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1.14 Public Outreach Summary
TRANSMISSION LINE 6584 REBUILD PROJECT ATTACHMENT O: Public Outreach Summary LOCATION AND EXTENT REVIEW APPLICATION Guidline Cpcn Word Document Title TRANSMISSION LINE 6584 REBUILD PROJECT PUBLIC OUTREACH SUMMARY APRIL 2024 PUBLIC OUTREACH SUMMARY i CONTENTS 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Jurisdictional meetings .................................................................................... 2 1.2 Publicly available resources ............................................................................ 2 2 Project communications and stakeholder outreach for the community meetings ..... 3 2.1 Notifications for community meetings .............................................................. 3 3 Community meetings ................................................................................................ 4 3.1 Ongoing Program communications ................................................................. 5 TABLES Table 1-1: City and County Departments Engaged During Project Planning .............. 2 Table 3-1: Community Meeting Details ....................................................................... 4 Table 3-2: Community Meeting Attendance ................................................................ 4 Table 3-3: Community Meeting Representative Attendance ....................................... 5 Table 3-4: Ongoing Channels of Communication ....................................................... 6 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A – POSTCARD ANNOUNCEMENT ATTACHMENT B – SIGN-IN SHEETS ATTACHMENT C – POSTER DISPLAYS AND FACT SHEETS PUBLIC OUTREACH SUMMARY ii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Term/Phrase/Name BLM Bureau of Land Management BMPs Best Management Practices CDOT Colorado Department of Transportation Code Garfield County Land Use and Development Code County Garfield County CPW Colorado Parks and Wildlife CSDO Colorado State Demography Office FAA Federal Aviation Administration GIS Geographic Information System kV kilovolt L&E Location and Extent MST Mountain Standard Time OPGW Optical Ground Wire Project Rebuild of the existing Mitchell Creek to Rifle Ute 69 kilovolt (kV) transmission line PSCo Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation conducting business as Xcel Energy ROW Right-of-way easement UGA Urban Growth Area PUBLIC OUTREACH SUMMARY 1 1 INTRODUCTION Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo), a Colorado corporation conducting business as Xcel Energy, is proposing to rebuild the existing Mitchell Creek to Rifle Ute 69 kilovolt (kV) transmission line (Transmission Line 6584 Rebuild or Project) located in Garfield County, Colorado (County). The existing transmission line must be rebuilt because it has reached the end of its operational life. The approximate 25-mile rebuilt transmission line will follow the current route connecting the existing Mitchell Creek Substation, located within the City of Glenwood Springs, to the existing New Castle Substation, located in New Castle, and then on to the Rifle Ute Substation, located east of Rifle. This Summary Report includes a description of Xcel Energy’s approach to public outreach to date, including details about the Project’s community meetings held on February 27, February 28, and March 13, 2024. Xcel Energy organized the meetings to update the communities about the Project and anticipated construction methods, answer questions, and gather feedback. Section 1 of this Summary Report provides an overview of public and jurisdictional outreach efforts conducted during Project planning. Section 2 discusses the Project’s target audience and the methods used to notify the public of the community meetings. Section 3 describes the purpose and approach of the community meetings and an overview of the attendance and comments provided at the meetings. PUBLIC OUTREACH SUMMARY 2 1.1 JURISDICTIONAL MEETINGS Xcel Energy first introduced the Project to Garfield County representatives in 2021 and has continued to meet with applicable jurisdictions, including the City of Glenwood Springs, Town of New Castle, City of Rifle, and the Bureau of Land Management, through the Project planning phase. These meetings focused on Project updates, concerns with potential rebuild locations and vegetation removal, planned geotechnical work, approach to community engagement and outreach, permitting requirements, Project schedule, and impacts during construction. Table 1-1 lists the different departments that have been engaged in Project discussions. Table 1-1: City and County Departments Engaged During Project Planning Garfield County City of Glenwood Springs Town of New Castle City of Rifle • Community Development Department • Board of County Commissioners • Community Development Department • Planning Department • Planning & Land Use Development Department 1.2 PUBLICLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES A hotline, email address, and website were created for the Project in 2024 to provide information about the Project to stakeholders and the interested public. The Project hotline and email address provide updates through the voicemail greeting and email autoreply. Updates are also posted to the website’s homepage and content pages. PUBLIC OUTREACH SUMMARY 3 2 PROJECT COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER OUTREACH FOR THE COMMUNITY MEETINGS Xcel Energy hosted community meetings on February 27, February 28, and March 13, 2024, to provide information about the Project, construction methods, and schedule and to solicit public feedback. Project representatives also shared Project information at an Xcel Energy community meeting in Glenwood Springs on December 6, 2023, held for the sister project, 6584 Mitchell Creek Substation to Glenwood Spring Substation Rebuild. Stakeholders considered during the notification period included landowners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of parcels crossed by the Project route. Prior to the community meetings, Xcel Energy corresponded with existing and future easement holders along the Project route to discuss the Project and any additional easements required. Outreach activities will continue through Project duration. 