HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.22 Covenants Conditions & RestrictionsAll M IWH%lhMM.WW10 lth 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 1of149ReoFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS,CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR SPRING VALLEY RANCH P.U.D. I II HIllRAMDMRIMLld'WIM'iNhilIll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 2 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE I DECLARATION...........................................................................11 ARTICLE IIDEFINITIONS..........................................................................12 2.1 Act................................................................................12 2.2 AllocatedInterests..................................................................12 2.3 Annexable Property ..................................................................13 2.4 Annexation Deed .....................................................................13 2.5 Articlesof Incorporation..............................................................13 2.6 Assessment .........................................................................13 2.7 AssociationProperty .................................................................14 2.8 Budget..............................................................................14 2.9 BuildingEnvelope ....................................................................14 2.10 Bylaws .............................................................................14 2.11 Cabin Lot ...........................................................................14 2.12 Cabin Interest.......................................................................14 2.13 Club Property........................................................................15 2.14 Common Area........................................................................15 2.15 Common Expenses....................................................................15 2.16 Common InterestCommunity............................................................17 2.17 County..............................................................................17 2.18 Declarant...........................................................................17 2.19 DeclarationofEasements and Rights....................................................17 2.20 Deed of Trust........................................................................17 2.21 Design Guidelines....................................................................17 2.22 Design Review Committee .............................................................18 2.23 EstateLot ...........................................................................18 2.24 ExecutiveBoard......................................................................18 2.25 FeaturedBuilder......................................................................18 2.26 Household Pets.......................................................................18 2.27 Improvements ........................................................................18 2.28 Lease ...............................................................................I8 2.29 License Agreement ...................................................................18 2.30 Limited Common Area ................................................................19 2.31 Lot .................................................................................19 2.32 Master Association...................................................................19 2.33 Master Declaration...................................................................19 2.34 Master Rules and Regulations..........................................................19 2.35 Member .............................................................................19 2.36 Mortgage.............................................................................19 2.37 Mortgagee ........................................................................................19 2.38 Mortgagor ...........................................................................19 2 HIllnMMENLM'lW.WWM'Mth Allll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 3 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 2.39 Mountain Lot.........................................................................19 2.40 Notice and Hearing....................................................................19 2.41 Occupant.............................................................................19 2.42 Owner................................................................................20 2.43 PermittedExceptions.................................................................. 2.44 Person............................................................................... 2.45 Plat................................................................................. 2.46 P.U.D.Plan.......................................................................... 2.47 Real EstateTransferAssessment.........................................................20 2.48 RegisteredBuilder....................................................................20 2.49 Record or Recorded....................................................................20 2.50 Regular Assessment....................................................................21 2.51 Reimbursement Assessment ............................................................21 2.52 Shared Driveway......................................................................21 2.53 SpecialAssessment....................................................................21 2.54 SpecialDistrict......................................................................21 2.55 Subassociation.......................................................................21 2.56 SubassociationCommon Area...........................................................21 2.57 Supplemental Declaration..............................................................22 2.58 Supplemental Plat.....................................................................22 2.59 Water System.........................................................................22 2.60 WildfireMitigationPlan................................................................22 2.65 WildlifeMitigationPlan................................................................22 ARTICLE IIIGENERAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY..............................................................22 3.1 Master Development Control...........................................................23 3.2 Violationof Law,Insurance,Etc .........................................................23 3.3 GeneralMaintenance of Common InterestCommunity......................................23 3.4 ResidentialUse and Occupancy..........................................................24 3.5 New ConstructionRequired;No Temporary Buildingsor Occupancy...............25 3.6 BuildingEnvelopes....................................................................25 3.7 Design Guidelines....................................................................25 3.8 Annoying Light, Sound or Odor .........................................................26 3.9 Noxious or OffensiveActivities;Nuisances;ConstructionActivities................26 3.10 No Hazardous orUnsafe Activities.......................................................27 3.11 No Woodburning Fireplacesor Stoves;Outside Burning;FireHazards.............27 3.12 No Firearmsor Hunting ................................................................27 3.13 No Unsightliness;OutsidePersonalPropertyStorageand ClothesDrying ........27 3.14 Vehicle Parking,Storage,Operationand Repair............................................28 3.15 Garages .............................................................................29 3.16 Restrictionson Equipment,Tanks,Antennae,SatelliteDishes,Etc ...................29 3.17 Restrictionson Mining or Drilling.......................................................30 3.18 Excavations..........................................................................30 3.19 No Interferencewith Waterways,Drainage or IrrigationSystems,orwith Wetlands/RiparianHabitats.............................................................31 3 HIllWW'MMIM,WR'MWEWIt'RM ll Ill Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 4of149Rec Fee:5746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 3.20 Lakes,Ponds,Creeks,Ditches.......................................................... 3.21 Lake Banks;Beaches..................................................................31 3.22 Fences and Walls...................................................................... 3.23 Tree and Natural Shrub Preservation....................................................32 3.24 Use ofEasement Areas;UtilityInstallation.............................................33 3.25 Landscaping,Irrigation...............................................................33 3.26 Tennis Courtsand BasketballGoals......................................................34 3.27 Swimming Pools,Spas,and RelatedEquipment............................................34 3.28 Signs and Advertising.................................................................34 3.29 Camping and Picnicking...............................................................34 3.30 Soliciting...........................................................................34 3.31 No IndividualWater Wells or IndividualSewage DisposalSystems; Exceptions...........................................................................34 3.32 Regulationof Pesticides...............................................................35 3.33 Maintenance of VisibilityatStreetIntersections..........................................35 3.34 Restorationof Improvements inthe Event of Damage or Destruction................35 3.35 Leases...............................................................................35 3.36 Right of Entry ........................................................................37 3.37 Damage by Owners During Construction.................................................37 3.38 Restrictionson Resubdivision,PropertyRestrictions,and Rezoning..................37 3.39 Health,Safetyand Welfare..............................................................38 3.40 Implementationand Variances ..........................................................38 3.41 DeclarantActivities...................................................................39 3.42 Landowner Obligations................................................................39 3.43 Recognitionof Right-to-Farm...........................................................39 ARTICLE IV ROADS AND STREETS IN COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY...............40 4.1 Ownership and Maintenance............................................................40 4.2 Easement forAccess...................................................................40 4.3 Reserved DeclarantRights..............................................................40 4.4 No LiabilityforGatehouses or Entry Gate or SecurityPatrol.............................41 4.5 RightsAppurtenant to Club Property.....................................................41 ARTICLE V WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS .......................................................42 5.1 Water System.........................................................................42 5.2 Sewer System.........................................................................42 5.3 Ownership and Maintenance of Systems...................................................42 5.4 SprinklerIrrigationSystem..............................................................42 5.5 Ownership and Maintenance of SprinklerIrrigationSystem ..............................43 5.6 Easements ...........................................................................43 ARTICLE VI DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE .......................................................43 6.1 Establishmentof Design Review Committee ...............................................43 6.2 Establishmentof Sub committees.........................................................44 6.3 Meetings and Action of Committee.......................................................44 6.4 Compensation;Expenses ...............................................................44 4 BillK MMER MIW.l*EW'l@'RM ll Ill Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 5 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 6.5 Records of Actions...................................................................44 6.6 Approvals in Annexed Areas...........................................................44 6.7 Design Guidelines...................................................................44 6.8 Design Review Fee...................................................................45 6.9 Re gistrationofBuilders...............................................................45 6.10 Design Review and ConstructionProcess................................................46 6.11 Submission of Plans,Specificationsand Data.............................................46 6.12 CriteriaforApproval or Disapproval....................................................47 6.13 Decisionsof Committee;Binding Effect.................................................47 6.14 Completion ofWork After Approval.....................................................47 6.15 Right to Inspect......................................................................48 6.16 Notice of Completion;Inspectionof Work;Correctionof Defects.....................48 6.17 Certificateof Compliance..............................................................49 6.18 Improvements Must Conform to Approvals...............................................49 6.19 Committee Power toGrant Variances....................................................49 6.20 NonliabilityforApproval or Disapprovalof Plans and Specifications,for Issuanceof Certificatesof Compliance,or forRegistrationof Builders.............50 6.21 FeaturedBuilders....................................................................51 6.22 Enforcement.........................................................................51 ARTICLE VII ASSOCIATION PROPERTY.............................................................51 7.1 Use and Enjoyment of AssociationProperty..............................................51 7.2 Recreational,Healthand SocialFacilities................................................52 7.3 Master AssociationMay Regulate Use of AssociationProperty.........................53 7.4 Master AssociationtoMaintainand Improve AssociationProperty...................53 7.5 No PartitionofAssociationProperty....................................................53 7.6 Owner LiabilityforOwner or Occupant Damage toAssociationProperty.........53 7.7 Damage orDestructiontoAssociationProperty...........................................54 7.8 Condemnation ofAssociationProperty...................................................54 7.9 TitletoAssociationPropertyUpon DissolutionofMaster Association..............54 7.10 Mechanic'sLienson AssociationProperty................................................54 ARTICLE VIII DECLARANT'S RESERVED RIGHTS ................................................55 8.1 Constructionof Improvements ..........................................................56 8.2 Sales,Marketing and Management........................................................56 8.3 Merger..............................................................................57 8.4 DeclarantControl ofMaster Association.................................................57 8.5 Annexation ofAdditionalProperties.....................................................57 8.6 Annexation Procedure.................................................................57 8.7 Annexation ofAdditionalUnspecifiedReal Estate.........................................58 8.8 Withdrawal Rights and Procedure.......................................................58 8.9 Effectof Expansion or Contraction.....................................................58 8.10 SubdivisionofLots orParcels..........................................................59 8.11 TransferofAdditionalPropertytoMaster Association.....................................59 8.12 Other Reserved Development Rights.....................................................59 5 HillRMMMIN MIMIM'MERN lillI Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico6of148ReoFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 8.13 Owner Review,Acceptance and Waiver of Rights Re:P.U.D.Plan and Declarant'sReserved Rights ............................................................60 8.14 DeclarantAs Attorney-in-FactforOwners.................................................60 8.15 Transferof Declarant'sReserved Rights ..................................................60 8.16 Terminationof Declarant'sReserved Rights ...............................................60 ARTICLE IX EASEMENTS............................................................................61 9.1 Easements forIncidentalEncroachments .................................................61 9.2 BlanketMaster AssociationUtilityand Drainage Easement Over Streets, Roads,Shared Driveways,and AssociationProperty.......................................61 9.3 Master AssociationAdministrativeEasement Over StreetsRoads Shared Driveways,and AssociationProperty....................................................61 9.4 DeclarantEasement Over Streets,Roads,Shared Driveways,and AssociationProperty..................................................................61 9.5 Utility,Drainage,and/orIrrigationEasements..............................................62 9.6 Water Body Maintenance Easements .....................................................62 9.7 Fence Maintenance Easements ..........................................................62 9.8 Berm Maintenance Easements...........................................................62 9.9 Equestrian/PedestrianTrailEasement ....................................................63 9.10 Pedestrian/BikeTrailEasement..........................................................63 9.11 ConservationEasement.................................................................63 9.12 Open Space and WildlifeMovement CorridorEasements..................................64 9.13 DefensibleSpace,FuelsReduction Easements and FuelbreakEasements..........64 9.14 Meadow ParcelEasement ..............................................................64 9.15 Park Easements .......................................................................64 9.16 Shared Driveway Easements............................................................65 9.17 Easements forBenefitof Club Property..................................................66 9.18 Blanket Emergency ServicesEasement....................................................66 9.19 Easements Deemed Created............................................................66 9.20 Restrictionson Owners inEasement Areas................................................66 9.21 Recorded Easements and Licenses.......................................................67 ARTICLE X WILDFIRE MITIGATION PLAN ........................................................67 10.1 WildfireMitigationPlan................................................................67 10.2 Access,Inspectionand Enforcement .....................................................67 10.3 DefensibleSpace and DefensibleSpace Easement ..........................................67 10.4 FuelsReduction Easement..............................................................68 10.5 Fuelbreak Easement....................................................................68 10.6 Linked DefensibleSpace and OverlotThinning............................................68 10.7 UniversalConstructionStandards.......................................................68 10.8 SpecificConstructionStandards.........................................................69 ARTICLE XI WILDLIFE MITIGATION PLAN.........................................................69 11.1 WildlifeMitigationPlan................................................................69 11.2 Garbage,Trash;Compost,Containers..............................................................69 11.3 Animals and Wildlife..................................................................69 6 AllMGMMDEIRMl*EMWW.HllIll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM Jean Alberico 7of149Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 11.4 Raptor Nest Protection................................................................ 11.5 WildlifeDamage.......................................................................71 11.6 Wetlands and RiparianAreas............................................................ 11.7 Golf Course and Open Space Management................................................. 71 11.8 TrailSeasonalUse Restrictions.........................................................72 11.9 Tree and NaturalShrub Preservation....................................................72 11.10 Weed Control........................................................................72 11.11 ResidentialLandscaped Areas...........................................................73 11.12 SecurityEnforcement..................................................................73 ARTICLE XII REAL ESTATE TRANSFER ASSESSMENTS TO THE WILDLIFE AND WILDFIRE TRUST.............................................................73 12.1 Establishment........................................................................73 12.2 Purpose and Use ofTransferAssessments ................................................73 12.3 Definitions..........................................................................74 12.4 Exclusions...........................................................................75 12.5 Payment and Reports ..................................................................78 ARTICLE XIII MASTER ASSOCIATION................................................................78 13.1 Master Association...................................................................78 13.2 Master AssociationExecutiveBoard......................................................78 13.3 Membership in Master Association......................................................79 13.4 Voting Rights of Members...............................................................79 13.5 PeriodofDeclarantControlofMaster Association.........................................80 13.6 TerminationofContractsand Leases of Declarant..........................................82 13.7 Master Association/Subassociations...................................................83 ARTICLE XIV POWERS AND DUTIES OF MASTER ASSOCIATION ...............................83 14.1 GeneralPowers and Dutiesof Master Association.........................................83 14.2 Power toGrant Easements..............................................................83 14.3 Power to Convey or Encumber AssociationProperty........................................83 14.4 GeneralPower toProvideServicesand Facilitiesto Owners..............................84 14.5 Power toProvideServicesto Subassociations.............................................84 14.6 Power toProvide SpecialServicesto Owners...............................................85 14.7 Power to Charge for SpecialAssociationPropertyUses and Special Master AssociationServices............................................................85 14.8 Power to Acquire Propertyand ConstructImprovements...................................85 14.9 Power to Adopt Master Rules and Regulations............................................85 14.10 Power toContractwith Employees, Agents, Contractors,Districts, Consultantsand Managers...............................................................86 14.11 Power to Assign Future Income..........................................................86 14.12 Duty toAccent Propertyand FacilitiesTransferredby Declarant.......................86 14.13 Duty to Maintainand Care forAssociationProperty........................................87 14.14 Duty to Pay Taxes.....................................................................87 14.15 Duty to Keep Master AssociationRecords.................................................87 7 HIIIR AMMM W'lW IMWMPRh11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 8 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 14.16 Duty to Support Design Review Committee ..............................................87 14.17 Insurance...........................................................................87 14.18 Damage to Common InterestCommunity .................................................92 ARTICLE XV ASSESSMENTS .....................................................................93 15.1 Assessment Obligationand Lien........................................................93 15.2 StatutoryLien........................................................................94 15.3 Lien SuperiortoHomestead and Other Exemptions ........................................94 15.4 Priorityof Lien.......................................................................94 15.5 PerfectionofLien ....................................................................95 15.6 Regular Assessments..................................................................95 15.7 Master AssociationBudget.............................................................96 15.8 ReservesFund Account ...............................................................97 15.9 SpecialAssessments ..................................................................97 15.10 Reimbursement Assessments...........................................................97 15.11 Effectof Nonpayment of Assessments;Remedies ofthe Master Association.........................................................................98 15.12 StatementofUnsaid Assessments .......................................................98 15.13 Assessments forTort Liability.........................................................99 15.14 Working Capital Fund..................................................................99 ARTICLE XVI EMINENT DOMAIN...................................................................100 16.1 Definitionof Taking ..................................................................100 16.2 Representationin Condemnation Proceedingsof AssociationProperty...........100 16.3 Award forAssociationProperty.........................................................100 16.4 Taking of Lots........................................................................100 16.5 Miscellaneous........................................................................101 ARTICLE XVII GENERAL PROVISIONS ...........................................................101 17.1 DurationofMaster Declaration.........................................................101 17.2 Terminationof Common InterestCommunity .............................................101 17.3 Amendment of Master Declarationand Plat...............................................101 17.4 Compliance;Enforcement ..............................................................102 17.5 Rights ofFirstMortgagees..............................................................103 17.6 Club Propertyand Facilities..........................................................104 17.7 Club PropertyHazards,Risksand Liabilities;Disclosure,Assumption of Risk,Releaseand Indemnification.......................................................105 17.8 Notice...............................................................................107 17.9 No DedicationtoPublicUse............................................................107 17.10 InterpretationofMaster Declarationand Supplemental Declarations, Conflictswith Act.....................................................................107 17.11 ConflictWith Plats...................................................................107 17.12 No Express or Implied Covenants on Lands Not Annexed...............................108 17.13 ViolationsConstitutea Nuisance.........................................................108 17.14 Declarant'sDisclaimerof Representationsand Warranties...............................108 17.15 Captions .............................................................................108 8 HIllE.MMIDMM'M IRWA'MLM All| Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico9of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 17.16 SingularIncludesPlural...............................................................108 17.17 Remedies Cumulative .................................................................109 17.18 Costs and Attorneys'Fees ..............................................................109 17.19 Governing Law;Jurisdiction..........................................................109 17.20 Severability..........................................................................109 17.21 DisclaimerRegarding Safety............................................................109 ARTICLE XV IIIDISPUTE RESOLUTION ...........................................................109 18.1 AlternativeMethod forResolvingDisputes...............................................109 18.2 Claims ..............................................................................109 18.3 Exemptions ..........................................................................110 18.4 Noticeof Claim.......................................................................110 18.5 Timely Initiation......................................................................111 18.6 Right tobe Heard......................................................................111 18.7 Right to Inspectand Repair.............................................................111 18.8 Good FaithNegotiations...............................................................112 18.9 Mediation............................................................................112 18.10 Arbitration..........................................................................113 18.11 Consensus forMaster AssociationAction.................................................115 18.12 LiabilityforFailuretoMaintain an Action................................................116 18.13 UtilizationofFunds Resultingfrom theCause ofAction .................................116 18.14 ExclusiveRemedy ....................................................................I16 18.15 Costs................................................................................116 9 HIllifJWFJ.W.WHd'MIrkM.W.W'h11Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 10 of 148Reo Fee:5746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS,CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR SPRING VALLEY RANCH P.U.D. THIS MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS,CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR SPRING VALLEY RANCH P.U.D.(the "Master Declaration"), effectivethis 1 day of usec alp ismade and enteredintoby Spring Valley Holdings,LLC,a Delaware limitedliabilitycompany (the"Declarant"). RECITALS 1.Declarant isthe owner of thatcertainrealproperty situatedin GarfieldCounty, Colorado,known as Spring Valley Ranch P.U.D.(Phase I),as more particularlydescribedon ExhibitA attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof (the "Common Interest Community"). 2.Declarant is also the owner of certaincontiguous and non-contiguous real propertiesthat are more particularlydescribed on ExhibitB attachedhereto and by reference made a parthereof (the"Annexable Property"). 3.The Common InterestCommunity and most of theAnnexable Propertyhave been approved for development pursuant to a Planned Unit Development by the County of Garfield, Stateof Colorado,pursuantto ResolutionNo.2008-55,recorded as Reception No.747015 and ResolutionNo.2008-56,recorded as Reception No. 747016 oftherealestaterecordsof Garfield County,Colorado and incorporatedhereinby thisreference(the"P.U.D.Plan"). 4. Declarant intends to develop the Common InterestCommunity as a planned community under the Colorado Common InterestOwnership Act.Declarantreservesthe right, but shallhave no obligation,to annex to the Common InterestCommunity from time to time some or,allof (i)the Annexable Property,and/or (ii)additionalunspecifiedreal estateto develop such property as part of the planned community.Each such annexation shallbe accomplished by the recordingof a Supplemental Declaration,togetherwith a Supplemental Plat or Map,which describe and depict any new Lots,Common Areas and/or Subassociation Common Areas thereby added to the Common InterestCommunity,and which describeany Common Elements or Limited Common Elements and any Cabin Intereststherebycreated.The Supplemental DeclarationshallincorporatethisMaster Declarationby referenceand shallset forth such amendments to the Master Declarationand such additionalcovenants,conditions, uses,restrictions,and reserveddevelopment rights as may be applicableto theannexed property. 5.Under the presentP.U.D.Plan,Five Hundred Fifty-Eight(558) legallyseparate Lots and Nineteen (19)multi-familyunitsare permittedtobe createdand developed.With the potentialadditionto the Common InterestCommunity ofAnnexable Propertythatisnotcovered by theP.U.D.Plan,and of additionalunspecifiedrealestate,themaximum number of Lots that may realisticallybe createdand thatDeclarantreservesthe rightto createwithin the Common InterestCommunity is Five Hundred Fifty-Eight(558)Lots.Declarant reservesthe rightto furtherdividetheCabin Lotsintoundivided intereststobe known as "Cabin Interests." 10 Hill0.@@,'dm lWf itftKh@ MW MCH 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 11 of 149Reo Fee:5746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 6.SpringValley Ranch Master Association,a Colorado non-profitcorporation,has been formed as a master associationto exercisethefunctionssetforthhereinand to own, lease, hold,operate,care for and manage certainproperty forthe common benefitof Owners and Occupants of Lots within,and of any otherperson acquiring an interestin,theCommon Interest Community. 7.Declarant desiresto establishcovenants,conditionsand restrictionsupon the Common InterestCommunity and allpropertiesthat may hereafterbe annexed thereto,and certainmutually beneficialrestrictionsand limitationswith respecttothe proper use,occupancy, improvement and enjoyment thereof,allforthe purposes of enhancing and protectingthe value, desirabilityand attractivenessof theCommon InterestCommunity and enhancing the qualityof lifewithinthe Common InterestCommunity. 8.Declarantdesiresand intendsthat the Owners,Mortgagees, Occupants and all other Persons hereafteracquiringany interestin the Common InterestCommunity shallat all times enjoy the benefitsof,and shallhold theirinterestssubjectto,the covenants,conditions, restrictions,assessments,charges,servitudes,liens,reservationsand easementscontainedinthis Master Declaration,as itmay be amended from time to time by Supplemental Declarationor otherwise. ARTICLE I DECLARATION NOW,THEREFORE,forthe purposes setforthabove and herein,Declarantforitself and itssuccessorsand assignshereby declaresthatthe Common InterestCommunity and all other property which becomes subject to this Master Declarationin the manner hereinafter provided,and each partthereof,shallbe owned, held,transferred,conveyed,sold,leased,rented, hypothecated,encumbered, used,occupied,improved,altered,maintainedand enjoyedsubjectto the covenants,conditions,restrictions,assessments,charges,servitudes,liens,reservations, exceptions,easements,privileges,rightsand other provisionshereinafterset forth,for the durationhereof,allof which are declaredto be part of,pursuant to,and in furtheranceof a common and generalplan of development, improvement, enhancement, use,occupancy and enjoyment of theCommon InterestCommunity,and allof which shallrun with thelandand be binding upon and inureto the benefitof (i)the Common InterestCommunity and every part thereof,(ii)Declarant and itssuccessors and assigns,(iii)the Master Associationand its successorsand assigns,(iv)every Member of the Master Association,and (v)all Owners, Occupants and otherPersons having or acquiringany right, titleor interestin or totheCommon InterestCommunity or any part thereof,or any Improvement thereon,and theirrespectiveheirs, personalrepresentatives,successorsand assigns.Provided always,thatto the extentthisMaster Declarationprovides thatDeclarantshallnot be bound by or is exempt from the applicationof certaincovenants,conditionsand restrictionscontainedherein,Declarantshallnotbe considered subjecttosuch covenants,conditionsorrestrictions. Notwithstandingthe foregoing,inno eventshalltheAnnexable Propertyor any portion thereofbe burdened orbenefitedby or otherwisesubjectto any of thetermsor provisionsof this Master Declarationuntilsuch propertyhas been annexed totheCommon InterestCommunity,at Declarant'ssoleoption and discretion,and expresslysubjectedto the termsand provisionshereof 11 HillIPJA,?'d,W J ME MI*M M.E Wh ll III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 12 of 149Reo Fee:5746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (and any amendments hereof affectingthe annexed property as may be contained in the Supplemental Declarationtherefore),allas more particularlyprovided herein.This Declaration shallbe recorded in GarfieldCounty,Colorado and shallbe indexed in theGrantee'sindex inthe name of Spring Valley Ranch and theMaster Associationand intheGrantor'sIndex inthename of Spring ValleyHoldings,LLC. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS Unless otherwiseexpresslyprovided herein,the followingwords and phraseswhen used in thisMaster Declarationshallhave the meanings hereinafterspecified. 2.1 Act. "Act"shallmean the Colorado Common InterestOwnership Act as setforth inC.R.S.38-33.3-101,et seq.,asthe same may be amended from timetotime. 2.2 AllocatedInterests."AllocatedInterests"means theCommon Expenses liability and the votes in the Master Associationallocatedto each Lot and each Cabin Interest,which interestsareallocatedasfollows: (a)The Common Expenses liabilityforeach Lot iscalculatedon thebasisof a fraction,thenumerator of which isone (1)and the denominator of which isthe total number ofLots in theCommon InterestCommunity asofthedateofthecalculation.The denominator may be increasedfrom time to time by the Declarantupon the additionof Lots totheCommon InterestCommunity,which can be conveyed tothirdparties.Such fractionis then multipliedby the Common Expenses or the Assessment in questionto determine that Lot's share thereof. The Common Expenses liability of a Lot is determinedwithoutreferencetothe size,location,value oruse oftheLot. (b)Ifa Cabin Lot isdividedintoCabin Interestspursuantto a Supplemental Declaration,the Common Expenses liabilityforthatLot shallbe reallocatedin equal sharesamongst theCabin Interestscreatedforthe Lot. For example,ifa Lot isdivided intoundividedone-fourth(1/4)Cabin Interests,the Common Expenses liability for each such Cabin Interestshallbe 25 percent of the Common Expenses liability allocatedto thatLot. (c)Four (4)votes in the Master Associationare allocatedto each Lot in the Common InterestCommunity. (d)Ifa Cabin Lot isdividedintoCabin Interestspursuantto a Supplemental Declaration,thevotesallocatedtothatCabin Lot shouldbe reallocatedequallyamongst theCabin InterestscreatedfortheLot.For example,ifa Lot isdividedintoundivided one-fourth(1/4)Cabin Interests,one (1)voteintheMaster Associationshallbe allocated toeach such Cabin Interest. (e)The foregoingallocationsmay not discriminatein favorof Lots or Cabin Interestsowned by Declarantor an affiliateofDeclarant. 12 HIllWJE.M.RLR MMUM,RMCh ll Ill Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 13 of 149Rec Fee:S746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (f)IfLots are added toor withdrawn from the Common InterestCommunity, (i)the Common Expenses liabilityfor each Lot shallbe reallocatedon the basisof a fraction,the numerator of which is one (1)and the denominator of which isthe total number ofLots intheCommon InterestCommunity following theadditionorwithdrawal of such Lots,and (ii)four (4)votes in the Master Associationshallcontinue to be allocatedto each Lot in the Common InterestCommunity following the additionor withdrawalof such Lots. 2.3 Annexable Property."Annexable Property"means thatcertainrealproperty described on attached ExhibitB,which property has not yet been annexed to the Common InterestCommunity or made subjectto the terms and provisionsof thisMaster Declaration.In thesolediscretionof Declarant,allor a portionofthe Annexable Propertymay from timetotime be annexed to,and made a part of,theCommon InterestCommunity inthemanner provided in thisMaster Declaration. 2.4 Annexation Deed "Annexation Deed"means,foreach particularportionof the Annexable Property,thefirstto occur any of (a)the firstdeed,executed by theOwner of such portionotherthanthe Declarant,which shallbe recordedaftertherecordationofthisDeclaration by which titleto such portionof theAnnexable Property shallbe conveyed by such Owner to anotherparty,(b)anotherinstrument executedby theOwner of such portion,and ifsuch Owner isotherthan Declarant,containingtheexecutedand acknowledged writtenconsentof Declarant to such instrument,referringtothisDeclarationand statingthatsuch instrumentsshallconstitute an Annexation Deed forsuch portionof theAnnexable Property forthe purposes hereof,or (c) any deed made in connection with an involuntarytransferof such portion of the Annexable Property,including,without limitation,any treasurer'sdeed made inconnectionwith a taxsaleof such portionof the Annexable Property or any sheriffsdeed or public trustee'sdeed made in connection with any foreclosure,whether a judicialforeclosureor a foreclosurethrough the public trustee,of a Mortgage,as defined in thisDeclaration,encumbering such portionof the Annexable Property,or any deed inlieuof foreclosureof any such Mortgage;provided,however that,notwithstandingthe foregoing,the term "Annexation Deed"shall,without limitation,not include any of (i)any deed from the Owner,other than Declarant,of such portion of the Annexable Property to another party if such deed shallexpresslyreferto thisDeclarationand statethatsuch deed shallnot constitutean Annexation Deed forthe purposes hereofand shall containthe executed and acknowledged writtenconsentof Declarantthatsuch deed shallnot constitutean Annexation Deed for the purposes hereof,or (ii)any bona fide Mortgage encumbering such portion of the Annexable Property,provided that,as is more particularly provided above,a deed made in connectionwith,or in lieuof,a foreclosureof such Mortgage shallconstitutean Annexation Deed forthepurposes hereof. 2.5 Articlesof Incorporation."Articlesof Incorporation"or "Articles"means the Articlesof Incorporationof Spring Valley Ranch Master Association,which have been filedwith theofficeof the Secretaryof Stateof the Stateof Colorado,as thesame may be amended from time totime. 2.6 Assessment. "Assessment"means a Regular Assessment,SpecialAssessment, Reimbursement Assessment,orReal EstateTransferAssessment. 13 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 14 of 148Rec Fee:S746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 2.7 AssociationProperty."AssociationProperty"means,totheextentof theMaster Association'sinteresttherein:(a)allrealand personalproperty,includingImprovements,now or hereafterowned or leased by the Master Association,(b)allCommon Areas now or hereafter owned,leasedormaintainedby theMaster Association,togetherwiththe Improvements thereon; (c)alleasements createdor reserved on any Plat,or Supplemental Plat,or in thisMaster Declarationor in any Supplemental Declaration,or in any separateagreement, for the use and benefitof theMaster Associationand/orthe Owners,and (d)any water rights,ditchrights,and water systems,facilitiesand/or features(or intereststherein)that may be owned,leased or maintained by the Master Associationor which the Master Associationis entitledto use. AssociationPropertymay be locatedwithinor outsidethe Common InterestCommunity.With the exception of easements which are Association Property,Association Property does not includethe Lots or the Improvements constructedthereon,and is subjectto the Permitted Exceptions. 2.8 At. "Budget" means a writtenitemizedestimateofthe Common Expenses to be incurredby theMaster Associationin performing itsfunctionsunder thisMaster Declaration and adoptedby theExecutiveBoard pursuanttoSection12.8ofthisMaster Declaration. 2.9 Building Envelope. "BuildingEnvelope" means thatportionof a Lot which may be depictedand designatedas the "BuildingEnvelope"on a Plat.If a Lot containsa platted BuildingEnvelope,allImprovements on thatLot must be locatedentirelywithinthe Building Envelope, including but not limitedto dwellings,patios,decks, lawns,garages,kennels, approved privacy and garden fences,approved fencedhorse enclosures,swimming pools,storage buildings,and otherout buildings,facilitiesand amenitiesassociatedwith the residence,but excluding roof overhangs.No disturbanceshallbe allowed outsidethe Building Envelope, including without limitationexcavation,grading or clearingactivities,Improvements,and landscaping,excepting the minimum disturbancerequired in connection with underground utilities,irrigationand drainagesystems,and access driveways,and driveway featuresapproved by the Design Review Committee includingretainingwalls,guard railsdriveway lighting and landscaping(includingvegetationmanipulationwhere requiredby the WildfireMitigationPlan), and gate/entryfeatures.In appropriatecircumstances,as determined in each instanceby the Design Review Committee in the exerciseof itssole discretion,individualsewage treatment systemsmay be locatedpartlyor wholly outsidethe BuildingEnvelopes on Lots forwhich such systems are approved. 2.10 ."Bylaws"means the Bylaws oftheMaster Associationwhich have been or will be adopted by the Executive Board of the Master Association,as the same may be amended from timetotime. 2.11 Cabin Lot. "Cabin Lot" means any Lot which is designatedas a Cabin Lot on a Plat,togetherwith allImprovements thereonand appurtenancesthereto 2.12 Cabin Interest."Cabin Interest"means each undividedfee simple owners rated with respectto a Cabin Lot (includingthe Improvements thereon)pursuant to a Supplemental Declaration. 14 Billlh?MME.IMMW IN iW1W NM il Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 15 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 2.13 Club Property."Club Property"means thosecertainpropertiesadjacentto the Common InterestCommunity which areowned by the Declarant,itssuccessorsand assigns(the "Club PropertyOwner")and which aremore particularlydescribedon ExhibitC attachedhereto and made a part hereof by thisreference,togetherwith allgolf,tennis,swimming,clubhouse, other recreational,socialand maintenance improvements and facilitiesthat may be located thereonfrom time totime. In no eventshallthe Club Propertybe deemed a partoftheCommon InterestCommunity,or be burdened by this Master Declaration.The Club Property is not AssociationProperty.This Master Declarationdoes not grant or createany rightsto or forthe benefitof theOwners or Occupants of Lots intheCommon InterestCommunity touse or enjoy theClub Propertyor any partthereofor improvement or facilitythereonfor any purpose,except for such limited ingress and egress rights as may be expresslyprovided in the License Agreement.THE CLUB PROPERTY SHALL NOT BE A COMMON AREA. 2.14 Common Area. "Common Area"means any portion of the Common Interest Community designated inthisMaster Declarationor any Supplemental Declarationor on a Plat or any Supplemental Platas Common Area or Limited Common Area or Open Space and which isowned or leasedor maintained by theMaster Associationforthecommon use and enjoyment of the Owners and Occupants or some of them,including,but not limitedto,pathways,trails, guard houses,and othersecurityfacilitiesand entryfeatures. 2.15 Common Expenses."Common Expenses"means any expendituresmade or liabilitiesincurredby or on behalfof the Master Association,togetherwith any allocationsto reserves,including,butnot limitedtothe following: (a)The costsof maintenance,management, operation,repair and replacement of the AssociationProperty,and of allotherpartsof the Common InterestCommunity which are managed or maintained by the Master Association,but excludingany areas being managed or maintainedatthe expense of a Subassociationora SpecialDistrict; (b)The costsof Improvements constructedfrom time to time by the Master Associationon or in connection with AssociationProperty,if such costswere included withina duly adopted Budget; (c) Unpaid assessments; (d)The costs of management and administrationof the Master Association, including,but not limitedto,compensation paid by theMaster Associationto managers, accountants,attorneysand employees; (e)The costsof utilitiesand services(including,but not limitedto,treatedor untreatedwater,electricity,gas,sewer,trashpick-up and disposaland recycling),which are provided to the Master Associationor the Common InterestCommunity or parts thereofand not individuallymetered or assessedto Lots,landscapingmaintenance,and other serviceswhich generallybenefitand enhance the value and desirabilityof the Common InterestCommunity or partsthereofand which are providedby or on behalfof theMaster Association,but excludingany such utilitiesor servicesthatmay be provided by a Subassociationor a SpecialDistrict; 15 HIllWJE,M.RMSIMIW NI,Mr WIN11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 16of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (f)The costsof insurancemaintained by the Master Associationas required or permittedherein,but excludingany insurancemaintainedby a Subassociation; (g)Reasonable reservesfor contingencies,replacements and other proper purposes as deemed appropriateby the Executive Board to meet anticipatedcostsand expenses including, but not limited to, maintenance,repair and replacement of AssociationPropertythatmust be maintained,repairedor replacedon a periodicbasis. (h)The costsof bonding themembers of theExecutive Board,the officersof the Master Association,any professionalmanaging agent or any otherPerson handling thefundsoftheMaster Association; (i)Taxes paidby theMaster Association; (j)Amounts paid by theMaster Associationforthe dischargeof any lienor encumbrance leviedagainstAssociationPropertyor any portionthereof; (k)The costsand expenses incurredby the Design Review Committee,and compensation that may be paid by the Master Associationto members of the Design Review Committee; (1)The costs and expenses incurred by any committees that may be establishedfrom time to time by the Executive Board,and compensation thatmay be paidby theMaster Associationtomembers of such committees; (m)The costsof any security or securitysystems or servicesthat may be installed,operated,contractedforand/ormonitored by the Master Associationforthe benefitoftheCommon InterestCommunity or any part thereof, (n)The costs of maintaining, operating and replacing informational, recreational,cultural,health-relatedor similarfacilitiesor enterprisesavailableto or for thebenefitof allora portionoftheCommon InterestCommunity; (0)The costsof implementing and administeringthe WildlifeMitigationPlan and theWildfireMitigationPlan,to theextentsuch costsareincurredby or on behalfof theMaster Association; (p)All expenses expressly declaredto be Common Expenses by thisMaster Declarationor by a Supplemental Declaration,and allexpenseslawfullydetermined tobe Common Expenses by theExecutiveBoard;and (q)Other expenses incurred by the Master Association for any reason whatsoever in connectionwith AssociationProperty,or the costsof any otheritem or service provided or performed by the Master Association pursuant to this Master Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration,the Articles,Bylaws,Master Rules and Regulations,or Design Guidelines,or in furtheranceof the purposes of the Master Associationor inthe dischargeof any dutiesor powers ofthe Master Association.In the eventthatany common servicesfurnishedtotheCommon InterestCommunity arepartof 16 HIllRFAM,W,MN'M16 M.PMWh11111 Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 17of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO servicesthatare provided to or benefitproperty in additionto the Common Interest Community,Common Expenses shallonly includethecostof such servicesreasonably allocatedto the servicesprovided to the Common InterestCommunity.Costs and expenses incurred by a Special Districtshallnot be consideredCommon Expenses, although charges made by a Special Districtto the Master Associationfor services provided by the SpecialDistrictpursuantto a contractwith theMaster Associationshall be Common Expenses. 2.16 Common Interest Community."Common InterestCommunity"means the Common InterestCommunity describedon attachedExhibitA and any additionalrealproperty which may from time totime be annexed to theCommon InterestCommunity and made subject to thisMaster Declarationby Supplemental Declarationand Supplemental Plat,includingall Lots,Cabin Interests,and Association Property,togetherwith all Improvements and other amenities now or hereafter located thereon,and together with all easements,rights, appurtenancesand privilegesbelonging or in any way pertaining thereto.If any property is subsequentlywithdrawn from the Common InterestCommunity pursuant to the provisionsof thisMaster Declaration,the term "Common InterestCommunity"shallthereafternot include saidwithdrawn property. 2.17 County."County"means the County of Garfield,StateofColorado. 2.18 Declarant."Declarant"means Spring Valley Holdings,LLC,a Delaware limited liabilitycompany,itssuccessors,assigns,and affiliates.A Person shallbe deemed to be a "successorand assign"of Declarantifspecificallydesignatedin a duly Recorded instrumentas a successoror assignof Declarantunder thisMaster Declarationand shallbe deemed a successor and assignof Declarantonly asto the particularrightsor interestsofDeclarantunder thisMaster Declarationwhich are specificallydesignatedin thatwritteninstrument.The term "affiliateof Declarant"shallhave the meaning setforthin Section38-33.3-103(1)of the Act. 2.19 Declaration of Easements and Rights."Declarationof Easements and Rights" means thatcertainDeclaration of Golf FacilitiesDevelopment,Constructionand Operational Easement thatmay be made by Declarantand recorded inthe Officeof the Clerk and Recorder of GarfieldCounty,Colorado,which instrumentmay establishcertaineasementsand restrictions on the Common InterestCommunity forthe benefitof the Club Property and may establish certaineasements and restrictionson the Club Property forthebenefitof the Common Interest Community,allas may be more specificallysetforththerein. 2.20 Deed of Trust. "Deed ofTrust"means a Mortgage. 2.21 Design Guidelines."Design Guidelines"means the rules,regulations, procedures,standards,guidelinesand requirementspromulgated from time totime by the Design Review Committee,and all amendments thereto,governing the review and approval or disapproval of proposed Improvements within the Common InterestCommunity,the performance of constructionactivities,the registrationof Builders,and such othermattersasthe Design Review Committee considersnecessaryor appropriate. 17 AlllhF AM,fM R WHIA NLMI Wh il III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico18of148ReoFee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 2.22 Design Review Committee."Design Review Committee"means the Design Review Committee provided forinArticle6 ofthisMaster Declaration. 2.23 Estate Lot. "EstateLot"means any Lot which isdesignatedasan EstateLot on a Plat,togetherwith allImprovements thereonand appurtenancesthereto. 2.24 Executive Board."ExecutiveBoard"or "Board"means theExecutive Board of the Master Association. 2.25 Featured Builder."FeaturedBuilder"means theOwner of a Lot intheCommon InterestCommunity who (a)acquiredsuch Lot from Declarantforthe purpose of constructinga residentialdwelling for resaleto the generalpublic;(b)has submittedto and obtainedapproval of plans and specificationsforsuch residentialdwellingfrom the Design Review Committee,and has otherwisecomplied with the provisionsof Article6 of thisMaster Declaration;and (c)has been designated in writing as a "Featured Builder"by Declarant.In accordance with the provisionsof Article6 hereof,the designationof any Owner of a Lot as a FeaturedBuildershall be inDeclarant'ssoleand absolutediscretion. 2.26 Household Pets."Household Pets"means generallyrecognizedhousehold pets such as dogs,cats,fish,birds,rodents,and non-poisonousreptiles. 2.27 Improvements."Improvements"means any improvements,structuralor otherwise,alterations,additions,repairs,excavation,grading,landscapingor otherwork which in any way alterany property within the Common InterestCommunity,or the improvements locatedthereon,from itsnaturalor improved stateexistingon thedatethisMaster Declarationor a Supplemental Declarationfor such propertywas firstRecorded,including,but not limitedto, dwelling units,buildings,outbuildings,additions,swimming pools,patio covers,awnings,the painting,stainingor other change of any exteriorsurfacesof any visiblestructure,walkways, outdoor sculptures or artwork,sprinkleror irrigationsystems, garages,carports,roads, driveways,parking areas,ponds,ditches,fences,screeningwalls,retainingwalls,stairs,decks, flagpoles,fixtures,landscaping(includingthe addition,alterationor removal of any tree,shrub or other vegetation),hedges,windbreaks,plantings,planted treesand shrubs,gardens,poles, signs,tanks,solarequipment,wind harnessingor otherenergy generatingequipment,exteriorair conditioning,water softenerfixtures,utilities,antennae and satellitedishesor receivers.Once an Improvement has been constructedor accomplished on a propertywithin the Common Interest Community, any subsequent alterationof or additionto or removal of thatimprovement shall alsoconstitutean "Improvement"hereunder. 2.28 Lease. "Lease"means and refersto any agreement forthe leasing,rental,use or occupancy of a residentialdwelling locatedon a Lot withinthe Common InterestCommunity. The requiredterms and procedures forLeases are more particularlysetforthin Section3.37 below. 2.29 License Agreement."LicenseAgreement"means thatcertainPedestrianEgress and IngressLicense,given by the Declarantforthebenefitof theLot Owners,which agreement grantstoLot Owners a revocablelicensefor egressand ingressover and acrosscertainportions of theClub Property,allas more particularlydescribedtherein. 18 WillimAMMWLMAMW.MMERllIII Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 19 of 148Rec Fee:S746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 2.30 Limited Common Area."LimitedCommon Area" means a Common Area that is designatedby thisMaster Declaration,by a Supplemental Declaration,on the Plat,or on a Supplemental Plat,fortheexclusiveuse ofone ormore Lots intheCommon InterestCommunity but fewer thanalloftheLots. 2.31 B."Lot"means any part of the Common InterestCommunity which is designatedas a Lot (includingwithoutlimitationa Mountain Lot,an EstateLot,or a Cabin Lot) on a Plator any Supplemental Plator amendment,togetherwith allImprovements thereonand appurtenancesthereto. 2.32 Master Association."Master Association" means the Spring Valley Ranch Master Association,a Colorado nonprofitcorporation,itssuccessorsand assigns. 2.33 Master Declaration."Master Declaration"means this instrument and all Supplemental Declarations,as this instrument and such Supplemental Declarationsmay be amended from timetotime. 2.34 Master Rules and Regulations."Master Rules and Regulations"means rules and regulationsadopted from time totime by the Executive Board,as provided in Section7.3of thisMaster Declaration. 