 1 Community Development Department 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 945-8212 www.garfield-county.com PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUMMARY TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: Multiple Parcels DATE: Updated 12/14/2023 PROJECT: Xcel Line Rebuilt Projects: Mitchell to Rifle-Ute 69kV, Rifle-Ute to DeBeque 69kV, Hopkins to Basalt 115 kV APPLICANT: Xcel Energy PROPERTY OWNERS: Multiple Owners REPRESENTATIVES: Corey Miller, Brooke Hines, Jen Chester, Erica Powell, Braleigh Jay, Melinda Schulze, Sara Crook, Jennifer Harris, Julie Stencel, Michelle Burger, Jose Castro, Brad McCloud, Evan Singleton PRACTICAL LOCATION: West from the Mitchell Creek Substation to the Rifle-Ute Substation, Rifle-Ute Substation to DeBeque Substation, and Hopkins Substation to Basalt Substation ZONING: Primarily Rural (R), Resource Lands, Gentle Slopes/Lower Valley Floor, Public Lands (P) and one Planned Unit Development (PUD) TYPE OF APPLICATION: Location and Extent COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Multiple Future Land Use Designations including Urban Growth Areas, Resource Production/Natural, Residential Low, Residential Medium High and Industrial I. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION This is an update of previous Location and Extent (L&E) preapplications regarding this rebuild. At the preapplication conference, the applicant represented that the rebuild in this area will be in two sections now. Each will have its own laydown yards which may involve helicopter operations. The L&E 2 Xcel Energy is proposing three line rebuild projects throughout the County. General alignment mapping of the transmission lines and project summaries were provided at the pre-application meeting and are attached. Outlined below are brief descriptions of the three projects: Mitchel to Rifle-Ute: Originally Built in the 1940’s - 1960’s, approximately 25 miles, steel H frame structures, helicopter use is likely. Rifle-Ute to DeBeque: Originally constructed in the 1960’s, approximately 32 miles, use of a variety of structures including single pole weathered steel or brown fiberglass self-supporting or guyed structures, helicopter use may be required. Hopkins to Basalt: Originally constructed in 1909 with upgrades in the 1990’s, 11 miles, H frame, monopole, and 3-pole dead end weathered steel or brown fiberglass self-supporting or guyed structures. Helicopter access is likely. STAGING AREAS – HELICOPTER USE The project is part of Xcel Energy’s Wildfire Mitigation Program. Most alignments will utilize existing right-of-way/easements. Some minor realignments may be implemented and would require acquisition of new right-of-way/easements. Creation of staging areas was discussed and subsequent to the meeting preliminary information on potential staging areas was provided. Most are located directly adjacent to the transmission line alignment on property already associated with the projects. Temporary Use Permits should be applied for the storage/laydown and helicopter pads. The preapplication conference for these was held concurrently with this update conference. RIGHT-OF-WAY, OWNERSHIP, PUBLIC NOTICE Documentation of right-of-way/easement and as appropriate other authorizations or agreements for the rebuild will be a key component of the application submittals and will include review by the County Attorney’s Office. The County Attorney’s Office will also be essential in reviewing compliance with the public notice requirements including mailing to adjacent property owners within 200 ft. and mineral rights owners on the subject properties. It is highly recommended that prior to formal application submittal the Applicant’s research, mailing lists and legal description for the project be reviewed with Staff and the County Attorney’s Office. Information related to the exemption of this application from any notice provisions should be provided as early as possible for review by the Attorney’s Office. All owners of property on which the transmission line will be rebuilt will also be noticed. The Public Notice publication and posting as well. Publication is in the Rifle Citizen Telegram (one time publication required). Posting should be placed in location where the alignment crosses a public right-of-way such as County Roads and in other locations where visible from a public right-of-way. Given the length of the projects, staff recommends that the Applicant 3 provide in the Application submittals a map showing proposed locations for posting notice signs, for review by Staff. GENERAL NOTES County Staff has determined that the Location and Extent Review is the appropriate review process for the re-build project and is consistent with State Statutes. Please advise us of any changes in plans or project descriptions as that may affect the determination and/or require updates to the pre-application summary and related information. The Location and Extent Application will also be referred to adjacent municipalities and Towns for their comments. II. REGULATORY PROVISIONS APPLICANT IS REQUIRED TO ADDRESS • Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030 • Garfield County Land Use and Development Code as amended • Location and Extent Review, Section 4-111, including Review Process and Review Criteria • Review Criteria pursuant to Section 4-111(C), “The Planning Commission shall determine whether the project is in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan” • Table 4-102, Common Review Procedures and Required Notice • Section 4-101 Common Review Procedures • Table 4-201, Application Submittal Requirements • Section 4-203 Description of Submittal Requirements III. LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW PROCESS 1. Pre-application Conference. 