HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.00 General Application MaterialsGIANINETTI FAMILY LLLP Event Center Substantial Modification Application RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, TANNER GIANINETTI General Manager Table of Contents 0 .. Section #1 : Administrative Documents ■ Section #2 : Background, Overview & Summaries ■ Section #3 : Addresses, Maps, UCP & Occupancy ■ Section #4 : Supporting Documents ■ Section #5: Supplementary Documents ■ Section #6: Completeness Review 0 n Section #1: Administrative Documents I • Application • Payment Agreement • Authorization Letter • Articles of Incorporation • Deed • Project Team Community Development Department 108 8th Street, Suite 401 I Glenwood Springs, C0 81601 (970) 945-8212 I www. arfield-coun .com TYPE OF APPLICATION LAND USE CHANGE PERMIT APPLICA"FION FORM ----·---~--[X]Administrative Review D Development in 100-Year Floodplain .Dlimited Impact Review D Development i n-1O0-Ye;;:-F loodplain V ariance 0Major Impact Review ---+□C ode Text Amendment ----- □Amendments to an Approve LUCP II I ni~g-· ----- 0 uR OMIR Dsup Zone District 0PUD 0PUD Amendment □Minor Temporary Housing Fa ility 1D Administrative Interpretation Dvacation of a County Road/P blic ROW □Appeal of Administrative Interpretation - 0Location and Extent Review □Areas and Activities of State lnter~st - Dcomprehensive Plan Amend ent 0Ac~ommodation Pursuant to Fair Housing Act □Pipeline Development Dvariance--- Doil & Gas Development Doil & Gas Development A~endment IDTime Extension (als~heck t pe~ ;rigin~plicati.9n-) -__ _--___ _ INVOLVED PARTIES -~--f----------~~~---------- Owner / Applicant Name: Gianinetti Fa I ily LLLP I Mailing Address: PO Box 218 Phone: ( 970) 963 -2275 State: CO Zip Code: _8~1_6_2_3 ___ _ 1 city: Carbondale E-mail: N/A ----------+---------------------- ---H - Representative (Authorization equired) Name: Tanner Gianine ti Phone: ( 9701 379 -8905 Mailing Address: 631 CowJn Drive City: Carbondale I State: co Zip Code: _8_1_6_2_3 ___ _ I E-mail: Tanner@springcreeksranch.com PROJECT NAME AND LOCATI N I Project Name: Event Capacity Modification -GIA Family Event Center Assessor's Parcel Number: 2 1 3 9 3 -3 4 2 -0 0 -0 2 8 1----------- ' Physical/Street Address: 343 CR 166 (per Assessor). Carbondale. co 81623 u : Legal Description: ---'-A....;..t""'-ta~c;...;h..;cd+..;;,d.;..__ ____________________ _ I Zone District: -'~'R~"~R~u~ra~I ~-------Property Size (acres): _8_3_A_c_. _+_/-__ -1 u Proposed use (From use Table 1403): As is, with higher frequency of events annually. I Description of Project: Modi~ Existing Event Capacity Limitation so that the • Gianinetti Family LLLP tjari better serve the community's event needs I and maintain a sustaina~le business model that is conducive to the property's I capabil ities and the Ev9int Center's engineered capacity. REQUEST FOR WAIVERS Submission Requirements D The Applicant requesting a Waiver of Submission Requirements per Section 4-202. List: Section: -----~ ______ Section: ____________ _ Section: ------,'---------Section: ____________ _ f Waiver of Stindards ------·-· - D The Applicant is request ng a Waiver of Standards per Section 4-118 . List: Section: ____________ Section: ____________ _ L Section: Section: ____________ _ -----------+------·-------- I have read the statements at ove and have provided the required attached information which is I correct and accurate to the bes of my knowledge. 3/13/2024 Signatu r e of Property Owner or Authorized Representative, Title Date OFFICIAL USE ONLY I File Number: - ! ----- Fee Paid:$ ___________ _ Garfield County PAYMENT AGREEMENT FORM GARFIELD COUNTY ("COUNTY") nd Property Owne r ("APPLICANT") ------------Gian in e tt i amily LLLP agree as follows: 1. The Applicant has sJ bmitted to the County an application for the following Project: __ _ Event Capacity Modification -GIA Family Event Center 2. The Applicant und JFtands and agrees that Garfield County Resolution No. 2014-60, as amended, establishes a fee schedule for each type application, and the guidelines for the administration of thb fee structure . 3. The Applicant and t I e County agree that because of the size, nature or scope of the proposed project, it is not possible at this time to ascertain the full extent of the costs involved in processi Tg the application. The Applicant agrees to make payment of the Base Fee, established for f he Project, and to thereafter permit additional costs to be billed to the Applicant. The Appl l cant agrees to make additional payments upon notification by the County, when they are necessary, as costs are incurred. 4 . The Base Fee shall b~ in addition to and exclusive of any cost for publication or cost of consulting service drermined necessary by the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of an application or additional County staff time or expense not covered by the Base Fee. If actili al recorded costs exceed the initial Base Fee, the Applicant shall pay additional billings t ~ the County to reimburse the County for the processing of the Project . The Applicant acknowledges that all billing shall be paid prior to the final consideration by the County of any L nd Use Change or Division of Land . I hereby agree t o pay all fees relate to this application: Billing Contact Person : Erne~t Gianinetti Phone: (_91.Q_) 379 -0122 Bi lling Contact Address: _5_9_2_+o_w_e_n_D_r_iv_e ___________________ _ c ity: Carbondale State : CO Zip Code : _8_1_6_2_3 ___ _ Billing Contact Email: e iani ljl etti 1031 mail.com Printed Name of Person Authori ed to Sign : _E_r_n_e_s_t_G_i_a_n_in_e_tt_i ____________ _ 03/13/2024 (Date) r March 13, 2024 f l ) ) Au horization Letter -Gianinetti Family LLLP This Letter authorizes Tanner Gia I inetti, General Manager of the Gianinetti Family LLLP dba Spring Creeks Ranch, to submit land use applications for the Event Capacity Modification for the Event Center and act as a representative for the applications. This letter also authorizes Bruce Lewis of Boundaries Unlimited to represent the owne ~s during any discussion in the land use and administrative review process . Sincerely, Ernest Gianinetti, General Partne Gianinetti Family LLLP 592 Cowen Drive Carbondale, CO 81623 ITMENT for TITLE INSURANCE issued by TITLE COMPANY of the rockies as agent for WESTCOR LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY I Reference: Commitment Number: 0600744-C2 Commitment Ordered By: Inquiries should be directed to: Mark Chain Mark Chain Mary Scheurich Title Company of the Rockies 1620 Grand Avenue Bldg Main Floor 1 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone:970-945-1169 Fax: 844-269-2759 email: MScheurich@titlecorockies.com email: mchain@sopris.net 1. Effective Date: Reference Property Address: 343 County Road 166, Carbondale, CO 81623 j SCHEDULE A Decemb r 06, 2017, 7:00 am I I Issue Date: December 13, 2017 2. Policy (or Policies) to bejlssued: ALTA Owner's Policy (6 17-06) Policy Amount: Premium: Proposed Insured: .{\. Buyer to be Determined Amount to be Determined Amount to be Determined ! 3. The estate or interest in tJe Land described or referred to in this Commitment is: I Fee Simple I I and Title to said estate or !interest is at the Effective Date vested in: I Gianinetti Family Limitbd Partnership now known as Gianinetti Family LLLP I The Land referred to in th;is Commitment is located in the County of Garfield, State of Colorado, 4. aotl :;::::: :::~~ION SEE SCHEDULE A CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Alta Commitment -2006 Schedule A OFFICE OF F THE SECRETARY OF STATE HE STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE OF FACT OF GOOD STANDING I, Jena Griswold, as the Secretary f State of the State of Colorado, hereby certify that, according to the records of this office, GIANINETTI FAMILY LLLP IS a Limited Liability Limited Partnership formed or registered on 12/30/ 994 under the law of Colorado, has complied with all applicable requirements of this office, and is in good standing with this office. This entity has been assigned entity identification number 199411455r 7 . This certificate reflects facts estabhshed or disclosed by documents delivered to this office on paper through 03/11/2024 that have been posted, and by documents delivered to this office electronically through 03/12 /2 024 ® 14:33:58 . I. I have affixed hereto the Great s,al of the State of Colorado and duly generated, executed, and issued this official certificate at Denver, Co ~orado on 03/12/2024 @ 14:33:58 in accordance with applicable law . This certificate is assigned Confi ,nation Number 15836997 . Secretary of State of the State of Colorado ******************************* *************End of Certificate******************************************* Notice: A certificate issued e/ectro11ical/ from the Colorado Secreta,-v o( State's 11·ebsite is (111/v and immediately valid and effective. However, as an option, the issuance an4 validity of a certificate obtained electronically may be established by visiting the Validate a Certificate page of the Secretary o}; State's website, l,ttp s://,nnl'.c'Oioradoso s.gm· hi-C<'l'ti/irnt eSearchCrit<'l'ia .do entering the certificate's confirmation number displa_veq on the certificate, and following the instructions displayed. Confirming the issuance o(a certificate is merelv optional and is not necessarv to the valid and effective issuance o( a certificate. For more information , visit our webs ite, Imp s: /1rn 'H'.coloraclosos .gm· click "Busine ses, trademarks, trade names" and select "Freque11t(y Asked Q11estio11S ." Please include a typed self-addressed envelope MUST BE TYPED FILING FEE: $50.00 SUBMIT TWO COPIES Mail to: Secretary of State Corporations Section 1560 Broadway, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 894-2251 Fax (303) 894-¥242 I For office use only 961056054 M $50.00 SECRETARY OF STATE 04-24-96 12:19 REGISTRATION STATEMENT FOR REGISTRATION AS A REGISTERED LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP OR A RE,.STERED LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ! Pursuant to section 7-60-144,I Colorado Revised Statutes, the undersigned partnership* has approved this registration statement in the ~anner provided in its partnership agreement or, if not so provided, such statement has been approve] by all of its general partners as follows: The name of the partnership.l Gianinetti Family Limited Partnershio If different, the name which it ,proposes to register, or, if foreign, the name which it proposes to transact business in Colorado is I Gianinetti Family LLLJ The jurisdiction of its formatioh Of other than Colorado) is, __ __,_N,,.,/A'""-------------- The street address of its prinJipal office is 592 Cowen DrivJ Carbondale CO 81623 I If the principal office of a general partnership or a foreign limited liability partnership is not in Colorado, the name and street address of i~ Colorado registered agent for service of process on such general or foreign partnership is: • N/A N/A Last name of an individual orifull name of an entity I First and middle name of an individual NIA I Street address of registered 4gent named above Name of part i 055 * As used in this state~\::nt, partnership refers to a general partnership or a limited partnership formed in Colorado or a foreign limited )iability partnership or limited liability limited partnership formed and registered in a jurisdiction other than Colora~o. If formed in Colorado, a limited partnership must first or simultaneously file a Certificate of Limited Partnership, and if formed elsewhere, it must also file an Application for Registration as a foreign limited partnership wi h the Colorado Secretary of State. Jf fti{'}"'.;~:,:,, ', s ''l ;22~~~~,L~n::PAR=~;;,~~~$~:~gir~:~ • ... ·s~:+~ OF. do~Ltib' ., ) ,f~ecor_ded.~t B-4· ~~'clock,,. f . 'M OEt 3 nsi 4 .... ~;:~ l~f. •• 1··« 1··.· ): .. · : . • ·:--... ·. • . •. .... .•• 1 .... ,. ) ·.Re~~ptloji'No.: •. f':,,;.,•.,.:10 'MiZ.:o!:i~o ALSDORf:;RECOF.lDER:. ;i·, , COUNTY ,OF GARFJEL'D .) . •• • : . · · · · •. · · . · · ·.··:·> ...... •. _,·J .: • • •, ·.. 'GARFIELDCOUN+Y,.Q,OLORAoo .··., ·.~rpcsi:.~!anine~,and.Caro~·~iariinetU, bi::lng fin;tduly sworn 9,Pj)n their o~ths depo~. • ... and state:: that;· .. • I • • . · • . • : ·· · · · · · .. · · · · · .· · . • • • • l·.. .The.ribe .oft~e: 0 Li~ited ·;artnership to .which 'this Affidavit relates'·i,; G~ninetti • ... ·:-·,:Family. Limited Partnership. . • ,, . . • • • • • • • • • • . .. · • . •• .. 2,. • ~~-l!~sin~s:· 'of ·said -~i~ited -~~~j~ ,is .~e,/o~. at 592 Co'Yen r,/, C_arbi:lndal~ CC? 816j3• !n _the .C~unt,y of· Gru:f'ield_, Sta~. of."C~lor~o. •. . . . • . . • . . ·3,_ '.l'he !911 first n~=:and .:rurnames of all qf the general ·P¥U1ers o_f =id.Limited Part1;>ersf11J?. and tl_le117 address,;:s a:r:e:a.s' foll9.""s= • • • F.·.1-n. • • .·Em·N···_am.3-~ , ::...D,. r ·caroo?<w,e, cp ··s16:23. Caro! Gianinetti S92 :C.ow~.D.r; · 1 • • • · Carb.ondale,. CO 81623 ~~::./ 4. . • Thci • affi~ts: a~e all of tlie g·e.n~ral ~'?l';i _of· ~~·above name<;! Limited .Pru:tnership. l , • • Da~. his 16.t:h . ·day of -·--'J?"-'e._c_e._m_b~~-r ____ ___ STATE OF COLO o· ) I ) ss. COUNTY OF GAR,FfELD ) . : I • , . . . • . . . • •. .• • . . '.r-he :f'.oregoingj instrumCl:!t was su?~bed, sw~~ ~ ~d .~owled~ed _before :me t:Us. 16th day 9f', • Dec.ember·· • , 199..:lL.., l?Y'1?rneit.Q1anmetti and Carol G1an.lnetti,. p,;:,ng_ • th!= gencral_partners·of Gi~i~eui f'aniily:Limited Partnership. • • • • • ' ' -Wi~s my hJnd,and offi;,,ial-seaI. ··:-,,.,,,y Commissi In Expires: 9 /13/98 *• 7,·:::·.... . .• '·· ·., : :_: ?-\} ,· ;', _;~/::\_·:;_:.\. ~-·•':; .: \ .::)" :: \ . .·, ~ ,) . •;_ ,1.~ ••• ~.-~.-r~~-: ,· .. _: ••• • I' ... ,, • .. • w~ • ,•.· .. ·· ....... ••,,. ," .. . .... ~. 'tlaJ~e.--,:,:_)e. ~ Notary Public -Barbara C .. Keller 9,J--·<i . \. . . ~ : -:.:.:.:: ~:/i -----------· •~::: .·~•:~,---··. :-:·, .. ; ?~rv~r ' j· .=/r=)~=y.=r=~{::r<:.i~?~.:\}:'.·?/??(}r:::~ ·:~ ~:~:.:·.~.;~:,:?:~;~~;;:~\~:~e;·'.r:::~r;~r /~?iij :.::·• ...... .-.-,. ,... : . ··. •.:,;:,,,~. ·: ':·· ·. ?, .. .-. •· · . oEc a·o··m;-• . . ··BOo)(0.92fhm9?.-1 · ... , ·.,~·,. ?,J.:.:; ·Recorded· at :.,. x . .'..«.o-:o'c(ocl(··: .,L:.:, •• '·M · · . · • .-• •• • •. , .. : • · • • .".' ·: · ·. • . • t,., ' ·,· ·,, ' t:/•:.::.:.;~tuJn •. tlki ... ~f,. · • • .:· :· : '.M1LbFiE~./4t:sooFiF· rieco~oii=l· · • DEG 3:0 .ms{ .. • • • .• · • • • ., ... ·.: .. • ..• •·.".":·. ..-.·:·, .:.:. ~· •. ~:. • .. :·· • ·:-'.: · .•.. ••. ·GARflEf.:D I : . ···-:. ::•.:~ :· • ••. ·. •• : . . • : ••. GA.,F!f-.LD CO£!NTfi CQtORADO State Doc;·f.ee· .. : • '" ~?.;.> .:· .-.. •.· .. • = •. ••• .. ·_:--• ·:·:·si>~~fil:w~n~ •s· Wf.2· • · · ·if~.::·:._:·_.: .•. ·. • ••.. , • i·· .• ··:·. • .. :·~. • .. ·:· ... :: .. ~ . • • . . : •• j[f:,/·' '· ·,.·. :.. • • • • Ernest Gi~Ejtti.a~cl ~pl qiamp.etti, Grll.11tors_, •for considei;ati1;m, of Ten Dqllllf~ and }Jt·( <; .• • ~th~(goqd •~<l.val~,e_cql\~de~tjon;_.in hand pili.~, ·he,reby ~ell.~d convey to the Giaµ4tetti •it·:> Family Limiµed Fai.:fnership, Grant~, wfybse:Iegal address is:592 qowen·Dr., <Ja:rtiondale, ·CO ~i;, ., < ·. . 81623,. *e {ollpWlll~ if1 PfOp¢l;ty :in·.theJ:~µn.ty .of Gai,fi~ld and $~te:of·Color,,.d~, to. wit: ~{> : ·_. •• • _. 'I;hai ~ pr~pk desq:xo;:<l, ~n -Exliibit II A" ·attached hereto and .i.ncorpora.IB!i • ·•:· •• • ·herein ty•tfiis"r~ferbnce·· • •• • · • · · • . •. • • .;·;·!·.;.'..:: ~.·.:::.::: •·. with all its·.appurtenan~; ~d 'wan=f fa~ title to~ the ~<? against a.Ii persons claiming under . . . . ·I . . . . . . . the. Gr:mtors: • • • • i · · . . • .. · • . · . • NO .nocm.mkA.RY FEE REQ~D: For• estate. planning purposes and withetit· ·~m¢deration •... ·I .. · .. • ._.. · .. '. .. ·· ···· · · · ·. ii> ·. mmmp ~u r~ d,1 of • z994: wi:Jl3C-. ·. lb.-.-. .-:· .. •. L.~:' .•. .> .. ····~ j:/-'··>. • . .' .· • : .. · · . : ·. Carol'Oianinetti • • • • ~ ' • 1{i ... • :::F~O:Fi l l~.:' • . . • • • I !;:t.,:.· ::-:. · · .: ., , ·;rti~·Jiire~oing • _. • IJ1~nt wa,s.~clmowl~~«:d Q•~for~ ~e tius4 day of . ,. ,. · ·· _-199_. t./_ .. ;; oy Ernest Gi • • etti: anct.·carol. G~aninetti, • ss ·.. .· , :. ·I . . ... WITNESS my d and official seal. My commission expires: c?-B-9 J? c./} .. ;:d/AQ :, . .. (iiti}f f • ~e~/~_/ '• .... t~/_.Jclu·-L.1r~ ~ d, {J~ t~~:-J~ .. ~~:.~.:, .. •1·· • .: ..... ., •• : ••• • ··~ ::. ; • _... -~ : • :• •. : .,;· :. • ~:•.:; •• ; , •• ~--~~ ; : . ; ••• • ·~ :•· ..... • • ••• ••• _: :. : ' • ·:. • • ~-: .' :: :, •• ~ . .: • •• •• ~--' • .:, • ..... •. ;: • :.:.:• :• • .. : .llOOK -904: PAUE22f BllOK 8011'AGE563 _ _ft"°TRACT OF LAI.O SI 1 .TE. WITHIN A PORTION OF GOVEP.NMEHT LOT ll OF /°' ~ECTION 27 .hl~D A· PO~T!Ol~ OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUT.B, RANG.I: SB WS:.ST OF TEE 6TB PRINCIPAL M.ERIDIAH, BEING MORE PhRTICTILARLY DESCRIB'.l;;D AS FOLLOi'lS: • • .: • . : . . I . . BEGINNING AT 'l'E.E MOSIX NORTHERLY. C:ORUER OF GIANINETTI ·SDBDIVISIO!{, SAID POINT ALSO.BEING ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF EIGHTH •• STREET W THE TOW!~ CF CARBO?mAtE r WHEHCE TRE COMM Cl; CORliER TO • SECTIONS 27, 28, 33 ~U .. "D 34 BEARS S.13 "19 '23 nw. A DISTAliCE OF 514.54 FEET; THEWCE N.00°00'00'"E. A DISTANCE OF 795.00 FEET MORE: OR LESS :t'O THE CEl~Tzj!. OF THE ROAlUliG FORA .RIVER; T-EEUCE ALONG SI.ID CEHTEP.LIHE THE FOLLOlUlm THREE (3) ·coURSES !. .. N. 81°,40 I 00 "E. A DISTANCE OF 732.00 FEE'l'; THENCE N.73°25 1 00"E. A DISTANCE Of 550.00 FEET; TEE!{CE S.67".3011aoo"E. A DIS:L'ANCE OF. 536.34 FEET MORE OR LESS TO TEE EhSTERLl' LIUE OF GOVEru.H-iEl?T LOT-no. l1; THENCE 1'.LONG SAID EASTERLY LINE S.00°0l'OO"E. ~ DISTANCE OF 1501.09 ~EET MORE OR LESS TO TEE lWRTBERLY LrnE ·oF SECTION 3, Alm THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF GOVERNME:l:::T I LOT NO. 4; TBEncr; .11.LONG THE EASTERLY LIHE OF S.l\.!D GOVERHMENT LOT ~0-4 S.00°01 '0-0"E. A" D.ISTbl.rC:e: OF 064. 75 FE.ET MORE OR LESS TO TBE ~DRTHERLY LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 68 AT PAGE 3S2r GARFIELD COUN'l'Y CL?:Rt:: AliD RECORDER'S OFFICE.; T.Hfil~CE J.LON'GISAID NORTHERLY LI'/:U: S.89"'21 1 21·nw. h D!STAUCE OF 910. 86 FEET TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORli'ER OF :CHE G.!1=.NINETTI SUBDIVISION; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TEE FOLLOWrnG THREE {3) COURSES: N. 28 °18 I 59 "W. A ~:STANCE OF 68L 74 FEET; TEEHCE N. 25°24 '59"W~ A:DISTh.'HCE OF 380 .30 FEET; TH.El~CE S. 1··6"42 1 32"W. 1113. 40 FEEl' TO THE EF.STERLY' RIGHT-OF-N..;Y OF EIGHTH STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-RAY TEE FOLLOKil?G THREE {3} .COURSES: N .. 13°l'.2'17nw. A DIS.TANCE OF 12 . .98 FEET; THENCZ '.ALOJ1G THE ARC OF A CURVE Td THE LEFT '17G.30 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CEl-1:I'P2i.L ANGLE OF·21°d2 1 39"r A RADIUS OF 480.00 FEET·, THE CHORD OF WHICH BE..1\.RS N.:23"'43:)6flW. A DISTANCE OF 175.31 FEET; ~HENCE • N.34"'H'5£i"W. A DIST·:CE OF 284.:84 1:EET MORE OR LESS TO THE P □rnT OF BEGINNING., OJU!.TJ.'Y OF GABFIE!D ST.F-.!r:E OF a:::ir.DRJ:I.IXJ Owner Gianinetti Family LLLP PO Box 218 Carbondale, CO 81623 Engineering & Survey Bruce Lewis Boundaries Unlimited 923 Cooper Avenue, Ste 201 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 945-5252 Water Monitoring & Treatment Anthony Zancanella Zancanella & Associates 1011 Grand Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 945 -5700 PROJECT TEAM Water Allocation: Basalt Water onservancy District Eric Mangeot LRE Water 909 Colorado Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 945 -6777 BOCC RESOLUTIO NO. 96-013 (RELATED TO MINERAL RIGHTS) I I Complete•Either Section I or Section II RESOLUTION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . I Sectio~ 1: In accordance wi~ ~9-1: 1_13(1.5) C.R.S., the commissioners of . Garfield County authonze the assessor to rev1e'f petitions for abatement or refund and to settle by wntten mutual·agreement any such petition for abatement or refund in an amount _of one thousand dollars or less per tract, parcel, or lot of land or per sched)lle of :personal property J County codmission Resolution# --'--9_6-_0_1_3 __ I The .fl.ssesstjr and petitioner mutually agree to an assessed <value of $ ___ 0 __ _ $ __ ""0"'---total tax for te year(s) 19 £s:: and an abatement/refund of$ /3. 0 Z . for PLEASE NOTE: THE TOTJl!L TAX AMOUNT DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCRUED INTEREST, PENALTIES, AND FEES IF APPLICABLE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR C Ti~-ASURER FOR FULL PAYMENT IN MAJ:IJ7N. ' I . . 1(----=:,!"TA?r_n f.j ___ : -1=-';6-....:...e, --·--·--~ V'.% ,_ --• --·· • --- .A.ue;;-c:-•s Sip-.2tum /, If Section.I is not complete fid!or if petition is for more·than $1,000, Section II must be completed. Section II: Assessors' s recorilmendati.on: kJ approved -No protest_fi!e\i in 19 94 or 19 ...2§_; D approved in part $ I D denied for the following reason(s): Note: If a protest was filed p ' se attach copy of NOD. B Assessor Dop. Assessor WHEREAS, The Cou9ty Commissioners of County, State of Colorado, at a duly and lawfully called regular me~liilg held on the day of I A.D. 19 __ .. _., at which-meeting..,.ihere-were--present the 'following· -I • members: notice of such meeting and Ian opportunity to be present having been given to the taxpayer and the Assessor of said County and, said Assessor -------~--,--------and taxpayer I (nam,i being present; ·and I (name) WHEREAS, The said County Commissioners have carefully considered the within application, and are fully advised in relation t}iereto, I NOW BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board ---~-~___,~ with the recommendation ?, f (concurs or doos not concur) the assessor and the petition be ---,,-,=--.-,....,,.=--and an abatement refund ~~-,--_,.,--,,--.,,,_ (approved or denied) {b& allowed or not be allO'Med) on an assessed valuation of $. _____ for $ _____ total tax for the year(s) 19 __ . Chairman of Board of County Commissioners County o • I STATE OF COLOitAk>O, } ss. I, I , County Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissiohers in and for the County o,,_ _________________ , State of Color~do, do herebyj ce~~ that the ~bo_v~ ~?d !o!e~oing. O!der is truly copi~ froJJ]._ tl!e records ---ef-·the-proceedmgs-of-the-B·o.nu or Coamy ·corrumss1oners tor sa1a _____________ _ County, now in my office. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, at _______ , this I day of _______ , A.D. 19 ___ . County Clerk BY----------,;-::::-::::---oeputy I ACTI(])N OF THE PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATOR ! . Denver, Colorado, ____ 19 __ . The action of the Bdard of County Commissioners, relative to the within petition, is hereby D ,ppwved; D ,pproved 11 p,rt $ ___________ 0 denied fur the following reason(s) ! ~v-~~~ •' FORM 920 (6&-93) fET!TlON FOR ABATEMENT OR REFUND OF TAXES Must ?e filed In duplicate and all quesllons must be answered. Petitioners: Complete this sidb only. 1 1 Glenwood Sprinqs , Colorado, June 7 , 19 2§.__ City or Town To The Honorable Board of Commissioners of -~Ga=r=f=i~· e=l=d~----------County Gentlemen: The petition of __ B_e-+-r_&_A---'lp=--h--'-o"'n:;;.sc:ci:;:.;· n;;;.e:;;_G::.:i::.:· an=i::::n;;.:e::.:t::.:t==i=----------------- ls92 Cowen Drive whose mailing address is: Carbondale co 81623 Cliy or Town Stato Zip Coda SCHEDULE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AS LISTED ON TAX ROLL 28-7-88 111373 -o \\ 1/2 Mineral rights on all. Part of Lots 1~, 17 & 20 27-7-88 Lot 11 33-7-88 Lots 1, 2 & 8 34-7-88 Lots 4 & 5 respectfully requests that ti-e taxes assessed against the above property for the years A.D. 19 ..2.2._, 19 __ , are erroneous, illegal, or due to error in valuation for the following. reasons: Describe specifically thd, circumstances surrounding the incorrect value or tax, including owner's estimate of value. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) I . Grantors reserved anJ undivided½ interest on the above for their natural life. Both ~re now deceased. The mine~al interest is no longer severed. The following informaticn is for the Treasurer's office: Tax Item Code 5170 Orig. Market Value l) --2L Valui 18d : l ! 620 Tax 13.62 Abate. 1 Qrl 1 3 62 Assessed Value 180 ]9 __ Value Tax Bal. " l Therefore the petitioner requ ts that the taxes may be abated or refunded in the sum cf$ 13.62 I I declare, under penalcy 4f perjury in the second degree that this petition, together with any accompanying exhibits or statements, has been examined by.me and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief is true, correct and complete.l Ben & Alphonsine Gi inetti Address 592 Cowen Dr. Carbondale, CO 8162 P&!lllon•r By Dan Kerst Daytime phone number_~9<.;;4..,5"--...,2,..4 .. 4..,7'-------- ~•nt I Dale I Every petition for abatement or refund filed pursuant to section 39-10-114 shall be acted upon pursuant to the provisions of this sectiori by the board of county commissioners or the assessor, as appropriate, within six months of the date of filir:lg such petition. 39-1-113(1.7), C.R.S. • I I DISTRICT COURT, W-4\.TER. DMSION NO. 5, GARFIELD COUNTY,! COLORADO Court Address: 109 811 Street, Suite 104 Glen~ood Springs, CO 81601 (970) rs-5075 CONCERNING THEl.APPLICATION FOR WATER RIGHTS OF Ernest Gianin.etti . in Garfield County, Colotado Attomey for Applicant: Kelly D. Cave (#28573) Dan Kerst, P.C. 823 Blake Avenue, Suite ~02 Gl~wood Springs, CO 8J601 Phone Number: (970) 945-2447 F J\'.X Number. (970) 94~-2440 E-~ail: kellvtmdankcrstnc.com EFILED Document CO Garfield County District Court 9tl JD Filing Date: Dec 1 2006 3:58PM MST Filing ID: 13074857 !Review Clerk: Jeanine Horsley A COURT USE ONLY Case No. 06CW151 RULING OF THE REFEREE I : This claim has collie before the Water Referee on the Application to Make a Conditional Water Right Absolute of ~est Gianinetti. An Application to hake a Conditional Water Right Absolute was filed in the above- captjoned case on July 28, \2006. The Water Judge referred the Application to the undersigned as Wat~r Referee for Water .qivision No. 5, State of Colorado, in accordance with Article 92 of Chapter 37, Colorado Revi~ed Statutes 1973, known as the·Water Rights Determination and Administration Act ofl 96~. . • I ! The undersigned R~feree has made such investigations as are necessary to determine whether or not the statemerlts in the Application are true, has become fully advised with respect to fh'.e subject matter of the iA,pplication and its attachments and has consulted with the Division En~neer for Water Divisioh No. 5. The Referee hereby makes the following determination and rulirig as the Referee in thi~ matter. I. • The name and adJss of the Applicant is Ernest Gianinetti, 592 Cowen Drive, Carbondale, CO 81623 c/o Kelly Cave. Dan Kerst, .P.C., 823 Blake Ave., #202, Glenwood Springs, CO 8160 I . 2. 3. . The statements m the Application are true. I Description ofWrer Rights: A. Name of structure: Lyons Ditch, 1D #846 B. C. D. Location: 4600 feet from the South line and 2200 from the East line of Section 34lr Township 7 S., Range 88 W., of the 61h P.M. The headgate is located at a point of the southwest bank of the Roaring Fork River whence the NW comer of Section 64, Township 7 S., Range 88 W., of the the 6th P .M. bears north 82 degrees W\3130. Source: Roaring Fork River Appropriation date, Amount. and Use: I Name ~imronnation Date Amount Use Lycims Ditch I June I, 1907 0.9 cfs (absolute) Irrigation purposes 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E. I Name and Jddress of owner of land on which : Ernest Gianinetti, 592 Cowen Drive, Carbpndale. CO 81623. \ On July 28, 2006, the Applicant filed in this Court an Application to Make a Conditional Water Right AbsoIJte. The Application w1 properly published in the resume for Water Division No. 5 as required by law, and the Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of th.is proceeding and over all persorul or water rights affected thereby, whether they have appeared or not. See C.R.S. §37-92-,02. No Statements of opposition to the Application were filed in the above-captioned case. The time for filing sµch statements has expired. I The water rights despribed and decreed herein will not result in any injury to the owner of, or persons entitled to use water under a vested water right or a decreed conditional water right, if operated in tccordance with this Ruling of the Referee. I : The Referee has giv~n due consideration to the Report of the Division Engineer/Summary of Consultation filedlherein, a:nd the Ruling reflects the modifications suggested by the Division Engineer. \ I I \ I Garfield District Court Ruling of Referee Page2 9. The Referee, having examined the information submitted by the Applicant, and having completed the inv¢stigations necessary to make a determination in this matter, does fmd that the Applicant\has completed the appropriation of the subject conditional water rights and have applied such conditional water rights to the claimed beneficial uses. thereby making absolute ahd unconditional the subject conditional water rights in the amounts and for the uses dciscribed above. and hereby grants the Application in and for the amounts, uses and\dates of appropriation described in paragraph 3.D., above. I 10. It is accordingly oidered that this Ruling of the Referee shall be filed with the Water Clerk and shall beqome effective upon such filing, subject to judicial review pursuant to C.R.S. § 37-92-30l as amended. 11. It is further ordered that a copy of this Ruling of Referee sha11 be filed with the State Engineer and the tjivision Engineer for Water Division No. 5. I . --1Yi •.. . Dated this_..... ___ -! day of N .\; f: vn\)! ( , 2006. BY THE REFEREE: Hon. A. Lain Leoniak, Water Referee Water Court for Water Division No. 5 State of Colorado I No Protest was fiI in this matter. The foregoing Ruling of the Referee is confirmed and apprqved, and is made the Jfdgment and Decree of this Court. , I Dated this ___ ~y of _____ __, 2006. BY THE COURT: Hon. Daniel B. Petre, Water Judge Garfield District Coult Ruling of Referee Pagc3 -~l ~~~ ou-w 16 NENENf. lC ;jJS 1 a.ooooC:FS B 9 88 • 18 ·1E -_, ........ '"'-" FOUi! llfLE CREEK 38-110 .OlliOCFS B ·& 7-S -89-W ·_ 9. NENENE 10 ~· ., ..... uu • -'804 CER!S£ ~ • l SOPRIS CRt:EK 38 · l l.2500CF5 ii S a .. s 81-1:1 .34 NW5ENE 10 •! :nl"lb~ "!JI Sll9ft i lU 1,fl91)9. 3805 AVI SPR~NG !!IP.EqNE --. .,. C41TLE . CREEK .38 18 0 53~0CF5 ll ·s ?-s• 88-li b SWSESE 10, I/ ~/196• 3/ S/1945 51111913 3806 HAHMERtC~ PIPcLINE · 7 FOUR " HJLE C~EEK ·35 119 ~15QOCFS S S -~s 89-M 9 NENENE 10, !I &llli(»(. 3/ lill9ft5 !!I ;L/l~U 3~06 ;-J!Olr CAR . Pl<lNGS l 2 3 * FOUR. li!LE CREEK 38 ,a 1.oooocfS·B S 7 ... 5 .-!79_;-~ ;; SSWWNSEE~~ 10, 1/ i/196• 3/ 5/19.<tS 6/ ~/l'J13 ~1$117 HUTCHINS RESERVOJa 2 • 3 SOPR15 CREEK "38 18 &.8800AF 8 Ii 9,,._5 r D .,"T ,.,. Jo , I !i,'lf16{,. ·31 5/1945 pf 111~30 31108 KlDNIGHT l R041UNI,.· "FORK lll\/ER 38 )IIJ . 2..50D0£FS B 10.I I S.Jllltit,. 31 &ll91t6 6/ l/1!13P ~Q08 14C CAIIE rm ENLARGEME~I' 1 C.APITAI-CREEK . • 38 i s,2eooc;Fs s ·s 9.,.s a1-11 ·34 SWNWNE • 101 f illV~• 3/ 5/19~5 6/1/1930 3ij08 CERISE 2 l SOPRlS CREEK 38 l ~.75DOCFS BS "BPS a1-w ·34 SWSENE lOJ f Sli!Ui-~ 31 S/19~5 6/ 1119--0 3ij09 SMTTH·J 3 l ROA&lNS FORK RlVER 38 8 .• 50DOCFS 8 S tr.,5 s4-w ·20 SENWYE 10/ f t: ·,qt,_. 3/ 5/1945 8/17118"1-·1aio HUSTON l HU~TER CREEK 3t,· l 4.00DOCFS 8 S 0-:eS BrW· 5 SENWSE lll/ 'I 61t 3/ 51196S 8117/UU • UlO flJUR HlL 3RD ENL l FOUR rm:.e CREEK 36 l IS.4400CFS ·B S -6-5 89-W ·34 SWSfSli 1D/. '.;. ,d&<,-3/ 5/19lt6 a,·a,19,. 3~11 SMITH &R_Er-K lliT ENL l SMITH CREEK • • 38 1 3.0000::Fs 11:s l!,:,S · 8i-W • 8 NWNE&e 10/; ' 5Jl,;t,{i, ·3/ 5°/i9i!i 11/ 3/l9(M 3el2 TUCKER SP \"ING& 1.2 3 4 4 ROA~IaiG FOR!: RIVER . 3S 8 .,aooocFS LS 6-:e-S 8~-w 20 NEmfSE 101; 23/18ft8 7/25/19/tl .3/15/1945 3813 TUCKER SP JNGS 1 2 3 4 4 Rll4~1N6 FORK RIVElt 38 8 .2000CFS -8 S 6-S 89-11 ·20 NENWSI: 101: :,t/1~"8 7✓25/19'tl 3/l!i/19~5 38i3 BUFFALO l 7 HEAOGATE S !. !;OPRIS CREEK 38 i 2,.500DCF5 fl S 8-5 .a1-w 32 SWNENE 10/-.i T/196;? 18/ l/i843 3115/l-9~5 3813 BUFFALO l 7 IIEAOGAT-E -& 1 SOPR.IS caEEK 311 l 2.SOOOCFS "P S s-s ·e7-w 32 SENE~JE 10/, 26/~9S9. 3/a7/194~ ~/15/1~~6 3al4 BUFFALO 1 7 HEA0GATE 7 1 SOPRlS CREEK 38 l 2 ,5000CFS -P S a~s 87-~ 32 SENENE 10/i 2/1853 5/7/1945 't/16/19~~ 3815 BUFFALO~ 7 HEADGATE 4 l SOPRTS CREEK 38 l .z.sooocFS P -5 s-s 87-W 32 NESWNE 1012 ~118~,3 5/ 7/19(+5 Mt1/i841t 3816 BUFFALO l. 7 HEAOGATf: 3 . _1 . .608~~EEiC ..... • ---.3S. l--_z.,50901.FS-'f"·s-.:&-S-·8C,-lf;3Z 'SENlfHE--~o"/l! -~1a-.,,, 7/19fr!i • 't/191!94"-·""1fr? '· BUFFALO l i HG 2 i SOPRIS CREEK 38 l 2.soeoCFS p · S la-s 87-11 ·32 NHSWHE lD/2 21191:i3" 5/ "7/\_91t6 4il'3/l944 ~lll7 BUFFALO l • H{il l SOPRIS CREEK 38 2 2.soaoCFS a S ~-s 81-H 32 SWSWNE 1012 :2/li53 5/ 7/194$ 4/20/l9Mt 3818 GRANGE CEil • SE 1. ROARING FORK ltIUEll 38 16 4.0000CFS 15 5 ~-S 87-H 3 NESWNW 10/2 Z/1953 5/ 7/.1945 4/21/1944 3819 ·WALKER GUI. H SPP.ING l. CR\'STAL RIVER ·3g 1 3.-97D0CFS BS 7..-s 88-1!1 ·32 SESWS·E 10/2· 2/1955 SI 7/1945 4/22/1944 38ZO SOUTH SPRIJ:G 4 THKEE rHI.E CREEK . .36 8 DOSOOCFS B-S i,-s a9-W 2D SESENW 10/2• 2li91i3 5/ 7/194~ lt/23/19~~ 3821 NORTH SPRl~GS l 2 3 4 5 4 lHREE MILE CREEK. 38 8 .lODOCFS a 5 6-S B9-W 20 SENWSW 10/2, 2/1953 51 7/1945 4/24/1944 3~z2 SLOSS 2ND llLARGEMENT 1 SOPP.ls CREEK · • 38 1 7.R6oocFs s s -$-s a1-w 33 sENES~ 1012, Ul9!i3 5/ 7/1.9't5 ~/25/1944 3823 MC. CUTCHEi~ PiPELIN!: 7 CRYSTAL RIVER -38 l .3100CFS ~ S Cf-S 88-W 29 NWSWNE 10/2• ?/1953 5/ 7/19't!i 4/26/ 1'144 3824 Al/I SPRING oncu i.-:;ATTLi: CRE:K 38 lit l.24DOCFS .6 !i 7;-s 88-H S SliSWSlol 10/2• ?/1963 5/ 7/lQ4i -4/27/19f.4 3825 P J E $-Pil ER PIPELlr~e '"-Fl{YJ~JGPAI-I R[IIER 38 8 2-500DCfS 8 S 3-s 83-W 23 NWNENE 1012' !/1953 5/ 71194S it/2111/1941t 3826 CRUWLEY F1i ING PAN 1 FitYHIGPAr~ RIVER.. 38 l 3.3000CfS S S ~.,.s B3-lf lB -NESENE l0/2~ :/1953 5/ 7/1945 4/29/1944 38~7 I/ON SP81NG$ P. ·1sT EIIIL 3 COULTER CREEK 38 1 10.oooOAF BS £.r-S 87-H 23 10/2!; :/l9!i3 5/ 1/191,Ji 4/30/1944 3828 ZANCMELLA P.R .l 2· "'ROARING FORK RIVER :38 8 .• sooOCFS B S 11[5 88-W 29 NWNWNW 10/2~ /1953 5/ 1/l9ftS SI 1/194~ 3829 ZANCANELLA "PK l 2 l ROARING F □RK "Rl~ER -38 8 .5000CfS PS 7 S 88-W 29 NWNWNW 10/2~ /1953 5/ 7/191t5 51 1,i~44 3829 ROSE JV WASTE_WATE~ l ROARING FORK R(VER 3a l l.OOOOCFS a S 6 ~S 89-W lb NWNESE 1012ft /1953 5/ 7/l 91t5 5/ 2/l 91tlt 3830 EAST IIESI. L.ST 1:l◄L l CRYSTAL RIVER 3& 18 lO.OUDOCFS 8 5 9fS 88-K . 9 NENESE 1012ft fl~53 SI 7/1945 SI 3/19~ 3B31 ~ON SPRI~Gs \~EScRVO{R 2 3 COULTER CREEK 38 II S S 6-5 87-W 15 SE5ESE l0/21t (19~3 5/ 7/l~S 5/ 't/1944 3832 LYONS SPB.IN~ 4 ROAR.ING FORK R!IIER, 38 1 .3000CfS 8 5 7 .L s 8'1-W 30 NESWNE 1D/2!i '1953 5/ 7/194.5 5/ 4/lq~4 3832 LYONS SPRIN"i ?IPEqNe 4 ROARINC. FORK RIVER. 38 6 .0018CFS S S 7ls 87-W.30 NESWNE 10/2-'t '1953 5/ ·1tl9't5 5/ b/19"4 .3833 . TAGERT 1ST E\NL . l CA!>TLE CREEK 38 ·l l.41DOCFS e. S 10.!.s BS-Iii 12 SWNWNE . 1Dl2!t 'l!i53 5/ 711946 5/ 7/191tlt 383lt CERISE FRANK 1 -2 • l ROARlNt. FORK RIV.El 3& 19 2POOOOCF5 S S 101 ;; 85-" 1.0 NENENE 10/2.4 ·1953 s, 7/1945 51 7ti944 383,. THREE MILE slRING 1 .. TH~ee ~ILE CREEK 3a s .oo2.3CFS B s 6Js 89-K zs SENENW 10124 1953 5/ 7/19"5 51 4{1944 3i35 7HREE HILES RING 2 4 THREE ·MlLE CREEK 38 8 .0023CFS 3 S 67S 89-W 28 SWNWNE 10/24 !959 3/27/l94'i-5/15/1945 3836 GALENA 7 ROAR.ING FO!tK. lUVflt 38 80 1.SOOOCFS 8 S 117s 83-W 10/2't, 191t6 7/25/1941 6/ l/1945 _ 3837 LJTTLE ANNIE 3 • 4 ROA~ING FORK RlVER 38·80 .2500CFS 8 S 10"? 84-W 31 10/24. l9it9 2/ 5/1940 6/30/1946 3838 ARHS CREEK l ltllARHIG FORK RIVE!t 3& 3 l.SOOOCFS li S lb·\S 83-W 10/24 , 19~9 2/ 5/194D--bl30/l9~~ 3838 RALSTON l R ST cNL 3 COULTER CREEK 38 l 45.bOOOAF BS ~~s 87-W 20 swsws~ 10124, l9"9 -2/ 6/1940 b/3D/1946 3838 HC KINNEY SP ING PL ~ ROARlNG "FORK RIVER 33 B .0500CFS D S 10-~ ea-w q NWSE~W 10/24, l 9ft9 2/ 5/19't0 6/30/19.r,5, 3838 RED MOllNTArN °PRING$ 4 RDARINC FORK IUVER 36 18 .7000CF5 fl $ 10 .. ~ 114-W . f> NESWSE 10/24, '.8!ii:!. 0 10, 1/1943 7/22/1945 3639 COLPITTS l l '>IETTLE CREEK 38 l • 1.oooOCFS B S 9-S 88-lt 10 10/24, <' '.0/26/L937 9/ 2/194.!ii 3840 COLPITTS 2 l >JEHLE CREEK 38 2111 2.0000CFS O S <J-S 88-W 10 10/2.~, t ,0/2611937 <JI 2/1945 3840 f.t:INSINGER 1 a:1.sru, r.Rt:EK 3& 1a 2.,ooooci:s i. • I 1012,., 9~o 7/2511941 10/ l"/l9<t'5 j8(tl DEARHAHHER PIPELINE 7 TWO IIV FOUR CREE~ 38 89 .0400CFS 8 S 8-~ 81t-W 10 NWSWSE 10/'2.M 94B 7/25/l.')lpl," l.01 lH945 3841 SPRING PARK !l.l lST ENL 3 ::ATTLF. CREEK _38 l 1496.AF L S 7-~ 87-W ll 10/Zft/ 949 2/ 5/t940.l0/1B/t945 3842 SHIFPEE 4TH EL 1 SO?RIS CRE:K 38 18 l.3500CFS ~ S ~-~ 87-W 25 NWSWNE 10/24/ ~ .. 9 2/5/1940 l0/18/i94S 3842 DAVrs· ES 1 SOPRIS CREEK 3ft l l.30DOCF5 BS a-9 87-W 24 NENENW 10/24/ ~w9 21 5/1940 11/ l/l94S 3843 J:RDS8V OITCH • • l !Hll>RING FORK RIVER 38 l 1.ooooc:FS & S 10..-85-11 10 10/24/ Jli2 10/26/1937 1111./19,s 384·4 CROSB'f o·ITCH ~ l ROARING FORK RtVER 38 1 lo0000CFS B S to-r 85-W 2 10/24/ 152 l0/2b/1937 lllllt/l9lt5 3844> "CROSBY DITCH l ROARING FORK RIVE~ 3& & .5000CFS LS 10-s 8~-w 2 10/24/ 152 10/26/1937 ll/llt/19~S 3B44 RED ACR!:5 l :tOAkH>IG FORK RIVElt 31l l 10.ooooCFS ll S 6-S 8'1-1~ <J SENWS\l 10/24/ 152 10/26/1937 llll!tf191t!i 3844 SNOWMASS FALLS l SNill-mASS CREEK. 38 l 5.0000CFS u S lP-S 8t,-\oi 10 NENWSW 10/24/ 48 7/25/1941 3/6/1946 38~5 LlGHT LIGHT l SOPP.IS ca~EK 38 I 7.4100CFS 6 S 8-S Bb-W lS NENW~~ 10/2~1 ~8 7/25/1941 3/ 6/l946 3BiS RED MaU~TAlN? ~ELINE 7 HUNTER C~EEK 3g 18 4.2600CFS 8 S 10-s 84-W 6 10/2~/ 52 11/23/1943 4/ 1Ji9lt6 38~6 KAISER SIEVERS 3RD ENL l CRYST~L RTVER 38 18 12.aooocF~ k S 7-S aa-w 33 SWNEN W 10/24/ l"t8 7/2511941 Jr/27ti9ft6 314>7 CLOUD DlTCH 3. ;./ETTL!: CREEK 38 18 ·2.s000CFS S S 9-S 88-W 10 NESWNW 101'24/: ,s 7/25/19-H 't/27/19't6 3847 HIGHLAND 2 21m EtlL 1 SOPRlS CREEK 38 18 l.olOOCFS B S a-s 87-W 33 SWSWNE 10/2!,-/; "· 8/ 6/1930 6/ 1/1946 3848 U S GREEN l ROARING FORK IHI/ER 3g 8 3.0000CFS G S 10-s 89-W 20 NENWSW 10/241: tb ~, 6/1930 5/1/1946 38~8 NASH PETERSON l ENL 1 RilARING FORK ~IVER 38 l q.oooocFS 8 S 8-5 87-w 12 5ENWSW 10/24/l ,g 7/2S/l94l ~I 1/19~~ 3848 TYLER SIOHEY S PL * CRYSTAL RIVER 38 189 l.OOOOCfS tt S 7-S 88-W 29 NWNESW ~0/24/: i6 7/26(1937 5( 6/194~ ~Blt9 TYLER SIO~EY SP PL * CRYETAL RlV:R 38 189 2.ooooCFS L 5 7-5 88-W 29 NWNESN 10/24/1 9 21 S/196"D 5/ 8/l9ftt. 3850 ROARING FK CRYS SPR PUMP* l!.OARWG FDRK -RlVflt 38· '8 .0200CFS P, S 7-5 88-W 28 SWSWNW 10/U,/l 9 2/ 5/19~0 S/10/l94ta · 3BSl ELLA 2ND ErlLARGIMENT l'CitVSTAL RIVER 38 l. 2.ooooCf!", s s 11-s Bl!-W 2z MESWSE 1012411 6 7/2~/1937 5/tS/1946 3852 CRYSTAL RIVER P PELIHI: : CRYSTAL RIVER 38 6 10.ooooCFS BS a~s 88-w 10 SWSENE 10/24/1 ~ 3/27/1944 S/22/1946 3853 RUBY l • 1 ROARING FORK RIVER 38 BO l,0D00CFS S S 11-5 83-W 10(24/l > 5/31/196'0 5/221.n~6 3853 • RUBY 2 l RO:.RJN(; FORK RIIIER JB 80 Z.5000CFS !S S ll-S 83-W 10/24/l ~ IOI l/l9tt3 6/ 5/1~46 395~ DOROTHV tUUISf l ROARl~G FORK RlVEit 38 80 3.SOOOCFS 6 5 11-S 83-H 10/2~/l ? 11/23/1943 6/ 6/194& 3855 ELK MOUNTAIN lS ENL l CASTLE CREEK 3g 18 .2.0000::Fs BS 11-s B4-W 2.0 NWNESW 10/2~/l I 7125119H 6/l5119'tf> 3lllib ,BENEDICT SP~mG PL '°' S!'i!TIIGS 36 ft .46ZOCFS & S 10-s 84-H b SENH5W 10/j!'t/1 ! 10/ l.(19lr3 7/ 1/1941& 38n -~ALIER . NO-l FIRS em. l \,;lLLOio: CREEr. 3b l 3. 7500CF5 L S 5-S 78-W 2 NENWNW 3/10/1· I 2/ 5/19~Q 8/ 4/l!Htfl 3858 VAl.1ER NO 2 FIRS -EHL l W!LLQW CREE~ • 3l> l 3.7500CF.S LS s--s is-w 2 SENIINE 3/10/l· • 2/ 5/l&ftO 1/li/lCJt,(i, '3859 DRY CREEK ND l • l URY CREcK 3b l o.OOOOCFS a S I.,-N 1-w 3b NESENW 3/10/1' 2/ 5/l~<tO Aliftll9ft6 3859 • DRY CREEK tlO 3 l DRY CREEK 3o l z.oooocFS B S 1:-~I 1-w 36 SESENE 3/10/1 1 3/27}194~ ~/l9Jl9't6 ~-60 ~CE HI RES 3 COLnRAOO RIVER 72 8 9 •• 70QOAF S S 10-s l~lt-W s SWNE 7/25/lE 2/ 5/19'tO· el23/l94~ 3861 8lLL CREEK . 1 CRYST~L RIVE~ -~a i 2.aooocFS B s . a~s 88-W 3lr NWNWSE 10/24/1~ 2/ S/i9i 0 8(~a/1946 38~1 GlANElTI ?.D~ns l 2 pl_ ~ ~ObRING FORK RIVER 3a 6 4-.0000CFS M S 7-S ~S-W 3~ SENWSW 10/24/L~ a/30/l94b l0/17/1938 . · 3flf>Z GJ-ANIMETTI P8~0S ,1 2 PL • RO~R-TNG FORK llIVEK 3& ratla 4.oooocFS 6 S 7,.5 88-W 31o, NWNWSc 101241H ia/ l/1943 9/ l/l~o 3"63 GIANiijETTI PONDS ~-z Pl. "'ROARING FORK &lVEK 38 6 4 o OOOO CFS NS 7~5 88•~ 3~ SENWS W l0/2411~ • 2/ -5/1940 'If :V!94& • 3864 BROWN • , l Bt.4C~ CREEK • 3a 1 a.OOIJDCF.S l.. s . 3,,.5 79-;, 8 SIINE5W 3Jl0/l,6 ·1 11i•11e;,3 9~11~•" 3~~5 -~HIRLc'f SPRING P.? .ELI~& ,:, DIVIDE CREl:K 45 8 • 11 S 1,.-s • 92-W 7 SE :,/ UJ_li 3/2'F/l~ ~ l/19~ .:311~& UNCH 1ST ENLARGE ENr l F.OiJR M[l-f CRE8' 38 l. ;z.0000,:;F.s & S 7•1-SQ-W 31,. tlHNIINW l-D/Z&/19 '7✓19~ lDI lt194Q 3~66 HlVWARU WVAiT PL DITCH * COLOR4PD RIV~R ~5 ~ s .oooocF6 .~ s: 1-s ~6-~ 26 SWNW~W 3/ 2/19 111ie":.H1I l/i946 ;3866' .AfKXN60N <.ANAi. 4 ENL • l l!D4R[NG FORK RIVER 38 t • ,.2.oooocF!i 8 S 6..