HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.09 Floodplain SUP Staff Report 12-04-92PROJECT INFORMATION AND STAFF COMMENTS ¡l BOCC l2lt4t92 Floodplain Special Use Per¡nit to allow for the Replating of l0 lots within Ranch at Roaring Fork, Phase IV, Filing III. John B. Elder Located in Sections 25 pnd 361, T7S' R881V of the 6th P.M. Approximately l6.E acres in size. Originally proposed for tZ lots, replat request ¡educes filing to l0 lots. Central Water Central Sewer PID A/R/RD REQIIEST: APPLICANT: LOCATfON: SITEDATA: \ilATFR: SEWER: EXTSTTNG ZONTNG: ADJACENTZONING: A I. RELATIONSHIPTO THE COMPREHENSIVF. PLAI{ The subject property is located in District A - Carbondale Urban Area oflnfluence, and District F - River/Floodplain Severe Envirorunental Constraints ¿s designated on the Comprehensive Plan Ma.nagement District's Map. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL site rìescription: The Ranch at Roaring Fork is located approximately one (l) mileeast oftheTown of Carbondale, with all residential developmgt located south of State Highway 82. A vicinity map is attached on page Ð B.Develonment Proposal: Phase IV, Filing III of the Ranch at Roaring Fork is located at the northwest corner of the development, and was originally platted in 1978. The original subdivision design called for l7 single fa.rnily dwelling units. The orþinal configuration of this portion of the P/D is shown on the attached bulueline. Since the time of the original platting, a portion ofthe land vvithin Phase IV, Filing III was identified as jurisdictional wetlands, hence making development of the original design di[Iicult. Thgportion of the property that includes delineated wetlands is shown on page{:. I C. The applicant proposes to [ill areas of wettands and undertake compensatory merlsures consistent with lhe approved 404 permit (discussed fully below). The fill will result in a shilling of the floodfringe line towards thb Roaring Fork River. The revised lloodfringe line is shown on the attached blueline zubmitted by the applicant. FEMA only requires notihcation for amendments to the Iloodway line, which is not modihed by this proposal. Garfield Countl Floodplain Regulations. Dan Cokely, EIT with Scbmueser Gorrlon Meyer, deternúned in a Nover¡rber 11, 1992 lettþr that a majority of the property lies ùitlún the 100-year floodplain boundary of the Roaring Fork River. The locatïon of the existing and revised lloodplain line is shown og¡lhe attached blueli4e. Mr. Cokely's ll-ll-gzletter is aitched on page?:|[-. Section6.08.0l'requiresthatany development in theflooOt¡"io rtt"U f"required to obtain a Special Use Permit. The following specilic iósues must be addressed within this prÕcess: l.)To ensure that all necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies from which approval is required by federal or state law, including Section 404 of the Federal V/ater Pollution Control Act, Amendrnenls o11972, U.S.C. 13¿14; 2.') To determine whether proposed building sites will be reasonably safe from Ilooding and that the structure will be in compliance with the applicable provisions fior ueoo and standards ofconsliuction set forth in the Zoning Resolution; 3.) Todetermineifthe proposaldevelopmentislocatedinthefloodway. If located in the floodway, assure that encroachment provisions of Section 6.09.0I(IXA) are met; 4.) To âssure that adjacent communil.ies, lhe Colorado ïtraterConservation Board and Federal Emergency Management Agency have ben notilïed of the proposed watercourse alteration or relocation; and To assure lhat the carrying capacity of the altered/relocated watercourse is maintained. UI. MAJOR ISSUES AND CONCERNS Necessary Permils: Mr. Elder has obtained the required 404 Permit datcd March 1 0, 1992 for the placemenl of hll in the floodplain. The perrrit allows for the applicant to discharge 2,300 cubic yards ofclean fill into 0.36 acres of wetland. Compensation