2.1 NOTIFICATIONS FOR COMMUNITY MEETINGS Approximately 650 postcards were sent to invite recipients to the community meetings and provided Project contact information. Postcards were sent to all mailing and site addresses within 300-feet of parcels crossed by the Project and City and County representatives on February 12, 2024, two weeks prior to the first community meeting. Copies of the postcard notifications are provided in Attachment A. Xcel Energy representatives also communicated directly with Public Information Officers in each city where events were planned to promote the community meetings. 3 COMMUNITY MEETINGS The purpose of the community meetings was to provide a platform to inform key stakeholders, the interested public, and the media about the Project prior to the submittal of land use applications to Garfield County and the City of Glenwood Springs, and to address questions and concerns posed by the public. The community meetings were held in-person at locations in the vicinity of the proposed Project. Table 3-1 provides meeting details. Table 3-1: Community Meeting Details Date Time (MST) Location Tuesday, February 27, 2024 5:00-7:30 p.m. Glenwood Springs Recreation Center - 100 Wulfsohn Rd, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Wednesday, February 28, 2024 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Rifle City Hall – 202 Railroad Ave, Rifle, CO Wednesday, March 13, 2024 5:00–7:30 p.m. Garfield Public Library – 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute, CO Attendance for the community meetings is shown in Table 3-2 and in Attachment B. Table 3-2: Community Meeting Attendance Community Meetings Number In-Person Attendees February 27, 2024 & February 28, 2024 13 March 13, 2024 9 TOTAL 22 Information stations were set-up at the venues that included poster boards and fact sheets with information about the Project background, proposed Project components, the need for the rebuild, visual simulations of the rebuilt line, construction methods, and the overall Project schedule. The posters and fact sheets are provided in Attachment C. Project team members from various disciplines were available to discuss topics including Project components, vegetation management, construction methods, Project communications, permitting, and land rights. Table 3-3 provides a detailed list of team representatives who were present at the community meetings and each representative’s area of expertise. Table 3-3: Community Meeting Representative Attendance Representative Title Area of Expertise Jennifer Chester Manager, Siting and Land Rights Siting and Permitting Sara Crook Senior Siting and Land Rights Agent Land Rights Michael Durbin Project Manager Transmission Jonathan Johnson Principal Transmission Line Engineer Transmission Engineering Brad McCloud Western Colorado Area Manager Community Relations Cory Miller Senior Agent, Siting and Land Rights Siting and Permitting Steve Roalstad Transmission Public Affairs and Communications Manager Project Communications Sean Spoor Lineman-Patrolman Transmission Construction Nick Newbold Technical Manager Transmission Engineering Jennifer Bell, Jennifer Harris, Melinda Schultz Burns & McDonnell (consulting party) Meeting Support 3.1 ONGOING PROGRAM COMMUNICATIONS Xcel Energy will maintain the communication channels outlined in Table 3-4 for ongoing use during permitting, construction, and restoration. Xcel Energy will continue to communicate with and engage the community and key stakeholders through Project permitting, construction, and restoration. Table 3-4: Ongoing Channels of Communication Channel Type Contact Method Description Website https://www.transmission.xcelenergy.com/ Projects/Colorado/mitchelltoute The website hosts information on the Project, public engagement, schedule, safety, and methods to contact the Project team. Email Address MitchellCrtoUteRifle@xcelenergy.com The Project email address is checked daily to ensure all inquiries are addressed in a timely manner. Messages are typically responded to within 24 hours by Project representatives. Hotline 303-571-7472 The Project hotline provides brief information about the Project and alternate Project communication channels that are available. The hotline allows stakeholders to leave voice messages with questions, comments, or concerns for the Project team. Messages are responded to as soon as possible by Project representatives. ATTACHMENT A – POSTCARD ANNOUNCEMENT Mitchell Creek to Ute Rifle and Ute Rifle to De Beque Transmission Rebuild You are invited to join us at one of three open house meetings to learn more about two planned transmission rebuild projects along the Colorado River. We plan to replace the 60-year-old 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the Mitchell Creek Substation and the Ute Rifle Substation. Following this project, we plan to replace the transmission line between the Ute Rifle Substation and the De Beque Substation. By rebuilding these 69 kV lines to modern standards, we will improve electric service reliability to homes and businesses in the region and help meet the growing energy needs for years to come. Please join us at one of our upcoming open houses where we will share information about the projects and take your input. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information, email MitchellCrtoUteRifle@xcelenergy.com or call 303-571-7472. Open House date and time Open House location Tuesday, Feb. 27 • 5 – 7:30 p.m.Glenwood Springs Recreation Ctr. 100 Wulfsohn Rd, Glenwood Springs, CO Wednesday, Feb. 28 • 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.Rifle City Hall 202 Railroad Ave., Rifle, CO Wednesday, March 13 • 5 – 7:30 p.m.Garfield Public Library 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute, CO Reconstrucción de la línea de transmisión de Mitchell Creek a Ute Rifle y de Ute Rifle a De Beque Le invitamos a unirse a nosotros en una de las tres reuniones abiertas al público para que obtenga más información sobre dos proyectos de reconstrucción de transmisión planificados en el valle del río Colorado. Tenemos previsto sustituir la línea de transmisión de 69 kilovoltios (kV), construida hace 60 años, entre la subestación Mitchell Creek y la subestación Ute Rifle. Después de este proyecto, planeamos reemplazar la línea de transmisión entre la subestación Ute Rifle y la subestación De Beque. Al reconstruir estas líneas de 69 kV según los estándares modernos, mejoraremos la confiabilidad del servicio eléctrico para hogares y empresas en la región y ayudaremos a satisfacer las crecientes necesidades energéticas en los próximos años. Acompáñenos en una de nuestras próximas jornadas de puertas abiertas, donde compartiremos información sobre los proyectos y recibiremos su opinión. Se ofrecerán refrigerios ligeros. Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a MitchellCrtoUteRifle@xcelenergy.com o llame al 303-571-7472. xcelenergy.com | © 2024 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc. | 24-02-302 Fecha y hora de la jornada de puertas abiertas Sitio de la jornada de puertas abiertas Martes 27 de febrero • 5 – 7:30 p.m.Centro de Recreación de Glenwood Springs 100 Wulfsohn Rd, Glenwood Springs, CO Miércoles 28 de febrero • 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.Ayuntamiento de Rifle 202 Railroad Ave., Rifle, CO Miércoles 13 de marzo • 5 – 7:30 p.m.Biblioteca Pública de Garfield 244 Grand Valley Way, Parachute, CO ATTACHMENT B – SIGN-IN SHEETS B1 – FEBRUARY 27-28, 2024 SIGN-IN SHEETS B2 – MARCH 13, 2024 SIGN-IN SHEETS ATTACHMENT C – POSTER DISPLAYS AND FACT SHEETS C1 – POSTER DISPLAYS MITCHELL CREEK TO UTE RIFLE TRANSMISSION REBUILD Xcel Energy plans to replace the 60-year-old 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the Mitchell Creek Substation and the Ute Rifle Substation. By rebuilding this 69 kV line to modern standards, we will improve electric service reliability to homes and businesses in the region and help meet the growing energy needs for years to come. Project details • Approximately 25 miles of 69 kV line to be rebuilt to modern standards • Remove aged, wood poles and replace with steel poles • Rebuild largely within existing right-of- way easement • Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) will be added to improve communication between substations and assist in preventing lightning strikes • Distribution lines eastward from Newcastle Substation, to County Rd. 134 will be reconstructed on the new poles. Need and benefits • T he transmission lines deliver critical energy to Colorado River basin communities • Was built in the 1950s on wood poles • New infrastructure will: – Improve electric service reliability – Proactively mitigate the risk of wildfire damage xcelenergy.com | © 2024 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc. | 24-02-402 MITCHELL CREEK TO UTE RIFLE TRANSMISSION REBUILD Project schedule • Public outreach: November 2023 through end of construction • Environmental and land use permitting completed in 2024 • Engineering, design, and easement negotiations completed in 2024 • Construction scheduled to begin early 2025 and should be completed early 2026 Helicopter equipment placement Contractors will use established access points for most construction activities but some equipment will need to be placed by helicopter. Helicopter flights will: • Follow FAA regulations • Improve efficiency, reduce environmental impacts • May require temporary halts to traffic while flights are overhead B U I L D I N G A BETTE R A N D C L E A N ER ENE R G Y F U T U R E xcelenergy.com | © 2024 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc. | 24-02-402 Contact Website: transmission.xcelenergy.com/Projects/Colorado/MitchelltoUte Hotline: 303-571-7472 Email: MitchellCrtoUteRifle@xcelenergy.com Single Circuit Deadend Vertical with Post Jumpers Angle Deadend Pole Single Pole Angle Single Pole Angle with Guy Wire Single Pole Tangent Mitchell Creek to Ute Rifle/Ute Rifle to De Beque Transmission Line Rebuild STRUCTURE DESIGN Xcel Energy studied alternatives for the transmission line location and evaluated technical design requirements and potential impacts on the environment, community, residents and businesses. Rebuilding the line in its existing alignment was identified as the preferred alternative as it resulted in the fewest new impacts along the line. Material, Color Height Access Right-of-Way