2.35 Member."Member"means each Lot or any Cabin InterestOwner,includingthe Declarant.Membership in the Master Association shallbe appurtenantto,and may not be separatedfrom,ownership ofa Lot or a Cabin Interest. 2.36 Mortgage."Mortgage"means any mortgage,deed of trustor other security instrument,given voluntarilyby the Owner of a Lot or a Cabin Interest,creatinga realproperty securityinterestina Lot or Cabin Interestand Recorded in therecordsoftheClerk and Recorder of the County."FirstMortgage"means a mortgage which is the firstand most seniorof the Mortgages on thesame Lot or Cabin Interest.The term "Mortgage"does not mean a statutory, taxor judiciallien.The term "Deed of Trust"when used hereinshallbe synonymous with the term "Mortgage." 2.37 Mortgagee."Mortgagee"means a mortgagee under a Mortgage or a beneficiary under a Deed of Trust,as thecase may be,and the assigneesof such Mortgagee. 2.38 Mortgagor."Mortgagor"means the maker,obligoror grantorof a Mortgage. The term "Mortgagor"includesa trustoror grantorunder a Deed of Trust. 2.39 Mountain Lot."Mountain Lot"means any Lot which is designated as a Mountain Lot on a Plat,togetherwith allImprovements thereonand appurtenancesthereto. 2.40 Notice and Hearing."Noticeand Hearing"means a writtennoticeand public hearingbeforetheExecutive Board,or a panel appointedby the ExecutiveBoard,as setforthin the Bylaws. 2.41 Occupant."Occupant"means any Person who isa tenantina residenceon a Lot or a Cabin Interest,pursuant to a Lease with the Owner thereof."Occupant"also means any 19 All WJM,?J,mlMt M'hlilN MI MF, M'h H ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 20 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Person who is presentwithin the Common InterestCommunity as a family member,guest or inviteeof an Owner,an Occupant,the Declarant,orthe Master Association. 2.42 Owner."Owner" means the Person,includingDeclarant,or ifmore than one,all Persons collectively,who hold fee simple titleof recordtoa Lot ortoa Cabin Interest,including sellersunder executorycontractsof saleand excludingbuyers thereunder,but does notincludea Mortgagee ortheholderof an interestina Lot or a Cabin Interestsolelyas securityfora debt.A referencehereinto a "Lot Owner" shallalsobe deemed a reference(where applicable)to the collectiveOwners oftheCabin Interestsintowhich thatLot hasbeen divided. 2.43 Permitted Exceptions."PermittedExceptions"means allliens,encumbrances, reservations,restrictions,conditions,easements and othermattersof recordwhich encumber the titleto allor any part of theCommon InterestCommunity,asofthedatethisMaster Declaration or a Supplemental Declarationis recorded.This Master Declarationand any Supplemental Declarationshallbe subjecttosuch PermittedExceptions. 2.44 Person. "Person"means a naturalperson,a corporation,a partnership,a limited liabilitycompany,a trust,or any otherentitycapable of holding titletorealpropertypursuantto thelaws oftheStateofColorado. 2.45 Plat. "Plat"means the Final Plat of Spring Valley Ranch P.U.D.(Phase I),as recorded to -si ,2010 at Reception No.799343 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of GarfieldCounty,Colorado,as saidFinalPlatmay be amended from time to time.By thisreference,said FinalPlatis incorporatedin thisMaster Declaration.The term "Plat"alsomeans each Supplemental PlatRecorded by Declarantand allRecorded amendments thereto. 2.46 P.U.D. Plan. "P.U.D.Plan" means thatcertainPlanned Unit Development Plan for Spring Valley Ranch P.U.D. as approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County by ResolutionNo.2008-55,recorded as Reception No. 747015 and Resolution No. 2008-56,recorded as Reception No. 747016 of the realestaterecords of Garfield County, Colorado and incorporatedhereinby thisreference,as saidP.U.D. Plan may be amended from time to time. All Owners and Occupants shallcomply atalltimes with thoserestrictionsand requirementscontainedintheP.U.D.Plan thatrestrictor aretobe complied with by Owners or Occupants. 2.47 Real Estate Transfer Assessment."RealEstateTransferAssessment" means a change againstthe transfereeof a Lot or Cabin Interestor interestthereinand againstsaid transfereeOwner's Lot or Cabin Interest,due and payable totheMaster Associationatthetime of transfer,intheamount and pursuanttothe proceduressetforthin Section12.14hereof. 2.48 Registered Builder."RegisteredBuilder"means a general contractorthathas been registeredto perform work within Spring Valley Ranch with the Design Review Committee pursuanttothe guidelinesand proceduressetforthhereinand inthe Design Guidelines. 2.49 Record or Recorded."Record" or "Recorded"means an instrumentof recordin, or the act of recording an instrumentwith,the officeof the Clerk and Recorder of Garfield County. 20 HIllWJAM,n W HRH WMM Milli lllll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 21 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 2.50 Regular Assessment."Regular Assessment" means a charge against an Owner and theOwner's Lot or Cabin Interestforpurposes of coveringthe annual costsof operatingand administeringtheMaster Associationand allotherCommon Expenses. Regular Assessments are based on a Budget adopted by theExecutive Board in accordance with Section12.6 below,and areallocatedto the Lots and Cabin Interests in accordance with the Allocated Interests,except thatCommon Expenses thatinthejudgment ofthe ExecutiveBoard benefitfewer thanallof the Lots orCabin Interestsshallbe allocatedexclusivelytotheLotsor Cabin Interestsbenefited. 2.51 Reimbursement Assessment."Reimbursement Assessment"means a charge againsta particularOwner and the Owner's Lot or Cabin Interestforpurpose of reimbursingthe Master Associationforcostsand expenses incurredby the Master Associationin connectionwith theenforcement of any provision hereof or the remedying of any violationby theOwner or an Occupant ofthisMaster Declarationor any amendment heretoor any Supplemental Declaration, the Articles,Bylaws,Master Rules and Regulations,or Design Guidelines,or any approvals granted by the Design Review Committee,or for other purposes set forthin the Master Declaration,pursuantto Section12.10 hereof,togetherwith latecharges and interestas provided forherein.Reimbursement Assessment shallincludewithout limitationany Common Expense caused by themisconduct of any Lot orCabin InterestOwner orof such Owner's Occupants. 2.52 Shared Driveway."Shared Driveway"means a driveway constructedwithina Shared Driveway Easement depictedon thePlatoron any Supplemental Plat. 2.53 Special Assessment."SpecialAssessment"means a charge against an Owner and the Owner's Lot or Cabin Interestfor purposes of reimbursing the Master Associationfor costs and expenses incurredor to be incurredby the Master Associationfor the purpose of paying for the construction,reconstruction,repair,maintenance or replacement of capital improvements to or upon or servingthe Common InterestCommunity,the costsof which were not includedin a Regular Assessment,or for excessreconstructioncostsor other extraordinary expenses,or to acquireAssociationProperty,or for fundingany operating deficitof theMaster Association,as authorizedby theExecutiveBoard from time totime as provided herein.Special Assessments shallbe based on a Budget adopted by the Executive Board in accordance with Section12.8below. 2.54 SpecialDistrict."SpecialDistrict"means any special districtthatmay be formed under the Colorado Special DistrictAct (C.R.S.Section32-1-201 etA to assistin constructing,operating,maintaining,improving and/or replacingcertainimprovements within the P.U.D.,includingwithout limitationtheLandis Creek MetropolitanDistrictsNo. 1 and No. 2,and the Spring Valley SanitationDistrict,as applicable. 2.55 Subassociation."Subassociation"means any Colorado nonprofitcorporation, and itssuccessors and assigns,organized and establishedby Declarant pursuant to or in connectionwith any Supplemental Declaration. 2.56 Subassociation Common Area."SubassociationCommon Area" means allreal propertyinterests(notjust fee titleand leaseholdinterests)and the Improvements or amenities and personalpropertythereonwhich may from time totime be owned,leasedor maintainedby a 21 All WJM,F'd,WWW'M MMM Wh ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 22 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Subassociationor otherwiseheld by a Subassociationforthe use,enjoyment and benefitof the members of such Subassociation orsome of them. 2.57 Supplemental Declaration."Supplemental Declaration"means an amendment to thisMaster Declarationwhich annexes realproperty to the Common InterestCommunity, subjectssuch realproperty to thisMaster Declaration,and setsforthsuch amendments to the Master Declarationand such additionalcovenants,conditions,uses and restrictionsas may be applicableto the annexed property,executed by Declarantand Recorded in the Officeof the Clerk and Recorder of the County,and any Recorded amendments thereto.In thediscretionof Declarant,Cabin Interestsmay be createdwith respectto Cabin Lots annexed to the Common InterestCommunity by Supplemental Declaration(s).A Supplemental Declarationmay alsobe used to createa Cabin Interestprogram forCabin Lots thatare already within the Common InterestCommunity. 2.58 Supplemental Plat."Supplemental Plat"means any land survey plat which is Recorded by Declarant forthe purpose of annexing the realproperty describedthereinto the Common InterestCommunity,and any Recorded amendments to such Supplemental Plat. Supplemental Platsshallinclude,without limitation,those FinalPlatsof subsequentphases of Spring Valley Ranch,or those portionsof such Final Plats,as aremade subjectto thisMaster Declarationfrom time totime by Supplemental Declaration. 2.59 Water Systeni."Water System"means the domestic and irrigationivater deliveryand augmentation system that servesthe Common InterestCommunity and the Club Property,including all relatedwater rights,and all pumps,water collectionand delivery equipment and pipes,conduits,ponds and otherwatertransmissioncomponents. 2.60 Wildfire Mitigation Plan."Wildfire Mitigation Plan"means the Wildfire MitigationPlan describedherein,which is attachedto and made a partof theMaster Rules and Regulations,as it may be amended from time to time,which Wildfire Mitigation Plan is incorporatedin thisMaster Declarationby thisreference.All Owners and Occupants shall comply atalltimes with the terms and provisionsofsaidWildfireMitigationPlan. 2.65 WildlifeMitigation Plan."Wildlife Mitigation Plan" means the Wildlife MitigationPlan,which isdescribedhereinand as may be supplementedby theMaster Rules and Regulations,which WildlifeMitigationPlan is incorporatedin thisMaster Declarationby this reference.All Owners and Occupants shallcomply atalltimeswith thetermsand provisionsof saidWildlifeMitigationPlan. ARTICLE III GENERAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY Itisthe intentionofDeclaranttoestablishand impose a common and generalplan forthe improvement, development, use and occupancy of theCommon InterestCommunity,allin order to enhance the value,desirability,and attractivenessof theCommon InterestCommunity and to promote the marketing,development and enjoyment thereof.Accordingly,Declarant hereby declaresthe entireCommon InterestCommunity,includingbutnot limited,to allLots and Cabin 22 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 23 of 148 RecFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Interests,shallbe owned, held,used,occupied,improved,altered,maintained,conveyed,leased, encumbered and enjoyed subject to the following covenants,conditions,restrictions, reservations,easements,rights and other provisions,and to the furtherrequirements and restrictionssetforthin the Design Guidelines,subjectto such Declarantexemptions as may be setforthherein. 3.1 Master Development Control.Except as otherwise expresslyprovided in this Master Declarationor in any Supplemental Declaration,(i)no residence,building,structure, fence,wall,landscaping or other Improvement shallbe commenced, made, done,permitted, located,erected,improved,alteredor removed withintheCommon InterestCommunity without the priorwrittenapproval,of the Design Review Committee,and (ii)allsubsequent additionsto or changes or alterationsin any residence,building,structure,fence,wall,landscapingor other Improvement,includingwithout limitationexteriorcolorscheme,and allchanges in the grade of Lots,shallalso be subjectto the priorwrittenapproval of the Design Review Committee.No modificationsfrom the approvals granted by the Design Review Committee shallbe made without the prior written approval of the Design Review Committee.Notwithstanding the foregoing,in the event of an emergency or the sudden occurrenceof unanticipatedconditions which threatenthe health,safety or physical well-being of Persons or property within the Common InterestCommunity,the ExecutiveBoard and/orthe Design Review Committee shall have the authority(without the prior approvals described above),to take whatever remedial actionmay be necessary anywhere in the Common InterestCommunity to protectPersons and property untilsuch time as applicablenotice and/or approval procedures can reasonably be utilized.Furthernotwithstandingthe foregoing,Design Review Committee approval shallnotbe required for Improvements made by Declarant in the exerciseof any development rights or specialDeclarantrightsreservedby DeclarantinthisMaster Declarationor in any Supplemental Declaration. 3.2 Violationof Law,Insurance,Etc. No Owner or Occupant or Person shalldo any actor causeor permit anythingtobe done or kept inor upon a Lot ora residenceconstructed thereon,or the AssociationProperty,which would resultin the increaseof,or cancellationof, insurancemaintained by the Master Associationor would be in violationof any federal,state, town or otherlaw,ordinance,regulationor code of any governmental body havingjurisdiction, or of any Master Rule or Regulationpromulgated by theMaster Association,or of any provision of thisMaster Declaration. 3.3 General Maintenance of Common InterestCommunity.All propertywithin the Common InterestCommunity, including withoutlimitationallLots (includingunimproved Lots,and Lots on which Improvements are under construction),Association Property, Improvements,and landscaping,shallbe kept and maintainedina cleanand attractivecondition and in good order,conditionand repair. (a) Except as specificallyset forth in this Sectionor in a Supplemental Declaration,maintenance,repair,and upkeep of each Lot and the Improvements thereon (includingattractivepaintingand refinishingthereofat regularintervals)shallbe the responsibilityof theOwner of theLot or theOwners of theCabin Interestsintowhich a Lot may be divided. Such maintenance and repairshallbe performed by each Owner whenever necessaryor appropriateand at regularintervalsin orderto keep the Lot and 23 Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico24of148ReoFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Improvements in substantiallythe same conditionand appearance as existedatthetime of completion of construction,subjectto normal wear and tearthatcannot be avoided. Said Owner obligationsshallincludeallmaintenance,repairor replacementrequiredas a consequence of any fire,wind, vandalism, theftor other casualty.With respectto a Lot, thismaintenance obligationextendsto alllands and landscapingwithin the Lot lines,all landscapingon any adjacent streetright-of-waythatisbounded by thefrontLot line,the paved portion of the street,and the continuationof the sideLot linesbetween the two, and alllandscapingon any land lyingbetween the Lot and thewater'sedge of any natural or manmade body of water,exceptingany areasor elements thataretobe maintainedby the Master Association or a Special District.Unsightly conditions on a Lot shall constitutea nuisanceunder thisMaster Declaration. (b)Maintenance,repair,and upkeep of AssociationProperty,includingany Improvements and landscaping thereon,shallbe the responsibilityof the Master Association. (c)The individualOwners and the Executive Board shall each use a reasonablestandardof carein providingforthe repair,management and maintenance of the propertiesfor which they are responsibleso that the entireCommon Interest Community willreflecta prideof ownership. (d)Ifan Owner failsto perform any of such obligationswithin ten (10)days followingreceiptof a writtennoticefrom the Design Review Committee ortheExecutive Board requestingthe same,the Design Review Committee or the ExecutiveBoard shall have the rightto enterupon theLot of the Owner to cure the violation,to perform any needed repairsor maintenance,or tootherwisecause compliance withthisSection,and to levy and collecta Reimbursement Assessment upon the Owner and itsLot (or Cabin Interest)forthe costs and expenses incurredby the Master Associationin connection therewith.The Design Review Committee or theExecutiveBoard shallhave no rightto enterintothe interiorof a residencewithout theconsentof theOwner except inthecase ofa clearemergency. 3.4 Residential Use and Occupancy.Each Lot shallbe improved, occupied and used only for privatesingle-familyresidentialpurposes,except thatmulti-familyor lodge units may be builtand occupied upon the Club Property.The creationof Cabin Interestswith respect tocertainLots intheCommon InterestCommunity shallnotviolatethisrestriction. No structureswhatsoever,other than those permittedby the P.U.D. Plan or by other applicableGarfieldCounty zoning regulationsand approved in writingby the Design Review Committee,shallbe erected,placed or permitted to remain on any Lot. No office,business and/orcommercial structuresshallbe permittedwithintheCommon InterestCommunity except in those areaswhere such uses are allowed by applicableprovisionsof the P.U.D.Plan. No business,professionalor othernon-residentialor commercial use shallbe made of any Lot,or conducted in any residenceconstructedon a Lot,exceptingin-home businessesor occupations which do not involve (i)employees,(ii)the solicitationor invitationof the generalpublic,or (iii)the servicingof customers,and which activitiesareconducted entirelywithin theresidence and do not cause any additionaltrafficor parking withinthe Common InterestCommunity or 24 HillWJA.MMJAMMI*RM M MM lillI Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 25 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO otherwise createa nuisance for neighboring Lots or the Common InterestCommunity.The leasingof a residencein compliance with the provisionsof Section3.37below shallnot violate thisrestriction.No equipment or materialsincidentto any businessor occupation (whether conducted withinthe residenceor elsewhere)shallbe kept or storedon any Lot except withinthe residence,garage,barn,or other outbuildingapproved by the Design Review Committee. Notwithstanding the foregoing,activitiesnormally associatedwith the saleby the Declarantor an Owner of an improved or unimproved Lot or a Cabin Interestshallbe allowed,subjectto any limitationscontainedin thisMaster Declaration. 3.5 New Construction Required;No Temporary Buildings or Occupancy.All Improvements constructedwithinor placed upon theCommon InterestCommunity shallbe new. No used or temporary house structure,tent,teepee,or non-permanent out-building(specifically includingwithoutlimitationmobile homes and trailersshalleverbe placed,erectedor allowedto remain within the Common InterestCommunity except temporary structuresor construction trailersused forconstructionpurposes during theconstructionof a residence,which temporary facilitiesshallbe removed immediately followingcompletion of constructionand in any event no laterthan 18 months followingcommencement of constructionor remodeling unlessa written extensionis granted by the Design Review Committee.No trailer,mobile home,incomplete residenceor otherstructureotherthan a residencecompleted in accordancewith approved plans shall ever be used or occupied at any time for residentialpurposes,eithertemporarilyor permanently.No completed residence on a Lot shallbe occupied in any manner untilall provisions of thisMaster Declaration and of the Design Guidelines and allconditionsof development approval have been complied with,and a Certificateof Compliance hasbeen issued pursuantto Section6.17below.The work of constructing,alteringor remodelingany residence on a Lot or any otherImprovement withintheCommon InterestCommunity shallbe prosecuted diligentlyfrom thecommencement thereofuntilthe completion thereof. Notwithstandingthe foregoing,existingstructuresmay remain orbe relocatedwithinthe Common InterestCommunity,in thediscretionof Declarant.In addition,used materials(e.g., barnwood)and/orstructuresmay be permittedon a Lot if(i)theOwner makes a specificwritten requesttothe Design Review Committee for approval of such used materialsand/orstructures, and (ii)the Design Review Committee determines that the criteriaset forthin the Design Guidelineshave been met and specificallyapproves such requestin writing. All constructionwithin Spring Valley Ranch P.U.D. shallinallrespectsbe inaccordance with theInternationalFireCode,asamended and ineffect. 3.6 Building Envelopes.See the above definitionof thisterm for the general regulationsapplicableto BuildingEnvelopes. 3.7 Design Guidelines.All excavation and other land disturbance,construction, landscaping and irrigationactivitieswithinthe Common InterestCommunity shallbe strictly governed by the procedures,standards,guidelines,restrictionsand requirementssetforthinthe Design Guidelines.A violationof the Design Guidelinesshallconstitutea violationof this Master Declarationand may be enforcedby the Design Review Committee or Executive Board inaccordance withtheterms hereof. 25 HIIIWJAME WEhill*KNIM MM ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 26 of 148RecFee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 3.8 Annoving Light,Sound or Odor.All exteriorlightingwillbe the minimum amount necessary and allexteriorlightingwillbe directed inward and downward,towards the interiorof the subdivision,except thatprovisionsmay be made to allow for safetylightingthat goes beyond the propertyboundaries.Lightpoleswillbe 12-15 feetin heightor less,utilizingno more than 150 watts per lightpole.All exteriorlightinginstalledor maintained on any Lot or on any Improvement locatedon a Lot shallbe placed so thatthe lightsource isscreenedor shielded from theresidenceon any other Lot and from theAssociationProperty,and shallcomply with the GarfieldCounty Lighting Code. No lightshallbe emittedfrom any part of the Common InterestCommunity (includingany Lot)which is unreasonablybrightor causes unreasonable glare.Without limitingthe generalityof the foregoing,no spotlights,floodlightsor otherhigh- intensitylightsshallbe permitted within the Common InterestCommunity without the prior written approval of the Design Review Committee.The Design Guidelines may contain additionalstandardsfor exteriorlightingincluding,without limitation,standardsfor hue and intensity. No sound shallbe emittedfrom any part of theCommon InterestCommunity (including withoutlimitationany Lot) which isunreasonablyloud or annoying to others,and no odor shall be emittedfrom any part of theCommon InterestCommunity (includingwithout limitationany Lot)which isnoxiousor unreasonablyoffensivetoothers.Again without limitingthe generality of the foregoing,no exteriorspeakers,horns,whistles,bells(exceptingchimes),or othersound devices,other than securitydevicesused exclusivelyfor securitypurposes,shallbe locatedor used within the Common InterestCommunity except with the prior writtenapproval of the Design Review Committee. The Executive Board,initssolediscretion,shallhave the rightand authorityto determine theexistenceof any violationof thisSectionincludingthe reasonablenessof any light,sound or odor. 3.9 Noxious or Offensive Activities;Nuisances;Construction Activities.No noxious or offensiveactivityshalloccur or be allowed at any time on any property withinthe Common InterestCommunity,nor shallanything be done or placed thereon which isor may become a nuisance or cause an unreasonable embarrassment,disturbance,or annoyance to Owners,Occupants,Declarantor theMaster Association;or which unreasonablyinterfereswith the peacefulenjoyment or possessionand proper use of theCommon InterestCommunity,or any partthereof,by Owners or Occupants.Any activityon a Lot which interfereswith satellitedish, television,cableor radio receptionon another Lot shallbe deemed a nuisanceand shallbe a prohibitedactivity.As used herein,the term "nuisance"shallnot apply to any activitiesof Declarant which are reasonably necessary or appropriateto the development, improvement, maintenance,marketing and/orsaleoftheCommon InterestCommunity or any partthereof.The Executive Board,in itssole discretion,shallhave the right and authorityto determine the existenceof any nuisanceor unreasonableembarrassment,disturbanceor annoyance under this Section. Each owner shallcomply with theMaster Rules and Regulationsand the requirementsof allhealthauthoritiesand other governmental authoritieshaving jurisdiction over the Common InterestCommunity.Normal constructionactivitiesand parking,during daylight hours,in connection with the buildingof Improvements on a Lot shallnot be considereda nuisanceor 26 HillWJAM,MJ.MLIM'hKIMMMIMCHllIll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM Jean Alberico 27 of 148RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO otherwise prohibitedby this Master Declarationunless they are in violationof the Design Guidelinesor other requirementsof the Design Review Committee,but Lots and Association Propertyshallbe kept in a neatand tidyconditionduring constructionperiods,trashand debris shallnot be permitted to accumulate,and suppliesof brick,block,lumber and other building materialsshallbe piledonly insuch areasas may be approved by the Design Review Committee. In addition,constructionequipment and buildingmaterialsmay only be storedor kept withinthe Common InterestCommunity during and in connectionwith the constructionof Improvements thereon,and then may be kept only inareasapproved by the Design Review Committee,which also may requirescreeningof the storage areas.All such equipment and materialsshallbe removed immediately followingcompletion ofconstruction. 3.10 No Hazardous or Unsafe Activities.No activityshallbe conducted on,and no Improvement shallbe constructedon,any property within the Common InterestCommunity which is or might be unsafe or hazardous to any Person or property.Without limitingthe generalityof the foregoing,and except as allowed below,no explosives,gasoline,fireworks,or othervolatileand/or incendiarymaterialsor devicesor any materialsdeemed hazardous or toxic substancesunder applicableenvironmentallaws,rules,or regulationsshallever be used,kept, stored,permittedto remain or be releasedor disposed of on any Lot or elsewhere withinthe Common InterestCommunity.Gasoline or fuelfor an Owner's lawn mower,snowblower,and thelikemay be maintainedon an incidentalbasisinan enclosedstructureon a Lot inan amount nottoexceed 10 gallons. 3.11 No Woodburning Fireplaces or Stoves;Outside Burning;Fire Hazards. No woodburning fireplacesor woodburning stovesshallbe permittedwithin the Common Interest Community.No exteriorfiresshallbe lightedor permittedon any propertywithintheCommon InterestCommunity except in a containedbarbecue unitwhile attendedand in use for cooking purposes or asa partofthe operationand maintenanceof a ditchor partthereof.No Owner shall cause or permit any conditionon hisLot which createsa firehazard or isin violationof fire preventionregulations,or which would increaseinsuranceratesforAssociationPropertyor for otherOwners.Notwithstandingthe foregoing,theDeclarantand any SpecialDistrictthatserves theCommon InterestCommunity shallhave the rightto perform burning activitiesinconnection with the development,marketing and maintenance oftheCommon InterestCommunity. 3.12 No Firearms or Hunting.The use or dischargeof firearms,includingbut not limitedto BB guns and pelletguns,on any part of the Common InterestCommunity (including withoutlimitationthe Lots)isexpresslyprohibited.Hunting on any part oftheCommon Interest Community (includingwithout limitationthe Lots)isexpresslyprohibited. 3.13 No Unsightliness;Outside Personal Property Storage and Clothes Drving. All unsightlystructures,facilities,equipment, objects, and conditions,allsportingequipment (e.g.,skis,snow60ards,bikes,mountain bikes,kayaks,etc.),and allsnow removal,garden or maintenance equipment except when inactualuse,shallbe kept in an enclosedstructureor .ina screened area approved in writingby the Design Review Committee.Tastefulpatio furniture and accessories,barbecue grills,and playground equipment and otheroutsidepersonalproperty approved in writingin advance by the Design Review Committee,may be kept on thesideor in the rearof a Lot and must be kept inan attractiveand good condition.No laundry or wash shall be driedor hung outsideon any Lot,excepting in the yard areabehind a residencewhich is 27 AllWJA,MENEMblil#(.MI,1W,MCh ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 28 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO screened from view from streetsand other residenceswithin the Common InterestCommunity by screeningapproved in writingby the Design Review Committee,and then only on portable outdoor clothes-dryingfacilitiesapproved in writingby the Design Review Committee,which facilitiesmust be storedindoorswhen not inuse. 3.14 Vehicle Parking,Storage,Operation and Repair. (a) Subject to applicablelaws,rulesand regulations,passenger automobiles (includingwithout limitationvans and SUVs)and one ton or smallerpickup trucksmay be parked in designatedparking areas on the streetswithin the Common Interest Community. (b)No boats,trailers,buses,motor homes,mobile homes,campers (on or off supporting vehicles),snowmobiles,recreationalvehicles,allterrainvehicles,trucks, industrialor commercial vehicles (both cabs or trailers),abandoned or inoperable vehicles (as defined below),or any other similarvehicles (excepting passenger automobilesand one ton or smallerpick-up trucksshallbe parked or storedon a streetor upon any Lot in the Common InterestCommunity.The Master Associationshall establishand maintain a designated secure area or facilityfor the storage of such recreationalvehicles,and shall promulgate appropriate fees,rules and regulations governing the use thereof. (c)No motor vehicle of any kind shallbe maintained,repaired,repainted, servicedor rebuilton AssociationProperty or on any Lot except within a completely enclosed garage which fullyscreensthe sightand sound of the activityfrom thestreets and otherLots and AssociationProperty.This restrictionshallnot prevent the non- commercial washing and polishing of vehicles and boats,together with activities normally incidentthereto. (d)No more than two (2)permittedvehicles(passengerautomobiles and/or one ton or smallerpick-up trucks)shallbe parked at any time inthe driveway of any Lot, except during special occasions and then only for the durationthereof. Permitted vehiclesshallnot be parked in any locationon a Lot except the driveway or an enclosed garage. (e) Notwithstanding the foregoing,vehiclesmay be temporarilyparked on driveways on Lots and on streetswithin the Common InterestCommunity for loading, deliveryor emergency purposes, but only for the time required to accomplish such purpose,and as necessaryon a dailybasisforthe construction,maintenance or servicing of Improvements withintheCommon InterestCommunity. (f)An "abandoned or inoperablevehicle"shallmean any motorized vehicle which does not displaya currentmotor vehiclelicense,ison blocks or which has not been driven under itsown propulsionfor a period of one (1)week or longer(excepting otherwise permitted vehiclesparked by Owners or Occupants on theirLot driveways while on vacationor during a period of illness),or which does not have an operable propulsionsystem withinthevehicle. 28 WilF'dPM,tSilW'WWW,MMLMChilllI Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 29 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (g)In the event thatthe ExecutiveBoard or the Design Review Committee shalldetermine thata vehicleisabandoned or inoperable,or isotherwiseinviolationof the provisionsof thisSection,a writtennoticeof violationdescribingsaidvehicleshall be personallydeliveredto thevehicleowner (ifsuch owner can be reasonablyascertained and located)or shallbe conspicuouslyplaced upon thevehicle(ifthe owner cannot be reasonably ascertainedor located),and ifthe offending vehicleisnot removed within seventy-two(72)hours thereafter,the ExecutiveBoard or Design Review Committee (as thecase may be)shallhave the righttoremove and storethe offendingvehicle,or cause the vehicleto be removed and stored,at the sole expense of the owner of thevehicleif the vehicleislocatedon a street,or at the soleexpense oftheOwner oftheLot on which the vehicleis located,and to enterupon an Owner's Lot forsuch purpose,allwithout liabilityon the partofthe ExecutiveBoard or the Design Review Committee. (h)Snowmobiles,motorcycles,trailbikes,minibikes,dirtbikes,all-terrain vehicles,and similarmotorized vehiclesshallnot be used or operated (but may be transportedon trailers)withintheCommon InterestCommunity,except thatmotorcycles properly licensed for operation on public roads may be used on streetswithin the Common InterestCommunity.The Master Associationshallhave the authorityto adopt Master Rules and Regulationsgoverning the type and use and storageof golfcartswithin theCommon InterestCommunity. Notwithstanding the-foregoing,Declarant,theMaster Association and/or the Club Property Owner may operate such recreationalvehicles withintheCommon InterestCommunity solelyformaintenance,construction,securityor similarpurposes or in emergency circumstances. (i)Pursuant to theDeclarationof Easements and Rights,authorizedusersof theClub Property shallhave the rightto operategolf cartson golf cartpaths withinthe Common InterestCommunity.The owner of the streetswithin the Common Interest Community shallhave the rightto adopt rulesand regulationsgoverning theuse of golf cartson such streets,and the Master Associationshallhave the rightto adopt Master Rules and Regulations governing the use and storage of golf cartson other areas (includingthe Lots)withintheCommon InterestCommunity. (j)Notwithstandinganything inthisSection3.15 to the contrary,nothing in thisSection3.15shallbe deemed to prohibitor impairthe rightto parkingof any vehicle, the owner of which has the statutoryright to park within the Common Interest Community pursuanttoSection106.5(1)(d)oftheAct. 3.15 Garages.All garage doors shallbe kept closedwhen not inuse. No garage shall be permanently enclosed,and no portion of a garage originally intendedforthe parking of an automobile shallbe convertedintolivingspace or storagespace withoutthe expresspriorwritten approvalof the Design Review Committee. 3.16 Restrictionson Equipment,Tanks, Antennae, SatelliteDishes,Etc.Heating, air conditioning(includingswamp coolers),air movement,wind collection,or refrigeration equipment must be screened from the view of neighboringpropertiesand must receivethe prior writtenapproval of the Design Review Committee.Itis expresslyunderstoodthat except in extenuatingcircumstances,as determined by the Design Review Committee,only centralair 29 HillMUMM'AIN MF,MMleN.MLM'.MCh ll III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 30 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO conditioningwillbe allowed withintheCommon InterestCommunity.The use of solarenergy systems (both passive and active)within the Common InterestCommunity is encouraged, provided such systems comply with governmental guidelinesforresidentialuses and meet the same architecturalcriteriaas are applied to other Improvements withinthe Common Interest Community,and are approved in advance by the Design Review Committee. No tanksof any kind,whether elevatedor buried,shallbe erected,placed or permittedtoremain upon any Lot or AssociationPropertyexcept in compliance with applicablefederaland stateregulations,and then only with the priorwrittenconsent of the Design Review Committee.Any approved tank must be locatedunderground or adequatelyconcealed from view by fencing or screeningapproved by the Design Review Committee. Ifan Owner wishes to installan antennato receivevideo programming,theOwner shall notifythe Design Review Committee in writingof the proposed installationand locationthereof atleastten days before theinstallation.The antenna installationand locationshallcomply with allfire,electricaland otherapplicablesafetycodes,and the installingOwner shalltotheextent feasibleinstallthe antenna in a locationthatminimizes itsvisibilityfrom neighboring Lots, AssociationProperty,or Club Property.The installingOwner shallbe obligatedto paint the antenna so that itblends into the background against which itis mounted and to plant and maintain such reasonablelandscaping as willscreenthe antenna,to the extent feasible,from neighboring Lots,AssociationProperty and the Club Property.Provided always,that in the event thatin any particularsituationany of the foregoingrequirementsor restrictionscause an unreasonabledelay or cost inthe installation,maintenance or use of the antenna,or preventthe receptionof acceptablequalitysignals,saidrequirementsor restrictionsshallbe invalidas they apply to thatparticularsituation. Subject to the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the regulationspromulgated thereunder,satellitedishesthatexceed one meter in diameter,and MDS antennasthatexceed one meter in diameteror diagonal measurement,shallnot be allowed withinthe Common Interest Community.Mast antennasthatextend higherthan 12 feetabove therooflineand antennasthat arenot used toreceivevideo programming shallonly be permittedwithintheCommon Interest Community ifthey receivethe priorwrittenapproval of the Design Review Committee as to design,locationand screeningfrom neighboringLots,AssociationProperty,and Club Property. 3.17 Restrictionson Mining or Drilling.No property within the Common Interest Community shallbe used forthe purpose of mining,quarrying,drilling,boring,or exploringfor, developing or removing,water,geothermal resources,oil,gas,or otherhydrocarbons,minerals, rocks,stones,gravel,or earth,except drilling,exploringfor,removing, distributing or storing underground water by Declarantor theMaster Association.Nothing containedherein shallbe construedto limitthe rightsof the owners of mineralinterestssevered from the surfaceof any portionoftheCommon InterestCommunity prior tothe recordingofthisMaster Declaration. 3.18 Excavations. No excavation or otherearthdisturbanceshallbe performed or permittedwithintheCommon InterestCommunity except inconnectionwith theconstructionof Improvements,and then only with the priorwrittenapproval of the Design Review Committee. Upon completion of construction,openings inthe ground shallbe backfilledand compacted and alldisturbedground shallbe graded and landscaped in accordancewith the Design Guidelines and the requirementsofthe Design Review Committee. 30 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 31 of 149ReoFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 3.19 No Interference with Waterways, Drainage or IrrigationSystems,or with Wetlands/Riparian Habitats.No Owner or Occupant shallconstruct,install,maintain or permit any fence or other improvement or obstructionor plant treesor take any other action which damages or interruptsor interferes in any way with (i)thenormal flow of water through and along waterways and water features within the Common InterestCommunity, (ii)any irrigationditch,lateral,lake,pond orotherwater collection,storageordistributionsystem within or servingtheCommon InterestCommunity or theClub Property,(iii)normal drainagepatterns withintheCommon InterestCommunity ortheClub Property,or (iv)wetlands areasorwithin75 feetofthe high watermark of ripariancorridors,subjectalways tothe rightsof owners of ditches and other water rightsand the requirementsof the Design Review Committee.The Master Associationshallhave the authorityto take such actionas may be necessaryto abateor enjoin any such damage or interference,and shallhave the rightto enterupon a Lot for purposes of correctingor removing the same,and any costsincurredby theMaster Associationin connection with such abatement,injunctiveor correctiveactivitiesshallbe assessedto the subjectLot Owner inthe form of a Reimbursement Assessment. 3.20 Lakes, Ponds,Creeks,Ditches.No swimming or boating or ice skating activitiesshallbe conducted or allowed on any lakes,ponds,creeks or ditcheswithin the Common InterestCommunity,exceptingin recreationalareas within AssociationProperty that may be establishedfrom time to time by the Master Associationin itssolediscretion,and then subjectto such Master Rules and Regulations as may be adopted by the Executive Board. Fishing may be allowed in designated areas,but only in the sole discretionof the Master Association,and then subjectto such Master Rules and Restrictionsas may be adopted by the ExecutiveBoard. 3.21 Lake Banks;Beaches.All lakebanks withinthe Common InterestCommunity shallbe properly sodded by the adjacentproperty owner promptly following completion of constructionof Improvements on the adjacentproperty,unless the Design Review Committee otherwisedirectsin writing.No beach or sandy area contiguousto any lake,pond or canalshall be createdwithin the Common InterestCommunity without the prior writtenapproval of the Design Review Committee and any appropriate Governmental authority 3.22 Fences and Walls. These fencingrestrictionsshallnot apply to retainingwalls, debrisflow and rockfallbarriersor other engineered structuresnecessary forthe development and protectionof structuresand common elements.Fencing isrestrictedthroughout Spring Valley Ranch to facilitatewildlifemovement,to optimize habitatavailability,and to reduce wildlifemortality.Owners and Occupants shallcomply withthe followingrestrictions: (a)Perimeterfencesaround Lots areprohibited. (b) Except as approved by the Associationwith regardtohorse enclosures,in residentialzone districtsallfencing shallbe contained withinthe designatedBuilding Envelopes pursuant to the Design Guidelinesand shallnot exceed 48 inchesin height. Fenced areasmay notexceed the followingarea foreach zone district: (i)Residential/MountainDistrict-the areaof the buildingenvelope 31 MillmA,MMI M IMM IA.M W,WH ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM Jean Alberico 32 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (ii)Residential/RanchDistrict-max.15,000 sf. (iii)Residential/EstateDistrict-max.10,000 sf. (iv)Residential/CabinDistrict-max. 5000 sf. (v)Residential/PastureDistrict-theareaofthe buildingenvelope (vi) Privacy fencesor walls attachedtotheresidencein any residentialdistrict shallbe permitted to enclose a maximum area of'4,500 square feetof patio,lawn or similarareas,for purposes of screening lawns,patios and similarfeatureswithin the Building Envelope on the Lot.Wildlife-prooffences are permitted to protect small gardenplots,which must be confinedtowithinthe BuildingEnvelope. (c)Except fortemporary fencingto protectgolfgreens and tees,fenceswithin allOpen Space Districts,includingfencing to prevent domestic livestockfrornentering thePUD or any area therein,shallbe three-strandfencesconstructedand maintained in accordancewith guidelinesof the Colorado Divisionof Wildlife,and Colorado law. (d) Any existing internalbarbed wire fences used in the past ranching operationsshallbe removed and may be replacedby three-strandfencesconstructedand maintained in accordance with guidelinesof the Colorado Division of Wildlife and Colorado law. (e)Fenced kennels or dog runsshallbe permittedas providedherein. (f)Lots withinareas in which horsesareallowed shallbe permittedto have fenced horse enclosures and turn-out areas as approved by the Design Review Committee,which fencingmust meet Colorado Divisionof Wildlifestandards.Horses shallbe kept and maintainedwithinthesefencedenclosures. No other fencesor wallsshallbe permittedon Lots within Spring Valley Ranch unless expresslyauthorizedin writingby the Design Review Committee. 3.23 Tree and Natural Shrub Preservation.All Improvements withintheCommon InterestCommunity shallbe located,designed,and constructedso as to preserve and protect treesand naturalshrubs.Unless otherwiserequiredby theWildfireMitigationPlan,in orderto conserve the naturalbeauty of the area,no existingtreesor naturalshrubs (e.g.,pine,cedar, pifion,otherevergreens,gamble oak or sage brush)may be removed or trimmed except with the prior,writtenapproval of the Design Review Committee. This restrictionshallnot apply tothe removal or trimming of dead or diseased vegetation,or to essentialclearingby an Owner in connectionwith theconstructionof a residence(butnot otherImprovements)on a sitepreviously approved by the Design Review Committee.Any violationof this Sectionshallsubjectthe offending Owner to such penalties,fines and/or other conditions as the Design Review Committee considersappropriate,includingwithout limitationthewithdrawalormodificationof previouslygranteddevelopment approvals,or the requirementthatreplacementtreesor shrubsof equivalentordifferentsizeand type be plantedand maintainedby the Owner. 32 HIllIPJE,F'd,W MWMIMMWWCH ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 33 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 3.24 Use of Easement Areas;UtilityInstallation.All easements shown on a Plator Supplemental Platcoveringany portionof theCommon InterestCommunity have been created or reservedforthe purposes indicatedon such Platand/orinthisMaster Declaration.No Owner or Occupant may erectany structureof any type whatsoever insuch easement areas,nor may an Owner or Occupant use the surface of such easement areas for any private use,otherthan landscapingwhich willnot interferewith theuse of saideasement by thePersonsor entitiesfor whose benefitithas been createdor reservedand which receivesthe priorwrittenapprovalofthe Design Review Committee. With respecttoeasements createdforaccessand/orutilitypurposes eitherby thetermsof thisMaster Declarationor any other Recorded agreement or on a Plat,any and allbona fide publicand privateutilityservicecompanies,SpecialDistricts,and theClub PropertyOwner (but only to the extentsetforthintheDeclarationof Easements and Rights),shallhave the rightof access,ingress,egress,and use of such easement areas for the installation,operation and maintenance of utilityfacilitiesserving the Common InterestCommunity and/or the Club Property,subjectto the followinglimitations.Except as to specialstreetlightingor otheraerial facilitieswhich may be requiredby the County,no aerialutilitylinesor facilitiesof any type (exceptmeters,risers,servicepedestalsand othersurfaceinstallationsnecessaryto maintainor operate appropriateunderground facilities)shallbe erectedor installedwithin the Common InterestCommunity,whether upon Lots,AssociationProperty,easements,streets,or rights-of- way of any type,eitherby a utilitycompany,a Special District,an Owner,the Master Association,the Club PropertyOwner or any otherperson or entity(includingbutnot limitedto any person owning or acquiringany part of the Common InterestCommunity)and allutility linesand facilities(includingbut not limitedto water,sewer,gas,electricity,telephone,and cablety)shallbe buried underground.Provided,thatduring theconstructionof a residenceon a Lot a temporary overhead power linemay be installedwhich shallbe promptly removed upon completionofconstruction. 3.25 Landscaping,Irrigation.No landscapingshallbe performed on any Lot or on AssociationPropertyunlessa landscapingplan thereforehas receivedthe priorwrittenapproval of the Design Review Committee,and alllandscapingshallcomply with the Design Guidelines. No lawn or other landscapingshallbe permittedoutsideof the BuildingEnvelope on a Lot.A landscaping plan for each Lot must be,approved by the Design Review Committee before constructioniscommenced on the residenceon thatLot. Such landscapingplan must include landscapingto the waterlineor any abuttinglakeor pond or ditchand to the pavement edge of any abuttingroad or parking area.Any substantialchange in the type or locationof approved landscapingvegetationshallrequirethe furtherapprovalof the Design Review Committee.No artificialgrass,plantsor other artificialvegetationshallbe placed or permittedtoremain within the Common InterestCommunity (except indoors)without the prior writtenapproval of the Design Review Committee. All irrigationpracticeswithinthe Common InterestCommunity shallbe governed by the Design Guidelines.Each Lot shallbe allowed a maximum amount of irrigatedarea,as more specificallysetforthinthe Design Guidelines. Each Owner shalldiligentlymaintain,trim,weed, cultivate,husband,protect,preserve and otherwisekeep ina healthyand attractiveconditionthe shrubs,trees,hedges,grass,planters, 33 HillRFA,VW,RIP.WN.WM.MWM AIIII Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico34of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO gardens and other landscapingupon or abuttingthe Owner's Lot,including,without limitation, the removal of dead and diseasedbranches and brush and the performance of other tasks necessarytoremove or eliminate materialwhich constitutesor createsa firehazardor nuisance. Each Owner shallalsomaintain allpaved,concreteand othersyntheticallysurfacedareas within the Owner's Lot,includingbut not limitedto,driveway and parking areas,in good conditionand repair. 3.26 Tennis Courts and Basketball Goals. Tennis courts,basketball goals, backboards and nets shallnotbe allowed unlesstheycomply with the Design Guidelinesand the writtenapproval of the Design Review Committee is firstobtained.Any permittedbasketball backboards must be professionallymanufactured,and must be installedon black poles,with a white orclearbackboard.No garage or roofmounted basketballbackboardsshallbe permitted. 3.27 Swimming Pools,Spas,and Related Equipment.Pools,spas or hot tubs may be erected,constructedor installedon Lots within theCommon InterestCommunity, provided they comply with the Design Guidelines and receivethe prior writtenconsent of the Design Review Committee.Ifa pool,spa or hottub is approved,allserviceequipment shallbe fenced and locatedin either(a)a sideyard between the frontand rearboundaries of the residence,or (b)in the rear yard adjacent to the residence,and shallbe adequately screened from any neighboringLots,the AssociationProperty,the Club Property,and allstreetsin the Common InterestCommunity. 3.28 Signs and Advertising.With the exceptionof one entry/identificationsign per Lot duringthe period of actualconstructionon the Lot,which sign shallcomply with the Design Guidelines,no sign,poster,billboardor advertisingdevice of any kind shallbe allowed or displayedupon any Lot or any AssociationProperty within the Common InterestCommunity except:(a)such signs as may be used by the Declarant in connectionwith the development, marketing and saleof Lots or Cabin InterestsintheCommon InterestCommunity; (b) such signs as may be required by legalproceedings, or the prohibitionof which is precluded by law; (c)such signsas may be requiredfortrafficcontroland for regulationof AssociationProperty; (d)neighborhood monuments (e.g.,entranceand directionalsigns)which are compatible with the architectureof the area (e)such other signsas may be specificallyauthorizedand regulated by the Design Guidelines;and (f)signs,the prohibitionof which isprohibitedby the Act. All permittedsignsmust comply with the Design Guidelines. 3.29 Camping and Pienicking.No camping or picnicking shallbe allowed on AssociationProperty except in areas,if any,thatmay be designatedfor such purpose by the Master Association. 3.30 Soliciting.No solicitingshallbe permitted at any time within the Common InterestCommunity. 3.31 No Individual Water Wells or Individual Sewage Disposal Systems; Exceptions.No individualwater wells,and no cesspools,septictanks or otherindividual sewage disposalsystems,shallbe drilled,constructed,maintained or permittedto remain within the Common InterestCommunity,except such water and/or septicsystems as may be installed 34 All01W,M,M WCHICMMLNLWMrM llllI Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 35 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO by Declarantor Declarant'ssuccessor,assignor designee or theMaster Associationor a Special Districtto serve the Common InterestCommunity or portionsthereof.Notwithstanding the foregoing,individualwater wells shall be permitted as set forth in the P.U.D.Approval. Notwithstandingthe foregoing,individualsewage treatmentsystems("ISTS")shallbe permitted as set forthin the P.U.D.Approval and as designatedon the Final Plat,provided they comply with the Design Guidelines and receivethe prior written approval of the Design Review Committee.Each Owner of a Lot with an allowable ISTS comply with all applicable requirements of the ISTS Operation and Maintenance Plan adopted by the Landis Creek MetropolitanDistrict,which shallbe incorporatedintothe Design Guidelines.Each such Owner of a Lot with an allowableindividualsewage disposalsystem shallexecute a contractwith the Landis Creek Metropolitan DistrictNo.1 for the performance of such responsibilities.The obligationsof such Lot Owners shallbe enforceableby eitherthe Master Associationor the Landis Creek Metropolitan DistrictNo.1.In accordance with the P.U.D Plan,the Master Associationshallcontractwith a thirdparty operator,who must be at leasta "ClassC"operator to operateand maintain theRanch Lot and Mountain Lot ISTS. The operatorand thecontract employing the operatormust be acceptabletoGarfieldCounty Board of County Commissioners. 3.32 Regulation of Pesticides. The Design Review Committee may adopt reasonable rulesand regulationsgoverning the use and applicationof pesticides,herbicides,fertilizersand fungicideswithinthe Common InterestCommunity. 3.33 Maintenance of Visibilityat StreetIntersections.No hedge,shrub,or planting which obstructsthe sightlinesbetween two and six feetabove the streetshallbe placed or permittedto remain on any corner Lot within the triangularareaformed by the streetproperty linesand the lineconnecting them at-pointstwenty-fivefeet(25')from the intersectionof the streetlinesor in the caseof a rounded propertycornerfrom theintersectionof thestreetlinesas extended.The same sightlinelimitationshallapply to any portion of a Lot lyingwithintenfeet (10')of the intersectionof a streetpropertylinewith the edge of a driveway pavement. No tree shallbe permittedto remain withinthe above-describedrestrictedareasunlessthe foliagelineis maintained at or above six feet (6')above the streetintersectionelevationto prevent the obstructionof sightlines. 3.34 Restoration of Improvements in the Event of Damage or Destruction.In the event of damage to or destructionof any Improvement on any Lot the Owner(s)thereofshall cause the damaged or destroyedImprovement to be promptly restoredor replacedto itsoriginal condition or such other condition as may be approved in writingby the Design Review Committee,or the Owner(s)shallcause the damaged or destroyedImprovement to be promptly demolished and theLot to be suitablylandscaped,subjecttothe approval of the Design Review Committee,so as to presenta pleasingand attractiveappearance.Such Improvements shallbe repaired,restoredor otherwise demolished and suitablylandscapedwithinsuch reasonabletime frame as may be establishedby the Design Review Committee. 3.35 Leases.The leasing/rentalof Cabin Interestsshallbe governed by the Cabin Interestownership documents,and shallnot be affectedby thisSection (exceptthata Cabin Interestshallnotbe leasedfor any term of one week or less).Any Owner shallhave the rightto Lease hisLot under the followingconditions: 35 BillWJMMU0,W1WWM,MI.MI MGM II Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 36 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (a)All Leases shallbe in writing,and must cover the entireLot (i.e.,no Leases of bedrooms alone or otherwise covering less than allof the Lot shallbe permitted). (b)No leaseshallbe for a term of lessthan one month,and no Owner may lease a Lot more than sixtimes in any consecutive12-month period without the prior writtenconsent of the Executive Board.The foregoingnotwithstanding,and Owner may from time totime permit gueststo occupy the residence,without consideration,provided the Master Association is given prior writtennotice of such occupancy,and further provided thatsuch guest occupancies (inthe aggregate)shallnot exceed sixinstancesin any consecutive 12-month period without the prior written consent of the Executive Board. (c)All Leases shallprovide (i)thatthe terms of the Lease and the tenant's (Occupant's)use of theLot shallbe subjectinallrespectstothe provisionsofthisMaster Declarationor any pertinentSupplemental Declaration,and the Articles,the Bylaws,and theMaster Rules and Regulations,and the Design Guidelines,(ii)thatthe Occupant has received and reviewed copies of said documents,and (iii)that any failureby the Occupant to comply with any of the aforesaiddocuments,in any respect, shallbe a defaultby Occupant under the Lease and a defaultby Occupant and Owner under said documents which may be enforced againstOccupant and/or Owner by the Executive Board. (d)Each Owner shallnotifythe Master Association immediately upon the leasingof his Lot and shallprovide the Master Associationwith a copy of theLease and with thename and mailing addressof the Occupant and the mailing address(ifchanged) of the Owner. (e)Each Owner who leasesa Lot shallbe responsibleforassuringcompliance by the Occupant with allof the provisionsof thisMaster Declaration,any pertinent Supplemental Declaration,the Articles,the Bylaws,the Master Rules and Regulations, and the Design Guidelines,and shallbe jointlyand severallyresponsiblewith the Occupant forany violationsthereofby the Occupant. (f)Each Lease shallexpresslyprovide thatthe Master Association(via the Executive Board)shall have the right to give the Occupant written noticethatthe Occupant isinviolationof one or more of thedocuments listedin subsection(c)above, which noticeshallspecifya period of time (atleast5 days)inwhich the Occupant may cure the violation.Ifthe violationcontinuesuncured,or ifitis repeated within the 3-month period following the date of the firstnotice,the Lease shallprovide thatthe Owner gives to the Master Associationan irrevocablepower of attorneyto act on the Owner's behalf to give such statutorynoticesto the Occupant and to take such other actions as may be necessary or appropriateto terminate the Lease and to evictthe Occupant from the Premises. Ifa Lease does not containsuch provisions,the Owner hereby irrevocablyappointsthe Master Associationas itsattorney-in-factto acton its behalfassetforthherein. 36 IlllIPJE.M,M.MCh'M lrMM,ML Mih il lll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico37 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 3.36 Right of Entry.During reasonable hours and upon reasonablenoticeto the Owner or Occupant of a Lot ,any member ofthe Design Review Committee,any member ofthe Executive Board,and any authorizedrepresentativeof eitherof them,shallhave the rightto enterupon and inspectany Lot ,and the Improvements thereon,except for theinteriorportions of any occupied dwelling(which shallrequirethe permission of theOwner or Occupant,except in case of emergency,when no noticeor permission shallbe required),for the purpose of ascertainingwhether or not the provisionsof thisMaster Declaration(or of any Supplemental Declaration)and of the Design Guidelineshave been or are being complied with,or forthe purpose of exercisingany rightsor performing any responsibilities(maintenance,repair,etc) establishedby thisMaster Declarationor any Supplemental Declaration,and such individuals shallnotbe deemed guiltyof trespassby reasonof such entry. 