will consist of a tree and shrub buffer of 0.48 acrc plunl.etl ¿t the rt¿r of lot llnes of the l0 proposetl lots, to uorupeusåtë fur 0.16 acre of wetland fill at a ratio of 3 to I . Compensatory mitigation will also take place near the Roaring Fork River. The applicant will create 0.30 acre of emergentwetland inanexisting low Ilow irrigation channel about 900feet from the fill site. The wetland creation will compensate for the remaining 0.2 acrc of wetland hll at a ratio of I .5 to l. fþe location of the proposed wetland fill and $itigal.ion is shown on p"g"S¡. Lcopy of fhe 404 permits, including condiúons, is atrached o" p"g.r@, lU . s.) 2 2.Buildingsites. The applicant has submitted documentation regarding building envelopes for the l0 replated lots. None of these building envelopes are located within the floodway. It appears that the potential exists for thêsb envelopes to encroach into the revised llood fringe area. Garñeld County requires that the foundation of each of these structures be hlled at an elevation of at least I (one) foot above the 100-year floodplain. Floodway Encroachment. As indicated on the replat, the floodway crosses a portion of lots 6,7, arrd 8. The placement of lill does.not encroach on the floodway, therefore, the applicant's engineer does not anticipate that the fill will adversely affect the efliciency ofor restrict the flow capacity ofthe deslgnated floodplain so as to cause darnage to others. 4.FF.MA-and Local Jurisdictions. FEMA does not require.riotiftcatíon for fill or other activities outside of the floodway line. Therefore, no notificalion or adminisl.rative proçesses arenecessary. The applicant's éngineer has concluded that there will be no changes to the watercourse during a 100-year flood event. I]¿^ REPT.ATÍNGREQUTRFMF.NTS The Floodplain Special Use Permit is a prerequisite to reptating, tbis portion of the Ranch. The applicant has submitted the following informatioú in support of the replating request: l.) Engineering Report on wast6 ïvater treatment capability to serve the 10 lots; 2., Engineering Report on domestic water The documents conhrm that the subject lols are included in and are a part of all engineering calculations for domestic water and wastewater treatrnent. The proposal will reduce total lots connected to the water and wastewater system by 7 lots, as originally conceived. One issue not yet resolved is the need for a revised Subdivision Agreement to add¡ess necessary improvements. The original agreemeot, entered into on September 25,1978, called for the County to hold lot #59 as security for improvements. The replat proposal eliminates Lot 59. A new agreement will need to be hnalized, and include the appropriate security to ensure completion. Staff also recommends that the proposed fill be included within the agreement. ]L SUGGF.STED FINNIN(ìS 3 I That proper publication and public notice was provided as required by law for the hearing before the Board of County Commissioners. That the hearing before the Boardof County Commissioners wasextensive and complete, that all perl.inent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested parties were heard at the hearing. That the application is in compliance with the Garlield County Zoldtrrg Resotution of 1978, as amended. Í 2. 3. 3 4.For the above sLated and other reasons, the proposed use is in the best interest of the health, safet¡ morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfa¡e of the citizene of Garfield County. ' 't V. REEOMMF.NDATTON Staff recornmends approval of the Special Use Permit based on the. foltowing conditions: l.All representations of l.heapplicant, eitherwithin theapplication orstatedatthepublic hearing before the Board of County Commissioners, shall beconsidered conditions of approval unless otherwise stated before the Board. All required building permits will be obtained. Elevation certificates will be required to ensure that all structures will be located at least one (l) foot above the floodplain line indicated on the bluelinæ submitted with the application. 