HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.00 General Application Materials_PartKPage 5 of 14  Spill clean-up and containment materials (absorbent, shovels, etc.) will be readily accessible. Spills will be immediately cleaned up and contaminated materials will be properly stored on site until they can be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations.  Storage areas and containers will be monitored for leaks and repaired or replaced as necessary. Storage areas will be inspected regularly, and any minor spills or leaks will be cleaned up immediately.  As necessary, covers and stormwater diversion structures will be utilized to minimize contact of precipitation and stormwater runoff with materials and wastes with potential to result in discharges causing pollution of surface waters.  TEP’s SPRP will be readily available at the field office as a reference to assist in responding to spills at locations where materials are stored or handled.  Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and product labels will be available as per TEP’s Hazard Communications (HazCom) program.  Employees will have proper training in materials handling, spill prevention and response. 5) Outdoor processing activities and machinery A variety of operating equipment will be utilized at the Oil and Gas Location for production, storage and transmission purposes. Equipment is inspected regularly to ensure it is operating properly and that no fluid leaks or spills are evident. Any leaks or problems with equipment will be identified and repaired immediately. Leaked or spilled fluids will be cleaned up promptly in accordance with TEP’s Spill Response Plan (SPRP). Routine equipment maintenance will be performed on-site. Any waste product from maintenance will be containerized and transported off site for proper disposal or recycling. There will be no major equipment overhauls conducted on site. Equipment will be transported off site for major overhauls. 6) Significant dust or particulate generating processes Dust generation may occur from site construction, vehicle traffic, and high winds. Dust suppression will be performed on an as needed basis to minimize the potential for fugitive dust. Please see the Dust Mitigation Plan attached to the Form 2A for specific details on dust suppression methods. 7) Erosion and vehicle tracking from well pads, road surfaces, and pipelines; To prevent vehicle tracking, stabilized construction entrances may be utilized as necessary to prevent tracked mud and dust from leaving a disturbed area. The use of stabilized construction entrances removes mud and sediment from the vehicle's wheels and offsite transport of soil is reduced. Control measures will be established during site construction to prevent erosion and transport of sediment off the oil and gas location. Control measures will include structural items such as diversion ditchers, wattles, strawbales, sediment traps, water bars, and matting, as well as non-structural items such as timing of ground disturbance activities and dust control measures. Guidelines regarding the selection, installation or implementation, and maintenance of control measures are detailed in TEP’s Stormwater Manual. 8) Waste disposal practices Proper waste handling practices will be implemented at the Oil and Gas Location. All materials no longer needed for operations will be removed from the site and re-used or disposed of properly. Wastes will be temporarily stored in sealed containers and regularly collected and disposed of at off-site, suitable Page 6 of 14 facilities. Regular disposal for garbage, rubbish, construction wastes, and sanitary waste will be maintained during operations. Please see the Waste Management Plan attached to the Form 2A for additional details on waste disposal practices. 9) Leaks and spills Leaks and spills will be handled according to TEP’s SPCC Plan and SPRP. Appropriate TEP personnel are trained on the requirements of these plans during new hire training and then annually thereafter during employment. If a spill occurs, contractors are instructed to notify their TEP point of contact immediately. If the spill or leak can be safely stopped, employees or contractors should do so. The spill should be contained and resources for spill cleanup employed as described in the SPRP. In case of a liquid leak or spill, such as produced water or hydrocarbon product, containment strategies will be implemented to control the release. Containment strategies include, but are not limited to, utilization of spill kits, creation of diversion ditches and containment berms, installation of check dams or headgates, and removal of free liquid by vacuum truck. Contaminated soils and materials will be land farmed within bermed areas on site or will be properly stored in sealed containers until removed for proper disposal. In case of a dry material spill or leak, the affected soil will be land farmed within bermed areas on site, if appropriate, or removed and temporarily stored in a sealed container until removed for proper disposal. If a spill occurs, prompt cleanup is required to minimize any commingling of materials with stormwater runoff. 10) Ground-disturbing maintenance activities. If ground disturbing maintenance activities are necessary, activities will be evaluated by TEP personnel to determine the following: First, whether the scope of activities merits returning to coverage under the CDPHE Construction Stormwater Permit, or if the activities can occur under the Post-Construction Stormwater Plan; and second, whether additional control measures need to be implemented to prevent erosion before, during, or after the maintenance activities. Control measures will be selected and implemented based on the guidelines provides in TEP’s Stormwater Manual. Pollution Prevention: Structural and non-structural control measures will be implemented at the oil and gas location to control stormwater and sediment erosion. The following outlines the planned structural and non-structural control measures slated for use at the Oil and Gas Location: 1) Structural Control Measures: a. Wattles b. Culvert Inlet and Outlet Protection 2) Non-structural Control Measures: a. Minimizing surface disturbance by utilization of off-site support facilities b. Sediment Catchment Basins c. Diversion Ditches d. Surface Roughening e. Seeding and Mulching f. Proper scheduling of construction activities Erosion Controls: The Oil and Gas Location and existing access road will be unpaved. To prevent erosion from unpaved surfaces, TEP will apply gravel in sufficient quantities to minimize erosion potential. Hydro-mulch will be applied to the cut and fill slopes of the Oil and Gas Location and the associated Page 7 of 14 stockpiles following site construction to minimize erosion potential. Once interim reclamation of the Oil and Gas Location is complete, seed and mulch will be applied to the reclaimed cut and fill slopes. Vehicle Tracking Control: Construction sites may use vehicle tracking controls to mitigate the transport of mud/sediment adhering to vehicle tires prior to leaving the site and entering the adjacent asphalt and/or public roadways, or areas