HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.0 Land Use Change Permit!il ilr.il'hl{{.E|,H#fh!H'i[\tilJil,llrfl hlttil, It tttRecept lonfl: 929750 F'"1" !*rl2 13;98; I EroB""'F!i, 6 I B6"d8fi ,re.o couNry co LAND USE CHANGE PERMIT A 7.09-Acre Parcel of Land Siluated in the SE1/4NE1/4 of Section 25, Township 7 South, Range 88 West of the 6s Principal'Meridian, Garfield County, known as 5345 County Road 100 Carbondale, CO 8'1623, further described in ExhibitA. for (Assessor's Parcel No. 2393-251 -0Gl 50) ln accordance with and pursuant to provisions of the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, as amended, and the Director's Decision Letter dated July 2, 2019, the Director of the Community Development Deparfrnent hereby authorizes the following activity: A Secondary Dwelling lJnit as applied for by Jay S/ls and Chistine Follin shown on the site plan aftached as Exhibit "8" (GAPA-o+19-8724) This Administrative Land Use Change Permit is issued subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit'C' and shall be valid only during compliance with such conditions and other applicable provisions of the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, as amended, Building Code, and other regulations of the Board of Coun$ Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO Sheryl , AICP Date Director Community Development Page 1of 5 lZ,2o.l? ;u"ry"'!,HlFlJ#[fi kil[,hl]il'ltlt,'iil$:t*[rd,]ilt )' Ll"|'fl:? ;$?3613,"fl".'F:i, 3l3B"6EFr,..o couNTy co Exhibit A File No.: 01330-104388 Parcel C: A parc€l ol land which B part of the SE1/4NE1/4 of Sectron 25, Torynehip 7 South, Range 88 Wlast of lhe Sddn princtpal Merldlan, Garfield County, Cotorado, and belng more parfffllarly descriEed 8s follol.s: Eeginnlng at a brass cap ln placa and proPerty mark3d for the E 4 comer ol said Section 25; thence N 01"17,00i E along the East tine of said SE1r4NE1/4 (with all bearings contalned herein relative lo a be€ring of S o'l'47@'' Won the East line of the NE1/4 of sald Section 25) 1350.58 feeu hence-N AA"S1S9" W along the Norlh line of said SE1/4NE1/4, 607.15 tset to lfie true poinl of beginningi thence S 1g'40'16" E 143,00 feetl ftence S 05"07'43' E 162.06 feei; thence N 65"1500" W 102.96 teeq thenc€ 64.65 Eet along the arc of a 130.00 foot radlus curve to the righ! the ctord of which bears N 50' 333U W 65.93 b6t thence 37.73 bet along tha arc of a 170.00 foot radius curve to lhe left, the chord of vfiicfr beBrs S 07' 14'08' W 37.65 teet thence S 00'5235' W 78.23 feet lhence S 64'53'69' W 359.00 teef thencs \,\bst 301.87 foet to a point on ltle West llne of said SE1/4NE1/4; lhencrE N 02'03'18" E along the West In€ ol sald SE1/4NE 1t4 493'05 feet thence S 88"5i.59' E alond the Norlh iine ol said SE1/4NEr4 897.16 Get to the true point ofbeginning. (Containing 7.09 Acres more or less) Also Known As: Parcel C, or lhe Rnat PlatAmend.nenl for the Hotchkjss - Lindcome Exernpucn APproved by8qsolution No- 79€ otths Eoard o{ county commlssionars, recorded February 12, 2018,8s Reception No- 903166. Togefietwith noo-exctusive e3sements for lngress and egress aS set rorlh ln documents recorded kl g;k+ae at page 493 as Reception No. 2711-30 and in B6ok 492 at Page 927 as Receplion No.276571. County of Garfeld, Sbb ot Colorado Page 2 of 5 l ]il ilr.rHq[sH[ [ft ilu tJftririlHpfiflt[rillrL llllIReceptlon$: 929750 12t2O12O19 l0 OErl7 Fll J..n nlb6rlco3 ot 6 R.c F6€:$0.00 0oo F6.:0.00 GnRFIELD CoUNTY C0 BhibitEx a:!!,-_a ?i 66 leE'.Jl ..1,.\, \i sa at \, Page 3 of 5 :ic-- ' i? 36 6 'il I\-\ rl : hE{sRit,' ].gr.l!oo\ I I I I 6^i-i >\r' 5 I j I I ,l ot / tt'/ n<!8 {F !il trfiiltr5ltI'Hlr r ilH'llt{ llt$llliJllllJtr ll llllecaDtlohB: g2g75o l''"?'