2. Application. 3. Determination of Completeness. 4. Schedule Planning Commission Public Hearing 5. Ten additional hard copies of the Application are provided for the Planning Commission 6. Public notice, posting, mailing, and publication (at least 7 days but not more than 30 days prior to the hearing). 7. Evaluation by Director/Staff Review – preparation of a Staff Report 8. Review by the Planning Commission at the Public Hearing 9. A denial may be appealed in accordance with Section 4-111(B)(2) and the Colorado Revised Statues 10. An approval will be documented by a Planning Commission resolution and may include conditions of approval. IV. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Table 4-201 lists application requirements to only include General Application Materials and a Site Plan, Section 4-203 (D). These application materials and other typical 4 supporting information are generally summarized below. It is recommended that the list be utilized as a pre-submittal checklist. Application Form Ownership Documentation/Authorizations for affected properties Authorization from the property owners to Apply and/or represent (may include copies of lease agreements, easement or right-of-way documents or surface use agreements) Authorized signatures on the Application, per County Attorney’s Office review/direction Statement of Authority may be required for trusts, LLCs, and/or corporations No Application Fee is required. An Agreement to Pay form is required and staff time/materials, referral and outside consultant expenses will be billed to the Applicant. Copy of the Pre-Application Conference Summary Vicinity Map Names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the property and mineral rights owners on the subject properties. A description of the research done to determine mineral rights owners should be provided (see attached mineral research instructions and certification form) Site Plan showing the proposed plan, alignment, significant features and adjacent land uses. A narrative description including details on the project. It should include significant information such as: type of tower construction, height of towers and any increase in height from the existing towers, any visual mitigation (i.e., color of towers), visual modelling or photo simulation is recommended to address any visual impacts, information on easements and access, information on staging areas and locations, traffic information and hours of operation/activity including impacts during construction such as type of tower delivery and if helicopters will be utilized, and construction schedule, timing and duration. Statement addressing how the project meets the Review Criteria in Section 4- 111.C, general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan 2030. The Application should include references to relevant sections, goals, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan (see attached summary of potential topics) Any other supporting documents as available The initial Application submittal needs to include 3 hard copies of the entire Application and 1 digital PDF Copy of the entire Application (on a CD or USB Stick). Both the paper and digital copies should be split into individual sections. Once determined to be complete additional hard copies for the Planning Commission members will be needed. The exact number needed will be provided by Staff but is typically 10 additional copies. V. APPLICATION REVIEW a. Review by: Staff for completeness and distribution to referral agencies. 5 b. Public Hearing: _X_ Planning Commission ___ Board of County Commissioners ___ Board of Adjustment c. Referral Agencies: May include but is not limited to Garfield County Consulting Engineer, Garfield County Road and Bridge, Garfield County Sheriff, Fire Protection Districts, and nearby jurisdictions including cities and towns. VI. APPLICATION REVIEW FEES a. Planning Review Fees: Staff time and materials b. Referral Agency Fees: $ TBD – consulting engineer review fees c. Total Deposit: Staff time and materials VII. GENERAL APPLICATION PROCESSING The foregoing summary is advisory in nature only and is not binding on the County. The summary is based on current zoning, which is subject to change in the future, and upon factual representations that may or may not be accurate. This summary does not create a legal or vested right. The summary is valid for