where vehicle tracking occurs shall have measures in place that contain or filter flows in order to prevent the bypass of flows without treatment. If needed, access roads may be stabilized with base course or gravel to reduce erosion, and street sweeping will be utilized to removed tracked sediment on paved roads, when necessary. Management of Waste Materials: Locations will be maintained in a clean and orderly fashion to minimize the potential for spills, leaks, stormwater contamination, and safety hazards. Housekeeping will consist of neat and orderly storage of materials and containerized fluids. Wastes will be temporarily stored in sealed containers and regularly collected and disposed of at approved off-site disposal facilities. Contractors and employees will maintain, as necessary, an equipment storage (lay down) or staging area for equipment and materials storage at each site. These areas will be maintained with good housekeeping and will be inspected regularly for spills, leaks, and potential contamination. Construction trash and debris (i.e., non-hazardous solid waste) will be collected in containers and hauled off-site for disposal at an approved disposal facility. Sanitary waste will be containerized in portable toilets or other storage tanks with waste materials regularly pumped and transported off-site for disposal at approved facilities. Drill cuttings will be managed on location within a bermed cuttings trench. Stormwater run-on that enters the cuttings trench will be pumped out and properly disposed. Drill cuttings will be sampled for compliance with Table 915-1 and will be buried on location within the cuttings trench / cut slope of the oil and gas location. Please see the Waste Management Plan attached to the Form 2A for additional details on drill cuttings management. SITE-SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION AND STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES The South Leverich 13-09 pad would be reconstructed and slightly expanded to accommodate the development of the twenty-one (21) new proposed natural gas wells. Site-specific stormwater control measures are depicted on Appendix A, Construction Layout Drawing, and include diversion ditches, sediment basins, wattles, surface roughening, application of mulch, and application of gravel. Additional stormwater control measures may be considered during site construction. The existing access road from Garfield County Road 317 will continue to be used to access the Oil and Gas Location. The existing access road / lease road is approximate 0.65 mile in length. To support the increase in production volume from the South Leverich 13-09 pad, Summit would install one (1) eight-inch (8”) steel natural gas pipeline (approx. 2,125 feet) from the South Leverich 13-09 pad to the proposed eight-inch (8”) natural gas pipeline planned for installation during development of the Honea 19-05 pad. The proposed tie-in point would be located on TEP surface south of the South Leverich 13-09 pad. The proposed natural gas pipeline would be installed following the existing access road south of the Oil and Gas Location. A valve set will be installed at the tie-in location to support pipeline maintenance activities. TEP would install one (1) four-inch (4”) flexpipe produced water pipeline (approx. 450 feet) from the separators on the South Leverich 13-09 pad to the proposed produced water pipeline planned for installation during development of the proposed Honea 19-05 pad, which will be located adjacent to the Page 8 of 14 pad. A ten-foot (10’) diameter valve can will be installed at the tie-in point to support pipeline maintenance activities. TEP would install several on-location flowlines to support onsite production operations. The proposed off-location pipelines would be installed within a fifty-foot (50’) pipeline Right-of-Way located on private property owned by TEP and Gordman Leverich, LLP. Prior to initial pad construction, TEP will have the proposed pad location and pipeline corridors staked for construction and will hold a pre-construction onsite with the excavation and stormwater contractors to review proposed site construction. TEP’s stormwater management contractor will review the preliminary erosion control plan and determine if any additional control measures are needed. Any new control measures implemented because of this review or requested by the surface owner will be documented as required by Federal and/or State regulations. TEP’s stormwater contractor will then oversee the installation of stormwater control measures (i.e. wattles, straw bales, etc.) along the outer perimeter of the proposed disturbance boundary. TEP’s construction contractor will then begin removal of existing vegetation within the disturbance footprint by hydro-axing or brush hogging the trees or larger bushes within the project disturbance boundary. Stormwater control measures, such as sediment traps and diversion ditches, will then be installed along the perimeter of the site prior to pad excavation. Topsoil horizon or the top six inches (6”) of soil within the pad disturbance footprint will then be stripped and stockpiled along the south side of the oil and gas location. Topsoil will be segregated from all other subsurface materials at the site and wattles will be placed around the perimeter of the stockpile to prevent migration of organic materials from the stockpile. Excavation of the pad will then commence and will be constructed based on the Appendix A, Construction Layout Drawing. A perimeter berm will be constructed around the fill side of the pad location and around the cuttings trench. A drive over berm will be constructed at the pad entrance. The proposed production equipment, on-location flowlines, and well conductors will then be installed. The area beneath the proposed rig footprint will be compacted to ensure stability of the rig during drilling operations. The area beneath the proposed rig footprint, approximately forty feet (40’) from the proposed cellar, will be compacted to ensure stability of the rig during drilling operations. The pad working surface will be bladed level and graveled. The cut and fill slopes, excess stockpile, and topsoil stockpile will be hydro-mulched following completion of pad construction to minimize the potential for site degradation during the initial drilling and well completion phase of the project. Interim reclamation of the oil and gas location will occur following completion of well construction. Stormwater control measures will be implemented during interim reclamation and will include diversion ditches, sediment traps, surfacing materials (as needed), and application of seed and mulch. Additional control measure may be implemented as needed to prevent off-site migration of sediment and pollutants. Stormwater control measure planned for interim reclamation are depicted on Appendix B, Interim Reclamation Layout Drawing. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Oil and gas operation generally require major ground disturbing activities which may include construction of oil and / or natural gas well pad, access roads, natural gas pipelines, produced water pipelines or off- location flowlines, compressor stations, centralized exploration and production waste management Page 9 of 14 facilities, compressor stations, and other support facilities. All construction activities will follow standard construction and engineering protocols and procedures, and the appropriate stormwater runoff, erosion, and sediment control measures will be used to minimize the impact of earth ground disturbing activities. The following sections describe the relationship between the phases of construction and the implementation and maintenance of both structural and non-structural stormwater management control measures used by TEP to effectively minimize site erosion and sediment transport. Pre-construction Phase Preliminary site assessments are made for site planning and management (e.g., well pad dimensions, access roads, pipeline routes, etc.) and to determine needed site-specific control measures, pre- construction vegetative cover, existing drainages/outfalls, soil types, and other site-specific considerations prior to site excavation. These features are incorporated into site specific stormwater plans and are used to develop, implement, maintain, and update/revise the SWMP. Prior to initial construction activities or ground disturbance, stormwater control measures shall be implemented at construction sites to control erosion (i.e., sequencing of construction activities, surface roughening, etc.) and sediment (i.e., stabilized construction entrances, temporary berms, diversion ditches, etc.), and to protect existing vegetation outside the perimeter of the construction site. Construction Phase Upon completion of pre-construction site assessments and related SWMP management (i.e., development, implementation, maintenance, updates/revisions), construction activities are scheduled or phased to control erosion and sediment and all potential pollutant sources at project sites, and to protect existing vegetation. Construction activities for the exploration and production of natural gas typically follow this general order of operation: 1) Installation of perimeter sediment control measures around the proposed site disturbance including material stockpiles to ensure adequate protection for surface waters and / or wetland areas adjacent to, or downgradient of the construction site (i.e. well pad, access road, pipeline corridor, utilities); 2) Preservation of existing vegetation adjacent to construction activities, or where feasible; 3) Clearing and grubbing of site vegetation; 4) Preserving topsoil by stripping and placing topsoil within designated areas along the perimeter of the construction site; 5) Site construction includes excavation of cut and fill slope of the proposed access road and well pad, excavation of pipeline right-of-way, installation of utility lines and site facilities, and other ground disturbance activities; 6) Implementation of interior erosion and sediment control measures as described in the SWMP (i.e. diversion ditches, sediment traps, surface roughening, mulching, wattles, riprap, culverts, etc.); 7) Development of oil and natural gas wells through planned drilling and completion operations; 8) Installation and operation of production facilities (if not completed before D&C operations); 9) Stormwater control measure management and reporting, including daily or bi-weekly inspection depending on phase of construction. Interim Reclamation Disturbed areas affected by construction, drilling, completion, and/or production operations not required for long-term production operations will be temporarily stabilized after construction is complete. Interim Page 10 of 14 reclamation will be initiated for areas of well pad surfaces, access roads, pipelines, etc. not needed for long-term production operations. Surfaces required for the operation of production facilities will be maintained until wells are no longer productive (approximately 30 years). The following measures may be used for interim reclamation to control stormwater runoff, minimize erosion and the transport of sediment off-site, and to control site degradation: 1) Managing debris and waste materials (i.e., well completion and drilling materials, drill pipe, excess materials and equipment, etc.) in accordance with TEP guidelines and regulatory requirements; 2) Closing cuttings pits, trenches, and / or management areas per COGCC regulations and re- contouring the disturbances to eliminate the potential for stormwater ponding; 3) Grading the construction site to reduce the working pad surface to approximately one-quarter (¼) of an acre or the area required for long-term production operations; 4) Cross-ripping disturbed areas compacted by oil and gas operations which are no longer needed following completion of such operations to alleviate compaction; 5) Stabilizing unpaved access roads with base course or gravel to minimize erosion, and implementing permanent erosion control measures (e.g., permanent vegetation, erosion control blanket, retaining walls, etc.) for adjacent slopes or ditches; 6) Installing water bars and supplemental control measures on slopes greater than 20%, as needed; 7) Installing rock check dams, or equivalent structures, in drainage channels susceptible to erosion; and 8) Seeding ripped or harrowed ground disturbances with an appropriate seed mix and using stockpiled topsoil for areas of the site that will utilize vegetative final stabilization measures. 9) Monthly inspection schedule for < 70% pre-disturbance vegetation cover. Annual inspection schedule for ≥ 70% pre-disturbance vegetation cover. When construction of well pads, pipelines, access roads, and other production facilities are complete interim reclamation activities will be initiated. Sites located on cropland will be reclaimed in accordance with COGCC regulations and private landowner requirements. All other sites will be reclaimed in the interim using measures described above, taking into consideration the natural landscape of the surrounding undisturbed area, disturbed surface slopes, and the proximity of the site to drainages and surface waters. Please see the Reclamation Plan attached to the Form 2A for further details on site reclamation. Final Reclamation TEP’s final reclamation phase of construction aligns with industry and regulatory standards and regulations for reclaiming lands affected by oil and natural gas construction activities and operations. Structural and/or non-structural control measures will be implemented to effectively minimize erosion, sediment transport, and the release of other pollutants at the completion of final reclamation construction activities. Final reclamation of disturbed surfaces at sites may be accomplished with the following sequence of construction activities: 1) Plugging and abandoning of wells which are no longer producing; 2) Removal of any remaining production equipment, pipeline riser, and debris from the site, and backfilling remaining pits and boreholes used for production operations; 3) Recontouring the site to approximate pre-construction contours as practicable, per COGCC regulations, landowner agreements, or land management agency requirements; 4) Closing, grading, and