HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.00 General Application MaterialsCommunity Development Department 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970)945-8212 www.garfield-county.com LAND USE CHANGE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM TYPE OF APPLICATION Administrative Review Development in 100-Year Floodplain Limited Impact Review Development in 100-Year Floodplain Variance Major Impact Review Code Text Amendment Amendments to an Approved LUCP LIR MIR SUP Rezoning Zone District PUD PUD Amendment Minor Temporary Housing Facility Administrative Interpretation Vacation of a County Road/Public ROW Appeal of Administrative Interpretation Location and Extent Review Areas and Activities of State Interest Comprehensive Plan Amendment Accommodation Pursuant to Fair Housing Act Pipeline Development Variance Time Extension (also check type of original application) INVOLVED PARTIES Owner/Applicant Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: (______)_________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ____________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________________________________ Representative (Authorization Required) Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: (______)_________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ____________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION Project Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Assessor’s Parcel Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ Physical/Street Address: ________________________________________________________________ Legal Description: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Zone District: ___________________________________ Property Size (acres): __________________ 2391-333-00-005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION REQUEST FOR WAIVERS Submission Requirements …The Applicant requesting a Waiver of Submission Requirements per Section 4-202. List: Section: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________ Section: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________ Waiver of Standards …The Applicant is requesting a Waiver of Standards per Section 4-118. List: Section: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________ Section: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________ I have read the statements above and have provided the required attached information which is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. __________________________ _________________________________Consultant___________ ___ Signature of Property Owner or Authorized Representative, Title Date OFFICIAL USE ONLY File Number: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Fee Paid: $_____________________________ Existing Use: __________________________________________________________________________ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ Proposed Use (From Use Table 3-403): ____________________________________________________ Description of Project: ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ϭ͘dŚĞĞĐŝƐŝŽŶLJŽƵĂƌĞĂƉƉĞĂůŝŶŐ͘ Ϯ͘dŚĞĚĂƚĞƚŚĞĞĐŝƐŝŽŶǁĂƐƐĞŶƚĂƐƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĞĚŝŶƚŚĞŶŽƚŝĐĞ;ĚĂƚĞŵĂŝůĞĚͿ͘ ϯ͘dŚĞŶĂƚƵƌĞŽĨƚŚĞĚĞĐŝƐŝŽŶĂŶĚƚŚĞƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĞĚŐƌŽƵŶĚĨŽƌĂƉƉĞĂů͘WůĞĂƐĞĐŝƚĞƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĐĐŽĚĞƐĞĐƚŝŽŶƐ ĂŶĚͬŽƌƌĞůĞǀĂŶƚĚŽĐƵŵĞŶƚĂƚŝŽŶƚŽƐƵƉƉŽƌƚLJŽƵƌƌĞƋƵĞƐƚ͘ ϰ͘dŚĞĂƉƉƌŽƉƌŝĂƚĞĂƉƉĞĂůĨĞĞŽĨΨϮϱϬ͘ϬϬ͘ ϱ͘WůĞĂƐĞŶŽƚĞĂĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚƉƉĞĂůƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶĂŶĚĨĞĞƐŵƵƐƚďĞƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĚǁŝƚŚŝŶϯϬĐĂůĞŶĚĂƌĚĂLJƐ ŽĨƚŚĞĚĂƚĞŽĨƚŚĞĨŝŶĂůǁƌŝƚƚĞŶĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞ/ŶƚĞƌƉƌĞƚĂƚŝŽŶ͘ &ŽƌƉƉĞĂůŽĨĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞ/ŶƚĞƌƉƌĞƚĂƚŝŽŶƉůĞĂƐĞŝŶĐůƵĚĞ͗ June 21, 2022 Letter of Authorization: Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company is hereby authorized to submit the attached "Major Impact Review for Kennel, Large" with Garfield County Community Development Department. _______________________________________________________ Chuck Maker, DVM for Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company Member DocuSign Envelope ID: 43B1298E-367D-42BC-9D76-584EB6B5F981 Garfield Count¥ PAYMENT AGREEMENT FORM GARROD COUNIY (•<DUNIY") and PropertyOwlller("'APPUCANTj _________ _ __________________________ agree as follows: L The Applicant has submitled ID the County an appication for the folowing Project: __ _ 2.The Applicant 1.1,uderstaoos and agrees that Garfield County Resofution No. 2014-60. as amended. establishes a fl!e sdledule for each type application, and the pidelines for the admirlisbalion of the fl!e struclure. 3.The Applicant and the County agree that because of the size, nature or scope of the proposed project, it is not possible at this lime ID ascertain the fuH extent of the C05ls involved in proa!55i• the appffi'<ation. The Appl"lc:ant agrees ID make payment of the Base Fee, established for the Project, and ID then!after permit additional C05ls ID be billed ID the Applicant. The Appfic:ant agrees ID mallrl! additional payments upon notification by the County. when they are necessary. as mst5 are iincuned. 4.The Base Fee shal be in addition ID and exdusive of any cost for publication or-cost of consulti• service determined necessary bf the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of an appfac:ation or adcfilional County staff time or eq,e115e not covered bf the Base Fee. If actual recorded C05IS exceed the initial Base Fee, the Applicant shan pay additional billings ID the County ID reimburse the County for the proc:essq of the Projed. The Applicant adnowledges that al bilrmg shal be paid prior to the final consideration bf the County of any land Use Change or Division of Land. I hseby apee ID pay al fftS related ID this appacalion: Billing Contact Person:. ______________ Phone: (____J ______ _ Billi.Contact Address: _______________________ _ City: _________________ State: ___ ZipCode: _____ _ Billi•Contact Email: ________________________ _ Printed Name of Person AulhorizedlDS-IIIJI: __________________ _ (Signature) (Date) Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company Major Impact Review for "Kennel, Large" Chuck Maker 970 618 0906 17776 Hwy 82 Carbondale CO 81623 drmaker@alpineequine.net Chuck Maker DocuSign Envelope ID: 43B1298E-367D-42BC-9D76-584EB6B5F981 6/21/2022 Ga,:JielJ County CERTIFICATJO Ol"MINERAL OWNER RESEARCH Ibis form is ta be mmp/ell!d and submittm with,_, appr,amanfr,r a lllnd Use a.ange Permit Mineral illterests may be sewernd from surface ript interests in real property. C.R.S. § 24"65.5-101, et seq. requires notification to mineral owners when a landowner applies for-an application for development from a local government. As such, the landowner" must research the mnent owners of mineral inten!sls for the property. The Garfield County land Use and Development: Code of 2013 (-WDC') Section 4-10l{E)(l)(b)(4) requires written notice to owners of mineral interests in the subject property in aa:onlance with C.R.S.. § 2�.5-101. et seq. •as such owners can be identified through the remnls in the office of the Clerk and Recorder or Assessor. or through other means.• This form is proof af appf',cant"s compfance with the Colorado Revised Statutes and the WOC. The lllldeBigned appfcant urtifies that mnral ownas have been � far the sulJjed: property as required pursuant ID c.R.5. § 24-65.5-lOJ. dsa,, and Sedut 4-l01(EJ(1J(b)(4) of the Garfield County land Use and Development Cade, as amended. A5 a rmull of that researdl, lhe undenigned applicant certifies the following,� iniliol on 1M blani line newt ID* sto'61JMf dlar oca,n,trJr n/lttfs fM rrsulf of JrSl!IBChJ: _ I own the enme mineral eslate relatill'e to the subject property: or _ Minerals are owned by the parties listed below The names and addresses of any and al mineral owne,s idet,tified are provided below (attach additional pages as necessary): Name of Mineral Ownel" MailingAddress of Mineral Owner I admowfedge I reviewed C.R.S. § M-65.S-1.0l. et seq, and I am in a,mplara with 5ilid statue and the lUDC. AppMant'sSipature X Vera S. Herin and Rudolph Herin Deceased DocuSign Envelope ID: BEA11D58-1977-4977-B76C-8C205D0BF1C0 6/21/2022 June 21, 2022 Garfield County Community Development Department 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Attn: Glenn Hartmann. Principal Planner Via email: ghartmann@garfield-county.com RE: TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 2391-333-00-005 PROJECT: Alpine Animal Hospital Kennel OWNER: Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company APPLICANT/CONTACTS: Chad Roeber and Chuck Maker PRACTICAL LOCATION: 17776 Hwy. 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 ZONING: Rural TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major lmpact Review for "Kennel, Large" Mr. Hartmann: Attached is the application for the above mentioned application. We have FedExed 3 hard copies including a check for $525.00. You can reach me at 970.549.6138 or at teija@petvetsales.com. Teija SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: • Application Form and Fee: Check for $525.00 attached. • Agreement to pay form: Attached. • Deed/Title Work Demonstrating Ownership: Attached • Statement of Authority and/or letter of authorization: Attached • List of mineral owners of record, including names and mailing addresses: Attached. • Names and mailing addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the subject parcel and a map showing the subject parcel and the adjacent property owners: Attached. • Project narrative: Attached. • Copy of pre-application conference summary: Attached • 4-203.C. Vicinity Map: Attached. • 4-203.D. Site Plan: We are requesting a waiver for this requirement as no construction is being proposed with this Major Land Use application. There will be no change to the existing site, buildings, topography, access, parking, etc. • 4-203.E. Grading and Drainage Plan: We are requesting a waiver for this requirement as no construction is being proposed with this application; previous Grading and Drainage Plan was completed and approved in 2008. No changes to grading or drainage since. • 4-203.F. Landscape Plan: We are requesting a waiver for this requirement as the landscape will not change with this application. As approved in resolution 2008-106, landscaping will not be changed as the design of the proposed use is already minimizing impact on and from adjacent uses through installation of screen fences and landscaping that was previously approved by Garfield County. No construction is being proposed with this application and previous landscape plan was completed and approved in 2008. • 4-203.G. Impact Analysis: This is addressed in the Project Narrative. There is no proposed land development accompanying this application, only operational changes that are being asked to be modified with this application. • 4-203.L. Traffic Study: Attached report by River City Consultants. CDOT Access Permit is required, application that has been submitted to the CDOT is attached. • 4-203. M. Water Supply/Distribution Plan: Attached Water Supply Documents include: o Original well permit application o Well permit o 4 hour water test results at time of application o Waster Water Management report by River City Consultants • Respond to all standards in Section 7, Divisions 1, 2 and 3, Section 7-603, and 7-302 and submit any additional material (reports, plans, studies, etc) that provides evidence of compliance. Attached. • 7-107. Access and Roadways: Attached Traffic Study and CDOT Permit Application. • 7-603. Kennels: Attached Ambient Sound Level Survey & Model by Absolute Noise Control report and narrative addresses this. • 7-302. Off-Street Parking and Loading: Attached Traffic, Access and Parking Requirements report by River City Consultants. Gørfield Coungt Community Development Department 108 8th Street, Suite 401 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 l970le4s-82L2 www.ga rfi el d-cou ntv. com PRË.APPLIEATiON CONFERENCE SUMMARY TAx PARCEL NUMBER: 2391-333-00-005 PROJECT:Alpine Animal Hospital Kennel OWNER:Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company APPLICANT/CONTACTS: Chad Roeber and Chuck Maker PRACTICAI LOCATIONI L7776 Hwy. 82, Carbondale, CO 8L623 ZONING:Rural TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major lmpact Review for "Kennel, Large" DATE: Ltlt7/2I updated L2/2712L I. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Applicant is proposing to request a Major lmpact Land Use Change Permit for a Kennel on the property. The use would be in addition to the existing Veterinary Clinic operated on the site in accordance with a Special Use Permit approved in 2008. The Kennel is currently in operation. While kenneling is allowed for up to L5 dogs in associated with the veterinary clinic special use permit conditions of approval, the Applicant is proposing a separate kennel operation to include dog daycare and overnight boarding. The maximum capacity of the proposed kennel was discussed with no definitive number provided; however, it is anticipated that it will exceed the small kennel limit of 8 dogs. The facility was represented to utilize the old veterinary clinic structure for housing the dogs. A draft site plan was not available. ln accordance with the Land Use and Development Code of 2013, a Kennel, Large is defined as follows: Kennel, Lørge. A commerciol establishment other thon a pet shop or veterinary clinic, in which odult dogs or domesticoted onimols ore housed, groomed, bred, boarded, or trained and have greoter than 8 odutt dogs ond more than 2 litters of pups per any L calendor yeor. Dogs used os o part of an ogriculturol octivity ore exempted from the definition. '; &¡ddÈìbNihO*¡Bt Ø iF@bql riç,$nrdbb i k6¡ñÈldB !rcN INM*N¡ffi¡5 MMNNW. !€Þritud qr hñiúftb€rb¡d !t-e üw,bl r-l Ueñ G5rñAEr l',lioøn*."ø tlprrs¡* I lt-r re I rrn'""-,"at f ær:r¡sl,qt-:t-o,,) b M# 2b ú eî!) tu M (óþ 1ÐtuDll Þ-IirÞÁø!) bruE* TbdidiF/Mrtrl -1 ì ]: :.. .i :.i i , .'.,, . éte¡c This property is zoned Rural and is located in the Residential Medium Comprehensive Plan Designation. A Water Supply Plan and Wastewater Management Plan are essential parts of the submittal requirements. lf wells are to be utilized, the Water Supply Plan will require documentation of legal water (well permits) with the Division of Water Resources, a 4-hour pump test and a water quality test. The Division of Water Resources local contact number is 970-945-5665 for more informat¡on on well permitt¡ng. The Wastewater Management Plan will need to include documentation of OWTS Permits and/or plans for expanded systems adequate to serve the proposed use. A technical evaluation by a qualified professional may be necessary to confirm the adequacy of the system or proposals. Waivers may be requested regarding the timing of submitting details associated with the above plans (i.e. a cond¡t¡on of approval may require completion of water testing and OWTS designs) ln addition, the applicant should respond to all applicable standards as outlined in Section 7, Divisions 1-3 including Section 7-603 (Kennels), Section 7-707 (Access & Roadways), and Section 7-3OZ (Off- Street Parking and Loading Standards). This includes demonstration of compliance with the minimum driveway size and park¡ng configurations. S¡nce access to the site is off of a CDOT Frontage Road, any CDOT Access Permit issues will also need to be addressed. The Applicant shall affirmatively demonstrate compliance with Section 7-603, "No noise shall emanate from the property boundary in excess of the Residential Zone District standards contained in C.R.S. I 25-12-103, except as permitted by C.R.S. E 25-L2-IO3(2) and (3)". Compliance should be demonstrated through a no¡se analysis/tech n ical report from a q ual ified professional. II. REGULATORY PROVISIONS APPLICANT IS REqUIRED TO ADDRESS Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, specific sections: 2 . Major lmpact Review, Section 4-105 (as applicable) r Common Review Procedures, Table 4-IO2 . Submittal Requirements, Table 4-201' . Article 7, Division 1,2, and 3 . Section 7-!07, Access . Section 7-603, Kennels r Section 7-302, Off-Street Parking . 4-LL8 Waivers from Standards & 4-202 Waiver from Submittal Requirements (as applicable) II. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A major impact review requires the following information to be submitted pursuant to Table 4- 201which includes the following items which are further described in Section 4-203. . 4-203.8. General Application Materials a. Application Form and Fee b. Agreement to pay form c. Deed/Title Work Demonstrating Ownership d. Statement of AuthoritV and/or letter of authorization e. List of mineral owners of record, including names and mailing addresses. (See attached Memo from the County Attorney's Office on Mineral Owner Research) f. Names and mailing addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the subject parcel and a map showingthe subject parcel and the adjacent property owners. g. Project narrative h. Copy of pre-application conference summary . 4-2O3.C. Vicinity Map . 4-203.D. Site Plan . 4-203.E Grading and Drainage Plan Note: The applicant may submit a waiver for this requirement - additional information should be provided in the application, including a response to the Waiver Criteria in Section 4-202 of the Land Use and Development Code. . 4-203.t. Landscape Plan Note: the Applicant may submit a waiver for this requirement - additional information should be provided in the application, including a response to the Waiver Criteria in Section 4-202 of the Land Use and Development Code. . 4-203.G. lmpact Analysis . 4-2O3.L Traffic Study Note: The applicant should supply a report from a Professional Engineer that meets the Basic Traffic Study criteria and/or request a waiver. lnformation on CDOT Access Permits/Requirements need to be provided. . 4-203. M. Water Supply/Distribution Plan Note: lf wells are utilized the plan will include legal water (well permits), pump testing and water qualitY testing . 4-203.N. Wastewater Treatment Plan 3 Note: lf OWTS/ISDS Septic Systems are utilized will need to demonstrate that the existing system is legal and adequate for all uses it is serving or if a new system is proposed feasibility or preliminary information by a qualified professional shall be required. Respond to all standards in Section 7, Divisions t,2 and 3, Section 7-603, andT-302 and submit any additional material (reports, plans, studies, etc) that provides evidence of compliance. 7-IO7. Access and Roadways. Note: Demonstrate compliance with Table 7-LO7 based on ADT along with CDOT Access Permit Requirements 7-603. Kennels Note: Demonstration of compliance with Section 7-603 is necessary. A noise analysis from a qualified professional is required to demonstrate compliance with Section 7- 603. 7-3O2. Off-Street Parking and Loading Note: Demonstrate compliance through site plan details and/or narrative information. IV. REVIEW PROCESS The process to accommodate these requests shall require a Major lmpact Review process (4-105) pursuant to the Land Use and Development Code, as amended. A. Pre-application Conference. B. Application Submittal. C. Determination of Completeness. (20 days for staff review, 60 days for applicant to correct any deficiencies in the submittal) D. Schedule Public Hearing with PC, provide documentation regarding notice requirements in order to satisfy LUDC requirement of minimum 30 day/maximum 60 day notice prior to hearing. E. Referrals are sent out to reviewing agencies. F. Evaluation by Director/Staff resulting in a Staff Report to the Planning Commission ' and Board of County Commissioners. G. Public Hearing before the PC, resulting in a recommendation to the BOCC for approval, approval with conditions or denial. H. Schedule Public Hearing with BOCC, provide documentation regarding notice requirements in order to satisfy LUDC requirement of minimum 30 day/maximum 60 day notice prior to hearing. l. Public Hearing before the BOCC, resulting in a decision of approval, approval with conditions or denial, J. Recording of decision in an approved Resolution K. lf approved, issuance of a Land Use Change Permit based on demonstration of compliance with any conditions of approval. All applicable conditions of approval must be satisfied within 1 year of approval. I 4 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND NOTICE Public Hearing notices shall be posted, mailed and published at least 30 days prior to the hearing pursuant to Section 4-101.E. _None X Planning Commission (For Major lmpact Review) X Board of County Commissioners (For Major lmpact Review and Limited lmPact Review) VI. REFFERALS Referral may include the following agencies: . Garfield County Road and Bridge Department I CDOT. Garfield County Environmental Health Manager. Garfield County Vegetation Manager . Garfield County Consulting Engineer . Fire Protection District . Colorado Division of Water Resources . CDPHE Water Quality Control Division r Any other agency deemed appropriate upon review of the submittal VII. APPLICATION REVIEW FEES This application will be subject to the following fees and deposit requirements: Planning Review Fees Referral Agency Fees: Total Deposit: S 525 (Major lmpact Review) Plus any additional Staff time charged at staff hourly rate of S+O.SO Engineering review fee based on hourly rate $525 (Major lmpact Review) Application Submittal 3 Hard Copies I Digital PDF Copy {on CD or USB stick} Both the pâper and the digital copy should be splir into individual sections. Ple¿se refer to the list included in your pre-application conference summary for the submittal requirements that are appropriate for your application: . General Applicatìon Materials . Vic¡n¡ty Map. Site Plan. Grading and Drainage Plan ¡ Landscape Plan. lmpact Analysis. Traffic Sludy . Water Supply/Distribution Plan. Wastewater Management Plan. Article 7 Slandards VIII. GENERALAPPLICATION PROCESSING The foregoing summary is advisory in nature only and is not binding on the County. The summary is based on current zon¡ng, which is subject to change in the future, and upon factual representations that may or may not be accurate. This summary does not create a legal or vested right. The summary is valid for a six-month period, after which an update should be requested. The Applicant is advised that the Application submittal once accepted by the County becomes public information and will be 5 ava¡lable (including electronically)for review bythe public. Proprietary information can be redacted from documents prior to submittal. Pre-ai¡plication Summarv Prepared bv: hzu L2l27l2L Glenn Hartmann Principal Planner Date 6 tutÉú H¡lÊr¡a¡r.f ¡rrhrtf|trru lSc¡tþr¡{-1ß51 *ûp¡dtccræftr* 6 ñsnthc Þ ¡{ùmk ¡ppl,lc¡tlon rl$ b¡¡¡Iñe¡¡ d¡fs b re$lÐ rtf ¡nco*dhùr. €F dryr to rrrnrdy dd¡Ëbûlhr fûÈü4 m¡llrd tc rdimntpmpcrty omrrft nith{n å00 lCdr¡r but no morc làrr 60 d¡y¡ ptl¡¡t IttE E ,s ! 't -üil ÈÈ E Ê rat .>E ia Ê ãIs ftrtrurdmhrr¡lwnrrr,rthrrt e f üü*f n¡ fi dffiùCeü p$lle herrln¡ r2l ú¡Vor¡rnt palird ¡¡rd ûilfr*fÉ, åt 8ðfËpubtkftr¡rh; mrllod m r{rccrrtp.Epêrtf {rrrrnn rvtú¡ln t00*çG¡ þarr trtd¡VsÊilf ¡ra rnore th¡n 6ûd¡flphr tÕ rln{c¡¡rt h¡¡ I I!ç¡r to mË€t .ilf 7 Çti.:n I Fr¡. rlr¡rliceitort {-'::rlrferet¡tÈ ttep J: ilppliration trub¡mittaf \I¡,¡r ¡l ti r.,IlI11ii lIIr".', l-lr',.'Ir'r.,¡ \lrp d \l he r{ul,: Hr.;tinH .rn¿J lurt¡r'it{r: I'Jr¡i-nq.r ";tEF'xt FlÉIF,rrãl 5te¿¡ ir Fr,¡lr.Lti,:r'r !'¡ Ltirer:tc r St"F 7: Pirnnrng Cocrm{¡rton Re!lew ¡nd Frcommen¡l¡trcn \fç¡: 8: s- lrerlult, Hr.rrit:¿: ¡nd Provrrltt l,,lolirt ltep 9: 8Lì{ t ile¿:i:ian Gsrfreld Coaøy PATTEilTåGREETilT FORM GAIHH"D (I)UllTY (-CDlrffin and Property OsÍË (iAP"lJCAIrfl agrceæfollm: L fhe npp[cant hæ submitþd bü¡e eünty an applcatin brthe fuIanif P]qeÊ -L The Appficam understalds and 4rees tlnt GarH Countf nesof¡üin IIo. ã11{-6O, æ amended, estabffsls a fte sdreür¡le br edr tWe appficaü¡rn, and the guiþl¡ne3 brthe admhistration dthe fte s¡rucrure- 3. ffre Appficam and the Coufi alee that bemre ofüte sfoe, naþre or sæpe of the pmpæe¿ pn¡ieC, it b rut pæsilrle at úb lirE to ææ¡tain tlp t¡[ e!úent düe Go6üs inyohrcd in proæ'ilg the ãppfEf¡rln. ¡¡p 6ppficant agrees üo nnle paymnt of the Bæ F€e, established fur tlE Proþü, and to tllefE#er prmit addilinal o6t5 to be b¡lled to the Appfcafü Ïhe App¡cant 4rec3 þ make adütbnal payrnenÛs upon ndificatbn by üte C-ümtV,uillenthef afe rnoecsary' ¡E osils are ino¡rred- 4. The Bæe Fee shal be h addilin þ and sahs6re of any coet fur puHiztbn or 65t d ænrultilry se¡a¡g dc¡ermircd neæry by the Board of Cq¡nty Conmissix¡els br the ænsirter¡tirn of an appficatinn oradfrfulral Courttystafftimorelçeme not oYered by dle Base Fec. lf artud rcorH cts c¡rceed the in¡thl Bas€ F€e, the Aplcant shal pay addtbnd bill¡rEs to üe County üo reûnhurse the County fu fhe prmiry d üe Protect theApplficantaAarou¡e¿eesrH a[ btlligshal be pail piortotlnfiml onskler¿tlon by üe Conntyof any land UseOralryeorDirÊ¡¡m of l¡td- I hcrìeby iltæüo g{ ftc¡ relædbü*¡+pfc*ar BilliryConbcr Phonet BilliryConürtAddress: -statc= -T4de:-- cÏty: Billiryffiact Email: Pùted llame d Ferson A¡thortzed to Si¡rl: (Stnau¡rc|{me} GørfuId Count¡r cßRÏrrrcarrol{ oF MTNmAL OUrÀSExl nTSEARCtr ThÉ Íut¡ is b b ø1@ utd stffitl wilt æl Miø*n lu o t-otd Le da n$ tumúL Hher¿l lnErests nny be seræld frorn g¡ilaæ fitrt huest in real pfopefty. cRs- 5 21'G&"5-7gl,ûq, rcçlics notificati¡n b) minelial owrxrsuñen a hndonmerapp¡esfuran appÛcaüionforderæbpmentûoma læl goæmrnent As 5uaft, üre tandor¡s must resrdr tlre currenü rHners d mheral hteresB forft€ plopcrty- Th€ Garffi county tãnd t¡se ¡¡d fierdopnsil code of zlß ßuDg! secüo¡r 4-lo1(Ellq(blÍÐ requires wrifün noli:e to owners d mlneral hteresils in üle g¡Uect proee¡ty h ærdanæ ütiü CRS S 24Æ-5'1UJ'- & q,,ae sldr owne6 can be khnrified üru€fi tlle ¡eæ¡ds Ûn üc ffice dü¡e fur and Reorder or ArsÉssnr, or rhruryh drer rneans' Thb fulm b pmcf d appñcant's ompfnnce uf¡h the cobrado nes¡sGd staûEsandùefUDC fhe udel*ncd ffi anf¡fie¡ dBt núr:r¡l orro¡ lsrc bsr ]t¡eartr frrüG rlÚd pmpcrfy ¡t nç¡rc¿ ¡rsnnt þ CnS. gzÆs.lß\cû¡q, rrd Scún +tÛl lEllÐtbtFl of üre ffi Cout*t lfld lflc ¡nd DclilNop|Ett Codc, æ alneltdcd. Æ ¡ r:¡* of rh* n¡ea¡dl, úe r¡rdcr*ncd #Jta oc¡til¡e¡ d¡c ñlbúr lptu ûnüÍol m üE M tu tÅ3 b Ih rb6,ãtt tfut mçr,E'l iGffi üE rã* aî ræwrlrl: - ! own the entie mineral c5ü¡te reÌ¡tñretothesu$ect pfopeftf or - M¡nerab are owned by the pert¡s lbted bcüot¡' The narnes and addrcsses danyand al mirsd mners lüenlified are porthd bebrr (attaú additÍonal ges as neoessaryf: þlrcof nsdOrner kldûc¡¡of fßncrCûmcr ¡ ¡dsþrrlGd;p I rsirnd c ßs. g 2l-É.F¡ttL ü q, dl I anr h oomphæ rirh said ¡t¡tle and rln uDc fppñc¡ntsS¡t¡ü¡lc TÞ MEMOM TtD FRONft DAÏÊ RE: SF Consr fm#¡OffoG tú2lr,ãû,lí ffisrl hcrccfc¡crdt ffiçd iûcs|3 may tc sl,Glct ñm flúc ñEb ¡ËËfu d plo$rrtlr Cold rä,isd s¡rû¡þ 2{45.rlß rcçic¡ ¡fføin b nÉøl ore rúm r Úrro l¡dft:r år¡ bú as deig¡firn by r locC grrsd. .ås srl" fu l¡dowøæ rcs'art & tcf om of mfosd lücsts far fu Pqpc*¡r- Th ffid Oüdy LId tt¡Ê and lfatdqpcnt Coe €f äll3 ('Lul¡ql Scg|¡(r + lfl(EXlXbX4) ¡cqúcr rti[ø dfuc þ ocs¡ oflnH iaksfs in üe ¡iioC popcny ?s suú or¡c¡s ca bc frlcuifiGd ürqb ft rGoords h tc ffiæ of fu t0t* ad B¡oo¡doror ifsscq athoryËoü¡rncæ- n ir ûc ûÉy offu rylnrnr b nd¡& nútrËd ffi om, fh flhnú¡g ís a srygcsüd poæbrcrræhDfurd i¡tac# t- trccirs tüs crrrcú ormrùþ doGrl fú ttc poqpauty S¡" Warray DË64 $pGd¡{ Vrrdy, Qit Ctún lbad a Brlgå úal $dÊ lþaû-+()f r llæd dTr¡r$. fb onæ¡hþ ds¡d i¡ rsaüy w a fin ¡rycr" l¡ lüsc r wmalhr of miml h# c tüc ow:ú¡p M, ^ârÈ rhG uy urrytiæ b ru A dccd ny idudc ¿ ücd æsrn¡irns ttc ¡ç&rroæ úcral or¡m¡ c oil d gr 3Êffi ¿ nsyicwymtidc ¡re pofcy. .ânüæc*c{iæsþ úh [satündøSctcddcL tt? Ifs" rctícrfrr rr¡ffi! i¡Ee¡t¡ úrt rnc rp*rnüüd on 8d gEr k. 3- ChËrk rfü úÊ ¡lsc¡¡od¡ otrG to dc|croiæ if ¡ sinea{ irHctt bñ üa wr¡r! ftgr th sújd Fo¡rrt¡Ë Tb Aæo¡'¡ ÑË n lryrr doods üc üñtrËd 6;¡r¿¡n omagû &r bu ¡olt rwor* udlrornor*it has üã ¡n m. Ilclc rc g[ty a lfoútd mb dtjncd mss üto h priddl sú lúrgrlitn b ft A¡wores otræ s¡hï: uq¡d præiüGry l¡Mæ,dqlod[¡g m youptpcff. MEMO lwrc24,2014 Page2 4. Research the legal description of thc subject property wilh the Clerk and Recorder's compuler. You can search the Section, Township, and Range of the subject property. You rnay frnd deeds for mineral interests for the subject property. 5. Research whether a Notice of Mineral Estate Ownership was fìled for the subject property. On the Cterk and Recorder's computer, search under Filter (on the right hand sidc of the screen), General Recordings" Notice of Mineral Estate Ownership for the subject property, 6. If you find mineral interest owners as reservations on your deed, listed in your title insurance policy, fiom the Assessor's records o¡ thc Clerk and Recorder's computer, you need lo determine whether these mineral interests rvere transferred by deed and recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's oflice. 7. Enter the narne of the mineral int€rest owner as the Grantor in the Clerk and Recorder's computer to see if the mineral interest was transfened. If you find a transfer deed, you need to repeat this process to follow any transfer of the mineral interest to present day. L lnclude a description of your research process in your application and the name(s) and address(es) of the cunent mineral interest owne(s). Mineral interest research can be a difticult and time consuming process. If you are unable to determine mineral rights orvnership by yourself, consider hiring an attorney or landman. Attorneys and landmen specialize in determining mineral rights orvnershíp, but they charge a fee for their serices. THIS DEED, Kade w. 4th da7of November 111 the year of our Lord one thouund nine hundred and Seventy between ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Couty or ll•r.t'Ael.d Stat.e ol Otlondo, ol the fint part, and A~PiNE ANIMAL HOSPITAL P, C, and mn 18CCli!Kill'f m MAY 11 197 · I ol the Cowit:r of Gai:-Ctel.d and Btat.e of Colorado, of the ilcolld pan; WITNJCS8BTll, That the 1&id parer • of the fint part, for and ill. conalcleration of the IW1l "f Ten Dol.l.are and other good add Valuable Consideration to th• uid party of the tint part In hand paid b:r tbe lllid part y of the te00nd part, the and b:r th• iw-.. do cnnt, barpln, 1ell, ooave;r and oonfirm unto the laid party heln and aal1111 fortter, all the follo'lriDc deooribed lot ... parcel QO.U.tfot Garfield of the of and 8taWolOD!llraolo,to-wft1 A tract o.t' land aituated in Lot 7 and Lot lJ, Section JJ, T?S., R87W., of the 6th P.M. in Garfield County Colorado,, deeoribed aa beginnina at .a point in the northerly richt-of-way fence line of Coloz:ado Stah Highway No, 82 whence th• Southea.lt: 'Corner of Section J,, T7S., R87W., of the 6th P.H. beare s. 61°lO'l7.J5" E., a diatance of 4,Jl7.22 feet1 thence N. 1°15' E. ~ dietance of 571.41 feet to the •xieting fence line1 thence s. 82~4J 1 E. a distance of 290,00 feet along the abo•e fenoe line t~~e Northeaat corner of this tract at the inter99ction with an existinc north-south fence line1 thence S. 1•15• w. a diatancs of 6~7.i8 feei to the northerly ~ight-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 821 thence N. 72° 05' w. a. diatanc• of 244.86 feet along the ·existing fence line on the northerly right-of-way line of above Highway No. 82; thence N. 72°11' I/, a dietsnce of 56.18 feet along tha existing fence line on the northerly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No, 82 to the point of beginning, cvntaining 4.00 acres, more or l~!"