HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.14 Effective FIRM_08045C1105EFloodplain Development Report for Middle Colorado Agriculture Collaborative Fish Passage Design in New Castle, Colorado 211-020.020 Wright Water Engineers, Inc. Attachments July 2024 D.1 Effective FIRM – Project 4 West Elk Creek JOINS PANEL 0700 JOINS PANEL 1110 JOINS PANEL 1108 JOINS PANEL 1115 JOINS PANEL 1085 T. 5 S.T. 6 S. T. 5 S.T. 6 S. R. 92 W. R. 91 W. ZONE A ZONE A LIMIT OF STUDY Garfield CountyUnincorporated Areas080205 Garfield CountyUnincorporated Areas080205 Garfield CountyUnincorporated Areas080205 Garfield CountyUnincorporated Areas080205 BUFORD RD MAIN ELK RD BUFORD RD 279000m E278000m E 276000m E275000m E 280000m E 277000m E 4383000m N 4384000m N 4385000m N 4386000m N 4387000m N 4388000m N 4389000m N 2415000 FT 2405000 FT 2410000 FT 1640000 FT 1645000 FT 1650000 FT 1655000 FT 39º 33' 45''107º 33' 45'' 39º 33' 45'' 107º 37' 30'' 107º 33' 45'' 39º 37' 30'' 107º 37' 30'' 39º 37' 30'' 1 56 4 8 9 32 17 3633 24 34 16 25 12 35 11 14 1315 23 26 21 27 22 28 10 29 20 COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX CONTAINS: (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) Federal Emergency Management Agency FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPFIRM Notice to User: The Map Number shown belowshould be used when placing map orders; theCommunity Number shown above should beused on insurance applications for the subject community. EFFECTIVE DATE MAP REPOSITORIESRefer to Map Repositories list on Map Index EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDEFLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO THIS PANEL For community map revision history prior to countywide mapping, refer to the CommunityMap History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance agentor call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1-800-638-6620. MAP NUMBER08045C1105E P R E LI M I N A R Y GARFIELD COUNTY,COLORADOAND INCORPORATED AREAS GARFIELD COUNTY 080205 1105 E NFIP NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM PANEL 1105E PANEL 1105 OF 2075 500 20000FEET 300 6000METERS MAP SCALE 1" = 1000' 1000 300 NOTES TO USERS This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program. It doesnot necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainagesources of small size. The community map repository should be consulted forpossible updated or additional flood hazard information. To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs)and/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the FloodProfiles and Floodway Data and/or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables containedwithin the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Report that accompanies this FIRM. Usersshould be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole-footelevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only andshould not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly,flood elevation data presented in the FIS Report should be utilized in conjunction withthe FIRM for purposes of construction and/or floodplain management. Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on this map apply only landward of 0.0’North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Users of this FIRM should beaware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the Summary of StillwaterElevations table in the Flood Insurance Study Report for this jurisdiction. Elevationsshown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations table should be used for constructionand/or floodplain management purposes when they are higher than the elevationsshown on this FIRM. Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections and interpolatedbetween cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations withregard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway widthsand other pertinent floodway data are provided in the Flood Insurance Study Reportfor this jurisdiction. Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood controlstructures. Refer to Section 2.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood InsuranceStudy Report for information on flood control structures for this jurisdiction. The projection used in the preparation of this map was Universal TransverseMercator (UTM) zone 13. The horizontal datum was NAD 83, GRS 1980spheroid. Differences in datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used in theproduction of FIRMs for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positionaldifferences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences do notaffect the accuracy of this FIRM. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of1988. These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevationsreferenced to the same vertical datum. For information regarding conversionbetween the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North AmericanVertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic Survey website athttp://www.ngs.noaa.gov or contact the National Geodetic Survey at the followingaddress: NGS Information ServicesNOAA, N/NGS12National Geodetic SurveySSMC-3, #92021315 East-West HighwaySilver Spring, Maryland 20910-3282(301) 713-3242 To obtain current elevation, description, and/or location information for bench marksshown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the NationalGeodetic Survey at (301) 713- 3242, or visit its website at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov. Base map information shown on this FIRM was derived from NAIP Orthophotographyproduced with a one meter ground resolution from photography dated 2009. This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurationsthan those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplains andfloodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjustedto conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, theFlood Profiles and Floodway Data tables for multiple streams in the FloodInsurance Study Report (which contains authoritative hydraulic data) may reflectstream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data available at the timeof publication. Because changes due to annexations or de-annexations may haveoccurred after this map was published, map users should contact appropriatecommunity officials to verify current corporate limit locations. Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of thecounty showing the layout of map panels; community map repository addresses;and a Listing of Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Programdates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each communityis located. For information on available products associated with this FIRM visit the MapService Center (MSC) website at http://msc.fema.gov. Available products mayinclude previously issued Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study Report,and/or digital versions of this map. Many of these products can be ordered orobtained directly from the MSC website. If you have questions about this map, how to order products, or the NationalFlood Insurance Program in general, please call the FEMA Map InformationeXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-FEMA-MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the FEMAwebsite at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip. NOTICE TO MAP USERS FEMA maintains information about map features, such as street locations and names, in or near designated flood hazard areas. Requests to revise information in or near designated flood hazard areas may be provided to FEMA during the community review period, at the final Consultation Coordination Officer's meeting, or during the statutory 90-day appeal period. Approved requests for changes will be shown on the final printed FIRM. Zone D boundary Floodway boundary 1% Annual Chance Floodplain Boundary 0.2% Annual Chance Floodplain Boundary *Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TOINUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD ZONE A ZONE AE ZONE AH ZONE AO ZONE AR ZONE A99 ZONE V ZONE VE ZONE X FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE OTHER FLOOD AREAS OTHER AREAS ZONE X ZONE D The 1% annual chance flood (100-year flood), also known as the base flood, is the flood that hasa 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special Flood Hazard Area isthe area subject to flooding by the 1% annual chance flood. Areas of Special Flood Hazardinclude Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base Flood Elevation is the water-surfaceelevation of the 1% annual chance flood. No Base Flood Elevations determined. Base Flood Elevations determined. Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); Base Flood Elevationsdetermined. Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); averagedepths determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities also determined. Special Flood Hazard Areas formerly protected from the 1% annual chanceflood by a flood control system that was subsequently decertified. ZoneAR indicates that the former flood control system is being restored to provideprotection from the 1% annual chance or greater flood.Area to be protected from 1% annual chance flood by a Federal floodprotection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevations determined. Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); no Base Flood Elevationsdetermined. Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); Base Flood Elevationsdetermined. The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be kept free ofencroachment so that the 1% annual chance flood can be carried without substantial increases inflood heights. Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual chance flood withaverage depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 squaremile; and areas protected by levees from 1% annual chance flood. Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. CBRS and OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Area Zones and boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different Base Flood Elevations, flood depths, or flood velocities. Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation infeet* Cross section line Transect line Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American Datum of1983 (NAD 83) Western Hemisphere 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid values, zone 134989000m N 5000-foot ticks: Colorado State Plane Central Zone (FIPS Zone 0502), Lambert Conformal Conic projection3100000 FT Bench mark (see explanation in Notes to Users section of this FIRMpanel) River Mile Base Flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) 513 (EL 987) 45° 02’ 08”, 93° 02’ 12” DX5510 M1.5 A A 23 23