re-contouring access roads, and removing culverts; Page 11 of 14 5) Alleviating compaction where necessary per COGCC requirements; 6) Replacing stockpiled topsoil over the site and preparing the surface for seeding by disking or ripping; and 7) Application of approved seed mix using appropriate application method (hydro-seed, drill seed, or broadcast seed, and covering with mulch to prevent sediment erosion and promoting growth of desirable vegetation. Sediment and erosion control measures at the site will be maintained or modified as needed until final reclamation of disturbed areas has been completed. Site-specific maps shall be updated to reflect field conditions post-construction. Restoration control measures, including vegetation, have been designed and will be installed as permanent features. When the surface of the land has been restored (as nearly as practicable) to its condition at the commencement of construction activities all temporary non-biodegradable control measures shall be removed from the site. INSPECTION AND MAINTENEANCE All TEP internal site inspections are conducted in accordance with State Permit regulations and represent the minimum inspection schedule for construction sites in the Piceance Fields (at least once every 14 calendar days). More frequent inspections are often conducted on active construction sites in accordance with project needs and communication with TEP’s SWMP Administrator, Construction Superintendent, and onsite contractors. Internal inspections are conducted by a TEP appointed third party Qualified Stormwater Manager (QSM). At a minimum, the following shall be evaluated during each inspection for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants leaving construction site boundaries; entering a stormwater drainage system; or discharging to State waters: 1) construction site perimeter; 2) all disturbed areas; 3) designated haul routes; 4) material and waste storage areas exposed to precipitation; 5) locations where stormwater has the potential to discharge off-site; and 6) locations where vehicles exit the site. All erosion and sediment control measures identified at the site are evaluated to ensure that they are maintained and operating correctly. Inspection Requirements: 1) Visually verify whether all implemented control measures (CMs) are in effective operational condition and are working as designed in their specifications to minimize pollutant discharges. 2) Determine if there are new potential sources of pollutants. 3) Assess the adequacy of CMs at the site to identify areas requiring new or modified control measures to minimize pollutant discharges. 4) Identify all areas of non–compliance with the Permit requirements and, if necessary, implement corrective action/work order. Page 12 of 14 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The following Best Management Practices for stormwater management will be utilized during development of the South Leverich 13-09 Oil and Gas Location: 1) Stormwater control measures will be in place during all phases of development to control stormwater runoff in a manner that minimizes erosion, transportation of sediment offsite, and site degradation. 2) Stormwater control measures will include perimeter controls such as sediment traps, diversion diches, check dams, wattles, and other control measures necessary to control stormwater run-on and run-off and minimize offsite movement of sediment. Control measures will also include site degradation control measure such as grading, slope stabilization methods (i.e., seeding, mulching, surface roughening), perimeter berms, surfacing materials (i.e., gravel), and other necessary controls to minimize site degradation. 3) Topsoil will be stored within a topsoil stockpile south of the proposed pad and will be segregated from all subsurface material. Wattles will be placed around the entire perimeter of the topsoil stockpile to minimize potential for loss of organic materials. 4) A post-construction stormwater program will be developed for the facility as required per Rule 1002.f.(3). Stormwater control is also addressed under a field-wide Stormwater Management Plan. 5) Installation of stormwater control measures will be installed based on the Appendix A, Construction Layout Drawing. 6) Bi-weekly inspection of the pad and stormwater control measures (berms, ditches, sediment basins), and the cuttings trench (berms and precipitation buildup). When necessary, precipitation within the cuttings trench will be pumped out and sent into the TEP proposed produced water management system for disposal. APPENDIX A SOUTH LEVERICH 13-09 DRILL PAD CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT DRAWING PLAN VIEW & CROSS SECTION S Leverich 13-09 Constr.dwg 6/15/2022 08:15:54Lot 3 & Lot 4 Section 13 T. 7 S., R. 94 W. Exist. Limit 136 East Third Street Rifle, Colorado 81650 Ph. (970) 625-1330 Fax (970) 625-2773 Prop. Meter Unit (20'x15J REVISED: 6/15/22 SCALE: DATE: 4/20/18 PROJECT: TEP Valley DFT: cs 0 80 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH = 80 FEET Contour Interval= 2' Hydro-Mulch ----@----EXISTING WELL DATA: WELL NORTHING LEVERICH 18-05D 1591984.7 LEVERICH 13-09D 1591979.7 LEVERICH 13-07B 1591974.8 LEVERICH 13-10A 1591970.1 EASTING 2342272.6 2342253.2 2342233.8 2342214.4 Construction Plan Prepared for: TER TEP Rocky Mountain LLC South Leverich 13-09 Drill Pad CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT S Leverich 13-09 Constr.dwg 6/15/2022 08:17:18Lot 3 & Lot 4 Section 13 T. 7 S., R. 94 W. t Construction Topsoil 1Stoc, pile ~+ Existing _ )..,_--A. 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ITEM CUT FILL TOPSOIL EXCESS PAD 28,260 32,980 2,920 -7,640 136 East Third Street Rifle, Colorado 81650 Ph. (970) 625-1330 Fax (970) 625-2773 REVISED: 7/06/22 SCALE: DATE: 4/20/18 PROJECT: TEP Valley DFT: cs Pit 7,630 7,630 TOTALS 35,890 32,980 2,920 -10 Construction Plan Prepared for: TER TEP Rocky Mountain LLC South Leverich 13-09 Drill Pad CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT CROSS SECTIONS APPENDIX B SOUTH LEVERICH 13-09 DRILL PAD INTERIM RECLAMATION LAYOUT PLAN VIEW & CROSS SECTION Reclamation Plan – 304.c.(16) South Leverich 13-09 Oil and Gas Location Loc ID #335045 July 2022 Table of Contents TER INTRODUCTION TEP Rocky Mountain LLC (“TEP”) has prepared the following Reclamation Plan as required by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (“COGCC”) Rule 304.c.