a six-month period, after which an update should be requested. The Applicant is advised that the Application submittal once accepted by the County becomes public information and will be available (including electronically) for review by the public. Proprietary information can be redacted from documents prior to submittal. Pre-application Summary Prepared by: ___________________________________________ _12/14/2023______ Philip Berry, AICP, Planner III Date 6 7 8 9 10 NOTES ON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POTENTIAL TOPICS Chapter 2 Future Land Use and Future Land Use Mapping, including Urban Growth Area Topics Chapter 3 Section 1 – Urban Growth Areas and Intergovernmental Agreements Policy 5 – UGA and referrals to Towns Policy 6 – Regional issues and projects Chapter 3 Section 3 – Transportation Policy 1 – Impacts on County Roads Chapter 3 Section 4 - Economics - Vision Policy 3 – Visual Impacts Policy 4 – Resiliency and Diversity Policy 5 - Locations that possess physical features and community facilities and services. Chapter 3 Section 6 - Agriculture Policy 1 – Avoid negative impacts on Agricultural Lands Chapter 3 Section 7 – Water & Sewer Services (reference to Xcel Wildfire Mitigation Program) Policy 5, Strategy vi. Expand requirements for wildland fire mitigation Chapter 3 Section 8 - Natural Resources Policy 2 – Avoid disturbance and mitigate impacts Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild Project E2: Summary from December 2, 2021 Meeting Gorfuld County PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUMMARYCommunity Development Department 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 94s-8212 www. garfield-countv.com TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: Multiple Parcels DATE: 1212121 Updated 3118122 PROJECT: Xcel Line Rebuilt Projects: Mitchell to Rifle-Ute 69kV, Rifle-Ute to DeBeque 69kV, Hopkins to Basalt 1 15 kV APPLICANT: Xcel Energy PROPERTY OWNERS: Multiple Owners REPRESENTATIVES:Brooke Hinesn David Dean, Crystal Bravo-Cogar, Jennifer Bell, and several other Xcel Staff and consultants including Jen Chester, Braleigh Jay. PRACTICAL LOCATION: West from the Mitchell Creek Substation to the Rifle-Ute Substation, Rifle-Ute Substation to DeBeque Substation, and Hopkins Substation to Basalt Substation ZONING: Primarily Rural (R), Resource Lands, Gentle Slopes/Lower Valley Floor, Public Lands (P) and one Planned Unit Development (PUD) TYPE OF APPLIGATION: Location and Extent COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Multiple Future Land Use Designations including Urban Growth Areas, Resource Production/Natural, Residential Low, Residential Medium High and lndustrial I. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Xcel Energy is proposing three line rebuild projects throughout the County. General alignment mapping of the transmission lines and project summaries were provided at the pre-application meeting and are attached. Outlined below are brief descriptions of the three projects: Mitchel to Rifle-Ute: Originally Built in the 1940's - 1960's, approximately 25 miles, steel H frame structures, helicopter use is likely. Rifle-Ute to DeBeque: Originally constructed in the 1960's, approximately 32 miles, use of a variety of structures including single pole weathered steel or brown fiberglass self- supporting or guyed structures, helicopter use may be required. Hopkinsto Basalt: Originallyconstructed in 1909with upgrades inthe 1990's, 11 miles, H frame, monopole, and 3-pole dead end weathered steel or brown fiberglass self-supporting or guyed structures. Helicopter access is likely. STAGING AREAS _ HELICOPTER USE The project is part of Xcel Energy's Wildfire Mitigation Program. Most alignments will utilize existing right-of-way/easements. Some minor realignments may be implemented and would require acquisition of new right-of-way/easements. Creation of staging areas was discussed and subsequent to the meeting preliminary information on potential staging areas was provided. Most are located directly adjacent to the transmission line alignment on property already associated with the projects. Where staging areas are separate for the transmission line alignment additional Land Use Change Permitting may be required. Helicopter use for staging areas needs to be addressed and likely will require additional meetings with Staff to determine if additional permitting is required. Helicopter use raises questions regarding noise and safety considerations. RIGHT-OF-WAY, OWNERSHIP, PUBLIC NOTICE Documentation of right-of-way/easement and as appropriate other authorizations or agreements for the rebuild will be a key component of the application submittals and will include review by the County Attorney's Office. The County Attorney's Office will also be essential in reviewing compliance with the public notice requirements including mailing to adjacent property owners within 200 ft. and mineral rights owners on the surbject properties. It is highly recommended that prior to formal application submittal the Applicant's research, mailing lists