2. 4 It\Hágait.¡¡À-- *JsI .'.. \ø @ : I ofecv..ALIO,€ Éw_.Lmñ¡ t@ñ E¡J,ñ..L.AN ÆFUCAT]ON i¿5løit ¡w taqu Þa læ fætlú ,,, ß/¡€t Jr¡cÊ¡¡ñ6 F¿rx ËAFñA¡ COUlfY. Ø.4tþ 'o ..tso' ticd , ,'re-t'. ..<1 ' 4Þ¡ sl.fÐE6Etf5 ARCHIECÍ9 :Etztvoot gR6, Ø@rr\æ) 3I L -JI 3t.0 R6uNË A st o 43?- .\ ELDIff UOP ÆPUCATION ì FÈLæAúID L'fItItY /¡cc¿ss E^g6t¿tf' 6\ I wÐ þÎ ìíæt'A,a1ât FAIICI{ Af RAAñd6 FORK GAFF|9¡J, CA.rilTY, ØLoárØ lfffûlült tcoÊ,|Êrc Lr?lL rto itr!fiE^îan LFI¡ Cr Pi¿¡ræ¿¡ wrr¡¡D ¡'[l ARIA O7 PRonsto \./È?1¡'D ñl,L.o.tl, ,ÊA¿â læ \?AÁ rl.æO n¡h Fl,æ^.t Át€f@ËD FtdJR¿ F ¿r APFLTCåÎAil :. ?ÂaþaED fL¡ti\ AtÐLrÆo trctld4ô rr¿fd?.ê fo o.6b &Raå. st DË9l6ñ9 AnffÎECÎg ..Cl-Etl\.æ ffißâ, øþ^r@ al PD =rfiz 6zrøraÊ. F-?- ¡ sørfiuE.,1ü)l Gnnd Glenwood Sull6 2.8 8f60i 925872f November 11,1992 I.],1.}'I¡ : IEL D COU¡JTY Mr. Mark Bean. Director Garfield County Building, Sanitation and Plann¡ng D€partment t 09 Eighth Street, Suite 303 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 RE: Elder Property, Speclal Use Permit Dear Mark: Please let this letter serve ðs a final report supplementing the attached information for the procur€ment ol a Special Use Permit for the Elder property at ths Ranch ãt Roar¡ng Fork. From ths attach€d drawing, it was determ¡ned that a majority of the property lles ln the Foderal Emergency Menagþm€nt Agency's l Oo-year flood boundary of the Roaring Fork Rlver. Subsequently, Mr. John Elder has obtained permlssion lrom the Army Corps of Enginssrs to lill to the boundary also shown in the drawing. This lill would push the proposod lloodplain line further towards the river, thus, making the lots more developable. Based upon the County Floodplain Regulations, Mr. Eldsr must obtain a Special Use Permit for the placement of lill in the existing flood fringe. When obtaining a Special Use Permit, Sectlon 6.08.01 of the County Floodplain Begulations must bs addressed in regard to the following: A. To assure that all necessary permits have been received lrom those governmental agencies f¡om which approval is required by lederal or stat€ law, including Sectíon 4Q4 ol ths Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendmsnts ol 1972, U.S.C. 1344; and B.To determine whsther the proposed building sites w¡¡l be reasonably safs from flooding, and that the structure will be in compliance with the applicable provisions for uses and standards for construct¡on set forth in this rssolution. ln response to Section 6.08.01, Mr. Elder has obtained ths required 404 Permit dated March 10, 1992, lrom the Army Corps of Engineers for the placement of fill in the floodplain. This fill will be placed in accordance with the Corps' requiremsnts. Secondly, the building sites will be filled to an elevation of at lEast one foot above the lO0- year flood elevation., Therelore, åny structure that would be built would have a finishsd floor at teast one foot above the lOO-year flood elevation. :ln addition, we wouid like to address the items in Section 6.09.02 regarding building in the flood fringe: A. The placoment of l¡ll has been approved as stated above by the Army Corps of ,:i i: ¡ 'j ,r'1, .:l :." 'l r' i ' i.. ¡ri:-,,r1.i,.; .. I l' ;', ; .' ¡ .:r '..t É ,,i ,li: ';,f , i,rl ' i ,1.,. | ;,'- ¡iri' '1, I 3 !, t:Ii t.tl\ :l' l;, ii.::. I' -7- November 11,1992 M¡. Ma¡k Bean, Plannlng Þirector Garfield County Page 2 Ën-gineers. with proper pracement, this filr wiil not ¡ncreasa the opportunity forsolid debrls carried downstream by lloodwaters. B. There wirr be no storags or processing of hazardous materiars on the property. c. There will be no dísposal of garbago or sorid waste materials on the propsrty. D. There will.be no mobile homes placed on the property. E. The placement of fill does not encroach into the lloodway; therefore, w0 do notanticipate that the fill will adversely aflect the ef ficiency'"i "ï iå"it¡"t the llowcapacity of the designated floodpiain so as to cause foreseoabrà damego toothers. t we hope all of this information is complete. rf you have any questions or comments, pleasedo not hesitate to call. Sincerely, SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER. INC. Dan Cokley, E.l.T. DC:lc/92149 Enclosures *$ç}IMUE$ER OORDON M¡YER, INC,. ['l' f ,1 i i',ì¡. t.