3.37 Damage by Owners During Construction.Each Owner isresponsiblefor any damage caused to roads,streets,ditches,fences,trails,naturalor constructeddrainagecourses, utilities,AssociationProperty,or tootherLots or Improvements thereon,duringtheconstruction or alterationof Improvements upon theOwner's Lot,includingwithoutlimitationdamage caused by any constructionvehiclesusing theroads or streetswithintheCommon InterestCommunity. Damage shallinclude any degradation in the appearance or conditionof such roads,streets, AssociationProperty,or otherLots or Improvements.The responsibleOwner shallpromptly repairand cleanup any such damage,at itssoleexpense.Each Owner shallalsobe responsible for any damage caused by utilitycuts in roads,and forwashouts and runoffdamage caused by failureto properlyinstallculverts,and to promptly repairany such damage.IftheOwner failsto repairany such damage within 10 days followingreceiptof a writtennoticefrom theExecutive Board requestingthe same,theExecutive Board shallhave the rightto perform such repairson behalf of the Owner,and to levy a Reimbursement Assessment upon the Owner and itsLot to recoverthe coststhereof. 3.38 Restrictionson Resubdivision,Property Restrictions, and Rezoning. Except as expresslypermittedin thisMaster Declarationor in a Supplemental Declarationby which additionalproperty is annexed to the Common InterestCommunity,(i)no Lot shallever be furthersubdividedor replattedby an Owner intosmallerLots,and (ii)no physicalportionless than allof any such Lot,nor any easement or divided interesttherein,shallbe conveyed, transferredor encumbered by the Owner,and (iii)no Lot may be combined with any otherLot northe boundary linesadjustedbetween any two Lots. (a)Declarantreservesthe righttosubdivideor replata Lot,ortocombine two Lots owned by Declarant,or to adjustor remove boundary linesbetween Lots owned by Declarant,provided any necessaryCounty approvals are obtained,allDeclarationand Platamendments requiredby the Act and/or localland use laws are prepared,executed and Recorded,and the necessary reallocationof Allocated Interestsof the Owners is accomplished.In the case of the subdivisionof a Lot intotwo or more Lots,each Lot createdthereby shallconstitutea Lot for purposes of reallocationof Common Expense liabilityand voting interests.In the case of thecombination of two Lots,such interests shallbe reallocatedto reflectthe factthattwo Lots have been eliminatedand one Lot createdinitsplace,unlesstheExecutive Board requiresthatthe combined Lots continue to pay two Assessments.All costsrelatingto the foregoingactivitiesshallbe the sole responsibilityand obligationof Declarant,or of the Owner performing the same. 37 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 38 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Declarant'srightsunder thissubsection(a)shallterminateupon the firstto occur of (i)the date which is 30 years after the Recording of this Master Declaration,or (ii)Declarant'srelinquishingof theserightsby a Recorded instrument. (b)The boundariesbetween adjoiningLots may alsobe adjustedor removed (i.e.,the Lots combined) by the Owner(s)thereofother than Declarant,if(i)the written consent of the Executive Board is firstobtained,in the sole discretionof the Executive Board,(ii)all applicableregulationsand codes are complied with and all necessary County approvals are obtained,(iii)the proposed adjustmentor removal does not violate the terms of any document evidencing a securityinterestin the subjectLots,(iv)all Declarationand Plat amendments requiredby the Act and/or local land use laws are prepared,executed and Recorded,and (v)the necessary reallocationof Allocated Interestsof the Owners is accomplished pursuant to the guidelinessetforthabove or as otherwiserequiredby theExecutive Board.All costsrelatingto such activity(including the attorneys'fees and costsincurredby the Executive Board in reviewing and acting upon the matter)shallbe thesoleresponsibilityand obligationof the Owner(s) applying forthesame. (c)No Owner of a Lot shallgrantor convey any easement rightsaffectingany portionof the Lot withoutthe priorwrittenconsentofthe ExecutiveBoard. (d)No further covenants,conditions,restrictionsor easements shall be Recorded by any Owner (exceptDeclarantinthe exerciseof itsreservedrights)or other Person againstany Lot or any Cabin Interestwithout the provisionsthereofhaving been firstapproved in writing by the Executive Board for consistencywith the Master Declaration,any applicable Supplemental Declaration,and the general plan of development for the Common InterestCommunity.Any covenants,conditions, restrictionsor easements Recorded without such approvalsbeing evidenced thereonshall be nulland void.This provisiondoes not apply to Mortgages. (e)No applicationfor rezoning of any Lot,and no applicationfor any varianceor specialuse permit forany Lot,shallbe filedwith any governmental authority by any Owner (except Declarant in the exerciseof any reserved rights)unless the proposed use of theLot has firstbeen approved in writingby the ExecutiveBoard and the proposed use otherwise complies with the Master Declaration and any applicable Supplemental Declaration. 3.39 Health,Safety and Welfare.Intheevent any uses,activities,or facilitieswithin the Common InterestCommunity are deemed by the Executive Board to be an unreasonable annoyance or nuisance,or to adversely affectthe health,safety or welfare of Owners or Occupants,the Executive Board may amend the Master Rules and Regulations in order to appropriatelyrestrictand regulatesuch uses,activitiesor facilitieswithinthe Common Interest Community.Such rules shallbe consistentwith the purposes and provisionsof this Master Declaration. 3.40 Implementation and Variances.The Executive Board may implement the restrictionssetforthinthisArticle3,or otherwiserestrictand regulatethe use and occupancy of 38 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 39 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO the Common InterestCommunity and theLots and Cabin Interestsby reasonableMaster Rules and Regulationsof generalapplicationadopted by the Executive Board from time to time.The Executive Board may,in itssolediscretionand in extenuatingcircumstances,grant variances from any of therestrictionssetforthinthisArticle3 (exceptingany such restrictions with respect to which the Design Review Committee has the authorityto grantvariancesunder Section6.19 below),if the Executive Board determines,in itssole discretion,(a)either(i)that a particular restrictioncreatesa substantialhardshipor burden on an Owner or Occupant,which hardshipor burden was not caused by said Owner or Occupant,or (ii)thata change of circumstances since the Recordationof thisMaster Declarationhas rendered suchrestrictionobsolete,and (b)thatthe activitypermittedunder the variance,inthejudgment ofthe Executive Board,willnot have any materialadverse effecton the Owners and Occupants of the Common InterestCommunity (includingneighboring Lots)and isconsistent with the high quality of livingintended to be promoted hereby throughout the Common InterestCommunity.When an Owner appliesfor a variance,the Board must give at leastten (10) days advance writtennoticeof the variance hearing,and of the nature of the variancerequested,postageprepaid,by certifiedmail,return receiptrequested,to allOwners of Lots (includingCabin Interests)that are situatedwithin a radiusof 300 feetof the Lot forwhich the varianceis sought,atthe currentaddressesforsuch Owners reflectedin the Master Association files.The applying Owner must provide the Committee with an accurate listof the Owners to be so notified.If the foregoing notice requirementsare complied with,itisnot necessarythattheOwners actuallyreceivethenotice thatismailed to them,such noticesbeing deemed receivedupon mailing. No varianceshallconflictwith the P.U.D.Plan or with ordinancesor regulationsof the County.If a variance from the P.U.D.Plan,County laws or regulationsis also requiredin connection with a matter for which a variance is desiredhereunder,itshallbe the Owner's responsibilityto obtain such County variance before submittinga variance applicationto the ExecutiveBoard. 3.41 Declarant Activities.Nothing containedinthisMaster Declarationisintendedor shallbe construedto prevent,restrict,regulateor delay in any way Declarant'srightand ability to develop,improve,maintain,repair,regulate,operate,administer,manage;market,sell,lease, encumber or dispose of the Common InterestCommunity,the Lots,the Cabin Interests,the AssociationProperty,the Annexable Property,additionalunspecifiedreal estate,or any part thereof,including the right to constructImprovements and installsigns thereon,all in the complete discretionofDeclarant. 3.42 Landowner Obligations.All owners of land,whether ranch or residence, have obligationsunder State law and County regulations with regard to the maintenance of fences and irrigationditches,controllingweeds,keeping livestockand pets under control,using property in accordance with zoning,and other aspects of using and maintainingproperty. Residentsand landowners are encouraged to learnabout theserightsand responsibilitiesand act as good neighborsand citizensof the County.A good introductorysource forsuch information isA Guide toRural Living & Small Scale Agriculturalput out by theColorado StateUniversity ExtensionOfficeinGarfieldCounty. 3.43 Recognition of Right-to-Farm.Colorado is a Right-to-Farm Statepursuant to C.R.S.35-3-101,et.seq.Landowners,residentsand visitorsmust be prepared to accept the 39 All F'da,M.R,1W Md'kill*R WL ME Mf hllIII Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 40 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO activities,sights,sounds and smellsof GarfieldCounty's agriculturaloperationsas a normal and necessaryaspectof livingina County with a strongruralcharacterand healthyranching sector. All must be prepared to encounternoises,odor,lights,mud, dust,smoke,chemicals,machinery on publicroads,livestockon publicroads,storageand disposalof manure,and the applicationby spraying or otherwise of chemical fertilizers,soilamendments,herbicides,and pesticides,any one or more of which may naturallyoccur as part of a legal and non-negligentagricultural operations. ARTICLE IV ROADS AND STREETS IN COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY 4.1 Ownership and Maintenance.Declarantreservesthe rightfrom time totime to convey some or allof the plattedroadsand streetsintheCommon InterestCommunity, together with any associatedroad drainageeasements and facilities,toGarfieldCounty fortheuse of the public,ortoa SpecialDistrict,or totheMaster Association.Whatever entityholdstitletoa road or streetshallbe responsibleforthe maintenance,repairand replacement thereof,although such entitymay contractto have such servicesperformed by a thirdparty including,in the case of Master Associationownership,by a SpecialDistrict.With respectto any roadsorstreetsthatare not conveyed or dedicatedto GarfieldCounty or a SpecialDistrict,theMaster Associationshall formallyadopt a maintenance and repairplan forthe maintenance and repairof such privately owned roads or streets. 4.2 Easement for Access.There ishereby created,granted and reservedfortheuse and benefitof Declarant,the Master Association,allOwners and Occupants,and the Club Property Owner and allClub Members and other authorizedusersor employees of the Club Property,perpetual,nonexclusiveeasements and rights-of-wayover,acrossand along allplatted roads and streetsintheCommon InterestCommunity forpurpose of access,ingressand egressto and from theirrespectiveproperties.No road or streetshallbe used foraccessto any landslying outsidethe Common InterestCommunity,except theClub Property,unlessDeclarantexpressly grantssuch accessrightsto neighboringlands. 4.3 Reserved Declarant Rights.Declarantreservesthe followingrightswith respect to roads and streetsin the Common InterestCommunity,which rightsmay be exercisedby Declarant from time to time in itssole discretion,and without requiringthe consent of any Owner or Mortgagee or SpecialDistrictortheMaster Association,towit: (a)The rightto redesignate,relocate,replator closeany such roadsor streets thathave not been conveyed to the County,so long as no Owner isdenied reasonable ingressand egressfrom itsLot toa publicroad by reasonthereof.Inthe event Declarant exercisessuch right,the access easement over such replatted(etc.)road or streetshall automaticallyterminate,and ifnecessarytheMaster Associationor SpecialDistrictshall reconvey the originalroad or streettoDeclarant. (b)The rightto limit,restrictor deny entry to and/oraccessovertheroadsand streetsor some of them to any person or persons (exceptOwners and Occupants)who,in the solejudgment of Declarant,do not have legitimatebusinessintheCommon Interest Community,or who may createor participatein a disturbanceor nuisance withinthe 40 HIllWJAMEMZiMldtMMMthillll Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico41 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Common InterestCommunity,or who is otherwise undesirable,through use of a controlledor guarded entranceway or limitedaccess gate,or through such other means and upon such terms and conditionsas Declarant may determine to be reasonably appropriate;the rightto controland regulateallforms of vehicularand non-vehicular trafficand parking on allor some of said roads and streets;the rightto requirethe removal of any shrub,bush,fence,wall,treeor otheritem of any sortwhich might,inthe solejudgment of Declarant,impair,or obstruct a motorist'svisionon any road or street withinor adjacentto theCommon InterestCommunity;and the rightto adopt and enforce such otherrulesand regulationsgoverning theuse of such roads and streetsas Declarant may considernecessaryor appropriateform time totime. (c)The rightto granttemporary or permanent non-exclusiveaccesseasements over roadsand streets(or some of them)intheCommon InterestCommunity fortheuse and benefitof lands lying outsidethe Common InterestCommunity on such terms and conditionsas Declarantmay considerappropriate. (d)The rightto assignany one or more of thesereservedrightstotheMaster Associationortoa SpecialDistrict. (e)All of the foregoingrightsshallbe permissiveonly,and neitherDeclarant nor any assigneeof such rightsshallhave any obligation toexerciseany of such rights. 4.4 No Liabilityfor Gatehouses or Entry Gate or Security Patrol.Ifone or more gatehouse (manned or unmanned)or limitedaccess entry gates are provided atentrancestothe Common InterestCommunity,and/or ifsome form of securitypatrolis provided within the Common InterestCommunity or any part thereof,neitherthe Declarant,theMaster Association, nor any Special Districtshallhave any liability to any person for any injury, lossor damage of any kind or naturewhatsoever arisingfrom thefactthatany gatehouse isnotmanned or from the failureof any person staffinga gatehouse or any mechanical or electricalentry system or any securitypatrolpersonnelto prevent or detecta theft,burglary,or any otherunauthorizedentry intoor activitywithintheCommon InterestCommunity. 4.5 Rights Appurtenant to Club Property.In additionto the access easement establishedinSection4.2 above,allplattedroads and streetsin theCommon InterestCommunity are subjectto the access,parking and otherrightsgrantedto and enjoyedby theClub Property Owner and allauthorizedusers,invitees(includingthe public)and employees of the Club PropertyassetforthintheDeclarationofEasements and Rights,includingwithoutlimitationthe righttouse such roads and streetsforingressand egresstotheClub Propertyand forparking at, reasonabletimes before,during and followinggolf tournaments and otherfunctionsheld upon theClub Property.All such access,parking and otherrightsshallbe subjectatalltimes to such reasonablerulesand regulationsas may be promulgated from time to time by the owner or owners of the roads and streets(i.e.,the Declarant,the County,the Master Associationor a SpecialDistrict)governing the use of and parkingupon theroads and streets,provided such rules and regulationsdo not substantiallyimpair the rightsgrantedtotheClub PropertyOwner under theDeclarationof Easements and Rights. 41 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 42 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO ARTICLE V WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS 5.1 Water System.The Water System shallbe used as the sole sourceof potable water withinthe Common InterestCommunity,unlessanothersourceisexpresslyauthorizedby the owner of the Water System.The Water System shallbe constructed,maintained and operatedin conformance with the rules,regulations,approvalsand permittingprocedures of all applicablegovernmental authorities,and the operation thereofshall be governed by such reasonablerulesand regulationsas may be promulgated from to time by the owner/operatorof theWater System.Each Owner shallpay the tap feesand user charges establishedfrom time to time by the owner/operatorof theWater System. No Owner shallmake,install,use,maintain or permit to existany cross connection between the Water System,includingthe portionof theWater System thatiscontainedwithinan Improvement on a Lot,and any pipe,plumbing,fixture,tank,receptacle,equipment or other appurtenanceon or servingtheOwner's Lot thatisa sourceof contaminatedor pollutedwater, unlesstheWater System is protectedwith a backflow preventionassembly thatis approved in advance by the owner/operator of the Water System.No water serviceconnection to any Improvement shallbe installed,maintainedor used unlesstheWater System isprotectedinthe matter required by the owner/operator of the Water System.Said owner/operator shall discontinuewater serviceto any Improvements ifitis determined that an unprotectedcross connectionexistsor thata proper backflow preventionassembly has not been installedor tested or that any such assembly has been removed,bypassed,otherwiserendered ineffective,or improperlymaintained or tested.Service shallnot be restoreduntilsuch conditionsor defects have been correctedtothe satisfactionofthe owner/operatoroftheWater System. 5.2 Sewer System.The centralsewage collectionand treatment system for the Common InterestCommunity (excepting Lots with an ISTS)shallbe constructed,maintained and operatedinconformance with the rules,regulations,approvals,and permittingproceduresof allapplicablegovernmental authorities,and the operationthereofshallbe governed by such reasonablerulesand regulationsas may be promulgated from time totime by the owner/operator of the system.Each Owner shallpay the user charges establishedfrom time to time by the owner/operatorofthe system. 5.3 Ownership and Maintenance of Systems.The Water and/orSewer Systems or portionsthereofmay be conveyed at any time and from time to time to the County or other appropriategovernmental or quasi-governmental entity,a Special District,or the Master Association,and shallbe maintained,repaired,improved,replaced,operatedand managed by the owner(s)thereoffrom time to time or by a thirdpartypursuant to contract.Provided,thateach Owner shallbe responsiblefor maintainingand repairingallportionsof theWater System and theSewer System thatare locatedwithintheboundariesoftheOwner's Lot. 5.4 Sprinkler Irrigation System.An underground sprinklersystem shallbe installed,maintained and used to irrigatealllandscapingon Lots within the Common Interest Community and allotherlandscaped areaswhich an Owner isresponsibleformaintaining.Said SprinklerIrrigationSystem shallbe connected to and suppliedby the Water System,unless expresslyprohibitedby the County or otherapplicableauthorityor by the owner/operatorof the 42 Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico43of148ReoFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Water System,or unlessanothersource is approved by the Master Association.Ifwell water is approved for irrigationuse by applicable Colorado law and by the Master Association,any underground sprinklersystem which utilizeswell water shallemploy a rust inhibitorsystem approved by the Design Review Committee so that rust depositswillnot accumulate on any building,wallor paved area.No Owner may have a connectionbetween the Water System and a linecarryingwater from a source otherthan the Water System, including a well.Each Owner shallpay alluser charges leviedfrom time to time by the owner/operatorof the Sprinkler IrrigationSystem. 5.5 Ownership and Maintenance of Sprinkler IrrigationSystem.The Sprinkler IrrigationSystem or portionsthereofmay be conveyed at any time and from time totime to the Master Association or to a Special District,and shall be maintained,repaired,improved, replaced,operated and managed by the owner(s)thereoffrom time to time or by a thirdparty pursuant to contract.Provided,thateach Owner shallbe responsiblefor maintaining and repairingallportionsof the SprinklerIrrigationSystem (includingthe sprinklerheads)thatare locatedwithin the boundaries of the Owner's Lot.Each Owner shallalsobe responsiblefor repairing(or paying forthe repairof by the owner/operatorof the System)any damage to the SprinklerIrrigationSystem caused by the Owner or any Occupant of the Owner's Lot. No Owner shall make any Improvements to the Owner's Lot which damage or impair the functioningof the SprinklerIrrigationSystem as itservestheLot or otherpartsof theCommon InterestCommunity,and any alterationsin or changes thatan Owner may wish to make to the SprinklerIrrigationSystem located on the Owner's Lot shall firstreceivethe prior written approvalofthe owner/operatorofthe System. 5.6 Easements.There are hereby created,grantedand reservedtothe Declarant,the Master Association,and any applicableSpecial District,perpetual,non-exclusiveeasements along the as-builtalignment and intheas-built locationof allelements and components of said Water System,Sewer System,and SprinklerIrrigationSystem, throughout the entireCommon InterestCommunity,for the construction,installation,operation,use,maintenance,repair, removal and/orreplacementthereofand foraccesstheretoforsuch purposes. ARTICLE VI DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE 6.1 Establishment of Design Review Committee.The Common Interest Community shallhave a Design Review Committee,which shallconsistof an odd number of members with a minimum of three(3)members and a maximum of seven (7)members,each of whom shalleitherbe (i)a representativeof the Declarant,(ii)an Owner or Occupant of a Lot or a Cabin InterestintheCommon InterestCommunity,or (iii)a localarchitect,landscapearchitect or engineer.For so long as Declarant owns any Lots in the Common InterestCommunity (including annexations thereto),or until Declarant relinquishessaid right to the Master Associationby writtennoticethereto,Declaranthereby reservesand shallhave thesolerightto appoint,and to remove without cause,allmembers of the Design Review Committee,forsuch terms as Declarantconsidersappropriate.Following the expirationor relinquishmentor other terminationof Declarant'srightto appointmembers of the Design Review Committee,allsuch members shallbe appointed and removed from time to time by the Executive Board in its discretion,and shallserveforsuch term as may be establishedby the ExecutiveBoard from time 43 HillD'dBM,FRht,Wyl'hl', WH.MINI MrM ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico44 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO to time.A member appointedby the Executive Board may be removed by the Executive Board at any time upon writtennotice,without cause.Subjectto the three (3)member minimum and seven (7)member maximum,and to the membership criteriaset forth above,Declarant,or followingterminationof Declarant'srightsunder thisSectionthe Executive Board,may increase or decreasethe sizeof the Design Review Committee from time to time in itsdiscretion.The Executive Board may hire or appoint a secretaryforthe Design Review Committee and shall provide appropriatecompensation forany such secretarialservices. 6.2 Establishment of Subcommittees.The Design Review Committee shallhave the rightbut never the obligationtoestablishone or more subcommittees to perform one ormore of thefunctionsof the Design Review Committee.For purposes of thisMaster Declaration,all referencestothe Design Review Committee shallalsoreferto any subcommittee establishedby the Design Review Committee.The procedures for establishmentof subcommittees,the rights and dutiesthereof,and the limitations thereon may be established and adopted by the Design Review Committee from time to time,in itsdiscretion. 6.3 Meetings and Action of Committee. The Design Review Committee shallmeet from time to time as necessaryto perform itsdutieshereunder.The Design Review Committee may from time to time,by resolutionin writingadopted by a majorityofthe members,designate a Committee Representative(who may but need not be one of itsmembers)totake any actionor perform any dutiesforor on behalf of the Design Review Committee,except the grantingof approval for any Improvements and the grantingof variances.The actionof such Committee Representativewithinthe authorityof such Committee Representativeshallconstitutethe action of the Design Review Committee.A majorityofthe members of the Design Review Committee shallconstitutea quorum of the Committee.Actions of the Committee may be taken (withouta meeting)by the writtenconsent of a majorityofthemembers thereof,or at a meeting at which a quorum ispresentin person,by .thevote of a majorityof such members constitutingthe quorum, but inno event lessthan two (2)members. 6.4 Compensation;Expenses.The members of the Design Review Committee shall be entitledto reasonablecompensation for theirserviceson the Design Review Committee, which compensation shallbe set by the Design Review Committee from time to time.The members of the Design Review Committee shallalsobe entitled toreimbursement forreasonable expenses incurredby them in the performance of theirdutieshereunder.All expenses of the Design Review Committee,includingreasonablecompensation of the members thereof,shallbe paid by theMaster Associationand shallconstitutea Common Expense. 6.5 Records of Actions.The Design Review Committee shallkeep a permanent recordofallfinalactionsofthe Design Review Committee. 6.6 Approvals in Annexed Areas.The Design Review Committee shallalsobe responsiblefor reviewing and approving allproposed Improvements on Lots within properties hereafterannexed to the Common InterestCommunity,unless a differentreviewing body or procedure isestablishedinthe Supplemental Declarationwhich annexes such property. 6.7 Design Guidelines.The Design Review Committee has established an initialset of rules,procedures,standards,guidelinesand requirements,including without limitation 44 HIllW"JRM,MIMMht,W WWLER11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 45 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO architectural,design and development standardsand guidelines,which shallgovern thereview and approvalor disapprovalof proposed Improvements withinthe Common InterestCommunity, and other matters provided for therein (the "Design Guidelines").The Design Review Committee may make such amendments,deletionsor additionstothe Design Guidelinesas the Committee deems necessaryor appropriatefrom time totime to accomplish the purposes of (and as are not in conflictwith)this Master Declaration and of any pertinentSupplemental Declarationand to ensure the orderly and attractivedevelopment of the Common Interest Community. Upon itsadoption,each such amendment shallbe provided to theExecutiveBoard. The Design Guidelines (as they may be amended from time to time)are hereby incorporated herein and shallbe deemed to be a part of thisMaster Declarationand of all Supplemental Declarationsand shallbe binding on theCommon InterestCommunity,and on allLot and Cabin InterestOwners,Occupants,Members or otherPersons as ifexpresslysetforthherein.A copy of thecurrentDesign Guidelinesshall,at alltimes,be a partof theMaster Association'srecords. The Design Review Committee,in itssolediscretion,shallhave the authorityand obligationto determinetheexistenceof any violationofthe Design Guidelinesor of any approvalsgranted or other decisionsmade by,or other requirements of,the Design Review Committee,which determinationshallbe binding on the Owners.The Design Review Committee,in itssole discretion,shallalsohave the authorityand obligationtoresolvedisputesinvolvingany Shared Driveway Easement designatedon a Plator on a Supplemental Plat,between theOwners of Lots servedby theShared Driveway Easement,which resolutionshallbe binding on such Owners,as provided in Section9.16 below.The Design Guidelines shall at alltimes include "best management practices"which minimize directlyconnected impervious areasfor storm water runoff within Lots and shallbe consistentand comply with the P.U.D. Plan and Wildlife MitigationPlan. 6.8 Design Review Fee.The Design Review Committee shalladopt,and may from time to time amend,a design review feeschedulewhich shallapply to requestsforthe original constructionof a residentialimprovement,and for each subsequent requestfor approval of an Improvement on a Lot including remodels,renovationsor other alterationsof the original approval,except that no fee shallbe charged for any proposed alterationor additionto an approved landscapingplan.The design review fee schedule shallbe setforthin the Design Guidelines.The applicablefee must accompany each request for approval of any proposed Improvement.The Design Review Committee shall,not take any action on a request for approvaluntilallrequiredfeesarepaid inconnectiontherewith.Allfeescollectedby the Design Review Committee shallbe remittedtotheMaster Associationto helpdefraythe expenses ofthe Design Review Committee's operation. 6.9 Registration of Builders. The construction or renovation of residential improvements on Lots within the Common InterestCommunity shallbe accomplished only by generalcontractorswho are "RegisteredBuilders"as provided in thisSection.Subcontractors need not be RegisteredBuilders.In order to registeras a RegisteredBuilder,a contractormust submit to the Design Review Committee a signed "RegisteredBuilderStatement"which recites asfollows: (a)That the builder is a licensed general contractorin Garfield County, Colorado; 45 WillWJAM.RNWW,MV W,WN11111Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico46 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (b)The names and addressesof the last5 clientsforwhom the builderhas constructedhomes orotherstructures; (c)That the builder expressly authorizeseach of said clientsto speak to representativesof the Design Review Committee and/or the Owner regarding the builder'sperformance for that client,and further authorizes the Design Review Committee to pass on any such performance informationtothe Owner; (d)That the builder will provide the Owner with,a current financial statement,ifrequestedby the Owner; (e)That the builderwill allow the Owner to obtain a creditreporton the builder,ifrequestedby the Owner;and (f)That the builderwillfurnishtheOwner with such otherinformationabout the builderastheOwner may reasonablyrequest. Upon delivery of a Registered Builder Statement containing all of the required informationto the Design Review Committee,a contractorshallbe deemed tobe a Registered Builderfor purposes hereof. Before commencing work on the constructionor renovationof a residentialimprovement on a Lot,the RegisteredBuildershallobtaina Builder'sRisk Insurance Policycovering allImprovements tobe constructedon the Lot,with thebenefitspayable tothe Owner,and shalldelivercopiesofthe Policytothe Design Review Committee and totheOwner. In the case of minor renovationswhere the Design Review Committee does not considersuch Policy necessary,the Design Review Committee may waive this requirement,in itssole discretion. 6.10 Design Review and Construction Process.Every Owner proposing to make Improvements on itsLot must comply with the design review and constructionproceduresthat aresetforthinthe Design Guidelines. 6.11 Submission of Plans,Specificationsand Data. Priorto commencement ofwork to accomplish any proposed Improvements,the Owner proposing to make such Improvements shallsubmit tothe Design Review Committee such descriptions,surveys,plotplans,excavation plans,drainageplans,elevationdrawings,constructionplans,landscapingplans,waterscaping plans,specifications,and samples ofmaterialsand colorsasthe Design Review Committee shall reasonablyrequestshowing among other thingsthe nature,kind,shape,height,width,exterior design,color,materials,and locationof the proposed Improvements.The Owner shallalso informthe Design Review Committee of the identityoftheOwner's proposed Builder,who shall be a RegisteredBuilder.All submissionsshallconform to and be inaccordancewith the Design Guidelinesestablishedpursuantto Section6.7. The Owner shallbe entitledtoreceivea receipt for the same from the Design Review Committee or itsauthorizedagent.The Design Review Committee may require submission of additionalplans,specifications,or otherinformationprior to approving or disapproving,the proposed Improvements.Untilreceiptby the Design Review Committee of all required information and materialsin connection with the proposed Improvements and Builder,the Design Review Committee may postpone review of the application. 46 WillKFAM,RM.NMirBM RWh11111Reception#:79324510121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico47 of 148Rec Fee:S746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 6.12 Criteria for Approval or Disapproval.The Design Review Committee shall approve any proposed Improvements only if itdetermines in the exerciseof itsreasonable judgment that the P.U.D.Plan and the Design Guidelineshave been complied with;that the proposed Improvements willnot be detrimentalto the value or enjoyment of the surrounding areas in the Common InterestCommunity;that the siting,design,appearance and overall aestheticimpact ofthe proposed Improvements willbe in harmony with the surroundingareasin the Common InterestCommunity;that the proposed Improvements will enhance the quality, wholesomeness,and attractivenessof the Common InterestCommunity and the enjoyment thereofby Lot and Cabin InterestOwners;that the upkeep and maintenance of the proposed Improvements will not become a burden on the Master Association;and that in the case of constructionor renovation of a residentialdwelling,thework willbe performed by a Registered Builder.The Design Review Committee may condition its approval of any proposed Improvements upon the making of such changes thereinas the Design Review Committee may deem reasonablyappropriate,and may requirethatadditionallandscapingbe performed on the subjectLot. The approval by the Committee of any Improvement shallin no event imply or require thatsuch approvalwillbe grantedagain inthe futureforthe same or a similarImprovement,and the Committee shallhave complete discretion,consistentwith the standards and criteria containedherein and in the Design Guidelines,to grantor deny such approval in each instance on the merits of the particularapplicationor proposal and consideringthe circumstances surroundingthe same. 6.13 Decisions of Committee; Binding Effect.Decisions of the Design Review Committee shall be made in accordance with the procedures establishedin the Design Guidelines,and shallbe conclusiveand binding on allinterestedparties. 6.14 Completion of Work After Approval.Following the approval of any proposed Improvements by the Design Review Committee (and identificationof the RegisteredBuilder, where required),the proposed Improvements shallbe completed by the Lot Owner (usingthe RegisteredBuilder):(a)as promptly and diligentlyas possiblebut in no event inexcess of the time periods set forth below;(b)in compliance with the Design Guidelines and with all applicablelaws,regulationsand codes,(c)instrictconformance with allplans and specifications and other materialsfurnishedto and approved by the Design Review Committee;and (d)in accordance with any and allconditionsimposed by the Design Review Committee.All Improvements approved by the Design Review Committee shall be completed,including issuanceof a Certificate of Compliance and theremoval of allconstructionequipment,materials and debris(i)within 18 months from the dateof approvalof such Improvements by the Design Review Committee,or (ii)within such othertime period as the Design Review Committee may prescribein itsdiscretion.Provided,however,thatany and alllandscapinganti/orgardening approved by the Design Review Committee which isrelatedto the initialconstructionof a residenceon a Lot shall be completed no laterthan 90 days immediately followingtheissuance of theCertificateof Occupancy forsuch residence.In allcases,the Design Review Committee must issuea "Certificateof Compliance"before an Owner or RegisteredBuilder appliesto the County fora Certificateof Occupancy.Failureto comply with theterms and conditionsof this Sectionshallconstitutenoncompliance with theterms and provisionsof thisMaster Declaration and the Design Review Committee and/ortheExecutiveBoard shallhave the righttoinvoke all 47 HIllWOM,M,15thithamlf.19N MLMI MrM ll III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 49 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO rightsand remedies provided to them hereunder,includingbut not limitedto,the rightto seek injunctivereliefand/orto impose finesand penalties. 6.15 Right to Inspect. Any member or authorizedconsultantof the Design Review Committee or of the Executive Board,or any authorizedofficer,employee or agent of the Declarant or of the Master Association,may (but shallnot be obligatedto)at any reasonable time enter upon any Lot,without being deemed guilty of trespass,in order to inspect Improvements constructed or being constructedon such Lot,to ascertainwhether such Improvements have been or are being builtor changed in compliance with the Design Guidelines,the approvals granted by the Design Review Committee,and this Master Declaration. 6.16 Notice of Completion;Inspectionof Work;Correction ofDefects. (a) Upon the completion of any Improvements (excepting the related landscaping)for which plans and specificationshave been approved by the Design Review Committee,theOwner or the RegisteredBuildershallsubmittotheCommittee a writtenNotice of Completion,on a form tobe provided by the Committee,which Notice shallcertifythatthe Improvements have been completed in accordancewith allplans, specificationsand other materialsfurnishedto and approved by the Committee,any conditionsimposed by the Committee,and with the Design Guidelines.Until receiptof such Notice,theCommittee shallnotbe deemed to have any noticeregardingcompletion ofthe Improvements. (b)Within fourteen(14)days followingreceiptof theNotice of Completion, the Design Review Committee or itsduly authorizedrepresentativeshallinspectthe Improvements.IftheCommittee findsthatthe Improvements have not been completed as setforthintheNotice of Completion,itshallnotifytheLot Owner in writingof such noncompliance within said fourteen (14) day period, specifying the particularsof noncompliance,and shallrequiretheOwner to remedy thesame. Iffor any reasonother than the Lot Owner's act or neglect,the Committee failsto notifythe Owner of any noncompliance prior tothe expirationof saidfourteen(14)day period, the Improvements shallbe deemed in compliance ifthe Improvements were,in fact,completed as of the dateof the Notice of Completion and the Owner or RegisteredBuildermay proceed to requesta Certificateof Occupancy from the County. (c)Ifupon the expirationof thirty(30)days from thedateof such notification of non-compliance the Lot Owner shallhave failedto remedy such noncompliance,the Design Review Committee shallnotifythe ExecutiveBoard in writingof such failure. Thereupon theExecutive Board (and itsduly authorizedrepresentatives),attheExecutive Board'soption,may enterupon theLot at any reasonabletime afternoticetothe Owner, without being deemed guiltyof trespass,and remove the noncomplying Improvement or otherwise remedy the noncompliance,and the Owner shallreimburse the Master Association,upon demand,for allexpenses,includingintereston monies expended and attorneys'fees incurredin connectiontherewith. Ifsuch expenses arenot repaidby the Owner to the Master Associationwithin thirty(30)days followingdelivery of a written demand thereforeto the Owner,the Executive Board may levy a Reimbursement 48 Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico49 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Assessment againstsuch Owner and the Owner's Lot forallsuch costsand expenses. The rightof theMaster Associationto remedy or remove any noncompliance shallbe in additionto allother rightsand remedies which the Master Associationmay have at law, in equity,or under this Master Declarationor any Supplemental Declaration;and the Lot Owner shallhave no claim for damages or otherwiseon account of the entryupon the propertyand remedying orremoval ofthe noncomplying Improvement. 6.17 Certificateof Compliance.When the Design Review Committee issatisfiedthat the Improvements have been completed in accordance with allplans,specificationsand other materialsfurnishedto the Design Review Committee,any conditionsimposed by the Committee, and with the Design Guidelines,itshallissueto the Owner a Certificateof Compliance with respecttosaidImprovements.Upon receipt of such Certificate,theOwner or RegisteredBuilder may proceed to request a Certificateof Occupancy from the County.No newly constructed residenceon a Lot shallbe occupied untila Certificate of Compliance has been issuedtherefore by the Design Review Committee and a Certificateof Occupancy has been issuedthereforeby the County. 6.18 Improvements Must Conform to Approvals.No building,fence, wall, structure,landscapingor otherImprovement of whatever type shallbe commenced,constructed, erected,placed,installed,located,maintained or removed within the Common Interest Community,nor shalltherebe any additionsor changes tothe exteriorof any residenceor other structureor Improvement upon a Lot or the landscaping,grading or drainagethereof,including without limitation,the paintingor staining(otherthan paintingor stainingwith the same color and type of paintor stainas previouslyexisted)of exteriorwalls,patiocovers and fences,except in accordance with plans and specificationsthereforewhich have been submitted to and approved by the Design Review Committee and in compliance withthe Design Guidelines. 6.19 Committee Power to Grant Variances.The Design Review Committee may grant variances from any of the restrictionsset forth in this Master Declaration or any Supplemental Declarationor the Design Guidelinespertainingto proposed Improvements and the criteriatherefore,includingrestrictionsupon height,size,floorarea,setbacks,locationor placement of structures,or similarrestrictions,when (i)unique circumstancesnot createdby the Lot Owner,such as topography,natural obstructions,or aesthetic or environmental considerationswould otherwiseresultinsubstantialhardshiporburden which isnot sufferedby othersimilarly-situatedLots,or (ii)when a change of circumstancessincethe Recording of this Master Declarationhas rendered such restrictionobsolete,and (iii)in eithercase,when the Design Review Committee determinesthatthe activityallowed by thevariancewillnothave any materialadverse effecton the Owners and Occupants of the Common InterestCommunity (includingneighboring Lots)and isconsistent with the high quality of livingintended to be promoted hereby throughout the Common InterestCommunity.When an Owner appliesfora variance,the Committee must give at leastten (10)days writtennoticeof thevariancehearing, and of the nature of the variance requested,postage prepaid,by certifiedmail,returnreceipt requested,to allOwners of Lots (includingCabin Interests)thatare situatedwithina radiusof 300 feetof the Lot for which thevarianceis sought,atthe currentaddressesfor such Owners reflectedin theMaster Associationfiles.The applyingOwner must provide theCommittee with an accuratelistof the Owners to be so notified.If the foregoing notice requirements are 49 Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico50of149ReoFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO complied with,itisnot necessarythatthe Owners actuallyreceivethe noticethatismailed to them,such noticesbeing deemed receivedupon mailing. All variancesthat are granted by the Design Review Committee must be evidenced in writing,must specifythe Lot forwhich thevarianceis grantedand the unique circumstancesor change in circumstancesjustifyingthe variance,and must be signedby atleasta majorityof the members of the Committee.If any such varianceis granted,no violationof the covenants, conditionsand restrictionscontainedin thisMaster Declarationor any Supplemental Declaration or the Design Guidelinesshallbe deemed to have occurredwith respecttothematterforwhich thevariancewas granted.The grantingof such a varianceshallnot operatetowaive any of the terms and provisionsof this Master Declarationor of any Supplemental Declarationor the Design Guidelinesfor any purpose except as to the particularpropertyand particularprovision hereofcovered by thevariance.A copy of each variancerequestand approval,or denial,willbe kept on fileatthe Master Associationoffices. The grantingof a variancein a particularinstanceshallin no event imply or requirethat such a variancewillbe grantedagain inthefutureina similarsituation,and theCommittee shall have complete discretion,consistentwith the standardsand criteriacontainedherein and inthe Design Guidelines,to grant or deny a variancein each instanceon themeritsof the particular applicationand consideringthecircumstancessurroundingthesame. No varianceshallconflictwith theP.U.D.Plan or with ordinancesor regulationsof the County.Ifa variancefrom the P.U.D. Plan or County laws or regulationsisalso requiredin connection with a matter for which a varianceis desiredhereunder,itshallbe the Owner's responsibilityto obtainsuch County variance before submittinga variance applicationto the Design Review Committee. 6.20 Nonliabilityfor Approval or Disapproval of Plans and Specifications,for Issuance of Certificatesof Compliance,or for Registration of Builders. The criteriafor Design Review Committee approval of plans and specificationsare setforthin Section6.12 above.The Design Review Committee shallnot be responsiblefor reviewing plans and specificationswith respect to engineering design or for compliance with zoning, building ordinances,environmentallaws,or any otherapplicablelaws or regulations.By itsapproval of any such plans and specifications,neitherthe Design Review Committee,the members thereof, the Master Association,any Member,the ExecutiveBoard nor the Declarantassumes or shall have any liabilityor responsibilitywith respectto engineeringdesign or for compliance with zoning,buildingordinances,environmentallaws,or any otherapplicablelaws or regulations,or for any defectin any Improvement constructedfrom such plans and specifications.Neitherthe Design Review Committee,any member thereof,the Master Association,the Executive Board nor theDeclarantshallbe liableto any Lot or Cabin InterestOwner,Occupant or otherPerson for any injury,damage,lossor prejudicesufferedor claimed on accountof (a)the approval or disapproval of any plans, drawings or specifications,whether or not defective,(b)the constructionor performance of any work,whether or not pursuant to approved plans,drawings and specifications,(c)the issuanceof a Certificateof Compliance,or (d)the development,or manner of development of any property withintheCommon InterestCommunity.The approval ofplans and specificationsby the Design Review Committee,and/ortheissuanceofa Certificate of Compliance by the Design Review Committee,shallnotunder any circumstancesconstituteor 50 WllifJA,'d,RI.MfuthR WA.MI,MtWN Alll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 51 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO be deemed to be a representationor warranty that the plans, specifications or completed Improvements comply with applicablelaws,resolutions,ordinancesor regulations,includingbut not limitedto,zoning ordinancesand buildingcodes and environmentallaws. Likewise,Buildersshallregisterwith the Design Review Committee in the manner set forthin Section6.9above and in the Design Guidelines.By registering a Builder,the Design Review Committee does not represent or warrant,eitherexpressly or by implication, and hereby disclaimsany representationsor warranties,thatthe Registered Builderwillin fact complete the Improvements on schedule,within the Owner's budget,or in a competent and workmanlike manner,or that the Registered Builder isor willremain financiallysound, and the Lot Owners assume allrisks regarding such matters.Neither the Design Review Committee,the members thereof,the Master Association,any Member,the Executive Board nor the Declarant shallbe liableto any Lot or Cabin InterestOwner,Occupant or other Person for any injury,damage,lossor prejudice sufferedor claimed on account of (a)the registrationof any Builder, (b) defects or delays in the work performed by a Registered Builder, (c) financialdifficultiesexperienced by a Registered Builder,and/or (d)any other problems arisingfrom an Owner's use ofa Registered Builder. 6.21 Featured Builders.Upon compliance with the provisionsof thisArticle6 and the obtainingof allrequisiteDesign Review Committee approvals,FeaturedBuildersshallhave the righttoconstructor alterImprovements on any Lot(s)owned by the FeaturedBuilderwithin the Common InterestCommunity,and to post a sign incidentto such activity,which sign has been approved in advance by the Design Review Committee.Nothing containedhereinshall obligatethe Declarant to designate a Lot Owner as a Featured Builder hereunder,and the designationof any Person as a "FeaturedBuilder" shallbe in Declarant'ssole and absolute discretion.Furthermore,in no event shallthe terms and provisionshereof be construed to obligateDeclarant to implement or,once initiated,to continuethe Featured Builder program contemplated hereby,which implementation and/or continuationshallbe in Declarant'ssole discretion.DECLARANT HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES,WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,RELATING TO THE DESIGNATION OF ANY PERSON AS A FEATURED BUILDER HEREUNDER,AND DECLARANT SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM OR RELATING IN ANY WAY TO THE DESIGNATION OF,OR FAILURE TO DESIGNATE,ANY PERSON AS A FEATURED BUILDER. 6.22 Enforcement.The requirementsand provisionsof thisArticle6 and/or of the Design Guidelines shallbe enforceablein accordance with the rightsand procedures setforth herein. ARTICLE VII ASSOCIATION PROPERTY 7.1 Use and Enjoyment of Association Property.With the exceptionof Limited Common Areas,and except as otherwise provided in this Master Declaration,in any Supplemental Declaration,or in the Master Rules and Regulations,each Owner shallhave the non-exclusiverightto use and enjoy AssociationProperty in common with allotherOwners. This righttouse and enjoy AssociationPropertyshallextendto each Owner,Occupant,and the 51 51111410,#,@MMIWMMIRMMllIII Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 52 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO family members,guests and inviteesof each Owner,and to such other users as may be authorizedby thisMaster Declarationor by theExecutive Board from time to time,and shallbe appurtenantto each Lot or Cabin Interest,subjectat alltimes to the provisionsof thisMaster Declaration (includingDeclarant'sreserved rightshereunder),any applicableSupplemental Declaration,the Articles,Bylaws,and the Master Rules and Regulations.No Owner or Occupant shallplace any structureor storeor leave any materialsor personalpropertyupon Association Property,nor shallany Owner or Occupant engage in any activitywhich will temporarilyor permanently impair free and unobstructed access to all parts of the Association Property (exceptingLimited Common Areas)by allOwners.Use of the AssociationProperty is also subjectto any applicableterms oftheDeclarationofEasements and Rights. With respectto Limited Common Areas,each Owner and Occupant of a Lot designated by Declarationor Platforthe use of such Limited Common Area shallhave thenon-exclusive rightto use and enjoy the same in common with allotherOwners and Occupants of Lots so designated,forallpurposes for which the Limited Common Area was created,subjectto any Master Rules and Regulationsrelatingthereto. 7.2 Recreational,Health and Social Facilities.Declarantplans to provide certain recreational,healthand socialfacilitiesfor the use and benefitof Owners and Occupants and other persons authorizedfrom time to time by Declarantor the Master Association,which facilitiesmay include,without limitation,an equestriancenter,a trailsystem,parks,picnicareas, and similarfacilities.The location,design,timing,kind,valueand natureof such facilitiesshall be determinedby Declarantintheexerciseof itssolediscretion,and Declarantreservesthe right to increaseor add to such facilitiesor to expand or enlargethe facilities,without the consent of the Owners,Mortgagees,or the Master Association.Such facilitiesmay be locatedwithinor outsidetheCommon InterestCommunity,and ifand when transferredtotheMaster Association they shallconstituteAssociationProperty.Notwithstandingany otherprovisionsof thisMaster Declaration,Declarant and/or the Master Association expressly reserve and shallhave the followingrightswith respecttosuch facilities: (a)Declarantshallhave the rightat any time and from timetotime to use any such facility,or portionthereof,for officeor salesor professionalpurposes or functions, inDeclarant'ssole discretion,for so long as Declarantowns any Lots or Cabin Interests in the Common InterestCommunity (includingannexationsthereto). (b)The Master Associationshallhave the rightto impose a feeor charge for the use and enjoyment of any of such recreational,healthor socialfacilities,or any servicesofferedtherein,and may permit theuse of any part thereofforprivate,charitable or professionalfunctions. (c)The Master Associationshallhave the rightto leaseor grantconcessions or to contractwith othersto provideprograms or serviceswithinsuch facilitiesforthe benefitof Owner and Occupants and such otherpersons as theMaster Associationmay authorizefrom time totime. (d)Declarant,for so long as itowns any Lots or Cabin Interestsin the Common Interest Community (including annexations thereto),and the Master 52 All W"JE,W'd,mbl.M4'til IdWIMM/'h II III Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 53 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Association,shallhave the rightto authorizeand permitpersons who are not Owners or Occupants intheCommon InterestCommunity (including,without limitation,the public) touse the recreational,healthor socialfacilitiesupon such conditions,and forsuch fees and charges payable to the Master Association,as Declarant or the Master Association may determinetobe appropriatefrom time to time,in theirdiscretion. 7.3 Master Association May Regulate Use of Association Property.The Master Association,actingthrough the Executive Board,shallhave the rightand authorityto regulate the use ofAssociationPropertyby thepromulgation,enforcement and interpretationfrom time to time of such Master Rules and Regulationsrelatingtheretoas theMaster Associationconsiders necessary or appropriatefor the protectionand preservationof AssociationProperty and the enhancement of the use and enjoyment thereofby Owners and Occupants and other authorized users,subjectalways to any rights or interestscreated by the Declarationof Easements and Rights. The Master Association,actingthrough the Executive Board,may for good cause suspend the right of any person to use and enjoy Association Property,including without limitationthe rightof a Member who or which isdelinquentinthe payment of any Assessments, and the rightof any Member or other authorizeduser who is in violationof the terms and provisionsof thisMaster Declaration or any Supplemental Declaration,the Articles,Bylaws, Master Rules and Regulations,Design Guidelinesor the terms and provisionsof any approvals grantedby the Design Review Committee. 7.4 Master Association to Maintain and Improve Association Property.The Master Association,itsagents and employees,or a SpecialDistrict,shallmaintainand repair, snowplow as necessary,and otherwisemanage theAssociationProperty(includingtheLimited Common Areas),including,but not limitedto,any Improvements,postalkiosks,landscaping, paths,trails,parking areas,drives,lighting,signage,and recreationaland otherfacilitieslocated thereon.The Master Association may construct,alterand remove such Improvements and landscapingupon Association Property as the Master Association in itsdiscretionconsiders necessary,desirableor appropriatefrom time to time,and may do allsuch otherand furtheracts which theExecutive Board deems necessaryor appropriateto preserve,protectand enhance the AssociationProperty and the beauty thereofin accordance with the generalobjectivesforthe Common InterestCommunity reflectedinthisMaster Declaration.Separatebidsshallbe letfor themaintenance of Limited Common Areas so thatthecoststhereofcan be assessedexclusively tothe Lots benefitedthereby.As provided in Section11.10 below,theMaster Associationmay contractwith third parties,including a Special District,to perform any of the foregoing responsibilities. 7.5 No Partitionof AssociationProperty.No Owner or otherPerson shallhave any rightto partitionortoseek the partitionofAssociationPropertyor any part thereof. 7.6 Owner Liabilityfor Owner or Occupant Damage to Association Property. Each Owner shallbe liabletothe Master Associationfor any damage toAssociationPropertyor for any expense, loss or liabilitysufferedor incurredby the Master Associationin connection with AssociationProperty arisingfrom (a)the negligenceor willfulmisconduct of such Owner or of any Occupant,agent,employee,family member,guestor inviteeof such Owner,or (b)any 53 Hillhia,'d,RLIN hH'M,M MM MCh illlI Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 54 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO violationby such Owner or any Occupant, agent,employee,finnilymember,guest or inviteeof such Owner of any law,regulation,or code,includingwithout limitationany enviromnentallaw, or of any provisions of thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration,or the Master Rules and Regulations,relatingto AssociationProperty.Each Owner shallindemnify,defend and hold the Master Associationharmless from any loss,damage, expense or liabilityarising from the circumstances described in subsections(a)or (b) immediately above.The Master Associationshallhave the power to levy and collecta Reimbursement Assessment againsta Lot Owner to recover the costs,expenses,damages,lossesor liabilitiesincurredby the Master Associationasa consequence of any such negligence,willfulmisconduct orviolations. 7.7 Damage or Destruction to Association Property.In the event of damage toor destructionof AssociationProperty,includingImprovements thereon,by fireor other casualty, the Master Association shall repair or replace the same in accordance herewith.Repair, reconstruction,or replacement of Association Property shall be accomplished under such contractingand biddingprocedures astheMaster Associationshalldetermine are appropriate.If insuranceproceeds availableto the Master Associationon account of damage or destruction exceed the costof repair,reconstruction,and replacement,the Master Associationmay use the same for futuremaintenance,repair,improvement,and operationof AssociationPropertyor for any otheruse deemed appropriateby the ExecutiveBoard. 