and legal description for the project be reviewed with Staff and the County Attorney's Office. Atl owners of property on which the transmission line will be rebuilt will also be noticed. The Public Notice publication and posting as well. Publication is in the Rifle Citizen Telegram (one time publication required). Posting should be placed in location where the alignment crosses a public right-of-way such as County Roads and in other locations where visible from a public right-of-way. Given the length of the projects, staff recommends that the Applicant provide in the Application submittals a map showing proposed locations for posting notice signs, for review by Staff. GENERAL NOTES County Staff has determined that the Location and Extent Review is the appropriate review process for the re-build project and is consistent with State Statutes. Please advise us of ) any changes in p¡ans or project descriptions as that may affect the determination and/or require updates to the pre-application summary and related information. Xcel Energy plans to meet with the Board of County Commissioners to provide them with updates and information on the rebuild projects with a meeting currently scheduled for April 4th. The Location and Extent Application will also be referred to adjacent municipalities and Towns for their comments. II. REGULATORY PROVISIONS APPLICANT IS REQUIRED TO ADDRESS . Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030 o Garfield County Land Use and Development Code as amended . Location and Extent Review, Section 4-111, including Review Process and Review Criteriao Review Criteria pursuant to Section 4-111(C), "The Planning Commission shall determine whether the project is in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan"o Table 4-102, Common Review Procedures and Required Notice o Section 4-101Common Review Procedures . Table 4-201, Application Submittal Requirements . Section 4-203 Description of Submittal Requirements III. LOCATION AND EXTENT REV¡EW PROCESS 1. Pre-application Conference. 2. Application. 3. Determination of Completeness. 4. Schedule Planning Commission Public Hearing 5. Ten additional hard copies of the Application are provided for the Planning Commission 6. Pubtic notice, posting, mailing, and publication (at least 7 days but not more than 30 days prior to the hearing). 7. Evaluation by Director/Staff Review - preparation of a Staff Report 8. Review by the Planning Commission at the Public Hearing 9. A deniat may be appealed in accordance with Section 4-111(B)(2) and the Colorado Revrsed Sfafues 10. An approval will be documented by a Planning Commission resolution and may include conditions of approval. IV. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Table 4-201 lists application requirements to only include General Application Materials and a Site Plan, Section 4-203 (D). These application materials and other typical supporting information are generally summarized below. lt is recommended that the list be r¡tilized as a pre-submittal checklist. ! Application Form I I Ownership Documentation/Authorizations for affected properties E Authorization from the property owners to Apply and/or represent (may include copies of lease agreements, easement or right-of-way documents or surface use agreements) ! Authorized signatures on the Application, per County Attorney's Office review/direction ! Statement of Authority may be required for trusts, LLCs, and/or corporations! No Application Fee is required. ! An Agreement to Pay form is required and staff time/materials, referral and outside consultant expenses will be billed to the Applicant.! Copy of the Pre-Application Conference Summary! Vicinity Map ! Names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the property and mineral rights owners on the subject properties. A description of the research done to determine mineral rights owners should be provided (see attached mineral research instructions and certification form)! Site Plan showing the proposed plan, alignment, significant features and adjacent land uses. I A narrative description including details on the project. lt should include significant information such as: type of tower construction, height of towers and any increase in height from the existing towers, any visual mitigation (i.e., color of towers), visual modelling or photo simulation is recommended to address any visual impacts, information on easements and access, information on staging areas and locations, traffic information and hours of operation/activity including impacts during construction such as type of tower delivery and if helicopters will be utilized, and construction schedule, timing and duration.