(16). This reclamation plan describes the methods TEP will use during interim reclamation and final reclamation of the South Leverich 13-09 pad in compliance with Federal, State, and Local reclamation standards. TEP also operates under a field wide Surface Reclamation Plan for Oil and Gas Operations which provides additional guidance on surface reclamation methods and best management practice that are applicable for the majority of sites operated by TEP. This reclamation plan addresses two phases of site reclamation – interim reclamation, and final reclamation. Interim reclamation occurs once well construction and/or facility construction is complete. The area surrounding the wellhead and production facilities not required for long-term production operations is recontoured and stabilized to prevent soil erosion and to promote growth of desirable vegetation. The primary objective of interim reclamation is to establish a self-sustaining, vigorous, diverse, native (or otherwise approved) plant community sufficient to minimize visual impacts, provide forage for wildlife, stabilize soils, and impede growth of noxious weeds. Final reclamation occurs once all existing wells on an Oil and Gas Location have been plugged and abandoned and the location is no longer needed for ongoing production operations. The primary objectives of final reclamation are to return the land to pre-disturbance condition by recontouring the site where necessary, re-establishing hydrologic systems, and establishing self-sustaining native (or otherwise approved) plant communities. SITE DESCRIPTION The South Leverich 13-09 Oil and Gas Development Plan (“OGDP”) is located within Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Section 13 of Township 7 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., which includes the reconstruction of the existing South Leverich 13-09 pad and associated pipeline infrastructure. TEP is proposing to reconstruct the South Leverich 13-09 pad to support drilling, completion, and production operations for twenty-one (21) proposed natural gas wells. The South Leverich 13-09 pad is located within Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Section 13, Township 7 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M. on private land owned by Gordman Leverich, LLP and overlies private minerals. The land on which the pad would be located is classified as non-crop land, rangeland, and recreation, and is primarily used for grazing cattle. The South Leverich 13-09 OGDP involves reconstruction and expansion of one (1) existing Oil and Gas Location, construction of new pipeline corridors for natural gas transport, and the utilization of other existing facilities to support well completion and production operations. The pad location would have a constructed pad elevation of 8,007.1 feet. The proposed 6.43-acre South Leverich 13-09 pad would be reconstructed for drilling and completions operations of the twenty-one (21) proposed directional wells. The long-term disturbance attributed to the South Leverich 13-09 pad would be approximately 1.74-acres. The existing access road would be utilized for development of the South Leverich 13-09 pad. Minor maintenance activities may occur along the existing access road; however, no new disturbance would occur. The proposed pipeline corridors would account for an additional 1.83-acres of disturbance with approximately 0.69-acres (existing roads) remaining after reclamation. The total South Leverich 13-09 OGDP disturbance would be approximately 16.11-acres. Approximately 4.79-acres of disturbance would remain long-term (includes the Youberg SR 43-12 support pad and Youberg RU 44-7 remote frac pad) following interim reclamation of the proposed facilities and pipeline corridors. All proposed disturbance would be located on private surface. Please see the Plan of Development attached to the Form 2A for a detailed breakdown of disturbance acreage for all project components associated with the South Leverich 13-09 OGDP. SOILS DESCRIPTION The National Resource Conservation Service (“NRCS”) identifies the dominate soil types within the boundary of the South Leverich 13-09 pad as the Morval-Tridell complex and the Cimarron loam. The Morval-Tridel complex soil type is associated with alluvial fans and was derived from sandstone and/or basalt. The typical profile to a depth of 5 inches is defined as loam, 5-17 inches defined as clay loam, 17- 27 inches defined as stony clay loam, and 27-60 inches defined as stony loam. The Cimarron loam soil type is associated with valleys or drainageways and was derived from basalt. The typical profile to a depth of 4 inches is defined as loam, 4-16 inches is defined as silty clay loam, and 16-60 inches is defined as silty clay. The NRCS reports that these soils are classified, under the Uniform Soils Classification System, as inorganic clays (CL). These soils have a reported hydrologic group rating of C, having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. The infiltration rate is listed as moderately low to moderately high ranging from 0.06 to 0.60 inches per hour. The NRCS lists the Flood Frequency Class for the facility location as “None”. “None” means that flooding is not probable, and the chance of flooding is nearly zero percent in any year. NRCS reports that the Erosion factor K (whole soil) of 0.28 for the site, or moderately susceptible to erosion by water. Erosion factor K indicates the susceptibility of a soil to sheet and rill erosion by water. Factor K is one of six factors used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) to predict the average annual rate of soil loss by sheet and rill erosion in tons per acre per year. The estimates are based primarily on percentage of silt, sand, and organic matter and on soil structure and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat). Values of K range from 0.02 to 0.69. Other factors being equal, the higher the value, the more susceptible the soil is to sheet and rill erosion by water. Stormwater BMPs will be implemented to control soil erosion. PRE-DISTURBANCE VEGETATION COMPOSITION The primary vegetation communities within the project area include Wyoming big sagebrush, Gambel’s oak, serviceberry, Rocky Mountain maple, and quaking aspen. A comprehensive list of common plant species within the project area can be found in the Biological Survey Report attached to the amended Form 2A. Since the South Leverich 13-09 pad is an existing oil and gas location, a pre-disturbance vegetation cover evaluation would not provide an accurate assessment of vegetation cover at the site. However, a vegetation assessment was completed for the reference area, which determined that precent cover for pre-disturbance conditions are approximately 98%. Please see the vegetation assessment included in the Biological Survey Report attached to the Form 2A for additional details. A vegetation assessment was completed for South Leverich 13-09 pad by West Water Engineering, Inc. in July 2021. This assessment provides additional details regarding vegetation communities located within the project area. Additionally, a special status species plant survey was completed within the vicinity of the project area to assess the presence of Federally listed threatened, endangered, candidate, and BLM sensitive plant species. Please see the Biological Survey Report attached to the Form 2A for details regarding the vegetation assessment and survey results. IDENTIFICATION OF REFERENCE AREA AND VEGETATION COMPOSITION Reference area locations correspond to the pre-disturbance vegetation communities found on the pad site and are chosen in areas that experience the same environmental conditions and are not expected to be disturbed. The reference area is used to set goals for reclamation success. The South Leverich 13-09 pad reference site is located at Lat.: 39.43468/ Long.: -107.829267, south of the working pad surface with