-& 8f)-W 22 NWSES W 10/2,,/1.9 -~""~ ~~-~ .la~~6 ROSERTSDN 2ND E~L 1 R.O'iRiNG FOR!< RIVEi 3 8 lS-9.0000CFs·e. 'S 1-s ajl-W 18 NESWNW 10/24119 :3/2rli.9 ~--·• . ". l866·. VlNCENT RES Na 1 ; i!.AP1D CR-EEK . • 72 2 • 1'74.lt7AF t. S u-s RV-1'"26 SW 7/21i/l9 3121/19-," 1 . 111.946 "allf,6, ¥1NCENT RES NO Z 3 IUl'IO CREEK 72 2 104:70AF L S ll,'!'S Q7'-W 28 SW 7/25/19 l Qf 11i9~ ·l&I ZJ,/1.~lni 3Bfil' WALKE!l GULCH .SP .1 ENE. * CRYSTAL ·,uvEB' 311 l 7.99PO"CFS a S 7,-5 '88-W 32 SESWSE 10 £2.~J.l.9' l O/ l/1.943 W~21/19"> 3116.7 lJNFRED OtTCH 1 CDLDf!.ADO P.IVE!l 72 l z~o.i:..ES B U -z~ i -w 35 WNil 7125118: :DI 1'19•3 .J.1~9/iffl• 3868 ,-JOHNSON lSl' ams 1 CA~YOJL.CitEE K; :n~a • .SUQOCFS & S !>-S 9P.-W 25 NWN W 0 ' c••-· .ll23/Ult3 lln0/1~ 386 9 llAIUAN 1 i:lkUSri CREEK 72 t .• c,i;t>nr<=c " ~ .5.t311-l-9it0 11;/ .Ul.lllj, ~870 AtlOREATTJl SPRTMJ '• 11naun,r.. "'""~ -•··-· 7/25li94l . l / 7/"t,l:J4.7 3 &'7'1. RIii • '"" .,.,~c-••.... ..: -• • !O 3206 0 320.T ·o • '3207 2 3zoa· 2 3209 2. 321'0 2 32l0 ~ :3210 :!LO r .2 32'13' 3214 32H. 3215 321& • 32:16 3217 3211 " 321B 32.19 3220 32Zl 3221 322t 32'21 3221 3221 3221 3221 322,l 3221 3221 3222 !223 1224 1225 225 2'25 225 225 225 ?25 ?2& ~27 '.28 28 29 31'1 3L 10 \tr 10 0 l 2 2 ? ~, ,,1. L 'il32 &/. ~/1' , ,-,. .: SWNWNW l0/26li937 9/2Ul932' -ir.t·'1o-j.1.; ~" .. a .:o.OOOOCFS B S 8-S 79-.W. 2 SWNWtllf l0/2t/19'F !12211932. 6/,::r,;f.l• -• 1:mut.e iEIC. ,36 41. 20.0QOOCFS.ff S s-s ·79-w 2 SESWNW, • 1012 /1937 8/22/1932 _._..6/·".~ji\ ft:l'(X[l.f: OIVtHSI0:11 NO L O TCN)ol'lL,E C tfEK 36-i.a 20.0.aoocFS 1' S a-s 7'1-:W . 2 SENWSW 10/2 /L9'37' 8/22/.1_~3Z --,,Wi_<'._~'t! "!'fN/411.E OIVCRSlON NO l ,. rE~l'fr:1.e:CREEK . 36 ,., 15.000DCFS-N s a-s 7'1-W . 3 . ·NENE ·10121/1937 8/2211!;!3~_:./~'f-.,i..iff-~ TENHILE OIVERSION !\JO t o TEN11ILE . (;ft EK 1 36, 48·· 20'.00°00CFS rt S . 8-S '79-W >tti''sESWNE' 10/2Wl937 8/22ll.S32..;4,f>.Ci4'it/q ERIE CANAL MCKELVIE em: 1 fltiATE"Ad CllEEK . '. 72 r ... __ ·,. •• l S 10-s· .93.:w 14-NENENW -T/2~1941. 8/ 3•/·19-3--~·6'f~iu1 ERIE . CJ.NA!:. lo\Cl<EL\IIE ENL 1 ?(ATEAtr .CREEK • ·.72. 1 : . .-.•. 2..GOOOCFS s ·.s 10-s 93~W -Lt;:.'HENENW 7/25 t9lt_l 8/ .3/l~34-~•t,f-''9it9 SLUJE • l SHcl=PttOR~ •REEK :~s2. l'·_i·_.;·_,.1..5200(;FS B ·s. 2~s· . 8l~W 17 NENENE. .8/30 -1946 8/· 6n93G~f.(1i-litt:'1 ST.AR ,GUI.C!I :m t Z ~CJOmSO.\!E' · so l -~ s.oaooCF.S :L S • -.2-,H' • 80-W • 36-NWSWSW . 711_3!1938· L2/1M-\ '}35 :?,-ns:tu.: TENMT.t;E DIVERSIO.N rm 2 * TEN~reE. ~R EK : ... 36 4g,,·,.zo.oooocfs L .s . ·.a-s 79..;~ 11_ SESWNE. 10/26 't937 ~12211932, -,~7',!' .. ;it-"/it,9: Tl:NKtLE OtVERSION Nil 2 '*-Tl:Ni-!lt.E •. CR e·K •. -36· 48' ·.•20.oooocFS: 8. S . ·a-s 7'1-:-W~-r 'SESWNE , 10/26 1937 8/22/-1932. ':_7:pj,;~ Tl:NMtLE· OlVERSIDtJ t~o 2.. ... TENIHLc, CR 1:K ; 0 3lr u· :z.a.qooocr-s . I!'· S .. 7-S 79•11 3+·SESESE' 10/·26t,1937 812Ztt932i~~r:i.:.M;91 Tl:NMI LE D'IVEP.S roN :10 2. * TENMil~ tR . • 3.it-4&,, :2.0.aoaocFs: 9 .S· a.-s 7'1•11 3 ·SENENI:. 10/26~/.193.7. 8/22/!.932. 1'.i.'1.ih'4: TENl'tlLE OlVfRS[ON NO 2·' • TcNMt.l:.~.CREt .' 36.41'.".20-..00C10CF.S,B .S ··ir-s 79-;-W Z SWNWNW-10/26 1937 '. 11/22/-l'}J;r._ 7r·4/1:.93 TENl'll LE OiVi:itSIOri.ND 2 .... ·TENfHl.E !:RE K . Jf,.. ,.-., •••. 20-.;ooooci.=s·. B· s .. s-s 79-,.w 2 SWNWNW 10/.26 1<137 a12211q32 • rr •i1'13 Tl:Nl'I t LE '· OIVERsroN NO 2 *· TEN!HLE . ~RE 36-48-· 20·.ooooci:s . Ir .S a-s 79:-W , 2 SESWNW 10.f.26/. 437 8/22/1'132:. 1-i~ ~193 TENf1lLE DIVERS[ON N0 ·2 &TEfll-ltlE CRE$K 3!>-48 20.000.ocF.s:a.s _a-.s •79.,.1+ 2 S.ENWSW 10/26/ 931'. 8/22✓1932. 7/-,4£1,93 • TENM(LE OlVERSH!ll NO 2 "'TE~M(lt t:'R~i<-i 36 48 -20-.al100CFS --·N· S 7-,.S 79-11 34'SESESE 10/261)931 8/22J.t932 · 7/ 'rl'L'J31 MOR.TON OUCH EXTENSION l COLIJR:400', R' ER: ,s1 l , • • .: .:· . L $. l-:-S -78-W· 2 NWNWSW U/ 5/1937 7/ 9ll9~r,. 1l· -7/193i V'ASUUE2 RESi:RVO! R 3 FRASER · ;u.ve / '!i.l 278 • . 6341'.;AF' t.. S 2-:-5 75•1( ·u ' l l / 5/.1.937 7 / 9/1934 7 / 7it931 SEWELL SOB l CRYSTAL <l.1~. 'f.' 38 l • .1600CFS It . 8/25/i936 9/l8H9'34 8/2•/.193t HC:RRJCK 1 M.llH!Of-l. CREEK • 38 t 9.1000CFS. I!· S ro".'s 35 NESENE 2/ 5/ J9~ 8/25/1936 10/-. 1/1119( ARUO~ Ci\EEI-l ,. :-lAROOll · CREEK • 38 16 4.950.0CFS II ,s .11-s . Z/ 5/ 940 a12s1·19j& 6/ l/t.910 l'IAR00:-1 CREEK 2 • ~i~Q.OOll C!tEEK 38-l& t.6500CFS. fl S 11-S 2/. 5/1 40 8/25/193&, 6/ l/,19iO YO'IS 1 ST ~!IL 'tO.\RUIC FuftK 39 l J.:IOOOCFS 8. S 7-S lf/25/t 3f> 9/lS/1934 8/2.5l193f> WOHLER ;;uL H :;.,c l. t: . :> coo:ii Cil.E!:K ' :m ,. RES 3 cou:~-CRC.!:i<'" 72 l. ll.,.S WILMC!RE ?[PEL'!NE 7 S'PRHIG' Cll1:EK 37 S 4-S NESE W[LHQHE ?!PEL.NE 7 SP!H.'fG C~EEil. ,:n 38 ll .S 4•.S liESE ROaI~tSON RCS o 'E Ft<:' E'AGLE' R ER ·37 48 Z.4900.1,1, L 'S 1-s SESW RU!H,N_S011 H.ES * f. F.!<'. E.A'Cl:E' R'l ER :l7 48 • 2494.AF L S . 7-S • SESW ROOINSOl.l ·Rc:S "'cF'<:.F.AGLr '.-R!ER: 374&, 4?.9.00.U: t's, 7--S 79:-WJ~ ,SESW ROl!lNSON 'l.!:S "' !: Fl<°.'E~CL'E .HI ER 37 48 -429.00AF' B S • 7.,.5 • 79-W'· 33 SESW P.HARO ija,LJ:::R ~10 ·1 • ENL 1· ~l:UE ·i:: {Vf:R;· 3b l • 1.oooOCFS t· S 1:.s . 80:-rl 9 SWSWNW: WILLI,AMS .,ORK.. l ,i!L:LI'A'1•1S:F.IJRK RIVEl't 51· l. L S l..;S • 78,-W-28 SESWNW SPION KOP!' l C4-!lVON-c'R.E!:K . 39· 1· 5.0000CF.S · 8 S ·s,.s 'I0:-11 24-. sesw KEYSER 1 C,\,~VON Cil:l:EK • 39 t. ·.9000CFS,. fl S 5-S 59,-w lS NE UROHA!lT l c.vivo:., CR'!:EK 39 · l .aoo·oc.;:s 8 S 5-S, • 89:-W 18 SESWNW DEWEESE ' LST ENL l ::u:YC'~• CREi:I'. 39 l 11.2nollCFS' .B· S s-s 90-W l NWSW KEYSER LST .l:~IL:;° 1 ::·A:~V.ON .CREEK 39 .[ ·.•rnaoCFS BS 5-S 89-W 18 NE HINCS CHENOWETH WOLVE~TO l S'AilYON CR'EEK '3'1 l s. 2000CFS: 8 S 5:-S qo-11 25 SWNW SPTON KOPP l ,;A',',ON CREEK 39 l 7.00COCFS 6 S s-s qo-il 24 • SESW. Ul!CHART· f!.T ENLG l Ch:JYON CREEK 39' 1 .i!OOOC-fS · B S 5-S 89-W 18 SESWNW RIFLE CitEEK CAN.mt l ;::JFlc· CREEK . . 39 89 10.ooooCFS B S 5:-S 92-W l8 NW BLACK 1· 1+fL1."rAHS•FORK IVER 5l 1 7.sccroc:-Fs L'S l-'I H-11 23 .. NENWNE BULL 6ASfcl HIGHLHI £'X F.N l BULL' CREEK 72 ·l 2-7300CF$ ~-S n-s qs:-w • 5· SW BULL , BASHI !-HGHLW EX EN · l BULL ·c.lU:EK 72 l 3.1200CF5 L S ll-S 95.-W 5 SW BUL.:L !JASfN HIGHLHf!:X EN l BUL:C. CREEK 72 L. 3.l2QOCFS. 6 S ll.-5 95:-W !, SW BROWN · NO 4 t .BRUSH ··CREEi< 72 l l.0400CFS a S' 8-S 9t,,-i4 Z'-' ~IW 81(QWN . NO 4-1 !\RUSH : °GREEK ,, 72 l 2.oao-o::i=s . L . S 8-S q4-W 24 NW BROWl-1 rrn '2 1 BRUSH 'CREEK· 72 l 1.blcrOCFS L S a-s qi.-w 24 SE~lW 1RO't;N NO 2 1· BRU!>H , CR.EEK 72 t .4 700CFS B-S 8-S q4-w 24 SENW ROliN NO 3 '( BJtUSrl CR.EEK 72 l l.350.0CFS L S ll-S. 94•11 24 NWNW . BHQ:;N ;,;Q 3 . . 1. BRUSH .C.'tEEK, 72 1 .2100CFS o S e-s·. q4-w 24 NWNW G G LOWER iH:S OIHGNAI. co 3 EBY-. CREEK'· :n l · 20.5600AF ' a S • 3:..s 84-W 31 NENW G G-ill,$ 3 sav -GREEK -37 1. 70 •. l'OO'OAF. B S 3-S 84-W 30 . SWNW KATSOS 1 GOaE ·-cREEK-. 37 l 2.30QOCFS. B S s-s ao-w 2 SWNW - KATSOS 1 GORE ' CREEK •. • 37 & •. SOOOC.FS ·a· S 5-S 80-W 2 .. SWNW KAT.SOS 110 2 !. GORE' CREEK ' 37 L 3.3000::Fs B S 5-S ao-w 11 NWNW KlAHTI PES NO l 1 GORE CREEK.. 37 L 1.soaOCFS -R S s-s 79-W 18 SENW KIAHTIPES rm 2 1 GORE ··citEEK' . 37 1'-1 •. 00QOCFS !l S 5-S llO"W 13 • ·NENE KIAHrIPES :m 3 l GORE'CllEEK 37 l . 3.-4000CFS-B S s-s 80-W 12 sesw • Kt.AHTIP!:S ~!O o 1 GO:tE · CREEK 37 1 1·.;-0000CFS' i3 S 5-S 80-W 12. 1-!WtlW S.PRAOOtE HO z. l GORE' CREEK 3-7 l 2.0000CFS ;i· S 5-S ao-w 5 . swsw RUSSELL t RltUSH 'CilEEK 37 l. l. 3200CFS 8 S -5-S ·113-W 30 NWNE RUSSELL l aRUSH ·cREl:K -37' 8 .4000C.FS .6 S 5-S • 83-W 30' NWNE ROSS 1 F.SY CREEK ·. 37 l 1 •. 2sooCFS ·a S +-S' 84'-W 29' SENW CRANN . l !!RUSH CREEK .. 37 l l.lOOOCFS a .S 5-S 83-W 32 NWSE CRANN . . l. SRUSH':CREEJC 37 l .2oooci=-s L S s-s. 83-W 32 NWSE 'GITHENS COLLE!'S RES 3 cBY 'CRi:EK: .• 37 l 7.0700AF B S 3-S .. a~-w 25 NWNE COWEN Si>R mes l MILK' CREEK 37 ,1 3.osooCFS-8 S 4-S 8ft-W l NENE Gi!AHMI rJO l 2:m EHL l E-FK • !:AGLE UVE!IC' 37 • l 8..,5'100CFS 8 S 5-5 ai-11 lb . ~ESE BLACK GORE l. GORE·· CREEK 37· l 4.4000EFS B · S 5-S 79-W 18 NENW II.EB!!. tST ENL 1 GORE'· CREEK 37 1 2 .. 5200CFS B S 5,;.5 8Q-~-12 NW~W JO!:!:$ 3 SliEEPHORIII 'CREl:lC . 52 l 26.4lOOAF· H S 1-S 81-W 29· SESESE KIRKWOOD -FIRST an. l SLATE;CR1:EK-36' 1 13 .. ltOOOCFS S S 3-S ·79-w 25 NEtlWNE Lo'BACK FIRST er,L l .BLUE'-: RIV!:~ 36· l 3;..0QOOCFS s . S L;,.~ so.-w 32 NENENlf NDDNEN l 6EWER: CREEK-• 36, l . 4.02.00CFS.: a. S ·i-s. 88-W 12 • NESE EAST TROUT CR -HRST ENL l. SDOA'-.CRE.EK 3r, l T.OOOOGFS R-·s 6-S 77-11 3 SWSENW BL'ACK CREEK FIRST ENI.. 1 ill.·AClCCR-'EEK. 36·· l-3 •. 30CIOCFS 5 S z-s . 79•W 32 NWNENE SQUIRES l S □OA'. CREi:i<. • 36-l .. 3;..lOOOtrs · B S 6;.S i7-w 3 NESWNW TENOEKFfJDT 1.. SNAKE. RtvER: .. 36' t z.oaooci=s 8 S s-s . 77-;,+-zi;.. SEN'ENW· BUCK L.:AKE-RES 3. Bt:AC1C CREEK 36· **... · 1.997 • .iF: !·. S: -;:-s. 79-W,· La s· \I FRD;IIT c~ FIRST. ENL l ~DOA -.. CR'EEK. ! • ·•·.:. •• 36-1 ls·.-3500CFS a-s 6-S 77-~ 4-· NESWNE SMITH· :;o ·1 l. DEEP', CREE.'<'.. 36-L 5'.oooiu:::s . 'o S ·. L.:.s 81-..i, .13 NWNE3E STAFFORD$ BLUE :t·F ENL l ·I\L\Ji:-R'!VE.'1: ·· ••• '.36-·l· 3;.50001!:F.S ·II' S 2-S 80•W•· 3 SENWNW SPE!'!.!W F ~ FIRST ENL l !!RtJSli : CRE::K·. . : 36-1. • ~4.00CF.5. B''-S . 3'-S 79-K • 11" SESWNW- TE}IO!:!'lFuOT' '.!. ·sNAKE:.R'Ilfi:R' .. ,-,· •• :. ;3&.. 5(a .. z.a3POtFS...i\· S: .5°"'."S •• ~. 2'•· SENENW• BELL ·FIR'ST €NL 1. SP1Ui~G CR.EEi(:':' ::: • ·3'&1; ·.l.-..53~0£FS. B,-S.· I-S SO-W··33'NWSWSE 3ELL •• l. SPRntr."C!U:EK.:· _. ... ,:.. · r 36,, L -~ll.001:FS;. 8.· s:: l.~ 80-io/r 33' SESWSE I · G· r-1 SOOJ.\ CRcEK.' ... • -'.36.-1:. . 2:.-7200CFS ,i;..s;,. · s-s 77--!i',;21'.NliSWSE l HIGHLINE' . l. SODA'. CR'EEK :• .,.:.-::i·· ·' '.: :u-·:.. .,._.a1t.i,OtFScl!.., S" 5-S 7,T-W-·34-./'IENESW. ,h, CREEK FIRST. !=NL .-om.is11· c;Kl:l:IC ::. _.,,.,._.,_: '. 36,. t.,-. . 'h600DCFS. s,-.s;.,. -;.;.5_ 7.9-1+-·U, SESWSW-. et:-....,· t,LUc· !t FtRST ENI. ' • ! 11!.UE\ R'IVEK ' • -:,:_.,>·,!· ;~ ?•i.:· 3'-.P90.0.CFS, a, -Se~ 2.:..s . • aa-ll· 4-NEt.lWNE El<IC'.AN CREEK • • l SNAK'l:"RW~;.._: ".; ~;:--~ 3&,.~ • .. g-~OSDOCFS-, ;, S: .. 5;..s. ir-~-23 SWN~IW. R!)WN· ACORr~ FIRST ENL , 1. ACOIUJ'.CR1:EK ·, .,. • .. . l,..1; _ l 0~80otFS,B'-S: :~. 7.&-W,-2T SWSENW-· !lHtSTIC SU?PLY ORIG. £:Ill t. ACOR'tl ' CKEEK.' ,·,,·,-·~ :,:.--•;f· 6,-.J;,' Y.2.SDOCFS.. S--S;; • 3-S. 78-~ 22· sesesw-. \RSHAL~ 1m. l t=IRST eN~ L ACllRN • CJU:EIC _. .... f" ·=;;.. .S. b 3· •. 6Qj)OCFS ·.~0 -S • 3~ 1~0: SESES'E JR.TH 'A c'OltN FIRST !:!~L I ACO!ttl: C!U:ElC-l."-'2 ... nooCFS ·-g, S' 3-S 75,.~ 22 NWNESII JltTH' ACORN HRSI:..Et~ l.. AC!IRN"'.CRE EK; • :;i6"-~ 3.31DOCFS, B> s; ... ~-" ,un rlCOR!I FIRST" ENI... 1 ACURN· CREE!';." • •• • ""'" •► • IOACl< FI?.ST aJL 7/25/1 41 8/ 3/L934 lO/ 1/1936 7/26ll't37. 10/.. 3/1936 l2/'31/t·ago• 7l,26/1937 10/3/1936 12/31/1.890 7/2&/1~37 lOI 31193& 8/15/193~ ~~~:~~~;-~g~ ;~~:;: =~~;~~:;;. 7/26/19~7 10/ 3/19.36 8/1~11'135 10/26/19~7 . 8/2211932 10/13/1~36 111 5119~7 7/ 9/l.934 12'128/193&' 1/ IJ/l9~T -ti 't/19-37 3/ 111910 1/ 9/l937-1/ :4/1937· &/ J.i1911)· 1/ ·'l/l9~7 1/ 4lt937 7/15/:1911. 1/ 9/19~7 .LI · 't/1,937 4t-15/L9I-2 1/ 9/lqji7 .l/ 't/1937 4/ 15/19-12. 1/ '11193\7 .1/ .t;/:1937 .. ~il5'/191.2 1/ .9/193{1-l/.-.•ll9'J7 .4ll5/.19t2 t'J'. 9-l-.l937. ll ·1t1f937 4/IS-/1..9.'C?. 3:,-ZS/1940-·11' 9/1937 T/'U./-1.903. ll/ 5/1937· -:rt 9ll'934-. 2/24/-i;.93.T· 7125/.l'34_i . _8/ 3'/-19.34 3'/14'/·l'.93:1' . ~ 7/25/194 ~ 8/. ·3'/·'1934· 3/1'4/1937 11.2s1194 I at 311934 3l~4IL937 ; 7/25/ l.94 8/ 3i 1934-5/ 2/1937" 3 7/25/.1941 .s/ 3i'l'93.r. SI Z/1.937 3 7125/194l 8/ '3/t434 -S/20/.l.~37' 3' 7/251!'141 :a, 3/1934 5'/20/t937-3: 1125119.r.l ·:81 3/ t.93.4-i/23/L93T' 3: 7/25/1941-,8/ 3/·1934, 7/2.3'/.L937 ·3, 2/ 7/L956 7/2&/1937 5/· 2/-1..936-3; 2/-'11i956 :1126/-1937 51 3/L.936. 32 2/ .T/195& -7126/-1937 5/ 4/t.93'6, 33 21 7/l<J56 7/26/1937 5/ lt/-1936 33 21 -7 / 1956 7/2.6/ !937 5/ 4/L'936· 33 21· 7/1956 .7/2611.937 5/-4/.1936 33: 2/ 71'195& .7/2&/1937 5/ 4/193b-33'. 2l 7/l9% \7/2&/1937 5/ 4/193/a 33; U · T/195b 7/26/1937 5/ t,/1.936-33~ 2/ 7/1956 7/26/193-7 5/ 5'/1936-33'.: 21-7/1956-'7/26/1937 5i &/·193& 333 2/ 7/195f> ~/26/L937 5/ b/193b 333 2./· 7'/t95b i71 26/l937 . 51 7/193&-333 2/ 7l.l95b .'1 /26/1937 51 8/l9af>. 333· 'z/ 7-ll95b 712611937 5/ &/193£,.. 333' 2/ 7/l95f> 1f26/'1937 5"/: q/1936--33t.i .2/ 71-1956 .1,/26/1937 5/10/-l936: 3'31<11 2/· 7/-1956 7l/26/l937 . 5/tr/.193& ·334~ 2./ '7/195&. 1(/26/'1937 · 5712/1-9'36-33~3 21 T/r.956 • 71126/1937 51lt/t93&~ 3343 8l30/l9ltb sr, 6/1930: 10/' 571937' ··334.4 3/10/1952 10(26/1.937 Trl2/1'875' ·3345 3/10/1952 10/26/1937 5/· llt88L 3346- 3/l0/1952 10/26/19-37 12/31/1884--' .3347-' 3/lOIL.952 10-/i 26/1937 5l2l/I88.,_;. ·:3349' 3/10/1952 10ft26h937 f,,/· J;/l8K9'. ,3344,, 3/101'1952. 10/\26/! 937· f:,./ ·1/f889'_.· 33~9', 3:tl0/1352. 10/:26/1937 7/ l/l889,..,.:33Sa" 3/10/1952. 10/26/1937 12/31/Ial>CJ'_ ·13351:.-, 3110/1952 10/~6/1..937 5/10tl8'10· -~~35.Z.:. Jt10119s2 101~611.937' 7,-1,rsqi: ~3':s.·_ 3/10/l952 10/26/1937' 9/ 1'189~ :~5'4-!.-, 3/10/1.952. 10/26/L937 10/. l/1&9.1.:;~395S:; 3/10/1.952 L0/26/193:7 I2/3llt89Z:·~•"·~' :3/1011~52 10/26/,1937' ~r1'/U,P,.~~~i~ 3.!10.fl.?lf~· l0'/Zl~l937' 6f 'l:1~,._ L ~SJ!<. 3/10/195~-10/2 11997 : .,., •• ,m5:9e~ .3/l0/L952. 10/2 • 1937' T/. 4'/l&9S'~;'.ii -31-.1 0/1952: 10l26/1.9'3T 12/3l't-I.S96,: ~;µ~IJE· · .3/101i:95z. 101.?411937 or. rtlll~~~i.l . 3/tOll.95.?-· 10"/Z611'93T t;/· ~'1'89'F .;.33.~ · -, 3/IO/·L952 10-/2/ii/.1'137 12/3Ul&9a-~~ 3/t0:11.952 t0-12&1'1'937" 1il3-r111J911' .. 33~£! 3/t0'/1952 10/2fi/t937 l2}31/l8CJtr-'"""7'!" -:Jnn.1~"r-"" --~-1 ,· . . ~:~a?, . .. • ., :'.:/ :·//~~i;tr~t ':}'':.:~yf ilii€i~·\i .. • .,-: , ~ ,·· .• · · . ·• ·. ' • 1. .. , •~-~}t~. I>:'•~ :.i'f'.l: ,·, k,~ ;_;,._·,j'.,·•'.-/ ·'J'"J', •.1<1.•-11 J ·. •. : •. • ·, i:•:• -.. , . / :.".;•.:-.. ~ .: -,· . . . .• , · .• : .• : ·: · ... .-_," ·.:·= .. ~'•;~¥rl!-i:,,~:;,~ .. ~.-.. : .: ·. ~=:·''::.::'+·. •.+•~.--:.,.~·--.. :-:' 1~···. ·:{~~ ... • .-.· .. :.·· .... .J It .. ";:<'"·: .. ·~·AME' •• 'OF"~}t ;"-~1 ·•· (t:) -~: ·'.-·, "N.A'HE-QF: -. : • .. ·:•.:.:':ti,::-:~ .:{1~\ :(3):·: :· _' • .i'OCAT.ION \i~~:;;ii/,/ -,:..ADJ ... :. .• 0 =PREV. 'A DJo A PPRO.;. PR1 . --: .:·.•., STl(ueTURf _-.. _•.:" . •.. • : . .:SOURCE. . •. • • ~-USE . :A MOIJ~.;., . ~ J WN ·-~ "at4 ~: ~EC..i:.i::>\f .:,:~:: .;,,~ tlA !~-_';. •·. ';_. _:1>ATE ,. • ";' ·: DA T.E ·,: ·;~ _NC : -~;J~i,i .~ ·:-_-,-; ;:.,;{'.·. >:->., •. ' ·1 ~!LL1'w ··c1t~e1e~·.,·· 1 ::~,~u .. ;.:~00£~{~:;·:··,s-s:~~~:~···:!:'ffJ.;;;ft".--:-i2~l/19Z0°·k212;-,1~2~ ·s/31/1~08t ;~ ) 'H..MILc ·P l 'PEt."!N!::'t~.--.. ·,_ .. i TEN~ILf CREEK•··:-, •• __ '36-48+ '.J-7,800C¥.S.si,--'.S':.~s 7~.W·ll.;NENWSE ·:ll/.26/:192.l pnl/1'920 7✓21/lil-7 '.:.24 )· . c:NMtLE ,.,.,ELI.NE :-·:--~_ .,·. • 7 TENl4 ILE ClEEK -.,. '' '"'36 -4 ': '1 .. noOC'l"S ;~ :':$· . .a-s· . ?~Iii l.'2 :SWS51NE . .ll/U./l~.21 .~2/31/1920 7/21/11117 .24 TeNHILE PIPELINE ',, .... ~ '7 TENHlll CREEK -' 3i, -'t8 "..l.. 78CJOC'FS ·'N '•$.· '9-'S 79-til 11 NENWSE "ll/26/1-.;2.1 ~r.31/1920 7/21/1'917 24 LfAL.-MI~E PIPELIN·e · ·.: • _. TENMILE ~EEK • • • · 36 4 8 . ,;,2160CFS ·i S :&!"'S 7~-w .l-Z NENE.SW .ll/26/.l'9Zl 2/31/1920 9/26/-l'lt.7 24 • LEAL ·H INE "1~ELINE ··.·:. .:: T:;NMlt.,.: Cll.EEK • . · • 36 --48 ••• 2100CFS -f4 .::s.•. 8-S '79-W 12 SWSWN.E il/26/.1921 '2/31/1920 ~/26/1917 24· LEAL MINE·J)[;>l!:L!NE • .. 0 • ~1"E'iHIL'E CREEK ·:· ..... ·36 .48 .• HOOCFS N:S .-'8-S. '7~w ·12 NENESW 11/26/.19·21 ·ri/'3l/1920 · 9/26/1917 . ·z4 ··!IUFFEHI! E!IILA~GEtl II.ES .,. TEN MILE CREEK '36 -4 •. 102.aoAF <I! ··s · '11-'S-79-W .2 SENWSW · tr/26/1.-.921 . /31/1920 3/24/1918 .241 &UFFEHR 'ENLARGEU -•• ' -· ·1 TENM!Ll: CREEK . 36 80 . 8.6700CFS H··S 8-S. 79-W 12 ·SESWNE · .11/26/19'21 2/31/1920 3/24/1918' 24! SUFFEHR ·e1,,LAKGED • l T!NIHLE 'CREEK '36 l · l'3. t200CFS ··R ·S-• -a-s 79-W • 11 SENENW 11/26/1921 2/31/1920 ·3/24/1918 24! 8UFFEHR. ENLARGED •. ·1 TE.NPI.ILE CRE:K' 36 1 • :4.oooocFS Jr s . ,a-s 79-W l.l SENENW 11/2611.921 ~2/31/1920 .3/24/191_8 . .24! 'IWFFEHR ENLU.Geo· .,t T.ENHI.L!:· CREEK . 36 '8 i3:1200CFS N S ·11-s 79-W ll SENENW .ll/26/1921 2/31/1920 3/24/1918 24'! 8UFFEHR ENL.AltGEO -. TENMILE CREEK 36 8 .. 4.4500CFS N S 8-S • 79-W 1-l S.ENENW 11/26/192.l 2/31/1920 . 3/24/1918 24! CLE.AR WATE~ PONO • .a TENM1LE CREEK 36 3 • 4.4500CFS M S ··7-S 79-W 27 NESESE 1.1/26/1921 j l /31/1920 3/·24/1918 24! CONSOLIDHEO 3 COULiER CU!:K · 38 1 • '59S.OOAF ~-S 6-S 87-W 11) _, ·NENE 2/15/1921 1/10/1921 9/ 8/1898 • 245 BEAVER CII.E!K GRASS MESA 1 BEAVER CREEK 45 ·a ··2.oooocr:-s 8--S 7-S 94-W 25 ,..,-sesw 2/20/1922 /10/192.1 5/ 8/~907 245 t YON l RD.lR.[NG Ott. IVE 38 I • .• SOOOCFS II S 7-S 811-W 3 SWNWNE 3/ 3/1921 /15/1921 6/ 1/19'07 245 HALL -F Y NG AN RIVER 3s 1 .6ooocJ:s B s a-s A6-w 12 ;'s'wl<i'itNe--ri72'1'mzr u 371921 11 u11!9'0"";2~ WA-TER WHEEL . 1 COLOIUUO RIVER S2 l ··3.-ouoocFS 6 S 2-s 83-W ·7 -NWSENE ll/12/1923 6/l3/l92l 11/10/1919 245 HlOLEY .3 'Eui:RU C!l.EEK S3 1 l64.581F ·8 S 1-N· ~3-W 33 NESESW • 6/24/1921 b/21/1921 10/19/1903 245 HADLEY ·1 EGERIA C~EEK 53 1 .. 5600CFS 8 S · 1-N 83-W 30 .-·swNw 6/24/1921 6/21/1921 10/19/1903 . 245, HADLEY NO ·2 l 'Et;ER!A CREEK 53 .l .6100CFS L S 1-N 83-W 3.1.t,.: . .liENW · ,6/24/1921 6/21/1921 10/19/1903 ·'2451 HADLEY NO 2 1 EGERI.l 'C REEK •· 53 1 .6JOOCFS' B S 1 1-N· ·83-W'.31 .,::: NENw· •• 6/24/1921·. 6/21/1921 10/19/1903 2451 STRINE l TOPt'lNlS CREEK ·53 l ·l.3000CFS 8 "S -1-N 84.,;W 36.S~NWNW .6/29/1921 6/24/1921 ll/21/1910 .2451 NO l DITCH .. 1 KING-CR.EEK 53 l l.31100CFS BS 1-N 84-W "l6 : NESE· 6/29/1921 .~/24/1921 6/30/1911 246( OU.AKER l 1<ING CR'EEK 53 1.· • l.3700CFS 8 S 1-N 34-W 20 NENENE 6/29/1921 B/24/1921 4/21/1-913 2461 EMPIRE Z[NC co Pt~EL!NE 7 ~OCK ·CR.EEK 37 348 1.0000CFS a S 6-S 81-W 12 SESE 1/16/1922 8/29/1921 5/15/1886 246, EMPIRE ZINC CO PIPELINE 7'ROCK CREEK ·37 348 l.OOOOCFS PS 6-S 81-11 1.2 . SESE l/16/1922 ~/29/1921 5/15/1886 246, EMPIRE ZI"lC co PIPELINE · 7 'ROCK .. ·cREEK 37 .348 1.·oooocFS ·H ·s .6-S ·s1-w· 12 :sENESE 1/16/1922 6V29/l92l 5/15/1886 '2462 EMPTRE z1Nc co PIPELINE 1 F.lLL 'CREEK · . 37 38 . 4.100ocFs a ·s 6-5' e1-w. 13 • 111E.°11922 6y 2911n1 s1 s11911 2 4 63 EMPIRE ZINC CO PIPEI.INE * FALL CREEK . 37 348 •• 4.lOOOCFS HS -6-S · 81-W 'l/16/1922 6r.29/192l .8/ 5/191.l 2 4 63 EMPIRE ZI'IC CO PtPeLINE • FALL CREEK 37·348 .. 4.ltJOOCFS N\.'S 6-S ·a1-11 13 · 1/16/1922 6 ,'29/1921 8/5/1911 2463 COFFEE PDT l r.RlZZLY CREEK !i3 .1 J..OOOOCFS e ·s 4-S 87-W 23 .· .'SE .. l/30/l9Z2 6129/1921 ·2/ 6/1920 2464 COFFEE POT l GRIZZLY CREEK 53 1 .400tlCFS 8 ·s -4-S 87-W 23 SE 'l/30/1.'922 ·6129/1921 2/ 6/1920 2464 OLLIS l 'CARR CREEK 70 l .7000CFS ·!! S .. 6-S 99.:.w 17 ,NWSWSE 7/25/1921 ·7i18/1921 ll/.l2/l/H4 2465 CLINETOP .l 'ELK CREEK 39 ta .3000CFS 8 :S -4-S . 91--W 2& SE 8/2.7/1921 7 {22/1921 8/ 1/1885 2466 S L ·W l ROAN CREEK 70 l l .5500CFS 8 S "6,-S 98-W 31 'NWNWNE 4/12/1923 71,25/1921 · 8/15/1916 • 2467 ·LINDAUER l P.AR6CHUTI: CR'.EEK . • 39 l .4000CFS 8 S -5-S 9b-W 23 • SESW 7/10/l.9?2 8 4 27/1921 M 6/1905 . 2468· THELM.A l ROARING FORK 'RIVER 3$ l • .8000CFS ·B S 7-S 88-W 26 SENENE 4/ 1/1922 -lllj21/1921 6/22/1916 2469 MOLYBt!ENUM P1PEL!NE *'TENMtLE CREEK · • 36,-8 •• 5000CFS H $ .. e -s 7'1-W 12 5ESWNE 11/27/1921 llJ\26/1921 8/20/1917 2470 . '~DENUH PIPELINE * TENMILE CREEK • 36 g 1..7800CFS s ·s ·s-s 7<J-W 1.2 NWNWNW 1.1/27/1921 .ll/126/1921 8/20/1917 2470 )OENUM Pil'ELINE • TENMILE CREEK .'36 8 • 1.7800CFS N ·s a-s 79-11 42 -NWNWNW 11-/2711921 ll/;6/1921 8/20/1''117 2470 G ... ~rlAM SECOND ENL · l WARREN · GULCH · 37 1 .-Q..OOOOCFS ·s ·s: • ~-s 83-W''.;t5 '.. NESE ' 6/26/1922 • 1/16/1922 6/10/1916 2471 DEEP CR. li 1lEEP · CREEK · . .53 :1 ···.· • il.2000CFS •. 8 ·$:··-,5 8J'::-W .~~-SWNE 10/19/1925 ·1/, 0/1922 4/ 1/1906 2 4 72- CONGER ~ES:RVOIR .3 SPAING_Clt'EEK , •• <• ..... s .ir ": .. q, -~-·-· • •.• ·8 s ·. -7-S '.•94-W' ·8 'SWSW 8/ 1/1922 2/.1 0/1922 10/26/1910 · 2473 -' DAVIGNON 2ND ENL l WOODY CREEK ·.· •.. 38 l . : .6S.90CFS·•B :s .. ·.9-S·.' 95 .. w"·10 SENENE 4/22/1922 4/ l/1922 4/ 1/1901-2474 OAVI-CNON VAGNEUR E D . 1 wooov· .CREEK . -·. ..3a l • . •. -1.sooOCFS '9 ·S .-,9-s ·ss·-w .. 10 SENENE 4/2211922 4/ 1/1922 4/15/1905 2475 SWEET HARRIS BLUE Clt HG2 l !LUE °CREEK • • 38 U19 ~.l500CFS ·.P -s· 7-S -87-W ?4 NESES W.. ·4/27/1922 4/ 2/1922 8/17/1920 24'76 . SWEET HAU!S BLUE cit· HGl l ·sLUE CREEK 38 uq'' i2 .1500CFS -B S 7-S 87-W 24 S~W 4/27/1922 4/2/1922 8/17/1920 •2476 ' !.WEET HARRIS BLUE CR HG3 l SLUE CREEK .. 3'8 t89 ,Z .1500CFS P s . 7-S 87-W '24 NWNES W -4/27/1922 '>122/'1922 8/17/1920 2 4 76. iUGH HARRISON 1 F!USER R.IVER .. .. 51 l l .5000CF5 8 'S 1-N 76-W .'28 ·NENWN W 8/ .. 5/1922 .. 71 i 2/1919 4/24/1922 2477 ,COTT MUT!N L WOODY CREEK · 3'8 l -22'>0CFS ·8 ·s 9-S 85-W 2 NESWS W 4/29/1922 • 4/2711922 5/ 1/1901 2 4 78 IOTZ BENJAMIN M l BLUE CREEK • ·38 8 9 .3000CFS 8 S 7-S 87-W 24 SES W 7/.. J/1922 4/29/1922 6/27/1903 2479 IOTZ BE.NJAMIN M L .llLUE CREEK 38 l l .0300CFS .6 ·s . 7-S 87-W ~4 SES W 7/ 7/1922 4/~9/1922 6/27/1916 2.480 ;OULD l BLUE Cl'.EEK . 38 1 . . .2600CFS B S ·7-S 87-W 24 SESW 7/ 7/1922 4/;~/1922 6/19/1'920 2481 .YHON 1 :wILLIAMS FORK RIVER . s'l l 11.soooCFS B ·s . 1-s 78-W 20 NES WSE 8/ -S/1922 71:F.'1919 . 5/l'2/1922 2482_ 1UNNINGTON ' 1 .UTE CRE:K 37 l.· .2000CFS S S ·4-S 83-1(. 12 SES W ll/1'3/1922 6/2'6 /1922 . 4/20/190'5 24 83 'OLLANO l HOLLAND . 37 1 2 .oooOCFS 8 . s . -4-S 83-W 28 NES W 11/13/1922' -6/2~/1922 5/ 1/1910 2484 ruvrs l TR .A VIS 37 l· 1.2000CFS 8 S 4-S 83-W 27 NES W ll/13/1922 6/2i>/1922 5/ 1/1910 2464 l SH ell.EEK t ALKALI CREEK 37 l .8000CFS' S S 4-S 82-W 6 NES W 11/13/1922 6/26/1922 9/ 1/191.5 2485 U SONDALE 4 NETTLE CREE K • 3'8 278 · S.7SOOCFS 6 ·S · 9-S !8-11-10 .SENEN W 11/ 3/t922 7/ ]/1922 8/29/1910 2486 ass WA STE WA T ER' SP R.tNGS l HAltVEY GAP • '.!9 1 .4900C!'S 6 S ·5-S 92-W 36 • SWNW 7/25/1923 7/lb/1922 6/ ·1/1920 2.487 oss II ASTE WATER SPRINGS f IURVEY CAP 39 l , •• .2ooocFS' L S· 5-S ·92-w '36 SWN W 7/25/1923 7/10/1922 6/ 1/1920 24&7 STP.OH 01 -TCH l . C □lORAOO 'RIVER · ·5 l r 4 l00CFS 6 S 8-S .96-W 22 SE: .lD/23/1922 8/ i/1922 4/25/1'109 248& :SERVOIR DITCH t COLO~AOO ·RIVER 5 ·1 ., .161'0CFS G S a-s, -96-11 2.3 NWNW 10/23/1922 8/ 1/1922 4/25/1909 2488 . ll(EN 1 l COLORADO ·RIVER.· 5 l ,. .3000CFS 8 ·s 8-S . ·96'-.L 4 NENENW 10/23/1922 8/ ~/!922 '-/ 1/1913 2489 I KEN 2 ·1 COLCRACQ RIVER .-5 1 .6400CFS 8 S 8-S 96-W 4 NW 10/23/1922 8/ ~/1922 4/ 1/1916 2490 :CK 1 FUSER ~IVE~ £ l 2.2500CFS G S l-N .. 77-11 24 NESENE 7/12/1926 8/ ~/1922 8/ l/1895 2491 I ·AR GULCH · 1 !!totllL!:SO!-!E c:mz.. • • 0 ·l · l.OOOOCFS 8 S 1-N $0~:.· 1 SENWNW 3/ 3/1924 6/ 5/1922 3/1S/1912 2 4 92 ( LLER SPRINGS ·1 T!!Cl!!l::S0!-1!: ~ '., :o l r .. 3000CFS II S 2-N 80-\i .34 SWNENE 3/ 3/1924 8/ s\/1922 bl 1/1912 2493 ( LEAN SEEPAGE 1 ·TROU!!i!:SO!&E cl\!!:l:_ •. • $0 1·· ."· l.5000CFs·•a S 2-N -80-W-26 NESESW 3/ 3/1924 8/ .SV1922 8/l0/t91t. 2494 f LE • l BATTLE CREEK · • .~-... i l l.OOOOCFS 8 s :-2-S 79.:.W c '2 •NES WNW -.7 /21/1926 8/ 5 ¥.1922 6/10/1916 2495· E CNKITE SP~INGS' l ~cmL::sm!S·~·:.-· .... o .. l · .7000CFS.!! S 2-ir \JO-W '26 NWNWS W,::,3/ 3/1924 8/ 5 ¥.1922 '6/ .l/1.919 24 96 A LLER SPRINGS l .~soie-~.:Zt:-•::-~--" 0 l ·1.oooocFS ·& S '2-N 80-:W-3 4 SWNENE · . .-1'3/ 3✓1.924 8/ 5Yl922 6/ l/1919 2496 · A L-TA Tl!.IN A 1' OlVl?lE CREEK .... • •. "' 5 l&. 24.6700CFS B -s ·. ·7-s .. 92~-'11. NWSESE ._. :2/23/192.3 10/2311 922 . 9/ 'l/1906· 2497 .A '.l U UGH•ENt EXT . --· 1.t>lVIOE' CREEK "-.... ·.' 5. :a · 20.oococi:s ·a·s .. 7-S .. 92-11 ''1 4 SWHENE · ,• 2/23/HZ3 .. l.0/23/l922. 3/. 7/1908 . 241)8 A <. ::REEK 2 -·'°' ••. •l ' l.ITtLE:.cLK :CRE~·-"<. l • .: .s ~ooooc;;:s· -s · s · CJ-S-'8frW :33 NENENE • l l/21•/1922 111' 3h922 8/10/1918 2499 J •!RE ZINC co P-!PEi.;nre:. '7' F.Al,;l. "CR:EEK ".' ..... , • :. i 34S ·u.~000CFS ·~ ·s .. -6-S· -81~~ . . -10/30/1923 11/13{1922 12/ 1/1.920 2500 •. A ,IRE Z.INC ccr ·P!f>EJ.:.INE . ~;Fill.. CJlEEK ,;: .·.•· ·._ • .' 3 4 8 . 11. 9000CFS:. M .S ,. ·6-S'-_.'81--:_W~~ ... -: . ·_ 10/30/1923 ll/131,1922 121 1/1920 , 2S00 w 1IRE Z!NC ctl Pi l>a:INE ' _. F l l;l.. CRe:K -•.;, • • '. 3 •8 'll.9000Cf'S J.I ·s-~ c~s~~81':'f ;n:,,_ ·•• .'-J.0/30/1923 11/13~1922 12/ 1/1920 2soo • w I' incH . .,. .,;·:-, ' , : l NET.TU: CREE K ·:i-. ~-•. '.f .. 3 l:I .' ... SOOOCFS::S '$ • .;9-s· __ ::.88::W .-:U>'·NESW NW 613Dlt'1Z~ ll/27111922 It/ 15/18!!6·, .2501 : ·t:1 ) . . ·:.,-... :·1 OR¥··e11.1:eK -;'••· ..•. ::.•. 'A i •• •• , .. "TOOOCPS --~ .. 7:-.S :;52:':W}_.3 .SENES W,:,.,-4 /2Bll9Z•k 2f23 1923 · 2/23/1907': i502 . ·s, , ,i,-• .••• -·;· .,,,,,;:·.: •. ~. 1 DR-T Cl.EEK·-~--.. •¥· .~ • 4 1 ••1i ;r:.6"0DCFS.~-s:.-,,;r.-s:.·!.:'-.2.~"t ·3 /:• 0 NES W ::'.~/2 8 /1924: 2/23 1923 2/ 7/1911' 2503 Ml 1 . :-:0,:0::: ··;:•·:,·•.;i-~1t,·t-.;··~-> :~·o . ·JlO'llf',CREEK '•.'. ·.-,,_,,,.,:,_:_t 7 1 .1 ·r•' '· •• •• ~00C1'S'-'1:aS:: 6-S ·• :"9~11 "28 S£SENE 4 /l4 / l 924i--.4>/1'2/1923 6/ 1/1914 2504 SI &';./ ~-.~ :"' .. --:•~'7. ".•~::, .'· • •·:: ·l, RO AN CR.!l!lC. •.. •-:~, ·:· 7 1-..: ' ~.l:600CFS' ·S $' 6-S'.'·'.~9 -W -~8 SESENE • 4 /.1411924 -4/12/ 923 . 6/ 1/1914 '2504 SI HES ·FOU R HILE '..:J\:··.....-, . .-,:1 FOU R 14JL:E-CR EEK :.•:·••;:j .1-~:~ 2.bOOCC F S '°'··s-;,.-6-S:.,-89-1;-3 4.NfNWS! • 9/27/1.92!· 6/30/ 923 7/ 6/1921· 2505 ·MC .,. CONTR:.I.T · · --• · · •• '. 1 · ELK' CREEK '-:: • . :.: :,, '. ~ 18 .• ' .600DCfS a· s-·.·s-s• ... 91-W 18 NWNE' .. 121 a/1923 7/25/• 923 -6/15/1923 ·,. 2 506 ·, ltt It.THY W ii UP1'E R l:XT :· -1 ·Ron rNG 'FORK R.!VE!l • 3 ~ l .1.3!DDCFS -g• S .;..'.7:-s· 87-1(30 NWNESW 1.---21 &/1..1)24, ·91z-11,n3 -'-6rr7f920 250 7 IIH l RTH'f' WW UPPE l iX1' · 1 ·1t0 u r ~ ·FOJ!.K IUVElt. ·~.3! l :.:.: .2110 0 1:T!S t.~s--'"7-S:~87-W .30 NWNES W 2/8/1924 9/27/ 923 6/ l/1920 2507 UH 'l'H tRD ENL~-·--~· •·· l WA UEN GULCH ··. 3 1.. · l oOOOOCFS 8 S -S-5_'-33-W LS Ns:<:i: -y ,.,.,.~~• ·----., tLE FEEOl!II.. 1 PTNEY R!Vl'R "' • • • ---• 0, Section #2: Background, Overview & Summaries • Family Goals 0 ' l,___.I • Narrative o Background o Supporting Statements • Site Plan • Revised Development Overview o General Operations Po l icies • Article 7: Summary • Impact Analysis Detail Summary 0 Property Goals -Unch anged Gianinetti Fam ily Goals •Provide a long-term income stream fo r the Family •Preserve the property as a focal point of Family Gatherings •Retain the family Agricultural and rural heritage Community Meeting/Event Center •Prov ide a center for Community Meetings and Events i n a natural setting •Provide a venue for individual and family celebrati ons (e.g. Birthday parties and weddings) •Provide a venue for small fundraising efforts for Commun ity Organizations • Legitimize the Community Meeting/events that a been held intermittently over the last 15 years. Guest Ranch/Lodging Fa cility •Provide sma ll/appropriate ly sized short-te rm lodging in a rural setting •To have lodging availab ility where events are held •Provid e alternative lodging for anglers who utilize the property through the Rocky Mo untain Ang lers Club Development Goals •Prov ide a venue that me ets all County Deve lopment Standards •Maintain the Roaring Fork River in his natural setting •Preserve wetlands and not develop within the Hundred Year Floodway •Maintain t he agricultural and rural setting that the family has nurtured for over 100 years Narrative The Gianinetti Family LLLP is requesting to modify the Development Overview for the max number of events they are allowed each year. In 2018, they were approved for the land use change which allowed them to host 30 events a year. Now that they are going on their 6t h year of operations, it has become apparent that they need to be able to host and facilitate more events to achieve a sustainable business model and better serve the community's needs. The Gianinetti Family LLLP is requesting that the event capacity limitation be modified so they can have the freedom to pursue business that is in compliance with the property's capabilities and the Event Center's engineered capacity limitations throughout the year. The Event Center is engineered to accommodate 200 people daily, year around and has an occupancy of 273 inside the barn. The facility's Onsite Wastewater Treatment System is designed to serve up to 200 people daily. The Family is currently in the process of amending their water contract, through the Basalt Water Conservancy District, to allocate additional water to the Event Center and is transitioning the water system from a Non-Public System to a Transient Non-Community System with the CDPHE . This process was initiated as a proactive measure to ensure the Event Center is in compliance with the CDPHE standards and has sufficient water supply to accommodate the proposed change request. The Family is confident that the water system's design will be compliant to the CDPHE's standards and that they will be able to obtain the additional water from Basalt Water Conservancy with a simple amendment. Upon completion, the Event Center's infrastructure will be more than adequate to accommodate this change. However, without BOCC approval, there is no reason to follow through with these transitions. If the Family cannot host more events at the Event Center, the water allocation and system is adequate for current op erations. But the reality is that the current model is not sustainable, and this resolution will give the Family the ability to pursue business as need ed to reach sustainability and accomplish the goals they originally set out to achieve for the property. It is for this re ason that the change request is being submitted prior to receiving amended documents and approvals. The Family hopes that after BOCC consideration , the change request will be approved under the contingency that the Family has sufficient legal supply of water and is in state compliance with the water treatment facility. Background When the Family successfully received the Land Use Change with the event limitation, they did not realize the limitations this would truly have on the business model, nor could anyone have forecast Covid and the hardships this specifically caused the Event Center. The Family has diligently worked to navigate and adapt to the changes they have encountered in the last five years. The Family's goals for the property have not changed but the economics, overhead , and demand for the services the ranch provides have changed immensely within in this time. The goal has always been to provide the community with a beautiful setting for events, gatherings, fundraisers, and community organizations whi le simultaneously providing the Family with a long term income source to susta i n the ranch and its agricultural presence. However, the event limitation along with the rise in overhead, inadvertently set a price floor and ceiling for the Event Center. The rental prices offered are based on the operational overhead and then leveraged against the 30 events we are currently allowed. This has derived a very narrow scope of clientele who can afford the Family's offerings and has made the business extremely dependent on one industry. Though the family does their best to subsidize several community concepts each year, this current mod el truly eliminates most smaller gatherings, non-profits, community events, corporate segments and inhouse concepts as these events cannot yield enough revenue to meet bottom line requirements. Ultimately, the self-imposed limitations that were accepted with the land use change have made the Family's main goal for the event center unattainable. The Family is confident that if approved, this change will allow for a more compatible price index that will better serve a wider range of events, be more sui t able for a variety of industries, and be more attractive to a versified clientele. With this resolutio n, the Family would gain the ability to host events throughout the entire year, as opposed to only being able to accommodate during the summer and fall season. Overall , this would give the family the freedom to accept and generate business that is compatible with the venue 's capacity and increase revenue through hosting more events . This will not only advance sustainability for the Family, but also make subsidizing and hosting more community events possible . All of which would further stimulate the local economy through visitation and engagement. Change Request : The Gian inetti Family LLLP is requesting that the event capacity limitation be modified so they can have the freedom to pursue business that is in comp li ance with the property's capabilities and the Event Center's engineered capacity limitations throughout the year. Approval would be contingent on the Gianinetti Fa mily LLLP having a sufficient legal supply of water and is in state compliance with the water ) treatment facility. Related Provisions: Capac ity • The number of events would be restricted to the Event Center's operating capacity. The main limiting factor is the amount of water that is allocated to the Event Center. The current request is for the Event Center to have 180,000 gallon of water allocated for use annually solely for event use. • Typical Event Size: 150 guests or less • Build ing Occupancy: 273 Seas o nal T ime Frame • Annually: January through December The Peak season for events begins in May and runs through October. All other months are considered off season. This Peak season will continue to be true with the requested use change approval. The summer and fall would primarily be one event per weekend with the possibility of hosting intermittent small gatherings in the middle of the week. The "o ff" season would then transition to a regular season and the Family would be able to host smaller functions, communal offerings, and holiday functions as desired. Based on the last 5 years of operations, the average peak season weekend event would be 150 guests and midweek concepts could range from 10 -100 people depending on the concept . Hours of Operation • General Operations: Monday-Sunday o Standard ranch operating hours: 7:00 am -6:00 pm o Standard Event operating hours: 8:00 am -11:00 pm • Quiet time: 10:00 pm • Early/Late Vendor Access: 5 :00 am -8:00 am & 11:00 pm -1:00 am Wate r Al location : Basalt Water Conservancy District The water supply for the ranch is contracted through the Basalt Water Conservancy District. Under the current contract, the Gianinetti Family LLLP is allowed 1.504 acre-feet as an annual diversion from the onsite well. This equates to 490,000 gallons; however, it is stipulated that the event center is onl y allocated 52,000 gallons and the undeveloped cabins are allocated 438,000 gallons. In order to allocate more water for the Event Center, the Family is in the process of amending the current water contract to increase water supply to the Event Center from 52,000 gallon per year to 180,000 gallons per year. This additional allocation and contract amendment request has been approved by Eric Mangeot (LRE Water). On average, a 150 person event uses approximately 1,000 gallons of water. So in theory, this would give the Family the ability to host up to 180 events throughout the year. • Current Contract#: 712 • Project Manager: Eric Mangeot, LRE Water ( ) Final documentation will be provided on condition of BOCC approval. (See Supporting Documents) Water Treatment The water system classification for the property is currently not a public system. With the request to host more events, the increased population would exceed the state's threshold for a non-public system and require the system to become a Transient Non-Community System. This new system classification is based on the CDPHE's Classification Chart (See Supporting Documents). Being proactive, the Family has already begun this process and is currently in the self-submittal stage with the CDPHE and working with Bruce Lewis (Boundaries Unlimited) and Anthony Zancanella (Zancanella & Associates) to ensure requirements are met and forms are submitted appropriately. • Public Water System ID: CO0223310 • Federal System Type: Transient, Non-Commun ity • State Source Type: Ground Water • Treatment/Distribution Operator: Anthony Zancanella, Zancanella & Associates Final documentation will be provided on condition of BOCC approval. Onsite Wastewater Trea t m ent Sy stem The OWTS will handle up to a single 200 person daily event (See Supporting Docs). If an event exceeds 200 attendees, the Venue will require additional portable restrooms and wash stations onsite to ensure OWTS is protected , and that attendees' needs are more than adequately covered. ( Infrastructure There is no plan to increase or change any of the ranch's existing infrastructure to accommodate this change request. The size, footprint and event times of the add itional events will be the same as what the Event Cent er is currently accommodating, just on a high er frequency. (Please see Section 4 . Supporting Documents, Compliance Letters -Bo und aries Unlimited & LRE Water.) Traffic Generation As referred to in the previous section, the traffic generation will also remain to the same sca le that the Event Cente r is currently accommodatin g but at a higher frequency. The Family anticipates that the maintenance of the road may increase but they handle maintenance as needed under current policy. In accommodati ng for events at a higher frequency, additional mainte nance will be incorporated as needed to ensure safe and adequate road ways and parking areas. Current traffic controls : • Standard Event Vehicle Capacity : 162 (See Site Plan) • Tra ffic control personnel during ev ents: Ranch representatives direct flow of traffic, enfo rce speed limit, assist with parking i n an orderly fashion and ensure smooth exit strategy. • The main drive servici ng the event center is a one-way drive to assist with flow. • Speed limit signs are posted. • Al l parking locations provide sufficient driveway width for eme rge ncy vehicle access. • The road that leads to the North side of the barn is strictly used for delivery and pick up by vendors and no vehicles are permitted to block this access . • The required firetruck parking areas are always accessible. • The road base util ized on roadways is crushed asphalt which is spread, leveled, and co mpres sed by roller to ensure the most longevity and a dust free environment. • Th e Family has also re-established the original ranch entrance which is adjacent to th e prim ary entrance in use today. This entrance adjoin s the Town of Carbondale's Ga teway River Tr ail and is prima rily used as a pedestrian walkway for guests staying at the hotels adjacent to the property. The entrance is furnished with a 13' gate as well as a 4' gate. The average roadway wid th is 12', the composition is gravel and crush ed asphal t, and it can be used as a single lane emergen cy entrance or exit road if needed. • The Family has installed flood lights thro ughout the driveway so upon exit, all vehicles can do so in a safe manner. These lights fol low the Ga rfield County LUDC and are down casted to onl y illu minate the property. Impact Analysis With 5 yea rs of actively operating the Event Cen ter along with t he Fly Fishing Pro gram, the Equ estria n Center, and the Ranch, the Family has not been contacted for any violations or grievances from the Town of Carbo ndale or Garfield County. They did rece ive two phone calls regarding t he sound during the sound check of their concert series in 2022. Once the sound check was performed and systems were cal ibrated, they did not rec e ive another complaint. The Family did forecast that they could receive some community complaints with hosting a concert as this is typical of any live music event in the valley. But there was great consideration of the orientation of the speakers and the placement of the stage to best mitigate as much sound as possible for this event. The Family believes the change request is still compatible and almost no would occur to the previous impact analysis that was provided in 2018. (Please see Impact Analysis Summary) The nature, scale and intensity of the proposed use change is compatible with the property's design and still compatible with adjacent land uses. The Event Center has been in operation for approximately 15 years now and the Family's operational policies are designed and strictly enforced to ensure quality assurance for the property and the neighboring community. Accommodating more events annually that are of the same or smaller size, and of the same nature as the current operating model, will continue to be compatible with the property and adjacent land use. All roadways and infrastructure are adequate to serve the event center to higher capacity. (Please see Section 4. Supplementary Documents, Compliance Letters -Carbondale & RFPD Fire Marshal) The site plan will remain as seen in the site plan provided on the following page. The Family will continue to provide routine road maintenance and abide by the original Driveway Maintenance & Operation Plan previously submitted. $ ~:l ~~ I I I i l ~ ' 1 ,' I 0,.1);· >~> :::::::=~/ / / '\, /' ,,,--, ff/" . /./ ~1/, <· <-v ·,/·///• .... ', / y " / ," /,//,~/// ,' ,/ // UD!d aJ!S qJUDH 1sano lliJ"j fi J •1 0 J upds mau1uo 19 I ijJUDij 1san9 ~aaJJ fiU!JdS maU!UD!!J ) ( ) REVISED DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW *Please Note : Revisions to this section will be indicated in blue with previous text lined out. Below is an overview which briefly summarizes all the uses proposed for the property as a whole. The purpose of this overview is so that staff, each commission/board or review agency is aware of the entire scope of development for the property. Community Event/Meetings •Capacity for events. Ma)<imum size 1uill be 200 people, with the majority of events accommodating Fewer than 100 people. Th e Event Center has an occupancy of 273 people and most gatherings held onsite will be 150 gu e st s or less . W he n guest counts exceed 200 guests, additional portable toilets and wash st ation are required to be onsite . These items are only permitted in designated areas surrounding the even t center and are requirements to ensure quality assurance and protect the septic system. Fo r special event s su ch as: community gatherings, concerts, expos, seminars, fund raisers, or foo d/drink fe stival s, t he venue is capable of handling up to 1,000 people . If a special event is to be planned o r ac co m modated, regard less of whether it is promoted by the Family or by a client, th e Family will ensure that: o All re q ui r ed county permits and approvals are met 30 days prior to the event. o Adequate t e nting, portable restrooms, and wash stations are in place for audience size . o Special event s and even t s of 300 people or more can only be held from June -October. •Time Frame . Event season generally May through October. Estimated lXper week. Some events may e>ctend into Member, depending on the mctent of Indian Summer Th e Peak season fo r events begins in May and runs through October. The summer and fall would primarily be one eve nt per weekend with the possibility of hosting intermittent small gatherings in the middle of the w eeks . Reg ul ar seaso n would consist of November -April. The average Peak season weekend event would be 150 guests and midweek concepts cou ld range from 10 -100 people depending on t he concept. The average Regular season event would be 100 guests or less. •Event Capacity: Ma>< ff Per year.30 The number of events would be restrict ed t o the Event Center 's operating capacity. The main limiting factor for th e number of events is the amount of water that is allocated to the Event Center. The current re quest is for the Eve nt Center to have 180,000 gallon of water allocated for use annually solely for event use . •Facilities. o Existing Pavilion/gazebo. Approximately 1500 ft.2 in size. o Proposed: Community Event Barn-80' x 60'. Approximately 4800ft.2 in size. Restrooms, storage area and offices included . ( •Water: Ne1,1✓ ,,,.1ell to be drilled and utilized. VVell to serve lodging cabins and events. Treatment none planned unless water quality tests direct chlorination . The established well wi ll supply wate r to the fu t ure lodging cabins and Event Center. Treatment - direct chlorination and water softener. •Wastewater: Community Events and all cabins to utilize OWTS. Please see the previous Engineering Report and water, wastewater, and utility plans for specifications . in Section3 of application . 