7.8 Condemnation of Association Property.If any AssociationProperty or part thereofor interestthereinistakenunder exerciseofthe power of eminent domain or by purchase inlieuthereof,the portionof any award incondemnation or the pricepayable forthedeed in lieu thatisattributableto the AssociationProperty taken or purchased shallbe paid to the Master Association.The Master Association shallhave the exclusive right to participatein such condemnation proceedingsand to representtheinterestsof allOwners and Occupants and other Persons therein.Any award or funds receivedby the Master Associationshallbe held by the Master Association for the purposes statedin Section7.7 above or as a reserve for future maintenance,repair,reconstruction,or replacement of AssociationPropertyor may be used for Improvements or additions toor operationof AssociationPropertyor forsuch otherusesas may be deemed appropriateby the Executive Board.Except as may otherwisebe provided by the Act,no Owner or other Person shallbe entitledneitherto participateas a party or otherwisein any condemnation proceedingsnor toreceiveany proceeds therefrom. 7.9 Titleto Association Property Upon Dissolutionof Master Association.In the event of dissolution of the Master Association,the AssociationProperty shall,to the extent permittedby law and reasonablypossible,be conveyed or transferred to an appropriatepublic, governmental or quasigovernmental agency or organizationor to a nonprofitcorporation, association,trust,or otherorganization,tobe used,in any such event,forthe common benefitof Owners forthe purposes forwhich theAssociationPropertywas held by the Master Association. Ifthe foregoingisnot possible,the AssociationProperty shallbe soldor disposed of and the proceeds from the sale or dispositionshallbe distributedto Owners in proportion to each Owner's AllocatedInterestinthe Common Expenses oftheMaster Association. 7.10 Mechanic's Liens on Association Property.Declarantshallbe responsiblefor thereleaseof mechanics'liensfiledwith respecttoAssociationProperty,or any part thereof,if such liensarisefrom labor performed or materialsfurnishedat the instanceof Declarant,its 54 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 56 of 149RecFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO agents,contractorsor subcontractors.Likewise,theMaster Association shallbe responsiblefor the releaseof mechanics' liensfiledwith respecttoAssociationProperty,or any part thereof,if such liens arisefrom labor performed or materialsfurnished at the instanceof the Master Association,itsdirectors,officers,agents,contractorsor subcontractors. No laborperformed or materialsfurnishedwith respectto a Lot at theinstanceof theLot Owner shallbe the basisfor filingalien againstAssociation Property.No labor performed or materialsfurnishedwith respectto AssociationPropertyatthe instanceof the Executive Board shallbe thebasisforfiling alien againstany Lot. ARTICLE VIII DECLARANT'S RESERVED RIGHTS Declaranthereby expressly reservesto itselfand itssuccessorsand assignsthe following describedrights,which includedevelopment rightsand specialDeclarantrights,any one or more of which rightsmay be exercised,in the sole and absolutediscretionof Declarant,at any time and from time to time during the period commencing upon the Recording of this Master Declarationinthe County and ending on thedate ofterminationof such rightsestablishedunder Section8.16 below.Itis expresslyunderstood thatDeclarantshallnot be obligatedto exercise any of thesereservedrights,and thatno consentshallbe requiredfrom any Owner,Mortgagee, Special Districtor the Master Association forthe effectiveexerciseof any of these reserved rights. Except as limitedby thisArticle8,such reserved rightsmay be exercisedupon or in connection with allor any portion of the Common InterestCommunity describedon attached ExhibitA,the Annexable Property described on attached ExhibitB,and/or the additional unspecifiedreal estatereferredto in Section8.7 below.Such rightsmay be exercisedwith respectto differentparcelsof saidreal estateat differenttimes,and in connection therewith Declaranthereby statesthat(i)no assurances aremade regardingthe boundariesof saiddifferent parcelsor with respectto the order in which such parcelsmay be subjectedto the exerciseof these reservedrights,even ifa referenceto a phase or phasing appears in a legaldescription, Plat,P.U.D.Planor otheragreement relatingto theproperty,and (ii)ifa particularreservedright isexercisedin any portion of therealestatesubjectto thatreservedright,thatreservedrightis not requiredtobe exercised inallor any portion oftheremainder ofthatrealestate. The reserved rights hereinafterset forth shall be prior and superiorto any other provisionsof thisMaster Declarationor of any Supplemental Declaration,and may not be amended,modified,terminatedor otherwisealteredin any way withoutthe expresspriorwritten consent of Declarant. All conveyances of Lots and Cabin Interestsand other portionsof the Common InterestCommunity hereaftermade,whether by Declarant or otherwise,shallbe deemed and construed to reserve to Declarantand/or to grant to Declarantallof the rights reservedby and to Declarantin thisArticle8 and elsewhere inthisMaster Declarationor in any Supplemental Declaration,even though no specificreferenceto such rightsappears in the conveyancing instruments.Nothing inthisArticle8 shalllimitor impair any otherrightsgranted or reservedto Declarantby otherprovisionsof thisMaster Declarationor of any Supplemental Declaration. The followingrightsarehereby reservedtoDeclarantand itssuccessorsand assigns: 55 Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 56 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 8.1 Construction of Improvements.The right,but not the obligation,to construct additionalImprovements on AssociationProperty at any time and from time to time for the improvement and enhancement thereofforthe benefitof theMaster Association,the Owners,or some of them,and/or pursuant to the Declarationof Easements and Rights.Furthermore,the rightthroughoutthe Common InterestCommunity to complete Improvements indicatedon the Plat filed with this Master Declaration,and on any Supplemental Plats filed with any Supplemental Declarations,as such Platsand Declarationsmay be amended from time to time. Furthermore,the rightto constructand complete Improvements requiredby the terms of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement Recorded Ste-r-21;so to ,at Reception No. TAgZ44 intheOfficeof theClerk and Recorder of GarfieldCounty,Colorado,and by the terms of any othersuch SubdivisionImprovements Agreements thatmay hereafterbe executed by Declarantin connection with annexationsto the Common InterestCommunity,as said Agreement or Agreements may be amended from time to time.Furthermore,the rightto create,grant and/or use and enjoy additionalnon-exclusiveeasements,and to relocateexisting plattedor other easements,upon or across any portion of the Common InterestCommunity (includingLots,but excepting Building Envelopes),as may be reasonably required for the constructionby Declarant of the above-describedImprovements or the effectiveexerciseby Declarantof any oftheotherreservedrightsdescribedin thisArticle8. 8.2 Sales,Marketing and Management.The rightto construct,locateor operate, and to maintain upon,and to remove from,any part of the Common InterestCommunity includingLots owned by Declarantand AssociationProperty,inthe discretionof Declarant,and insuch number,sizeand locationas may be reasonablyrequiredby Declarantinconnectionwith the completion of Improvements,the management of the development,and/orthe promotion, marketing,saleorrentalofLots or Cabin Interests,the following: (a)Sales offices,management offices,and/or constructionoffices,and structurescontainingor relatingto the same.Such offices,to the extentthey are not situatedon a Lot,are hereby declaredtobe personalpropertyof the Declarantand shall in any case be removable by Declarantor itssuccessorsor assignspromptly upon the Declarantoritssuccessorsor assignsceasingto be a Lot orCabin InterestOwner; (b)Signs identifying and advertisingthe Common InterestCommunity and the Lots and/or Cabin Intereststherein,or relatingto development or construction thereon; (c)Model residencesconstructedortobe constructedon Lots; (d)Parking areas and facilities,and lighting,necessary or desirablein the marketing of the Common InterestCommunity and the Lots and Cabin Interests; (e)Employees in offices;equipment;vehicles;and marketing and constructionmaterials. Together with the rightto attract,inviteor bring prospectivepurchasersof Lots and/or Cabin InterestsintotheCommon InterestCommunity atalltimes,and to permit them touse and enjoy theAssociationProperty. 56 HillW'da,M,M IMURIMM,Nf,MM 11111Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico57 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 8.3 Merger.The rightto merge or consolidate the Common InterestCommunity with anothercommon interestcommunity ofthe same form of ownership. 8.4 Declarant Control of Master Association. The rightto appoint or remove any Executive Board member or officerof the Master Association,as more specificallysetforthin Section10.5 below,but only for and during the "Period of Declarant Control of Master Association"asdefinedinsaidsection10.5. 8.5 Annexation of Additional Properties.The rightto annex to the Common InterestCommunity allor any part of theAnnexable Propertydescribedon attachedExhibitB. Each Owner hereunder hereby grants to Declarant the rightto annex allor any part of the Annexable PropertytotheCommon InterestCommunity and to modify such Owner's Allocated Interestsaccordingly.Alternatively,Declarantshallhave the rightand isauthorizedto develop portions of the Annexable Property and/or to convey,lease or mortgage portions of the Annexable Propertyto such thirdparty or partiesas Declarantmay deem appropriate,without annexing them to the Common InterestCommunity,whether for purposes consistentwith this Master Declarationor otherwise. Declarantmakes no assurancesthatallor any portion of the Annexable Property willbe added to the Common InterestCommunity and Declarantreserves the right to annex all or any portion of the Annexable Property to the Common Interest Community in any orderitdeems appropriateinitssoleand absolutediscretion. 8.6 Annexation Procedure.The annexation of additionalreal property to the Common InterestCommunity shallbe accomplished by the Recording by Declarant with the Clerk and Recorder of GarfieldCounty of an Annexation Deed or a Supplemental Declaration containinga legaldescriptionof the land areato be added totheCommon InterestCommunity and amending thisMaster Declarationaccordingly,togetherwith a Supplemental Platthereof.In no event shallany annexationincreasethenumber of Lots inthe Common InterestCommunity beyond the maximum statedin the Recitalsto this Master Declaration.The Supplemental Declarationshalldescribeany AssociationProperty(includingLimited Common Areas)thereby created. The annexation of the Annexable Property may be accomplished by successive Annexation Deeds or Supplemental Declarations,in no particularor pre-establishedorder,and may providethatpropertyannexed thereby(the"Annexed Property")isphased so thatitismade subjecttothisMaster Declarationatdifferenttimes.Upon Recording of an Annexation Deed or Supplemental Declaration,the Annexed Propertydescribedthereinshallbe subjectto allof the covenants,conditions,restrictions,limitations,reservations,exceptions,equitableservitudes,and other provisions set forth in this Master Declaration.Any such Annexation Deed or Supplemental Declarationmay impose on the Annexed Property describedthereinadditional covenants,conditions,restrictions,limitations,reservations,exceptions,equitableservitudes,and otherprovisionsthan those setforthin thisMaster Declaration,taking intoaccount the unique and particularaspects of the Annexed Property covered thereby and of the proposed development thereof.Furthermore,Declarantshallhave the righttoreserveinsuch Annexation Deed or Supplemental Declarationany development rightsthatDeclarantconsidersnecessaryor appropriate;provided thatsuch provisionshallnotextendthe terminationdatefortheexerciseof Declarant'sdevelopment rightsas setforthin Section8.16 below. A Supplemental Declaration may provide for a Subassociationof Owners within the Annexed Property described in the 57 HillM4)A.P'd,MM WN111sN M.MF,Wh il IllReception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico58 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Supplemental Declarationand for the rightof the Subassociation to assesssuch Owners for common expenses unique tothoseOwners. 8.7 Annexation of Additional Unspecified Real Estate.The right to annex additional,unspecifiedrealestateto the Common InterestCommunity to the fullestextent permittedby theAct.In the eventthatDeclarantelectsto annex any such additionalunspecified real estate,Declarant shall annex such property to the Common InterestCommunity in accordance with the provisionsof Section8.6 above. 8.8 Withdrawal Rights and Procedure.The rightat any time and from timeto time to withdraw from the Common InterestCommunity (and any annexationsthereto)any Declarant- owned Lot(s)orAssociationProperty. Withdrawal may only be accomplished by the recordingby Declarantof an amendment to thisMaster Declaration or any Supplemental Declarationaffectedby the withdrawal,and an amendment to thePlator any Supplemental Plataffectedby the withdrawal.Upon the recording of such amendments,thewithdrawn Lots and/orAssociationProperty shallno longerbe partof the Common InterestCommunity or subject to thisMaster Declaration or any applicable Supplemental Declarationin any way. Each Declarant-owned Lot,and each Declarant-owned AssociationProperty,is hereby described and declared to be a separateportion of realestatethatis subjectto thisrightof withdrawal,and Declarant expresslyreservesthe rightto withdraw one or more Declarant- owned Lots and/or allor a portion of any Declarant-owned Association Property from the Common InterestCommunity.Once a Lot has been conveyed to a Lot Owner other than Declarant,that portion of the real estateis no longer subject to this right of withdrawal. Likewise,once an AssociationPropertyhas been conveyed totheMaster Association,a Special District,or the County,that portion of the real estateis no longer subjectto this right of withdrawal. The withdrawn property shall be subject to whatever easements,if any,may be reasonably necessary for access or utilityserviceto,or operation or management or use or enjoyment of,theCommon InterestCommunity or any part thereof.Similarly,the owner(s)of the withdrawn property shallhave whatever easements,if any,are reasonably necessary for access or utilityserviceto or foruse or enjoyment of the withdrawn propertyover and across SpecialDistrictand/orAssociationProperty within the Common InterestCommunity.At the time any withdrawal of realestateis accomplished,Declarant shallrecordwhatever documents arenecessarytoestablishsuch reciprocaleasements in the GarfieldCounty records. 8.9 Effectof Expansion or Contraction. In theevent any realpropertyisannexed to the Common InterestCommunity as provided herein,or if any realproperty iswithdrawn from the Common InterestCommunity as provided herein,the definitionsused in thisMaster Declaration shallbe automaticallyexpanded or contractedto encompass and refer to the Common InterestCommunity as expanded or contracted,e.g.,"Common InterestCommunity" shallmean the realpropertydescribedhereinplus any additionalrealpropertyannexed thereto and/or minus any real property withdrawn therefrom;similarly,"AssociationProperty"and "Lots"shallmean and include those areas as described herein as well as or lessthose so 58 HillAL M,MINWOM'MI@i.M.RWN 11III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico59of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO designated on any Supplemental Declarationor Supplemental Plat (or any amendment to a Declarationor Plat)relatingto any realpropertywhich isannexed orwithdrawn pursuant tothis Article8.AssociationProperty shallalso mean and includeallpropertieslocatedfrom time to time within the Annexed Property that fallwithin the definitionof Association Property contained in thisMaster Declaration,less any AssociationProperty removed by withdrawal. Referencesto thisMaster Declaration shallmean thisMaster Declarationas so supplemented by any Supplemental Declarationand any Supplemental Plat,or as amended.Every Owner of a Lot or Cabin Interestin the area annexed to the Common InterestCommunity shall,by virtueof ownership of such Lot or Cabin Interestand upon recordationof the Supplemental Declaration annexing such property to the Common InterestCommunity,be a member of the Master Associationand,except as may be otherwiseprovided in the Supplemental Declaration,shallbe entitledto the same rightsand privilegesand subjectto the same dutiesand obligationsas any otherMaster Association Member.Regular Assessments for Lots or Cabin Interestswithinthe Annexed Property shallcommence as of the date of the Recording of the Supplemental Declarationand shallbe proratedasof such date. The recordingof amendments tothe Master Declarationand Plat,whether intheform of Supplemental Declarationsand Supplemental Platsor otherwise,which reallocatetheAllocated InterestsintheCommon InterestCommunity,shallautomatically: (a)Vest in each existing Owner the reallocatedAllocated Interests appurtenanttotheOwner's Lot orCabin Interest;and (b)Vest in each existingMortgagee a perfected securityinterestin the reallocatedAllocatedInterestsappurtenanttotheencumbered Lot orCabin Interest. 8.10 Subdivision of Lots or Parcels. Declarantshallhave and hereby reservesthe rightto subdivide any Declarant-owned Lot or parcel locatedwithin the Common Interest Community to create additionalLots,Association Property,and/or streets,subject to the maximum number of Lots setforthintheRecitalstothisMaster Declaration;provided,however, thatsuch subdivision isconsistentwith the P.U.D. Plan or thatsaidP.U.D. Plan isamended if necessary,and thatthe subdivisionis accomplished in compliance with County subdivision requirements.Upon the subdivisionof any Lot or parcel in accordance with the terms and conditionscontained herein,the Allocated Interests of allOwners shall be reallocatedin accordancewith the definitionof AllocatedInterestscontainedinthisMaster Declaration. 8.11 Transfer of Additional Property to Master Association.The right,but notthe obligation,to transferadditionalrealand personalproperty,and Improvements thereon,to the Master Associationfrom timetotime infurtheranceofthisMaster Declaration. 8.12 Other Reserved Development Rights. Subject to compliance with any applicableCounty requirements, the rightwith respectto allor any Declarant-owned portionof the Common InterestCommunity (includingthe Lots)to (a)create Association Property (includingLimited Common Areas);(b)createadditionalLots,subjecttothe maximum setforth in the Recitalsto thisMaster Declaration;(c)createCabin Interests;(d)subdivide Lots as set forthin Section8.10 above;(e)combine Lots;(f)reconfigureLots and/orAssociationProperty, or otherwisemodify or amend recorded Plats;(g)amend the P.U.D.Plan;(h)convert Lots into 59 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 60 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO AssociationPropertyand/orstreets;and (i)convertAssociationPropertyintoLots and/orstreets. Additionally,inorderto effectivelyexercisethe rightsreservedtoDeclarantunder thisArticle8, the rightto amend thisMaster Declaration(withoutthe consentof Owners,Mortgagees or the Master Associationbeing required)for purposes of complying with or qualifyingforfederalor stateregistrationof the project(ii)satisfyingtitleinsurancerequirements,or (iii)bringing any provisionor provisionsof the Master Declarationintocompliance with theAct. 8.13 Owner Review,Acceptance and Waiver of Rights Re: P.U.D. Plan and Declarant's Reserved Rights.Each Owner,by itsacceptanceof a deed or other conveyance vestingin the Owner an interestina Lot or Cabin Interestinthe Common InterestCommunity, acknowledges thattheOwner has carefullyreviewed and understandsthe P.U.D. Plan (asitmay be amended from time to time)and the Declarant'sreservedrightsas setforthinthisArticle8or elsewherein thisMaster Declarationor in any Supplemental Declaration,thattheOwner accepts and approves such mattersand appreciatesany potentialimpacts thatthe implementationof the P.U.D.Plan and/orthe exerciseof such reservedrightsmay have on the Owner's Lot or Cabin Interest,and expresslywaives any rightstheOwner may have to objecttoor tointerferein any way with the implementationof such P.U.D.Plan or theexerciseof such rights. 8.14 Declarant As Attorney-in-Factfor Owners.Each Owner,by itsacceptanceof a deed or other conveyance vesting in the Owner an interestin a Lot or Cabin Interestin the Common InterestCommunity,does hereby irrevocablyconstituteand appoint Declarant (with fullpower of substitution)as saidOwner's attorney-in-fact,in said Owner's name,place and stead,totake any and allactionsand to execute and deliverany and allinstrumentsas may be necessaryor appropriatetoDeclarant'sexerciseofthe variousrightsreservedto Declarantunder thisArticle8 or elsewhere in this Master Declarationor in any Supplemental Declaration, specificallyincludingwithoutlimitationDeclarant'sreservedrighttouse allexistingeasements within the Common InterestCommunity,or to create,grant,use and/or replatand relocate additionalor existingeasements across any portion of the Common InterestCommunity exceptingplattedBuildingEnvelopes. 8.15 Transfer of Declarant's Reserved Rights. Any one or more rightscreatedor reservedforthebenefitof Declarant under thisArticle8 or elsewhere in thisMaster Declaration or in any Supplemental Declaration may be transferredto any Person by an instrument describingthe rightor rightstransferredand Recorded in GarfieldCounty.Such instrumentshall be executed by the transferor Declarant and the transferee.The provisions of Section38-33.3-304of theAct shallapply to any transferof specialdeclarantrights. 8.16 Termination ofDeclarant'sReserved Rights.With the exceptionofDeclarant's rightto appoint or remove Executive Board members and officersof the Master Association, which isaddressed in Section10.5 below,the rightsreservedtoDeclarantinthisArticle8 shall automaticallyterminateand expireupon the firsttooccur of(i)thedatewhich isthirty(30)years afterthe Recording ofthisMaster Declaration,or (ii)Declarant'srelinquishmentand surrenderof such rightsby Recorded instrument.Declarantmay from time to time relinquishand surrender one or more but lessthan allof thereservedrights,inwhich event the unrelinquishedreserved rightsshallremain fullyvalid and effectivefor the remainder of theterm thereof.The Master Associationmay extend thetime period forexerciseof a development right, or reinstatea lapsed development right,subjecttowhatever terms,conditionsand limitationstheMaster Association 60 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 61 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO may impose on the subsequentexerciseof the development right.The extensionor renewal of a development rightand any terms,conditionsand limitations shallbe includedin an amendment executed by Declarant or the owner of the realestatesubjectto the development rightand the Master Association. ARTICLE IX EASEMENTS 9.1 Easements for IncidentalEncroachments.If any portion of an Improvement approved by the Design Review Committee encroaches in its approved locationupon an AssociationProperty;includingany futureencroachments arisingor resultingfrom the repairor reconstructionof an Improvement subsequent to itsdamage,destructionor condemnation,a valid easement on the surface and for subsurface support below such surface and for the maintenance of same,so long as itstands,shalland does existforsuch incidentalencroachment. 9.2 Blanket Master Association Utilityand Drainage Easement Over Streets, Roads,Shared Driveways,and Association Property.There is hereby created,granted and reservedto theMaster Association,itsagents,employees and assigns,a perpetual,non-exclusive blanketeasement over,across,upon and under allstreetsand roads and Shared Driveways in the Common InterestCommunity and allAssociationProperty for the construction,installation, testing,operation,monitoring,management,administration,maintenance,repair,removal and replacement of utilitiesand utilitylines,irrigationlinesand systems,water features,wetlands areas,and drainagesystems,pipes,wires,circuits,conduits,meters,facilitiesand systems forthe benefitof the Common InterestCommunity or any part thereofor neighboringlands,including but not limitedto drainage,domestic water,irrigationwater,sewer,gas,telephone,electricity, cableTV and othermaster TV and communication systems,ifany,togetherwith an easement for access,ingressand egressto accomplish such purposes,and togetherwith the rightto grantany such easement rightsto utilitycompanies and/or SpecialDistricts.The Master Associationor otherperson or entityexercisingsuch utilityand drainageeasement rightsshallbe obligatedto restore,reseed,replantand/or re-landscapethe surfaceof the disturbedarea to as closeto its originalconditionas possible,as promptly as possiblefollowingcompletion of any utilityor drainagework. 9.3 Master Association Administrative Easement Over Streets Roads Shared Driveways,and Association Property.There is hereby created,granted and reservedto the Master Association,itsagents,employees and assigns,a perpetual,non-exclusiveeasement over, across,upon and under allstreetsand roads and Shared Driveways in the Common Interest Community and allAssociationPropertyand a righttouse thesame forpurposes of enablingthe Master Association to perform the dutiesand functionswhich itis obligatedor permitted to perform pursuanttothisMaster Declaration. 9.4 Declarant Easement Over Streets,Roads,Shared Driveways,and Association Property.There is hereby created,granted and reservedto Declarantand itssuccessorsand assignsa non-exclusiveeasement over,across,upon and under allstreetsand roads and Shared Driveways in theCommon InterestCommunity and allAssociationProperty(includingwithout limitationalleasements benefitingthe Master Association),includinga rightof access,ingress and egress thereto,and a rightto use such streets,roads,Shared Driveways and Association 61 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 62 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Property,and each and every part thereof,forallpurposes reasonablyrelatedto (a)Declarant's development,improvement,maintenance,management,marketing and saleof the Common InterestCommunity and all portions thereof,including any annexations thereto,and/or (b)Declarant'sexerciseand implementationofthe rightsreservedtoDeclarantunder thisMaster Declarationor any Supplemental Declaration,and/or(c)the dischargeby Declarantof any of its obligationsunder this Master Declarationor any Supplemental Declarationor under the Subdivision Improvement Agreement recorded Oc-r.%),2.0 10 ,at Reception No. 79'924 and any otherSubdivisionImprovement Agreements thatmay be executed by Declarantin connectionwith propertiesannexed totheCommon InterestCommunity,or any otherDeclarantobligationsrelatingtotheCommon InterestCommunity.Declarant'srightswith respecttothiseasement shallterminateupon thefirsttooccur of (i)thedatewhich isthirty(30) years afterthe Recording ofthisMaster Declaration,or (ii)Declarant'srelinquishmentof allor a portionof thiseasement rightby Recorded instrument. 9.5 Utility,Drainage,and/or IrrigationEasements.There are hereby created, granted and reservedforthe use and benefitof the Declarant,theMaster Association,the Club Property Owner,appropriatepublic utilities,and Special Districts,if any, perpetual, non- exclusive easements over,upon,across and under those portions of the Common Interest Community that are designated "UtilityEasement","IrrigationEasement",or "Drainage Easement"on the Plat or any Supplemental Plat.UtilityEasements may be used for the installation,operation,maintenance,repair,removal or replacement of underground utility lines (and relatedsurfacefacilities).Drainage Easements and IrrigationEasements may be used forthe installation,operation,maintenance,repair,removal or replacement of drainage and irrigation systems and facilities,respectively.Except as may otherwisebe provided in any Subdivision Improvements Agreement between Declarantand the County or in any otherseparateagreement between Declarantand a utilitysupplier,the partycausing the disturbanceshallbe obligatedto restore,repair,reseedand/or relandscapeany areadisturbedby the exerciseof these easement rightsto as closeto itsoriginalconditionas possible,as promptly as possiblefollowing the completionof any work withina Utility,Drainage or IrrigationEasement. 9.6 Water Body Maintenance Easements.There are hereby created,granted and reserved for the use and benefitof Declarant and the Master Association perpetual,non- exclusive"Water Body Maintenance Easements"in the locationsshown on the Plat or on any Supplemental Plat,forpurposes of operating;maintaining,repairingand improving the bodiesof water (reservoirs,lakes,ponds,etc.)and associatedimprovements and facilitiesserved by such easements,as may be deemed necessaryor appropriatefrom time totime by theDeclarantorthe Master Association. 9.7 Fence Maintenance Easements.There are hereby created,grantedand reserved forthe use and benefitof Declarantand theMaster Associationperpetual,non-exclusive"Fence Maintenance Easements"in the locationsshown on the Plator on any Supplemental Plat,for purposes of maintaining,repairingand improving fences,and forthe controlof vegetationwithin the easements,as may be deemed necessaryor appropriatefrom time totime by Declarantor the Master Association. 9.8 Berm Maintenance Easements.There are hereby created,grantedand reserved fortheuse and benefitof Declarantand theMaster Associationperpetual,non-exclusive"Berm 62 HillML BM,W HA MM WM MI MM illll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 63 of 149Rec Fee:5746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Maintenance Easements"in the locationsshown on the Plat or any Supplemental Plat,for purposes of maintaining,repairingand improving berms,and forthecontrolof vegetationwithin the easements,as may be deemed necessaryor appropriatefrom time totime by Declarantor the Master Association. 9.9 Equestrian/Pedestrian Trail Easement.There is hereby created,granted and reservedfor the use and benefitof the Declarant,the Master Association,and allOwners and Occupants,a perpetual,non-exclusive"Equestrian/PedestrianTrailEasement"in the location shown on the Plat and on any Supplemental Plat,for purposes of constructing,using and maintainingan equestrianand pedestriantrail.Members of the publicshallalsohave the rightto use the Equestrian/PedestrianTrailEasement,for equestrianpurposes only,provided they first check in at the EquestrianCenter.The Master Associationshallbe responsiblefor maintaining the Equestrian/PedestrianTrailEasement. 9.10 Pedestrian/Bike Trail Easement.There ishereby created,grantedand reserved forthe use and benefitof the Declarant,theMaster Association and allOwners and Occupants, but not members of the public,a perpetual,non-exclusive"Pedestrian/BikeTrailEasement"in thelocationshown on the Platand on any Supplemental Plat,forpurposes of constructing,using and maintaininga non-motorized bicycleand pedestriantrail.The Master Associationshallbe responsibleformaintainingthe Pedestrian/BikeTrailEasement. 9.11 Conservation Easement.There is hereby created,grantedand reservedfor the use and benefitof theAssociationa perpetual,non-exclusive"ConservationEasement"upon all portions of the Lots in all residentialzone districtsthat lie outside of the plattedBuilding Envelopes,for purposes of preservingan enhancing the wildlifehabitat in the Conservation Easement area and the open space characterof theConservationEasement area.No disturbance shallbe allowed in the Conservation Easement area,includingwithout limitationexcavation, grading or clearingactivities,Improvements,and landscaping;provided,however,that the followingactivitiesare expresslyallowedwithintheareassubjecttotheConservationEasement: (a)vegetationmanipulationwhere requiredby the WildfireMitigationPlan or asundertakenby the Wildlifeand WildfireTrust; (b)disturbancerequiredinconnectionwith theconstructionand maintenance of and access to underground utilities,irrigationand drainage systems, and access driveways and driveway featuresapproved by the Design Review Committee,including retainingwalls,guard rails,driveway lighting,landscaping,and gate/entryfeatures; (c)disturbancerequiredin connectionwith theconstructionand maintenance of and accessto retainingwalls,debrisflow and rockfallbarriersor other engineered structuresnecessary for the development and protectionof structuresand common elements; (d)removal of deadfalland selectivethinningof vegetation,includingbut not limitedto opening view corridorsfrom the residencewith the priorwrittenapproval of the Design Review Committee 63 Hillif'dB,F'dH,1,WEMIAIMMtWNllIll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 64 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (e)construction,operation and maintenance of and access to individual sewage treatmentsystems. The Associationshallhave the obligationand authorityto enforce theserestrictions,and shallbe responsiblefor managing,administeringand maintainingthe Conservation Easement areas in accordance with the purposes described above and in compliance with thisWildlife MitigationPlan. 9.12 Open Space and Wildlife Movement Corridor Easements.There are hereby created,granted and reservedforthe use and benefitof the Master Associationperpetual,non- exclusiveOpen Space and WildlifeMovement CorridorEasements over,acrossand upon those portionsof the Common InterestCommunity thatare designatedas "Open Space" or "Wildlife Movement Corridor"on the Plat or on any Supplemental Plat,for purposes of preservingand enhancing wildlifehabitatand the open space characterof the Open Space areas and of preservingand enhancing wildlifemovement along the WildlifeCorridor areas.In additionto activitiesnecessary or appropriatefor the furtherance of such purposes,permitteduses in the Open Space areas will be such trailuses as may be depictedon the Plat or any Supplemental Plat,and permitteduses in the WildlifeCorridorareaswillbe such trailuses as may be depicted on the Plat or any Supplemental Plat. The Master Associationshallhave the obligationand authorityto enforce theserestrictions,and shallbe responsiblefor managing,administeringand maintaining the Open Space and WildlifeMovement Corridor areas in accordance with the purposes describedabove and in compliance with the provisionsof theWildlifeMitigationPlan. The Declarant,in itssole discretion,and without requiringthe consent of any Owner or Mortgagee or SpecialDistrictor the Master Association,may subject the Open Space areasto conservationeasements or allow the Open Space areas to be held for resource or wetland mitigationland banking. 9.13 Defensible Space,Fuels Reduction Easements and Fuelbreak Easements. The DefensibleSpace Easement,FuelsReduction Easement and Fuelbreak Easement described inthe WildfireMitigationPlan,ArticleX,below. 9.14 Meadow Parcel Easement.There ishereby created,grantedand reservedforthe use and benefitof theMaster Associationa perpetual,non-exclusive"Meadow ParcelEasement" over,acrossand upon the portionof theCommon InterestCommunity thatis designatedas the "Meadow Parcel"on the Plat,forpurposes of preservingand enhancing the open-space character of the Meadow Parcel. Permitted uses of the Meadow Parcel shallbe in the discretionof the Master Association,and may include without limitationthe grazing of cattleand/or horses, agricultural(hay or wheat) production, sleighridesand hay rides,and underground utilities,and such trailuses as may be depictedon the Plat.The Master Associationshallhave the obligation and authorityto enforce theserestrictions,and shallbe responsibleformanaging,administering and maintainingthe Meadow Parcelin accordance with the purposes generallydescribedabove and in compliance with the provisionsofthe WildlifePlan. 9.15 Park Easements. There are hereby created,grantedand reservedfortheuse and benefitof the Declarant,the Master Associationand allOwners and Occupants,but notmembers of the public,perpetual,non-exclusive"Park Easements"over,across and upon allportionsof the Common InterestCommunity that are designated as "Parks"on the Plat or on any 64 H IllW"J A.M,th W.),W'H I#W.HI,MW 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 65 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Supplemental Plat,for such park and recreationalpurposes as may be determined to be appropriatefrom time to time by the Master Association.Permitteduses of the Parks may include,without limitation,picnicking,picnicareasand shelters,gazebos,recreationalactivities and facilitiessuch as softball,soccer,volleyballand horseshoes,and such trailuses as may be depictedon the Plator any Supplemental Plat.The Master Associationshallhave the obligation and authorityto enforcetheserestrictions,and shallbe responsibleformanaging,administering and maintainingthe Parks inaccordance with the purposes generallydescribedabove. 9.16 Shared Driveway Easements.There are hereby created,granted and reserved for theuse and benefitof the Lots and Lot Owners served thereby,the Declarant,the Master Association,and any Special Districts,perpetual,non-exclusiveeasements and rights-of-way over,across,along and under the Shared Driveway Easements depictedon the Plator on any Supplemental Plat,forpurposes of access,ingressand egress(bothvehicularand pedestrian,but not parking)toand from theLots servedtherebyand forthe installation,operation,maintenance, repairand replacement of underground utilitiesthatserve said Lots.The Declarantshallbe responsiblefor constructinga driveway within each Shared Driveway Easement.The Master Association(or a SpecialDistrictpursuant to a contractwith the Master Association)shallbe responsiblefor snowblowing the driveways within the Shared Driveway Easements,and for maintainingand repairingthe driveways as closelyas possibleto theconditionthatexistedupon completion of constructionthereof,ordinarywear and tear excepted.The costsand expenses incurredby theMaster Associationin the performance of such services(orthe charges made by a SpecialDistrictto the Master Associationfor performing such services)shallbe Common Expenses which shallbe assessedin equal sharesamong allLots (and Lot Owners)served by Shared Driveway Easements,regardlessof the length of particulardriveways,the number of Lots servedthereby,the improved or unimproved stateof theLots served thereby,orhow much of a given driveway is actuallyused by a Lot Owner.The annual Assessments forsuch Lot Owners shallalsoincludea reasonablereservefortheestimatedcostof periodicallyresurfacing the driveways withinthe Shared Driveway Easements. If an Owner or Occupant (or an employee,contractoror agent thereof)damages a driveway within a Shared Driveway Easement,whether during theconstructionof improvements on the Owner's Lot or otherwise,saidOwner shallbe responsiblefor promptly repairing and restoringthe damaged driveway as closelyas possibleto theconditionthatexistedimmediately prior to the occurrence of the damage.If an Owner failsto repairand restorea damaged driveway within 30 days followingreceiptof writtennoticefrom the Design Review Committee requesting the same,the Master Association shall have the authorityand obligationto accomplish such repairand restorationand to levy a Reimbursement Assessment on theOwner and theOwner's Lot for allcostsand expenses incurredby theMaster Association(or a Special Districtpursuant to contract)in connection therewith,togetherwith attorney'sfeesand other costsofcollection. Ifan Owner of a Lot served by a Shared Driveway Easement wishes to make additional driveway improvements within the Shared Driveway Easement;he shallhave the rightto do so athis solecost (or to sharesuch costwith any otherLot Owners thatagree to do so),provided thatsuch improvements do not obstructor interferein any way with the driveway or with the freeflow of vehicularand pedestriantrafficover and upon the driveway,and provided thatany 65 HIIIMUMMRJ ALMMI*N.M W.NM 51111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 66 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO such improvements are consistent with the Design Guidelinesand receive the prior written approvalofthe Design Review Committee. Each Owner of a Lot served by a Shared Driveway Easement shallbe responsiblefor obtaining and maintaining in effectat alltimes a policy of comprehensive public liability insuranceagainstclaims forbodily injury,death or propertydamage occurringin or upon or in connectionwith theuse of the Shared Driveway Easement and the improvements thereon,inthe minimum amount of $1,000,000.00. In the event of a disputebetween the Owners of Lots served by a Shared Driveway Easement relatingto the use,maintenance or improvement of the Shared Driveway Easement, which disputecannot be resolvedby good faithnegotiations,any such Owner may submit the disputetothe Design Review Committee forresolution,which resolutionshallbe binding on the affectedOwners.The Design Review Committee shallhave exclusivejurisdictionwith respect to such disputes. 9.17 Easements for Benefit of Club Property.The Declarationof Easements and Rights establishescertainnon-exclusive easements over,across and upon portions of the Common InterestCommunity forthe use and benefitof theClub Property.Saideasements shall be used forthe purposes and in the manner provided intheDeclarationof Easements and Rights. 9.18 Blanket Emergency Services Easement.There is hereby created,granted and reservedforthe use and benefitof allpolice,sheriff,fireprotection,ambulance and othersimilar emergency agenciesor persons,now or hereafterservingtheCommon InterestCommunity and itsOwners and Occupants,a perpetual,non-exclusiveblanket Emergency ServicesEasement over,upon,along and acrossallstreets,roads,Shared Driveways,propertiesand areaswithinthe Common InterestCommunity,foruse in thelawfulperformance of theirduties. 9.19 Easements Deemed Created.All conveyances of Lots and Cabin Interestsand AssociationProperty hereaftermade,whether by Declarant or otherwise,shallbe deemed and construedto grantand reserveallof the easements referredto in thisArticle9 and elsewhere in thisMaster Declaration and in any Supplemental Declaration,even though no specificreference to such easements appearsin the conveyancing instruments. 9.20 Restrictions on Owners in Easement Areas. Owners of Lots and Cabin Intereststhatare subjectto any easements createdby thisMaster Declaration,a Supplemental Declaration,or a recorded Plat,shallacquireno right,titleor interestin any cables,conduits, mains,lines,or otherequipment orfacilitiesor improvements thatmay be installedupon,over or under the easement area by a beneficiaryof said easement rights.Moreover,Owners and Occupants of Lots and Cabin Intereststhatare subject to any such easements are hereby prohibitedfrom constructingany improvements upon theeasement areas,alteringor obstructing the flow of any water or drainage thereon,or landscapingthe same,in any manner thatmight interferewith the fulland proper exerciseof said easement rightsby any beneficiary thereof. Finally,saidOwners and Occupants are hereby prohibitedfrom violatingany of therestrictions relatingto the use of the easement areas as may be setforthin thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration,or intheWildlifeMitigationPlan.Any Owner or Occupant violating any of theserestrictionsshallbe obligatedto remove the offendingimprovement or landscaping 66 HIllWJAMMS,MACMIW MM.RCH ll IllReception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico67 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO and torestorethesurfaceof the areatoitsoriginalconditionattheOwner's costand expense,or otherwiseto remedy the violation,within 30 days followinga writtenrequestthereforfrom any easement beneficiary.IfsaidOwner or Occupant failsto comply with the requestin a timely manner,theMaster Associationshallhave the righttoenterupon the Owner's Lot to perform the necessarywork and may assessthe coststhereofagainstthe Owner and theOwner's Lot in the form of a Reimbursement Assessment. 9.21 Recorded Easements and Licenses.In additionto the easements describedin thisArticle9 and elsewhere in thisMaster Declaration,the recorded easements and licenses appurtenantto or included in the Common InterestCommunity are set forthon ExhibitD attachedheretoand made a parthereofby thisreference ARTICLE X WILDFIRE MITIGATION PLAN 10.1 Wildfire Mitigation Plan. The potentialfor wildfirein Spring Valley Ranch poses a riskto life,property,wildlifeand habitat.The Associationshallwork closelywith the Landis Creek Metro District("District")and the AuthorityHaving Jurisdictiontotake necessary and reasonable steps to mitigate such risk. In this regard,wildfirerisk assessment and recommended wildfiremitigationactivitieshave been developed in the Wildfire Mitigation Report preparedby Anchor Point Group,dated February 2007,which ispartoftherecordsofthe Zoning approval for Spring Valley Ranch inGarfieldCounty,Colorado. The Associationshall contractwith the District,the AuthorityHaving Jurisdictionand a wildfireexpertto review and update the WildfireMitigationReport as appropriateon a regularperiodicbasis,but at leastonce one year following the recordationof thisDeclaration,and once every three years thereafter. The WildfireMitigationPlan may be revisedupon thejointconsent of the Board of Directorsof the Association,the Districtand the AuthorityHaving Jurisdiction.The easements established hereinshallbe blanket,variableeasements over Spring Valley Ranch thatshallbe subjectto modificationinaccordancewith theWildfireMitigationReport asthe same may be revisedfrom time to time. 10.2 Access,Inspection and Enforcement.All Lots shallbe subjectto inspectionby the Association,the AuthorityHaving Jurisdictionand theDistricttoassurecompliance with the WildfireMitigationPlan.The AssociationwillnotifytheOwner and/or Occupant of any Lot on which corrective actionsmust be taken.IftheOwner or Occupant does not initiatecompliance with the WildfireMitigationPlan within 10 days,theAssociationmay contractforthecorrective work to be performed by a thirdparty.Any such thirdparty shallhave accessto the Lot to perform such work,and theOwner and Occupant shallhold such thirdpartyharmlessfrom any liabilityassociatedwith such access and correctivework.All such work shallbe atthe expense of theOwner of theLot on which such work isperformed,and theAssociationshallhave alien on such Lot forsuch expenses. 10.3 Defensible Space and Defensible Space Easement.The Owners and Occupants of allhabitablestructuresin the Spring Valley Ranch shalldevelop and maintaindefensible space,inaccordance with the guidelinesintheWildfireMitigationReport,assaidguidelinesare appliedto actualfieldconditionsfrom siteto sitewithin the Spring Valley Ranch and as the WildfireMitigationReport may be revisedas provided herein. Plans for the development of 67 HIIIWJM,MIN Ad M.Ch4 Id(NL MI MM 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 69 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO defensiblespace shallbe submitted to and approved by the Design Review Committee at the time of initialapproval of construction.No Owner or Occupant shallplace or dispose of any combustiblematerialsor yard waste within a defensiblespace.There ishereby created,granted and reservedfortheuse and benefitoftheOwners and Occupants of Lots adjoiningOpen Space, a non-exclusiveDefensible Space Easement within the Open Space areasshown on Exhibit E attachedhereto and incorporatedherein by thisreference,to allow Owners and Occupants to extend and maintain defensiblespace beyond theirproperty line if an extended distanceis requiredand approved by the Design Review Committee. 10.4 Fuels Reduction Easement. There is hereby created,granted and reservedfor theuse and benefitof theAssociationand theDistrictperpetual,non-exclusiveFuelsReduction Easements withinthose areas generallydepictedon ExhibitF attachedheretoand incorporated herein by this reference,having such variablewidth and for purposes of such vegetation manipulation as may be consistentwith the guidelinesdescribed in the Wildfire Mitigation Report,assaidguidelinesare appliedto actualfieldconditionsfrom sitetositewithinthe Spring Valley Ranch and as the WildfireMitigationReport may be revisedas provided herein.The implementation of the guidelines,based upon fieldconditions,and on-going annual inspection and maintenance of the vegetationmanipulation,shallbe the responsibilityof the Association, the District,or a successorentitywith such jurisdiction. 10.5 Fuelbreak Easement.There ishereby created,granted and reservedfortheuse and benefitof the Associationand the Districtperpetual,non-exclusiveFuelbreak Easements withinthoseareas generallydepictedon ExhibitG attachedheretoand incorporatedhereinby thisreference,having such variablewidth and for purposes of such vegetationmanipulationas may be consistentwith the guidelinesdescribed in the Wildfire MitigationReport,as said guidelinesare appliedto actualfieldconditionsfrom siteto sitewithinthe Spring Valley Ranch and as theWildfireMitigationPlan may be revisedas provided herein.The implementationof the guidelines,based upon fieldconditions,and on-going annual inspectionand maintenance of the vegetationmanipulation,shallbe the responsibilityof the Association,the District,or a successorentitywith such jurisdiction. 10.6 Linked Defensible Space and Overlot Thinning.Priorto the constructionof any habitablestructureon Lots identifiedin the Wildfire MitigationReport,as revised,as requiringover-lotthinningand linkeddefensiblespace,the Owner or Occupant shallimplement and maintainover-lotthinningand linkeddefensiblespace on such Lots as said guidelinesare applied to actualfieldconditionsfrom siteto sitewithinthe Spring Valley Ranch and as the WildfireMitigationReport may be revisedas provided herein.The Design Review Committee shallverifythatsuch treatmentshave been completed before allowingconstructionand thatsuch treatmentsaremaintainedon such Lots. 10.7 Universal Construction Standards. (a)All constructionwithin SpringValley Ranch shallutilizea Class "A"roof covering.Class "A" roofassembliesisprohibited. (b)Cedar siding and other use for cedar materialson the exteriorof any structureisprohibited. 68 51110.@,@,@ We',1EM,14(.M.M M'h il lll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 69 of 149 Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 10.8 Specific Construction Standards.Priorto the constructionof any habitable structureon Lots identifiedintheWildfireMitigationPlan,as revised,as having fuelmodel 6, the Owner or Occupant shallimplement and maintain over-lotthinningon these Lots sufficient to convertthefuelmodel from 6 tofuelmodel 2.The Design Review Committee shallverifythat such treatmentshave been completed before allowing constructionand thatsuch treatmentsare maintainedon such Lots.Ifno over-lotthinningisundertaken on such Lots,structuresbuilton such Lots shallcomply with Section504 Class 1 ignitionresistantconstructionas describedin the 2006 InternationalUrban Wildland InterfaceCode,as the same may be amended. ARTICLE XI WILDLIFE MITIGATION PLAN 11.1 Wildlife Mitigation Plan.Recognizing thatone of the primary attributesof the Spring Valley Ranch isthe wildlifethatoccupies the area,the development of the propertyhas been designed to minimize disturbances towildlifehabitatand to avoid disturbancestowildlife to the extentreasonableand practicable.The Wildlifeand WildfireTrustestablishedin these Covenants also willserve to enhance wildlifehabitatand undertakewildfireprotectionon the property.In addition,Owners and Occupants of Spring Valley Ranch should recognize their activitiesand use of theirproperty will have impacts on wildlife.Therefore,allOwners and Occupants shallcomply at alltimes with the following terms and provisionsof thisWildlife MitigationPlan. 11.2 Garbage,Trash;Compost,Containers.No refuse,garbage,trash,grass,shrub, or treeclippings,plant waste,compost,metal,bulk materials,scrap,rubbish,or debrisof any kind shallbe kept,stored,maintained or allowed to accumulate or remain on any Lot or on AssociationPropertyexcept temporarilywithinan enclosedbear-proofstructureapproved by the Design Review Committee,exceptthatany approved containercontainingsuch materialsmay be placed next to the streetnot earlierthan 6:00a.m. on the designated morning of garbage collectionand must be returnedto itsenclosed structurethatsame day. Notwithstanding the foregoing,trashor garbage shallnot be kept outdoorsunlessitiswithin a locked,roofed,"bear proof'enclosureor in a "bear proof'garbage containerapproved by the Colorado Divisionof Wildlife.Compost pilesmust alsobe containedwithin "bear proof'enclosures.No garbage containers,trashcans or receptaclesshallbe maintained inan unsanitaryor unsightlycondition, and except when placed for pickup,they shallnot be visiblefrom anotherLot or Association Property.All such refuse,garbage,trash,plantwaste,compost,metal,scrap materials,rubbish and debris shallbe promptly removed from Spring Valley Ranch and shallnot be burned thereon.Compost structuresand containersshallnot be placed on a Lot,otherthan on District property,subjectto thereasonableapprovalofthe Design Review Committee. 11.3 Animals and Wildlife.Except as specificallypermitted below,no animals, reptiles,primates,fish,fowl or insectsof any kind shallbe kept,raised,bred,maintained or boarded withinor upon any part of Spring Valley Ranch. (a)Each Lot shallbe entitledtoa maximum of one (1)dog,one (1)catand a reasonablenumber of otherhousehold pets,so long as such dog,cator otherhousehold pets are not kept for any commercial purpose,arenot kept inunreasonablenumbers,do not cause an unreasonable amount of noise or odor,or do not otherwisebecome a 69 HIllRFE,V'dM15,WMMLMMMfN11III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico70 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO nuisanceto otherOwners or Occupants.Contractors,subcontractors,and authorizedusers oftheClub Propertymay not bring dogs,catsor otherpets intoSpring Valley Ranch.In the event thatthe GarfieldCounty SubdivisionRegulationsare ever amended so as to prohibitdogs on some or allof the Lots in Spring Valley Ranch,thenthemore restrictive of saidSubdivisionRegulationsshallgovern theissueof how many dogs are allowedon each Lot. (b)In orderfor a dog to be permittedon a Lot,the dog must eitherbe kept indoors atalltimes or in a fenced kennel or dog run (notexceeding 500 square feetin size)constructedwithin the Building Envelope on the Lot pursuant to the priorwritten approvalofthe Design Review Committee.Dogs may neverbe kept outdoorsduring the nightunlesssuch fenced enclosureissafe from predators.A permitteddog,cator other household pet must be fenced or restrainedatalltimes upon theOwner's or Occupant's Lot,and shallnotbe permittedoutsidesuch Lot,exceptwhen on a leashnot exceeding 12 feetin lengthor undergoing obedience trainingunder thedirectcontrolofthe pet'sowner or theowner's representative.The Associationshallhave the rightto designatespecific areaswithin Spring Valley Ranch where pets may be walked on leashes.All household pets shallbe properlyimmunized and otherwisemaintainedand caredforas requiredby applicablelaws.All dogs and catsmust be spayed or neutered,unlesssuch dog or catis beingcompetitivelyshown. (c)The Owner(s)of a Lot where a household pet iskept,as well as the legal owner of the pet (ifnot such Owner)shallbe jointlyand severallyliablefor any and all damage and destructioncaused by the pet,and forany clean-up oftheOwner's Lot,other Lotsor propertyand streetsand sidewalksnecessitatedby such pet. (d)Pet food shallnot be kept outdoors overnight.Bird feeders,including specificallyhummingbird feeders,shallnot be kept outdoors overnightexcept during bearhibernationseason. (e)With the exceptionofbirdfeedersas provided herein,the feeding,baiting, salting,or other means of attractingwildlifeto Lots or development facilitiesis prohibited. (f)The Association shallbe responsiblefor enforcing the restrictionsset regardingpets and shallhave the rightand authority:i)to determine initssolediscretion thatdogs,catsand other household pets are being kept forcommercial purposes,or are being kept inunreasonablenumbers,or are causing an unreasonableamount of noiseor odor,or are otherwise a nuisance to otherOwners or Occupants,or that an Owner or Occupant isotherwisein violationof thisSection;and ii)totakesuch actionor actionsas itdeems reasonablynecessary to remedy the violation,includingwithout limitationthe levyingof finesand/orreimbursement assessments.Also without limitingthe generality of the foregoing,theAssociationmay require theowner or custodianof a dog thatbarks or howls excessively,or of a dog,cat,or otherhousehold pet thatharasseswildlife,has otheroffensivehabitsorotherwiseviolatestherestrictionsregardingpets,toconfinesuch animal indoors,or to permanently remove such animalfrom SpringValley Ranch. 70 AlllK n,M,a lWM M, MM W,W'h Al lll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico71 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (g)Horses may be kept on Lots where allowed by applicablezoning,subject in each instanceto such rules,regulationsand conditionsas may be adopted from time to time by the Association. All hay storage must ata minimum be enclosedby an 8 foot mesh fence atthe expense of theLot Owner which fencingmust firstbe approved as to locationand materialsby the Design Review Committee. 11.4 Raptor Nest Protection.Priorto initiationof constructionof infrastructureor facilitiesby the Declarant,Owner or Occupant,any district,utilityprovider,the Club or the Association,a qualifiedbiologistwillbe retainedby the development or the Associationto conduct a raptornestingsurvey.Ifan activeraptornestexistson SpringValley Ranch,heavy outdoor construction(e.g.earth-moving and exteriorhouse construction)shallbe prohibited withina radiusof either300 feet(ifthe nestislocatedin a conifer)or 400 feet(ifthe nestis locatedin an aspen or cottonwood)untilthe young have fledged or thenest naturallyfails.A typicalfledglingdate forthearea isJuly 1. 11.5 Wildlife Damage.The Declarant,for itselfand its successorsand assigns, includingbut not limitedto allOwners and Occupants and the Association,hereby waives and releasesallclaims againstthe Stateof Colorado,Divisionof Wildlifewith regard to wildlife damage in Spring Valley Ranch. 11.6 Wetlands and Riparian Areas. (a) Plowing and storingof snow shallnot occur on wetland or riparianareas, excepton bridges. (b)No development shalloccur within75 feetof the high water mark of the riparianportionsofLandis Creek. (c)Any bridge constructionthatmay impact streamswillbe restrictedto the periodJuly 15 to October 15. 11.7 Golf Course and Open Space Management. (a)All persons within the PUD are prohibited from chasing, scaring, frightening,disturbingor otherwiseharassingwildlifeasa partof effortsto forcewildlife off golf courses and open space areas during the winter feeding and spring/summer productionseasons. (b)The owner/operatorof the golf course has the rightto locallyrestrict wildlifefrom golf course tees,greens,landscapingclumps and othersensitiveareasby using temporary fencing and otherpassivemeans.Any fencing erectedwillnot restrict freemovement of wildlifebut willbe used only in small,isolatedareasto help direct wildlifeand/orpeople. (c)The Best Management Practices Plan for the golf course will be implemented to apply the properproceduresfor the applicationof fertilizers,herbicides, insecticidesand any otherchemicals. 