¡ Statement addressing how the project meets the Review Criteria in Section 4- 111.C, general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan 2030.! The Application should include references to relevant sections, goals, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan (see attached summary of potential topics)¡ Any other supporting documents as available The initial Application submittal needs to include 3 hard copies of the entire Application and 1 digital PDF Copy of the entire Application (on a CD or USB Stick). Both the paper and digital copies should be split into individual sections. Once determined to be complete additional hard copies for the Planning Commission members will be needed. The exact number needed will be provided by Staff but is typically 10 additional copies. V. APPLICATION REVIEW a. Review by: b. Public Hearing Staff for completeness and distribution to referral agencies. X Planning Commission _ Board of County Commissioners _ Board of Adjustment 4 c. Referral Agencies: May include but is not limited to Garfield County Consulting Engineer, Garfield County Road and Bridge, Garfield County Sheriff, Fire Protection Districts, and nearby jurisdictions including cities and towns. VI. APPLICATION REVIEW FEES a. Planning Review Fees b. Referral Agency Fees: c. Total Deposit: Staff time and materials $ TBD - consulting engineer review fees Staff time and materials VII. GENERALAPPLICATIONPROCESSING The foregoing summary is advisory in nature only and is not binding on the County. The summary is based on current zoning, which is subject to change in the future, and upon factual representations that may or may not be accurate. This summary does not create a legal or vested right. The summary is valid for a six-month period, after which an update should be requested. The Applicant is advised that the Application submittal once accepted by the County becomes public information and will be available (including electronically) for review by the public. Proprietary information can be redacted from documents prior to submittal. Pre-application Summarv Prepared bv : r2rU 3t18t22 Glenn Hartmann, Principal Planner Date 5 Gorfield County Locrtidr ¡nd r$rm R¡ricw F¡o¡cse (Section tl-111) o¡ o)E.Êt() .l! E ¡!t & n!! o E rltà{) @ EE Po.o. .ll4lEf bewiræd tf Dkeator .Apdlkamt lhlæ 6 rnrondt¡s to rubrnr¡it ıpdlikatiom rllfD h¡sänes dqls üo r'æik .ltff änmnr¡dlcÛll, @f! dhys m remnndy defn-enries ¡Pråf,cled" pædand mded b edþænt proFertyorers within 200 ftet¿nd misC wuersatledTdaryahrtrre more lùm 30daysprior bdeciúndab Step 1: Pre-applicatÍon Conference Step 2: Application Submittal l' ):.¿.1 -í, (... ¡ ; ¡ ; p l.' l.q' lì:'; I I i å'/ i|: 1¡¿ Step 4: Schedule Hearing Date and Provide Notice Sl:c r:Í!:ì ,i'1: ai1 b"') r*,::cr Step 7: Planning Commission Decision 6 Garftelú Coant¡t CERTITTCATIOI{ OF MINf,RAL (}W¡{ER RESEARCH Fhisform is ta be cømpletedondsuårnittedwith ønyøppiícanbn;forc f,cnd Usethønge Permit. Mir¡era{ inrterests rnay be sevened firon¡ surf¿ce right iilteresß in real propertY'. C.R.S. S 24-65.5-101, etseq, requirer no{ification to rninerafi owners wten a landoulnr applÌee. for an appiäcation for development frornr a local gove+nrnenl As slch¡ the hndowner fiiust reseãrch the eurrent oìAtrlers sf rnineral interests for the property. The Garfreld Cou:nty Land Urse and Developrnent Code of 2O13 ("[-tlDC'} S€{tiotr 4-1û1{EX1XbX4) recpiires written notice tû olvnem of nflineràl interests in ttre sublect prûFerty in aceord*nce with C.R.S. S 24-65.5-lL01t et seq, "'as stÆh owrìrÊrs can be identífiled ttrrotrgh the recordc in the office of tfre Clerk and Record'€r or Assessolr',, on througtr other means..'n This f,orm is proof of applûcanfs cornpliance witl¡r the Colorado Revised Statutes, and tl}e lt-UDC. The undcrsügncd appËcant crtffics tñat ¡nineral o$mGne havc bccn ¡c¡crrcftcd for thË subicct prop€rty as requircdpunuanttoC.R"s.g2¡¡-65.FfOL &æq,andSecti,on¡l-f0llq{filblÍl¡ofürcGarficldCountyl¡nd use a¡rd [¡er¡clopmnnt f-ode" as arnended- A¡ a resEtt of ttt* rescarclu rtrr urden$¡¡ned applicant certßfi]es the folkuuing fPteocÊ inÉt*il on tfic öM fínc n€xt to tlla stcÞmcnt that aætrøtlfy ftÍlçcts the restÑ of reseord$: - ll own üte entirÊ ffi¡nerêl eçtate refiative to the sublect prcperty; or - lVlineralis are owned b,y the parËies listed below The nameç and addnesses, of anry and aill ffiineral owners ider¡tified are provided below {attach additional p¿ges as nece:salryl.:: Namcof ñdineraü Oc¡nGr fllailinsAddrcss of Mirsal (l¡¡ncr I acknuortedgg I rer¡üs¡red GR.S. S 24{5"5.101, ct¡q" and I arn in aonrpFance with sañd ¡tatue and the LUDC. Applicads Sigrrñ¡nç Drþ 7 T(} FROilf: DAT& RE: lrIEMOM fuF Cmlnry AffüæJe"r Ofice n¡ûs 2,f,2ftt4 M¡nHEtlntãÊsttrmrch ilf¡ncnl itrcrcsb mlr be ¡crüed ûm surface rigþ üffis b rcd ¡nopcrtt" Cohüds revisedtld$ ?4-6¡5'!03 rr{uirus mtifrc*bn to r¡ineral oìilBr$ rr¡lcn a ldrmø rygtlc* fu e hdw de$gnilíon by r local gû$Effmt As such, tlp hfur¡m m$ æfficb d "unc o¡ross of mfocrnl in*¡egs for fu popty- rhc orlidd cqq Lüd t¡$ü d Dcvelopnrur &de af'20t3 ("LuDc-) sücîion 4* lol(EXlXbX4) reqùúc$ triüeã mtkx to ow¡Ers ofnoü¡rod íil€æss h fu sdücrt puperty kg¡¡h or¡vucrs cm bG ldeu¡fiod lhüEh the records in åc offim of rh Gþl ¡n¿ ilcsoúdçr m¿smrclbmggtdhmæ,Î It ¡s tÊ ùsy ofihc ry$caq to nui$ nrineral intere* orxms TÞ follorrùrg Ís a slEgcsod proccss to rmcü miæ¡al intcrcsB l- f,wim lhc crr¡d on¡nÊdip deed for tñc pryty (ta IFænS DEÊ4 Sþsci¡l ura¡r&ty, Qriû ¿rsim rlsad or Bargain ard sah Dnd--l.loT a Daed of TnEt)- Ttrcmmsþ ecd is usulþ mc or t\r,o pages. Is üere a rcsryoi¡n of niærnl iucress m tün owndþ dËü? .Arc llrrc any erceptïæ b ùle? A ffi rnf ¡sü¡tlc c lisú ofresveim tM æ&rence minÉÍnal o$,nÊrs or oil æd gE læ_ ä. Bøticmyou titkftçunoapolicy. Are tÌnrccrn@irmb tík tisdder$ffidc B- Il? lfsp, rcvirnr hr m¡ncrËl iderests that r¡¡erc nsnrcd ad oil md gæ kNEs, 3- ffißÊt trtft rl¡c ¡fñl'csmfc office to detern¡ñæ ¡¡6 n&çd id6ns hsß bccd rssençd from ûc su!