ìt,- :t ' .i: 'r ,i.:i'1, .;' '¡' ',1 i. '! !. . :i' -8 O Ðotte'ß,ttøldtoùffimt7r02e.1IsICø.- lÞ..3L6 Lt 'ta aufrlhr rñH¿ 9!¿amþ \fr4ffi,ilYAtltl lhre^wllgË Htl PwnnÍ !Cr^romoilJ DEPARTMENT OF THE ABMY u.s. ÂnMY ENGIIIEER DISTRICT, SACRAÍrlEilro COBPS OF ENGINEERS IT23 J STREET sÂcRAilENIO, CALIFORNTA 95elil-2922 n8?lY 10aft¡flltof, oF llarch 10, 1992 IleÉulaLorv Branch ( 1991012331 Mr. Jol¡n Elder PosL Office lJox 18938 Ohlahon¡a City, Ohlahoma ?3154 Dear Mr. Elder: I am respondinß to an applicatlon for Letter of PernissionILOPI dated Dece¡nber ll, 1991 submitted on your'behalf by Hr. Dean Moffat,t. The appllcation for a LOP concerns thedevslsprns¡t of ten single fanily residential llots at the Ra,nshat tl¡e lloaringl Forlt ln Garfield County, Colorsdo. ! You are hereby uuthorized to digoharge 2,3OO eubio yards ofcleun fill inLo 0.36 acre of wetland locaLed near the RoarlngForh River, Section 36, Township ? Southr RanÉle 88 hlest, GarfieldCountyr Colorado, for the purpose of developing ten lots forresidential housing. l'hia proJect must be constructed in strictaccordance wítl¡ the p"opos"i outtined in Letter of Permiäsion/\pplicat,ion from Sundesigns Archit,ects dated Decemberr 1991rand amended by letters from Sundesigns Ârchltects dateú January29, 1992 a¡rd February 6, 1992. The proJeot drawings whlchreflect tl¡e most current amendnentg and which are authorized areare enclosed, and are entltled: 'ilocetion Hap'" lFigure Al,"vicinlty ltap" (Flgure Bl¡ "Propoedd Ptat. Modtfication" lFigurs\'-21 , "t and utitization Coneept,;' i'Ff gui; J l,r and "ProjectFeatures" (Figure .D¡ revised 2-6-921. This LOP is issued under tl¡e authority of Section 40{ ofthe Clean Water ¡lct ( t3 USC 1344 I and ls subJect to the enclosedlist,¡¡ of special and Eenere¡l conditions. Please reed thecondLtlons cont,ained within thie autl¡orlzatlon carefully. ,l !¡ ';l0- 'ì !., 'I' I ' t t' i Lt.!.\ lì. .t. .l¡' '1 ;: i il i ,r.,!¡r'i ,l;' ! ',J t :i "i .l r ,r i.rt'. I | ¡:¡i: r! .¡ ,ÌLI f r." 'r: ì .1. l:ii j- I ,f : ..:.:.1 1, ::.' ,,. '.1 t; ,'..-ti r " , -ì I ...,': '', (.-ltr We appreeiate your cooperagion. Sl¡ould you hal¡e any questionsr please wríte to Nick Mezei, U.S. Army Corps of Bngineers, Çacramento DisLrict, Western Colorado Regulatory Office, 4O2 llood Âvenue, Room l42r Grond Junction, Colorado 815O1-2563, or belepho¡¡e (3O3) 243-1199. BT AUTIIONITY OF TIIß SECRETAIìT OF TIIE ANMÏ: Ârt Champ Chief , ftegulabory Section Enclosures Copies Furnished: Dr. Oe¡¡e tleef,z, Bnvironn¡ental Protection Agencyr 8tt¡M-SP 999 ßighteentlr Street, Suite 500, Denver, C.olorado 80202-2405 w/ Bnclosures ': ltr. Lelloy Carlson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service' ?30 'Simms SLreet, Number ?92, Goldenr Colorado 80401 Mr. Jor¡ Scl¡erscl¡IiÉht-401, Departnent of llealth, 42lO East 11t'h Avenue, I)enver, Colorado 8O22OMr. Perry D. olson, Division of wtldlÍfe' 6060 Broadwayr Denvert Colorado 8OZ l6 Mr. Hal D. Simpson, Deputy State Englneerr Colorado DivLsion of Water Ilesources r 1313 Sl¡erman Street ¡ Roo¡n 818, Denver ¡Colorado 80203. Dean Moffatt, Sundesigns Ârcl¡ltects' 901 Blake Avenuet Glensood Springs, Colorado .81601 ¡r/ Enclosures Ms. KaLl¡erine T. t{i}lerr BRo Reso$tc.qs.'.Corporation¡ Street r l)enver ¡ Colorado 80218 -i .;.;.- 1740 tligh 2 ¡.. i L r. !, ¡.. t t' 1. ll- i t; 'i L t:: i''i l:' ''''i":l'.,'t',.'L:. ,! i:r l itt::: :,i Í ;:.: | ,. i, .1: :l I|;'i , 'rl. f, . : ,lil i;,;,i;., . :' rI.'