71 WillWJZ,M,1M W,M MIA.M,MF,WH ll III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 72 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (d)Disturbed ground caused by road constructionwillbe reclaimed using nativevegetationthatislesspalatabletodeer and elk. 11.8 Trail Seasonal Use Restrictions.Recognizing thatthe use of trailsduring certaintimes of the year can have adverse effectson wildlife,theAssociationshalldevelop and may revisein consultation with a wildlifebiologista seasonaltrailusage plan. The plan shall restrictpedestrian,biking,equestrianand vehicletrailusage as appropriateso as to minimize disturbanceto wildlifeduring criticalperiods such as the deer fawning and elk calving season from May 1 toJune 30,and deer and elk winter range period from December 1 through March 31.The plan shallapply to allareasof Spring Valley Ranch except the Residential/Cabinand Open Space/Golf zone districts. The plan shallnot apply to emergency vehiclesand continued accesspursuantto existingeasements forin-holdingsand out-parcelsnota partof Spring Valley Ranch. 11.9 Tree and Natural Shrub Preservation.All Improvements within Spring Valley Ranch shallbe located,designed,and constructedso asto preserveand protectlandmark treesto extentreasonableand feasibleunder the circumstances. This restrictionshallnot apply to the removal or trimming of dead or diseasedvegetation,or toreasonableand necessaryclearingby an Owner in connectionwith theconstruction of improvements on a sitepreviouslyapproved by the Design Review Committee.The Design Review Committee may approve the thinningof treeswithin view corridorsfrom themain house,but shallnot grant such approval in locations where a forestcover isessentialfor screeningfrom neighboringhome sitesor from key points along roads.Any violationof thisSectionshallsubjectthe offendingOwner to such penalties, finesand/orother conditionsas the Design Review Committee considersappropriate,including without limitationthewithdrawal or modificationof previouslygranteddevelopment approvals, or the requirementthatreplacement treesor shrubs of equivalentor differentsizeand type be planted and maintained by the Owner.The existingnativevegetationshallbe preserved in all areaslyingoutsidethe plattedBuildingEnvelopes,exceptforsuch minimum disturbanceas may be requiredin connectionwith underground utilities,irrigationand drainagesystems,and access driveways and approved driveway features. The restrictions setforthinthisSectionshallnot apply toactivitiesundertakenpursuanttothe WildfireMitigationPlan ortoactivitiesoftheWildlifeand WildfireTrustthatmay be performed from time to time by such Trust,Owners or Occupants,the Association,the District, ortheirrespectivesuccessorsor assigns.Such activitiesshallnot requirethereview or approval of the Design Review Committee. 11.10 Weed Control. The Owner or Occupant of each Lot withina residentialzone districtshallbe responsiblefor maintaininghealthyvegetationfreeof infestationsof noxious weeds.The Association may inspect Lots periodicallyand will notify the Owner and/or Occupant of any Lot with a noxious weed infestationthatcorrectiveactionsmust be taken.Ifthe Owner or Occupant does not correctthe weed infestationwithin 10 days,the Associationmay contractforthe correctivework to be performed by a thirdparty.Any such thirdpartyshallhave accessto the Lot to perform such work,and theOwner and Occupant shallhold such thirdparty harmless from any liabilityassociatedwith such accessand correctivework. Allsuch work shall be atthe expense ofthe Owner ofthe Lot on which such work isperformed,and theAssociation shallhave alien on such Lot forsuch expenses. 72 HIllE.PEME W WHIA M.RNCh il li Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM Jean Alberico 73 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 11.11 Residential Landscaped Areas. The use of native vegetation that is less palatableto deer and elk is encouraged within allresidentiallandscaped areas.Lawns and associatedirrigatedlandscapingwillbe confinedtothe BuildingEnvelopes,and shallbe subject to the followinglimitations: (a)Residential/Mountainzone district -no more than 4,000 square feetper Lot. (b)Residential/Estatezone district-no more than 2,500 squarefeetper Lot. (c)Residential/Ranchzone district -no more than 2,500 squarefeetper Lot. (d)Residential/Cabinzone district-no more than 2,000 squarefeetper Lot. (e)Residential/Pasturezone district -no more than 4,000 squarefeetper Lot. 11.12 Security Enforcement.If the Associationemploys a privatesecuritycompany within the Spring Valley Ranch,the Associationmay grant the securitycompany the necessary authoritytoenforcethe provisionsand restrictionsof theseCovenants,includingthisArticle11, WildlifeMitigationPlan. ARTICLE XII REAL ESTATE TRANSFER ASSESSMENTS TO THE WILDLIFE AND WILDFIRE TRUST 12.1 Establishment. Transfer Assessments shallbe leviedon transfersof Lots or Cabin Interests(or intereststherein)in the manner provided in thisArticle,and shallprovide funding to a nonprofitorganizationestablishedfor such purposes and known as the Spring Valley Wildlifeand WildfireTrust.Owner hereby covenantsand agreesthat,except as provided in Section 12.4 below,a transferassessment ("TransferAssessment")based on a percentageof the Considerationpaid on the transferof any portionof orinterestina Lot orCabin Interestshall be due and payable by the transfereeof such interestatthe time of transferand shallapply to each transferof any portion of or interestin the Lot or Cabin Interest.The TransferAssessment shallbe a minimum of two-tenthsof one percent(0.2%)of theConsiderationforsuch transfer. Owner hereby waives,on behalf of itselfand itssuccessorsin title,any right to challengethe TransferAssessment on any basis.TransferAssessments shallnot be paid with respectto the transferof any Lot or Cabin Interestfrom theDeclarantor itssuccessoras an initialsale,ortoa transferby a FeaturedBuilder.TransferAssessments and any increaseor decreaseintheamount of TransferAssessments above two-tenthsof one percent(0.2%)shallbe made,establishedand assessedas provided herein.The Associationshallpay over to the SpringValley Wildlifeand WildfireTrustallTransferAssessments immediatelyupon receipt. The SpringValley Wildlife and Wildfire Trust shall periodicallyreview the Transfer Assessment program and make recommendations tothe Associationregardingtheamount thereof. 12.2 Purpose and Use of Transfer Assessments. The funds receivedby the Spring Valley Wildlifeand WildfireTrust from the TransferFee shallbe used (1)to acquire,through itselfor through qualified entities,open space withinor adjacentto the Spring Valley Ranch PUD,by deed,conservationeasement,purchase of development rightsor otherwisein order to 73 WilhM,M.IUJMMEWRMIWhilIll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 74 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO preserve the open,ruralfeelingof the Spring Valley Ranch PUD;(2)to undertake projects, includingin cooperationwith stateand federalagencies and other non-profitentities,forthe preservation,enhancement and mitigationof wildlifeand wildlifehabitatand the controlof weeds on common open space property locatedwithinthe Spring Valley Ranch PUD and on adjoiningpublic and privatelands;(3)to assistinthe implementationof theWildfireMitigation Plan,inaccordance with theWildfireMitigationReport asthesame may be revisedfrom time to time;(4)to develop wildlifeeducationand enjoyment materialsand facilitieswithin the Spring Valley Ranch PUD or foruse by the owners,residents,guestsand employees thereof;and (5)to operateand maintain the Spring Valley Wildlifeand WildfireTrust,includingpursuing actions to collectand administerthe TransferFee.Apportionment of the funds among these purposes shallbe determined by the Spring Valley Wildlifeand WildfireTrust in the exerciseof its discretion. 12.3 Definitions.For purposes of thisArticleXXII,the followingwords shallhave the meanings ascribedthereto. (a)"Transfer"means and includes,whether in one transactionor ina seriesof relatedtransactions,any conveyance of ownership ortitleto any portion ofor interestin a Lot or fractionalinterestas evidenced by any deed or instrumentor writingwherein or whereby titleto such Lot or fractionalinterestis granted or conveyed subjectto the exclusionsprovided herein,includingbut not limitedto (i)the conveyance of fee simple titleto any Lot or fractionalinterestor interesttherein(includingany conveyance arising out of an installmentland contractor a leasecontainingan option to purchase),(ii)the transferof more than 50 percent of the outstandingshares of the voting stock of a corporation(otherthan Declarant)which,directlyor indirectly,owns one or more Lots or fractionalinterestsor intereststherein,and (iii)the transferof more than interestinnet profitsor net lossesof any partnership, limitedliabilitycompany, joint venture or other entity(each referredto hereinafteras a "Business Association")which,directlyor indirectly,owns one or more Lots or fractionalinterestsorintereststherein. (b)"Transferee"means and includesallpartiesto whom any interestina Lot or fractionalinterestpasses by a transfer,and each party includedintheterm "transferee shallhave jointand severalliabilityforallobligationsofthetransfereeunderthisArticle. (c)The "fairmarket value"of theLot or fractionalinterestor interesttherein subjectedto transfershallbe the consideration,as such term isdefinedbelow,given for the transfer. (d)"Consideration"means and includesthetotalof money paid and the fair market valueof any propertydelivered,orcontractedtobe paid or delivered,in returnfor thetransferof any Lot or fractionalinterestorinteresttherein,and includesany money or property paid or deliveredto obtain a contractrightto purchase any Lot or fractional interestor interesttherein,and the amount of any note,contractindebtedness(including without limitation,obligationswhich could be characterizedas contingentland gain),or rentalpayment receivedinconnectionwith such transfer,whether or not securedby any lien,mortgage,or other encumbrance,given to secure the transferprice or any part thereof,or remaining unpaid on the property at the time of transfer,whether or not 74 HillWJAME.W W'NM.M.W W'H 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 75 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO assumed by thetransferee.The term "consideration"does not includetheamount of any outstandinglienor encumbrance for taxes,specialbenefitsor improvements in favorof theUnited States,the Stateof Colorado,or a municipal or quasi-municipalgovernmental corporationor district. 12.4 Exclusions.The TransferAssessment shallnot apply to any of the following, excepttotheextentthatthey areused forthe purpose of avoidingthe TransferAssessment: (a) Any transfertotheUnited States,or any agency or instrumentalitythereof, theStateof Colorado,any county,cityand county,municipality,districtorotherpolitical subdivisionoftheStateof Colorado; (b)Any transferin consequence of a gift of such property,where no consideration other than love and affection,charitabledonation or a nominal compensation isevidenced by thetermsoftheinstrumentof transfer; (c) Any transferto Declarant,to any successoror assignof Declarant,to any affiliateofDeclarant,or totheMaster Association; (d)Any transfer,whether outrightor in trustthatis for the benefitof the transferoror hisor her relatives,but only ifthereisno more thannominal consideration forthe transfer.For the purposes of thisexclusion,the relativesof a transferorshall includewithout limitationalllinealdescendantsof any grandparent ofthe transferor,and the spouses of thedescendants.Any person'sstepchildren and adopted childrenshallbe recognized as descendantsof thatperson for allpurposes of thisexclusion. For the purposes of thisexclusion,a distributionfrom a trustshallbe treatedas a transfermade by the grantorsof the trust,inthe proportionsof theirrespectivetotalcontributionsto the trust; (e) Any transferarisingsolelyfrom the terminationof a jointtenancy or the partitionof propertyheld under common ownership,except to theextentthatadditional considerationispaid inconnectiontherewith; (f)Any transferor change of interestby reason of death,whether provided forin a will,trustor decreeof distribution; (g)Any transfermade (aa) by a majority-owned subsidiary to itsparent corporationor by a parent corporationto itsmajority-owned subsidiary, or between majority-owned subsidiariesof a common parent corporation, in each case for no considerationotherthan issuance,cancellationor surrenderof the subsidiary'sstock;or (bb)by a partner,member or a jointventurer(each a "BusinessAssociationMember")to a Business Associationinwhich theBusinessAssociationMember has not lessthana 50 percentinterest,or by a Business Associationtoa BusinessAssociationMember holding not lessthan a50 percent interestin such Business Association,in each case forno considerationother than the issuance,cancellationor surrenderof the interestsin the Business Association,as appropriate;or (cc)by a corporationto itsshareholders,in connection with the liquidationof such corporationor,distributionof property or dividend inkind to shareholders,iftheLot or fractionalinterestistransferredgenerally 75 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 76 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO pro ratato itsshareholders,and no considerationis paid other than the cancellationof such corporation'sstock;or (dd)by a Business Associationto itsBusiness Association Members,in connection with a liquidationof the Business Association or other distributionof property to the Business AssociationMembers,ifthe Lot or fractional interestistransferredgenerallypro ratato itsBusiness AssociationMembers,and no considerationis paid otherthan the cancellationof the BusinessAssociationMembers' interests;or (ee)to a corporationor BusinessAssociationwhere such entityisowned in itsentiretyby the persons transferringthe Lot or fractionalinterestand such persons have the same relativeinterestsin the transfereeentityas they had in the Lot or fractional interestimmediately priorto such transfer,and no considerationis paid other than the issuanceof each such persons'respectivestock or other ownership interestsin the transfereeentity;or (ff)by any person(s) or entity(ies)to any other person(s)or entity(ies),whether in a single transactionor a seriesof transactionswhere the transferor(s)and the transferee(s)are and remain under common ownership and control as determined by theExecutiveBoard in itssolediscretionappliedon a consistentbasis; provided,however,thatno such transferor seriesof transactionsshallbe exempt unless the Executive Board findsthat such transferor seriesof transactions(x)is for no considerationother than the issuance,cancellationor surrender of stock or other ownership interestin the transferoror transferee;as appropriate,(y)is not inconsistent withthe intentand meaning of thisSubsection,and (z)isfora validbusinesspurpose and isnot for the purpose of avoiding the obligationto pay the TransferAssessment.In connection with consideringany request for an exception,the Executive Board may -requirethe applicantto submit trueand correctcopies of allrelevantdocuments relating to the transfersettingforthallrelevantfactsregardingthe transfer,statingthatin their opinion thetransferis exempt under said subsection,and settingforththe basisforsuch opinion; (h) Any transfermade solely for the purpose of confirming,correcting, modifying or supplementing a transferpreviouslyrecorded,making minor boundary adjustments,removing cloudson titles,or grantingeasements,rights-of-wayor licenses, and any exchange of Lots or fractionalinterestsbetween Declarantand any original purchaserfrom Declarantof theone ormore Lots or fractionalinterestsbeing transferred to Declarantinsuch exchange.To theextentthatconsiderationin additionto previously purchased Lots or fractionalinterestsis paid to Declarant in such an exchange,the additionalconsiderationshallbe a transfersubjectto Assessment.To the extentthat Declarant,in acquiringby exchange Lots or fractionalinterestspreviouslypurchased from Declarant,pays considerationin additionto transferringLots or fractionalinterests, the amount of such additionalconsiderationshallbe treatedas reducing the original assessabletransferoriginalpurchaser from Declarant,who exchanges with Declarant Lots or fractionalinterestspreviously purchased from Declarant,to a refund steer Associationof the amount of theTransferAssessment originallypaid on thatportionof the originaltransfer; (i)Any transferpursuant to any decree or order of a court of record determining or vesting title,including a finalorder awarding titlepursuant to a condemnation proceeding,but only where such decreeor orderwould otherwisehave the effectof causing theoccurrenceof a second assessabletransferina seriesoftransactions 76 111151M,M,MJIN.MMI@MMIPMh Will Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 77 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO which includesonly one effectivetransferof the rightto use or enjoyment of a Lot or fractionalinterest; (j) Any leaseof any Lot or fractionalinterest(orassignment or transferof any interestin any such lease)fora periodoflessthan thirty(30)years; (k) Any transferto securea debt or other obligationor to releaseproperty which is securityfora debt or other obligation,includingtransfersin connectionwith foreclosureof a deed of trustor mortgage ortransfersinconnectionwith a deed given in lieuof foreclosure; (1)The subsequenttransfer(s)of a Lot or fractionalinterestinvolvedin a "tax free"or "taxdeferred"exchange under the InternalRevenue Code wherein the interim owner acquirespropertyforthesolepurpose of resellingthatpropertywithin thirty(30) days afterthe trade.In these cases,the firsttransferof titleis subjectto Transfer Assessment,and subsequent transferswill only be exempt as long as a Transfer Assessment has been paid in connectionwith thefirsttransferof such Lot or fractional interestinsuch exchange; (m)The transferof a Lot or fractionalinterestto an organizationwhich is exempt from federalincome taxationunder Section 501(c)(3)of the InternalRevenue Code,as amended (or any comparable statute),provided that the Executive Board specificallyapproves such exemption ineach particularcase; (n)Any transfermade by a corporationor other entity,for consideration,(1) to any other corporationor entitywhich owns 100 percent of itsequity securities(a "Holding Company"), or (2)to a corporationor entitywhose stock or other equity securitiesare owned,directlyor indirectly,100 percentby such Holding Company; (o) Any transfer from a partially-owned direct or indirect subsidiary corporationtoitsdirector indirectparentcorporationwhere no considerationispaid for, or inconnectionwith,such transfer;however,unlesssuch transferisotherwiseexempt, such exemption shallapply only tothe extentof thedirector indirectbeneficialinterest of the transfereein the transferorimmediately prior to the transfer.For example,if corporationA owns 60 percentof corporationB,and corporationB owns 100 percentof corporationC and corporationC conveys a Lot or fractionalinterestto corporationA for $2,000,000,60 percent of the pricewould be exempt and a TransferAssessment would be payableonly on $800,000 (i.e.,40 percentofthe $2,000,000consideration); (p)The consecutivetransferof a Lot or fractionalinterestor interesttherein wherein theinterimowner acquiressuch Lot or fractionalinterestor interestforthe sole purpose of immediatelyreconveyingsuch Lot or fractionalinterestor interest,but only to the extentthereisno considerationto such interimowner receivesno rightto use or enjoyment of such Interest,provided the Executive Board specificallyapproves such exemption each particularcase.To the extentthatconsiderationis paid to,or for the benefitof,the interimowner,the additionalconsiderationshallbe a transfersubjectto Assessment.Inthesecases,thefirsttransferoftitleissubjecttotheTransferAssessment 77 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 78 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO and subsequenttransferswillonly be exempt as long as a TransferAssessment has been paid in connectionwith the firsttransferof such Lot or fractionalinterestor interestin suchconsecutivetransactionand only tothereisno considerationto the interimowner. 12.5 Payment and Reports.The TransferAssessment shallbe due and payable by the transfereeto the Association on the same day as the transfergiving riseto such Transfer Assessment.Upon receiptof the Transfer Assessment,the Associationshallpay allfunds receivedto the Spring Valley Wildlifeand WildfireTrust.With such payment,the transferee shallmake a writtenreporttotheAssociationand the SpringValley Wildlifeand WildfireTrust on forms prescribedby the Associationand the SpringValley Wildlifeand WildfireTrust,fully describingthe transferand settingforththe true,complete and actualconsiderationfbr the transfer,thenames of the partiesthereto,the legaldescriptionof theLot or fractionalinterestor interesttransferred,and such otherinformationastheAssociationand the SpringValley Wildlife and Wildfire Trust may reasonablyrequire.If the fullamount of the TransferAssessment, properlycalculated,isnot paid totheAssociationatthetime of transferof theLot or fractional interest(or interesttherein)as provided herein,the delinquentTransferAssessment shallbear interestatthe rateof twentypercent(20%) per annum from thedateoftransferuntilpaid in full, shallconstitutethepersonal,jointand severalobligationand liabilityof the transferee(s),and the Associationshallhave an Assessment Lien on thetransferee'sLot or fractionalinterestforsuch delinquentamount (togetherwith accrued interest,and costsand attorneys'fees incurredin collectingthe same).The Associationand the SpringValley Wildlifeand WildfireTrustshall obtainperiodicreportsof or check alltransfersof record intheOfficeoftheClerk and Recorder ofGarfieldCounty,Colorado forthe purpose of verifyingtheTransferAssessments due. ARTICLE XIII MASTER ASSOCIATION 13.1 Master Association.The Master Associationhas been formed as a Colorado nonprofitcorporationunder the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act to manage the affairsof the Common InterestCommunity.The Master Associationshallserve as the governing body forallof theOwners and Occupants forthe protection,improvement,alteration, maintenance,repair,replacement,administrationand operation of Association Property,the levyingand collectionof Assessments forCommon Expenses and otherexpenses of theMaster Association,and such other matters as may be provided in thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration,the Articles,Bylaws,and Master Rules and Regulations.The Master Associationshallnotbe deemed tobe conductinga businessof any kind,and allfundsreceived by theMaster Associationshallbe heldand appliedby iton behalfof theOwners inaccordance with the provisionsof thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration,theArticlesand the Bylaws. 13.2 Master Association Executive Board. The affairsof the Master Association shallbe managed by an Executive Board. The number, term, and qualificationsofthemembers of the Executive Board shallbe fixedintheArticlesof Incorporationor the Bylaws.A quorum shallbe deemed presentthroughout any meeting of the ExecutiveBoard ifpersons entitledto castatleastfiftypercent(50%)of thevotes on theExecutiveBoard are presentatthe beginning of the meeting or grant theirproxy as provided in C.R.S.Section7-128-205(4).With the exception of matters that may be discussed in executive session,as set forth in 78 HIllIPARM,thlNN'hlildGHE M Wh AllII Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico79 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Section38-33.3-308(3-7)of the Act,allregularand specialmeetings of theExecutive Board or any committee thereofshallbe open to attendanceby allMembers of theMaster Associationor theirrepresentatives.Without limitingthe generalityof the foregoing,no Master Rule or Regulationmay be validlyadopted during an executivesession.Agendas for meetings of the Executive Board shallbe made reasonably availablefor examination by allMembers of the Master Associationortheirrepresentatives. The Executive Board shall have allof the powers,authorityand duties granted or delegatedto itby the Act,thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration,theArticlesor Bylaws.Except as provided in the Act,thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration, the Articlesor Bylaws,the Executive Board may actin allinstanceson behalf of the Master Association. The Executive Board may not,however,act on behalf of the Master Associationto amend this Master Declaration,to terminate the Common InterestCommunity,or to elect members of the ExecutiveBoard or determine the qualifications,powers and duties,or terms of office of Executive Board members,but the Executive Board may fillvacancies in its membership forthe unexpiredportionof any term. The ExecutiveBoard may,by resolution,delegateportionsof itsauthorityto officersof the Master Association,but such delegationof authorityshallnotrelievethe ExecutiveBoard of theultimateresponsibilityformanagement of the affairsof theMaster Association.Ifappointed by Declarant,in the performance of theirduties,the members of the Executive Board and the officersof the Master Associationare requiredto exercisethecare requiredoffiduciariesof the Lot and Cabin InterestOwners.Ifnot appointed by Declarant,no member of the Executive Board and no officershallbe liablefor actionstaken or omissionsmade inthe performance of such member's orofficer'sdutiesexceptforwanton and willfulactsoromissions. 13.3 Membership in Master Association.There shallbe one Membership in the Master Association for each Lot and each Cabin Interestwithin the Common Interest Community.The Person or Persons who constitutethe Owner of a Lot or Cabin Interestshall automaticallybe the holder of the Membership appurtenant to thatLot or Cabin Interest,and shallcollectivelybe the "Member"of theMaster Associationwith respectto thatLot or Cabin Interest,and the Membership appurtenant to thatLot or Cabin Interestshallautomaticallypass with fee simple titleto the Lot or Cabin Interest.Declarant shallhold a Membership in the Master Associationfor each Lot or Cabin Interestowned by Declarant.Membership in the Master Associationshallnot be assignableseparateand apartfrom fee simple titleto a Lot or Cabin Interest,and may not otherwisebe separatedfrom ownership of a Lot orCabin Interest. 13.4 Voting Rights of Members. Each Lot in theCommon InterestCommunity shall be entitledto four (4)votes in the Master Association.Ifa Lot isdivided intoCabin Interests pursuantto a Supplement Declaration,thevotes allocatedtothatLot shallbe reallocatedequally amongst theCabin Interestscreatedforthe Lot,e.g.,an undivided one-fourthCabin Interestshall have one vote inthe Master Association.Occupants of Lots shallnothave votingrights.Iftitle to a Lot or Cabin Interestisowned by more than one (1)Person,such persons shallcollectively cast theirallocatedvote(s).If only one of the multipleowners of a Lot or Cabin Interestis presentata Master Associationmeeting,such owner isentitledto castthe vote(s)allocatedto 79 HillIPJEFMHMIfWM14@NLMCh11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 90 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO thatLot or Cabin Interest.If more than one of the multiple owners is present,the vote(s) allocatedto thatLot or Cabin Interestmay be cast only in accordance with the agreement of a majorityin interestof theowners. There isa majorityagreement ifany of the multipleowners caststhe vote(s)allocatedto thatLot or Cabin Interestwithout protestbeing made promptly to the person presidingover the meeting by any of theotherowners of theLot or Cabin Interest. In the event of a protestmade by one or more multipleowners,and a majorityof the multiple owners of the Lot or Cabin Interestcannot agree on how to casttheirvotes,any votescastfor thatLot or Cabin Interestshallneverthelessbe countedin determiningthe presence of a quorum with respectto theissuebeing voted upon. In accordance with Section38-33.3-309 of the Act,and except as may otherwise be provided inthe Bylaws,a quorum isdeemed presentthroughoutany meeting ofthe Members of the Master Association if persons entitledto castat leasttwenty percent (20%)of the total allocatedvotes intheMaster Associationare present,in person or by proxy,atthe beginning of the meeting. Provided a quorum of allocatedvotes entitledtovoteispresentin person or by proxy,the affirmativevote of a majorityof thetotalallocatedvotesso presentshallconstituteapprovalof any matter voted upon unlessa differentnumber is requiredon a particularmatter by the Act, thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration,the Articles,orthe Bylaws. The vote(s)allocatedto a Lot or Cabin Interestmay be cast pursuant to a proxy duly executedby a Lot orCabin InterestOwner.Ifa Lot orCabin Interestisowned by more thanone person,each owner of the Lot or Cabin Interestmay vote or registerprotestto the castingof a vote by theotherowners of the Lot or Cabin Interestthrough a duly executed proxy.A Lot or Wilderness Cabin InterestOwner may notrevoke a proxy givenpursuant to thisSectionexcept by actualnoticeof revocationtothe person presidingover a meeting of theMaster Association. A proxy isvoid ifitis not dated or purportsto be revocable without notice. A proxy shall terminateeleven (11)months afteritsdate,unlessa differentterminationdateisotherwise set forthon itsface. No vote(s)allocatedto a Lot or Cabin Interestowned by the Master Associationmay be cast. The Lot and Cabin InterestOwners,by a vote of sixty-sevenpercent (67%)of all allocatedvotes presentand entitledtovote at any meeting of theLot and Cabin InterestOwners at which a quorum ispresent,may remove any member of theExecutiveBoard with or without cause,otherthan a member appointedby Declarant. 13.5 Period of Declarant Control of Master Association.Notwithstandingany other provisionshereof,Declarantshallhave and hereby reservesthe power to appointand remove,in its sole discretion,the members of the Executive Board and the officersof the Master Associationduring the period commencing upon the Recording of thisMaster Declarationand terminatingno laterthan the earlierof (a)sixty(60) days afterconveyance of seventy-five percent (75%)of the Lots thatmay be createdto Owners otherthan Declarant;or (b)two (2) years afterthe lastconveyance of a Lot by theDeclarantinthe ordinarycourseof business;or (c)two (2)years afterany right toadd new Lotswas lastexercisedby Declarant.For purposes of 80 HillWJE,M,UARMbWiMM',WhilIll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 91 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO determiningsaid"PeriodofDeclarantControl"under thisMaster Declarationand theArticlesof Incorporationand Bylaws of the Master Association,a Lot which isdividedintoCabin Interests shallbe deemed conveyed by Declarantonly upon the conveyance by Declarantof one hundred percent(100%)oftheCabin Interestsinsuch Lot. During saidPeriodof DeclarantControlof theMaster Association: (a)Not laterthan sixty (60) days afterconveyance of twenty-fivepercent (25%)of theLots thatmay be createdto Owners otherthan Declarant,atleastone (1) member and not lessthan twenty-fivepercent (25%)of the members of the Executive Board must be electedby Lot and Cabin InterestOwners otherthan Declarant. (b)Not laterthan sixty(60)days afterconveyance of fiftypercent(50%)of the Lots thatmay be createdto Owners other than Declarant,not lessthan thirty-three and one-thirdpercent(33-1/3%)of the members of theExecutiveBoard must be elected by Lot and Cabin-InterestOwners otherthan Declarant. At any time priorto the terminationof the Period of DeclarantControlof the Master Association,the Declarant may voluntarilysurrenderand relinquishthe rightto appoint and remove officersand members of theExecutive Board,but in such eventDeclarantmay require, forthe durationof the Period of DeclarantControl of the Master Association,that specified actionsof theMaster AssociationortheExecutive Board,as describedina Recorded instrument executed by Declarant,be approved by Declarant before they become effective.As to such actions,Declarantmay give itsapprovalor disapprovalin itssolediscretionand option,and its disapprovalshallinvalidateany such actionby theExecutiveBoard or the Master Association. Not laterthan the terminationof thePeriod of DeclarantControlof theMaster Association,the Owners (includingDeclarant)shallelectan ExecutiveBoard of atleastthree(3)members,at leasta majorityof whom must be Owners otherthan Declarantor designatedrepresentativesof Owners other than Declarant,and the Executive Board shallelect the officers,with such Executive Board members and officers to take office upon election.Pursuant to Section38-33.3-303(9)of the Act,withinsixty(60)days afterOwners otherthanDeclarantelect a majority of the members of the Executive Board,Declarant shalldeliverto the Master Associationallproperty of the Owners and of the Master Associationheld or controlledby Declarant,includingwithout limitationthe followingitems: (a)The originalor a certifiedcopy of the recorded Master Declarationas amended,the Master Association'sArticlesof Incorporation,Bylaws,minute books, other books and records,and any rules and regulationswhich may have been promulgated; (b)An accountingforMaster Associationfundsand financialstatementsfrom the date the Master Associationreceivedfunds and ending on the date the Period of Declarant Control ends. The financialstatementsshallbe auditedby an independent certifiedpublic accountant and shall be accompanied by the accountant'sletter, expressingeitherthe opinion that the financialstatementspresentfairlythe financial positionof the Master Association in conformity with generallyaccepted accounting principlesor a disclaimerof the accountant'sabilityto attestto the fairnessof the 81 HillE.MMARWNMAKhMRfhilIllReception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico82of148RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO presentationof the financialinformation in conformity with generally accepted accountingprinciplesand thereasonstherefor.The expense oftheauditshallnot be paid foror charged to theMaster Association. (c)The Master Associationfunds or controlthereof; (d)All oftheDeclarant'stangiblepersonalpropertythathas been represented by the Declarantto be the propertyof the Master Associationor allof the Declarant's tangiblepersonalproperty thatis necessaryfor,and has been used exclusivelyin,the operationand enjoyment ofAssociationProperty,and inventoriesoftheseproperties; (e)A copy,forthe nonexclusiveuse by theMaster Association,of any plans and specificationsused intheconstructionof the improvements in the Common Interest Community; (f)All insurancepoliciesthen in force,in which the Owners,the Master Association,or itsdirectorsand officersarenamed asinsuredpersons; (g) Copies of any certificatesof occupancy thatmay have been issuedwith respectto any improvements comprisingtheCommon InterestCommunity; (h) Any other permits issued by governmental bodies applicableto the Common InterestCommunity and which are currentlyin force or which were issued withinone year priortothedate on which Lot and Cabin InterestOwners otherthanthe Declaranttook controlofthe Master Association; (i)Written warranties of the contractor,subcontractors,suppliers,and manufacturersthatarestilleffective; (j)A rosterof Owners and Occupants and Mortgagees and theiraddresses and telephonenumbers,ifknown,asshown on theDeclarant'srecords; (k) Employment contractsin which the Master Associationisa contracting party;and (1) Any servicecontractin which the Master Associationis a contracting partyor inwhich the Master AssociationortheOwners have any obligation to pay a fee tothepersonsperforming theservices. 13.6 Termination of Contracts and Leases of Declarant. The followingcontracts and leases,if entered into before the Executive Board electedby the Owners pursuant to Section38-33.3-303(7)takes office,may be terminated without penalty by the Master Associationat any time afterthe Executive Board electedby the Owners pursuant to said Section38-33.3-303(7)takes office,upon not,lessthan ninety (90) days noticeto the other party:(i)Any management contract,employment contractor leaseof recreational or parking areasor facilities;(ii)Any othercontractor leasebetween theMaster Associationand Declarant or an affiliateof Declarant;or (iii)Any contractor lease that is not bona fide or was unconscionabletotheOwners atthetime enteredintounder the circumstancesthen prevailing. 82 All0.5AM,MLtd.MFRP.IALM.MI,MrM All Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 83 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 13.7 Master Association/Subassociations.Every Supplemental Declarationinwhich a Subassociationis organized and/or establishedshallcontainsufficientlanguage pursuant to Section38-33.3(220)oftheAct delegatingresponsibilitiesand controland subordinatingittothe Master Association and to thisMaster Declarationto effectuatethe purposes of thisMaster Declaration.Each Supplemental Declarationshallprovide thatthe Executive Board shallbe electedafterthe terminationof thePeriod of DeclarantControl of theMaster Associationby all Owners of allCommon InterestCommunities subjectto the Master Declaration. If both a Subassociationand theMaster Associationhave liensforAssessments createdatany time on the same Lots or Cabin Interests,the lienof the Master Associationshalltake priorityover the lien of any Subassociation. ARTICLE XIV POWERS AND DUTIES OF MASTER ASSOCIATION 14.1 General Powers and Duties of Master Association.The Master Association shallhave and may exerciseallof the powers and rightsand dutiesof a Colorado corporation formed under theColorado Revised Nonprofit CorporationAct,and allof the powers and duties provided forin the Act includingthoseenumerated in Section38-33.3-302 of the Act,as such laws may be amended from time to time,subjectonly tothelimitationsupon such powers as are containedin thisMaster Declaration. More specifically,and without limitingthe generalityof the foregoing,theMaster Associationshallhave allof the powers and dutiesnecessary(i)forthe administration,management,governance and operationof theCommon InterestCommunity and the Master Association,(ii)to own,operate,improve,maintain,repair,manage,lease,encumber, and otherwisedealwith AssociationProperty,(iii)to improve,maintain and repairtheLimited Common Areas,and (iv)to do any and alllawful things that may be authorized,requiredor permittedto be done by theMaster Associationunder the Act and/orunder the provisionsofthis Master Declarationand of any Supplemental Declarations. 14.2 Power to Grant Easements. The Master Associationshallhave the power to grant access,utility,drainage,irrigation,and such othereasements upon,over,acrossor under AssociationProperty as itdeems necessaryor desirablefor the benefitof theCommon Interest Community or partsthereof,or forthebenefitof allor lessthan allof the Owners,or forthe benefitof lands situatedoutsidethe Common InterestCommunity. 14.3 Power to Convey or Encumber AssociationProperty.The Master Association shallhave the power to convey,or subjectto a securityinterest,portionsof the Association PropertyifOwners entitledto castatleastsixty-sevenpercent(67%)ofthe allocatedvotesinthe Master Association,includingsixty-sevenpercent(67%)of thevotes allocatedto Lots or Cabin Interestsnot owned by Declarant,agree tothataction,except thatallOwner(s)of Lots towhich any Limited Common Area isallocated must agree in orderto convey thatLimited Common Area or to subjectitto a securityinterest.Proceeds of the saleare an assetof the Master Association. An agreement to convey,or subjectto a securityinterest,AssociationPropertymust be evidenced by the execution of an agreement,in the same manner as a deed,by the Master Association.The agreement must specifya date afterwhich the agreement willbe void unless approved by the requiredpercentageofallocatedvotes.Any grant,conveyance ordeed executed 83 BillWa MMENMM I#MI,tW Nfh lI Ill Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 94 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO by the Master Association must be Recorded in the County,and is effectiveonly upon Recordation.The Master Association,on behalf of the Owners,may contractto convey an interestin an Association Property,but the contractis not enforceableagainstthe Master Associationuntilapproved,executed and ratifiedpursuanttothisSection.Thereafter,the Master Associationshallhave allthe powers necessary and appropriateto effectthe conveyance or encumbrance,includingthe power to execute deeds or otherinstruments.Unless in compliance with thisSection any purported conveyance,encumbrance,judicialsale,or othertransferof AssociationPropertyisvoid.A conveyance or encumbrance of AssociationPropertypursuantto thisSectionshallnot depriveany Lot of itsrightsof (i)access,ingressand egresstothe Lot,and (ii)supportof the Lot.A conveyance or encumbrance of AssociationPropertypursuantto this Sectionshallnot affectthe priorityor validityof preexistingencumbrances. 14.4 General Power to Provide Services and Facilitiesto Owners.The Master Associationshallhave the power,but not the obligation,to acquire,construct,operate,manage, maintain,repairand administerservicesand facilitiesforthebenefitof the Owners,or some of them,including,without limitation,security,animal control,vegetationcontrol,insectand pest control,televisionservice,parking facilities,transportationfacilities,snow removal,signage, (includingentry monuments), lighting,(includingseasonallighting),fencing,landscape walls, landscapingservicesand facilities,drainage facilities,includingretentionand detentionponds, irrigationfacilities;water features,trashand solidwaste disposalservices,includingrecycling programs,utilityservices,recreationalfacilitiesand services,maintenance,and such other services,functions and facilitiesas are deemed appropriateby the Executive Board.The foregoinglistshallnotbe deemed tobe a representationby Declarantof servicesorfacilitiesthat willin factbe availableforuse by the Owners.The Master Associationmay enterintosuch agreements and arrangements as it may deem appropriatewith any provider of utilitiesor servicesto the Common InterestCommunity or any portion thereof,including any Special Districtsthatprovide such services,and may form or joinany districtscreatedto provide such services.The Master Associationshallalsohave the right,butno obligationtoenterintoa "bulk ratecontract"forcabletelevisionand/or securitymonitoring services,in which casetheMaster Associationshallpay thecontractualcharges as a Common Expense. 14.5 Power to Provide Services to Subassociations. The Master Associationshall have the power,but not the obligation,to provide servicesto Subassociations.Such servicesto any Subassociationshallbe provided pursuant to an agreement in writingbetween the Master Association and such Sub-association which shall provide for the payment by such Subassociationto the Master Associationof thecostsand expenses oftheMaster Associationof providingsuch servicestothe Subassociationincludinga fairshareof the overhead expenses of the Master Association.Serviceswhich may be provided to a Subassociationmay include, without limitation,(a)the construction,care,operation,management,maintenance,repair,and replacementof Improvements owned by the Subassociation;(b)the providingof servicesto the areacovered by the Subassociation;(c)the enforcement of the provisionsof any Supplemental Declarationfor,on behalf of,and in the name of the Subassociation;(d)the collectionof assessmentsfor,inthe name of,and on behalfof a Subassociation;(e)the payment oftaxesfora Subassociation with funds of the Subassociation;(f)the obtaining of insurance for a Subassociation;(g)thecollectionof charges foruse of facilitiesof a Subassociation;and (h)the appointment and supervisionof a manager or managers fora Subassociation. 84 HilhWMMLRWHAM.EWhillll Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 95 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 14.6 Power to Provide Special Services to Owners.The Master Associationshall have the power to provide servicesto an Owner or group of Owners.Any serviceor servicesto an Owner or group of Owners shallbe provided pursuantto an agreement in writing,or through one or more Supplemental Declarations,which shall provide for payment to the Master Associationby such Owner or group of Owners of the costs and expenses of the Master Associationin providing such services,includinga fairshare of the overhead expenses of the Master Association,and shallcontainreasonableprovisionsassuringthatthe obligationto pay for such services shallbe binding upon any heirs,personal representatives,successorsand assignsof theOwner or group of Owners and thatthe payment forsuch servicesshallbe secured by alien on the Lot(s)orCabin Interest(s)of the Owner or a group of Owners. 14.7 Power to Charge for Special Association Property Uses and Special Master Association Services.The Master Associationshallhave the power to establishreasonable admission or otherfeesor charges for any specialor extraordinaryAssociationPropertyuses or Master Association servicessuch as specialparking privileges,specialrecreationfacilities, conferencerooms,instruction,or similaruses beyond the ordinaryuse of AssociationProperty and ordinaryMaster Associationservices.Such chargesor feesshallbe setforthinschedulesof chargesand feesadopted from time totime by theExecutiveBoard. 14.8 Power to Acquire Property and Construct Improvements.The Master Associationmay acquire,hold,encumber and/orconvey any right, titleor interest inor torealor personal property,including Improvements.The Master Association may construct Improvements on AssociationPropertyand may demolish existingImprovements thereon. 14.9 Power to Adopt Master Rules and Regulations.The Master Associationmay adopt,amend,repeal,and enforce such Master Rules and Regulationsas the Executive Board may consider necessary,desirableor appropriatefrom time to time with respect to the interpretationand implementation of this Master Declaration,the operation of the Master Association,the use and enjoyment ofAssociationProperty(includingLimited Common Areas), and theuse of any otherpropertywithin the Common InterestCommunity,includingLots and Cabin Interests.Any such Master Rules and Regulationsshallbe effectiveonly upon adoptionby resolutionatan open meeting of the ExecutiveBoard.Notice of the adoption,amendment,or repealof any Master Rule or Regulationshallbe given in writingto each Owner,and copies of the currentlyeffectiveMaster Rules and Regulationsshallbe made availabletoeach Owner and Occupant upon request and payment of the reasonableexpense of copying the same. Each Owner and Occupant (and allother Persons who are authorizedusers of AssociationProperty) shallcomply with such Master Rules and Regulations,and each Owner shallseethatOccupants claiming through such Owner comply with such Master Rules and Regulations.Such Master Rules and Regulationsshallhave the same forceand effectas ifthey were setforthinand were part of this Master Declaration.In the event of conflictbetween the Master Rules and Regulations and the provisions of this Master Declaration,the provisions of this Master Declarationshallgovern.Such Master Rules and Regulationsmay establishreasonableand uniformly appliedpenalties(includingthe levying and collectionof fines)forthe violationof such Master Rules and Regulationsor of any provision of thisMaster Declaration,the Articles, orthe Bylaws. 85 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 86 of 149 Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 14.10 Power to Contract with Employees, Agents,Contractors, Districts, Consultants and Managers.The Master Associationshallhave the power to contractwith, and/or to employ and discharge employees,agents,independent contractorsand consultants, includinglawyers and accountants,and SpecialDistricts,to perform any of the responsibilitiesof the Master Associationunder thisMaster Declaration,includingwithout limitationmaintenance responsibilities.The Master Associationshallalsohave the power to retainand pay forthe servicesof a manager or managers,which may be an affiliateofDeclarant,to undertake any of the administrativeor managerial responsibilitiesfor which the Master Associationmay have responsibilityunder this Master Declaration,to the extentdeemed advisableby the Master Association,and may delegate any of itsduties,powers,or functionsto any such manager. Notwithstandingany delegation to a manager of any duties,powers,or functionsof theMaster Association,the Master Associationand itsExecutiveBoard shallremain ultimatelyresponsible forthe performance and exerciseof such duties,powers,and functions. 14.11 Power to Assign Future Income.The Master Associationshallhave the power to assignitsrighttofutureincome,includingthe rightto receiveRegular Assessments,but only followingtheaffirmativevote of atleastfifty-one(51)percentof thetotalallocatedvotesinthe Master Association,ata duly-calledmeeting of theMembers oftheMaster Association. 14.12 Duty to Accent Property and FacilitiesTransferred by Declarant.The Master Associationshallaccept titleto any realproperty,or interestsin realproperty,includingany Improvements and personalpropertythereon,transferredtotheMaster Associationby Declarant, or Declarant'ssuccessorsor assigns.PropertyintereststransferredtotheMaster Associationby Declarant or its successors or assigns may include fee simple title,undivided interests, easements,leaseholdinterestsand licensestouse.Except as may otherwisebe approved by the Executive Board,any property or interestin property transferredto the Master Associationby Declarant or itssuccessorsor assignsshallbe within the boundariesof the Common Interest Community;provided,however,thatDeclarant shallbe entitledto transferand convey the beneficialuse of an easement,subjectto any obligationsthereunder,located outsideof the Common InterestCommunity butwhich benefitstheMaster Associationand theOwners. Any property or interestin propertytransferredto the Master Associationby Declarant shall,except totheextentotherwisespecificallyapproved by resolutionoftheExecutive Board, be transferredto the Master Associationfreeand clearof allmonetary obligations, liensand encumbrances (otherthanthelienof propertytaxesand assessmentsnot thendue and payable), but shall be subject to the terms of this Master Declaration,and easements,covenants, conditions,restrictions,and equitableservitudesor otherencumbrances ofrecordorotherwisein existence.Except as otherwise specificallyapproved by resolutionof theExecutive Board,no propertyor interestin propertytransferredto theMaster Associationby Declarantshallimpose upon the Master Associationany obligationto make monetary payments to Declarantor any affiliateofDeclarant,including,but notlimitedto,any purchaseprice, rent,charge,or fee. Any Improvements or personal property transferredto the Master Association by Declarant shallbe in good working order,ordinarywear and tearexcepted,and atthe time of transferDeclarantshallmake any repairs reasonablyrequiredto bring the transferredproperty intogood working order.Subjectonly tothe foregoing,theMaster Associationshallaccept all propertiestransferredtoitby Declarantintheir"Where Is,As Is"condition,withoutrecourseof 86 HillWJA,0,R,1.M'W'MIA M,W.Wh ll Ill Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico97of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO any kind,and Declarant disclaims and shallnot be deemed to make or to have made any representationsor warranties,expressor implied,by factor law,with'respecttothetransferred propertiesor any aspect or element thereof,including without limitationwarranties of merchantability,habitability,fitnessfora particularpurpose,orworkmanlike construction. 14.13 Duty to Maintain and Care for AssociationProperty.The Master Association shallmanage,operate,care for,maintain,repairand replaceallAssociationProperty and keep the same in a functional,clean and attractiveconditionforthe benefitand enjoyment of the Owners.Except as otherwise specificallyprovided in thisMaster Declarationor in any Supplemental Declaration,the Master Associationshallalsomanage, operate, care for,maintain and repairthe LimitedCommon Areas. 14.14 Duty to Pay Taxes.The Master Associationshallpay any taxesand assessments leviedupon AssociationProperty (exceptingLimited Common Areas)and any othertaxesand assessmentspayable by the Master Associationbefore they become delinquent.The Master Associationshallhave the rightto contestany such taxesor assessmentsby appropriatelegal proceedingsprovided no saleor foreclosureof any lienforsuch tax or assessmentoccurs and provided furtherthatthe Master Associationshallkeep and hold sufficientfunds to pay and dischargethetaxes and assessments,togetherwith any interestand penaltieswhich may accrue with respectthereto,ifthecontestof such taxesisunsuccessful. 14.15 Duty to Keep Master AssociationRecords. The Master Associationshallkeep financialrecords in sufficientdetail to enable the Master Association to carry out its responsibilitiesunder thisMaster Declarationand to comply with the requirementsof the Act, including,but not limitedto,currentrecordsof paid and unpaid Assessments for each Lot and Cabin Interest.All financialand other records of the Master Association shallbe made reasonablyavailableforexaminationby the Owners and theauthorizedagentsoftheOwners. 14.16 Duty to Support Design Review Committee.The Master Associationshalltake such actions,provide such funds,and do such other thingsas may be necessaryor appropriate from time to time to support and assistthe Design Review Committee inthe performance of its responsibilitiesunder thisMaster Declaration,and shallcooperatewith saidCommittee to the fullestextentpossibleinsuch matters. 14.17 Insurance.Commencing not laterthan thetime of thefirstconveyance of a Lot or Cabin Interestto a Person other than Declarant,the Master Associationshallmaintainand keep ineffectat alltimesthe followingtypes of insurance,and thecostof saidcoverage shallbe paid by theMaster Associationasa Common Expense: (a)Casualty Insurance.To the extent reasonably available,property insuranceon allAssociationProperty,includingbut not limitedto Improvements and personalty,owned or leased by the Master Association,and on allproperty thatmust become AssociationProperty.Such insuranceshallbe forbroad form covered causesof loss,includingcasualty,fire,and extended coverage insuranceincluding,ifavailableat reasonablecost,coverage for vandalism and maliciousmischief and,ifavailableand if deemed appropriate,coverage for flood,earthquake,and war risk.Such insuranceshall, to the extent reasonably obtainable,be for the fullinsurablereplacement cost of the 87 HIllW'dE.M.IU,R M 2,N.MilEM 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico BB of 149Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO insuredproperty,lessapplicabledeductiblesatthe time the insuranceispurchased and at each renewal date,exclusiveof land,excavation,foundationsand other items normally excluded from propertypolicies. (b)LiabilityInsurance.Comprehensive general liability insurance against claims and liabilitiesarising in connection with the ownership,existence,use, maintenanceor management oftheAssociationProperty(includingtheLimitedCommon Areas),and covering public liabilityor claims of liabilityfor injuryto persons and/or property,and death of any person or persons,and,ifthe Master Associationowns or operatesmotor vehicles,publicliabilityor claimsof liabilityforbodilyinjury(including death)and propertydamage arising as a resultof the ownership and operationof motor vehicles.Such liabilityinsuranceforotherthan motor vehicleliabilityshall,totheextent reasonably obtainable,(a)have limits of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00)per person and Five MillionDollars ($5,000,000.00)per occurrence; (b)insurethe Executive Board,the Design Review Committee,the Master Association and itsofficers,the manager,if any,and theirrespectiveemployees, agents and all Persons actingas agents;(c)includetheDeclarantas an additionalinsuredasitsinterests may appear;(d)includethe Owners as additionalinsureds,but only for claims and liabilitiesarisingin connection with the ownership,existence,use,maintenance or management of AssociationProperty;(e)cover claims of one or more insuredparties againstotherinsuredparties;(f)be writtenon an occurrencebasis;and (g)shallname as additionalinsuredssuch otherpartiesas may be requiredby specificagreements. (c)Contractual LiabilityInsurance.To the extent reasonably available, contractualliabilityinsurance covering such contractualobligationsand liabilities, indemnifications,hold harmless agreements,and agreements to defend,as the Master Associationmay have or be a party to from time to time,with coverage of atleastTwo Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00)or such greateramount as the Executive Board shall determinetobe appropriatefrom time totime. (d)FidelityBonds.To theextentreasonablyavailable,fidelitybond coverage against dishonest acts on the part of directors,officers,managers,trustees,agents, employees or volunteersresponsibleforhandling funds belonging to or administeredby theMaster Association.Iffundsofthe Master Associationarehandled by a management agent,then fidelitybond coverage may alsobe obtained forthe officers,employees,or agentsthereofhandlingor responsibleforMaster Associationfunds.The fidelitybond or insurancemust name theMaster Associationasthenamed insuredand shallbe writtento provideprotectionin an amount no lessthan the lesserof (a)one-halftimesthe Master Association'sestimatedannual operatingexpenses and reserves,(b)a sum equal tothree (3)months aggregateRegular Assessments,plus reserves,as calculatedfrom thecurrent Budget of the Master Association;or (c)the estimatedmaximum amount of funds, includingreserves,inthe custody of theMaster Association(and itsmanagement agent) at any one time.In connection with such coverage,an appropriateendorsement to the policytocover any person who serveswithout compensation shallbe added ifthe policy would nototherwisecovervolunteers. 