þt |xûDcrty" Ite Assessor's sffies m lqsr docrrme th mfucrl!lcsldim omcrsüíg &r fts øt roll records unkæ onmadrþ hæ bü pwn Thcreut mly a lùmitd n¡mùcr of nineral owners nftu hxrc povehd e¡sh fufom60n tD lþ Asttstü's ofim so thñ* najr ¡ot provide any fomm¡*¡o¡, @cadfiry oa yûü FopÊrty" 8 n¿nuo June ?4,2û14 Pagc 2 4. Research the legal description of the subject properg rvith the Clerk and Resorder's computer. You can sea¡ch the Section, Township, and Range of ¡he subject property. You rnay fìnd deeds for mineral inlerests for the subject propcrty. 5. Research whether a Nolice of Mineral Estate Ownership was filed for the subject property. On the Clerk and Recorder'g computer, search under Filter (on the righf hand side of the screen), ûeneral Recordings, Notica sf Mineral Estate Orvnership for the subject pro¡ærty. 6. If you find mineral interest ûrffilers as reservations on your deed, listed in your title insurance policy, from the Asseg$or's records sr thc Clerk and Recorder's eomputer, you need lo delermine rvhether these mineral inte¡ests nere trancfered by deed and recorded is the Clerk and Recorder's oflice. 7, Iìnter the R¿nre of the mineral inlerest owner as the ürantor in the Clerk nnd Recorder's compuler to see if the mínerel interest was transfened. If you find a transfcr deed, you need to rËpeat this process 1o follow any trarsfer of the mineral in{erest to present d*y. 8. lnclude a description of ycur reseuch process in your applícatíon and the name(s) ancl address(es) olthc current r¡ineral interest owncr(s), Mineral inlerest research can be a difücult and timc consuming process. If you are unable to detcrmine mineral rights orwership by yourself, consider hiring an attomey or landnran. Auomeys and landmen specialize in determining mineral rights orvnership, but they charge a fee for thsir services. 9 NOTES ON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PI-AN POTENTIALTOPICS Chapter 2 Future Land Use and Future Land Use Mapping, including Urban Growth Area Topics Chapter 3 Section 1- Urban Growth Areas and lntergovernmental Agreements Policy 5 - UGA and referrals to Towns Policy 6 - Regional issues and projects Chapter 3 Section 3 -Transportation Policy 1- lmpacts on County Roads Chapter 3 Section 4 - Economics - Vision Policy 3 - Visual lmpacts Policy 4 - Resiliency and Diversity Policy 5 - Locations that possess physical features and community facilities and services. Chapter 3 Section 6 - Agriculture Policy 1-Avoid negative impacts on Agricultural Lands Chapter 3 Section 7 - Water & Sewer Services (reference to Xcel Wildfire Mitigation Program) Policy 5, Strategy vi. Expand requirements for wildland fire mitigation Chapter 3 Section 8 - Natural Resources Policy 2 - Avoid disturbance and mitigate impacts 10 \i L"-'*-*-'' Moliña Collbran A4ESAMesa ciRÁw0 itiMçrrCIN nËLn apøtcÊ carþo ËÕt RJYËR VÁ FIÊLN -"-'-¡f-Gypsum--ì¿9j New G.4RFii-!il LEGEND Circuit 6584 - Glenwood to Mitchell Creek 6584 - Mitchell Oreek to Ute Rifle 6670 9256 T'GÊÆ lnterstate Highway - fiy6¡ Landownersh¡p BLM 't'"¡;;ll, BOR åffi usFs Xcel Transmission Line Rebuild - Circuit 6584 - Mitchell to Rifle-Ute 69kV Xcel Energy (Xcel) owns the fourth largest transmission system in the United States, w¡th more than 20,000 miles of electric transmission lines and nearly 1,200 transmission and transmission/distribution substations in eight states, including Colorado. Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo), a subsidiary of Xcel, is the owner and operator of 4,7!8 miles of transmission lines in Colorado. Transmission Line 6584, a 69-kilovolt (kV) that runs from the Shoshone Substation in Garfield County to the Cameo Substation in Mesa County. This transmission lines, originally constructed in the L940s through the L960s, is approaching the end of its serviceable life. The proposed Rebuild of Transmission Line 6584 (6534) involves replacing all existing structures and cables (conductor and shield wires) between the Mitchell Substation to the Ute-Rifle Substation, approximately 25 miles (Project). Currently, transmission Line 6584 has a permanent ROW width of 30-50 feet and provides a source of power for communities ín Garfield County. The Project ís needed to continue to provide safe and reliable power into those communities that are the major users along the route. This project will involve construction act¡v¡t¡es to replace 25 miles of the 69 kV single-circuit transmission line 6584, which transects BLM, state, and private lands. The alignment for 6584 would be located largely within the existing alignment. Minor exceptions may occur