!'~. Together with ,5 of a c1Jbic foot of water per second of time out of the !'atersori and Cummings Ditch, being Ditch t/o, 14JD-2 in the Decrees for Water District No. J8 and the prior•tie• awarded to said ditch. I , Ooi.: w. · i>as;" JOr---.-- roaBTaBB wldl ell nd """1Wor 1M •..U-ta 11"4 app..-tbemmt.o beloagiug, or In llDJWli6 appertalnmc, a4 the -~ <Dd im-iou, .-.h>der IWld remaiDden, rats, itoa. ua4 prot1ta .. eof; u4 all the -.te, npt, title, iaUr..t, e1afm ua4 delllalld wlui_.,er, of tlw oaid part y of the flnt part either i:n l&w or ecittftT, of, in au! to the aboTe bupined premi-, with the here41tamellta and appmtenenees TO JL\VB .um TO HOLD the uid prtmiam •lme huplned and dmenlled, witll the appurte- unto the -.id part y of the -d part, it 8 bein and lllllps foreTer. Aud the aid party of the lint part, for i ta IOlf i ta heirs, euoutorc and 1dmi•W..toro, do and agree to and with the llid I>UW of the -.! part, i ts heirs and *-tUt at tlae well .a.t of die. F M ahon -yqod, u 'of ·eooc1. .-. perfect, llhlo,lule llld illdefeul1>le -te of id I' ' 1 la law,. ia fee . ' .. aimple, and ha ve PDlil. ......-. ..i.,lieu,·ia., ............ and iaeumbrauel of-~ m.a • .-... __.. except reaerYationa in United States Patents, reaarYat!"ona of l!IJ.~'i'~l· in praYie>11.4'. con,,._J1181.11J~; and ...... nta aad.&"i&llta of -T ot a· publi_c or. priYata natur-a1 · Thl4 Cdlllwyuce la llUbject to tt'8 follovtllll condltlona and restrictions: 1. There shall btl rio more than: one buildina: slte per acre, and -ly one detached sint;le-family dwelli~ and private 1:ara1<e pertainint: thereto shalt be erected on any one buildin"' site, said dwellin~ to contain not Less thWI 900 squam feet of ffrst-floor livint; area; provided, however, tha.t second parties are specifically "'ranted the .L-- rb;ht to erect, operate artd malntdrt a veterlna::y clinic and related facilities, 2. No structure of a temporary n~ture, tent, t;ara~e, barn,or other outbuildin!!; or basement shall be used on any site at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently, Trailer houses or mobila homes will be permitted durine; the actual constructio•i period, not to exceed six months, provtded that sanitary facili.ties are provided, and further, that such trailers or mobile hoA>es shall be remov"d within ten days after construction has been completed • 3. lfo building shall be placed on any site by means of ot'1er than new construction, it being t'tm intent and purpose of this covenant to o.ec\!I"e that old houses and other buildings will not be moved from previous locations and placed en these buildin!!; sites. · 4. No aiiimals, livestock or poultry of .:my kind shall be kept, raised o::-inaint"ained for commercial purposes, except in c6nnecti6n with the operation of &aid veterinary clinic above 1nentionecl. S. No slote shall be used or maint!linP.d as a dumpinit i>,l:-Ow .. i.:l for rubbish or ;;torae;& area for junk. T:::-ash, 11;arbao:e or other wast~ shall i>e kept in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other auuinmcent: for the st:o.ra2e or rti. .snoi:;~.1 nf su.::-h rne.teL"ial the hereditament. and appUl'WWllll. TO RAVE AND TO ROLD the .aid premu alxmo b&rpl~ &Dd d...,ribed, with the appurte--- the llid part y of dto .....nd part, i ts bein aad lllfPl forner. far i ts oelf i t a bein, executon uid adminiatralora, do llld acne t.e and widt the mid paijy its hm. and .-,..., that at tho well .med of. die F w abon acmYt;od, u of eood, all!'C!, perfeet, Aboolute and iadef...,Dle eotate of ~ la. law, ill fee ample, and ha v • good rigiat, full -..... lawful ... thority to crmt, hupin, ..u wl mmfl7 tho IMl fona afonm.id, and dtat !lie ......, ue free and clear from all former and otlier cna-. brpiv, ..i-, liaa, m-.-en1a and iaeambrwea of whatever kind or...--, except reservetiona in United States. Patents, reservations of mi~ral• tn previoua coa .. ~ .. and ...... nta and ri&bta of way of a' public or private n•ture 1 t.'. '' Thia. c-yaac• ia aubjeet to t2MI foll.ov1n11 C«lditloaa and ceatrlctiona: 1. · There shall be no more than one buildin11 slte per acre, aad oaly one detached slm;le-family dvalling and private o;ar ... :e pertainine; thereto shall be erected. on any one buildin!I site, said dwe.llin11;. to contain not less tl'u.n 900 squauafeet of first-floor livino; area; provided, however, that :second parties are specifically 11;rsnted the ,l...- ri11ht to erect, operate· and maintain a veterinary clinic anCl related facilities. 2. No structure of a tea>porary n'ture, tent, t;arao;e, barn,or other outbuildin!I or basement shal.l be used on any site at any tiD>e e residence, either temporarily or permanently, Trailer houses or mobile homes will be permitted durin11; the actual constructio.1 period, not to exceed six months, provided that sanitary facil~ties are provided, and further, that such trailers.or "10bile homes shall be remov~d within ten days after construction has been C<llllpleted. 3. No building shall be placed on any site.by means of ot~er than new construction, it bein11; the intent and purpose of this covenant to secure that old houses and other buildin-.;s will not 1>Q moved from previous locations and placed on these building sites. · 4. No animals, livestock or poultry of .:iny kind shall be kept, raised or maintained for commercial purposes, except in connection with the operation of said veterinary clinic above men ti one"'· 5, No s~te shall be used or maintdned ss a d'Ulllpin= ow.1d for rubhiSh or ~tor&i;e. area fo:r junk. Trash, 1;arbae;e or other wasr.3 shall oe kept in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storae;e or tl!;:po;11l cf su~h :r.aterial sha.ll 00 kapt i.n a clean arid •'4nit.:.ry co.ridii::ion. 1 . Book 1+44 Page 303 and IU above bargained pmnilee in the quiet and peaceable po-ion of the uld part y of the oeeond part, aalgna, Ai'aill•t all and C\'<lrf person or pU'llOllll lawfull7 claiming or to claim the whole or an7 part hereof, theoaid part y of the first part diaJl and will WARBANT AND FOREVER DEFEND . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The oald party of the fint part ha s hereunto aet hand and ...i the da;r and reu fim abon written. Slirud,S-W ud De!IT .... la p_.of ..... f21~ ... ~1 ... · .... 15 ~'../,/__.(BEAL] J; ......... e... .: .. U~l!..~ .... _.[SEALJ SEAL] BliL] Eo~: .. ~~~---················r· Tie WllitruJco,ent wu aoknowledpd before me thi1 f _ day of /Yov ii t\t' A .... ' ...... L e G "De we I~ ])v1r1 ll~ ..... . . u ....., P.Wit: l -·- LOT 27 SF +/-97.307A.C+/-2.233 ST,4l£ HIGHWAY No.82 @) Lot A Lot 8 c§) TAX EXEMPT @ •uooL DISTRICTRE! SCn, Lot C 7.361 At::.. TRACT B .74 At::.. i N I !approx. 200 ft. 239133300005 239133300042 239133300029 239133300013 239133300030 239133300031 239133204026 239133204027 239133303023 OWNERS WITHIN 200 FT. OF PARCEL OWNED BY ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL, P.C. IN SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST, GARFIELD COUNTY, CO Alpine Animal Hospital, P.C. 17776 Highway 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 SUBJECT PROPERTY East Southeast South, SE West West NW (Cerise) Notih (Cerise) NE (Dakota) RIESER INVESTMENTS LLC 1421 COUNTY ROAD 230 DURANGO CO 81301 HUTTON, LYNNI 50 ARLIAN ROAD CARBONDALE CO 81623 ROARING FORK SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-1 1405 GRAND AVENUE GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 GREENSHARE LLC PO BOX 1799 CARBONDALE CO 81623 HOWARD, CHERYL JEAN & RUST, ROBERT GRAYD 17696 HIGHWAY 82 CARBONDALE CO 81623 ALONSO, DIANE 259 BLUE STEM COURT CARBONDALE CO 81623 BROXTON, BRENDA PO BOX 909 BASALT CO 81621 AUSTIN, RYAN P 138 DAKOTA MEADOWS DRIVE CARBONDALE CO 81623 239133303024 239133303025 239133303046 239133303047 239133303048 HORAN, LYNETTEPO BOX 1791EAGLE CO 816311791 150 DAKOTA LLC1569 WILLITS LANEBASALT CO 81621 RUDECOFF, FRANK A 128 DAKOTA MEADOWS DRIVE CARBONDALE CO 81623 BRAGER, SARAH C 132 DAKOTA MEADOWS DRIVE CARBONDALE CO 81623 Barbara A. Elias 0451 Stagecoach Lane Carbondale, CO 81623 RESERVED MINERAL INTERESTS IN PARCEL OWNED BY ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL, P.C. IN SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST, GARFIELD COUNTY, CO NE (Dakota) NE (Dakota) NE (Dakota) NE (Dakota) NE (Dakota) Vera S. Herin and Rudolph Herin -no address found of record- (reserved in deed recorded November 15, 1950 in Book 255 at Page 148 at Reception No. 174108 @ lol 8 @ @ ® Loi C 2465-042-00-001 Adjoining 2465 OPEN SPACE @ 7.361 At;, TAX EXEllPT REI SCHOOL DISTRICT N 88" 59'£ y'ICUJ l TV) w _, II TRACT B 74 ""· 5 Garfield County Land Use and Development Code Article 7: Standards TEMPLATE DIVISION 1: GENERAL APPROVAL STANDARDS 7-101. ZONE DISTRICT USE REGULATIONS Rural (R). The Rural Zone District is comprised of the County’s rural residential areas, agricultural resource lands, agricultural production areas, and natural resource areas. Uses, densities, and standards established for this zone district are intended to protect the existing character of the area from uncontrolled and unmitigated residential, commercial, and industrial use. The zone district provides for the use of natural resources, recreational development, rural residential, and other uses. The proposal for Alpine Animal Hospital to incorporate a Large Kennel will not adversely change any of the Rural District’s allowed uses or impact the natural resources. The proposal will not require additional construction or traffic to the current operation. Essentially no further change to the area will be requested, the business will continue to operate as it has since 2008. 7-102. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENTS The Land Use Change is in general conformance with the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan and complies with any applicable intergovernmental agreement. The kennel has been licensed with Colorado Department of Agriculture (PACFA) since 2008 and no complaints are on record. 7-103. COMPATIBILITY The nature, scale, and intensity of the proposed use are compatible with adjacent land uses. The parcel has been providing pet care and veterinary services since the 1960’s. The adjacent land uses of residential and residences with accessory agricultural use will not be adversely impacted and are consistent with surrounding uses. Previous special use permits, that have been approved on the subject parcel, prove that the intended uses of furthering pet care services are in line with the county’s overall plan and the community’s desire for pet care services. 7-104. SOURCE OF WATER Applicant is not requesting any change from previously approved source of water. Attached documentation about existing on site approved well. 7-105. CENTRAL WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS: Existing well and waste water study reports attached. 7-106. PUBLIC UTILITIES Adequate Public Utilities shall be available to serve the land use. No construction or further utility installation is needed from previous approved resolution 2008-106. 7-107. ACCESS AND ROADWAYS River City Consultants Report and copy CDOT Access Permit application attached. 7-108. USE OF LAND SUBJECT TO NATURAL HAZARDS Proposal does not include any further development and will not need to mitigate the potential effects of any known or unknown hazardous site conditions, as no construction is being proposed. 7-109. FIRE PROTECTION Adequate Fire Protection will be provided as required by governing fire protection district. No change with this land use change. DIVISION 2: GENERAL RESOURCE PROTECTION STANDARDS 7-201. AGRICULTURAL LANDS The parcel is in a designated rural area and will continue to operate with minimal impact to the nearest residential and agriculture areas. Pets that are on site for veterinary treatment are largely on an ‘appointment basis’, ie. client brings the animal for treatment and leaves with the animal. Any sick or healthy animals requiring overnight care are housed indoors. Dogs are only exercised during the day in well enclosed areas. There is no change in existing use were this application approved. 7-202. WILDLIFE HABITAT AREAS A search was conducted for the address 17776 Hwy 82 Carbondale CO through the Colorao Parks and Wildlife confirming that the location is not in a Wildlife Habitat Area. 7-203. PROTECTION OF WATERBODIES No construction is being proposed within this Major Land Use application. 7-204. DRAINAGE AND EROSION No construction is being proposed within this Major Land Use application. 7-205. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY The proposed use of increasing the number of dogs for boarding will not impact the air quality or water quality. There is no proposed use of hazardous materials in this application. 7-206. WILDFIRE HAZARDS The parcel is located within a “Non-Burnable” Wildfire Zone. 7-207. NATURAL AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDS No further construction is being proposed with the application. 7-208. RECLAMATION No further construction is being proposed with the application. DIVISION 3. SITE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 7-301. COMPATIBLE DESIGN As no further construction is being proposed, the compatible design of the Major Land Use Application will focus strictly on the operational characteristics. As the current tenant was unaware of any zoning restrictions, the property has successfully been operating a Colorado Department of Agriculture (PACFA) approved boarding kennel since 2008. Processes are in place for removal of animal waste to occur multiple times throughout the day and cleaning procedures are in place to control any odors that would result from the operations. Fecal matter is disposed with regular waste management processes. Noise, as proved in the attached noise study, is proven to be within the standards allowed in Article 12 of Title 25 of the C.R.S. Established hours of operation are as follows: Monday-Friday 7A-12P, 2P-6P Saturday 8A-12PM, 2P-6P Sunday 8A-10A, 5-7P 7-302. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS Please review attached Traffic, Access and Parking Requirements report from River City Consultants. 7-303. LANDSCAPING STANDARDS As approved in resolution 2008-106, landscaping will not be changed as the design of the proposed use is already minimizing impact on and from adjacent uses through installation of screen fences and landscaping that was previously approved by Garfield County. 7-304. LIGHTING STANDARDS Existing lighting is directed inward toward the buildings and property, not outward and does not extend beyond property boundaries. There is no hazardous lighting on the property that would confuse or construe as traffic control devices. There are no flashing lights and no lights exceed the 40’ height limitation. None of the current lighting will change with this change in use. 7-305. SNOW STORAGE STANDARDS This property has historically not required snow storage areas and this is not expected to change with this land use change. 7-306. TRAIL AND WALKWAY STANDARDS N/A OTHER PERTIENT STANDARDS 7-603-Kennels These standards apply to both Small and Large Kennels. • Enclosed Building and Noise Prevention. o All Kennels shall be completely enclosed within a building, however, a Kennel may have dogs outdoors if the noise from the Kennel does not exceed the noise standards pursuant to section 7-603.B. and complies with other Garfield County regulations as provided. Dogs in overnight care all are kept within the building structures. Outdoor exercise is limited to normal business hours and noise study proves acceptable limits. • Noise. o No noise shall emanate from the property boundary in excess of the Residential Zone District standards contained in C.R.S. § 25-12-103, except as permitted by C.R.S. § 25-2- 103(2) and (3). See noise study. • Waste and Sewage Disposal System. o Liquid and solid waste, as defined in the Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Facilities Act, C.R.S. § 30-20-100.5, shall be disposed of with either an OWTS or shall be stored and removed for final disposal in a manner that protects against nuisance and surface and groundwater contamination. All other waste shall be removed from the site by a commercial hauler to an approved Solid Waste Disposal Site. The business picks up dog feces and disposes it with regular waste disposal. • State Licensing Required: Continuously licensed through Colorado Department of Agriculture (PACFA) since 2008. Apr ,jU Ul:l u1:.-;1p Alpine Animal Hospital v11....:>c. · i~v. n- HJ TllE ~1/l'~"l'l£1\ 0'·' '1'111·: .~l;PLICA'.'.'ION FOR 'l'/!\'l'L~H JllGll'l'c> m·· LPIN4.: i\Nit-'~·\L liU:)i·T!'···L, P.C. HJ Tllj:~ RO.·\laHL; F(•!:I( J'CVEJl U ··;r:J.,\ITE DEClll':F !'01~ ~.),!X;t/['}',;)'.Jl'RD?.:Wj;A !TI'E~ TJN~.'tJJL'A.'J..tlJ;::~;;:;t~N (J:J:iV);;;i:,x ·-·umiE·m;m:JL; l~l.i'';.f;\'IEH Ii.IC llTS IN G.·'.l~FIELD COUN'l'Y And the llcfer•ne havin~ made the investigation~ reouired by f1rtj.cle 92 of Clt:q1~:t)l' 'J'i', C.:'l.S. 1973, does herclJ.V :·nake tcie rollowinp; rull:n,, Lo-wit: ThL; ;1pn.lJc:1!;\on \'/~cs l'Cferrcd to the! 1•atc1.• Hcf'e1·cc ol' Jater Division llo. ') on the _?~_l, __ do.y or .. ___ t1'lr:s:.t_ ________ 1<)·1 _.§_ __ l. Name of Apr:l'i.c:<:lnt f\dc.!1·c~=;t> Alpine Animal llospit,-1, l'.C. 17776. '.-iighway .<J2; C;Tuon .. lale, Coloi:a<lo 2. 1.I1he name or ".:he s~r·ucture is Alpine l'1.nirnn1. liospi:::~l l}cll. 3. The Lep::aJ cle:;c1·iption of the struct•Jre i;:;: The \·fell is locatc:d in Lot 7,. Sccti_,,n 33, T. 7 S., R. 87 H. of tli·,~ lith P,M. at a roi.nt whence the S01.1tl1r,;:ist Corner of sai.C: Secticn J.J hc;'.l:S S. ·5'7°50'26" E. 4, 183 • .12 f:cr,'t. The denth of '.;he '•ICll is 48 :Eeet. 5. The date ot' Vic ii:itiation of the arpronr•ia'.:ion is June 20. 1966. 6. 'fhe ;i,mou:1t or .,.,,cter clair:ied is O.OS:J cubic foot per seconrl of I: imc. 7. T~c 11se of tJ-1e water is do~estic, liv~stoclt WDter, fire 111·0tecti<l1:1 ;1 11d irri<;ntion. 3. 'l'he Seate :·:11,~incc1·' s number is none. 9. 'l'he priorit.v rlate is June 20, 1966. 10.The date of' ti1e apolicaticn was iebr~ary G, I97G. It i:i the ru11.n;.~ of' '.;he f<efer·cc '.;hat the r;'.:.ate:f!Cnts in the anplication arc t~ue and that t~c above described water ri~ht is approved. The above desr.ri.bed underground water rir~ht r1eets tnc criteria f'or an. exempt domestic well pursuant tn C.H.S. 1')'(3, H-92-G02(l)(e) <:nrl l'f-'l?.-602(4-} , so lonrr. as i~ is used ror the purpo·s·ci"1 ';et rorth herein.-----· It is accor<1~1wl:1 ORDERED that thin ruJ.:Llw silull t.>c·.~ome effective u:Jor: fl.l:Jnr( with the Water Clet'k, fHH>,lqct ·to Jud:'..cial review ~s· provided by law. one at tt1e City of Glenwood Spr.inp:;s, Colot•atio, this 3 I'_ day Of ___ ... __ J_uA/.tr -------' :97?__, ___ . l'~o pretest was fil~d :t:1 tr11 ~~ r:1 ~Ytter. The forogoi;ig ruli;:r, i~; r:o1'::i.\·mi::~cl. and 3pprovEReceived Ti~e'.l~~r~ 3_0: .. 1.2:50PM e,,z ___________ ·_ - st~tc r<c re i ·re D1vl"lon l~o. '.i cf Co.l<)l'~L<lo MESA COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Wonlil!g 'I� for• HNlthy C:om,,11,.,,ry Customer Pinnacle Water (Culligan) 1107 Hendrie!? Dr Carbondale, CO 81623 Sample Invoice # 932-16 System Alpine Animal Hosp 11n6 Hwy 82 Carbondale CO Location Kitchen Sin!? Cold Side Test Name Result Mesa County Health Department Regional Laboratory 510 29.5 Rd, Grand Junction, CO 81504 US Moil: PO Box 20,000, Grand Junction, CO 81502-5033 (970)248-6999 fox (970) 683-6608 http://heolth.mesocounty.us/lob Dote Collected 4/6/2016 Received 4/7/2016 Matrix Drinl?lng Water Purpose Routine Comments Time Collected By 9:30 AM BD 1:48 PM Chlorine Total coliform/E coli PA ABSENT Coliform/ABSENT E.coli or less than one (<1), Indicates a microblologicolly safe sample I > J II of a public or pr<vate nature; This conveyance is subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. There shall be no more than one building site per acre, and only one detached single-family dwelling and private garage pertaining thereto shall be erected on any one building site, said dwelling to contain not less than 900 square feet of first-floor living area; provided, however, that second parties are specifically granted the rio;ht to erect, operate and maintain a veterinary clinic and related facilities. 2. No structure of a temporary nature, tent, garage, barn,or other outbuilding or basement shall be used on any site at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently, Trailer houses or mobile homes will be permitted during the actual construction period, not to exceed six months, provided that sanitary facilities are provided, and further, that such trailers or mobile homes shall be removed within ten days after construction has been completed. 3. No building shall be placed on any site by means of other = than new construction, it being the intent and purpose of this covenant to secure that old houses and other buildings will not be moved from previous locations and placed on these building sites. 4. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be kept, raised or maintained for commercial purposes, except in connection with the operation of said veterinary clinic above mentioned. 5. No site shall be used or· maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish or storage area for junk. Trash, garbage or other waste shall be kept in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence 'or ..... ~---~~~'. .. /.~.[SEAL] J; ......... e. ... ..tJ.'. .. Jf .RM#.f..I?.~ ....... [SEAL] SEAL] SEA.I1] STATUTORY ACKNOWLEDGMENT, SESSION 1927 o~~ .. £:;+~~oq ................... }ss. The foregqing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1~JJ~J!i~~~ p "' t' A '" "',, I_ iJ"' 5 p I -I "-(_ )c,,1 i-~:~~-~JijF}EtJ?1.· .'~,,,, <:;;'&.~~ sii§.f;rf'!~d official seal. l,t; .lf> ., · :.f ""' : , . . . 9,'.\~i~es I /~ (, /7 :;,_ '::r ·r:~,.~-}!l'·: . :. '/~ ·· v;.;;.~/ifu~a··t,-:'~ ·/; ,;; ¥ 1/.,ll'j ·OJ' I i .~ <;i :. IJ-0/ lA;,, ... ,..;;l.'e'.(J(. y:·'.!,f.,.:'.~ ..... Notary PubHc. i:>·· <);."" .' ,. C'~voF'~,·co' .. o .. ,· r,f. , ., •' ·~ __ ':;__,~ I~ ~~•nat.i.Zr~~IJlffl~n or persons here Insert name or names: if by penon acting In re.preaentatlve or official capacity or as attorney. 1 fn~fiict,'"then .insert name of person as executor, attorney-In-fact, or other capacity or description; If by officer of corporation, then Insert 11&1'1\_e oi-11f:tcli' officer or officers, as the prealdent or other officers of such corporation, naming ft. T'il5 FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE.EXPIRATION OF THE PERMIT. TYPE OR COLORADO oQWN~~'§A~p~IEs!uRcEs 300 Columbine Bldg., 1845 Sherman St. Denver, Colorado 80203 RECEIVED JUN0'4 '7CiPRINTINBLACKINK. COPY OF ACCEPTED STATEMENT MAILED ON REQUEST. STATE OF COLORADO f SS. AFFIDAVIT WAT£R RESOURCEll si;«1f ENGl!illll COUNTYOF Garfield IGOU), STATEMENT OF BENEFICIAL USE OF GROUND WATER ~ X AMENDMENT OF EXISTING RECORD 't/:.tfJrtE" .:9 -:S,-~tJ'ii() PERMIT NUMBER ;;;2gos G LOCATION OF WELL c. G. Dewell dba --~~~~~;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;~~~~~~~ THE AFFIANT(S) Alpine J\nima.l Uospita.l p .C, Coooty __ G~/j~~~' LF.~l~lf=L~D~--------- whose mai I ing address is J 7776 State Hj ghway No, 82 /\IE V. of the 1h, Section 33 City Carhonda] e I 81603 ZIP) co ST A. Tl'.) Twp. 7 5 , Rog. g 7 {/_/ , _r;;_ P .M NORS) (EOFtW) being duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says that he £tbm:) is~) the owner(lt) of the well described hereon; the well is see attached .5 located as described above, at distances of ::L ?oo feet from the section line and (FS <' (') feet from the INC:'I";'.; 01 ~OUTH) lJesT section line; water from this well was first applied to a beneficial use for the purpose(s) described herein on.thE9.t.h- fEA.5T OR Wt5T) day of September 1 19....6..6_; the maximum sustained pumping rate of the well is _..4_,_Q,___gallons per minute, the pumping rote claimed hereby '1s ~4~0~ __ gallons per minute; the total-depth of the well is _4_..g ___ feet; the average annual amount of water to be diverted is _____ acre-feet; for which claim is hereby made for domestj c, stock watering, f~j~r.--e.._ p.,...r.,.o"'t"'e"""c"'t~juo..,,nll-______ purpose(s);·the legal description of the land-on which the water from this well is used is 4. 0 acres and which is illustrated on the map on the reverse side of this form; that this well was completed in compliance with the permit approved therefor; this statement of. beneficial use of ground water is filed in compliance with law; he (they) has have) read the statement made reon; knows the content thereof; cind that the same are true of his (their) knowledge. Sign otu re( s )'I ___ _,__-'--'-4.-4---4"'----""='-'--'&d:.:c.. __ IJ"---~--'---"----'-y_,__.."""--'>---.£- Sub scribed and sworn -+<- to before me on this d.,f>- My Commission expires: SE A.L) day of ---~M~a.o.;y,__ ___ , l9'UL ACCEPTED FOR FILING BY THE STATE EN INEER OF COLORADO PURSUANT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITlb S: DATE STATE ENGINEER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Court Cose No. Prior. ___ _ Mo. __ Doy ___ Yr. Div, Cty. -------- Sec. ______ 1~, ___ 1h, ---~· Well Use __ _ Dist. ___ Bosin ---Man. Dis. ___ _ BY RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ALPINE ANIMAL LAND COMPANY 17776 Highway 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 The property at 17776 Highway 82, Carbondale, Colorado, has two separate buildings for the two facilities on site; the Barn Yard providing dog boarding and day care facility; and Alpine Animal Hospital providing small and large animal veterinary services. Each building has its own on-site wastewater system (OWS). Each system was reviewed for adequacy for current use. 1. Alpine Animal Hospital: The Alpine Animal Hospital was permitted under a Special Use permit by Garfield County in 2008 and has a permitted On-site Wastewater System (OWS) on file with Garfield County. The system was designed by a professional engineer and inspected at construction for compliance with the design as required by the County. The certified construction is on file with the County. The permit on file is permit 4613 dated 3/11/09 for the construction of the Veterinary Hospital OWS with Design Flow 887 gallons/day and a 2000-gallon tank. The site sketch in the permit shows the septic tank to the west of the building with the absorption system in northwest corner of property. Design plans are on file with the County. Design flow was based on the following fixture units: 2009 PERMIT: LOADING CALCULATIONS 15 PERSONS/DAY 15 persons X 15 gallons/day = 225 gallons (Includes offices and bathrooms) 11 PROPOSED ROOM SINKS 11 sinks X 3 uses/day X 4.8 gals/day/use- 159 gallons/day 3 ADDITIONAL SINKS 3 sinks/3 uses/day X 4.8 gals/day/use - 44gallons/day 1 CLOTHES WASHER: 5 loads/day X 35 gals/load- 175 gallons/day 1 EMPLOYEE SHOWER: 3 showers/day x 14.7 gals/shower- 45 gallons/day 1 KITCHEN: sink 4.4 gals/per/person/day, dishwasher 1.8 gals/person/day, grinder 1.4 gals/person/day = 7.6 gallons/person/day) 15employees X 7.6 gals/day= 114gallons/day 1 DOG WASH: 5 dogs/day x 25 gallons/wash = 125 gallons/day TOTAL GALLONS PER DAY = 887 The clinic reportedly averages 12 staff members daily and serves approximately 22 clients daily, which is within the capacity of the calculations shown in the permit for the permitted system. Based on our interview with the Owner and our field review there have been no additions or significant changes in use to the facility since the permitted system was approved and constructed in 2009, the design calculations used for this engineered design are still valid. We reviewed the location of the OWS as certified at construction, there were no visible issues with the system operation (above ground visual review only). We did note the addition of a lined pond to the RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 west of the septic tank, measured at approximately 40-feet away, exceeding required separation of 10- feet for a lined irrigation ditch (regulations do not give a separation to a lined pond). We also noted the absorption field is possibly receiving runoff from irrigated land and is not fenced off to protect it from animal traffic. The septic tank is located outside the driveway and parking but does not have physical barrier to protect from traffic that may leave the road. The Owner noted they had 2000 gallons pumped from the septic tank for this building in 2016 and in 2018 by B&R. 2. The Barn Yard Dog Boarding and Daycare Facility: The Barn Yard is located in the previous Alpine Animal Hospital building. This building has been converted to include a 1-bedroom apartment for an employee of the Animal Hospital, a garage area for storage, and a kennel and daycare facility for dogs. This facility has a permitted On-site Wastewater System (OWS) originally designed for the Animal Hospital. The system was designed by a professional engineer and inspected at construction for compliance with the design as required by the County. The certified construction and design plans are on file with the County. The change of use of the building requires review of this system to verify it is adequate for the current use. The permitted OWS in use by this facility is Permit 3636 dated 3/27/02 on file with Garfield County and is noted “for Veterinary Hospital with 13 Employees Design Flow 585GPD”. The permit notes a 1000- gallon tank to the west of the building with absorption field to the southwest. The Owner noted they had 1000 gallons pumped from the septic tank for this building in 2016 by B&R and 1000 gallons pumped in 2019 by Roto Rooter. The County OWS regulations show a design flow of 30 gpd/dog for kennels. This is consistent with State Standards however there are no guidelines for dog daycare facilities or detail of flows making up the 30 gpd/dog. We conducted a site visit to observe the kennel fixtures and fitting and interview staff on typical use to determine a design flow for the facility. The building includes:  1-bedroom apartment for on-site employee with typical residential fixtures and fittings.  One employee toilet and hand sink.  One standard kitchen sink and standard residential dishwasher (run twice per day)  One standard residential laundry washer, front load (run twice per day)  One standard residential bath for dog washing, used one or two times per day.  The facility averages 5 employees per day. NOTE: Owner reported the kennels are not hosed down, dog waste is collected and placed in container for off-site disposal, surfaces are sprayed and mopped with mop water disposed to landscaped area on site. Wastewater estimate was generated based on the above noted facility use:  1-bedroom apartment by 2 person/bedroom x 75 gpd/person = 150 gallons per day RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722  5 employees X 15 gallons/day = 75 gallons (Includes kitchen and bathrooms)  1 clothes washer: 2 loads/day X 20 gals/load (front load)= 40 gallons/day  Dishwasher: 2 loads/day X 5 gals/load = 10 gallons/day  Dog wash 2 x 25 gallons/wash = 50 gallons/day TOTAL ESTIMATE = 325 GALLONS/DAY This estimate is below the permitted system design flow of 585 Gallons/day. Using a 48-hour retention time for septic tank design (commercial use) = 325 x 2 = 650 gallons The existing 1000-gallon septic tank is adequate. Based on these calculations, the septic tank is the limiting factor for the capacity of the system, the 48- hour retention time for a commercial facility limits design flow to 500 gallons/day, allowing an expansion of up to 50-percent based on the existing flow estimate of 325 gallons/day shown above. Please note the estimated flow shown above is based on best available data and variances may include:  the estimated flow for apartment may be overstated if occupied by only one resident or if residents are away during work hours  newer water efficient toilets, sinks, dishwasher and washing machine could reduce flows  based on research, the use per dog washed varies considerably based on size of dog and condition, this may vary from 10 to 35 gallons per wash, staff also noted sometimes dog siblings are washed together We reviewed the location of the OWS as certified at construction, there were no visible issues with the system operation (an above ground visual review only). We did note the disposal field is possibly receiving runoff from irrigated land and is not fenced off to protect it from animal traffic. We also noted an apparent intermittent irrigation ditch in the vicinity of the septic tank and absorption field, required separation of 10-feet to septic tank and 25-feet to absorption field is provided. 