2 mounded seepage beds/Soil Treatment Areas to be constructed in complianc e with County and Fede ral flood plain Regulations . County OWTS permit application will be made prior to any construction . •Hours of Operation : Al l events wil l be closed dm,vn at dark. o General Operations: Monday -Sunday o Standard ranch operating hours: 7:00 am -6 :00 pm o Standard Event operating hours : 8 :00 am -11:00 pm • Qu iet time: 10:00 pm • Ear ly/Late Vendor Access : 5:00 am -8:00 am & 11 :00 pm -1:00 am Noise Level s: Decibel tests have not been made at this time based on historical use no complaints issued over 10 year period. If necessary, any music whether acoustic or amplified can be mo1,ied into the Event Barn. The Family enforce s a strict sound policy at the Event Center as this is Family 's biggest concern. They do everything t o ensure that the Event Center is in compliance with CRS 25-12-103 or as set out by regulations adopted by Garfield County. • 10:00 pm is qu iet time . • Proximity : The nearest residence is approximately 710 feet from the activ ity area . • The pavilion has a decibel reader i nstalled that will notify ranch personnel if sound is exceeding appropriate levels . • Private licen sed security employed by the Family enforce sound restrictions and quality controls . It is standard procedure for security to check decibels on the west property line at three di ffe rent locations and report back to the event manager with the decibel average. If so und levels exceed regulations, entertainment is required to adjust sound t o appropriate levels . If there is no compliance or a repeat offense , the entertainment is immediately shut down . Th is has never occurr ed , however there is protocol in place to handle this sit u ation . • It is st andard operating procedure for any inside and outside entertainment to perform w ithin approved decibel parame t e rs. • Outside entertainment is required to perform on the North side of the pavilion projecting Sout h as a fu rther prec aution as sound must travel a greater distance before it could potenti all y affec t a res idenc e. The barn also serves as a sound buffer for music under the pavi l ion . • The buildin g was doub le i nsulated and is exceptionally well at containing sound when event remain s inside with barn doors closed . Lodging ■ The Fami ly has transplanted man y trees on the property to help protect the Event Center from winds, m itigate highway noise and sound generated from events. In 15 years of operations, the Fami ly has never had an incident where the Fami ly has been contacted by Carbond ale police or Garfiel d County Sheriff regarding ope rations, complaints, or sound violations . •Combination of 1 and 2 bedroom cabins-with a maximum of 12bedrooms total. •Cabins to meet all County Building codes/I RC etc. •Construction-Intended to be stick built. •Phasing . Unknown at this time. Full development to and occur over time, probably between 2 and 5 years . •Lodging available entire ye ar GE N ERAL OPERAT ION S POLICIES -Up dated Driveway & Ma i ntenance l. Pedestrians and Bicyclist have right of way. 2. The speed limit for the property is 15 MPH are posted and enforced. 3 . The main drive servicing the event center is a one-way drive to assist with flow. 4. Ranch representatives direct flow of traffic, assist with parking in an orderly fashion and ensure smooth exit strategy. 5. Roadside parking will not be permitted on Cowen Drive, AKA 8th Street, or on the acces s drive to the property. 6. The driveway must remai n clear for safe vehicular passage (includes not allowing parked or unattended vehicles or equipment on the driveway) during Event Center activities . 7. Parking areas will be designated off from the driveway during Event Center activities . 8. The driveway shall be maintained as smooth crowned graveled surface that drains surface rainwater off to the roadside. 9. Fire truck (pumpers) acces s point areas must remain clear of any vehicles and not used for any type of storage. 10. Snow must be removed from driveway allowing for safe vehicular passage during Event Center activities . 11. Signage , delineators, and reflectors must remain visible and shall be repaired or replaced as needed. 12. The driveway will be wetted as necessary in areas where dust becomes an issue from vehicular ( ) traffic during Event Center activities . Event Center 1. Owner shall have a designated Event Manger onsite at each event. 2. Rental use agreements are required for all events and sufficiently cover use stipulations, regulations , and policies. Clients are further required to obtain additional liability insurance and provide a Damage Deposit that can be forfeited for any misconduct, breach of agreement or damage incurred from the event. 3. Only registered service dogs are allowed at events without prior approval from the Ranch Manager. 4. All directives and/or fire restrictions set out by the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District will be obeyed including: a. Compliance with designated fire restrictions or bans. b. Fires are only permitted in designated Fire Pits when no restrictions are in effect. Fires are only to be lit and maintained by Ranch Per sonnel. c. If any fireworks are proposed, such events shall be coordinated with the Carbondale Fire District. 5. All designated fire facility/pumper spaces shall be maintained and used only by designated Carbondale Fire District vehicles. 6. No Feeding of wildlife. 7 . All trash is to be disposed of in bearproof dumpsters located at the Venue. 8. Owner or Manager will monitor time frames for potential flooding. If known flood potential, Event shall either be postponed, or appropriate actions and plan shall be put in place to facilitate proper evacuation of property. u Article 7: Summary 7-101. Zone District Use Regulations Response: Unchanged. Still in compliance with Zone District Use Restrictions. 7-102. Comprehensive Plan & Intergovernmental Agreements Response: Unchanged. Still in Conformance with both the County and Town's Comprehensive Plans and any intergovernmental agreement between the two jurisdictions. 7-103. Compatibility Response: The nature, scale and intensity of the proposed use change is compatible with the property's design and still compatible with adjacent land uses. The Event Center has been in operation for approximately 15 years now and the Family's operational policies are designed and strictly enforced to ensure quality assurance for the property and the neighboring community. Accommodating more events annually that are of the same or smaller size, and of the same nature as the current operating mode l , will continue to be compatible with the property and adjacent land use . All roadways and infrastructure are adequate to serve the event center to higher capacity. Please see supplementary Documents for lette r of compliance from the Carbondale & RFPD Fire Marshal. After completing the site i nspection, Karl Oliver confirmed that the access and safety measures meet and surpass code to operate at Event Center's engineered capacity. 7-104. Source of Water Response: Unchanged. In compliance w ith suff icient Physical and Legal source of wate r. Under current standards, the water system is considered a private, non- community water system. Chlorination and water softener was added to the system and is maintained and monitored to CDPHE stand_ards by Zancanella & Associates. Syste m Classificatio n: With the request to host more events, the increased population would exceed the state's th reshold for a non-public system and require the system to become a Transient Non-Community System. This new system classification decision is based on co r respondence with the CDPHE and the state's wate r Classif ication Chart . Being proactive, the Family has already begun t his process and is currently in the self-submittal stage with the CDPHE and working with Bruce Lewis (Boundaries Unlimited) and Anthony Zancanella (Zancanella & Associates) to ensure requirements are met and forms are submitted appropriately. • Public Water System ID: CO022331 O • Federal System Type: Transient, Non-Community • State Source Type: Ground Water • Treatment/Distribution Operator: Anthony Zancanella, Zancanella & Associates Final documentation will be provided on condition of BOGG approval. (See Section 4. Supporting Documents: CDPHE Water System Classification Chart) Sttpp_ly_; The water supply for the ranch is contracted through the Basalt Water Conservancy District. Under the current contract, the Gianinetti Family LLLP is allowed 1.504 acre-feet as an annual diversion from the onsite well. This equates to 490,000 gallons; however, it is stipulated that the event center is only allocated 52,000 gallons and the undeveloped cabins are allocated 438,000 gallons. In order to allocate more water for the Event Center, the Family is in the process of amending the current water contract to increase water supply to the Event Center from 52,000 gallon per year to 180,000 gallons per year. This additional allocation and contract amendment request has been approved by Eric Mangeot (LRE Water). On average, a 150 person event uses approximately 1,000 gallons of water. So in theory, this would give the Family the ability to host up to 180 events throughout the year. • Current Contract 712 • Project Manager: Eric Mangeot, LRE Water Final documentation will be provided on condition of BOGG approval. (See Section 4. Supporting Documents: Letter of Compliance & Memorandum -LRE Water) 7-105. Central Water Distribution & Wastewater Systems Response: Onsite Wastewater Treatment System is in compliance and capable of handling additional events outlined within this change request. (See Section 4. Supporting Documents: Letter of Compliance & Technical Documents -Boundaries Unlimited) 7-106. Public Utilities Response: The property has electric service through Holy Cross. Propane, water supply and wastewater is onsite. 7-1 Access & Roadways Response: In compliance with current codes and standards. The main entrance driveway has been widened to an all-weather width of 20', per Fire Marshal recommendation in 2018. The Family has re-established the original ranch entrance which is adjacent to the primary entrance in use today. This entrance adjoins the Town of Carbondale's Gateway River Trail, and this primitive roadway is primarily used as a pedestrian walkway for guests staying at the hotels adjacent to the property. The entrance is furnished with a 13' gate as well as a 4' gate. The average roadway width is 12', the composition is gravel and crushed asphalt. It is maintained to the same standard as all roadways on the property. In an emergency, it can be used as a single lane entrance or exit. For traffic controls and protocol, please see Section 2. Supporting Statements - Traffic Generation (See Section 4. Supporting Documents: Technical Documents -Boundaries Unlimited Letter of Compliance -Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District) 7-108. Use Land Subject to Natural Hazards Response: No Change. In compliance all applicable regulations. 7-109. Fire Response: No Change. In compliance with all applicable regulations and standards. Division 2. General Resource Protection Standards Land Use Change Permits 7-201. Response: Resource protection standards apply to all proposed land use changes, unless specifically exempted. Response: In compliance with all standards. No adverse impacts to Agriculture Operations. No changes or new developments will be made to fences, roads, or ditches. 7-202. Wildlife Habitat Areas Response: No Change. In compliance with all standards. 7-203. Protection of Waterbodies Response: No Change. The protection of the Roaring Fork River Floodway & Wetlands was documented with prior application. In compliance with all standards. 7-204. Drainage & Erosion Response: No Change. In compliance with all standards. 7-205. Environmental Quality Response: No Change. In compliance with all standards. 7-206. Wildlife Hazards 7-207. Response: No Change. In compliance with all standards and property remains listed as a low/non-rated wildfire hazard area. & Hazards Response: No Change. 7-208. Reclamation Response: No Change. Division 3. Site Planning & Development Standards lncompliance with all standards. 7-301. Compatible Design Response: The Event Center and its management plan meets these standards. A. Site organization: N/A B. Operational Characteristics: No everyday activities involved. 1. In compliance. 2. Noise policy & controls addressed in Section 2. Supporting Documents: Revised Development Overview, Noise Levels. 3. Hours of operation specified in Section 2. Supporting Documents: Revised Development Overview, Hours of Operation. C. Buffering: N/A. D. Materials: N/A. 7-302. Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards Response: No Change. In compliance with all standards. 7-303. Landscaping Standards Response: No Change. In compliance with all standards. 7-304. Lighting Standards Response: In compliance with standards. The Family has installed flood lights throughout the driveway so upon exit, all vehicles can do so in a safe manner. These lights follow the Garfield County LUDC and are down casted to only illuminate the property. 7-305. Snow Storage Standards Response: Unchanged. All roadways and parking areas are plowed and maintained as needed. Access snow is piled in hay fields if necessary. 7-306. Trail and Walkway Standards. Response: i\lo Change. N/A. Division 4. Subdivision Standards & Design Specifications Response: No Change. In compliance with all standards. 7-401. General Subdivision Standards Response: No Change. In compliance with all standards. 7-402. Subdivision Lots Response: No Change. N/A. 7-403. Survey Monuments Response: No Change. N/A. 7-404. School Land Dedication Response: No Change. N/A. C Impact Analysis Detail Summary 1. Adjacent Land Use: Existing use of adjacent property/neighboring properties within 1500- footradius. Response: No Change. Previous Submission: The most intense use from a development perspective occurs to the west of the subject property-a portion of Roaring Fork Village and Cowen Convenience Center of the Town of Carbondale. To the east and south are generally rural/agricultural land uses . To the north is dryland/riverbank of the Roaring Fork River, the SH 82 right-of-way and steep hillside adjacent to the SLM/ Red Hill Area . More specifically: West: Single Family subdivision-Roaring Fork Village & Gianinetti Subdivision , 5 townhome units Commercial/office, hotel/motel and convenient center (Cowen Center). South: Single Family residence at rural Garfield County density, Delaney Park (AKA Delaney- dog park)-Town of Carbondale. East: Agricultural and single-family rural residential lots. North: Stream bank (dry) going from Roaring Fork River to State Highway 82SH, 82 right-of- way, Steep hillside rising from SH 82 towards SLM/Red Hill Recreation area. 2. Site Features: A description of site features such as streams, areas subject to flooding, lakes, topography, vegetation cover etc. Response: No Change. Previous Submission: The subject property is generally located in the Roaring River Bottom land adjacent to the Town of Carbondale's Northeast boundary. Site features are as follows (see Boundary Survey/Existing Conditions Map): • Roaring Fork River main channel • 3 stream/ditches emptying into the Roaring Fork River • North riverbank (dry) leading from Roaring Fork River to SH 82 roadway surface • Roaring Fork River Floodplain • Wetlands • Irrigated hayfields • General agricultural equipment and storage • 2 ponds • Event Barn • Hillside along West property boundary characterized by Oak brush and other upland vegetation There will be no impact to site features as there is no planned construction or development changes to accommodate for this LUC request. 3. Soil Characteristics: A description of soil characteristics of the site that have a significant influence on the proposed use of the land. Response: No Change. Previous Submission: The subject property is subject to alluvial deposits, riparian areas, ditches/streams, and irrigated hay fields. Depth to groundwater is approximately 2 feet. An in-depth soil studies have not been done at this time. 4. Geology & Hazard: A description of the geologic characteristics of the area including any potential natural or man-made hazards, and the determination of what effects such factors would have on the proposed use of land. Response: No Change. Previous Submission: As noted above, a formal Geotech analysis has not been undertaken as the geologic and natural hazards appear self-evident. Hazards are high groundwater table, Roaring Fork River Floodplain and riparian areas. Floodplain: Project engineer has confirmed the Floodway and Floodplain area. All development will remain out of the Floodway. Otherwise, development will comply with County and National standards, with any finished floor being 1 foot higher than base flood elevation. Wetlands. A qualified Riparian/wetlands professional has identified the Wetlands and confirmation by the Army Core of Engineers is in process. All development will occur outside the Wetlands area. Wetlands were identified and mapped in calendar year 2017. High Groundwater. This has been taken into account with the development plan. Development will utilize Best Management Practices related to construction of facilities, septic and extension of internal driveways. Paving/hard surface improvements are being kept to a minimum. It is our opinion that the impact of all geologic and other hazards is minimal and has been mitigated/meets all County and Federal standards. 5.Groundwater and Aquifer Recharge Areas: Evaluation of the relationship of the subject parcel to floodplains, the nature of soils and subsoils and their ability to adequately support waste disposal, the slope of land, effect of sewage effluents, and the pollution of surface runoff, streamflow and groundwater. Response: No Change. Previous Submission: Description of the physical site has been made a number of times in this application. We believe that the impacts of the proposed land-use are nonexistent or minimal. Floodplain. The Project Engineer has confirmed the location of the Floodplain. There will be absolutely no development in the Floodway. The Floodplain downstream of the subject property will not be affected. Construction of the Event Barn and any cabins will be in conformance with local and national regulations-Finish Floor elevation 1 foot above BFE. Soils and Subsoil's -ability to adequately support waste disposal. The septic system is a mounded system and is being built in compliance with all County regulations. Aformal OWTS application will be made in compliance with all County permitting upon approval of the LUCP. HP Kumar has inspected the pitsf or suitability of septic. Wetlands. No construction is to take place in the defined Wetlands area. Wetlands have been defined by a competent professional. Slope of Land. No impact. Hillsides are not being proposed for any development act to the or any disturbance. Pollution of surface runoff, stream flow and groundwater. Operation should not cause additional pollution that would affect streamflow and groundwater. Proposed Events/Meetings will just have people enjoying themselves in passive manner and not undertaking activities such as car repair, changing oil or any commercial/industrial activities that could cause such pollution. There will be no car repairs or even any recreational activities which should generate pollution. Property owners will supervise events and take care of all debris, solid waste etc. Septic is sized to accommodate proposed events. In addition, they own porta potty's if there is ever any concern or question about capacity of septic in any particular instance. 6. Environmental Impacts: Determination of the existing environmental conditions of the parcel to be developed and the effect of development on those conditions ,including: Response: No Change. Previous Submission: A. Determination of the long-term and short-term effect on flora and fauna; Response-Flora and Fauna: Any construction will be taking place in open areas where there are native or pasture grasses. No significant vegetation will be cut or removed. Negative effect on fauna should be minimal. No additional fences are being proposed-so wildlife should build a pass-through as they have historically done. It is our understanding, due to its location and necking down of the river area by the SH 82/133 bridge does not make it generally conducive as a major migration route. B. Determination of the effect on designated environmental resources, including critical wildlife habitat. Response: as noted above, project will stay out of Floodway and Wetland areas. We are not aware of their being any critical wildlife habitat designation forth is parcel/property. C. Impacts on wildlife and domestic animals through creation of hazardous attractions, alteration of existing native vegetation, blockade of migration routes, use patterns, or other disruptions; and Response: No significant impact foreseen. Alteration of existing vegetation will be nonexistent or minimal-No attractive or hazardous nuisances are being created. No migration routes are being blocked. No other disruptions should occur. No "attractive "or hazardous nuisances are being constructed. Community Event/Meetings are very transitory in nature, and nobody will be utilizing or constructing any permanent structures that should degrade the area. D. Evaluation of any potential radiation hazard that may have been identified by the state or County Health Departments. Response: To our knowledge, no known radiation hazards have been identified in this vicinity. 7.Nuisance: Impact to adjacent land from generation of vapor, dust, smoke, noise, glare or vibration, or other emanations. Response: As a whole, there is no change. But noise policy and management has been detailed in Section 2. Supporting Documents: Revised Development Overview, Noise Levels. Previous Submission: The nature of Community Meeting/Events are such that no unusual vapor, glare or vibration should be created. These are not industrial, semi-industrial or commercial in nature. There may be some smoke created by barbecues and related activities. By its Floodplain and Bottomland nature, the area is relatively moist and dust should not be a problem (plus it is relatively protected from huge gusts of wind due to being tucked up to the base of the hill). Noise was brought up as an issue during the Pre-application Meeting. Once again, we think any nuisance impact is minimal. These Events/Meetings have been going on fora number of years and there is not a history of any complaints. The Gianinetti's live adjacent to the Event venue and are intimately involved in its policing. They shut down events as appropriate- relatively early. The event barn may help in this matter as many events may take place within the Barn area or can be moved there if there is any perceived problem. We want to reemphasize that the Family has a history of supervising these Events with no problems and we trust that you feel they will continue to prevent noise issues in this manner. 8. Hours of Operation: Response: Hours of operation specified in Section 2. Supporting Documents: Revised Development Overview, Hours of Operation. Previous Submission: Events are held in daylight hours and do not occur after dark. Any gatherings after dark can utilize the Event Barn if necessary. Section #3: Addresses, Maps, UCP & Occupancy • Addresses • Vicinity Map • 3 Mile Vicinity Map • Existing Land UCP • Certificate of Occupancy (_,1 arfield County Land Explorer Parcel Physical Address Owner Account Mailing Address Num 239316300954 Not available BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT R043957 2300 RIVER FRONTAGE ROAD SILT, CARBONDALE co 81652 239327300005 12431 82 HWY SULLIVAN, KATHLEEN B & ROXANNE C Rlll467 12431 HWY 82 CARBONDALE, CO CARBONDALE 81623 239327300026 1243382 HWY GIROUX, LARRY D Rl 11477 12433 HWY 82 CARBONDALE, CO CARBONDALE 81623 239327325012 840 LATIGO LOOP BYRNE, JAMES P 111 & CHRISTINA M R58006l 840 LATIGO LOOP CARBONDALE, CARBONDALE co 81623 239327325014 851 LATIGO LOOP LITCHFIELD, STORY R580063 PO BOX 881 NORTHEAST HARBOR, CARBONDALE ME 04662 239327325029 Not available GIANINETTI, MITCH & DENISE R580078 0022 MESA AVENUE CARBONDALE CARBONDALE, CO 81623-1585 239327325031 850 LATIGO LOOP TURNER, JAMES T & PAULA V R045188 PO BOX 671 CARBONDALE, CO CARBONDALE 81623 239327325032 651 COWEN DR HUTCHISON, ADAM POVEY & HANNAH CLARK R045189 651 COWAN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CARBONDALE co 81623 239327325033 641 COWEN DR MILLS, STEVEN A REVOCABLE TRUST R045190 641 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CARBONDALE co 81623 239327325034 Not available GIANINETTI, ERNEST & CAROL R045191 592 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CARBONDALE co 81623 239328400005 155133 HWY FATTOR, ROBERT T TRUST & FATTOR, SUSAN F R090128 45 ALPINE CT GLENWOOD CARBONDALE TRUST SPRINGS, CO 81601-9217 239328400015 640 106 COUNTY RD CARBONDALE, TOWN OF, A COLORADO R011036 511 COLORADO A VENUE CARBONDALE HOME RULE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION CARBONDALE, CO 81623 239328400027 Not available CARBONDALE, TOWN OF Rl 11473 511 COLORADO AVENUE CARBONDALE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 239328415008 950 COWEN DR RUX REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, LLLP R590046 950 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CARBONDALE co 81623 239328415009 Not available CARBONDALE, TOWN OF R590047 511 COLORADO AVENUE CARBONDALE CARBONDALE, CO 81623-2067 239328415009 Not available CARBONDALE, TOWN OF R590047 511 COLORADO AVENUE CARBONDALE CARBONDALE, CO 81623-2067 239328415011 920 COWEN DR CARBONDALE HOTEL INVESTORS, LLC R083396 11456 OLIVE BL VD SUITE 210 ST CARBONDALE LOUIS, MO 63141 239328425013 841 LATIGO LOOP BENNETT, LINDSAY ERIN & HELMIG, JESSE R580062 841 LATIGO LOOP CARBONDALE, CARBrn<DALE HOWARD co 81623 239328426001 909 COWEN DR NDW DOWN VALLEY LLC R590329 PO BOX 9063 ASPEN, CO 81612 CARBONDALE 239328426002 913COWEN DR SCHUBERT, MICHAEL R590330 913 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CARBONDALE co 81623 239328426003 917COWEN DR WHITCOMB, JANNETTE L R590331 917 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CARBONDALE co 81623 ·~ I 0 ,d Point ~ 0 0.1 2393332 --Rock Creek 0.2mi \,, 239326 10300 1 PIN 239334200028 )( @ Report $ Tax ffi Files Ea email Account R 111320 Owner GIANINETTI FAMILY LLLP Physical Address 644 COW EN DR CARB O ND A LE 81623 I !: 1------,l------f.:""--i 2 39326300002 Malling Address 592 COW EN DRIV E C ARB O NDALE, C O 81623 . ~-.... an Y -·icau_ C::DD.:3 cab ~ \ .__) 239~34 100382 b~.~ ~~M,ooml Goose Creek ·239334 101 :z:: Land Acres 1 .33000004 2023 MIii Levy 8 1 .0290 d Fork 239335 100002 2. 9~36 1 --------35 -. .. LI I Mayfly 1 1 -r ! Be nd ' ..... Ranch t--, ..... ·- Jacl< $harp Roaring t For k Tracts Pres ~r ve 239334400022 j I . -,23933540006 1 f.,;,:_1--L --~ /llel.,,n.~~ t-----. ~ -~ l 23933'>400035 239335 ==-:_ --=-------, -·, • --_I~ 23 3S3000-18 239'3S41lJ001 ~ no,~A> ) ~L- .. u, _f =-r1 I. ~ . I-----~~ ~;yp r~., ~- . -'--I , u 0 -~~rml C ~ (' T8S R87W Physical Address 644 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 81623 Malling Address 592 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE. CO 81623 iv llr ~ltft-1-y Rd ¼(/I, , . ...., ~-\' i. ) ... ., fJ-• ., ?, C" ~m C ~.e~ :;: USE CHANGE PER IT for A Parcel of Land Owned the Gianinetti Family LLLP, approximately 4. 8 acres of an overa/183.4 acre R reel, located adjacent to the Town of Carbondale at 343 Cowen Drive, Ca ndale, CO in Sections 27, 28, and 34, Township 7 South, Range 88 West o he 6th P. M. and further described in Exhibit "A~ Legal Description and Site Plan • or's Parcel No. 2393-342-00-028) In accordance with and Development Code, as a Commissioners of Garfie authorized by Land Use rsuant to provisions of the Garfield County Land Use and ended, and Resolution No. 2018-37 of the Board of County County, State of Colorado, the following activity is hereby ange Permit: A Community Meeting Fa ility, also known as the Gianinetti Springs Community Event Center • (GAPA-02-18-8608) This Land Use Change P mit-Administrative Review is issued subject to the conditions contained in Resolution N . 2018-37 and set forth in Exhibit "B" and shall be valid only during compliance with s h conditions and other applicable provisions of the Garfield County Land Use and velopment Code, as amended, Building Code, and other regulations of the Board o County Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado. ATTEST: GARFleLD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY( COMMISSIONERS, GARFIE to COUNTY, COLORADO Date 1 1 1111 JNPm11~14J~NtUt-1U,tM~lilr.2~11HM1'1~1Wm. II Ill Recepticn#: 913646 11/07/2018 09,07,09 AM Jean Alberico 2 cf 8 Rec Fee:$0.00 Doc Fee:0,00 GARFIELD COUITTV CO Exhibit A (Legal Description and Site Plan -pg. 1 of 4) LEGAL DESCRIPTION -83.439 ACRE PARCEL A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 27, THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 28 AND THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 88 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF GARFIELD, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 25, GIANINETTI SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 411484 IN THE GARFIELD COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SUBDIVISION THE FOLLOWJNG SIX (6) COURSES: 1) N27°16'39'W, A DISTANCE OF 681.74 FEET 2) N25°22'39'W, A DISTANCE OF 380.30 FEET 3) S77°44'52"W, A DISTANCE OF 113.40 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COWEN DRIVE 4) N12°09'57"W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 12.98 FEET TOA POINT OF CURVE 5) ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A DELTA OF 21°02'39", A RADIUS OF 480.00 FEET AND A LENGTH OF 176.30 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT 6) N33°12'31"W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 238.90 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A DELTA OF 20°13'15", A RADIUS OF 460.55 FEET AND A LENGTH OF 162.54 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENT, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 6, COWEN P.U.D. SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 418398 IN THE GARFIELD COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG SAID SUBDIVISION THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES: 1) N38°35'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 117.74 FEET 2) N27°52'04'W, A DISTANCE OF 181.91 FEET 3) N45°51'15'W, A DISTANCE OF 332.77 FEET 4) N55°35'45'W, A DISTANCE OF 339.43 FEET 5) N89°54'45"W, A DISTANCE OF 281.45 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COLORADO HIGHWAY 133; THENCE N0°32'06"E ALONG SAID RfGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 173.17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A BLM PARCEL; THENCE N89°25'37"E ALONG SAlD PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 365.76 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COLORADO HIGHWAY 82; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES: 2 Exhibit A al Description and Site Plan -pg. 2 of 4) 1) S75°28'36"E, A ISTANCE OF 323.18 FEET 2) S84°08'47"E, A !STANCE OF 333.67 FEET 3) N79°09'35"E, A ISTANCE OF 915.48 FEET 4) N70°51'31"E, A !STANCE OF 123.21 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A BLM ARCEL; THENCE S89°40'47"W AL G SAID PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 85.40 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THAT PARCEL A DESCRIBED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 796572 IN THE GARFIELD COUNTY CLE AND RECORDERS'$ OFFICE; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CEL THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1) S1°06 105"W, A ID STANCE OF 50.00 FEET 2) N73°04'35"E, A !STANCE OF 127.56 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THAT PARC LAS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 926 AT PAGE 921 UNDER RECEPTION NU BER 472711 IN THE GARFIELD COUNT CLERK AND THENCE ALONG SAID PA EL THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES: 1) S1°01'20'W, A STANCE OF 1501.09 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 27 2) S1°01'20'W, A (STANCE OF 664.75 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THAT PARC LAS DESCRIBED UNDER RECEPTION 629643 IN THE GARFIELD COU TY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE 3) N89°36'19"WAL NG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 910.86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGI NING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 634,606 SQUARE FEET, AND/OR 83.439 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 3 I\U l#~Jliffl~ii l~.r.,~ Iii~ Ul~M~ud~\l~I jii!&Wi ll \\ I Reception~: 813846 11/07/2018 09:07:09 AM Jean Alberico 4 of 8 Rec Fee:$0.00 Doc Fee:0.00 GARFIELD COUNTY CO Exhibit A (Legal Description and Site Plan -pg. 3 of 4) \ ' \ ~~!;;"" ~.!-.;; I Not to Scale 4 Exhibit A I Description and Site Plan -pg. 4 of 4) 5 II Exhibit B (Conditions of Approval~ page 1 of 3) 1. That all representa~ions made by the Applicant in the application shall be conditions of approval unless specifically altered by the conditions of approval. 2. Prior to the issuance of the Land Use Change Permit the Applicant shall update the site plan as follows: a. The site plan shall indicate no parking along the access roadway, to ensure safe emergency vehicle access. b. Additional locations for portable toilet placement shaff be shown on the site plan and limited ta areas adjacent to the event barn so as to minimize visual impacts on adjacent residential properties. c. Delineate the updated wetland boundary. d. Delineate any secondary access if required by the Fire Protection District. 3. Prior to the issuance of the Land Use Change Permit the Applicant shall comply with the Division of Water Resources referral fetter dated May 21, 2018 and the CDPHE referral letter dated May 29, 2018 including compliance with public water system and public wastewater system requirements if determined to be applicable. The Applicant shall provide an updated technical memorandum from their design engineer demonstrating compliance with said State requirements. The Applicant shall be subject to the following conditions a. The Applicant shall obtain a new commercial well permit from the Division of Water Resources and comply with any conditions contained therein. b. The Applicant shall maintain contracts with the Basalt Water Conservancy District as required for the new commercial use well. c. The Applicant shall provide a meter for ongoing monitoring of well usage to ensure ongoing compliance with CDPHE Water System requirements. d. The Applicant shall obtain a Floodplain Development Permit for the proposed owrs. 4. Prior to issuance of the Land Use Change Permit the applicant shall provide a 4 hour pump test including a determination by a qualified professional that the production is adequate to serve the proposed use and Water Quality Testing for parameters listed in the Land Use and Development Code, Section 4-203(M)(b) including a determination that the water quality meets the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Standards or where an issue is noted a plan for treatment to ensure that the drinking water standards are met. 6 5. Prior to the issuan an operational sum noise/music generatim submittals and includ Exhibit B Conditions of Approval -page 2 of 3) of the Land Use Change Permit the Applicant shall provide ry including all restrictions on hours of operation and The summary will be consistent with the Application t a minimum the following: a. Compliance wit State Standards for noise limits in the Residential Land Use Classification. b. Provide noise m gations and provisions as provided in the Application such as sound barriers a d sound monitoring and noise complaints will be forwarded to the Event Mana r and to Garfield County Code Enforcement. c. Amplified music ill be mitigated or moved into the event barn if noise issues are above State tandards. d. Outside events t end at 10:00 p.m. e. Informal event c sing activities (i.e. quiet conversations, clean up, departure activities) within e event barn or immediately adjacent to the barn can continue after dark. f. Procedures for c sing or evacuating the facility during a flooding event 6. Prior to issuance o he Land Use Change Permit, the Applicant shall provide a maintenance and ope ation plan for the access driveway addressing normal and typical maintenance, intaining the driving surface, dust suppression, and correction of any drainage issues 7. Prior to the issuan I of the Land Use Change Permit, the Applicant shall provide an engineering assess ent of the need for a secondary emergency access to the site including during times of potential flooding. Said assessment shall be subject to review by the Carbon ale Fire Protection District to determine if additional access shall be required. Pro I edures for closing or evacuating the facility during a flooding event shall also be es I blished. 