.1 ; r"' 'i : ,;',i, '';,''':'_. _,r¡ t¡.,.r.i' ,ill ,rr .l' ' " t," ".¡,:....,.. 'i I - ll ':i 'gcr I \N t,. t.ff.-!æ.g-, -l 0feôv..ALþÆ t¡.æËw' PÆ øa lñÆHd ElJ?En'1.o.F. ÆFUcATroN ¡Ø¡r¡aLJBÉf RA'¿X ¡f,RêÀ¡ÈIé F¿RK EAE¡ELO .COr¡TlfY. ØtþFLþ 'L;S--EJ'.. ."+ . RGLnE Ä suÐE5Et15 ARdlnECÍSffi@- \ø N,* wrftføñ.Á ., :þ^tna:xÂã1., ç¡'lt"ÆY9.VA Ull5ArcI#ÞaY o¡gxgfhd PHÉ¿ IV¡unó il|. l? LOÍS, '.1r - aø3€¡PRIêCAFERI\¡LllqDoßt ø&îÞM.:'qvEtlø!..- .,¡--.-,...:-j_r..î:6!!,[LpEn L.O,R ¡PPLtcATlOilvrcürify FIAPR¡IICII AT RAAıê ÉOR,(êJañu.,. îþwlf t çot¿?AØN6URE Be dlæt. øt r-\t_-t-l_l 1_ \- qoih^6tEnrÆ0 g?ttþa, êowwcfrll(. j-:r _;f 1.!.; '..y.o=,pii_=.;...;,.-.FO¡(È,È &$ÞqúÉçrcfFÉ ró¡--o EILæAfÊD UñUfY /Âcc¿ss EAg€t€lÍ' lwø*D ñr{r H¿útft¿afi itffi GAÃFIE¡Ð CAJHTY, COLOI!.AØ ....... r.c¿E | ÍÆ ì{¿1ì.alo i''t¡t¿¡tñrn ----- L[{¡ Or 7æB lrf'íA,lo Ftti MfW[ ää oÅArytæzo v/tn4rþ'tL -.- t@ lt à ¡Læo Ft-Alt -- Ftøoo l AtlEloËD n6;.x¿ 7 Ç ,?ñ-EXnDn -- ?Âaþs¡,' r[L AÁúA A¿DtøO tlpno.1â ÆA¿9 1A O.5b ÆR¿s. 3r¡Dëg6HS ArclffiEcle@ I\ \ I 6 rwal F-?- ç¡{fit1fi rE¡8A(*,&L tolôl¡8DSt5 ¡1..\___IîTTDER LCR APPLICATIOII|.N10 wuzAllþll cotßtfrIIA¡¿H Af. Á4t¡¡ffit roñK6A¡fÉ¡r crlfirr, coLoî|æ. tþ| ât2¿ l,Y.oô ac t*AttrEEr¡r¡[tat ¿tf\Æ]rll rl to 9l AvE¡¡€¿. tþúg¿ 3t1t('ls No *þ ê10*lttøO 1d l/tã, gF9UIID¿g6I€ ABCHITECTgGttwo sno€g, crLßl¡oFELßE Jo ',ot Òot tzdë-LtÎ.{f ó¡ PF¿F*3Þ rulAñÈ{¿lirÞ o!ÉÆ Aw'AA¿A.o,Yt Æ,)uff o¡ ffifia[Y lÁo]æ-D^L[¿'ll.9.rl :o.Q Æ.d@IItIII EEI :¡etn¡ v¿n*o @¡ RáYlsØ 2'b.2t 1.ô ô"o € Dg EñH^ti¿tÞ ôð ñna @.. i \s\{ ) w FdÍ ç rt¡/t6tÞ ù,.. ". i;:**;. ::.i.6^çrü.o c þeæ o lô4 20' +o ¡r---r4-J + -t- t¡¡Él?t6 ftrgE5, tutøl:r¿gÀPlt PERHIT NUMBETT:19S1012.33 pE¡MITTEE: l,tr. iolur Elder l{^TERl{l\Y: @d County, C¡lorado GENERAL CONDITIONS: P h The perrnlttee shall abide by all soecl,al condltl,ons (refer age 5 ) wlrich the Corps of Englneera nay add to any lndlvldual orl.zatlon given under thls LOP. tl t Ito l¡u Z. The permittee shall ablde by the terms and conditions of the water quallty certification J.esued by the Colorado Department of llealth or t,he Environmental Protection AÉency in accordance nlth Sect,ion 401 of the Clean l{ater Act. 3. If you, before or durlng Prosesution of the authorl¿ed rdorh, encounter a historJ.c property that has not been listed or deternined eltgible for lieting on the Natlonal Reglsterr but wl¡icl¡ may be eligíble for listlng ln the National ßegisterr you shall i¡rmediately notlfy the corps of Engineers. 'r 4. Only clean materlal free of waste ¡¡etal productsr organic materialsr unsightty debris, etc'r may be used for discharges authorizad by tlris permit; all discharges ehall be free of ^toxlcpollutants in toxic ar¡ounts 5. Any dlacharges of dredged or fill naterlal shsll not occur. in close proxi¡¡ity of a publlc rrater suPPly lntake¡ ahould not \ r li¡nit the ability of any existlng.diverglon gtructure to . r.approprlate rrater and should not adversely lnPact a Btream. Sau8ing statlon. r '1,. 6. You must. mai.ntain the actlviti authorlzed by thie Permit ln good condltion and in conformance'wlth.'..the tarns and conditl'ons '' ıt ttrt. pernlt. You are not relleved óf tht. regulrenent lf you abandon the per¡rltted actl.vlty, although you nay rnake a Sood ' ,t.t ' \;t folth transfer to a thlrd PsrLy. Should you wlsh to ceaee to.'"tl ¡ralntain the ¡uthorlsed.actlvlty or should you desire to abandon' Lt wlthout a t¡ood fatth transferr vou ¡nust obtaln a uodlflcatlon of your approval fro¡n the Corps of Englneere¡ rrhlch may require regtoration of the arêa. ' : 7. Upon notlfication from the Corps of Engineerg that ¡tork beint! lerforned does not cornply rrith or falt wtthin the ecope of thls-pernlt, the responslble party shall take lnnedlate sùepsr as direcled by thr: Corps of Englneers, to brlng the work lnto conpllance witb this PerrnltD . tii;.:l-ll ,!: 'f'' 'r': ¡ 11; .¡a li : ' i. iI.-.l,;: '1.1 i,i ' ';ft1::I i;f :ii: ï :t ';ifi[, r ¡ # ii iï . 