3. Multiple Onsite Wastewater Systems on One Property The capacities of the two permitted systems are 887 gallons/day (Animal Hospital) and 585 gallon/day (Barn Yard), for a total of 1472 gallons per day, less than the 2000 gallons per day that would trigger a State Site Application Permit. If one or both systems are expanded in future, and combined capacity exceed 2000 gallons per day, the horizontal separation will need to be reviewed with State of Colorado Regulation 43 to ensure a State Site Application Permit is not required. RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our review of the permit documents, interviews with the facility operators, and our site visit, the existing on-site wastewater systems are permitted under the Garfield County requirements, have adequate capacity for existing use, and are functioning as permitted. The system at the Barn Yard appears to have capacity for approximately 50% expansion in existing use. We recommend the Owner consider the following recommendations to extend the life of the existing systems:  Continue to pump the tanks on a regular basis, recommend annually or every other year.  Maintain the effluent filters at the septic tanks, replace/install as needed.  Fence and trench around the existing absorption fields to protect them from animal traffic and irrigation run-on as needed.  Mark the septic tank at the Animal Hospital with fence posts, or similar, to prevent a vehicle driving over the tank.  Verify the irrigation ditch observed in proximity to the Barn Yard system is intermittent.  Limit dog wash at the Barn Yard to that allowed in the calculations above.  Add a filter over the dog wash drains to catch hair and debris and prevent it entering the wastewater system.  Maintain building system and check for any leaks or misuse that may lead to overload of the systems.  Educate staff about proper use of on-site wastewater systems, being careful about water use and what enters the system.  Collect and dispose of animal waste in appropriate manner, away from building waste lines and OWS.  Contain all water used for mopping of kennels and floors and dispose of in appropriate manner away from building waste lines and OWS.  Maintain any required facility licensees and standards to meet other appropriate industry requirements. Prepared by : Reviewed and verified by: River City Consultants Alpine Animal Land Company _____________________________ __________________________ Judith D Kittson, P.E. Chad Roeber Colorado License 33035 __________________________ Chuck Maker RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL ON SITE WASTEWATER 17776 HWY 82, CARBONDALE, CO Absorption Field Area Well Location in front driveway Septic tank access, looking northwest (lined pond behind fence) Cleanouts at Building NW Corner of Building (standing at septic tank) Lined Pond RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 ON-SITE WASTERWATER SYSTEM FOR THE BARN YARD: 17776 HIGHWAY 82, CARBONDALE, CO SEPTIC TANK ACCESS (looking westerly) ABSORPTION FIELD RISERS SEPTIC TANK ACCESS W/ CLEANOUT AT BUILDING ABSORPTION FIELD IN BACKGROUND RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 AERIAL MAP FROM GARFIELD CO. GIS 17776 HIGHWAY 82, CARBONDALE, CO SCHEMATIC SITE LAYOUT (NOT TO SCALE) ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL BARN YARD SEPTIC TANK CLIENT PARKING SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELD CLIENT PARKING EMPLOYEE PARKING EMPLOYEE PARKING WELL RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ALPINE ANIMAL LAND COMPANY 17776 Highway 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 The property at 17776 Highway 82, Carbondale, Colorado, has two separate buildings for the two facilities on site; the Barn Yard providing dog boarding and day care facility; and Alpine Animal Hospital providing small and large animal veterinary services. Each building has its own on-site wastewater system (OWS). Each system was reviewed for adequacy for current use. 1. Alpine Animal Hospital: The Alpine Animal Hospital was permitted under a Special Use permit by Garfield County in 2008 and has a permitted On-site Wastewater System (OWS) on file with Garfield County. The system was designed by a professional engineer and inspected at construction for compliance with the design as required by the County. The certified construction is on file with the County. The permit on file is permit 4613 dated 3/11/09 for the construction of the Veterinary Hospital OWS with Design Flow 887 gallons/day and a 2000-gallon tank. The site sketch in the permit shows the septic tank to the west of the building with the absorption system in northwest corner of property. Design plans are on file with the County. Design flow was based on the following fixture units: 2009 PERMIT: LOADING CALCULATIONS 15 PERSONS/DAY 15 persons X 15 gallons/day = 225 gallons (Includes offices and bathrooms) 11 PROPOSED ROOM SINKS 11 sinks X 3 uses/day X 4.8 gals/day/use- 159 gallons/day 3 ADDITIONAL SINKS 3 sinks/3 uses/day X 4.8 gals/day/use - 44gallons/day 1 CLOTHES WASHER: 5 loads/day X 35 gals/load- 175 gallons/day 1 EMPLOYEE SHOWER: 3 showers/day x 14.7 gals/shower- 45 gallons/day 1 KITCHEN: sink 4.4 gals/per/person/day, dishwasher 1.8 gals/person/day, grinder 1.4 gals/person/day = 7.6 gallons/person/day) 15employees X 7.6 gals/day= 114gallons/day 1 DOG WASH: 5 dogs/day x 25 gallons/wash = 125 gallons/day TOTAL GALLONS PER DAY = 887 The clinic reportedly averages 12 staff members daily and serves approximately 22 clients daily, which is within the capacity of the calculations shown in the permit for the permitted system. Based on our interview with the Owner and our field review there have been no additions or significant changes in use to the facility since the permitted system was approved and constructed in 2009, the design calculations used for this engineered design are still valid. We reviewed the location of the OWS as certified at construction, there were no visible issues with the system operation (above ground visual review only). We did note the addition of a lined pond to the RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 west of the septic tank, measured at approximately 40-feet away, exceeding required separation of 10- feet for a lined irrigation ditch (regulations do not give a separation to a lined pond). We also noted the absorption field is possibly receiving runoff from irrigated land and is not fenced off to protect it from animal traffic. The septic tank is located outside the driveway and parking but does not have physical barrier to protect from traffic that may leave the road. The Owner noted they had 2000 gallons pumped from the septic tank for this building in 2016 and in 2018 by B&R. 2. The Barn Yard Dog Boarding and Daycare Facility: The Barn Yard is located in the previous Alpine Animal Hospital building. This building has been converted to include a 1-bedroom apartment for an employee of the Animal Hospital, a garage area for storage, and a kennel and daycare facility for dogs. This facility has a permitted On-site Wastewater System (OWS) originally designed for the Animal Hospital. The system was designed by a professional engineer and inspected at construction for compliance with the design as required by the County. The certified construction and design plans are on file with the County. The change of use of the building requires review of this system to verify it is adequate for the current use. The permitted OWS in use by this facility is Permit 3636 dated 3/27/02 on file with Garfield County and is noted “for Veterinary Hospital with 13 Employees Design Flow 585GPD”. The permit notes a 1000- gallon tank to the west of the building with absorption field to the southwest. The Owner noted they had 1000 gallons pumped from the septic tank for this building in 2016 by B&R and 1000 gallons pumped in 2019 by Roto Rooter. The County OWS regulations show a design flow of 30 gpd/dog for kennels. This is consistent with State Standards however there are no guidelines for dog daycare facilities or detail of flows making up the 30 gpd/dog. We conducted a site visit to observe the kennel fixtures and fitting and interview staff on typical use to determine a design flow for the facility. The building includes:  1-bedroom apartment for on-site employee with typical residential fixtures and fittings.  One employee toilet and hand sink.  One standard kitchen sink and standard residential dishwasher (run twice per day)  One standard residential laundry washer, front load (run twice per day)  One standard residential bath for dog washing, used one or two times per day.  The facility averages 5 employees per day. NOTE: Owner reported the kennels are not hosed down, dog waste is collected and placed in container for off-site disposal, surfaces are sprayed and mopped with mop water disposed to landscaped area on site. Wastewater estimate was generated based on the above noted facility use:  1-bedroom apartment by 2 person/bedroom x 75 gpd/person = 150 gallons per day RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722  5 employees X 15 gallons/day = 75 gallons (Includes kitchen and bathrooms)  1 clothes washer: 2 loads/day X 20 gals/load (front load)= 40 gallons/day  Dishwasher: 2 loads/day X 5 gals/load = 10 gallons/day  Dog wash 2 x 25 gallons/wash = 50 gallons/day TOTAL ESTIMATE = 325 GALLONS/DAY This estimate is below the permitted system design flow of 585 Gallons/day. Using a 48-hour retention time for septic tank design (commercial use) = 325 x 2 = 650 gallons The existing 1000-gallon septic tank is adequate. Based on these calculations, the septic tank is the limiting factor for the capacity of the system, the 48- hour retention time for a commercial facility limits design flow to 500 gallons/day, allowing an expansion of up to 50-percent based on the existing flow estimate of 325 gallons/day shown above. Please note the estimated flow shown above is based on best available data and variances may include:  the estimated flow for apartment may be overstated if occupied by only one resident or if residents are away during work hours  newer water efficient toilets, sinks, dishwasher and washing machine could reduce flows  based on research, the use per dog washed varies considerably based on size of dog and condition, this may vary from 10 to 35 gallons per wash, staff also noted sometimes dog siblings are washed together We reviewed the location of the OWS as certified at construction, there were no visible issues with the system operation (an above ground visual review only). We did note the disposal field is possibly receiving runoff from irrigated land and is not fenced off to protect it from animal traffic. We also noted an apparent intermittent irrigation ditch in the vicinity of the septic tank and absorption field, required separation of 10-feet to septic tank and 25-feet to absorption field is provided. 3. Multiple Onsite Wastewater Systems on One Property The capacities of the two permitted systems are 887 gallons/day (Animal Hospital) and 585 gallon/day (Barn Yard), for a total of 1472 gallons per day, less than the 2000 gallons per day that would trigger a State Site Application Permit. If one or both systems are expanded in future, and combined capacity exceed 2000 gallons per day, the horizontal separation will need to be reviewed with State of Colorado Regulation 43 to ensure a State Site Application Permit is not required. RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our review of the permit documents, interviews with the facility operators, and our site visit, the existing on-site wastewater systems are permitted under the Garfield County requirements, have adequate capacity for existing use, and are functioning as permitted. The system at the Barn Yard appears to have capacity for approximately 50% expansion in existing use. We recommend the Owner consider the following recommendations to extend the life of the existing systems:  Continue to pump the tanks on a regular basis, recommend annually or every other year.  Maintain the effluent filters at the septic tanks, replace/install as needed.  Fence and trench around the existing absorption fields to protect them from animal traffic and irrigation run-on as needed.  Mark the septic tank at the Animal Hospital with fence posts, or similar, to prevent a vehicle driving over the tank.  Verify the irrigation ditch observed in proximity to the Barn Yard system is intermittent.  Limit dog wash at the Barn Yard to that allowed in the calculations above.  Add a filter over the dog wash drains to catch hair and debris and prevent it entering the wastewater system.  Maintain building system and check for any leaks or misuse that may lead to overload of the systems.  Educate staff about proper use of on-site wastewater systems, being careful about water use and what enters the system.  Collect and dispose of animal waste in appropriate manner, away from building waste lines and OWS.  Contain all water used for mopping of kennels and floors and dispose of in appropriate manner away from building waste lines and OWS.  Maintain any required facility licensees and standards to meet other appropriate industry requirements. Prepared by : Reviewed and verified by: River City Consultants Alpine Animal Land Company _____________________________ __________________________ Judith D Kittson, P.E. Chad Roeber Colorado License 33035 __________________________ Chuck Maker RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL ON SITE WASTEWATER 17776 HWY 82, CARBONDALE, CO Absorption Field Area Well Location in front driveway Septic tank access, looking northwest (lined pond behind fence) Cleanouts at Building NW Corner of Building (standing at septic tank) Lined Pond RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 ON-SITE WASTERWATER SYSTEM FOR THE BARN YARD: 17776 HIGHWAY 82, CARBONDALE, CO SEPTIC TANK ACCESS (looking westerly) ABSORPTION FIELD RISERS SEPTIC TANK ACCESS W/ CLEANOUT AT BUILDING ABSORPTION FIELD IN BACKGROUND RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 AERIAL MAP FROM GARFIELD CO. GIS 17776 HIGHWAY 82, CARBONDALE, CO SCHEMATIC SITE LAYOUT (NOT TO SCALE) ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL BARN YARD SEPTIC TANK CLIENT PARKING SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELD CLIENT PARKING EMPLOYEE PARKING EMPLOYEE PARKING WELL May 15, 2009 Legacy Homes C/o JeffSabo POBox2844 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 . ·.· Ph970-618-5033 Fax 303-216-2796 5889 County Road 109 Carbondale, CO 81623 Installation Observation, Existing Residence 17776 Highway 82 Garfield County, Colorado Mr. Sabo, RECEIVED MAY 2 !I 2009 GARFIELD COUNTY BUILDING & PLANNING Project No. 1540 ALL SERVICE septic, LLC performed an installation observation on March 11, 2009 for the subject property. The installation included a 2000-gal1on, two-compartment precast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter, followed by 4 rows of22 'Quick-4' chambers, for a total of 88 chambers, equaling 869 SF of drain field. Effluent is distributed with a concrete distribution box. An 8-inch diameter effluent filter was installed on the outlet of the 2000-gallon septic tank. The filter is designed to remove excessive debris, and should be checked and/or cleaned every 4 months. The OWS was generally installed according to specifications. This observation is not a guarantee of workmanship and/or parts and materials. ALL SERVICE septic, LLC should be notified if changes are made to the OWS. LIMITS: The observations were based on information submitted. If conditions are different from conditions described in this letter, ALL SERVICE septic, LLC should be notified. All additional OWS construction must be according to the county regulations. The installer should have documented and demonstrated knowledge of the requirements and regulations of the county in which they are working. Please call with questions. Sincerely, AL0~LC Timothy R. Petz 2 copies sent Copy sent to Garfield County October 6111 2008 Legacy Homes Attn: JeffSabo POBox2844 Glenwood Spring~ CO 81602 Ph 97G-618-5033 fax 303-216-2796 5889 County Road Carbondale, CO 81623 Project No. 1540 Subsurface Investigation and Onsite Wastewater System Design, Proposed Veterinary Remodel 17776 Highway 82 Alpine Animal Hospital Garfield County, Colorado Jeff, ) ALL SERVICE septic, LLC performed a subsurface investigation and an onsite wastewater system (OWS) design for the subject property. The property is located in Garfield County, in an area where OWS and wells are necessary. SITE CONDITIONS Several structures exist at the subject property utilizing an OWS. There is an existing veterinary clinic, which will be remodeled, and direct effluent to a separate new OWS. The proposed remodel will have the following: -5 offices -3 treatment sinks -4 exam room sinks -2 dental sinks -2lab sinks -1 mop basin -1 kitchen -1 dog wash -1 Yz bathroom -1 full bathroom The proposed drain field area is relatively flat, and vegetation consists of a moderate cover of grasses. Water is provided by the onsite well, (also serving the other structures) which is located to the south of the proposed drain field. ·· .. · ,, • SUBSURFACE Subsurface Investigation and OWS Design Project No. 1540 10106108 Page2 The subsurface was investigated by digging one profile pit and three percolation holes, as indicated. The materials encountered in the profile pit consisted of !-foot of a clayey root zone, underlain by sandy clay with scattered gravel and cobbles to the maximum depth explored of 8 feet. Groundwater or bedrock was not encountered. Three percolation holes were dug, in the area of the proposed drain field, as indicated. Percolation rates ranged from 20 to 40 minutes per inch (MPI). A 27 MPI rate will be used to design the OWS. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS The OWS design is based on the proposed remodel and an average sewage load of 887 GPD. The installation must include a 2000-gallon, two-compartment, precast concrete septic tank with addition of an 8-inch Orenco™ Biotube™ effluent fdter, to be followed by 4 gravelless chamber trenches. Each trench must have 1 row of 22 'Quick-4' chambers, for a total of 88 chambers, equaling 869 SF of infiltrative area. A concrete distribution box, brought to grade, with a baffle must be installed to distribute effluent. Construction must be according to the Garfield County Health Department OWS regulations, the OWS Construction Permit provided by the county, and this design. OPERATION INFORMATION AND MAINTENANCE The surface of the drain field should be seeded upon completion. Vegetation is an important factor in drain field performance. Erosion control should be practiced prior to and during re-vegetation. Geo- fabrics or plastics should not be used over the drain field. No heavy equipment, machinery, or materials should be placed on backfilled drain field. Livestock should not graze on the drain field. Plumbing fixtures should be checked to ensure that no additional water is being discharged to OWS. For Example, a runuing toilet or leaky faucet can discharge hundreds of gallons of water a day and harm a drain field. Due to the nature of the business the clinic should pump the septic tank every year and clean the effluent filter every 6 months. Garbage disposal use should be minimized, and non- biodegradable materials should not be placed into the OWS. Grease should not be placed in household drains. Loading from a water softener should not be discharged into the OWS. No hazardous wastes should be directed into the OWS. Mechanical room drains should not discharge into the OWS. The OWS is engineered for domestic waste only. ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES If design includes a pump, air release valves and weep holes should be installed to allow pump lines to drain to minimize risk of freezing. Excavation equipment must not drive in excavation of drain field due to the potential to compact soil. Extensions should be placed on all septic tank components to allow access to them from existing grade. Precast concrete tanks and distribution boxes should be used, unless plastic or fiberglass is required. Access to all tank compartments and distribution devices is optimal. .... j ' Subsurface Investigation and OWS Design Project No. !540 !0/06/08 Page 3 INSTALLATION OBSERVATIONS ALL SERVICE septic, LLC, and the county must view the OWS during construction. The OWS observation should be performed before backfill, after placement of chambers and distribution pipes. Septic tanks, distribution devices, pumps, dosing siphons, and other plumbing, as applicable, must also be observed. ALL SERVICE septic, LLC should be notified 48 hours in advance to observe the installation. LIMITS: The design is based on information submitted. If soil conditions encountered are . different from: conditions described in report, ALL SERVICE septic, LLC should be notified. AllOWS construction must be according to the county regulations. Requirements not specified in this report must follow county regulations. The installer should have documented and demonstrated knowledge of the requirements and regulations of the county in which they are working. Please call with questions. Sincerely, ALL SERVICE septic, LLC ~------·7 (/·~ Timothy R. Petz 3 copies GARFIELD COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Percolation Test and Soils Data Form-TABLE 1 -PROJECT 1540 PROFILE PIT Date ofTest: 9/12/2008 0-1' Root Zone, Clayey, Brown 1'-8.0' Clay, Sandy, with Scattered Gravel and Cobbles, Stiff, Moist Brown to Light Brown No Groundwater or Bedrock was Encountered Hole Hole Interval Measurement at Measurement at Change (in.) Percolation Rate No. Depth (in.) (min.) Start of Interval End of Interval (min./in.) MPI (in.) (in.) 1 35 20 5.00 dry fill 20 5.00 dry fill 20 5.00 6.00 1.00 20 6.00 6.75 0.75 fill 20 3.25 4.25 1.00 20 4.25 5.25 1.00 20 2 29 20 5.50 dry fill 20 5.50 6.75 0.75 20 6.75 9.00 2.25 20 9.00 dry fill 20 5.50 6.50 1.00 20 6.50 7.50 1.00 20 3 30 20 4.25 dry fill 20 4.25 5.00 0.75 20 5.00 6.00 1.00 20 6.00 6.75 0.75 fill 20 3.50 4.50 1.00 20 4.50 5.00 0.50 40 AVG=27MPI t),· ~ ~ oo')\o'V tiQf ... ' •• •fl; ,¥ "' "! ' )IQ. ,4 ~·,_ t. i '*·'' •·S141\Eil( _,,, .... r j J GARl'IELD COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT 109 8th Street Suite 303 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81801 Phone (303) 945·8212 Permit N~ 364fl AHe11or's Parcel No. f fNDIVIDUAL SEWAOE DISPOSAL PERMIT This does not constitute a building or use permit. I.· PROPERTY Qwner'sName..Af:;rnt An1~/ /IPp•PresentAddress /7771, flwv 81- 1 System Locetlon J 171 (p tfw ~ b '2.. ('tVt"hond.a Ck ) 0.0 Phone 9fD ?i-;;13 7 / I<, i.3 i Legal Description of.Assessor's Parcel No.-------------------------------- f SYSTEM DESIGN j I t. Septic Tank Capacity (gallon) Percolation Rate (minutes/inch) Ired Absorption Area • See Attached kpeclal Setbac~·Requlrements: Q,ther Number of Bedrooms (or other) -----,,\ I Date Inspector--------------------------! FINAL SYSTEM INSPECTION AND APPROVAL (as Installed) Call for Inspection (24 hours notice) Before Covering Installation System lnstaller ____ ~.Jii;,~~'£:(;,;,..J..il'!.11:drfj',£f.'J_f?,s.J:f;;tl:t.L--=~~';C-LCZ/r??e:J..~L----------------f f t i. I Septic Tank CapacitY----------------4-' 1-+------------------- Septic Tank Manufacturer or Trade Name _C-":J=---i-'b?<-L..:...<.1.,,?c..'/J,_,__ef._A_,_:"°",\_,')!\),.,,.C_,_1 /R'1E,,,_,_,,""J,,_ ___________ _ Septic Tank Access within 8" of surface --------'5£:=',.,f:.--=j'-.,,__*A*'1~-;.-:i..,:l..,C_+fSL.u:-"~""<Y""'------------ Absorption Area _____________________________________ _ Absorption Area Type and/or Manufacturer or Trade Name ------------------------ Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements ___________________ _ Date 3 '.21-J,,ot'n. RETAIN WITH RIC IPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS: . 1. All Installation must comply with all requlr ents of the Colorado State Board of Health Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Chapter 25, Article 10 C.R.S. 1973, Revised 1984. 2. This permit Is valid only for connection to structures w~ich have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Con· nection to or use with any dwelling or structures not apP,roved by the Building and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation or a requirement of the permit and Cause for both legal a,6tlon and revocation of the permit. , .. 3. Any person who constructs. alters, or Installs an Individual sewage disposal system In a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or sPeclfications contained In the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months In Jail or both). Whtte -APPLICANT Yellow -DEPARTMENT f I f r I i, l ' ' .. I z t 1. I I' f l 1 I I I I I t l t I, t IYJDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM APPLICATION fz~t ~h--f/uy;:!:Jf; CONTRACTOR kM4/A= J &oc.- PHONE q7tJ·CZte.3-Z>Zf ADD~SS • ~~¥~C2) PHONE 170· 'lo/?--qso PERMIT ~QUEST FOR (~NEW INSTALLATION ( )ALTERATION ( )~PAIR Attach separate sheets or report showing entire area with respect to surrounding areas, topography of area, habitable building, location of potable water wells, soil percolation test holes, soil profiles in test holes (See page 4). LOCATION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: NearwhatCityofTowd.411lC5 ~-Z-t1!:::. C~f7$J1£ ~fJ.&LOJ ~ Legal Description or Addres~7'f &i;ec-J?Wi_J 7llt.!Ar;; ~J1i /J<ht¥ <f-l- WASTES TYPE: ( ) DWELLING ( ) TRANSIENT USE v-}COMMERCIALORINDUSTRIAL ( ) NON-DOMESTICWASTES O!JIER -DESCRIBE BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE: /l~J-t~Atj //071 fT!Jl- Number of Bedrooms ~ Number of Persons/3~GC'5 Garbage Grinder#O ( ) Automatic Wash~ ( ) Dishwasher.A)o SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( ) WELL ( ) SPRING ( ) S~AM OR C~EK If supplied by Community Water, give name of supplier:----"tAh_t--_li"""'/ __________ __,._-,- DISTANCE TO NEAREST COMMUNITY SEWER SYSTEM: /IJ~ ,/ii:-e/ ~ hwt /:>#to Was an effort made to connect to the Community System? !f~l-.1};{f<e_tv.£fJt/i;;.c,4lr-t fo//'lfl;;_ J A site plan is required to be submitted that indicates the following MINIMUM distances: Leach Field to Well: 100 feet Septic Tank to Well: 50 feet Leach Field to Irrigation Ditches, Stream or Water Course: 50 feet SepticSystemtoPropertyLines:(septic tank &leach field)lOfeet YOUR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED WITHOUT A SITE PLAN. GROUND CONDITIONS: Depth to first Ground Water Table. ______________________ _ Percent Ground Slope __________________________ _ 2 TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: SEPTIC TANK ( ) AERATION PLANT ( ) VAULT VAULT PRIVY ( ) COMPOSTING TOILET ( ) RECYCLING, POTABLE USE PIT PRIVY ( ) INCINERATION TOILET ( ) RECYCLING, OTHER USE CHEMICAL TOILET ( ) OTHER -DESCRIBE FINAL DISPOSAL BY: ABSORPTION TRENCH, BED OR PIT ( ) EV APOTRANSPIRATION UNDERGROUND DISPERSAL ( ) SAND FILTER ABOVE GROUND DISPERSAL ( ) WASTEWATER POND OTHER -DESCRIBE WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE? ______ _ PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: (To be completed by Registered Professional Engineer, ifthe Engineer does the Percolation Test) Minutes _____ ,per inch in hole No. I Minutes ______ ,per inch in hole NO. 3 Minutes er inch in hole No. 2 Minutes er inch in hole NO. Name, address and telephone ofRPE who made soil absorption tests: ______________ _ Name, address and telephone ofRPE responsible for design of the system: ____________ _ Applicant acknowledges that the completeness of the application is conditional upon such further mandatory and additional tests and reports as may be required by the local health department to be made and furnished by the applicant or by the local health department for purposed of the evaluation of the application; and the issuance of the permit is subject to such terms and conditions as deemed necessary to insure compliance with rules and regulations made, information and reports submitted herewith and required to be submitted by the applicant are or will be represented to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are designed to be relied on by the local department of health in evaluating the same for purposes of issuing the permit applied for herein. I further understand that any falsification or misrepresentation may result in the denial of the application or revocation of any permit granted based upon said applicati and in legal action for perjury as provided by law. Date.-----'"+'¥1---+lb'----~)~_ PLEASE DRAW AN ACCURATE MAP TO YOUR PROPERTY!! 3 GAMBA Aa•OCIATI:• coNaULTING ENOINll:ER• 6 LAND 8URYEYORa l•••••fl•,c•• PHONIE: 970/9411 .. 25110 l'AX: 1170/ll4S•l410 f t 3 NINTH STREET, SUITE 214 P.O. BOX 1458 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81802•1488 TRANSMITTAL DATIC: March 18, 2002 TIME: 12:15 PM PROJKCT NAME: Alpine Animal Hospital PRO.llCCT NUMBER: 99823 To: Garfield County COMPANY: Dept of Planning and Building ADDRESS: PHONB: FAX: P'ROM: Chris Strouse{1S ISDS PERMIT SUBMITTAL CC: ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL WI! HERl!CWITH TRANSMIT THE FOLLOWING: x DRAWINGS D CONTRACT DoCUMENTS D BID DOCUMENTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 PRODUCT LITERATURE 0 CHANGE ORDER X OTHER FOR YOUR: ox APPROVAL D REVIEW. COMMENT D DISTRIBUTION TO PARTIES x RECORD D INFORMATION D USE COMMENTS: Original signed ISDS design 2 sheets Calculation Sheet Percolation Results sheet GARFIELD COUNTY ISDS DESIGN CALCULATIONS Owner's Name Vetrinary Clinic Number of Employee's Average Daily Waste Flow: 390 0 13 State Review Required?: no Pere Rate (t) -- Parcel ID# Design Flow (Q) • #potential bedrooms X 2 people/bedroom X gpd X 1.50 Q• 585 Absorption Area .. IA=; x"1 A• 309.55 sq. ft. of absorption area required ----- 20 infiltrator units without reduction ----- A maximum 50% reduction is allowed for use of deep gravel or gravelless chambered system, only Uthe lot size and soil conditions are optimal. lf a reduction is being proposed, describe why lot si7.e and soil conditions are optimal: We will use a 40% reduction of the ieach area for a bed design. A• 185.73 sq.ft. with reduction 12 infiltrator units with reduction --~-- Type of system: [X)Absorption trenches UAbsorption bed UGravelless chambers QDry well QSeepage Pit OOther (type) SETBACK FROM WELL offeet • 100 ----- SETBACK FROM POND, STREAM OR IRRIGATION DITCH offeet = 50 SETBACK FROM DRY GULCH offeet • 25 ----- FINAL INSPECTION BY: _________ _ Page 1 of 1 Flow Rate gal/ per/ day) Total Flow 30 DATE: ____ _ 0 390 0 0 PERCSHEET PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS FORM ..... -------- HOLE .DEPTH OF TME MEASURE DROP in WATER PERCOLATION No. TEST HOLE TIME INTERVAL MENT LEVEL RATE REMARKS in) (min.) (min) (inches) (inches) (min/in) I 47 ___ ,, ___ ,,_ --- 8:29 --·-···------- 8:31 0:02 19 1/8 8:41 0:10 23 5/8 4.500 2 8:45 0:04 17 7/8 added water 8:56 0:11 22 5/8 4.750 2 ---------- 9:03 0:07 added water _, ........ ____ 9:09 0:06 16 314 9:19 0:10 19 3/8 2.625 4 -·--····-· --- 9:29 0:10 23 3.625 3 9:39 0:10 17 3/8 added water --··-·-- 9:49 0:10 20 112 3.125 3 9:59 0:10 23 2.500 4 1;2- 48 8:35 49 5/8 --·-··- 8:42 0:07 51 1.375 5 added water I--------- 8:47 0:05 46 1/2 r--------··- 8:57 0:10 47 1/2 1.000 JO 9:07 0:10 49 3/8 1.875 5 added water 9:13 0:06 45 -·---·---~- 9:20 0:07 45 1/2 0.500 14 9:22 0:02 45 7/8 0.375 5 ----~--··-- 9:30 0:08 46 5/8 0.750 11 9:40 0:10 48 1.375 7 9:50 0:10 49 1.000 10 I:? 48 ·-------- 8:32 -------- 8:36 0:04 48 1/4 48.250 0 -- 8:42 0:06 empty -- 8:52 0:10 44 3/4 added water 8:58 0:06 46 1/4 1.500 4 -- 9:08 0:10 48 1/2 2.250 4 ------- 9:14 0:06 44 added water 9:21 0:07 45 1.000 7 9:31 0:10 46 1/4 1.250 8 9:41 0:10 48 1.750 6 9:51 0:10 49 1/4 1.250 8 Averge Pere. Rate: 7 Page 1 GAMBA 6 A880CIATE5 CONSULTING ENGINEERS le LAND SURVEYORS www ...... ,.,.,..,,,..,..,,,. ... co"' PHONE: 970/ 945·2550 FAX: 970/945·1410 113 NINTH STREET, SUITE 214 P.O. Box , 458 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602-1458 March 27, 2002 Garfield County Dept of Planning, Building and Sanitation 109 Eighth Street Glenwood Springs, CO 80602 RE: Alpine Animal Hospital ISDS To whom it may concern: On March 27, 2002 Gamba & Associates, Inc performed a final construction inspection of the new ISDS leach bed system for the Alpine Animal Hospital near El Jebel. The system, as installed, is in substantial conformance with the plans submitted to the County dated 3/18/02, except for the following field changes; 1. location of 1000 gallon septic tank is 41.2 feet from the existing clean-out. 2. A straight alignment was obtained by the contractor from the septic tank to the leach bed, therefore eliminating the need for a new clean-out in the pipe run. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Gamba & Associates, Inc. Chris Strouse, Design Engineer G:\99823\FINAL INSPECTION.doc cc: Chuck Maker, Alpine Animal Hospital Alpine Animal Hospital ISDS March 27, 2002 Page I of I RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT: TRAFFIC INFORMATION ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL AND BARN YARD 17776 Highway 82 Carbondale, CO BACKGROUND: The property at 17776 Highway 82, Carbondale, Colorado, has two separate buildings for the two facilities on site; the Barn Yard provides dog boarding and day care facility; and Alpine Animal Hospital provides small and large animal veterinary services. The property is serviced by one access off State Highway 82 Frontage Road and has onsite circulation driveways, parking and loading areas. Access to the site is provided along the north side of Highway 82 Frontage Road (Hwy 82 FR) approximately 2,500 feet east of mile marker 17. SITE ACCESS Access to the site is from the Hwy 82 FR. According to the guidelines in the CDOT State Highway Access Code, the roadway is classified as Frontage Road (F-R). Highway 82 FR is a two-lane asphalt roadway with 2-ft paved shoulders. The roadway has a posted speed limit of 45 mph and has a double yellow striping in front of the site. The site driveway is paved and has an approximate 2% slope away from the highway. The frontage road at the access is straight and has minimal grade providing good sight distance in both directions (see photographs). The site driveway is approximately 22-feet wide and provides storage of approximately 100-feet for vehicle stacking between the parking and the highway. A Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Access Permit for the site was issued 9/29/09, Permit Number 309106, permit was for traffic volume of for 48 ADT. Based upon the current use at the site a new Access Permit is required. A Trip Generation Estimate and a manual Traffic Count of Peak Hour traffic was performed to determine traffic volumes for permitting. TRIP GENERATION The ITE Trip Generation Handbook provides limited surveys for Land Use Code 640: Medical Animal Hospital/Veterinarian Clinic for an urban/suburban setting. The sizes of the facilities surveyed were not similar to the subject property, no information is provided to determine if these facilities surveyed include large animal services. It is likely that in an urban/suburban setting the ITE surveyed sites did not include the large animal component of the Alpine Animal Hospital business. The ITE Trip Generation Handbook did not have any surveys for dog kenneling/boarding or pet day care facilities. Due to the rural location of the site, typical urban/suburban type trip generation does not apply. A Trip Generation Estimate could not be made using the ITE Trip Generation Handbook and was instead made based on RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 best available information and professional judgment for existing conditions. Average Daily Trips (ADT) were determined based on facility use and employee numbers. Entering the site and returning counts as two trips. An estimate of potential ADT for future expansion of the facilities was also calculated. AVERAGE DAILY TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATE for 17776 Highway 82: 1. Veterinary Clinic: A. Large Animal Clinic Based on clinic’s annual numbers in 2021: 255 patients/clients visits in 12 month period, average is less than 1 client per day. Average of 2 staff members on site daily. Assume 4 trips/client for drop off/pick up and 6 trips/employee as employees sometimes go off-site to clients.  EXISTING ADT = (1 client x 4 trips) + (2 employees x 6 trips) = 16 trips  FUTURE ADT = (2 client x 4 trips) + (2 employees x 6 trips) = 20 trips B. Small Animal Clinic Open Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm, Saturday 8am-12pm (every Saturday but 2/year) = 310 days/year 2021 there were approximately 6500 invoices/310 days = approximately 21 clients per day Average of 10 staff members daily. Assume 3 trips/employee to allow for some lunch/errand trips, assume 3 trips per client (some clients stay with animal while some drop off and return).  EXISTING ADT = (21 client + 10 employees) x 3 trips = 93 trips  FUTURE ADT = (35 client + 12 employees) x 3 trips = 141 trips 2. Animal Boarding Facility: For the 1 bedroom apartment use 6 trips due to remote location and as it houses on-site employee. For 5 employees per day, assume average of 3 trips/employee to allow for some lunch/errand trips. Overnight clients average 5, stays are for varied periods of time, staggered pick-up/drop off, use 5 visits per day. For day use clients, average of 15, use 4 trips/day for drop off and pick up  EXISTING ADT = (5 overnight clients x 2 trips)+ (5 employees x 3trips) + (15 day clients x 4 trips) + (6 trips/apartment)= 91 trips  FUTURE ADT = (10 overnight clients x 2 trips)+ (10 employees x 3trips) + (30 day clients x 4 trips) + (6 trips/apartment)= 176 trips 3. Deliveries and Service Vehicles –  EXISTING ADT: estimate 6 vehicles = 12 trips/day  FUTURE ADT: estimate 12 vehicles/day =24 trips/day TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR EXISTING AVERAGE DAILY TRIPS (ADT) = 212 TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR FUTURE AVERAGE DAILY TRIPS (ADT) = 361 RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 PEAK HOUR ESTIMATE Review of the limited data available from the ITE Trip Generation Handbook for Land Use Code 640: Medical Animal Hospital/Veterinarian Clinic indicated the PM Peak Hour was slightly greater than the AM Peak Hour, Peak hour was shown at approximately 15% of the ADT. Discussion with on-site employees indicated the AM and PM Peak Hours see similar traffic. It was determined that a Peak Hour traffic count from 3:30 pm to 5:00pm would capture the best available information for the site and adjacent frontage road. The traffic count was performed by RCC on Thursday April 21 st, conditions were dry and sunny, approximately 70 degrees. The count was tallied in 15-minute increments to determine the peak hour. Table 1 shows through traffic counted on the Frontage Road , Table 2 shows site traffic. TABLE 1: FRONTAGE ROAD THRU TRAFFIC COUNTED WESTBOUND EASTBOUND Cars/Pickups Trucks [2] Bicycles Cars/Pickups Trucks Bicycles TOTAL [1] 3:30PM- 3:45PM 10 1 0 20 0 1 31 3:45PM – 4:00PM 16 0 1 7 1 0 24 4:00PM – 4:15PM 16 0 1 8 0 2 24 4:15PM – 4:30PM 16 1 2 10 0 0 27 4:30PM- 4:45PM 14 1 2 13 0 0 28 4:45PM- 5:00PM 18 0 0 7 1 0 26 [1] Excludes Bicycles [2] 3-axle rigid trucks observed, nothing larger TABLE 2: SITE TRAFFIC COUNTED INBOUND OUTBOUND Left In Right In Left Out Right Out TOTAL 3:30PM- 3:45PM 1 1 2 0 4 3:45PM – 4:00PM 2 2 2 0 6 4:00PM – 4:15PM 1 2 1 2 6 4:15PM – 4:30PM 0 0 0 1 1 4:30PM- 4:45PM 0 6 0 4 10 4:45PM- 5:00PM 1 0 2 2 5 RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 Based traffic count, PM Peak Hour for the Site traffic is 3:45-4:45PM. Frontage Road through traffic for that period is 103 vehicles with 64 Westbound and 39 Eastbound. Site traffic for that time period is 23 vehicles or just over 10% of the estimated site ADT which is consistent with available ITE Handbook data. FUTURE TRAFFIC An expansion of existing facilities is anticipated in the next 10-years, potential expansion of client base at the Animal Hospital and expanded capacity at the Barn Yard may result in an increase in site generated traffic of close to 100%, with estimated ADT of 361 and Peak Hour estimated at 40 Design Hour Volume (DHV). A. AUXILARY LANE ANALYSIS: Per the State Highway Access Code, Auxiliary turn lanes are required on Frontage roads with posted speed over 40 mph when: 1. Projected Peak Hour Left Ingress is greater than 10 vehicles for peak hour (VPH). The completed traffic count showed Peak Hour Left Ingress is 3 VPH and is estimated to be 6 VPH for expansion, no auxiliary left turn lane will be required now or for projected expansion. 2. Projected Peak Hour Right Ingress greater than 25 vph. The completed traffic count showed the Peak Hour Right Ingress is 10 VPH and is estimated to be 20 VPH for expansion, therefore no auxiliary left turn lane will be required now or after the expansion. Garfield County and CDOT were contacted for any existing traffic data for Hwy 82 FR, none were available. The CDOT OTIS website was utilized to find a 20-year factor for traffic on Highway 82 that could then be applied to traffic counted on Hwy 82 FR. The factor for Highway is approximately 1.275, applied to the peak hour count on the Hwy 82 FR results in a Peak Hour volume of 131 vehicles with 82 Westbound and 49 Eastbound. These peak hour volumes are below traffic volumes requiring acceleration/deceleration lanes at access points. No acceleration/deceleration lanes required. No Frontage Road improvements are required. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: Based on the expected trip generation rates and traffic movements discussed above, current conditions and estimated future expansion traffic will be below the access codes thresholds for auxiliary turn lanes. In conclusion no roadway improvements or auxiliary turn lanes are required. Prepared by : Reviewed and verified by: River City Consultants Alpine Animal Land Company _____________________________ __________________________ Judith D Kittson, P.E. Chad Roeber Colorado License 33035 __________________________ Chuck Maker RIVER CITY CONSULTANTS, INC.  215 PITKIN AVENUE UNIT 201  GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501  970.241.4722 17776 Highway 82 Frontage Road Looking west along Frontage Road at access Looking east along Frontage Road at access Looking at Frontage Road from on site COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION COOT Permit No. 309106 STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS CODE SH/S/MP 082/\ I 17.475 I L NOTICE TO PROCEED Local Jurisdiction Garlield County Permittee(s): Applicant: Alpine Animal Hospital Legacy Homes of Aspen Trent Johnson 17776 llwy S2 5RX9 County Road I 09 Carbondale, CO 81623 Carbondale, CO 81623 The permittee is hereby authorized to proceed with access construction within state highway right-of-way in accordance with the above referenced State Highway Access Permit and this Notice to Proceed. This Notice to Proceed is valid only if the referenced Access Permit has not expired. Access Permits expire one year from date of issue if not under construclion, or completed. Access Permits may be extended in accordance with Section 2.3(11 )(d), of the Access Code. Adequate advance warning is required at all limes during access construction, in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. All construction shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from initiation. The permittee or applicant shall notify the Department prior to commencing construction as indicated on the Access Permit. Both the Access Permit and this Notice To Proceed shall be available for review at the construction site. This Notice to Proceed is conditional. The following items shall be addressed prior to or during construction as appropriate. No cnn~truction is needed. Municipality Oi County Approval (When the appropriate local authority retains issuing authority) By Title X) This Notice is not valid until signed by a duly authorized representative of the Department Colorado Department of Transportation d~ #d: Copy d1slnbut1on. Required. Region (original) Applicant Staff Access Section Tit!e Fe I AU&~ oM<1ke ccoL~S as necessary for. local Authority Inspector D'Wayne Gaymon MTCE Patrol Traffic Engineer 16-2 Floyd Strader Date Dvte 9/2912009 For.n 126:;~ 8198.6 99 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CDOT Permit No. 309106 STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT - Stale Highway No/Mp/Side 082 A I 17.475 I L Permit fee I Date ot transg~~~IZOQg I: Region/SecHon/Patrol Local Jurisdiction 100.00 3 I 02 /16-2 Floyd Strader Garfield County The Permittee(s}; Applicant: Ref No.: Alpine Animal Hospital Legacy Homes of Aspen Trent Johnson 17776 Hwy 82 5889 County Road 109 Carbondale, CO 81623 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-963-237t 970- 379-4476 Is hereby gran led permission to have an access to the stale highway at Ihe loca!lon noted below. The access shall be constructed, maintained and used In c.ccordance with this r.crmit including the State Hlghwa~' Access Code and any a!tachments, terms, condi!!ons and exhibits. This permit may be revoked by the Issuing authority if a! any time the permitted access and its use violate any parts of this permit. The issuing authority, the Department and their duly appointed agen!s and employees shall be held harmless against any aclion for personal injury or proper1y damage sustained by reason of !he exercise of lhe permit. _ Location: Located on the north side of Hwy 82 FR, a distance of 2500 feet easl of mm i 7. Also known as i 7776 Hiv;y 82. Access to Provide Service to: (L.1nd Usc Code:) (Si<.c or Counl) (Units) 609 ·Veterinary Hospital 46 ADT Additional Information: MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Required only when the appropriate local authority retains issuing authority. Signature Prinl Name Title Dale Upon the signing of this permit the permittee agrees to the terms and conditions and referenced attachments contained herein. All construction shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from Initiation. The permitted access shall be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit prior to being used. The permittee shall notlfv D'Wavne Gavmon with the Colorado Department of TransPOrtation In Grand JunctJon, Colorado at (970) 683-3355, at least 48 hours prior to commendng construction within the State Highway rlght-of·way. The person !>ignlng as the perrn!liee must be the owner or !ega! represen!a!lve 0f the property served by !he permitted ascess and have fu!l authority to accept the permit and its lenns and conditions. J rC~2c~J loate/; ·)!J_ P~[mlttee {na1ure ( 11-- e, e,_~ ( j;<.A. /l (&/. .j)~-",·V'-l,.. " f!. ~.::. b., v /)vrVi . Cl_J.G cr; This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorized representative of the Department. COLORJ\.PO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Sig~~){fy-, :l~:: I ~~r"' IZ~Idm) Dale (of issue) A '(~,Z'f~87 Copy Distribution: Requr;ed; 1.Rag•on 2.Applicant Maka cop•es.as necessary lor: 3.Slalf Access Secilon local Autl·onty Inspector Previous e~~s ere obsoloto and may not be u~ed Page 1 of 3 COOT Form 1;!101 S/07 4.Contra! Fi!(JS MTCE Patrol Tralfic Enginear Stale Highway Access Permit Form 101, Page2 The following paragraphs are excerpts of the State Highway Ac...cess Code. These are provided for your convenience but do not a!leviale compliance wilh all sections of the Access Code. A copy of the State Highway Access Code is available from your local issuing authority (local government) or the Colorado Department of Transportation (Department). Mlen this permit was issued, the issuing authority made its decision based in part on information submitted by the applicant, on the access category which is assigned to the highway, what alternative access to other public roads and s1reels is available, and safety and design standards. Changes in use or design not approved by lhe permit or the issuing authority may cause the revocation or suspension of the permit. APPEALS 1. Should the permitlee or applicant object to the denial of a permit application by the Department or object lo any of the terms or conditions of a permit placed there by the Department, lhe applicant and pennittee (appellant) have a right to appeal lhe decision lo lhe [Transpmtalion] Commission [of Colorado]. To appeal a decision, submit a request for administrative hearing to the Transportation Commission of Colorado within 60 days of transmitlal of notice of denial or transrnitlal of the permit for signature. Submit lhe request to the Transportation Commission of Colorado, 4201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80222-3400. The request shall include reasons for the appeal and may indude changes, revisions, or conditions that would be acceptable to the permittee or applicant. 2. Any appeal by the applicant or permittee of action by a local issuing authority shall be filed with the local authority and be consistent with the appeal procedures of the local authority. 3. In submitting the request for administrative hearing, the appellant has the option of including within the appeal a request for a review by the Department's internal administrative review committee pursuant to [Code] subsection 2.10. When such commi!tee review is requested, processing of the appeal for formal administrative hearing, 2.9(5) and (6), shall be suspended until the appellant notifies the Commission to proceed with the administrdtive hearing, or the appellant submits a request to the Commission or the administrative law judge to withdraw the appeal. The two administrative processes, the internal administrative review committee, and the administrative hearing, may not nm concurrently. 4. Regardless of any communications, meetings, administrative reviews or negotiations with the Oepartinent or the inlemal administrative review Committee regarding revisions or objections to the permit or a denial, if lhe permittee or applicant wishes to appeal the Department's decision to the Commission for a hearing, the appeal must be brought to the Commission within 60 days of transmittal of notice of denial or transmittal of the permit. PERMIT EXPIRATION 1. A permit shall be considered expired if the access is not under construction within one year of the permit issue date or before the expiration of any authorized extension. When the permittee is unable to commence construction within one year after the permit issue dale, the pennitlee may request a one year extension from the issuing authority. No more than two one-year extensions may be granted under any circumstances. If the access is not under construction within three years from date of issue the penmit will be considered expired. Any request for an extension must be in V.Jriting and submitted to the issuing authority before the permit expires. The request should slate the reasons why the extension is necessary, when construction is anticipated. and include a copy of page 1 (face of permit) of lhe access permit. Extension approvals shall be in writing. The local issuing authority shall obtain the concurrence of the Department prior to the approval of an extension, and shall notify the Department of all denied extensions within ten days. Any person wishing to reestablish an access permit that has expired may begin again with the application proo~~dores. An approved Notice to Proceed, automatically renews the ae<:ess permit for the period of the Notice to Proceed. CONSTRUCTION 1. Construction may not begin until a Notice to Proceed is approved. (Code subsection 2.4] 2. The construction of the access and its appurtenances as required by the terms and conditions of the permit shall be completed at the expense of the permittee except as provided in subsection 2.14. All materials used in the construction of the access within the highway right-of-way or on permanent easements, become public property. Any materials removed from the highway right-of-way will be disposed of only as directed by the Department. All fencing, guard rail, traffic control devices and other equipment and materials removed in the course of access construction shall be given to the Department unless otherwise instructed by the permit or the Department inspector. 3. The pennittee shall notify the individual or the office specified on the permit or Notice to Proceed at least two working days prior to any construction within state highway right-of-way. Construction of the access shall not proceed until both the access permit and the Notice to Proceed are issued. The access shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from initiation of construction within the highway right-of-way. A construction time extension not to exceed 30 working days may be requested from the individual or office specified on the permit. 4. The issuing authority and the Department may inspect he access during construction and upon completion of the access to ensure that all terms and conditions of the permit are met. Inspectors are authorized to enforce the conditions of the permit during conslruclion and to halt any activities within slate right-of-way that do not comply with the provisions of the permit, that conflict with concurrent highway construction or maintenance work, that endanger State Highway Access Permit Form 101, Page 3 highway property, natural or cultural resources protected by law, or the health and safety of workers or the public. 5. Prior to using the access, the permittee is required to complete the construction according to the terms and conditions of the pennit. Failure by the permittee to abide by all permit terms and conditions shall be sufficient cause for the Oeparlrnent or issuing authority to initiate action to suspend or revoke the penni! and dose the access. If in the determination of the Department or issuing authority the failure to comply with or complete the construction requirements of the permit create a highway safety hazard, such shall be sufficient cause for the summary suspension of the permit. If the permittee \Nishes to use the access prior to completion, arrangements must be approved by the issuing authority and Department and induded in the permit. The Department or issuing authority may order a halt to any unauthorized use of the access pursuant to statutory and regulatory powers. Reconstruction or improvement of the access may be required when the permittee has failed to meet required specifications of design or materials, If any oonstruction element fails within two years due to improper construction or material specifications, the permittee shall be responsible for aU repairs. Failure to make such repairs may result in suspension of the permit and dosure of the access. 6. The permittee shall provide construction traffic control devices at a!l times during access construction, in conformance with the M.U.T.C.D. as required by section 42-4-104, C.R.S., as amended. 7. A utility permit shall be obtained for any utility work within highway right-of-way. VVhere necessary to remove, relocate, or repair a traffic control device or public or private utilities for the construction of a permitted access, the relocation, removal or repair shall be accomplished by the pennittee wf\hout cost to the Department or issuing authority, and at the direction of the Department or ulih'ty company. Any damage to the state highway or other public right-of-way beyond that which is allowed in the permit shaH be repaired immediately. The permittee is responsible for the repair of any utility damaged in the course of access construction, reconstruction or repair. 8. In the event it becomes necessary to remove any right-of- way fence, the posts on either side of the acress shall be securely braced with an approved end post before the fence is cut to prevent any slacking of the remaining fence. All posts and \oVire removed are Department property and shall be turned over to a representative of the Department. 9. The permittee shall ensure that a copy of the permit is available for review at the construction site at all times. The penni! may require the contractor to notify the individual or office specified on the permit at any specified phases in construction to allow the field inspector to inspect various aspects of construction such as concrete forms, subbase, base course compaction, and materials spedfications. Minor changes and additions may be ordered by the Department or local authority field inspector to meet unanticipated site conditions. 10. Each access shall be constructed in a manner that shall not cause water to enter onto the roadway or shoulder. and shall not interfere with the existing drainage system on the right-of~ way or any adopted municipal system and drainage plan. 11. The Pennittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary additional Federal, State and/or City/County permits or clearances required for construction of the access. Issuance of this access permit does not constitute verification of the above required actions by the Permittee. By accepting the permit. the permlt1ee stipulates and agrees to fully protect, save, defend, indemniry, and hold harmless, to the extent allowed by law, the issuing Authority, and each of the Authority's directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives, from and against any and all claims, costs {including but not limited to all reasonable rees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals or expert witnesses and all court or other dispute resolution costs directly incurred by reason of daims directly brought against lhe Authorily), losses, damages, pre-or post~ judgment interest, causes of action, suits, or liability of any nature whatsoever by reason of liability imposed due to Permittee's failure to obtain, or disregard of, any applicable federal, state or local environmental permits, approvals, authorizations, or dearances, or in meeting or complying wilh any applicable federal, state or local environmental law, regulation, condition or requirements in connection with any activities authorized by this Access Permit. CHANGES IN ACCESS USE AND PERMIT VIOLATIONS 1, It is the responsibility of the property owner and permittee to ensure that the use of the access to the properly is not in violation of the Code, permit terms and condilions or the Act. The terms and conditions of any permit are binding upon all assigns, successors-in-interest, heirs and occupants. If any significant changes are made or will be made in the use of the property which will affect access operation, traffic volume and or vehicle type, the permittee or property owner shall contact the local issuing authority or the Department to determine if a new access permit and modifications to the access are required. 2. When an access is constructed or used in violation of the Code, section 43-2-147(5)(c), C.R.S., of the Act applies. The Department or issuing authority may summarily suspend an access permit and immediately order closure of the access when its continued use presents an immediate threat to public health, INelfare or safety. Summary suspension shall comply with article 4 of title 24, C. R.S. MAINTENANCE 1. The permittee, his or her heirs, successors~in-interest, assigns, and occupants of the property serviced by the access shall be responsible for meeting the terms and conditions of the permit, the repair and maintenance of the access beyond the edge of the roadway induding any caHie guard and gate, and the removal or clearance of snow or ice upon the acress even though deposited on the access in the course of Department snow removal operations. Wtlhfn unincorporated areas the Department will keep access culverts dean as part of maintenance of the highway drainage system. Ho~Never, the permittee is responsible for the repair and replacement of any access-related culverts within the right-of-way. Within incorporated areas, drainage responsibilities for municipalities are determined by statute and local ordinance. The Department will maintain the roadway including auxiliary lanes and shoulders, except in those cases where the access installation has failed due to improper access construction and/or failure to follow permit requirements and specifications in which case the permittee shall be responsible for such repair. Any significant repairs such as culvert replacement, resurfacing, or changes in design or specifications, requires authorization from the Department. Form 101, Page 3 STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT 30106 Located on Highway 082 Frontage Road near RP 17.475 Left Issued to Alpine Animal Hospital TERMS AND CONDITIONS September 22, 2009 1. This access is approved as constructed in accordance with Section 2.6(3) of the Access Code. 2. This permil replaces any and all additional access permits that may be in existence. All other State Highway access to the property shall be removed. 3. This permitted access is only for the use and purpose stated in the Application and Permit. This Permit is issued in accordance with the State Highway Access Code (2 CCR 601-1), and is based in part upon the information submitted by the Permittee. Any subsequent relocation, reconstruction, or modifications to the access or changes in the traffic volume or traffic nature using the access shall be requested for by means of a new application. Any changes causing non-compliance with the Access Code may render this permit void, requiring a new permit. 4. The traffic limitations listed on the face of this permit shall be adhered to. The traffic volumes are listed in Design Hourly Volume (DHV) trips or Average Daily Trips (ADT) where entering the site and returning counts as two trips. 5. The traffic volume is for 48 ADT. 6. The existing culvert shall be kept free of blockage to maintain proper flow and drainage . 