88 HillWAN'd,M,\M M'M,1@,M Mt RM II Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 99 of 149 Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (e)Worker's Compensation.A Worker's Compensation policy, ifnecessary, to meet the requirementsoflaw. (f)Directorsand OfficersLiabilityInsurance.Directorsand officersliability insurancewith coverage of at leastTwo MillionDollars($2,000,000.00)or such greater amount asthe ExecutiveBoard shallapprove forallMaster Association,ExecutiveBoard and Design Review Committee directors,officers,members and managers,for any and allerrorsand/oromissions and othercovered actionsthatoccur during theirtenurein officeor employment.This insurancecoverage shallbe mandatory. (g)Other Insurance.Such otherinsurancein such amounts as theExecutive Board shall determine,from time to time,to be appropriateto protectthe Master Associationor the Owners,or as may be requiredby the Act. (h)General Provisions Respecting Insurance. Insurance obtained by the Master Associationmay contain such deductibleprovisionsas good business practice may dictate.Ifthe insurancedescribedis not reasonably available,or if any policy of such insuranceiscanceled or not renewed without a replacementpolicythereforhaving been obtainedby it,the Master Associationshallpromptly causenoticeof thatfacttobe deliveredor sentprepaidby U.S. Mail toallOwners. Insurance policiescarriedpursuant to Sections (a)and (b)above shallprovide that (i)each Owner isan insuredPerson under the policywith respectto liabilityarisingout of such Owner's interestin the AssociationProperty or membership in the Master Association;(ii)the insurerwaives itsrightsof subrogationunder the policyagainstthe Master Association,each Owner,and any Person claiming by,through,or under such Owner or any otherdirector,agent, or employee of the foregoing;(c)no actor omission by any Owner,unless actingwithinthe scope of such Owner's authorityon behalfof theMaster Association,willvoid thepolicyorbe a conditionto recoveryunder the policy,and (d)ifatthetime of a lossunder the policy,thereis other insurancein the name of an Owner covering the same riskcovered by the policy,the Master Association'spolicy shallbe the primary insurance.An insurerthat has issued an insurancepolicyfortheinsurancedescribedinSections(a)and (b)above shallissuecertificates or memoranda of insuranceto theMaster Associationand,upon request, to any Owner or holder of a securityinterest.Unless otherwiseprovided by statute,the insurerissuingthe policymay not cancelor refusetorenew ituntilthirty(30)days afternoticeof the proposed cancellationor nonrenewal has been mailed totheMaster Association,and each Owner and holderof a security interesttowhom a certificateor memorandum of insurancehas been issued,attheirrespective last-knownaddresses. Any losscovered by the propertyinsurancepolicydescribedinSection(a)above must be adjustedwith theMaster Association,buttheinsuranceproceeds forthatlossshallbe payable to any insurancetrusteedesignatedforthatpurpose,orotherwisetotheMaster Association,and not to any holderof a securityinterest.The insurancetrusteeor the Master Associationshallhold any insuranceproceeds in trustfor the Master Association,Owners and lienholdersas their interestsmay appear.Subject to the provisionsof Section 38.33.3-313(9)of the Act,the proceeds must be disbursedfirstforthe repairor restorationof the damaged property,and the Master Association,Owners,and lienholdersare not entitledto receivepayment of any portion 89 HillWJAMEM'NMI&MRMM lI III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM Jean Alberico 90 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO of the proceeds unless thereis a surplusof proceeds afterthe property has been completely repairedor restoredortheCommon InterestCommunity isterminated. The Master Associationmay adopt and establishwrittennondiscriminatorypoliciesand procedures relatingto the submittalof claims,responsibilityfor deductibles,and any other mattersof claims adjustment.To theextentthe Master Associationsettlesclaims fordamages to real property,it shallhave the authorityto assess negligentOwners causing such loss or benefitingfrom such repairor restorationforalldeductiblespaid by theMaster Association.In the event more than one Lot is damaged by a loss,the Master Associationin itsreasonable discretionmay assesseach Lot Owner a pro rata share of any deductiblepaid by the Master Association.Insurance obtained by the Master Association shall,to the extent reasonably possible,and provided DeclarantreimbursestheAssociationforany additionalpremium payable on account thereof,name Declarantas an additionalinsuredand shallcontaina waiver of rights of subrogationas againstDeclarant. Insurance policiesand insurance coverage shallbe reviewed at leastannuallyby the Executive Board to ascertainwhether coverage under the policiesissufficientin lightof the currentvalues of the AssociationProperty and in lightof the possibleor potentialliabilitiesof the Master Association and other insured parties.The aforementioned insurance may be providedunder blanketpoliciescoveringthe AssociationPropertyand propertyofDeclarant. In no event shallinsurancecoverage obtained or maintained by the Master Association obviatethe need forOwners and Occupants toobtaininsurancefortheirown benefit. Furthermore,to the extent reasonably available,insurance policiesobtained by the Master Associationshallcontainthe followingprovisions: (i)The coverage afforded by such policies shall not be brought into contributionor prorationwith any insurance which may be purchased by an Owner, Occupant or Mortgagee. (ii)The conduct of any one or more Owners or Occupants shallnot constitute grounds foravoidingliabilityon any such policies. (iii)Each policy must containa waiver of any defensesbased on coinsurance or on invalidityarisingfrom the actsofthe insured. (iv)A "severabilityof interest"endorsement shallbe obtainedwhich shall preclude the insurerfrom denying the claim of an Owner or Occupant because of the conduct or negligentacts of the Master Associationand itsagents or otherOwners or Occupants. (v)Any "no otherinsurance" clause shallexclude insurancepurchased by Owners,Occupants or Mortgagees. (vi)Coverage must not be prejudicedby (i)any actor neglectof Owners or Occupants when such actor neglectisnot within the controlof the Master Association, or (ii)any failureof the Master Association to comply with any warranty or condition 90 HillFda,M,D'J.IEWWLIMIW MIWh11111Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico91 of 148Reo Fee:5746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO regarding any portion of the Common InterestCommunity over which the Master Associationhas no control. (vii)Coverage may not be canceledor substantiallymodified withoutatleast thirty(30)days (or such lesserperiod as the Master Associationmay reasonably deem appropriate)priorwrittennoticetothe Master Association. (viii)Any policyof propertyinsurancewhich givesthe carrierthe rightto elect to restoredamage in lieu of a cash settlementmust provide that such electionisnot exercisablewithout the prior writtenapproval of the Master Association,or when in conflictwiththeinsurancetrustprovisionscontainedherein,or any requirement oflaw. (ix)A recognitionof any insurancetrustagreement enteredintoby theMaster Association. (x)Each hazard insurancepolicyshallbe writtenby a hazardinsurancecarrier which has a financialratingas designatedin Best'sKey Rating Guide of Class VI or better,or if such ratingservicebe discontinued,an equivalentratingby a successor theretoor a similarsuch ratingservice.Each insurancecarriermust be specifically licensedorauthorizedby law totransactbusinesswithinthe StateofColorado. (i)Nonliabilityof Master Associationor Executive Board.Notwithstanding the duty of the Master Associationto obtaininsurancecoverage,as statedherein,neither the Master Associationnor any Executive Board member,nor the Declarant,shallbe liableto any Owner,Occupant,Mortgagee or otherPerson,ifany risksor hazards arenot covered by insurance,or if the appropriateinsurance is not obtainedbecause such insurancecoverage isnot reasonablyobtainableon theMaster Association'sbehalf,or if the amount of insuranceisnot adequate,and itshallbe the responsibilityof each Owner and Occupant to ascertainthe coverage and protection afforded by the Master Association'sinsuranceand to procure and pay forsuch additionalinsurancecoverage and protectionastheOwner or Occupant may desire. (j)Master Premiums.Premiums for insurance policiespurchased by the Master Associationand otherexpenses connected with acquiringsuch insuranceshallbe paid-by the Master Associationas a Common Expense, except that(i)liabilityinsurance on Limited Common Areas shallbe separatelybid and the costthereofshallonly be includedin the Regular Assessments of the Lots entitledto use such Limited Common Areas,and (ii)the amount of increase over any annual or otherpremium occasioned by the use,misuse,occupancy or abandonment of a Lot or itsappurtenances,or Association Property,by an Owner or Occupant,may attheExecutiveBoard's election,be assessed against that particularOwner and his Lot or Cabin Interestas a Reimbursement Assessment. (k)Insurance Claims.The Master Association is hereby irrevocably appointedand authorized,subjectto the provisionscontainedherein,to adjustallclaims arisingunder insurancepoliciespurchased by the Master Associationand to execute and deliverreleasesupon the payment of claims,and todo allotheractsreasonablynecessary 91 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 92 of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO to accomplish any ofthe foregoing.The ExecutiveBoard has fulland completepower to act for the Master Association in this regard,and may,in itsdiscretion;appoint an authorizedrepresentative,or enterintoan insurancetrustagreement,wherein the trustee shallhave the authorityto negotiatelossesunder any policy purchased by the Master Association. (1)Benefit.Exc t as otherwise rovided herein,all insurance olicies purchased by the Master Associationshallbe forthe benefitof,and any proceeds of insurancereceivedby the Master Associationor any insurancetrusteeshallbe held or disposed of in trustfor the Master Association,the Owners,or the Occupants,as their interestsmay appear. (m)Other Insurancetobe Carriedby Lot Owners.Insurancecoverage on the furnishingsand otheritems of personal propertybelonging to a Lot or Cabin Interest Owner or Occupant,publicliabilityinsurancecoverageupon each Lot or Cabin Interest, and casualtyinsurancecoverage on the Improvements constructedon Lots,shallbe the responsibilityof theOwner or Occupant of the Lot or Cabin Interest.No Lot or Cabin InterestOwner or Occupant shallmaintain any insurance,whether on itsLot or Cabin Interestor otherwise,which would limitor reducetheinsuranceproceeds payable under the casualtyinsurancemaintained by the Master Associationin the event of damage to the Improvements or fixtureson AssociationProperty. 14.18 Damage to Common Interest Community.Any portion of the Common InterestCommunity for which insurance is required under Section 38-33.3-313 of the Act (exceptany portion on which insuranceis carriedby a Subassociation)which is damaged or destroyedmust be repairedor replacedpromptly by theMaster Associationunless:(i)repairor replacement is the responsibilityof a Subassociationunder a Supplemental Declaration,(ii)the Common InterestCommunity is terminated;(iii)repairor replacement would be illegalunder any stateor localstatuteor ordinancegoverning healthor safety;(iv)sixty-sevenpercent(67%) of theLot Owners,includingowners of every Lot thatwillnotbe rebuilt,votenotto rebuild;or (v)priorto the conveyance of any Lot or Cabin Interestto a person other than Declarant,a Mortgagee on the damaged portion of the Common Community rightfully demands allor a substantialpartoftheinsuranceproceeds. The cost of repairor replacement in excess of insuranceproceeds and reservesis a Common Expense.If the entireCommon InterestCommunity isnot repairedor replaced,the insuranceproceeds attributableto (he damaged AssociationPropertymust be used torestorethe damaged areatoa conditioncompatiblewiththeremainderoftheCommon InterestCommunity, and,except to the extent that other Persons will be distributees,the insurance proceeds attributableto Lots thatarenot rebuiltmust be distributedto the Owners of those Lots,or to lienholders,as theirinterestsmay appear, and theremainderof the proceeds must be distributed to allOwners or lienholdersastheirinterestsmay appear in proportionto the Common Expense liabilitiesofalltheLots and Cabin Interests. In the eventof damage to or destructionof allor a portionof the AssociationProperty due to fireor other adversityor disaster,the insuranceproceeds,if sufficientto reconstructor repairthe damage,shallbe appliedby theMaster Associationto such reconstructionand repair. 92 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 93 of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Ifthe insuranceproceeds with respectto such AssociationProperty damage or destructionare insufficientto repairand reconstruct the damage or destruction,the Master Associationmay levy a SpecialAssessment in the aggregateamount of such deficiency,or ifany Owner or group of Owners isliableforsuch damage,may levy a Reimbursement Assessment againstthe Owner or group of Owners responsibletherefor,and shallproceed to make such repairsor reconstruction. Such Assessment shallbe due and payable as provided by resolutionof the Executive Board,but not soonerthan sixty(60)days afterwrittennoticethereof.The Assessment provided for herein shallbe a debt of each Owner assessedand alienon his Lot or Interest,and may be enforced and collectedin the same manner as any Assessment Lien provided forinthisMaster Declaration.If the entiredamaged AssociationProperty is not repairedor replaced,the insuranceproceeds attributableto the damaged AssociationPropertymust be used torestorethe damaged areato a conditioncompatiblewith theremainder of theCommon InterestCommunity.No distributions of insurance proceeds shallbe made unless made jointlypayable to the Owners and first Mortgagees oftheirrespectiveLots orCabin Interests,ifany. 11.19 Limited Liability. Neither the Master Associationnor itspast,presentor future officersor directors,nor any other employee,agent or committee member of the Master Associationshallbe liableto any Owner or Occupant or to any otherPerson for actionstakenor omissionsmade except forwanton and willfulactsor omissions.Without limitingthe generality of the foregoing,the Master Association,the Executive Board and the Design Review Committee shallnot be liable to any Owner or Occupant orotherPerson forany actionor forany failureto actwith respectto any matterifthe actiontaken or failuretoactwas in good faithand without malice.Acts taken upon the advice of legal counsel,certifiedpublic accountants, registeredor licensedengineers,architectsor surveyorsshallconclusivelybe deemed to be in good faithand without malice.To the extentinsurancecarriedby the Master Associationfor such purposes shallnot be adequate,theOwners severallyagree to indemnify and to defend the Master Association,the Executive Board and the Design Review Committee againstclaims, damages orotherliabilitiesresultingfrom such good faithactionor failuretoact. ARTICLE XV ASSESSMENTS 15.1 Assessment Obligation and Lien.Declarant,for each Lot and Cabin Interest, shallbe deemed tocovenant and agree,and each Lot and Cabin InterestOwner,by acceptanceof a deed therefor(includinga public trustee'sor sheriffsdeed),whether or not itshallbe so expressedin any such deed or otherinstrumentof conveyance,shallbe deemed to covenant and agree,to pay to the Master Association:(1) Regular Assessments or charges,(2) Special Assessments,(3)Reimbursement Assessments,and (4)Real EstateTransferAssessments,such assessments to be established and collected as hereinafterprovided (collectivelythe "Assessments").No Owner shallhave any right toset-offagainstan Assessment any claims that the Owner may have or may claim to have againsttheMaster Association.The Assessments, togetherwith interest,latecharges,costs,and reasonable-attorneys'fees,shallbe a continuing lienand securityinterestupon the Lot or Cabin Interestagainstwhich each such Assessment is charged.The obligationforsuch payments by each Lot or Cabin InterestOwner to the Master Associationisan independent covenant,with allamounts due from time totime payable in full without notice (except as otherwise expresslyprovided in this Declaration)or demand,and without set-offor deduction of any kind or nature.Each Lot and Cabin InterestOwner isliable 93 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 94 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO forAssessments made againstsuch Owner's Lot or Cabin Interestduring hisperiod of ownership of the Lot or Cabin Interest.Each Assessment,togetherwith interest,latecharges,costsand reasonableattorneys'fees,shallalsobe thejoint,severaland personalobligationof each Person who was an Owner of such Lot or Cabin Interestatthe time when theAssessment became due. Upon the transferof titleto a Lot or Cabin Interest,the transferorand the transfereeshallbe jointly,severallyand personallyliableforallunpaid Assessments and other charges due to the Master Associationpriortothedate of transfer,and the transfereeshallbe personallyliablefor allsuch Assessments and chargesbecoming due thereafter. 15.2 Statutory Lien.The Master Association has a statutorylien pursuant to Section38-33.3-316 of the Act on the Lot or Cabin Interestof an Owner forallAssessments leviedagainstsuch Lot or Cabin Interestor finesimposed against such Lot'sor Cabin Interest's Owner from the time the Assessment or finebecomes due (the "Assessment Lien").Fees, charges,late charges,attorneys'fees,finesand interestcharged by the Master Association pursuantto theAct or thisMaster Declarationor any Supplemental Declarationareenforceable as Assessments.The amount of the lienshallincludeallsuch items from thetime such items become due. If an Assessment is payable in installments,the Master Associationhas an Assessment Lien foreach installmentfrom thetime itbecomes due,includingthedue datesetby the Executive Board's accelerationof installmentobligations.An Assessment Lien is extinguishedunless proceedings to enforce the lienare institutedwithin 6 years afterthe full amount ofAssessments becomes due. 15.3 Lien Superior to Homestead and Other Exemptions.An Assessment Lien shallbe superiorto any homestead exemption now orhereafterprovided by the laws of theState of Colorado or any exemption now or hereafterprovided by thelaws of theUnited States.The acceptance of a deed subject to this Master Declaration shallconstitutea waiver of the homestead and any otherexemption as againstsaidAssessment Lien. 15.4 Priorityof Lien. With the exceptionof Assessment Liens relatingtoReal Estate TransferAssessments,an Assessment Lien ispriorto allotherliensand encumbrances on a Lot orCabin Interestexcept asfollows: (a)Liens and encumbrances Recorded beforethe recordationof thisMaster Declaration; (b)A securityintereston the Lot or Cabin Interestwhich has priorityover all other securityinterestson theLot or Cabin Interestand which was Recorded beforethe dateon which theAssessment sought to be enforcedbecame delinquent.An Assessment Lien ispriortothe securityinterestdescribedinthe precedingsentenceto theextentofan amount equal to the Regular Assessments (based on a Budget adopted by the Master Association pursuant to Section 12.8 below)which would have become due,in the absence of any acceleration,during thesix (6)months immediately preceding institution by the Master Associationor any partyholding alien seniorto any part of the Master Associationliencreatedunder thisArticle12 of an actionor a nonjudicialforeclosure eitherto enforceor to extinguishthe lien; 94 HIllifJAMMI M'MMAMMIWh ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 95 of 148Reo Fee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (c)Liens for realestatetaxesand othergovernmental assessmentsor charges againstthe Lot or Cabin Interest;and (d)As may otherwisebe setforthintheAct.The priorityof mechanics' and materialmen'sliensisnot affectedby the Act. This Article 12 does not prohibitan action or suitto recover sums for which thisArticle12 createsalien or prohibittheMaster Associationfrom takinga deed in lieuof foreclosure.Sale or transferof any Lot or Cabin Interestshallnotaffectthe lienforan Assessment. 15.5 Perfection of Lien. The Recording of thisMaster Declarationand of each Supplemental Declarationconstitutesrecord notice and perfectionof the statutorylien.No furtherRecordation of any claim of lienforAssessments is required;however,a claim may be Recorded at theMaster Association'soption,inwhich eventcostsand attorneys'feesincurredin connection with the preparationand filingof such claim shallbe assessedagainstthe Lot or Cabin Interestas a Reimbursement Assessment. 15.6 Regular Assessments. (a)A Regular Assessment shallbe made annuallyagainsteach Lot and Cabin Interest,based upon an annual Budget prepared by the Executive Board,for purposes paying (i)theannual costsof operatingand administeringtheMaster Associationand all other Common Expenses,(ii)reasonablereservesfor contingencies,replacements,and otherproper purposes,(iii)the costsof servicesrenderedor expendituresincurredby the Master Associationto or for lessthan allLots or Cabin Interests,(iv)the costsof improving or maintaining Limited Common Areas,and reasonablereservesfor such costs,which costs shallbe assessed only to the Lots designated for the use of said Limited Common Areas,(unlesssuch costsareforthe generalbenefitof the Common InterestCommunity),and (v)such othermattersas may be reasonablydeterminedby the ExecutiveBoard to be the subjectofa Regular Assessment; (b)Regular Assessments shallbe allocatedin accordance with theAllocated Interestsof each Lot and Cabin Interestin the Common InterestCommunity.Any Common Expense or portion thereofbenefitingfewer than allof the Lots or Cabin Interestsshallbe assessedexclusivelyagainstthe Lots or Cabin Interestsbenefited.If Common Expense liabilitiesare reallocated,Common Expense Assessments and any installmentthereofnot yet due shallbe reallocatedin accordance with the reallocated Common Expense liabilities. (c)Regular Assessments shallbe leviedon a calendaryear basis,except that the initialRegular Assessment period shallcommence on the firstday of the calendar month or quarterin which the firstLot or Cabin Interestis conveyed by Declarantto a Person otherthan Declarant.Regular Assessments shallbe paid in installmentson a monthly, quarterly or semi-annual basis,as the Executive Board may determine from time to time,and shallbe due eitheron thefirstday of each calendarmonth or on thefirst day of each calendaryear quarter(January 1,April 1,July 1 and October 1),or on the firstday ofa semi-annualperiod(e.g.,January 1,July 1)as appropriate.Unless and until 95 AllIIR 9EMRIE WIM W MM WH 51111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 96 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO changed to a monthly or semiannual system by the Executive Board,Regular Assessments shallbe due and payable on the firstday of each calendarquarter.Any Lot or Cabin InterestOwner acquiringa Lot or Cabin Interestbetween installmentdue dates shallpay a pro ratashareofthe immediatelyprecedinginstallment. (d)The Executive Board shallfixthe amount of the Regular Assessment, using the Budget procedure describedbelow,atleastthirty(30)days beforethe end of each calendar year.Written noticeof the Regular Assessment shallbe sentto each Owner.Failureof the Executive Board timely to fixand levy the Regular Assessments for any year or to send a noticethereofto any Owner shallnot relieveor releaseany Owner from liabilityforpayment of Regular Assessments or any installmentsthereoffor thator subsequent years as soon as the ExecutiveBoard leviesthe Regular Assessment and provides noticethereof.If a duly adopted Budget is amended during the calendar year,the Executive Board shallprovide writtennoticeto the Owners of any changes caused therebyinthe remainingRegular Assessments due duringthatyear. (e)The Executive Board shallalsomail to each Owner atleastten (10)days prior to the due date thereofa writtennotice of the amount of the next quarterly(or monthly or semi annual,as the case may be) installmentof Regular Assessment thatis due from such Owner,and the date on which such installmentis due pursuant to paragraph 12.6(d)above. Failureof the ExecutiveBoard to send timely noticeto any Owner of an installmentof Regular Assessment due shallnot relieveor releaseany Owner from liabilityfor payment of thatinstallmentas soon as theExecutiveBoard in factprovidessuch notice. (f)In accordance with Section 38-33.3-314 of the Act,any surplus funds remaining afterpayment of or provision for Master Association expenses and any prepayment of or provisionforreservesshallbe carriedforward as a creditagainstthe next year'sbudget. 15.7 Master Association Budget.Commencing in the firstyear of operationsof the Master Association,and during the lastthree(3)months of each year thereafter,the Executive Board shallprepare or cause to be prepared an operatingbudget (the"Budget")forthe next calendaryear.The Budget shallprovide fortheallocationof any surplus funds remaining from any previousBudget period. The annual Budget may provide fora SpecialAssessment in any calendaryear,ifconsiderednecessaryor appropriateby the Executive Board.Alternatively,the ExecutiveBoard may at any time adopt a SpecialBudget thatprovidesfora SpecialAssessment. Within thirty(30)days afteradoption of any proposed Budget for the Master Association,the ExecutiveBoard shallmail,by ordinaryfirst-classmail,or otherwisedeliver,a summary of the Budget to allOwners and shallseta date fora meeting of theOwners toconsiderratificationof the Budget not lessthan fourteen(14)nor more than sixty(60)days afterthe mailing or other deliveryof the summary.Such meeting may, but need not be,concurrentwith the annual meeting of theMembers as provided inthe Bylaws.Unless atthatmeeting sixty-sevenpercent (67%)of allallocatedvotes in the Master Associationrejectthe Budget,the Budget shallbe ratified,whether or not a quorum of Owners ispresent.In theeventthatthe proposed Budget is rejected,the Budget lastratifiedby theOwners shallbe continueduntilsuch time as theOwners ratifya subsequentBudget proposed by theExecutiveBoard. 96 Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 97 of 149Reo Fee:5746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Ifthe Executive Board considersitnecessaryor appropriate,a duly adopted Budget may be amended during the calendar year by the Executive Board,provided the same noticeand ratificationprocedure isfollowed fortheAmended Budget as isrequiredforthe annual Budget. 15.8 Reserves Fund Account.The Executive Board shallestablisha separatebank account (the "Reserves Fund Account")for Master Association funds designated by the Executive Board as reservesforthe futureperiodicmaintenance,repairor replacement of the major components of the Common Areas. Declarantmakes no representationor warranty that theamount of inthe Reserves Fund Account from time to time willfullyor adequatelyfund,the reservesrequiredforthefutureperiodicmaintenance,repairor replacement of the itemsforthe reservesare maintained..Neither Declarantnor any member,director,officer,employee or agent of Declarantnor any person servingas a directororofficeroftheMaster Associationshall be liabletothe Master Association,any Member or any otherPerson as a resultof such reserves not being funded inexcessof theamount ofreservesheld intheReservesFund Account. 15.9 Special Assessments.In additionto the other Assessments authorizedin this Article 12,the Executive Board may levy, in any assessment year,a Special Assessment applicableto thatyear only for the purpose of defraying,in whole or in part,the costof any construction,reconstruction,repair,maintenance or replacement of capitalimprovements (includingrelatedfixturesand personal property and includingwithout limitationirrigation systems),to or upon or servingthe Common InterestCommunity,or forexcessreconstruction costs or other extraordinaryexpenses,or to acquireAssociationProperty,or for funding any operatingdeficitof the Master Association.SpecialAssessments shallbe allocatedin the same manner as Regular Assessments,thatis,in accordancewith theAllocatedInterestsof each Lot and Cabin Interestin the Common InterestCommunity,and shallbe due and payable to the Master Associationon the due date fixed by the Executive Board in the notice given to the Owners of such SpecialAssessment,which due date shallbe no earlierthan thirty(30)days after the giving of such notice.Any SpecialAssessment for an Improvement or other expenditure which willbenefitfewer than allof theLots or Cabin Interestsshallonly be leviedagainstthe Lots or Cabin Interestsbenefited;provided,that expendituresin connection with Association Property(exceptingLimited Common Areas)shallbe deemed forthe generalbenefitof allLots and Cabin Interests,wherever located.If fewer than allof the Interestswill be subjectto the Special Assessment,then such Special be allocatedequallyamongst those Lots and Cabin Interests. 15.10 Reimbursement Assessments.In additionto the other Assessments authorized inthisArticle12,theExecutive Board may levyagainstany Owner or Owners,at any time and from time to time,a Reimbursement Assessment for purposes of reimbursing the Master Association for allcosts and expenses incurred by it in enforcing any provision of or in remedying any violationof thisMaster Declaration,or of any Supplemental Declaration,the Articles,Bylaws,Master Rules and Regulationsor Design Guidelines,or any approvalsgranted by the Design Review Committee,by such Owner or Owners,theirOccupant(s),or theiragents, employees or contractors.Reimbursement Assessments may also be made by the Executive Board for any other purposes forwhich thisMaster Declarationprovides forthe levying of a Reimbursement Assessment.Finally,and in addition to the foregoing,a Reimbursement Assessment may alsobe leviedin the form of a reasonablefineagainstan Owner for a violation of thisMaster Declaration,a Supplemental Declaration,the Articles,Bylaws,or the Master 97 ElilWJA.M.IE Wr.MM W,M W W'H A lll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico98of148RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Rules and Regulations,but only afterthe Owner(s)to be so fined have been provided with Notice and Hearing.Reimbursement Assessments shallbe due and payable to the Master Associationon the due date fixedby theExecutive Board inthenoticegiven to the Owner(s)of such Reimbursement Assessment,which date shallbe no earlierthan thirty(30)days afterthe givingofsuch notice. 15.11 Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments;Remedies of the Master Association. Any Assessment or portionor installmentthereofwhich isnot paid when due (orforwhich a bad check isissued)shallbe deemed delinquentand shallbearinterestfrom and afterthe due dateat the rateof interestsetby the Executive Board from time to time,which shallnot be lessthan twelve percent (12%)nor more than twenty-one percent (21%) per year, and the Executive Board may alsoassessa bad check charge intheamount of 10 percent(10%)ofthebad check or $50.00,whichever isgreater.The interestrateon delinquentReal EstateTransferAssessments is establishedin Section 12.14(e)below.The Executive Board may also electto acceleratethe installmentobligationsof any Regular Assessment forwhich an installmentis delinquent.The Executive Board may also suspend the delinquentOwner's use of AssociationProperty and Master Associationservicesorbenefits.The delinquentOwner shallalsobe liableforallcosts, includingattorneys'fees,which may be incurred by the Master Association in collectinga delinquentAssessment,which collectioncostsshallbe added tothe delinquentAssessment.The Executive Board may but shallnot be requiredto recorda Notice of Delinquent Assessment or charge againstany Lot or Cabin Interestas to which an Assessment or charge isdelinquent.The Notice shallbe executed by an officerof the Executive Board,and shallsetforththeamount of the unpaid Assessment or charge,thename of the delinquentOwner and a descriptionofthe Lot orCabin Interest. The Assessment Lien may be foreclosedby theMaster Associationinthe same manner as a mortgage on realproperty.The Master Associationshallbe entitledto purchase the Lot or Cabin Interestatforeclosure.The Master Associationmay alsobring an actionatlaw againstthe Owner personallyobligatedto pay the delinquentAssessment and/or foreclosethe lienagainst saidOwner's Lot or Cabin Interestinthediscretionof theMaster Association.No Owner may exempt himselfor otherwiseavoid liabilityfortheAssessments provided forhereinby waiver of theuse or enjoyment of any of theAssociationPropertyor by abandonment of the Lot or Cabin Interestagainstwhich theAssessments aremade. In any actionby theMaster Associationto collectAssessments or toforeclosealien for unpaid Assessments,the courtmay appoint a receivertocollectallsums allegedtobe due from the Lot or Cabin InterestOwner priorto or during the pending of the action.The courtmay order the receiverto pay any sums held by the receiverto the Master Associationduring the pending oftheactiontotheextentof theMaster Association'sRegular Assessments. 15.12 Statement of Unsaid Assessments.The Master Associationshallfurnishto an Owner or such Owner's designeeor to a holderof a securityinterestor itsdesigneeupon written request,deliveredpersonallyor by facsimiletransmittalor by certifiedmail,firstclasspostage prepaid,returnreceiptrequested,to theMaster Association,a writtenstatementsettingforththe amount of unpaid Assessments currentlylevied againstsuch Owner's Lot or Cabin Interest, whether delinquentor not.The statementshallbe furnishedwithin fourteen(14) days after receiptof the requestand isbinding on theMaster Association,theExecutive Board,and every 98 WillE.MMAMCWhWLM,Mr WH11111 Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 99 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Owner.Ifno statementisfurnishedeitherdeliveredpersonallyor by facsimiletransmissionor by certifiedmail,first-classpostage prepaid,returnreceiptrequested,to the inquiringparty,then the Master Associationshallhave no rightto assertalien upon the Lot or Cabin Interestfor unpaid Assessments which were due asofthe dateof the request. 15.13 Assessments for Tort Liability.In the event of any tortliabilityagainstthe Master Association,which isnot covered completelyby insurance,each Owner shallcontribute for the payment of such liabilityas a Special Assessment.The Master Association may, however,requirea largercontributionfrom fewer than allOwners under any legalor equitable principlesregardingliabilityfornegligentorwillfulactsoromissions. 15.14 Working Capital Fund.In additiontothe variousAssessments provided for,at the time of closing of each conveyance of a Lot or Cabin Interestin the Common Interest Community, including initialconveyances to the Lot or Cabin InterestOwners,and all subsequent resales,the Lot or Cabin Interestpurchaser shallbe obligatedto pay to the Master Associationa non-refundable contributionto the Master Association'sworking capital fund in the amount of two (2)times the most recentlyadopted regular monthly assessment.Said working capital fund may be used by the Master Associationfrom time to time for any Master Associationpurpose deemed appropriateby the Executive Board,and need notbe segregatedor accumulated.Such payment shallnot be deemed to be a prepayment of any Assessment,and shallnot relievethe Owner from the obligationto pay allAssessments as and when due. At the time of closing of a reconveyance of an Owner's Lot or Cabin Interestto a new Owner,the sellingOwner shallforfeitany right tothe working capital fund and thenew Owner shallpay an additionalnon-refundablecontributionto the working capital fund in the amount calculatedas above setforth. Notwithstandingthe foregoing,any builderacquiringan undeveloped Lot from Declarant forthe purpose of constructinga residentialdwellingthereonand sellingthesame in the ordinary courseof the builder'sbusiness,and not forthe builder'sown residence,shallnotbe requiredto pay the above-describedcontributionto the working capital fund untilthe firstto occur of the following:(a)the new residenceon theLot isoccupiedby a tenantor otherwise;or (b)theLot is sold to a thirdparty,inwhich case the purchasershallmake the payment tothe working capital fund. The followingconveyances shallbe exempt from the working capital fund contribution obligation:Gift transfersand other transfersfor no consideration,transfersforestateplanning purposes or publicpurposes,transfersby courtorder (includingforeclosuresales)or by willor intestacy,and transfersto a successoror assignofDeclarantor an affiliateofDeclarant. Ifa working capitalfund contribution isnot timelypaid to the Master Associationas above required,the delinquentcontributionshallbearinterestattherateof twenty percent(20%) from thedate of the conveyance untilpaid in full,shallconstitutethe personal,jointand several obligationand liabilityof the transferee(s),and the Master Associationshallhave alien and securityintereston the titleto the transferee'sLot or Cabin Interestin the amount of the del,inquentcontribution,accrued interestthereon,and costs and attorneys'fees incurred in collectingthe same,which may foreclosedby theMaster Associationin the same manner as a mortgage on realproperty. 99 WillWd5,MHWEWMMHCWER 81111 Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 100of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO ARTICLE XVI EMINENT DOMAIN 16.1 Definitionof Taking.The term "taking",as used inthisArticle13,shallmean condemnation by eminent domain or saleunder threatof condemnation. 16.2 Representation in Condemnation Proceedings of AssociationProperty.Inthe event of a threatenedtakingof allor any portion oftheAssociationProperty,the Owners hereby appointthe Master Associationthrough such persons as the ExecutiveBoard may designateto representthe Master Associationand allof the Owners in connection therewith.The Master Associationshallactin itssolediscretionwith respectto any awards being made inconnection with the taking and shallbe entitledto make a voluntary sale to the condemnor in lieuof engaging in a condemnation action.Service of process on the Master Associationshall constitutesufficientnoticeto allOwners,and service of processon each individualOwner shall not be necessary. 16.3 Award for Association Property.Any awards received by the Master Association on account of the taking of Association Property shallbe paid to the Master Association.The Master Associationmay,initssolediscretion,retainany award in the general funds of the Master Association or distributeallor any portion thereofto the Owners as their interestsmay appear.The rightsof an Owner and the Mortgagee of a Lot or Cabin Interestasto any such distributionshallbe governed by the provisionsof the Mortgage encumbering theLot or Cabin Interest. 16.4 Taking of Lots. If a Lot is acquired by eminent domain or part of a Lot is acquiredby eminent domain leavingthe Owner with a remnant which may not practicallyor lawfullybe used for any purpose permittedby thisMaster Declaration,the award must include compensation to the Owner for that Lot and itsAllocated Interestswhether or not any AssociationPropertywas acquired.Upon acquisition, unlessthedecreeotherwiseprovides,that Lot'sAllocatedInterestsare automaticallyreallocatedto the remaining Lots (asappropriate)in proportiontothe respectiveAllocatedInterestsof those Lots before the taking.Any remnant of a Lot remaining afterpartof a Lot istakenisthereafterAssociationProperty.Otherwise,ifpart of a Lot isacquiredby eminent domain,theaward must compensate theOwner forthe reduction in value of theLot and itsinterestin theAssociationPropertywhether or not any Association Propertywas acquired.Upon acquisition,unlessthe,decreeotherwiseprovides: (a)That Lot'sAllocatedInterestsare reduced in proportiontothereductionin the sizeofthe Lot;and (b)The portionof AllocatedInterestsdivestedfrom the partiallyacquiredLot is automaticallyreallocatedto that Lot and to the remaining Lots (as appropriate) in proportionto the respectiveinterestsof thoseLots beforethe taking,with the partially acquired Lot participatingin the reallocationon the basis of itsreduced Allocated Interests. 100 AllFJ5,MWriNAWHMEMER HI Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM deanAlberico 101of 148RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 16.5 Miscellaneous.The court decree shallbe recorded in GarfieldCounty.The reallocationsof Allocated Interestspursuantto thisArticleshallbe confirmed by an amendment to the Master Declarationprepared,executed,and recordedby theMaster Association. ARTICLE XVII GENERAL PROVISIONS 17.1 Duration of Master Declaration.The term of thisMaster Declarationshallbe perpetual. 17.2 Termination of Common Interest Community.The Common Interest Community may be terminatedonly by the agreement of (i)Owners to which at leasteighty percent(80%)of the Master Associationare allocated,and (ii)the holdersof allFirstMortgages on Lots and n Interests.In the eventof such termination,the provisionsof Section38-33.3-218 of the Act shallapply. 17.3 Amendment of Master Declaration and Plat. This Master Declarationand the Platmay be amended pursuant to Section 38-33.3-217of the Act.Under the Act,the Master Declarationmay be amended by Declarantin certaindefined circumstances,includingwithout limitation(a)when the Declarant is exercisingreservedrightsunder Article6 hereof,(b)for purposes of correctingclerical,typographicalor technicalerrors,or (c)to comply with the requirements,standards,or guidelines of recognized secondary mortgage markets,the Department of Housing and Urban Development,the Federal Housing Administration,the Veterans Administration,the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation,the Government National Mortgage Association,or the Federal National Mortgage Association.The Act also provides that the Master Declarationmay be amended by the Master Associationin certain defined circumstances.Otherwise,and subjectalways to (i)any provisionsof this Master Declarationrequiringthe consentof Declarant,and (ii)the provisionsabove allowingOwners to amend this Master Declaration (with the consent of the Master Association)in certain circumstances(lotlineadjustments),thisMaster Declarationand any Supplemental Declarations (includingthe Platand any Supplement Plats)may be amended onlyby thevoteor agreement of Owners to which more than fiftypercent (50%)of the votes in the Master Associationare allocated.No amendment shallbe effectiveto change,limit,impair,reduce or eliminateany rightof Declarant as provided in thisMaster Declaration or in any Supplemental Declaration unlesssuch amendment isapproved in writingby Declarant. Furthermore,Section 38-33.3-217(4)of the Act provides that except to the extent expresslypermitted or requiredby other provisionsof the Act (e.g.,permitted Declarantor Master Associationamendments),no amendment may (i)createor increasespecialDeclarant rights,(ii)increasethe number of Lots,or (iii)change the boundariesof any Lot orthe Allocated Interestsof a Lot or Cabin Interestintheabsence of a vote or agreement of Owners to which at leastsixty-sevenpercent (67%)of the votesin the Master Associationare allocated,including sixty-sevenpercent (67%)of the votes allocatedto Lots and Cabin Interestsnot owned by Declarant. Further,Section38-33.3-217(4.5)of the Act providesthatexcepttotheextentexpressly permittedor requiredby other provisionsof the Act,no amendment may change the uses to 101 HillK FWW1W5MI'ItaliEWER 11111Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico102of148ReoFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO which any Lot isrestrictedin the absence of a vote or agreement of Owners to which at least sixty-sevenpercent(67%)ofthe votesin the Master Associationareallocated. No consentof any mortgage or trustdeed holdershallbe requiredto accomplish any such amendments. With the exception of amendments accomplished by Supplemental Declaration(when lands are annexed to the Common InterestCommunity),an amendment to this Master Declarationshallbe in the form of a "First(or Second,etc.)Amendment to Master Declaration and Plat of Spring Valley Ranch P.U.D."With the exception of Declarant amendments, amendments to thisMaster Declarationshallbe duly executed by the Presidentand Secretaryof the Master Association and Recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Garfield County.All amendments to thisMaster Declarationshallbe indexed in the Grantee'sindex in thenames of the Common InterestCommunity and theMaster Association,and inthe Grantor's index inthe name of each Person executingthe amendment. 17.4 Compliance;Enforcement.Every Owner and Occupant in the Common Interest Community and every otherPerson who may be an authorizeduser of AssociationProperty, shallfullyand faithfullyobserve,abide by,comply with and perform allof the covenants, conditionsand restrictionsset forthin thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration, the Articles,Bylaws,Master Rules and Regulations,theP.U.D.Plan,the Design Guidelinesand allapprovals granted by the Design Review Committee,as the same or any of them may be amended from time totime.In additionto any otherrightsor remedies thatmay be provided to any Person under the terms and provisionsof thisMaster Declarationor of any Supplemental Declaration,Declarant (forso long as itholds any of the rightsset forthin Articles6 and 8 hereof),the Master Associationthrough itsExecutive Board,the Design Review Committee as to mattersinvolving(i)Improvements withintheCommon InterestCommunity, (ii) the Design Guidelines,or (iii)any othermattersarisingunder Article6 hereof or with respecttowhich the Design Review Committee isotherwiseexpresslygiven enforcement authorityunder thisMaster Declaration or any Supplemental Declaration,and every Owner (except an Owner that is delinquentin the payment of Assessments hereunder)shallhave the right,acting alone or togetherwith othershaving such right,to enforce,by any proceeding atlaw or in equity,any or allof the covenants,conditions,restrictions,assessments,charges,liens,servitudes,easements and other provisionsnow or hereafterimposed by thisMaster Declaration,any Supplemental Declaration,the Articles,Bylaws,Master Rules and Regulations,the P.U.D.Plan,the Design Guidelines,and approvalsgrantedby the Design Review Committee. Such enforcement rightsshallincludewithout limitationthe rightto bring an injunctive action for any form of injunctivereliefavailableunder Colorado law (includingspecific performance),or an action for damages,or both.Injunctivereliefmay include,without limitation,ordersto stop work,orderstoremove Improvements constructedinviolationhereof, ordersto compel performance,and any otherordersappropriateunder thecircumstances. The Executive Board shallhave the furtherright(a)to levy and collect,afterNotice and Hearing,reasonablefinesfortheviolationof any ofthe foregoingmatters,(b)to levy and collect a Reimbursement Assessment againstany Owner,(c)toenterupon any Lot withintheCommon InterestCommunity,aftergivingtheOwner or Occupant atleastfive(5)days'writtennoticeof 102 HillKFZ,MME'tlRLlW'IMIIRW14M11111 Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico103of148ReoFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO thenatureof the violation,(unlessan emergency exists,in which case without notice),without liabilityto theOwner or Occupant thereof,toenforceor cause compliance with such matters,at thecost and expense of the Owner or Occupant in violation,and/or (d)where theviolationhas continued for more than ninety(90)days afterthe Executive Board has given the Owner or Occupant writtennoticeof the violation,theExecutive Board may temporarily cutoff any or all Master Associationservicesor benefitsto the subjectOwner or Occupant and hisLot or Cabin Interest,includingthe righttouse AssociationProperty(exceptaccessroads),untilthe violation iscured. In any actionbrought under thisSection,the prevailingpartyshallbe entitledtoan award of itsreasonableattorneys'feesand costsincurredinconnectiontherewith.Failureby any party entitledto do so to exercisein a particularinstanceany of the rightsavailableto itunder this Sectionshallinno event be deemed a waiver ofthe righttodo so in any otherinstance. Provided always,that no Owner shallhave the rightto bring an enforcement action againstanother Owner or Occupant for a breach by thatOwner or Occupant of any of such matters,or againstDeclarant,the Master Associationor the Design Review Committee for a breach by Declarant,the Master Associationor the Design Review Committee of any of such mattersor for a.failureby the Declarant,Master Associationor the Design Review Committee to enforce compliance with such matters by others,untilthe aggrieved Owner has given the offendingOwner or Occupant,or Declarant,theMaster Associationand/orthe Design Review Committee at leastthirty(30)days prior writtennoticeof the aggrievedOwner's complaint and the opportunitytoresolvethe problem during thatthirty(30)day period. And furtherprovided,thatnotwithstandingany law to the contrary,no actionshallbe commenced or maintained to enforce the terms of any building restrictioncontained in the provisionsof thisMaster Declarationor any Supplemental Declaration,the Bylaws,the Articles of Incorporation,the P.U.D.Plan,the Design Guidelines,or the Master Rules and Regulations, or to compel theremoval of any building or Improvement because of the violationof the terms of any such buildingrestriction,unlessthe actionis commenced within one year from thedate from which the person commencing the actionknew or in the exerciseof reasonablediligence should have known ofthe violationforwhich theactionissought tobe brought ormaintained. 17.5 Rights of First Mortgagees.Upon the filingof a writtenrequestthereforwith the Master Association,the holder of a FirstMortgage on any Lot or Cabin Interestin the Common InterestCommunity shallbe entitledto: (a)Written noticefrom the Master AssociationthattheOwner of the subject Lot or Cabin Interestisdelinquentinthe payment ofAssessments thereon; (b)Inspectthe books and records of the Master Associationduring normal businesshours; (c)Receive copiesof annual Master Associationfinancialstatements; (d)Receive written notice of meetings of the Master Association where matterswillbe consideredthat,ifapproved,willrequiretheconsentof FirstMortgagees or some of them; 103 HIllMME,MMIC'th,RIW.HEWER 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 104of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (e)Receive written notice of condemnation proceedings affectingany AssociationProperty;and (f)Receive written notice of the lapse of any insurance that the Master Associationisrequiredtomaintainunder thisMaster Declaration. In addition,any FirstMortgagee shallbe entitledto pay any taxesorotherchargeswhich are indefaultand which may or have become alien againstAssociationProperty and may pay any overdue premiums on hazard or general liabilityinsurancepoliciescovering Association Property,and shall be entitled to immediate reimbursement therefor from the Master Association,unless theMaster Associationis contestingany unpaid taxes or othercharges and has setasidesufficientfundsto pay the contestedamounts ifnecessary. 17.6 Club Property and Facilities. In no event and for no purpose shallthe Club Property or any golf course improvements or other improvements or facilitiesconstructed thereon or relatedthereto,be deemed to be a part of the Common InterestCommunity,to constituteAssociation Property,or to be burdened by this Master Declaration or any Supplemental Declaration.This Master Declaration does not grant or create any rights or privilegestoor for thebenefitof the Owners or Occupants intheCommon InterestCommunity to use or enjoy the Club Property or any part thereofor improvements or facilitiesthereon for any purpose,except forsuch limitedingressand egressrightsas may be expresslyprovided in the License Agreement.Without limitingthe generalityof the foregoing,no Lot or Cabin Interestshallhave any right (i)to have golf course or other improvements or facilities constructedon theClub Propertyor some of them,or to have them constructed in any particular locationon the Club Property,(ii)tohave or preservea visualor sighteasement over and across any portion of theClub Property,and/or(iii)tohave accesstoor acrosstheClub Propertyin any particularlocationor alignment. The Club Property is privateproperty owned and operated by the Declarant or its successors or assigns and administered according to membership policies and rules and regulationsadopted by the Club Property Owner from time to time.The Club Property may include,without limitation,golfcourses,practicefacilities,clubhouses,tenniscourts,swimming pools,and other recreational,social,maintenance and administrativeimprovements and facilities.These facilitiesshallbe developed and provided atthe discretionof theClub Property Owner.The Club PropertyOwner has the exclusiverightto determine from time to time,inits sole discretionand without noticeor approvalof any change, how and by whom thesefacilities shallbe used,ifat all:By way of example,but not limitation,the Club PropertyOwner shall have the right to approve users and determine eligibilityfor use,to reserveuse rights,to terminateany or alluse rights,to change,eliminateor cease operationof any or allof the facilities,totransferany or allof the Club Propertyorthe operationthereofto anyone (including without limitationa member-owned or equityclub)and on any terms,tolimitthe availabilityof use privileges,and to require the payment of a purchase price,membership contribution, initiationfee,membership deposit, dues,use charges and other charges for use privileges. Ownership of a Lot or Cabin Interestor membership intheMaster Association does not giveany vestedright.or easement,prescriptiveor otherwise,touse theClub Property,and does not grant any ownership or membership interesttherein. 104 Hillima,MtM'Mk lWIMLWRI*MM 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico105of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 17.7 Club Property Hazards,Risks and Liabilities;Disclosure,Assumption of Risk,Release and Indemnification. The Club Propertymay be used as privateor publicgolf coursesand relatedimprovements,facilitiesand uses.By acceptanceof a deed to a Lot or Cabin Interest,each Owner acknowledges (i)thattheuse and operationof the Club Property as golf courses and relatedfacilitieswill involve certainrisksto the Common InterestCommunity, includingbut notlimitedto damage to propertyand improvements and personalinjuryand death caused by errantgolf ballsthatmay be hitintothe Common InterestCommunity,and (ii)that while the Common InterestCommunity has been designed to minimize theserisksto theextent reasonablypossible,itwould be impossibleto render theCommon InterestCommunity freeof allgolfcourse-relatedrisks.Certainof themore common hazardsassociatedwith the operation of a golfcourse aremore particularlydescribedinsubsections(a)through(g)below (collectively the "Golf Course Hazards"): (a)ErrantGolf Balls.Owners of Lots or Cabin Interests,particularlyLots or Cabin InterestsabuttingtheClub Property,acknowledge the inherentrisksof errantgolf balls (includingwithout limitationproperty damage, personal injury and death),and assume and accept such risks,includingtheassociatedtrespasses.Owners acknowledge that golfershave the rightto enter upon Lots in the Common InterestCommunity to retrievegolfballsthatare visiblefrom the fairway,and each Owner agreestoreleaseand waive any claims saidOwner may have againsttheDeclarantortheClub PropertyOwner asa resultof such entryand retrievaland any trespass associatedtherewith. (b)View Impairment/Impairment of Privacy.Owners of Lots or Cabin Interests,includingOwners of Lots or Cabin Interestsabuttingthe Club Property,have no guaranteethattheirviews over and acrosstheClub Property or any part thereofwill be foreverpreservedwithout impairment,thattheviews from the Club Propertywillnot be impaired,or thattheirprivacy willnot be impaired.The Club PropertyOwner has no obligationto theOwners to prune or not prune treesor other landscapingand such Club Property Owner may change,add to or reconfigurethe golf course(s)and relatedor unrelatedfacilitiesand improvements on the Club Property,includingwithout limitation structuralimprovements,fences,trees,landscaping,practicefacilities,tees,bunkers, fairways,greens,clubhouses,tennis courts,swimming pools, and other recreational, social,maintenance and administrativeimprovements and facilities,in any manner or locationand at any time deemed appropriateby said Club Property Owner,without liabilityor obligationtotheOwners. (c)Pesticidesand Fertilizers.Pesticides,fertilizersand otherchemicals may be utilizedin connection with the operationand maintenance of the Club Property and relatedlandscapingand theOwners acknowledge,acceptand assume the risksassociated with theuse of pesticides,fertilizersand otherchemicals. (d)Overspray.Owners of Lots or Cabin Interests,particularlyLots or Cabin Interestsabuttingthe Club Property,may experience"overspray"from theClub Property irrigationsystem,and such Owners acknowledge,acceptand assume therisksassociated with such "overspray". 105 HillWW,MMMIH.M'lW Idrml*ikh 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 106of 149RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (e)Noise and Light;Tournaments.Owners of Lots or Cabin Interests, particularlyLots or Cabin Interests in proximity to the golfcourse clubhouse(s),may be exposed to lights,noisesor activitiesresultingfrom the use of the golf course(s)for tournaments,from the use of the clubhouse(s)fordiningand entertainment,and from use of the parking lot(s),and such Owners acknowledge,accept and assume the risks associatedwith such uses. (f)Maintenance.The Club Property and relatedimprovements and facilities willrequiredailymaintenance,includingmowing,irrigationand grooming,during early morning,evening and night hours,including without limitationthe use of tractors, mowers,blowers,pumps,compressors and utilityvehicles.Owners of Lots or Cabin Interests,particularlyLots or Cabin Interestsin proximity to the Club Property,willbe exposed to the noise and other effects of such maintenance,and such Owners acknowledge,acceptand assume the risksassociatedwith such maintenance activities. IN CONSIDERATION FOR THE ABOVE-ACKNOWLEDGED ENHANCEMENT IN VALUE,AND WITH FULL AWARF THESE AND OTHER RISKS,BY ACCEPTING THE DEED TO A LOT OR CABIN INTEREST EACH LOT OR CABIN INTEREST OWNER FOR HIMSELF AND HIS OCCUPANTS,INVITEES,LICENSEES, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS (COLLECTIVELY THE "OWNER'S RELATED PARTIES")HEREBY (I)ACKNOWLEDGES,ACCEPTS AND ASSUMES THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH SAID GOLF COURSE HAZARDS AND OF ANY DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR TO THE VALUE OF PROPERTY,DAMAGE TO IMPROVEMENTS, PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH,OR THE CREATION OR MAINTENANCE OF A TRESPASS OR NUISANCE,CAUSED BY OR ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OF SAID GOLF COURSE HAZARDS OR OTHER RISKS,HAZARDS AND DANGERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE OPERATION OF PRIVATE OR PUBLIC GOLF COURSES OR ARISING FROM THE DESIGN OF SUCH GOLF COURSES (COLLECTIVELY THE "ASSUMED RISKS"),AND (II)RELEASES,WAIVES,DISCHARGES, COVENANTS NOT TO SUE,INDEMNIFIES AND AGREES TO DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS THE DECLARANT,THE MASTER ASSOCIATION,AND THE CLUB PROPERTY OWNER,AND EACH OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS,PARTNERS,SHAREHOLDERS,MEMBERS,AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES,CONTRACTORS,CONSULTANTS, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS (COLLECTIVELY,THE "RELEASED PARTIES")EACH OF THEM,FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY TO THE LOT OR CABIN INTEREST OWNER OR OWNER'S RELATED PARTIES FOR ANY DAMAGES,LOSSES,COSTS (INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,ATTORNEYS'FEES),CLAIMS,DEMANDS, SUITS,JUDGMENTS,ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE,OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH ANY OF THE ASSUMED RISKS.THIS RELEASE IS INTENDED TO BE A COMPREHENSIVE RELEASE OF LIABILITY BUT IS NOT INTENDED TO ASSERT DEFENSES WHICH ARE PROHIBITED BY LAW.NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING,HOWEVER, THIS SECTION SHALL NOT LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF INDIVIDUAL GOLFERS USING THE CLUB PROPERTY. 106 HIllh?M,MMPER M'MI.14WCIM'h illlI Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberica107of148ReoFee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO In additionto the foregoing,the Declaration of Easements and Rights alsoestablishes certaineasements and restrictionsupon portions of the Common InterestCommunity for the benefitof the Club Property Owner and the Club Property,and each Owner acknowledges having read thatdocument and being familiarwith the terms thereof. The acknowledgments,assumptions of risk and agreements contained in this Section shallbe deemed to run with thetitle to each Lot and Cabin Interestwithinthe Common Interest Community. 