1iffi,i ' i. ! , , rJ'!!'r , ,;i .. ; ' .llii;i'r' ',;;.Ì,j , :'-, ., . ., ,_r i;f;]:l i'r' ,{;'i: i ifri .! 8. Thls perrnit does not obvlate the need to obtaln otherFederal¡ state or loeal nut.horization as requlred by law, doesnoù grant any propert.y rights or exclusive privilegea¡ does riotauthorlze any lnJury to property or rights of others, and doesnot autÌ¡orize interference wlth any exlst,ing or proposed FederalproJecl. ,,t 9. In issulng this perrnit and in giving authorlzãdibn toperform work under this perrnit, the Federal Government does not assume any llobillt,y for daroages to the pernitted proJect or u6egthereof as û reault of.current or future actlvltles undertaken byor on behalf of the Qnlted Stètes in the publlc LnteresÈ¡ danagesto persons, property, or to other pernitted or unperrnittedactlvitles or structr¡res caused .by the act,lvity.authorlzed bythls permitr deslgn or constructlon deficiencies assocLated wlththe permitÈed workr .or damage claims assoclated.wlth any futurenodificatlon, suspenslon, or r€vocÈtlon of thls pernlt. lO. You ¡nust allof rcpresentatl.ves fron the Corps of Engineersto lnspect, tl¡e ai¡tiiorl,zed actl,vlty at any tirne dãe¡¡ed n.""esoryto ensure that it is betng or hae been acco¡rpllshed ln accordancexith the terns and conditions of this pernlt. 11. The consLructLon or operatl.on of the actlvlty'äuthorlzed bythls pernlt will not inrpair reserved tribal riÉhts, lnèludlng¡but not li¡¡lted to, reserved water rlghts and treatù flehlng andhuntlnÉ ridhts. ¡, 12, The Corps of Ëngineere ¡nay re-evaluate itB ieclsion on anyauthorlgation glverr ln accordance wlth thls per¡¡lt'at any tfunetl¡e clrcus¡stances warrsnt. Circunstances that, coúld requlre are-evaluation.lnglude¡ but are not lt¡rlted tor the:followlng: a. ïou fail to conply ulth the terms and condltlons of thls trerni t ¡ i..b, The infornat,ion provided Þy you ln strpport of your appllcation provea to havê.be'en, faleer-inconplete¡ orlnaccurate and; 1"': -'¡..',' c. Slgnificriht new lnfor¡raùlon surfac.es which the Corps of Engineers did not conslder ln reochlng a decislon. Such re-evaluation rnay result ln a deterulnatlon that lù lsapproprlate to use the suspension, nodification¡ and revocatlon ¡rrocedures contalned in Tttle 33, Code of Federal RegulatlonsrPart 325.? or enforcement procedurea'guch as those contalned.ln'Tile 33, Code of Federal Re6ulations, Parts 326.4 and 326.5. Thereferenced enforcement procedures provl.dc for the lssuance of snadminl,etratlve order reguirin6 you to com¡>ly wlth the tcrms andconditions of thls perroit and fpi the tntltatlon of legal actlon r'rl¡ere approprlater. Tou wlll be requlred to pay for anycorrective measures ordered bv thË G.orps of EndlneerB, and lf you fall to cornply wlth such a dlrècttvi, the Corps of Englneera ¡¡åy ln certsln situations (¡uch as'th'ose'.Bpectfled ln litle 33¡ Code . of Federatlons¡ Part 209.1?0) êcçonplieh the correctlve Dctsurcs by contract or otherwise and- blll 'you for the .cost. , .. t ! 2 I.l . il l'l llr " ' ri:i . . .t 'f,. I , ' ::, i, , . ',:. iîlit '' ' .1, ;i i :i.j*i.,...1 .., '.i,i:' ' r''l' .r'.rli.'. .r, :i .,i,,,,..iC:r: : :1.. :,. ! ' r'rá¡.',: . i:' r' . r' :'lf.-lJ , r: ,i,..!..¡ r . .¡.fljlt. . ..rr¿ I , '.,ill.l,,ti ¡:.iÍ.i.,. ,.',íjli,, I '..r,i;r :,:i!!I' .'r i 'Ti;. ' :,.t .{ll¡r ' ,' ..1; .1r . r .1. i.i: , ! -- :'..'¡i /jlr, i '' 5 ',i.' , , ', iii,f.å,,;' ,i' l :L Ìi ,.r.¡!¡. ì : ¡! :+l: l '',,î,ii:,, ii; :iil¡;${i;,,:. . il ,,: r 'i; ' iit.t,¡:i'rl i:; 't Í! ': .'r i .t,'l ;l "'l¡ i-r t. ¡ ,{ l -ß 13. the tloe ltnit for conpleting the authorlzed ¡¡ork wlll be three yeara fron tl¡e date that lndlvldual ,aPproval ls glven under this pàr¡nit. If you flnd that !'ou need nore tl'me to complete the authoilzed activlty, subrnlt your requegt, for a tlne extcnglon to tl¡e corps or rngineåra for cónslderition at least one'Ëonth before Llre expiration date for conpletlon. 