2- ÐocuSig n E nvelope I D : 1 6 DE53FG47 E4-48 A8-8D37-38B9C B7C8O1 A lssu¡ng authority application acceplance date: COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT APPLICATION lnstructions: Please print or type - Conlact the Colorado Department of Transportat¡on (CDOT) or your local governmenl to dêtermine your issuing aulhority. - Contacttheissuingauthoritytodeterminewhalplansandotherdocumenlsarerequiredtobesubmittedwithyourapplication. - Complete this form (some questions may not apply to you) and attach all necessary documents and Submit it to the issu¡ng author¡1y - Submit an applicat¡on for each access affected. - lf you have any questions contact ïhe issuing authority. -Foradditionalinformat¡onseeCDoT,sAccessManagementWebSiteat 1 ) Property owner (Permittee) Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company 2) Appl¡cant or Agent for permittee (if different from property owner) Chuck Maker Street address 17776 Highway 82 Mailing address '17776 Highway 82 City, state & zip Carbondale CO 81623 Phone # s70-379-7100 Cily, state & zip Carbondale CO 8'1623 Phone # (required) 970-379-7100 E-mail address d rmaker@alpi neeq uine.net E-mail address if available 3) Address of property to be served by permit (required) 17776 Highway 82 Carbondale CO 81623 4) Legal description ol property: lf within jurisdictional limits of Municipality, c¡ty andlor CounÌy, which one? lää"" counly Garfield subdivis¡on I , bloct<lollt lownship 7S | #"w,6th PM 5) What State Highway are you requesting access from? Highway 82 Frontage Road hiohwav? ES, f] E NW 6)Whal side of the N 7) How many feet ¡s the proposed access from the nearest mile post? 2500 reet EN nsE E mm'17 How many feet is the proposed access from the nearest cross street? teetfIN llsllellwltrom B) What is the approximate date you intend to begin construction? 06t01t2022 l-limprovement to existing access [elocation oÌ an existing access (provide detail) 9) Check here il you are requesting a: I new access fllemporary access (duration anlicipated: l!]change in access use [removal ol access 10) Provide ex¡st¡ng property use Veterinary Hospital/Clinic plus Dog Boarding/Day Care facility with 1 bedroom apartment 1 1) Do you have knowledge of any Stale Highway access perm¡ls serving th¡s property' or adjacent properlies in which you Eno flV"", it yes - what are the permit numbe(s) and provide copies: 309106 this permit is for property a|17776 HWY 82- updâte for expanded use have a property interest? and/or, perm it d ate: g ¡ 26¡ gg 1 2) Does the property owner own or have any interests in any adjacent properly? Eno IVes, it yes - Please describe: 1 3) Are there other exisling or dedicaÌed publ¡c sTreels, roads, highways or access easements border¡ng or within the property? E no I Ves, it yes - list them on your plans and ind¡cate the proposed and existing access points. 14) lf you are requesling agricullural field access - how many acres will the access serve? na 15) lf you are requesting commercial or ¡ndustr¡al access please indicate the types business/land use square footage and number of businesses and provide the floor area square footage ol each. business square footage Veterinary Hospital/Clinic Itozz+ Dog Boarding/Daycare (w/Apartment)| ++a+ number of units 16) lf you are request¡ng residenlial developement access, what is the lype (single family, apartment, townhouse) and number of units? type number of uniÏs lype 17) Provide the following vehicle count estimates for vehicles thal will use the access. Leaving the properly then returning ¡s two counts. Indicate if your counts aIe lpeak hour volumes or flaverage daily volumes. # of passenger cars a¡d light trucks at peak hour volumes 40 # of multi unit lrucks at peak hour volumes 0 # of single unit vehicles in excess ol 30 ft. 0 # of farm veh¡cles (tield equipment) 0 Total count of al¡ vehicles 40 Previous editions a¡e obsolete and may not be used Page-l ot2 CDOTFoTm#137 lZ18 DocuSlgn Envèlope lD: l6DE53F0-47E4-4EA8-8D37-38BW87ü8ü14 1B) Check with the ¡ssu¡ng authority to delermine which of the following documents are requ¡red to complete the review of your application. a) Property map indicating other access, bordering roads and streets b) Highway arrd driveway plan profile. c) Drainage plan showing impact to the highway right-of-way. d) Map and letters detailing utility locations before and atter developmenl ¡n and along.the righl-of-way. e) Subdivision, zoning, or development plan. f) Proposedaccessdesign. g) Parcel and ownership maps including easements. h) Traffic studies.i) Proofofownership. 1 lt is thc applicant's responsibility to contact appropr¡ate agencies and obtain all environmental clearances that apply to their activities. Such clearances may include Corps of Engineers 404 Permits or Colorado Discharge Permit System permits, or ecolog¡cal, archeological, h¡storical or cultural rêsource cleârånces. The CDOT Env¡ronmêntal Clearances lnformation Summary presents contact intormation for agencies administering certain clearances, information about prohibited discharges, and may be obtained from Regional CDOT UtilitylSpecial Use Permit olfices or accessed via the CDOT Plan n i ng/Construction- Environ mental-Gu idance webpage https :/lwww.codot.qov/proq rams/env iron menta l/ resou rces/q u idance-standardslenv i ronmental-c learances-info-summary-auq ust-201 7iv iew 2- All workers within the State Highway right of way shall comply with their employe/s safety and health policies/ procedures, and all applicable U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations - including, but not limited to the applicable sections of 29 CFR Part 1910 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards and 29 CFR Part 1926 - Salety and Health Regulations for Construction. Personal protective equipment (e.9. head protection, footwear, high visibility apparel, safety glasses, hearing protection, respiralors, gloves, etc.) shall be worn as appropriate for the work being perlormed, and as specified in regulation. At a m¡nimum, all workers in the State Highway right of way, except when in their vehicles, shall wear lhe following personal protective equipment: High visibility apparel as specified in the Traf{ic Control provisions of the documentation accompanying the Notice to Proceed related to this permit (at a minimum, ANSI/ISEA 107-1999, class 2); head protection that complies with the ANSI 289.1 -1997 standard; and at all construction sites or whenever there is danger of injury to feet. workers shallcomply with OSHA's PPE requirements for foot protection per 29 CFR 1910.136, 1926.95, and 1926.96. lf required, such footwear shall meet the requirements ol ANSI 241-1999. Where any of the above-referenced ANSI standards have been revised, the most recent version of the standard shall apply. 3- The Permittee is responsible for complying with the Revised Guidelines that have been adopted by the Access Board under the American Disabilities Act (ADA). These guidelines define traversable slope requirements and prescribe the use of a defined pattern of truncated domes as detectable warnings at street crossings. The new Slandards Plans and can be found on the Design and Construction Project Support web page at: https ://www.codot.qov/bu s iness/civ ilriqhtslada/resou rces-en g ineers lf an access permit is issued to you, ít will state the terms and conditions for its use. Any changes in the use of the permitted access not consistent with the terms and conditions listed on the permit may be considered a violation of lhe permit. The applicant declares under penalty of perjury in the second degree, and any other applicable state or federal laws, that all information provided on this form and submitted attachments are to the best of their knowledge true and complete. I understand receipt of an access permit does not constitute permission to start access construction work. lf the applicant is not the owner of the their legally authorized representative with this applicat¡on by all owners-of-i cases, will be listed as the permittee. property, we require this application also to be signed by the proporty ownêr or (or other acceptab¡e written evidence). This signature shall constitute agreement nterest unless stated in writing. lf a permit is issued, the property owrìer, in most for Permittee signature Mûrrcs L. il,jûÞüK Print name CHARLES C. MAKER Date s/1.9/2022 Property owner signature Print name Dale Pævious ed¡lion! are obsolêtê and may nol bè u!êd Page2ol2 CDOTFoTm#137 lzta DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 6ÐE53FG47E4-4EA&8D37-38B9CB7C801A INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETINGAPPLTCATION FORACCESS PERMIT (cDor FORM No. 137) December20IS To construct, relocate, close, or modify access(es) to a State Highway or when there me changes in use of such access point(s), an application for access permit must be submitted to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)orthe localjurisdiction serving as theissuing authorityforStateHighwayAccess Permits. Contact the CDOTRegional Access Unit in which the subjectproperty is located to determine where the application must be submitted. The following link will heþ you determine which CDOT Region office to contact: https://www.codotgov/businesVpermits/accesspermits/regional-offices.html All applications are processed and access permits are issued in accordance to the requirements and procedures found in the most cunent version of the State Highway Access Code (Access Code). Code and the application form are also available from CDOT's web site at: Please complete all information requested accurately. Access permifs granted based on applications found to contain false information may be revoked. An incomplete application will not be accepted. ff additional information, plans and documents are required, attach them to the application. Keep a copy of your submittal for yourrecords. Please note that only the originat signed copy of the application will be accepted. Do not send or enclose any permit fee at this time. A permit fee willbe collected if an access permit is issued. The following is a brief description of the information to be provided on each enumerated space on the application form (CDOT Form I37 ,2AlA). 1. Property Owner (Permittee): Please provide the full natne, mailing address and telephone number and the E-mail address (if available) of the legal property owner (owner of the surface rights). Please provide a telephone number where the Permittee can be reached during business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Having a contract on the property is not a sufficient legal right to that property for purposes of this application. If the access is to be on or across an access easement, then a copy of the easement MUST accompany this application. If federal land is involved, provide the name of the relevant federal agency AND attach copy of federal authorization for property use. 2. Agent for permittee: If the applicant (person completing this application) is different than the property owner (Permittee), provide entity name (if applicable), the full name of the person serving as the Agent, mailing address, telephone number, and the E-mail address (if available). Please provide a telephonenumberwhere theAgent canbereachedduringbusinesshours (8:00a.m. to 5:(Ðp.m.). Joint applications such as owner/lessee may be submitted. Corporations must be licensed to do business in Colorado: All corporations serving as, or providing, an Agent as the applicant must be licensed to do business in Colorado. lnstructiouslbrcompletingApplicationforAccessPermit(CDOTForm#137). l2l18 Page 1 UocuSign Envelopc lU: 1 ttDt53l-0-4 /t4-4tA&81J37-38BgCB7C801A 3. Address of Property to be Served: Provide if property to be served has an official street address. If the access is a public road, note the n¿ilne (or future name) of the road. 4. Legal Description of Property: Fill in this item to the extent it applies. This information is available at your local County Courthouse. or on your ownership deed(s). A copy of the deed may be required as part of this application in some situations. To dete.rmine applicability, check with the CDOT's Regional Access Manager or issuing authority staff. 5. State llighway: Provide the State Highway number from which the access is requested. 6. Highway Side: Mark the appropriate box to indicate what side of the highway the requested access is located. 7. Access Mile Point: Without complete information, we may not be able to locate the proposed access. To obtain the distance in feet, drive the length between the mile point and the proposed access, rounding the distance on the odometer to the nearest tenth of a mile; multiply the distance by 5,280 feet to obtain the number of feet from ttre mile point. Then enter the direction (i.e. north, south, east, west) fromthe mile point to theproposedaccess. Finally, enterthe milepointnumber.Itishelpfulin ruralor undeveloped areas if somc flagging is ticd to the righrof-way fence at the desired location of the access. Also, if there is a cross street or road close to the proposed access, note the distance in feet (using the same procedures noted above) from that cross street or road. 8. Access Construction Date: Fill in the date on which construction of the access is planned to begin. 9, Access Request: Mark items that apply. More than one item may be checked. 10. Existing property use: Describe how the property is curently being used. For example, coÍìmon uscs me Single Family Residential, Commercial orAgricultural. 11. Existing Access: Does the property have any other legal ulternatíves to reach a public road orher than the access requested in this application? Note the access permit number(s) for any existing state highway access point(s) along with their issue date(s). if there are no existing access point(s), mark the "no" box. 12. A{iacent Property: Please mark the appropriate box. If the "yes" box is marked, provide a brief deseription of the property (location of the property in relation to the property for which this access application is being made). 13. Abutting Streets! If there are any other existing or proposed public roads or easements abutting the property, they should be shown on a map or plan attached to this application. 14. AgrÍculturalAcrrcs: Provide numberof acres to be served. I¡structions for completing Application forAccess Permit (CDOTForm#t 37). 12118 Page2 DocuSign Envelope lD: 1 6DE53F0-47E4-4EA&8D37-3889C87C801 A 15. Access Use: List the land uses and square footage of the site as it will be when it is fully developed. The planned land uses as they will be when the site is fully developed are used to project the amount of traffîc that the site will generate, peak hour traffic levels and the type of vehicles that can be expected as a result of the planned land uses. There may be exceptional circumstances that would allow phased installation of access requirements. This is at the discretion of the CDOT Regional Access Unit or issuing authority staff. 16. Estimated Traffïc Count: Provide a reasonable estimate of the trafftc volume expected to use the access. Note the type of vehicles that will use the access along with the volume (number of vehicles in and out at either the peak hour or average daily rates) for each type of vehicle. A vehicle leaving the pfoperty and then returning counts as two trips. If 40 customers are expected to visit the business daily, there would be 80 trips in addition to the trips made by all employees and othe¡ visitors (such as deliveryandftashremovalvehicles). IfthePDFon-lineversionofthisapplicationisbeingused,the fields for each rype of vehicle will automatically be added together to populate the last field on the page. 17, Ilocumentsand Plans: TheCDOT RegionalAccess Manager orissuing authority staffwill determine which of these items mustbe provided to make the application complete. Incomplete applications will notbe accepted. If an incomplete application is receivedvia U.S. mail or through means other thanin thehand of theAccess Managerorissuing authority staff, itwill notbe processed. It is the responsíbílity of the applícønt to verifi with the CDOT Regionøl Access Manøger or issuing authority staJf whether the øpplícatíon is complete at the tíme of submissían. Signature: Generally, if ttre applicanf is not the property owner, then the property owner or a legally authorizedrepresentative must sign the application. With narrow exceptions, proof of the property o,wner's consent is required to be submitted with the application (proof may be a power of attorney or a similarconsentinstrument). TheCDOTRegionalAccessManagerorissuingauthoritystaffwill determine if the exception provided in the Access Code (2.3 (3) (b)) is applicable. If CDOT is the issuing authority for this application, direct your questions to the CDOT Regional Access Manager or the issuing authority staff serving ttre subject property. https:/Á¡rww.codot gov/business/permits/accesspermits/regional-offices.html If the application is accepted, it will be reviewed by the CDOT Regional Access Manager or the issuing authority staff. If an Access Permit is issued, be sure to read all of the attached Tþ¡ms and Conditions before signing andreturning the Access Permit. TheTerms and Conditions may require that additional informationbeprovidedprior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The CDOT RegionalAccess Manager (or issuing authorify staff) MUST be contacted prior to commencing work on any Access Permit project. A Notíce to Proceed that autharízes the Permíttee to begín øccess rel.ated construction MUST be íssued prior to warkíng on îhe access in the State Híghway ríght-of-way.The Notice to Proceecl may also have Terms and Conditions that must be fulfilled before work maybegin on thepermitted access. lnsfuctions for completiDg Application for Access Permit (CDOT Forn#L37), 12/18 Page 3 Page 1 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Noise Impact Model 4/20/2022 Texas Office 3208 FM 920 Weatherford, Texas 76088 Office: (817) 594-4446 Fax (817) 594-4472 Colorado Regional Office 2700 E. Bridge Street - Suite C Brighton, Colorado 80603 Office: (720) 517-2552 West Virginia Regional Office 447 Gantzer Ridge Road Triadelphia, West Virginia 26059 Office: (304) 231-8088 Noise Mitigation & Consultants April 20 , 2022 National Kennel Sales & Appraisals 951 Main St Grand Junction, CO 81501 Subject: 24 Hr. Sound Level Survey & Noise Impact Model Location: Barn Yard – Carbondale, Colorado The following Sound Level Survey and Noise Impact Model was developed for the Barn Yard located Carbondale, Colorado. The purpose of this report was to measure & document the existing ambient sound levels as well as determine the sound level impact on nearby properties utilizing our noise impact modeling software Site Location and Conditions The Barn Yard is located at 17776 HWY 82 Access Rd in Carbondale, Colorado. The nearest receiver is approximately 270 ft west of The Barn Yard. The Barn Yard coordinates are below. The Barn Yard Coordinates 39.402046° -107.117779° Colorado Noise Statue - 25-12-103 - Maximum Permissible Noise Levels (1) Every activity to which this article is applicable shall be conducted in a manner so that any noise produced is not objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shrillness. Sound levels of noise radiating from a property line at a distance of twenty-five feet or more therefrom in excess of the db(A) established for the following time periods and zones shall constitute prima facie evidence that such noise is a public nuisance: LAND USE DESIGNATION 7:00 am to next 7:00 pm 7:00 pm to next 7:00 am Residential/ Rural 55 db(A) 50 db(A) Commercial/Agricultural 60 db(A) 55 db(A) Light Industrial 70 db(A) 65 db(A) Industrial 80 db(A) 75 db(A) (Continued on Next Page) Page 2 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Noise Impact Model 4/20/2022 Texas Office 3208 FM 920 Weatherford, Texas 76088 Office: (817) 594-4446 Fax (817) 594-4472 Colorado Regional Office 623 E 18th Street Greeley, Colorado 80631 Office: (720) 517-2552 West Virginia Regional Office 447 Gantzer Ridge Road Triadelphia, West Virginia 26059 Office: (304) 231-8088 Noise Mitigation & Consultants Sound Level Survey Instrumentation A Brűel and Kjær 2250 Type 1 Hand-held Analyzer sound level meter was programmed, field calibrated, and deployed northwest of The Barn Yard. The meter was programmed to measure the A-weighted as well as C- weighted sound levels. The metering system was installed on a t-post approximately 5 feet above ground level in a locked weatherproof enclosure for security purposes. Figure 1 displays The Barn Yard and the ambient noise measurement location. Sound Modeling Methodology Three-dimensional noise impact models were constructed in order to project the noise impact of the operations at the site and adjacent surroundings. The noise models were constructed using Brűel & Kjær Predictor Version V2021.1 software which meets ISO 9613.1/2 compliance requirements. The noise modeling software projects noise levels based on the locations, noise levels and frequency spectra of the noise sources, geometry, and reflective properties of the local terrain, buildings, and barriers. The noise impact models are based on the existing onsite operating during extreme conditions & sound level measurements recorded. 1 sound source presents a single dog bark at 94.93 dBA & 32 sound source represents 2 dogs barking at 97.93 dBA. Figure 5 - 6 represents a total of 1 sound source representing 2 dogs barking is used in the model. Figure 7 - 8 represents a total of 33 sound sources representing 65 dogs barking are used in the model. The Barn Yard can have a maximum of 65 dogs during daycare hours. Worse case scenario will be all 65 dogs barking at the same time. Sound signatures of 2 dogs barking were recorded at the Barn Yard. Noise Fundamentals Sound is most commonly experienced by people as pressure wave passing through the air. The measure of sound loudness level is the decibel which defines the change in atmospheric pressure relative to a standard pressure level. The lowest perceivable sound level is 1 dB and the upper limit of sound that a human can tolerate is 120 dB. We consider sound to be “quiet” when it is less than 40 dB, “moderate” when it is between 40 and 70 dB, and “loud” when it is 70-100 dB, and “dangerous” if it is over 100 dB. Repeated or continuous exposure to “loud” and “dangerous” noise levels can lead to temporary and permanent hearing loss. Frequency is usually measured as the number of oscillations per second. The lower frequency limit of normal hearing is 20 Hz, and the higher limit is 20,000 Hz. The lower end of this range is low pitched sounds, usually described as a rumble sound. The higher end of the range is high pitched sound usually described as a screech sound. These specific octave bands produce the optimum interpretation of frequency for the study. A-Weighted Decibel Scale A-weighted decibels are an expression of the relative loudness of sounds in air as perceived by the human ear. In the A-Weighted system, the decibel values of sounds at low frequencies are reduced, compared with unweighted decibels, in which no correction is made for audio frequency. This correction is made because the human ear is less sensitive at low audio frequencies especially below 1000Hz. A-weighted decibel scale emphasizes sound between 1,000 and 5,000 Hertz. (Continued on Next Page) Page 3 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Noise Impact Model 4/20/2022 Texas Office 3208 FM 920 Weatherford, Texas 76088 Office: (817) 594-4446 Fax (817) 594-4472 Colorado Regional Office 623 E 18th Street Greeley, Colorado 80631 Office: (720) 517-2552 West Virginia Regional Office 447 Gantzer Ridge Road Triadelphia, West Virginia 26059 Office: (304) 231-8088 Noise Mitigation & Consultants Ambient Sound Level Survey A 24-hour ambient noise survey was taken at the Barn Yard from Tuesday, March 29, to Wednesday, March 30, 2022, to measure and document the ambient sound levels at the Barn Yard. Noise sources observed by the noise technician during the survey included: nearby road traffic. Ambient Measurement Results The ambient sound level data is attached in both a graphed and tabular form, along with the established 24-hour ambient sound levels. The measured 1-day average sound level was 60.2 dBA. Summary of Findings We can expect the following Hourly LAeq averages to be produced by the unmitigated operations during worst case operations, which can be measured at the receiver to the west. If at any time during the operations, the noise levels remain above the maximum permissible noise levels, mitigation techniques may be utilized. Noise Impact Model Results The unmitigated noise impact model for Barn Yard operations is included as Attachments 5 & 7. It displays an estimated sound level of 61.1 dBA for 2 dogs barking & 75.8 dBA for 65 dogs barking at the nearest receiver. The mitigated noise impact models are included as Attachments 6 & 8. It displays the estimated sound level to be 43.3 dBA for 2 dogs barking & 54.8 dBA for 65 dogs barking with a 3-sided wall enclosing the outside dog area. The nearest occupied structure (residence) is located approximately 300 feet to the northwest of the Barn Yard. The noise barrier would decrease the overall noise level of the worst case scenario operations (65 dogs barking) by 21 dBA at the nearest property line. (Continued on Next Page) Receiver Unmitigated 2 Dogs Barking dBA Unmitigated 65 Dogs Barking dBA Mitigated 2 Dogs Barking dBA Mitigated 65 Dogs Barking dBA A 61.1 75.8 43.3 54.8 B 45.9 60.7 31.2 46.8 C 48.7 62.5 32.0 45.3 D 51.0 65.9 35.2 50.7 Operations Type Expected Sound Levels at Property Line 2 Dogs Barking 61.1 ± 3 dBA 65 Dogs Barking 75.8 ± 3 dBA Page 4 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Noise Impact Model 4/20/2022 Texas Office 3208 FM 920 Weatherford, Texas 76088 Office: (817) 594-4446 Fax (817) 594-4472 Colorado Regional Office 623 E 18th Street Greeley, Colorado 80631 Office: (720) 517-2552 West Virginia Regional Office 447 Gantzer Ridge Road Triadelphia, West Virginia 26059 Office: (304) 231-8088 Noise Mitigation & Consultants Recommendation Based on the Colorado Noise Statute, the Barn Yard has an allowable sound level of 55db(A) during the hours of 7:00 am – 7:00 pm and an allowable sound level of 50db(A) during the hours of 7:00 pm – 7:00 am. Barn Yard operating hours are from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, therefore the 55db(A) allowable will be used to verify compliance. Figure 3 represents 30 minutes continuous monitoring while dogs were in the outside dog area. The sound meter was placed 10 feet from the fenced area. The Barn Yard spike at 5:12 PM was due to a dog barking. Although dog barking will not be a constant occurrence, it can be mitigated using a minimum of STC 27 wall. Figure 6 & 8 shows the mitigated sound levels using a 16 foot tall wall around the fenced outside dog area. Expected mitigated sound levels at max occupancy is 54.8 db(A). Please contact us if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Manuel Alfaro Absolute Noise Control Project Engineer (682) 300-5107 Page 5 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Model 4/20/2022 Figure 1. Barn Yard & Ambient Measurement Location Noise Mitigation & Consultants Nearest Receivers Barn Yard Ambient Meter Location Page 6 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Model 4/20/2022 Figure 2. Barn Yard Pad – Hourly Average db(A) Noise Mitigation & Consultants 60.2 50.0 55.0 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 5:00 PM6:00 PM7:00 PM8:00 PM9:00 PM10:00 PM11:00 PMWed 30 - April1:00 AM2:00 AM3:00 AM4:00 AM5:00 AM6:00 AM7:00 AM8:00 AM9:00 AM10:00 AM11:00 AM12:00 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM3:00 PM4:00 PMSound Level (dBA)April 29 -30, 2022 Hourly Average Sound Levels, LAeq 24 Hour Average Sound Levels, LAeq 65 Dogs Barking Scenerio Barn Yard Sound Levels at Nearest Property Line Allowable dBA Sound Levels National Kennel Sales & Appraisals The Barn Yard Hourly Sound Levels -dBA Page 7 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Model 4/20/2022 Figure 3. Barn Yard Pad – Minute Average db(A) Noise Mitigation & Consultants 56.6 60.2 55.0 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 4:56 PM4:57 PM4:58 PM4:59 PM5:00 PM5:01 PM5:02 PM5:03 PM5:04 PM5:05 PM5:06 PM5:07 PM5:08 PM5:09 PM5:10 PM5:11 PM5:12 PM5:13 PM5:14 PM5:15 PMSound Level (dBA)April 30, 2022 Hourly Average Sound Levels, LAeq 20 Minute Average Sound Levels, LAeq Average Ambient Sound level Allowable dBA Sound Levels National Kennel Sales & Appraisals The Barn Yard Minute Sound Levels -dBA Dog Barking Page 8 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Model 4/20/2022 Figure 4. Barn Yard – Ambient Sound Level Data Noise Mitigation & Consultants The Barn Yard Time LAeq 5:00 PM 65.7 6:00 PM 62.2 7:00 PM 59.8 8:00 PM 57.8 9:00 PM 54.2 10:00 PM 53.1 11:00 PM 51.7 Wed 30 - April 46.7 1:00 AM 44.4 2:00 AM 43.9 3:00 AM 46.0 4:00 AM 48.6 5:00 AM 53.5 6:00 AM 61.7 7:00 AM 62.8 8:00 AM 62.9 9:00 AM 61.5 10:00 AM 61.9 11:00 AM 61.4 12:00 PM 61.1 1:00 PM 60.7 2:00 PM 61.2 3:00 PM 61.0 4:00 PM 63.9 LAeq 24-Hour (1-day) Average: 60.2 Page 9 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Model 4/20/2022 Figure 5. Barn Yard – Unmitigated 2 Dogs Barking Noise Mitigation & Consultants A: 61.1 dBA C: 48.7 dBA B: 45.9 dBA D: 51.0 dBA Property Line Page 10 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Model 4/20/2022 Figure 6. Barn Yard – Mitigated 2 Dogs Barking – 16 ft Tall Wall – STC 27 Noise Mitigation & Consultants A: 43.3 dBA C: 32.0 dBA B: 31.2 dBA D: 35.2 dBA Property Line Page 11 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Model 4/20/2022 Figure 7. Barn Yard – Unmitigated 65 Dogs Barking Noise Mitigation & Consultants A: 75.8 dBA C: 62.5 dBA B: 60.7 dBA D: 65.9 dBA Property Line Page 12 of 12 Barn Yard 24-hr Ambient Survey & Model 4/20/2022 Figure 8. Barn Yard – Mitigated 65 Dogs Barking Noise Mitigation & Consultants A: 54.8 dBA C: 45.3 dBA B: 46.8 dBA D: 50.7 dBA Property Line July 25, 2022 Alpine Animal Hospital Kennel 17777 Hwy 82 Carbondale, Co 81623 Teija Heikkila 951 Main St. Grand Junction, Co 81501 RE: Alpine Animal Hospital Kennel, Large (MIPA-07-22-8908) Dear Applicant: Garfield County is in receipt of an application for an Administrative Review Land Use Change Permit application for a Large Kennel within the Rural zone district. An email dated 7/15/2022 provided the first 5 items below. The following revisions /additional materials are requested: 1. A copy of the current deed or an updated title commitment is required. Was provided originally, uploaded to the “NTC” folder in ShareFile a s well. 2. A recorded Statement of Authority demonstrating Chuck Maker may sign on behalf of the property owner (Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company). Uploaded to the “NTC” folder in ShareFile. 3. The list of property owners was missing two parcels 239133300028 and 239133300045. Revised document uploaded to the “NTC” folder in ShareFile. 4. The attorney’s office would like to see an updated mineral notice showing the current mineral owner. If you cannot discover who inherited or currently holds the rights through research with the clerk and recorder’s office, please provide a letter showing how research was conducted and where it was unable to discover current owners. This information was included in the list of neighboring property owners, we have now separated it into a separate document. 5. The attorney’s office has asked for additional history of the parcel showing the legal creation of the lot. We have uploaded the chain title from 1966 to 1968 to 1973 (current owner). 6. The project narrative should be expanded to provide estimates on capacity (reflecting numbers used in traffic studies and OWTS studies). Revised narrative uploaded, this addition was added to the end of the document: 7. NTC ITEM #6 : CAPACITY ESTIMATES The waste water management plan submitted with this application indicates capacity expansion of up to 50% with the existing system design. There are two permitted systems on the property; the Animal Hospital system is not expected to increase in capacity and the system for Barn Yard (tenant) is indicated to have capacity for approximately 50% of existing use (page 4 of the report). Traffic study calculates the Animal Hospital to have a approx.. 