8. The event barn shal be subject to obtaining a building permit from Garfield County and complying with all onditions of said permit consistent with the referral comments from the Chief Building fficial, dated 5/10/18 and 5/11 /18. A Floodplain Development Permit shall be require and the event barn elevated for flood protection in accordance with the County Floodp in Regulations. The Applicant shall also prepare a life safety plan for the building co sistentwith Carbondale Fire Protection District Requirements. 9. Prior to operation ·the facility the Applicant shall obtain any required access approvals from the To n of Carbondale and comply with any conditions of approval. 7 Exhibit B (Conditions of Approval -page 3 of 3) 10. The facility shall operate in compliance with any County or Fire Protection District fire restrictions or fire bans. The use of fireworks in associated with any events shall be coordinated with the Carbondale Fire Protection District. The Applicant shall maintain all dry hydrant and related facilities for fire protection in accordance with the Fire District referral comments and Application representations. All campfires shall be limited to properly constructed and protected developed fire rings. 11. Lighting on the property including on the event barn and for parking areas shall comply with Section 7-304 and shall be shielded, down directed, and internally oriented to the site. 12. Noise generated from the facility shall comply with the State noise standards for residential properties pursuant to Colorado Revised Statues, Article 12, Title 25. 13. The Applicant shall work with the County Vegetation Manager and the Mount Sopris Conservation District to address the Vegetation Managers referral comments dated May 31, 2018 for the provision of weed mapping and management plans for noxious weeds. The plan and timing for treatment shall be subject to approval by the County Vegetation Manager. 14. The Applicant shall comply with best management practices including use of bear proof trash containers or storage of trash within secured buildings, control of domestic dogs and pets, and no feeding of wildlife. 8 ~~;'_ .. ·.<1:;<<!Ji!.., ... ~::. -:.1Q\:~,:;;,,,,_.,",~w,::i:£~'l't~~:::\.,·;:>r:·:, L:-;:":~1.i-.f~:~-,;,.;.~···~·-.:_;_:i;j:,+~'.f);:f:;~.,, • /~;ii,!2?j~,<i,,( :,:-·/,:.-L~i:=~•;.'.~PJ~,;~;_ :., ,_,·:-~:i,;,d~:fJ9 ~~~,C:i~:·(;:~U~~"'~·:·, •. ,:,:;,;~~-~:n). :•::.\.;>_::· .. ~":>-•• , .. ~i7~f :.,•/· .... : . :;01f~J.,;-:l f1~~-:: 1 r~,/~~-~.;;1'. !{-~1:cf~-K,/:~~ :.-~~-.. ·?:~\~~)~,,;:f t.~' ''..~~~:;JI }"'·,,... • .. ~"" • ,, • ·A/i~. -, .•. • . 1, Ci i 1,·, , '"' • , ,, ~ '-ll . ·'-I . _,., ~ , -: f ;. _, ',, •,' .. ~,\ .( • _: ·-:-. (; ,I _.-, .. ,.,,,.. ..,-✓, :• ,,-r \ • " -:,~ .--1:: f~~-~ \" -.,..o f . .-:·( ,. ~✓• •;~\ 'ri_:\' ...._ ,,(i, H;.1 • •• •. \\ 1 l1 } t ._ ••" ,, ,. } ... ., \\f • .,: • • \ :,;,j .. ~ •':'. 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This certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 1 of the IRC or IBC certifying that at the time of issuance, permitted work j i!~((-)!W 'ji-,~i/ffl;: :;-{}, :.~i: J•· /1,t: I, was in compliance with the various codes adopted by the county regulating building construction or use of the following: 1:•:-:)1/i\ t 1· 1Jr ·.".::tR■·:_:.· ... 0 \Lt?; ! ::,:: i }t)fa flif :\+., _;:;~t :: CO No 7993 Permit No BLCO-03-18-5162 :,::: ; :~.~;-l 9 [:,;r,:.-_: ;;.;;{f:Jk~~\:i\(:. i • • . • ( 1 /iii \t} • • • :~v:~k _;;11;1 , 1.\~~ ,~~---1':.';., Occupancy Group A-3 Construction Type VB ·:, ••,1'?1ij,:1 ·:. ~'.:!/if; 'f.'.{,\ ;IJ~~--~~\~· )_'i!~'., --------------\ I :·~l:~ ·]~., '·1{•~· J:tw,: ?-:!:t> ... ~-jg? <-}:,t 1 I/} : :\1;~~ -:~ r·· r~irr :''',;~:•:it j Owner Gianinetti Family LLLP Owner Address 592 Cowen Dr. Carbondale , co 81623 :,: : 'cJift.\·i . ]'.(,{; /~:!:: _·.· '.::.()/ : . . . \ 1 {{~;~ : , -t.'.;\ . .,.:,:,;:f.,,.\~.'--:·:ii:··, Parcel No. 239334200028 Subd1v1s10n/Lot ________________ ,, >.·:,.-..xv: • ".\:?i.-:· .:ii ~;~i,~~ ~~~~]!> ! . . / 1 Al~:, i~i1 t~. ·:•~)'~·' .. ,~t~,:l~t : ,, Building Address 343 CR 166 Carbondale, CO 81623 i',\ :l,~1rt ~1/,~iJ· ?/ft: ?/?F: . ::::: i Jtl ://ft ·;;_r:_._-!'.i 1 :~~_\:: ·:, Work Description Community Event Center 1 ) ·H: .• _ e:_:.+w ,.,,. r< 'd ~ , .,,.,. ,., . (.};};-·:·_;·~&:·/-.:~{j( l .i. ~ Date of Final Inspection 7/25/2019 / • Ji@ff_·.<' • i<\;;) ft!~',' ..,lij~ 1. \':ii;';',/ -+"\,,.--(11 :.:•;:~~f/ ', f:;{:•.: .~11,;1, \A, .,,:-: ":;u.1 , .·1 i -,·-~, .'.• ~,ri• •:mii\ 1/..~ J!\!.· /i;}; 1 ,' ,i >" :,} :•~~li\ •\ ,:\::!: ',:w • :: ' -:,· ,-.\::;.cl Andy Schwaller Chief Building Official ,.,, :·:1.~!/;'. it :':'I·}/-... ··./2:::--: l ' :·:,: i-'/'.t ~-··::, :/?: /:f~., ':\ 1 . Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this Code or i'.,;, ( /~ ~,?.:{ /}~~7:\·:": \ '.' of other resolutions or codes. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code or :•:-: \ :_:J/~\'f'._::: .-.-.::·\'. ,,-~.; ·,··:\:: other resolutions or codes shall not be valid (Chapter 1 IRC and IBC). ::.; : ::v i.\_,~.~ .• \'i!ii.-'.· ~ ... : -.. . .• --------•••••~•,,•--------------"W •~~• •------------•••~----------------••----------------•• ~--------------•---~~---------------••~•~,~~••-----::: F· j{: : • '•>t> ;,_: \:(: / t-,\)I?-1-2~:~t"t)t ;L; /:,1:ifi}/tt/\:}i~:ff?~:\i~t,Jy({:)}Jtf~~fi::\j ·,:~)UJt1~!Ii~tf/;,:_:\/}f:tt\J.~_J?-lf.{i?\\;/~?-· • • / :\ • \?\ ?:, J:VJ/'. ··< ~~~ •. ~ ~--~ ., ~<I f' ., ,,-; -~~-.. .., ' ·.,, "~~-~/:>,:·{~j~ ~ .. ::~ v·+~<;;;,,[\,}~~l~(•f·\/:I~;;,~:.;f cJ'\~,.:;,t.·/':~~~.ii\•~~B·f.,)~:,~~;.rikXt[~~t*i'i.,,,.. . . ,;~~,,; ,,-.... Section #4 : Supporting Documents ( \ • Compliance Letters o Engineer OWTS o Basalt Water Conservancy District o Carbondale Fire & Rural Fire Protection District • Technical Document • CDPH E Water System Classification Chart u March 14, 2023 Garfield County Building & Pia ning 108 8th Street, Ste. 201 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 RE: Gianinetti Spring Creek Guest Ranch -Event Center 644 Cowen Drive, Carbendale, CO OWTS Permit No. SEP -08-18-5427 BUI #12021.02 To Whom it May Concern : Civil Engineering Surveying & (!Jeyontf 0 ~t\darie.s, u •Hm The purpose of this letter is to erify the maximum capacity of the constructed Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) for the above referenced Event Center located at 644 Cowen Drive (aka 343 166 CR)), Carbondale, G j rfield County, CO. The OWTS was installed during 2017 thru 2019. Attached for your reference ar the June 26, 2019 OWTS construction review letter from Boundaries Unlimited Inc. along with a 24 " x 36 " pdf As-Built Sewer drawing of the OWTS Installation, dated June 7, 2019. Q The design calculations show on the As-built Sewer drawing verify that the constructed OWTS will handle up to a single 200 pers n daily event. _) Please feel free to contact me ith any questions or for additional information. ' -:-- oYt ' ·I-~ Gle l'!_~ood Springs, CO 8 1601 I 970.945.5252 I www.bu-inc.com -~~. ~ June 26, 2019 Garfield County Bu ilding & Pl nning 108 8th Street, Ste. 201 ~ Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 RE : Gianinetti Spring Cree Guest Ranch -Event Center 644 Cowen Drive, Car ondale, CO I OWTS Permit No. SE T-08-18-5427 BUI #12021.02 To Whom it May Concern: Civil Engineeri.ug- Snrveji..g -r & <JJeyana 0,o.-p.dar i¾-t; (J~lim The purpose of this letter is to review the construction of the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) for the Gianinetti Spr ng Creek Guest Ranch Event Center located at 644 Cowen Drive (aka 343 166 CR-northeast of Car ondale) in Garfield County, CO. (). Boundaries Unlimited Inc. (BUI) reviewed the completed comP.~onents of the OWTS construction on the following dates. Oct 11, 2017 ercolation tests & profile holes evaluation Oct 26, 2017 eview topsoil excavation to S&G's for mounded absorption field May 1, 2018 2,000 gal concrete septic tank installation I Nov 6, 2018 lf ested imported absorption sand filter material (in place) Nov 13, 2018 eview distribution piping & gravels, verified bed elevation May 24, 20 19 erified dosing pump and controls operate & mounded absorption field as backfilled The OWTS appeared to have been installed in conformance with the intent of the design. Please find attached a 24 "x 36" pdf drawi g of the completed construction and final grading of the mounded absorption area. Please feel free to contact me with rt.) 201 I,, ,Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 I 970.945.5252 I www.bu-inc.com ·-. ...... \ \ . ;) '· ' f;)f;)(S) I t ~· '-"""s 'lMf lft\.lt~''1Wt;'"T,,P,\!l!Jil•C'1t'tr,,;J,.•(~ N.•'1,Ul..!~!,W t'il~,,,,_,,, Site & So/ls Evaluation ,, , , '.'.:,~ !II!; ll\~;i~:t..;~1=t"'.t~tu•ul-... t•fo!,.,,v,i;., !«lll}t\-Mt<'JC,,.,Al,.W,""'1,0UWM1AU,:,., .. - U"'\lJ0"l:Hl•M.ft~t'<l,Ol<tl'>\!.ITl\/llT!~tO4'!11,t,W~•"''<CIUH,"'i l•I ""'01"l'l<>:><V0.~1Npl'l1".'1,('$AAll•J~l,';\ l<Mlltw•u•m~'fl""'" ... " -•-•« ... i-.~1 .-:i1,w,.•tro:,.w\•l!lfflt..<s\ Nll.l,ooJ('4.W~UCMl'Mtt,;t'l'lllll< <ll\l'-•Huru ~'.!»°!~~;:;:_~::::.:'t'"'~tt•mr~~tt•M 11•111 .... m, MfA•\HC"r.:,!:''"""'"", l}l')\)t'4 UWtl &f1t>MI l<.'l-.st!Mt~ffMfe,;\ #'lW,••~-• 1\\.f.t».HtU•lt, j,tatim 1,lll.1$}1 .... l~!H,,! • 1nuv•1o•a, ~J\H.!,.<lWttt?'<LIU>lllUf'iU0"4tll»o•HeM. LEGEND 9NORTH ~ Cl) <:.) 8 1 :=:: it ·s "' i 1 • I I I 2000 Gallon Top Seam Two 111 ltom# 2000T•2CP ~ ~ i ~ c:, Compartment with High Head Pump :i:: Cl) :lU'ltCT},!jK(lKl'n')lltlOl'Ntf::tG!,l.cUI.ATIWtJ V.ll.U:TrUUSTTA!jXS(GAl."l:) t«t lW. ING ,EE c:: 1mur.m:mw nu 11.00 ,a .!J! _ , UN1CWl1lnllnl 4~1 $111 500 I ~~~~,:;~;~47~ !!!;-{~', l_µ:~stLt~~:lliit~':L ~•-~-, 1--11 ... '::l MOUND SECTION DETAIL Mounded Pressure Oos/ng Bed '"u,ro,....m,.~~1a..1 u..ou u.eu t'-ltt t"1~Wr';Mf,t,) ll,1$11 IUM 11.,H.1 AJJ'un¼:J,,lt•dlW,,,...,(n,.) ,.ll'IJ 7.41% i,ll?J J<,tl.,..,JtJ,~M<k""'f{ll><ftrl 10 "Ml 'W ~'-l'~,i,,.Jhm!Jlma1,,.\f"'l hi lN U C>l~W•!f;\1.-h.<tmtu1IN<WIM(l!,) lci!l6 ~U ~H tn.,.,.f>m,aw,,,_~1,\J,.rt,\:!clU..lc Cteanout { Gmail Tanner Gianinetti <tanner@springcreeksranch.com> rwd: BWCD Contract 712 Eric Mangeot <eric.mangeot@lrewater.com> Tue , Mar 19, 2024 at 1 :34 PM To: Tanner Gianinetti <tanner@springcreeksranch.com> Tanner, To follow up on our phone conversation, yes you can amend your BWCD contract so that the uses will allow up to 180,000 gallons annually for events. However, the BWCD Board of Directors may want you to only amend the contract up to the number of events approved by the County. This would eliminate needlessly tying up the District's augmentation supplies and only require you to amend the contract once. There will be no increase in annual fees as the total contract amount will be less than 1.0 acre-feet of depletions. With regards to system classification of your contract , BWCD only provides a legal water supply and not the physical supply itself. This would include any system classification for treatment. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions or when you are ready to amend the contract. Regards , Eric F. Mangeot, P.E. Senior Project Manager Office : 970-945-6777 Eric .Mangeot@LREwater.com mJI WATER CO !\N E:CIING WAT R TO L I ~ LREWATER.COM 909 Colorado Avenue , Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 **CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destro y all copies of the original message. Thank you. [Quoted te xt hidden ] C Gmail Tanner Gianinetti <tanner@springcreeksranch.com> Fwd: BWCD Co ntract 712 1 message Eric Mangeot <eric.mangeot@lrewater.c m> To: tanner@springcreeksranch .com From: Eric Mangeot <er ic.mangeot@lr water.com > Date : Mon , Feb 26 , 2024 at 12:37 PM Subject: BWCD Contract 712 To: <tanner@springscreekranch .com > Tanner, Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 12:50 PM Attached is a copy of Basalt Water Con ervancy District Contract 712 for your use. As you can see on Page 10 of the PDF, there is a table which shows an anr,ual diversion amount from the well at 1.504 acre-feet (AF) which equates to approximately 490,000 gallons. The co tract amount is based on the depletions(~ 0.3 AF). The cont ract covers 12 recreational@ 1 0 gpd (assumes year round occupancy) and a 200 seat Event Center that assumes an average of 1 event per wee . I have also included the contract application and summary that shows the water demands (see Page 6 of the Appli ation / Page 9 of 2nd PDF). Please let me know if you have any add tional questions. Eri c F. M angeot , P.E. Senior Project Manager Office: 970-945-6777 Eric.Mangeot@LREwater.com Ill WATER COf\Nl::.C-1 N G WA!l::.R TO LI H:. LREWATER.COM 909 Colorado Avenue , Glenwood Sprin s , CO 81601 **CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE : This email message is for the s ole use of the ntended re c ipient(s) and may contain c onfidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or d istri ution i s prohibited. If you are not the intended re cipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original m I s sage. Thank you. 2 attachments 5:"I 712 Gianinetti Family Ptr contract 18 5 8.pdf _j 620K -:'.] Gianinetti Family LLLP memo ca cs map app deed 18 3 13.pdf 749K r iiiii RESOUR E II ■■■■ Resource Engineering, Inc 909 Colorado Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970)-945-67TT Voice (970)-945-1137 Facsimile ( ■■■■■ENGINEEFIING INC. Memorandu To : From: CC: Date: BWCD BOARD OF DIR ERIC MANGEOT CHRIS GEIGER MARCH 13, 2018 f< File: APPLICATION -GIANIN TTI FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Applicant Name: Gianinetti Fami11 Limited Partnership Type of Use : Domestic Industrial Commercial _x_ Agricultural __ Amount-__Q]_AF 0.0 3 cfs ~ gpm Location : Area A A-41 Area 8 Inclusion County : GAR~JLo Contiguous: __ BWCD Division: l Mid Valley Metro District NotiiRBqulred? Yes__ No _1_ Blue Creek Water Rights Appli ? Yes No_X_ 02CW77 Umbrella Plan Water Rlhts Applied? Yes _1_ No __ Cost: $2,250 This application is to cover deple , ans associated with a proposed Guest Ranch consisting of an Event Center and up to 9 Guest Cabins on an 80 acre(+/-) parcel of land owned by Gianinetti Family Limited Partnership {Applicant). The total estimated demand is 1.504 ere-feet (AF) as estimated by the Applicant's Engineer and total depletions are 0 .3 AF as estimated by RESOURCE A copy of the water requirement table and supporting engineering is attached . The land is located at 343 County R d 166 near Carbondale in Garfield County (Parcel No. 239334200028} as shown on Figure 1. The source of supply is a pro~d well known as the Gianinetti Spring Creek Well located in the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 27, Township 7 South, ':fange 88 West, of the 6111 P.M. at a point 510 feet from the South section line and 1,040 feet from the West section I ne. ( Figure 1 : Gianinetti Family Lim ed Partnership Basalt Water Con8efV8ncy District r,e: 0)3-7 'l Gate: 03/13/2018 0 1.000 2.000 Scale: 1"=2,000' 3,000 :RESOURCE , ENGINEERING, INC. 909 Colorodi, ..,,.nuo Cltnwood ~11, CO 81601 (970) 94~-6717 Voice 945-11~1 FoC1itrwilt Basalt Water Conservancy Dis rict Water Allotment Application Page6 Please complete this page if ou selected commercial use on Page 3, No. 8 I OMMERCIAL WATER USES In-House Hotel: Office(s), square footage: Warehouse/distributor, squa e footage: _______ _ Retail, square footage: Restaurant, number of seats: ------------- BarJ number of seats: Irrigation (lawns, parks, ope space) Total area to be irrigated ____ Sq. Ft. or ____ Acres Type of irrigation system (pl ase check) _____ Sprinkleir _____ Flood (i rigation ditch) Other Commercial Uses Not Listed: WATER DEMANDS TOTAL RISON!: TOTAL PlmSO)IS u ITS GPD TGPD =-= SlllUIEDIWLYAT SERVIDDAILY TOTALGA!SP!llil ! oa::1mm U!Affl!.OD.t.vs U!SSTH.AN61> YiWl USIE I PEI YEAR DAYS Ii'& YE,\I Recreational Cabin Bedroom~ 1!2 100 1200 365 24 24 Event Center • Per Person TOTA.LS 2e_o 5 1000 52 1000 1l2 2200 24 1024 !cDPHE WATERSYTEM CLASSIFICATION Max. Cabin Water Connection ? Event Center Connection r TOTAL CONNECTlONS = ~o Less lhan 15 service connections ·OK I 438,000 52,000 490,000 TOT AL PERSONS SERVED DAJLY 60 DAYS/YEAR= 24 Less than 25 penou daily 66 ibrys/yr-OiC SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION: N ~ A PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM (N water quality testing or treatment N!qulred} Fire Inspection for Spring Creek Ranch 02-28-2024 Inspector: Karl Oliver Inspection of main building -Ass 1 embly Group A-2, Type V. Emergency lighting and combinld Exit Signs= Pass ABC Extinguishers = Pass K-Extinguisher = Pass Ansel hood suppression Sys= Pa s Hood clean with all elements in place= Pass Exit egress doors and hardware= Pass The facilities access and life safe y measures meet and surpasses the standards and code for the engineered use. Needs: An occupancy signs. Karl liver Prevition Division Chief Fire arshal Carbo dale & Rural Fire Protection District 300 Meadowood Drive Carborldale, CO 81623 Office 'l (970) 963-2491 Cell -( 70) 379-8991 www. rbonda lefire .or Technical Documents Engineering Report • Access & Basic Traffic Study • Water Supply Plan • OWTS • Utilities • Drainage S.1 Boundary Survey & Existing Conditions C.1 Site Plan C.2 Water & Utility Plan C.3 OWTS Plan Preliminary Subsoil Study HP Kumar Civil En9ineerin9 Surveyin9 &. <Beyond 0 Engineering Report GIANINETTI SPRING CREEK GUEST RANCH Garfield County, CO Project No . 12001 .0 1 February 15, 2018 0 ,J Contents A. Introduction ............................................................................. 1 B. Site Access ............................................................................. 1 C. Auxilary Turn Lane Requirements .......................................... 1 D. Water Supply .......................................................................... 2 E. Wastewater Disposal .............................................................. 2 F. Other Utilities .......................................................................... 2 G. 10 0 Year Flood Plain & Drainage ........................................... 3 1 ~ve~ue, Ste. 201 I Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 I 970.945.5252 I www.bu-inc.com ·:-l•.:ZJ. ·,. .. ------- 0 A . Introduction This report presents the required engineering informati on for Gianinetti Spring Creek Guest Ranch site development plans, per the Garfield County's Pre-application Conference Summary, dated 11- 2-17. The 83.4 acre site is located in Garfield County along the northeast portion of the Town of Carbondale. The site is bound on the north mostly with the State Highway 82 and bound to the west mostly with the Gianinetti Subdivision (Town of Carbondale Plat). The Roaring Fork River runs across the north end the site basically parallel to th e property's north property line. Land use has been historically agricultural that includes irrigated pastures, livestock , equipment storage and agricultural out buildings . A gazebo structure along with a grassed volleyball court and playground area is located in the northwest portion of the site . The Gianinetti Family Partnership plans to further develop the northwest portion of the ranch (around the Gazebo) into a rural event center along with guest cabins . The event center is intended to be used for weddings & meetings servicing up to 200 persons. A mix of 1 to 2 bedroom guest cabins with a maximum of 12 total bedrooms are planned southeast of the existing Gazebo. The cabins will range from 400 to 700 SF in size. B. Site Access As shown on the Site Plan C1, the ranch 's only public access is an existing driveway intersecting the east side of Cowen Drive (8th Street), approximately 280 feet south of the Latigo Loop intersection. The gravel driveway slopes down a hillside road cut at nearly a 12% grade onto the northwest portion of the site and then branches into several gravel and dirt drives that meander throughout the sit e . The driveways serving the proposed event center and cabins will be improved with an all-weather 20 ' wide graveled surface . Parking for the event center, can accommodate at least 86 vehicles and located in the open field area east of the event center (See site plan C1) C. Auxiliary Turn Lane Requirements The following traffic analysis is for addressing auxiliary turn lane requirements for the additional traffic generated from Gianinetti's proposed new land us e. Since the most popular day of the week for larger weddings is Saturday, 8th Street Traffic Counts were recently completed on three consecutive Saturday afternoons , Dec 23 rd and 30 1\ 2017 and Jan 6th , 2018 near the Ranch 's existing driveway intersection . A summary of the Traffic Counts are attached. Saturday's high traffic volume generally occurs between 3pm and 5pm with a peak of 86 vehicles per hour (or approximately 43 vehicles per hour in each direction). 8th Street's posted speed limit is 20 MPH. Generated traffic: Cabins: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) generated from the 9 (m ax) new cabins. According to the ITE publication "Trip Generation ?1h Edition " Table (attached), Average Trip Generation Rates can range from 3.16 ADT/unit for a recreational vacation home up to 4.99 ADT/unit for a residence in mobile home park. An ADT of 4.0 will be used for the proposed cabins which results 9 (max) cabins X 4.0 ADT = 36 ADT. A conservative vehicle per hour rate would be 25% of the ADT or 0 .25 X 36 ADT = 9 veh/hr or 5 veh/hr each direction. Event Center: the proposed event center will normally be scheduled for weddings venues during summer and shoulder season weekends. Even though the average wedding attendance is around 120 people, the basis of the attached Trip Generation Table for Typical Wedding Events was Page 1 ~ -- 23 Coo~er Av ;n\.ie t Ste. 201 I Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 I 970.945.5252 I www.bu -inc.com ' ~ . ,H'ft ......... prepared for 200 people (based on the facility size and capacity). Peak Traffic Hours for an "at- capacity wedding event" would most likely occur at the following times: Arrivals (inbound) Departures ( outbound) 60 Vehicles from 3 pm to 4pm 27 Vehicles from 6 pm to 7pm Combining generated inbound traffic of 30 veh/hr (half of 60 inbound Vehicles from each direction) plus the generated cabin traffic of 5 veh/hr with the 8th Street peak Traffic of 43 veh/hr results in a total of 78 veh/hr in both directions. According to COOT State Highway Access Code, Dated March 2002, Section 3.5 (5) under Auxiliary Turn Lanes: The right turn deceleration lane may be dropped if the volume in the travel lane is predicted to be below 150 DHV (design hourly volume). 78 veh/hr is less than 150 DHV. Therefore no right turn deceleration lane is warranted. The left turn deceleration lane may be dropped if the opposing traffic is predicted to be below 100 DHV (design hourly volume). 43 veh/hr is less than 100 DHV. Therefore no left turn deceleration lane is warranted. The left turn acceleration lane may be dropped if the volume in the lane in the direction of travel is predicted to be below 120 DHV (design hourly volume). 43 veh/hr is less than 120 DHV. Therefore no left turn acceleration lane is warranted. Therefore, auxiliary turn lanes are not warranted on Cowen Drive for Gianinetti Spring Creek Guest Ranch addition generated traffic . D. Water Supply Town of Carbondale currently does not provide new water service to properties lying outs id e the Town's boundary (moratorium exists on providing new services to properties not annexed into the Town). The owner intends to apply for contract water with the Basalt Water Conservancy District for a well to be developed on the property as shown on t he water plan. Expected availability of well water is high due to sands and gravels and high ground water encountered on the site . A private pressurized central water system (Not a Public Water System per CDPHE water system classification) will deliver water to the cabins and event center. Water quality tests will completed once the well is developed to determine if any treatment is required. The Water Demand for the proposed event center and cabins calculates out to 490,000 gals or 1.5 Acre-foot per year (see Water Demand table on Sheet C2.) E. Wastewater Disposal The Town of Carbondale currently does not provide new wastewater service to properties lying outside the Town 's boundary (moratorium exists on provi ding new services to properties not annexed into the Town). Wastewater from the proposed cabins and event center will be treated with onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS} as shown on the OWTS plan, Sheet C3 . The design incorporates for high ground water. F . Other Utilities Holy Cross Energy currently services the property and will reroute underground two existing Page 2 Coo~eli Ave J cli~~S~e ;.?01 I Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 I 970.945.5252 I www.bu -inc.com •' .. ~-' ., . sections of overhead lines in order avoid conflict with the new building structures. Holy Cross Energy's Will serve letter is attached. Owner intends to use propane for gas. G. 100-Year Flood Plain & Drainage The northern portion of the property lies within the Roaring Fork River flood plan area as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Plain Study. The Roaring Fork River flood plain depicted on the latest Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Panel Numbers 080205 1856B and 1857B ( copies of effected area attached) are graphically referenced on all the Gianinetti's project drawings. Also attached is the Roaring Fork River Flood Profile (Sh eet 135P) for the project area . The river "backwater section" of the flood plain created by The State Highway 133 bridge structure (Station 71,960) during a 100-year flood event (1 % annual chance flood) occurs upstream from the bridge for approximately 1,560 lineal feet. Buildings constructed within the backwater section of the 100- year flood plain will not block or affect the 100-year flow. Therefore , there should be no increase of the flood plain elevation . The proposed event center measuring approximately 1400 lineal feet upstream from the bridge , well within the backwater section, will not increase the 100 year flood elevation. Finished floor elevations for all buildings within or in the fringes of the 100-year flood plain shall be constructed at least one foot above the 100-year flood elevation . Storm water detention will not be necessary due to the sites natural drainage and location adjacent and within the Roaring Fork River Flood Plain. Grading shall be sloped to ensure drainage away from new building structures. Page 3 lA.ve riU~~Ste :201 I Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 I 970.945.5252 I www.bu -inc.com • •-'i~u~ ... ~ ATTACHMENTS DRAWINGS • LAND SURVEY PLAT S. 1 • SITE LAYOUT & GRADING PLAN C. 1 • WATER & UTILITY PLAN C.2 • OWTS PLAN C.3 EXHIBITS • COWEN DRIVE TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY • TRIP GENERATION TABLE FOR 200 PERSON WEDDING • HOLY CROSS ENERGY WILLING TO SERVE LETTER • FIRM (FEMA) -FLOOD PLAIN PANELS 080205 18568 & 18578 • FEMA -ROARING FORK RIVER -FLOOD PROFILE 135P 0 Av;n~~~ St~: ~01 I Glenwood Springs, co 81601 I 970 .945 .5252 I www.bu-inc.com /, ' ·"'.,_,. . . - j l • ' GW1'INITTI SUBDIVISION I or BOUN/)AR)' ADJUSTMENT LOIS 20 & ? I r?llfRrJ/JfflYISION OF LOIS 160F GIANl,VFT/1 SUBDIVISION RN 8031i57 !" GblNINITTI SUBDIVISION RN 411484' WEG//[R TO XRBLLC RN6?9643 Section 27 10S ADOBFS SUBDIVISION Nlf'SIANIK IMTSTMfNTS, UC RI/ 557266 ~ 0 (' 5 :z: ~ I- ~ (!J ,._ 8 ~ ~ ui LU ),... ~a:~: 13 () 0: I< :Jl (!J iil 'llo 2§ < a -<'. ~ :s ~ i s (!J HJIIV/J 1Si1fl9 J/WKJ 9NI/JdS fl13N/NV/9 qaue1:11sane )faaJJ OufJdS mau1uem 0:J '31VON02HV:J Ue/d A/!l!/ll ;> 18/eM lf:JUBH JS:Jllf) )f:J:JJ;) DU/JdS !Jl:1U/UB!f) OJ ':17VGNO'iJ/1VJ fifoumfcr! Pmssure Dosing Chamb,:r Beil ltom # 2000T-2CP Cfeanout Check Valve :moo Gallon Top Seam Two Compartment with High Head Pump ~t;;;;,;_2CP SeclionView 1500 Gallon Top Seam One Compartment Top View SccUonVlow ltom# 1000T-1CP-HH 1000 Gallon Top Seam One Compartment with High Head Pump Top View 8 '" 1l ~ ii! cl //~O"'~ ()REL1~,,J ~~ Ao/ -~'.~;?✓• .s::: '-' t:: ~ i ::::, c..:, -'<: 0., "" 0., .!!! .... "-<:.., ~ "" -~ C ~ ::: 0., .!:; t:: .£2 c..:, { \ (J ) COHEN DRIVE TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Gianinetti -8th St. Traffic -Sat 12-23-17 Gian inetti -8th St. Traffic -Sat 1-6-18 Gianinetti -8th St. Traffic -Sat 12-30-17 Time NB NB SB SB Total Total Time NB NB SB SB Total Total Time NB NB SB SB Total Total 12:00 9 11 20 12:00 10 9 19 12:15 9 6 15 12:15 8 9 17 12:30 6 11 17 12 :30 6 5 14 12:45 8 32 4 32 12 64 12:45 8 32 7 30 15 62 01:00 10 13 23 01:00 5 15 20 01:00 7 5 12 01:15 6 10 16 01:15 11 13 24 01:15 4 4 8 01:30 8 10 18 01:30 5 5 10 01:30 10 11 21 01:45 5 29 5 38 10 67 01:45 7 28 5 38 12 66 01:45 7 28 7 27 14 55 02:00 12 8 20 02:00 11 4 15 02:00 6 6 12 02:15 6 5 11 02:15 4 10 14 02:15 8 16 24 02:30 8 4 12 02:30 9 9 18 02:30 7 9 16 02:45 5 31 13 30 18 61 02:45 17 41 10 33 27 74 02:45 11 32 8 39 19 71 03:00 11 13 24 03:00 6 11 17 03:00 11 9 20 03:15 11 13 24 03:15 9 5 14 03:15 16 13 29 03:30 12 15 27 03:30 4 11 15 03:30 4 15 19 03:45 5 39 4 45 9 84 03:45 9 28 12 39 21 67 03:45 6 37 11 48 17 85 04:00 4 8 12 04:00 9 12 21 04:00 8 12 20 04:15 7 13 20 04:15 8 10 18 04:15 13 9 22 04:30 8 7 15 04:3 0 7 16 23 04:30 7 12 19 04:45 6 25 13 41 19 66 04:45 6 30 8 46 14 76 04:45 9 37 10 43 19 80 05:00 10 7 17 05 :00 10 13 23 05:00 9 9 18 05:15 13 10 23 05:15 7 5 12 05:15 5 4 9 05:30 7 12 19 05:30 9 3 12 05 :30 10 22 32 05:45 2 32 8 37 10 69 05:45 3 29 10 31 13 60 05:45 5 29 7 42 12 71 06:00 11 9 20 06 :00 14 6 20 06:00 5 7 12 06:15 9 6 15 06:15 4 2 6 06 :15 6 10 16 06:30 5 8 13 06 :30 4 5 9 06:30 4 4 8 06:45 6 31 12 35 18 66 06:45 1 23 9 22 10 45 06:45 7 22 6 27 13 49 413 07:00 3 4 7 388 07:00 4 7 11 411 07:15 6 8 14 07 :15 4 10 14 07:30 4 3 7 07 :30 2 7 9 07 :45 4 17 5 20 9 37 07:45 2 12 11 35 13 47 Snow began 1pm 489 61.1 08 :00 6 5 11 Streets wet most of day . 458 57.3 Trip Generation Ta Person Weddi (Based on typical local wedding events) Time Groups Arriving & No. Comment Vehicles ARRIVE -Staff -Bride, Groom, & Prior to 3 PM Wedding Party 20 max includes -Set-up crew some departures -Florist -Deliveries -Caterer & bartenders 3 pm to 4 pm ARRIVE 60 Based on an average -Guests (180 Max) vehicle occupancy of 3 4 pm to 5 pm Event ( wedding) None 5 pm to 6 pm Banquet ( wedding) 6 pm to 7 pm DEPART 27 -40% X 200 80 7 pm to 8 pm DEPART 13 -20% X 200 =40 8 pm to 9 pm DEPART 13 -20% X 200 =40 DEPART 9 pm to 10 pm -20% X 200 =40 13 Event ends at 10 pm -Bride Groom, & Wedding Party DEPART After 10 pm -Staff 12 -Caterer, Bartender & others Peak Hours ARRIVE (inbound) 60Veh From 3 pm to 4 pm DEPART (outbound) 27Veh From 6 pm to 7 0 February l 5, 201 8 GIANINETTI FAMILY LLLP 592 Cowen Drive Carbondale , CO 81623 RE: Gianinetti Reroute Dear Mr. Gianinetti, 3 799 HIGHWAY 82 • P.O . BOX 21 50 GLENWOOD SPRINGS , COLORADO 8 1602 (970) 945-5491 • FAX (970) 945-40 81 The above mentioned development is within the certified service area of Holy Cro ss Energy. Holy Cross Energy has adequate power supply to provide electric power to the deve lopment, subject to tariffs , rules and regulations on file . Any power line enlargements , relocations, and new extensions necessary to deliver adequate power to and within the development will be undertaken by Holy Cross Energy upon completion of appropriate contractual agreements and subject to necessary governmental approval s. Additionally, due to current economic conditions, Holy Cross En ergy is not stocking the quantity of construction materials as in past years. If your project is slated for construction this year, please advise us as soon as possible. You will need to enter into agreements with Holy Cross Energy, and pay for the project , sufficiently in advance of construction to avoid possible delays while mat eri als a re procured . The currently estimated lead time for procurement of materials is around 12 weeks . Please advise wh e n you wish to proceed wi t h th e d ev elopm e nt of the electric syste m for th i s proj ec t . Libby Cowling Design Engineer (970)947-5428 office direct * (970)274-2447 cell Gi a ninetti Reroute -6 5-45 -W/0 # 23 022 A T ouch stone En ergyii> Cooperati ve q__ -ZONE B N!TIOHll FLOOD IHSUIIKCE PROGRIM COMMUNITY-PANEL HUMBER 0802051857 B MAP REVISED: JANUARY 3, 1986 0 ~ ~ l- W w lL ~ 5 F •i'. > ,u __, lU 601501-H+++H++-H-' 68,800 69,200 G9,600 70,000 -------------- 70,400 70,800 71,200 7-J,600 72,000 72,400 STHEAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH COLOHADO RIVEr< ------0.2~;:, ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD ------1% ANNUAL CHANC!~ !·LOUD -------2%ANNUA1 CHANGF FLOOD 0 10% ANNUAL Cl lANCE FLOOD 8If{LAM Gt:D CROSS SECTION LOGATlON Ttl.JJ:J: L ----- 5-1-io 6-JOO G090 6080 6070 6060 72,800 n.200 73,600 74,000 (f) w _J LL 0 O'.'. 0.. 0 0 0 _J LL >-() z w (9 <{ I-z w 2 w (9 <{ z <{ 2 >-() z w (9 0:: w ::;; w _J ~ w 0 w lL 0 a: w > 0:: ~ a: 0 LL (9 z ii: <( 0 a: 0 (/J -<1'. >-UJ f--O'. z ~ ::) UJ 0 ~ 0 0 0 0. O'. _J 0 w () z LL - O'.'. 5l <( <1'. (.') 135P H-P ~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I E ngineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: (970) 945-7988 Fax: (970) 945-8454 Email: hpkglenwood@kumarusa.com Office Locations: Denver (HQ), Parker, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Glenwood Springs, Summit County, Colorado January 22, 2018 Gianinetti Family, LLC Attn: Ernie Gianinetti 592 Cowen Drive Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Subject: Dear Ernie: Project No. 17-7-879 Preliminary Subsoil Study for Foundation Design, Proposed Gianinetti Guest Ranch, North 8th Street, near Carbondale, Garfield County, Colorado As requested, H-P/Kumar performed a subsoil study for design of foundations at the subject site. The study was conducted in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to Gianinetti Family, LLC dated December 19, 2017. The data obtained and our recommendations based on the proposed construction and subsurface conditions encountered are presented in this report. Proposed Construction: The proposed constrnction will consist of a community barn and nine cabins located on the property as shown on Figure 1. The buildings will likely be single story wood structures. Ground floors will probably be slab-on-grade at th e community barn and structurally supported over crawlspace for the cabins. Cut depths are expected to range between about 2 to 3 feet. Foundation loadings for this type of construction are ass umed to be relatively light and typical of the proposed type of construction. If building conditions or foundation loadings are significantly different from those described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations presented in this report. Site Conditions: The property is located northeast of Carbondale's 8th Street and adjacent the Roaring Fork River as shown on Figure 1. The terrain is low lying and relatively flat, and has undergone some grading. The grading consists of apparent minor areas of shallow fill. The ground slope is slight and down to the west at grades of about 2%. Elevation difference across -2 - the individual building sites is about 1 foot. Vegetation consists of grass and weeds. Portions of the site near the river are within the 100 year flood plain as noted on the site plan provided to us and show on Figure 1. Subsidence Potential: The site and nearby areas of Carbondale are underlain by Pennsylvania Age Eagle Valley Evaporite bedrock. The evaporite contains gypsum deposits. Dissolution of the gypsum under certain conditions can cause sinkholes to develop and can produce areas of localized subsidence. During previous work in the area, sinkhol es were observed scattered in the Carbondale area. Sinkholes were not observed on the subject site, but grading may have covered them. Based on our present knowledge of the site, it cannot be said for certain that sinkholes will not develop. In our opinion, the risk of ground subsidence at the Gianinetti Guest Ranch site is low but the owner should be aware of the potential for sinkhole development. Subsurface Conditions: The subsurface conditions at the site were evaluated by excavating three shallow exploratory pits at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. The pits were excavated by the client. The logs of the pits are presented on Figure 2. The subso ils encountered, below about 1 to 1 ½ feet of organic topsoil or fill consisted of relatively den se, Q sandy gravel and cobbles. The gravel and cobbles were slightly silty at Pits 2 and 3 and u extended down to the depths explored of 4 and 3 feet, and silty and slightly clayey at Pit 1 to a depth of 6 feet where the soils became slightly silty dow n to the pit depth of 7 feet. The fill was encountered at Pit 2 and was apparent on site sandy gravel and cobble soils that appeared at least moderately compacted. Results of gradation analyses performed on disturbed bulk samples of the coarse granular soils (minus 5 to 6-inch fraction) obtained from the site are presented on Figure 4. The laboratory testing is summarized in Table 1. Free water was encountered in Pit 1 at the time of excavation at a depth of 5 feet. No free water was observed in Pits 2 and 3 at the time of excavation . The subsoils were slightly moist to moist, becoming wet below the groundwater level at Pit 1. Foundation Recommendations: Considering the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory pits and the nature of the proposed constmction, we recommend spread footings placed entirely on the undisturbed natural coarse granular soils designed for an allowab le bearing pressure of 2,500 psf for support of the proposed buildings . Footings should be a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for columns. All fill, topsoil, and fine grained soils, and all loose disturbed materials encountered at the foundation bearing level within the H-P ~KUMAR Project--Nec-1 7-7-879 -3 - excavation should be removed and the footing bearing level extended down to the undisturbed natural coarse granular soils. Exterior footings should be provided with adequate cover above their bearing elevations for frost protection. Placement of footings at least 36 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in this area. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should also be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure based on an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 50 pcf for the on-site granular soils, excluding topsoil and plus 6-inch size rocks, as backfill. Floor Slabs: The natural on-site coarse granular soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction. The suitability of the existing fill to support floor slabs should be further evaluated at the time of construction. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking . The requirements for joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4-inch layer of free -draining gravel should be placed beneath slabs for support and to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve. All fill materials for suppmt of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Required fill can consist of the on- site granular soils devoid of topsoil and oversized (plus 6 inch) rocks. Underdrain System: It is our understanding the finished floor elevations of the buildings at their lowest levels is at or above the surrounding grade. Therefore, a foundation drain system is not required. Groundwater level at the site may rise during spring run-off. Frozen ground during spring runoff can also create a perched condition . We recommend below-grade construction, such as retaining walls and basement areas, be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain and wall drain system. If the finished floor elevation of the proposed structures has a floor level below the sun-ounding grade, or below grade crawlspace areas are planned, we should be contacted to provide H-P~KUMAR Pr-0ject No. 17-7---819 ( -4- recommendations for an underdrain system. All earth retaining structures should be properly drained. Surface Drainage: The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the buildings have been completed: 1) Inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the buildings should be sl o ped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 6 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 2V2 inches in the first 10 feet in pavement and walkway areas. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. Q Limitations: This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory pits excavated at the locations indicated on Figure 1 and to the depths shown on Figure 2, the proposed type of construction, and our experience in the area. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be consulted. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory pits and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified at once so re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations H-P~KUMAR -Project No. 17-7-879 ( () -5 - have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations pres ented herein. We recommend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. If you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Respectfully Submitted, H-P~ cc: Boundaries Unlimited -Bruce Lewis (bru ce @bu-in c.com ) H-P %KIJMAR Project No. 17-7-8-19 0 l-w w L. I 5 ..,. i== CL. w Cl -10 17-7 PIT 1 EL. 6118' PIT 2 EL 1 6.5' PIT 3 11 PITS 0 5 10-- Fig. 2 l-w w u.. I I l- 0... w Cl ~ 0 n " ~~ ~~ §r!. ,!. LEGEND ~ TOPSOIL; HIGHLY ORGANIC SILTY CLAY, SOFT, VERY MOIST, BLACK. MFILL: MAN-PLACED SLIGHTLY SILTY SANDY GRAVEL AND COBBLES, MEDIUM u MOIST, BROWN. DENSE, SLIGHTLY I°] GRAVEL AND COBBLES (GM-GC); SANDY, SILTY, SLIGHTLY CLAYEY, DENSE, MOIST BECOMING Ll WET BELOW GROUNDWATER LEVEL, BROWN, ROUNDED ROCKS. , GRAVEL AND COBBLES (GM-GP), SANDY, SLIGHTLY SILTY, DENSE, MOIST TO WET AT PIT 1, BROWN, ROUNDED ROCKS. HAND DRIVEN LINER SAMPLE. DISTURBED BULK SAMPLE. -_-DEPTH TO WATER LEVEL AT TIME OF PIT EXCAVATION. NOTES 1. THE EXPLORATORY PITS WERE EXCAVATED WITH A BACKHOE ON JANUARY 12, 2018. 2. THE LOCATIONS OF THE EXPLORATORY PITS WERE MEASURED APPROXIMATELY BY PACING FROM FEATURES SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN PROVIDED. 3. THE ELEVATIONS OF THE EXPLORATORY PITS WERE OBTAINED BY INTERPOLATION BETWEEN CONTOURS ON THE SITE PLAN PROVIDED. 4. THE EXPLORATORY PIT LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ACCURATE ONLY TO THE DEGREE IMPLIED BY THE METHOD USED. 5. THE LINES BETWEEN MATERIALS SHOWN ON THE EXPLORATORY PIT LOGS REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN MATERIAL TYPES AND THE TRANSiTIONS MAY BE GRADUAL. 6. GROUNDWATER LEVELS SHOWN ON THE LOGS WERE MEASURED AT THE TIME AND UNDER CONDITIONS INDICATED. NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED IN PITS 2 AND 3. FLUCTUATIONS IN THE WATER LEVEL MAY OCCUR WITH TIME. 7. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS: WC = WATER CONTENT (¾) (ASTM D 2216); DD = DRY DENSITY (pct) (ASTM D 221 6); +4 = PERCENTAGE RETAINED ON NO. J. SIEVE (ASTM D 422); -200 = PERCENTAGE PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE (ASTM D 1140). ~.::: ~o, _____ _ ii I Fig. 3 rr 11-7-879 ~~'------- H-P%KUMAR LEGEND AND NOTES I ;! I I a le HYDROMETER ANALYSIS S1£VE ANALYSIS --------"--TIUE 111:E.AOINGS U.S. STA.HOARD SERl£5 CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 100 90 10 00 l j J I I I 20 70 I I l 30 J - 60 50 40 I 50 !z ,o 60 i 30 70 20 80 ,o 90 0 .001 .002 ! CLAY TO SILT COBBLES GRAVEL 65 :Y. SANO 28 ¾ SILT ANO CLAY 7 % LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAMPLE OF: Silty Sandy Gravel with Cobble (F!Ll) FRO~: Pit 2 ~ 0.5' -1.5' HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 70 . Til.4£ k_u_o_lM_G_s_~ • u;s. sr>-~iDAJ:1:0 sc1t1cs ---, - l~,-! I 100 r-~MIN T ·-T--'-•f9--.lr •• 50 •r.lr _..flL..fl1L...i_..'!j.•~·- 90 1 r J --+---·+----+----+----- •a ;-----;!,-----i;----.-;---+---+---!--+----+-i • ~-+-r--- 1----+----+--l---+----i.----+----t--+-.l ... • I I CL(AR SQUARE OPENINGS 1 1 I . 0 I 10 f 20 f 30 I 1 60 so L____._ __ ----4-____. --r-·;·-1 t 1 40 8 so I I •a. r----1---+ j' ---i--rt l i j I j f---+---------+---+------ar----1-------'-+---~-l t t i I ---i---:r~i----;--;-, l I I - 60 is! I ,o I i --~I i l J I ; j r--T' l 70 l i 80 t ' ·:::::::;;:,t-""r1--r----r---+----+--+----'--+---··I so t l • l ,oo 1. UJ I 2.38 ◄.7~ g_, 1i 127 i 200 .425 2.0 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS SANO GRAVEL CLAY TO SILT r---FI_N_E-----,-1 __ M_E_O-IU-M---,-!C_O_A_R_S_E,--F-IN-E--,,-C-O_A_R_S_E-----1 COBBLES GRAVEL SANO L!QUIO L!Mli SAMPLE OF: So(1dy Grovei ot1d Cobbles H-P~KUMAR S!LT ANO CLAY PLASilCITY ;NOEX Then tut rnultt apply onl)' to the 1-omplH which Wtrl f•3t•d. Th• fe::tlng r•port •hall not b• r•produc•d, dXcept In full, without fht written approval of Kumar &: Auociotn, Inc. Sieve onalyai• testing is p,rformed rn accordance with ASTM D422, ASTM C136 ond/or ASH.I D1 UO. GRADATION TEST RESULTS - TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS SAMPLE LOCATION NATURAL NATURAL GRADATION PERCENT ATTERBERG LIMITS ! MOISTURE DRY GRAVEL I SAND I PASSING LIQUID . PLASTIC PIT i DEPT;..I CONTENT DENSITY I NO 200 LIMIT I INDEX I (%) (%) : • I UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Project No. 17-7-879 SOIL TYPE I m, i SIEVE .___~.. % C _j__!,__ ~__L~S _ _____. ..----,-----,----r-75~·-7 -r ---~ 30.8 - -85 14 T I T 7 1 I I T T Silty Clay (Topsoil) Silty Sandy Gravel with Cobble (Fill) Sandy Gravels and Cobbles CDPHE W TER SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION Pl113UC Residential system used by year-round residents ------- OMM lIY W TIR c; IM S stem has at least 15 service connections? or Se es at least 25 persons daily 60 days/year? YES NO 11 Serves at least 25 people/day for more than 60 days/year , f Pl Bt TI-: •.1 R Regularly serves 25 of the rune people 6 months/year (schools, workplaces, hospita s, etc.) Does not serve 25 or more of the same persons 60 or more days/year (restaurant, motel, campground, etc.) -fRA IE • ~C COM U \\ ] L TI Section #5 : Supplementary Documents • Photography Portfolio • Community Support Letters • Venue Use Agreement Example ( u I • .,/ r 0 ') CARBONDALE February 20, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I write in support of Spring Creeks Ranch shifting to a 365-day operation. I am the President & CEO of the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce and Carbondale Tourism, and am familiar with the various events, services, and programs that Spring Creeks Ranch hosts and oversees, as well as its commitment to giving back to the numerous non-profits in our community. Spring Creeks Ranch plays a large role in visitation, sales and lodging taxes, jobs, and more; the extension to a 365-day operation could have an even greater economic impact. It is my understanding that Spring Creeks Ranch does not intend to host events every day, rather adopt a pricing model that better accommodates year-round gatherings of varying sizes. This new approach will better offset the annual expenses required to run a ranch year-round. The Carbondale Chamber is committed to working together with business and the community to provide leadership, education, and support for its members to make the Carbondale Area, and beyond, a more vital and dynamic place to live, work, and visit. Please give the Spring Creeks Ranch extension application the greatest consideration for approval. Sincerely, Andrea Stewart President & CEO, Carbondale Chamber & Tourism Chamber of Commerce Post Office Box 1645 ., Carbondale, CO 81623 ° 970.963.1890 phone O 970.963.4719 fax a e @ ar o a e. om O ww .car ondale.co 0 March 4 , 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, We are writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. WindWalkers has had the privilege of hosting multiple successful fundraisers at Spring Creeks. In 2022 , our newest annual fundraiser "Wranglers & Rhinestones" was held there , and last year, in 2023 , we enjoyed our Annual Kentucky Derby Party at the ranch . We eagerly anticipate collaborating with Spring Creeks again this year for our Kentucky Derby Party. The venue's stunning views, exquisite landscaping, and attentive staff make it an ideal choice for hosting events. We wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking a venue for their event. The Gianinetti family's generosity towards numerous nonprofits in our Valley has ensured affordable pricing and contributed to the success of various organizations. W e are in full support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their endeavors. Sincerely, ~,XJ7)__. - /4.:elle Greev es Executive Director Wind Walkers 970-963-2909 PO Box 504 Carbondale, CO 81623 I windwalkers.org I 970-963-2909 February 11, 2024 MARBLE DISTILLING CO. & THE DISTILLERY INN Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. Over the last few years since Spring Creek Ranch has been in operation Marble and, we would argue, the Town of Carbondale has benefited from its operations, and business generating influence. Marble has both sponsored events, supported the Ranch in their customer experience, and seen business come to us through their clientele. Carbondale is in a transformative period, seeing development of residential and commercial spaces. It seems congruous as well as necessary for people of the community and our tourist guests to have fun, energetic experiences. Certainly Spring Creek Ranch stands in high regard locally for doing just that. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. Sincerely, Wm Carey Shanks Owner Marble Distilling Company, Inc 970.274.8864 February, 20th , 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. Rocky Mountain Angling Club has maintained a working relationship with the Gianinetti family and Spring Creeks Ranch for close to 30 years now. In that time I can honestly say they consistently redefine the definition of professionalism. They truly are a pleasure to work with. The degree of care, consideration and planning that goes into their operations is something every business should strive for. Aside from normal fishingThey have gone above and beyond to accommodate numerous veterans and youth fishing groups with us through the years. The annual Project Healing Waters trip has become one of PHW's most sought after destinations. Although our relationship pertains primarily to their fishing operations, I have personally had the pleasure to partake in some of their other gatherings and concert events which were nothing short of wonderful. They are an amazing asset to the local community. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. Sincerely, Casey Prather Operations Manager Rocky Mountain Angling Club 1 (303)421-6239 February 20 th, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing on behalf of my small business in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. We are lucky enough to work with Spring Creeks throughout the year. We are a local wedding & event planning company. In the past few years of working with Spring Creeks, not only have these events brought business for us but also other small businesses in Garfield County such as florists, photographers, rental companies, etc. Most of my clients are not local to the area. Our couples typically host anywhere from 50-150 out of town guests in our community. This brings great value to tourism for Garfield County. Quite often we are placing people in Glenwood hotels and selecting dining options for out-of-town guest to enjoy while visiting. Not only does the Ranch host great events but they make sure to respect their neighbors while doing so. They pride themselves on making sure rules and limitations are in place so that events are no burden to the residents in their area. I can appreciate their passion to be a good neighbor in their community. Finally, I have also assisted in helping with community events at Spring Creeks Ranch. The passion the Gianinetti family have, to host events for their community is quite impressive. Offering opportunities for our community members to get together in a safe and friendly environment is something we wish we had more of. We are honored to be able to partner with Spring Creeks and hope that you will consider honoring their request to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. It benefits so many small businesses in our county. Thank you, Cassidy Epp Owner Cassidy & Co. Events 602-509-5572 February 19, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so that they may operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. My name is Ginny Harrington and I live, work and volunteer in the Carbondale area. I am the Membership Chairman and Event Coordinator for Holy Cross Cattlemen's Assoc. We have considered using Spring Creeks Ranch (SCR) for either our annual membership meeting, or banquet or other issues and educational meetings in the past. We would consider using them in the future as well. They are very professional, courteous and prompt to answer questions about use of the facility. I have attended the Roaring Fork Valley Coop meeting there for two years. I have attended the Ned Ledoux concert there and various smaller events. I was in charge of the website for the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo for several years and have attended their sponsor and volunteer appreciation dinner there several times, even prior to the construction of the current modern and improved facility. It is always a well-managed event at SCR and attendees feel safe and well taken care of in a very accommodating venue. There are very limited facilities in Garfield County to host an event with more than 100 guests and SCR can easily handle that and more. They have a permitted commercial kitchen in the facility, allowing them to serve food to the public and have obtained the required special event liquor licenses, making it the ideal location for such events. Owners, staff, security and all involved with SCR have always been courteous and professional in providing their services at the highest level. In closing, I encourage you to allow the Spring Creeks Ranch to operate their facility at full capacity 365 days of the year, allowing them to remain a viable, profitable and hopefully long- term business that is very valuable to the Roaring Fork Valley's residents and beyond. Sincerely, Ginny (Virginia) Harrington Holy Cross Cattlemen's Assoc. Membership Chairman & Event Coordinator Past Website Coordinator for CWWRA 970-318-0076 February 19, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so that they may operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. My name is Tom Harrington and I live and work in the Carbondale area. I am president of the board for the Roaring Fork Valley COOP in Carbondale and we have held our annual members meeting at the Spring Creeks Ranch (SCR) facility the past 2 years. There are very limited facilities in Garfield County to host an event with more than 100 guests and SCR can easily handle that and more. They have a permitted commercial kitchen in the facility, allowing them to serve food to the public and have obtained the required special event liquor licenses, making it the ideal location for such events. I have also been on the board of the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo for several years and we have held our sponsor and volunteer appreciation party at the SCR for years, even prior to the construction of the current modern and improved facility. Owners, staff, security and all involved with SCR have always been courteous and professional in providing their services at the highest level. In closing, I encourage you to allow the Spring Creeks Ranch to operate their facility at full capacity 365 days of the year, allowing them to remain a viable, profitable and hopefully long term business that is very valuable to the Roaring Fork Valley's residents and beyond. Sincerely, Tom Harrington Crystal River Ranch Manager Roaring Fork Valley COOP board member CWWRA board member 970-275-1165 \........ February 16, 2024 ROARING FORK VALLEY CO-OP 0760 Highway 133 CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623 Phone: (970) 963-2220 Fax: (970) 704-4239 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to express Roaring Fork Valley Cooperative's support for Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted, so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. I became General Manager of Roaring Fork Valley Cooperative in 2016. Since that time I have had the pleasure to experience the Gianinetti's compassion and commitment to the Carbondale and surrounding communities. The Gianinetti's have opened their ranch to many events and have a compassion to share the beauty of their ranch and make every event a memorable experience. I have attended several events at Spring Creeks Ranch and they are always professionally managed by the Gianinetti's. I would like to think that the Garfield County Commissioners would agree that a venue like Spring Creeks Ranch is much needed for Carbondale and surrounding communities, and should not have a limit on how many times it can be used. Spring Creeks Ranch offers first class indoor and outdoor facilities, with enough parking to not interfere with any other business or neighborhood. The Gianinetti family has a great passion to share the beauty of their ranch with the local community and visitors. The Gianinetti's compassion to better the community and enhance visitor experiences is undeniable and contagious. This is why I am writing for your support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request. Sincerely, i)l]7,1 t5o-S> Don Boos CEO/General Manager Roaring Fork Valley Cooperative 0 February 19th , 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners , I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. SIX Productions is a local Carbondale based organization that supports many of our valley wide live entertainment events on an annual basis. We have worked with Tanner and his team on a few different occasions and so far have enjoyed every event experience we have helped create at their venue. The venue itself is a special hidden gem that a lot of people still don't know about. We believe the more quality events that take place in this venue throughout the year help create memorable experiences for all in attendance and drive valuable revenues into the town of Carbondale and support our community. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. Sincerely, Jason MacEachen General Manager SIX Productions , LLC (970) 340-4529 Six Productions • 2700 Dolores Way, Ca r bonda le, CO 87623 970.340.4529 • www.Six.Li ve ( 0 February 19, 2024 TO : Garfield County Commissioners RE: Spring Creeks Ranch Event Capacity I am writing on behalf of the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo Association {CWWRA), in support of the request by Spring Creeks Ranch to lift the Event Capacity Limitations so that they may operate at full capacity 365 days per year. The CWWRA has had their end of Rodeo Season Sponsor/ Volunteer Parties at this location for many years, even before the more recent improvements were made. The property is always well maintained and the amenities are first class. The noise form this location is minimal because of where it sits and the surroundings are excellent and truly support the western heritage that we all love about this area. It is located close to Town and therefore, can easily be used for a four-season venue . All of us on the Boa r d of Directo rs have attended numerous events at the facility over the years and they have always been run as a first class operation. Whether it is a small wedding or party, or a large concert, they always do it correctly and without complaint. On a more personal note, my son used Spring Creeks Ranch for a wedding venue several years ago and it was managed perfectly, we could not have been happier with the venue and services provided. Everything was well organized and maintained and the guests loved it! We feel that there is no reason to believe that a 365 day event operation would be done any differently than t he past services that they have offered over the years. The Town needs this type of operation and especially in a location that is so accessible for Town Residents and of course the visitors staying i n hotels that are also i n the area. The improvements tha t have been made over the last severa l yea r s, allow for summer or winter operations as well as any time in be t ween . On behalf of the CWWRA Board of directors, we certainly hope that you w i ll approve this request an d allow the Spring Creeks Ranch to operate 365 days per year. Sincere~/) fl~ Mike K.c:~resident r CWWRA (1Jo) 31?-J __,3 Cf 07 Car-bondale Wild-West R-odeo • P.G . Box 173-9 • Ca-F-bonclale, CO 3-16-23 n Feburary 19th 2024 Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you to express my support of Spring Creeks Ranch and thei r request for the event capacity limitations to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 356 days a year. My name is Aaron Shockley and I am the owner of The Roling Fork Food Truck & Catering Company . We work closely with Spring Creeks Ranch to provide catering services for weddings, concerts, fund raisers and other events. They have been nothing but professional and always make sure to provide a clean, safe environment for such events. These are the kind of people this county should want running an operation like this . There are many options throughout the valley for weddings and large events, but Spring Creeks Ranch consistently shows why they are the best in the business . I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative . Q Aaron Shockley Chef & Owner The Rolling Fork 720-724-4917 Spring Creeks Ranch -Letter of Support February 16, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to support Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they can operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. My name is Andy Dunn. I am the Head of Partnerships at Rare Waters. Rare Waters partners with landowners for angler access through private property. We have had the opportunity to partner with Spring Creek Ranch for several years. The standards by which Spring Creek Ranch holds itself to have been a pleasure to work with. I have personally had the opportunity to fish and enjoy the property. My experience on the property has always been memorable. The first time I visited the property I was taken back by the care that has been taken on the property not to mention the fishing is next level. When I depart the property, I am always looking forward to my next visit I firmly believe that granting Spring Creek Ranch the ability to operate at full capacity will allow them to truly showcase their excellence. Through our partnership, I have gained insight into the genuine commitment of the ranch to support charitable endeavors. Spring Creek Ranch prioritizes aiding organizations dedicated to helping others, aligning seamlessly with Rare Waters' mission. Their inclusive approach ensures that volunteers assisting these non-profits are welcomed onto the property, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. Sincerely, Andy Dunn Head of Partnerships Rare Waters (303) 5494886 Febru ary 16, 2024 De ar Garfield County Commissioners I 1 am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. My name is Wenonah Recio and I own Botanicals Floral Art in Glenwood Springs. We work with Spring Creeks ranch on many of our weddings and events and they are a crucial partner in the wedding and event space! This is wonderful, serene setting that is so valuable to our community that also attracts people from all over supporting our small mountain towns! Their facilities are perfectly set up for weddings and events of all kinds, as well as their unbeatable location for some of the best fishing! As a long time family of the Rao ring Fork valley they deserve our support as a community to keep a viable business going as they support so many of us! I fully support Spring Creeks ranch and their initiative. Wenonah Recio/ '/1'~ Botanicals Floral Art, owner 970-379-4870 February 16th, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. Premier Party Rental has worked closely with Spring Creeks Ranch to be able to offer the people of this community and guests an affordable place in this valley to host a celebration, memorial service, or meeting space to gather. They have created a lovely space within their property and offer outstanding service that represents our valley in a way we should all strive for. It would be a shame if they are limited to how many clients they can host. We fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. Sincerely, Kayli Pace General Manager Premier Party Rental 894 Highway 133 Carbondale, CO 81623 February 15, 2024 To Garfield County Commissioners; The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Spring Creeks Ranch has my support to expand their ability to use their facility up to 365 days a year. I do not anticipate their using it that much but they should have the ability to use it as needed. For all the time they have been operating they have not caused traffic problems or any other problems I am aware of. The property is used for community events as well as bringing tourists in for weddings, concerts and other events. I am unaware of any complaints or problems with the current facility and think expanding the amount of time it is available would only be of benefit to the community. Respectfully submitted; Marty Silverstein Carbondale Town Trustee 1092 wheel dr. Carbondale Co. 81623 970 274 3091 February 17, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. I have had the opportunity to work with Spring Creeks Ranch for several events. It is a venue that can serve both locals and tourists alike. It is a gem in Garfield County that helps support lodging and the surrounding businesses in Carbondale and Glenwood while promoting sustainable tourism. It provides a venue for the local community that can host meetings and celebrations at a capacity that is not easily found in the lower Roaring Fork Valley. What makes this venue truly special is celebrating special moments with locals, both as a vendor and as a guest. I have been a part of countless weddings and celebrations that this place made possible. Allowing the ranch to host more events would open up more possibilities to locals and local organizations alike while making it possible to support the ranch for years to come. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. Sincerely, Mark Hardin Owner, Field 2 Fork Kitchen mark@field2forkkitchen.com 970-306-3833 February 14, 2003 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, Billy Bullock 732 Grand Avenue Glenwood Springs I am writing to show my individual support for the Spring Creek Ranch. I am personally very aware of their great services offered and we need to support such a good cause that does so much for the Roaring Fork Valley. I did not realize that they have limits to their event capacity. Please support them to be able to operate at full capacity on a yearly basis. We are all starving for Western entertainment in the Valley and they do a 5 star job. Thank you for your time and consideration, ibJ/~, Billy Bullock 107 8 "'1 Street (j{enwooa Sy rings, CO 81601 Plione: 970-945-0453 ]"ax: 970-945-6430 February, 14, 2024 SHERIFF OJF 6ARFIELDj COUNTY' LOU VALLARIO Dear Garfield County Commissioners, 106 County '.Roaa 333-.Jl '.Rif{e, CO 81650 Plione: 970-665-0200 ]"ax: 970-665-0253 I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. As the Sheriff of Garfield County, I can say that this venue provides for wholesome events, virtually no negative impacts and very adequate parking. ( As a resident who has enjoyed events at the Spring Creeks Ranch, I would support expanding their venue to provide more opportunities for the community. They are always willing to work with whoever chooses to use the facility and are professional and flexible with making that happen. Expanding their capacity to year round will provide revenue for the county and allow them to keep the venue operational. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. Sincerely, Lou Vallario Garfield County Sheriff 970-945-0453 SPRING CREEK RANCH LETTER OF SUPPORT February 13, 2024 To the Garfield County Commissioners and to whom it may concern. I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch. Concerning their request for the event capacity limitations that are currently in place to be lifted and or modified so that they may be able to operate and be successful as a business in the Roaring Fork Valley. I am a 36-year resident of the valley and am the owner of European Caterers. I understand completely that in supporting the Spring Creek Ranch it is a bit self serving. What is not evident is what having a venue of this nature brings to the area. The Roaring Fork Valley is a destination area where people come to enjoy all aspects of the valley. This fills hotel rooms, restaurants, supports small businesses and of course provides the businesses that introduce people to the wonders that we all enjoy. Rafting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, all of which are dependent in some way on destination events. We have been fortunate to have participated in many events on the property and have found that all our clients have been incredibly happy with their experience working with the Spring Creek Staff and the amenities that are being offered. The Spring Creek Ranch property is truly a gem to be shared and showcased in the valley. We at European Caterers fully support the Spring Creek Ranch and their Initiative. Respectfully submitted, Steven McKenney Clief Owner of Europea aterers 402 Park Av. Ste. F Basalt Co. 81623 Phone: 970-920-4262 Cell: 970-618-9198 0 THE CHALLENGE FOUNDATION February 13, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. My name is Holly Dichter and I work with The Challenge Foundation. The Challenge Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides scholarships to low income, high-achieving students from the Denver Metro Area. We partnered with Spring Creeks Ranch to host a fly-fishing experience for our high school scholars. We were able to use the event venue to have access to an indoor space during the day when students need a break from the sun. The venue provided a clean, safe and enjoyable space to spend the day. We are so appreciative of their willingness to be a great community partner and support our efforts in getting our scholars into the mountains and the outdoors. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative as I believe that many can benefit from the use of their space. Sincerely, Holly Dichter Director of Advancement The Challenge Foundation 303-209-3364 February, 13 , 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. The importance of venues like Spring Creeks Ranch for local businesses, such as my company in the video industry, Spring Creeks Ranch is a blessing for our clients. Economically speaking the ability for Spring Creeks Ranch to perform business year round is a conduit to the food catering, entertainment, facility and event personal, all related event business in the entire valley. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. Sincerely, Christopher Tribble ~~ Tu.b6/4 Versatile Productions, Inc. 970-379-9262 C ) February 12, 2024 Garfield County Commissioners 108 8th Street Suite 101 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Dear Commissioners: ASCENT (V(MTS THAT INSl'IIII I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. As an event planner with experience locally, nationally and internationally -groups do not want to have to pay for a multiday rental. At one point in my career, I operated the in-house destination management company at the St. Regis Aspen. I worked with corporate and social groups. These groups want a Roaring Fork Valley experience and would never entertain the notion of a multi-day rental. Additionally, as a Carbondale local -it would be great to have more groups patronize a facility during their time in our valley which could likely lead to tremendous economic impact in Carbondale and other towns in our valley. The limitations on the number of days the venue can be utilized has tremendous negative consequences to the business and also limits the group types that would be willing to use the venue. Not only is Spring Creeks Ranch a wonderful event venue in our mid-valley , it is also the attempt for a longtime local ranching family to reinvent themselves. Running cows and harvesting hay does not cut it anymore in the world we live in -water is in short supply and agriculture is not what it was 10 years ago -let alone 20+ years ago. I think it is formidable that the Gianinetti family had the foresight to seek a sustainable form of income and also set-up their children and grandchildren for the future in their longtime home. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative and would be happy to discuss further. Best, Michelle Marlow Owner Ascent Events (970) 948-1334 michelle@ascenteventsco.com February 12, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. I have had the pleasure of witnessing the positive impact that Spring Creeks Ranch has had on our community over the past few years. Their commitment to hosting events and supporting charitable initiatives has greatly enriched the lives of many residents. I can attest to the invaluable role Spring Creeks Ranch plays in bringing people together. The ranch is not just a venue; it's a place where families gather to celebrate the important milestones in life, forging bonds that last a lifetime. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative to transition to a 365-day operation. The limitations on the number of events have presented challenges that hinder their ability to fully serve the community. I believe that lifting the event capacity limitation will not only benefit the ranch but also enhance the positive impact they can have on our community. Sincerely, Hannah Walpole Elevated Collections, LLLC 1640 Grand Ave Silt, CO 81652 970-379-8276 () .,J MOODY INSU RANC E A G ENC Y February 12u1, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of the year. My name is Chris Rose and I am a partner in Moody Insurance and Co-Chair of the Grand Junction Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. The Gianinetti family has donated to the Rocky Mountain Elk foundation on numerous occasions and has been involved in the Roaring Fork community for 100 years. They continually look to improve their community through the many events they have at Spring Creeks Ranch, through their generosity to Non- Profit organizations, and community involvement. They are also stewards of their land and the water resources that flow through their property and to the ecosystems their property abuts to. Allowing them to operate the Barn & Pavilion throughout the year will only enhance the Carbondale and Roaring Fork Community and provide a venue for many community residents to hold their family events or attend events with their families. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative and based upon The Gianinetti family's values and community support over nearly a century in the Roaring Fork Valley. Partner/Operations Manager Moody Insurance Co-Chair Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Denver Grand Junction Colorado Spnngs mooay,ns .com February 12, 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you today in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days a year. As someone who is deeply involved in the Carbondale community through both my civic work and in organizing a signature event in the town, I see this as a huge benefit that would bring additional vitality to our town. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. ~ Luis Yllanes Executive Director 5Point Adventure Film Festival luis@5pointfilm.org February 11th. 2024 Dear Garfield County Commissioners, I am writing to you in support of Spring Creeks Ranch and their request for the event capacity limitation to be lifted, so they may be able to operate at full capacity 365 days of theyear. My name is Gonzo Mirich, and town Jimbo's Liquors in Basalt. We have helped with events of different nature at Springs Creek Ranch for three years now. Catering the bar service for events up and down the Roaring Fork Valley, really highlights the commitment they have at Springs Creek Ranch, to offer one of the best venues in the valley for a reasonable price, giving the opportunity for multiple events to host on an incredible setting, available not only to locals but visitors alike. We have attended community events held there, like Ned Ledoux's concert in 2021 as well as several weddings and other joyful occasions. If they are allowed to operate at full capacity 365 days a year, they will have the ability to host a h~r number of community events and lend the venue to non-profits and other fundraise,:s, benefiting our whole community. I fully support Spring Creeks Ranch and their initiative. I (/ 0------, Sincerely,. ~/ 7 r. Gonzo Mirich-r Jimbds Liquors 97~306-9388 jibosliquois@yahoo.com I 0 VENUE RENTAL AGREEMENT SPRING CREEKS RANCH This Venue Rental Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of ............ , by and between: 1. The Ranch: • Legal Entity: Gianinetti Family LLLP • Operating as: Spring Creeks Ranch • Address: PO Box 218 Carbondale, CO 81623 • Hereinafter referred to as the "Ranch." 