'llnless thèfe ôre clrcumstr¡nces reguirin6 eLt,her a ProDPt conPletion of the autt¡orized ectivity or a re-evaluqtlon of thc public int'erest declslon¡ tl¡e CorPs of En8lneer¡ rlll normally glve favorable consf.der¡tlon to ã request for an cxtenslon of the.tlne llnlt. 14. Upon conpletlon oi th" authorlzcd work¡ you *tll'l lmoedlately notify tlre Corps of Engineera ¿¡¡ w¡ltin8. 3 ì! I,I I ,i l' .. t i',. i.'.' i! ' lTt ''lìi-i-...",,1:',''".':.', _t 'lì':,.,' ' ,.::i.qi. .. t.. . tl! ''!r'i¡ l{: ! . .I r; ' I i:' '. | :f, .' f;i;¡ '¡¡i -:, rC,L,, ,, .t "i ¡ r. :'" ¡ ''i i ¡r¡_ ;'l n, .,,:1. - '! ' i:. .: i. I, i t' -ß F ,! , .l SPECIAI, CONDITIONS JOIIN DLDEN 199101233 el The permitt.ee sl¡all implement, tl¡e atÈsched wetland mitlgationplrrn. 'l'his plan is based.upon the originsl opplíoation datedDecenrber l99l and subsequerrts revl.síons daLed January 9, 1992antl January 29, t992. bt Tl¡e wetland ¡nitigation construction shall be inítiatedconcurrent wiU¡ wetland fllling for construction of thesubdivlsion and completed prior to the explr¡rtlon of the permlt. ol llighly visible construction fencing shatl be placed alonÉr thewetland perrnit boundary until resldenêes and,landscapeconsfruction is completed to prevent inadvert,enttyrfillinÉ and/orco¡¡struction inpaets le.g. dumping cif construcLion debris and/ordredßed m¡¡l,erialr' sLorage of construction maLerial-s¡, or vehicletravel lanes. l dl ltestrictions shall be incorporated into t,he deed for each lotand parcel of Filing 3r Phase 4, Lots 4? tlÍrouEh 63, ltanch at thelloaring Forhr Garfleld County, Colorador to insuie f,h¡t currenta¡¡d all fubure ownerg of each lot, are Bware of the need ''to obtaina Deparf,ment of lhe Arroy perrnit to discharge fill ¡natenLal into"waters of the United States"r and ¡+etlsnds. The deed restrlctionsl¡ull disclose language that an¿. pefaon wl¡o knowLngly vLolatesgection 301 of the Clean Water Aot rnay be punished by a fine ofnoL less thar¡ $5,000 nor more than $50.1000 per day'of violation,ol_by imprisonment, for noù rnore t.lia,n $.yearsr or bo'th. Lotswhich co¡¡tai¡¡ wetlands witl¡in their legal boundaries shall alsoinclude that infor¡nation within the deeds fbr those lote. e) The pernrittee shall insure that the wetland rnítigatlonremul.ns as weùIdnd for the life of the oornpleted. projeot,. l|'| I ,# .' l: ri:|. i,;:' -. ::l ''':,ti- : :, r,t¡..{1:., ' Lii!' ¡.t. :, , ' !:r'I i., ,...r:i, .,: .,;' l', t.|. :'i 4', . : .,_ì¡l ,'-;l ':, " i'':->o MITICiITION PNOPOSÂL 'l'tre permítLee understands that oompensatLon for wetland acreaÉe impacted by development and by the implenen[ation of ne&sures desi€ned to ¡rrotect water quality withi¡¡ the project slte Le requíred by Federal law a¡¡d curre¡rt U.S. Army, Corps of Englneere LOP proceduree. 'l'he nitigation plan presented belo¡r provides for ttre replucel¡enL of inpacted wetland wit[ e¡rhartcernent of existlng wetland at a rabio of 3 to I a¡ld creation of wetland at a rstlo of 1.5 i,o l. Â. Description of Proposed Þtitigotion 'fhe permittee ie authorized to fill 0.36 acre of wetland as part of a developnrent plan after slternatives.to. avold were found imprlcticable. Alter¡ratives to ninimlze wetland Lmpacts resulted i¡r Lhe eurrent" plan. Conpensation will consíst oftenhancenent of 0.48 acre of existing wef,land adjacent to the develbped housinÉ; tlris r.rill compensnte for O'16 acre of wetland fill at a ratio of 3 to l. l{etland creation of 0.3 acre will co¡npensate for the remainÍng 0.2 acre of wetland fill at a ratio of 1.6 to l. 1'he permittee will trgsume full responsibility of aseurinE ùhat enl¡anced and created utetltrnds Bre constructed accordinÉ to plan end achieve the stated goals. The goals of the proposed ¡¡itigaLion are twofold: j 1. To provide proùection of the :,exieting wetland and enhance values to partly compensate for values and functions lost with the fill activit,y. ..-: r,,.' .. 