109 trips a day and Barn Yard approx.. 103 trips a day totaling 212 ADT. Based on the traffic report’s Peak Hour Traffic Count, site traffic may increase approx.. 100% and remain under the triggers for auxiliary lanes at the Frontage Road. The Traffic Information report for expanded CDOT State Highway Access Permit identifies traffic increase in the next 10 years by approx.. 70% from expansion of client base for both the Animal Hospital and Barn Yard pet Community Development Department care facility; the projected ADT is 361 from current 212. Due to the waste water management system having a smaller capacity for increase (50%) vs. traffic (70%), applicant is estimating future capacity to increase by 50% with that increase mainly focusing on the Barn Yard pet care facility business. 8. The application should include a copy of the original Garfield County Resolution (Reception #755796) and demonstrate compliance with all conditions of approval. Uploaded, compliance demonstrated for each point. 9. A scaled site plan that shows existing improvements, including circulation and parking. This will be used to determine conformance to existing codes. Uploaded. 10. The application should provide complete Water Supply and Distribution Plan (Section 4- 203.M.1.b.) a. 4-Hour pump tests were not included in the documentation provided. Uploaded. b. Water quality test only addressed coliform. Full requirements are included in 4- 203.M.1.b.(5).(c). Waiting on Colorado Dept of Health to return reports, ETA in about 2 weeks. 11. A copy of the Colorado Department of Agriculture license for a kennel shall be provided to fulfill Section 7 -603. Uploaded . We look forward to receiving the revisions and supplemental information and proceeding through the Major Impact Review Amendment process. Section 4-101 (B)(2)(a) stipulates that the applicant shall correct the deficiencies within 60 calendar days or the application will be deemed withdrawn. Extensions may be available upon request. If you have any questions or want to request clarification on the above items, please feel free to contact me directly. Thanks again for your work on getting the application submittals complete. Sincerely, Philip Berry, ACIP Planner III Garfield County – Community Development Pberry@garfield-county.com 970-945-1377 ext 1580 THIS DEED, Kade w. 4th da7of November 111 the year of our Lord one thouund nine hundred and Seventy between ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Couty or ll•r.t'Ael.d Stat.e ol Otlondo, ol the fint part, and A~PiNE ANIMAL HOSPITAL P, C, and mn 18CCli!Kill'f m MAY 11 197 · I ol the Cowit:r of Gai:-Ctel.d and Btat.e of Colorado, of the ilcolld pan; WITNJCS8BTll, That the 1&id parer • of the fint part, for and ill. conalcleration of the IW1l "f Ten Dol.l.are and other good add Valuable Consideration to th• uid party of the tint part In hand paid b:r tbe lllid part y of the te00nd part, the and b:r th• iw-.. do cnnt, barpln, 1ell, ooave;r and oonfirm unto the laid party heln and aal1111 fortter, all the follo'lriDc deooribed lot ... parcel QO.U.tfot Garfield of the of and 8taWolOD!llraolo,to-wft1 A tract o.t' land aituated in Lot 7 and Lot lJ, Section JJ, T?S., R87W., of the 6th P.M. in Garfield County Colorado,, deeoribed aa beginnina at .a point in the northerly richt-of-way fence line of Coloz:ado Stah Highway No, 82 whence th• Southea.lt: 'Corner of Section J,, T7S., R87W., of the 6th P.H. beare s. 61°lO'l7.J5" E., a diatance of 4,Jl7.22 feet1 thence N. 1°15' E. ~ dietance of 571.41 feet to the •xieting fence line1 thence s. 82~4J 1 E. a distance of 290,00 feet along the abo•e fenoe line t~~e Northeaat corner of this tract at the inter99ction with an existinc north-south fence line1 thence S. 1•15• w. a diatancs of 6~7.i8 feei to the northerly ~ight-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 821 thence N. 72° 05' w. a. diatanc• of 244.86 feet along the ·existing fence line on the northerly right-of-way line of above Highway No. 82; thence N. 72°11' I/, a dietsnce of 56.18 feet along tha existing fence line on the northerly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No, 82 to the point of beginning, cvntaining 4.00 acres, more or l~!"!'~. Together with ,5 of a c1Jbic foot of water per second of time out of the !'atersori and Cummings Ditch, being Ditch t/o, 14JD-2 in the Decrees for Water District No. J8 and the prior•tie• awarded to said ditch. I , Ooi.: w. · i>as;" JOr---.-- roaBTaBB wldl ell nd """1Wor 1M •..U-ta 11"4 app..-tbemmt.o beloagiug, or In llDJWli6 appertalnmc, a4 the -~ <Dd im-iou, .-.h>der IWld remaiDden, rats, itoa. ua4 prot1ta .. eof; u4 all the -.te, npt, title, iaUr..t, e1afm ua4 delllalld wlui_.,er, of tlw oaid part y of the flnt part either i:n l&w or ecittftT, of, in au! to the aboTe bupined premi-, with the here41tamellta and appmtenenees TO JL\VB .um TO HOLD the uid prtmiam •lme huplned and dmenlled, witll the appurte- unto the -.id part y of the -d part, it 8 bein and lllllps foreTer. Aud the aid party of the lint part, for i ta IOlf i ta heirs, euoutorc and 1dmi•W..toro, do and agree to and with the llid I>UW of the -.! part, i ts heirs and *-tUt at tlae well .a.t of die. F M ahon -yqod, u 'of ·eooc1. .-. perfect, llhlo,lule llld illdefeul1>le -te of id I' ' 1 la law,. ia fee . ' .. aimple, and ha ve PDlil. ......-. ..i.,lieu,·ia., ............ and iaeumbrauel of-~ m.a • .-... __.. except reaerYationa in United States Patents, reaarYat!"ona of l!IJ.~'i'~l· in praYie>11.4'. con,,._J1181.11J~; and ...... nta aad.&"i&llta of -T ot a· publi_c or. priYata natur-a1 · Thl4 Cdlllwyuce la llUbject to tt'8 follovtllll condltlona and restrictions: 1. There shall btl rio more than: one buildina: slte per acre, and -ly one detached sint;le-family dwelli~ and private 1:ara1<e pertainint: thereto shalt be erected on any one buildin"' site, said dwellin~ to contain not Less thWI 900 squam feet of ffrst-floor livint; area; provided, however, tha.t second parties are specifically "'ranted the .L-- rb;ht to erect, operate artd malntdrt a veterlna::y clinic and related facilities, 2. No structure of a temporary n~ture, tent, t;ara~e, barn,or other outbuildin!!; or basement shall be used on any site at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently, Trailer houses or mobila homes will be permitted durine; the actual constructio•i period, not to exceed six months, provtded that sanitary facili.ties are provided, and further, that such trailers or mobile hoA>es shall be remov"d within ten days after construction has been completed • 3. lfo building shall be placed on any site by means of ot'1er than new construction, it being t'tm intent and purpose of this covenant to o.ec\!I"e that old houses and other buildings will not be moved from previous locations and placed en these buildin!!; sites. · 4. No aiiimals, livestock or poultry of .:my kind shall be kept, raised o::-inaint"ained for commercial purposes, except in c6nnecti6n with the operation of &aid veterinary clinic above 1nentionecl. S. No slote shall be used or maint!linP.d as a dumpinit i>,l:-Ow .. i.:l for rubbish or ;;torae;& area for junk. T:::-ash, 11;arbao:e or other wast~ shall i>e kept in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other auuinmcent: for the st:o.ra2e or rti. .snoi:;~.1 nf su.::-h rne.teL"ial the hereditament. and appUl'WWllll. TO RAVE AND TO ROLD the .aid premu alxmo b&rpl~ &Dd d...,ribed, with the appurte--- the llid part y of dto .....nd part, i ts bein aad lllfPl forner. far i ts oelf i t a bein, executon uid adminiatralora, do llld acne t.e and widt the mid paijy its hm. and .-,..., that at tho well .med of. die F w abon acmYt;od, u of eood, all!'C!, perfeet, Aboolute and iadef...,Dle eotate of ~ la. law, ill fee ample, and ha v • good rigiat, full -..... lawful ... thority to crmt, hupin, ..u wl mmfl7 tho IMl fona afonm.id, and dtat !lie ......, ue free and clear from all former and otlier cna-. brpiv, ..i-, liaa, m-.-en1a and iaeambrwea of whatever kind or...--, except reservetiona in United States. Patents, reservations of mi~ral• tn previoua coa .. ~ .. and ...... nta and ri&bta of way of a' public or private n•ture 1 t.'. '' Thia. c-yaac• ia aubjeet to t2MI foll.ov1n11 C«lditloaa and ceatrlctiona: 1. · There shall be no more than one buildin11 slte per acre, aad oaly one detached slm;le-family dvalling and private o;ar ... :e pertainine; thereto shall be erected. on any one buildin!I site, said dwe.llin11;. to contain not less tl'u.n 900 squauafeet of first-floor livino; area; provided, however, that :second parties are specifically 11;rsnted the ,l...- ri11ht to erect, operate· and maintain a veterinary clinic anCl related facilities. 2. No structure of a tea>porary n'ture, tent, t;arao;e, barn,or other outbuildin!I or basement shal.l be used on any site at any tiD>e e residence, either temporarily or permanently, Trailer houses or mobile homes will be permitted durin11; the actual constructio.1 period, not to exceed six months, provided that sanitary facil~ties are provided, and further, that such trailers.or "10bile homes shall be remov~d within ten days after construction has been C<llllpleted. 3. No building shall be placed on any site.by means of ot~er than new construction, it bein11; the intent and purpose of this covenant to secure that old houses and other buildin-.;s will not 1>Q moved from previous locations and placed on these building sites. · 4. No animals, livestock or poultry of .:iny kind shall be kept, raised or maintained for commercial purposes, except in connection with the operation of said veterinary clinic above men ti one"'· 5, No s~te shall be used or maintdned ss a d'Ulllpin= ow.1d for rubhiSh or ~tor&i;e. area fo:r junk. Trash, 1;arbae;e or other wasr.3 shall oe kept in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storae;e or tl!;:po;11l cf su~h :r.aterial sha.ll 00 kapt i.n a clean arid •'4nit.:.ry co.ridii::ion. 1 . Book 1+44 Page 303 and IU above bargained pmnilee in the quiet and peaceable po-ion of the uld part y of the oeeond part, aalgna, Ai'aill•t all and C\'<lrf person or pU'llOllll lawfull7 claiming or to claim the whole or an7 part hereof, theoaid part y of the first part diaJl and will WARBANT AND FOREVER DEFEND . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The oald party of the fint part ha s hereunto aet hand and ...i the da;r and reu fim abon written. Slirud,S-W ud De!IT .... la p_.of ..... f21~ ... ~1 ... · .... 15 ~'../,/__.(BEAL] J; ......... e... .: .. U~l!..~ .... _.[SEALJ SEAL] BliL] Eo~: .. ~~~---················r· Tie WllitruJco,ent wu aoknowledpd before me thi1 f _ day of /Yov ii t\t' A .... ' ...... L e G "De we I~ ])v1r1 ll~ ..... . . u ....., P.Wit: l -·- LOT 27 SF +/-97.307A.C+/-2.233 ST,4l£ HIGHWAY No.82 @) Lot A Lot 8 c§) TAX EXEMPT @ •uooL DISTRICTRE! SCn, Lot C 7.361 At::.. TRACT B .74 At::.. i N I !approx. 200 ft. 239133300005 239133300042 239133300029 239133300013 239133300030 239133300031 239133204026 239133204027 239133303023 OWNERS WITHIN 200 FT. OF PARCEL OWNED BY ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL, P.C. IN SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST, GARFIELD COUNTY, CO Alpine Animal Hospital, P.C. 17776 Highway 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 SUBJECT PROPERTY East Southeast South, SE West West NW (Cerise) Notih (Cerise) NE (Dakota) RIESER INVESTMENTS LLC 1421 COUNTY ROAD 230 DURANGO CO 81301 HUTTON, LYNNI 50 ARLIAN ROAD CARBONDALE CO 81623 ROARING FORK SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-1 1405 GRAND AVENUE GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 GREENSHARE LLC PO BOX 1799 CARBONDALE CO 81623 HOWARD, CHERYL JEAN & RUST, ROBERT GRAYD 17696 HIGHWAY 82 CARBONDALE CO 81623 ALONSO, DIANE 259 BLUE STEM COURT CARBONDALE CO 81623 BROXTON, BRENDA PO BOX 909 BASALT CO 81621 AUSTIN, RYAN P 138 DAKOTA MEADOWS DRIVE CARBONDALE CO 81623 239133303024 239133303025 239133303046 239133303047 239133303048 HORAN, LYNETTEPO BOX 1791EAGLE CO 816311791 150 DAKOTA LLC1569 WILLITS LANEBASALT CO 81621 RUDECOFF, FRANK A 128 DAKOTA MEADOWS DRIVE CARBONDALE CO 81623 BRAGER, SARAH C 132 DAKOTA MEADOWS DRIVE CARBONDALE CO 81623 Barbara A. Elias 0451 Stagecoach Lane Carbondale, CO 81623 RESERVED MINERAL INTERESTS IN PARCEL OWNED BY ALPINE ANIMAL HO SPITAL, P.C. IN SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST, GARFIELD COUNTY, CO NE (Dakota) NE (Dakota) NE (Dakota) NE (Dakota) NE (Dakota) Vera S. Herin and Rudolph Herin -no address found of record- (reserved in deed recorded November 15, 1950 in Book 255 at Page 148 at Reception No. 174108 239133300028 Public Service Company of Colorado 1225 17th St. Suite 400 Denver CO 80202-5534 239133300045 Daigle, Robert and Leanne 1100 Camellia Blvd, Suite 200 Lafayette, LA 70508 RESERVED MINERAL INTERESTS IN PARCEL OWNED BY ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL, P.C. IN SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST, GARFIELD COUNTY, CO Vera S. Herin and Rudolph Herin. No address found of record , search conducted. Reserved in deed recorded November 15, 1950 in Book 255 at Page 148 at Reception No. 174108. Garfield County Land Use and Development Code Article 7: Standards TEMPLATE Applicants may use this template for organizational purposes when responding to Article 7 Standards for Land Use Change Permit applications. Applicants should reference the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code for detailed descriptions of standards relating to their particular p roposals when responding. DIVISION 1: GENERAL APPROVAL STANDARDS 7-101. ZONE DISTRICT USE REGULATIONS Rural (R). The Rural Zone District is comprised of the County’s rural residential areas, agricultural resource lands, agricultural production areas, and natural resource areas. Uses, densities, and standards established for this zone district are intended to protect the existing character of the area from uncontrolled and unmitigated residential, commercial, and industrial use. The zone district provides for the use of natural resources, recreational development, rural residential, and other uses. The proposal for Alpine Animal Hospital to incorporate a Large Kennel will not adversely change any of the Rural District’s allowed uses or impact the natural resources. The proposal will not require additional construction or traffic to the current operation. Essentially no further change to the area will be requested, the business will continue to operate as it has since 2008. 7-102. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENTS The Land Use Change is in general conformance with the Garfield County Comprehensive Plan and complies with any applicable intergovernmental agreement. The kennel has been licensed with Colorado Department of Agriculture (PACFA) since 2008 and no complaints are on record. 7-103. COMPATIBILITY The nature, scale, and intensity of the proposed use are compatible with adjacent land uses. The parcel has been providing pet care and veterinary services since the 1960’s. The adjacent land uses of residential and residences with accessory agricultural use will not be adversely impacted and are consistent with surrounding uses. Previous special use permits, that have been approved on the subject parcel, prove that the intended uses of furthering pet care services are in line with the county’s overall plan and the community’s desire for pet care services. 7-104. SOURCE OF WATER Applicant is not requesting any change from previously approved source of water. Attached documentation about existing on site approved well. 7-105. CENTRAL WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS 7-106. PUBLIC UTILITIES Adequate Public Utilities shall be available to serve the land use. No construction or further utility installation is needed from previous approved resolution 2008-106. 7-107. ACCESS AND ROADWAYS River City Engineering Report and copy CDOT Access Permit application attached. 7-108. USE OF LAND SUBJECT TO NATURAL HAZARDS Proposal does not include any further development and will not need to mitigate the potential effects of any known or unknown hazardous site conditions, as no construction is being proposed. 7-109. FIRE PROTECTION Adequate Fire Protection will be provided as required by governing fire protection district. No change with this land use change. DIVISION 2: GENERAL RESOURCE PROTECTION STANDARDS 7-201. AGRICULTURAL LANDS The parcel is in a designated rural area and will continue to operate with minimal impact to the nearest residential and agriculture areas. Pets that are on site for veterinary treatment are largely on an ‘appointment basis’, ie. client brings the animal for treatment and leaves with the animal. Any sick or healthy animals requiring overnight care are housed indoors. Dogs are only exercised during the day in well enclosed areas. There is no change in existing use were this application approved. 7-202. WILDLIFE HABITAT AREAS A search was conducted for the address 17776 Hwy 82 Carbondale C O through the Colorao Parks and Wildlife confirming that the location is not in a Wildlife Habitat Area. 7-203. PROTECTION OF WATERBODIES No construction is being proposed within this Major Land Use application. 7-204. DRAINAGE AND EROSION No construction is being proposed within this Major Land Use application. 7-205. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY The proposed use of increasing the number of dogs for boarding will not impact the air quality or water quality. There is no proposed use of hazardous materials in this application. 7-206. WILDFIRE HAZARDS The parcel is located within a “Non-Burnable” Wildfire Zone. 7-207. NATURAL AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDS No further construction is being proposed with the application. 7-208. RECLAMATION No further construction is being proposed with the application. DIVISION 3. SITE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 7-301. COMPATIBLE DESIGN As no further construction is being proposed, the compatible design of the Major Land Use Application will focus strictly on the operational characteristics. As the current tenant was unaware of any zoning restrictions, the property has successfully been operating a Colorado Department of Agriculture (PACFA) approved boarding kennel since 2008. Processes are in place for removal of animal waste to occur multiple times throughout the day and cleaning procedures are in place to control any odors that would result from the operations. Fecal matter is disposed with regular waste management processes. Noise, as proved in the attached noise study, is proven to be within the standards allowed in Article 12 of Title 25 of the C.R.S. Established hours of operation are as follows: Monday-Friday 7A-12P, 2P-6P Saturday 8A-12PM, 2P-6P Sunday 8A-10A, 5-7P 7-302. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS Please review attached Traffic, Access and Parking Requirements report from River City Engineering. 7-303. LANDSCAPING STANDARDS As approved in resolution 2008-106, landscaping will not be changed as the design of the proposed use is already minimizing impact on and from adjacent uses through installation of screen fences and landscaping that was previously approved by Garfield County. 7-304. LIGHTING STANDARDS Existing lighting is directed inward toward the buildings and property, not outward and does not extend beyond property boundaries. There is no hazardous lighting on the property that would confuse or construe as traffic control devices. There are no flashing lights and no lights exceed the 40’ height limitation. None of the current lighting will change with this change in use. 7-305. SNOW STORAGE STANDARDS This property has historically not required snow storage areas and this is not expected to change with this land use change. 7-306. TRAIL AND WALKWAY STANDARDS N/A OTHER PERTIENT STANDARDS 7-603-Kennels These standards apply to both Small and Large Kennels. • Enclosed Building and Noise Prevention. o All Kennels shall be completely enclosed within a building, however, a Kennel may have dogs outdoors if the noise from the Kennel does not exceed the noise standards pursuant to section 7-603.B. and complies with other Garfield County regulations as provided. Dogs in overnight care all are kept within the building structures. Outdoor exercise is limited to normal business hours and noise study proves acceptable limits. • Noise. o No noise shall emanate from the property boundary in excess of the Residential Zone District standards contained in C.R.S. § 25-12-103, except as permitted by C.R.S. § 25-2- 103(2) and (3). See noise study. • Waste and Sewage Disposal System. o Liquid and solid waste, as defined in the Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Facilities Act, C.R.S. § 30-20-100.5, shall be disposed of with either an OWTS or shall be stored and removed for final disposal in a manner that protects against nuisance and surface and groundwater contamination. All other waste shall be removed from the site by a commercial hauler to an approved Solid Waste Disposal Site. The business picks up dog feces and disposes it with regular waste disposal. • State Licensing Required: Continuously licensed through Colorado Department of Agriculture (PACFA) since 2008. NTC ITEM #6 : CAPACITY ESTIMATES The waste water management plan submitted with this application indicates capacity expansion of up to 50% with the existing system design. There are two permitted systems on the property; the Animal Hospital system is not expected to increase in capacity and the system for Barn Yard (tenant) is indicated to have capacity for approximately 50% of existing use (page 4 of the report). Traffic study calculates the Animal Hospital to have a approx.. 109 trips a day and Barn Yard approx.. 103 trips a day totaling 212 ADT. Based on the traffic report’s Peak Hour Traffic Count, site traffic may increase approx.. 100% and remain under the triggers for auxiliary lanes at the Frontage Road. The Traffic Information report for expanded CDOT State Highway Access Permit identifies traffic increase in the next 10 years by approx.. 70% from expansion of client base for both the Animal Hospital and Barn Yard pet care facility; the projected ADT is 361 from current 212. Due to the waste water management system having a smaller capacity for increase (50%) vs. traffic (70%), applicant is estimating future capacity to increase by 50% with that increase mainly focusing on the Barn Yard pet care facility business. At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for Garfield County, Colorado, held in the Commissioners' Meeting Room, Garfield County Courthouse, in Glenwood Springs on, Monday, the 21st day of July A.D. 2008, there were present: when the following proceedings, among others were had and done, to-wit: RESOLUTION NO. 2008 - ..l.Q.6... A RESOLUTION CONCERNED WITH THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A VETERINARY CLINIC ON A PROPERTY OWNED BY ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL, P.C., GARFIELD COUNTY PARCEL NO# 2391-333-00-005 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado ("Board"), has received an application from Alpine Animal Hospital P.C. for a Special Use Permit ("SUP") to allow a Veterinary Clinic on their property within the ARRD (Agricultural Residential Rural Density) zone district; and, WHEREAS, the Board held a public hearing on the 21st day of July. 2008, upon the question of whether the above described SUP should be granted or denied. at which hearing the public and interested persons were given the opportunity to express their opinions concerning the approval of said special use permit; and. WHEREAS. the Board on the basis of substantial competent evidence produced at the aforementioned hearing. has made the following determination of fact as listed below: I. That proper public notice was provided as required for the hearing before the Board of County Commissioners. 2. That the hearing before the Board of County Commissioners was extensive and complete, that all pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested parties were heard at that meeting. 3. That for the above stated and other reasons, the proposed Special Use Permit is in the best interest of the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Garfield County. 4. That the application is in conformance with the Garfield County Zoning Resolution ofl 978, as amended. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Garfield County, Colorado, that Special Use Permit for a Veterinary Clinic on a property owned by Alpine Animal Hospital, P.C. is hereby approved subject to compliance with all of the following specific conditions: !. That all representation made by the Applicant in the application and as testimony in the public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners shall be conditions of approval, unless specifically altered by the Board of County Commissioners; 2. The Applicant shall comply with all standards identified in §5.03, 5.03.065, 5.03.035 and 5.03.015 of the Garfield County Zoning Resolution of 1978, as amended; 3. The new ISDS system shall be sized to accommodate the animal hospital operation and shall meet all Federal, State and local requirements as to size, installation, operation and separation from culinary water systems. In compliance. 4. Driveway access shall meet the standards of Garfield County. The driveway access has not been changed since the approval of this SUP; no change to its location is being planned and there is no indication that the current situation is anything but safe and convenient access. 5. All parking (staff, customers and maintenance vehicles) must be accommodated on-site. No parking is allowed along Highway 82 Access Road. There is no parking on the Highway 82 frontage road. 6. A landscaping plan shall be developed that for the area surrounding the veterinary hospital to enhance the appearance and also provide a buffer from the highway to the north. The plan will incorporate components to mitigate lighting issues, and will not be installed in such a way as to block sight distance onto the roadway from this or adjacent parcels; N/A 7. A landscaping plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of the Special Use Permit, and landscaping installed within 60 days of the building's completion, unless it is necessary to delay planting to coincide with regular planting season; N/A 8. Any fences or signs installed as part of the landscape plan shall meet Garfield County requirements, maintain neighborhood character, have valid permits, and be installed in such a way as to not block the sight distance near the driveway access onto Highway 82 Access Road from this or adjacent parcels; In compliance. 9.Noise generated shall comply with the standards set forth for residential neighborhoods in the Colorado Revised State Statute 25-12-103, and any maintenance activity requiring the use of equipment that will generate noise, odors or dust beyond the property boundaries will be conducted within a building, or outdoors during the hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Friday; Applicant is in compliance and not aware of any noise complaints in the past 14 years. 10.Waste and animal carcasses that might be an attractant to wild animals shall be stored in a suitable container (odor-resistant and not able to be accessed by animals) until such time as arrangements can be made for the waste to be transported away to a suitable facility, such as the Garfield County Landfill. No manure or animal waste of any kind shall remain stored for more than seven (7) days; In compliance, animals for cremation are stored in a freezer, large animals that are deceased are hauled to Pitkin County landfill. 11.Management of waste and manure will be performed in such a way as to minimize dust, noise, odor and sources of filth beyond the parcel border; In compliance, small animal waste is disposed of in sealed bags put into the dumpsters. Large animal manure is spread with manure spreader on the pastureland of the property. 12.The new crematorium shall be required to operate in compliance with Federal, State and local standards for air quality, emissions, and odor; In compliance, current permit uploaded. 13.Kenneling operation shall comply with all standards stated in 5.03.065. In compliance and in possession of current, active PACFA license issued by Colorado Dept. of Agriculture. 14.No more than fifteen (15) adult dogs may be kept at the facility at one time; This is the reason the applicant is applying for the ‘Kennel Major’ designation. Alpine Animal Hospital has not had a commercial boarding kennel business; rarely more than 2-3 dogs are kept overnight. The client base has been requesting overnight care options so applicant leased the unused building to The Barnyard, a pet care service provider. The initial business plan for Barnyard included grooming, daycare and in home pet services; the demand for overnight care has since increased dramatically necessitating this expansion of the special use permit. 15.Operation related to those of 'Riding Stable' shall comply with all standards stated in 5.03.035, with the exception of the requirements in (4) 'Riding Arena'. The Alpine Animal Hospital does not now have, nor does it propose to have a riding arena. The standard, therefore, does not apply; There is no riding arena. 