the same soil type, Morval-Tridell complex. Please see the Biological Survey Report attached to the Form 2A for the results of the vegetation assessment and a list of plant species recorded along the reference transect. The Reference Area Map and Reference Area Photos have been attached to the Form 2A. KNOWN WEED INFESTATIONS WestWater Engineering (“WestWater”) conducted a biological survey which included a survey for weeds within the project area. WestWater identified several noxious weed infestations within the project area including State Listed B and C noxious weeds. Please see the Biological Survey Report attached to the Form 2A for additional detail on noxious weeds, including a list of the noxious weed observed within the project area. GATHERING LINES Development of the South Leverich 13-09 pad involves the installation and operation of new natural gas and produced water gathering pipelines. Installation of the proposed off-location pipelines include one (1) eight-inch (8”) steel natural gas gathering pipeline and one (1) four-inch (4”) FlexPipe produced water pipeline. Installation of the proposed pipelines will create approximately 1.38-acres of surface disturbance. Of the proposed 1.38-acres of surface disturbance, approximately 0.70-acres would be within existing road disturbance, 0.99-acres would be within the existing pipeline corridor disturbance, and 0.14-acres would be new disturbance adjacent to the existing pipeline corridor. No long-term disturbance would be attributed to the proposed pipeline installations, except for the 0.69-acres of the existing access road disturbance. Cleanup and reclamation of the pipeline corridor(s) will occur immediately following completion of the pipeline installations. Cleanup of the construction workspace and any temporary use areas would be performed by removing any construction debris and by performing final grading to the original / pre- disturbance contour. Erosion control measures would be installed, and seeding would be performed in accordance with BLM requirements. TEP will employ drill, broadcast, or hydroseed methods to ensure proper seed placement. Drill seeding is preferred and will be used wherever soil characteristics and slope allows for effective operation of a rangeland seed drill. Drill seeding will be performed perpendicular to contour. Seed will be placed in direct contact with the soil at an average depth of 0.5 inches, covered with soil, and firmed to eliminate air pockets around the seeds. Broadcast seeding will be employed only in areas where drill seeding is unsafe or physically impossible. Seed will be applied uniformly over disturbed areas with manually operated cyclone-bucket spreaders, mechanical spreaders, or blowers. Broadcast application rates will be twice that of drill rates. The seed will be uniformly raked or dragged to incorporate seed to a sufficient seeding depth. TEP will incorporate the gathering line ROW into its existing weed management plan. ACCESS ROAD The existing 0.65-mile access road will be utilized during development of the South Leverich 13-09 pad. No new disturbance would occur along the existing access road; therefore, no reclamation activities will be required. REMOVAL OF DRILLING, COMPLETION EQUIPMENT, AND ALL ASSOCIATED DEBRIS AND WASTE MATERIALS All drilling, flowback, and well completion equipment will be removed from the oil and gas location upon completion of the proposed operations. Any materials, debris, and non-exploration and production waste materials will be removed for the oil and gas location and recycled or disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations. All guy line anchors left buried for future use will be identified by a marker no less than 4 feet in height and not greater than 1 foot east of the guy line anchor, as required by COGCC rule. MANAGEMENT OF WASTE MATERIALS Construction, drilling, and completion operations generate waste streams that will be managed, recycled, and/or disposed in accordance with applicable Federal and State regulations. All potential waste streams are described in detail in the Waste Management Plan attached to the Form 2A, which includes a detailed description the process and procedures for drill cuttings sampling and onsite disposal. INTERIM RECLAMATION AREAS Interim reclamation of the South Leverich 13-09 pad will begin within six (6) months following completion of drilling and well completion operations. A working area (production pad) must be maintained around each wellhead and production equipment to ensure site accessibility and safe working conditions during long-term production operations. Of the 6.43-acres of total site disturbance, approximately 1.74-acres (production pad) will be left un-reclaimed for long-term production operations. The disturbed areas surrounding the production pad would be re-contoured to blend as nearly as possible with the natural topography. Final grading of back-fill and cut slopes is necessary to prevent erosion and encourage re- establishment of desirable vegetation. Please see Appendix A, Interim Reclamation Layout, for additional site-specific details. COMPACTION ALLEVIATION Compaction alleviation is a necessary component of site reclamation as soil compaction can reduce water infiltration and may hinder the ability of seed to penetrate the soil following germination. All compacted portions of the pad, roads, and pipeline route, not required for long term production operations, would be ripped to a depth of eighteen inches (18”) when subsurface conditions permit. If the seed bed has begun to crust over or seal, the seed bed would be prepared by disking or some other mechanical means sufficient to allow penetration of the seed into the soil. RECONTOURING The disturbed areas of the oil and gas location surrounding the production pad would be re-contoured to blend as nearly as possible with the natural topography. Final grading of back-fill and cut slopes is necessary to prevent erosion and encourage re-establishment of desirable vegetation. Any existing drainages disturbed during pad construction would be re-established where appropriate. Prior to seeding, topsoil would be spread to a uniform depth to promote the establishment of desirable vegetation. Soil samples may be collected once re-contouring and topsoil redistribution has occurred to determine if any soil amendments are needed. Please see Appendix A, Interim Reclamation Layout, for additional details. RE-ESTABLISH AND STABILIZE DRAINAGE FEATURES Stormwater control measures will be maintained and/or re-established to ensure soil stabilization at the oil and gas location. Perimeter controls such as diversion ditches, sediment traps, application of seed and mulch, as well as other BMPs, will be utilized to ensure proper management of stormwater following interim reclamation. Stormwater control features will be established at the South Leverich 13-09 pad to ensure proper management and discharge of stormwater during weather events. Stormwater control measures are described in detail in the Stormwater Management Plan attached to the Form 2A. Table 1. Proposed Seed Mix (BLM – Landowner Modified) Mixed Mountain Shrubland – Mesic (Gambel’s Oak/Mountain Sagebrush) (16 to 22 inches precip.) Common Name Species Name Variety Seeds per Pond PLS lbs/acre Plant Three of the Following Grasses (15% of Mix Each, 45% Total) Mountain Brome Bromus marginatus UP* Cold Springs preferred, or Bromar, Garnet 64,000 6.1 Slender Wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus San Luis 159,000 1.6 Bluebunch Wheatgrass Pseudoroegneria spicata Native Colorado/Utah source, or Anatone, Goldar 140,000 2.8 Rocky Mountain Fescue Festuca saximontana Colorado/Utah source preferred 1,200,000 0.3 And One of the Following Grasses (10% of Mix Each, 20% Total) Prairie Junegrass Koeleria macrantha Native Colorado/Utah source preferred 2,315,000 0.1 Mutton Bluegrass Poa fendleriana Native Colorado/Utah source preferred 890,000 0.3 And One of the Following Grasses (10% of Mix Each, 10% Total) Western Wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii UP* variety native Colorado/Utah source, or Arriba, Recovery, Rodan, Rosana 110,000 2.4 Thickspike Wheatgrass Elymus lanceolatus Bannock, Critana, Schwendimar 154,000 1.7 And One of the Following Grasses (10% of Mix Each, 10% Total) Columbia Needlegrass Achnatherum nelsonii Native sources within 500 miles preferred 150,000 1.7 Lettermann Needlegrass A. lettermanii Native sources within 500 miles preferred 225,000 1.2 And Five of the Following Subshrubs/Forbs (3% of Mix Each, 15% Total)1 Common Name Scientific Name PLS lbs/acre Common Name Scientific Name PLS lbs/acre American Vetch Vicia americana 2.4 Rocky Mountain Penstemon Penstemon strictus 0.1 Bigelow’s Tansy- aster Machaeranthera bigelovii 0.05 Scarlet Gilia Ipomopsis aggregata 0.2 Blanketflower Gaillardia aristata 0.6 Showy Daisy Erigeron speciosus 0.05 Great Basin Penstemon Penstemon subglaber 0.19 Sticky Geranium Geranium viscosissimum 1.6 Hairy Goldenaster Heterotheca villosa 0.1 Sulphur Buckwheat Eriogonum umbellatum 0.4 Lewis Blue Flax Linum lewisii 0.5 Tailcup Lupine Lupinus caudatus 4.4 Little Sunflower Helianthella uniflora 1.9 Utah Sweetvetch Hedysarum boreale 1.7 1Seed mix was reviewed by fee surface owner and Mule’s-ears was removed upon request by the surface owner. ESTABLISH DESIRED SELF-PERPETUATING PLANT COMMUNITY The South Leverich 13-09 pad is located on private surface owned by TEP. The seed mix provided in Table 1 is planned for use at the South Leverich 13-09 pad and will be applied to all disturbed areas outside the proposed production pad. This seed mix will also be utilized for the proposed access road and pipeline corridor associated with the proposed oil and gas location. Generally, slopes steeper than 2:1 would be hydroseeded and slopes shallower than 2:1 would be drill seeded. Seeding would occur during an appropriate time of year to ensure the best possible results for plant growth. The rate of application of the seed mix is listed in pounds of pure live seed (PLS) per acre. The seed mix will be certified and there will be no primary or secondary noxious weeds in the seed mixture. SEEDBED PREPARATION AND SEEDING Prior to seeding, topsoil would be spread to a uniform depth to promote the establishment of desirable vegetation. Soil samples may be collected once re-contouring and topsoil redistribution has occurred to determine if any soil amendments are needed. Recommendations regarding seed mix and/or soil amendments would be reviewed with the TEP’s reclamation consultant prior to application. All compacted portions of the pad, roads, and pipeline right-of-way, not required for long term production operations, would be ripped to a depth of eighteen inches (18”) when subsurface conditions permit. If the seed bed has begun to crust over or seal, the seed bed would be prepared by disking or some other mechanical means sufficient to allow penetration of the seed into the soil. In addition, broadcast seed should be covered by using a harrow, drag bar, or chain. Generally, slopes steeper than 2:1 would be hydroseeded and slopes shallower than 2:1 would be drill seeded. Drill seeding will occur on contour with a depth no greater than one-half inch (0.5”). Seeding would occur during the appropriate time of year to ensure the best possible results for plant growth. Seeding typically occurs immediately after reclamation activities while the soil is loose; however, seeding may be delayed due to high temperatures and dry conditions. The seed mix proposed for use at the South Leverich 13-09 pad is provided in Table 1 above, which includes the rate of application listed in pounds of pure live seed (PLS) per acre. The seed mix will be certified and there will be no primary or secondary noxious weeds in the seed mixture. Hydro-mulch will be applied to the reclaimed area to minimize the potential for soil erosion and to provide protection for the seed prior to germination. Proper reshaping of slopes, placement of soils and earthwork, and other site design characteristics provide for site stabilization. Re-establishment of desirable plant communities provides the best means for ensuring long-term site stability. TEP will notify the surface owner twenty-four (24) hours prior to seeding and will provide evidence of certification of seed mix. FENCING TEP does not plan to fence this oil and gas location. The surface owner does have a grazing tenant on the property and there are adjacent tenants who also graze cattle in the area. If it is determined that cattle are limiting reclamation success, TEP will evaluate installation of a permitter fence to limit grazing access to the Oil and Gas Location. Other option that would be considered include, deferred grazing and additional application of seed. MANAGEMENT OF INVASIVE PLANTS TEP will implement a weed management program to ensure the Oil and Gas Location is free of undesirable plant species designated to be noxious weeds as required by COGCC Rule 1003.f. Weed control measures will be conducted in compliance with the Colorado Noxious Weed Act, C.R.S. §35-5.5- 115 and the current rules pertaining to the administration and enforcement of Colorado Noxious Weed Act. Field personnel will monitor the oil and gas location for noxious weeds and notify the Environmental Specialist, and a certified weed sprayer will be dispatched to inspect the site and take action to treat the noxious weeds if present. RECLAMATION MONITORING, INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPORTING Permanent vegetative cover will be considered successful when the basal cover of desirable perennial species is at least 80 percent of the basal cover of the undisturbed site or, of a reference area, or, if available, of the potential basal cover as defined in the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Range/Ecological Site(s), or similar, for the area. Additional reclamation success standards are detailed in TEP’s field wide Surface Reclamation Plan. Reclamation monitoring will be conducted per Appendix K (Fluid Minerals) of the June 2015 Colorado River Valley Field Office Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment, Specifically the Plans for Reclamation of the Surface – Template Northwest Colorado District. INTERIM RECLAMATION COMPLETION NOTICE TEP will comply with the Interim Reclamation Completion Notice as required per COGCC Rule 1003.e.