2. The Client: • Legal Name: and • Address: • Hereinafter referred to as the "Client." Collectively referred to as the "Parties ." WHEREAS, the Client desires to lease the premises located at 644 Cowen Drive, Carbonda le, CO 81623 (hereinafter referred to as the "Venue") from the Ranch , and the Ranch is willing to rent the Venue to the Client, subject to the terms and conditions herein; NOW, THEREFORE , for and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration , the Parties hereto agree as follows: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them below: The term 'Venue' pertains to the Event Barn, Pavilion, Ceremony Meadow, and surrounding parking and lawn areas, located at 644 Cowen Drive, Carbondale, CO 81623. e The terms 'Events' and 'Festivity/Festivities' encompass, but are not limited to, events, functions, weddings, celebrations, receptions, welcome gatherings, parties, or similar celebrations held at the Venue, unless explicitly stated otherwise in this contract. The term 'Venue Manager' refers to the General Manager of Spring Creeks Ranch. " The term 'Event Affiliates' includes, but is not limited to, a Client's invitees, attendees, guests, agents, sub-contractors, event planners or coordinators, vendors, and similar parties. I. SIGNATURE 3 DAY PACKAGE -Setup/Wedding/Departure Setup & Rehearsal Day On day one, which may involve setup, preparations, and the hosting of an intimate event like a rehearsal dinner with a maximum attendance of 50 guests, the Client's access to the Venue will begin at 10:00 on Day 1. The event on this day must conclude by 9:00 pm. At the designated ending time, all festivities must promptly cease, and all guests are expected to vacate the premises. The Client is responsible for ensuring the proper disposal of all waste materials in the designated dumpsters and for securely relocating the Venue's receptacles and bars within the Event Barn no later than 10:00 pm. Wedding Day: On day two, the Client may access the Venue starting at 7:00 am in the morning. The event on this day must conclude by 11:00 pm. At the designated end time, all festivities must promptly cease, and attendees must depart the premises. The Client is responsible for ensuring the proper disposal of all waste materials in the designated dumpsters and securely relocating the Venue's trash cans and bars inside the Event Barn before their departure. It's important to note that the Venue will close promptly at 12:00 am (midnight), marking the conclusion of all festivities for that day. Exit Day: On day three, the Client has the option to host a festivity such as a brunch, lunch, or social gathering for a maximum of 50 guests, followed by the necessary cleanup and restoration of the Venue. The Client may access the Venue as early as 7:00 am on the morning of Day 3. All festivities on this day must conclude by 3:00 pm. After the event concludes, the Client has a two-hour window to complete the cleaning and restoration of the Venue, extending the contractual end time to 5:00 pm. Please refer to the cleaning checklist in section XIV of this agreement for restoration requirements. Name of the Event: Guest Count: Guests or Less Event Planner (Required): Please state "TBD" if not acquired yet. Name: Phone: Emergency Contact Person: Name: Phone: II. BOOKING AND DAMAGE DEPOSIT TERMS A. Booking Deposit: The Client shall remit a Booking Deposit of the Venue for the specified Event date(s). B. Total Rental Fee: The total Rental Fee for the Event is, months before the Event date, with a due date of upon executing this Agreement to reserve due in full no later than six (6) The Ranch can accept checks, credit cards, and electronic payments. The client may choose their preferred payment method, however, there is a convenience fee associated with electronic payment options. C. Damage Deposit: A refundable Damage Deposit of $2,000.00 is to be paid separately by check or money order. This deposit is due no later than thirty (30) days before the Event date, along with any optional Add-Ons. The Client understands that any damages occurring during the Event will be deducted from the Damage Deposit. If the cost of damages exceeds the initial deposit, the Client agrees to pay the remaining balance for all reasonably incurred damages within two weeks of the Event date. Ill. CANCELLATION POLICY A. Cancellation Notice: In the event of a Client's decision to cancel the Event, written notice to the Ranch is required. B. Booking Deposit Refund: If the Client cancels the Event within ten (10) days of signing this Rental Agreement, a full refund of the Booking Deposit shall be issued. After this ten-day period, the Booking Deposit becomes non- refundable and non-transferable. C. Cancellation Less Than Ten Months Before Event Date: We understand that planning events involves significant preparations. If you need to cancel the Event less than ten (10) months before the scheduled date, finding a replacement event for that same date and generating similar revenue could be challenging for the Ranch. In such situations, we'll make every effort to secure an alternative event for the same date(s). If the Ranch successfully books a replacement event, we will refund your payments up to the amount of revenue earned from the new booking for your scheduled date. If the new event generates revenue equal to or greater than your original Event, we'll refund all your payments, except the Booking Deposit, and release you from any further Event-related obligations. However, if the Ranch can not secure another event for the same date(s), we will retain all funds paid at the time of cancellation, which will be considered final compensation. D. Termination Due to Client's Payment Failure or Material Breach: The Ranch retains the right to terminate this Agreement in the event of the Client's failure to adhere to the payment terms outlined in this Agreement or a material breach of the Agreement. In the event of termination due to a material breach, any funds paid to the Ranch at the time of the breach will be retained as damages, serving as the sole remedy in cases of cancellation due to material breach. E. Assignment and Sub-Leasing: The Client may not assign or sub-lease any terms, conditions, or services within this Agreement or any related interest without the expressed written consent of the Ranch. IV. CHANGE POLICY In the event that the Client wishes to modify the date of the Event, a written notice must be submitted to the Ranch. The Ranch will review and, at its sole discretion, approve or decline such requests. If the request is approved, the Ranch will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the new date, but acceptance is not guaranteed. The Client acknowledges that in the event of a date change, they are solely responsible for any incurred expenses, including non-refundable and non-transferable deposits and fees. It is further understood that last-minute changes may impact the quality of the Event, and the Ranch will not be held responsible for any resulting compromises in quality. V. PANDEMIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT A. Impact of Pandemic: The Parties acknowledge that as of the date of this Agreement, the COVID-19 Pandemic ("Pandemic"} has had a widespread impact in the United States and the state of Colorado. Furthermore, the Parties are aware that this or another Pandemic may affect the Parties' ability to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement. B. Uncertainty and Assumption of Risk: Both Parties acknowledge the inherent difficulty in predicting future pandemic limitations at the time of entering this contract. Unless governmental actions render the Event illegal, both Parties accept the associated risks of contracting during such an uncertain period. Absent explicit State, local, or Federal laws or regulations prohibiting the Event due to the Pandemic, the Pandemic shall not serve as a legal excuse for either Party to fail in fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement. The Parties enter into this Agreement with full awareness of the risks tied to hosting a public gathering during a Pandemic. C. Rescheduling Due to Pandemic: If the Client needs to reschedule the event due to Pandemic-related restrictions, they must promptly notify the Ranch in writing. The Ranch will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the new date, but availability cannot be guaranteed. If a new rescheduled date is approved, all previous payments will be credited toward the new date. For rescheduled dates within the same calendar year as the original event, full credit will be applied without extra fees. If the Client chooses to reschedule for the following year, payments will be credited, but the Client is responsible for any difference in package cost for that year. This is the only scenario in which the Booking Deposit is transferable. If the Client selects a mid-week date (Tuesday- Thursday} for the following year, full credit will be applied without extra fees. Both Parties agree that crediting payments toward an approved rescheduled date is fair and reasonable. If the rescheduled date has different pricing due to changes in the Annual Price Index set by the Ranch, the Client agrees to pay the price difference, not exceeding a 10% increase in the Total Rental Fee, which both Parties find fair and equitable. D. Cancellation Due to Pandemic: In the event that the Federal, State, or Local government issues any Pandemic regulation(s) or mandated event limitation(s} (distinct from public health guidelines} that prohibit the Event and remain in effect on the Event date, both Parties shall share the financial burden equally. Each Party shall bear a fifty (50%} percent share of the Total Event Rental Fee. If the Client cancels the Event for reasons attributable to the Pandemic in the absence of Federal, State, or Local government regulation(s} or mandated event limitation(s} (distinct from public health guidelines} that prohibit the Event, the Cancellation Policy outlined in Article Ill of this Agreement shall be applicable. VI. FORCE MAJEURE Except concerning payment obligations under this Agreement, and regardless of any contrary provisions contained herein, neither Party shall be held liable or accountable for any delays or failure to fulfill obligations due to unforeseen causes beyond their control. Such causes include, but are not limited to, the following force majeure events: (a) Acts of God; (b) Natural disasters (fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, storms, infestations), epidemics, or pandemics; (c) War, invasion, hostilities (whether declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riots, or civil unrest; (d) Government orders or laws; (e} Actions, embargoes, or blockades in effect on or after the Agreement date; (f) Governmental authority actions or inactions; (g) National or regional emergencies; (h} Strikes, labor stoppages, slowdowns, or other industrial disturbances; (i} Shortage of adequate power or transportation facilities; and U) Other similar occurrences, presently unknown, and beyond the reasonable control of the Parties. Written notice of a Party's failure or delay in performance due to force majeure must be provided to the other Party no later than five (5) business days following the commencement of the force majeure event. This notice should detail the force majeure event and the actions taken to minimize its impact. The Parties agree, whenever possible, to reschedule the Event for a mutually agreed-upon date as soon as practicable after the force majeure condition ceases to exist. It is explicitly clarified that Force Majeure shall not encompass: (a} A change of heart or change of mind; (b} Financial distress or either Party's inability to generate a profit or prevent a financial loss; (c) Changes in market prices or conditions; (d) A Party's financial inability to meet its obligations under this Agreement; or (e} Seasonally predictable weather and conditions. VII. DISPUTE RESOLUTION A. Legal Proceedings: 1. Negotiation: In the event of any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the Parties agree to first attempt to resolve the matter through good-faith negotiations. Either Party may initiate the negotiation process by providing written notice to the other Party outlining the nature of the dispute. 2. Mediation: If the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute through negotiation within thirty (30) days of the written notice, the Parties agree to submit the dispute to mediation. The mediation shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of a mutually agreed-upon mediation service or mediator located in Garfield County, Colorado. By default, the expenses of mediation will be divided equally, unless there is a different agreement in writing. Nevertheless, in the event that one party prevails in any legal action linked to the mediation, that party may be entitled to reimbursement of their reasonable expenses for lawyers and mediation. 3. Arbitration: If mediation fails to resolve the dispute within a reasonable time, any remaining disputes, claims, or controversies arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of a recognized arbitration service or organization, as agreed upon by both Parties. The arbitrator's decision will be final and binding on both parties, and both patiies can seek its enforcement in any court with jurisdiction in Garfield County, Colorado. 4. Legal Proceedings: If none of the above steps lead to a resolution, either party can take the matter to court in Garfield County, Colorado. The prevailing party in court proceedings is entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and expenses related to the dispute. 5. Continuing Commitment: While the Parties work to resolve a dispute, both parties agree to keep fulfilling their obligations under this B. Attorney's Fees: In the event that either Party finds it necessary to engage an attorney to defend, enforce, or take legal action relating to this Agreement, the prevailing Party in such action shall be entitled to recover all reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and directly associated expenses. C. Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. In the event of any dispute arising from this Agreement, the Parties acknowledge and consent to the personal jurisdiction of the Garfield County Courts. These courts shall have authority over the Parties regarding any such disputes. VIII. SEVERABILITY In the event that any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid under the law, that specific provision shall be considered null and void, while the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue to be in full force and effect. IX. INSURANCE PROVISIONS A. Ranch's Liability Insurance: The Ranch shall maintain liability and other insurance coverage in an amount sufficient to fulfill its role as a venue for the Event. B. Client's General Liability Insurance: The Client is required to obtain and maintain general liability insurance that remains in effect for the entire rental period. This insurance policy must provide a minimum coverage amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) and must include coverage for host liquor liability. Additionally, the Ranch must be listed as an additional insured party for the duration of this Agreement. The Client must provide a certificate of insurance and policy endorsement, naming the Ranch as the certificate holder, no later than ten (10) business days before the Event date. Resources for obtaining event insurance are available from various websites, including rvnuccio.com, websure.com, and ewedinsurance.com. C. Vendor Insurance Requirements: All vendors operating at the Ranch must maintain their own workers' compensation insurance and general liability insurance. Additionally, they must provide a policy endorsement designating the Ranch as an additional insured party. D. Wedding Insurance Recommendation: The Ranch strongly advises the Client to consider acquiring Wedding Insurance that includes coverage for event cancellation. Such insurance may be accessible through various providers, including www.wedsafe.com, www.wedsure.com, www.theeventhelper.com, or through the Client's own insurance broker or agent. X. WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION A. Notwithstanding any insurance requirements, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct, the Ranch shall not be held liable to the Client, Client's guests, invitees, attendees, employees, or other agents for any suits, actions, claims, damages, or expenses related to personal injury, illness, property damage, or theft occurring at or near the Ranch, whether before, during, or after the Event. However, the Ranch shall indemnify and hold the Client harmless in the event that any suits, actions, claims, damages, or expenses arise from or are attributable to any gross negligence or willful misconduct by the Ranch, its employees, contractors, or agents. B. Vendor Liability and Indemnification: Despite the insurance requirements, vendors are also obligated to indemnify, defend, and hold the Ranch harmless to the fullest extent permitted by law from any and all liability stemming from the vendors' use of the Ranch. This includes covering the Ranch's reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in defense of any actual or alleged liability. XI. MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT The Venue ensures that all music and entertainment activities comply with the CRS 25-12-103 or as set out by regulations adopted by Garfield County. If noise levels exceed these limits, Ranch staff reserve the right to adjust the volume. Failure to comply may lead to Event termination, with no rental fee refund, and potential fines for noise ordinance violations. The Client shall be responsible for any fines imposed from noise ordinance violations at the local, county or state level. XII. EVENT SETUP LIMITATIONS A. Property Delivery, Setup, and Removal: All property, including Client-owned items, Event Affiliate belongings, and equipment, must be delivered, set up, and removed on the specified Event days. Early access for setup is available for an extra fee. The Client is responsible for coordinating the delivery, setup, and removal of Event Affiliate property. B. Vendor Items Pickup: Vendor items must be scheduled for pickup no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day following the contractual end date. C. Barn Doors and Music: The Venue reserves the right to close the barn event doors if inclement weather or sound concerns are presented. The volume of music shall be subject to the discretion of the Ranch representative's decibel reading to ensure compliance with noise regulations and maintain a hospitable environment. XIII. EVENT GUIDELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Event Planner Requirement: The Venue requires the engagement of a third-party wedding or event planner, whether for full, partial, or month-of services. Contracting only a Day of Coordinator will not be deemed sufficient for event planning services. The selected planner must be present on the main event day and for any additional festivities within the reservation period. Event timelines must be submitted by email to the Venue a minimum of seven (7) days before the event. Failure to provide the timeline within the stipulated time frame may result in a compromised event. Failure to secure a professional planner will result in the complete forfeit of the Damage Deposit. It is the Client's responsibility to provide the planner with this Agreement and to ensure that it is understood and complied with. B. Caterer Pre-Event Meeting: Caterers are required to meet with a Ranch representative on the day of the Event to review rules and requirements. Advance scheduling of this meeting is available if necessary. C. Catering and Kitchen Responsibility: The Client and the catering company are jointly responsible for setting up, breaking down, and ensuring proper cleanup of the catering area and kitchen. Disposing of grease or cooking fluids in the sinks is strictly prohibited. The catering company must remove these materials from the Venue and return the kitchen to its original state. Failure to comply with kitchen policies will result in the total forfeit of the Damage Deposit. Sufficient time should be allocated for breakdown and cleanup to meet the agreed-upon timelines. It is the client's responsibility to ensure the caterer understands and complies with this agreement. D. Event Trash Disposal: All Event trash must be disposed of in the designated areas and/or dumpsters provided by the Ranch at the conclusion of the Event. If dumpsters are full, ail remaining trash must be removed from the Venue. E. Vendor Compliance with Guidelines: All vendors must strictly adhere to the event guidelines, and it is the Client's responsibility to ensure that all vendors are informed of and comply with these guidelines. F. Vendor Parking: Vendors are required to carpool their event staff. If vendors have staff working throughout the event, they must park their vehicles in the designated Staff Parking areas provided by the Ranch. XIV. VENUE RESTORATION AND PROPERTY A. Responsibility for Venue Restoration and Property Removal: The Client is responsible for restoring and cleaning the Venue thoroughly to its original condition by the contractual end time. This includes removing all debris, decorations, and personal belongings brought in by the Client or Event Affiliates, and ensuring the Venue is returned to its initial state. B. Property Ownership and Timing: Any property belonging to the Client or Event Affiliates must be entirely removed from the premises by the agreed contractual end time. It's important to note that any property left on the premises beyond this agreement's end will become the property of the Ranch unless prior written arrangements have been made and agreed upon by both parties. The Ranch holds no responsibility for any property left behind by the Client or Event Affiliates. Any items left unattended will be disposed of after 24 hours from the Agreement's end date. C. Reasonable Costs for Item Removal: If property is left on the premises beyond the agreed rental period without prior written arrangements, the Client's Damage Deposit may be subject to reasonable costs incurred by the Ranch for item removal. These costs may include labor charges, storage fees, and disposal fees. The Ranch will provide an itemized list of these costs to the Client if fees are to be deducted from the Damage Deposit. D. Special Arrangements and Additional Charges: Any special arrangements for property removal beyond the rental period must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties before the Event begins. The specifics of such arrangements, including any additional charges, will be documented in a separate written agreement to avoid misunderstandings. In case of a conflict, the terms and conditions of this separate agreement will prevail over this clause. Venue Cleaning and Restoration Requirements: If the Client fails to restore the site to the Cleaning Checklist outlined in this Agreement by the contractual end time, the following penalties apply: 1. Initial Cleaning Fee: An initial cleaning fee of $1,000.00 will be deducted from the Client's Damage Deposit. 2. Jeopardizing Another Client's Event: If the Client's failure to clean and restore the Venue properly jeopardizes another Client's scheduled event, the following consequences apply: a. Forfeiture of Damage Deposit: The Client will forfeit the entire Damage Deposit. b. Financial Responsibility for Damages: The Client assumes financial responsibility for any damages exceeding the Damage Deposit, including compensation for time lost by the following event, not to exceed $800.00 per hour. The Client agrees to promptly pay any such additional charges upon receipt of an invoice from the Venue. Failure to do so within ten (10) days of receiving the invoice shall constitute a breach of this agreement. We appreciate your cooperation and consideration for the Venue and future guests. Please review the Venue's Cleaning Checklist provided below. You may choose to delegate these tasks to your third-party event coordinator or event staff for your convenience. Cleaning Checklist Trash: Once the event concludes, promptly gather all trash and dispose of it in the on-site dumpsters. It's advisable to keep a trash bag handy as you complete the checklist, but it's recommended to remove trash before starting the cleaning process. Rentals: Break down and stack all event rentals in the North bay event door area. Please stack tables and chairs neatly on the floor, and refrain from leaning any items against the walls. Glassware, linens, and other rental items should be carefully repacked into the crates or containers provided by the rental company and placed on the floor in the same designated area. If you have contracted vendors to perform this service, please ensure they receive these instructions and comply with our protocols. If the event rental company is handling the break down, please coordinate this with the Venue Manager. If any items were damaged, please leave a note specifying which items were broken for the rental company's reference. Floors: After handling rental items, use push brooms to sweep the entire floor, gathering debris into a pile. Then, sweep the debris into a dustpan and dispose of it in the trash. Restrooms: Conduct a walkthrough and remove all trash and debris from all restrooms. Dressing Rooms: If dressing rooms are used, ensure that all trash is removed. Clean any residues or spills on countertops or carpets using the provided cleaning products .. Kitchen: While the event caterer is primarily responsible for cleaning the kitchen and all amenities they use, it ultimately falls on the Client to ensure its cleanliness. If the caterer fails to clean or if the Client or any Event Affiliates utilize the space, wipe down all counters, rinse sinks, and sweep and mop the floor. If ovens or refrigerators were used, please wipe them down and dispose of any leftover items. Barn, Pavilion, Meadow & Parking: Please ensure all trash, decorations, and debris are removed from these areas. If tables or benches were relocated for the event, kindly return them to their original positions. Ensure that the ceremony site and all parking areas are tidy and free of trash, personal belongings, or vendor equipment. If your event rental company is responsible for picking up ceremony chairs, they may remain at the location unless specified otherwise by your vendor. Final Walk-Through: Perform a final walk-through of the grounds, including the barn, pavilion, island, lawn, and ceremony meadow. Place all trash inside the dumpsters rather than in containers. Please return all lounge furniture to its original locations. We appreciate your diligent efforts in leaving our grounds as you found them. XV. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS The Ranch maintains the right to cancel this Agreement under the following circumstances: Non-Payment: If the Client fails to make the required payments as stipulated in this Agreement. Non-Compliance with Rules and Conditions: If the Client does not comply with any of the Rules and Conditions of Usage outlined in this Agreement. The Ranch's rights as outlined in this Agreement are supplementary to any other rights or remedies that may be accessible to the Ranch through legal or equitable means. XVI. ALCOHOL The Venue acknowledges that the Client may serve alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to beer, wine, champagne, and mixed drinks containing liquor (hereinafter referred to as "Alcohol"), under the following terms and conditions: A. Prohibition of Sale: Under no circumstances shall the Client sell or attempt to sell Alcohol to anyone. B. Professional Bartender Requirement: The Client is required to engage the services of professional TIPS or ServeSafe certified bartender{s) to serve Alcohol at the event. C. Age Restriction: The Client shall not permit any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to consume Alcohol, regardless of whether they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. D. Last Call: The last call for Alcohol service must be made at least thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled end time of the event. E. Responsible Service: The Client agrees to use their best efforts to ensure that Alcohol will not be served to anyone who is intoxicated or appears to be intoxicated. F. Right to Remove Intoxicated Individuals: The Ranch reserves the sole discretion and option to instruct security officers to remove any person(s) from the Venue if, in the opinion of the Ranch representative in charge, the licensed and bonded Bartender, and/or the security officer{s), the person{s) is intoxicated, unruly, or could pose a danger to themselves or others, or to the Venue. G. Liability for Guests and Vendors: Except for the Ranch's employees, agents, or contractors, including security guards, the Client agrees to be liable and responsible for all actions and conduct of Event Affiliates in attendance at the Event. H. Illegal Substance Use: The use of illegal substances on the Ranch is strictly prohibited. This prohibition extends to any drug or substance deemed illegal on a local, state, and/or federal level. The presence of any illegal substances at the Venue may result in the involvement of the authorities, early shutdown, or cancellation of the Event, and any other legal actions available to the Ranch. In the event such action is taken by the Ranch, any resulting loss of enjoyment or time shall not entitle the Client to a refund of the Damage Deposit or Event Fee. The Client shall be responsible for paying all fines assessed by Garfield County as a result of any code violation. XVII. PAYMENT SCHEDULE PaY.ment Outline Due Date Amount PaY.ment DescriRtion XVIII. NOTICE ( ( Notices and communications between the Client and the Ranch shall be made in writing , via email , hand delivery, or U.S. Mail at the following addresses: Client(s): Spring Creeks Ranch: Name(s): Mailing Address: ..................................... . Email: Phone Number: Name(s): Mailing Address: Email : Phone Number: Tanner Gianinetti PO Box 218 Carbondale, CO 81623 Tanner@springcreeksranch.com (970) 379-8905 XIX. RULES AND CONDITIONS FOR USAGE 1. Camping (Multi-day Events Only): • Tent and self-sustained RV camping allowed in designated areas. Must be approved by Venue Manage r prior to event. • To secure camping spots , the number of camping guests must be confirmed at least four (4) months before the event. • Campers are responsible for cleaning their sites and must vacate by the specified end time on the final day of the event. • Please note that the Ranch does not offer full campground services; only self contained camping is allow ed . • If tent c amping e x ceeds 5 tents or 10 people , the Client will be required to arrange for porta-potties and w ash stations depending on the camp locations at the venue. 2. Candles : • Open flames are strictly prohibited inside all buildings and across the entire venue. • Battery-operated "flameless candles" are permitted . (Example : Visit www.candleimpressions.net for automatic, long-lasting options.) 3. Catering : • While the catering kitchen is built to commerc ial code , it's primarily designed for prep and distribution , not for preparing complete event meals from scratch . • If you plan to have freshly prepared and cooked food on -site , consult with your caterer regarding additional rental equipment. As our venue relies on a septic system, vendors are strictly prohibited from disposing of any food waste, cooking liquids, grease, etc., in sinks or on the ground at the venue. All cooking waste items must be removed and properly disposed of off the Venue property. Leftover ice should be disposed of in dumpsters and should not be left piled on the ground. The cleaning of the kitchen should be handled by the caterer who uses the space. Failure to adhere to kitchen policies may result in the forfeiture of the Damage Deposit. 4. Children: Parents are fully responsible for children under the age of 18. While a playground is available and the lawn is great for yard games, parental supervision is required. 5. Contact Person: Designate one individual as your Contact Person who is not heavily involved in event activities. This person will serve as the point of contact for any issues or questions that may arise during the event. 6. Courtesy Protocol: The Ranch reserves the right to ask any individual or group acting unruly and contrary to rental regulations to leave the premises. If compliance is not immediate, Security reserves the right to forcefully remove individuals from the Venue or detain them until local law enforcement arrives. 7. Deliveries / Delivery Trucks: Coordinate delivery dates and times with the Venue Manager by phone or email. Driving on the Event Barn red patio or lawn is strictly prohibited. 8. Decorations: All decorations, signage, electrical configurations, or construction must be pre-approved by the Venue. Decorations must be removed promptly after the event, leaving no damage, unless special arrangements have been made between the Client(s) and the Venue. Only use drafting tape on walls and floors; nails and staples are NOT allowed. Certain items, such as birdseed, fresh rose/flower petals, glow sticks, lighted wands, and bubbles, are permitted only outside for wedding ceremonies and reception farewells. Venue permission is required. Items like rice, confetti, silk flower petals, balloons, glitter, fog machines, pyrotechnics, sparklers, tiki torches, and paper lanterns are not allowed unless specified otherwise in the contract. 9. Electrical Outlets: All electrical outlets on the Venue are available for use at events. Vendors are welcome to inspect the locations and number of outlets before booking. 10. Event Ending Time: All Event Barn doors are subject to being closed by 10:00 p.m. and may be required to remain closed to comply with noise restrictions and inclement weather. Outdoor activities and entertainment must either move indoors or adhere to approved decibel levels at 10:00 pm. " The event must conclude by the specified Event End Time to avoid risking forfeiture of the Damage Deposit. The grounds must be cleaned and restored by the contract end time as outlined in Section XIV. 11. Fire Pit: The Fire Pit may be used unless there are fire bans or restrictions affecting the Venue. Fires are restricted to the designated Fire Pit area, and a Ranch Representative will light and maintain the fire. 12. Fly Fishing: If you or your guests want to fly fish at the Ranch, you can opt for the Fly Fishing Add-On. Submit the number of anglers at least six (6) months before the event. A minimum of 4 adult anglers is required for the reservation. Payment for anglers is due thirty (30) days before the event to ensure exclusive access. Failure to notify the Ranch in advance may result in shared waters with club members or restricted access. 13. Garbage Disposal: The Venue provides two trash dumpsters on-site. Clients may arrange for recycling or compost bins/dumpsters if desired. Disposing of event trash is the Client's responsibility, whether outsourced to a vendor, handled by Event Affiliates, or managed by the client. The onsite Ranch Representative is not responsible for servicing event trash. If dumpsters are full, all remaining trash must be removed from the Venue by the Client or an Event Affiliate. 14. Gardens: Please keep out of the gardens and landscaped areas. Ensure that trash is properly disposed of in designated containers. 15. Guests: When inviting guests, remember that you're inviting them to our home. Guests should conduct themselves maturely, responsibly, and respectfully. The guest count specified in this agreement applies exclusively to the Client's invitees and must correspond to the guest count outlined in section I of this agreement. The specified guest count must be consistent with the guest count for all third-party vendors, caterers, and the number of available seats. ® Should the guest count exceed the agreed-upon limit outlined in section I of this agreement, an additional charge of $100.00 per extra guest will be applied. This amount will be deducted from the Damage Deposit. If the amount exceeds the Damage Deposit, the Client agrees to promptly pay any such additional charges within ten (10) days of receipt of an invoice from the Venue. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of this agreement. Alternatively, the Venue reserves the right to declare a breach of the contract, which may result in the immediate termination of the event. 16. Handicap Accommodations: We provide level-designated parking, pathways throughout the barn, and suitable restroom facilities for those with mobility challenges. ® Motorized and transport chairs can easily navigate the grounds. 17. Music and Entertainment: Music, both live and recorded, is permitted but must comply with decibel sound level limits defined in section XI of this agreement. A Ranch Representative reserves the right to establish acceptable sound levels. The Ranch reserves the right to force DJs or entertainers to skip songs or interrupt performances if music is deemed inappropriate. It is the Client's responsibility to comply with relevant state and local codes/regulations. The Ranch reserves the right to shut down event if sound restrictions are not followed. 18. Parking: Reference Venue Provided Site Map Designated parking areas are available on the West side of the Barn (gravel and grass). Overflow parking is on the East side of the barn. Parking on access drives to Ranch buildings is strictly prohibited. Security and Ranch Representative(s) will assist guests with parking. 19. Pets: Only service dogs are permitted on the premises without prior approval. " For non-service pets, prior approval from the Venue Manager is required before the event. Any unauthorized pets must be removed from the Venue immediately. Failure to comply will result in the application of our Courtesy Protocol guidelines. 20. Photography: Clients are allowed to use the nearby areas surrounding the Venue for wedding photography and videography sessions. However, the use of hay fields, ponds, or equestrian areas is prohibited without prior approval from the Ranch representative. The Ranch reserves the right to use event photographs for promotional and advertising purposes including but not limited to websites, social media, and other online or print platforms. 21. Portable Restrooms: If the guest count is 200, clients must arrange for portable restrooms and wash stations. 1 Portable Restroom+ Wash Station for vendors 3 Portable Restrooms + Wash Stations for guests. Placement locations must be approved by the Venue Manager at least 30 days before the event. " Failure to comply will result in forfeit of the Damage Deposit. Restroom Trailers: Prior approval from the Venue Manager is required for the placement of restroom trailers. The Venue is not responsible for supplying water or power to these units and placement of the unit will be determined solely at the discretion of the Venue. 22. Prep Kitchen: The barn kitchen is equipped with various amenities, including a refrigerator, commercial ice maker, sinks, microwave, stove/oven, and warming oven. Please respect all kitchen equipment and return it to its original condition. Do not dispose of cooking liquids, grease, food scraps, or ice outside or down the drains. Failure to adhere to kitchen policies may result in the forfeiture of the Damage Deposit. 23. Ranch Representative: The Ranch provides a representative responsible for event supervision and Venue assistance. They can answer venue-related questions, and assist with lighting, door operations, sound systems, and heating/cooling. The Ranch Representative should not be treated as event service staff or the event coordinator. " If a qualified third-party professional vendor or planner is not capable of fulfilling the necessary responsibilities for a smooth execution of the event, and a Ranch Representative is required to take on additional responsibilities, these extra duties will be documented and a fee of $1,000.00 will be subtracted from the Damage Deposit to cover the cost of any additional responsibilities. The Ranch will not assume responsibility for the performance or quality of services provided by any third-party vendors or planners. Clients are strongly encouraged to engage skilled professionals to ensure the smooth execution of their events. 24. Rental Space Changes: Any changes to furniture or contents must be pre-approved by the Venue Manager. It is the Client's responsibility to restore all areas to their original condition. Placement of tables, tents, live music, catering equipment, etc., must also be approved by the Venue Manager, and additional fees may apply. 25. Security: Licensed security guards are provided on the main event day to assist with parking, crowd control, and overall quality assurance. This service is non-negotiable and included in the Venue rental cost. Security guards act as agents of the Ranch during the event. Security will be present at all festivities when the guest count exceeds 50. 26. Signage: Clients may place their group's sign or balloons at the front entrance on Cowen Drive. Do not attach anything to or over the Ranch's entrance sign. 27. Smoking: The Ranch is a non-smoking venue and smoking is strictly prohibited. Vape and e-cigarettes are permitted outdoors only. The use of marijuana is prohibited at the Venue. 28. Speed Limit: The speed limit on the Ranch is 15 mph and is strictly enforced for safety. 29. Tables and Chairs: The Venue does not provide tables and chairs as part of the rental package unless noted otherwise. Clients should arrange table and chair rental services through local third-party rental companies. If using a single set of chairs for both ceremony and reception, consider contracting the event rental company, caterer, or event coordinator to manage chair movement. 30. Tents: Tent placement and installation methods must be approved by the Venue Manager at least 30 days before the event. Tents must be set up and removed within the contractual time frames. Tents requiring staking or weighting in areas with existing sprinkler lines will incur the Tent Fee detailed in the optional Add-On section. Please ensure you fully understand and comply with these guidelines for a smooth and successful event at our venue. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our management team for assistance. We look forward to hosting your event at Spring Creeks Ranch. XX. OPTIONAL ADD ON'S / S\_)v'v\V\l\fl~f'.I o~ fu~L\.t 7. l, L\ -✓-~V..v\. w,\\ ~ CLl'l -(o lt\.:S ti ¼Vli\:-$\-l 1A11y t,\t\A4,\, \ ~1)\tl,,\. L S--4 WCt,.\U{ l<;. 'v'\c\;; C<._ f V'O~ i) G,c, nm .,., •' '\ 'i'lt,ffi (_ VU..,\N\J\oeJ(J ~ ll ~ '3'V'v"<A.. ~ '1. 1t~l,i:> Review and "INITIAL" any desired Add-Ons for your Event. State "TBD" if uncertain or "N/A" if you do not wish to obtain optional Add-Ons. 1. Furniture Removal Fee I $1,500.00 Removal of any Furniture, interior/exterior item(s) at or surrounding venue. Venue Approval Required. 2. Tent Fee I $1,000.00 This fee is required for any events that require additional tenting in the main lawns of the Venue that have in-ground irrigation. 3. Chauffeur Service I Free ® Please select if you would like a Ranch Chauffeur to drive UTV with a carriage to assist in moving guests & event participants to the ceremony. This service is included in the package. 