17.8 Notice.Each Owner,and each FirstMortgagee if itso elects,shallregisterits mailing addressfrom time to time with theMaster Association.Except as otherwisespecifically provided in thisMaster Declaration,any noticepermittedor requiredto be given hereundershall be in writingand may be deliveredeitherpersonally,or by facsimiletransmission,or by mail. Notices deliveredpersonallyor sentby facsimiletransmissionshallbe deemed given on thedate so deliveredor sent.If deliveryismade by mail,itshallbe deemed tohave been delivered two (2)business days aftera copy of the same has been posted in the first-class U.S.Mail with adequatepostage affixed,addressedto the receivingparty atthe addresslastregisteredby such party with the Master Association,or in the case of an Owner thathas not provided such an address,to the Lot of thatOwner.Noticesto the Master Associationshallbe sentto such address as itmay from time to time designatein writingto each Owner. 17.9 No Dedication to Public Use.Except as otherwiseexpresslyprovided hereinor thereinto the contrary,nothing contained in thisMaster Declarationor in any Supplemental Declarationshallbe deemed tobe orto constitutea dedicationof allor any partof theCommon InterestCommunity to the publicorto any public use. 17.10 Interpretation of Master Declaration and Supplemental Declarations, Conflicts with Act.The provisions of thisMaster Declaration and of all Supplemental Declarationsshallbe liberallyconstruedto effectuatetheirpurpose of creatinga common and generalplan for the development,improvement,enhancement,protectionand enjoyment of the Common InterestCommunity,and to the extent possible,shall be construed so as to be consistentwith the Act.In the event that any of the terms and conditionsof thisMaster Declarationor of any Supplemental Declarationare determined tobe inconsistentwith the Act, the Act shallcontrol.Notwithstandinganythingto the contraryinthisMaster Declarationor in any Supplemental Declaration,no rightsor powers reserved to Declaranthereunder or in any Supplemental Declarationshallexceed the time limitationsupon or the permissibleextentof such rightsor powers under the Act,and inthe event any of such reservedrightsor powers are determined to be inconsistentwith the Act,the relatedprovisionsshallnot be invalidatedbut shallbe modified tothe extentrequiredto comply withtheAct. 17.11 ConflictWith Plats.In the eventof any conflictor inconsistencybetween the provisionsof this Master Declarationor any Supplemental Declarationand the Plat,or any Supplemental Plat,includingthe Platnotes thereon,the provisionsof saidPlator Supplemental Plat or Platnotes,as the case may be,shallgovern and controland thisMaster Declarationor any Supplemental Declarationshallautomaticallybe amended,but only totheextentnecessary to conform the conflictingprovisionshereofwith the provisionsof saidPlat,Supplemental Plat or Platnotes. 107 HIllEJE.MMWWWLW'Mt.IdlCM'lM'H ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 109of 149Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 17.12 No Express or Implied Covenants on Lands Not Annexed.Nothing in this Master Declarationor in any Supplemental Declarationshallcreate,or be deemed to create,any express or implied covenants upon or with respectto any realproperty or interestthereinnot actuallyannexed to the Common InterestCommunity inthe manner provided herein,including withoutlimitationthe propertiesdescribedin attachedExhibitB. 17.13 Violations Constitute a Nuisance.Any violationof any provision,covenant, condition,restrictionor equitableservitudecontained,in thisMaster Declaration,or in any Supplemental Declaration,whether by act or omission,is hereby declaredto be a nuisance and may be enjoinedor abated,whether or not the reliefsought isfornegativeor affirmativeaction, by any Person entitled to enforcethe provisionsof thisMaster Declaration. This provisiondoes not limitthe remedies thatmay be availableunder thisMaster Declarationor at law or in equity. Failureof the Master Associationto bring enforcement actionto correctany violationof this Master Declarationor any Supplemental Declarationshallnot constitutea waiver of or estopthe Master Associationfrom bringing a futureor subsequent enforcement actionto correctsuch violationor any othersimilarviolation. 17.14 Declarant's Disclaimer of Representations and Warranties.No representationsor warrantiesof any kind,expressor implied,have been given or made or shall be deemed to have been given or made by Declarant or itsagents or employees in connection with the Common InterestCommunity,the Club Property,or any portion thereof or any Improvements thereon,itsor theirphysicalcondition,zoning,compliance with applicablelaws, fitnessforintendeduse or operation,adequacy or availabilityof utilities,or in connectionwith the subdivision,sale,improvement,operation,maintenance,cost of maintenance,taxes or regulationthereof,unless and except as shallbe specificallyset forthin writingherein,in any registrationstatementor purchase and saleagreement executed by Declarant,or in any closing document relatedthereto.Furthermore,no such representationsor warrantieshave been given or made or shallbe deemed to have been given or made by Declarantor itsagents or employees that the plans presentlyenvisioned for the complete development of the Common Interest Community,the AssociationProperty,and/or the Club Property,can or willbe carriedout,or thatany land now owned or hereafteracquiredby Declarantisorwillbe subjectedtothisMaster Declarationor thatany such land (whether or not itis subjectedto thisMaster Declaration)isor willbe committed to or developed for a particular(orany)use,or thatifsuch land isonce used fora particularuse,such use willcontinuein effect,unlessand except as shallbe specificallyset forthin writingherein,in any registration statementor purchase and saleagreement executed by Declarant,or in any closingdocument relatedthereto. 17.15 Captions.Captions given to various Articlesand Sections herein are for convenience only and arenot intendedto modify or affectthe meaning of any ofthesubstantive provisionshereof and shallnot be consideredin interpretingany ofthe provisionshereof. 17.16 Singular Includes Plural.Unless thecontextrequiresa contraryconstruction,as employed in thisMaster Declarationthe singularshallincludethe pluraland the pluralthe singular;and the masculine,feminine or neuter shalleach includethe masculine,feminineand neuter. 108 HillWJEMUWAlwWM WWIME11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 109of 149 Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 17.17 Remedies Cumulative.Each remedy provided under thisMaster Declaration and any Supplemental Declarationiscumulativeand not exclusive. 17.18 Costs and Attornevs'Fees.In any action or proceeding involving the interpretationor enforcement of any provision of thisMaster Declaration or of any Supplemental Declaration,the prevailingparty shallbe entitled to recoveritsreasonableattorneys'fees and costsincurredinconnectiontherewith. 17.19 Governing Law;Jurisdiction.The laws of the Stateof Colorado shallgovern the interpretation,validity,performance,and enforcement of thisMaster Declarationand any Supplemental Declaration.Any legal actionbrought in connectionwith thisMaster Declaration or any Supplemental Declarationshallbe commenced intheDistrictCourt for GarfieldCounty, Colorado,and by acceptance of a deed to a Lot or Cabin Interesteach Lot and Cabin Interest Owner voluntarilysubmitsto thejurisdictionof such court. 17.20 Severability.Any determinationby any courtof competent jurisdictionthatany provision of this Master Declaration or of any Supplemental Declaration is invalid or unenforceableshallnot affectthe validityor enforceabilityof any of the otherprovisionshereof. Where any provision of thisMaster Declarationor of any Supplemental Declarationisallegedto be or declaredby a court of competent jurisdictionto be unconscionable,Declarantshallhave the rightby amendment to thisMaster Declarationor Supplemental Declarationto replacesuch provision with a new provision,as similartheretoas practicablebut which in Declarant's reasonableopinionwould be considered not tobe unconscionable. 17.21 Disclaimer Regarding Safety.DECLARANT AND THE MASTER ASSOCIATION HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY OBLIGATION REGARDING THE SECURITY OF ANY PERSONS OR PROPERTY WITHIN THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY. ANY OWNER OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT DECLARANT AND THE MASTER ASSOCIATION ARE ONLY OBLIGATED TO DO THOSE ACTS SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED HEREIN,OR IN THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS,AND ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO DO ANY OTHER ACTS WITH RESPECT TO THE SAFETY OR PROTECTION OF PERSONS OR PROPERTY WITHIN THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY. ARTICLE XVIII DISPUTE RESOLUTION 18.1 AlternativeMethod for Resolving Disputes.Declarant,the Master Association, itsofficersand directorsand allOwners (each of the foregoing entitiesbeing referredto as a "Party"),agree to encourage theamicable resolutionof disputesinvolvingthe Common Interest Community and allof itsimprovements and agrees to submit allClaims to the procedures set forthinthisArticleXV. 18.2 Claims.Except as specificallyexcluded in Section 15.3 below,and except as provided by applicablelaw,allclaims,disputesand othercontroversiesbetween the Master Association and any Owner,or between two or more Owners,or between any Owner and 109 HillWW,M W CF MFR M.WRIA'h 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 110of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO Declarant or between the Master Associationand Declarant,including,without limitation,the following: (a)any purchase agreement between Declarantand any Owner (exceptas may be expresslyprovided otherwisetherein); (b) purchase of a Lot orCabin Interestfrom Declarant; (c)interpretation,applicationor enforcement of Governing Documents (exceptas provided in Section15.3below); (d)the soilsof any propertythatlieswithintheCommon InterestCommunity, includingthe Lots and Cabin Interestsand Common Areas; (e)land development,design,construction,and/or alterationof the improvements within the Common InterestCommunity,including the Lot or Cabin Interestsand Common Areas and/orany allegeddefecttherein; (f)any rights,obligationsand duties of any Party under the Governing Documents; (g)any personal injuryor propertydamage that any Owner allegesto have sustainedon the Common InterestCommunity,includingthe Lot or Cabin Interests and Common Areas; (h)any limitedwarranty issuedin connectionwith the saleof a Lot or Cabin Interestby Declarant;and (i) any breach of any of the foregoing. 18.3 Exemptions.The following shallnot be Claims and shallnot be subjectto the provisionsof thisPolicy: (a)the levyingand collectionof Assessments; (b)any action by the Master Associationenforce any provision of the this Declarationor any of the otherdocuments governing the Common InterestCommunity or where time is of the essence in order to comply with applicablelaw or contractual provisionofa contractor leaseorin thecase of emergency;and (c)any disputethatinvolvesor thatincludes,throughjoinder,interpleaderor otherwise,any thirdparties,who arenotParties. 18.4 Notice of Claim.Any Party alleginga Claim ("Claimant")againstany other Party ("Respondent")shallsubmit allof itsClaims by writtennotificationdeliveredto each Respondent,statingplainlyand concisely: 110 WillR VE MMPEllWiM'lMLIMWIP.'h lIll1Reception#:79324510121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico111of148RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (a)the nature of the Claim,including a listof any alleged construction defects,thePersons involvedand Respondent'sroleinthe Claim; (b)the legalor contractualbasis of theClaim (i.e.,the specificauthorityout of which theClaim arises); (c)thedate on which the Claim firstarose; (d)the name and address of every Person,includingwithout limitationany currentor former employees of Respondent,whom Claimant believesdoes or may have informationrelatingtothe Claim;and (e)the specificreliefand/orproposed remedy sought. 18.5 Timely Initiation.All Claims shall be initiatedby the Claimant within a reasonabletime afterthe Claim has arisen,but in no eventlaterthan two years aftertheClaim arises,regardlessofthe natureoftheClaim. 18.6 Right to be Heard.Upon receiptof a Claim and priortotheMaster Association or any Owner assertingthe Claim commencing any mediation or arbitration,Respondent shall have the rightto make a writtenresponse and be heard by Claimant,affectedOwners,and Master Associationinan efforttoresolvethe Claim. 18.7 Right to Inspect and Repair.If the Claim is based on the land development, design,constructionand/or alterationof any improvements within the Common Interest Community then,upon reasonablenoticeto any affectedOwners (or theMaster Associationif the affectedarea isowned by the Master Association),Respondent shallhave the rightto access the affectedarea ata reasonabletime(s)forpurposes of inspectingthe conditioncomplained of includingbut not be limitedto,any investigative,invasiveor destructivetesting.In the exercise of the inspectionrights contained herein,the Party causing the inspectionto be made ("InspectingParty")shall: (a)be carefulto avoid any unreasonableintrusionupon,or harm,damage or costs to the other party including,without limitation,using itsbest effortsto avoid causing any damage to,or interferencewith,any improvements on the property being inspected("AffectedProperty"); (b)minimize any disruptionor inconvenienceto any person who occupiesthe AffectedProperty; (c)remove daily all debris caused by the inspectionand located on the AffectedProperty;and (d)in a reasonableand timely manner,atthe InspectingParty'ssolecost and expense,promptly remove allequipment and materialsfrom theAffected Property and 111 AlllRFEMIMFtMRIWMW'A'M11111Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico112of148RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO repairand replacealldamage,and restorethe Affected Property to thecondition of the Affected Property as of thedate of the inspection,unless theAffected Property isto be immediatelyrepaired. (e)In the event the InspectingParty wishes to make repairsto resolve the subjectmatter of the Claim,the InspectingParty shallhave the right,atitsoption,to do so and to enterthe Affected Propertyata reasonabletime(s)and upon reasonablenotice for such purpose.The InspectingParty shall not permit any claim,lien or other encumbrance arisingfrom the exerciseof itsrightto inspect and/or repairto accrue againstor attachtothe AffectedProperty. 18.8 Good Faith Negotiations.The Partiesshallmake every reasonableefforttomeet in person and conferfor the purpose of resolvingtheClaim by good faithnegotiation.Any party may be representedby attorneysand independentconsultants(atsuch Party'scost)to assistsuch partyin negotiationsand toattendmeetings. 18.9 Mediation. (a)IfthePartiesdo not resolvetheClaim through negotiationswithin30 days afterthe date of submission of the Claim to Respondent(s),as may be extended upon agreement of allaffectedParties,any Party shallhave 30 additionaldays to submit the Claim to mediation under the auspicesof an independent mediation servicereasonably acceptableto allParties.Ifno Party submits the Claim tomediationwithin such time,or does not appear for the mediation,Claimant shallbe deemed tohave waived the Claim, and all Respondent(s)shallbe releasedand discharged from any and all liabilityto Claimant on accountofsuch Claim. (b)Any settlementof the Claim through mediation shallbe documented in writingby themediator and signedby the Parties. (c)Ifthe Partiesdo not settletheClaim within30 days aftersubmissionof the matter to the mediation,or within such othertime as determined by the mediator or agreed to by the Parties,the mediatorshallissuea noticeof terminationofthe mediation proceedings ("Terminationof Mediation").The Termination of Mediation noticeshall statethatthe Partiesare atan impasse and the datethatmediationwas terminated. (d)Within 10 days afterissuanceof a Termination of Mediation,Claimant shall make a final written Settlement Demand to the Respondent(s),and the Respondent(s)shall make a finalwritten Settlement Offer to the Claimant.If the Claimant failsto make a SettlementDemand,Claimant'soriginalClaim shallconstitute the Settlement Demand.If the Respondent(s)fail to make a Settlement Offer, Respondent(s)shallbe deemed to have made a "zero"or "takenothing"SettlementOffer. (e)Each Party shallbear itsown costs,includingattorney'sfees,and each Party shallshare equallyallcharges rendered by the mediator(s)and allfilingfeesand costsof conductingthe mediationproceeding. 112 AlllF'dE.Mt'tFFIBLRlWLld'MIME II III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico113of149RecFee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (f)If the Partiesagree to a resolutionof any Claim through negotiationor mediation in accordance with thisPolicy and any Party thereafterfailsto abide by the terms of such agreement,then any other affectedParty may filesuitto enforce such agreement without the need to again comply with the procedures setforthinthisPolicy. In such event,the Partytakingactiontoenforcethe agreement shallbe entitledtorecover from the non-complying Party allcostsincurredin enforcingsuch agreement,including, withoutlimitation,reasonableattorney'sfeesand courtcosts. 18.10 Arbitration. (a)If the Partiesdo not reach a settlementof the Claim within fifteendays afterissuance of any Termination of Mediation and reduce the same to writing,the Claimant shallhave fifteenadditionaldays to submit the Claim to binding arbitrationin accordance with the Procedures contained below ("ArbitrationProcedures")and in accordancewith the Uniform ArbitrationAct. (b)The Partiesagree that where any Claim,dispute or other controversy existingbetween them issubmittedto arbitration,and any otherParty may have liability with respectthereto,allPartiesincludingany thirdPartiesagree thatthethirdPartiesmay be joined as additional Partiesin the arbitration,or ifa separatearbitrationexistsor is separatelyinitiated,tothe consolidationof allarbitrations.Itistheintentof the Partiesto resolveallrightsand obligationsof allinterestedPartiesatone time in one forum rather than in multipleproceedings. (c)Within 60 days aftersubmission ofthe Claim,Claimant shallfilewith the arbitratorand deliver to Respondent(s)a certifiedlistof constructiondefectsthatarethe subjectof the Claim,ifapplicable,which listshallbe signedby the attorneyforClaimant, orifClaimant does not have an attorney,by Claimant,and shallinclude: (i)a statementthat (A)the Claimant,or his attorney,has consultedwith a Person not a Party to theClaim with expertisein the areaof each constructiondefectthat is the subjectof the Claim (the "ConstructionConsultant")and (B)the Construction Consultant has inspected the improvements for which the constructiondefects are claimed,has reviewed the known facts,includingsuch records,documents and other materialsthe Construction Consultant has found to be relevantto the construction defects,and has concluded thatthe Claim has substantialjustificationbased on the ConstructionConsultant'sinspectionand reviewofthe known facts; (ii)a certificationthattheConstructionConsultantcan demonstrateby competent evidence that,as a resultof training,education,knowledge and experience,the ConstructionConsultantis competent to testifyas an expert and renderan opinion as to the allegedconstructiondefects; (iii)a certificationsigned by the ConstructionConsultant stating(A) such Person's name,address,qualificationsand credentialsthat render him or her 113 Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico114of148ReoFee:5746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO competent to express an expertopinion as to the allegedconstructiondefect,(B)thathe or she has inspectedeach improvement and reviewed the known facts,including such records,documents and other materialswhich he or she has found to be relevantto the constructiondefectsat issue,and (C)as to each improvement forwhich a construction defectClaim is asserted,an identification of theowner of the improvement,thelocation and date of constructionof the improvement,and an identification of each claimed constructiondefectand itsspecificlocation; (iv)a computation ofthe damages allegedforeach constructiondefect; (v)an identification,with respect to each improvement and constructiondefect,of each Party allegedto be responsibleforsuch defect; (vi)a certificationthateach Party alleged to be responsiblefor the allegedconstructiondefecthas been given writtennoticeof thedefectand an opportunity to remedy thedefectunder the foregoingprovisionsofthisArticleand thatthedefecthas not been remedied;and (vii)a copy of thenoticeof Claim served by Claimant on each Person thatisnamed as a Partyto theClaim. (d)Ifthe partiesareunable to agreeupon an Arbitratorwithin 30 days from thedate of the ArbitrationNotice,the presidingjudge of theDistrictCourt in which the Common InterestCommunity is located shall appoint a qualifiedarbitratorupon applicationof a party. (e)The award rendered by the Arbitratorshallbe finaland binding,may be filedwith any court of competent jurisdiction in the County in accordance with applicablelaw and judgment obtainedthereon,and executionmay issue. (f)Claimant shallnotifyRespondent(s)priorto retainingany Person or entity asan expertwitnessforpurposes of any arbitrationor authorizedlitigation. (g)All Claims subjectto arbitrationshallbe decided by a singleprivateparty arbitratorto be appointedby theparties. (h)Ifthe Claim isnot timely submitted to arbitration,ifClaimant failsto appear forthe arbitrationproceeding,or ifClaimant failsto fileand deliverthecertified listof constructiondefectsas provided in subparagraph (c)above,the Claim shallbe deemed abandoned,and Respondent(s)shallbe releasedand dischargedfrom any and all liabilitytoClaimant arisingout of such Claims. (i)No person shallserve as the arbitratorwhere thatperson has any financial or personal interestin the resultof the arbitrationor any family,socialor significant professionalacquaintancewith any otherparty to thearbitration.Any person designated as an arbitratorshallimmediately disclosein writing to allPartiesany circumstance 114 5111F JS M AM FME M,IR W A'H 11111 Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 115of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO likelyto affectthe appearance of impartiality,includingany biasor financialor personal interestintheoutcome ofthearbitration("ArbitratorDisclosure").Ifany Partyobjectsto the service of any arbitratorwithin 14 days afterreceiptof thatArbitrator'sDisclosure, such arbitratorshallbe replacedin the same manner inwhich thatarbitratorwas selected. (j)The Arbitratorshallfix the date,time and place for the hearing.The arbitrationproceedings shallbe conducted inthe County inwhich theCommon Interest Community islocatedunlessotherwiseagreed by the Parties. (k)No formal discoveryshallbe conducted inthe absence of an orderof the Arbitratoror expresswrittenagreement among alltheParties.Oral statements,notmade during the arbitrationproceeding,unlessverifiedor authorizedby a writtendocument, shallnot be admissible in any arbitrationproceeding. (1)Unless directedby the Arbitrator,therewillbe no post-hearingbriefs. (m)The ArbitrationAward shalladdresseach specificClaim tobe resolvedin the arbitration,provide a summary of the reasonsthereforeand thereliefgranted,and be renderedpromptly afterthe closeof the hearing and no laterthan 14 days from theclose ofthe hearing,unlessotherwiseagreed by the Parties.The Award shallbe in writingand shallbe signedby the Arbitrator. (n)The Arbitratorshallaward the prevailingparty such party'scosts and expenses,includingreasonableattorney'sfees.Inthe eventthatthearbitrationisbetween the Master Association and an Owner or Owners,and the Owner or Owners are the prevailingparties,then the attorneysfeesawarded shallbe Common Expenses,but shall not be assessedagainstthoseOwners thatwere the prevailingparties. 18.11 Consensus for Master Association Action.Except as otherwiseprovided forin thisPolicy,the Master Association shallnot commence any action,mediation or arbitration againstany Party fora Claim unlessthe Owners to which atleast67%of the votes intheMaster Associationare allocatedagree to such proceedings.However,such Owner consent must be obtainedby the Master Associationonly afterthe Board deliverswrittennoticeto allMembers of theMaster Associationinaccordancewith the procedures setforthinthe Bylaws with respect to meetings of Members;which noticeshallinclude: (a)a descriptionof thenatureoftheClaim and the reliefsought; (b)a copy of any writtenresponsethereto,includingany settlementproposal; (c)a statement advising Owners of theirduties to discloseto prospective purchasersand lenderstheClaim thatthe Master Associationproposes to assert; (d)a statement thatany recovery from the actionmay not result in receiptof funds to pay allcostsof remedying the Claim as estimatedby experts retainedby the Master Association; 115 All R.E.MMIW%H,BR'|#.WR'MIA'H lllll Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico116of 149Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO (e)an estimateof the expenses and feesto the Master Associationthatthe Board anticipateswillbe incurredin prosecutingthe claim; (f)a descriptionof the agreement with the attorneyswhom the Board proposes toretainto prosecutethe causeof action;and (g)any other informationrequiredto be disclosedpursuant to C.R.S.(38- 33.3-303.5. 18.12 Liabilityfor Failure to Maintain an Action. No directoror officerof the Master Associationshallbe liableto any Person forfailureto instituteor maintain or bring to conclusiona cause of action,mediation or arbitrationfora Claim if the followingcriteriaare satisfied:(a)the directoror officerwas actingwithin the scope of his or her duties;(b)the directoror officerwas actingin good faith;and (c)theactoromissionwas not willful,wanton or grosslynegligent. 18.13 Utilizationof Funds Resulting from the Cause of Action.In the event the Master Association receivesfunds as a resultof any settlement,mediation,arbitrationor judgment based upon a cause of action,afterpayment of feesand costsincurredin connection with prosecutionof such action,the Master Associationshall:(a)depositthe proceeds in a special,interest-bearingaccount;and (b)utilizethe proceeds only forthe purpose of performing remedialor repairwork on the conditionswhich were the subjectof the Claim or otherwisefor purposesof remedying the Claim. 18.14 Exclusive Remedy.The provisionscontainedinthisArticleshallbe thesoleand exclusiveremedy thatthe Master Associationand otherPartiesshallhave againstDeclarantfor any Claim,and Declarant,the Master Associationand each Owner expresslywaives any right it may have to seek resolutionof any Claim contemplated by thisArticlein any courtof law or equityand any right to trialby jury. 18.15 Costs.Should any Party commence litigationor any otheractionagainstany other Party,in violationof the terms of thisArticle,such Party shallreimburse the costsand expenses,including attorneys'fees,incurred by the other Party seeking dismissalof such litigationor action.IfClaim involvesDeclarantor the Master Association,no Party shallrecord a memorandum or noticeof lispendens or similarinstrumentthatwould encumber or createa lienon realpropertyowned by eitherDeclarantor the Master Association,and any recording of thesame shallbe nulland void and of no forceoreffect. 116 AlllK V3,MWFTM.MM.14WCIM'H ll lll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberica117of149RecFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Declaranthas executedthisMaster Declarationas of the day and year firstabove written. Spring Valley Holdings,LLC,a Delaware Limited LiabilityCompany By: Its: STATE OF ([) )ss. COUNTY OF jgy) The foregoing Master Declarationwas ac owledged before me this day of ,by (H as \f SpringVall6y Holdings,LLC,a Delaware Limited LiabilityCompany,Declarant. WITNESS my hand and officialseal. My commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public No Countasion&1871866 NotaryPublic-California SanFranciscoCounty My Cornrn.ExpiresDec17,2013 117 HillWHE MIM"JM MIRI*E'fWIM'h II III Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico118of149RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY A parcelof land locatedinSections28,29,32 and 33,Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedas follows: Beginning at the Center Quarter Corner of said Section 33 being a3 inch Aluminum Cap (County Surveyor)found in place;thence N 88027'28"W 1112.41 feetalong the south lineof Lot 6,of said Section33 to the southwest cornerof saidLot 6 being a 3 inch Aluminum Cap (County Surveyor)found in place;thence N 01o56'25"E 838.15 feetalong the west lineof said Lot 6tothe southeastcornerof Lot 5 of saidSection33 being a 3 inchAluminum Cap (County Surveyor)found in place;thence N 89014'27"W 1072.10 feetalong thesouth lineof saidLot 5 to a point on the northerlyright-of-wayof GarfieldCounty Road 119;thence the following seventeencoursesalong the northerlyright-of-wayof saidCounty Road 119: 1. thence along theareof a non-tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 190.00 feet,and a centralangle of 38053'l5"fora distancealong thecurveof 128.96 feet;thechordof saidcurve bearsN 70021'49"Wa distanceof 126.50 feet; 2. thenceN 89048'27"W 335.07 feetto a pointon thewest lineof saidSection33 whence theNorthwest Corner of saidSection33 being a 3-inchCounty Surveyor'sAluminum Cap found inplacebearsN 01014'21"E 1729.72 feet; 3. thenceN 89048'27"W 746.63 feet 4.thence along the areof a curve tothe righthaving a radiusof 9975.00 feet,and a central angle of 01o23'23"fora distancealong the curveof241.95 feet;thechord of saidcurve bearsN 89006'46"Wa distanceof241.94 feet; 5. thenceN 88025'04"W 886.82 feet; 6. thence along theareof a curveto the righthaving a radiusof30.00 feet,and a central angleof 101o43'17"fora distancealong the curve of 53.26 feet;thechord of saidcurve bearsN 37'33'26"Wa distanceof46.54 feet; 7.thenceN 13018'l3"E 1531.48 feet; 8. thence along theare of a curveto thelefthaving a radiusof715.00 feet,and a central angle of 15055'l2"fora distancealong thecurveof 198.67 feet;thechordofsaidcurve bearsN 05020'37"Ea distanceof 198.03feetto a pointon the south lineofsaidSection 29 whence theSoutheastCorner of saidSection29 bears S 89003'23"Ea distanceof 1570.16 feet; 9.thence along the are of a curve tothelefthaving a radiusof 715.00 feet,and a central angleof 29005'27"fora distancealong thecurve of 363.03 feet;the chord ofsaidcurve bearsN 17009'43"Wa distanceof 359.14 feet; 10.thence along theareof a curveto thelefthaving a radiusof 1853.11 feet,and a central angle of 14056'46"fora distancealong thecurve of483.40 feet;thechord ofsaidcurve bearsN 39010'49"Wa distanceof482.03 feet; 11.thenceN 46039'l2"W 512.11 feet; 12.thence along the areof a curve tothelefthaving a radiusof 544.29 feet,and a central angle of 29019'l2"fora distancealong the curveof278.53 feet;thechord ofsaidcurve bearsN 61018'49"Wa distanceof 275.50 feet; 13.thenceN 75058'25"W 274.72 feet; Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico119of148ReoFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 14.thence along theareof a curve tothe righthaving a radiusof 777.56 feet,and a central angle of 10'01'45"fora distancealong the curveof 136.11 feet;thechord of saidcurve bearsN 70057'32"Wa distanceof 135.93 feet; 15.thenceN 65056'40" W 288.79 feet; 16.thence along theareofa curveto the righthaving a radiusof934.49 feet,and a central angle of 12043'O9"fora distancealong thecurve of207.45 feet;thechordof saidcurve bearsN 59035'05"Wa distanceof 207.03 feet; 17.thenceN 53ol3'30"W 363.38 feetto a pointon the west lineofLot 26 of saidSection 2 9; thence N 00030'27"E 619.90 feetalong the west lineof said Lot 26 to thenorthwestcornerof said Lot 26;thence N 90000'00"W 65.41 feetto a fence post with a pk-nailin the top and accepted as the southwest corner of Lot 20 of said Section29;thence N 00'34'26"E 2165.03 feetalong the accepted west lineof Lots 20,16,and 8 of saidSection29 to a red plasticcap (P.L.S.27929);thence N 00032'35"E 431.30 feetto the southwest cornerof a parcelof land describedinBook 527,Page 951 intheofficeofthe GarfieldCounty Clerkand Recorder;thence along the southerlyboundary of saidparceloflanddescribedinBook 527,Page 951 S 89032'20" E 431.36 feet; thence the followingtwo coursesalong the Southerlyboundary of a parcelof land describedin Book 872,Page 768 intheofficeoftheGarfieldCounty Clerkand Recorder: 1. thenceS 50051'48" E 497.50 feet; 2. thenceS 57'58'21" E 57.39 feetto a pointon the Southerlyboundary of a parcelofland describedinBook 915,Page 112 inthe officeoftheGarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder; thence S 57058'21"E 305.00 feetalong the Southerlyboundary of saidparcelof landdescribed in Book 915,Page 112; thence S 33033'03"E 149.53 feet along the Southwesterlyboundary of a parcel of land describedin Book 621,Page 219 in the officeof the GarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder to a point being the southwesterlycornerof said parcelof land describedin Book 621,Page 219; thence S 81036'23"Ea distanceof 135.95 feetalong the southerlyboundary of saidparcelof landdescribedinBook 621,Page 219 toa pointbeing the southeasterlycornerof saidparcelof land describedin Book 621,Page 219;thence S 81042'23"Ea distanceof 302.25 feetalong the southerlyboundary of a parcelof land described in Book 1540,Page 930 in the officeof the GarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder to a point being the southeasterlycornerof saidparcelof land describedin Book 1540,Page 930;thence the following two courses along the easterly boundary of saidparcelofland describedinBook 1540,Page 930 1. thence N 05012'20"Ea distanceof 149.95feettoa point; 2. thence39.08 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 55.23 feet,a centralangle of 40032'42",and thechordbearsN 25029'O2"Ea distanceof 38.27 feet,toa pointon the southerlyboundary ofa parcelof landdescribedin Book 1416,Page 237 in the officeof the GarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder; thence S 81042'37" Ea distanceof 123.19 feetalong said southerlyboundary of saidparcelof land describedinBook 1416,Page 237 toa pointbeing the southeasterlycornerof saidparcelof land describedinBook 1416,Page 237;thenceN 21000'23"Wa distanceof 884.46 feetalong the northeasterlyboundary of saidparcelof landdescribedin Book 1416,Page 237 toa pointon the southerlyright-of-wayof GarfieldCounty Road 115 (CR115); thencethe followingseven coursesalong saidsoutherlyCR115 right-of-way: 2 8111WHI,Mm t"NR TR'I W.ME ME RN 11111Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico120of149ReoFee:S746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 1. thence 378.35 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 5348.82 feet,a centralangle of 04003'10",and thechord bears S 77050'30"Ea distance of 378.27 feet; 2.thenceS 79052'05"Ea distanceof 452.89 feet; 3. thence 311.06 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 870.00 feet,a centralangle of 20029'O8",and the chord bearsS 69037'31"Ea distanceof 309.41 feet; 4.thenceS 59022'57" Ea distanceof 217.30 feet; 5. thence 653.85 feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 1051.34 feet,a centralangle of 35038'00",and the chordbears S 41033'57"Ea distanceof 643.36 feet; 6. thence S 23044'57" Ea distanceof 73.66 feettoa point; 7. thence 163.46 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 993.47 feet,a centralangle of 09025'38",and thechord bearsS 28027'47"Ea distanceof 163.28 feet,to a pointon the northerlyboundary of a parcelof landdescribedin Book 886,Page 329 inthe officeof theGarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder; thence along the northerlyand westerlyboundariesof saidparcelof landdescribedinBook 886, Page 329 the followingthreecourses: 1.thence S 82052'22"Wa distanceof 323.76 feet; 2. thence S 04018'35" Ea distanceof 374.95 feet; 3.thence S 05036'42"Ea distanceof 538.91 feetto a pointon the westerlyboundary of a parcelof land describedinBook 736,Page 345 intheofficeofthe GarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder; thence along the westerlyand southerlyboundariesof saidparcelof land describedin Book 736, Page 345 the followingfivecourses: 1. thence S 05008'O9"Ea distanceof 580.16 feet; 2. thence S 25054'08"Ea distanceof 19.09 feet; 3.thence S 50053'55"Ea distanceof27.02 feet; 4. thence S 66059'35"Ea distanceof380.19 feet; 5.thenceS 74053'28" Ea distanceof35.87 feet; thenceN 58003'40" Ea distanceof 625.36 feetalong the southerlyboundariesof parcelsof land describedin Book 988,Page 802 and Book 736,Page 345 intheofficeof the GarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder to a point on the boundary of a parcelof land describedinBook 988,Page 802 intheofficeof theGarfieldCounty Clerkand Recorder; thence the followingsix coursesaround the southerly,easterlyand northerlyboundariesof said parcelof land describedinBook 988,Page 802: 1.thenceN 14045'31"Wa distanceof 57.78 feet; 2. thenceN 00037'24" Wa distanceof 148.37 feet; 3.thenceN 88048'28"Wa distanceof25.57 feet; 4.thenceN 00001'52"Ea distanceof69.06 feet; 5.thenceN 89058'08"Wa distanceof 101.60 feet; 6. thence N 13045'40"Wa distance of 111.74 feettoa pointon theparcelof land described inBook 495,Page 596 intheofficeof the GarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder; thence the followingfour coursesalong the SoutherlyBoundary of saidparcelof land described in Book 495,Page 596: 1. thenceN 59030'35" Ea distanceof 216.33 feet; 3 HIllEJE.MMH."WIARIP.WW1*R'hllIll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 121of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 2. thence S 42016'l9"Ea distanceof 154.20 feet; 3.thenceN 54010'41"Ea distanceof 185.54 feet; 4.thenceS 89058'08"Ea distanceof 327.05 feettothesoutheastcornerof saidparcelof landdescribedinBook 495,Page 596; thence N 00001'52"Ea distanceof 114.31 feetalong the easterlyboundary of saidparcelof land describedinBook 495,Page 596 to a pointon saidsoutherlyright-of-wayof CR115 ;thencethe followingtwo coursesalong saidsoutherlyCR115 right-of-way: 1. thence S 73002'l4"Ea distanceof 593.48 feet; 2.thence39.62 feetalong theare of a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 594.56 feet,a centralangle of 03049'04",and thechord bearsS 71007'42"Ea distanceof39.61 feet; thence S 00025'03"Ea distanceof 928.00 feet;thence S 43014'55"Ea distanceof 36.33 feetto a point on the westerlyboundary of a parcel of land describedin Book 638,Page 941 in the officeof theGarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder;thenceS 01000'28"Wa distanceof 2326.48 feetalong saidwesterlyboundary of saidparcelof land describedin Book 638,Page 941 to a point on the south lineof Section28 whence theSouthwest Corner of Section28 being a3 inch County Surveyor Aluminum Cap found in place bears S 88'33'l5"E 1495.74 feet;thence S 88'33'l5"Ea distanceof 1084.24 feetalong the south lineof Section28 to the South Quarter Corner of Section28 being a 2-inchAluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933);thence continuingalong the south lineof Section 28 S 86011'17"Ea distanceof 829.99 feetto a point on said southerly right-of-wayof CR115;thence the followingtwo courses along said southerlyright-of-wayof CR115: 1.thence 21.25 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof430.00 feet,a centralangle of 02049'54",and thechord bearsS 58028'20"Ea distanceof 21.25 feet; 2.thenceS 59053'17"Ea distanceof 155.58 feet; thence leavingsaid southerlyright-of-wayof CRll5 S 20'l5'05"Wa distanceof 552.69 feet; thence S 19001'26"Ea distanceof 1341.54 feet;thenceS 26006'27"Ea distanceof 780.49 feet to a pointon the south lineof the NE Quarter of Section33;thence along saidsouth lineof the NE Quarterof Section33 N 88027'45"Wa distanceof 1577.58feetto the pointof beginning; containing696.0741 acresmore or less. Along with: A parcel of land locatedin Section 28,Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth Principal Meridian being more particularlydescribedasfollows: Beginning at a point on the southerlyright-of-wayof Garfield County Road 115 (CR115) whence the West Quarter corner of saidSection 28 bears S 01009'28"Wa distanceof 987.24 feet along the West line of said Section 28;thence the following four courses along said southerlyCR115 right-of-way: 1. thence S 72018'24"Ea distanceof 158.70 feet; 2. thence154.94 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 347.41 feet,a centralangle of 25033'l4",and thechord bearsS 59031'47"Ea distanceof 153.66 feet; 3. thence S 46045'10"Ea distanceof235.64 feet; 4.thence 121.81 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve to the lefthaving a radiusof 826.12 feet,a centralangle of 08026'53",and thechord bearsS 50058'37"Ea distanceof 121.70 4 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 122of 149ReoFee:5746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO feetto a pointon the northerlylineof a parcelof landdescribedin Book 495,Page 596 in the officeoftheGarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder; thence along said northerlyline of said parcel of land described in Book 495,Page 596 N 88009'03"Wa distanceof 557.11 feetto a point on said West lineof said Section 28;thence along said West lineof Section28 N 01009'28"Ea distanceof 346.32 feet;to the point of beginning.containing2.6579 acresmore orless. Along with: A parcel of land located in Sections 33 and 34,Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedas follows: Beginning at a pointon the northerlyright-of-wayof Garfield County Road 115 (CR115) whence the Quarter Corner common to saidSections33 and 34 bearsS 25007'26"Ea distanceof 325.02;thenceN 16002'33"Ea distanceof 630.62 feet;thenceN 84055'34"Ea distanceof 563.88 feet;thence S 10035'55"Ea distanceof 486.06 feetto a point on saidnortherlyright-of- way of CR115; thence the followingtwo coursesalong saidCR115 northerlyright-of-way: 1.thence 133.48feetalong theareofa non tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 310.00 feet,a centralangle of 24040'l4",and thechord bears S 80008'58"Wa distanceof 132.45 feet; 2.thence 715.35 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 2141.07 feet,a centralangle of 19008'35",and the chordbearsS 77023'O9"Wa distance of 712.03 feet; tothepointof beginning;containing8.7751 acresmore or less. The combined areaoftheabove describedthreeparcelsis707.507 acresmore orless 5 HIllWJEMMIMIW MIREWEN11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 123of 149Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ANNEXABLE TO THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY A parcelof land locatedin Sections14, 15,16,20, 21, 22, 23,26,27,28, 29,32, 33, and 34, Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribed as follows: Beginning attheNorthwest Comer of saidSection 20 being a 2-inch Aluminum Cap (P.E.L.S. 5933);thence S 88016'08" E 2627.19 feetalong thenorth lineof saidSection20 to theNorth Quarter Comer of said Section 20 being a 2-inch Aluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933);thence S 88015'48"E 2625.91 feetalong thenorth lineof saidSection20 to theNortheastComer of said Section20 being a 2-1/2inchGLO Brass Cap found in place saidcomer alsobeing on the west lineof saidSection 16;thence N 00000'14"W 2631.77 feetalong thewest lineof saidSection 16 to the East Quarter Comer of Section 17,T. 6 S.,R. 88 W.,6th P.M.being a 2-1/2inch GLO Brass Cap found in place;thence N 00008'04"W 340.70 feetcontinuingalong the west lineof saidSection16 totheWest QuarterComer of saidSection16 being a 2-1/2inchGLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceN 00001'47"E 1047.99 feetcontinuingalong thewest lineof saidSection 16 tothe southwest corner of a parcelof land describedinBook 795,Page 980 intheofficeof theGarfieldCounty Clerk and Recorder;thencethe followingthreecoursesalong the boundary ofsaidparceldescribedinBook 795,Page 980: 1. thenceN 89016'47"E 334.10 feet; 2. thenceN 03035'47"E 252.06 feet; 3. thenceN 88027'52"W 349.87 feettoa pointon the west lineof saidSection16; thenceN 00001'47"E 977.15 feetalong the west lineofsaidSection16 totheNortheastCorner of saidSection17 being a 2-1/2inch GLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceN 00001'20"W 344.80 feetcontinuingalong thewest lineof saidSection16 totheNorthwest Corner ofsaid Section16 being a 2-1/2inchGLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceN 89'57'15"E 2703.26 feetalong thenorth lineof saidSection16 totheNorth QuarterCorner of saidSection16 being a 2-1/2inchGLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceN 89057'O9"E 2637.87 feetcontinuing along thenorth lineof saidSection16 totheNortheastComer of saidSection16 being a 2-1/2 inchGLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceN 89058'17"E 2638.56 feetalong thenorthlineof saidSection 15 totheNorth QuarterCorner of saidSection15 being a 2-1/2inchGLO Brass Cap found in place;thence S 89059'36"E 1318.31feetcontinuingalong the northlineof said Section15 tothewest lineofthe NE1/4NE1/4 of saidSection15 being a 3-inchAluminum Cap (L.S.15710)found in place whence thenortheastcornerofsaidSection15 being a 2-1/2inch GLO Brass Cap found in place bears S 89059'36"E 1318.31 feet;thence S 00000'O9"E 1312.36 feetalong the west lineofthe NE1/4NE1/4 of saidSection15 tothesouthwestcornerofthe NE1/4NEl/4 of saidSection15 being a 3-inchAluminum Cap (L.S.15710)found in place; thenceN 89055'46"E 1317.67 feetalong thesouth lineoftheNE1/4NEl/4 of saidSection15 to thesoutheastcorneroftheNE1/4NEl/4 of saidSection15 being a 3-inchAluminum Cap (L.S. 15710)found in place;thenceS 89058'46"E 1320.64 feetalong thenorthlineofthe SW1/4NW1/4 of saidSection14 tothe northeastcornerof theSW1/4NW1/4 of saidSection14 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 124of 148RecFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO being a 3-inchAluminum Cap (L.S.15710)found in place;thenceS 00001'34"W 1312.94 feet along theeastlineoftheSW1/4NW1/4 of saidSection14 tothesoutheastcomer of the SW1/4NW1/4 of saidSection14 being a 2-inchAluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933);thenceS 00001'l9"E 2647.58 feetalong theeastlineof theW1/2SW1/4 of saidSection14 to the southeastcomer ofthe W1/2SW1/4 ofsaidSection14 being a 2-inchAluminum Cap (P.E.L.S. 5933);thenceS 89059'40"E 1318.39 feetalong thenorth lineof saidSection23 totheNorth Quarter Corner of saidSection23 being a 2-1/2inch GLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceS 00005'23"E 5277.46 feetalong the eastlineofthe W1/2 of saidSection23 totheSouth Quarter Corner of saidSection23 being a 2-1/2inchGLO Brass Cap found in place;thence S 00000'49" W 5529.94 feetalong theeastlineof theW1/2 of saidSection26 totheSouth QuarterComer of saidSection26 being a 2-1/2inch GLO Brass Cap found in place;thence S 84'59'30"W 31.37 feetalong thesouthlineof saidSection26 tothe North Quarter Corner of Section35,T. 6 S.,R. 88 W.,6th P.M.,being a 2-1/2inch GLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceS 84041'15"W 1292.34 feetalong thesouth lineof saidSection26 tothesoutheastcornerofLot 14 ofsaid Section26 being a 2-inchAluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933);thenceN 00021'37"E 372.49 feet along theeastlineofsaidLot 14,Section26 tothenortheastcomer of saidLot 14 being a 2-inch Aluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933);thenceN 89053'31"W 1611.72feetalong thenorthlineof said Lot 14 tothenorthwestcomer of saidLot 14 being a 2-inchAluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933); thenceS 00000'l4"W 525.17 feetalong thewest lineof saidLot 14 to the SouthwestCorner of saidSection26 being a 2-1/2 inchGLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceN 89014'59"W 2647.44 feetalong thesouthlineof saidSection27 totheSouth QuarterComer of saidSection 27 being a 2-1/2inchGLO Brass Cap found in place;thenceN 89017'll"W 1319.72feetalong thenorth lineof saidSection34 tothenortheastcorneroftheW1/2NW1/4 ofsaidSection34 being a 2-inchAluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933)whence theNorthwest Comer ofsaidSection34 being a 2-1/2-inchGLO Brass Cap found in placebearsN 89017'll"W 1319.72 feet;thenceS 00005'58"Ea distanceof 2353.81 feetto a pointon the northerlyright-of-wayofGarfield County Road 115;thencethe followingthreecoursesalong the northerlyright-of-wayof said County Road 115: 1. thence235.33 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 639.07 feet,a centralangle of 21005'53",and thechordbearsN 67017'l6"Wa distance of234.00 feet; 2. thenceN 56044'19"Wa distanceof 393.81 feet; 3. thence166.52 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof310.00 feet,a centralangle of 30'46'36",and thechordbearsN 72007'37"Wa distanceof 164.52 feet; thence departingsaidGarfieldCounty Road 115 N 10035'55"Wa distanceof486.06 feet; thence S 84o55'34"Wa distanceof 563.88 feet;thenceS 16002'33"Wa distanceof630.62 feet toa pointon the northerlyright-of-wayof saidGarfieldCounty Road 115;thencethe following thirtycoursesalong the northerlyright-of-wayof saidCounty Road 115: 1. thence 168.86 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 2141.07 feet,a centralangle of 04031'07",and thechord bearsS 89013'00"Wa distance of 168.81 feet; 2. thence159.12 feetalong the areofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 170.00 feet,a centralangle of 53037'43",and thechordbearsN 61o42'35"Wa distanceof 153.37 feet; 2 HIllW151,MMICMt.MM M'WIER ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico125of149RecFee:S746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 3. thence460.26 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 699.53 feet,a centralangle of 37041'54",and the chordbearsN 16002'47"Wa distanceof 452.01 feet; 4. thenceN 02'48'10"Ea distanceof238.01 feet; 5.thence429.79 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 912.82 feet,a centralangle of 26058'38",and thechordbearsN 10041'O9"Wa distanceof 425.83 feet; 6.thenceN 24ol0'27"Wa distanceof 644.62 feet; 7.thence504.76 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof 809.79 feet,a centralangle of 35042'49",and thechord bearsN 42001'52"Wa distanceof 496.63 feet; 8.thenceN 59053'l7"Wa distanceof459.39 feet; 9. thence 167.17feetalong theare ofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof370.00 feet,a centralangle of 25053'll",and the chordbearsN 46056'42"Wa distanceof 165.75 feet; 10.thenceN 34000'06"Wa distanceof 1152.91 feet; 11.thence1191.15 feetalong the are ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 2377.42 feet,a centralangle of 28042'24",and the chordbearsN 19'38'54"Wa distance of 1178.73 feet; 12.thence245.56 feetalong theareofa tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof430.00 feet,a centralangle of 32043'l4",and the chordbearsN 21039'l9"Wa distanceof 242.24 feet; 13.thence376.29 feetalong theareofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 1361.75 feet,a centralangle of 15049'57",and the chordbearsN 30005'57"Wa distanceof 375.10 feet; 14.thenceN 22010'58"Wa distanceof307.62 feet; 15.thence580.97 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 654.56 feet,a centralangle of 50051'l5",and the chord bearsN 47'36'36"Wa distanceof 562.09 feet; 16.thenceN 73002'l4"Wa distanceof636.67 feet; 17.thence351.46 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof766.12 feet,a centralangle of 26017'03",and the chordbearsN 59053'42"Wa distanceof 348.38 feet; 18.thenceN 46045'10"Wa distanceof 235.64 feet; 19.thence 181.70feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 407.41 feet,a centralangle of 25033'l4",and thechordbearsN 59031'47"Wa distanceof 180.20 feet; 20.thenceN 72018'24"Wa distanceof432.60 feet; 21.thence264.71 feetalong the areofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof420.00 feet,a centralangle of 36'06'40",and thechord bearsN 54ol5'04"Wa distanceof 260.35 feet; 22.thence202.78 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 933.47 feet,a centralangle of 12026'47",and thechord bearsN 29058'21"Wa distanceof 202.38 feet; 23.thenceN 23044'57" Wa distanceof73.66 feet; 3 Reception#:793245 10121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 126of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 24.thence 691.16 feetalong the areofa tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof 1111.34 feet,a centralangle of 35038'00",and the chordbearsN 41033'57"Wa distanceof 680.07 feet; 25.thenceN 59022'57"Wa distanceof217.30 feet; 26.thence 332.51 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof930.00 feet,a centralangle of 20029'O8",and thechordbearsN 69037'31"Wa distanceof 330.75 feet; 27.thenceN 79052'05"Wa distanceof452.89 feet; 28.thence 416.54 feetalong the areofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 5288.82 feet,a centralangle of 04030'45",and thechord bearsN 77036'43"Wa distanceof 416.43 feet; 29.thence 250.87 feetalong the arcof a curve tothe righthaving a radiusof 5288.82 feet, and a centralangle of 02043'04",and thechord bearsN 73059'48"Wa distanceof250.84 feet; 30.thenceN 72038'l6"W 1244.87feetto a pointon the acceptedeastlineof Lot 4 ofsaid Section20 whence the southeastcornerofa parcelof land recordedunder reception number 467225 intheofficeoftheGarfieldCounty Clerkand Recorder being a 2-inch Aluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933)and acceptedasa pointon theeastlineof saidLot 4 bearsS 01o51'02"W 9.41 feet; thence N 01o51'02"E 490.79 feetalong the accepted east lineof saidLot 4 to the northeast comer of said Lot 4 being a 2-inchAluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933);thence N 88018'52"W 1429.59 feetalong the northlineof saidLot 4 and Lot 3 of saidSection 20 to the northwest comer of said Lot 3 being a 2-inch Aluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933)whence the Southwest Comer of saidLot 20 being a 2-1/2inch Aluminum Cap (P.L.S.27929)found in place bearsS 00006'31"E 1008.11 feet;thence N 00006'31"W 1630.93 feet along the west lineof said Section 20 to the West Quarter Corner of said Section 20 being a 2-inch Aluminum Cap (P.E.L.S.5933);thenceN 00004'l2"E 2632.88 feetalong thewest lineof saidSection20 tothe Northwest Comer of saidSection 20 being the POINT OF BEGINNING containing5198.85 acresmore or less,priortothe followingexceptedparcel: EXCEPTING THE FOLLOWING FIVE PARCELS: Section 15 Exception: A parcelof land being theNorthwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarterof Section 15,Township 6 South Range 88 West,of the Sixth Principalmeridian,saidparcelbeing furtherdescribedas follows: Beginning atthe West Quarter comer of saidSection 15 being a 2-1/2inch GLO Brass Cap found in place,thence N 89051'07"E 1323.59 feetalong theNorth lineof theNW1/4SW1/4 of said Section 15 to the northeastcomer of the NW1/4SW1/4 of said Section 15;thence S 00001'49"E 1540.50 feetalong the East lineof theNW1/4SW1/4 of saidSection 15 to the SoutheastComer of the NW1/4SW1/4;thenceS 89058'25"W 1323.59 feetalong thesouth line of the NW1/4SW1/4 of said Section 15 to the southwest comer of the NW1/4SW1/4 of said section15;whence the Southwest Corner of saidSection15 being a 2-1/2inchGLO Brass Cap found in place bears S 00001'49"E 1537.70 feet;thenceN 00001'49"W 1537.70 feetalong the 4 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 127 of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO west lineof theNW1/4SW1/4 of saidsection15 tothenorthwestcorner oftheNW1/4SW1/4 of saidsection15 being thePOINT OF BEGINNING containing46.76 acresmore orless. Club Parcel A Exception: A parcelof landlocatedinSections22 and 27,Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedasfollows: Beginning ata pointwhence thecornercommon tosections27,28,33 and 34 Township 6 South, Range 88 West of theSixthPrincipalMeridian being a 2-1/2"GLO brasscap found in place bears S 16033'46" Wa distanceof2869.89 feet;thenceN 24'03'56"Ea distanceof 704.78 feet; thenceN 27044'26"Wa distanceof 146.44 feet;thence 277.79 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof238.30 feet,a centralangle of 66047'27",and the chord bearsN 05'l2'14"Ea distanceof 262.33 feet;thence75.72feetalong theareof a tangent curve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 1080.95 feet,a centralangle of 04000'50",and thechordbears N 30011'54" Wa distanceof 75.71 feet;thenceN 59021'42"Ea distanceof 121.50 feet; thenceN 21'55'31"Wa distanceof343.96 feet;thenceN 53033'07"Wa distanceof283.51 feet; thenceN 23'51'37"Wa distanceof66.58 feet;thenceN 00015'41"Wa distanceof201.29 feet; thenceN 70015'59"Wa distanceof 131.21 feet;thence98.12 feetalong theareofa non tangent curve tothe righthaving a radiusof 388.80 feet,a centralangle of 14027'33",and thechord bearsN 30023'53"Ea distanceof 97.86 feet;thenceN 37037'40"Ea distanceof 102.50 feet; thence 435.35 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof472.00 feet,a centralangle of 52050'48",and the chord bearsN 11012'15"Ea distanceof420.08 feet;thenceN 15013'O9"Wa distanceof270.92 feet;thence 257.41 feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 850.00 feet,a centralangle of 17021'03",and thechordbearsN 06032'37"Wa distanceof 256.42 feet;thence49.23 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangle of 112049'36",and thechordbearsN 58032'43"Ea distanceof41.65 feet;thence 68.29 feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 109.00 feet,a centralangle of 35053'49",and the chordbearsS 47005'34"Ea distanceof67.18 feet;thence238.84 feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto the lefthaving a radiusof 233.30 feet,a centralangle of 58039'27",and thechord bearsS 58028'23" Ea distanceof 228.55 feet;thence S 87048'07"Ea distanceof 53.67 feet;thence 50.92feet along the are ofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof225.00 feet,a centralangleof 12058'05",and thechord bears S 81019'04"Ea distanceof 50.82 feet;thenceS 74050'02"Ea distanceof 12.21 feet;thence 78.47feetalong the areof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 166.00 feet,a centralangle of 27005'00",and thechordbearsS 61ol7'32"Ea distance of77.74 feet;thence S 33011'51"Wa distanceof 33.66 feet;thenceS 23013'42"Ea distanceof 263.55 feet;thenceS 03015'29" Ea distanceof228.41 feet;thenceS 47010'57"Ea distanceof 425.45 feet;thenceS 28023'01"Ea distanceof 280.60 feet;thenceS 27030'02"Ea distanceof 560.26 feet;thence S 23004'41"Ea distanceof239.14 feet;thenceS 21o36'57"Ea distanceof 592.55 feet;thence S 13'37'50"Wa distanceof 178.93 feet;thenceS 85038'04"Wa distanceof 342.22 feet;thenceN 66028'44"Wa distanceof262.01 feet;thence S 11o51'l3"Wa distanceof 319.84 feet;thence S 33053'10"Ea distanceof 171.07 feet;thence274.78 feetalong theareofa non tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 233.30 feet,a centralangle of 67028'58",and the chord bearsS 18043'59"Wa distanceof259.17 feet;thenceS 15000'30"Ea distanceof 86.40 feet;thence236.13 feetalong theareofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 183.30 feet,a centralangle of 73048'35",and thechord bearsS 21'53'48"Wa distanceof220.14 feet; thence S 58048'06"Wa distanceof21.20 feet;thence 34.15feetalong the are of a tangentcurve 5 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 128of 148RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO tothe righthaving a radiusof 25.00 feet,a centralangleof 78016'22",and thechordbearsN 82'03'43"Wa distanceof 31.56 feet;thence 60.22feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 221.00 feet,a centralangle of 15036'42",and thechordbearsN 50043'53" Wa distanceof 60.03 feet;thenceN 58032'l5"Wa distanceof 107.70 feet;thence179.84 feet along theare ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof268.00 feet,a centralangle of 38026'51",and thechord bearsN 39018'49"Wa distanceof 176.48 feet;thence 172.91feet along theare of a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof238.00 feet,a centralangle of 41o37'30",and the chord bearsN 40054'09"Wa distanceof 169.13 feet;thence118.71 feet along theare ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof268.00 feet,a