(3) by submitting a Sundry Notice, Form 4, describing interim reclamation procedures and any associated mitigation measures performed, any changes, if applicable in the landowner’s designated final land use, and the required photos. FINAL RECLAMATION OF OIL AND GAS LOCATION Final Reclamation of the pad location and access roads would occur once the facility is no longer necessary for production operations and following final abandonment of all existing wells drilled from the Oil and Gas Location. Upon completion of approved plugging and abandonment of the wells, per Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 2, “all casing will be cut-off at the base of the cellar or [a minimum of] three feet (3’) below final restored ground level (whichever is deeper). The well bore will then be covered with a metal plate at least 1/4-inch-thick and welded in place, or a four-inch (4”) pipe, ten feet (10’) in length, four feet (4’) above ground and embedded in cement as specified by the authorized officer. The well location and identity shall be permanently inscribed. A weep hole shall be left if a metal plate is welded in place.” Any production equipment on location would be removed and any pipelines that are associated with the plugged wells would be decommissioned/abandoned per COGCC 1100 Series rules. If pipelines are abandoned in place, pipeline risers would be cut off and capped at a minimum of three-feet (3’) below final grade. The disturbed areas surrounding the well location, including the access roads, would be re- contoured to blend as nearly as possible with the natural topography. Final grading of cut and fill slopes would be done to prevent erosion and encourage establishment of desirable vegetation. Any existing drainages disturbed and not re-established during interim reclamation would be re-established during final reclamation. Final reclamation of the oil and gas location, including recontouring, topsoil placement, compaction alleviation, seed application, weed management, and reclamation monitoring, will be generally follow the practices described above. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 1) The Oil and Gas Location will be re-contoured to blend as nearly as possible with the natural topography during site reclamation. All subsoil and topsoil separated and segregated during site construction will be replaced to a uniform depth during reclamation recontouring operations. 2) The Oil and Gas Location will be reseeded by drill, broadcast, or hydroseed methods. Drill seeding will be utilized wherever soil characteristics and slope allow for effective operation of a rangeland seed drill. 3) TEP will use a seed mix approved by the surface owner. 4) Erosion control will be implemented per the Stormwater Management Plan included in the Form 2A for this location and will be inspected and maintained as required by Federal, State, and Local regulations. 5) Noxious weeds which may be introduced due to soil disturbance during reclamation would be treated in accordance will applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. 6) Site reclamation will occur within six (6) months following well completion operations. APPENDIX A SOUTH LEVERICH 13-09 DRILL PAD INTERIM RECLAMATION LAYOUT DRAWING PLAN VIEW & CROSS SECTION Wildlife Plan – 304.c.(17) South Leverich 13-09 Oil and Gas Location Loc ID #335045 July 2022 Table of Contents TER Page 2 of 10 INTRODUCTION TEP Rocky Mountain LLC (“TEP”) has prepared the following Wildlife Protection Plan for the South Leverich 13-09 pad to address the implementation of the operational requirements outlined under Rule 1202.a. This plan provides an assessment of wildlife impacts from the proposed oil and gas activities, compliance with the applicable operating requirements under Rule 1202, CPW consultation, and best management practices that will be implemented to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to wildlife from the proposed oil and gas activities. SITE DESCRIPTION The South Leverich 13-09 Oil and Gas Development Plan (“OGDP”) is located within Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Section 13 of Township 7 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., which includes the reconstruction of the existing South Leverich 13-09 pad and associated pipeline infrastructure. TEP is proposing to reconstruct the South Leverich 13-09 pad to support drilling, completion, and production operations for twenty-one (21) proposed natural gas wells. The South Leverich 13-09 pad is located within Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Section 13, Township 7 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M. on private land owned by Gordman Leverich, LLP and overlies private minerals. The land on which the pad would be located is classified as non-crop land rangeland / recreation and is primarily used for grazing cattle. The South Leverich 13-09 OGDP involves reconstruction and expansion of one (1) existing Oil and Gas Location, construction of new pipeline corridors for natural gas transport, and the utilization of other existing facilities to support well completion and production operations. The pad location would have a constructed pad elevation of 8,007.1 feet. The proposed 6.43-acre South Leverich 13-09 pad would be reconstructed for drilling and completions operations of the twenty-one (21) proposed directional wells. The long-term disturbance attributed to the South Leverich 13-09 pad would be approximately 1.74-acres. The existing access road would be utilized for development of the South Leverich 13-09 pad. Minor maintenance activities may occur along the existing access road; however, no new disturbance would occur. The proposed pipeline corridors would account for an additional 1.83-acres of disturbance with approximately 0.69-acres (existing roads) remaining after reclamation. The total South Leverich 13-09 OGDP disturbance would be approximately 16.11-acres. Approximately 4.79-acres of disturbance would remain long-term (including the Youberg SR 43-12 support pad and Youberg RU 44-7 remote frac pad) following interim reclamation of the proposed facilities and pipeline corridors. All proposed disturbance would be located on private surface. Please see the Plan of Development attached to the Form 2A for a detailed breakdown of disturbance acreage for all project components associated with the South Leverich 13-09 OGDP. OPERATING REQUIREMETNS RULE 1202 Rule 1202.a.: The following outlines the operating requirements pursuant to Rule 1202.a and a description of how TEP plans to implement measures to ensure compliance with the rule when applicable: 1. In black bear habitat, Operators will install and utilize bear-proof dumpsters and trash receptacles for food-related trash at all facilities that generate trash. TEP will install and utilize bear proof dumpsters and trash receptacles for food- related trash at all facilities that generate trash. 2. Operators will disinfect water suction hoses and water transportation tanks withdrawing from or discharging into surface waters (other than contained pits) used previously in