HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.26 Article 7 Division 3 (Site Planning and Development Standards) Administrative Review CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 TPR 176-25 Underground Injection Control Well Site Planning and Development Standards Narrative TPR 176-25 UIC Well Article 7 - Division 3: Site Planning and Development Standards Site Planning and Development Standards Narrative Administrative Review 1 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 1. Introduction The following section addresses the requirements for the Site Planning and Development Standards under Article 7, Division 3 of the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code (LUDC). 2. Section 7-301. COMPATIBLE DESIGN. The design of development associated with the land use change shall be compatible with the existing character of adjacent uses. Single-family dwelling units are exempt from this section. The proposed UIC well will be located on a natural gas production facility surrounded by natural resource activities and other oil and gas well pads. The site will be located within the Rural zone district. 2.1. Section 7-301.A. Site Organization. The site shall be organized in a way that considers the relationship to streets and lots, solar access, parking, pedestrian access, and access to common areas. The proposed site is located in an unpopulated area on a 1664-acre parcel and not adjacent to public streets, parking, pedestrian access, and common areas. The site is located within CPX’s Tepee Park Ranch (TPR) operations area. The site will not impede solar access to adjacent parcels. No residential dwellings, school property, or designated outside activity areas exist within one mile of the site. The Applicant is the only surface owner within a 2000-foot radius of the proposed UIC well. The site plan and vicinity maps are located in the Maps and Plans tab. 2.2. Section 7-301.B. Operational Characteristics. The operations of activities on the site shall be managed to avoid nuisances to adjacent uses relating to hours of operations, parking, service delivery, and location of service areas and docks. Operational activities conducted in association with the injection well will be managed to reduce and mitigate nuisances to adjacent uses and properties. The proposed site is located in an unpopulated, remote area on a 1,664-acre parcel and not located adjacent to residential zoning or development. TPR 176-25 UIC Well Article 7 - Division 3: Site Planning and Development Standards Site Planning and Development Standards Narrative Administrative Review 2 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 2.2.1. Section 7-301.B.1. Dust, odors, gas, fumes, and glare shall not be emitted at levels that are reasonably objectionable to adjacent property. The site will not produce nuisances that are objectionable to adjacent property. The nearest property line, owned by a different surface owner, is approximately 2200 feet from the proposed Small Injection Well and is undeveloped public lands. Lighting will not be installed for operations associated with the UIC well. Odors, gas, and fumes associated with the proposed UIC well will be mitigated through compliance with COGCC and APCD regulations. No permanent equipment shall be installed at the location that could cause glare to adjacent properties. 2.2.2. Section 7-301.B.2. Noise shall not exceed State noise standards pursuant to C.R.S., Article 12 of Title 25, unless the use is regulated by the COGCC. In this case, the use shall be subject to COGCC Rules regarding noise abatement. Nuisance from noise is not anticipated from operations of the proposed UIC well. Noise generated during operations will be similar to other oil and gas activities in the area. CPX is concurrently pursuing permits from the COGCC for the UIC well. CPX will adhere to noise best management practices set forth by COGCC. 2.2.3. Section 7-301.B.3. Hours of operation shall be established to minimize impacts to adjacent land uses. Personnel will not be staffed on a continuous basis for operations associated with the proposed UIC well. During construction activities (converting the well from an uncompleted gas well to a UIC well), personnel will be onsite. This phase will take approximately 14 days. After operations are fully established, the site will be accessed daily for maintenance and inspection. Personnel will not be staffed at the site and will only be onsite to complete necessary tasks. The proposed UIC well is not located within a one-mile radius to any residences. The proposed UIC well is located in the Rural land use zone district and adjacent to Rural and Public Lands zoned parcels. Adjacent land uses include natural resource activities, limited agricultural (leased grazing), and public lands. The adjacent parcel to the west is owned by the Applicant. TPR 176-25 UIC Well Article 7 - Division 3: Site Planning and Development Standards Site Planning and Development Standards Narrative Administrative Review 3 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 2.3. Section 7-301.C. Buffering. Buffering shall be installed to mitigate visual, noise, or similar impacts to adjacent property whenever adjacent uses are in a different zone district. The subject well is located within the Rural zone district. The proposed UIC Well is located in the Rural land use zone district and adjacent to Rural and Public Lands zoned parcels. The adjacent parcel to the west is owned by the Applicant. The site is located on a 1,664-acre parcel and natural topographic features buffer the site. The site has been designed to minimize visual, noise, and other impacts to adjacent properties. The subject site is located in an area surrounded by natural resource activities. The site is not within one mile to residences or businesses. 