2. To compensate for the remainlng wetland.volues and funcÈions lost by creatio¡r of new wet,land in a nearby waterway. The wetland enho¡reement congists of a tree and shrub buffer of O.48 acre planted at, tl¡e rear of lot lines of the 10 developed lots. The plantinÉ will include native n¿rrow leaf cottonwoods, and ¡ed äsier dogwoods. The cottonwootls'will be planLed on Z0-foot cenl,ers. The I gallon sltrubs will be planted in betwee¡¡ tl¡e trees on 5-foot centers. Com¡rensal,ory mlt,igation will talte place near tl¡e Eoaring Forh River. 'Il¡e pernrittee will create 0.3 acre of emergent wetland in a¡¡ existinÉ low flow lrrigel"ion clrannel about 900 feet distant fro¡n {:he f ill site. The existinEl channel and ¡narginal ¡etland are currently supported by high groundwater table and creelt and irrigation flows tl¡at are part of the ¡naster irrigatiorr/fisl¡ing pond complex tl¡roug¡¡out the llanch at the jf '.¡ , u',ì,t. ,'l .... t ;; l I rl lloari¡rl Forlt. The proposed wetland creation co¡rsists of adding drop structures within the cl¡anne1 to maintain a higher water tal¡le ab ad,iacetrt areas wl¡ere excavstion of existing eíde slopes will result in establishment of llLboral shelves. The ElrelveswiII be plarrLecl wibh webland veÉetabion. The exoavated material will be st,ored or¡ an upland diaposal eite elsewhere on the ranch. 'll¡e Lrar¡sihion slope from the llttoral areas to the uplands will be gruded aL a 4 horizo¡rt,sl to I vertical slope. lopsoil fron¡ Lhe rush-do¡nínated wetl¡nd to be impacted will be mulched and spread evenly ln the excavated littoral areas. I'hese areas will be planted with willow cuttings obtalned fromvarious locaLions on the llench. CuttinÉrs Ìrill be planted on 3foot ce¡¡l"ers. Addítio¡¡ally, red osler dogwoods l1 gallon container stochl r.¡ill be planted on lo-foot qenters at the toe of Ll¡e tra¡rsítion elope from t,l¡e littoral areas to the uplands. thetru¡rsitl.on zone it¡ielf will be planted wLt,h smootl¡'brome grass toprovide ground cover and minimize erosion. lhe seed.will beapplied at o rale of'12 to 16 pounds per acre. l'he malnte¡¡ance of the wet,land enl¡uncement area wlll consistof ensuring that an 80% survival rate is achleved at the end oftl¡e second growing season. The naintenance, of Uhe wè,irlandcreaLion eree will conslet of ensurinÉ that a ?0* cover bydesirable wetla¡¡d species is atlained by the end of the secondgrowing serrsorr. No long-ùerm mal.ntenance should b.e reçuíied. l'l¡e mo¡ritoring./evaluaLion plan conslsts of monitorLng thewetland enhanee¡nenb erea at six ¡nonths. and onå year afterplantlng and for two additional yeq.rs.,.ühereafLer. .The survlval rate will be evaluated and plented spêcies that, l¡ave died will be replaeed to meeL Ll¡e 80* criteria. 'fhe weùland creation nreawill also be monitored in tbe sa¡ne way, and replantlng will be performed bo n¡eet tl¡e ?01ú criteria. An Ênnu6l ¡nonitorlng reportwill be subnritt,ed to ühe Corps of Engineers for thelr review and cor¡rnte¡r b . 2 ';'I I ! [. { CONSTNUC'TION STANDAITDS , .I In order to ensure that wetland impacts are limited to the lmnrediute oreo. of tlrr: wetland fill, and that adjocent r¡etland ls ¡¡oL advergely affectedr the permittee wlIl ensure that! a. Equiprnent. operetors will be instructed by the pernittee to prevent damage to the surrounding landscape. b. Fencing or other obvious barrier r.rill be inslalled between the perrnitted wetland area and adiacent wetland to asgure proLecLion of non-permit'ted wetlande. Under no circumstances will heavy equipmcnt þs. ¿llqwed in the unpermitted wetland area. e. Under no circu¡nstances will waste ¡¡aterials of any kind be dunrped or temporarily stored in unpermitted qeLlãnds. d. Meosuree will be taken nl¡en necegsary and as needed to elimin¡rte or ¡¡ininize any interference or disturbence to wildlife. 3 i,.,.i :.,. '' i ..; ' ìi -t;'' ¡¡ i.:ili i ' '{i, . 'il . Jr. ' ¡:i 't .:l-l,,: . ,i ",. ' i,t.. . ; !: :.,.'.r : i-,'lr" .,s, ; _ . .f,i,*2