Width Easements Existing Design Wood, brown 26 feet to 101.5 feet (average 47 feet) Ground access for maintenance 30 feet for transmission line Within existing easements Explanation of Adjustments Steel poles comply with updated design standards and wildfire protection Increased height needed to comply with current design standards, including lightning protection Where access is difficult, helicopters will be used to limit ground disturbance from new access road construction Additional right-of- way needed to provide sufficient clearance for construction and maintenance Existing easements date back to 1950s Rebuilt Design Steel monopole (weathering), brown/rust 55 feet to 101.5 feet (average 66 feet) Ground and helicopter access for construction, ground access for maintenance 60 feet for transmission line Up to an additional 30 feet for transmission line, ground access for construction and maintenance xcelenergy.com | © 2024 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc. | 24-02-402 Mitchell Creek to Ute Rifle/Ute Rifle to De Beque Transmission Line Rebuilds CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING Set-up in Temporary Construction Easements (TCEs) • TCEs can be used for the following activities: – Stage construction equipment and materials – Provide space for assembling structures and stringing and pulling conductor wire • Two TCEs will be used as helicopter fly yards Vegetation Management and Clearing • Pruning, mowing and vegetation removal are necessary to create a safe, working, operational space around facilities • Trees near electrical infrastructure can cause downed lines, power outages and wildfires • We are communicating with landowners where vegetation will need to be removed Install Structures and Conductor Wire • Structures are assembled at designated TCEs, then transported to structure locations • Cranes are used to lift structures into place • Temporary pulley system pulls the conductor wire to each structure • Conductor wire is attached to insulators • Helicopters will be used to reduce the need for large equipment such as cranes in areas with limited access or working space Restoration • Restoration will be completed for areas disturbed by construction xcelenergy.com | © 2024 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc. | 24-02-402 C2 – FACT SHEETS Xcel Energy is building a better, cleaner energy future by taking steps to create a smarter and stronger energy grid, for a more secure energy supply. This commitment includes replacing infrastructure reaching the end of its useful life. We plan to replace the 60-year-old 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the Mitchell Creek Substation and the Ute Rifle Substation. The approximately 25-mile transmission line delivers critical energy to the Colorado River region but is more than 60-years-old and was originally built with wood poles. Due to natural weathering and the overall age of the poles and equipment, the line has reached the end of its useful life and must be replaced. The transmission line will be rebuilt to current industry standards that include additional measures to reduce wildfire risk. New infrastructure will improve electric service reliability to homes and businesses in the region and help meet the growing energy needs for years to come. The Mitchell Creek to Rifle Ute rebuild project is part of a larger, multi-year effort to rebuild and upgrade vital, higher-voltage transmission links between Glenwood Springs and Grand Junction. Project details • Approximately 25 miles of 69 kV line to be rebuilt to modern standards • Remove aged, wood poles and replace with steel poles (see images to left) • Rebuild largely within existing right-of-way easement • Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) will be added to improve communication between substations and assist in preventing lightning strikes • In some cases, Xcel Energy may need to secure additional permanent easements to meet engineering and operational requirements, temporary easements for construction and property access, or amended and restated easements to better define the location of the existing easements on impacted properties • Distribution lines eastward from Newcastle Substation, to County Rd. 134 will be reconstructed on the new poles. INFORMATION SHEET COLORADO MITCHELL CREEK TO UTE RIFLE TRANSMISSION REBUILD PROJECT OVERVIEW INFORMATION SHEET xcelenergy.com | © 2024 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc. | 24-02-401 MITCHELL CREEK TO UTE RIFLE TRANSMISSION REBUILD COLORADO Project schedule • Public outreach: November 2023 through end of construction • Environmental and land use permitting will be completed in 2024 • Engineering, design, and easement negotiations will be completed in 2024 • Construction is scheduled to begin early 2025 and should be completed early 2026 • Contractors will use established access points for most construction activities; however, some areas cannot be reached by heavy vehicles so equipment will need to be placed by helicopter Outreach and communications Xcel Energy will work with landowners, local governments and the public throughout the process to permit and rebuild this important transmission line. Xcel Energy will conduct public meetings to provide information about the project, answer questions and take public comments. Please visit the project website — transmission.xcelenergy.com/Projects/Colorado/MitchelltoUte — for more information — or call the project hotline 303-571-7472 or email MitchellCrtoUteRifle@xcelenergy.com if you have any questions.