2.4. Section 7-301.D. Materials. Exterior facades shall be constructed with materials that do not detract from adjacent buildings or uses. No buildings will be installed in association with the operations of the proposed UIC well. Adjacent uses are composed of similar natural resource activities and facilities. 3. Section 7-302. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS. A. Off-Street Parking Required. All land uses shall be required to provide the number of off-street parking spaces set forth in Table 7-302.A. Any use not specifically listed in Table 7-302.A. shall be determined by the Director. The Off-Street Parking and Loading Standard, Section 7-302.A, of the Garfield County LUDC, is not applicable to the proposed use. The proposed use does not have a designated parking area due to the minimal presence of employees onsite. The proposed UIC well is located on private property and prohibits public access. 4. Section 7-303. LANDSCAPING STANDARDS The Landscaping Standards, Section 7-303, of the Garfield County LUDC, are not applicable to the proposed industrial use, Small Injection Well. The well is existing and conversion to a UIC well will not result in additional surface disturbance. TPR 176-25 UIC Well Article 7 - Division 3: Site Planning and Development Standards Site Planning and Development Standards Narrative Administrative Review 4 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 5. Section 7-304. LIGHTING STANDARDS. The Lighting Standards, Section 7-304, of the Garfield County LUDC, are not applicable to the proposed industrial use, Small Injection Well. Lighting will not be installed for operations of the TPR 176-25 UIC Well. 6. Section 7-305. SNOW STORAGE STANDARDS. 6.1. Section 7-305.A. Minimum Area. A designated area sufficient to store snow from the entire parking area shall be provided. As a general guideline, and considering the varying elevations and snowfall amounts throughout the County, it is anticipated that a minimum area equivalent to 2.5% of the total area of the required off-street parking and loading area, including access drives, shall be designated to serve as a snow storage area. The Snow Storage Standard, Section 703.5.A, of the Garfield County LUDC, is not applicable to the proposed use because no parking areas or loading areas will be associated with the site. 6.2. Section 7-305.B. Storage in Parking Spaces Prohibited. Required off-street parking and loading areas shall not be used for snow storage. The Snow Storage Standard, Section 703.5.B, of the Garfield County LUDC, is not applicable to the proposed use because no parking areas or loading areas will be associated with the site. 6.3. Section 7-305.C. Storage in Yards and Open Space Permitted. Snow stored in a yard or Open Space shall not be located in a manner that restricts access, circulation, or obstructs the view of motorists. Stored snow will not restrict access, circulation, or obstruct the view of motorists. The site in located in a remote, rural area not within close proximity to public roadways or private residences. The site is approximately 0.75 miles from the nearest public road, Forest Service Road 824. The nearest county road (County Road 317) is approximately 3.5 access miles from the proposed UIC well. 6.4. Section 7-305.D. Storage on Public Roadways Prohibited. Public roads shall not be used for snow storage. TPR 176-25 UIC Well Article 7 - Division 3: Site Planning and Development Standards Site Planning and Development Standards Narrative Administrative Review 5 CPX Piceance Holdings, LLC Garfield County, Colorado 34 S. Wynden Drive, Suite 240 2022 Houston, TX 77056 The proposed site will not store snow on public roads. The site is located approximately is approximately 0.75 miles from the nearest public road, Forest Service Road 824. The nearest county road (County Road 317) is approximately 3.5 access miles from the proposed UIC well. 6.5. Section 7-305.E. Drainage. Adequate drainage shall be provided for the snow storage area to accommodate snowmelt and to ensure it does not drain onto adjacent property. Snowmelt will not drain into adjacent properties and will be contain by stormwater control features installed on the subject site. 7. Section 7-306. TRAIL AND WALKWAY STANDARDS. 7.1. Section 7-306.A. Recreational and Community Facility Access. A multi-modal connection, such as a trail or sidewalk, shall be provided in a development where links to schools, shopping areas, parks, trails, greenbelts, and other public facilities are feasible. The standard Trail and Walkway Standard, Section 7-306 of the Garfield County LUDC, is not applicable to the proposed use, Small Injection Well. Public access is prohibited to the well pad, and the proposed UIC Well is located on private property. The site is approximately 0.75 miles from the nearest public road, Forest Service Road 824. The nearest county road (County Road 317) is approximately 3.5 access miles from the proposed UIC well.