should any topographic or sensitive resources be identified; the new alignment could be moved east or west of the existing alignment within public lands to avoid or reduce resource impacts. The existing 30 to SO-foot-wide permanent ROW would be increased to a 75-foot RoW and the line would be upgraded from the existing 69 kV rating to a 1-15 kV rating (Project Area). The components of the Project include: a a Approximately 25 miles of transmission line 6584 will be rebuilt. The existing 30 to S0-foot ROW will be increased to a 75-foot ROW' The existing wood H-frame transmission line structures will be replaced with steel H-frame structures. The total number of structure locations is anticipated to be similar to the existing structure locations. Access to the ROW will be primarily from existing public ROWs, such as state or county roads. ln certain locations, access will be across public or private land with explicit permission from the landowner. Helicopter access is likely to be required during construction of the lines in steep a a a terrain, Helicopters will travel to the construction staging area to land and collect construction materlals, lncludlng structures. The hellcopter wlll set down or plck up materials, wlthout landing in the ROW, whíle crews disconnect the materials from the haul cable, freeing the helicopter to depart. The Project is anticipated to be divided into two main segments of construction. The segments (subjectio change based upon further study) are: o Segment 1: Mitchell Substation to Newcastle Substation - ground and helicopter construction, approximately 12 miles. o Segment 2: Newcastle Substation to Rifle Substation - ground construction and helicopter, approximately 13 miles. Construction is scheduled for Q1 and Q2 2O231or Segment 1 and Q3 and Q4 2023 for Segment 2 with an in-service date of Q12024. ñ È ! € I Á: E o q x c' g @ Xcetãnergy' Figure 1.2, Project Map for Rebuild Project 6584, Mitchellto Ute Rifle GARFIELD COUNTY. COLORADO LEGEND : C¡rcuit658469kV - C¡rcu¡t 6584 Rebu¡ld Project - AæessRoad E Substat¡on æ OtherC¡rcu¡ts Township/Range Section COMaP Surface Management BLM Federal Local Pr¡vate Conseryat¡on State USFS -:-Miles , NORTH 42 MAP GRANO .¡' 6 5S 91W 1 - -t 'irr' ;_,ìl,iì @ ðôr 92W Þ¡!F. F¡l¡'gål* Þ.i. ^s* 89W ,.1 91Ws?w lr0¡¿ iiÌi .llJ{]!: GLENWOOD ROAR'IvG \ Xcel Transmission Line Rebuild - Circuit 6670 - Rifle-Ute to De Beque 69kV Xcel Energy (Xcel) owns the fourth largest transmission system in the United States, with more than ZO,00O miles of electric transmission lines and nearly L,200 transmission and transmission/distribution substations in eight states, including Colorado (Xcel, 2020). Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo), a subsidiary of Xcel, is the owner and operator of 4,718 miles of transmission lines in Colorado. Xcel is proposing a rebuild of the Rifle-Ute to De Beque 69 kilovolt (kV)Transmission Line 6670 (Transmission Line 6670). Transmission Line 6670 consists of five segments: 7. Rifle-Ute to Oil Shale 2. Oil Shale to Parachute 3. Parachute to Grand ValleY 4. Grand ValleY to Una 5. Una to De Beque Transmission Line 6670 was originally constructed in the 1960s, with some structures installed in the 1940s. Many structures were replaced in 2010 as part of a refurbishment project. The line has reached the end of its serviceable life. The proposed 32-mile rebuild of Transmission Line 6670 (Project) involves replacing all existing structures and cables (conductor and shield wires) between the Rifle-Ute and De Beque substations. The 6670 Transmission Line has a right-of-way (ROW) width of 30 to 50 feet. The transmission line provides a source of power for communit¡es ¡n Garfield and Mesa Counties. The project is needed to continue to transfer power in these communities that are the major users along the route and to maintain system reliability. This project will involve construction activities to replace and upgrade 32 miles of the 69 kV single-circuit transmission line. The line is planned to continue to be operated at 69 kV but will be designed to accommodate 115 kV for future needs. The Project alignment would be located largely within the existing alignment. Minor exceptions may occur should any topographic or sensitive resources be identified. The existing 30 to SO-foot-wide permanent ROW would be widened to 75 feet to accommodate design uPgrades. The components of the Project include: . Approximately 32 miles (1.6 miles on BLM land)of Transmission Line 6670 would be rebuilt. r The existing wood single pole transmission line structures would be replaced with a family of structures that consist of single pole weathered steel or brown fiberglass self-supporting or guyed structures. The total number of structures and their locations are anticipated to be similar to the existing structures' o Access to the ROW would primarily be from existing public ROWs, such as state or county roads. ln certain locations, access would be across public or private land with explicit permission from the landowner. Helicopter access may be required during