centralangle of 25022'47",and thechordbearsN 49001'30"Wa distanceof 117.75 feet;thence270.26 feet along theare of a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof253.00 feet,a centralangle of 61012'l8",and thechordbearsN 66056'l6"Wa distanceof257.59 feettothe pointof beginning;containing61.9080 acresmore orless. Club Parcel B Exception: A parceloflandlocatedinSection22,Township 6 South,Range 88 West,SixthPrincipal Meridian being more particularlydescribedasfollows: Beginning ata pointwhence the cornercommon tosections27,28,33 and 34 Township 6 South, Range 88 West of theSixthPrincipalMeridian being a 2-1/2"GLO brasscap found in place bears S 07002'56" Wa distanceof 5573.72 feet;thenceS 78005'34"Wa distanceof 110.10 feet; thence 114.02feetalong theareofa non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof323.30 feet, a centralangle of 20'l2'28",and thechord bearsN 06044'O8"Wa distanceof 113.43 feet; thenceN 16050'22"Wa distanceof 79.64 feet;thence 182.81 feetalong thearcofa tangent curve tothe righthaving a radiusof 109.00 feet,a centralangle of 96005'44",and thechord bearsN 31012'30"Ea distanceof 162.13 feet;thence 45.11feetalong theareofa non tangent curve tothe righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangle of 103023'15",and the chord bears S 49003'00"Ea distanceof39.24 feet;thence281.89 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 910.00 feet,a centralangle of 17044'55",and the chord bearsS 06013'49"Ea distanceof280.77 feetto the pointof beginning;containing0.7439 acresmore or less. Club Parcel C Exception: A parcelof landlocatedinSections21,22,27 and 28 Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedasfollows: Beginning at a pointwhence thecornercommon tosections27,28,33 and 34 Township 6 South, Range 88 West of theSixthPrincipalMeridian being a 2-1/2"GLO brasscap found in place bears S 17054'O9"Wa distanceof2230.97 feet;thence S 67049'37"Wa distanceof422.10 feet; thence 317.97 feetalong the areof a non tangentcurveto the lefthaving a radiusof250.00 feet, a centralangle of 72052'23",and thechord bearsN 52057'46"Wa distanceof296.97 feet; thence 0.07feetalong the areof a non tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 250.35 feet,a centralangle of 00000'56",and thechordbearsN 89023'57"Wa distanceof0.07 feet;thenceN 89023'57"Wa distanceof 222.04 feet;thence423.37 feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof214.35 feet,a centralangle of 113009'59",and thechord bearsN 32048'58"Wa distanceof 357.83 feet;thenceN 23046'02"Ea distanceof 108.52 feet; thence 115.21 feetalong the areof a tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 277.00 feet,a centralangle of 23049'47",and the chord bearsN 11o51'08"Ea distanceof 114.38 feet;thenceN 6 HillW'd51,Mm?CM M'M JrBCM'l*I%'h 11 Ill Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico129of 149Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 00003'46"Wa distanceof 13.14 feet;thence 180.73 feetalong theareofa tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof435.00 feet,a centralangle of 23o48'l6",and thechordbearsN 11057'54" Wa distanceof 179.43 feet;thenceN 89034'38" Ea distanceof348.84 feet;thenceN 30003'00" Ea distanceof 223.48 feet;thenceN 27002'33" Wa distanceof 127.78 feet;thenceS 78007'l5" Wa distanceof317.21 feet;thence 385.41 feetalong thearcof a non tangentcurvetothe right having a radiusof 730.00 feet,a centralangle of 30015'00",and thechord bearsN 44030'05"Wa distanceof380.95 feet;thenceN 60037'25"Ea distanceof223.04 feet;thenceN 50029'46"Wa distanceof 201.56 feet;thenceN 00'20'46"Ea distanceof 538.01 feet;thenceN 06'31'58"Wa distanceof 325.27 feet;thenceN 47045'44"Wa distanceof 160.47 feet;thence61.13feetalong theare ofa non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 325.00 feet,a centralangleof 10046'36",and thechord bearsN 04028'51"Wa distanceof 61.04 feet;thenceN 09052'10"Wa distanceof 248.52 feet;thence158.30feetalong theareofa tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof625.00 feet,a centralangle of 14030'43",and thechord bearsN 17007'31"Wa distance of 157.88 feet;thenceN 24'22'52"Wa distanceof 178.52 feet;thenceN 23047'35"Wa distance of 162.78 feet;thence 160.07feetalong the areof a non tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 275.00 feet,a centralangle of 33021'03",and thechord bearsN 01o23'O9"Wa distance of 157.82 feet;thenceN 15'l7'22"Ea distanceof 163.59 feet;thence 433.06 feetalong the are of a tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof287.00 feet,a centralangle of 86'27'l5",and the chord bearsN 27056'l6"Wa distanceof393.13 feet;thenceN 49049'56"Ea distanceof 186.06 feet;thenceN 40010'04"Wa distanceof 155.40 feet;thenceN 60025'32"Wa distanceof209.16 feet;thenceN 28011'33"Wa distanceof 559.06 feet;thence N 25025'36"Wa distanceof 539.94 feet;thenceN 21007'26"Ea distanceof 197.15 feet;thenceN 82052'40"Wa distanceof99.96 feet;thenceN 82052'40"Wa distanceof 76.55 feet;thenceN 82052'40"Wa distanceof 176.51 feet;thence S 23019'25"Wa distanceof 416.11 feet;thence S 10057'55"Wa distanceof 320.15 feet;thenceN 66023'08"Wa distanceof261.56 feet;thenceN 15000'55"Wa distanceof232.79 feet;thenceN 15000'55"Wa distanceof 342.05 feet;thenceN 23030'l5"Ea distanceof68.80 feet;thenceN 23030'l5"Ea distanceof208.77 feet;thenceN 23030'l5"Ea distanceof231.38 feet;thenceN 23030'l5"Ea distanceof367.50 feet;thence88.61feetalong the areof a non tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 1030.00 feet,a centralangle of 04055'45",and the chord bearsN 75036'47"Ea distanceof 88.59 feet;thenceN 73008'54"Ea distanceof 83.54 feet;thence277.40 feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof780.00 feet, a centralangle of 20022'37",and thechord bearsN 62'57'36"Ea distanceof275.94 feet; thence 103.67 feetalong thearcof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 178.30 feet,a centralangle of33ol 8'46",and thechord bearsN 69025'40"Ea distanceof 102.21 feet; thence 256.72 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 730.00 feet,a centralangle of 20'08'58",and thechordbearsN 76000'34"Ea distanceof255.40 feet; thence205.06 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 178.30 feet,a centralangle of 65053'41",and thechord bears S 81007'05"Ea distanceof 193.94 feet;thence S 48010'l4"Ea distanceof246.91 feet;thence 91.35 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 170.00 feet,a centralangle of 30047'l7",and the chordbearsS 32046'36"Ea distanceof 90.26 feet;thenceS 17022'57"Ea distanceof 52.13 feet;thenceS 09047'41"Wa distanceof76.34 feet;thence S 23004'06"Ea distanceof 554.75 feet;thence S 10013'44"Ea distanceof265.53 feet;thence S 39014'54"Ea distanceof 142.99 feet;thence S 23030'41"Ea distanceof 371.48 feet;thenceS 09030'57"Ea distanceof 83.46 feet; thence63.28 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 175.00 feet, a centralangle of 20043'04",and thechord bearsS 40029'20"Ea distanceof62.93 feet;thence S 7 AlliullME'tWACBER M'MW'A'H lllll Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 130of 148Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 30'07'48"Ea distanceof 194.17 feet;thence S 21006'00"Ea distanceof 606.86 feet;thenceN 42031'l7"Ea distanceof 663.00 feet;thence S 87032'40"Ea distanceof 69.64 feet; thence 86.64 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 120.00 feet,a centralangle of 41022'04",and thechord bearsS 66051'38"Ea distanceof 84.77 feet;thenceS 46010'36"Ea distanceof 127.37 feet;thence 385.39 feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 410.00 feet,a centralangle of 53051'24",and thechord bearsS 19014'54"Ea distanceof 371.36 feet;thence S 07040'48"Wa distanceof208.78 feet; thence 35.15 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangle of 80034'01",and thechord bearsS 47057'48"Wa distanceof32.33 feet; thence 129.96feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 159.00 feet,a centralangle of 46049'50",and the chordbears S 64049'53"Wa distanceof 126.37 feet; thence 161.66 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 159.00 feet,a centralangle of 58015'20",and the chordbears S 12'l7'l8"Wa distanceof 154.79 feet;thence S 16050'22"Ea distanceof 79.64 feet;thence96.39 feetalong the arcof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof273.30 feet,a centralangle of 20'l2'28",and thechord bearsS 06044'08"Ea distanceof95.89 feet;thence69.72 feetalong the areof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof273.30 feet,a centralangle of 14036'59",and thechordbearsS 10040'35"Wa distanceof69.53 feet;thence S 17059'04"Wa distanceof 52.85 feet; thence 411.21 feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof343.10 feet,a centralangle of 68'40'14",and thechord bearsS 52019'll"Wa distanceof 387.04 feet; thence 68.14feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 109.00 feet,a centralangle of 35'49'l3",and thechord bearsN 75026'05"Wa distanceof67.04 feet;thenceN 57'31'29"Wa distanceof 105.67 feet;thence 158.53feetalong theareofa tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 323.30 feet,a centralangle of 28005'42",and thechordbearsN 71o34'20" Wa distanceof 156.95 feet;thenceS 04022'49"Wa distanceof 50.00 feet;thence 134.01feet along the areof a non tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof273.30 feet,a centralangle of 28005'42",and thechordbears S 71034'20"Ea distanceof 132.67 feet;thenceS 57031'29"Ea distanceof 105.67 feet;thenceN 86043'53"Wa distanceof 130.68 feet;thenceS 43009'll"Wa distanceof 111.24 feet;thenceS 35004'24" Ea distanceof 129.43 feet;thenceS 59003'57"Ea distanceof304.37 feet;thenceN 52035'l2"Ea distanceof 102.28 feet;thenceN 52035'l2"Ea distanceof209.48 feet;thenceN 71038'02"Ea distanceof 155.41 feet;thenceN 26051'05"Ea distanceof 282.77 feet;thenceS 15013'O9" Ea distanceof 18.10 feet;thence380.01 feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof412.00 feet,a centralangleof 52050'48",and thechord bearsS 11012'15"Wa distanceof366.68 feet;thenceS 37'37'40"Wa distanceof 102.50 feet;thence 393.74 feetalong theareofa tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof 448.80 feet,a centralangle of 50016'02",and thechordbearsS 12029'39"Wa distance of381.24 feet;thence2.16 feetalong theareofa tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 785.71 feet,a centralangle of 00009'28",and the chordbearsS 12o43'07"Ea distanceof2.16 feet;thence 37.73 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet, a centralangle of 86027'51",and thechord bearsS 30026'05"Wa distanceof34.25 feet; thence S 73040'00"Wa distanceof 11.18 feet;thence 96.92feetalong theareofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 145.00 feet,a centralangle of 38017'50",and thechordbearsS 54031'05"Wa distanceof 95.13 feet;thenceS 35022'10" Wa distanceof73.88 feet; thence 55.50 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 109.00 feet,a centralangle of 29010'21",and the chord bearsS 49057'21"Wa distanceof54.90 feet;thenceS 64o32'31"Wa distanceof68.12 feet;thenceS 64032'31"Wa distanceof 16.91 feet; 8 Reception#:79324510121/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberica131of149RecFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO thence 226.12 feetalong theare of a tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof323.30 feet,a centralangle of 40004'26",and thechord bears S 44030'l8"Wa distanceof221.54 feet; thence 205.70 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 273.00 feet,a centralangleof 43010'l9",and thechord bearsS 46003'15"Wa distanceof 200.87 feet;thenceS 67038'24"Wa distanceof 7.32 feet;thenceS 67038'24"Wa distanceof 16.71 feet;thence27.69 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 30.00 feet,a centralangle of 52053'O9",and thechord bearsN 85055'01"Wa distanceof26.72 feet;thence298.09 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof60.00 feet,a centralangleof 284039'22",and the chordbears S 21o48'08"Ea distanceof 73.34 feet;thence27.11feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof30.00 feet,a centralangleof 51046'l3",and thechord bearsN 41045'l8"Ea distanceof 26.19 feet;thenceN 67038'24"Ea distanceof25.10 feet;thence 30.37 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof323.00 feet,a centralangle of 05023'l2",and thechordbearsN 64'56'48"Ea distance of30.36 feet;thence 213.01 feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 323.00 feet,a centralangle of 37047'06",and the chordbearsN 43021'39"Ea distanceof 209.17 feet;thence191.15 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 273.30 feet,a centralangle of 40004'26",and thechord bearsN 44'30'l8"Ea distanceof 187.28 feet; thenceN 64o32'31"Ea distanceof42.52 feet;thenceN 64'32'31"Ea distanceof 42.52 feet; thence 80.96feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 159.00 feet,a centralangle of 29010'21",and the chord bearsN 49057'21"Ea distanceof 80.08 feet;thenceN 35022'10"Ea distanceof 73.88 feet;thence63.50 feetalong thearcof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof95.00 feet,a centralangle of 38017'50",and thechordbearsN 54'31'05" Ea distanceof 62.32 feet;thenceN 73040'00"Ea distanceof 11.18 feet;thence 37.73 feetalong the areof a non tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangleof 86027'51",and the chordbears S 63006'08"Ea distanceof 34.25 feet;thence391.91 feetalong theareofa non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 785.71 feet,a centralangleof 28034'44",and the chordbears S 34009'31" Ea distanceof 387.86 feet;thence 0.48feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 785.71 feet,a centralangle of 00002'06",and thechord bearsS 48027'56" Ea distanceof0.48 feet;thence0.03 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 1020.95 feet,a centralangle of 00000'06",and thechord bears S 48'28'56"Ea distanceof0.03 feet;thence 85.69feetalong the are ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 1020.95 feet,a centralangleof 04048'33",and thechord bearsS 46004'36"Ea distanceof 85.67 feet;thence 275.85 feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 1020.95 feet,a centralangle of 15028'50",and the chordbears S 35055'55"Ea distanceof275.01 feet;thence252.74 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 178.30 feet,a centralangle of 81'l2'59",and the chord bearsS 12025'00"Wa distanceof232.10 feet;thenceS 53001'29"Wa distanceof 184.98 feet;thence82.00feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 565.00 feet,a centralangle of 08018'56",and thechord bearsS 48052'01"Wa distance of 81.93 feet;thence 31.83 feetalong theareofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 25,00 feet,a centralangle of 72057'26",and thechordbearsS 81'll'l6"Wa distanceof29.73 feet;thence78.88 feetalong the areofa tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 119.00 feet,a centralangle of 37058'41",and thechord bearsN 81ol9'22"Wa distanceof 77.44 feet; thence 16.08feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof69.00 feet,a centralangle of 13020'57",and thechord bearsS 86021'47"Wa distanceof 16.04feet;thenceN 60058'25"Ea distanceof231.46 feet;thenceN 11057'O9"Ea distanceof 74.57 feet;thenceN 9 Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico132of148ReoFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 60037'O9"Wa distanceof 538.88 feet;thence S 51015'08" Wa distanceof 82.72 feet;thenceS 09006'34"Ea distanceof 696.62 feet;thence S 84016'03"Ea distanceof 173.58 feet; thence 21.94feetalong the areof a non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 565.00 feet,a centralangle of 02013'29",and thechord bearsS 08042'O2"Wa distanceof 21.94 feet; thence 94.05feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 193.00 feet,a centralangle of 27055'l6",and the chord bears S 21032'55"Wa distanceof93.12 feet;thenceS 35030'33"Wa distanceof 85.21 feet;thence31.89 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve to the lefthaving a radiusof 164.00 feet,a centralangle of 11008'32",and thechordbears S 29056'17" Wa distanceof 31.84 feet;thence S 59042'50"Wa distanceof 51.55 feet;thenceS 87020'l6"W a distanceof72.13 feet;thence S 27040'22"Wa distanceof 344.05 feet;thenceS 27040'22"Wa distanceof 162.75 feet;thenceN 80051'32"Ea distanceof445.39 feet;thenceN 25016'42"Wa distanceof 92.29 feet;thenceN 16026'l2"Ea distanceof 58.56 feet;thence 49.28feetalong the are ofa non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 74.00 feet,a centralangle of 38'O9'22",and thechord bearsN 57'39'l3"Ea distanceof48.37 feet;thence30.04 feetalong the areofa tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof30.00 feet,a centralangleof 57'22'22",and thechord bearsN 67015'43"Ea distanceof 28.80 feet;thence 100.78feetalong the areof a tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 164.00 feet,a centralangle of 35012'37",and the chordbearsN 78020'35"Ea distanceof 99.21 feet;thenceN 60044'l7"Ea distanceof 15.51 feet;thenceN 60044'l7"Ea distanceof26.50 feet;thence279.34 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 193.00 feet,a centralangle of 82055'37",and the chordbears S 77047'55"Ea distanceof255.59 feet;thence145.29 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 328.00 feet,a centralangle of 25'22'47",and thechord bears S 49001'30"Ea distanceof 144.11 feet;thence129.32 feetalong the areof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 178.00 feet,a centralangleof 41037'30",and thechord bearsS 40054'O9"Ea distanceof 126.49 feet;thence220.10 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof328.00 feet,a centralangle of 38026'51",and the chordbears S 39018'49" Ea distanceof215.99 feet;thenceS 58032'15"Ea distanceof 107.70 feet;thence 359.40 feetalong the are of a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 161.00 feet,a centralangle of 127054'06",and thechordbearsS 05024'48"Wa distanceof289.29 feet;thence S 69021'51"Wa distanceof 71.42 feet;thence30.32 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 25.00 feet,a centralangleof 69029'36",and thechord bearsN 75'53'21"Wa distanceof28.50 feet;thence160.78 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve to thelefthaving a radiusof 116.00 feet,a centralangleof 79024'49",and thechord bearsN 80050'57"Wa distanceof 148.22 feet;thenceN 16049'57"Wa distanceof 109.44 feet;thenceN 77014'53"Wa distanceof452.71 feet;tothe pointof beginning;containing176.3843 acresmore orless. Club ParcelD Exception: A parcelof landlocatedinSections21 and 28 Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedasfollows: Beginning ata pointwhence thecornercommon to sections27,28,33 and 34 Township 6 South, Range 88 West ofthe SixthPrincipalMeridian being a 2-1/2"GLO brasscap found in place bears S 14047'46"Ea distanceof3405.59 feet;thenceN 61056'21"Wa distanceof234.03 feet; thence S 81'46'07"Wa distanceof 165.02 feet;thence 82.76feetalong the areofa non tangent curve tothe righthaving a radiusof 525.00 feet,a centralangle of 09001'57",and thechord bearsN 21o50'59"Wa distanceof 82.68 feet;thenceN 17020'00"Wa distanceof 125.84 feet; 10 All E.FZ,MMW"PlW,M'WLIMWM'H ll III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 133of 148RecFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO thence 135.21 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve to thelefthaving a radiusof 850.00 feet,a centralangle of 09006'52",and thechord bearsN 21053'26"Wa distanceof 135.07 feet; thenceN 11059'46" Ea distanceof226.02 feet;thenceN 36048'43"Wa distanceof 632.74 feet; thenceN 05'l7'11" Wa distanceof 241.12 feet;thenceN 83'57'36"Ea distanceof385.26 feet; thenceN 27'49'50"Wa distanceof623.11 feet;thenceN 52'28'42"Wa distanceof 551.00 feet; thenceN 75035'20"Wa distanceof 196.96 feet;thence 158.78feetalong the are of a non tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 175.00 feet,a centralangle of 51059'06",and the chord bearsN 48021'21"Wa distanceof 153.39 feet;thenceN 74020'54"Wa distanceof 97.12 feet;thence 89.53 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 125.00 feet, a centralangle of 41002'08",and thechord bearsN 53049'50"Wa distanceof 87.62 feet; thence 46.86 feetalong the arcof a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangle of 107024'O2",and the chord bearsN 20023'l5"Ea distanceof40.30 feet; thence98.45 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 184.00 feet,a centralangle of 30039'25",and the chord bearsN 89024'59"Ea distanceof 97.28 feet; thence 20.05 feetalong the are of a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 341.00 feet,a centralangle of 03022'06",and the chord bears S 76056'22"Ea distanceof20.04 feet;thenceS 56057'00"Ea distanceof 55.33 feet;thenceS 01'31'00"Wa distanceof58.52 feet;thenceN 89048'00"Ea distance of233.10 feet;thenceN 26034'00" Ea distanceof 104.77 feet;thenceS 76024'47"Ea distanceof 19.39 feet;thence S 53'23'00"Ea distanceof97.92 feet;thenceS 13056'00"Wa distanceof 39.87 feet;thence S 58015'00"Ea distanceof 140.63 feet;thence S 66055'57"Ea distance of 121.84 feet;thence S 82018'37"Ea distanceof 149.68 feet;thence S 86055'23"Ea distanceof 230.20 feet;thence S 40047'44"Ea distanceof 170.85 feet;thence S 40047'44"Ea distanceof 201.81 feet;thence S 30'28'47"Ea distanceof 620.96 feet;thence N 89017'10"Ea distanceof 114.41 feet;thence S 09052'10" Ea distanceof 175.46 feet; thence 142.56feetalong the arcofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 275.00 feet,a centralangle of 29042'10",and the chord bearsS 04058'55"Wa distanceof 140.97 feet; thence 30.72 feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 425.00 feet,a centralangle of 04008'28",and thechord bears S 17045'46"Wa distanceof 30.71 feet;thence S 68007'03"Wa distance of 246.45 feet;thenceS 14025'26"Ea distanceof292.28 feet;thence S 01005'21"Wa distanceof212.99 feet;thence S 39056'll"Ea distanceof 186.62 feet; thence 47.98feetalong the areof a non tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof425.00 feet,a centralangle of 06028'06",and thechord bears S 09043'59"Wa distanceof47.95 feet;thence S 06029'56"Wa distanceof 133.59 feet;thence 220.40 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof425.00 feet,a centralangle of 29042'48",and thechordbears S 08021'28" Ea distanceof 217.94 feet;thence S 77'42'41"Wa distanceof 149.15 feet;tothe pointof beginning;containing35.1485 acresmore orless. The totalareaminus thefiveexceptionparcelsis4,877.91acresmore orless. ALONG WITH: A parcel of land located in Sections 33 and 34,Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedasfollows: Beginning at the Quarter Corner common to said Sections33 and 34 being a 2-inchAluminum Cap (P.E.L.S 5933)thence N 88027'45" Wa distanceof 551.40 feetalong the southlineof the NE1/4 of saidSection 33 to a pointon the southerlyright-of-wayof GarfieldCounty Road 114; 11 HillWJE MWHIERIMWEWIRh 11111Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico134of149RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO thence along the southerlyright-of-wayof saidGarfieldCounty Road 114 the following two courses: 1. thenceN 40027'03" Ea distance of 70.18 feet; 2. thence 388.21 feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 470.00 feet,a centralangle of 47019'32",and the chord bearsN 64006'49"Ea distanceof377.27 feetto a pointon the southerlyright-of-wayofGarfieldCounty Road 115; thence the followingfour coursesalong the northerlyright-of-wayof saidGarfieldCounty Road 115: 1.thence766.87 feetalong the areof a tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof2201.07 feet,a centralangle of 19057'44",and the chord bearsN 77047'43"Ea distanceof763.00 feet; 2.thence 241.93 feetalong theare of a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 250.00 feet,a centralangle of 55026'50",and thechordbearsS 84027'44"Ea distanceof232.60 feet; 3.thenceS 56044'l9"Ea distanceof393.81 feet; 4. thence 270.44 feetalong thearcof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 699.07 feet,a centralangle of 22009'54",and thechord bearsS 67049'16"Ea distanceof268.75 feettoa pointon the eastlineof the W1/2NW1/4 ofsaidSection34; thence S 00005'58"Ea distanceof 50.95 feetalong the east lineof the W1/2NW1/4 of said Section 34 to the southeastcorner of the W1/2NW1/4 of said Section 34 being a 2-inch aluminum cap (P.E.L.S5933);thence S 89051'39"Wa distanceof 1389.27 feetalong thesouth lineof theW1/2NW1/4 of said Section 34 to the point of beginning;containing10.9573 acres more orless. The combined areaof the above describedtwo parcelsand excluding thefiveexceptionparcels is4,888.86acresmore or less. 12 HillWJ5,Mt'htMik NW'M.hifW'IM.'h ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 135of 149Reo Fee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO EXHIBIT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF CLUB PROPERTY Club Parcel A -Legal Description: A parcelofland locatedinSections22 and 27,Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedas follows: Beginning at a pointwhence thecornerconunon tosections27,28,33 and 34 Township 6 South, Range 88 West of theSixthPrincipalMeridian being a 2-1/2"GLO brasscap found in place bears S 16033'46"Wa distanceof2869.89 feet;thenceN 24003'56"Ea distanceof704.78 feet; thenceN 27044'26" Wa distanceof 146.44 feet;thence 277.79 feetalong the areof a non tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 238.30 feet,a centralangle of 66047'27",and the chord bearsN 05012'l4" Ea distanceof 262.33 feet;thence 75.72feetalong theareofa tangent curveto thelefthaving a radiusof 1080.95 feet,a centralangle of 04000'50",and thechordbears N 30'l l'54"Wa distanceof 75.71 feet;thenceN 59021'42"Ea distanceof 121.50 feet; thenceN 21055'31"Wa distanceof343.96 feet;thenceN 53033'07"Wa distanceof283.51 feet; thenceN 23051'37"Wa distanceof 66.58 feet;thenceN 00015'41"Wa distanceof201.29 feet; thenceN 70015'59"Wa distanceof 131.21 feet;thence98.12 feetalong theareof a non tangent curve to the righthaving a radiusof 388.80 feet,a centralangle of 14027'33",and the chord bearsN 30023'53"Ea distanceof 97.86 feet;thenceN 37037'40"Ea distanceof 102.50 feet; thence 435.35 feetalong theare of a tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof472.00 feet,a centralangle of 52050'48",and thechordbearsN 11012'l5"Ea distanceof 420.08 feet;thenceN 15'l3'O9"Wa distanceof 270.92 feet;thence 257.41 feetalong thearcof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 850.00 feet,a centralangle of 17021'03",and thechordbearsN 06032'37"Wa distanceof256.42 feet;thence 49.23 feetalong theare of a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangle of 112049'36",and thechordbearsN 58032'43"Ea distanceof 41.65 feet;thence68.29 feetalong the are of a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 109.00 feet,a centralangle of 35053'49",and thechord bearsS 47005'34"Ea distanceof 67.18 feet;thence238.84 feetalong the are ofa tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof233.30 feet,a centralangleof 58'39'27",and thechordbears S 58028'23" Ea distanceof228.55 feet;thence S 87048'07"Ea distanceof 53.67 feet;thence50.92 feet along theareof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof225.00 feet,a centralangle of 12'58'05",and the chordbears S 81ol9'04"Ea distanceof 50.82 feet;thenceS 74050'O2"Ea distanceof 12.21 feet;thence 78.47 feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 166.00 feet,a centralangle of 27005'00",and thechordbearsS 61017'32"Ea distance of 77.74 feet;thence S 33oll'51"Wa distanceof33.66 feet;thence S 23013'42"Ea distanceof 263.55 feet;thence S 03015'29"Ea distanceof228.41 feet;thence S 47010'57"Ea distanceof 425.45 feet;thenceS 28023'01"Ea distanceof280.60 feet;thenceS 27030'02"Ea distanceof 560.26 feet;thence S 23004'41" Ea distanceof239.14 feet;thenceS 21036'57"Ea distanceof 592.55 feet;thence S 13'37'50"Wa distanceof 178.93 feet;thence S 85038'04"Wa distanceof 342.22 feet;thenceN 66028'44"Wa distanceof262.01 feet;thenceS 11051'l3"Wa distanceof 319.84 feet;thenceS 33053'10" Ea distanceof 171.07 feet;thence274.78 feetalong theareofa non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof233.30 feet,a centralangle of 67028'58",and the chord bears S 18043'59"Wa distanceof 259.17 feet;thence S 15000'30"Ea distanceof 86.40 feet;thence236.13 feetalong the arcof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 183.30 feet,a centralangle of 73048'35",and thechord bearsS 21053'48"Wa distanceof220.14 feet; Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 136of 148Rec Fee:5746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO thence S 58048'06" Wa distanceof 21.20 feet;thence34.15 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangle of 78016'22",and the chord bears N 82003'43"Wa distanceof 31.56 feet;thence60.22 feetalong theareofa tangentcurveto the lefthaving a radiusof221.00 feet,a centralangle of 15036'42",and thechord bearsN 50043'53" Wa distance of60,03 feet;thenceN 58032'l5"Wa distanceof 107.70 feet;thence179.84 feet along the are ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof268.00 feet,a centralangle of 38026'51",and thechord bearsN 39018'49"Wa distanceof 176.48 feet;thence 172.91 feet along theare of a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof238.00 feet,a centralangle of 41037'30",and the chord bearsN 40054'O9"Wa distanceof 169.13 feet;thence118.71 feet along theare ofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof268.00 feet,a centralangle of 25022'47",and thechord bearsN 49001'30"Wa distanceof 117.75 feet;thence 270.26 feet along theare ofa tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof253.00 feet,a centralangle of 61'l2'l8",and the chordbearsN 66056'l6"Wa distanceof 257.59 feetto the pointof beginning;containing61.9080 acresmore or less. Club Parcel B -Legal Description: A parcelof landlocatedinSection22,Township 6 South,Range 88 West,SixthPrincipal Meridian being more particularlydescribedas follows: Beginning ata pointwhence the cornercommon tosections27,28,33 and 34 Township 6 South, Range 88 West of the SixthPrincipalMeridian being a 2-1/2"GLO brasscap found in place bears S 07002'56"Wa distanceof 5573.72 feet;thence S 78005'34"Wa distanceof 110.10 feet; thence 114.02 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 323.30 feet, a centralangle of 20012'28",and thechord bearsN 06044'08"Wa distanceof 113.43 feet; thenceN 16050'22"Wa distanceof79.64 feet;thence182.81feetalong theareof a tangent curveto the righthaving a radiusof 109.00 feet,a centralangle of 96005'44",and thechord bearsN 31012'30"Ea distanceof 162.13 feet;thence45.11 feetalong the areofa non tangent curve tothe righthaving a radiusof 25.00 feet,a centralangleof 103023'l5",and thechord bears S 49'03'00"Ea distanceof 39.24 feet;thence281.89 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve to thelefthaving a radiusof 910.00 feet,a centralangle of 17044'55",and thechord bearsS 06013'49"Ea distanceof 280.77 feetto thepointof beginning;containing0.7439 acresmore or less. Club Parcel C -Legal Description: A parcelofland locatedinSections21,22,27 and 28 Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedas follows: Beginning ata pointwhence thecornercommon tosections27,28,33 and 34 Township 6 South, Range 88 West of theSixthPrincipalMeridian being a 2-1/2"GLO brasscap found in place bears S 17054'O9"Wa distanceof 2230.97 feet;thenceS 67049'37"Wa distanceof422.10 feet; thence 317.97 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof 250.00 feet, a centralangle of 72052'23",and thechordbearsN 52057'46"Wa distanceof296.97 feet; thence 0.07 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof250.35 feet,a centralangleof 00000'56",and the chord bearsN 89023'57"Wa distanceof0.07 feet;thenceN 89023'57"Wa distanceof 222.04 feet;thence423.37 feetalong the are of a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 214.35 feet,a centralangle of 113009'59",and the chord bearsN 32048'58"Wa distanceof 357.83 feet;thenceN 23046'02"Ea distanceof 108.52 feet; thence 115.21 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof277.00 feet,a 2 HIIIIF'd5,MtWOM.MMI,Idl?Elth11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 137of 148 Reo Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO centralangle of 23'49'47",and thechordbearsN 11051'08"Ea distanceof 114.38 feet;thenceN 00003'46"Wa distanceof 13.14 feet;thence 180.73 feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 435.00 feet,a centralangle of 23048'l6",and thechord bearsN 11057'54" Wa distanceof 179.43 feet;thenceN 89034'38" Ea distanceof 348.84 feet;thenceN 30003'00" Ea distanceof 223.48 feet;thenceN 27002'33"Wa distanceof 127.78 feet;thence S 78007'15" Wa distanceof 317.21 feet;thence 385.41 feetalong theareofa non tangentcurve to the right having a radiusof 730.00 feet,a centralangle of 30015'00",and the chordbearsN 44o30'05"Wa distanceof380.95 feet;thenceN 60037'25" Ea distanceof223.04 feet;thenceN 50029'46"Wa distanceof 201.56 feet;thenceN 00020'46" Ea distanceof 538.01 feet;thenceN 06031'58"Wa distanceof 325.27 feet;thenceN 47045'44"Wa distanceof 160.47 feet;thence 61.13feetalong the are ofa non tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 325.00 feet,a centralangle of 10046'36",and thechord bearsN 04028'51" Wa distanceof61.04 feet;thenceN 09'52'10"Wa distanceof248.52 feet;thence158.30 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 625.00 feet,a centralangle of 14030'43",and thechordbearsN 17'07'31"Wa distance of 157.88 feet;thenceN 24022'52" Wa distanceof 178.52 feet;thenceN 23047'35"Wa distance of 162.78 feet;thence 160.07 feetalong theare of a non tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 275.00 feet,a centralangle of 33'21'03",and thechordbearsN 01o23'O9"Wa distance of 157.82 feet;thenceN 15017'22"Ea distanceof 163.59 feet;thence433.06 feetalong the are of a tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 287.00 feet,a centralangle of 86027'15",and the chord bearsN 27056'l6"Wa distanceof 393.13 feet;thenceN 49049'56"Ea distanceof 186.06 feet;thenceN 40010'04"Wa distanceof 155.40 feet;thenceN 60025'32"Wa distanceof209.16 feet;thenceN 28011'33" Wa distanceof 559.06 feet;thenceN 25025'36"Wa distanceof 539.94 feet;thenceN 21007'26"Ea distanceof 197.15 feet;thenceN 82052'40"Wa distanceof 99.96 feet;thenceN 82052'40"Wa distanceof 76.55 feet;thenceN 82052'40"Wa distanceof 176.51 feet;thence S 23ol9'25"Wa distanceof416.11 feet;thence S 10'57'55" Wa distanceof 320.15 feet;thenceN 66023'08"Wa distanceof 261.56 feet;thenceN 15000'55"Wa distanceof232.79 feet;thenceN 15000'55" Wa distanceof 342.05 feet;thenceN 23030'l5"Ea distanceof68.80 feet;thenceN 23'30'l5"Ea distanceof 208.77 feet;thenceN 23'30'l5"Ea distanceof 231.38 feet;thenceN 23030'15"Ea distanceof 367.50 feet;thence 88.61feetalong the are of a non tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 1030.00 feet,a centralangle of 04055'45",and the chord bearsN 75036'47"Ea distanceof 88.59 feet;thenceN 73008'54"Ea distanceof 83.54 feet;thence 277.40 feetalong the are of a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof780.00 feet, a centralangle of 20022'37",and the chordbearsN 62057'36"Ea distanceof 275.94 feet; thence 103.67 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 178.30 feet,a centralangle of 33'l8'46",and thechord bearsN 69025'40"Ea distanceof 102.21 feet; thence256.72 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve to thelefthaving a radiusof730.00 feet,a centralangle of 20008'58",and the chordbearsN 76000'34"Ea distanceof255.40 feet; thence205.06 feetalong the areofa tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 178.30 feet,a centralangle of 65053'41",and the chord bearsS 81007'05"Ea distanceof 193.94 feet;thence S 48010'14"Ea distanceof 246.91 feet;thence 91.35 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 170.00 feet,a centralangle of 30047'l7",and thechordbears S 32046'36"Ea distanceof 90.26 feet;thence S 17022'57"Ea distanceof 52.13 feet;thenceS 09047'41"Wa distanceof 76.34 feet;thence S 23004'06"Ea distanceof554.75 feet;thenceS 10013'44"Ea distanceof265.53 feet;thence S 39014'54"Ea distanceof 142.99 feet;thence S 23030'41"Ea distanceof 371.48 feet;thence S 09030'57"Ea distanceof 83.46 feet; thence 63.28feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 175.00 feet, 3 HIllE.M,MWalHM'lW.IM'lWIM'h11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 139of 148Reo Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO a centralangle of 20043'04",and thechord bears S 40029'20"Ea distanceof62.93 feet;thence S 30007'48"Ea distanceof 194.17 feet;thence S 21006'00"Ea distanceof 606.86 feet;thence N 42031'17"Ea distanceof 663.00 feet;thence S 87032'40" Ea distanceof69.64 feet; thence 86.64 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 120.00 feet,a centralangle of 41022'04",and the chordbearsS 66051'38"Ea distanceof 84.77 feet;thence S 46'10'36"Ea distance of 127.37 feet;thence385.39 feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 410.00 feet,a centralangle of 53051'24",and the chordbearsS 19014'54"Ea distanceof 371.36 feet;thence S 07040'48"Wa distanceof 208.78 feet; thence 35.15 feetalong the areof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangle of 80034'01",and thechord bearsS 47057'48"Wa distanceof 32.33 feet; thence 129.96 feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 159.00 feet,a centralangle of 46049'50",and thechord bearsS 64049'53"Wa distanceof 126.37 feet; thence 161.66feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 159.00 feet,a centralangle of 58015'20",and thechordbears S 12ol7'l8"Wa distanceof 154.79 feet;thenceS 16050'22"Ea distanceof 79.64 feet;thence 96.39 feetalong the areofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof273.30 feet,a centralangle of 20012'28",and the chord bears S 06044'O8"Ea distanceof 95.89 feet;thence69.72 feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof273.30 feet,a centralangle of 14'36'59",and thechord bearsS 10o40'35"Wa distanceof 69.53 feet;thence S 17059'04"Wa distanceof 52.85 feet; thence 411.21 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof343.10 feet,a centralangle of 68040'14",and the chordbears S 52019'll"Wa distanceof 387.04 feet; thence 68.14 feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 109.00 feet,a centralangle of 35049'l3",and thechordbearsN 75026'05"Wa distanceof 67.04 feet;thenceN 57031'29"Wa distanceof 105.67 feet;thence 158.53 feetalong the areof a tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 323.30 feet,a centralangle of 28005'42",and thechordbearsN 71034'20" Wa distance of 156.95 feet;thence S 04022'49"Wa distanceof 50.00 feet;thence 134.01feet along the areof a non tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof273.30 feet,a centralangle of 28005'42",and thechord bears S 71034'20"Ea distanceof 132.67 feet;thence S 57031'29"Ea distanceof 105.67 feet;thenceN 86043'53"Wa distanceof 130.68 feet;thence S 43009'll"Wa distanceof 111.24 feet;thenceS 35004'24"Ea distanceof 129.43 feet;thenceS 59003'57"Ea distanceof304.37 feet;thenceN 52035'l2"Ea distanceof 102.28 feet;thenceN 52035'l2"Ea distanceof209.48 feet;thenceN 71038'O2"Ea distanceof 155.41 feet;thenceN 26051'05"Ea distanceof 282.77 feet;thenceS 15013'O9"Ea distanceof 18.10 feet;thence380.01 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof412.00 feet,a centralangleof 52050'48",and thechord bears S 11'l2'l5"Wa distanceof366.68 feet;thence S 37037'40"Wa distanceof 102.50 feet;thence 393.74 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 448.80 feet,a centralangle of 50016'02",and thechord bearsS 12029'39"Wa distance of381.24 feet;thence 2.16feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 785.71 feet,a centralangle of 00009'28",and the chordbearsS 12'43'07"Ea distanceof2.16 feet;thence 37.73 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet, a centralangle of 86027'51",and thechordbears S 30026'05"Wa distanceof34.25 feet; thence S 73040'00"Wa distanceof 11.18 feet;thence96.92 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 145.00 feet,a centralangle of 38017'50",and the chordbearsS 54031'05"Wa distanceof 95.13 feet;thenceS 35022'10"Wa distanceof 73.88 feet; thence 55.50 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 109.00 feet,a centralangleof 29010'21",and the chordbears S 49057'21"Wa distanceof 54.90 feet;thence S 4 HIIIMUMMWrtWIR'MIMMWHIIIllReception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico139of149ReoFee:S746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 64032'31"Wa distance of 68.12 feet;thence S 64032'31" Wa distanceof 16.91 feet; thence 226.12 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 323.30 feet,a centralangle of 40004'26",and the chord bears S 44030'l8"Wa distanceof 221.54 feet; thence 205.70 feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 273.00 feet,a centralangle of 43010'l9",and the chord bearsS 46003'l5"Wa distanceof200.87 feet;thence S 67038'24"Wa distanceof 7.32 feet;thence S 67038'24"Wa distanceof 16.71 feet;thence 27.69 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 30.00 feet,a centralangle of 52053'O9",and thechord bearsN 85'55'01"Wa distanceof26.72 feet;thence298.09 feetalong the areofa non tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 60.00 feet,a centralangle of 284039'22",and the chord bearsS 21'48'08"Ea distanceof73.34 feet;thence27.11 feetalong theare ofa non tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 30.00 feet,a centralangle of 51046'l3",and the chord bearsN 41045'l8"Ea distanceof 26.19 feet;thenceN 67'38'24"Ea distanceof25.10 feet;thence 30.37 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof 323.00 feet,a centralangle of 05023'l2",and thechordbearsN 64056'48"Ea distance of 30.36 feet;thence 213.01 feetalong the areof a tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 323.00 feet,a centralangle of 37047'06",and the chordbearsN 43021'39"Ea distanceof 209.17 feet;thence 191.15feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof273.30 feet,a centralangle of 40004'26",and thechord bearsN 44030'l8"Ea distanceof 187.28 feet; thenceN 64o32'31"Ea distanceof 42.52 feet;thenceN 64o32'31"Ea distanceof 42.52 feet; thence 80.96 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof 159.00 feet,a centralangle of 29'10'21",and the chordbearsN 49057'21"Ea distanceof 80.08 feet;thenceN 35022'10"Ea distanceof 73.88 feet;thence 63.50 feetalong the are of a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 95.00 feet,a centralangle of 38'l7'50",and thechordbearsN 54031'05" Ea distanceof 62.32 feet;thence N 73040'00"Ea distanceof 11.18 feet;thence 37.73 feetalong the areof a non tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 25.00 feet,a centralangle of 86027'51",and the chordbears S 63'06'08"Ea distanceof34.25 feet;thence 391.91 feetalong theare ofa non tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 785.71 feet,a centralangle of 28034'44",and the chordbears S 34009'31" Ea distanceof 387.86 feet;thence0.48 feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 785.71 feet,a centralangleof 00002'06",and the chordbears S 48027'56"Ea distanceof 0.48 feet;thence 0.03feetalong the areof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 1020.95 feet,a centralangle of 00000'06",and the chordbears S 48028'56"Ea distanceof0.03 feet;thence85.69 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 1020.95 feet,a centralangle of 04048'33",and thechord bears S 46004'36" Ea distanceof 85.67 feet;thence275.85 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof 1020.95 feet,a centralangle of 15028'50",and the chordbears S 35055'55" Ea distanceof275.01 feet;thence 252.74 feetalong the areof a tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 178.30 feet,a centralangle of 81012'59",and the chord bears S 12'25'00"Wa distanceof 232.10 feet;thence S 53001'29"Wa distanceof 184.98 feet;thence 82.00 feetalong the areof a tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 565.00 feet,a centralangle of 08018'56",and the chord bears S 48052'01"Wa distance of 81.93 feet;thence31.83 feetalong the are ofa tangentcurveto the righthaving a radiusof 25.00 feet,a centralangle of 72'57'26",and the chord bearsS 81011'l6"Wa distanceof29.73 feet;thence78.88 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve to the lefthaving a radiusof 119.00 feet,a centralangle of 37058'41",and the chordbearsN 81ol9'22"Wa distanceof77.44 feet; thence 16.08feetalong theare of a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof69.00 feet,a centralangle of 13020'57",and thechord bears S 86021'47"Wa distanceof 16.04 feet;thenceN 5 AlllWMIMAM2M'MIW IM'M'l*t.'h illlI Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberica140of 149Rec Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 60058'25"Ea distance of231.46 feet;thenceN 11057'O9"Ea distanceof74.57 feet;thenceN 60037'O9"Wa distanceof 538.88 feet;thenceS 51015'08" Wa distanceof 82.72 feet;thence S 09006'34"Ea distanceof696.62 feet;thenceS 84'l6'03"Ea distanceof 173.58 feet; thence21.94feetalong theareof a non tangentcurve to thelefthaving a radiusof 565.00 feet,a centralangleof 02013'29",and the chordbears S 08042'02" Wa distanceof 21.94 feet; thence94.05 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 193.00 feet,a centralangleof 27055'l6",and thechord bears S 2lo32'55"Wa distanceof 93.12 feet;thence S 35030'33"Wa distanceof 85.21 feet;thence31.89 feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 164.00 feet,a centralangleof 11008'32",and thechord bearsS 29056'17" Wa distanceof 31.84 feet;thenceS 59042'50" Wa distanceof 51.55 feet;thence S 87020'l6"W a distance of 72.13 feet;thence S 27040'22" Wa distanceof344.05 feet;thenceS 27040'22"Wa distanceof 162.75 feet;thenceN 80051'32"Ea distanceof 445.39 feet;thenceN 25016'42"Wa distanceof92.29 feet;thenceN 16026'12"Ea distanceof 58.56 feet;thence49.28feetalong the areofa non tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 74.00 feet,a centralangleof 38009'22",and the chord bearsN 57039'l3" Ea distance of48.37 feet;thence30.04 feetalong thearc of a tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radius of30.00 feet,a centralangleof 57022'22",and thechord bearsN 67015'43"Ea distanceof 28.80 feet;thence 100.78feetalong the areof a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 164.00 feet,a centralangleof 35ol2'37",and thechord bearsN 78020'35" Ea distanceof99.21 feet;thenceN 60044'l7"Ea distanceof 15.51 feet;thenceN 60'44'l7"Ea distanceof26.50 feet;thence279.34feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve to therighthaving a radiusof 193.00 feet,a centralangleof 82055'37",and thechord bearsS 77047'55"Ea distanceof 255.59 feet;thence 145.29feetalong theare of a tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof328.00 feet,a centralangleof 25022'47",and thechord bearsS 49001'30" Ea distanceof 144.11 feet;thence129.32 feetalong theareof a tangentcurveto therighthaving a radiusof 178.00 feet,a centralangleof 41037'30",and the chordbears S 40054'O9"Ea distance of 126.49 feet;thence220.10 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 328.00 feet,a centralangleof 38026'51",and the chordbears S 39018'49"Ea distanceof 215.99 feet;thenceS 58032'l5"Ea distanceof 107.70 feet;thence 359.40 feetalong theareofa tangentcurve totherighthaving a radiusof 161.00 feet,a centralangleof 127054'06",and thechordbears S 05'24'48"Wa distanceof 289.29 feet;thence S 69021'51"Wa distanceof71.42 feet;thence30.32feetalong the are ofa tangentcurve totherighthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangleof 69029'36",and the chord bearsN 75053'21"Wa distanceof28.50 feet;thence160.78 feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve tothe lefthaving a radiusof 116.00 feet,a centralangleof 79024'49",and thechord bearsN 80050'57"Wa distanceof 148.22 feet;thenceN 16049'57"Wa distanceof 109.44 feet;thenceN 77014'53" Wa distanceof 452.71 feet;to thepointof beginning;containing176.3843 acresmore or less. Club Parcel D -Legal Description: A parcelofland locatedinSections21 and 28 Township 6 South,Range 88 West,Sixth PrincipalMeridian being more particularlydescribedas follows: Beginning ata pointwhence thecornercommon to sections27,28,33 and 34 Township 6 South, Range 88 West ofthe SixthPrincipalMeridian being a 2-1/2"GLO brasscap found in place bearsS 14047'46"Ea distanceof3405.59 feet;thenceN 61056'21"Wa distanceof 234.03 feet; thence S 81046'07" Wa distanceof 165.02 feet;thence82.76 feetalong the areofa non tangent curve to the righthaving a radiusof 525.00 feet,a centralangleof 09001'57",and thechord 6 1111WJ31,M ME'a MIM M,ld WW I*h'h 11111 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 141of 148Rec Fee:S746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO bearsN 21o50'59"Wa distanceof 82.68 feet;thenceN 17020'00"Wa distanceof 125.84 feet; thence 135.21 feetalong theareofa tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 850.00 feet,a centralangle of 09006'52",and thechord bearsN 21053'26"Wa distanceof 135.07 feet; thenceN 11059'46"Ea distanceof 226.02 feet;thenceN 36048'43"Wa distanceof 632.74 feet; thenceN 05017'11"Wa distanceof241.12 feet;thenceN 83o57'36"Ea distanceof385.26 feet; thenceN 27049'50"Wa distanceof 623.11 feet;thenceN 52028'42"Wa distanceof 551.00 feet; thenceN 75035'20"Wa distanceof 196.96 feet;thence158.78feetalong theareof a non tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof 175.00 feet,a centralangle of 51059'06",and the chord bearsN 48021'21"Wa distanceof 153.39 feet;thenceN 74020'54"Wa distanceof 97.12 feet;thence 89.53feetalong theare ofa tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof 125.00 feet, a centralangle of 41002'O8",and the chordbearsN 53049'50"Wa distanceof 87.62 feet; thence 46.86 feetalong the areofa tangentcurve tothe righthaving a radiusof25.00 feet,a centralangle of 107024'02",and the chordbearsN 20023'l5"Ea distanceof40.30 feet; thence 98.45feetalong the areofa tangentcurvetothe righthaving a radiusof 184.00 feet,a centralangle of 30039'25",and thechord bearsN 89024'59"Ea distanceof 97.28 feet; thence 20.05 feetalong theareofa tangentcurveto thelefthaving a radiusof341.00 feet,a centralangle of 03022'06",and the chord bears S 76o56'22"Ea distanceof20.04 feet;thence S 56057'00"Ea distanceof 55.33 feet;thence S 01o31'00"Wa distanceof58.52 feet;thenceN 89048'00"Ea distanceof 233.10 feet;thenceN 26034'00"Ea distanceof 104.77 feet;thence S 76024'47"Ea distanceof 19.39 feet;thence S 53o23'00"Ea distanceof 97.92 feet;thenceS 13056'00"Wa distanceof39.87 feet;thence S 58015'00"Ea distanceof 140.63 feet;thence S 66055'57"Ea distanceof 121.84 feet;thence S 82'l8'37"Ea distanceof 149.68 feet;thence S 86055'23"Ea distanceof230.20 feet;thence S 40047'44"Ea distanceof 170.85 feet;thenceS 40047'44"Ea distanceof 201.81 feet;thence S 30028'47"Ea distanceof 620.96 feet;thenceN 89017'10"Ea distanceof 114.41 feet;thence S 09052'10"Ea distanceof 175.46 feet; thence 142.56feetalong theareof a tangentcurve to the righthaving a radiusof275.00 feet,a centralangle of 29042'10",and the chord bears S 04'58'55"Wa distanceof 140.97 feet; thence 30.72 feetalong theareof a tangentcurve tothelefthaving a radiusof425.00 feet,a centralangle of 04008'28",and thechord bearsS 17045'46"Wa distanceof 30.71 feet;thence S 68007'03"Wa distanceof246.45 feet;thenceS 14o25'26"Ea distanceof292.28 feet;thence S 01005'21"Wa distanceof212.99 feet;thenceS 39056'll"Ea distanceof 186.62 feet; thence47.98 feetalong theareof a non tangentcurvetothelefthaving a radiusof425.00 feet,a centralangle of 06028'06",and thechord bearsS 09043'59"Wa distanceof47.95 feet;thenceS 06029'56"Wa distanceof 133.59 feet;thence220.40 feetalong theareof a tangentcurvetothe lefthaving a radiusof 425.00 feet,a centralangle of 29042'48",and thechordbearsS 08021'28" Ea distanceof 217.94 feet;thenceS 77042'41"Wa distanceof 149.15 feet;to the pointof beginning;containing35.1485 acresmore orless. The totalarea of allfourparcelscontaining274.18 acresmore orless. 7 HIllWJEMBE"TMMFIEld 'WIM'H II III Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 142of 148Reo Fee:$746.00DooFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO EXHIBIT D RECORDED EASEMENTS AND LICENSES 1. Farm and PastureLease dated January 1,2003 by and among Spring Valley Development,Inc.,Spring Valley Holdings,USA, Ltd., and NieslanikRanch,LLC. 2.Right of the proprietorof a veinor lodeto extractand remove hisare therefrom,should thesame be found to penetrateorintersectthepremises hereby granted, asreservedin United StatesPatentrecordedasfollows: DATE RECORDED BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. August 8,1896 12 430 19517 April 11,1923 112 388 82446 March 26,1965 364 486 229186 September 8,1896 12 435 19569 September 1,1906 56 557 32339 June 2,1916 71 606 54279 and as shown on theALTA/ACSM Land TitleSurvey of SpringValley Ranch P.U.D.by Gamba &Associates,Inc.,dated November 15, 2005,by Michael J.Gamba,P.E.& P.L.S.No.28036. 3.Right of way forditchesorcanalsconstructedby the authorityoftheUnited States,as reservedin United StatesPatentrecorded asfollows: DATE RECORDED BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. August 8,1896 12 430 19517 December 7,1912 71 582 45724 Aprilll,1923 112 388 82446 February 28,1926 112 435 94056 October 31,1939 194 590 137373 February 26,1952 263 234 178630 February 26,1952 263 235 178631 February 26,1952 263 236 178632 February 26,1952 263 237 178633 February 26,1952 263 238 178634 February 26,1952 263 240 178636 March 3,1952 263 271 178688 March 3,1952 263 276 178689 March 3,1952 263 272 178690 March 26,1965 364 486 229186 September 8,1896 12 435 19569 September 1,1906 56 557 32339 June 2,1916 71 606 54279 April ?,1923 112 558 82381 May 20,1940 194 617 139733 February 26,1952 263 231 178627 February 26,1952 263 233 178629 68\1\1088974.3 HIIING75,MWF21MLM'Eld?WRM ll Ill Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico 143of 149RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO February 26,1952 263 239 178635 February 26,1952 263 241 178637 February 26,1952 263 232 178628 and as shown on theALTA/ACSM Land TitleSurvey of Spring Valley Ranch P.U.D.by Gamba &Associates,Inc.,dated November 15,2005,by Michael J.Gamba,P.E. & P.L.S.No. 28036. 4. All rightsunder an applicationby theGlenwood High Line Railway Company, approved November 9,1893 under Act of March 3,1875,being an applicationforrightof way,as reservedinUnited StatesPatentrecordedDecember 7,1912 inBook 71 atPage 582 as Reception No. 45724 and as shown on the ALTA/ACSM Land TitleSurvey of Spring Valley Ranch P.U.D.by Gamba &Associates,Inc.,dated November 15,2005,by Michael J.Gamba,P.E.&P.L.S.No.28036. 5.Excepting and reserving,however,to the U.S.allthecoaland othermineralsinthelands so enteredand patented,togetherwiththe rightto prospectfor,mine and remove the same pursuantto theAct of December 29,1916 (39 Stat.862)asreservedinUnited StatesPatentrecordedOctober 31,1939 inBook 194 atPage 590 as ReceptionNo. 137373 and asshown on theALTA/ACSM Land TitleSurvey of SpringValley Ranch P.U.D.by Gamba &Associates,Inc.,datedNovember 15,2005,by Michael J.Gamba, P.E.&P.L.S.No. 28036. 6. Affidavit from thePublic ServiceCompany of Colorado,purportedowner of easements forelectrictransmissionlinesand telephoneand telegraphlines,recordedMarch 9,1959 in Book 315 atPage 525 as ReceptionNo.204592. 7.Excepting an easement and right-of-wayover and acrossexistingroadways forpurposes of ingressand egress,togetherwith any and allgrazingrightsand privilegesasdisclosed in Deed recordedJune 24,1965 in Book 367 atPage 185 as ReceptionNo.230466 and in Deed recordedJune 24,1965 inBook 367 atPage 188 as ReceptionNo. 230467. 8.Excepting and reserving,however,tothe U.S. allthecoal and othermineralsin thelands so enteredand patented,togetherwiththe rightto prospectfor,mine,and remove the same pursuanttotheAct ofDecember 29,1916 (39 Stat.862)as reservedinUnited StatesPatentrecordedFebruary 26,1952 in Book 263 atPage 239 as ReceptionNo. 178635 AND AS SHOWN ON THE ALTA/ACSM Land TitleSurvey of Spring Valley Ranch P.UD.by Gamba &Associates,Inc.,datedNovember 15,2005,by Michael J. Gamba,P.E.& P.L.S.No.28036. 9. A non-exclusiveeasement and right-of-wayforroadway accesspurposes;togetherwith a covenant running withthe titleto a certainparcelofland thatgrantorscovenant and agree thatthey willnot erector constructany residentialorcommercial buildingstructures upon a certainparcelmore particularlydescribedin followingrecitedSpecialWarranty Deed;allas disclosedin SpecialWarranty Deed recordedApril 19,1977 in Book 495 at Page 596 as Reception No. 277987. 68\l\1088974.3 2 Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:29PM Jean Alberico 144of 148Rec Fee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO 10.Twenty-four footor fifteenfooteasements forroadway access,pipelines,and utilitiesas grantedinthe followingDeeds: RECEPTION NO.BOOK PAGE RECORDING DATE 281051 501 393 October 4,1977 281052 501 395 October 4,1977 281588 502 387 November 2,1977 281622 502 467 November 3,1977 282773 504 751 January 6,1978 11.Resolutionsby the Board of County Commissioners of GarfieldCounty: RESOLUTION RECEPTION NO.NO.BOOK PAGE RECORDING DATE 80-248 308660 558 439 October 24,1980 84-126 353974 652 840 July 12,1984 84-127 353975 652 842 July 12,1984 87-106 386620 722 745 October 13,1987 94-135 471850 924 728 December 6,1994 94-141 472056 925 340 December 13,1994 2000-95 572999 1220 159 December 1,2000 2002-07 595731 1321 72 January 15,2002 2003-98 642016 1543 420 December 2,2003 2003-99 642017 1543 430 December 2,2003 2005-83 686066 1743 888 November 8,2005 2005-84 686067 1743 894 November 8,2005 2008-55 747015 April22,2008 2008-56 747016 April22,2008 2010-38 786992 June 8,2010 12.Right-of-Way and twenty footwide easement togetherwith righttoclearalltreesand brush,by machine work or otherwise,withinsaideasement,and the furtherrightto cut trees,even though outsideof saideasement,which aretallenough tostrikethe wires in fallingand agreement thatallpoles,wire and otherfacilitiesinstalledby Granteeshall remain the propertyof Grantee,and shallbe removable atthe optionofGrantee as disclosedby Holy Cross ElectricAssociation,Inc.Right-of-Way Easement recorded November 19,1984 in Book 660 atPage 166 as Reception No. 357370. 13.Memorandum of Agreement on Boundary Line among F.PeterSimmons,Dorothy M. Simmons and Spring Valley Ranch recordedApril 26,1995 in Book 938 atPage 691 as Reception No.477245. 14.Twenty footeasement forroad and utilitypurposes asdisclosedin Warranty Deed recordedOctober 9,1967 inBook 388 atPage 331 as ReceptionNo.239151 and as shown on the ALTA/ACSM Land TitleSurvey of SpringValley Ranch P.U.D.by Gamba 68\l\1088974.3 3 1111?@5.1W M"RM.M'l91.MRIA.'lN ll IIIReception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico145of148RecFee:$746.00Doo Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO &Associates,Inc.,dated November 15,2005,by Michael J.Gamba,P.E.&P.L.S.No. 28036. 15.Pre-inclusionand Wastewater Treatment PlantDevelopment Agreement recordedAugust 30,2001 inBook 1282 atPage 8 as ReceptionNo. 587475. 16.Adverse mattersdisclosedon theALTA/ACSM Land TitleSurvey of SpringValley Ranch P.UD.by Gamba &Associates,Inc.,datedNovember 15,2005 by Michael J. Gamba,P.E.&P.L.S.No. 28036: a.survey notes; b.ditches; c.possessoryrightsassociatedwith fences; d. house and garage encroachment and correspondingDeed overlapfrom theEast Exception Parcel; e.underground water line(inSection29); f.overhead electriclinesand utilitypoles; g.roads 68\1\1088974.3 4 HIIIt'I'95,M)WF,',TI51,4,PE'M WhNIdh'h 11111 Reception$$:793245 10121/201003:17:29PM JeanAlberico 146of 148Rec Fee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO EXHIBIT E -DEFENSIBLE SPACE Extended DefensibleSpace Easements LotLineS FIRE MANAGEMENT P Eounaary A 0 0 75 1 1 HIllE.i'M,MEMitY,M'IWJrWW'SM AIIII Reception#:793245 10/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberico147of148RecFee:$746.00DocFee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO EXHIBIT F FUEL REDUCTION EASEMENTS Treatment Type Annual Mowing LinkedDefensibleSpaces unt LDS LetL rs SVR Boundary HillWA E,M WF'.1W,RIM L IR W14W 4 11111Reception#:79324510/21/201003:17:28PM JeanAlberica148of148RecFee:$746.00Doc Fee:0.00GARFIELDCOUNTYCO EXHIBIT G -FUEL BREAK EASEMENTS Fuelbreak LotLines Fu a MANAcamar N A 0