16.Future residential use shall be considered as an accessory use to the facility, provided it is directly related to the veterinary clinic operations (such as the lodging of interns or employees), it does not exceed the zone requirements for lot coverage, etc., and is built under a valid building permit to meet all code specifications and requirements. The only residential housing (a small apartment) is the intern quarters in the old building tenanted by The Barnyard. The owner of The Barnyard completed remodeling and obtained building permits for the improvements to make the space suitable for interns housing for the veterinary hospital. No further structures are used for residential use. 4 Client:Over-the-Counter Customers Profile:Chemistry Testing Packages Sampled By:ZACH HEINRICH Report To:ZACH HEINRICH ALPINE ANIMAL LAND CO 17776 HWY 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 Sample Summary Lab ID Sample ID Sample Type Method Date Collected Date Received Analyes Reported 2103616238 230-27 Water D 3739-83 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 1 2103616238 230-27 Water EPA 160.1 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 1 2103616238 230-27 Water EPA 200.7 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 8 2103616238 230-27 Water EPA 200.8 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 4 2103616238 230-27 Water EPA 300.0 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 3 2103616238 230-27 Water EPA 353.2 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 1 2103616238 230-27 Water NA 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 1 2103616238 230-27 Water SM 2320 B 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 1 2103616238 230-27 Water SM 2510B 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 1 2103616238 230-27 Water SM 4500-H+B 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 1 2103616238 230-27 Water Total Coliform and E. coli P/A 08/17/2022 10:30 08/18/2022 10:13 2 Scientific Director Note: The samples were tested as received from the customer and the results in this report relate only to the samples tested. Unless otherwise indidcated in this report, all test have been performed on site at the CDPHE laboratory. MRL = Minimum Reporting Limit; BDL = Below Detection Limit; * = Comment applied MCL = Maximum Contaminant Limit per EPA regulations; mg/L - milligrams per liter (ppm); ug/L micrograms per liter (ppb) Analysis Report Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO 80230 Tel: 303-692-3090 Fax: 303-344-9989 Workorder:4338427 Chemistry Testing Packages Page 1 of 4 POWERED BY v.13.1.0 Report ID: Friday, September 2, 2022 7:40:23 AM 4338427-39249920 Summary Workorder Comments HUMAN HEALTH Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Uranium, Fluoride, Nitrate/Nitrite concentrations are below EPA health-based standards. Iron, Manganese, Zinc, pH, Solids-Dissolved, Sulfate and Chloride levels meet EPA aesthetic-based standards. Based on these results, the water is safe for human consumption. MRL = Minimum Reporting Limit; BDL = Below Detection Limit; * = Comment applied MCL = Maximum Contaminant Limit per EPA regulations; mg/L - milligrams per liter (ppm); ug/L micrograms per liter (ppb) Analysis Report Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO 80230 Tel: 303-692-3090 Fax: 303-344-9989 Workorder:4338427 Chemistry Testing Packages Page 2 of 4 POWERED BY v.13.1.0 Report ID: Friday, September 2, 2022 7:40:23 AM 4338427-39249920 Sample Results Lab ID:2103616238 Sample ID:230-27 Date Collected:08/17/2022 10:30 Date Received:08/18/2022 10:13 Sample Type:Water Description: Collection Site:*RUSH* 17776 HWY 82 CARBONDALE CO 81623 Site Description: *RUSH* 17776 HWY 82 CARBONDALE CO 81623 Parameter Results Units MRL MCL DF Prepared Analyzed Qual EPA 9223B (Total Coliform and E. coli P/A) COLIFORM P/A ABSENT 1 08/19/2022 13:19 08/19/2022 13:19 * A COLIFORM P/A result of "ABSENT" indicates a microbiologically safe sample. Coliform was absent or less than one(<1) Coliform per 100 ml. E. COLI P/A ABSENT 1 08/19/2022 13:19 08/19/2022 13:19 * An E.COLI P/A result of "ABSENT" indicates that E.coli was NOT DETECTED. ICP Total Water Metals (EPA 200.7) Calcium 85.0 mg/L 0.01 1 08/24/2022 09:45 08/25/2022 12:24 Copper 0.0126 mg/L 0.004 1.3 1 08/24/2022 09:45 08/25/2022 12:24 Iron 0.0159 mg/L 0.002 .3 1 08/24/2022 09:45 08/25/2022 12:24 Magnesium 15.7 mg/L 0.02 1 08/24/2022 09:45 08/25/2022 12:24 Manganese 0.00800 mg/L 0.002 .05 1 08/24/2022 09:45 08/25/2022 12:24 Sodium 8.04 mg/L 0.1 1 08/24/2022 09:45 08/25/2022 12:24 Zinc <0.01 mg/L 0.01 5 1 08/24/2022 09:45 08/25/2022 12:24 ICP-MS Total Water Metals (EPA 200.8) Lead <0.001 mg/L 0.001 .015 1 08/25/2022 07:35 08/25/2022 14:40 Arsenic <0.001 mg/L 0.001 .01 1 08/25/2022 07:35 08/25/2022 14:40 Cadmium <0.001 mg/L 0.001 .005 1 08/25/2022 07:35 08/25/2022 14:40 Uranium 0.00229 mg/L 0.001 .03 1 08/25/2022 07:35 08/25/2022 14:40 Inorganic Anions (EPA 300.0) Fluoride 0.153 mg/L 0.05 4 1 08/30/2022 17:54 08/30/2022 17:54 Chloride 8.72 mg/L 2.5 250 5 08/29/2022 16:54 08/29/2022 16:54 Sulfate 132 mg/L 1.25 250 5 08/29/2022 16:54 08/29/2022 16:54 Inorganics (D 3739-83) Corrosivity 0.157 1 09/02/2022 07:32 09/02/2022 07:32 * The Corrosivity Index is between -0.5 and 0.5, which indicates that the water is nearly balanced (will not deteriorate plumbing or cause scale build-up). A temperature of 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit) has been assumed for the calculation of Corrosivity. Corrosivity is temperature dependent and will increase with an increase in water temperature. Inorganics (EPA 160.1) Dissolved Solids 390 mg/L 10 500 1 08/23/2022 16:48 08/23/2022 16:48 MRL = Minimum Reporting Limit; BDL = Below Detection Limit; * = Comment applied MCL = Maximum Contaminant Limit per EPA regulations; mg/L - milligrams per liter (ppm); ug/L micrograms per liter (ppb) Analysis Report Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO 80230 Tel: 303-692-3090 Fax: 303-344-9989 Workorder:4338427 Chemistry Testing Packages Page 3 of 4 POWERED BY v.13.1.0 Report ID: Friday, September 2, 2022 7:40:23 AM 4338427-39249920 Sample Results Inorganics (EPA 200.7) Hardness by SM 2340B 277 mg/L as CaCO3 1 80 1 08/24/2022 09:45 08/25/2022 12:24 * The hardness result indicates hard water. Potential symptoms include scaly residues and soap scum, decreased cleaning action of soaps and detergents. Inorganics (EPA 353.2) Nitrate-Nitrite (N)0.736 mg/L as N 0.05 10 1 08/19/2022 11:33 08/19/2022 11:33 Inorganics (NA) Sodium Adsorption Ratio 0.210 mg/L 1 09/02/2022 07:33 09/02/2022 07:33 * The Sodium Adsorption Rate (SAR) indicates no hazard for sodium sensitive crops. Inorganics (SM 2320 B) Alkalinity Total 170 mg/L as CaCO3 20 2 08/19/2022 07:26 08/19/2022 07:26 Inorganics (SM 2510B) Conductivity 97 us/cm 10 1 08/23/2022 13:30 08/23/2022 13:30 Inorganics (SM 4500-H+B) pH 7.74 Units 0.1 8.5 1 08/23/2022 12:00 08/23/2022 12:00 * This test is considered out of holding time due to pH being a field test. Additional Information SDWIS Data Free Chlorine Total Chlorine Temperature at Collection: Temperature at Receipt:15.3 Water Type:WELL MRL = Minimum Reporting Limit; BDL = Below Detection Limit; * = Comment applied MCL = Maximum Contaminant Limit per EPA regulations; mg/L - milligrams per liter (ppm); ug/L micrograms per liter (ppb) Analysis Report Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO 80230 Tel: 303-692-3090 Fax: 303-344-9989 Workorder:4338427 Chemistry Testing Packages Page 4 of 4 POWERED BY v.13.1.0 Report ID: Friday, September 2, 2022 7:40:23 AM 4338427-39249920 R3 Traffic Section, Access Unit 222 S 6th St, Rm 100 Grand Junction, CO 81501 PH (970) 683-6284 FAX (970) 683-6290 R3 Traffic Section, Access Unit, 222 S. 6th Street, Rm 100, Grand Junction, CO 81501 PH (970) 683-6284 www.codot.gov <<<<< e-mailed >>>>> August 19, 2022 Permit No. 322110 Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company 17776 Hwy 82 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Dear Permittee: 1. Please review the attached State Highway Access Permit (Form #101) and all enclosed attachments 2. If you ACCEPT the Permit and its Terms and Conditions (and are authorized to sign as legal owner of the property, or as an authorized representative), please complete the DocuSign process within 60 days of the transmittal date on the permit. Your signature confirms your agreement to all the listed Terms and Conditions. 3. If you fail to complete the DocuSign within 60 days, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will consider this permit withdrawn. 4. You may use the PayPal link to pay for this permit or send a check or money order made payable to “CDOT” for the total amount due of $100.00 to our office. 5. If you wish to APPEAL the Terms and Conditions of the permit, please refer to the attached Form 101, Pages 2 and 3 for an explanation of the appeal procedures. 6. As described in the additional attached Terms and Conditions, you must make a written request to obtain a Notice to Proceed. DO NOT begin any work within the State Highway Right-of-Way without a validated Access Permit and Notice to Proceed. Use of this permit without the Colorado Department of Transportation’s validation shall be considered a violation of State Law. If you have any questions please call Kandis Aggen, Asst. Access Manager, at (970) 683-6270 or Brian Killian, Region 3 Access Program Manager, at (970) 683-6284. If you choose to return the signed permit and/or check by mail, please send to: Region 3 Access Unit Attn: Kandis Aggen, Asst. Access Manager 222 S 6th St, Rm 100 Grand Junction, CO 81501 DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT CDOT Permit No. 322110 State Highway No / Mp / Side 082A / 17.475 / Left Permit Fee $100.00 Date of Transmittal 08/19/2022 Region / Section / Patrol / Name 3 / 02 / 2K16 Jeff Lewis Local Jurisdiction Garfield County The Permittee(s): Alpine Animal Hospital Land Company 17776 Hwy 82 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 (970)379-7100 The Applicant(s): Chuck Maker 17776 Highway 82 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 (970)379-7100 is hereby granted permission to have an access to the state highway at the location noted below. The access shall be constructed, maintained and used in accordance with this permit, including the State Highway Access Code and any attachments, terms, conditions and exhibits. This permit may be revoked by the Issuing Authority if at any time the permitted access and its use violate any parts of this permit. The issuing authority, the Department and their duly appointed agents and employees shall be held harmless against any action for personal injury or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of the permit. Location: Located on the north side of Hwy 82 FR, a distance of 2500 feet east of mm 17. Also known as 17776 Hiwy 82. Access to Provide Service to: (Land Use Code) (Size) (Units) Land Use: Animal hospital (ITE #640), 24 employees; 40 DHV Additional Information: MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Required only when the appropriate local authority retains issuing authority. Signature Print Name Date Title Upon the signing of this permit the permittee agrees to the terms and conditions and referenced attachments contained herein. All construction shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from Initiation. The permitted access shall be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit prior to being used. The permittee shall notify Tim Holbrook 2K4 with the Colorado Department of Transportation, at (970) 379-1001 at least 48 hours prior to commencing construction within the State Highway right-of-way. The person signing as the permittee must be the owner or legal representative of the property served by the permitted access and have full authority to accept the permit and its terms and conditions. Permittee Signature: Print Name Date Co-Permittee Signature: (if applicable) Print Name Date This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorized representative of the Department. COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Signature Print Name Title Date (of issue) Copy Distribution: Required: 1.Region 3.Staff Access Section 2.Applicant 4.Central Files Make copies as necessary for: Previous editions are obsolete and may not be used Local Authority Inspector Page 1 of 3 CDOT Form #101 5/07 MTCE Patrol Traffic Engineer \s1\ \n1\ \d1\ \s2\ \n2\ \t2\ \d2\ DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 9/6/2022 | 5:00 PM EDTAlpine Animal Hospital Land Company State Highway Access Permit Form 101, Page 2 The following paragraphs are excerpts of the State Highway Access Code. These are provided for your convenience but do not alleviate compliance with all sections of the Access Code. A copy of the State Highway Access Code is available from your local issuing authority (local government) or the Colorado Department of Transportation (Department). When this permit was issued, the issuing authority made its decision based in part on information submitted by the applicant, on the access category which is assigned to the highway, what alternative access to other public roads and streets is available, and safety and design standards. Changes in use or design not approved by the permit or the issuing authority may cause the revocation or suspension of the permit. APPEALS 1. Should the permittee or applicant object to the denial of a permit application by the Department or object to any of the terms or conditions of a permit placed there by the Department, the applicant and permittee (appellant) have a right to appeal the decision to the [Transportation] Commission [of Colorado]. To appeal a decision, submit a request for administrative hearing to the Transportation Commission of Colorado within 60 days of transmittal of notice of denial or transmittal of the permit for signature. Submit the request to the Transportation Commission of Colorado, 4201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80222-3400. The request shall include reasons for the appeal and may include changes, revisions, or conditions that would be acceptable to the permittee or applicant. 2. Any appeal by the applicant or permittee of action by a local issuing authority shall be filed with the local authority and be consistent with the appeal procedures of the local authority. 3. In submitting the request for administrative hearing, the appellant has the option of including within the appeal a request for a review by the Department’s internal administrative review committee pursuant to [Code] subsection 2.10. When such committee review is requested, processing of the appeal for formal administrative hearing, 2.9(5) and (6), shall be suspended until the appellant notifies the Commission to proceed with the administrative hearing, or the appellant submits a request to the Commission or the administrative law judge to withdraw the appeal. The two administrative processes, the internal administrative review committee, and the administrative hearing, may not run concurrently. 4. Regardless of any communications, meetings, administrative reviews or negotiations with the Department or the internal administrative review Committee regarding revisions or objections to the permit or a denial, if the permittee or applicant wishes to appeal the Department's decision to the Commission for a hearing, the appeal must be brought to the Commission within 60 days of transmittal of notice of denial or transmittal of the permit. PERMIT EXPIRATION 1. A permit shall be considered expired if the access is not under construction within one year of the permit issue date or before the expiration of any authorized extension. When the permittee is unable to commence construction within one year after the permit issue date, the permittee may request a one year extension from the issuing authority. No more than two one-year extensions may be granted under any circumstances. If the access is not under construction within three years from date of issue the permit will be considered expired. Any request for an extension must be in writing and submitted to the issuing authority before the permit expires. The request should state the reasons why the extension is necessary, when construction is anticipated, and include a copy of page 1 (face of permit) of the access permit. Extension approvals shall be in writing. The local issuing authority shall obtain the concurrence of the Department prior to the approval of an extension, and shall notify the Department of all denied extensions within ten days. Any person wishing to reestablish an access permit that has expired may begin again with the application procedures. An approved Notice to Proceed, automatically renews the access permit for the period of the Notice to Proceed. CONSTRUCTION 1. Construction may not begin until a Notice to Proceed is approved. (Code subsection 2.4] 2. The construction of the access and its appurtenances as required by the terms and conditions of the permit shall be completed at the expense of the permittee except as provided in subsection 2.14. All materials used in the construction of the access within the highway right-of-way or on permanent easements, become public property. Any materials removed from the highway right-of-way will be disposed of only as directed by the Department. All fencing, guard rail, traffic control devices and other equipment and materials removed in the course of access construction shall be given to the Department unless otherwise instructed by the permit or the Department inspector. 3. The permittee shall notify the individual or the office specified on the permit or Notice to Proceed at least two working days prior to any construction within state highway right-of-way. Construction of the access shall not proceed until both the access permit and the Notice to Proceed are issued. The access shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from initiation of construction within the highway right-of-way. A construction time extension not to exceed 30 working days may be requested from the individual or office specified on the permit. 4. The issuing authority and the Department may inspect the access during construction and upon completion of the access to ensure that all terms and conditions of the permit are met. Inspectors are authorized to enforce the conditions of the permit during construction and to halt any activities within state right-of-way that do not comply with the provisions of the permit, that conflict with concurrent highway construction or maintenance work, that endanger highway property, natural or cultural resources protected by law, or the health and safety of workers or the public. \i1\ DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 5. Prior to using the access, the permittee is required to complete the construction according to the terms and conditions of the permit. Failure by the permittee to abide by all permit terms and conditions shall be sufficient cause for the Department or issuing authority to initiate action to suspend or revoke the permit and close the access. If in the determination of the Department or issuing authority the failure to comply with or complete the construction requirements of the permit create a highway safety hazard, such shall be sufficient cause for the summary suspension of the permit. If the permittee wishes to use the access prior to completion, arrangements must be approved by the issuing authority and Department and included in the permit. The Department or issuing authority may order a halt to any unauthorized use of the access pursuant to statutory and regulatory powers. Reconstruction or improvement of the access may be required when the permittee has failed to meet required specifications of design or materials. If any construction element fails within two years due to improper construction or material specifications, the permittee shall be responsible for all repairs. Failure to make such repairs may result in suspension of the permit and closure of the access. 6. The permittee shall provide construction traffic control devices at all times during access construction, in conformance with the M.U.T.C.D. as required by section 42- 4-104, C.R.S., as amended. 7. A utility permit shall be obtained for any utility work within highway right-of-way. Where necessary to remove, relocate, or repair a traffic control device or public or private utilities for the construction of a permitted access, the relocation, removal or repair shall be accomplished by the permittee without cost to the Department or issuing authority, and at the direction of the Department or utility company. Any damage to the state highway or other public right-of-way beyond that which is allowed in the permit shall be repaired immediately. The permittee is responsible for the repair of any utility damaged in the course of access construction, reconstruction or repair. 8. In the event it becomes necessary to remove any right- of-way fence, the posts on either side of the access shall be securely braced with an approved end post before the fence is cut to prevent any slacking of the remaining fence. All posts and wire removed are Department property and shall be turned over to a representative of the Department. 9. The permittee shall ensure that a copy of the permit is available for review at the construction site at all times. The permit may require the contractor to notify the individual or office specified on the permit at any specified phases in construction to allow the field inspector to inspect various aspects of construction such as concrete forms, subbase, base course compaction, and materials specifications. Minor changes and additions may be ordered by the Department or local authority field inspector to meet unanticipated site conditions. 10. Each access shall be constructed in a manner that shall not cause water to enter onto the roadway or shoulder, and shall not interfere with the existing drainage system on the right-of-way or any adopted municipal system and drainage plan. 11. By accepting the permit, permittee agrees to save, indemnify, and hold harmless to the extent allowed by law, the issuing authority, the Department, its officers, and employees from suits, actions, claims of any type or character brought because of injuries or damage sustained by any person resulting from the permittee's use of the access permit during the construction of the access. CHANGES IN ACCESS USE AND PERMIT VIOLATIONS 1. It is the responsibility of the property owner and permittee to ensure that the use of the access to the property is not in violation of the Code, permit terms and conditions or the Act. The terms and conditions of any permit are binding upon all assigns, successors-in-interest, heirs and occupants. If any significant changes are made or will be made in the use of the property which will affect access operation, traffic volume and or vehicle type, the permittee or property owner shall contact the local issuing authority or the Department to determine if a new access permit and modifications to the access are required. 2. When an access is constructed or used in violation of the Code, section 43-2-147(5)(c), C.R.S., of the Act applies. The Department or issuing authority may summarily suspend an access permit and immediately order closure of the access when its continued use presents an immediate threat to public health, welfare or safety. Summary suspension shall comply with article 4 of title 24, C.R.S. MAINTENANCE 1. The permittee, his or her heirs, successors-in-interest, assigns, and occupants of the property serviced by the access shall be responsible for meeting the terms and conditions of the permit, the repair and maintenance of the access beyond the edge of the roadway including any cattle guard and gate, and the removal or clearance of snow or ice upon the access even though deposited on the access in the course of Department snow removal operations. Within unincorporated areas the Department will keep access culverts clean as part of maintenance of the highway drainage system. However, the permittee is responsible for the repair and replacement of any access-related culverts within the right-of-way. Within incorporated areas, drainage responsibilities for municipalities are determined by statute and local ordinance. The Department will maintain the roadway including auxiliary lanes and shoulders, except in those cases where the access installation has failed due to improper access construction and/or failure to follow permit requirements and specifications in which case the permittee shall be responsible for such repair. Any significant repairs such as culvert replacement, resurfacing, or changes in design or specifications, requires authorization from the Department. Form 101, Page 3 \i1\ DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 STATE of COLORADO HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT ADDITIONAL TERMS and CONDITIONS August 19, 2022 PERMIT No. 322110 Permittee(s): Alpine Animal Hospital Location: Garfield County on CO Highway 082A, near Mile Ref. Pt. 17.475 Left 1. This permitted access is only for the use and purpose stated in the Application and Permit. This Permit is issued in accordance with the State Highway Access Code (2 CCR 601-1), hereafter referred to as the “Access Code”, and is based in part upon the information submitted by the Permittee. Any subsequent relocation, reconstruction, modifications, the type of traffic using the access or 20% increase in volume to the access shall require a new application and coordination with Colorado Department of Transportation, hereafter referred to as “CDOT”. Any changes causing non-compliance with the Access Code may render this permit void, requiring a new permit. 2. This permit replaces any and all additional access permits that may be in existence for this access. 3. This permit is for an as-constructed access with change in volume. 4. The total traffic volume shall be 40 DHV (Design Hourly Volume). 5. This access shall have a full-turning movement. 6. The Permittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary additional Federal, State and/or City/County permits or clearance. Approval of this access permit does not constitute verification of this action by the Permittee. Permittee is also responsible for obtaining all necessary utility permits in addition to this access permit. 7. No drainage from this site shall enter onto the State Highway travel lanes. The Permittee is required to maintain all drainage in excess of historical flows and time of concentration on site. All existing drainage structures shall be extended, modified or upgraded, as applicable, to accommodate all new construction and safety standards, in accordance with the Department’s standard specifications. 8. Nothing in this permit shall prohibit the Chief Engineer from exercising the right granted in CRS 43- 3-102—including, but not limited to, restricting left hand turns by construction of physical medial separations. 9. It shall be the responsibility of the Permittee to maintain adequate sight distance for this driveway. It is the sole responsibility of the Permittee to trim and/or remove vegetation (i.e.: weeds, grass, shrubs and trees) to maintain adequate sight distance. 10. The permittee, his or her heirs, successors-in-interest, assigns, and occupants of the property serviced by the access shall be responsible for meeting the terms and conditions of this permit, the repair and maintenance of the access beyond the edge of the roadway including any cattle guard and gate, and the removal or clearance of snow or ice upon the access even though deposited on the access in the course of Department snow removal operations. Within unincorporated areas, the Department will keep access culverts clean as part of maintenance of the highway drainage system. However, the permittee is responsible for the repair and replacement of any access-related culverts within the right-of-way. Within incorporated areas, drainage responsibilities for municipalities are determined by statute and local ordinance. The Department will maintain the roadway including auxiliary lanes and shoulders, except in those cases where the access installation has failed due to improper access construction and/or failure to follow permit requirements and specifications in which case the permittee shall be responsible for such repair. Any significant repair such as culvert replacement, resurfacing, or changes in design or specifications, requires authorization from the Department. DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 STATE of COLORADO HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT ADDITIONAL TERMS and CONDITIONS August 19, 2022 PERMIT No. 322110 Permittee(s): Alpine Animal Hospital Location: Garfield County on CO Highway 082A, near Mile Ref. Pt. 17.475 Left 11. All costs associated with any type of utility work will be at the sole responsibility and cost of the Permittee and at no cost to CDOT. 12. Any current or proposed cattle guard shall be maintained fully within the property boundaries and all repairs are the sole responsibility of the property owner. 13. Backing maneuvers within and onto the state highway right-of-way are strictly prohibited. All vehicles shall enter and exit the highway right-of-way in a forward movement. Backing into the right-of-way shall be considered a violation of the Terms and Conditions of the Access Permit and may result in the revocation of the permit by CDOT and/or Issuing Authority. 14. The Permittee assumes responsibility for any and all easements that are associated with this access. If an easement is part of this access permit, CDOT shall not be liable for incorrect information in the easement documentation and it’s the permittees responsibility to ensure all applicable laws and regulations have been followed. DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 Environmental Clearances Information Summary Page 1 of 3 Colorado Department of Transportation July 2020 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Environmental Clearances Information Summary PURPOSE - This summary is intended to inform entities external to CDOT that may be entering the state highway right-of-way to perform work related to their own facilities (such as Utility, Special Use or Access Permittees), about some of the more commonly encountered environmental permits/clearances that may apply to their activities. This listing is not all-inclusive—additional environmental or cultural resource permits/clearances may be required in certain instances. Appropriate local, state and federal agencies should be contacted for additional information if there is any uncertainty about what permits/clearances are required for a specific activity. IMPORTANT: Please Review The Following Information Carefully – Failure to Comply With Regulatory Requirements May Result In Suspension or Revocation of Your CDOT Permit, Or Enforcement Actions By Other Agencies. CLEARANCE CONTACTS - As indicated in the permit/clearance descriptions listed below, the following agencies may be contacted for additional information: • Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE): General Information – (303) 692-2000 Water Quality Control Division (WQCD): (303) 692-3500 Environmental Permitting Website https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/all-permits • CDOT Water Quality Program Manager: (303) 512-4053 https://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/water-quality • CDOT Asbestos Project Manager: (303) 512-5519 • Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation: (303) 866-5216 • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, District Regulatory Offices: Omaha District (Northeastern CO), Denver Office (303) 979-4120 http://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/Missions/RegulatoryProgram/Colorado.aspx Sacramento District (Western CO), Grand Junction Office (970) 243-1199 http://www.spk.