["fl12 l3;?8a]3,o8""'Fit, 6l3E't8F.,,., .o*,, "o Exhibit C Conditions to be Satisfled Prlor to lssuance of the land Use change Permit! 1. Prior to issuance of the Land Use Change Permi! the Applicant shall submittothe County the following for the well serving the SDU: a. A pump test that meets the standards in Section 4-203(MX1XbX5)(a). The pump test shall include representation by a qualified professional that the pump rate is adequate for the proposed use. b. A water quality test that meets the standards in Section 4-203(MX1XbX5)(c). The water quality test shall include representation by a qualified professional that the water quality meets the County' s primary drinking standards. 2. Prtor to issuance of the Land Use Change Permit, the Applicant shall provide documentation acceptable to the County that the water tine connecting the Applicant's well to the property to the south has been disconnected and that the well sharing agreement has been terminated. 3. Prior to issuance of the Land Use Change Permit, the Applicant shall work with Garfield County Vegetation Management to address issues from Steve Anthony's lune 25, 2019 referral comments (Exhlbit 13). A demonstration of compliance with this condition shall be provided by Garfield County Vegetation Management. Operational Conditionsi 4. All representations of the Appticant contained in the Application submittals shall be conditions of approval unless specifically amended or modified by the condltions contained herein. 5. At time of building permit, the Applicant shall submit a statement from a qualifled professional indicating the feaslbillty of an Onsite wastewater Treatment system for the SDU. 6. At time of building permh, the Applicant shall submit a grading and drainage plan from a qualified professional verifoing that the proposed grading and drainage is practical. 7. The new driveway forthe SDU accessing off the existing driveway shall meetthe Roadway Standards as detailed in Table 7-107 ofthe Land Use and Development Code. 8. The SDU shall be sublect to all Garfield County Building Code Requirements. The property owner shall obtain all necessary Garfield County Building Permits for new construction, modifications and/or expansions to the structure. Page 4 of 5 f il ilrrl'hl'lltlllt!#! Hh li llUllhHiFtihlf lti ll ll I R.ceptlons:929750l2l201419 1or05:'17 RII J.an 9lb.rloo5 ot 5 Rcc F6s:10.00 Doi F.6:0.00 GmFIELo cotluY co 9. The property owners shall obtain a Garfield Counry Onslte Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) permit prior to installation of the system. 10. Due to very high wildfire susceptibllity tn the area where the sDU is to be constructed, the roof materials of the structure shall be comprised of noncombustible material. The Applicant shall also follow general Colorado State Forest Service standards for creating wildfire defensible spaces, as per Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection District referral comments (Exhibit 11!. 11. The Applicant shall utilize bear-proof trash containers or store all trash within a secure portion of the structure such as a garage. 12. Any dogs kept on the property shall be kept in a fenced yard or on a leash to prevent harassment of wildlife. 13. Any new fencing on the property shall comply with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife specification for wildlife-frlendly fencing. 14. All exterior lighting shall be downcast and shielded and comply with Section 7-304, Lithting Standards, ofthe Land Use and Development Code of 2013, as amended. 15. The Applicant shall comply with all Additional Standards for Residential Uses contained ln' Section 7-7O]..B, Secondary Dwelling Units, of the Land Use and Development Code of 2013, as amended. Page 5 of 5