4. Fly Fishing Fees I $60.00 -$120.00/Angler Rates: Adult (18+) $120.00 I Youth (17 -13) $60.00 I Children 12 & under $0.00 Rates are per angler/per day of access. Children must be supervised by a paying adult angler. The Ranch does NOT provide equipment or guides. If you need assistance with either of these items, please ask the Ranch for recommendations. Failure to notify the Ranch six (6) months prior to the Event may result in sharing waters with club anglers or not being allowed access to fish. Anticipated Number of Adult Anglers: Anticipated Number of Youth Anglers: Anticipated Number of Children Anglers: ENTIRE AGREEMENT The foregoing constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and may be modified only in writing signed by both Parties. (-, Section #6: Completeness Review • Title Commitment • Property Owner Addresses • Mineral Research Certification o 2018 Completeness Review : Section 6 , Item #4 -Mark Chai n o Deed • Engineering Update • Pre-Application Summary I \......,,! GmaU Tanner Gianinetti <tanner@springcreeksranch.com> c r--1pleteness Review -Spring Creek Ranch Community Meeting Facility Amendment Tanner Gianinetti <tanner@springcreeksranch .com> To: Glenn Hartmann <ghartmann@garfield-county.com> Tue , Aug 13, 2024 at 3:59 PM Hey Glenn, I hope you have been well and I sincerely apologize for the delay. The engineering report took much longer than expected due to scheduling and with having several DOC dates for the project fall through. I am happy to say that I believe we have all of the items that you requested for the Completeness Review, included below. 0 1. Title Commitment: Updated and included in attachments. 2. Property Owner Addresses Within 200 ft. : Updated and included in attachments. I apologize, I failed to realize when I printed the addresses, that I had to manually scroll through and print each page. This is in excel format . 3. Mineral Research: Please see below for mineral rights explanation. I have included the excerpt from Mark Chain's Completeness Review submitted on April 11th, 2018, regarding mineral rights which explains the inclusion of the Petition for Abatement in my submission. Section 6: 2018 ComP-leteness Review, Item #4 -Mark Chain Mineral rights. The property owners (LLLP) own all mineral rights associated with the property. I searched for records at the Garfield County Clerk and Recorder's office on March 29th . Previous owners, Ben and Alphonsine Gianinetti, assigned 3 oil and gas leases over time. These did not produce within the defined time period of the lease and were not assigned to other persons or e ntities. Ben and Alphonsine deeded the property to Ernest and Carol Gianinetti in 1961(deed recorded at Book 333, Page 504). They reserved one half interest in oil, gas and other minerals . Ben and Alphonsine never assigned these mineral rights. Documentation was provided as part of a Petition for Abatement (BOCC Resolution # 96-013) that the grantors (Ben andAlphonsine) are deceased and that the mineral interests are no longer severed. Resolution attached. I have included the Deed mentioned in Mark Chain's response (Book 333, Page 504), the Petition for Abatement (BOCC Resolution #96-013), pertinent 2018 Completeness Review sections and the Certification of Mineral Owner Research Form. As the Family LLLP has not sold, relinquished, or exchanged these rights, I am confident that they have full, un-severed, ownership of all mineral rights associated with the property. 4. Engineering Update Please see attached Memorandum & Engineering repo1t from Bruce Lewis, Boundaries Unlimited, INC. 5. Pre-Application Summary Please see the Pre-Application Summary attached. Please let me know if you have any further questions or need anything else before we are able to move forward with the process. I hope you have had a wonderful summer and all is well! Sincerely, Tanner •Jot ed text hidden] 9 attachments Owner Mineral Owner Research.png 2095K Title Commitment.pdf 325K Property Owner's Within 200 ft -GIA FAM LLLP.xlsx 14K 2018 Completeness Review -Statements.pdf 37K 2018 Completeness Review -Supporting Docs.pdf 298K Deed 2 of 2.pdf 1676K Deed 1 of 2.pdf 2519K Engineering Traffic Study.pdf 829K Pre-APP. Summary -GIA FAM LLLP.pdf 454K 0 u American Land Title Association Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07-01-2021) COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued by as agent for Westcor Land Title Insurance Company SCHEDULE A Reference: Commitment Number : 0604706 -C 1. Effective Date: April 09, 2024, 7:00 am 2. Policy (or Policies) to be issued: ALT A® 2021 Owner's Policy Policy Amount: Premium: Issue Date: April 22, 2024 Amount to be Determined Amount to be Determined Proposed Insured: Purchaser with contractual rights under a purchaser agreement with the vested owner identified at item 4 below 3. The estate or interest in the Land at the Commitment Date is Fee Simple. 4. The Title is, at the Commihnent Date , vested in: Gianinetti Family LLLP 5. The Land is described as follows: FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE SCHEDULE A CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE For Informational Purposes Only -APN : Rlll320 / 2393-342-00-028 Countersigned Title Company of the Rockies , LLC By: Mike Mulligan American Land Title Association SCHEDULE A ( continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07-01-2021) Commitment No: 0604706-C The Land referre d to herei n is located in the County of Garfield, State of Colorado , and described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 27, THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 28 AND THE NORTHEAST ONE -QUARTER OF SECTION 34 , TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 88 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF GARFIELD. STATE OF COLORADO , BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 25 , GIANINETTI SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 411484 IN THE GARFIELD COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE ; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SUBDIVISION THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES: 1) N 27 °16'39 11 WA DISTANCE OF 681.74 FEET 2) N 25 °22'39 11 WA DISTANCE OF 380.30 FEET 3) S 77°44'52 11 WA DISTANCE OF 113.40 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF EIGHTH STREET 4) N 12 °09'17 11 W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY , A DISTANCE OF 12.98 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE 5) ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF -WAY AND THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A DELTA OF 21 °02'39 11 , A RADIUS OF 480.00 FEET AND A LENGTH OF 176 .30 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT 6) N 33 °12'31 11 W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY , A DISTANCE OF 238.90 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF -WAY AND THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A DELTA OF 20°13 '15 11 , A RADIUS OF 460.55 FEET AND A LENGTH OF 162.54 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENT, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 6, COWEN P.U.D. SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED UNDER RECEPTIONNUMBER418398 IN THE GARFIELD COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE THENCE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG SAID SUBDIVISION THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES: 1) N 38°35'08 11 EA DISTANCE OF 117.74 FEET 2) N 27 °52 '04 11 NA DISTANCE OF 181.91 FEET 3) N 45 °51'15 11 WA DISTANCE OF 332.77 FEET 4) N 55 °3 5'45 11 WA DISTANCE OF 339.43 FEET 5) N 89 °54'45 11 WA DISTANCE OF 281.45 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA ® Commitment for Title insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form ( or any derivative thereof) is restricted to AL TA licensees and ALT A members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. ( ) 0 u American Land Title Association Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07-01-2021) Commitment No: 0604706-C RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COLORADO HIGHWAY 133; THENCE N 00°32'06" EALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 173 .17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A BLM PARCEL AS DESCRIBED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 257944 THENCE N 89°25'37" E ALONG SAID PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 365.76 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COLORADO HIGHWAY 82 THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWING POUR (4) COURSES: 1) S 75°28 '36" EA DISTANCE OF 323.18 FEET 2) S 84°05'47" EA DISTANCE OF 333.67 FEET 3) N 79°09'35' EA DISTANCE OF 915.48 FEET 4) N 70°51'31" EA DISTANCE OF 123 .21 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A BLM PARCEL AS DESCRIBED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 257944 THENCE S 89°40'47" W ALONG SAID PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 85.40 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THAT PARCEL AS DESCRIBED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 796572 IN THE GARFIELD COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE THENCE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID PARCEL THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1) S 01 °06'05" WA DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET 2) N 73°04'35" EA DISTANCE OF 127 .56 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THAT PARCEL AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 926 AT PAGE 921 UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 472711 IN THE GARFIELD COUNT CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE THENCE ALONG SAID PARCEL THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES: 1) S 66°27'4 l E ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF THE ROARING FORK RIVER, A DISTANCE OF 473.66 FEET 2) S 01°01'20" WA DISTANCE OF 1501.09 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 27 3) S 01 °01'20" WA DISTANCE OF 664.75 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH UNE OF THAT PARCEL. AS DESCRIBED UNDER RECEPTION 629643 IN THE GARFIELD COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE 4) N 89 °36'19" W ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 910.86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. For each policy to be issued as identified in Schedule A, Item 2, the Company shall not be liable under this commitment until it receives a specific designation of a Proposed Insured, and has revised this commitment identifying that Proposed Insured by name. As provided in Commitment Condition 4, the Company may amend this commitment to add, among other things, additional exceptions or requirements after the designation of the Proposed Insured. This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form . Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form ( or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALT A licensees and ALT A members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. -Aarlll.lCA~ IA ._P tflll ~\"4,llt 1-UI\I.._ American Land Title Association Commitment No: 0604706-C Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07-01-2021) COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company SCHEDULE B, PART I Requirements The following are the requirements to be complied with prior to the issuance of said policy or policies. Any other instrument recorded subsequent to the effective date hereof may appear as an exception under Schedule B of the policy to be issued. Unless othe1wise noted, all documents must be recorded in the office of the clerk and recorded of the county in which said property is located. All of the following Requirements must be met: 1. The Proposed Insured must notify the Company in writing of the name of any pa1iy not refen-ed to in this Commitment who will obtain an interest in the Land or who will make a loan on the Land. The Company may then make additional Requirements or Exceptions. 2. Pay the agreed amount for the estate or interest to be insured. 3. Pay the premiums, fees, and charges for the Policy to the Company. 4. Documents satisfactory to the Company that convey the Title or create the Mortgage to be insured, or both, must be properly authorized, executed, delivered, and recorded in the Public Records. THE COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CONDUCT AN ADDITIONAL SEARCH OF THE RECORDS fN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER FOR GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO FOR JUDGMENT LIENS, TAX LIENS OR OTHER SIMILAR OR DISSIMILAR INVOLUNTARY MATTERS AFFECTING THE GRANTEE OR GRANTEES, AND TO MAKE SUCH ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AS IT DEEMS NECESSARY, AFTER THE IDENTITY OF THE GRANTEE OR GRANTEES HAS BEEN DISCLOSED TO THE COMPANY. NOTE: THIS COMMITMENT IS ISSUED UPON THE EXPRESS AGREEMENT AND UNDERST ANDfNG THAT THE APPLICABLE PREMIUMS, CHARGES AND FEES SHALL BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT IF THE APPLICANT AND/OR ITS DESIGNEE OR This page is only a part ofa 2021 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form ( or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALT A licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. - American Land Title Association Commitment No: 0604706-C Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07-01-2021) NOMINEE CLOSES THE TRANSACTION CONTEMPLATED BY OR OTHERWISE RELIES UPON THE COMMITMENT, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES AND SCHEDULES OF RATES ON FILE WITH THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE. This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALT A members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. American Land Title Association Commitment No: 0604706-C SCHEDULE B, PART II Exceptions Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07-01-2021) Some historical land records contain Discriminatory Covenants that are illegal and unenforceable by law. This Commitment and the Policy treat any Discriminatory Covenant in a document referenced in Schedule B as if each Discriminatory Covenant is redacted, repudiated, removed, and not republished or recirculated. Only the remaining provisions of the document will be excepted from coverage. The Policy will not insure against loss or damage resulting from the tenns and conditions of any lease or easement identified in Schedule A, and will include the following Exceptions unless cleared to the satisfaction of the Company: I. Any facts, right, interests, or claims which are not shown by the Public Records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said Land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 2. Easements or claims of easements, not shown by the Public Records. 3. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any created, first appearing in the Public Records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof, but prior to the date of the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. (a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real prope1iy or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 7. Right of the Proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom, should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises hereby granted, as reserved in United States Patent recorded July 25, 1903 in Book 56 at Page 482. 8. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved in This page is only a part ofa 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as C?f the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. 0 u American Land Title Association Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07-01-2021) Commitment No: 0604706-C United States Patent recorded July 25, 1903 in Book 56 at Page 482 . 9. Any question, dispute or adverse claims to any loss or gain of land as a result of any change in the riverbed location by other than natural causes, or alteration through accretion , reliction , erosion or evulsion of the center thread, bank, channel or flow of the waters in the Roaring Fork River lying within the subject land; and any question as to the location of such center thread, bank, bed or channel as a legal description monument or marker for the purposes of describing or locating subject lands. NOTE: There are no documents in the land records in the office of the Clerk and Recorder for Garfield County, Colorado accurately locating past or present locations of the center thread , bank, bed or channel of the above river or indicating any alterations of the same as from time to time may have occuned. 10 . All right, title, claim, demand or interest which may be asse1ied by the owners of adjoining property in and to subject prope1iy or by the owners of subject property in and to adjacent prope1iy, based on adverse possession or otherwise, due to or resulting from the failure of the fences located on subject prope1iy and adjacent property to follow established boundary lines . 11. Oil and Gas Lease between Ben Gianinetti and Alphnsine Gianinetti and Joe T. Juhan, recorded March 8, 1937 at Reception No. 127029 and any and all assignments or interests therein . 12. Oil and Gas Lease between Ben Gianinetti and Alphnsine Gianinetti and Dodge Drilling and Development, recorded September 20, 1951 in Book 260 at Page 239 and any and all assignments or interests therein. 13. Oil and Gas Lease between Ben Gianinetti and Alphnsine Gianinetti and Francis W. Christiansen, recorded July 8, 1960 in Book 328 at Page 156 and any and all ass ignments or interests therein. 14 . An undivided one-half (1/2) interest in oil, gas and other mineral rights , as reserved by Ben Gianinetti and Alphnsine Gianinetti in the Deed to Ernest Gianinetti and Carol Gianinetti, recorded April 24, 1961 in Book 333 at Page 504 , and any and all assignments thereof or interests therein. 15. Any and all water and water rights, reservoir and reservoir rights , ditches and ditch rights, and the enlargements and extensions thereof, and all laterals, flumes and headgates used in connection therewith . 16 . Te1ms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Resolution No. 79 -33 recorded July 10, 1979 in Book 531 at Page 261 . This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title insurance issu ed by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exception s; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form . Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. A ll other uses are prohibited. -.\Ml K.IC AN iA.,_P 1'1ll American Land Title Association Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07 -01 -2021) Commitment No: 0604706-C 17 . Tem1s, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Exclusive Public Recreation Easement in Gross recorded October 15, 1987 in Book 722 at Page 881. 18 . Easements , rights of way and all other matters as shown on the Plat of Annexation Map, filed October 18 , 1989 at Reception No . 406631. 19. Tenns, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Annexation Agreement (1989) recorded October 18, 1989 at Reception No . 406632 . 20. Ten11S, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Ordinance No. 25, Series of 1989 recorded November 20, 1989 at Reception No . 407554 . 21. Easement and right of way for electric transmission and dist1ibution line purposes, as granted by Gianinetti Family Limited Partnership to Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc ., by instrument recorded May 29, 1998 at Reception No . 525904, said easement being more paiticularly described therein. 22. 23 . Easement and right of way for electric transmission and distribution line purposes, as granted by Gianinetti Family Limited Partnership to Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., by instrument recorded June 5, 1998 at Reception No. 526354, said easement being mo re particularly described therein. Easement and right of way for electric transmission and distribution line purposes, as granted by Gianinetti Family LLLP to Holy Cross Energy, by instrument recorded March 28, 2018 at Reception No. 904844 , said easement being more paiticularly described therein . 24. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Trench, Conduit and Vault Agreement recorded March 28, 2018 at Reception No . 904845 . 25. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Memorandum of Water Allotment Contract recorded June 20, 2018 at Reception No . 908246 . 26. Tenns, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Resolution No. 2018-38 recorded July 3, 2018 at Reception No . 908854 . 27. Tenns, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Resolution No. 2018-38 recorded July 3, 2018 at Reception No . 908855 . 28. Tenns, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Lease with Option to Purchase recorded July 30, 20 I 8 at Reception No . 909858 . This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. n 0 0 American Land Title Association Commitment No : 0604706-C Commitment for Title Insurance 2021 v.01.00 (07-01-2021) 29. Tem1s, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Land Use Change Permit recorded October 10 , 2018 at Reception No. 912708 . 30. Te1ms, agreements , provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Land Use Change Pe1mit recorded November 7, 2018 at Reception No. 913846 . 31 . Tenns, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Resolution No. 2019 -37 recorded July 1, 2019 at Reception No. 922386 . 32. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and ob ligations as contained in Resolution No. 2020 -32 recorded July 15, 2020 at Reception No . 938392 . 33. Terms , agreements , provisions , conditions and obligations as contained in Land Use Change Permit recorded September 9, 2020 at Reception No . 941670 . 34. Deed of Trust from Gianinetti Family LLLP, a Colorado limited liability limited paitnership to the Public Trustee of Garfield County for the use of ANB Bank, to secure $1,650,000.00, dated June 13, 2019, and recorded June 13, 2019 at Reception No . 921515 . NOTE: Assignment of Rents recorded June 13, 2019 at Reception No. 921516 , given in connection with the above Deed of Tmst. 35. Deed of Trust from Gianinetti Family LLLP, a Colorado limited liability limited partnership to the Public Trustee of Garfield County for the use of ANB Bank, to secure 500,000.00, dated April 19 , 2023, and recorded April 28, 2023 at Reception No. 985418 . NOTE: Assignment of Rents recorded April 28, 2023 at Reception No . 985419 , given in connection with the above Deed of Trust. NOTE: The above Deed of Trust secures a revolving line of credit. This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title insurance is sued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. -,\-.,(11.f( ----~ IA"'O Ill II Commitment No: 0604706-C DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note 1: Colorado Division oflnsurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of A1ticle VII, requires that "Every Title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the Title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed." (Gap Protection) Note 2: Exception No. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of this Commitment may be deleted from the Owner's Policy to be issued hereunder upon compliance with the following conditions: 1. The Land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single-family residence, which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. 2. No labor or materials may have been furnished by mechanics or materialmen for purpose of construction on the Land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 13 months. 3. The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against unfiled mechanic's and materialmen's liens. 4. Any deviation from conditions A though C above is subject to such additional requirements or Infonnation as the Company may deem necessary, or, at its option, the Company may refuse to delete the exception. 5. Payment of the premium for said coverage. Note 3: The following disclosures are hereby made pursuant to §10-11-122, C.R.S.: (i) The subject real prope1ty may be located in a special taxing district; (ii) A certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent; and (iii) Infonnation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note 4: If the sales price of the subject property exceeds $100,000.00, the seller shall be required to comply with the disclosure or withholding provisions of C.R.S. §39-22-604.5 (Non-resident withholding). Note 5: Pursuant to C.R.S. §10-11-123 Notice is hereby given: (a) If there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate then there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property, and (b) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Note 6: Effective September 1, 1997, C.R.S. §30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one-half inch the clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform. Note 7: Our Privacy Policy: We will not reveal nonpublic personal customer information to any external non-affiliated organization unless we have been authorized by the customer, or are required by law. Note 8: Records: Regulation 3-5-1 Section 7 (N) provides that each title entity shall maintain adequate documentation and Page 10 Commitment No: 0604706-C records sufficient to show compliance with this regulation and Title 10 of the Colorado Revised Statutes for a period of not less than seven (7) years, except as otherwise pennitted by law. Note 9: Pursuant Regulation 3-5-1 Section 9 (F) notice is hereby given that "A title entity shall not earn interest on fiduciary funds unless disclosure is made to all necessary parties to a transaction that interest is or has been earned. Said disclosure must offer the opportunity to receive payment of any interest earned on such funds beyond any administrative fees as may be on file with the division. Said disclosure must be clear and conspicuous, and may be made at any time up to and including closing." Be advised that the closing agent will or could charge an Administrative Fee for processing such an additional services request and any resulting payee will also be subjected to a W-9 or other required tax documentation for such purpose(s). Be further advised that, for many transactions, the imposed Administrative Fee associated with such an additional service may exceed any such interest earned. Therefore, you may have the right to some of the interest earned over and above the Administrative Fee, if applicable ( e.g., any money over any administrative fees involved in figuring the amounts earned). Note 10: Pursuant to Regulation 3-5-1 Section 9 (G) notice is hereby given that "Until a title entity receives written instructions pertaining to the holding of fiduciary funds, in a forn1 agreeable to the title entity, it shall comply with the following: 1. The title entity shall deposit funds into an escrow, trust, or other fiduciary account and hold them in a fiduciary capacity. 2. The title entity shall use any funds designated as "earnest money" for the consummation of the transaction as evidenced by the contract to buy and sell real estate applicable to said transaction, except as otherwise provided in this section. If the transaction does not close, the title entity shall: (a) Release the earnest money funds as directed by written instructions signed by both the buyer and seller; or (b) If acceptable written instructions are not received, uncontested funds shall be held by the title entity for 180 days from the scheduled date of closing, after which the title entity shall return said funds to the payor. 3. In the event of any controversy regarding the funds held by the title entity (notwithstanding any termination of the contract), the title entity shall not be required to take any action unless and until such controversy is resolved. At its option and discretion, the title entity may: (a) Await any proceeding; or (b) Interplead all paiiies and deposit such funds into a court of competent jurisdiction, and recover comi costs and reasonable attorney and legal fees; or (c) Deliver written notice to the buyer and seller that unless the title entity receives a copy of a summons and complaint or claim (between buyer and seller), containing the case number of the lawsuit or lawsuits, within 120 days of the title entity's written notice delivered to the parties, title entity shall return the funds to the depositing party. " Page 11 Commitment No: 0604706-C Title Company of the Rockies Disclosures All documents received for recording or filing in the Clerk and Recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The Clerk and Recorder will refuse to record or file any document that does not confom1 to the requirements of this section. Pursuant to C.R.S. 30-10-406(3)(a). The company will not issue its policy or policies of title insurance contemplated by this commitment until it has been provided a Certificate of Taxes due or other equivalent documentation from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent: or until the Proposed Insured has notified or instructed the company in writing to the contrary. Pursuant to C.R.S. 10-11-122. No person or entity that provides closing and settlement services for a real estate transaction shall disburse funds as a part of such services until those funds have been received and are available for immediate withdrawals as a matter of right. Pursuant to C.R.S. 38-35-125(2). The Company hereby notifies the proposed buyer in the current transaction that there may be recorded evidence that the mineral estate, or portion thereof, has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate. If so, there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in the oil, gas, other minerals, or geothennal energy in the subject property. Such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's pe1mission. Pursuant to C.R.S. 10-11-123. If this transaction includes a sale of prope1ty and the sales p1ice exceeds $100,000.00, the seller must comply with the disclosure/withholding requirements of said section. (Nonresident withholding) Pursuant to C.R.S. 39-22-604.5. Notice is hereby given that: The subject prope1ty may be located in a special taxing district. A Certificate of Taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. Infonnation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commiss10ners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Pursuant to C.R.S. 10-11-122. Notice is hereby given that: Pursuant to Colorado Division oflnsurance Regulation 8-1-2; "Gap Protection" -When this Company conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing the legal documents resulting from the transaction, the Company shall be responsible for all matters which appear on the record prior to such time or recording or filing; and "Mechanic's Lien Protection" -If you are the buyer ofa single family residence, you may request mechanic's lien coverage to be issued on your policy oflnsurance. If the property being purchased has not been the subject of construction, improvements or repairs in the last six months prior to the date of this commitment, the requirements will be payment of the appropriate premium and the completion of an Affidavit and Indemnity by the seller. If the property being purchased was constructed, improved or repaired within six months prior to the date of this commitment the requirements may involve disclosure of certain financial information, payment of premiums, and indemnity, among others. The general requirements stated above are subject to revision and approval by the Company. Pursuant to C.R.S. 10-11-122. Notice is hereby given that an ALTA Closing Protection Letter is available, upon request, to certain parties to the transaction as noted in the title commitment. Pursuant to Colorado Division of Insurance Regulation 8-1. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the Company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Page 12 ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE issued by WESTCOR LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMP ANY (ALTA Adopted 07-01-2021) NOTICE IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT IS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE COMPANY INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRAC T. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TITLE, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE. THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUDING ANY SEARCH AND EXAMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY , WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACTUAL LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANY'S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT. THE COMP ANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOL YING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON. COMMITMENT TO ISSUE POLICY Q Subject to the Notice; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and the Commitment Conditions, Westcor Land Title Insurance Company, a South Carolina Corporation (the "Company"), commits to issue the Policy according to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. This Commitment is effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A for each Policy described in Schedule A , only when the Company has entered in Schedule A both the specified dollar amount as the Proposed Amount of Insurance and the name of the Proposed Insured. If all of the Schedule B, Part I-Requirements have not been met within (6) months after the Commitment Date, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. Issued By: Title Company of the Rockies, LLC 1620 Grand A venue, Suite B Glenwood Springs , CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-1169 WESTCOR LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY /v\,?'-'j a 'J'.l~M Mary 0·0011nc ll -Prc_,idcnt Attest: di= J)unakl A. lkmbe -Secretary This page is only apart ofa 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title insurance issued by Westcor Land Titl e In s uran ce Company . This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standi11g as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. -A.Ml RICAN IA.._U 11111 "U,c 1,c,,f"'"" COMMITMENT CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS a. "Discriminatory Covenant": Any covenant, condition, restriction, or limitation that is unenforceable under applicable law because it illegally discriminates against a class of individuals based on personal characteristics such as race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, disability, national origin, or other legally protected class. b. "Knowledge" or "Known": Actual knowledge or actual notice, but not constructive notice imparted by the Public Records. c. "Land": The land described in Item 5 of Schedule A and improvements located on that land that by State law constitute real propetiy. The term "Land" does not include any property beyond that described in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate, or easement in any abutting street, road, avenue, alley, lane, right-of-way, body of water, or waterway, but does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the Land is to be insured by the Policy. d. "Mortgage": A m01igage, deed of trust, trust deed, security deed, or other real prope1iy security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law. e. "Policy": Each contract of title insurance, in a form adopted by the American Land Title Association, issued or to be issued by the Company pursuant to this Commitment. f. "Proposed Amount of Insurance": Each dollar amount specified in Schedule A as the Proposed Amount of Insurance of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. g. "Proposed Insured": Each person identified in Schedule A as the Proposed Insured of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. h. "Public Records": The recording or filing system established under State statutes in effect at the Co1mnihnent Date under which a document must be recorded or filed to impart constructive notice of matters relating to the Title to a purchaser for value without Knowledge. The term "Public Records" does not include any other recording or filing system, including any pe1iaining to environmental remediation or protection, planning, permitting, zoning, licensing, building, health, public safety, or national security matters. 1. "State": The state or commonwealth of the United States within whose exterior boundaries the Land is located. The term "State" also includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Pue1io Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. J. "Title": The estate or interest in the Land identified in Item 3 of Schedule A. 2. If all of the Schedule B, Part I-Requirements have not been met within the time period specified m the Commitment to Issue Policy, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. 3. The Company's liability and obligation is limited by and this Commitment is not valid without: a. the Notice; b. the Commitment to Issue Policy; c. the Commitment Conditions; d. Schedule A; e. Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and f. Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and g. a signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. 4. COMPANY'S RIGHT TO AMEND The Company may amend this Commitment at any time. If the Company amends this Commihnent to add a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter recorded in the Public Records prior to the Commitment This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Comndtment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic.form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Fonn (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and AL TA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Date, any liability of the Company is limited by Commitment Condition 5. The Company is not liable for any other amendment to this Commitment. 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY a. The Company's liability under Commitment Condition 4 is limited to the Proposed Insured's actual expense incurred in the interval between the Company's delivery to the Proposed Insured of the Commitment and the delivery of the amended Commitment, resulting from the Proposed Insured 's good faith reliance to: 1. comply with the Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; 11. eliminate, with the Company's written consent, any Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; or iii. acquire the Title or create the Mortgage covered by this Commitment. b. The Company is not liable under Commitment Condition 5.a. if the Proposed Insured requested the amendment or had Knowledge of the matter and did not notify the Company about it in writing. c. The Company is only liable under Commitment Condition 4 if the Proposed Insured would not have incmTed the expense had the Commitment included the added matter when the Commitment was first delivered to the Proposed Insured. d. The Company 's liability does not exceed the lesser of the Proposed Insured 's actual expense incmTed m good faith and described in Commitment Condition 5.a. or the Proposed Amount oflnsurance. e. The Company is not liable for the content of the Transaction Identification Data, if any. f. The Company is not obligated to issue the Policy referred to in this Commitment unless all of the Schedule B, Part I-Requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the Company. g. The Company's liability is further limited by the tenns and provisions of the Policy to be issued to the Proposed Insured. 6. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT; CHOICE OF LAW AND CHOICE OF FORUM a. Only a Proposed Insured identified in Schedule A, and no other person, may make a claim under this Commitment. b. Any claim must be based in contract under the State law of the State where the Land is located and is restricted to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. Any litigation or other proceeding brought by the Proposed Insured against the Company must be filed only in a State or federal court having jurisdiction. c. This Commitment, as last revised, is the exclusive and entire agreement bet,veen the paiiics with respect to the subject matter of this Commitment and supersedes all prior commitment negotiations, representations, and proposals of any kind, whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subject matter of this Commitment. d. The deletion or modification of any Schedule B, Part II-Exception does not constitute an agreement or obligation to provide coverage beyond the terms and provisions of this Commitment or the Policy. e. Any amendment or endorsement to this Commitment must be in writing and authenticated by a person authorized by the Company. f. When the Policy is issued, all liability and obligation under this Commitment will end and the Company's only liability will be under the Policy. 