construction of the lines in steep terrain. A helicopter would travel to the construction staging area to land and collect construction materials, including structures. The helicopter would set down or pick-up materials, without landing in the ROW while crews would disconnect the materials from the haul cable, freeing the helicopter to depart' The Project is anticipated to be divided into various segments of construction. The préllmlnâry (subJect to change based upon further study) segmênts ãre: o Segment 1: De Beque Substation to Una Substation - ground construction Construction duration would be approximately 6 months from mid-2022 to end of 2022 o Segment 2: Una Substation to Oil Shale Substation - ground construction Construction duration would be approximately 9 months from the end of 2022 to Q3 of 2023 o Segment 3: Oil Shale to Rifle-Ute Substation - ground construct¡on Construction duration would be approximately 6 months from Q3 of 2023 to Ql of 2O24 Sà È s _t ıl ı ù'6 9 Eeg 4 ,ì Ix À g LEGENÞ - Transm¡ssion Line 6670 ¡ substation Surface Management BLM FedeEl Loæ¡ Private Conservation State USFS ---l @ Xcct?nergy' Miles 0 # 2.5 FtcuRE l.l PROJEGT IOCATIOil TRAit¡Mt¡Stoil Ltt{E 6070 RIIUILD PROJICT ßARFIELÞ ANÞ MESA EOUNTIES, COLORAOO V* rsL&ru!'*r¡¡r r's e'Jr#t¡+tu*t-' 2301345KV SUBSTANONSHÀLÊ suBsrÁ7r0t, GRÁIID sse-þrâr¡o¡y frs a .¡¡ li t'., f, ''¡')' IRANSMISSIoN r tNf 6rì70 Xcel Transmission Line Rebuild - Circuit 9256- Hopkins to Basalt 115kV Xcel Energy (Xcel) owns the fourth largest transmission system in the United States, w¡th more than 20,000 miles of electric transmission lines and nearly 1,200 transmission and transmission/distribution substations in eight states, including Colorado (Xcel, 2020). Public Servíce Company of Colorado (PSCo), a subsidiary of Xcel, is the owner and operator of 4,778 miles of transmission lines in Colorado. Xcel is proposing a rebuild of the Hopkins to Basalt L15 kilovolt (kV)Transmission Line 9256 (Transmission Line e2s6). Transmission Line 9256 was originally constructed in L909, with some structures being replaced in the 1990s. The line has reached the end of its serviceable life. The proposed L1-mile rebuild of Transmission Line 9256 (Project) involves replacing all existing structures and cables (conductor and shield wires) between the Hopkins and Basalt Substations. Transmission Line 9256 has 4 miles of 100-foot permanent right-of-way (ROW) width on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land and provides a source of power for communities in Garfield and Eagle Counties (Project Area). The Project is needed to continue to transfer power in these communities that are the major users along the route and maintain system reliability. The project alignment would be located largely within the existing alignment. Minor exceptions may occur should any topographic or sensitive resources be identified; the new alignment could be moved east or west of the existing alignment within public lands to avoid or reduce resource impacts' Otherwise, the existing lOO-foot-wide permanent ROW would be used. Transmission Line 9256 would ma¡ntain its existing 1-15 kV rat¡ng. The components of the Project include: . Approximately 11 miles of Transmission Line 9256 will be rebuilt, of which 4 miles are on BLM land within Colorado River Valley Field Office (CRVFO)jurisdiction. The existing 100-foot ROW is expected to be adequate with minor exceptions should any topographic or sensitive resources be identified. . The existing wood H-frame transmission line structures and towers will be replaced with a family of structures that consist of H-frame, monopole, and 3-pole dead end weathered steel or brown fiberglass self-supporting or guyed structures. The total number of structure locations is anticipated to be similar to the existing structure locations' . Access to the ROW will be primarily from existing public ROW, such as state or county roads' ln certain locations, access will be across public or private land with explicit permission from the landowner. Helicopter access is likely to be required during construction of the lines in steep terrain' Helicopters will travel to the construction staging area to land and collect construction materials, including structures. The helicopter will set down or pick up materials, without landing in the ROW, while crews disconnect the materials from the haul cable, freeing the helicopter to depart. . Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2O23' Sè È s € _¡ Þq 9 .Þ 5 ò €' q ùI e -ò ò 9 *!¡eröd foo{fllrh d\LEGEND E substá¡on - C¡rcu¡t9256 æ other circuits cOMaP Surface luanagement BLM Loæl NGO/Land Trust Private Conservation State USFS HOPKINS --' ! ,.i,' i "ii :' {i z t CATILE CRç:K .in; ¡, I IJ . *qþ, {? å¡itì i þ,,¿rù ¡¿r¿ # 1.5:\:l't i Í F, P,i' í: -r,-i,-'' r:"\. it,¿ ... \./ú )'.J. ,, ,/ J ---Miles @ Xcel1nergy'DAL;\' s'-si "1* ***/ .¡¡ l-- ¡ ,.ri 1., ;i -.".'.' i" ' !.f'.i' "i sNowirasE Þ| rif!:!.qç-r ,, .Jr FIOURI I'l¡ PR9JICT LOCATION TRANEMISTIOil LINE 02!6 RIBUILD PiOJECT qARFIEID ANO EAGLE EOUNTIES, COLORADO;,. ,.,.,, "i