HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.01 Supplemental ExhibitCerise Minor Subdivision - Exhibits Administrative Review (File MI5A-07-20-8800) Applicants are Dennis and Patricia Cerise October 19, 2020 {q A1çll"**l ?,'\c.r -i;."^ ,^",r¿1, 1", airçrava Fivr¿\,vid)! \-4 f,^,[,^.,\ 6 i o,,,l.l , r, ., i ') {^ ) ' fóA +ã,*-i.*,¡ tf+f'¡liou. ì", c"v.,,re..\ \., tfur,tr V-t\o., [u.rø tpf;,-,', \, cci.,t¿.[ i- il't'c\ V''tl"*1 ' \r,J.o\ ¿ ¡.,,- k al' \),t\ r ì,-\ i{ \ to**., áu."i t¿ l¿' ,' il Exhibit Number Exhibit Description 1 Public Hearing Notice lnformation Form 2 Receipts from Mailing Notice 3 Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, as amended 4 Garfield County Compreh ensive Plan of 2030 5 Application 6 Staff Report Referral Comment - Garfield County Building Department7 Referra I Comment - Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection DistrictI Referral Comment - Colorado rtment of Trans rtationI Referral Comment - Colorado Geo cal Su10 11 Referral Comment - Garfield Environmental Health 12 Referral Comment - Mountain Cross Engineering 13 Referral Comment - Garfield Road and Bridge Department 14 Referral Comment - Colorado Division of Water Resources 15 Referral Comment - Garfield County Vegetation Management 16 Applicant Represe ntations Regarding Barn Referral Comment - Garfield County Surveyor17 Referral Comment - Mid Valley Metro18 '1luûl,t,lr\ 6ç , ¡ EXHIBIT l7kood GørÍield Co anty SURVEYOR SCOTT AIBNER, P.L.S To:Rodney Kiser - True North Colorado From: Scott Aibner - Garfield County Surveyor Subject: Plat Review - Cerise Minor Subdivision Date:101r412020 Rodney, Upon review of the Cerise Minor Subdivision Plat, I have no comments or corrections to be made prior to approval for survey content and form. Once all final comments from Community Development have been completed, the Mylar may be prepared for recording. The Mylar shall be delivered to the Community Development offtce with all private party signatures no later ì-han Monday the week prior to the next commissioner meeting day in order to make that meeting. Sincerely, Scott Aibner Garfield County SurveYor cc Patrick Waller - Community Development Department t¡g B th Street, Glenwood Springs, C\Bt60l . (970)945-1377 ' e-mail:saibner@garfield-countycom ESGM www.s9m-lnc.com October 16,2020 Via E-mail: pwaller@ qarfield-countv.com Mr. Patrick Waller Senior Planner Garfield County RE: MVMD - Cerise Minor Subdivision - Referral Comments Dear Patrick: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Cerise Minor Subdivision application. SGM is the engineer of record for Mid Valley Metropolitan District (MVMD). MVMD is a Colorado Special District that provides water and sanitary sewer service in the mid-valley area. MVMD provides water and sewer to Cerise Ranch. MVMD does not currently provide water and sewer to the 1674 HWy 82 property. MVMD's closest sewer main line is 185 feet from the property line and the closest water main is 400 feet from the property line. Garfield County Requires any property that is within 400 of a public water and sewer system to connect versus having an OWTS and a private well. SGM has reviewed the Cerise Minor Subdivision on behalf of MVMD. SGM believes that not all options for water and sewer connections to District water and sewer have been explored. SGM believes that connections to water and/or sewer may be feasible. SGM needs additional time for survey and engineering to analyze the best options for connections. MVMD requests that the applicant works with MVMD to assure there is not a feasible option for connection for water and/or sewer. MVMD does not wish to hold up the planning process so MVMD would be ok if the County would not issue any building permits for these properties untilwater and sewer is resolved. lf you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, SGM ry Chris Lehrman, PE District Engineer Cc e-mail: Bill Reynolds, MVMD, Jon Fredericks, Land West l:\1981\01 501\C\25O - 16724 HWY 82\Correspondance\L 20201015 Patrick Waller.docx EXHIBIT lbkoog GLENWOOD SPRINGS I lB Wesr Sixth St, Suite 200 | Glenwood Springs, CO Bl601 | 97O.945.1OO4