7. IF THIS COMMITMENT IS ISSUED BY AN ISSUING AGENT The issuing agent is the Company's agent only for the limited purpose of issuing title insurance commitments and policies. The issuing agent is not the Company's agent for closing, settlement, escrow, or any other purpose. This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to l~sue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signawre by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronicform. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. 8. PRO-FORMA POLICY The Company may provide, at the request of a Proposed Insured, a pro-forma policy illustrating the coverage that the Company may provide. A pro-fonna policy neither reflects the status of Title at the time that the pro-forma policy is delivered to a Proposed Insured, nor is it a commitment to insure. 9. CLAIMS PROCEDURES This Commitment incorporates by reference all Conditions for making a claim in the Policy to be issued to the Proposed Insured. Commitment Condition 9 does not modify the limitations of liability in Commitment Conditions 5 and 6. 10. CLASS ACTION ALL CLAIMS AND DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS COMMITMENT, INCLUDING ANY SERVICE OR OTHER MATTER IN CONNECTION WITH ISSUING THIS COMMITMENT, ANY BREACH OF A COMMITMENT PROVISION, OR ANY OTHER CLAIM OR DISPUTE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE TRANSACTION GIVING RISE TO THIS COMMITMENT, MUST BE BROUGHT IN AN INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY. NO PARTY MAY SERVE AS PLAINTIFF, CLASS MEMBER, OR PARTICIPANT IN ANY CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT TO THIS COMMITMENT WILL CONTAIN A CLASS ACTION CONDITION. 11. ARBITRATION The Policy contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Proposed Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less may be arbitrated at the election of either the Company or the Proposed Insured as the exclusive remedy of the paiiies. A Proposed Insured may review a copy of the arbitration rules at http:/ /www.alta.org/arbitration. This page is only a part of a 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and a counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2021 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form ( or any derirntive thereof) is restricted to AL TA licensees and ALT A members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Anti-Fraud Statement NOTE: Pursuant to CRS 10-1-128(6)(a), It is unlawful to knowingly false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the company. Penalties may include imprisonment, fines, denial of insurance and civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insurance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or "'1"""'r1,,nn facts or information to a policyholder or claimant for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the policyholder or claimant with regard to a settlement or award payable from insurance proceeds shall be reported to the Colorado division of insurance within the department of regulatory agencies. This anti-fraud statement is affixed to and made a part of this policy. Patce1 Acc.o.untJ"J.um O.w.ner flly,s.lc.alAd.drnss 2.39316E+11 R043957 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Not available CARBONDALE 2.39316E+11 R043957 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Not available CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R111467 SULLIVAN, KATHLEEN B & ROXANNE C 12431 82 HWY CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R111477 GIROUX, LARRY D 12433 82 HWY CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R580061 BYRNE, JAMES P Ill & CHRISTINA M 840 LATIGO LOOP CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R580063 LITCHFIELD, STORY 851 LATIGO LOOP CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R580078 GIANINETTI, MITCH & DENISE Not available CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R045188 TURNER, JAMES T & PAULA V 850 LATIGO LOOP CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R045189 HUTCHISON, ADAM POVEY & HANNAH CLARK 651 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R045190 MILLS, STEVEN A REVOCABLE TRUST 641 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39327E+11 R045191 GIANINETTI, ERNEST & CAROL Not available CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R011036 CARBONDALE, TOWN OF, A COLORADO HOME RULE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 640 106 COUNTY RD CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R111473 CARBONDALE, TOWN OF Not available CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R590046 RUX REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, LLLP 950 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.:19328E+ 11 R590047 CARBONDALE, TOWN OF Not available CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R590047 CARBONDALE, TOWN OF Not available CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R083396 CARBONDALE HOTEL INVESTORS, LLC 920 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R580062 BENNETT, LINDSAY ERIN & HELMIG, JESSE HOWARD 841 LATIGO LOOP CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R590329 NDW DOWN VALLEY LLC 909 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R590330 SCHUBERT, MICHAEL 913 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R590331 WHITCOMB, JANNETTE L 917 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R590332 MEHLSCHAU, DEREK JOHN & CASH MEHLSCHAU, REBECCA LEE 921 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39328E+11 R590333 BERRY, KYLE-LEIGH 925 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39334E+11 R111899 NIESLANIK INVESTMENTS LLC & Not available CARBONDALE 2.39334E+11 R112050 HITE, HENRY HARRIS REVOCABLE TRUST UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED 11/21/75 Not available CARBONDALE 2.39334E+11 R111320 GIANINETTI FAMILY LLLP 644 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39334E+11 R011138 RANCHO K BAR J RT 554 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39334E+11 R580066 JOHNS, GEOFFREY & MAUREEN MCKENNA 621 COWEN DR CARBONDALE 2.39334E+11 R580074 GIANINETTI, MARKE & ANN MARIE Not available CARBONDALE 2.39334E+11 R580075 GIANINETTI, MARKE & ANN M Not available CARBONDALE 2.39334E+11 R580076 GIANINETTI, ERNEST & CAROL 592 COWEN DR CARBONDALE Ow-neJ BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT SULLIVAN, KATHLEEN B & ROXANNE C GIROUX, LARRY D BYRNE, JAMES P Ill & CHRISTINA M LITCHFIELD, STORY GIANINETTI, MITCH & DENISE TURNER, JAMES T & PAULA V HUTCHISON, ADAM POVEY & HANNAH CLARK MILLS, STEVEN A REVOCABLE TRUST GIAN I NETTI, ERNEST & CAROL CARBONDALE, TOWN OF, A COLORADO HOME RULE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION CARBONDALE, TOWN OF RUX REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, LLLP CARBONDALE, TOWN OF CARBONDALE, TOWN OF CARBONDALE HOTEL INVESTORS, LLC BENNETT, LINDSAY ERIN & HELMIG, JESSE HOWARD NOW DOWN VALLEY LLC SCHUBERT, MICHAEL WHITCOMB, JANNETTE L MEHLSCHAU, DEREK JOHN & CASH MEHLSCHAU, REBECCA LEE BERRY, KYLE-LEIGH NIESLANIK INVESTMENTS LLC & HITE, HENRY HARRIS REVOCABLE TRUST UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED 11/21/75 GIANINETTI FAMILY LLLP RANCHO K BAR J RT JOHNS, GEOFFREY & MAUREEN MCKENNA GIAN I NETTI, MARKE & ANN MARIE GIAN I NETTI, MARKE & ANN M GIAN I NETTI, ERNEST & CAROL CARDIFF TRUST DATED 11/30/23 MJtlling.A1ld.te-s.s. 2300 RIVER FRONTAGE ROAD SILT, CO 81652 2300 RIVER FRONTAGE ROAD SILT, CO 81652 12431 HWY 82 CARBONDALE, CO 81623 12433 HWY 82 CARBONDALE, CO 81623 840 LATIGO LOOP CARBONDALE, CO 81623 PO BOX 881 NORTHEAST HARBOR, ME 04662 0022 MESA AVENUE CARBONDALE, CO 81623-1585 PO BOX 671 CARBONDALE, CO 81623 651 COWAN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 641 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 592 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 511 COLORADO AVENUE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 511 COLORADO AVENUE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 950 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 511 COLORADO AVENUE CARBONDALE, CO 81623-206~ 511 COLORADO AVENUE CARBONDALE, CO 81623-206~ 11456 OLIVE BLVD SUITE 210 ST LOUIS, MO 63141 841 LATIGO LOOP CARBONDALE, CO 81623 PO BOX 9063 ASPEN, CO 81612 913 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 917 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 657 BUCK BOARD COURT CARBONDALE, CO 81623 925 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 979 COUNTY ROAD 101 CARBONDALE, CO 81623-2183 PO BOX 155 WOODY CREEK, CO 81656 592 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 PO BOX 132 CARBONDALE, CO 81623 621 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 582 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 582 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 592 COWEN DRIVE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 506 MESA VERDE AVENUE CARBONDALE, CO 81623 0 ~ Ga rfield County CE RTIFICATION OF M IN ERAL OWN ER RE SEARC H This form is to be completed and submitted with an y applicarior, j"or a Land Use Change Permit. Mineral interests may be severed from surface right in t ere sts in real prop e rty. C.R.S. § 24 -65.5 -101, et seq , requires notification t o mineral owners when a landown er c1pp !i ':s for a'l :i p pl icatlo n fo r d evelopm e nt from a local government. As such , the landowner must resea rch t he current owners of mineral in te rests for the property. The Garfield County Land Use and Development Code of 2013 {"LU DC") Section 4-101{E)(1 )(b)(4 } re q uires written notice to owners of mineral interests in the su bject. ropert y in accor dance w :th C.R .S. § 24 -65 .5 -10 1, et seq , "as such ow ners can be identified through the r2cor ds i n t h2 cffi ce of t he Cle rk and Reco rd er o r Assessor, or through other means." This form is proof or app li can t 's co m pli ance with th e Col orado Revised Statutes and the LUDC. The undersigned applicant certifies that mineral own ers have os e n n::searche d for t he su bject prop e rt y as required pursuant t o C.R.S. § 24-65.5-101, et seq, an d Sec fon 4 -101 (E)(1){b)(4) of t he Garfi eld County Lan d Use and Development Code, as amended. As a result of the.-.: r~Sea r ch, the u11 de r sig '1 ed apµl ic;,nt certifies the following (Please initial on the blank line next t o the statement that accura tely reflects th e result of research): __ I own t he e nti re mineral estate relative t o t he sub ject prc ;.:.E:ny; o ,· TG Min eral s are owned by the parties listed belcw: The names and ad dres ses of any/all mine r al own e rs ide ntifi 20 arE pro v id:=J be low (attach addi t ion al pa ges as necessary}: Name of Mineral Own e r I M aili g Jl.d dress of Miner al Owner G IA NINETTI FAMIL Y LI.LP !PO l\(l\: 2 'f: C.'\RllO\:DALE.CO 8 1623 -----I I I -------- I ; I acknowledge I re viewed C.R.S. § 24-65.5-101, et seq, and! 3 r ,1 ::1 cor:;pli an ce wi t h said sta tute and the LUDC. 04/1 8!?0 24 Dai:e 0 I \,_/ Mark Chain Consulting, LLC Aprfl n, 2018 Glenn Hartman, Principal Planne r Garfield County Department of Community Development 108 8th St., Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Page 1 RE: Completeness Review Gianinetti Community Mtg. Facility(GAPA-02-18-8608) Gianinetti Lodging Facility (LIPA-02-18-8614) Dear Glenn: Below please find my responses to your letter of March 22, 2018. 1. Change in ownership to LLLP. The application forms have been updated to reflect the ownership as an LLLP. 2. A statement of authority has been signed and recorded. Find recorded document attached. 3 . Site plan -updated to indicate Cowen Drive. The right-of-way has been relabeled to show Cowen Drive. In addition, the property boundary has been clarified to show that the Gianinetti property has legal access directly from that public right-of-way -which is a Town of Carbondale right-of-way. Note: a portion of the site directly adjacent to Cowen Drive was once annexed into the town and part of the Gianinetti subdivision. This area was de-annexed in the early 1990s. The site plan is being provided under separate cover. 4. Mineral rights. The property owners (LLLP) own all mineral rights associated with the property. I search records at the Garfield County Clerk and Recorder's office on March 29. Previous owners, Ben and Alphonsine Gianinetti assigned 3 oil and gas leases over time. These did not produce within the defined time period of the lease and were not assigned to other persons or entities. Ben and Alphonsine deeded the property to Ernest and Carol Gianinetti in 1961 (deed recorded at Book 333, Page 504). They reserved one half interest in oil , gas and other minerals. Ben and Alphonsine never assigned these mineral rights. Documentation was provided as part of a Petition for A t5 atement (BOCC 81 I Garfield Avenue Carbondale, CO 81623 Ph 970 .309.3655 Fax 970.963 .2916 mchain@sopris.net Mark Chain Consulting, LLC Page 2 Resolution# 96-013) that the granters (Ben and Alphonsine) are deceased and that the mineral interests are no longer severed. Resolution attached. 5. Property owners within 200 feet. We have double checked the list of adjacent property owners and generated a new list. Attached. We will also check for changes mailing any public notices. 6. Complete Water Supply Plan . A private well will be drilled in order to provide water for both the Event/Meeting area as well as the Lodging/Guest ranch. We will order pump testing and water quality testing as a condition of approval. Therefore, we are submitting a waiver request per Section 4 -202. Below are the criteria outlined for a submittal waiver and responses. C. Review Criteria (Section 4 -202 C). 1. The Applicant shows good cause for the requested waiver; Response: The owner's request that pump testing and water quality testing be proposed as a condition of approval. The well has not yet been dug . The Giannetties own numerous wells in the area may have had no Q trouble obtaining water. The Roaring Fork River bottom land has plentiful groundwater. 2. The project size, complexity, anticipated impacts, or other factors support a waiver; Response: the size of the proposed project is consistent with rural/agricultural uses in the area. It would appear that there would be no negative impacts associated with drilling another well. 3. The waiver does not compromise a proper and complete review; and Response: An adequate review can be undertaken with the land use change permits. 4. The information is not material to describing the proposal or demonstrating compliance with approval criteria. 81 I Garfield Avenue Carbondale, CO 81623 Ph 970.309 .3655 Fax 970.963.2916 mchain@sopris .net 0 BOCC RESOLUTION NO. 96-013 {RELATED TO MINERAL RIGHTS) Complete•Either Section I or Section II RESOLUTION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Section 1: In accordance with 39-1-113(1.5) C.R.S., the commissioners of Garfield County authorize the assessor to review petitions for abatement or refund and to settle by written mutual-agreement any such petition for abatement or refund in an amount _of one thousand dollars or less per tract, parcel, or lot of land or per schedule of personal property. County Commission Resolution # _ _c.9..:.6_-..:..0.::.13:c__ The Assessor and petitioner mutually agree to an assessed value of $ __ a_= __ --~---total tax for the year(s) 1925'. and an abatement/refund of$ /3-02 . for PLEASE NOTE: THE TOTAL TAX AMOUNT DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCRUED INTEREST, PENALTIES, AND FEES IF APPLICABLE, PLEASE CONTACT YOU~l::INT~REASURER FOR FULL PAYMENT . _J£MA1~~~~*-c21g_. ----~) _____ @?zf/(·-• --• • Pdtloner,Sig,n•ture \...../ D:i.t:: -Au.c;;-or'sSip:i,ture -7 Chi:: -? / If Section I is not complete and/or if petition is for more· than $1,000, Section II must be completed. Section II: Assessors's recommendation: EJ approved -No protest filed in 19 94 or 19 ~; D approved in part $ _________ D denied for the following reason(s): Note: If a protest was filed please attach copy of NOD. Assessor Dep. Assessor WHEREAS, The County Commissioners of ________________ County, State of Colorado, at a duly and lawfully called regular me~tmg held on the ________ day of ___________ , A.D. 19 ___ , at which-meeting -there-were· present the following· members: notice of such meeting and an opportunity to be present having been given to the taxpayer and the Assessor of said County and said Assessor _________________ and taxpayer --------------,-,~-----------(n_am_,i ______ being present; ·and (nama} WHEREAS, The said County Commissioners have carefully considered the within application, and are fully advised in relation thereto, NOW BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board -~-~-~~-with the recommendation of (concurs or doos not concur) the assessor and the petition be ________ and an abatement refund _______ _,_ (appro-1-ed or denied) (be aUowed or not be al!owed) on an assessed valuation of$. ______ for $, ______ total tax for the year(s) 19 __ _ Chairman of Board of County Commissioners STATE OF COLOR.4..DO, } County of,___________ ss. I, __________________ , County Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County o,,_ _________________ , State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing order is truly copi~d from tl]e records -----ef--the-procecdings-ohhe-Bo-a.rn~of CounTy ·cominissionefs • for saici _____________ _ County, now in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, at _______ , this ____ day of _______ , A.D. 19 ___ . County Clerk By ___________ _ Deputy ACTION OF THE PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATOR Denver, Colorado, _____ 19 __ . The action of the Board of County Commissioners, relative to the within petition, is hereby 0 approved; 0 approved in part $ ___________ 0 denied for the following reason(s) 96-144 FORM 920 (66-93) PETITION FOR ABATEMENT OR REFUND OF TAXES Must be flied in duplicate and all questions must be answered. Petitioners: Complete this side only. __ G=l-"e""n"'w-"o'-co=cd::.....:S:,;P"-'r"-'1"'· n"-g=s ____ , Colorado, _________ J"-"u""n"'e'--'-7 ___ , 19 -2§___ City or Town To The Honorable Board of Commissioners of -~G=a=r=f=i=e=l=d~-----------County Gentlemen: The petition of Ben & Alphonsine Gianinetti whose mailing address is: __ 5_9_2 ___ C_o_w..c.e __ n----'-D-=r---i'-v-'e'----------------------- Carbondale co 81623 C!tyor Town Sl.ato Zip Code SCHEDULE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AS LISTED ON TAX ROLL 28-7-88 111373 -o \\ l/2 Mineral rights on alL Part of Lots 16, 17 & 20 27-7-88 Lot 11 80 ! I -0 I '-I -01( -0 ° E') 33-7-88 Lots 1, 2 & 8 34-7-88 Lots 4 & 5 respectfully requests that the taxes assessed against the above property for the years A.D. 19 £_ , 19 __ , are erroneous, illegal, or due to error in valuation for the following. reasons: Describe specifically the circumstances surrounding the incorrect value or tax, including owner's estimate of value. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Grantors reserved an undivided½ interest on the above £or their natural life. Both are now deceased. The mineral interest is no longer severed. The following information is for the Treasurer's office: Tax Item Code 5170 Orig. Abate. Bal. Market Value 19~ Value .180 620 Tax 13.62 Assessed Value 180 19 __ Value Tax Therefore !.he petitioner requests th2.t the taxes may be ab2.ted or refunded in the sum cf S 13 • 6 2 I declare, under penalty of perjury in the second degree that this petition, together with any accompanying exhibits or statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief is true, correct and complete. _a_e_n __ &_B_-._1=-p_h __ o_n ..... s ..... io..n_e=G,,,.c ..... 'a_r_ ..... i .... n_e_t_t_i _____ Address 592 Cowen Dr. C2rbondale, CO 8162: Pt,tllionor By ---~D~a~n~K~e~r~s=t-=cc=.----------,=-D-aytime phone number __ 9='~'=---=2~4~4~7 _____ _ P..gont Da\e Every petition for abatement or refund filed pursuant to section 39-10-114 shall be acted upon pursuant to the provisions of this section by the board of county commissioners or the assessor, as appropriate, within six months of the date of filing such petition. 39-1-113(1.7), C.R.S. r t l of I ~ of the County o! Garfield and State of Colorado, of tho first part, and ER~'EST GIANINETTI and CAROL GIANINETTI of the County of Garfield and State of Colorado, of the second part : WITNESSETH, That the said part ies of the first part, for and in con ~ld crat ion of the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUAilLE CONSIDERATION ----------Bebb*R-&.- to the said parties of the first part fn hand pufd by the said pal'ties of th e s econ d part, t he receipt whereof i s .hereby confessed and acknowledged ha ve granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do gn1nt bargain sell convey and co~inn unto the 11afd parties of. the eecond part, their h e irs and assigns for ev er, not in tE'n:ncy in c:mm~n but in .joint tenancy, all the following described Jot S or parce l S of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Garfield and State of Colorado, to-wit: All that part of Lots nmnbered 16 and 20 of Sec. 28, and of Lot 2 of Sec. 33, all in Tp. 7 s., R. 86 W. of the 6th P.H. lying South of the Roaring Fork River and North and East of the »enver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Right of Way, being the property acquired by grantors from_Harald Pabst, more particularly described in that certain warranty deed descr1bed as Document No. 171220, recorded in Book 248 at Page 459 of the records in the o f fice of the County Clerk and Recorder of Garfield County, Colorado. Also, Lot 11 of Section 27, Lot 17, Section 28, Lot 1 of Sec . 33, and Lot 4, Sec. 34, all in Tp. 7 s., R. 88 W., 6th P.M., save and except therefrom all that portion of said Lot 11 and 17, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of Lot 17, 1580.95 feet, North 1°26' West from the s.w. corner of Lot 1, thence North 1°26' West along the West line 683.l feet to a point, thence South 76°55' East 339 feet -to a point, thence South 55o59~ East 477.65 feet; thence South 36° East 280 feet, thence South 34°46' East 136.85 feet, thence West 951.65 feet to the place of beginning. Also, save and except therefrom that portion of said Lot 1 lying and being South and West of the right of way of the l>enver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, containing 1/2 acre, more or less. ' ... t ~ ! Also, there is hereby conveyed all that portion of Lot 5 in Section 34, lying and being West of the West line of the so-called Evergreen Cemete r y as laid out L ,.. ' o Iii z LIi m b vi ~ ""' Q(. I.II UI Q 0 z z ::, 0 ~ c,. w Ul u. . and platted, South of the South line of said Cemetery, West of the West line of the -. County Road and North of the North line of the right-of-way of the B .& R.G. Rail- road. Also all that portion of Lot 8, Section 33,lying and being North of the !Northerly line of the right-of-way aforesaid containing 159 acres,more or less, and ~above land being in Tp. 7 S., R. 88 W. 6th P.M. ~ There is also hereby conveyed by grantors to the grantees all ditch and water ~rights appertaining to or used on the above described lands or any part thereof; ~and particularly, but without limitation upon the fore going, all ditches, ditch ~and water rights acquired by grantors by that certain warranty deed from Clifford L. Sylvester and Emna R. Sylve$ter, recorded as Document No. 100788 in Book 157 at Page 499 of the records in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Garfield County, Colorado. Provided always, that there is hereby excepted from this conveyance the lands heretofore conveyed out by grantors, and more particularly described in the following documents, to-wit: (1) Warranty deed to Percy and Margaret Blodgett date April 22,1955,recorded as Do~.No~ 189418,Book 283,Page 526; (2) Warranty »eed'to ~-cy aml Ma:1 gait c »l..oltgic: cc, aacea M~5,1~5,x,:rcorded-a~»o c.-No.189900-Book -284- Page 439; (3) Warranty Jeed to Glen v. Norton,dated May 25,1955,recorded'as Eoc.N~. 189907,Book 284,Page 438; (4) Deed to the Department of Highways dated December 4 195?,recorded as Doc. No. 2Q0375, Book 306, Page _3691 all in the're cords in the ' office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Garfield .County Colorado. • Granters reserve an und~vided 1/2 interest in all oil,ga.'s ,and other minerals in, under. or produced from sa1d pronertv. and the procP.edc;, thPrefrnm whPt-hPr .:::ic;, rlPl ::iv f~~tal for~oyalty, for and durine: the natural life of trr.:::in t nrc;, .:::i-,,n · nnri .,,(T +-h~ ""'t-., ... -:.1 g!cfgf~r: ;~[~:X!t~fe 0 f~~~-!i~ffe~?f~r:p~R~§~:~q!u!!f ~~e;:i~vp~e:r~;~h:n~ufh~:~~ • ~ d ho -S-, an~ t •• _ • -b··.., vb .... ..,c <4 .. ~~r a5y. vu .:,u u. ~l ~Jll.l.~t!:;; p.~ pro V .l.Ql TOGETHER ith all and singular the hereditaments 1ncfipntm~tnc'2! t even •=at nerewif)l . . r . . . . PP .... ..,., fiereun..., be ongmg, or 1n anywise appertammg, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders .. _ · d . n tli • • ren ... , issues an profits thereof· and a e estate, nght , true, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said parties f t h f. t ' . o e irs part, either m and th!:' h""''"""''"'1 pr0miscs in tho quiet and pcaccau, ponfl<JS!!ion o! the all and every person or persons lnw!ully claiming or to the said part of tho first part shall nnd will WARRANT AND FOIUWEH , I:N' WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of tho !il'st part ha Ve hereunto seals day and ycnr first above written. STATE OF COLORADO, County of. Garfield ~ Tbe.fcrre_goi~g instrument was acknowledged before me this r...""'-~ 19 their and day of <~en Gianinetti and Alphonsine GianinettL , 19 . Witness my hand and official seal. •If b,-·nafura;I person or ~sons here insert name or nama; if by persons acting in represent..t'itive or official capacity or as attorney .. in-iact, then in&erl name of as executor, nttorney~in .. fact or other capneity or descriptfon; Sf by officer corp-oration, then insert name of such officer or officers, as president or other officers of such corporation. naming it. 'I l ii "1:l .s \ ..::: ~t L~ ;;:; 'O <:1> ., : 'E j~ "' 'O I c:l ..... '"' ll I ~ A 0 I" <:) I ... ~ ....,,. i:: I ., :>, E -. i' ::s .§~ ' i !I '"' ,i:,o! ~ -;., "' .5 ;\f\! u: : 0 : i C'. i i +> ,,, 0 :E ~ ~ ! ! "' +' E-l .., i:: 11 .µ ~i ~) ! ' ! "' ~ <11 s l'.z, .i::; • _ •• r1 • 0 « i 0 8 .; Ji: % ! ~ 0 u August 12, 2024 Tanner Gianinetti, Manager The Gianinetti Family LLLP 644 Cowen Drive Carbondale CO 81623 RE: Spring Creek Ranch Event Center Auxiliary Tum Lane Requirements Evaluation Proj. No . 12021.0 1 Dear Tanner, Q UNDARIES UNLIMITED INC. Per our understanding the Gianinetti family wants to expand the Event Centers operation period from the limited 30 weekends per year to where the Center would be allowed to operate any day of the year, year round. The following traffic study was completed to determine if auxiliary tum lane improvements would be required at the Cowen Drive entrance for the Sp1ing Creek Ranch Event Centers. Since 2018, Spring Creek Guest Ranch Event Center operates, as permitted by Garfield County, 30 weekends per year. These events include mostly weddings, private gathers and business meetings/banquets. A traffic study was completed for these weekend events and is included in an "Engineering Report Gianinetti Spring Creek Ranch" on February 15 , 2018, by Boundaries Unlimited Inc. Cowen Drive's entrance to Spring Creek Ranch is located in northern Carbondale approximately 260 feet southeast along Cowen Drive (Changes to N. 8th Sh·eet in this section) from the Latigo Loop intersection (See attached Map). Cowen Drive/ N. 8th Street is a local collector street connecting between the No1th of end of Carbondale on HWY 133 to Carbondale's Downtown Main Street. Event Centers Week Day Generated Traffic The closets similar event found in the ITE Trip Generation Manual , 10 th Ed. Sept. 2017 for business meetings, seminars, and community gatherings with short arrival and depaiture times is a Sunday Church Service event. Two studies shown on Page 208 of Volume 2, (Land Use 560) provide the following information: Avg No. of Seats: 750 Avg Person Trip Rate Generation per Seat: 0.53 Directional Distribution: 50% Entering, 50% exiting "Estimated" Generated Traffic northbound/southbound ratio: NB 20% / SB 80% This analysis is based on the Event Centers maximum capacity of 200 persons (seats). Peak Hourly Gen. Traffic 200 Per. X 0.53 Trip Rate X 50% Dir. Distr. 53 Vehicles Entering or Exiting per Event CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SUR VEYING & BEY O ND 923 Cooper Ave #201, Glenwood Springs , CO 81601 I (970) 945-5252 I bu-inc .com 20% North Bound = 11 NB Vehicles 80% South Bound = 43 SB Vehicles The owner believes most weekday events seating projections will be for 120 persons or less occurring between the hours of 8 :00 AM to 10:00 PM. Week Day Traffic Counts Recent Cowen Drive traffic counts were tabulated from the Event Centers Entrance on the following week days : Wednesday May 29 , Tuesday July 16, Friday July 19 and Wednesday, July 24 . The Hourly Traffic Counts for each of the four weekdays for both North Bound and South Bound Traffic are shown in the following two charts. Cowen Drive lZO North Bound Hourly Traffic Count -2024 HH 11 .. i 1r I ir I j ~:::: ii::i iiii'il11 ili i l l hi ii H 7:00AM 8:00 AM 9:00AM 10:00/\M 11:00AM l2:00PM 1:00PM 2.00PM 3:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 75 Cowen Drive South Bound Hourly Traffic Count -2024 " 76 77 7:00AM 8:00AM 9:00AM 10:00AM ll;OOAM 12:00PM 1:00PM 2~PM 3:00 PM 5:00PM 6 :00 PM The Average Hourly Traffic of the four days of traffic count, charted above for each direction is shown in the following chart. Cowen Drive Average Hourly Traffic Count ,._. 1 ,,., i i i i 11 1i _11~ii ·111i_ i i il_l i i 7:00AM 8:00AM 9:00AM 10:00AM 11:00AM 12:00PM l;OOPM 2:00 PM 3:00PM 4:00PM 5:00PM 6 :00PM Auxiliary Tum Lane Requirements The following traffic analysis addresses auxiliary tum lane requirements for the additional traffic generated from the Event Centers proposed weekday usage. The evaluations of the Event Center 's four (4) auxiliary tum lane types (right & left tum deceleration lanes and the right & left tum acceleration lanes) are based on the turn lane thresholds specified in the CDOT State Highway Access Code -Rule 2 CCR () 601-1, Section 3.5 (5) (Pages 32 & 33). Also note that Cowen Drive's posted Speed Limit is 20 MPH in both directions. The right tum deceleration lane (for entering the Event Center from the south) may be dropped if the volume in the travel lane (northbound traffic plus the northbound generated volume) is predicted to be below 150 DHV (design hourly volume). 63 + 11 = 74 Veh/Hour is less than 150 DHV. Therefore no right turn deceleration lane is wan-anted. The left tum deceleration lane (for entering the Event Center from the north) may be dropped if the opposing north bound traffic plus the generated volume is predicted to be below 100 DHV. 63 + 11 = 74 Veh/Hour is less than 100 DHV. Therefore no left tum deceleration lane is warranted. The left turn acceleration lane (for traffic leaving the Event Center heading south) may be dropped if the volume in the southbound lane is predicted to be below 120 DHV. 93 veh/hr is less than 120 DHV. Therefore no left tum acceleration lane is waii-anted. The right tum acceleration lane (for traffic leaving the Event Center heading North) may be dropped if the volume in the adjacent northbound lane is predicted to be below 120 DHV. 63 veh/hr is less than 120 DHV. Therefore no right tum acceleration lane is warranted. Therefore, auxiliary tum lanes are not warranted on Cowen Drive for Gianinetti Spring Creek Guest Ranch Event Centers predicted weekday generated traffic. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or additional inforn1ation. Sincerely, Project Engineer Enc. Vicinity Map: Google Earth Image (9 /21 /2021) of Event Center and Cowen Drive Entrance u 0 ce flarjield County Community Development Department 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 945-8212 www.garfield-county.com TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 2393-342-00-028 PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUMMARY PRE-APP DATE: 8/30/23 updated 10/27/23 PROJECT: Gianinetti Family Community Meeting Facility Substantial Modification OWNER: Gianinetti Family LLLP REPRESENTATIVE: Ernie Gianinetti and Tanner Gianinetti PRACTICAL LOCATION: 343 County Road 166 (also known as Cowen Dr .) Carbondale, co 81623 ZONING: Rural TYPE OF APPLICATION: Substantial Amendment to Community Meeting Facility Land Use Change Permit I. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Wedding Venue -Community Meeting Facility The Applicant received approval of an Administrative Land Use Change Permit for a Community Meeting Facility by Resolution No. 2018-37. The Approval contains Condition #1 which indicates that "That all representations made by the Applicant in the application shall be conditions of approval unless specifically altered by the conditions of approval" The Application Submittal included in Section 2 -Application Background , Narrative and Supportive Information on pages 5 and 6 a Development Overview that detailed the proposal including capacity, time frame, facilities, and the Max # of events per year. The Maximum number of events was 30 per year. The Applicant would like to amend the maximum number of events to include options for more events including smaller gatherings and events with a community focus . The Director Determination is that the change to the condition is a substantial modification and will require submittal of an application, referral to the Board of County Commissioners and a noticed public hearing. A focused list of submittal requirements specific to the impact of increasing the number of events is outlined below. The Application will need to demonstrate ongoing compliance with all existing conditions of approval including water, wastewater, and floodplain development provisions. Other updates to the operations plans may also be appropriate. 11. SUMMARY OF REGULATORY PROVISIONS AND PROCESS REQUIRED Community Meeting Facility • Garfield County Comprehensive Plan 2030 as amended • Garfield County Land Use and Development Code as amended o Article 111, Zoning "' Rural Zone District -Lot/Building Requirements (Table 3-201) and Use Table (Table 3-403) o Article IV, Application and Review Procedures "' Administrative Review Process (Section 4-103) "' Common Review Procedures (Section 4-101) "' Table 4-102 Common Review Procedures and Required Notice "' Application Materials (Table 4-201 and Section 4-203) "' Sections 4-118 and 4-202, Submittal Waivers and Waivers from Standards o Article VII, Standards -Division 1 General Standards, Division 2 General Resource Protection Standards, Division 3 Site Planning -as applicable Ill. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PROCESS The Administrative Review process is outlined in the summary below consistent with Sections 4-101 , 4-103 and Table 4-102: 1. Pre-application Conference 2. Submittal of 3 hard copies of the Application along with 1 Digital PDF copy. 3. Review by staff for Technically Complete Status. 4. If Technically Complete the Applicant will be notified. 5. As the original permit was approved by the Board of County Commissioners, the Director may refer the Application up to the Board for review at a public hearing. 6. Applicant completes public notice mailing by certified mail to adjacent property owners within 200 ft. and mineral rights owners on the property. The mailing is required to be a minimum of 15 days prior to the public hearing. 7. Staff prepares a report including public and referral comments. 8. The Board shall conduct a public hearing for a decision on the Substantial Modification request. 2 9. The Amended Permit is issued once all conditions of approval have been met. 10. The Applicant has one year from the date of the decision to address the conditions of approval. Extensions can be requested. IV. SUMMARY OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS • General Application Forms and attachments including agreement to pay form, application fees, evidence of ownership such as a deed for the property, and narrative description of the proposal. The general information also needs to include a list of property owners within 200 ft. and any mineral rights owners on the subject property. • Where ownership is held in a trust or Family Partnership, documents will need to be provided establishing who has authority to sign as representative of the Trust or Partnership. • Vicinity Map (including the area generally within 3 miles of the site) • Specific text for changes to the Development Overview for the maximum number of events. This should include related provisions such as Time Frame, water, wastewater, and hours of operation that may be affected by the change. • Any changes or updates to the Site plan including parking that will be impacted by the change in the maximum number of events. • Any changes to infrastructure required by the increase in number of events. • Any changes in traffic generation based on the increase in number of events. • Any changes to Impact Analysis based on the increase in number of events. • Any changes to Compatibility issues (Section 7-103) based on the increase in number of events (such as noise mitigation). • Updates on any other topics/standards including Article 7 standards based on the increase in number of events (such as fire protection/emergency response) • Copy of existing Land Use Change Permit and Resolution of Approval • Documentation/confirmation of compliance with all current conditions of approval. The Application submittal needs to include 3 hard copies of the entire Application and 1 Digital PDF Copy of the entire Application (on a CD or USB Stick). Both the paper and digital copies should be split into individual sections. Please refer to this pre-application summary for submittal requirements that are appropriate for your Application. V. APPLICATION REVIEW a. Review by: Staff for completeness recommendation and referral agencies for additional technical review b. Public Hearing: _ Director Decision with notice (Administrative Review) __ Planning Commission ~ Board of County Commissioners (referral to BOCC by Director) __ Board of Adjustment c. Anticipated Referral Agencies may include but are not 3 Garfield County Attorney, Carbondale Fire Protection District, Town of Carbondale, Garfield County Environmental Health Manager, Garfield County Vegetation Manager, County Consulting Engineers VI. APPLICATION REVIEW FEES a. Planning Review Fees:$ 250.00 (Administrative Review) b. Referral Agency Fees: $ __ na_ (may be billed separately) c. Total Deposit: $ 250.00 (Administrative Review) VII. GENERAL APPLICATION PROCESSING The foregoing summary is advisory in nature only and is not binding on the County. The summary is based on current zoning, which is subject to change in the future , and upon factual representations that may or may not be accurate. This summary does not create a legal or vested right. The summary is valid for a six-month period, after which an update should be requested. The Applicant is advised that the Application submittal once accepted by the County becomes public information and will be available (including electronically) for review by the public. Proprietary information can be redacted from documents prior to ( . submittal. VIII. PRE-APPLICATION SUMMARY PREPARED BY: Glenn Hartmann Acting Director Date 4 0 ( \...._,I A. Section 4-103 Administrative $:I (l) a. E 0 u .!!l fj E .n ::, "' .... "' £ C 0 E "' >-OJ ...., "' E ·x 0 5. C2. <( Garfield County Administrative Review Process (Section 4-103) Step 1 : Pre -application Conference •May be waived by Director •Applicant has 6 months to submit application Step 2 : Application Submittal Step 3 : Completeness Review •10 business days to review •If incomp lete, 60 days to remedy deficiencies Step 4 : Schedule Decision Date and Provide Notice •Mailed to adjacent property owners within 200 feet and mineral owners at least 15 days prior to decision date Step 5: Referral •21 day comment period Step 6: Evalution by Director Step 7 : Director's Decision •Call -up Period -within 10 days of Director's Decision •Applicant has 1 year to meet any conditions of approval 5