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory.aspx Albuquerque District (Southeastern CO), Pueblo Office (719) 543-9459 http://www.spa.usace.army.mil/Missions/RegulatoryProgramandPermits.aspx • CDOT Utilities, Special Use and Access Permitting: (303) 757-9654 https://www.codot.gov/business/permits Wildlife Resources - Disturbance of wildlife shall be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. Entry into areas of known or suspected threatened or endangered species habitat requires special authorization from the CDOT permitting office. If any threatened or endangered species are encountered during the progress of the permitted work, work in the subject area shall be halted and the CDOT Regional Permitting Office and Region Planning and Environmental Manager shall be contacted immediately. Authorization must be provided by CDOT prior to the continuation of work. Information about threatened or endangered species may be obtained from the CDOT website, http://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/wildlife/guidelines, or the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) website, http://www.cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/SOC-ThreatenedEndangeredList.aspx. Additional guidance may be provided by the appropriate Region Planning and Environmental Manager (RPEM). Cultural Resources - The applicant must request a file search of the permit area through the Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP), Denver, to ascertain if historic or archaeological resources have previously been identified (https://www.historycolorado.org/file-access; 303-866-5216). Inventory of the permit area by a qualified cultural resources specialist may be necessary, per the recommendation of CDOT. If archaeological sites/artifacts or historic resources are encountered as the project progresses, all work in the subject area shall be halted and the CDOT Regional Permitting Office and Region Planning and Environmental Manager shall be contacted immediately. Authorization must be provided by CDOT prior to the continuation of work. Additional guidance may be provided by the Regional Permitting Office and RPEM. Paleontological Resources - The level of effort required for paleontological resources is dependent on the amount of ground disturbance, including rock scaling, digging, trenching, boring, ground leveling, and similar activities. • If the permit will involve extensive ground disturbance (generally involving more than one mile of CDOT ROW), a full review will be required by a qualified paleontologist, including map, file, and locality searches, with final recommendations provided by the CDOT paleontologist upon receipt of the report. Based on results of the review, a survey or inventory of the permit area may be necessary. • If the permit will involve a small amount of ground disturbance (less than one mile of ROW), the applicant must request a fossil locality search through the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History (https://www.colorado.edu/cumuseum/research- collections/paleontology/policies-procedure) and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (https://www.dmns.org/science/earth-sciences/earth-sciences-collections/). The museum collections manager will provide information about localities in the project area. If there are no known localities, the permit requirement for paleontology is complete upon submitting that information to CDOT. If there are known localities, the CDOT paleontologist will be contacted by the museum with details, and additional recommendations will be made if necessary. Note that museum staff are not required to disclose the details of fossil localities to the permit applicant, nor is detailed locality information required for the permit application to proceed. • If the permit does not involve ground disturbance, no action is required for paleontological resources. If fossils are encountered during the permitted action, all work in the immediate area of the find should stop and the CDOT Staff Paleontologist and the Region Environmental Manager should be contacted immediately. Authorization must be provided by CDOT prior to the continuation of work. Additional guidance may be provided by the Regional Permitting Office in the Permit Special Provisions. Contact Information: See the museum websites listed above. The CDOT Paleontologist is not able to conduct locality searches independently. For further information contact CDOT Paleontologist Nicole Peavey at nicole.peavey@state.co.us or (303) 757-9632. DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 Environmental Clearances Information Summary Page 2 of 3 Colorado Department of Transportation July 2020 Hazardous Materials, Solid Waste - The Solid Wastes Disposal Sites and Facilities Act C.R.S. 30-20-100, et al, and Regulations Pertaining to Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Facilities (6 CCR 1007-2), prohibit solid waste disposal without an approved Certificate of Designation (a landfill permit). The Colorado Hazardous Waste Act C.R.S. 25-15-301 et al, and the Colorado Hazardous Waste Regulations (6 CCR 1007-3) prohibit the transfer, storage or disposal (TSD) of hazardous waste except at permitted TSD sites. There are no permitted landfills or TSD sites within the State Highway Right of Way. Therefore, all solid or hazardous wastes that might be generated by the activities of entities entering the State Highway Right of Way must be removed from the ROW and disposed of at a permitted facility or designated collection point (e.g., for solid waste, a utility or construction company’s own dumpster). If pre-existing solid waste or hazardous materials contamination (including oil or petroleum contaminated soil, asbestos, chemicals, mine tailings, etc.) is encountered during the performance of work, the permittee shall halt work in the affected area and immediately contact the CDOT Regional Permitting Office for direction as to how to proceed. Contact Information: Theresa Santangelo-Dreiling, CDOT Hazardous Materials Management Supervisor: (303) 512-5524. Asbestos Containing Materials, Asbestos Contaminated Soil - All work on asbestos containing materials (ACM) must comply with the applicable requirements of the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division’s (APCD) Regulation 8. Disposal of ACM, and work done in asbestos-contaminated soil, must comply with the CDPHE Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division’s (HMWMD) Solid Waste Regulations. The application for any CDOT permit must specifically identify any ACM involved in the work for which authorization is being requested. Additional guidance or requirements may be specified in the permit special provisions. Contact Info: CDPHE APCD and HMWMD Regulations can be accessed via the CDPHE Environmental Permitting Website listed above. Additional information concerning clearance on CDOT projects is available from the CDOT Asbestos Project Manager (303) 949-2729, or Theresa Santangelo-Dreiling, Hazardous Materials Management Supervisor: (303) 512-5524. Transportation of Hazardous Materials - No person may offer or accept a hazardous material for transportation in commerce unless that person is registered in conformance with the United States Department of Transportation regulations at 49 CFR, Part 171. The hazardous material must be properly classed, described, packaged, marked, labeled, and in condition for shipment as required or authorized by applicable requirements, or an exemption, approval or registration has been issued. Vehicles requiring a placard, must obtain authorization and a State HAZMAT Permit from the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Contact Information: For authorization and more info call the Federal Motor Safety Carrier Administration, US DOT for inter- and intra- state HAZMAT Registration (303) 969-6748. Colorado Public Utilities Commission: (303) 894-2868. Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material – 404 Permits Administered By the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Section 401 Water Quality Certifications Issued by the CDPHE WQCD - Clean Water Act section 404 permits are often required for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S., including wetlands. Several types of section 404 permits exist, including nationwide, regional general, and individual permits. Nationwide permits are the most commonly authorized type for activities with relatively minor impacts. If an individual 404 permit is required, section 401 water quality certification from the CDPHE WQCD is also required. Contact the appropriate Corps District Regulatory Office for information about what type of 404 permit may be required (contact information above). Contact the CDPHE Water Quality Control Division at (303) 692-3500. Working on or in any stream or its bank - In order to protect and preserve the state’s fish and wildlife resources from actions that may obstruct, diminish, destroy, change, modify, or vary a natural existing stream or its banks or tributaries, it may be necessary to obtain a Senate Bill 40 certification from the Colorado Department of Natural Resources. A stream is defined as 1) represented by a solid blue line on USGS 7.5’ quadrangle maps; and/or 2) intermittent streams providing live water beneficial to fish and wildlife; and/or 3) segments of streams supporting 25% or more cover within 100 yards upstream or downstream of the project; and/or 4) segments of streams having wetlands present within 200 yards upstream or downstream of the project measured by valley length. The CPW application, as per guidelines agreed upon by CDOT and CPW, can be accessed at https://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/wildlife/guidelines. Erosion and Sediment Control Practices - Any activities that disturb one or more acres of land require a Stormwater Construction Permit (SCP) from the CDPHE-WQCD. Erosion & sediment control requirements will be specified in that permit. In situations where a stormwater permit is not required, all reasonable erosion and sediment control measures should be taken to minimize erosion and sedimentation. Control practices should be in accordance with CDOT Standard Specifications 107.25, 208, 213 and 216 (https://www.codot.gov/business/designsupport/cdot-construction-specifications). The CDOT Erosion Control and Stormwater Quality Guide (website: https://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/landscape-architecture/erosion-storm-quality) can also be used to design erosion/sediment controls. Contact Information: Contact the CDPHE-WQCD at (303) 692-3500. Website: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/wq-construction-general-permits Site Stabilization - All disturbances require a stabilization plan, native seeding or landscape design plan according to applicable CDOT Standard Specifications 212-217 and 623. The CDOT Erosion Control and Stormwater Quality Guide should also be used to plan restoration of disturbed vegetation. Website: https://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/landscape- architecture/erosion-storm-quality Stormwater Discharge From Industrial Facilities - Discharges of stormwater runoff from certain types of industrial facilities, such as concrete batch plants - require a CDPS Stormwater Permit. Contact Information: Contact the CDPHE-WQCD at (303) 692- 3500. Website: https://colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/wq-commerce-and-industry-permits Concrete Washout - Waste generated from concrete activities shall NOT be allowed to flow into the drainage ways, inlets, receiving waters, or in the CDOT ROW. Concrete waste shall be placed in a temporary concrete washout facility and must be located a minimum of 50 feet from state waters, drainageways, and inlets. Concrete washout shall be in accordance to CDOT specifications and guidelines at https://www.codot.gov/business/designsupport/cdot-construction-specifications and refer to the specifications and their revisions for sections 101, 107 and 208. Construction Dewatering (Discharge or Infiltration) and Remediation Activities - Discharges of water encountered during excavation or work in wet areas may require a Construction Dewatering or Remediation Activities Discharge Permit. Contact DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 Environmental Clearances Information Summary Page 3 of 3 Colorado Department of Transportation July 2020 Information: Contact the CDPHE-WQCD at (303) 692-3500. For Applications and Instructions: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/wq-construction-general-permits. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Requirements - When working in a MS4 area, discharges to the storm sewer system are subject to CDOT’s or other municipalities’ MS4 Permit. For activities within the boundaries of a municipality that has a MS4 permit, the owner of such activity should contact the municipality regarding stormwater related requirements. All discharges to the CDOT highway drainage system or within the Right of Way (ROW) must comply with the applicable provisions of the Colorado Water Quality Control Act, the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) Regulations (https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/wqcc-regulations-and-policies-and-water-quality-statutes) and the CDOT MS4 Permit #COS-000005 (https://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/water-quality/documents). Discharges are subject to inspection by CDOT and CDPHE. For CDOT-related MS4 programs and requirements, go to: https://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/water-quality/stormwater-programs. Post-Construction Permanent Water Quality - When working in a CDOT MS4 area and the activity disturbs one or more acres, permanent water quality control measures may be required. Information on the requirements can be found under the CDOT Permanent Water Quality MS4 Program at: https://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/water-quality/stormwater- programs/pwq-permanent-water-quality Discharges to Storm Sewer Systems Prohibited Discharges - All discharges are subject to the provisions of the Colorado Water Quality Control Act and the Colorado Discharge Permit Regulations. Prohibited discharges include, but are not limited to, substances such as wash water, paint, automotive fluids, solvents, oils or soaps and sediment. Allowable Discharges - The following discharges to stormwater systems are allowed without a permit from the CDPHE-WQCD: landscape irrigation, diverted stream flows, uncontaminated ground water infiltration to separate storm sewers, discharges from potable water sources, foundation drains, air conditioning condensation, irrigation water, uncontaminated springs, footing drains, water line flushing, flows from riparian habitats and wetlands, and flow from firefighting activities. Contact Information: Contact the CDPHE-WQCD at (303) 692-3500. Information can also be found in the CDOT Illicit Discharge MS4 Program PDD at: https://www.codot.gov/programs/environmental/water-quality/stormwater-programs/idde.html. Spill Reporting - Spills shall be contained and cleaned up as soon as possible. Spills shall NOT be washed down into the storm drain or buried. All spills shall be reported to the CDOT Illicit Discharge Hotline at (303) 512-4426 (4H20), as well as the Regional Permitting Office and Regional Maintenance Supervisor. Spills on highways, into waterways, any spill in the highway right-of-way exceeding 25 gallons, or that may otherwise present an immediate danger to the public shall be reported by calling 911, and shall also be reported to the CDPHE at 1-877-518-5608. More information can be found at https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/emergency-reporting-line. Disposal of Drilling Fluids - Drilling fluids used in operations such as Horizontal Directional Drilling may be classified as “discharges” or “solid wastes,” and in general, should be pumped or vacuumed from the construction area, removed from the State Highway Right of Way, and disposed of at permitted facilities that specifically accept such wastes. Disposal of drilling fluids into storm drains, storm sewers, roadside ditches or any other type of man-made or natural waterway is prohibited by Water Quality Control and/or Solid Waste regulations. Small quantities of drilling fluid solids (less than 1 cubic yard of solids) may be left on-site after either being separated from fluids or after infiltration of the water, provided: 1) the drilling fluid consists of only water and bentonite clay, or, if required for proper drilling properties, small quantities of polymer additives that are approved for use in drinking water well drilling; 2) the solids are fully contained in a pit, and are not likely to pose a nuisance to future work in the area, 3) the solids are covered and the area restored as required by CDOT permit requirements (Utility, Special Use, or Access Permits, etc.). Contact Information: Contact CDPHE (telephone #’s listed above). Noxious Weeds and Invasive Species Management Plan - Noxious Weeds and Invasive Species guidance can be found by contacting the Colorado Department of Agriculture (https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/agconservation/noxiousweeds) and the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife (http://cpw.state.co.us/aboutus/Pages/RS-NoxiousWeeds.aspx). In either case, management plans involving the control of noxious weeds associated with the permitted activity and cleaning of equipment will be required. DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8  CDOT has aMunicipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit, otherwise known as (MS4) from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.  The permit states that only stormwater can be discharged from CDOT’s storm drain system As part of the permit, CDOT has several different programs to prevent pollutants from entering into the storm drain system: Construction Site Program New Development Redevelopment Program Illicit Discharge Program Industrial Facilities Program Public Education and Outreach Program Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Program Wet Weather Monitoring Program  What is stormwater runoff? Stormwater runoff occurs when precipitation from rain or snowmelt flows over the ground. Impervious surfaces like roads and sidewalks prevent stormwater from naturally soaking into the groundWhy is stormwater runoff a problem? Stormwater can pick up debris, chemicals, dirt and other pollutants and flow into CDOT’s storm drain system or directly into a stream, river, lake, wetland or reservoir. Anything that enters CDOT’s storm drain system is discharged untreated into the waterways we use for fishing, swimming, and providing drinking water.For more information on CDOT Utility Permits:  https://www.codot.gov/business/permits/utilitiesspecialuse For more information on CDOT Access Permits: https://www.codot.gov/business/permits/accesspermits For more information on CDOT Water Quality Program: Water Quality Program Manager 4201 E. Arkansas Ave.            Shumate Building Denver, Colorado 80222 303‐757‐9343 Water Quality Program Industrial Facilities Program Dredged spoil, dirt, slurry, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, sewage sludge, garbage, trash, chemical waste, biological nutrient, biological material, radioactive material, heat, pH, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, any industrial, municipal, or agricultural waste. Tips for Reporting an Illicit Discharge Call the illicit discharge hotline at (303) 512‐4426  From a safe distance try to estimate the amount of the discharge. Identify characteristics of the discharge (color, odor, algae, etc.). Obtain information on the vehicle dumping the waste (if applicable). Do not approach! Call *CSP for illicit dumping. If possible, take a photo, record a license plate. REMEMBER:  Never get too close to the illicit discharge, it may be dangerous!!!  DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 Industrial Facilities Program Elements: 1.Educate and outreach to ownersor operators that have potential tocontribute substantial pollutant towater.2.Report and include information ondischarge and water qualityconcerns. Provide writtennotification within 15 days ofdiscovery to CDPHE.3.Submit an annual report to CDPHEcontaining the number ofinformational brochuresdistributed; name and title of each individual trained. Education There are instances when a utility company or other entity doing work in the state highway right‐of‐way will require some type of environmental permit or clearance for that work. CDOT has put together an Environmental Clearances Information Summary for those applying for a CDOT Utility and Special Use Permit or Access Permit to obtain all required clearances. This fact sheet is given to each permittee and is available at: http://www.coloradodot.info/programs/environmental/resources/guidance-standards/Environmental%20Clearances%20Info%20Summary.pdf Industrial facilities can use control measures (CM) otherwise known as Best Management Practices (BMP) during the construction of a facility and when operating the facility. Control measures are schedules of activities, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent and reduce pollution entering into CDOT’s storm drain system. Control Measures also include treatment, operating procedures, and practices to control site run off which can include structural and non‐structural controls.  Control Measures for Industrial Facilities CDOT defines a utility, or utility facility as any privately, publicly, or cooperatively owned line, facility, or system producing, transmitting or distributing the following: CommunicationsCable televisionPowerElectricityLightHeat GasOilCrude ProductsWaterStreamWasteStormwater not connected with highway drainageSimilar CommodityDocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 THIS DEED, Kade w. 4th da7of November 111 the year of our Lord one thouund nine hundred and Seventy between ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Couty or ll•r.t'Ael.d Stat.e ol Otlondo, ol the fint part, and A~PiNE ANIMAL HOSPITAL P, C, and mn 18CCli!Kill'f m MAY 11 197 · I ol the Cowit:r of Gai:-Ctel.d and Btat.e of Colorado, of the ilcolld pan; WITNJCS8BTll, That the 1&id parer • of the fint part, for and ill. conalcleration of the IW1l "f Ten Dol.l.are and other good add Valuable Consideration to th• uid party of the tint part In hand paid b:r tbe lllid part y of the te00nd part, the and b:r th• iw-.. do cnnt, barpln, 1ell, ooave;r and oonfirm unto the laid party heln and aal1111 fortter, all the follo'lriDc deooribed lot ... parcel QO.U.tfot Garfield of the of and 8taWolOD!llraolo,to-wft1 A tract o.t' land aituated in Lot 7 and Lot lJ, Section JJ, T?S., R87W., of the 6th P.M. in Garfield County Colorado,, deeoribed aa beginnina at .a point in the northerly richt-of-way fence line of Coloz:ado Stah Highway No, 82 whence th• Southea.lt: 'Corner of Section J,, T7S., R87W., of the 6th P.H. beare s. 61°lO'l7.J5" E., a diatance of 4,Jl7.22 feet1 thence N. 1°15' E. ~ dietance of 571.41 feet to the •xieting fence line1 thence s. 82~4J 1 E. a distance of 290,00 feet along the abo•e fenoe line t~~e Northeaat corner of this tract at the inter99ction with an existinc north-south fence line1 thence S. 1•15• w. a diatancs of 6~7.i8 feei to the northerly ~ight-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 821 thence N. 72° 05' w. a. diatanc• of 244.86 feet along the ·existing fence line on the northerly right-of-way line of above Highway No. 82; thence N. 72°11' I/, a dietsnce of 56.18 feet along tha existing fence line on the northerly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No, 82 to the point of beginning, cvntaining 4.00 acres, more or l~!"!'~. Together with ,5 of a c1Jbic foot of water per second of time out of the !'atersori and Cummings Ditch, being Ditch t/o, 14JD-2 in the Decrees for Water District No. J8 and the prior•tie• awarded to said ditch. DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 I , Ooi.: w. · i>as;" JOr---.-- roaBTaBB wldl ell nd """1Wor 1M •..U-ta 11"4 app..-tbemmt.o beloagiug, or In llDJWli6 appertalnmc, a4 the -~ <Dd im-iou, .-.h>der IWld remaiDden, rats, itoa. ua4 prot1ta .. eof; u4 all the -.te, npt, title, iaUr..t, e1afm ua4 delllalld wlui_.,er, of tlw oaid part y of the flnt part either i:n l&w or ecittftT, of, in au! to the aboTe bupined premi-, with the here41tamellta and appmtenenees TO JL\VB .um TO HOLD the uid prtmiam •lme huplned and dmenlled, witll the appurte- unto the -.id part y of the -d part, it 8 bein and lllllps foreTer. Aud the aid party of the lint part, for i ta IOlf i ta heirs, euoutorc and 1dmi•W..toro, do and agree to and with the llid I>UW of the -.! part, i ts heirs and *-tUt at tlae well .a.t of die. F M ahon -yqod, u 'of ·eooc1. .-. perfect, llhlo,lule llld illdefeul1>le -te of id I' ' 1 la law,. ia fee . ' .. aimple, and ha ve PDlil. ......-. ..i.,lieu,·ia., ............ and iaeumbrauel of-~ m.a • .-... __.. except reaerYationa in United States Patents, reaarYat!"ona of l!IJ.~'i'~l· in praYie>11.4'. con,,._J1181.11J~; and ...... nta aad.&"i&llta of -T ot a· publi_c or. priYata natur-a1 · Thl4 Cdlllwyuce la llUbject to tt'8 follovtllll condltlona and restrictions: 1. There shall btl rio more than: one buildina: slte per acre, and -ly one detached sint;le-family dwelli~ and private 1:ara1<e pertainint: thereto shalt be erected on any one buildin"' site, said dwellin~ to contain not Less thWI 900 squam feet of ffrst-floor livint; area; provided, however, tha.t second parties are specifically "'ranted the .L-- rb;ht to erect, operate artd malntdrt a veterlna::y clinic and related facilities, 2. No structure of a temporary n~ture, tent, t;ara~e, barn,or other outbuildin!!; or basement shall be used on any site at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently, Trailer houses or mobila homes will be permitted durine; the actual constructio•i period, not to exceed six months, provtded that sanitary facili.ties are provided, and further, that such trailers or mobile hoA>es shall be remov"d within ten days after construction has been completed • 3. lfo building shall be placed on any site by means of ot'1er than new construction, it being t'tm intent and purpose of this covenant to o.ec\!I"e that old houses and other buildings will not be moved from previous locations and placed en these buildin!!; sites. · 4. No aiiimals, livestock or poultry of .:my kind shall be kept, raised o::-inaint"ained for commercial purposes, except in c6nnecti6n with the operation of &aid veterinary clinic above 1nentionecl. S. No slote shall be used or maint!linP.d as a dumpinit i>,l:-Ow .. i.:l for rubbish or ;;torae;& area for junk. T:::-ash, 11;arbao:e or other wast~ shall i>e kept in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other auuinmcent: for the st:o.ra2e or rti. .snoi:;~.1 nf su.::-h rne.teL"ial DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 the hereditament. and appUl'WWllll. TO RAVE AND TO ROLD the .aid premu alxmo b&rpl~ &Dd d...,ribed, with the appurte--- the llid part y of dto .....nd part, i ts bein aad lllfPl forner. far i ts oelf i t a bein, executon uid adminiatralora, do llld acne t.e and widt the mid paijy its hm. and .-,..., that at tho well .med of. die F w abon acmYt;od, u of eood, all!'C!, perfeet, Aboolute and iadef...,Dle eotate of ~ la. law, ill fee ample, and ha v • good rigiat, full -..... lawful ... thority to crmt, hupin, ..u wl mmfl7 tho IMl fona afonm.id, and dtat !lie ......, ue free and clear from all former and otlier cna-. brpiv, ..i-, liaa, m-.-en1a and iaeambrwea of whatever kind or...--, except reservetiona in United States. Patents, reservations of mi~ral• tn previoua coa .. ~ .. and ...... nta and ri&bta of way of a' public or private n•ture 1 t.'. '' Thia. c-yaac• ia aubjeet to t2MI foll.ov1n11 C«lditloaa and ceatrlctiona: 1. · There shall be no more than one buildin11 slte per acre, aad oaly one detached slm;le-family dvalling and private o;ar ... :e pertainine; thereto shall be erected. on any one buildin!I site, said dwe.llin11;. to contain not less tl'u.n 900 squauafeet of first-floor livino; area; provided, however, that :second parties are specifically 11;rsnted the ,l...- ri11ht to erect, operate· and maintain a veterinary clinic anCl related facilities. 2. No structure of a tea>porary n'ture, tent, t;arao;e, barn,or other outbuildin!I or basement shal.l be used on any site at any tiD>e e residence, either temporarily or permanently, Trailer houses or mobile homes will be permitted durin11; the actual constructio.1 period, not to exceed six months, provided that sanitary facil~ties are provided, and further, that such trailers.or "10bile homes shall be remov~d within ten days after construction has been C<llllpleted. 3. No building shall be placed on any site.by means of ot~er than new construction, it bein11; the intent and purpose of this covenant to secure that old houses and other buildin-.;s will not 1>Q moved from previous locations and placed on these building sites. · 4. No animals, livestock or poultry of .:iny kind shall be kept, raised or maintained for commercial purposes, except in connection with the operation of said veterinary clinic above men ti one"'· 5, No s~te shall be used or maintdned ss a d'Ulllpin= ow.1d for rubhiSh or ~tor&i;e. area fo:r junk. Trash, 1;arbae;e or other wasr.3 shall oe kept in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storae;e or tl!;:po;11l cf su~h :r.aterial sha.ll 00 kapt i.n a clean arid •'4nit.:.ry co.ridii::ion. 1 . DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 Book 1+44 Page 303 and IU above bargained pmnilee in the quiet and peaceable po-ion of the uld part y of the oeeond part, aalgna, Ai'aill•t all and C\'<lrf person or pU'llOllll lawfull7 claiming or to claim the whole or an7 part hereof, theoaid part y of the first part diaJl and will WARBANT AND FOREVER DEFEND . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The oald party of the fint part ha s hereunto aet hand and ...i the da;r and reu fim abon written. Slirud,S-W ud De!IT .... la p_.of ..... f21~ ... ~1 ... · .... 15 ~'../,/__.(BEAL] J; ......... e... .: .. U~l!..~ .... _.[SEALJ SEAL] BliL] Eo~: .. ~~~---················r· Tie WllitruJco,ent wu aoknowledpd before me thi1 f _ day of /Yov ii t\t' A .... ' ...... L e G "De we I~ ])v1r1 ll~ ..... . . u ....., P.Wit: l -·- DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 SITE: 17776 HWY 82 ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL LAND COMPANY: 17776 HWY 82 CARBONDALE DIAGRAM OF ACCESS DRIVES WITHIN 1000-FEET IN SUPPORT OF CDOT ACCESS PERMIT APPLICATION Note: Aerial photograph and measurements are taken from Garfield county GIS database and approximate only, no field survey was completed DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 DocuSign Envelope ID: EF09BAE5-908A-4C2E-B835-2BE900FCA8A8 Printed On:Monday, September 19, 2022 AgLicense ID # ØØ1W6Z Zachary Heinrich CHARLIEBOY, LLC 17776 STATE HIGHWAY 82 C/O ZACH HEINRICH CARBONDALE CO 81623 Charlieboy, LLC 17776 State Highway 82 C/O Zach Heinrich Carbondale CO 81623 The BarnYard Doing Business As Name(s) (DBA) Operation Type Registration Lst Effective Date Expires Date Pet Animal Care and Facilities AgLicense ID # ØØ1W6Z Mar 03, 2022 Mar 01, 2023 This is to certify that the person or firm named hereon having complied with the provisions of Title 35, Article 80, CRS 1994, and having paid the appropriate fees, is hereby authorized to perform as a licensed facility. Operation Types: Boarding/Training,Pet Grooming Facility - Owner Kate Greenberg Commissioner of Agriculture September 19, 2022 Print Date In accordance with C.R.S 35-80-101, an active and current license is required. To determine if a facility's license is valid, call the phone number or visit the website above. 305 Interlocken Parkway, Broomfield, CO 80021 P 303.869.9000 F 303.466.2867 www.colorado.gov/ag In accordance with C.R.S 35-80-101, an active and current license is required. To determine if a facility's license is valid, call the phone number or visit the website above. 305 Interlocken Parkway, Broomfield, CO 80021 P 303.869.9000 F 303.466.2867 www.colorado.gov/ag Philip Berry From: Sent: To: Subject: Teija Heikkila <teija@petvetsales.com > Friday, October 2A,2022 2:52 PM Philip Berry Mineral Rights Research Based on research at the Garfield County public records: The subject property was part of a larger, several parcel sale on November 15, 1950 from Vera S. Herin and Rudolph Herin to Charles Farris and Agnes Farris; the deed for that conveyance reta¡ned mineral rights with the Herins. We have cop¡es of deeds for the subject property from 417/7966 on to the current owner and all exclude previously conveyed mineral rights. County public records search did not locate that an estate was opened nor information on he¡rs or descendants for Vera and Rudolph Herin. Therefore we assume the mineral rights are st¡ll vested with deceased Vera and Rudolph Herin Teija Ms. Teija Heikkilä www.PetVetSales.com Ce rtified M &A P role ssiona I (CM&AP] Merger & Acquisition Master lntermediary M&AMI) Middle Market Professionol (MMP) Licensed Real Estate Broker: Click here for states & license numbers TEVTEXT: 970 549 6138